Misinformation Doesn’t Kill People—People Kill People
Todd Hayen
This title is intentionally a play on the pro-gun faction’s slogan “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People.” At a certain time before my social awakening, I was appalled by all of the gun violence in the US and elsewhere and therefore believed restricting gun sales and use (through more stringent registration regulations) might be a good idea.
However, I never thought that particular NRA slogan was nonsense as so many of my liberal friends did. It actually rings quite true. Yes, you can still argue (as the leftists do) that if there were not as many guns lying about, people wouldn’t use them to kill other people. To me, that is a rather weak argument.
I have known many gun owners, and I must say as a group they are the most responsible people amongst my friends. The people who use guns to kill others indiscriminately are typically mentally deranged and in need of psychological intervention. So, we either reach out and come up with ways to help these people, or we remove access to guns—for everyone. Which way do you think the agenda believes we should go?
That seems to me equivalent to removing all cars so drunk people don’t have access to them to kill other people with. I know, I know…those who would wish to argue with me would say “Cars have a useful value, guns do not.” It isn’t so much taking away the guns as material objects, it is taking away the right to have them.
Until we remove all government corruption, all crime on the streets, all violent mental pathologies, and have created a utopian, all-safe, society—guns, and owning them, and respectfully learning how to use them safely, have a purpose. When that utopian idyllic society happens, we’ll talk. But I won’t hold my breath.
I digress, sorry.
So, along the same logic lines, how will censoring all speech to weed out the “misinformation” stop crimes like what happened in the UK in early August? The authoritarian position seems to be that “misinformation” is causing much of the “insane” criminal activity in the world today.
First of all, that is quite a stretch. How could anyone establish that as fact? And even if it was a fact (that “misinformation” causes violence) how would one go about removing all of it without removing all free speech? And who would be burdened with the task of differentiating “misinformation” from “real information?”
Aha. Easy to see it now, eh? (Of course, anyone reading this knows this already.)
All this misinformation crap is a ruse to give the agenda the power to shut us all up. Any time they link misinformation with a violent crime they are telling us, erroneously, that if they could just have permission to censor the hate speech, then it would take care of the problem.
I have personally never understood all the hoopla around hate speech being so damaging to society. Sure, it is rude, and sure, it can hurt people’s feelings deeply. And yes, there is a possibility it could incite some lunatic to do horrible things. But do we give up one of our fundamental freedoms due to the few whackos who will get a rise out of “hate speech” and uncontrollably wreak havoc as a result?
I say a resounding “no!” And even if that was the initial intent of censorship—to avoid a lunatic from being inspired—it simply would not work. Best to deal with the lunatic first and not trash free speech just because they think he or she (lunatic) will hear it.
But that isn’t the initial intent. We are told it is, but clearly it isn’t. In fact, I would not be surprised if most of these incidents where misinformation is blamed were intentionally set up so the agenda has something to point at (I have to be careful with this statement, I don’t want to be sued as someone else we know was for saying something similar).
Information is information. Whether it is looney or not (or hateful or not) is up to us individually to determine. We are supposed to have the faculty to do such a discernment, and not require mommy or daddy to come to our rescue and tell the big bad bully to stop hurting our feelings. And again, I am all for living in a society that does not condone hate speech, sexually or racially degrading speech, or speech inappropriate for children (within reason of course, and not by censorship!). But, in my humble opinion, we must do this in such a way that we preserve the First Amendment right to free speech. Plain and simple. There is simply no other way.
What we see going on, however, is not in our best interests. Far from it. The fight against misinformation is not a fight against hate speech, sexually degrading speech, or inappropriate speech for children as they want us to believe it is. The fight by the agenda to remove what that agenda decides is offensive, or dangerous, information is pure and simply a fight against our rights in a free society to freely exchange information.
We have been hoodwinked into thinking this fight is a noble pursuit to silence deranged and mentally ill people, who will take this information to support their heinous attack on innocent others. That is not at all what they are doing. And what they are doing is one of the oldest tricks of manipulation in the books—disguise an action as something else, and then create a false flag to justify it. “See what happened? If only that killer did not have access to that misinformation, this would have never happened.”
So, if we don’t do whatever we can to limit hate speech and the like, then what are we to do? Raise our children with character, teach them how to think, and how to discern good from bad.
Teach them to question what they read, see and hear. Raise them with good and loving hearts so hate has no place to grow within them, nor have influence on them. And what about all of us who are already raised? Teach each other.
Make an example for others to follow. Walk the talk. And make love the most important tenet of your life.
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Todd in your Does Everyone Have to Die? article.How do you response to friends family etc saying they’ve taken 8 jabs and there fine.?
For now they may be fine. Eventually they very well may not be. Even if their life span is shortened by 10 years due to just about any sort of physical malfunction due to all of the genetic junk they have in their bodies from the jabs (and certainly will add more from future pandemics, medications, etc.) the agenda has scored well.
Violence is the resort of people who feel powerless in their own life. If you want to eradicate violence, you need to create an environment where people feel accepted and accommodated by their surroundings and feel that they comfortably have access to becoming who they want to be; not force them to fight each other for their economic and, consequently, psychological well-being in an artificially perpetuated climate of universal scarcity and then just threaten them with punishments if they choose to fight in the wrong ways. That is just stupid. Why are we still doing that? How is this civilized?
The left’s solution to gun violence is to ban all guns. Inasmuch as the left believes that words can be violence, they should be advocating a ban on all speech, written or spoken. Words are too dangerous so we must prevent everyone (no exceptions) from writing or speaking.
“Love’s the only engine of survival”-Leonard Cohen “The Future”
I would question the all too facile dismissal of those who oppose guns for two very obvious reasons. First, that guns are made to kill something – they have no other purpose. Using them responsibly does not negate their essential killing capacity. But even more so, the very term “guns” can be extended to include all such weaponry: tanks, bombs, and everything needed to put them to “good” use. (Can a bomb ever be used responsibly?)
When asked by the government to relinquish one’s gun, the proper response would be “I’ll get rid of my gun when you get rid of your nuclear bomb – do we have a deal?”
Oh, heck, I forgot: calling nuclear bombs dangerous is misinformation! Never mind.
When I hear any lying politician demand the citizens give up their guns I think how almost every one of them has 24/7 protection from well armed security personnel. For life many of them.
About a century ago, the Greatest Democracy demanded that its citizens surrender all the gold and silver they had. In that Free World/Open Society, does anyone know what happened to that bullion?
Censoring is happening more on forums/blogs/notice boards.
“It is no less than mass murder. Reports of a complete absence of state or federal assistance in the devastated areas hit by Hurricane Helene are now crowding the social media airwaves. Bodies floating down the rivers. Bodies hanging in trees. Tangled in piles of debris. Utility company linemen are the first into most of the demolished areas. They report finding children as young as three wandering naked in the mud, crying for their parents, some with ropes dangling from where their parents lashed them in desperation to timber.”
“A report out of Chimney Rock, NC said a ‘government official’ has told residents at a town meeting that the federal government is seizing land, and the entire area will be bulldozed–bodies, still-standing buildings, and all. One local pastor was going door to door with water, and found there were so many bodies that they changed their delivery request to body bags. “They are not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.” And “Something evil is going on in the NC mountains.”
–Peter & Ginger Breggan “Murder Always Happens for a Reason”
Watch what happens to that land afterward, and we’ll understand why this is happening. The global pestilence has plans for that land and its resources.
It’s already been well documented that the Piedmont contains a very rich lithium deposit – some say the largest in the world. ‘Nuff said – right?
The same government failed to apply “eminent domain” in circumstances far more justifiable, to seize the millions of homes of people evicted by creditors. It waited for BlackRock and its ilk to buy up the homes cheap and then rent them out.
Through the centuries in which they participated in invading “lesser humans”, the exceptional people had little inkling of what was brewing for them. Shock and awe, indeed.
PC Roberts commented that this could be USG punishment for the Florida Governor defying the FBI to conduct his own investigation into the 2nd. attack on Trump.
Dr. PC Roberts says (a) electricity was cut first in Florida, in the early hours (b) there may have been difficulty sending “Helene” into Florida.
One group is making an effort in aUStralia:
It seems to me that parents aren’t the main influencers of children these days.
They fuck you up your mum and dad
They may not mean to but they do….etc. PL
The socialistic welfare state is based on a change from Family sustainment to State sustainment. So how do you change that?
You smash the family. First you raise the taxes 5-10-15-20-25% on men so they are not mere able to fulfil their role as protector and father. MSM campaign men as violent and suppressors.
Men send their wives out in factories to earn the taxes % lacking. Media campaign call this “women’s liberation” and women were too smeared as cold gold diggers.
As she too couldnt take care of her children the socialists had to take 5-10-15-20-25% of her salary too, to do it better for her children.
The elderly was placed in elderly homes and msm again smeared the elderly as useless eaters only able to walk around with a stick. Thus the elderly too lost the family role as a safe heaven for children.
Children was placed 10 hrs/day in kindergarten from 6 mth old, exposed to social experiments “to do child care better” up through the school system, seldom with the family, always with a socialist “who did it better”.
Voila, State sustainability. You know the socialist word “sustainable” yes? Ideology.
‘O once great Britain
wither thou’st ?’
And here’s us thinking it’s the US
going down the gurgler !
So Starmer said (after locking up Julian Assange for 10 years), if I can’t have my World War 3, cos John Bolton doesn’t like me.
And promptly gave The Chagos Islands, Back to The Maldivians
Even Boris was Astonished, and for the First time, showed his Child’s Face (possible photoshop)
Re: hurricane Helene
There are continuing reports of volunteers being prevented from helping their surrounding neighbors, in an echo of what happened during the Maui catastrophe. Civilian helicopters were told they’d be arrested if they didn’t cease rescuing people.
Truckers trying to bring supplies and rescue gear into Tennessee report that over 50 semi-trailer trucks had their tires slashed in a senseless act of terrorism. FEMA has been absent from many of the most damaged areas, according to local reports on X. One video states that there are text messages from Tennessee/FEMA telling citizens not to help their neighbors and to donate to FEMA, not directly to individuals.
On September 28th, more than 700 military from the Tennessee Army National Guard’s Armored Cavalry Regiment departed for a year-long deployment in the Middle East.
The 82nd Airborne Division, known as America’s Global Response Force with thousands of paratroopers are stationed right there IN North Carolina. “They provide combat capability, but also helicopter airlift, stand-up hospitals, and other support.” As of Sept 30 they had NOT been called out.
I wonder who’d slash the tires?
This story was reported by Ginger Breggin & I’m very late in posting it, but it’s so outrageous. . . .
Normally I appreciate your first reports, but I think you misrepresent this one here.
It is an area of Florida where nature is heavily controlled by a lot of damns why only one single hurricane or act by nature can cause a lot of damage, saying the Authorities and inhabitants more or less are self responsible for what happen.
Only 160 death, with all respect this is not 500 000 killed in Ukraine or 5500 in 9/11 or similar.
Further, “there are widespread looting. She said she was advised by a sheriff’s deputy that anyone coming into the region to assist needed to be armed and “safety off.”
So there are due reasons why the “assistance” are reallocated.
Erik, it’s not just Florida; it’s N.C., Georgia, etc. And I wonder about that looting. In other recent organized looting it’s pretty clear the looting was orchestrated by certain intelligence/pseudo military forces. And the Big City looting is facilitated by Geo Soros paying for the electoral campaigns of govt officials who agreed to not prosecute the looters.
Further, we don’t KNOW there’s any looting whatever; we only know what the lying govt says– sounds like an excuse to ban the Good Samaritan to me.
I have been in worse countries than US, and if the Police say you must be armed if you intend to fool around and not leave it to professionals, then in my best experience this is serious.
This is a hurricane yes? Hurricanes in these areas happen. It is not necessary another Maui or 9/11.
All poor people, pocket thieves, gang members, even some police and soldiers will use the opportunity to steal valuables if they can get away with it.
In these countries you are allowed to shoot thieves or robbers because they jeopardizes your life, but it is dangerous.
Therefore I see these recommendations as normal Sheriff work and “Government lying” not proved.
I think it’s OK to hate someone. If you look at the accepted definition of hate, it says this:
“extreme dislike or disgust, or feeling intense or passionate dislike for (someone). Some synonyms are loathe, detest, abhor, and despise.”
I can certainly think of some people, past and present, that meet that definition for me. Most are politicians or high level government officials. Like, I don’t know how else to describe how I feel about Trump. I loathe him, I despise him, I have an intense dislike for the draft dodging chickenshit. So there, I hate his ass. That’s just one example of course, I think many on here have similar feelings about Tony Blair. I can probably say I loathe Harris, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Cheney, Bush and the whole lot of them who waged illegals wars and killed millions for personal gain and power. How about Klaus Schwab and his sidekick, whatever his name is, I can’t remember, who want to kill and or control the fucking planet. I’m not going to tell my grandkids to love their asses.
So, what I teach my grandkids it that it’s OK to hate someone, but for the right reasons. Keep a level head, don’t get consumed or let it control you, but it’s OK to loathe the hell out of some of these evil bastards. That’s teaching them how to think and the more of us that do that, the better. Pollyanna has left the building.
How about detached contempt Big Al ?
That works for me.
Ya, that’s a good word, contempt. Whatever suits your overall life. I’m pretty pissed off though Johnny, can’t help it. Maybe we’re conditioned to view the word hate in a certain way that causes us to try avoid it or to view it as detrimental to our own spirit. Kind of like the woke thing only different. It’s kind of like walking and chewing gum though, I think I’m perfectly capable of hating Dick Cheney and loving my grandchildren.
Big Al. Yeah, you’re right. Alan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind made the point that a then-new generation of college kids was propagandized into believing that it’s wrong to judge, wrong even to have a preference. Of course it’s illegal/immoral ACTION we deplore, not rational emotion and judging.
The idea that we should “accept” the disintegration of normal gender has been foisted upon us to mask the vast increase in mental illness largely brought on by the increasingly harmful vaccination program. One of the most common manifestations of mental illness is gender confusion among adolescents. It’s appalling to me to see the physical differences between teenagers of today & those of the 50s & 60s. Vaccinations and dietary changes and all the vaccines & antibiotics they feed the animals we eat. Phooey.
That “physical differences between teenagers of today & those of the 50s & 60s” you mention is something I just don’t see. Of course, I do have a caveat to that: I went to Parochial School for 8 years, so we all had to dress (and try to behave) as little ladies and gentlemen – yuck! Apart from that, and perhaps because I live in a lower income area, the kids really don’t seem any different today than they ever did. The boys are not effeminate, the girls are not masculine. And the pre-teen girls still scream at everything, the boys still posture as tough little guys and can’t wait till they’re old enough to carry a gun.
Howard if you ever get the chance to look at a high school yearbook from the 50s– or better, from the 30s– you’ll see the obvious differences.
I was in high school ’58 – ’62. There were exactly TWO fat kids. Boys had whiskers & girls got whisker-burn if they had a necking session with them. Today I see all these bean-pole boys. Where is the heavy musculature, the facial & chest hair? Look at the photos of the wrestling teams & others where you can see their bodies. Neither the faces nor bodies are the same.
Dough conditioner used to contain iodine to help the thyroid; decades ago they changed it to bromine. This alone has had a horrible effect on normal development. Without adequate thyroid hormone development suffers. And it affects virtually all the bread! Then you’ve got the cholesterol hoax.
Then you’ve got all the estrogen-bearing chemicals and plastics– even in the diapers.
I don’t know. I also went to high school ’58 to ’62. I don’t recall the whiskers. The only “heavy musculature” was the jocks – and not all of them. I don’t disagree that there’s a big difference; but I think it’s more mental than physical. And it’s cause by the piece of technology everyone, big and small, old and young, short and tall, hairy and hairless carries around all day long. Whatever chemicals and other toxins can do, WiFi can do better!
I could have grown a beard at 14 or 15 as I had big sideburns at that age and there were far more hirsute kids than me. I don’t see much in teenage boys now. There was heavy musculature because we did more physically strenuous training and work. In the Seventies, in the rural area I lived we all did heavy harvest work or worked in agricultural factories that demanded heavy lifting. That’s all gone now. In fact, by the Eighties, it was mostly mechanised. I remember a female colleague office worker in the Eighties who couldn’t stop looking at my arms and then one day asked me how I got such muscular arms, so I explained about the work in the farms and factories.
The foundation of woke politics (propriety) is that your right to deviate or dislike is limited. Passive evidence of that, such as avoidance or passing reference, may be deemed evidence of discrimination. The supreme example is anti-“semitism”.
Fine. Just make sure the person you hate is not a superior being, if you know what is good for you.
wait, are you saying that “guns have a purpose” as a tool for fighting “government corruption”, “crime on the streets”, “mental pathologies”? that’s not cool! lol
personally I doubt if even 1 person in 1000 really believes in free speech, most have an implicit stereotypical model involving the suppression of some truth-teller by a corrupt tyrant, and when instead they are confronted with, for example, a radical crusading against the foundational assumptions of the social order they feel safe in, they can’t connect THAT with this noble vision, no, THAT’s abetting terrorism, or whatever
and in spite of the fairly recent, by world historical standards, trend of paying lip service to tolerance of divergent opinions as a basic legal principle for governments, censorship seems just as pervasive now as it ever was in the worst days of the Inquisition or Russian Empire, so that it would be hard for me to imagine any example of a state, anytime, anywhere, in which a citizen could feel completely secure regardless of what he or she might decide to write or say
the comparison with regulation of automobile use is also really revealing! gun-control advocates have made a compelling case by likening restrictions on access to fire-arms to existing policies related to mandatory safety features in cars, BAC limits etc
I have been given a ticket for driving without wearing a seatbelt, and, although I’ve never been caught, I’ve almost certainly gotten behind the wheel while legally drunk! yes, I’m that kind of monster! no, I never had an accident while under the influence of alcohol, but I’m a criminal in the eyes of the state, which is notorious for enforcing such vehicular laws in a biased, self-serving manner
cars are indispensable for many people yet the government can take your car away if you don’t comply with their rules, devised by who-knows-what gremium of undisputed experts, and justified with the promise of protecting the public against mayhem? does this paradigm, which the vast majority of us takes for granted, seem like a good template for the regulation of other areas of our existence?
one last random point: governments restrict advertisements for products they consider detrimental, they force manufacturers to include lurid warnings on the packaging of their merchandise, to list calorie counts etc on food they sell, but GMO info, putting that on the label would be an intrusive constraint violating the rights of Monsanto et al!
Blaming the victims is routine propaganda. Every other product or service is dangerous or fraudulent. Flood towns with addictive psychotropics including medicines, weapons and over-powered vehicles, and someone benefits. Someone also benefits from destructive logging, poisonous mining or useless construction. Same for slave wages or rising prices (both the same). As long as the kickbacks flow and you don’t raise a fuss, it is a Free World.
Some quoted this: You want more gun control? Use both hands.
Sorry, off topic.
China in trouble?
Will it result in another worldwide Depression and/or a war in the Pacific?
Probably very little truth to it, now if it were the institutional doctor they are hiding behind, it could be real.
China is always off topic BTL and ATL; Israel on the other hand. Kind of woke…
Pass the Lever… 😂
The problem with guns is that its all to easy to pick one up in a moment of passion or depression and use it. They’re also really difficult to use properly in a stressful situation — cops, who train all the time with them, often don’t get it right, shooting someone who wasn’t really a threat, so the idea that anyone could grab a gun and be a hero like in a movie is laughable.
But that’s just guns. They’re physically real — once you fire one the bullet can’t be recalled or corrected. That’s what makes the particularly dangerous. Information, on the other hand, is correctable. Its only dangerous if people feel entitled enough to act on what they hear (and they, for example, own a gun). Correcting misinformation should be straightforward but here things get murky because often the dividing line between information and misinformation is a matter of opinion. We as a society need to have accurate information but we also cannot tolerate ‘official’ information, a sort of monopoly on what’s correct. There has to be room for alternatives, no matter how seemingly absurd. What we can’t tolerate, though, is mob behavior, especially as there’s a strong likelihood that the mob is acting on false information (it always seems to be, at least).
Misinformation by governments and the bought and paid for head honchos in the sickness maintenance industry (“safe and effective”) has killed between 14 and 20 million people, with numbers rising. Not to mention the vastly greater number of people it has injured and maimed (good for business).
These are provable facts from health and life insurance figures, as well as the various government excess mortality figures.
By contrast, “they” continue to dupe the masses with their stupid and unprovable claim (misinformation) that the injections have saved x number of people. Now, that’s a bit of a stretch. Yet the people lap it up, those still able to .
Those of us still with a direct line to the universal knowledge bank and our inner moral compass (those with a largely uncalcified pineal gland) – you know the ones who don’t drink fluoridated water or eat fluoride drenched deboned meat or take fluoride laced pharmaceutical drugs – will never be shut up. When one door shuts, another will open. We will move underground to form our own communications networks.
After sending weapons to the Ukraine in the name of saving Ukrainians, they can try to pull anything.
Veri Tas–
I think, based on talking to actual people, not social media, that the “duped masses” are very much less numerous than you seem to think.
Hmm… In all western countries over half the population got the C-shots. In Australia it was well over 90%, according to the government – perhaps that, too, was misinformation though.
In any case, the majority got duped and are still going along to get along.
They still believe we landed on the moon, they still go get their flu shots and subject their children to dozens of ‘vaccines’, never wondering why the children are never healthy; they still have their TV switched on every night, etc etc
Veri Tas, the people in my small CA town have learned a lot since the beginning of covid– and even then most were opposed to the vax, had to get it to keep their jobs. It’s true they don’t know what to do to oppose what’s happening, but neither do we.
Imposition of the Conjab-19 was more brutal in Aus than in just 2 or 3 other places. Especially deployment of storm-troopers and deadlines from employers. That does not seem like duped masses to me.
In my family circle, everyone is ‘duped’ – not a shred of scepticism about Covid and vaccines. In my former workplace, an international school, only about 10% were awake or partially awake.
A wonderful comment, Veri Tas – I feel it’s worthy of more than just my upvote!
A common experience of infants is the traumatic feeling of having
been abandoned, a feeling of no one being their for it…
The forsaken by God feel guilty: it’s their own fault, it must be !!
Sad scheme. Socialist ideology, from family sustainment to state sustainment.
I think Giorgio is missing the point. He sees the exile as a tragedy for not only the Jews but also mankind as a whole.
But remember Babylon where our Lord said “spread all over the world”. Our Lord even gave people difference languages to help them to “exile”. Why did he do that?
Because its a universal condition here on earth that you must learn the local conditions for a longer period of time to fulfil your role as human being.
Mankind cannot fulfil its role by centralisation at Babylon, nor centralise at Israel or any other attempt to centralize physically as mentally. It can only be achieved by people being spread, being “exiled”.
“All this misinformation crap is a ruse to give the agenda the power to shut us all up.”
Totally Correct. That is why I don’t use a VPN, except occasionally Opera, if I want to see something that is Banned in the UK
I certainly am not going to pay some anonymised company to anonymise me
Has world war 3 started yet?
I have been saying for an extremely long time, from my own IP address.
Do Not Do That. Its an Extremely Bad Idea.
So even Netflix or its Computer (AI) Serves me up the next one, whist my wife is down the pub
Funniest thing I have seen today.
Its all about us…bringing Children up in London – Now Grand Children.
The bin man scene – when they knock on the door – is Pure Class.
I asked my wife, have you seen Breeders?
Both of us could have written the script
Children Are Noisy, and Their Parents want to get them into the best local school, where they can walk there and walk back with their friends
I rely on the Book of Ecclesiastes:”All you do has been, is being and will be…..in vain. Fear God and keep his Commandments, that is which is requited of man….until the End times”.
Saying……..instead: The big question`at least for me at this stage is, when will the End times pop up. 2000 years is a damn f…… long time 😟 .
The longest we have to wait to be with Jesus is one lifetime. But if the trumpets sound before we die, then hallelujah!
You ‘christians’ are so, so gullible! So, so indoctrinated into BS!
Its not only here now, its almost over and done with.
And who said you couldn’t fool all the people, all the time?
Good points:
Our wait is only one lifetime, and If you can fool people one lifetime you can fool them forever.
Notwithstanding the above, I still see no reason to not follow God’s simple advise, said in one short sentence.
As this advise is the only rational logical for life I have seen after reading all books, examining all philosophers, looking into all religions, and pagan bs too.
Thank you, Mr. Hayen !
Clear, short, argumented, with a touch of poetry and sadness but not resignation.
“Misinformation Doesn’t Kill People—People Kill People” misinformed before… ;-(
There exists certain information that, at a certain point, can become highly destablising to global civilisation. Therefore, excuses are being amassed in order to sanction the control/suppression of ‘misinformation’.
It is allegorically alluded to in this movie: wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Look_Up
If ‘misinformation’ fails to be controlled, you end up with wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_Z_(film)
You are utterly pathetic. There will not be any global cataclysm caused by a magnetic pole shift at all. That is a distraction story that only naive psychopaths would believe. Or shills will try to spur by enveloping it in occult satanic “knowledge” and mystery.
Fairness in the system subdues people killing people, so same as it ever was.
Not a single pharma criminal has been terminated, so where are all the misinformed dangerous people?
First do in no pharna exec. Yeah, pure projection about the misinformed dangeros people.
Right from the horse’s mouth: ‘total control.’ (Not Jacinda Ardern, as you might expect, but Hillary Clinton).
E.g. Following ideas about health… being misguided into booby traps, being incited to war and murder… of course, it‘s connected to a human agent but in an abstracted way, yeah, ignorance and error is *the* killer. Turns humans into such, against others and/or themselves. More so even than weapons.
In the red scare days, free speech was ignored and people who said things that were not pro oligarchy were called communists.
In the witch burning days, women who didn’t just do as they’re told were burned at the stake because of their dangerous speech.
Of course there’s other examples but these are the most egregious.
Oh and the irony of how the left which used to be pro civil rights are now the ones pushing censorship.
The right, who did the red scare and indirectly witch burnings (religious conservative logic lead the mania), are now sort of pro free speech except when it comes to their favorite middle Eastern ally…
But it’s ok because in the past when things were affordable and one didn’t need to work 2 jobs to barely afford the mortgage, people were more apt to pick a “TEAM RepubliBLOODS or DemoCRIPS.
These days more and more people are not brainwashed to either side. That’s why we’re finally getting some pandering from maha etc.
BTW maha is very focused on food and barely talks vaccines…. Hmm right?
Controlled opposition because these days both parties serve the same big pharma masters.
Misinformation is the biggest killer. Actual misinformation, fear mongering, incitement.
“The most basic principle of all is that of not harming others – and that means all people, all life and all things.”
-Rolling Thunder, Native American
Impossible demand. I did not get my first 100 000 USD in gold without harming a lot of people. Rolling Thunder must have been a manly nurse in a white man’s hospital.

Hate springs from ignorance and fear.
Ignorance of another’s situation or predicament.
Fear of the unknown.
The education system, religions, governments and the mainstream media profit, flourish and feed on hate and ignorance. It’s how they maintain their authority.
Love undermines that authority.
Thank goodness.
Good onya Todd.