Careful, talk of “weather modification” could be a trap

Kit Knightly

Last week, category 4 Hurricane Helene hit the eastern coast of North America causing massive flooding and devastation across the region, leaving people stranded and homeless.

This week, Hurricane Milton – a category five hurricane – is predicted to hit Florida’s west coast after forming in the Gulf of Mesico and moving eastwards.

Two such storms in less than ten days have fueled online talk of “Weather modification” from Republican politicians and alternate media personalities:

Personally, I see reason to be cautious here.

Does the ruling class have access to such technology?

Very possibly. I’m extremely positive they’ve spent billions in research trying to create it anyhow.

Would they use it if they had it?

Of course they would. Obviously they would have no moral objections to causing death and destruction in pursuit of their agenda.

No, my caution is simple – the claim of “weather modification” can easily be used as a backdoor into accepting the reality of “climate change”.

After all its premise is the same –  that the weather we experience is unusual, strange, unnatural  – and we need to do something about it.

When we talk about “weather modification” we are tacitly accepting this truth, or at least can easily be maneuvered into seeming to do so.

So we need to be really really careful about what arguments we are endorsing. We can’t just take every climate scare story at face value suddenly because we can attribute it to “weather modification”. We need to do some research, get some data, take each case on its merits.

For example –

It’s being claimed storms “never”  behave like Hurricane Milton, forming in the gulf and moving east.

But is that true?

It’s certainly unusual, but meteorological data says 14 of the 146 hurricanes to form in the Gulf of Mexico since 1851 moved eastwards.

So it’s rare, but hardly unprecedented.

There’s no need to invoke either climate change or weather modification as an explanation.

And please don’t forget that the vast majority of weather experienced on this planet is NOT statistically unusual, despite the hysterical claims to the contrary.

If we start embracing every unverified, exaggerated or patently false claim of “climate change” and simply  slap the additional claim of  “weather modification” on it to make it our own  then whose game are we actually playing?

Like the “lab leak” theory, it can appear to be a radical anti-establishment claim, but end up endorsing everything important about the establishment narrative.

I mean if you start with…

“This weather is freakish and dangerous and the result of secret weather modification technology, and we need to do something about about it.”

Then all they have to do is discredit the idea that secret weather modification technology exists  – by disproving some of the weaker claims being made in its behalf –  and we’re left with this…

“This weather is freakish and dangerous…and we need to do something about it.”

If you doubt it – then here is the bait and switch being enacted before your eyes…

“Alex Cole”, btw, is a Kamala bot account. So, this is not a statement anyone can afford to ignore.

Could not be more obvious – “weather modification” claims are going to be weaponised to weaken the climate sceptic position.

Yes,  “weather modification technology” has the potential to be the “early treatment protocol” of climate change.

Just as the doctors pushing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for Covid actually supported the “pandemic” narrative by reinforcing the idea there was a new disease that required treatment, so  the claim “they are messing with the weather” endorses the premise of climate change by suggesting our weather is weird, unnatural and a problem we need to “fix”.

No, this doesn’t mean every claim of weather modification is some kind of shill in action. But we need to be aware that shills are already colonizing it for obvious agenda-related purposes.


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Categories: climate change, latest