The Armchair Rioters – Part 4
Iain Davis

This is the final article in a four-part series. The first three parts are available here, here and here.
In his 1859 essay “On Liberty” the British political philosopher Sir John Stuart Mill provided a rationale defining the crucial importance of free speech and expression.
Mill convincingly argued that:
the source of everything respectable in man either as an intellectual or as a moral being” is our collective ability to rectify “mistakes, by discussion and experience.”
He said that censors and those that silence debate commit “a peculiar evil” because they are guilty of “robbing the human race” not only of its “opportunity of exchanging error for truth” but, perhaps more importantly, its chance to expose bad ideas as “errors” through truth’s “collision with error.”
Mill outlined what we today call the harm principle. He wrote:
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.
Mill differentiated between legitimate and illegitimate “harm.” When he spoke about preventing harm to others—in respect to freedom of speech and expression—he was referring to what we used to call the crime of incitement. The only legitimate use of power to stop free speech is where that speech leads directly to the real physical harm of others.
Mill’s arguments established the importance of freedom speech 165 years ago. He understood that tyranny thrives when its ideas are left unchallenged. Therefore, the ability to examine and question all ideas was so important we should never allow anyone to censor any speech, no matter how repugnant we might find it.
Expressing racial hatred—vile though it is—should not be censored unless it directly incites, or directly “encourages,” others to commit real acts that cause real physical harm. If, absent any of that, we allow state censorship to prevail, Mill reasoned, we commit the “great evil of adding unnecessarily to [government] power.”
Doing so would, he highlighted, inevitably give rise to tyranny:
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. [. . .] [T]he dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution, is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes. History teems with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not suppressed for ever, it may be thrown back for centuries.
Testing the Censorship Waters
As we discussed in Part 1 and Part 2, most of the arrests, charges and convictions for online activity in connection with the recent unrest were for offences under legislation that has been on the statute books for decades. Most commonly the Public Order Act 1986.
While there are questions to ask about the seemingly excessive sentences and the purported links to the disorder, these convictions are not particularly relevant to the issue of state censorship. People have been misled in that regard.
Among this number, however, there are a few that do give rise for genuine cause for concern. It appears that sections of the British public are focusing their attention on cases that present little or no threat to civil liberty while more serious attacks on our freedom of speech and expression are slipping by under the radar.
In March 2024, the first to be convicted under the Online Safety Act 2023 (OSA)—please read Part 3—was a known paedophile who sent indecent images to a child—so-called “cyberflashing.” This was in keeping with the claimed purpose of the OSA.
The government and the legacy media have been at pains to stress that the OSA is not censorship legislation. It is all about protecting children and keeping people safe online they claim.
So far, there have been very few convictions under the OSA. It comes as no surprise to those who have been warning about the OSA since it was first mooted, that the bulk of the first OSA prosecutions are for suspected “false communication” offences. In light of the recent disorder, three people have supposedly fallen foul of the new OSA regime. According to the Financial Times (FT), Bernadette Spofforth (See Part 1) is one of them.
Omar Abdirizak—stage name Twista Cheese—posted a video of himself alleging that Stephen Yaxley-Lennon—aka Tommy Robinson—encouraged the “far-right” to attack Mosques. The legacy media—including the Financial Times—initially reported that Abdirizak had been arrested for posting “false communications” in contravention of Section 179 of the OSA.
The FT added that Abdirizak “denied conveying information that he knew to be false.” It seems extremely odd that Abdirizak was ever charged with the OSA offence of sending false communications.
It was evident, from the video he posted, that Abdirizak also threatened to shoot people, possibly including a direct threat made against Tommy Robinson’s life. When he was arrested, West Midland’s police stated it was on suspicion of making threats to kill.
Reporting his not guilty plea, the BBC later claimed the “previous charge of conveying false information was dropped.” Nothing was offered to explain why this charge was considered viable in the first place.
It seems absurd to consider prosecuting someone for “false communications” when they posted videos of themselves saying “we’re going to artillery you” while using hand gestures to simulate shooting people. Abdirizak was not arrested for “conveying false information” and clearly the police thought he would be prosecuted under Section 181 of the OSA.
The story becomes stranger still. While a number of people have been swiftly convicted for encouraging racial hatred—or have been remanded in custody facing similar charges—Omar Abdirizak, who still has videos of himself toting automatic weapons on Google’s YouTube, who describes himself as a “Somali pirate” and says he wants to die, was granted unconditional bail which wasn’t opposed by the UK state prosecution.
This suggests that the state’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) initially wanted to test the lesser charge of sending false communications, regardless of the likelihood of a more serious offence possibly being committed. There appears to be a strong political impetus for the prosecution. Something which definitely is “illegal” in the UK.
Dimitrie Stoica pleaded guilty to sending a false communication with intent to cause harm. He was immediately imprisoned for three months under Section 179 of the OSA. Once again, he didn’t appear to cause any discernible “harm.”
Stoica posted a video on TikTok in which he pretended to run away from rioters claiming he was in fear for his life. When he was interviewed by Derbyshire Constabulary he said his post was a “joke.” The official statement on the conviction from Derbyshire police raises a number of issues:
Dimitrie Stoica had been livestreaming to 700 followers, although how many watched it is unknown, as he walked around Derby on Wednesday 7 August – the same evening that potential protests and disorder had been feared might take place in the city. While there was no disorder at all that evening, Stoica’s livestream suggested otherwise.
Again, the “context” was considered an important component of the Stoica’s offending. The alleged harm he caused was seemingly determined by the wider sociopolitical environment in which his social media post was made. Yet, as noted by the police, that “context” was merely the fear felt by others—which ultimately proved unwarranted. This was entirely beyond Stoica’s control and had nothing to do with him.
Derbyshire police continued:
[Stoica’s social media] stream had come to the attention of officers monitoring social media from the area.[…] Officers in the area were directed to speak to Stoica who confirmed that he was not being chased and that he was not afraid for his safety. With the situations seen around the country in recent days and the manner in which social media had been used to promote significant disorder, Stoica was immediately arrested. In interview Stoica […] admitted that his comments had been a “joke”. He was charged the following day with one count of sending a false communication with intent to cause harm contrary to Section 179 of the Online Safety Act 2023.
It is worth pausing to consider this sequence of events.
The police were actively monitoring the public’s use of social media and sent officers to Stoica’s address to arrest him after flagging the content he posted. This was based on the police’s belief that social media was used to “promote significant disorder” but Derbyshire police simultaneously conceded there was “no disorder at all.”
In addition, there was no basis—other than legacy media reports and political statement claiming a falsehood to be true—for the police’ belief that social media caused any disorder anywhere else either.
The imprisonment of Stoica led Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Shooter to say:
[…] the right to freedom can be limited – in particular where it is required to prevent crime and disorder. As has been made clear by forces across the country any criminal actions relating to the disorder, whether they be in person or online, will be dealt with quickly and robustly. Whether it is spreading misinformation or being involved in disorder the message is clear.
The “message” does not make any sense. There was no crime or disorder associated with Stoica’s social media post. His “right to freedom” was limited—by virtue of Section 179 of the OSA—for what Chief Constable Shooter seemingly believes to be his crime of spreading “misinformation.” No such crime exists.
Furthermore, the UN definition of misinformation is “information that is false, but not created with the intention of causing harm.” Stoica was convicted of the “intent to cause harm.” To be clear, this meets the UN definition of “disinformation” and Stoica was imprisoned, under Section 179 of the OSA, for spreading said “disinformation.”
“Disinformation” was deemed applicable in his case because, despite the fact that there was “no disorder at all,” the court presumably read his mind and was satisfied that he was thinking about causing harm. Primarily, it seems, because Stoica admitted his thought crime.
Irrespective of supposedly protecting children, policing social media and convicting people of a new crime—which practically amounts to an allegation of spreading “disinformation”—is what the OSA has delivered. This is precisely as envisaged by the UN.
The reported “context” of Stoica’s OSA offending is called “crisis-driven disinformation” by the UN:
Disinformation online expands significantly during times of political, economic and social grievances. In that way, it contributes to further polarising the public debate, to eroding public trust, to inciting violence and hatred against minorities. [. . .] Emergencies and natural disasters show us the weaknesses of social resilience against information pollution.
It is patently obvious that the real “context” of these new OSA offences is UN member states’ desire to protect the legacy media “gatekeepers of information and news” and deter the “non-traditional actors” from publishing anything member states chose to label “disinformation.” Stoica’s was evidently a test case.
Governments around the world are highly motivated to regain control of information. The manner in which the OSA is being applied in the UK exposes its undeniable purpose. It is censorship legislation, pure and simple.
While details on Bernie Spofforth’s case are scant, she was reportedly accused of a “false communication”—disinformation—offence under Section 179. As we have already discussed, the basis for her prosecution appears to be extremely murky.
Nonetheless, it is important to recognise that the so-called riots have provided the claimed “context” to enable these prosecutions to proceed. That is to say, the civil disorder suits the UK state’s evident objective of testing the OSA in court.
We are led to believe that the unrest is the result of “far-right influencers,” allegedly including Spofforth, committing false communication offences. But, as we discussed at the start of this series and throughout, there I no evidence whatsoever to support this contention.
In Part 1, we noted state propagandists like Marianna Spring based nearly the entire edifice of the state’s claim on a subjective interpretation of Spofforth’s X-posts. There was never any evidence showing causation between the social media posts and the unrest. Nor is there any provable legal case to be made against Spofforth. Unlike Stoica, Spofforth will not be prosecuted and all charges have been dropped. Put simply, the claim that social media caused riots is nothing but propaganda.
It is abundantly clear that the real purpose of most of the harsh convictions for “encouraging” racial hatred are intended to frighten the public into imagining their opinions can be “legally” censored by the state.
Meanwhile, through tentative attempts to enforce the OSA for its true purpose—censorship—the UK state, in league with its global governance partners, is testing the dictatorship waters. The problem for the state is that it cannot maintain it is a democracy—of sorts—while simultaneously destroying the essential democratic ideal—proven by Mill and others—of freedom of expression.
There is no doubt that the limited unrest we saw in late July and early August 2024 has been exploited by the state and its legacy media propagandists in their bid to lay the foundations for the dictatorship that will protect the global governance regime’s “gatekeepers of news and information.” This is necessary because the UK state, and its parent global state, are losing the information war and find themselves increasingly unable to control public opinion. Therefore, the UK branch of the global public-private partnership has unleashed its “great evil” on the UK population to stifle dissent and establish the tyranny it wants.
There is no such thing as an “armchair rioter.” It is a pure propagandist construct designed to convince you to passively give away your absolutely essential right to question power.
Please don’t fall for it.
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61 year old ‘conspiracy theorist’ dies in prison after conviction for anti-immigration.
Tragic for him and his family. Be careful out there.
It seems that in the course of their descent into tyranny, societies invariably get buried in more red tape and Kafkaesque bleakness. There’s no rhyme nor reason to the process, as the gargantuan panoptic apparatus becomes it’s own justification and ends up devouring whatever’s left of civil liberties. Of course, the moneyed interests, the government and it’s lackeys are exempt from the rules that only serve to benefit them.
Such downward societal cycles ultimately end in bloodbaths, or perhaps in the systematic culling of a stupefied populace. Whatever it is, it could be argued that it’s worse than the chaos brought on by revolution. Do we really think that the few acts or arson by an angry mob comes close to the horrors of trench warfare or a storming of the Bastille?
Perhaps discussions might fruitfully pass on to the role of unthinking, rule-following police forces mainly populated by relatively poorly educated people, few of whom have any understanding of the complexities of foreign policy, global wars, corporate criminality and the like.
It truly is amazing how police forces say: ‘the politicians passed a law, we will enforce it, without question, without evaluation, without even engaging in internal discussions as to its appositeness’.
They can rightly be held up as mindless, thoughtless, lower level drones doing what Queen Bees tell them to do.
It’s not a good lookout for the police forces of this country that they don’t do their basic jobs of investigating robberies, calling out the never-ending unsuitability of various drivers to be on the road (vast swathes of drivers nowadays fail to indicate in any way when on roundabouts; huge numbers overtake at 80mph on the inside land of motorways when those driving on the speed limit are in the middle lane; etc etc); having the moral probity to understand that racist Muslims and blacks exist, supremacist Jews exist, sexist women exist, homosexuals can occasionally be disgusting bullies, and trans-sexuals can sometimes expect the 99.5% majority to be criminalised just because they don’t bow down before a tiny population of sexual outliers.
It’s getting increasingly difficult to respect UK police forces as anything other than anti-democratic organs of repression, offering a salary in return for unthinking subservience and gabbling of whatever is the political flavour of the month…..
It’s OK for the Secretary of Defense under GW Bush to lie continuously on all MSM channels while speaking to Congress, as well as the entire administration and almost the entirety of Congress to invade, occupy for 20 years and kill half a million civilian Iraqis, much less totally deconstruct that society. Then, including now, create a war field out of the entire Middle East region, deconstructing and destroying lives and societies through nefarious provocations, bringing the world to the beginning of WW3, adding Russia and China in progress. But it is illegal to talk about the truth of all this Great Game playing world hegemon, or to pass along video of the hegemon’s battle units slaughtering the innocent?
It is obvious that THE EMPIRE, including participating Western nations, have deployed digital centralizations, along with the rest of the world’s elite, to remote control Humanity because their hyper greed has hyper exhausted Nature & Reality’s ability to give them what they want, and us plebs no longer trust anything they do. But in doing so they expose themselves like Dracula flashers. Telling Humanity we can’t talk, think, live or do anything without the SYSTEM overlord’s approval, is totalitarianism. We see you!
They are dropping like flies today – Chris Hoy 6 Gold medals – presumably jabbed to death Stage 4 turbocancer, Jez Clarkson – clogged pipes – presumably jabbed to death….
I guess none of Chris’s docs will mention horse paste and fenben??
Thanks Iain for this exposition of the utter garbage spewed out of the propaganda machine of MSM and the injustice of the “justice” system. The detail in this essay shows deep research and critical thinking in how we come to the conclusion that the State and its global partners want absolute control of our minds. They are unashamed of being barefaced liars and causing immense harm for their own personal gain. Why wouldn’t we hate them?
we see, it is OK for some elites like mr trump to say: finish Gaza, finish it quick!
OK to encourage the annihilation of an entire city and blow people into smithereens on a daily basis, but if that made someone angry and spew some insults online, that is No No, they can be locked up!
you see how it works?!
Do you get the impression the red team vs blue team (democrats, republicans, labour, conservative, in any vernacular) are working for the same manager? democracy is an illusion, extrapolate this out internationally. You really think that all these wars are real wars? There are no real wars – it’s all fake narratives, the casualties, dead and suffering are real. Do you really think that the corrupted global governments are really fighting with each other? they all work for the same central planners, and fighting YOU! the common people of the world!, its historically called tribal conquest and a conspiracy theory that remains timeless.
The only winning move is not to play, don’t pick a side, & negate complicity by protesting violations of moral law, It all makes sense when you understand this.
yet here you are, playing by having internet connection, imagining the hilarious scam of a GLOBE , paying your taxes & stating the obvious to everyone here who is well aware of the political duality scam.
How sanctimonious & patronising do you think you appear here Matt ?🙄😂
bizarre, they want to fight misinformation but it has always been LEGAL for politicians to LIE!
more bizarre, they exempted news publishers from these misinformation laws.
The serf fingered or sentence imposed are unimportant to our overlords. What matters is views, dissent or resistance that inconvenience them. The message in question need not incite violence. It has been tested practice for governments trigger the incitement and violence whenever required. The actors may be destitute locals (for looting), volunteers for an “emergency exercise”, stooges, convicts promised leniency, mobs transported from elsewhere, vigilantes/anarchists/militia tolerated for just such an occasion, or enforcers themselves.
Better stop quoting the UN for anything, they have fallen deep. Look at the UNSC, UNWRA or UNIFIL.
The U in UN, US or UK is becoming a death knell for the variety of people they pretend to represent. That U of Unity became unhealthy Uniformity. Much better is a federation that keeps diversity alive, so FN, (NA)FS or FBIsles.
“the right to freedom can be limited – in particular where it is required to prevent crime and disorder.”
Similar to the right of freedom relative to what is required to keep everyone else safe, like the mantra during the peak of the Scamdemic and the lockdowns and facemasks and threats to those who wouldn’t take the jab. To me, as I’ve mentioned before, exemplified by the video of Arnold Schwarzenegger saying “Screw your freedoms” while addressing those who didn’t want to wear a fucking mask.
It became evident then, combined with the globalists’ overtures and the increasingly insane wealth gap, that the only true fight on planet earth was, still, about freedom and liberty. How that’s defined is the question, which is what the fight is all about. Unfortunately, the percentage of people who might define it at the highest ends is evidently quite small. For now, anyway, it can only grow because as the vice grips get tighter, more will realize what’s going on. But for those seeking the higher end of freedom and liberty, it might be time to make that clear.
When commenting on the coup in Bolivia to grab lithium deposits (that later failed), the purported champion of freedom Elon Must said “Tough, deal with it” or words to that effect.
“we’ll coup whoever we want!” He has since deleted that tweet…
“I can’t help about the shape I’m in
I can’t sing, I ain’t pretty and my legs are thin
But don’t ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to
Oh well”
Angels – here and now – or I wouldn’t still be here.
I did ask, whilst sat next to him in 2019 in Cyprus if he was Peter Green. He didn’t deny it.
Peter Allen Greenbaum (29 October 1946 – 25 July 2020)
“Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac – “Oh Well”, Live@ Music Mash 1969″
I’ll see your Fleetwood Mac Tony(?) and raise you a HAIM:
Female bands on heavy rock are mostly awfully. These girls here never get started.
I’ll show you a real soul piece with a real woman: “Married to the Blues”, Norton,
They’re young Eric.
Give em a chance to hone their craft.
In another genre. Just doing them a favour as their old Grandpa. A moral raised finger before its to late.
We had done our share of answering the phones with our happy friendly voices speaking Raw Clear Lancashire (Skelmersdale and Oldham) and being welcoming – and friendly – and sometimes – asking the simple question – how can I help you love – what is the problem. I will try to help.
We were 28 & 24 when we moved to London – and retained our Working Class Lancashire accents
Everyone noticed the Difference – when we answered the phones in London and spoke just the same.
No one asked our names – because we had already connected
Oh there’s armchair rioters alright.
The haunt the halls of authority.
They strut the stages of the Drainstream Media.
They are the promulgators, purveyors, profiteers and parasites of pain and divisiveness.
They justify their existence with their actions.
I was just sat there on the grass, near the back of the field I don’t think it was Glastonbury or Stonehenge or maybe WOMAD but it might have been
and there was this beautiful young girl, with long blonde hair gently dancing whilst breastfeeding her baby.
We certainly did that, but I can’t find the photo, and I can’t paint…
It does not get better than that
Not coincidentally, supposed allegations about Mohammed Al-Fayed have suddenly become headline news. Nothing to do with his persuasive claims that his son and Princess Diana were quite likely murdered by the Anglo-American intelligence agencies of course!
When the news about Diana broke (it was afternoon here) I turned to my wife and said “That was neatly done”. Nothing remarkable except she simultaneously did and said exactly the same thing. Those two were riding for a fall; I don’t think any intelligence agencies were officially involved but there’s just too many powerful and capable people who were willing to ‘do the right thing’ so it was just a matter of time.
(This is why I reckon Andrew and Meghan are hiding out in California. Enclaves like Montecito have a lot of high profile people in them so the entire area is quite secure and very private.)
Diana used to go to the Gym, right opposite where I worked for 13 years near Chelsea Football Club, but so did lots of famous beautiful people, and they used to go to the same supermarkets, and sit in the stalls, like we did at the London Ballet on The Southbank with our kids
It was just normal – no one thought oh wow, and no one noticed.
I was totally Gutted when she died.
She was Our PRINCESS
Sounds like you could sell that much polished “gem” to the Daily Flail; half the peasants on Pirate Rock would die to have shoved a shopping cart in that there super when Lady Die went …bye. “and no one noticed”…. That’s the punch line I take it.
Diana was a real threat to the parasite class. She spilled the beans on a number of occasions, and a union with an Arab was unthinkable, especially if a ‘royal’ baby resulted – a part-Arab, related to the Royals? Unthinkable!
I believe Meghan and Harry are part of the club. They pose no threat to the other members of their club.
The “royals” need to introduce a smidgeon of black blood for their new imported “Britons” to ingest the House of Usher with some machete slashing street cred.. Di versity is our long as it ain’t Ladi Di. Anyway the fun is about to start all over again as the latest Saville Randy Andy Puff Diddy pedovore psy op kicks off in the spring. Read all about it in the Daily Flail.
Ha Ha. Love your comment Martillo. Only a ‘smidgeon’ of black blood – yeah.
Buried truths grow and grow. Yet psychotics who imagine they are burned by the light of truth cannot recognize correct causation. They are always blaming innocent targets for real crimes.
An American with an unmistakably German name is in love with large feline creatures. Whether his love could also be of a sexual nature shall remain unfounded at this point. Dolph would also like to unite physically with Eden, but the danger of her misinterpreting his genitals as sausage is too great.
I think there was also a “panther” tank. However,
despite all the enthusiasm for “Nazi” military tech-
nology, one must never forget: Nazi Germany was
ruled by sadistic lesbians and homosexual servants!
A good example of what I mean is the Swiss “bear friend” and wannabe-Tarzan Reno Sommerhalder. His wife trusts him (because women are “rationally” stupid). He takes his pregnant wife into the bear wilderness of Kamchatka, “armed only with a bear spray”. Normally it should make sense to her: “So your love of predators is greater than the risk of losing your offspring and me too?”
If you are a true “animal lover”, you should
take care of our beloved dog breed & name
them one by one: Adolf, Hermann, Josef etc.
He is a man and promised to protect her. So she believes he will and can protect her from a group of 10 Grizzlies .
When she is pregnant there is not much time for testing him off. She may be disappointed as so many women become when she find out the do-gooder and the Tarzan profile was false, like the money he had was fiat dollares.
Raised in captivity and feed all sorts and injected with all sorts.
Imprisoned against there will and many think this is nice and fluffy.
I do wonder, if this is also happening to us…?
We had somewhat recovered from 2017, and in 2019 went to around 50 gigs – camping at around 6 – and I have the photography to prove it…
Christmas 2019, was not too good, I thought I had covid – I went almost completely deaf in my right ear…and it effected my balance – such that when walking to the pub, I had to ask my wife to hold my left hand whilst crossing the road with my walking stick in my right hand – cos I didn’t want to fall down and get run over…
Then, the ear drops from Asda (urea and hydrogen peroxide) worked….and I could hear again in 4D Stereo and dance around the pub like a lunatic…
I was cured.
Then EVERYONE got Brainwashed with COVID, and I pleaded with My Sister, and Pretty Much All My Friends on Facebook – Please do Not Get Jabbed.
Everyone thought I had gone mad. Everyone fell out with me (well except my wife and son)
I tried my best to carry on as Normal, but refused to wear a Mask…
We were coming back from some gig, and just walking along the canal / river happy with smiling faces (she is like that)….and these Masked zombies were jumping out of our way
That seriously did my head in, and I refused to go to any more funerals
Still here cat wife son and grandkids
It wasn’t our fault the entire world went fcking mad
I have no solutions, except for our Grandkids especially our 2 year old Grandaughter who likes playing my Guitar and hand drums and is just so beautiful and so sweet
An excellent reason to make 86, like my Mum
Great Grandchildren yet??
Pirate Rock aka Perfidious Albion is at the end ot its tether. The days of pillage and plunder and rape are over in the colonial backwaters that the nation of snaggle-toothed pirates landed on and looted. Now irony of ironies the paupered colonials have come home to roost on damp bankrupt Pirate Rock itself as the in-bred royals and gone to seed landed gentry try to control the narrative by outlawing the narrative. Who said history had no sense of humor! The panic is palpable from the gases emitted from the bowels of the establishment, the putrid organ of peasant paid for propaganda, the disgusting BBC and its coven of presstitutes peddling their Royal bullshit in a frenzy of non-stop vomit like nonsense that fools nobody other than the brainless lumpen that have been reared on the smut of the Satanic coven of useless eaters and Saville like pedovores than imagine they are better than the rest of the herd. It’s over and nothing will stop the utter destruction to be visited on the angloZionaZi ruling gaggle of mongrels that have lived from war and genocide for centuries. All the platitudes and self-congratulatory nonsense about “British justice”, “rule of law” and “respect for order” have never been more for the anglo demons than the self-righteous rags with which they wiped the blood off their hands from victims butchered and robbed, too many ever to be counted in all lands plundered by their willing idiot rabble, always willing to kill for the damn king’s shilling and only too ready to slaughter all and sundry for the scraps and bones thrown to these dogs by their elitist “royal” masters. That day is done.
It is over and the destruction of Natostan in rump Ukraine means the destruction of Pirate Rock itself. Mother Russia has a debt to settle with the rats that started this, the same rodents that egged their rump Ukrapper Nazis into the Kursk cauldron. And Mother Russia will come to collect at a time that is of her choosing. Just ask the Skripals, in a public forum, who it is that they trust and who it is they despise and fear, if indeed the gold fish brained populous still remembers that Monty Python skit of “British justice” lies and subterfuge in its eternal hate campaign against a people who the royal filth is not worthy of licking their boots, if the unfortunate Skripals are still above ground of course. Try as the gaggle of floundering demons might in their obvious panic together with their willing legions of boot-licking GESTAPO like goons seeking to watch over our every thought and action, deep down they know that it is only a question of time before the entire rotten edifice of Pirate Rock goes up in smoke and nothing will contain the wrath to be visited on those that are responsible for what this island has caused the rest of humanity. Karma is coming hard and it will not be denied in collapsing bankrupt Pirate Rock any more than it will be denied in ZionaZi occupied Palestine.
Occam’s Razor ? Some disturbance and something posted – the simple, easy solution is: one seems connected to the other, so one must be the cause of the other ? (Let’s blame the telly for all the murders and crimes ?)
This incident hasn’t received the attention it deserves..
Its an early morning raid on the home of someone who’s known for advocating for the Palestinians in Gaza. Although the raids were carried out under some Terrorism Act or another as “support for terrorism” the nature, coordination and general purpose should give pause for thought. They’re obviously designed to impede and intimidate anyone who disagrees with government policy.
These ‘offenses’ obviously have to involve a designated terrorist organization, at least on paper. The neat thing about the OSA is that you don’t have the inconvenience of having specify some terrorism — you’re guilty because PC Plod says you are.
This, to me, illustrates rather well the dangers of letting the thin end of the wedge be inserted anywhere just because the ostensible purpose of the wedge is to ensure public safety. Obviously nobody wants to be blown up, murdered or whatever but at the same time liberties are precious — to paraphrase Ben Franklin, “Those who would give up Liberty in order to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.