WATCH: Japan Rising
The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new “replicon” self-amplifying mRNA vaccines that are about to be unleashed like a third atomic bomb upon the population of Japan.
James Corbett was there to cover the proceedings, to document the speeches, to participate in a massive rally in the heart of Tokyo against this dangerous new medical intervention, and to lecture sitting members of the Japanese Diet about his bodily sovereignty.
Links sources and shownotes for this episode – as well as audio-only and download options – are available HERE.
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Barely Moving the Needle!
And, rather than there being any significant parental resistance, most of the decrease was caused by disruption to the peddling channel.
Decline in Vaccination Coverage by Age 24 Months and Vaccination Inequities Among Children Born in 2020 and 2021 — National Immunization Survey-Child, United States, 2021–2023
September 26, 2024
Hill et al
What is already known about this topic?
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices currently recommends routine vaccination against 15 potentially serious illnesses for children by age 24 months.
What is added by this report?
Estimated coverage with most childhood vaccines was lower among children born during 2020–2021 (during or after the height of the health care disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic) compared with those born during 2018–2019. Disparities by race and ethnicity, health insurance status, poverty status, and urbanicity persist. Coverage also varied widely by jurisdiction, especially for influenza vaccine.
What are the implications for public health practice?
Financial barriers, access issues, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine-related misinformation all need to be overcome to increase coverage, ensure full recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminate disparities, and protect all children from vaccine-preventable diseases.
Coverage with nearly all vaccines was lower among children born in 2020 and 2021 than it was among those born in 2018 and 2019, with declines ranging from 1.3 to 7.8 percentage points. Analyses of NIS-Child data for earlier birth cohorts have not revealed such widespread declines in routine childhood vaccination coverage.
Most decreases ranged from 1.3 percentage points for ≥1 dose of varicella vaccine to 3.2 percentage points for the full series of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (Hib) and the combined seven-vaccine series,*** with a larger (7.8 percentage point) drop in coverage with ≥2 doses of influenza vaccine.
Despite the decreases, coverage with several vaccines remained above 90%, including poliovirus vaccine (91.9%); ≥1 dose of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) (90.3%); and ≥3 doses of HepB (91.1%) (Table 1). The lowest estimated coverage was with ≥2 doses of HepA by 24 months (46.0%), and ≥2 doses of influenza vaccine (55.6%). The percentage of children who received no vaccinations by age 24 months remained low (1.2%).
A recent analysis of trends in parental vaccine hesitancy during 2019–2022 found an increase in hesitancy among parents of children aged 5–11 years after authorization of COVID-19 vaccine, but not among parents of those aged 6 months–4 years (5). Parental vaccine hesitancy might be contributing to the low levels of influenza vaccination coverage, due to a higher degree of hesitancy among parents about influenza vaccine compared with other routine childhood vaccines. Hesitancy about influenza vaccine has been observed to be more highly correlated with hesitancy about COVID-19 vaccine than with other childhood vaccines, indicating that parents might perceive influenza vaccine differently than they do other routine non–COVID-19 childhood vaccines (6).
In addition to parental vaccine hesitancy, adoption of nonstandard vaccination schedules, and increasing use of religious and philosophical belief exemptions are other significant barriers to the achievement of COMPLETE [1] childhood immunization (9).
[1] Emphasis added
Tokyo Jane to the rescue – I feel safer already
If these people had watched Vaxxed I & II, they wouldn’t be appearing in Vaxxed III. And some of the multitude who don’t watch any of them will no doubt appear in Vaxxed IV. Never again until the next time!
Vaxxed 3 Movie
Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.
What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.
People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people.
Learn what we uncovered on the road. You can’t afford to miss it.
Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill
October 5, 2024
Well done. Thank you.
Knew the Democratic Party was losing what Soul it EVER had when Bubba & Hillary took-over the Party Leadership and destroyed any meaningful regulation in the Banking System…. Along came the Uni-Party and the 9/11 false flag and “Homeland Security”…
Then, BOOM, the “HOPE & CHANGE” Great Lite-Brown HOPE (with the same Clinton “Bankster” administration… BUT, “Aren’t THEY a WONDERFUL little family” ????!!!! HaHaHaaaaaaa…….
“Orange Man Bad” showed the Sheeple what a REAL Grifter looked like without the Pro-Politician Bullshit… BOOM !!! TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDRUM …
Now, the Mainstream Middle-Class Dem-Centrists want WAR with EVERYONE !!!!
JABS & MASKS, MASKS & JABS, Parenting by “Negotiation”, BOYS are GIRLS, GIRLS are BOYS, TRUMP is Hitler, Biden isn’t delusional…..
Orwell was spot-on and the Sheeple can’t wait to “Own Nothing and BE HAPPY VICTIMS”…. BEND-OVER EVERYONE…..
As long as they pay me dollares…………….
Hong Kong ones ok?
So, the “elites” that are unleashing this potentially dynamic death threat are doing so in the knowledge that they, themselves will be affected ?
Yeah, right.
Death of the God gene, your soul, inside you. Transforming you forever into a materialistic stupid consumer never ever to have the ability again to spiritual connection to cosmos.
It is not likely…. what is actually happening with vaccines is permanent damage to health so as to create. a life-long dependency on pharmaceuticals. Chronic illness or pain cobines with mental slavery via education and mass media and wage slavery via controlled money make it less likely that people will be able to have time and energy to meditate so as to have a spiritual life.
But is that not exactly the same? The intend is to drive all spiritual life out of people to make them easy controlled pure materialistic consumers.
Steiner is not the only one who noticed the white man’s strange goals and habits influenced by the dark side. Sitting Bull noticed. The Bible describe the issue too.
Self-amplifying repliCON, what a load of horsesh*t, just like mRNA, spike proteins etc, its transmedia storytelling to establish a backstory to discombobulate and discredit. Add it to the list:
If you believe it, they are real. Your belief system can call these deceases out inside your body so you can get sick leave payment and more! It made me rich, and you can also do it!
‘Some of the richest lithium sources in the world are located in Western North Carolina.’
‘On 31 August 2024, less than a month before Hurricane Helene. Blackrock increased its
ownership in a local mine by buying 2 million shares.’
‘Hurricane Helene has arrived just in time to clear out the property owners local to mining interests in western North Carolina.’
Appalachia. Murder Always Happens For A Reason:
That Hawaiian island which had the so-called wildfires is also rich in lithium.
Targeted hurricanes?
That’s a stretch les.
I don’t think it is.
Geo-engineering is big biz.
It’s also an admitted technology but one does have to dig to find that admission, although not as far as one would think. Our owners have been working on hurricane modification for decades, ostensibly to mitigate hurricanes and weaken them, but don’t we all know by now any supposedly benevolent technology can, and will, be used for nefarious means as well? Weather as a War technology has been used before, and is being used now. There have been world leaders who’ve called it out when it’s been used on their countries, but they’re all portrayed as whack jobs while that technology is used again and again, and some of those leaders conveniently disappear from the world stage, never to repeat their very valid accusations ever again. Funny how that works out. In the meantime, the CT label is bandied about freely and aggressively for anyone who won’t toe the line that it’s all just a crazy theory and we’re told as well that what we see going on in the sky almost every single day is just condensation from commercial airlines even though those patterns don’t seem to use standardized flight patterns. And IF they did geoengineer, it would look just like what we aren’t really seeing…. Gaslighting at its finest. And the beat goes on….
Since the first really big battles, the weather has played a crucial part and diviners of storms were highly prized.
Wasn’t D-Day delayed for a day due to a storm which would have been catastrophic?
Imagine being able to turn that on and off !!
Well, now they can.
Heat waves are better than jabs at culling the aged, as we saw in Europe ~10 years ago. For rainstorm devastation, the worst hit was eastern Africa around Mozambique around 5 years ago.
There is a very interesting article about the US HAARP DARPA funded military geoengineering programs on Global Research today.
The article is “Climate Instability Worldwide…” by Prof Michael Chossudovsky.
It describes the research, the programs, the utilization, the plan.
I wish I could link it, but global research no longer has a “copy link” .
After Conjab-19, do you believe the US government claim that HAARP has been shut down? Because USG does not want to waste money?
People dont have to believe. They can open their front door and see up in the sky whether this is true.

This is called “to know”, “I know this is not true”, not “I believe”, “I dont believe”, still sitting in your armchair with a raised finger.
And Russia
And Mexico
Hence the selection of a pro-Western president, just after: Mexico’s Lopez Obrador orders ministry to step up lithium nationalization
And Iran Announces Discovery Of Large Lithium Deposit
Funny how these calamities just happen. All a coincidence, I’m (not) sure.
Reminds me of the term “unobtainium” from the movie Avatar.
A repeat of what was done to the coal mining areas, and to Natives on their reservations. What goes around..
It was the Natives who moved around always putting their wigwams on our coal mines deliberately blackmailing the American Government for money in exchange for moving. Not US.
Behold, the Universal Down-Voter!
A warrior armed with the mighty down-vote button, dashing from comment to comment like a rebellious teen who just discovered their first middle finger emoji. One imagines them sitting in mums basement, staring at the screen with a look of smug satisfaction. A youthful glow—a glow not from the vigor of life, but the Lumens escaping the gaming console, glistening against the yet to be shaven face smirking a triumph bejewelled with pimples and braces smeared with chocolate biscuits mum just cooked.
Our hero, the very naughty teen, or perhaps younger (mentally, at least), carrying out this task, boosting his fragil ego, he hopes to leave a trail of other egos crushed and demoralised. He flits from comment to comment, down-voting each with such zeal, also secretly hoping some three letter agencies conducting surveillance, spotting his talents, will soon invite him to join the secret task-force of elite dissenters, distractors, disruptors and trolls. “Ah,” he think, “Now I’ve truly made my mark on the world. Today, the comment section—tomorrow, alt-media will tremble before my power.”
Surely, this individual imagines that their antics have not gone unnoticed by other dark forces. It’s not just the deep state. Somewhere, in the depths of the internet, a Satan worshiping cabal of like minded sinister bad boys wearing scary masks to conceal their true identities as unemployed shopping trolly attendants, gamers no less, is forming—yes, a crowd of hyper-intelligent but cynical sneering comment down-votors, who will revere this person as a maverick, a rogue who sees through the façade of those who dare to have an opinion. Each down-vote, in their mind, is a brilliant punchline to the joke, in their minds, that is the entire comment section, and they are the big-balled clever, clever monsters of derision that prowl as terrorists the comments to be feared and respected as they elevate themselves to the highest echelons of cultural critique.
Oh, the joy! The unbridled ecstasy of knowing that somewhere, someone might—might—be scratching their head, wondering why their innocent comment now has a negative thumb attached to it. The dastardly down-voter alone in a bedroom filled with the soft hum of the gaming console rubs himself thinking about his mischief. Truly, this advocate of the devil is living their best life.
So, to you, oh magnificent down-voter, I say bravo! Bravo for your tireless, utterly pointless contribution to the internet. May your fingers never cramp, may your mouse never lag, and may your tiny thumbs of disapproval rain down upon us all—because, clearly, the world needs more people just like you.
Look on the bright side David:
At least they’ve read our little diatribes, and maybe, just maybe, we’ve rattled their cages enough to disturb their smug equilibrium.
The comments section has gone downhill and the admin is clearly overloaded…. they think I am the same person as another commenter, and have put me on permanent “pending” status, LOL.
No, you were put on premod cuz you’re clearly a troll here to disrupt, gloating at seeing this tiny alt media outlet struggle to exist. You clearly therefore do not value this resource or this community.
We reserve the right to deal with commenters like you.
We prefer when the community self moderates and there’s no need to step in. However, when offg editorial challenges certain themes, the nastiness BTL gets quickly and artificially stepped up. Lots of people getting paid far more than any staff here, tasked with sneering and gloating and trolling and sliding our forum, perhaps?
Who knows. A2
It’s pretty sad that this site has taken on this social media trope of comment voting- it is about creating echo chambers and a precursor to the social credit system. It is indeed the domain of intellectually stunted people.
I think the mods on this site do a fab job.
It must be hard to monitor the commenter’s posts but they seem to do it in an even and fair way.
The up and down arrows have been controversial but, on balance, I think they make it more interactive and interesting.
I just saw this and thank you.That means a lot, really. Thank you on behalf of the admin team. A2
The great Resist. Best UK Chicken License Malicious Compliance Memes… Off-guardian gets a mention…
Meanwhile, that other Asian behemoth poses the biggest threat to the USian middle class:
After all, there’s only so much economic cake to go round.
< there’s only so much economic cake to go round >
So say some economists — especially the neo-Libs who want to eat all the cake instead of sharing it around.
As for those deluded Yussies who believe that China rising means U$ falling, they should remember that it was their own grandparents who thought it was a good idea for the Uncle $cam to stop making his own TV sets. That was the date I stopped collecting U$D.
Consider that the Georgia Guidestones did not have a Japanese translation inscribed on them. Japanese was not included in the living languages???!!! Foreshadow…
No surprises here.
The Japanese infatuation/obsession with new technology is well documented.
They’re gonna fall on their own swords. Or should that be Light Sabres?
US based Dr Makis outlines some of the potential hazards for the vaccinated and those in close contact with them:
Here are some of the problems with this technology:
This self-amplifying mRNA technology sounds like an even bigger disaster than what we’ve experienced with Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.
Real medical scientists used to experiment on themselves;
non in big Pharma today so all pseudo money $eekers.
-. There is no basis to limit the danger to 1 month.
-. Some papers on Conjab-19 definitely showed DNA contamination.
-. Money corrupts science and government absolutely.
Where is the science on “shedding”?
Meanwhile… (at least they didn’t seem to mention climate change as one of the possible causes, but I only read through it quite fast, so it might be there somewhere too.)
No puzzle about it, proof of human denial is a certainty though.
The very fashionable Keto and Paleo diets play a big part in that as well.
What a diet that humans thrived on for the majority of their existence up until around 10,000 bc. More likely to be the jab.
When the average lifespan was considerably less than today?
Compare the twins:
It’s also a case of :
Our body = Our choice
Their bodies (about a billion slaughtered animals every year) = No choice.
Evidence? Links please, to properly controlled studies in reputable scientific journals.
Just asking, not in favour of Keto nor Paleo — whatever they are — just keen on data to support an assertion. .
And ‘The China Study’ which was a scientific study:
Looking at the studies, the findings are far from conclusive aren’t they. More than half those quoted in one paper found NO correlation between meat consumption and colon cancer, or a statistically insignificant correlation.
They also seem to conflate red meat and processed meat in many analyses, which takes no account of the nitrates involved in the latter.
Given the growing political pressure to discourage consumption of meat and dairy, is it fair to ask how much can such studies be trusted anyhow? Remember how the food industry demonised saturated fat for decades based on nothing but flawed studies and simply anecdote.
‘conclusive’ is a subjective term Sophie.
It’s not as if they’re gonna find the cause/s ‘red handed’.
(Pardon the appropriate pun).
Anyway, the best reasons to give up animal consumption have much more to do with ethics than self interest.
Lets try to make our own little analysis and test should we?
Is it natural to smoke cigarettes and drink milk from cows as adults? No, its not.
Is it more natural to drink mineral water and eat raw spinach, apples, fish, melon, vegetables? Yes, it looks and sounds natural.
Is it natural to eat meat, liver, heart from animals like cows and deers? Man has done this since Methuselah and God state in the Bible it is allowed, so? Yes it seems quite natural.
Is it natural to eat rats and swine? Well, the Bible says no, they are unclean animals.
Going out in real life seeing these animals eating their own vomit and faeces, it looks like the Bible is right yes?
See how simple life is outside an academic laboratory and a microscope!
Cow’s milk is no good for kids either.
‘reputable scientific journals’
Is that still a thing?
BBC is Government funded why you can trust it. Its official policy and approved truth!
Its not some private oligarch billionaire funded newspaper salesman.
If you didn’t exist we’d have to invent you for sheer nuisance value. It’s a compliment.