What do they have planned for our water?
Kit Knightly

A look through the headlines suggests that – along with our money, food, communication and transport – our water supply is in line to be part of the “Great Reset” remodel of society.
This is hardly surprising, but maybe we don’t talk about it as much as we should.
For a few years now a “water crisis” has been a C list headline doing the rounds in local papers and near-empty parliamentary discussions – but now suddenly it’s hitting front pages proper.
In March scary reports were published alleging that waterbourne diseases had increased by 60% in the last decade.
Earlier this year the UK’s water companies requested OfWat – the government regulator – increase the price of water.
Then, earlier this week, it was announced the price would be even higher than expected, with some areas seeing a prices raised by 84% over the next six years, prompting predictable outrage.
Even as prices increase, the companies are still folding. Thames Water – the largest water company in the country – is over £15 billion in debt and is desperately seeking emergency loans.
We’re also being told that our infrastructure is dated and “creaking”. Just hours ago the BBC published an “in-depth read” on the UK’s water infrastructure:
The water industry is in crisis. Can it be fixed?
Amusingly enough, this article argues that the country essentially has too much water, and that increased rainfall causes flooding which overwhelms water treatment plants and causes sewage to leak into fresh water.
So – more rain = a water crisis. Less rain = a water crisis.
It’s apparently very difficult getting the amount of water right for them
Top tier MSM logic.
Government ministers are actually claiming the UK could face a drinking water shortage in the near future.
We might have to import water from overseas in giant tankers!
Anyway, the “problem” has been clearly stated, so we’re into the “reaction” phase.
Two days ago the government announced a brand new “Government Independent Water Commission”, apparently the largest review of the water sector since it was privatised in the late eighties.
A sidebar historical note on the UK’s water system. It was “privatized” in 1989 by Thatcher’s government, but it has never really subject to true Capitalist market forces. Rather the local water authorities were sold and transformed into regional for-profit water companies.
Customers have no choice of water supplier, and are forced to pay local water companies whatever the government “regulator” says the price should be.
Essentially it’s a system of regional monopolies. It’s a corrupt and unfair and takes advantage of ordinary people…but it’s been that way for thirty-five years.
Call me cynical but I find it hard to imagine this “review” is going to be about making it less corrupt or more fair .
So what is it about?
Well, there’s a lot of talk about renationalization. Labour ruled it out back in September, but the press are largely in favour (even The New York Times), so maybe Starmer will be “pressured” into “changing his mind”.
What this “renationalization” might look like, and exactly how much of our tax revenue will be spent on it, is hard to imagine at this point.
We’ll have to wait for the results of the “review” to see what direction the narrative goes. But it’s largely immaterial.
Whether the UK’s water is private, public or the good old private-public partnership, the end goal seems to be “reducing demand”. At least, according to a government report from earlier this year.
Back in March, the previous administration published a report titled “A summary of England’s revised draft regional and water resources management plans”, which details the “problem”:
our climate is changing, our population is growing, and as a nation we want an improved environment along with a thriving economy, enabled by resilient water supplies. Action is required now to meet these objectives
Without action, the revised draft plans indicate that by 2050 the nation’s public water supply will face a shortfall of over 4,800 Ml/d. This is the collective deficit faced across all water companies in England.
…before suggesting “solutions” [emphasis added]:
Water companies have long been encouraged to look at ways of reducing demand, while looking for new sources of water. The latest rounds of revised draft plans reflect this twin-track approach, with almost two thirds of the water needed in 2050 coming from reductions in demand. Specifically, 48% of water will come from using water more efficiently and metering.
So what exactly do they mean by “reducing demand”?
Water is not a luxury and it’s not something you can replace. Only water can be water and people need what they need. No, “reducing demand” is civil servant talk for “reducing use”.
People will still demand water, they just won’t be able to get it.
…that’s where the “metering” comes in. Smart metering, to be specific.
You’re probably more familiar with smart meters when it comes to energy supplies, but “Smart” water meters are a thing too, and they might just be the answer to our “crisis”.
Appendix A to the water report above details the government targets as part of their “demand management programmes”:
As set out in the main report, the revised draft plans have proposed smart metering programmes as part of wider demand management programmes. This includes both installing smart meters in homes that are not metered, new homes and upgrading existing basic meters to smart meters in metered households.
They aim to increase metering in general and smart metering specifically until at least 75% of homes have Smart water meters:
Most companies are planning a rollout out of smart meters, with current revised draft plans achieving around 48% smart metering of households by 2030, 73% by 2040 and 76% by 2050.
So, what’s so great about smart meters?
Well, the question should be “what’s not so great about smart meters?”, and the answer would be “nothing”.
Smart meters are more accurate than old fashioned water meters, they’re more reliable, they report readings digitally so you don’t have to send people to manually read them, they “reduce carbon emissions” (apparently), they automatically detect leaks…
…oh, ummm…and they can be shut off remotely.
You know, incase of non-payment of bills or if you happen to overuse your climate-friendly net zero fresh water allowance.
Yeah – so there’s that…
Just supposition on my part of course, and under current UK law it’s actually legally difficult to shut off someone’s water, but laws can be changed. Or just ignored – if you happen to be a government-backed water monopoly with a bottomless budget for dealing with legal challenges.
Nobody has used the word “rationing” yet (at least not about water), but it’s hard not to hear it on the wind when remote-shut off smart meters are being billed as a solution to “increased demand” and we’re living under the cloud (so to speak) of fake “climate change”.
And, of course, it won’t be isolated to the UK. It never is. Globally the Smart water meter market is predicted to grow from just over a billion dollars in 2018, to $3.8 billion last year to over $7 billion by 2031 on the back of initiatives across the EU and North America.
The water aspect of The Great Reset is still in its early stages, but it’s hard to see it going anywhere good.
Another spoke in the wheel. Another means to an end. A little more writing on the wall.
How long do we just sit here and watch it happen?
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One of the wonders of privatisation- Privatisation ‘s “free market” potential is not relevant to human beings. Privatisation means that private (and very large and potentially trans-national) companies can profit off essential services like drinking water.
The water companies own the drains as well as the pipes. A few years ago I got an unusually high water bill and when I checked the details I saw they were charging me for drainage more than the actual water supply. When i called them up to enquire, i received a convoluted reply which as far as I could tell means they charge people for drainage according to the amount of rainfall and size of the property….Someone actually thought to charge for the sewers according to how much water drains off your property…Imagine that.
After strongly complaining that the amount on the bill was extraordinary and could not be correct, they actually “revised” the bill and halved the charge (which was still high).
Note that it was not even my property, I was renting!
A bit more on Primary Water:
Non-saline hot water released from (underwater) Gakkel Ridge in Arctic http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/heat-from-deep-ocean-fault-punches-hole-in-arctic-ice-sheet.html
“According to the pyrolite mantle model of
Ringwood (1975) an amount of water of between 4 to 21
times the mass of the present ocean (1.4 •1021 kg) could be
contained in the entire system. Applying a crystallographic
model for hydrous wadsleyite which may contain up to
3.3% H2O by weight, Smyth (1994) predicted that the Earth
mantle reservoir could contain more than four times the
amount of water currently in the hydrosphere, which is
equivalent to five times the mass of the entire modern ocean.
A fraction of it returns to the surface via”. . . -more-
What’s your point please?
the WEF’s Mariana Mazzucato: the attempt to vaccinate the everyone failed, “climate change” is “too abstract” for people to understand, but the coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with.
Independent W.C. obviously,
Gender neutral toilets,
Will be available… For those bursting
in public confusion, as to the origins of the substance that flushes daily, the essence of life & any society, delivered free of charge from the Heavens Above…
And, naturally the British National wealth of water-lords, Board of Sirs- & Sir Kier’s backers & buggers of sanitation 🌊💦announce another Commission !
‘Yes Yesss Prime Minister, the Climate Changed. You can’t be held responsible for that… With flushed cheeks . . . Just don’t mention the Weather & Our Geo-engineering, otherwise they might blame the Government, for many experiments of a Militaristic Determination with Corporate Edge & an A.i. like… Aladdin !’.
WHO ? Since 1997 has grown exponentially more than Puff Diddy, Piss Daddy & the U. N. combined, by hedging Aladdin’s Edge. FYI, Minister, from Genie Energy, Oil & Gas, on the Golan, I recall, the names Murdoch, Rothschild, Cheney & the boss of the C.I.A. Woolsey for some strange reason… Also administering 💦 water’.
bursting in public confusion!! Very funny! Love it
A well reasoned exposition of the evils of Privatising a major public resource. The same thing is happening in South Africa to the public electricity authority: underfunding on infrastructure, and a constant barrage from the media. The answer is not Nationalisation of the industry so long as the nation remains in private hands. The neal answer, as China has shown, is Socialisation of the country., Unfortunately, after recent elections, there is even less chance of a Socialist government being elected in Britain or South Africa.
China sounds at least as bad as everywhere else in the ‘ free West’
Starverehh Starmer and EngSoc. Britain has had a Socialist Government since WWI.I do think the future of human freedom lies in effing off to the wilderness and embracing the tribal hunter/gatherer lifestyle.
yes but the problem is there is n’t any wilderness left.They have chartered everything
Sadly, there is plenty of wilderness in the minds of many people you meet these days.
More on Primary Water:
“The Fertile Crescent, which stretches from Israel to the Persian Gulf and includes the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, is supplied at its easternmost point by a cave in an iron-red limestone cliff. This flow becomes the Jordan River. At its westernmost point are springs. One flows from the foot of a buttress on Mt. Hermon and another pours from the cliffs in waterfalls. A spring in Oregon flows at 690 million gallons a day, a spring in Missouri flows at 800 million gallons a day, and a series of springs along the Snake River in Idaho flow at 3.5 billion gallons a day.”
Scientific American March 2014: Study documents vast quantities of water beneath the earth’s surface. Study confirms “that there is a very, very large amount of water that’s trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s oceans.”
BBC News December 2014: Study presented at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union– researchers estimate there is more water locked deep in the earth’s crust than in all its rivers, swamps and lakes together.
Science March 2002 Japanese researchers report the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
I have also heard these stories. Large reserves of primary water under our ground water, and more primary water reserves under our big Seas.
But when I read the deepest Science have ever been was 12 km in the ground before they lost a drilling head in the 2000C magma there, and……….further more that 1000 volcanoes frequently break out on the bottom of our big Seas.
Then I said to myself, 2000C magma and cold clean fresh water primary together, 12 km deep drilling to magma and clean fresh water primary down under??
Something does not quite add up here.
Yes I know ultrasound, c14, and one eye looking down in a microscope tells us everything we wanna know, but………eehhhh. 🤔 🤔
It isn’t EVERYWHERE in a layer. Rather, like petroleum, in huge pockets.
Wells have been purposely dug to access it by those who understand geology. A few in Africa were excavated with hand tools. I have visited one such well in CA.
Primary Water isn’t a theory– see the examples I’ve given. It’s FACT.
No problem.
I didnt like your link but that doesnt ruin the conclusion that yes, we have underground water reservoirs beyond the ground water. So we are aligned.
and is that a good thing or not? Sounds good to me
Off course its a good thing. Its obvious its a good thing.
There will always be nuances in the perception of things, but the important thing is that basic facts can be and are agreed upon. That we mutual strive toward understanding of what is.
Primary Water is water under the Earth’s mantle– many times the amount in the hydrological cycle.
This is suppressed knowledge which was known in Medieval times.
The water isn’t even usually deeply buried. Typically it’s corked by rock cork. From my file:
Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
Pal Pauer of the Primary Water Institute, one of the world’s leading experts in tapping primary water, says a well sufficient to service an entire community could be dug and generating great volumes of water in a mere two or three days, at a cost of about $100,000. The entire state of California could be serviced for about $800 million
http://www.globalresearch.ca/california-water-wars-another-form-of-asset-stripping/5438835 Ellen Brown. Includes several innovative sources for inexpensive water. Suggestion that these are being avoided in order to enhance the value of limited water which is being bought up. It’s the people against the new “water barons” – Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Monsanto, the Bush family, and their ilk – who are buying up water all over the world at an unprecedented pace.
They seem to be so desperate lately, would you agree?
Think about it. “They”, whoever they are, must have immense power and wealth to operate almost secretly behind all MS media, governments and academia internationally.
If they are so powerful and wealthy why risk it by creating suspicious “pandemics” and planning for crisis after crisis while more and more people become aware of a controlling elite?
Could it be that the 911 narrative, since the 2019 U of AF report, could be PROVEN false by expert witnesses in court? Perhaps this combined with the scandal of Epstein that became public (also in 2019)?
Are “they” acting desperately?
Do you know did OffG write anything about Epstein?
Different between a fear porn news reader is.
weak journalism sorry to say.
it so easy to check.
If there is more than usual water consumption within a dwelling they will send out a rep
to investigate.
all medication solution they call water within the dwelling and road is measured and on a full moon your notice the taps and toilet water is low pressure and if newbies flats are being built – you can oppose them on the water consumption of the road becoming less..
With electricity if a certain amount hits a certain quota, it automatically gets reports to the police and they will investigate with the assistant of firebridge tek they use to see if your growing weed.
Everything is logged everything in that dwelling going back since it been on the Grib system is logged and thoses using a less amount of water or electricity get better reductions and showers suggestion are now standard in there terms of agreement of letting and buildings and if you’ve been poor. your notice the hot water (warm water) lasts for around 1/2 minutes which is called an army wash or army shower, also known as a military shower due to how your suppose to wash during a shower.
This was happening pre 1985 as we had to use it.
I recall boarding school in the 60s/70;s and showers for a few minutes was trained as normal even for young ladies.
Boys Questions : what where the showers like at school.? or when you was in European hostels.
freezing as hell.???
in and out.
Ha. Pardon a tangential comment: in my teens, I once stayed with a friend’s large family during a summer vacation. I took my usual leisurely showers at first; I honestly can’t remember exactly how long they lasted, but probably about 10 minutes.
My friend took me aside to explain that this indulgence horrified his mother and stepfather. The latter had more or less successfully instituted a “blitz” policy based on his conviction that a proper shower required two minutes of running water at most.
I admit that I hadn’t considered the legitimate issue of using up more than my share of hot water, although I think the stepfather saw it more in terms of extravagantly increasing his utility bills.
I was suitably embarrassed, but of course I tried to meekly comply. I didn’t even ask whether the stepfather had personally demonstrated his rapid-showering technique– or whether exceptions were made in case one felt an impulse to engage in autoerotic activity before rinsing off. 🛁 🚿 💦 ⏱ 🤨
We’re going to try free hot water showers and see how many recruits we can drum up. They go weeks w/o a shower around here.
My dad told stories of taking showers in the Army Air Force. You’d just get lathered up and they’d shut off the water. Then off to your breakfast of SOS.
I was on a submarine. We took “sub showers”, Turn the water on, get wet, turn it off. Soap up and clean, then turn the water on, rinse off quick, and get out. Once a week whether we needed it or not.
We all were there. https://yandex.ru/video/preview/8464981724959879566 .
SOS ? salty old sh*t?
In Oregon, we have had smart water and electricity meters forced upon us under threat of disconnection with no alternative providers. Smart meters and all SMART technology (self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology) devices are to enable a remote control economy and society. But universal wireless is required, supposedly in the form of 5G. If we refuse and reject wireless tech, personally limiting use, and go wired broadband for the services we, rather than they, need, we can stop a huge % of the GR.
Three hours of vain self-promotion, self-stagig and showmanship – a lot is demanded of you here. What don’t you do to get yourself talked about and to stay talked about. It’s just an ordeal of sweaty shirts. Don’t forget the tanning lotion. How much time will have been spent on Trump’s hairstyle in the make-up alone, Rogan has it easier. But there seem to be millions of Americans (like Dru Wanklin from the Gaily Wormer) who don’t mind wasting their time. Is there anything more American than that? But what can you do, Trump is the only one they have and every American is clutching at him like a straw.
Trump’s public appearances are a tour de force of sheer narcissism: “Me me me me” or “Me, myself and I”. Of course, it all has to come across as somehow genuine and authentic, which is the biggest challenge. Millions of votes and millions of dollars of electoral support are at stake here, and a nervous twitch of the eyelid at the wrong moment could have disastrous consequences. Another challenge is to fill three hours with hollow, superficial chatter and avoid any challenging questions and answers.
It is a truism that Rogan is not the brightest light under the sun, but his thin voice, like that of a 16-year-old teenager (compare it to Schwarzenegger’s), is quite odd. Even Orange Man’s voice is more voluminous. This indicates a low testosterone level, which is probably produced by too small gonads (maybe he only has one of them, only his wife and his physician know). And this despite additional regular intake of synthetic testosterone. His body seems to function as a kind of ego prosthesis that earns him cash. To get a really creepy voice, he could have sought advice from Alex Jones, then the sex would also work again.
He showed his intelligence for over 3 hours non stop no breaks.
I have an idea – at least how to reduce water usage in the US. Only use half as much water every morning…to wash the public sidewalks in downtown cities. Way back when I was working in DC (mid ’80s), I would watch someone hosing down the sidewalk every morning for maybe ten minutes. Let’s reduce it to five minutes and see what happens! True, they may miss a gum wrapper or two – wait a minute: how about we start enforcing no littering laws? That might work.
We could even stop wasting millions of gallons of water on fracking. Nah, that’s just plain delusional, isn’t it?
in some quarters, they monitor household water consumption as a security/intelligence measure. when an increase in water use is detected in a particular dwelling, it means there are more people living there. therefore, terrorists are now hiding in that house … and boom! house/building no more!
Next indoor hydroponics sends the wrong signal and the swat team shows up.
it is probably the swat team’s friends and trainers who send the signal.
potentially, the swat AI system will do it.
Oh great, no trouble then?
smart meters:
in a dying democracy, those half-brained so-called elites are rejoicing at the thought of anything that can be controlled remotely. a huge bonus when it is programmable*.
* under certain conditions, to turn off the water (and power) for selective houses and/or embed in these meters 5mg of something toxic that can be released using a code sent remotely
Do people really want fridges that spy on them? Mindboggling.
Who said want? Everybody here is saying we are having these things imposed on them. Btw in France, for everything you have to pay for which is provided to you by the local authority, they make you give them your account details and pay by allowing them to deduct it directly ( You have not choice and to addinsult to injury you MUST tick a box saying it is your choice to do this!!! It is all online and the only option you have is to tick the box). The first year they introduced it , I didn’t tick the box, give them the info and I paid by cheque. They applied a penalty ( which I didn’t mind paying and just viewed it as having to pay more to maintain privcacy). Howver there was no way out the following year . I can’t remember how I found myself in the situation but there was no other option for me.
The code name for this is I.O.T, or Internet of Things.
Manufacturers tried pushing them around 2007 but they appeared to flop.
The fridge freezers alone are designed to monitor what you buy and what you consume. All part of the evil plan. Get rid of it is my suggestion.
but they’re not half brained at all. They’re very clever and very wicket
i’ve watched a lot of docus on corp taking over water, decades ago.
channel 4 had a very good one. can’t find them now. if anyone has any links.
Water ‘companies’ ?? The creation of greedy parasitical individuals who are allowed free reign by spineless, bumbling politicians to fleece the general public. Nationalise the bastards.
What’s wrong with local coops? In the US, that’s how it’s often done.
Water should belong to the local communities.
Does any of the Off guardian staff actually use a water filter..?
Throughout my life I’ve noticed a similar repeating pattern; Labour come to power and invest countless millions of public money into public infrastructure. Then, the Tories come to power and hand over that infrastructure in the form of private monopolies to their cronies who asset strip it until its in a state of disrepair and they need bailing out. Then, Labour come back to power and renationalise the infrastructure, invest public money in it to a point when the Tories can come back to power and start the process again.
Crony monopoly capitalism is all we ever get. Not free market capitalism. Not socialism. Crony, monopoly capitalism.
Ditto Australia.
Taking orders ?
The water companies only became huge regional monopolies (each one based on one or more river basins, e.g. ‘Severn Trent’) in 1974. Before then I think water was provided by your local elected council.
Yes, the UK once had a functioning lower tier of government. County councils were relatively independent of Whitehall and could even borrow money. In most of Europe, local government still does supply the mains water.
Read Simon Jenkins’ book ‘Thatcher and Sons’ on how UK local government was emasculated. But the 1974 water centralisation (sorry ‘reorganisation’) was Heath’s doing and it came a few years after the UK joined the EEC. ‘Bigger is better’ was the myth.
Is that the bloke who writes for the Guardian?
Or, there is a country where bolsheviks come and nationalize everything, then public money is poured into all sorts of infrastructure, then 70 years later capitalists come and privatize and loot everything, then it goes back to partial nationalization, and so forth. Your good old public-private partnership spread out in time, with privatizing benefits and socializing costs, is how someone gets immensely rich on the backs of millions who are then labeled “useless eaters”.
I actually thought this article was going to be about what’s being put IN our water. In our region I can smell the chlorine in the tap water. Regardless, the fact that the UK may have a water shortage is just laughable. Surely no-one is falling for this claptrap?!
‘I Love the Smell of
chlorineNapalm in the MorningOnly the ones that fell for safe and effective, 9th jib anyone!
What’s the 9th jib plse?
It may not be quite so laughable when they keep finding more toxic crap in drinking water – such as PFAS “forever chemicals”; glyphosate; pesticides from runoff – and so on. Even bathing in toxic water could be a bit bothersome – skin diseases are off the chart.
And asbestos from crumbling asbestos-cement lined water pipes
If you keep asbestos in solid form, asbestos is one of the most healthy materials you can use in your home, and it protect your kids!
Only if you jig-saw in asbestos, or in wood, or breath sand corn into your lungs frequently laying on the beach every day, asbestos similar present a health risk over longer term.
Otherwise asbestos is good and the nice guy. https://baxtergroupinc.com/asbestos-affect-health/
So what?
Household clean Chlorine is used in small doses to kill microbes and bacteria, to make sweet water clean.
Drink mineral water for inside and cleaned water for outside. Simple.
Chlorine is eliminated by storage for a while or boiling. Washing cooked or cut food in the water before that is dangerous. The reduction of fluoride by filters is insignificant.
When under government, there were no ridiculously high-paid execs, and layers of private managers- just civil servants (remember them?) running the show- same for rail, health, busses…
Smart meters can also reduce the hours of supply during an unofficial crisis.
Re-nationalization will serve the following:
-. low demand (not for water), capped charges or looming major expenditure with no provision
-. nationalize and spend public wealth; in this case on long-distance main pipes and plants
-. rediscover Thatcher’s claims of excessive government
-. set up new cronies.
“Reducing demand” means killing people.
They could stop importing people…
or bombing the middle East and recreating a refugee crisis?
And spoil the fun?
So many issues, so little time. You ask, “How long do we just sit here and watch it happen?” I and many others have been asking that for a long time now. When you’re older, you remember things that are older because, well, you’re older. Hell, political blogging didn’t really get going until the late 90’s and didn’t really shift into another gear until after 9/11 and the start of the Iraq war – 2003. Early on, people were convinced this internet thing would be the way to get the word out, organize and coordinate, and make a difference, stop those wars, etc. You can’t deny the power and scope of the internet in reaching people, but no one has found a way or maybe more importantly, the wherewithal, to use the internet to organize and coordinate a counteroffensive in this war against the globalists, deep state, and those who want that shit, because there are many and they outnumber us severely. I guess 20 years in the scheme of things isn’t that long. When people look back 100 years from now or more, this may be viewed as the infant stage of internet revolution. Then again, if we just sit here and watch it, they’re going to take it all away and anyone who doesn’t like it is going to be put down like a rabid dog. And the people then will be asking, “why the fuck didn’t they do something back then?”
You’re right.Infact it is now being used by them against us.
Water = Money.
War = Money.
Waste = Money.
Mmm, seems to be a theme happening here.
Jen was very little and had a very little boyfriend and a real noddy car. She told me everything too (its like that on shift) she told me, she never wanted to have child..so they went skiing together..She told me she forgot her pill.
She lasted one day at work after her baby was born.
She couldn’t stand to hear her baby crying on the telephone
What a lovely girl
That is what we are like in London
In Rhode Island 8 years ago they were making people switch to smart water meter at the threat of turning off your water and when you complied it would cost you one hundred dollars to turn it back on.
Wow so interesting reading everyone’s comments on this. I live in France, you have posted about Rhode Island ( is that the USA?) and someone above has posted abour Oregon. We have all been forced into it. What about payment methods? Banks in the UK are now asking customers to scantheir faces. ( Haven’t done it yet). The local authorities in France make you do everything online and they make you give them your bank a/c details. I don’t like it at all. Smae with loads of other companies in France ( telecomms/ internet). Thye make you give them your bank a/c details. I am pretty sure there is no other choice. I paid by cheque for years and resisted all the pressure form the former supplier to switch to paying by abnk a/c …then I had to get rid of them cos they were just too crap. Looked for another provider and as far as I can rememebre there was NO option of paying by cheque.They’re all linked up I reckon- local authorities, telecomms and energy cos
I started my new job in London in 1982. At first I just had 2 people working on my shift, and I was introduced to them as their shift leader, both of who’m had applied for my job, but it was me that got it – and I turned up several hours late too (car fcked) on the way down from Manchester to London
So how do I introduce myself, when they knew the job inside out, whilst I didn’t have a clue, except maybe the operating system a bit…
You two guys, are going to have to help me here..teach me everything you know and (unsaid) we will become a team, and I will support you and promote you in any way I can.
he said, I am a Muslim and have to Pray…several times a day
I said yeh – we have got a diabetic here on shift too – He has to inject himself with insulin….
I have never seen his needle, and I never want to see your prayer mat
Just do your jobs.
He was the cleverest guy there, and asked me to come home with him to meet his baby son.
I kind of felt quite blessed. We didn’t even have kids then
I pressed thumbs up when I meant to reply (please don’t ask). However, I do feel you need help. Word soup our kid, word soup.
Dont try to teach an old dog, new tricks.
Alban already had his own big band called “Da Pooeatarz” or similar as a child. Maybe it was just a mistranslation that there are about 100 “languages” in Nigeria. … OMFG, did I really say 100? https://www.perplexity.ai/search/how-many-languages-in-nigeria-ZdfWPySVTHu5TfyPYmtXXQ
The great philosopher with his non-racial offspring produced with loving dedication, incl. the proud maternal grampa in Africa T-shirt. There can be no doubt at all: “This model is Sweden’s only hope for survival in the typical harsh subpolar climate zone!” (Predicted already by the influential “ethno-political strategist” Barbara Lerner-Spectre decades ago.) https://idotob.blogspot.com/2016/01/dr-alban-shares-lovely-photos-of-his.html
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-10-23. COVID story reveals corruption science, journalism, etc. Bill Gates must now appear before Dutch court (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
I am not a Muslim, but why did OFFG only post The Ancient Christian Version and delete This which I also posted.
“Best Adhan in the world – Muslim Call to Prayer”
What’s The Difference – same kind of tonal range
I liked it. Beautiful.
Most tap water in Southern England where we get our water from refined naturally by Chalk Surrey Hills, is as pure as you can get. No smell of anything- not even Chlorine which can be really strong in Lancashire…
No corruption by Plastic Bottles
And our Surrey Milkman delivers Fresh Milk in Glass Bottles, that we return, almost straight from the cows.
Pure Milk – they warm it up a bit to pasteurize it to conform with UK regulations, and then cool it down and bottle it with the glass bottles we returned
The Grandkids Love It
Tonyopmoc is a prime example of what happens with tap water drinking.
Tap water in Notts is fucking rank smells like a cheap swimming pool.
Just don’t expect your kettle to last for more than a year, the element covered in calcium no matter how often you descale it. Here in my ex Coal Board terrace the water is clear, drinkable, and updating the old stopcock in the lane will cost £400+. You can bet your ass I won’t be paying for it. Unless and until the water co cough up they won’t be able to fit any kind of meter. The same for gas, the drip from Octopus said he “didn’t like the look of that pipe” and refused to change the meter.
What is galling beyond belief is to pass by the leccy “smart” meter at a minute past midnight to be told I’ve “used 77p today”. This is the standing charge, and I’d like to know how this scam is justified….
Dont overlook the aging aspect of the infrastructure, the sewer lines crack and then enter the fresh water drainage pipes, those then get sent to the river untreated,
leading to, what was it they said? Bugs.
Our Lord made the most superior design and services to his creation of the living.
To a 100 m2 house on a 1000 m2 lot with a family of 3-4 it rains 700 m3.
An average family use 100 m3/year. Saying 600 m3 to your garden, animals, birds, and the surplus goes to the groundwater or nearby river or lake, and from here to the Sea.
What we call waste water or sewage can be absorbed by the nature and finally by the Sea.
But as all excesses there are locally limits to deal with.
The sun warms the Sea up again, filter all shit, the water evaporates, and virgin water moves with the sky into land where it rains again, at your service Gentlemen.
This system cant have been created by an ape or came here by itself.
But it can find a way to turn beautiful blue sea water in an oxygen starved green algae and then claim ignorance as to how it got that way.
maybe some of you guys remember a big photo op some years back where Bill Gates was promoting yet another dazzling technological breakthrough that would benefit those huddled third-world masses yearning to be fleeced by western do-gooders, in this case a miracle filter or chemical process or whatever that would instantly transform raw sewage into tap water, and don’tcha know it, that lovable Wizard of OS gets handed a glass that’s just been filled from the spout of the contraption, connected at its other end to a toilet, upon which he takes a swig and smiles, or anyway doesn’t immediately keel over from toxic shock
my friend quipped, “he’s probably thinking, this stuff tastes just like Microsoft Office!”
But…the same trick can be done by charcoal and natural means in nature. Its already done by natives for many centuries.
So Bill Gates made a laboratory solution to make money on what everybody can do by nature. Why not.
We are back to Todd Hayen’s Convenience theme again.
Singapore relies on a recycled sewage water supply. But you’d be hard pressed to find a household who wouldn’t at least put it through another home filter system before using, many of which are charcoal based.
I wonder, did he really take the risk of swigging supposedly purified water from a toilet or was the contraption pre-filled with super expensive bottled Fiji mineral water, flown in on his private jet?
Oops meant so say the LinKy metres that EDF have forced us to use. ( Typo in my last post)
Does anybody know what the demonstrations in France about the big reservoirs/basins in Saintes Sollines and other places have been about? Similar thing I think. Also a lot of people in France were/are against the Liny metres that EDF forced us to put in our houses. I amnot sure what the issues are about them. Lots of sinister things alleged
What do they have planned for the water supply? Inundating it with more chemicals to make the population dumber. But you’ll have to comply to a retina scan in order to access the liquid poison, while you pay through the nose for this dubious utility. 🤑
What’s all this about retina scans?
Biometric controls via face scanning.
It would be cheaper and healthier to provide potable water separately, whether by a second system of smaller pipes or by canisters. Alternatively, promote distillation at home. Then, the main supply can be treated minimally.
In any case, water treatment may be a sham. What do they assure us is not in the supply? Kidney (and other) diseases are growing. Industrial pollution (including mining) is a major threat.
Here’s an article about potable grade rain harvesting:
Thanks, good link. Let me add boiling can be an option no.4.
Old options that tackle not only microbes but maybe also POPs are (a) ozone (b) ultra-violet.
Rising death rates and sinking birth rates mean a falling population by2050, and thus plenty of water for everybody, although somehow funds -and labour – must be found for the creaking infrastructure.
When your neighbour dies, there is more to us on the excel sheet :-D.
for everybody? LOL. I don’t think that the WEF give a toss about anybody except themselves
It depends on where you live, among other things. I live in Southern California, for example. The water we use in our city comes mostly from Northern California, about 500 miles away over a couple of mountain ranges. Water politics have shaped — and continue to shape — the West, usually because of a collision between legacy water rights and practical water need. Put simply, there often too much demand and too little supply (the Colorado Basin is Exhibit ‘A’) and legacy interests — primarily agriculture — is too wedded to wasteful practices to share even the relatively tiny percentage of water use needed by residential and industry. (Agribusiness in particular cares little about things like damage to the environment — so what if they lower the water table so much that not only entire communities run dry but the land subsides? Short term profit is all that matters.)
Compared to our continent sized issues the problems of local water supply in the UK seem insignificant. I know the post-privatization flood of capital that was supposed to make lasting improvements to the systems seems to have been dissipated in acquisitions (like our local retail provider — it appears to be owned by Thames Water) and surplus facilities like redundant reservoirs have been disposed of (e.g. turned into housing) but ultimately it appears that there’s been a total lack of effective oversight. The job of a utility is to ensure the reliable supply of its commodity to meet demand at an affordable price, a job that’s incompatible with modern ‘maximize shareholder value’ corporate ethics which is why utilities have either been owned by the public or subject to special rules and tax regimes. Obviously someone in England never had much of a clue how things are supposed to work.
Incidentally, to the cadre of downvoters who complain about verbosity. establishment hacks, etc….
I used to live in England. Back when the supply of potable water to a house wasn’t a product to be metered and sold for whatever you could get for it but was regarded as a basic right. Water to the home wasn’t metered and its cost along with waste water costs were included with your rates.
Has anyone stopped to ask where all this money went? All these public assets liquidated, all this monthly cashflow?
Socialist offices and paperwork.
Capitalist pockets.
I know there is many good hearted socialists so I am not attacking the people but the ideology.
Family, God, King and FatherLand and all men are born equal, is said to e Republican ideology.
KKK, Slave trade, Godless Atheist Societies, Pagan culture with headchopping and blood sacrifices to Ra the sun is said to be Liberal/Socialist ideology.
But in the real world people labels confuses a lot. Therefore its important to emphasize it is the ideology we find disgusting.
Answer to the last question: How long do we just sit here:? Forever I think. Just telling my story so people can learn what pt happen after the year 2020:
When they arrived and changed the cheap manual Meter to 25 Euro with a 10x more expensive 250 Euro Smart Meter without warning and my knowledge, I asked them to take it off and replace it again with the old one.
They refused. The explanations were:
“Meters were installed due to convenience for the book keeper”,
“they were installed to upgrade the old ones”,
“the previous one was no more in the Suppliers catalogue”,
“None of your neighbours have rejected it”,
“They are installed to save water from dripping taps”,
“you must pay 1250 Euro to get your Smart Meter installed in a 300 mm well outside your house”,
“If you refuse this Meter, we will close your water and you must pay 2500 Euro to get your water supply open again WITH a Smart Meter on”.
Ok I kicked the gang out, got my water closed, installed a simple house pump, some valves, and two 220 liter plastic tanks, and the system was up running again including hot water on pure rainwater. Expenses 150 Euro.
As I use the water only for cleaning, mineral water for drinking, the filter system can be done quite simple.
But, the chocking news was not this incident. The most chocking and life threatening act I received from my neighbours.
Sweet good guys and ladies most of them, but they couldnt see any wrong doing on the part of the Water Company, neither the Municipality, neither the Government.
They just pulled their pants down, bended over, and accepted both realities.
It does not stop here. Next station is the Heating Company, same procedure.
Next station double system with separated rain water and sewage water. Rat nest and pipe spaghetti inside peoples private property with the same excuses and the same reaction.
Legally it is directly to the garbage can, but only very rich people can afford a Lawyer story in the Court of 5-10 years before anything is settled.
Legally these Companies can only operate on the Public’s area. They have an obligation to supply water, sewage, electricity, heat, waste water, to and from the borderline between the public and the private.
When these supplies cross the private line, the legal, technical, economic, insurance responsibility for the installations passes to the owner.
The responsibility for the Company is on the Public area, and the responsibility for the private owner is on his/her property. Due to insurance, m.m. its obvious it must be that way.
But what happen. The sheeple do ruin it again, again, again. They bend over, lick the darkest arses and stand on the side of the fraudsters.
They accept my stand but could never do the same thing as the are afraid of big Nanny.
I cant get an obvious right done because of the 99% sheeple.
They are in the way not only for me but also for any democratic minded politician who see they are cowards and have a double nature.
So why is the system so stupid? I examined the case and found the same patterns over and over again again during history for at least the last 600-700 years from my library about the British Empire and its tentacles all over the world.
Bezmenov call the stupidity “ideological suppression techniques” where people/a population end up in a psychological mode where they cant see logic white is white and black is black, but will insist and seriously claim the opposite.
Bezmenov says it can take several generations to get back on track. Who can wait for that? No one.
Why we end in the conclusion I gave in the beginning. We will forever be sitting on our fat behind doing absolutely NOTHING.
THIS is the real reason why we are heading toward destruction and WWIII at the moment.
THIS can make the sheeple to wake up, nothing else can. https://youtu.be/yjGQhM3H80w
veryinteresting. Which country did all this happen in ? In France edf required us to allo them to replace the old metres with meters called Linky metres. Loads of people objected to them. I am not sure what is supposed to be sinister about them or why they are any more sinister than what we had before.. Edf do actaully ask you loads of really nosey questions ( survey s on line which I have never compoleted. Difficut to explin <without going into a lot of detail but there is quite a lot of pessure to fill in the survey). I avoid it but then the French authorities got us all anywya. Ahnyone who occupies a house in France has to make a declaration to the French authorities about who lives there. Also we HAVE to pay for everything byt givign them our bank account details. They know everything about us. Big Broyher has all the info
The difference between the previous manual reading meters and smart meters is, that they and everybody can hack into these systems and manipulate the bills.
This is also the whole idea with these bills. Power and market manipulation.
The Companies or the Public can close your supply, raise your bill via hacking wifi systems without your interferences at all.
In the Finance world it means control over a market segment and its value.
I want a manual meter inside my house that I know is reliable, and if they want a Smart meter in their system to my house, I want them to install it on their legal public area, not on any soil or area where I am responsible.
In this way I can control my consumption and their failures and figures.
But off course they cant live with that, because it shows how absurd their stupid systems are, if we have to install two meters in two locations to find the correct consume.
The IT people have talked about their endless “security problems” since the birth of the computer, and if you a search on smart meters you will find a lot of cases where people have been billed ridiculous sums because their e-meters was in disfunction.
Why shift a manual meter to 25 Euro who do the job simple and perfect, to a 10x more expensive meter who cant do the job and which does only make errors, trouble and angry people??
Because its a fraud scheme is the only answer!
I think you may well be right. I am convinced my billhas been manipulated since the thing was installed.
We have a borehole in addition to sometimes interrupted mains.
There are too many problems with smart meters to list, the ones we listed to our energy provider were EMF radiation, fire hazard (they are known to cause fires and damage house appliances) and it’s the homeowners’ responsibility somehow, remote control/shut-off, incorrect billing, additional electricity charges caused by the smart meter itself, two-way communication which also means privacy issues (they can supposedly see in real time what appliances are used), high risk of hacking. Not to mention potential of remote targeting (if possible with pagers, it can be done with smart meters, too). I am sure I left something out.
The price. 10x more expensive than the previous. Plus erection of connection masts, IoT, central data substation, IT people, Maintenance.
Smart meters may be using pulsed signals.
Pulsed RFR signals sent in bursts at ultra-low frequencies are more harmful than continuous waves of the same intensity and duration; the signals are close to brain-wave frequencies; e.g., 217 Hz pulsing of for GSM phone signal. -EU parliamentary research service, 2021
Nice one. That is what I call D.I.Y (do it yourself).
In some U.S states such a Colorado, it is ILLEGAL to collect rainwater or ‘rainwater harvesting’ as it is called.
It is madness that there is acceptance of the idea that some bureaucrats can declare what falls for free from the sky cannot be collected and used by the public.
Life is in your mind.
The water ‘crisis’ is international, so they say.
All the best crises are, more mileage can be had if it is a global one, with global ‘solutions’.
However, pushing out a water shortage narrative in UK, is tantamount to an absolute piss-take. A island where it never stops raining and the privatised companies are losing treated water nearly as fast as they can process it due to broken pipes and leaks. Bankrupt Thames Water if not the worst culprit is certainly up there.
Germany’s RWE sold TW UK operations off in 2001 after failing to deal with leaks. Now, look at the mess that is Thames Water’s ownership structure:
It has simply been a vehicle to asset strip through large dividend payouts to its largely institutional shareholders.
Adding the parts together of what is a shoddy narrative leads me to conclude that if the controllers can successfully sell it in UK, then they can sell it anywhere.
It appears to be a test to gauge public reaction.
It seems these tests shows the same pattern again again. Around 66% up to 75% are faithful sheeple if they tighten the screws and pay enough.
Plandemic, 9/11, Wars, Environmental “issues”, The Doos, The Moslims, LGBT.
The Doos?
And to add to that they pollute rivers by tipping in raw sewage which they are still doing as I type. Not ever a keen angler will go near these rivers now, and the fish that once thrived are almost gone. But it’s not their fault, it all down to man made global warming and overfishing, innit. Once upon a time before it all went mad you could feed your family from the lakes and rivers. Not any longer.
Feeding your family independently would go against the futuristic spirit of urbanisation, insect food and Soylent Green.
That’s the plan. It was easy to license fishermen into annihilation by claiming the waters were over fished. Now here we are with corporate owned factory trawlers scooping up everything and anything.
Precisely. Fisher families where papa earned a buck with his own independent fisher boat were overfishing the Atlantic and the North Sea out of an endless greed for money.
Thousands of vulnerable families died because there was no fish.
Thanks to EngSoc these times are now finally over. Now everybody get the same fish every Thursday………..and are happy.
Papa didn’t really earn a buck, if he did it was small change. What he did instead was give the fish away, yes free to local inhabitants in exchange for what they grew in their gardens. Do you recall the times when it wasn’t all about money, do you, Erik?
You are onto it as always, Thanks Kit!
the key is in the name, ‘smart’ – self-monitoring and reporting technology, otherwise known as surveillance, control and ability to be cut-off. It starts with saying no to any and all ‘smart’ technology, including the ‘smart’ phones that those of man, and womankind, seem to be surgically attached to!
you cannot say no to the smart water meter as it’s not installed in your home but outside on the property of the water companies pipeline.
I live in France. yOu cannot say no and it’s INSIDE your house
water? is not what comes out the tap.
it is an medical solution.
This man from 2022 sows the seed:
It’s weird that the freaks are allowed to call the shots.
Are we really so spineless that we don’t just laugh at them ?
? They have police forces with batons and guns. Have you sen what the French polie did to the yellow jackest? Holland shot at protestors not too long ago. There ain’t no freedom in the free West
“We are only re-discovering purpose it our economy, a thing we have never done before”.
I am so exited about it. Purpose is the new term and buzzword in Banking and Finance.
Do water have a common purpose? Are we willing to pay the price for it??
Great subject, good questions ! There is nothing “smart” about the various meters (water, electricity, gas etc) other than they can be remotely controlled (shut down), another form of immediate control. It is not about the penny which is due, it’s about the ominous threat and sometimes abusive measures.
With all the smart meters, smart phones, smart appliances etc we will be left the last fools in the household
but couldn’t they cut us before off anyway?
They could, but they want to be able to find corona virus or polio or monkey pox in your wastewater.
Precisely. I figured that one out too.
Science occupied in your bedroom with smelling meters finding polio in the bed blankets, sewage, garbage, charging 200 Euro/hour plus transport for “alarming research reports”.
verry funny!!!but infact true!!! It reads like a comdy sketch what you put but it is actually the kind of thing we read now in the ‘serious’ newspapers!!!
Yes, we have reached a point of absurdity to the level of mental disability.
A person who cant reach a logical conclusion or connect a logical flow is in my opinion a mental sick person who is in need of a shrink or similar.
But they will claim you and I are the ones who need help, because they are mentally blocked by cognitive dissonance from their own self.
I am not at all within this business and it took me a long time to overcome a natural antipathy and disgust to work within these areas.
People’s personal psychotic traumas and blockings and personality defects.
Not the most interesting I have ever dived into. 😏
Yes, true, it is always possible to cut off the water supply by sending a crew to the meter location. With a “smart” meter they can program a certain “water allowance” and then it shuts off automatically.
Only if you didnt pay the bill over a long time.
I don’t see how what you said is relevant.. Are you saying what has changed is that they will now perhaps cut you off immediately whereas before they would give you time? That has nothing to do with the kind of metre
I am saying, that before they legally could cut your water, was if they could prove that you deliberately refuse to pay for the supply.
The Court would normally only accept lack of payment as the Water Company’s excuse.
On all other excuses for closing people’s supply the Company would have to pay people for damages done by the clean water stop.
But today the Water Company or Municipality now count on people’s weakness and do everything to make it difficult for people to get their right done.
They test you until a lawyer write a legal letter to them, and even then they can drag time up to two years before they admit wrongdoing.
Where I am living we have examples of Companies dragging out process time 24 month, jumping off and offer a deal just 5 min before the presentation in Court.
Yes I agree but they could do that anyway ( cut it off without justification) regardless of what kind of meter you have. They didn’t before but now, from what yu say, they do. That is what the change is for me ..the whole attitude of the state towards companies has changed. You never hera about cnumer rights groups saying anyèthing these days.There is no legal aid now really in the UK . The meter issue is a different one and I agreeit doesn’t seem to have any benefits for the consumer at all..but the cutting off without a good reaosn is a different matter
Agree. But I see it as part of this chock and awe, chaos, scare tactic, to manipulate people into unpleasant situations where they voluntary do things against their own will.
S.M.A.R.T…Self monitoring and reporting technology. Spyware.
The push to have all installed meters “SMART” could also have something to do with creating sidelink relay stations to push the 5g signals further and wider, for what purpose I don’t yet know…
I would LOVE to know more about the 5G masts. Did OFFG publish any article about it? Can èou tell me more plse?
5G et santé : quels dangers ?| RTS
Feeding the AI is the only conclusion I can come to. Voice, movement. Everything is collected to feed the machine.
“Connect your soul to the Machine. Enter the Simulation”. “Do it Now, Do it”: https://vk.com/video-213201358_456247537?t=21m51s&ref_domain=yastatic.net
Awful, just awful, Erik. 😫
Agree, but this is the reality we live in. 5G when we reach 7G you will have been consumed :-).
Faraday cage, works wonders. :-).