A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds
Colin Todhunter

Environmentalist and campaigner Rosemary Mason has been relentlessly exposing the insidious effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment through a decade-long series of incisive reports. Many of these reports have taken the form of scathing open letters directed at corporations, regulators and officials in the UK and the EU.
Mason has never held back in her condemnations of the agrochemical giants. After Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto in 2018, her focus sharpened on Bayer, scrutinising its troubling history and its actions, not least during one of humanity’s darkest chapters: Nazi Germany.
Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement in war crimes, has been well documented. The company was formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical firms: Agfa, BASF, Bayer, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, Hoechst and Weiler-ter-Meer.
Bayer was not merely an observer but an active participant in heinous medical experiments conducted on concentration camp inmates. These experiments involved testing drugs on unwilling subjects, including those at Auschwitz, where prisoners were deliberately infected with diseases to evaluate Bayer’s pharmaceuticals.
During World War I, Bayer was involved in the development of chemical weapons, including chlorine and mustard gas. As part of IG Farben, Bayer later contributed to the creation of nerve agents like Tabun, Sarin and Soman. Post-war, Bayer transitioned these chemical developments into pesticides such as parathion, which are neurotoxic.
In addition, IG Farben was implicated in the production of Zyklon B, the gas used in concentration camps. Executives from IG Farben were convicted for their roles in war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials
Bayer’s leadership was fully aware of these atrocities yet chose profit over ethics, benefiting from the forced labour of concentration camp inmates to produce essential chemicals for the Nazi war machine.
The aftermath of World War II saw Bayer and other IG Farben companies face minimal repercussions for their actions. While some executives were tried, they received light sentences or were released early, allowing them to reclaim positions of power within their companies.
As for Bayer, things did not stop with the end of the war. The Powerbase website provides a very long list of Bayer’s corporate wrongdoings since 1945, including allegations of corporate bullying, monopolistic practices, the suppression of scientific information, bribery, poisonings, false advertising and abusing workers.
More recently, Bayer has inherited a legacy of deception through its acquisition of Monsanto. Both companies have been accused of concealing the health risks associated with glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and the world’s most used agricultural herbicide. Internal documents reveal a concerted effort to downplay glyphosate’s carcinogenicity while ignoring substantial evidence indicating its dangers to human health.
In her numerous reports, Mason has shown how Bayer shaped regulatory processes to secure product approvals, influencing scientific studies and regulatory decisions while suppressing contrary evidence. The environmental devastation wrought by Bayer’s pesticides is alarming: Mason cites significant declines in biodiversity and poisoned ecosystems as direct consequences of their widespread use.
Moreover, rising cancer rates in communities exposed to Bayer’s products cannot be ignored, especially increasing cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma linked to glyphosate use in areas heavily treated with these chemicals.
Rosemary Mason is not alone in her condemnation of Bayer. For instance, journalist Carey Gillam has written extensively about Bayer-Monsanto’s practices, particularly in relation to glyphosate and its health impacts in the book Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science.
US Roundup litigation began in 2015 after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. Internal Monsanto documents dating back decades show that the company was aware of scientific research linking its weed killer to cancer but instead of warning consumers, the company worked to suppress the information and manipulate scientific literature.”
Hit lists and lobbying
Gillam has shown that, over the years, Monsanto mounted a deceitful defence of its health- and environment-damaging Roundup and its genetically modified (GM) crops, and it orchestrated toxic smear campaigns against anyone — scientist or campaigner — who threatened its interests.
With that in mind, it comes as no surprise that a US-Based PR firm has created a watchlist, profiling activists, scientists and journalists who are critical of pesticide use and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as recently revealed in documents obtained by the investigative newsroom Lighthouse Reports.
As a result of a year-long investigation, Lighthouse Reports argues that this operation seeks to cast pesticide critics, environmental scientists or campaigners as an anti-science “protest industry” and used US government money to do so.
The watchlist is the brainchild of Jay Byrne, a former communications executive at Monsanto, and his reputation management firm v-Fluence. It comprises profiles (including personal information) on hundreds of scientists, campaigners and writers. These profiles have been published on a private social network, which grants privileged access to 1,000 people comprising a who’s-who of the agrochemical industry alongside government officials from multiple countries.
The US government funded v-Fluence as part of its programme to promote GMOs in Africa and Asia, including “enhanced monitoring” of critics of “modern agriculture approaches” — and to build the network.
Watchlists and hitlists aside, to further its interests, the agrochemical giants pour huge resources into lobbying that seeks to shape narratives, deceive and coerce rather than engage with genuine public health and environmental concerns.
The research and campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) recently took a deep dive into Bayer’s disturbing “toxic trail” of lobbying as the company strives to maintain its huge slice of the seed and pesticides markets, fight off regulatory challenges to its toxic products, limit legal liability and exercise political influence.
CEO’s report ‘Bayer’s Toxic Trails: Market Power, Monopolies and the Global Lobbying of an Agrochemicals Giant’ notes that Bayer spent between €7 million and €8 million in 2023 on EU lobbying, the biggest sum declared by any individual chemical company and the highest amount ever spent by Bayer on EU lobbying.
According to CEO, Bayer’s current top lobbying priority in Europe is to derail the original ambitions of the European Green Deal and to prevent any of the company’s firmly established interests (chemicals and pesticides) from being touched. One of the central goals of this deal is to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 through the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. This target aims to address both environmental and public health concerns associated with pesticide use in agriculture.
Bayer’s lobby spend in the US has also risen considerably over the past few years, spending US$7.5 million in 2023 alone, some of which is aimed at securing changes in the law to prevent further litigation cases and more hefty payouts to people suffering from conditions due to glyphosate exposure. To date, the company has reportedly paid out approximately $11 billion to settle nearly 100,000 lawsuits stemming from claims that Roundup causes cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
CEO states:
Bayer’s lobby tactics continue to capture public policymaking and in doing so hollow out democracy. A perverse symbiosis between corporate lobby groups and decision-makers has been actively created through its economic weight and large investments in many corners of the world, and this consistently leads to crucial decisions being made in favour of industry profits, rather than public interest.”
It concludes that:
Around the world, Bayer’s modus operandi is not to work in the public interest but rather to capture public policy to serve its private interests and dividends of its shareholders, all while ignoring the public health and environmental impact of its activities.”
Be careful what you wish for
So, why would a government want to do a deal with the devil?
That is precisely what the government of India seems to have done when it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Bayer in September 2023. Bayer signed the MoU with the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), which is responsible for co-ordinating agricultural education and research in India.
In July 2024, hundreds of scientists, farmer leaders, farmers and ordinary citizens signed a letter and sent it to Himanshu Pathak, director-general of the ICAR.
It said:
Bayer is a company notorious for its anti-people, anti-nature business products and operations in itself and, furthermore, after its takeover of Monsanto. Its deadly poisons have violated basic human rights of peoples across the world, and it is a company that has always prioritised profits over people and planet.”
Bayer’s aim first and foremost seems to be to exploit the ICAR’s vast infrastructure and networks to pursue its own commercial plans, including boosting sales of toxic proprietary products and the introduction of genetically modified food crops into India. These crops would be reliant on Bayer’s agrochemicals.
Attempts to get GM food crops into India’s fields is being done by all means necessary, as explained in Aruna Rodrigues insightful online article Waltzing with Bayer Makes The Indian Council of Agricultural Research Blind: India Ditches Mandate to Farmers and Uses Mutagenesis to Drive Toxic HT Crops Into India.
That article explains that mutagenetic techniques are being used to bypass existing GMO regulatory procedures, despite a recent Supreme Court directive for the government to formulate a national policy framework on GM crops based on a democratic consultative process.
Telangana State Seed Development Corporation chairman S Anvesh Reddy recently stated that farmers want a bio-safety policy and not a promotional policy for GM crops.
However, they are in danger of getting the latter. Prominent campaigner Kavitha Kuruganti has warned that the Ministry of Agriculture may bypass the democratic consultative processes recommended by the Supreme Court. It has already appointed a panel of ‘experts’ to draft the policy and information about it is being kept secret.
On X (formerly Twitter), agricultural policy specialist Devinder Sharma says:
How can a policy be framed for GM crops when there is still no consensus on the need for these crops? Despite heavy lobbying by industry, most countries oppose it.”
How can this be?
Let us turn to Aruna Rodrigues:
Our regulatory bodies have been captured by the biotech and agrichemical Industries… It is breathtaking; all pretence is gone. We have a cancer that is metastasising vertically and horizontally throughout the entire regulatory body.”
The need for GM food crops is based on unsound logic, and, in general, neither farmers nor the public want them (see the online article Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture). Moreover, the failure of Bt cotton in the country, India’s only officially approved GM crop (see The Failure of GMO Cotton In India on resilience.org), should serve as a warning.
In the meantime, farmers’ leaders from 18 states in India have resolved to oppose GM crops. They say GMOs in agriculture are harmful to human and animal health, the environment, farmers’ livelihoods and trade and are based on failed promises.
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ROSE-Mary MASON? You can’t be serious.
It’s clear what the cryptocracy has done. First, they destroyed subsistence agriculture worldwide over the last century, forced rural communities and farmers into the cities, forced remaining farmers to use industrial farming practices; GMO seed, expensive equipment, expensive fertilizers and toxic pesticides and now there’s a campaign to halt these practices and pay farmers not to farm, but the campaign will only affect private and small farms, not big AG.
And it’s all to be done, not in the name of health, or better food quality, (because we still can’t get GMO labels or pesticides listed on produce) but in the name of preserving “species”? Species other than humans.
So it’s a mechanism to send farmers bankrupt, seize their land, and to stop those with a small plot of land from growing their own food or using animal husbandry.
Bait and switch complete.
Nobody forced anybody, they persuaded them through ignorance and the greed for quick money to not grow organically in the short term, but found the long term consequences of this action by not being able to feed their citizens, or, we have a toothless system that can not educate or feed it population.
Easy to knock, especially as an anonymous poster. I wonder what your ‘contribution’ has been aside from complaining in a comment thread.
We are being taken apart, degree by degree, to the extent that we are unable to discern the relevance of each individual threat.
This theatre of operations belongs to our enemy, over which they have complete control. To survive, we must build a completely new theatre within which their script or presence on stage will never see the light of day.
For the blueprint of a New Global Theatre see here:
Isn’t this what the Ukraine issue is all about.
Last chance Charlie makes good or goes home empty.
Bayer is a major pillar in the foundation of the Technocratic Military Industrial Agro Pharmaceutical Complex. Consider that WWI was a deliberate pissing contest between royal cousins. WWI appears to have been created in part to test out their new mass depopulation techniques on unsuspecting soldiers.
Every chemical, biological and low-radiation weapon has always been tested. The victims include the poor, “lesser races”, those suitable for eugenic elimination (a pseudoscience going strong up to the 1970s), and those to be cleared off the land. The governments testing all this, and their forces including NATO, are of course contravening relevant treaties.
“Medical research” in “less developed countries is big business. Invariably, soldiers and veterans head the queue for untested medicines. That is part of the reality behind PTSD.
Low-dose sarin produces symptoms similar to.. covid/pneumonia; it was tested in subway stations.
08 Oct 2024: Haryana Election Results LIVE News: Haryana farmers gave Congress a befitting reply, showed they are with the country, with the BJP, says Modi
Nearly every Sunday during the past 12 moths there’s been a
rally and march, in Sydney Australia, protesting Israeli’s Gazan
genocide – protests the local media have blanketed with silence…
Last week, as the first anniversary of “0ctober 7” approached,
the local corporate propaganda media (aka – msm) whipped up
concerns, claiming participants might this Sunday indulge in
some ‘anti-Jewish’ violent acts..
Monday 7 0ctober’s afternoon paper revealed, front page, that
57% of those subsequently polled were for the banning of such
marches – not a bad result considering given the year-long
blanket silence by the local media Sunday about the regular
Hardly surprising. There is blanket censorship of the deaths, orphaned children, starvation, destruction from the Helene storm in NC, USA.
‘Imperialism begins at home. We are all
colonies to be exploited.’ … (anon) …
in 2015 after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen
WHO made a statement on mobile phones being a “probable human carcinogen” in 2011. Any follow-up?
In farming, the aim is exploitation and depopulation. Under some treaties, even saving seeds is already illegal.
In India, the evidence of utter corruption was apparent from early in the “Green Revolution”. The revolution is being fought based on tradition, farmer by farmer and village by village. Poor farmers in one state managed to checkmate the monster Modi by demonstrating for almost a year, though blockaded from the capital, but the current progress is unknown.
Whether it’s Bayer or Monsanto, it’s an illusion. They are all controlled by the Rothchilds. These devious bstrds hide who they are no matter what. They shoehorn puppets like Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bezos. When the world thought it was JP Morgan, the richest man, it was really Rothschild pulling his strings.
Electric Wonderland: “green energy” https://media.gettr.com/group5/getter/2024/10/05/09/bd3ed8dc-384e-51a2-6e77-5d923054340c/out.mp4
Gynocentist and matriachist Kyle Hunt’s runaway hyper-masculine pagan “goddess” Sinny hasn’t delivered any vocals for a long time, just mindless techno-house noise. Not even as a cover version, remixed by her new brownish lovers.
For the disheartened Florida resident Kyle, as an outcast satyr, this could be decoded as a hopeful sign of an inner lack of freedom and a profound phase of creative inhibition in Sinny, which she is at the mercy of without him.
I have therefore taken the liberty of writing a text for Sinny that roughly reflects her state of mind. As music, I suggest a song that actually dates from 1981, but of which there is a remix, sung by a Portuguese woman living in Germany.
The song is even part of Scott’s “House of Gucci”, although it was never a hit in English-speaking countries and no version with English lyrics exists. In this respect, my lyrics can finally help Sinny achieve her international breakthrough and reunite with Kyle, because it is tailor-made for her.
Special Nights Without My Slave
My toaster danced a jig when I thought of you,
While my cat wore sunglasses, sipping on a brew.
The fridge started singing, a wild serenade,
But you were busy meditating in a spa parade.
Oh, what a night, with waffles in the sky,
My goldfish is a DJ, spinning tunes oh so spry.
You’re lost in wellness, while I’m here in a whirl,
My bass box exploded—oh, what a crazy world!
Verse 2:
The vacuum cleaner’s rapping, it thinks it’s so cool,
While my socks are plotting mischief in the laundry pool.
A llama in a tuxedo just joined the fun,
But you’re off with cucumbers; I’m the only one!
(Repeat Chorus)
In this madness, time is doing cartwheels too,
A pancake flew by wearing a bright shade of blue.
Every moment’s silly; laughter fills the air,
As I chase my dreams while riding on a bear!
(Repeat Chorus)
Oh, what a night, with chaos all around,
My bass box exploded—what a joyful sound!
You’re lost in wellness, but here’s the twist:
In this absurdity, it’s you I can’t resist!
‘profit over ethics’
That’s gotta be the understatement of the year Colin.
Do the psychos in suits at these corporations even know what ethical means?
How do you measure the following?:
“……significant declines in biodiversity and poisoned ecosystems as direct consequences”.
“..rising cancer rates in communities cannot be ignored, especially increasing cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma”.
“Bayer’s aim first and foremost seems to be to exploit and to pursue its own commercial plans”.
“WWII Bayer and other IG Farben companies face minimal repercussions for their actions. While some executives were tried, they received light sentences”.
Well these companies were probably under threat of being tortured or prisoned if they didnt followed orders in a country at war. Why they received light sentences.
Your references are to reports and statistics and fluffy “democratic procedures and hearings”. Statistics, academic reports and old newspapers and their insinuations.
We wanna see real people with real sickness because of a real toxic substance, before we can judge someone.
The judgement is for judges specialised in legal matters to make.
One more thing. The farmers previously has a problem with too much rain, humidity, too dry seasons, to many invading bacteria, virus, locust, m.m.
In the work to optimize these many problems in dealing with nature our way, Farmers themselves have required solutions, support and funding from their Government, and their Lobby Groups.
I am against GMO too as I know our pre-condition down here. But I am not farmer and do not work 60 hours a week on a farm with the hard work and all troubles there.
Its just the article smells a little too much of controlled opposition outraged smearing of Government, Big Pharma, Big Agri, Big this and that, and more funding to the leftist do-gooder.
If you did your research before commenting, you would see study data for declines in declines in biodiversity. Hard data. Same too for spiralling increases in cancers and conditions linked to agrochemicals.
You seem wholly ignorant of the 100,000 litigation cases involving cancer, Bayer and glyphosate winding their way through the US courts. Billions already paid out. There is a major public health crisis due to these agrochemicals. Mason’s reports provide much data on this.
We seem to have a defender of the status quo here – defending Bayer, govts etc while attempting to lazily smear critics as ‘leftist do-gooders’. Begin your education by reading Carey Gillam’s book mentioned in the article that makes clear the corruption and dirty tricks of Big Agribusiness and its killer poisons – working hand-in-glove with govts.
Im not a defender of any synthetic treatment of our earth. I may just have seen these pointing finger at paper statistics tricks a little too many times to find them reliable enough “to believe”. I want to know!
“Paper statistics”? It is hard data based on credible research time and again. But if you would rather smear those who draw attention to it and call it trickery, that’s your choice. Precisely the kind of tactics Monsanto used and the industry and its well-paid lackeys still use when faced with inconvenient truths.
This is not an academic issue. Agriculture is not a science, it’s a craft. Industrial/chemical “agriculture” is poisoning the soil, air and water, humans and animals alike. When people complain to me that organic food is too expensive, I have to point out that cheap food is a myth. There is a price to be paid for cheap food and that price is being paid by the ecosystem we depend on. Support your local organic farmers and growers!
Capital tells farmers: Listen you ignorant peasants. This is for your own good. I am The Science.
I agree more in your stand here. We should support our local organic farmers.
winding their way through the US courts
For prosecution of the mighty and wealthy, the courts show so much respect, deference, accommodation of postponements, etc.
Start with the premise that everything the government tells you is a lie and work backwards from there.
Always worked for me.
A trustee never feels compelled to loose his job.
The Telegraph, writing even more sh1te than normal. What complete aresholes.
“Missiles are exploding over my holiday destination, but my luxury tour operator won’t refund me”
“Though just 150 miles from a war zone, holidaymakers in Cyprus feel ‘completely safe’”
We always worried about that, when hitch hiking and swimming naked in the sea. leaving all our stuff on the beach.
the chances are, if they have stolen your passport, they will have stolen everything else.
Does The Telegraph write anything much about Mass Genocide happening now – or have they all been jabbed. Lost another friend today RIP
From reading this article, I would assume that neither Rosemary Mason nor Colin Todhunter has read any of “The Albrecht Papers”. No matter what side of a discussion you are on, apparently the best course is to ignore evidence from the other side. Has anyone reading this ever read an article by Albrecht? There is even one in Weston Price’s “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
As surprising as it may seem to you, some of us have actually read Albrecht. And with just a few hits on the keyboard, perhaps you would have discovered this from 2016 – ‘From Albrecht to Monsanto: A System Not Run for the Public Good Can Never Serve the Public Good‘. And this from 2024 – ‘Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies‘. Both articles written by Colin Todhunter that reference Albrecht.
I cannot vouch for Rosemary Mason. But there is a large body of her work publicly available for you to check out.
The above article touches on/critiques Bayer’s criminality and wrongdoings, its huge lobby power, its health-destroying glyphosate, the corruption of science, the corporate capture of the ICAR, the unproven need for GMOs in India etc. Ignoring evidence from ‘the other side’ – I fail to see the relevance of such a statement.
At the start of Volume I of “The Albrecht Papers” are listed eleven “Tart Albrechtisms”
One of them is, “The use of sprays is an act of desperation in a dying agriculture. It’s not the overpowering invader we must fear but the weakened condition of the victim.”
The other ten “Tart Albrechtisms” are also worth reading. Together they help the reader come to an understanding of Albrecht’s point of view. His emphasis is not on the “overpowering invader” but on “the weakened condition of the victim”.
Unlike Colin and Rosemary, I am not concerned with the overpowering invader, I am concerned with the other side which is the weakened condition of the victim. Allbrecht’s evidence on how to prevent or correct the weakened condition of the victim was ignored during his day but, IMO, it is better ignored today.
I also have books written by others who share Albrechts viewpoint. Abrecht was familiar with the evidence presented by Weston Price, DDS, Francis Pottenger, Jr. MD and Andre Voisin, DVM. In fact, Albrecht wrote the preface to the supplement in Price’s “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” as well as one chapter in the supplement. It is titled, “Food is Fabricated Soil Fertility”. If you drink milk you might be advised to read “Pottenger’s Cats”. If you would rather not get cancer, you might read Voisin’s “Soil Grass and Cancer”. The evidence he presents shows that it is much easier to prevent cancer than to cure it.
When I went to Acres U.S.A. conferences in the 1990’s and early 2000’s I would sometimes ask people who came to my booth in the trade show if they had any copies of “The Albrecht Papers”. If they said “yes” I would ask them if they had read it and most would say they had read parts of it. I have the first four volumes of “The Albrecht Papers” with the first three being in hard cover. When I got them, I read them from cover to cover. That demonstrated to me that genetics is just a recipe and, as with any recipe if you don’t have sufficient amounts of the items required by the recipe, things usually don’t turn out to well.
No one is ignoring “evidence from the other side.”
There are millions of farmers practising sustainable, holistic agriculture. Whether they are aware of Albrecht or have read every volume of his work, who can say. But they are certainly not ignoring ‘the other side’ and are very concerned about soil health and plant health, nutrition and human health.
And I think you will find that the author of the article has devoted much attention to ‘the other’ side in his work.
Kavitha Kuruganti is mentioned in the article. She is the co- founder of the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture, a large network of organisations and individuals comprising farmers’ organisations, consumer groups, women’s organisations, environmental organisations, individual citizens and specialists who are committed to the cause of sustainable and viable farm livelihoods in rural India, ensuring that productive resources are in the control of farming communities and nutritious, diverse and adequate food is available for all.
Aruna Rodrigues, also mentioned in the article, has similar aims. In fact, in large part to her, she has kept GMOs out of Indian agriculture.
Such people are committed to strengthening ‘the other side’ but are not so naïve to ignore ‘the invader’ and let is spread its tentacles throughout Indian agriculture so that restrictive seed laws become enacted, farmers lose access to land that becomes amalgamated for industrial monocropping and, if herbicide-tolerant GM crops become widespread, farmers can no longer practise sound organic agronomy and the genetic core of the food supply is altered forever.
Maybe you should be concerned because plans are afoot to displace India’s food-producing peasantry at the behest of global agribusiness. And once it has happened, you can continue to tell everyone about your treasured dusty volumes of Albrecht and ponder how things could have been so much different if only you had been concerned about the overpowering invader.
How many volumes of “The Albrecht Papers” do you own?
Ignore everything I just said and produce some irrelevant comeback. The Piers Morgan school of ‘debate’. I don’t ‘own’ any. You win!!!
There’s also the Codex Alimentarius. Sorry, I had saved these excerpts a long time ago but they may help to complete the picture of what’s going on with all of our food. Of course a lot of the concerns then have already been instituted, such as GMO food crop approvals.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an inter-governmental body with over 170 member countries, established in 1963
The Commission also promotes coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations (INGOs)
Work is conducted through nearly 30 committees, each dealing with specific areas of food, and decisions are based on consensus voting by member countries. INGOs do not have voting rights but may influence proceedings. Most INGOs present at Codex meetings represent transnational corporation interests.
Jonathan Emord, in his book The Rise of Tyranny, estimates that as much as 75% of all laws in the USA are now created by agencies, completely bypassing the democratic process.
If our government signs up to the Transpacific Partnership Agreement, we will be coerced into harmonising our laws with the Codes Alimentarius guidelines. Even the Australian Medical Association is concerned that the Agreement would allow US corporations and other member nations to obtain damages against Australian governments through international arbitral proceedings if their investments are impeded by Australian public health and environment protection legislation. So, there go what little health and environmental protection laws we currently have….
Some of the detrimental impacts of harmonisation with the Codex Alimentarius guidelines would include:
The influence of US GM interests (Monsanto) which argue world food requirements cannot be met without global implementation of GM and which do not want GM ingredients labelled
‘Terminator’ seeds could be approved
GM food animals are already in the pipeline
Setting very low maximum daily doses for supplements as foods using flawed risk assessment methods
Effectively establishing international borderline for nutrients between foods and drugs, forcing therapeutic nutrients into drug category
Approval as safe of around 300 different food additives (mainly synthetic) including aspartame, BHA, BHT, potassium bromate, tartrazine, etc.
No consideration given to potential risks associated with long-term exposure to mixtures of additives
Allows significant residues of over 3275 different pesticides, including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disruptors, e.g. 2,4-D, atrazine, methyl bromide
One of the trends we see, given the disproportionate influence of very large corporate concerns, is that GM foods, contaminants, additives, pesticide residues and other synthetic chemicals that many of us regard as intrinsically harmful, are pushed for all they’re worth, being deemed safe at those concentrations typically used in processed foods. On the other hand, those things we consider intrinsically beneficial, such as vitamins and minerals, are given a very tough ride
dead links mate – anh –
You are so correct. Scott Tips of the National Health Federation works tirelessly to push back against these vested interests. See The opaque world of Codex Alimentarius and Monsanto ‘toxic’ relations (theecologist.org) in The Ecologist (2017).