Subtle Anomalies

Todd Hayen

Has anyone else noticed strange things happening? Odd things that seem out of place? Like more incidents of weird dopey driving or seeing more ambulances or fire trucks in the neighborhood? I have. But I don’t know if it is just due to my paranoia.

In preparation for this article, I did a Yandex search for: “Is personality and cognitive function affected by the Covid vaccine?”

I was astounded by the pages of related articles, some of the titles include:

“Scientists have confirmed that mRNA vaccinations ‘drastically alter’ the personalities of recipients due to extensive damage they do to the small capillaries in the brain,”

“Do the Covid vaccines affect your ability to think?” “We now have proof the Covid vaccines damage cognition,”

“Personality changes in vaxxed people,” and “Covid injections continue to provoke cognitive decline.

Here is a link to this search so you can see for yourself.

Goodness. This is pretty serious. But if all of this is true, wouldn’t you think it would show up in more drastic ways? If people’s driving ability, for example, was affected by the vaccine, wouldn’t we be seeing a huge rise in car accidents? As a matter of fact, this is what comes up from a simple Yandex search:

“The number of fatal car crashes in each state has risen significantly over the last several years. From 2018 to 2022, the number of deadly accidents in the United States increased by more than 16%—from 36,835 fatal car crashes in 2018 to 42,795 fatal car crashes in 2022”

Of course these dates are not quite right. The vaccine would have only affected the fatal accidents in 2021 and 2022. What about just stupid drivers? Fender benders and the like?

Well, it stands to reason if there are more automotive deaths, there are more minor accidents as well. Most of the research I did showed this, but, nothing I found was specific. I am sure a better researcher could find more information to corroborate this assumption.


Does this mean for certain that the Covid vaccines are causing more traffic accidents? Of course not, but it is an interesting observation. What about declines in other areas—such as work productivity?

Again, any statistical evidence in this area could be due to a lot of things (and yes, there has been a noted decrease in work productivity over the past few years). What about stupid accidents in the workplace?

Well, there is no way to qualify an accident as “stupid” thus suggesting it was caused by a decline in cognitive ability, thus suggesting the Covid vaccine is causing a decline in cognitive ability. It is nearly impossible to pinpoint a cause in any of these areas. One thing we do know, however, is that the US has not seen a drop in car accidents, or a drop in work accidents, or an increase in workplace productivity. Go figure.

We all know the US IQ rate has been dropping for quite some time. But that too was first noted before the scamdemic. Can we attribute any recent drops in IQ amongst younger folks to the vaccine? There are lots of reports coming out from various places showing reason to be concerned about “Covid Kids” (those children affected right at the beginning of the Covid mandates) having serious issues due to masks, social oppression, school closings, and restrictions regarding visits from relatives. Needless to say, it is a mess.

What about personality? I have been reading about noted personality changes in the jabbed for quite some time. Read anything that Naomi Wolf has written, and you will find some interesting stories there. I have my own personal observations, but again, that could be due to my mental state and paranoia. Personality changes are a bit more subjective, and the things I have seen that I attribute to personality are quite subtle.

It is also easy to confuse “personality” with “cognitive ability.” If someone seems suddenly to be irrational, is that a personality thing or a cognitive thing?

Dr Michael Nehls who wrote the fascinating book The Indoctrinated Brain says that personality and mental health can easily be affected by physical changes in the brain. Even features we tend to consistently identify as mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety, can have a physiological origin.

Dr Nehls insists that nearly everything we are seeing these days concerning cognitive and mental dysfunction that is not attributed to the usual suspects, is a result of either the virus itself or the vaccine developed to fight it. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson he said:

“Curiosity is down, everything is down. But what people suffer from, many people suffer from is what we call brain fog, consequences of the jab or of the infection, which we call also post-vac or long COVID. And what I show is that this neuroinflammatory on the brain is caused by the spike protein leading to a cascade of events in the cell, in these immune cells which are in our brain, in this cascade, which leads to the production of these pro-inflammatory cytokines.

However, neuroinflammation can be caused by many things. It can be caused by excessive fear, fearmongering, and neuroinflammation can be caused by bacteria, by viruses, by infection, and chronic infections. So, it was shown that in order that the hippocampus, it’s our autobiographical memory center, which is the center where Alzheimer’s starts, needs to be functional, something which we call adult hippocampal neurogenesis, permanent production of new nerve cells, which have many, many functions we need to talk about. They’re essentially our mental immune system. And if this production is essentially shut down, then our mental immune system breaks down and we are free for everything. We can be conquered, and we would even accept it.

Emotions essentially change the way the brain works and strong emotions fear, for example, particularly in a situation where your mental immune system is down, meaning that your psychological resilience is down, it leads to a very strong effect in the brain, kind of neurotoxic effect, leakage of molecules out of the neurons, which are recognized by immune cells in the brain. And this recognition leads to an activation of an immune response, very strong immune response, activating cytokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and they attack the hippocampus, our autobiographical memory center, shutting down essentially many, many functions like, for example, curiosity, like for example, psychological resilience, it drops, meaning that everything that happens leads to an increased rate of depression. And it shuts down, which I’ve shown recently and which I’ve put in my book, it shuts down our ability to think.

So, the spike protein [present in the vaccine] essentially attacked humankind, the very basis of humans. Of course, at that time the spike protein was not very dangerous because it was an external inflammation outside the brain, which of course is transmitted to the brain, that’s known. And so, we had an indirect neuroinflammation. If you really want to attack the brain, you have to get the spike protein into the brain. That’s really dangerous. [It is known that due to the way the mRNA vaccine was developed, the spike protein it produces crosses the brain-blood barrier.]”

So, there you have it—not a pretty picture. I am curious to know if any of you out there have noticed similar things—people seeming nuttier than usual on the road, and in other personal encounters. How about at work—any noticeable oddities? Many say they can see a blankness in people’s eyes, a dullness in their personality. Please leave your own observations in the comments.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Oct 15, 2024 11:38 PM

So reading this was time I can never get back.

Muppet Show
Muppet Show
Oct 15, 2024 6:49 PM

I see lots of dead eyes, it is even worse in “developing” countries where vaccine compliance was higher due to subdued and dumbed down populations.

Then there is the smell, which I pick up on some people when walking past. It is the “covid” smell, a kind of pungent very unnatural almost sweet odour I can only approximately describe as burnt chemicals and burnt metal. I had this smell in my nose, replacing other sharp smells from things like mayonnaise or vinegar, for about a week when I had “covid” (no PCR test fake “confirmation”- it was a medium strength flu along with this nasty and new side effect) and I can sometimes pick up this smell from certain people who I think are heavily dosed with the mRNA poison.

Also, more signs of people having trouble with their sinuses or throat, along with the common “brain fog”. A close relative rapidly developed dementia requiring a caretaker within days of the second jab.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 15, 2024 6:05 PM

Curiosity can decline for reasons entirely distinct from vaccination.

It can decline if the fruits of curiosity appear, to the individual, to be not worth the extra effort required to be truly curious. In a world of out of control electronic theft, it’s quite hard to be curious online without others monitoring your curiosity. That may well benefit the peepshow perverts rather than the genuinely curious.

It can decline if the political system simply never responds to the integrity that comes with curiosity. If the reward for curiosity in the political sphere is imprisonment, being thrown out of major political parties, being ostracised by ‘polite society’, then in general the truly curious will find other things to do.

I’m not denying that Covid vaccinations could cause cognitive decline and drops in curiosity, but I think it’s pretty clear that the potential causes of cognitive decline and drops in curiosity could be multiple in nature…..

Oct 15, 2024 2:07 PM

Yes I’ve been noticing a gradual progression of this behavior, and the driving is so dangerous and really makes no sense. People excelerating on red lights but braking and going 10 miles on a green. Blowing through stop signs red lights… absolute craziness….. also seems worse around the 5G’s and airport areas….. I thought it was just me noticing this…. But Im glad others a re seeing it too. At work people have completely changed in their personalities….. a lot fighting and immaturity, people don’t want to work or are unable to do the job correctly…. Quality in service is way down everywhere I noticed….

David McBain
David McBain
Oct 15, 2024 6:03 AM

I’ve never known the expression: ‘Like talking to a brick wall’ to be more appropriate post convid.

Oct 15, 2024 2:35 AM

I looked up the search link at the bottom is a link to David ickie

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 14, 2024 7:01 PM

RE: Dr Nehls insists that nearly everything we are seeing these days concerning cognitive and mental dysfunction that is not attributed to the usual suspects, is a result of either the virus itself or the vaccine developed to fight it.

In his book Nehls (like RFK Jr) notes that the “virus” was a dud but then in contradiction attributes to it all kinds of health problems. They do this because, there’s no evidence to support the notion that pandemic ever happened (that is until the jabs arrived). So, they want it both ways as “controlled opportunists” there is money to be made in maintaining the deadly virus myth.

Oct 14, 2024 6:40 PM

All of the symptoms of social dysfunction have been incrementally building for 500 years. As long as the rich are accepted to “lead” Humanity, their psychosis-to-absolute-authority and unlimited exploitive wealth drives evermore insane command and control decisions affecting us like a plague. Alienation and entrapment with fewer and fewer options is being capped by synth drugs (in US urban areas one can see people standing but bent over in an L shape zombified for hours), illegal and legal, are just part of the TOTAL LOCKDOWN of the bottom 90%. Synth tech, synth ag+food, synth entertainment, synth med, synth military, synth life is meant to cage us before we add the 2+2’s we’ve been seeing since WW2, that the PTBs are THE enemy to Humanity and will execute any madness imaginable to stay in power (authority). Cultivating and harvesting a false consciousness within the public mind has been successful until now. It’s up to us.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 14, 2024 7:43 PM
Reply to  sandy

Humanity its self is on the way down over all, but, the evolutionary aspects of it, by the numbers, appears to be doing okay.

Oct 14, 2024 6:04 PM

My brother’s faith in the medical system increased dramatically since the pandemic. Now he’s on an antipsychotic medication that was subject of a class action lawsuit “to help with sleep”. Gained 200 lbs in a year. And his poor dogs are taking a fistful of pills every day too. He even says he loved the new Joker movie, won’t stop raving about it… dramatically stupider than he was before

Oct 15, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

This one belongs on the Babylon Bee. Very funny. Sad. But funny. My daughter was went to a “counselor” after the untimely death of her mother. Cancer took her. She was only 60. My daughter and she were inseparable. Prozac was the “happy” answer. Gained weight too. She was in competitive gymnastics from 9 years old through 18 years old. Strong. Real Strong. She could walk on her hands for an hour. Embarrassed a lot of boys in college. Got into competitive lifting with her husband. No more need for drugs.

Oct 14, 2024 5:52 PM

I’ve noticed since at least the “pandemic” that driving in the community where I live has gotten extremely faster, though not necessarily more reckless, than before Covid. There is an “anger” (for want of a better word) so palpable in this driving that it can be felt. In a 25 MPH zone, I’ve pulled out onto the road (this happened twice so far) and was actually passed by someone driving so fast they would have hit me otherwise (I live at the top of a hill and cannot see approaching vehicles).

I would be willing to bet this has nothing to do with the vaccine because (and please forgive what may at first sound racist) the majority of people here are black – and blacks (God love them) had a very poor turn-out for getting the vaccine.

I personally think there is a worldwide angst which may be the accumulated effect of years – possibly generations – of rule by madmen. And a big part of this angst is the unavoidable sense that we’ve done this to ourselves so there’s no one we can turn to for help. (When I say “we” I don’t mean to include the members of this forum!)

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 14, 2024 3:59 PM

Went to a rock/bark nursery the other day and they were out of what I wanted. The young kid working the counter said he’d take my name and number and they’d ring me when they got some in. I said, “Al”, and he was baffled and questioningly said “All”? and wrote All. I said, no, it’s “Al”. He scratched out the All and was still having trouble deciding what to put on the paper. I spelled it for him, A L. Had to do it twice. I don’t know what’s up, man, but come on.

Oct 14, 2024 8:02 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Well, at least to your credit you didn’t loose your temper! 😉

Oct 14, 2024 3:40 PM

Spiked friends bombarded with propaganda are increasingly insane, while those not indoctrinated, but multi-spiked, have gradually become withdrawn and silent. Loss of Joy and Soul?
The shot mechanism responsible: https://doctors4covidethics.org/mrna-vaccines-against-covid-19-und-their-effects-on-the-central-nervous-system/

Oct 15, 2024 7:45 PM
Reply to  Ella

I like that. Spiked. Never saw that one before.

Oct 14, 2024 3:04 PM

 In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson he said:

The Tucker shill who happily had double vaccinated logo on his twitter and fox news blog then all of a sudden pretend to not shill for the vaccine.

You people who say you haven’t taken the vaccine yet watch the likes of SHILL tucker and co need your head examines.

There is nothing absolute nothing of value in that CIA shill area of twitter.

Oct 14, 2024 2:27 PM

For the past 2 plus years Prof. Mark Crispin Miller and his team have been publishing weekly “Died Suddenly” posts from all over the world, broken down country by country.

One of the catagories is car crashes, the causes of which have been listed as “medical emergencies”.

You can find all of these reports on his “Notes from the Underground Substack”.

His team has done a remarkable job.

Oct 14, 2024 1:17 PM

Evidence of MRNA spike in brain autopsy tissue explained (start at 1:04 mark)
<a href="https://rumble.com/v42yfh5-pathologist-arne-burkhardt-final-interview-revealing-the-grave-dangers-of-m.html&quot;

Oct 14, 2024 1:15 PM

That explains it. It’s not me. This weekend I went out in public with my climate scam t-shirt to the chagrin of my kids. Hiking a heavily used National Park trail. Wow. Lots of laughter. And some serious frowns. Lots of finger pointing. Hands on hips. Glaring.

Oct 14, 2024 12:29 PM

You must better focus your target. Think for instance at the growing electromagnetic bombing to which our brains are exposed.

Oct 14, 2024 11:23 AM

Good grief this is awful.

Oct 14, 2024 5:30 PM
Reply to  Matt

Two down votes ?! – did 2 injected persons wander into the thread? – The outcome is just what they wanted? Or think now they did?
Busy day in progress – I was going to add an OMG type comment … I don’t know whether I will be able to bring myself to read this. I think it is very likely correct – young neighbor, mother of a from-central-casting 2yr old, very interactive circa 2022 stared at me in dazed silence the other day when I offered an up close “Good Morning: – what changed? (Wife of MD – surely submitted & boosted.)

a man called james
a man called james
Oct 14, 2024 10:50 AM

With mention there of ‘brain fog’ – this is something that goes away when you cut out carbs from your diet. I have been carnivore (only eat meat, fish, eggs and some dairy…mostly butter) for 16 months; one of the first things I (and just about everyone else who has gone onto this way of eating) you notice, is brain fog lifting – it happens within days…it was 3 for me. Other benefits are, I lost 80lbs in 5 months, and kept it off (first time ever…was always a yo-yo dieter) increased energy; more positive outlook.
I’d lost weight loads of times in the past doing keto (just meat and veg) and always put it back on again. It’s only when I cut out the veg aswell that the brain fog went.
Oh, and I’m unjabbed of course.

Oct 14, 2024 5:35 PM

Absolutely. We’ve been on the no/low grain/starch paleo-keto-carny pathways for many years and the results are amazing. As the PTB’s march toward total LOCKDOWN (no way out of their cage) increases and what used to be the rat race becomes rats in a maze, we are forced to see through their corporate scams in every aspect of life. Crap rat-food, polluted, cheap, hybridized, gm’d, and God knows what else, is a central scam on Humanity.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Oct 14, 2024 10:02 AM

As regards the fatal road to incidents I am reminded and slightly consoled by the words of Withnail
“These aren’t accidents! They’re throwing themselves into the road gladly!”
“Throwing themselves into the road gladly to escape all this hideousness.”
“Throw yourself into the road, darling – you haven’t got a chance!”

Oct 15, 2024 5:46 AM

Scrubbers! Scrubbers!!!!

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 14, 2024 7:37 AM

Have we all been sucked into a cult?

“I have become more and more disturbed by what I have been calling the ‘zombie trance’. There’s something missing from vast swathes of the population, something that used to be just behind the eyes, call it understanding, discernment, awareness, empathy, it’s like someone turned a switch off. We’re surrounded by soulless beings. And I got to thinking, could these two phenomena be linked? Have I missed what the entire point of the ‘convid’ period was? Have we all been played? Was Covid a mass conversion event? Have we been through a transition experience, the exact nature of which has been hidden from us? Have the vast majority of people in the west been indoctrinated into a cult?”

Article by Mike Driver on the Winter Oak site.

Oct 14, 2024 6:36 AM

How caterpillars gruesomely transform into butterflies
“You see, once the larva reaches its final molt and begins its metamorphosis, strange things happen to its body. Cells in the larva’s muscles, gut, and salivary glands are digested and act as spare parts for the soon-to-be butterfly. Each cell is programmed to self-destruct through the activation of enzymes called caspases”.

Why would Evolution stop at Homo sapiens? Not a stable species, open to selfish and self destruction suggestions, apart from destroying a lot else. We need to listen to a higher, selfless, wide Consciousness to upgrade.

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Oct 14, 2024 6:28 AM

First off, “covid” was and is a lie. Repeating the term perpetuates the lie and undermines your valuable inquiry. And yes, I absolutely believe from my own observations that mRNA (it is not a “vaccine”) injections have caused changes in behavior and cognitive ability. So have fear, repressive acts, hostility and ostracism; the environment in which the injections were and still are being given.I also believe tht “cyber dementia” is a factor. My tangible evidence lies in the semi-annual handsewing skills workshops that we have held here at The Artful Sailor for the last 7 years: In the beginning, pre-mRNA, a class of novices could complete a sizable project in 8 hours. A year into the injections, a class could not complete the project so the next year we reduced the scope of the project and still the class could not even come close to finishing in 8 hours! We then drastically reduced the scope of the project even further and found that in the next year people still had difficulty finishing in the allotted time. Very purplexing; and how to account for this? You might say that the pre-mRNA attendees were an exceptionally skillful and energetic lot and ever since we’ve had people who were just plain slow and clumsy. But this is not the case. There was nothing exceptional about the abilities of the early groups and the latter people were fully capable it seemed. It was as if time had gone for a burton. Other than than that concrete example, I just a denial-ridden 2 plus 2 equals 5 mentality nearly everywhere. Yes, Todd, our perceptions are influenced by our own fears, paranoia and prejudices; but I believe we are seeing the same thing and it is an actual phenomenon. Thanks for pulling the curtain back and sharing the research….. ain’ nobody talking about this oblivion they’ve invested themselves in.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 14, 2024 6:39 AM

“Gone for a burton”
Not heard that for many a year..

Oct 14, 2024 5:38 PM

Agreed, especially the line about ‘cyber dementia.’ The people I live among are constantly on their phones. Life reduced to a couple of square inches. And their boats are very easily rocked. They get upset very easily. Don’t mention the ‘fill in your own blank’ especially NOT COVID. And continuous coughing and sniffles.
I avoid the phone problem by simply not having one.
Unfortunately they are threatening to do away with 2/3G phones next year.

Oct 14, 2024 2:47 AM

Gonna make a few ‘calculated’ assumptions here (Always a risky course).

•Most Off G readers are probably in the over 50s demographic.

•Most Off G readers have had a gut full of MSM bullshit, even prior to the $camdemic.

•Most Off G readers tend to be suspicious, cynical and distrusting of all governments, corporations and the spin they spew.

• Most Off G readers are probably either atheists or agnostics at least.

What I’m suggesting/generalising is that the Off G community is probably more aware of, and open to, weird behaviours in public domains and in the media.

We ain’t sleepwalking through the corporate constructed chaos of fantasies and fakery. The world of celebrity cults, influencers, trash trivia and plastic ‘heroes’.

Thank God, or the clarity of maturity, experience, erudition and good judgment.

Oct 15, 2024 4:15 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Your first “calculated assumption” very probably applies to anything that requires concentration and at least average reading skills. It’s quite likely that over 50s people simply haven’t learned how NOT to read.

Your last “calculated assumption” must surely be flat out wrong judging by the number of comments – and articles – extolling the virtues of supernatural belief.

Your second and third assumptions, which kind of dovetail, while excellent as far as they go, often go too far and result in an assumption far too prevalent in this forum that EVERYTHING is fake and that, therefore, NOTHING anyone says has the lightest value – unless they just happen to agree that everything is fake.

Oct 14, 2024 2:46 AM

To be expected when moving out of Kaliyuga. Presently Kali is trampling around to destroy old notions, to make space for something New. Not the WEF world or AI, but a world beyond human mind with all its twists and fears. Probably enough people will react positively and they will see the next stage in Evolution.

Oct 14, 2024 9:58 AM
Reply to  antonym

though it does need a little conscious ”work”. personally, i ACIM.
good question in the lesson i’m on today.

Where does the totally insane belief in gods of vengeance come from? (ACIM, W-170.10:1)
with extras https://acimce.app/book/W-170

Oct 14, 2024 2:32 AM

One thing I’ve noticed is people’s behaviour at pedestrian crossings. I’ll approach it and people are waiting to cross. When I draw level with them, I see that the road is clear! I feel compelled to brush past them, usually tossing a “what are you waiting for, permission?” over my shoulder as I cross. This usually snaps them out of it, but what a sad abdication of agency!

Tom Hammond
Tom Hammond
Oct 14, 2024 2:13 AM

Perhaps Ed Dowd could provide some info on this?

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Oct 14, 2024 1:32 AM

My wife’s climbing buddy manages a Kmart store. She told my wife over the weekend that last week alone there were 3 serious health incidents in her store — one teen had a seizure … two not very old people stroked out. All were carted away by ambulance.

That’s a pretty good barometer for what is happening.

I have previously seen some data for ambulance call outs in the UK and they are off the charts.

I wonder what paramedics are thinking about this situation … surely they must recognize higher volumes and note the number of young people experiencing cardiac and other events.

The thing is … the Vaxxers are not noticing or will think whatever cnnbbc tells them to think … e.g. long covid… eating too much processed foods… and because they are stupid … they will continue to vax https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/there-is-no-cure-for-stupidity

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Oct 15, 2024 7:52 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Just long covid, duh… It can’t be those life saving injections.

Phillipa Holden
Phillipa Holden
Oct 14, 2024 1:22 AM

Yes, some people seems unable to comprehend things when you speak to them, blank looks, mechanical behaviour, cannot do simple maths, or follow simple requests like ‘not too much milk please’. Further to my last comment re nanotech, it seems a friend of a friend who is boosted to the hilt is starting to behave as though AI is running her. I have heard one researcher speak about a woman who feels like her body and movements are not all her own, sometimes she is in charge, at other times another force is moving her body. People’s endless fixation with their phones is also startling, like they cannot drag themselves away from looking at them. Golden Seal (berberine) is helpful for down regulating galectin and neuro inflammation apparently.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 14, 2024 1:22 AM

I notice a lack of curiosity and care about reports about all the jab deaths, injuries, mask hazards, etc. that are creeping into the mainstream media.
But, then again, that lack of curiosity was evident before the jabs were rolled out, given that most believed the daily propaganda and took them – 97% of Australians took at least one shot. If shedding is a thing, perhaps I’m affected too.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 14, 2024 3:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I work with 20 other people. To the last one, you simply cannot tell them anything about Convid. To the last one, all have been vaxxed and boosted, and everyone of them would do it again, in a heartbeat, no questions asked.

Literally, No Questions Asked. These are highly educated people, with advanced degrees, and virtually limitless access to information.

As a non-vaxee, I wonder about the shedding too.

Oct 14, 2024 8:43 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Some info on shedding:

In UK, 521 babies breastfeeding from jabbed mothers died. -Archbishop Carlo Vigano, 2021-10-27

The propaganda is changing. First, “breakthrough” infection among the jabbed did not exist. Then, it did exist but was rare. Then, it was not rare but was mild. Now, it is not mild, but confers superior immunity. -Kit Knightly 2021-12-23

Photos showing that jabbed people transmitted graphene to unjabbed children, destroying blood cells and causing clots. -Dr. Philippe van Welbergen 2022-08-24






Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Oct 15, 2024 8:09 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

There is No Cure for StupidityFool them once fool them a thousand timeshttps://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/there-is-no-cure-for-stupidity

Oct 15, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

May I make a slight change to your description of your colleagues?

These are highly indoctrinated people, with advanced mind control, and no interest in accessing virtually limitless information if it contradicts their programming.

Sad isn’t it.

Oct 14, 2024 8:29 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Japan and S. Korea are researching and publishing unassailable findings on the harm in their countries. Yet, they have not left WHO; I wonder why.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 14, 2024 10:52 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, amazing isn’t it? Perhaps the researchers are not government funded.
Really all countries need to exist the UN / WHO but I dare say we’d see a hell of a lot of heart-attacked dead politicians.

Oct 15, 2024 5:41 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If a politician becomes vocal against the Insane Terrorist Empire or its “humanitarian” puppets such as WHO or IMF, his health deteriorates sharply. He becomes vulnerable to heart attack, car crash, suicide, etc. South American leaders seem to be hit by cancer.

The message to “nation-states”: Just pay up for the jabs (from public wealth) and take the kick-back. If you must, cook up some fake jab roll-out records and trash most of the jab vials (after expiry).

Oct 14, 2024 1:10 AM

Well, it appears as though the Yanks and the Israelis have most definitely been affected by the vax … I mean, just witness the apparent madness in these countries. They have got to be, vax-affected , I tell you, there doesn’t appear to be any other rational or sane explanation for their current behaviour.
The absolute killer for me, is the people in the US who have been informed that their el-President is off-with-the-fairies one day, and the next day they’re quoting his (diplomatic) wisdom in the media/press. Now if they are not signs of total bat-dung MADNESS, then Muggins is a monkey’s uncle …
As for the other mob of expat Eastern-European expats … who else on this beautiful earth could think and believe that it is okay to blow-up and/or starve children and then quote platitudes from the respective holy-doctrines about religious dogma? … totally nucking futs …

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 14, 2024 12:40 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

The system mostly makes decisions while drunk on liquor, them implements them during the few hours while they are straight.

Oct 14, 2024 7:58 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Well stated. FWIW, I’m seriously bugged by the related doublethink and doublespeak that one encounters in “alternative” media commentary (not here) regarding The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present.

Some pundits decorously decline to explicitly “diagnose” Biden as suffering from real, clinical dementia. But they don’t exactly pretend that Biden is of sound mind. Instead, they make rhetorical asides and qualifications, e.g. “… if Biden is really making that decision”, as if Biden is undeniably showing signs of aging but is still essentially competent and in charge.

Apart from these almost reluctant acknowledgements that Biden’s state of mind is an open question, they then go on to discuss Biden’s role in deciding policy, communicating with other heads of state, and generally discharging other duties of his office as if he were as functional as any of his predecessors.

I don’t claim to know the precise truth about Biden’s mental state, but it seems exasperatingly obvious that these pundits prefer to simply pretend that Biden is still pretty much calling the shots to facilitate their discussion and analysis. 🤨

Oct 15, 2024 8:35 PM
Reply to  Ort

Well they can’t exactly state openly that POTUS doesn’t actually run things, not during a selection cycle in particular.

Oct 13, 2024 11:15 PM

Defiantly see a lot more ambulances.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 13, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  Irishman

I can’t recall which Off-G topic it was but a few here from Australia and the States agreed the PTB used the emergency services as a weapon to terrorize people by driving around neighborhoods with sirens blaring and lights flashing into the early hours even though there was no emergency.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 14, 2024 12:46 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Practicing, at least until they become the wreck.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 14, 2024 1:02 AM

That thought crossed my mind more than once. They have toned it down recently and I wait for it all to go nuts again when the Hollywood aliens appear.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 14, 2024 1:09 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Here in Australia, the ambulance wailing didn’t start until after the roll-out of the C-shots. They’re still happening – less than during 2021 – 2023 but more than before that period.

Oct 14, 2024 1:49 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Also in Australia, the number of knife stabbings as well as the aggressive driving.

Terje M
Terje M
Oct 14, 2024 8:00 AM
Reply to  Frances

The aggressive driving in Australia.is obviously the fault of those lunatic “cookers” [conspiracy theorists] and “anti-vaxxers” 😂  😂 . In February 2024 Roads Minister John Graham explained the logical connection, following a “crisis” year on NSW roads:

“A small section of our community became used to questioning the rules during COVID, and in some cases, outright flouting them,” he said.

Mr Graham said the department was researching the problem and said “cookers” – people who think rules do not apply to them – were part of the problem.”

Oct 14, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  Frances

Sorry, just clicked on the wrong button – thumb down, can´t reverse it. Here in Germany, the number of knife stabbings is very high, and increasing. Aggressive driving, too. People are totally hypnotized by their cell phones. And you just can´t have a normal discussion with people anymore. They turn aggressive or plain shut you up if you happen to have a different opinion. People certainly seem different to me compared to the times before the scamdemic. Zombie-like in a way, and unable or unwilling to talk about certain topics.

Oct 14, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  Dag

FYI, if you accidently click on the wrong vote button, or even just regret your choice, there is a fix: click on the other vote button to effectively cancel the mistaken or regretted vote.

In other words, clicking the upvote button will remove the unwanted downvote, and vice-versa. One can then either move on or vote again.

Oct 15, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  Ort

Thank you! I just tried this, but it didn´t work. The mistaken vote wasn´t cancelled, unfortunately.

Oct 14, 2024 9:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Today i showed my parents the damming video statements from Fridays Port Hedland Council meeting in which 5 voted yes to 2 no and they agreed to officially contact all local councils in Australia and the PM to formally address the concerns regarding gene therapies, excess deaths, cancers and heart problems.
Using MP Russel Broadband recent statements and scientific papers as promoters.
Professor Dalgleish a YT favourite is providing much of the research so it seems like part of the “reveal” but still there seems to be some genuine councillors wanting to do the right thing.
The response from my double degree educated parents was just not at all what one would consider normal pre 2020
My father has battled with cancer and heart problems in the last year but still they seem completely nonchalant about these latest revelations and state don’t worry good will prevail over evil.
It’s a very strange time to be alive and witnessing the incredibly unusual behaviour we are witnessing from those around us is sometimes infuriating, sometimes distressing but most of all absolutely baffling.

Oct 14, 2024 1:34 PM
Reply to  Anne

I was in a CVS store the other day searching for a product.

Over the loud speaker they were, as usual, touting this years new cvid injection (of course calling it vaccine.)

Although I am used to these loudspeaker announcements over the past 4 years, this one was a doozy.

The woman (or AI, who knows?) was cheery cheery and actually said,
I kid you not, “… At CVS we live and breathe vaccines!”

“You can make an appointment to get yours. Or schedule a group appointment for your family.!”

A group appointment for your family!!!!

And that ad was followed, of course, by the new shot for the new lie of the week “RSV”

I just started “Oh my God”ing aloud because this rubbish is just beyond the beyond.

Nobody raised an eyebrow.

Yes, I do believe cognitive dissidence has descended over the past 4 plus years. Like a blanket.

Coupled with the extreme dumb-downedness in education, civility, manners, fashion,art, and life in general over the past 10 years.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 14, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  judith
  • The term is Cognitive Dissonance

(There is of course a word ‘dissidence’… referring to people who refuse to accept something.)

Oct 14, 2024 5:28 PM

Thank you!

Oct 14, 2024 7:18 PM
Reply to  judith

On the other hand, your accidental neologism “cognitive dissidence” is a pretty good term for the cure, so to speak, for cognitive dissonance. 😉👍

Oct 15, 2024 12:44 PM
Reply to  Ort

Yes, that did cross my mind.

Oct 14, 2024 7:40 PM
Reply to  judith

A group appointment for your family!!!!

I feel your pain, although I’ll refrain from digging up any of the typically long-winded rants I’ve posted on the subject of “COVID”- related Big Pharma marketing in the scamdemic and post-scamdemic (or between-scandemics) interlude.

But the “family values”-related pitch has long been the default theme for the vax and “COVID” pill nostrums (e.g. Paxlovid). In 2022, I think, Walgreen’s ran an ad campaign touting a family visit to the pharmacy for “COVID” jabs as part of “back-to-school” preparation. 

That ad, or maybe another like it, showed a charming little girl bringing a younger sibling to the slaughter– er, the pharmacy– walking hand in hand. there were also vignettes of the smiling pharmacy jabber giving the jabbed (but also smiling) mother and child matching band-aids. 😊

It was all supposedly so touching, poignant, and heartwarming that it nearly triggered my gag reflex. But it didn’t prompt me to rush to the local chain pharmacy for a nausea remedy. 💉 💊 🤨

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Oct 15, 2024 8:16 AM
Reply to  judith

How about future where everyone spends their days behind screens trading crypto and gaming … ordering Uber Eats… and venturing out only to get the vaccine of the month.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 15, 2024 10:39 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

This is exactly what I witnessed. 👍

Oct 14, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

A number of years ago there were military “exercise ” in Miami and elsewhere with helicopters, explosions and racing vehicles everywhere. The number of “exercises” that are executed before school and other shootings is also disturbing. Civilian terror and consequently numbness must be a motive. Like TV violence or prescient crisis movies prepares us for terror.



Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 14, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  Irishman
  • I think you probably intended to write the word definitely
Oct 13, 2024 10:47 PM

I have observed this over the last few years. Most notably is the aggressive driving. The aggressive lane changes, tail grating, leaving no room in-between vehicles, lane splitting and shoulder passing is insane. I see so much aggression and contempt manifested through the driving behaviors. I’m trying to teach my child to drive and the defensive driving techniques dominate the discussions most often. People are on edge waiting for the trigger. Despite what most people will say, I feel things are a tinderbox and are going to spark off in November. I’m not looking for an improvement in the economy, I’m looking for who I’m going to have to protect my family from. Its a mad mad world and I am concerned for what my son has in store for his future. People are bat shit crazy and getting worse by the day/. Our own brain fog is very difficult sometimes. We fight it by diet, being aware of EMF, exercise and healthy living in the sunshine touching the earth. Sometimes it’s np enough. I can’t know if its previous COVID (if it exists), EMF, Diet, Solar storm effects, awful lighting (new grocery store puts me over the edge), or stress. Luckily we woke up before the MAGAJAB was rolled out but if there’s shedding it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s coming from all directions and the last thing I want is some derp killing me on the highway. I trust when you figure it out, you’ll let us know. LOL. Be aware is all I can say. Being safe doesn’t take into account others around you!!

Oct 14, 2024 8:54 AM
Reply to  Steve

Some Buddhist theory seems to claim that salvation can only be collective, even extending to other species, i.e., it cannot be individual. No psycho can accept that.

Oct 14, 2024 1:50 PM
Reply to  Steve

Yes, if it’s not the injection it is the myriad of other ways they are toxing us through the environment.

Last winter I donated my lovely but old automobile and decided to walk and use public transport for awhile.

It was actually a great experience in several ways.

But what I came face to face with was the atrocious and dangerous driving behavior out there on the roadway these days.

At one particular intersection I crossed daily, not big in size, and with four bright new traffic lights that beep like crazy when there is a pedestrian “WALK” light, you would not believe the driver’s who would drive right through the intersection.

We pedestrians would just look at each other in astonishment.

I did chase one car, which happened to park right after they ran us off the street, and read the driver and occupant the riot act. Putting myself in added danger, of course.

I recently purchased a new car, and my experience as a walker has made me, I hope!, more conscious and cautious.

I always tell my nieces and nephews – the most dangerous place to drive and walk is a parking lot. BE CAREFUL. Look 360 degrees before moving. It’s a minefield.

Oct 14, 2024 7:10 PM
Reply to  judith

Indeed. I’m a lifelong non-driver; when I was in my forties (I’m 69 now), I forced myself to take driving lessons and passed the test. But I did so mostly from lingering shame or guilt, and a belief that once I finally became a “responsible” driving adult Amerikan citizen, besides no longer being a burden to others it would be liberating.

A few goodhearted co-workers sold me on the “liberating” or exhiliarating part, assuring me that once I got the hang of driving, I would discover that it’s both “fun” and life-changing for the better; I would soon regret all the decades I wasted schlepping around on foot or public transit. 

They meant well, but once I got my license I went completely cold; I never took the tentative Big Next Step of acquiring a vehicle of my own, although I still renew that hard-won license.

All this to say that siblings and friends (all drivers, of course), still tease me for being overly-cautious and “paranoid” when I’m crossing streets and walking through parking lots. For instance, if I see a car entering the lot and coming my way, I will always stop until I get some positive indication that the driver sees me and will stop or slow down while I cross.

My critics urge me to just keep going in such situations, because of course drivers don’t carelessly or willfully slam into pedestrians in parking lots. I know from long experience that this is generally true, but I don’t care– me being me, with my luck I’d become the exception to the rule.

I am similarly fussy about making sure no cars are whizzing up the far turn lane when I’m crossing with the light. Many drivers regard the posted “NO TURN ON RED” signs as optional; I can easily imagine some intrepid motorist zooming up the turn lane and knocking me into the next world. “Where did he come from? I didn’t even see him, I swear!”

BTW, in recent years I’ve witnessed the extinction of a habitual safety practice: when I’m crossing a traffic lane in a parking lot, or even jaywalking (mea culpa) through a line of stopped cars, I automatically try to make eye contact with an approaching or stopped driver to make sure I’m seen. 

This is no longer effective, due to the technological advances of tinted car windows and smartphones; nowadays, almost everyone who stops at or near an intersection is either invisible (because of the tinted windows) or is raptly gazing down at a mobile phone.

🤨 🚗 ☠

Oct 15, 2024 1:25 AM
Reply to  Ort

Oh I hear you.

I look ALL ways when crossing a street now. And I pretty much only cross at lights and crosswalks. That permission to turn on red is very convenient when youre the driver but hazardous as hell as a pedestrian.

To make matters even whackier, I now hold my hands up like a traffic cop when I am about to cross the street in a crosswalk (although I make it look like I’m waving hello to the approaching driver’s). I do not walk until cars have come to a full stop and I know they have seen me.

It has become so hazardous for pedestrians around here that there are crosswalk bumps, flashing lights, and signs galore. At traffic lights there are all sorts of loud bells and whistles. Alas, they are needed.

I really enjoyed all the walking I did. I met people on the buses and trolleys, got to know neighborhoods and oddly enough, felt more independent than I do driving.

I recently purchased a car, a nice cut above the little old honda’s I drove for years. It’s 20 years old but a classic in great shape. And I got it for a song.

With winter’s in New England it’s a nice convenience.

At 70 I think I’ve earned a heated steering wheel.

Oct 13, 2024 10:25 PM

I told her go for it – with your Ben and Jerry’s looking like a Press Official Photo Badge.

So she got to the Front between The Riot Police and The Peaceful Protesters – spinning around, and she looked like she was 13 (15 dad) – and she came home and showed me her photographs

My little girl more courage than any man

The riot police and the protesters looked at

She looks like my little sister, and if we fight she might get hurt

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 13, 2024 11:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

tony, serious question. Do you drop acid regularly? I mean on a daily basis.

Oct 14, 2024 8:53 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

A ‘kangaroo in the top paddock’ perhaps?
(Old aUSsie saying).

Oct 14, 2024 8:55 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Can an AI drop acid?

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Oct 13, 2024 10:09 PM

the simple effect of seeing your whole world plunged into a morass of irrationality, viciousness, yes “fearmongering”, not just for days or weeks, but for months and years, and with the zealous participation of all establishment authority figures, should not be underestimated, especially when it comes to the youngest among us, since a traumatic event like that could permanently unhinge anyone, but for a little child it has the potential to be especially cataclysmic

one person I talked to was out of the country when his government decided to close the borders, in a superstitious bid to keep out bearers of infection, and he ended up being separated from his spouse for a long period and barred from attending the funeral of his mother who unfortunately passed away around then

in Italy hospitals prohibited family members’ visits to patients, even frail and elderly grandparents, who were diagnosed with the great scourge, according to another friend of mine, testament to a degree of paranoia and inhumanity that actually went beyond what was witnessed during the worst days of the bubonic plague

Oct 14, 2024 2:06 PM

Yes. One need only watch Polly Tommey’s (Children’s Health Defense) videos from her VAXXED bus tour over the past 2 years to witness the inhumanity that went beyond what we have witnessed in the past. (I think the individual vidoes are more compelling than the new VAXXED 3 movie which is a compilation)

Ms. Tommey started out on the cross country tour intending to interview people about the vaccine injuries. To her, and many other’s, astonishment, the stories became more about the horrible treatment, injuries and deaths due to hospital covid protocol.

Story after story of spouses, children, family members and friends who were not allowed to visit a loved one in the hospital, and in some cases watched through an icu window as loved ones died. Or got a phone call in the middle of the night. The stories are harrowing.

Family orders not being followed. DNR’s instituted without proper authority. Remdesivir, intubators. Appalling.

The remarks made by Doctors and nurses about patients that were unvaccinated were unconscionable.

The videos are available at Children’s Health Defense under “The People’s Story”.

Not a pleasant experience, but eye opening. It gave me an answer to the all to frequent “but so many people died from covid!”

No, not from covid. From covid protocols.

les online
les online
Oct 13, 2024 9:42 PM

Well there is something, it may be anomalous… In Sydney (NSW) ‘dogs
outnumber kids citywide… And they’re not those real dogs, they’re those
small, in much need of TLC, expensive, fashion statement dogs – (Can
be carried in a female’s handbag)…
And, yes, the ‘pandemic’ did have something to do with it – according to
a press article* ‘2 in 5 of the dogs had been acquired since the pandemic.’
According to a survey cited NSW had 2,02 million dogs and 1,56 million
cats in 2022… That’s a lot of people who need animal affection after
being terrorised by the ‘covid’ fear campaign…

** ‘No bones about it: dogs outnumber kids citywide’.
The Sydney Morning Herald 7 0ctober 2024 (p12)

Oct 13, 2024 9:40 PM

Bar Tel Aviv, New York. Moscow, San Francisco, and Seattle, London is getting the Worst reviews from our current Politicians – Lets Bomb Moscow for a Laugh..

Well, I went for a walk in Central London n 2003 Protesting

My Daughter Bless her Heart Did the same thing as me 20 years later – She skipped school – with her new camera and said to her mates at school the next day – come with me..

and they did..

The London police recognised her from the day before, when she came with all her School Mates

They Escorted her to the Front – To Photograph

The President of America

I thought that was pretty good,, when she was only 15

She was far better at photography than me

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 14, 2024 12:40 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

tony reminds me of a Blade Runner replicant who’s faded memory is based on someone elses life and not their own.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Oct 14, 2024 1:36 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Tony is suffering from severe brain fog

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 14, 2024 4:31 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

‘Tony’ is, in all probability, an AI bot…

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 15, 2024 10:46 PM

That’s what I thought at first but Sophie (Mod) observed he made mistakes about the British Isles although claiming to be from England. I know LLM makes mistakes. I think Mockingbird is part of a team of state sponsored trolls.

Oct 13, 2024 9:34 PM

Seems a bit random or paranoid perhaps? We all may notice things in our own world which are not part of the ‘real’ world. Have you noticed that the war in Iraq did not call forth the accusations of genocide now levelled against the Israelis? Americans genocidal maniacs? No Jews no news seems to fit the bill. Still…just my opinion

Seeing Raven
Seeing Raven
Oct 13, 2024 8:36 PM

People are layering up their clothing. Even wearing gloves and hats on hot summer days outside and inside.
The strange part, they don’t seem to notice the oddity. I guess not, when only a few of us are in short sleeve shirts at 27 to 33c. Nor seem to connect their coldness to what they took.
Now fall is here and are dressing as if it is dead of winter in a blizzard.
What makes it stranger is the phrase “climate change” seems if being replaced or tested with “climate action” or “weather”. Yes “war” added to start or end of new words.

Oct 13, 2024 10:59 PM
Reply to  Seeing Raven

WTF? You cannot be serious.

Seeing Raven
Seeing Raven
Oct 14, 2024 12:04 AM
Reply to  apikorsim

Yes, 100% serious.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 14, 2024 12:33 AM
Reply to  Seeing Raven

I have only seen that happen when the Sun blockers are out spraying us.
Any limited sunshine is met with full summer attire.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 13, 2024 8:08 PM

More immigimmies driving, makes for more wrecks. More legalized weed, of a much stronger dosage could factor in.

I’ve seen more driving the wrong way on one way streets, both cars, and more frequently, from bicyclists. In terms of pedestrian traffic, people in groups seldom move to single file to allow people coming from the other way to walk past. Happens with people from all backgrounds.

Oct 13, 2024 8:43 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

What about the crazy prescription drugs people take?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 13, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  Rob

Right. Drugs of all kinds, legal and illegal.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 13, 2024 11:48 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

GMO dope that doesn’t smell like the dope of years gone by. Modern cigarette tobacco has a similar chemical smell. And the vapes..

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 14, 2024 1:23 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Modern dope has considerably more THC than older dope. I believe people start using it at earlier ages as well.

I haven’t noticed the smell changing, and I smoked quite a bit thirty years ago. Just took a trip to New England where it’s legal, and the smell of it/sight of it was omnipresent.

Oct 14, 2024 2:17 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Oh good lord, you are so lucky!!

The smell of the new weed is aborhant!

No wonder they call it “skunk”

It is disgusting.

And if you unfortunately happen to be driving behind or beside a nitwit who is smoking the stuff while driving, and their and your windows are open, the odor envelops your car, your nostrils, your stomach and remains for quite some time.

Just because it is legal to smoke it in some states does not make it safe while driving.

The smell is entirely different than years ago. Years ago you caught a whiff of someone smokin’ the weed.

Now you can smell it on public transportation, in cafes, everywhere, from people who simply smoke the stuff.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 14, 2024 7:53 PM
Reply to  judith

Skunk weed, skunk beers, skunk critters, before too long, someone’s going to have a case.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 15, 2024 10:50 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Absolutely. And highly addictive.

I come from a family of smokers so my snout is very sensitive. The modern tobacco definitely doesn’t smell the same as it did 40 years ago IMO.

les online
les online
Oct 13, 2024 10:01 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Historically it is Aussies custom to keep to the left of the pavement,
reflecting that Aussies drive on the left… During WW2 and the influx of
so many Yanks, some cities painted white dividing lines on the pavements
to encourage the Yanks, who drive and walk on the right, to observe local
custom (and avoid clashes of anger)…With the imposition of ‘multi-
culturalism’ from the late 1970’s the practice wasnt implemented to
educate the immigrants of local custom, so walking a city street you had
to duck and weave, zigzag, to avoid collisions – very annoying for the
locals… What angered was learning that walking on the ‘wrong side’ by
some immigrants was deliberate… The practice was called ‘Chinese
Chicken’ – its gratification was to get the locals to get out of your way, go
around you…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 14, 2024 1:36 AM
Reply to  les online

Interesting anecdote. I’m not surprised at the immigrants doing it, but the numbers of people, of all ages, classes, and gender, who one would have thought had been socialized into whatis considered good etiquette, has lapsed considerably.

I had a go round with it a few days ago, where I was going one way, and three well-dressed professional people the other. One gentleman, late twenties moved into single-file formation, while the third member of the party, a middle-aged women took up even more room on the sidewalk to the point where we nearly collided.

The immigimmies are particularly bad in groceries and other shops where they frequently take up an entire aisle. I don’t know if it is simply a product of cultural differences, and they’re oblivious of the social niceties, or if they’re being intentionally provocative. It often feels like the latter.

Oct 14, 2024 9:07 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

People from sparsely populated or rural lands may assume more “personal space. If they see an acquaintance on the street, they may stop right there and start a chat, across some distance or blocking the sidewalk.

Oct 13, 2024 7:50 PM

Spike protein is not the cause but a result that these idiots focus on.
From an article I read a while ago…

“For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.”


And here’s a link about the craziness at Moderna. It reminds me of Theranos which was another failed idea.

“From the beginning, Bancel made clear that Moderna’s science
simply had to work. And that anyone who couldn’t make it work didn’t belong.

The early Moderna was a chaotic, unpredictable workplace, according to former employees. One recalls finding himself out of a job when a quick-turnaround experiment failed to pan out. Another helped train a group of new hires only to realize they were his replacements.”


Here’s a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.

“The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis.”


Oct 14, 2024 9:13 AM
Reply to  Rob

To me, all this seems utter pseudoscience and deflection. Why are we giving any attention to the purported active components of the jab? There is a long list of dangerous compounds and substances in them, and no one anywhere has been able to get an explanation. Such is the power of money.

Oct 14, 2024 6:39 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Obviously people are still fooled, no matter what they claim. They want to keep ‘one foot in the grave,’ just in case the vicious greedy liars are somehow for once telling the truth. Or perhaps they are, as the man says, ‘true believers,’ or maybe even ‘non-player characters.’
If this is a highly-developed computer-style simulation: how would you know?