A flare for the traumatic
Sylvia Shawcross

It was too cold. That’s all I’m saying. It has been a long and rather temperate summer and these colder nights and now days, although logically they shouldn’t be, are a bit upsetting.
Especially when it is so very dark at 2:00 in the morning and you are standing out there on the driveway looking for the aurora borealis.
It is there—that heavenly sky. But also there is the street light turning the ribbon of pavement into a violet yellow snake and the string of startling lights the neighbour put up along his fence. So the night sky I squinted to find drifted up there beyond the trees. And then a fire engine went by, no sirens, just the bright red lights pitting the darkness.
I gave up quickly. Because it was cold. Too cold for an old woman. I could always see the display on the internet. I thought about the sun up there doing its flare. A very severe flare apparently but then again any natural phenomenon is now labelled and perhaps might even be worse than we have ever seen in a hundred years or a thousand years or ever.
As if “ever” is measured.
I think about the anger of the sun and how it speaks in light instead of words and we living here under the sheltering space know only the end of its hot breath in a soundless sky. I think about past worlds and how they worshipped the sun.
In the days before they could do things like measure the proton and electron components of solar storms and plot them on graphs with lovely sun colours. Red is very bad. I would rather have lived then than now in some ways. I want the mystique and not the measure. But I am foolish thinking that I know.
Beyond the cosmic display for us to marvel at, I don’t know that the flare had much of an effect on anything. Perhaps it messed up the way that pilots talk to each other up there. They who fly in a metal tube going to important places.
Do they feel free up there? Unchained to the earth? Above the fray? Godlike in their perspective? Or is it the rush of adrenaline as they sail the sky biting through the clouds? If we were meant to fly, surely we would have been given wings? But of course, we’re no angels.
Perhaps the flare messed up all those plans they have for war and bombs and cyberattacks. Perhaps. Although it doesn’t much seem like it now that I look at the headlines. The human condition and its love affair with war continues.
It must be a love affair. What has so much power over all these generations, hundreds and thousands of years, still trapped by human hatred and fear? Only love has that kind of power. Love of life. Love of family. Love of country. Perhaps. It is always perhaps. All of these things have been carefully dismantled in so many cases. How can one wage a war when there is no love? A crazy thing to ask really.
Mostly of course it has little to do with love or hate but greed and its tactics of fear. It is never the people. Never. We are played from one generation to the next. Played like fools, with fear tactics, particularly by governments no doubt held hostage.
Never fear. Never.
But that is not what I’m writing about here. Not again. I’ve written too much about war. It is bad. That is a given. It infuriates me. That is also a given. I will not forgive those who promulgate it. Not for any reason. But it reminds me of a time before this time. As everything does when you grow old.
The marches in the 60s. And the Vietnam war. Yes, they hated the government for their role in Vietnam. Yes, they hated. But the flower-bedecked children of peace chanting and singing urged Love not War. They did not protest from hate. Not ever. It would be only the fringe who did.
It is different now. The protests on the streets of my country right now are full of angry people who are angry at a war and angry at a people. Too much hate. And people in this country are fearful now about these protests for many reasons. This hate. That is not what protests need to be.
If I could change one thing, pacifist that I am, I would ask the protestors out there to fight for Love not War. To fight for peace not punishment. We get no where with hate. The children of the 60s may have gone on and done terrible things (and certainly good things) but in this stance they were right.
But then, I am no one really to say anything. An ordinary person in a big world with a little voice. I do not speak from a pedestal but from my small life. Make love not war and we’ll be fine. Or at least better than this.
In the meantime we can look to the sky dancing at night.
Earworm for the week:
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Thanks again Sylvia for your beautiful wisdom. Never give up dear.
Know this please – one cannot be foolish for wanting the mystique over the measure!
“…and please God we shall not ask for reason’s payment, the why of heart-breaking strangeness in dreeping hedges, nor analyse God’s breath in common statement” – Patrick Kavanagh, Advent.
Excellent ear-worm. You have introduced many wonderful works…
Separation trauma is a term for a split mind rising from ‘attack’.
Think ‘auto-immune disease’ as masking for self-attack or self-allergy for self-hatred. The immunological premise IS an anaphylactic triggering of trauma. Vaccinations or pre-emptive ‘defences’ DO the thing they purport to defend from.
Harms are masked out and reframed to a pantheon of novel attackers and modelled susceptibilities, while the benefits are entirely imagined projections – magical thinking.
Within a split-minded of masking adaptation, attack is unquestionably operating a world of lack, fear and threat, for to question ‘life is war’ is to weaken or release our stake in saving our self by scaping the cost or payment for attack onto the Othered.
Guilt is the ‘operating system’ for the distribution of payment set in sacrifice. Narratives compete as a means to maintain our position or status in a game of musical chairs. For when the music stops the parcel of blame is accorded exclusion
I read that the premise of Fabian thought is founded on conviction life is a closed or finite system for supply and demand in which competition for resources in inevitable or defacto the case. ‘Life is war’ is thus held as honesty and will to power the basis for survival of the fittest – framed in war set over life not as the most fitting within life.
Illusions of love and peace are thus held as existential dis-integrities or personal weakness – to be controlled, managed, manipulated – but never accepted or allowed real. Thus war by all means operates the mask of caring while attacking or overriding and replacing the prompts and movements of love within us.
Separation from love is pain in the heart of life, masked in a world of projective displacement. But God (Love) does not reject its Creation (thought). Only conflicted thought, persisted in, can generate Self-attack in Concept as the image of hate embodied – or rather – acted out on bodies by a disembodied or dissociated mind.
A mindset and world of ‘possession and control’ is given worth-ship as power set against fear of pain of loss (already running from a deep sense of self-lack set to seek boosting reinforcement).
But what is vested self-illusion but the idol of a past set in grievance, remade in our own image – to a projected future of self-vindication that can never Be – but must stamp its boot on our face as our salvation from humiliating loss of self possession as control?
God’s Thought extends by sharing living qualities of having and being, so the Thought of our true creation remains or abides in the Creative extension of our thought, even if the channel of expression is blocked by guilted fears lockstepped to control a locked down contractual system of ‘quantified meanings’.
God is not mocked by self-contradictory insanities of a Self-usurping mind, but the fear of retribution runs the religion of guilt. At the bottom line prophylactically killing itself first offers salvation by proving itself ‘right’ but that is where bottoming out uncovers what it did not expect.
Until there is a fundamental awakening from guiltlessness of being – addiction affliction runs Self-contra dictions as If such a ‘war’ can be won.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Wholeness is an attribute within life.
The mind of a capacity to fragment a projection of personae may create mythic narrative entities of conflictive ‘meanings’, but only as a private ‘take’ from a mindset for ‘getting’ special love. The specifics then shape or script the mind of its own image of a shattered possession and control – for an equal love is not special and does not support or share in coercive inclusion or forcible exclusion.
Love of peace is not framed by war!
True integrality witnesses to a peace beyond a world framed in guilted blaming attack and sacrifice as its salvation. The prompting of our true and free will is within us, regardless our complex of defences against loss of mind-control
Bless you, for your very clear and real observations. I’m one of those people who cried for peace and love in the streets. Unfortunately we’re at the pinnacle of the final act of the play. Yet, love for our home the mother will prevail. Fear has no weapon that can destroy it.
Thank you for sharing!
My niece in Georgia had a “good cop” sky and saw and photographed the aurora. Those of us 678 miles farther North in Maryland had a “bad cop” sky with clouds which presented us from seeing it. I will never come to hate clouds as I do war, just dislike them sometimes.
As for war, Hate is the only emotion strong enough to tackle it. The hippies’ “Make love not war” was music to the Pentagon’s ears. While love is nice and fuzzy warm and cozy in front of a fire on a winter’s night, it lacks focus, purpose or direction. War does not respond to love: it steamrolls right over it.
Give flowers to the man who’s there to shoot you…and he’ll put ’em on your grave.
Why would you be a pacifist?
Why War is AwesomeIf you are on the winning side
Take a good look at this dying child, a product of the starvation caused by the war in Yemen. You are complicit. You benefit from this. You live large – because of this.
8 billion humans are competing to live large.
Each and every one of us aspires to own a car, a nice house, go on vacation, never skip a meal and have enough for a cushy retirement. The ultra-competitive have dreams of private jets, mega mansions and Champagne and caviar for breakfast.
Rejoice! For you are a winner.
Unfortunately, the resources of the world are finite, so there will be winners – but most will be losers. And most of the losers will eke out a miserable existence in vile rat and cockroach infested slums, struggling to make enough to afford food. The truly desperate will resort to pimping out their daughters or deforming their children because that’s a great business model for a career as a beggar.
It’s not as if we – the winners in the battle for MORE – don’t care. Of course we care.
Remember the massive fund raiser in 1985 to help the poor starving folks in Africa and the top selling single ‘We are the World.’
That did nothing to alleviate the plight of the billions who live in utter desperate, permanent destitution.
We then resumed bombing wedding parties and committing mass murder whenever the folks in the target countries dared to oppose our pillaging of their resources. We carried on with organizing colour revolutions and installing compliant dictators who were rewarded for selling out and assisting us with grand theft resources.
bbccnn told us that they deserved that deluge of Raytheon missiles because some of them got uppity about the resource pillaging and threw stones at our tanks. How dare they! Ironically, bbccnn labels these people as terrorists.
Meanwhile, we continue to show we care by dropping a few coins into the Oxfam box or adding a buck to our $400 bill at the supermarket checkout. We wheel our super-sized trolleys to the SUV, load up and head back to our air-conditioned homes in the suburbs listening to Taylor Swift and feeling good about the act of giving.
Most people are totally oblivious to the fact that we enjoy the privilege of stuffing our faces to the point of morbid obesity because of our expertise at blowing up people to ensure the never-ending resource pillage that fuels our absolutely fabulous lifestyles.
Make no mistake – we benefit from war.
Here’s the part where I relieve you of the guilt that might be seeping in. If we did not fight for the limited resources, our competitors would gleefully attack the weak and they would steal the oil and copper.
And if we decided to stop fighting wars and instead gather around campfires, banging tambourines and singing KOOMbaya and Give Peace a chance… we would quickly join the ranks of the weak nations… and China and Russia would drop bombs on our campfire gatherings, and steal our resources.
More https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/why-war-is-awesome
No matter how much you and other do-gooders whine, I will never ever give up my open Mercedes sports car. If anything I deserved that car to my life!/900x/2011%20Mercedes-Benz%20SLK350%20AMG%20with%20Sports%20Package%20(US)%20010.jpg)
Otherwise that car wouldnt be there!! This car wouldnt exist if I didnt deserve it!!!
Wednesday night SW UK.
About midnight, I put dog out.
As I switched on the outside light, I was suprised to see it snowing !
Going outside, it wasn’t snow, it was much smaller particles swirling around The light making it much clearer.
I got a torch and shone it into the sky and it was like holding a 50m lightsabre. A solid beam reflected from the particles.
Searched online for similar reports without success.
My guess is pollution coming back down to ground but there’s a lot of stuff going on at the minute!
I have a video but not sure if I can (or should) post it here.
Post it on Vimeo or Rumble if you can and link it.
Unless you accept the reality of geoengineering you’ll never find out what it was. FWIW, Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org has repeatedly suggested holding a very bright torch light upward on a dark night; and what you will see is a stream of particles which almost looks like snow but is actually nano-particles of elements that are constantly being sprayed. I haven’t tried it since I have no light strong enough – so I can’t verify it.
I have a strong headtorch and I often see the particles.
The conclusion?
“The realisation that, even if I wanted to spend less time on my phone, I actually couldn’t. None of us could. We’re locked into this life, on a purely admin level, for good, and there’s no easy way to navigate out of it.”
Ah, black-pill programming! Of course “we” can – there’s some inconvenience sometimes but it’s utterly possible. The bottom line is, if this article is genuine, is that she doesn’t want to.
I haven’t got a mobile phone and don’t want one.
This can only happen if you are on a pension scheme or a rich man pay you.
A normal mobil phone is a must for normal dead people to be able to function in a normal working day.
We are not finished yet. We the people, the majority in our Democracy, will by voting, force you to get a smart phone, and Iphone, a mobile phone, or whatever you call it.
We decide that you MUST and will be forced to have one.
Otherwise you cant get public services………………LOL. Its a condition if you wanna be one of us! Its a condition if you wanna live and participate in our beautiful digital society …………..LOL.
Jah sun is on the rise once again
We give thanks
While they laugh
Sipping champagne
Having all the best of wine
They assemble to mess up your mind
< https://www.alsmithfoundation.org/dinner/ >
I ah oh ya
What you gonna do now?
Israel Vibration – Vultures
For all of it being ‘a temperate summer’, if you look at global snow cover right now, it’s considerably above average for mid October. This is primarily covering the vast Siberian wilderness, as snow cover over northern North America is much less prevalent.
Just shows that what goes on in Canada/USA isn’t what goes on all over the world, doesn’t it?
The Devil lurks in the dark…
The arrival of electric lights coincided with the decline in religion.
Electric light dispelled The Devil. Should the lights go out, should we return
to relying on candles, with their flickering vague shapes in The Dark. we’ll
take flight back into religion, into the arms of a God whom we expect will
protect us from those flickering shadows – where The Devil lurks…
Don’t be such a literalist. This has been where Scripture interpretation has always foundered, the incapacity of so many to bridge the gap between the letter of the Law and the Spirit.
An identification with forms (which are ultimately shadows, in the end, since all things are passing, or flickering).
The electric light bulb only gave that feeble lack it’s latest crutch.
Only one that is more current than the last.
If you lose the electricity supply to your home (as has happened a lot recently in the Ukraine) and its All Dark – Black – No Moon – No Street Lights – you can’t see anything….just lie still in your bed and try and think where a torch and a battery might be….and the go back to sleep.
The sun will come up soon and you will be able to see.
Don’t expect your gas central heating or gas cooker or gas fires to work unless they are really old and well maintained – cos most of them need electricity to light.
Don’t bother with candles – you will probably set yourself on fire.
Find your Camping Gear – in The Shed? and Your Snow Grips and Ice Boots
Remember when you went skiiing when you were a kid – see if you can find your old gear – doesn’t fit you yet – it soon will if you don’t eat…
Got no food in – not even for the cat?
Do you think the lorries are going to make it through the snow to the supermarket -even if you can.
You might be luck if you have got a Milkman
We were the last time this happened, which is why we have still got a Milkman and give him a Christmas Card and Tip.
If you are young its a lot of fun
back when I was living in New York City, about 15 years ago, a mural appeared one day along the waterfront, featuring that New Age-y quotation sometimes erroneously attributed to a Sufi mystic, in which the Sun is held up as a paragon of selfless generosity, offering bountiful sustenance to all and never demanding anything in return, out of a love so great that it lights up the entire world
Christianity apparently took a lot of inspiration from Hellenistic Sun-centered monotheism, while some Indian-based belief systems placed their version of heaven, the realm to which happy souls escape after the cycle of death and rebirth is broken, inside our Sun
Victor Hugo wrote that if no one on earth felt love, the Sun would surely be extinguished
as to that great generation which gave us the Summer of Love and those upswells of idealism across Europe and America, it’s sad to trace the opportunistic trajectory some of its most prominent exponents followed, John Kerry in the US, Joschka Fischer in the FRG
Its a Fata Morgana of the Space ships invading the earth in a very close future. Together with this light show on heaven gold and silver prices run to the sky too. Petro dollar, Opium Sterling, and Euro bs is done. Its over folks.
In the Southern Hemisphere it’s the Aurora Australis, and it seems to be more frequent than it was twenty years ago:
A warning from God?
Enjoy the spectacle.
Your time is up.
Only these Aurorae are man-made. They are not free, they are caused by energy waves fired into the ionosphere to manipulate weather patterns.
If Tesla could do this over 100 hundred years ago, think what the scientists can do today.
Aurorae will become ever more common further from the poles as The Earth’s magnetosphere is ever further oppressed (apparently weakened).
Given this has been expected for some time, this was the reason why an ‘accident’ was arranged to cease Concorde’s high altitude supersonic flights – and why Virgin Airlines was denied the option of rescuing Concorde.
Oh Wow, what a Beautiful Image of The Northern Lights – So I went outside for a smoke cos we were disagreing over The Film on Netflix about Teenage Girls in Yorkshire (they are not all gay)(she told me last night – come and see this)
The Moon Rise Now – completely Awesome over London
Where’s My Tripod
You never existed, tony. How is anything in your imaginary life even possible?
Solar flares — Coronal Mass Ejections — happen quite often but only impact the Earth on relatively rare occasions. The resulting disturbance to the ionosphere can result in a neat display but it also messes up radio propagation. Most people don’t notice, though, because most of our communication doesn’t use traditional radio now and our equipment is largely hardened against the effects of a CME. The people who notice it most are radio amateurs because they, along with a handful of legacy broadcasters, still use short wave to communicate. These frequencies need to bounce off the ionosphere to get any distance so any disturbance to this disrupts communication.
(Communication is not just a hobby. Its hard to dehumanize someone you can talk to, especially if you and they share a common interest.)
>If I could change one thing, pacifist that I am, I would ask the protestors out there to fight for Love not War.
I think that boat was missed in the 70s. The 60s were a wake up call to the Establishment that something had gone wrong, some unexpected side effect of too much education, too much information which caused people to question not just ridiculous wars but racism, inequality, waste, despoilation — the very foundations of our society. So the project was to ‘re-educate’ the generations; cower and bribe the dissidents, maybe, but certainly isolate them. Meanwhile we school people in nihilism (punk rock), in indugence and selfishness (glamor, ‘have it all’ mindset) while pulling the rug out from under education (its expensive now so you need to train for that ‘good job’ — or else). Unwinding the cultural damage of the last 40-50 years is going to take some time.
“Unwinding the cultural damage of the last 40-50 years is going to take some time.”
Not necessarily. I find most cultures and religions and music quite compatible with my views.
Be nice to people. don’t worry about the colour of their skin. Do not go to war, if its PSYCHO or A Politician, slowly smile…stare them in the EYES, and slowly walk backwards and Disengage….so they think you are Harmless
Evil normally self distructs before they kill us all
punk rock was a laugh in both Manchester and London.
I did not cut my hair.. its Tubeway Army this week (Friends Electric – Gary Numan) then Sex Pistols then You can’t grow your hair back that quick for Hawkwind next week and your sister is going to think you look a right stupid twat. You ain’t going to pull looking like that.
Spot on Martin.
The plutocrats hit the panic button back in the late 60s.
They’ve been dumbing down the Useless Eaters ever since.
If they should run out of useless eaters, some may need to look no farther than a mirror?
Just asking?
“The real argument against aristocracy is that it always means rule of the ignorant; for there is no form of ignorance more dangerous than ignorance of work.” ~ GKC
” ‘Profits’ are what you make when you’re not working.”
~ Michael Parenti
How true.
‘The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.’
– Ruskin.
Do you really think we have another forty years? The latest research, published in Nature, finds that the ‘climate sensitivity’ to increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere is rather greater than the dumbed down (for consensus with Austfaiilia and Saudi etc)IPCC Reports have had it. 1.5 Celsius is already too high, and perhaps 1 might have been better. In any case, all long gone, as are ‘tipping points’.
Is that really you?
Where have you been hiding?
mumblebrain is a machine or a robot. No human can spew that bs out so frequently and so monotonous.