Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn
Catte Black

We’ve been asked why we don’t do more coverage of the US (s)election.
The answer is easy, and it goes like this.
1. There is no real choice and no real difference.
Of course there are superficial distinctions. But that’s just greasepaint.
Or maybe ‘carnival mask’ is a better analogy.
Or child catchers in borrowed gaudy
A guise anyhow. Their public images are applied personas with applied values intended to appeal to different demographics, create ready-made and meaningless binaries, and the illusion of debate, democracy in action – real choice.
Trump is the straight talking loudmouth “maverick” designed to appeal to libertarians, old fashioned conservatives and the Bible Belt – those who “want America back.”
RFK jr has been added to that deal to get some Covid skeptics on board, who otherwise might be thinking for themselves.
Harris is “woke” in all its self-contradicting, double-talking insanity. She’s awful, but the vision of Trump is so much worse that the half-crazed American “Left” embraces her clammy corpse with passion.
But, as anyone with half a brain and the courage to use it can clearly see, under those grotesque little masks, they’re just puppets of the same globalism – like pretty much every political figure, commentator, show business personality you can name.
Whatever rear end gets to park itself in that Oval Office chair the results will be the same.
Same as NOW. A mere continuation of the rollout, revealed in all its stark horror back in 2020.
The only slight difference may be in the media narratives employed to get us all there. Which bring us to…
2. Your votes don’t count
I mean, why would you think they do?
Let me get this straight: they control the narrative, the media, the financial system, the education system, the healthcare system, and the food supply, but you think they let you control who is PRESIDENT?
— Andrea Lynn (@andrealynn_rn2) October 10, 2024
See, while all candidates are globalist puppets working for the same agenda, you still can’t be allowed to choose your preferred puppet, because the narrative-controllers have a preferred story they want to tell at any given time and a preferred puppet best suited to serving that story.
In 2020 that story was best served with some iteration of “Biden” in the White House.
Why? Why was a senile, clearly non-functional, creepy old man their chosen POTUS?
Well, good question and there’s a lot to speculate about on this. Perhaps it was part of an ongoing bid to discredit and undermine the office of the US President, prior to at some stage, removing it. Or maybe something else, or a combination of factors.
All we know for certain is this was the desired outcome – because the agenda-managers moved heaven and earth to make sure it came to pass.
You really have no excuse for avoiding this fact any longer. It was spelled out for you in 2020, when the election was openly rigged, right there before your eyes on mainstream TV.
The story had been written. Biden was going to end up in the WH – no matter how many people voted against him.
Again, not because Trump was or is some dangerous anti-establishment voice they need to silence. He blatantly is not any such thing. He’s a bought and paid for globalist who willingly shilled for the covid lie and will just as willingly shill for the rest of Agenda 2030, whatever empty promises he makes right now.
It’s just that the narrative managers had a chosen storyline for the next 4 years, and that storyline was best achieved with puppet Biden in the WH rather than puppet Trump.
So, which puppet has been chosen as the best agenda-purveyor in 2024?
Hard to say. It could go either way. Maybe even the producers of this drama haven’t quite made up their minds yet.
Does it matter, other than as a curiosity?
No. Not in the slightest.
It’s just about what faces you see on your TV for the next few years, what flavor of bullshittery they feed you as excuse/provocation.
The road may look a little different, but the destination is the same.
And that destination is what we need to be focusing on – if we are to have any chance of avoiding it.
The (s)election is just another entertainment package to distract you, engage and enrage you. Every oops moment, every gaff, every “shocking reveal”, every “leaked” blah blah, every “unscripted phone call”, every poignant moment, are all contrived in a writers’ room for your delectation.
Like an awful lot of everything else we call “news”.
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Excellent and truthful presentation of why the country will collapse, and nothing remains to save us except removing these politicians in any way we can.
You fail right into the trap– the same trap that has been set every four years since day one. There are, as usual, other candidates. Intelligent, ethical free-thinkers. All are free to vote for them, would it be so: “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery… none but ourselves can free our minds” (Bob Marley…long ago). And if you believe that there is a mite of difference between Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land (Aristophanes…long, long ago). Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
The level of paranoia exhibited by the author is alarming.
Of course we are subjected continually to one-sided propaganda reinforced via censorship – or simple omission – of important events. But if EVERYTHING we are told is occurring is “contrived in a writers’ room for ..(our) delectation”, then it’s quite logical to assume that Catte Black is doing the same thing. One might then also query whether “Catte Black” is even a real person, or ‘offGuardian’ is “controlled opposition”? You get the point!
The fact is that the propaganda we are subjected to has little effect among a sizeable part of the population; much of it is so crude it is simply ignored. Anyone who can join a few dots knows at some level that the 2020 US election was brazenly rigged, the covid “pandemic” was orchestrated and the Ukraine war is the result of Western (primarily US) provocation which culminated in the 2014 coup in Kiev.
The larger point is that Catte Black’s line of thinking ignores the uneven course of history. The fact is that now and then someone (or something) goes “off-script” or does not fulfill the role they are expected to play. Recent examples are Musk purchasing Twitter, Trump winning in 2016 and Putin going ahead and invading Eastern Ukraine in 2022. Does the author honestly think that all these events were part of some master plan with a detailed script?
It’s clear Putin was not expected to call the West’s bluff, or at least not as early as he did; hence the overt threats (e.g. about the Nord Stream pipeline) when Russian forces started preparing to invade Ukraine. As for Trump, even if he was to play a role as a foil, as the author suggests, he was not supposed to win in 2016; he wasn’t even supposed to be the Republican candidate! Or does Black really believe that Trump was deliberately placed in the White House so that the Deep State could then manufacture the Russia hoax and all the ensuing nonsense that transpired, right up to the fake charges and pathetic attempts to remove him from the ballot earlier this year? The same applies to Musk. His purchase of Twitter was off-script: as a supposed member of the elite, he had no need to do this. Or does Catte imagine that Musk’s role was to expose massive state censorship which included outing an entire cohort of FBI employees embedded in the company; and to then, as a “deep-state player”, agree to a new role being publicly smeared as an Emmanuel Goldstein figure?
Trying to convince people that any course of action is merely playing into the hands of some evil cabal which controls everything eventually breeds stasis. And when a void is created in a society, it will be filled, most commonly with the emergence of 4th rate non-entities & rabble-rousers. The most obvious examples in Western history are the rise to power of psychopaths like Lenin & Hitler.
is does Catt.
General consensus outside of this place does have the blog as a pro chri$£ydumb pro small hat pro Trump pro populism pro Rfk jr whilst also supposedly being disgruntled ex lefties.
I thought you was very pro Conservative with the citation and twitter (re)posts you use as sources and many of your mam alt media friends are die hard Christian or j3w1sh and believe in white bearded sky gods as a Savior and that is the only fault I can find.
Never seen a article about how fake religion is though.
Why is that..?
I can assure you we are definitely not “pro small hat”, in fact we consider anyone who wears a hat less than three feet wide to be a government shill. I can’t tell you whether or not we are “pro chri$£ydumb” because I don’t know what that means, but if it’s nice I’m sure we are happy to support it.
Realistic article. The US election is choosing between a Zionist, Harris and an ultra-Zionist, Trump. The only winner can only be the Globalists since the Zionists are their “chosen people”.
FBI fake raid, WWE fake scripted assassination attempts, 33 court cases.
adding Rfk jr to the bill.
it is so beyond theatrics stupid.
I think this is an over simplification. There is a difference between the two options. Trump appears to have ben selected this time round and that tells us something. In part it is an acknowledgement by our masters that doubt about the credibility of the system has reached a potentially dangerous level. A Trump “victory” will resolve doubts about the integrity of the system for many.
We can also deduce that it will lead to a back-off in pushing the extreme social reforms and an end to the Ukraine war. The focus will be the greater Israel project.
It seems Harris has been chosen to lose as the worst possible candidate the dems could field. If she does win, we can deduce that a period of intense instability is planned.
But the fake assassination attempts and a steady stream of celebrities, business hacks and operatives endorsing Trump suggest he has been chosen. The announcement he will appear on Rogan’s show seems a clear sign.
look at this for a shill fest
check out all the speakers and how many where called out in the comment section as SHILLs and hear they are all now shilling for Trump.
To all the red/black pillers (purples?)
Yeah, great, the revolution will be fab. Look forward to it.
In the meantime, choose your government.
Harris/Obama or Trump.
That’s your choice.
When was the revolution again ?
Let’s try again…
You. Don’t. Have. Any. Choice.
Red and Blue are both puppets of same globalists.
And they rig the vote go make sure their preferred puppet wins
No. Choice.
Sorry, I missed the bit when you told me when your glorious revolution was going to save the world.
I’ll wait.
here’s my plan – instead of being a voting zombie convincing yourself you’re making a difference when you’re not, find the courage to face reality.
STOP endorsing the lie and instead try to wake up just ONE other person.Just one. And then encourage them to do the same.
Because if we all did that, one person at a time eventually there’d be no more normy zombies – and then what?
Imagine a world where no one believed the lies any more. That really would be a revolution. Because real revolutions happen in the consciousness.
13 month old baby, broke the looking glass, now we have 7 years bad luck and the ladders are about to fall.
“If we all did that”
As I said, I’ll wait.
How do we, as ordinary folk, change the way all this crap works?
We don’t.
We have to wait for the crash and burn and hope we come out the other side.
In the meantime, try to enjoy what’s left of the good bits.
That’s it.
Good article.
On Tuesday 5 November in the USA – “The Circus Is In Town” > (1960s folk singer)
but i’ll be distracted by Australia’s annual “Race That Stops The Nation” – The
Melbourne Cup…
Eat yer hearts out, Yanks !
The ‘sport’ of Kings, where, if a horse doesn’t cut the mustard, it is churned into dog food.
Tens of thousands of them slaughtered around the world EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR because they’re not fast enough.
New South Wales has 2.02 million dogs and 1.58 million cats (2022 survey)…
That’s a lot of animals to feed so the horses wont go to waste…
And who would let dogs and cats starve ?
‘Let em eat cake’
RFK jr was endorsed by Mr Curtis and printed by yourselves and RFK jr even wrote a review of Ed Curtis book which he happily shows off.
I am glad OFFG has seen the light with the voting rigged thing and anyone thinking the rigged thing started in 2020 needs to wake up some..
Trump is easily the best choice, despite not being perfect and despite the democratic process being flawed. Trump had a good record as President too – certainly the best President since Clinton.
“The decision to deploy the first moab also revealed the Trump Administration’s revised chain of command. With the approval of U.S. Central Command, Nicholson called in the strike, a reflection of how President Trump has shifted major wartime decisions to the U.S. military brass. Pressed on whether he had ordered the mission, Trump told reporters, on Thursday, “What I do is authorize my military.” President Obama, a lawyer, was deeply involved in decision-making on all major military actions. Trump has deflected decisions to the generals who hold key positions in his inner circle or who are in the field.”
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“To fully comprehend this risk, a cognitive conservation phenomenon, one must contemplate the Stanislav Petrov incident. In 1983, the satellite-based Soviet Oko nuclear early warning system detected that an intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile had been launched by the United States. The automated system reported, with the “highest” confidence, that a U.S. missile strike was underway. Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov, on duty, was responsible for alerting his Soviet superiors of the attack.” Cory Morningstar
I have no problem with Trump authorizing his military officers to take command. Some of them are very experienced in the field. SOME of them. I hope, SHOULD he become president again🙄 – which I doubt very much, unless he has already struck a deal behind the scenes -, that he has the guts and the sense to throw all those woke, transbeings out since they only care about spreading pedophilia, dirty sex and rape…. Their brains are overtaken by sexviruses and are useless for anything else.Bring back a MALE army, NO WOMEN in combat details, they are useless there. This is what this grandma thinks about all that insane feminism: WOMEN with PENIS ENVY! That’s all they are!
“Technology is accelerating and we are entering the Forth Industrial Revolution; a biological revolution.” Dr. Peter Emanuel, US Army Senior Scientist for bioengineering
“On this episode we’re joined by Dr. Peter Emanuel, U.S. Army Senior Scientist for bioengineering and Dr. Diane DiEuliis, Senior Research fellow at National Defense University. In 2019, they co-authored a paper on the Cyborg Soldier — the result of a Secretary of Defense red team task force exploring the future of man-machine enhancements and the warfighter of 2050.”
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“History tells us that when any new technology emerges, it is both an angel and a devil,” He wrote on the site.
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“Despite all the hostility directed against Modern Matriarchal Studies, it is not possible to disregard its findings. It presents us with a well balanced, egalitarian and basically peaceful society. It can exist without life destroying inventions like wars of conquest and the rule of dominance. This is why I am convinced that matriarchy is needed in the struggle for a humane world.”
Dr. Heide Goettner-Abendroth
Except that Trump is by far the biggest Zionist in the race today. Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that his whole first term was just meant to butter us up for his second, when he takes us to war against Iran for the sake of ‘Greater Israel’ … hope I’m wrong. But I can’t stop the feeling that Trump has been ‘tapped’ by the Zionist elite, which he has spend his whole life felating. (Full disclosure: I voted twice for Trump myself, so I am definitely no Demon-crat.)
and even if you did it would MAKE NO DIFFERENCE.
what does it take to get this through to some people?
So what are you going to do about it ?
This manner of election is above all else the very kind of election the American people by and large want. It’s a sporting event, coming right on the heels of the World Series and just a few months before the Super Bowl. In other words, it fills a gap in people’s entertainment schedule. November is kind of a lull in sporting activity, so a nice election helps relieve the boredom.
Plus it has the inestimable virtue of requiring one and only one kind of thinking: remembering talking points. Elections, as you can see, are not for Dementia patients, who might “recall” Kamala having been nearly assassinated by MAGA; and Trump having chosen one Tim Waltz as his VP. This will not do! Elections are a little more serious than that!
None of that matters to We the People. We fight- some refuse- and we fight anyway. Those who won’t are cowards. Cowards exist on every level of battle. We fight anyway.
There is a HUGE difference between America’s two major political parties in that while the Republicans prefer traditional sex based public toilets – the Democrats much prefer “gender-neutral” public toilets. I mean the “choice” couldn’t be more clear – well, at least for anyone with a “public toilet fetish” I suppose. : )
Re Operation Warp Speed. What is missed is that Trump did not mandate the vaccines. The operation to undertake a massive vaccination campaign was sadly necessary to prove once and for all that no vaccine ever has been of any benefit except to big pharma’s business and profit, creating customers for life.
Those who were wise avoided the shots, those who were not suffered the consequences, playing Russian roulette with their bodies.
Some who were injured woke up and realised their mistake and repented.
Others keep on at it, insisting that being very ill after the jabs proves they are working. I have tried to dissuade some from destroying themselves, but they prefer to inflict pain on their bodies.
Many of such people in the States seem to be die hard Democrat Biden/Harris loving voters and take the shots despite hating Trump. They are not suspicious that if he praises them perhaps they are not a good idea after all.
They are likely therefore to die hard. Stupid is as stupid does.
Trump praising the vaccines is one of the tests of competence. Many fail the tests, so he keeps at it until people wake up or perish.
If “they” would have opened up society and not mandated the shots, they might have had a perfect cash cow moving forward, but they overplayed their hand and now, nobody wants the shots.
For which we shall be eternally grateful. Although I find some do still want the shots. They obviously enjoy Russian roulette.
Wait – so Trump told people to get the vaccine to see if they were stupid enough to believe him?
That is fucking demented even by Q Standards.
He seems to think Trump is God, testing his people to see if they are worthy of the promised land. All our Lord Trump can do is “keep at it” until everyone is saved! Truly demented.
<He seems to think Trump is God…>
Oh you are a wag! No, God is God last time I asked him. He doesn’t intend giving up that role.
Still, I guess you haven’t been observing closely what has been going on since the world went stark raving bonkers over the ‘flu in 2020.
Or read my post ‘The Great Covid Retest’. There is an exam paper you can download and see how well you do.
By the way, Chlamydia Tealeaf is a wonderful moniker.
However I am somewhat concerned that it anagrams to ‘facially meathead’. I hope it is not significant.
<so Trump told people to get the vaccine to see if they were stupid enough to believe him?>
Mm, yes that is a good way of putting it simply. And of course people did because, to use your language, they were fucking stupid. Some people still are. I trust you did not get the vaccine.
Of course not only did Trump say such things but a lot of others did too to us in the UK.
It was, I repeat, a great way to check just how fucking stupid some people really are. Some people hate Donald Trump yet continue to have the vaccines despite him praising them.
That is exceedingly fucking stupid which is why I call it a severe case of Long Stupid. If you read my links you might be amused at least.
The Zionists are assured of benefitting either way ,and the Maga crowd ,need let go of the once pleasant dream and wake up
The thing is, all the packets of lollies in the supermarket
“confections” aisle are made out of the same ingredients.
Its just the coloured packagings that are different…
Let’s assume that no-one’s coming to save us and the system is so far entrenched that it ain’t changing any time soon.
It then comes down to which flavour of the uniparty you want to live with.
In US, Red for smaller government, Blue for larger government.
In UK vice versa.
Oh please.
So you think government shrank under Trump? And then grew again under Biden?
You actually really think that?
They just spout different slogans.
How hard is this to understand?
I know that living in UK is better under blue flavour than red flavour.
In what way?
Biden in US . Starmer in UK.
Any questions ?
But what actual difference is there? Isn’t Starmer just continuing where Sunak left off? Won’t Trump continue where Biden leaves off? If you strip away the posturing and the cosmetic stuff what actually changes?
Let’s see what happens in Samoa.
Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris
The only thing that an X on a ballot changes is the amount of ink left in a pen.
You get a pen?!
They only trust us with wee pencils in aUStralia.
(Rhymes with failure).
Big time.
Pencil is easier to erase.
I agree with the main thrust of this article: the U$ election does not matter because all the good candidates were de-selected early in favour of puppets. Nevertheless I shall be disappointed if Trump is once again cheated out of his rightful second term by the murderous Obomber, Killery, Biden gang who destroyed Libya, nearly destroyed Syria, and are desperately trying to destroy Ukraine.
Why would they want to destroy Ukraine? I thought they were using Ukraine to destroy Russia. Isn’t that what you usually say?
No, they’re using Ukraine to destroy Germany, in fact. Ukraine has been/will be bought up and carved up for its natural resources and agricultural land. Hence the likes of BlackRock buying up Ukrainian land since Zelensky changed the law to allow foreigners to buy Ukrainian land. Meanwhile, lack of cheap Russian gas means that Germany needs to buy expensive LNG from the US, which is obviously great for the US, and terrible for German manufacturing.
US elections never mattered as People in America never governed themselves or had any influence on US policies.
For any thinking foreigner US electoral campaign is a spectacle of ridiculous and embarrassing to watch infantilization of used car salesmen. US electoral process has been disqualified as undemocratic and unfair by US Department of State own guidelines regarding assessment of democratic process in foreign countries as U.S. rejects international observers in contrast to most countries in the world.
America is a Capital democracy where majority of capital rules. Oligarchic rule is not just a fleeting abomination but is embedded in US constitution. And that is true in every election where strongest capital power in America and beyond wins and controls all of US and vassals’ politics and dictates all western policies “democratically” and equally; one dollar one vote.
The people who work for living having no financial capital have no vote and shouldn’t bother to humiliate themselves by becoming useful idiots who only legitimate capital rule by showing up to vote for nothing at all but more exploitation and misery regardless of puppet show.
Asking who to vote for in 2024 is an insult to human intelligence as mere act of vote is legitimizing capital rule and sham of democracy nothing else.
To fully understand Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn, see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJy8vTu66tE
Those people should be added to the permanent “pending” list. I would be happy not to see anything to do with Trump or the US political mud slinging, shit-eating muppet show.
I have my own theory that the illusory “choices” they give us are themselves a ritual of humiliation and mockery.
In 2020 we were given an absurd blustering clown with ridiculous hair and an overtly senile kiddie fiddler.
In 2024 we have the same clown plus an airhead alcoholic.
If the ptb really wanted classier puppets they could easily acquire them. These relics and hollow shells are picked for a reason. We are shamed by our willingness to endorse any and every piece of human detritus picked to represent our supposed, but clearly merely token, ‘values’.
Have no more of it. Catte is correct
Yes, I believe the choice in 2020 was, very much like the c19 spectacle, and more so than at any point in history, a test.
A test to see how cartoonishly bad the candidates could both get and still be taken seriously, the process still be taken seriously, discussed pointlessly and ad nauseum, and creating unalterable division, enmity, and fully closed minds on both teams. To see how close the populace was/is to that depicted in the prophetic movie, ‘Idiocracy’, however funny it is.
Very close, it turns out.
I approve of this message!
whilst you can’t choose all things, i think its important, if you get very lucky to have a mum like mine,and a wife like mine, and a son like mine
Who Put Children First – despite everything that happens and it will – marriages split up, and people you love die – That is just the territory of human life. Its OK to be sad and burst into tears, when everything goes wrong beyond your worst nightmare, if you have a cat to come home too. She understand everything and empathises with you as you stroke her…
And her ears prick up – don’t worry Grandad
The kids are Back
It were top bureaucrats like Antony Fauci & co who sold the covid lie to 99.99% of all Americans including Trump, left, right and center. To blame Trump for that is ridiculous; he is one of the few billionaires who is not a globalist. Trump makes his money domestically in real estate, not via China production like the rest. Trump had nothing to do with selling “vaccines”, weapons, spyware mobile phones, cheap Walmart/ Amazon stuff worldwide etc.
On top of it only Trump @ covid was under heavy negative PR & lawfare from a fake Steele dossier so would have a hard time to think straight and be part of the 0.01% of people who managed to see through the covid lie.
Blaming Trump for the covid mess is totally disingenuous.
Not voting is four years of Kamala Harris laughing herself to the bank while the world goes backwards to 1984.
Trump was put there to con you into trusting the system, Antonym. Period.
Who trusts the post 1945 US System? Only those paid by it.
With the Kamala Con you know what you get; with Trump ‘The Show’ might not go on. Worth even the 10% chance.
Trump was put there to make people wake up and think. Many people make idols out of mere mortals though and reject God and his righteousness.
So, God put Trump there?
You might say that, page 684, its a rather significant # on the woman’s side of the ledger.
Yes. In the King James Version of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:52 says
“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
So perhaps in Donald we have the last Trump. God has this odd sense of humour, but as is written “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
This whole Covid farce has been a complete pantomime and one needs to keep up with the jokes, even if they are black humour.
Trump signed in the mRNA poisoning of the USA and will evidently sign whatever adds to his coffers or helps keep him in power. The guy is the archetypal redneck used car salesman. He also has some prime bridges for sale…
Blaming Trump for the covid mess is totally disingenuous.
1.8 trillion added to the debt for the cost of covid whilst he was in charge.
Trump was mercilessly attacked during his presidency and the Trump hatred continues. It is hard to believe it is all just for show.
Why is that hard to believe? The show certainly worked on you didn’t it. It got you invested. You are now convinced Trump is a bona fide outsider.
I get the cynical take I really do, but I am concerned the cynical view changes nothing in the world but will lead me into bitterness and bleakness. Then what? In the seventies a lot of us choose to opt out, not sure that changed much.
If voting changes nothing and is intended to change nothing then by voting you are already doing nothing beyond deceiving yourself to the contrary.
instead of voting and doing nothing try waking up those around you. The more awake people there are the less easy the powers will find it to achieve their goals. They need the passive acceptance of the masses, and the voting charade helps to achieve that.
Now when people talk party politics to me I simply tell them I don’t vote because both candidates are globalists who intend on the same agenda and 2020 displayed levels of corrupt malfeasance inconsistent with real democracy.
People take this simple truth on board to an extent that at first surprised me.
What is wrong with voting AND try waking up those around you?
The former takes you ~ 1 hour. Globalists love less native ballots and more immigrant votes: hand it to them on a silver platter, plus bragging rights after about US “democrazy”.
Universal suffrage was created as a safety valve against real change. The act of voting gives a person the illusion they have choice and power. It makes a person believe the ruling elites are not a monolith and that some of them speak for him/her. This creates complacency. People who believe their votes count are invested in the status quo and very unlikely to do anything to seriously undermine it.
More people will realize that the present US democrazy is fake if you vote for Trump and let the Swamp stifle his bid even more than last round. Make life hard for them; they will need to expose themselves too much this round.
The UK is a different kettle of fish and chips: no Wild Card present in the London Bog.
Fair comment. I see Queer Stammer is struggling. Still ‘Labour’ is hard work I understand!
Voting or not voting is really just the difference between consent and assent. In the short-term, nothing much will change either way; but it is important for us to begin the process of pulling our heads out of the Matrix.
Pity us poor aUSsies then.
Voting is COMPULSORY! Federal, state and local😖
I just scrawl invective on their toilet paper ballot forms😜
The last time I cared was when they had empty boxes, with the candidates/minor parties I had intended to vote for simply omitted from the ballot papers. This after I had thoroughly studied every candidate and party platform of those registered with the Australian Electoral Commission just a couple of weeks before the election. The whole thing is a fraud. I’ll vote informally this time.
I refused to go to the polling booths about twenty years ago. I had to front court a few months later.
The magistrate gave me a serve of shit salad using the same old spin:
Duty, freedom, choice etc etc.
I almost puked.
I tried to have my say, but courts are very intimidating places so my off the cuff response was pretty lame.
Paid my fine and never crossed a box since.
‘ It’s a private club and we ain’t in it’ (Thanks George).
So, Australians are forced into accepting their slavery by putting an X in a box, but fined if they reject it. A beautiful country with good people but a true fully operational penal colony.
They are Not having a Bonfire in Our Local Park, Nor Fireworks (which were always Brilliant) Nor even a Laser Show which was crap
But The CURE who had their first Big Live Gig in Our Park, have got a New Album Out (only heard one song on Radio Caroline – but it seems he can still sing)
But can the The Drummer still Do This…Its all about Death, but totally hypnotic
“All Cats are Grey”
Objectivity is undergirded by subjectivity;
there’s no such thing as Truly 0bjective.
Charles Hugh Smith claims ‘Though we see mythology as the dusty
remnant of a bygone era of ignorance, we’ve created a secular
mythology that we dont even recognize, a Progress mythology of
beliefs that are not science, though we cloak them in the raiment
of science.’
‘The core idea is that our view of Technological Progress is not scientific.
Rather it is a secular mythology from the 19th century.’
Very true. The widespread belief in ‘Progress, comrade!’ is nothing other than a modern, Godless religion.
Catte Black
I will get back to watching Netflix – Breeders – it makes me – laugh – cos we are like that.
“The (s)election is just another entertainment package to distract you, engage and enrage you.”
Yes, so what am I supposed to do, witnessing mass Genocide?
I can’t vote these evil people away?
Am I supposed to worry my wife, about the latest top footballer dropped dead, or all the other young people we know dropped dead?
She is lovely and she is happy and a great Granny to our young Grand Kids
Most people our age are like that.
Its hard enough to get the new central heating to work to keep warm, rather than worrying about the psychos trying to freeze and starve us to death.
I do have a reserve of smokeless coal in our shed, and we do have a black cat.
and we can forage
You’re ill, seek help.
Not sure about Tony Thom.
His little anecdotes/reminiscences can be amusing, but he’s either attended too many loud rock concerts, smoked too much weed or he’s playing with our heads.
-6 to me says Tony’s colleagues are here to make sure their operation of screwing with our heads continues. If he a 60’s stoner then fair enough 😉
He’s a strange entity who has invented a persona for himself. He’s definitely not British, probably from the Midwest, keeps changing details of his autobiography, so we assume it’s all invented. Other than that – who knows. We only publish a fraction of the stuff he posts. We try to strike a balance.
Thanks, Sophie. Keep up the good work 👍
there is the “poisoned chalice” stratagem in election manipulation, whereby candidates in which popular aspirations have been invested are allowed to take control of a state that then suffers catastrophic, often clandestinely orchestrated crises, until dissatisfaction with the performance of this sabotaged government becomes so intense that the ardor for change among people who supported it is safely extinguished
but we shouldn’t overlook the real stakes in these voting exercises, which obviously will not bring about any meaningful improvement for the citizenry as a whole, but absolutely can affect the fortunes of various factions within the oligarchy, otherwise these kingmakers would not feel obliged to throw billions of dollars at their campaigning cronies, though some hedge their bets and fund both sides at once
and the rise or fall of some factions can have local effects, which might lead to huge disadvantages for a particular country or industry, and therefore warrant some attention
in the US technically there is always the option to vote for a third party, at the local level and even on the presidential ballot, with for instance Green Party politicians actually sometimes winding up in control of a municipality here or there
but when alternative parties succeed within the established power structure, they have a way of quickly shedding any differences that might distinguish them from the dominant parties, as the case of the Green Party in Germany sadly demonstrates, so that in the final analysis, abstinence is undoubtedly the most reliable protest vote, and one that truly does seem to preoccupy the rulers, to the point where many regimes make failure to participate a crime
Unfortunately, it’s fake and it’s always been fake. Democracy is an illusion. The governments are private corporations owned by the aristocracy. They transitioned to this model to prevent any chance of real revolutions, which is why all the past “revolutions” were staged events.
The billions spent in electioneering props up the illusion. And because the cryptocracy’s cartel own *all* the media and *all* the publishing sector it’s an opportunity for them, their puppet politicians and the political parties they also own, to scam billions in money, time and energy from the dumb voters and volunteers.
This is how the cryptocracy think: Everything is a racketeering opportunity. And they reenact ancient rituals and revel in their power, using public ceremonies and speeches, cartel signaling in plain sight, whilst mocking the uninitiated and unaware slaves who cluelessly wave the flags (heraldry colors) of their real owners.
It’s one of the greatest cons in history.
In a commodified society where everything has a price there’s no chance the cryptocracy will allow any money making opportunity for any additional profitable scam, grift or con to go to waste.
The voting farce and the private governments serves the cryptocracy on so many levels, whilst allowing them to maintain complete control, continually dividing and conquering. Not just through the two or multi-party system, but also dividing those who unwittingly vote for their own continued enslavement and those who don’t.
Both are candidates for president……of Israel! Huh?
Exactly – DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) is in charge – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=DaSynagogue+Satan&updated-max=2024-04-04T11:30:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 – until churchianity is cleansed from its servitude to Old Scratch – then the remnant will rebuild civilization….again!
I’m going to have to disagree with you strongly for two reasons…
1) Although both parties cater to a kleptocracy only one goes out of its way to fully pander to it.
2) Elections in the US are several distinct contests run at the same time. The race for President is just one of a dozen or more separate races that include state, county and local contests. As we’ve seen from repeated electoral college fiascos state races, especially for what used to be rather boring down ticket contests like Secretary of State, the results for local elections can have a huge impact on national races and are far more likely to affect on personally.
(Incidentally, this inability to appreciate the totality of an election event is why the notion of ‘stuffing ballots’ doesn’t make sense. There are just too many types of ballots out there to conveniently predict which ones to stuff, especially if you don’t want a glaring statistical anomaly.)
We could tidy up elections in the US by getting the money out of them. Running for office at the federal level or even for larger counties and states is too expensive so it starts to look like ‘pay to play’ with campaign donors.
If only the US/ U.K. Western satraps had someone who had a bit of backbone!
So Viktor Orban has been pushed out of the EU and become the second European country to joined the BRICS. Good show!
That will increase the BRICS reputation for having some leaders who put the interests of their country above being “all in it together” like they are in the EU$A.
Yes, I watched the reactions of Van de Lyen and the other satraps for the City of London/ Wall Street/ controlling families who were indignant with rage because he told them something they are not accustomed to hearing.
The truth !
I stopped voting for criminals in 1976.
Lady president has been introduced to us via TV series / Films and the Simpsons and via the truthers years ago.
Trump like the other populism leader deceivers who believe in Abrakadrahamic lot does a great job of hopium opium and keeping the believes hypnotized.
Most of the shill truthers alt media lot including Ryan LVB and U>k shillum all believe in end times.
From an occult perspective that voting engagement ritual is so important.
The christydoom lot are wearing Maga on the temple in colour orange.
pseudo Hero to the not so wise. bad aroma Musk with his dark maga freemasonic mudra

I’m always reminded of the essay W.E.B. Dubois wrote in 1956, 68 years ago, “Why I Won’t Vote”.
“In 1956, I shall not go to the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.”
Why I Won’t Vote: W.E.B. Du Bois | libcom.org
Or you can go back to 1904, 121 years ago, and Eugene Debs’ speech as a candidate for President with the Socialist Party:
“The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.”
The Socialist Party And The Working Class (marxists.org)
There are many, many other examples just like that, from notable people, since the very beginning of this two party political system.
Of course, hardly anyone ever talks about changing it. Even those who should know better. To do that would ruin the game, upset their apple cart. Just keep people caught up in a fake, long and drawn out process where they think they have a choice in things, and the show will go on. Then start it over again, immediately, before the lems wake up.
It’s still amazing to me how many that, again, should know better, are falling for Trump as a better choice, or even a must choice, even with all the clues he’s given them (“I’m Israel’s best friend!”, “I’ll bomb the hell out of Iran!”, “I saved millions with the fantastic Covid-19 vaccine!”, etc.) I’ve come to look at it as which one might be more fun to watch, in a sick way of course. And that would be Trump. The dude is such an idiot, who knows what could happen. Both candidates are surprisingly stupid, which is kind of like how law enforcement likes their pigs, easier to get them to follow orders. And it makes them even more dangerous.
It privately turned socialist in 1913 w/the formation of the Fed, now pubically it appears to have run out other peoples money, and we know from experience what occurs after that.
Socialism for the wealthiest? Using socialism, communism and fascism inter-changably is deliberate.
What occurs when the US dollar goes is … CBDC.
It’s been here a while. It’s called the USDC on the crypto market.
You mean only, no cash? b/c its sort of already here for the in crowd.
4 years trying to get Trump out of office, the 2020 election theft, the staged insurrection of Jan 6th, the massive, ongoing rigging of voting procedures across the US, 2 failed assassination attempts and now hurricanes steered to prevent fair voting in red states show how much the deep state or globalist shadow government fears and wants to ensure its puppets keep winning US elections. Democracy may not matter to Catte Black, but preventing it clearly matters greatly to the powers that shouldn’t be.
The article did not say democracy does not matter.
There is no need to “steer hurricanes”. Just divert most of the public funds meant for public services and contingencies to cronies, “very important countries”, etc.
Trump is an actor like every other corrupt puppet in both parties and everything you mentioned and the entire political/electoral charade is nothing more than a scripted Hollywood production to entertain, manipulate, divide, and distract the masses while behind the scenes the the real rulers – the corporate oligarchs, big bankers, and billionaires, who have no loyalty to any party, country, etc. – are hard at work planning and conducting the globally-coordinated class war against humanity in order to usher in the New World Order of depopulation and digital slavery while people like you are hypnotized by the shadows on the wall.
You can’t prevent what doesn’t exist. There is no democracy in the West. The elites will always get the puppet they want, whether by hook or by crook. Even if We The People(TM) should happen, by some remarkable turn of events, to ‘vote wrong,’ the elites will simply fraud their Chosen One into office, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about that … except, of course, to Vote harder! next time. 😂
Whilst this article has its merits, it doesn’t delve very deep into who are actually pulling the strings in the US ‘ presidential ‘ elections.
Here is one, not by any means the sole view, on who are some of the string pullers in around the president of the US !
As I’ve been saying for several years now:
Watch: Former Sec. of State, Mike Pompeo dances with soldiers
Former US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was recently received by the soldiers of the Armored Corps’ 73rd Battalion with singing and dancing.
Israel National News
Feb 13, 2024
From your Link to Unz:
< Who Is In Charge of US Foreign Policy?
Is it Israel Lobby or White House Gang or No One at all? >
I think its No One, because No One is as incompetent as U$ Foreign Policy.
That figures, just like the UK with a ventriloquist’s dummy prentending to be a PM.
I tell ya, I can’t do another month, let alone another 4yrs of election interference nonsense.
Yeah it happens. It’s been happening well before computers were used, but it’s become easier.
The Dems moan about it. The Reps moan about. In fact everyone moans about it. Moan, moan, moan, moan….moan!
So when the moaning happens this time, can we all just point out to the whingers and whiners, that they could have all come together as adults and have called in the UN to oversee it.
Can you imagine the meltdowns and ab-dabs……..happy days.
Strap In.
Oh yeah. The UN – that would sort it all out. 🙄
They always have a staged terrorist attack or big orchestrated event before the selections.
No, but they always do stage them before wars: Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11.
The great danger is that th USA will be positioned to fight the war for Israel against Iran – followed by declarations that the USA is the threat to world peace and this cannot be allowed to continue. Do they have a solution for that?…
Which candidate is more likely to prevent this? The answer of course is neither which is why they are the candidates.
If the Democrats win, there’s more of a chance of war with Russia. If the Republicans win (as I suspect), there will be a greater chance of war in the middle east. Some choice!
You’re still hooked on seeing them as different though. You’re talking as if they’re rhetoric means something and will translate to actions. I don’t think so. They shout different slogans but they do all the same things.
Just like in the UK with Starmer taking over from Sunak. Same difference. NO difference. Just new faces and new suits.
Different arse, same shit.
But does Trump defend free speech, the essential foundation of other human rights, truth-seeking and science? If so, then his victory matters hugely, for that reason alone.
You mean the same trump that has threatened journalists with jail and prison rape? Threatened anyone who says bad things about him? The same trump that has never even read the Bill of Rights, let alone the Constitution? This Trump, “Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen,”?
He pretends to. But aligning ones self with Elon musk should show just how far that pretence goes. I’m just sure DARPA boy is all for unrestricted speech, right?
The two of them are alike. Blabber first, think later. When can we expect Musk to leave for Mars?
Trumpowitz is already threatening to deport ‘pro-Hamas’ (i.e., anti-genocide) ‘radicals,’ so I surmise that freedom of speech must now be … bad for the Jews?
Gore, then Kerry giving the elections to GW, the first true moron president, was the final straw for me. Killing JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm wasn’t enough, even when it should have been. The lies, the wars, now before our eyes WW3, not enough? Somehow human beings extend confidence to their given environment and social situation. But that’s when natural conditions, largely governed by Earthly limits, apply. The “founding fathers”, the rich businessmen class, took over rule from a king and rigged up a system tailored to their needs but including some liberties they wanted for themselves and knew were evolving into an expectation by commoners. Post Civil War, railroad and Robber Barons, the country was shoehorned into a corporate state. Corporate capitalism with WAR as operating system has ruled ever since. Now obsolete like the old kings were, it’s ruling class clings to power thru attempted techo-fascism to keep the plebs in LOCKDOWN. As they take down Humanity in a last desperate gasp, do we become aware to withdraw all confidence, and replace our authoritarian “parent” rule with egalitarian adult self-rule?
Brilliant piece and completely correct. Thanks.
Good to see a succinct article spelling it out so clearly.
This message needs to be repeated over and over again. Lesser evil politics is simply an illusion which changes so little, it may as well be nothing.
It only exists to manipulate the public into thinking the system is working as designed.
Which it is. Just not the way they think.
Should we reject a ‘lesser evil politics’ in which the US Presidency does not threaten free speech?