Straight Pride
Todd Hayen

As it is, I am not allowed to be proud of my heterosexuality. In truth, it is not something to be proud of. But for the same reason, there is nothing to be proud of in being homosexual, or bi or trans, or any variety of sexual preference or orientation or identity. Nothing.
Well, a person can be proud of the advancements an identified group has accomplished (particularly if you are a member of that group). Considering the trials and tribulations gay people have faced over the centuries, the fortitude, effort, and sacrifice they have made to socially be where they are today is certainly something a person could be proud of. But that isn’t being proud of being gay. That is being proud of character, resilience, resolve and fortitude. Being gay may have been the impetus for those admirable attributes, but gayness itself is not.
Pride is actually one of the Seven Cardinal Sins. And there is good reason for it to be. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18) and all that. Of course, common sense would say that is not what gay pride is about. However, if we see that massive movement toward gay pride (or trans pride) as a product of the agenda, we can clearly see that it is intended to cause disruption. How so?
Well, we do see a lot of resistance to this movement. We see straight people feeling “slighted” and ignored and feeling like victims in the expectation they should be following, and complying, to all that is going on in this movement—particularly in schools that their children attend. The Gay Pride flag is seen now nearly everywhere you turn, flying alongside the US or Canadian flag (and probably elsewhere in other countries as well)—very often on the same staff.
I recently got into one of those pointless Facebook exchanges with someone who was arguing for the presence of these flags in the classroom (elementary, middle and high school). She claimed to be a teacher and felt that these kids (the one the flag represents) need to feel a part of something that they can be proud of. I responded to her the same way I am responding here. That sort of pride should not be encouraged as it creates the very problem that this teacher was claiming it was resolving.
I mentioned that flags themselves were developed to exclude. The pride one feels for a nation’s flag is an exclusionary response—the flag represents “us” and excludes “them.” That is the whole point. You either belong to the group this flag represents, or you are the enemy. The flag was used in the battlefield to differentiate the good guys from the bad guys (you were good or bad depending on which flag you were allied with).
If you live within the borders of a particular country that is not at war with another country, your pride in the flag is rather innocuous. There should be no one around that opposes it—who doesn’t belong to the same group the flag represents if you are living on the same soil. But the LGBTQIA+ flag represents a certain demographic and excludes another that is also in its presence. Maybe gay and trans kids feel proud belonging to that group the flag represents, at the expense of all the kids who do not belong to the group—the straight kids.
If young enough (which probably would include anyone under 40), the “group pride of the kids the flag represents” may cause the kids it does not represent to want to be part of the group it does represent. “Oh sure, why not?” the flag group says, and apparently the “officials” who allow the presence of the flag to begin with agree. The presence of the “proud flag wavers” creates pressure to those not belonging to the group. That pressure can become the social contagion that creates false identities and a myriad of other psychological problems.
This sort of division can also cause rebellion and a resistance to “joining the flag group.” Kids who dislike the flag wavers, and therefore creates discrimination and “homophobia” or “transphobia”—it isn’t good, folks.
If you don’t throw the goal of the agenda into this whole mess as an intentional catalyst for conflict, then it could be seen as a social phase. Black Pride, Jewish Pride, Feminine Pride, and Immigrant Pride (among others), have all had their place and time in the social arena. I can’t say I find any sort of “group” that encourages “pride” as a way to reconcile and build a defense against bigotry a good idea, but at least in those situations there was something substantial these people were saying they could be proud of. Sexual preference, or sexual identity, is not one of these things. (I have made little comment here regarding this idea of “identity” which has, in my opinion, no place at all in our school system.)
As usual, we are being tricked into thinking this “pride” movement is the same as other notable “pride” movements. The agenda that is tricking us wants us to believe that flying the gay pride flag will unify and strengthen a group of marginalized and oppressed people—the LGBTQIA+ community.
We are being tricked into believing this because the agenda obviously wants the opposite to take place – which is exactly what is happening – not the consequence that most people who blindly support this think will come of it. Common sense should tell us all of this, but obviously common sense has left the room on this issue, as it has on so many other issues in today’s social environment.
I will end this with a snippet from Jordan Peterson, who of course has spoken out on such things. He does not interject how obviously an agenda tactic this all is and instead focuses on the ludicrous notion of using one of the deadly sins as a way to unite people and accommodate people who have been treated poorly by the culture (primarily in the past). Still, what he has to say is notable. [Edited for clarity.]
So, we now have pride month. And what are we celebrating? First of all, what if we don’t celebrate pride? Pride’s a cardinal sin.
And you might say, well, they don’t mean that sort of pride. They mean: “it’s a group of oppressed people. And now they’re just finding their identity, and they’re getting some security in that identity. And what they mean by pride is security in that identity.
But the word is pride. That’s the word that was chosen. And its pride in relationship, as far as I can tell, to nothing but hedonistic self-gratification. So, your identity is going to be your sexual desire? That’s your identity?? Your sexual desire??
So that means you’ve reduced your identity to the MOST immature and hedonistic part of you. The part that would exploit someone else for your own gratification, for example. The part that would exploit YOU for your own gratification. And now that’s your identity. And now that’s what we celebrate.
Yeah, no, that’s a very bad idea.
Let’s all make an effort to come together on this and find a way to support young people who are just coming into their own sense of sexual awareness, as well as the older people who have had to endure any cruel social rejection for the same.
Creating a flag for these groups and advocating a sense of pride for sexual orientation or identity is no more constructive than doing the same for people with blue eyes or red hair. Even if such a group had been seriously persecuted at a certain time for blue eyes or red hair, the remedy for such treatment is not to teach them to be proud of those specific physical attributes.
The remedy would be to show them that they are human—regardless of differing physical attributes—and belong to the larger, all encompassing, family of humanity. And if we must be proud of something, that is something that has the potential to be proud of.
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Jenifer Bilek. Its actually a good video. It deserves more promotion than just being slashed here on the board.
She says big rich trans foundation, Gill Foundation, Arcus Foundation, Rothblatt, Bainbridge, Pritzker family, are promoting this sick ideology lgbt, trans, sex identity, and everybody jumps in. Why?
Because there is money in the new digital technology. She say Big Pharma is actually bigger than MIC.
If they can promote a new identity ideology in young people and whole societies, they can get a lot of people to “augment” their bodies.
Post humanism, Humans merging with the machine. Making any specie out of small kids you want, or change yourself by surgery and medicine and (vaxxes). The end of humanity.
She says the same headline I have emphasized: The sheeple’s incredible ignorance about everything awful going on in front of their noses.
Hannah Arendt, other remarkable woman, the banality of evil. The definition of a Totalitarian and Dictatorship State is simply when the majority of the population are passive over absurdities and atrocities going on in front of them.
The definition of a democratic and free society is one where people immediately react and say no! This is too disgusting. Test yourself folks.
Moderators and authors shouldn’t engage in gaslighting readers, unless it is wartime. Oh, is it wartime?
It is wartime!
OK Todd here comes my rant.
Guess I’d better save some notes on this topic since I write this stuff often.
I never particularly liked the label of Pride Month/Pride associated w LGB Rights. They made up alot of ’splainations’ but I never liked it. Maybe “pride” about being out?
If someone makes a Hetero Flag, go fly it. Why not, if everybody else is flying “their freak flag.”
“that massive movement toward gay pride (or trans pride)”
“all that is going on in this movement” NOT just one “movt”
“Sexual preference, or sexual identity” There’s SEXUAL preference and GENDER identity. IT’s not nit-picking. Its an important distinction especially regarding women’s and children’s rights/safety.
“group of marginalized and oppressed people—the LGBTQIA+ community.” Well, some ppl should be “marginalized”, like liars, cheaters, child abusers, rapists…murderers.
So it’s that time again, Lumping LGB w TQ+shite on Substack Time.
To me, that ‘+ sign’ = PEDOS. Now attempting a psy-op/mind fk to Minor Attracted Person MAP.
“+” leaves room to add on gd knows what later.
I, and many other LGB ppl, want no part of it, this TQ+shite.
The medicalization of children is disgusting.
There was basically “a coup”.
And The Trans Agenda is quite misogynistic.
The Flags
There’s The Rainbow Flag, the original, then there are the other various “Trans Flags.” LGB RAINBOW flag was messed w for “inclusion” of ppl that are not focusing on LGB issues.They have their own (Trans) agenda(s).
I can relate to “flags are evil” (divisive) unfort, these flags are here and it’s time for ppl who are writing and talking abt it to get a better understanding of LGB and “trans” and flags (bc taking over and bastardizing a flag is EXTREMELY divisive.)
A Rainbow Flag on pole w US or any country/state never made sense to me. There’s no “pledge allegiance” to LGB Army. Seeing those flags on WH disgusts me. They do not belong in schools or churches.
Call me arrogant, IDFC becuz I’m sick of ppl not getting this Trans Agenda shite. They (TQ+) {yes, I’m going total US vs THEM on this topic, not to say other forces/globalists are not involved.} are expressing a quasi-religious, metaphysical foxtrot abt “their gendered soul”.
THIS has nothing, zero, nada to do with LGB rights.
The Rainbow Flag became a signpost for ppl to recognize each other and businesses, like a “brand”
{NO I don’t think any town shd be required to fly it for a month every year.}
“But the LGBTQIA+ flag represents a certain demographic and excludes another that is also in its presence. Maybe gay and trans kids feel proud belonging to that group the flag represents, at the expense of all the kids who do not belong to the group—the straight kids.”
First, The Trans (ripped off) Flag represents The Trans Agenda which is not for children to ponder.
Second, there’s STRAIGHT Trans ppl!
Yes, there’s big influence in classroom for social contagion, to be seen as part of special group. Teachers and parents work together to control this narrative.
To Peterson: The LGB movt entailed much more than hedonistic self-gratification. That’s demeaning.
Find a way to support young people who are just coming into their own sense of sexual awareness, …
They need support w/o an agenda, not Trans lies, not conversion therapy.
Thank you for your courage. It seems most LGB have been quiet on this issue, AFAIC, they bear some responsibility for the Trans Movement TM proliferating so quickly.
Thanks. Yes, LGB dropped the ball somewhat after the gay marriage biz and trans grabbed “an opportunity.”
I saw in the third world how they treat disabled. The disabled was just being treated as what they were, disabled.
A disabled without hand was swinging a pizza with his bad arm in a commercial on TV, “use a disabled, they can also do it”.
On the streets I saw autistic children behind on a brother’s bicycle, mental disabled were linked to the house of their family so they could see life and people passing, with someone to protect them a grandpa or uncle or aunt.
They were just treated as what they were. In India who have many weird people and tribes I saw the same. It stroke me to be the only simple solution. Treat people for what they are.
All this organised rights are not natural. It divides a family, it divides a people, it divides a nation.
Yes men (XY) should be treated as MEN and women (XX) should be treated as WOMEN.
I don’t believe in “trans” as The Third.
Forest for the trees, gentlemen and ladies. The whole thing is a divisive psyop. Take a side, any side, and you’re on the wrong side. Don’t get lost in the bushes of debate.
Jordan Peterson teaches Woke Master Class
I understand the article and the point of it. I’m glad someone is finally voicing something that’s bothered me about this “movement” for a while. Oh, I apologize. I didn’t mention to start that I’m a heterosexual white female who prefers sex with men. I’ve been mistaken for a boy as a youth because I was great at sports and I cut my hair short for a while, but that was a phase. Now I’m asked to my face if I’m gay because I don’t have a boyfriend. Nope. Still not gay. Been married, had two miscarriages so no kids and at 65 just got tired of the messiness of trying to combine lives so have 3 dogs and enjoy my friends. Ok, now that you all know about my sex life what point was I trying to make? I guess thinking that my life or anyone’s life has more interesting things to focus on than sexual preferences or identity. Or maybe what I shared above really is all anyone wants to know about another person and wanting to know about career, hobbies, pets, etc. is so last week.
You sound normal. Is that still a thing?
Went back and reread this a few times. No change.
Load of religious puritan bollocks. What the fuck is this site these days?
This piece is not arguing from a religious or puritan standpoint at all.
A place where not everyone reads articles before commenting beneath them, apparently.
It’s dressed up in the vaguest of logic, starting with a deliberate (and that’s if i’m being generous) ignorance of the use of the term Pride.
But if you are referencing ‘cardinal sins’ and quoting from the dumb book, it’s thinly veiled bigotry.
I’m sorry, it doesn’t take the Bible to define the dangers of pride. If you understood the point of the article, which clearly you do not (or you do not find the point problematic) it may expand your thinking a bit.
After the discovery of microbes, some people thought this would serve to revitalise the business of witches brew; where the efforts fell flat, governments served as enforcers. After the spread of software bugs, malware and spyware, some people used this to enforce upgrades. After the discovery of nuclear fission, some people thought this was a good analogy to neutralise democracy; enough creativity and money would promote the most superficial or fundamental controversies.
The root disease of oligarchy, corruption and insanity of the rulers remains.
A very, very poor analysis.
If Mr Hayen were not an old-fashioned bigoted idiot, both he and Petersen (who he quotes) would realise that sexual orientation predisposes life outcomes in all sorts of ways far, far more serious than whether you get it up for boys, girls, both or neither.
If you are gay, particularly a gay man, then basically the simple concept of fertilising a woman and bringing up a family is not a ‘natural impulse’. If you are going to bring up children, then you have a few choices:
Just think about that, Mr Hayen. Think about the completely different life structure that evolves from not having the impulses to court a woman, get married and have kids.
Think about all the unspoken societal cues you get from not being married. Think about all the hateful people who think you might be a paedophile, who are plain homophobic, who allow themselves to be ignorant as f**k about all kinds of things, but because they are married with kids, that’s all forgiveable.
But if you are gay and knowledgeable, that’s a reason to attack you. Think about it, Mr Hayen, particularly with regard to ignorant-as-f**k married heterosexuals and Covid19……
I’ve met plenty of unpleasant homosexuals, masses of those who play the victimhood card, plenty who show that being gay can be just as duplicitous as being straight and ambitious within a corrupt culture.
But given the way society acts towards those who don’t raise a family, you have to have some kind of pride in yourself to fight all that reality, don’t you????
RE: A very, very poor analysis
I agree with this opening remark. However, buried in Hayen’s poor argument are very real things. Neither Hayen nor you seem to be considering context much. The prejudice that gays face – if any – is dramatically different than it was 70 years ago. I think it is a stretch to say that gays (+) are “oppressed” today. They have been fully mainstreamed. On the issue of pride, I think there is a distinction between pride and self-worth. Pride connotates better than and the difference between pride and arrogance can be hard to distinguish.
All that misses the “agenda” which Hayen mentions but does not elaborate upon. This is a major weakness in his argument. The rainbow flag in schools represents backing by the state – which should be a major concern. The inclusion part of the triumvirate gods of DEI is exuding the majority of the population. Children should feel equally valued, equally special. The rainbow flag in the classroom says very clearly that some are more valued than others.
Off-G has not covered the trans issue/agenda much as I recall but it is huge and very disturbing. It is an anti-human one. See the work of Jennifer Bilek on this.
And lastly, the use of quoting Jordan Peterson, demonstrates to me that Hayen spends too much time in the conservative media world. While his criticisms of Woke ideology are warranted, they don’t go very deep and expose the ruling class agenda (and funding) behind it. JP really exposed himself as a ruling class shill with his gushing support of Netanyahoo’s genocidal policies on Gaza.
“All that misses the “agenda” which Hayen mentions but does not elaborate upon. This is a major weakness in his argument. The rainbow flag in schools represents backing by the state – which should be a major concern. The inclusion part of the triumvirate gods of DEI is exuding the majority of the population. Children should feel equally valued, equally special. The rainbow flag in the classroom says very clearly that some are more valued than others.”
Yes, you say just what I was saying in the article. I am sorry it was not “more elaborate” than it was, these articles are short, and I cannot cover everything in one of them. Check out my substack for more (
As for JP. Sorry again. I don’t worship the guy, but as a psychologist myself I think he is at times worth quoting. I don’t believe in any sort of censorship, and if someone, anyone, says something worth quoting, I will quote it.
RE: don’t believe in any sort of censorship, and if someone, anyone, says something worth quoting, I will quote it.
To me it is not a censorship issue. It’s who you want to be associated with. I guess you have not seen the gushing interview JP did with Benjamin Netanyahu not so long ago. Like many on the right prior to October 7th 2023, JP was looking pretty good as a champion of free speech and opposed to censorship. After that date, they all showed their true selves as shills for US imperialism/MIC with their rabid (and hypocritical) endorsement of censorship of students protesting Israeli policy. JP is just another “controlled opportunist.” Yes, you can write what you want, but don’t expect not to be criticized for it.
You might consider broadening your criticism of Woke ideology. The problem with the Right’s criticism is that it paints it as a partisan issue. That still leaves most of the rocks un-turned. It is much deeper than that. See here with Christian Parenti’s “Cargo Cult of Woke.” (It is also an article.)
is not the classroom.? schooling system the issue..?
Pride is extra
More food for thought. Some things I never thought about before. Thank you Todd!
Yes, spot on, flags were developed to exclude. As is religion, gay, hetero, black or white pride. Now, if we could all just get along without delving into everybody’s sexuality, religion, nationality and race, things would be dandy amongst we, the people.
However, that’s not what the controllers want, is it? They actively foster division to muddy our awareness of who is scheming to do us harm and to scatter our resolve to unite in combatting the slave drivers.
Proud of yourself? Good for you. Nothing to do with me.
Good point.
yeah it’s a LOT of letters in that acronym, every time I look it seems to get longer, I can remember what the first few stand for, but then I’m lost, and there’s a “+” on the end too? is that meant as short-hand for a whole nother bowl full of alphabet soup?
back when gays and lesbians were getting beaten up by cops in US cities and towns, some of them at least were induced to open their eyes and see the shallowness and suffocating narrow-mindedness of the Establishment and mainstream conformity and could make common cause with other system critics on a broad front, but when the establishment changed its tack and welcomed them into the fold, most of them happily accepted its numbing embrace, signing up even to join the ranks of its uniformed executioners at Armed Forces recruiting centers, so delighted to now share in the privileges of the oppressors and leave behind the Coventry of the oppressed
Problem is there are too many different types of people for them to suddenly come together, on just about any issue, except fright.
What is the Heterosexual flag? Maybe I need to make one up like others seem to be doing. I have no qualms about other’s preferences but that’s not me to promote it either.
if I identify as car would I need to drink fuel looool
Word to the Wise: Jordan Peterson does not strengthen any argument. Dr. Hayen contrasts Gay Pride with several others which, apparently, pass muster. Has Mr. Peterson dissed those other kinds of Pride according to the same standard he uses to dis Gay Pride?
Reducing Gay Pride to a celebration of pure hedonistic lust speaks volumes about the real true motive of objecting to Gay Pride. Yes it’s true that the media runs everything into the ground and have encouraged the most outrageous expressions of Gay or any other manner of Pride for the sake of generating ratings. Yes, it’s also true that Gay Pride is fast becoming homosexuals’ worst nightmare – as all dreams come true turn out to be. But to write it off as a celebration of hedonism is just plain vicious. And does that make Straight Pride a celebration also of hedonism – because wouldn’t straights be celebrating their primary distinguishing feature from gays: what they do in bed? The whole mess is such a convoluted kettle of fish it ought to be sent packing before it stinks everyone out.
Besides which, ALL flags are evil, be they rainbows or red-white-and-blues. (Except maybe for the Don’t Tread On Me. Ah, but that’s a snake, isn’t it? Pure Satanism!)
I think the gay stream of orientations is only 6 or 7 letters long.
I imagine the stream of letters for ‘straights’ would be massively longer –
there’s so much deviance among ‘straights’….
Anything outside the universal man and woman constellation is an anomaly. Nothing to be proud of.
And arguing with the ‘Grand Designer?’
You forget as you non-believers usually do, that someone got jealous and claimed to be able to do things better than the Grand Designer.
The Grand Designer kicked this creature down here, and this creature is now trying to do things better. How do YOU evaluate the Beast’s many Rainbow designs
Let me try to explain it in a more simple way. If you lose a leg in a car accident, you become an anomaly as one legged. You deviate from the universal normal.
And see, there is nothing to be proud about. On the contrary its absurd to organise and fund “rights” for one-legged.
They are just there among us as one-legged, and the one-legged would have a much better life being with and among us, than being separated and pointed out in a stupid one-leg organisation..
Same with all the other ridiculous right groups. They are only there because some excentric rich person or organisation wants to influence/destabilise society with ideology.
The “pride” issue doesn’t follow on from any logical course. If it was simply about tolerance then the entire issue has been won and indeed was won decades ago. Nobody cares what consenting adults do in private. Ah but the entire concept of “pride” negates the concept of privacy. And the propagandists for the parasite regime are perfectly aware of this and indeed that is why they cooked up this pride crap in the first place.
Though to be fair it also plays into the hands of capitalist consumerism where every demographic must be catered to with “lifestyles” involving brands and logos and lots of lovely lucrative consumer items.
So on the one hand, there’s a lovely gravy train with all the trinkets involved and, on the other, there’s the divide-and-rule angle.
And what better for the old divide-and-rule than to have a mass of useful idiots waving their genitalia around in public to rile up the conservatives – as well as providing another platform for porn which has always been enormously lucrative.
And one of the reasons for the trans shite is the need to drum up yet another shamelessly provocative public demographic when the old ones were becoming too pale and mundane (e.g. “the only gay in the village”). This time, the new demographic was a totally manufactured and nonsensical one. Which was of course all the more appealing to the mind-steerers.
I hadn’t really done much critical thinking on this subject before so your article brings up some insightful points I hadn’t even considered. Thanks Todd
“John paused for a moment, and right when I was about to ask him what he thinks a good man is, he answered the question without me having to ask.” Anthony Goulet
What is a Good Man?” A Conversation with John Trudell
December 8, 2015 by Anthony Goulet
Notes on the Rise and Development of Patriarchy(Heide Goettner-Abendroth)
The Cleansing / Red Earth Song
Wonderful article!!!
Could have been written by the WEF Globalists. Adolf H. was supported by their predecessors and did a good job of smearing nationalism as state egoism instead of a tolerant but self protected cultural niche. Most Germans never over came that confidence trick till today, while practically forgetting their great musicians or scientists. It takes a special milieu to nurture such, uniqueness over uniformity.
The Pride sex setup on the other hand wants a global movement. Problem is that most of Asia, Africa and South America still have traditional values left so are a hard nut to crack, particularly the most sex based religion, the one of Mo the mono ideologue who liked poly sex for men only.
The appropriate symbol?
David Lloyd George’s birthplace to be ‘decolonised’
Museum honouring First World War leader is set to ‘promote a multicultural, vibrant and diverse Wales’ which may include LGBT displays
Craig Simpson
Arts Editor
26 October 2024
David Lloyd George’s childhood cottage is to be “decolonised” with the help of funding from the Welsh Government.
The Liberal prime minister’s modest birthplace in rural Wales has been converted into a museum, which has been swept into plans to make his homeland “anti-racist”.
The museum in Llanystumdwy honouring Britain’s First World War leader has worked with a “decolonisation consultant” to change its approach to history, and LGBT displays could be included in future.
The decolonising consultancy service was paid for by Labour government grants set aside for museums to conduct work which will “set the right historic narrative” and “promote a multicultural, vibrant and diverse Wales”.
In other words, a Wales that isn’t Wales.
Behold! the Rainbow Dragon!
Talking of
agentorange.Fake president Ronald mac Donald Trump visits maccy D’s and starts working and serving up french fries! Got love the happy meal yellow programming from being young.
what an amazing publicity stunt. ;0)
then ….
One day ago
CDC says 75 sickened as deadly McDonald’s E. coli outbreak …CDC says an E. coli food poisoning outbreak tied to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders has expanded, with at least 75 people sick in 13
CDC said something about a virus never isolated (inexistent) a while ago. Did you forget?
And I really like “75 people sick in 13”
people with red hair have, fyi.
The Pride ‘pendulum’ might be swinging:
Here, Mr. Anglin presents us with the partly sparsely refined world view of his brain. I think he deserves love. Not because he is so clever, but because he is so entertaining and amusing. And that’s all he really wants and expects.
Censorship or political string pulling?
The British Empire doesnt accept Intelligence being spread in their colonies.
Australia is a penalty colony where Britain send all their hardcore robbers, bar fighters, fraudsters, and most tattooed prostitutes.
Candace Owens is too intellectual for that bunch of simple Crocodile Dundees and Apple Cider drinking women. I agree in that evaluation!
I doubt it.
Money hungry headline hunter DEFINITELY!
In Australia we have an expression “Fair go mate”
It just means everyone, no matter what race, religion, social status or sexual proclivity, is given a ‘Fair go’, a chance, an even break.
I would make an exception for the $uiturd$ though.
I thought “fair go” was outlawed in Oz in 2020 ?
Good point.
Mass brainwashing resulted in
Fair go _ _ _ _ne.
Something to do with the deference most Folks have for science and medicine,
Look up who Harry Hay was.
Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness until 1973 – it’s funny how most of the rainbow crowd are also ultra-pro the mental health agenda and want everyone in psychotherapy ASAP. Who knows what will be classified as a mental illness requiring “treatment” in 2073?
Satan’s little minions sowing division, one brainwashed oppressed group at a time.
Little pawns in a much bigger game of anti humanity and anti Christianity…
Ridiculous article.
prime example of someone who watches MIC CC alt media and repeats the manufactured talking points.
I dont get my knickers in a twist over toilets, as on trains, planes, restaurants or when I visited friends houses when I need a wee wee, I use a toilet without having a fake tic tok recorded episode screaming trannies Armageddon trying to take away our toilets rights.
Flags are for fools, mindcontrol fools.
ending with Jordan Peterson quote sums up mind control and a prime example of a caring religious man who appeared via the net in a algorithm contrived manufactured manner via working for the UN to fool weak minded midgets and then JP then goes work for dassom intelligence outfit.
only thing missing from OD this week is a McDonald advert discount for Trump or the Tommy Halloween march update arrest.