This Week in the New Normal #95

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. I’m sorry…what?
Jonathan Freedland’s Guardian column made me laugh this week. Not intentionally of course, it was more a sort of exasperated bark of disbelief.
Journalistic integrity compels me to link to it, but human decency bids me warn you against reading it. Trust me, you have better things to do.
I’m not going into detail. because you can guess and it doesn’t matter. Fascism blah blah, democracy blah blah, po-faced moral superiority blah blah, stupid made-up lies to shock people blah blah blah.
I just wanted to highlight the opening paragraph [emphasis added]:
There is a good chance that in 10 days’ time, Americans will elect the first fascist president of the United States. It sounds hyperbolic, it sounds hysterical. Indeed, for exactly those reasons, many of his opponents long held back from using that word about Donald Trump.
Seriously? Seriously?
Can anyone out there actually really, honestly contend there has been some kind of moratorium on calling Trump a fascist?
Trump has been called “fascist” thousands of times over the last eight years, a cursory Google tells you as much. (Here’s half-a-dozen examples I found in 30 seconds:[1][2][3][4][5][6])
Forget Trump – because this isn’t about defending the man – has anyone witnessed any reluctance to use the word “fascist” from any MSM outlet ever about anything? Anti-vaxxers, Covid skeptics, “climate deniers”, free speech absolutists…we’ve all been called “fascists” before now.
One of the hallmarks of just how backwards our world has become in the last decade is the media’s enthusiasm to label almost everyone a fascist, except actual fascists.
Reading Jonathan Freedland’s editorials used to be a regular part of my job. I do not miss it.
2. The most sickening spectacle you’ll ever see…
Speaking of contrived political drama, The Washington Post made headlines this week when it refused to endorse a presidential candidate, prompting the editor to resign in protest.
The editor in question is Robert Kagan (here he is calling Trump a fascist in 2016, in a column I guess Jonathan Freedland thinks is a figment of our collective imagination), but apart from that he’s also co-founder of the Project for a New American Century, husband of Victoria Nuland, architect of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, NeoCon warmongering monster extraordinaire…
…and now, a “hero of democracy”. Social media was awash with out-pourings of support. Yet another demonstration of just how out of touch with objective reality the political landscape has become.
3. The very obvious agenda behind the reparations row
A major public debate in the UK is whether or not the Caribbean countries full of the descendants of slaves are owed reparations from Britain.
Historically, it’s a fairly dumb question and if you start demanding reparations from every country that won a war to every people that were conquered and enslaved you’d create a never-ending cycle of victimhood.
Also, it should be noted, if reparations are paid they’ll go through foundations and charities and government agencies who will all skim some off the top and ordinary people will see – at absolute most – some tiny token percentage.
More likely, “reparations” will be about formalizing a system where countries in the “global south” can be bribed to get in line with globalist policies. We have noted a similar possibility included in “pandemic preparedness” funding.
It also stokes massive racial resentment from working class Brits who’ve just been told their granny won’t be getting a winter fuel payment this year.
BONUS: Hypocrite of the week
That would be Esther Ranzten, the current celebrity face of the pro-assisted dying campaign in the UK, with manipulative headlines like this making her case:

Difficult to feel sympathetic considering she wanted to deny healthcare to the unvaccinated.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention making “worms easier to swallow” or the UK’s proposed digital ID bill (more on that during the week).
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Or how to imprison yourself in a 15-minute city:
They really want people doing these things to themselves – after convincing themselves they’re the kind of independent free-thinkers who’ve carefully weighed up the options on both sides… before walking joyfully into the trap.
BTW the Fraud is going hard on the wonders of “assisted dying” – yesterday it was Blur’s drummer supports it (yes, in Fraud-world that’s an argument) and today it’s “MPs who are medics” want it i.e. trust the experts. I’ve no doubt this is going to pass but they want such a steamroller majority any potential future opposition is silenced.
When has the government needed a bill to kill anyone.
“Columbus nevertheless clutched at the tale, announcing that the Caribs were the ferocious, man-eating savages described in his well-thumbed copy of The Travels of Marco Polo as inhabiting islands of the East Indies, which Columbus thought he had reached. From that conclusion, it was a short step for him to propose and justify to the Spanish monarchs the profitable enslavement of such debased beings. For a while, the Crown hesitated. But Columbus’s voyages produced disappointingly little gold or other material wealth, and at the length the Court saw things his way; the Caribs, from whose name was taken the word “cannibal” and who were equated in the Europeans’ mind with the works of the Devil and all that was dark and evil, would enrich Spain and the Admiral by the labor of their bodies. “Being as they are hardened in their bad habits of idolatry and cannibalism,” proclaimed Queen Isabella in 1503, “I hereby give license and permission … to capture them … paying us the share that belongs to us, and to sell them and utilize their services….” Thus officially began the nefarious American slave trade. Adopted also by competing European powers, it played a paramount role in bringing about the near-annihilation of both the Caribs and the Arawaks, as well as the actual extinction of other tribes on both American continents.”
The Center of the Universe
Alvin M. Josephy, JR.
America in 1492
The World of the Indian Peoples Before the Arrival of Columbus
by Heide Goettner-Abendroth
translated by Annie Finch
Isabella I of Castile
AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental initiative in Canada
Charles’ empire: the royal reset riddle
Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wétiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism
“The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism”
Jack D. Forbes
The ServiceberryAn Economy of Abundanceby Robin Wall Kimmerer
If you can’t see the fascism in the Democratic Party, you shouldn’t be talking about fascism.
Below is is something I posted the other day, but it fits better here:
“The consistent meltdown triggered by the ever present spectre of Donald Trump can be baffling if one only considers what he actually did in office. Why do the liberals hate this man so much when a great deal of what he did was broadly in line with what their own idol, Barack Obama, did whilst in office. Despite talking a big game about bringing the “endless wars” to a close Trump was easily stymied and bamboozled by institutional opposition within the militarist clique that runs the US federal government. The question then remains, why do they get so enraged by Trump? Is this all for show? Is it simply electioneering? There are partial truths in these explanations. American liberals need to give their electoral base in the petit-bourgeoisie a good scare to get them out voting as the Democratic Party has absolutely nothing positive to offer even these relatively better off voters. But the sustained meltdown about Trump is not simply a game, nor is it just about disciplining an electoral base. The psychotic breakdowns you see everyone from the likes of Joe Scarborough to Congresswoman Occasio-Cortez engaging in are not staged, these are real and the root of them lie in the question of language and formalities. Why do these matter exactly?
The left and the old Republican Party all needed the language games [emphasis mine] though because to admit to simple crude banditry (as Trump does) forces them to come face to face with the reality of what they are doing. This is something that must be avoided at all costs because for decades now the institutions of the US and British states have been staffed by people with very liberal sensibilities who are obsessed with personal virtue. If you take that away from them then their entire, carefully constructed world falls apart and they are left facing the horrible reality. That reality is that they are servants of the most brutish, rapacious, destructive and murderous imperialist system the world has ever seen.”
Excerpts from Alex McKay.
Most people wouldn’t recognize the arrival of tyranny even if it
1/ banned church services
2/ shut down their business
3/ forced them to stay home
4/ stopped schooling their kids
5/ lost them their job cuz “inessential”
6/ kept sick family from seeing their loved ones
7/ prevented their doctors from making their own medical decisions
8/ demanded they cover their identity and ability to express themselves in public
9/ coordinated which speech and viewpoints would be allowed in the public square
10/ jabbed them in the arm with a rushed medication, and refusal to submit meant being fired and banished
No, but maybe 30% of the population did to varying degrees. That’s with decades of ruling class indoctrination, propaganda, social engineering and CIA psy-ops.
Vaccines are not actually “medication” and are not based on any scientific proof but on superstition and folkloric traditional smallpox “inoculations” from China, which did not use the toxic adjuvants used in vaccines..
Wikipedia: A vaccine is a biological preparation
Vaccines are not called medicines in the wikipedia article, but mentioned alongside medicines.
It is good team Trump has people like you (OG) sticking up for him when MSM calls him bad names.
I definitely lost brain cells reading the above and maybe that is the point of the turning point type endorsement article for Team Trump was just to slap an article together to remind the lost and easily radicalized that being called an Hitler means the oppsite and come elections Trump Trump and Trump.
US elections: may the best man win…
You left out the ‘a’.
And s/he will.
The Swamp is an “it” or “they” right?
Col. Douglas Macgregor says Israel will attack Iran before US election day (5th Nov) and it will seal their fate. He says Israel is destroying itself as their troops are loosing and they believe they need a dramatic victory – ie an attach in Iran.
Israel will draw in the USA to this attack. Russia and Turkey do not want Iran attacked.
15 minute video well worth watching.
Could be old news, saudi and iran are doing sea drills together with the help of, ……..wait for it, ……… China.
Plus the U.S. is suppling saudi with military equipment.
And they say western heads wont roll over this.
Hard to know what’s really happening. I’ve read that Iran and Israel are good friends under all the theatre. But it does seem that Israel wants to achieve their plan of “greater Israel” and to get rid of all the Arabs in the area.
What’s the difference between an Arab and an Israeli?
Good point Camille.
One doesnt believe in interest for borrowed money should be raised above 10%, that would cause social unrest if left in place for an extended time, so there is always that to fight about.
Their nose. An Israeli is always sniffing around with his/her enormous crook nose to sniff money where and when ever they find ones pocket.
My Grandpa told me that, and Arabs are eating dates.
Thats the difference between these two species.
Above video only 4 days old according to utube.
Losing is winning. The Terrorist Empire and Israhell hate one another’s people and dogma. Each side expects its coming saviour to “raise” them alone, and to destroy all other humans.
Patrick Christys and Nana Akua are still.there for the minute.
Difficult to see where it’s going.
No Neil Oliver GBnews..?
Sorry, replied as a post above.
GB news still has some interesting things compared to legacy stuff.
Neil Oliver does some interesing interviews and monologues on his own channel.
It’s worth remembering that Neil was solid on the Covid-madness, back when finding any sanity on the topic at all in the MSM was well-nigh impossible.
April 12, 2020,
Neil Oliver published a piece in The Times gushing about the dangers of COVID and unprecedented times as it brought the nation together as one.
And, as for Boris Johnson, it turned out the nation found it cared for the prime minister — not just as national leader in a time of unprecedented global crisis, but as a fellow human being. Laid low by the virus, he symbolised the egalitarian reality of the challenge faced: that none was certain of being spared, that any might fall. Party politics fell away like dead leaves as any decent soul realised and appreciated what matters to every one of us. We will have been changed by this.”
This is someone DEEP within the Covid mass hysteria.
This is someone fanning the flames of the social mania, and implicitly justifying the Covid medical authoritarianism narrative. This is someone who changed his mind at some point.
what is welcome!
But this is someone who pretends he had not fallen into the mania. This is someone who appears to not have shown contrition for ~ not researching the real risks ~ not considering the costs of the interventions ~ failing to adhere to civil liberties when it mattered most in spite of having a prominent voice. This is someone — along with practically all our “freedom leaders — that failed the greatest litmus test of our generation, and still sit on pedestals.
See the thread in the following tweet for some many more, and much discussion of why it matters.
absolutely nothing about Richard D Hall then – bastards
masonic David icke shill iconic had one of the Manchester victims of the attack on WTF!!! and Richie allen reposted Richard D Hall getting done as a good thing.
What is your evidence re David Icke being a Mason?
Miri AF has an interesting take on this- Hall was done for bothering a vulnerable minor, which could be argued by a prejudiced eye to be true. We, and he know the courts are biased and the chances of him winning were negligible. Miri calls it a tax on conspiracy theorists who crowd fund hopeless legal cases to the benefit of lawyers,”victims” and possibly the funded person. She’s a very astute and original commentator.
Makes you wonder if it is even possible these days for a person of genuine intent to be capable/able to present a viable case on anything without being shot down without fair hearing. Sad times.
Thing is….Hall was shot down for his lack of tact or maybe, legal nous in a case that had nothing whatever to do with the Grande concert and what happened there. The media joined the two separate affairs together because it is almost completely composed of unprincipled scoundrels who would stitch up their mothers for a few pieces of silver – it’s the way of the world and it’s always been the same, nothing new. Life flows on 50/50 with death, good/bad, truth/lies, but we can still dance.
I be voting Trump.
He is the lesser of 2 evils in a time where we need less evil and thank you Kit and team for again showing how the media demonize’s him.
This campaign speech by Ursula von der Leyen identified in alternate media at minute 13:28 regarding getting “results”, what is heard is: “pre-bunking”, “vaccinating” “societal immunity from misinformation”, “information is a virus”, “treating an infection”, “it is much better to vaccinate so the body is inoculated”, and “pre-bunking will build up a societal resilience that we need”. The Logically Facts site article below is a hilarious mirror of PTB’s “de-bunking” misinformation campaign, taking literally what someone actually did say, metaphor or not, and try and spin it as the opposite of what they said. This is a mirror of the totalitarian stance of our existing ruling elites worldwide. It fools no one.
Ursula Fond-of-Lying
Number of foreign journalists in Israel?
Four thousand.
Tested, trained and tagged.
Number of foreign journalists in Gaza?
No need; watching Youtube I get a gammut of “Rafah / Gaza” money begging ads daily. All clean, well fed & dressed kids and unveiled women who talk in English in full, steady HD, no men. Not for small change, no, they want to study for doctor etc.
How gullible is the crowd here BTL? Anglo MSM / SM -X level?
They’re trying to escape from two evils.
Give em a break.
Everybody is but obviously not quite as gullible as you.
The Hamas Ministry of Health (an oxymoron?) is on site to help provide completely accurate and unbiassed casualty figures to the outside world.
Why are we even arguing about figures when everyone can SEE the devastation Israel is inflicting with their “pin point accuracy”?
Member of the “Simple Minds”.
you are a member of the Tuesday people
I obviously haven’t been trained to see the king’s new clothes.
Wait: how can you see the devastation to Gazan Arabs if there are no foreign reporters allowed in Gaza?
Who believes Hamas tallies of civilian deaths? Even than what is the % vs total numbers of Gazan Arabs: <1% = genocide ?? Israel is doing a bad job.
First, you can SEE the devastation. Secondly, Israel keeps killing the reporters.
Who doesn’t remember Cerrone (born 1952), the French disco master. At least in Western Europe. I think I had at least 4 of his CDs 30 years ago, but never listened to them. Because only Supernature was a real banger, but I always liked the subsequent quiet part without drums better. I think Vince (Clarke) did a cover in the 80’s with his gay singer on a B-side.
Now I’ve done him the honor of listening to an entire album for the first time, and I was pleasantly surprised, it gets 5 (okay, because he’s a respectable age, 6) out of 10 points. Fantastic how effectively and powerfully he incorporated the old acoustic 70’s drums into the arrangement. I also have at least 10 PdF files about Kraftwerk that I haven’t read yet.
Heavy borrowings from Pink Floyd, Jarre, Kraftwerk!
A new vaccine for babies:
But keep it quiet please.
It’s not all going to plan
Or is it?
The evidence to blame immunisation for SIDS is circumstantial but compelling. Those funding medical research do not want investigation into this ongoing tragedy. -Dr William Douglass, MD (before 2024)
In the era of Scientific governments, surely investigating this would be top priority.
During the covid lockdown in 2020, vaccine rates for other diseases dropped, and so did the number of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome deaths. -CHD 2021-01-22
The Australian Covid ‘review’
Ho, ho, ho!
‘Lockdowns harsh, but we should be proud of the response’
Yeah, tell that to the tens of thousands of working class Folks whose lives were destroyed by the Suiturd Control Freaks.
Rot in hell you bastards.
Do not pass Go.
“While the type and timing of the next pandemic remains uncertain, we can be assured that it is likely to occur within our lifetime.”
We all know you are “assured”. The question is: Who is it who is “assuring” you?
And, we’re gonna get a CDC George, just like the great and gloryarse US of Avarice.
We know how that turned out.
More victims.
More suffering.
Zero responsibility taken.
A heap of shit, beginning to end. They can’t believe this crock of excrement, can they? Maybe they just believe their bank balances?
The UK review likewise ignored all the facts.
The mountain of lies is big, and yes, I guess, like a good attorney, once started, you have to keep it going, but falling off that big mountain is going to be hazardous to ones health.
But you did not hear that from me, no sir re.
Lessons where learnt..?
Jesus I knew the Graud were losing it but … this?
“Groping, greed and the lust for great power: what Wagner’s Ring Cycle tells us about Trump v Harris”
Trump as Alberich and Harris as Brünnhilde?
If it’s gotten as batshit as this BEFORE the election, can you imagine AFTER?
The craziness began immediately after Trump was elected eight years ago: ‘HitlerHitlerHitler!!!’ they cried for four long years. Then came the plague-hoax, then the ‘insurrection’ hoax, and now here we are. 😢
‘HitlerHitlerHitler!!!’ they cried for four long years. Then came the plague-hoax, then the ‘insurrection’ hoax, and now here we are.
here YOU are – you mean shilling he was not an dictator a week before the selection.seriously you going to tell us that warpspeed and the lockdown was not dictatorial.?
Seamus the miles CTTF lot has you flagged as the inhouse shill team and above comments like that – kind of like proves it.
In 1983 I was watching Formel Eins, I was 13 years old and my voice was breaking. My stepfather, who was a policeman, detested this performance and said: “Is this eunuch your role model, you egghead?”
The reason you should not link to Jonathan Freedland is because he is simply not a journalist. He is a whore.
If you want to educate your readers about current affairs, by all means link to articles demonstrating that the author has done some evidence-based research. Evidence-based research does not include repeating verbatim some wacky views of some bought lobbyists’ mouthpiece.
It doesn’t matter what Netanyahu SAYS, what matters is how many Palestinians the Israeli/US war crimes syndicate have murdered in the past 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years, 7 decades. By their actions may ye judge them and all that. We can all lie for our suppers, after all.
What politicians say is about as credible as a hooker telling her punter that he gave her three orgasms the past 30 minutes….
True. Why would I want to come here and read the latest nonsense from ludicrous propaganda apparatus such as the Post or any other fake news outlet in the US or UK?
BTW, by the time it pops up on Off-G, I’ve already heard and seen it ad nauseam!
Sure, but all that and at the 11th hour?
Journalistic integrity
you said..?
SOOOOO a week before the selections, you bring out the dead horse This Week in the New Normal
and endorse Trump.
Whilst pretending normal media calling him a fascist is really crazzzzzzzzzzy.
Remind folks who suffer from amnesia
he green lighted bio tek for GM foods with no oversight.
He spent 8 trillion and 1.8 trillion of that was spent on covid to his mates and gave you 1500$ to shut up.
he greenlight 5G
increased tariffs to stick it to the chi com which effect normal folks business;s.
and brought in operation warpspeed which makes any other fascist leader give an standing ovation in how to be an fascist leader.
Yet Off Guardian WILL never tell you this, the comment section will.
OD will sell you a week before the selection that poor Trump the victim and normal media is so
bad for saying what You weak MIC alt media midgets dont have the courage to.
Point me to one article on OFF D which explains what I have said..??
There is none due, as it will effect your £hekel$ fund-raising goal.
HYPOCRITE OF THE WEEK goes to the blog.
You except reparations in shekals for printing this Pro government talking point blog – whilst saying that anyone mentioning reparations from the government is wanting free money whilst the same governments takes 60% of your hard earnings and some.
Tell me this is not shilling for the government just before the budget.
I doubt this comment will stay up and dispense into the fascist pending
During the Korean War the North Koreans had captured American
soldiers sit on the edge of hard wooden seats for hours – after which
the captured Americans would agree to claim or say anything. No
elaborate or severe torture involved !!
In grade two at the local convent school we had hard wooden, very
uncomfortable seats to sit on. It appears to have been intentional !!
I now wonder if the nuns copied the torture idea from the North
Koreans, or whether the North Koreans copied the practice from the
Jesuits, who reportedly boasted they could break the spirit of any
youngster by the time the child was seven years old…
As for the developed sense of shame this article records, try working
under constant camera surveillance in a large modern supermarket…
Well, this is interesting, and possibly extremely embarrassing.
Use the link and read the whole UNz article.
The real brainwashing was not by the North Koreans, it was by the US imperial system and its lackeys in the media. The Koreans didn’t invade the US, the US invaded Korea. The so-called “brainwashing” of captured American soldiers, was that they began to see thru their own brainwashing and started to agree with the Korean cause.
‘We fear Gaza will be forgotten’: Palestinians despair as focus shifts to Lebanon
Playing the eternal Gazan victim card is an easy business model versus a well off woke guilt ridden Western public. It also pays off in the Arab gulf area but for a totally different, ideological reason.
Gazans got and still get billions in donations, so they don’t want to leave Gaza or built an actual economy, begging is much easier plus Islam supported. The present ruins are a G/ Al-lah send. What’s next, spend on more tunnels, rockets, kids, Mercedeses?
UN sanctioned: UNWRA is the only of its kind in the world as they are the only permanent “refugees’ (in apartment complexes), even hereditary till 3rd or 4th generation.
Real refugees are keen to leave a conflict zone, specially with EU or US open border reception. Real refugees don’t want to play human shields; Gazans do: easy money & religious brownie points.
Shi’ite Hezbollah also has a dysfunct UNIFIL as their lapdog, easy to bribe but they didn’t play the above game as good yet as their Sunni side up neighbors.
“they don’t want to leave Gaza or built an actual economy”
Gee I wonder what’s stopping them?
After Israel retreated from Gaza in 2005 they left all infrastructure like glass houses etc. behind. No cigar for what those philistines did with that. Gazan Arabs pulled steel irrigation tubes out of the ground to make thousands of rockets or their launch tubes. Only eternal Islamic imperialism was stopping them: Dar-al-Islam.
Oh I see your logic now. If Israel stops bombing hospitals and schools etc, these fiendish Arabs will use the medicines and notepads and baby intestines to construct nuclear weapons instead of building an economy from their own locally produced Coca Cola.
Defenders of woke & Islam are bereft of arguments, logic or common sense so have to garble or shout nonsense or cancel any other viewpoint. Islam beheads others physically, the woke WEF cult does it virtually.
Really, Ant? You were the one who complained that Gazans are not “building an economy”. So how do you propose they do that? I’m guessing they must first stop moaning about such trivialities as having their entire medical and economic foundation trashed, their hospitals and schools bombed etc. And tell all those fathers carrying the remains of their kids around in bags to stop whining and accept that the glorious Israel has freed them from the bondage of Evil Islam, to get on their bikes, and to make themselves an empire like good old Abe did in the Old Testament.
What kind of pussy pays attention to snipers picking off their children when presented with the pulse pounding option of grinding away on an entrepreneurial adventure?
Thanks for proving my point
What is happening in Palestine doesn’t seem very virutal to me . What an earth is ‘ work’ about my statement? It is plain fact
meant to say ‘ woke’ not ‘ work’
or Coolaid produced by antonym the antiChrist?
Probably being optimistic here, but I recommend that you educate yourself before spouting ignorance & hatred on a public forum. A useful entry point
could be …
You’re being optimistic.
lET HIMspout his ignorance and his hatred on a public platform Free speech
Antonym has a different opinion then you or I, so rather than be the guardian comment section which this site can be, he should be able to voice it;
yep and I would like to say that his opinion seems pretty wacko to me
but the forced vaccine campaigns in the ‘ free West’; the imprisonment of Assange ; the banning of RT; the banning of the right to protest; the introduction of ‘ hate speech laws’; the maiming and killing of protestors in the ‘ free West( esp France and Holland)..these are all the hallmarks of a ‘ civilised’ society? I think I’d sooner tkae my chances with the ‘ philistines’ you refer to
Shouldn’t you protesting outside Tommy Robinson’s jail cell right about now?
Was his 18 months jail for contempt of kangaroo Court enough for you?
You’ve been listening to RFK jr from children defense league speech.
Imagine people whose homes have been destroyed and who are under constant bombardment daring to call themselves victims. I mean children and women being bombed are clearly the aggressor aren’t they? Antonym=antichrist
I started to make a comment about how I was interested in the next “election”, i.e., 2028, because no matter who is elected, the shit is going to hit the fan and we’ll see how that plays out because of the groundwork for nationalism, tribalism, etc., that Trump has played on, and that is happening in Europe big time. And that is REAL and it’s not going to abate and shouldn’t because it goes hand in hand with freedom and liberty. We’ve reached a tipping point. But who knows what can happen in the next 4, from WWIII to another pandemic, to economic collapse, to globalism reaching a critical juncture, it’s going to happen on one of their watches, and both work for “them”, one way or another. Then I saw this:
Martin Armstrong Sees Trump “Landslide”; Fears Desperate Deep State Wants War & Martial Law | ZeroHedge
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are getting down to the wire with the 2024 Election, and the Deep State Dems are in panic mode.
“They want war. There is no question about that… Lindsey Graham was on Face the Nation a couple of months ago, and he slipped and told the truth for once.
I was shocked that he actually slipped and told the truth for once. He said there was a $10 trillion to $12 trillion natural gas asset under Crimea, and we can’t allow Russia and China to get that…
This is like Iraq. We are going after the oil.”
On the 2024 Election, Armstrong says,
I don’t know about a Trump landslide, it appears no one knows what the hell is going to happen. And it might matter, but probably not. Remember, Trump IS a crazy motherfucker ALL about attention – I mean he is sick, and Harris IS a complete dumb fuck. I think Trump is more likely to buy off on the long sought after zionist/neocon/last war of the “seven countries in five years” war with Iran. But as with them all, it’s going to happen when the time is right no matter who the prepared civil servant in the big house is. But “the New Normal” is getting to be anything but normal. Might be time to give that a rest and find another term. And get ready for TEOTWAWKI. There’s a term for ya.
It will happen like covid did, get the populist to be tranquilized with someone in power who half speaks there zombies language.
Would they of been able to pull of covid if the populist movement did not have all the bells and whistles and it is still Unbelievable that people in this forum (including blog owners) voted for the Conservative = Boris as fighters off the deep state.!! (brexit psyop)
David icke wrote 18 books on how they run it all Yet sold brexit and go out and vote to people who did not believe in voting.
Imagine the power of magic mind-control to have a celebrity jungle numpty vaccine pusher city of London family of ex bankers to get on alt media news as a hero. Nigel Fraud,
Giuseppe Conte, Orban, Bolsonaro had most of the half awake zombies eating from there hands in 2017 onwards.
same with Trump.
Trump mentioned ID cards on Rogan last week and Not one alt media outlet said a hoot.
The trust in ‘one politically figure’ is at a all time high again as in Europe the same MO as 2008 banking bailout has already started . same story lines in the press, same migrants photos. same excuses, same blaming the work shy, the poor, the disabled and money credit card is maxed out so more taxes and The reason like banking bailout (covid) washed down the memory hole and trannie or migrants on the front pages daily.
The difference from then to now is alt media is fully complicit in shaping the agenda whilst pretending to be an ally.
rinse repeat
Huh? I don’t remember anyone affiliated with this blog ever endorsing the Tories. Nor have they endorsed Trump either; they’re just pointing the insanity of the MSM. Does questioning the MSM now make people ‘Tory’?
No it called shilling. anyone who been about longer than 5 minutes on theses type of CC blogs can see shilling pre elections happening.
yes they did endorsed Brexit and Trump then did the switcharoo and also had articles saying Bojo did not want to lockdown and guest articles shilling for desantis and RFK and now Trump is not hitler.
Called shilling.
Fox The Fox was a Dutch band from Groningen. They convincingly represented pure Frisian culture Anno 1984. To this day it is not clear what was meant by diamond, was it the Oera Linda? Irving writes that Himmler’s brain was stolen to prove its abnormality, but where did it disappear to and why has no example “statuated” to this day?
Yup here’s another bark from the programmed Graudy mutt:
“We are witnessing the making of a fascist president in real time”
From the deeply concerned well oiled woof, Sidney Blumenthal.
Yeah. As if Harris isn’t a fascist. She gets up there babbling about bodily autonomy but no one calls her out on mandates, hello? The more they scream about trump that just lets us know they’re projecting. And then this makes people think trump might be a threat to them. It’s a neat trick and I have to really wonder right now if the goal is to select trump. Sure looks like it to me but my cynic meter never rests now. I would not put it past them. We’re pretty much fucked either way I imagine. All part of the plan. The US has been fascist for decades really, so what’s new?
We could start a fund to send Esther Rancid to Zurich – provided both Robert Kagan and Jonathan Freedland joined her all the way? Dammit! It just occurred to me that they all might be Zionists…I was trying to give Esther what she wanted…
Luke performs “Illusion”. Was this song written by this Neger-Band?
Of course not! What did Luke learn from his voiceless performance?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-10-28. In 2014, 300 scientists warned Fauci would start a global pandemic, then 3 HP bugs escaped U.S. labs (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
This statement below from the article sums up my understanding too, and it became so very obvious during the planned Covid scamdemic. It was so shocking and disappointing to see the minor fascists crawl out of their holes. It just blew me away. Never suspected this from the people at large.
“One of the hallmarks of just how backwards our world has become in the last decade is the media’s enthusiasm to label almost everyone a fascist, except actual fascists.”
Robert Kagan patted Trump on the head in April 2017 after Don bombed Syria for no reason, wrote in WaPo that it was “just the opening salvo.” Don had just been elected by promising his long forgotten voter/taxpayers that he’d reduce US foreign military aggression end US as “big stupid bully.”…Don couldn’t possibly be “fascist” even if he wanted to. He’d cave in two seconds if the media started a campaign saying “Trump is weak.” Kagan didn’t think Obama was bombing enough in the Mid East so he started a campaign that “Obama is weak.” Obama changed his tone accordingly…..4/10/2017, “Neocons Have Trump on His Knees,” Robert Parry, Consortium News
“The neocons and their liberal-interventionist allies are now telling the battered President what he must do next: escalate war in the Middle East and ratchet up tensions with nuclear-armed Russia. Star neocon Robert Kagan spelled out Trump’s future assignments in a column on Sunday in The Washington Post, starting out by patting the chastened President on the head for his decision to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles at an airstrip in Syria supposedly in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack blamed on the Syrian government (although no serious investigation was even conducted).
Trump earned widespread plaudits for his decisive action and his heart-on-the-sleeve humanitarianism as his voice filled with emotion citing the chemical-weapons deaths on April 4 of “small children and even beautiful little babies.” The U.S. media then helpfully played down reports from Syria that Trump’s April 6 retaliatory missile strike had killed about 15 people, including nine civilians, four of whom were children.
However, for Kagan, the missile strike was only a good start. An advocate for “regime change” in Syria and a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century which pushed for the Iraq War, Kagan praised Trump “for doing what the Obama administration refused to do,” i.e. involve the U.S. military directly in attacks on the Syrian government.
“But,” Kagan added, “Thursday’s action needs to be just the opening salvo in a broader campaign not only to protect the Syrian people from the brutality of the Bashar al-Assad regime but also to reverse the downward spiral of U.S. power and influence in the Middle East and throughout the world. A single missile strike unfortunately cannot undo the damage done by the Obama administration’s policies over the past six years.”
Kagan continued: “Trump was not wrong to blame the dire situation in Syria on President Barack Obama. The world would be a different place today if Obama had carried out his threat to attack Syria when Assad crossed the famous ‘red line’ in the summer of 2013.”…
Media’s enthusiasm to label almost everyone a fascist, except actual fascists.”
so the title of fascist for Trump and covid = operation warpspeed is not worthy..?
what about the moslem travel ban.?
or the anti sem executive order he brought in which bans free speech on USA campus.
Mandates. Censorship. Cancel culture. People losing jobs over improper pronoun use. MaGA as THE threat to democracy. Half the country called domestic extremists for not taking a shot. An “insurection organized on fuckbook and used to prosecute those who were LET IN to protest? Who’s fascist again?
fuckbook!! Love it!! Clegg is so awful. Do people in the states know him?
Trump’s an honest fascist, “we took Iraq, where’s the oil.” The liberals (which would include the W administration) tell you that they are bringing democracy and liberation for women while they rape the country and kills millions.
Where once it was ‘Bread and Circuses,’ it’s now ‘Bugs, Big Macs and Bytes’
Same shit, different lingo.
I think I prefer bread and circuses to bugs
Actually, I suspect that both the trumped up ‘Trump-is-a-Fascist’ media meme and the ‘reparations non-row’ (century late, slow even by the standards of our incompetent media) are both covers for the media’s silence on the media’s all-time favourite racist and fascist Netan-yah-boo-sucks!
Oops meant to say ‘ write’ and not ‘ right’ in my last post!
Thank you very much. Great article. Thanks for telling me the agenda of the slave reparations thing. It felt veryphoney but I am afraid I couldn’t figure it out. Your explanation sounds absolutely right. The best bit of the article was what you said about Freedland although he and the Guardian are so talentless that I wish you wouldn’t right about him/them. I wish you’d change your name to Winston Smith or summat like that. Offguardian is far too flattering to them. Anyway I liked what you said about Freedland especailly: ” po-faced moral superiority”. That sums him up. He is SOOOO repulsive. In person he is even more revolting than on paper- that smug look, the condescension and he does is talk UTTER shite.
Maybe its because we all ARE fascists. Ever thought about that one??
About AI, Digital ID idiots, the IngSoc train has left the station and are travelling to all its countless colonies all over the world who hail their new opportunity to get (e)-money.
The Gates.. of Perception.. are now… wide ….open 😱 .
From a perusal of the theatre of the US election, I find it hard to avoid the feeling I am seeing a restaging of the UK Sunak/Starmer stooshie i.e. Sunak was obviously groomed to fail to make way for Super Kier and his caped superhero figure of Rabbit-in-headlights Man to take charge of the new Groovy Left World of Vax/Trans/Climate Excreta. (With of course those Zio-vampires vicing around his balls.)
Not that the US situation is an exact re-enactment. But Coked up Kamala is such a dead duck that she couldn’t even make herself less popular by adopting the first name Rolf.
So the Trump man is practically already elected. But why? Well it’s all there in Freedland’s article: the … (pause for rib tickling hilarity) … “First Fascist President”. Not that he is and not that would even make a jot of difference if he was. We all know the same puppeteers are pulling the strings anyway. But if Orange Adolf is in charge then the Groovy LibLeft can feel free to hyperventilate away.
And the Groovies are certainly lining up. For all that I appreciate his Fawlty frolics and his occasional wise words on woke wankery, Mr Cleese has bombed badly in snootily denouncing anyone who denounces Kamala on the basis that only the “college educated” can recognise her vital role as saviour of Groovy Libdom.
So here’s how it works: The New Frankie Führer ascends, the now foaming protectors of our fragile but still groovy plastic radical gravy train blow off. And the continuing carve up of the Palestinians gets maximum footage prompting anti-Israel sentiment that will naturally be interpreted as “anti-Semitiszzzzzzzzzz” etc. See? We have the ranting cartoon “fascist” AND the anti-zzzzzz. The “New Nazism” gets its official premiere. (The inconvenient fact that Donald has his tongue right up that Zio-anus will of course not get any media attention.)
Or ‘medical attention?’ Or ‘medieval attention?’
Just another act in the play. Mainstream rag seen to upset its readership, senior editor known for acting the role of stating ‘Orange Man bad’ quits in faux disgust, gets headlines (as planned) and ultimately more votes for Trump (as planned). Job done.
FWIW, The “Senior Editor” in question is the inexpressibly vile Robert Kagan, one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century, and husband to the even more vile Victoria Nuland.
I am well aware of who he is.
Perhaps, I am missing something, but my point was that the actions of Kagan far from harming Trump’s popularity will enhance it. The readers of WaPo will still vote for Harris and probably continue to read it, regardless of the fact that the paper did not endorse her as would be expected.
Yet, those of the electorate who are undecided and others who are lukewarm Trump supporters will be further motivated to vote for him, since he is constantly scripted as the eternal victim being relentlessly pursued by the so-called deep state actors.
I believe, the controllers want him to win, but this time around unlike the last (s)election, they want it achieved through real people voting for their (the controllers) chosen candidate – no rigging required and no accusations of vote rigging.
That way consent will have been given by the majority for what will come on his watch. It will be the people’s fault, “you got what you voted for”.
If Esther had any dignity she would quietly go to Dignitas in Switzerland with family or friends and do her thing. The £20,000 cost is nothing to her.
Instead, she is milking it for all it’s worth, either as an useful idiot for the euthanasia agenda or more likely acting out a role as an establishment shill – after all she is a Dame of the realm.
If she is role playing, then in a couple of years from now she will be living out her remaining days away from the limelight or still be banging on about her illness. Luckily, her oncologist gave her 10 years more to live when ‘diagnosed’ last year, so she can keep this going to aged 92, without too many questions being asked. She was also undergoing some ‘miracle cure’ at Christmas last year but no mention of it now.
Surealy it’s all jnonsense. You don’t need 20k. What’s wrong with Beechey Head or whatever the cliff in Sussex is called that everybody uses for the purpose?
I remember very vividly a conversation I had about three years ago with a person I’ve known for most of my life, who started in on this idea of refusing to give medical services to the unvaccinated, and she was all for it
I had already learned by this time that talking about these sorts of topics with pretty much anyone at all was liable to be a very unpleasant experience and as a rule steered discussion away to other matters whenever possible, but some people would simply not be deterred from voicing their opinions
the full impact of my friend’s outlook honestly did not sink in immediately, so it was only in the days and weeks following that I really began to be haunted by what she said
for that reason, my response was muted, you might say out of sheer astonishment, and I didn’t vehemently argue the point, though I recall that I at least had the presence of mind to suggest that perhaps if there truly was a widespread health crisis and a lot of people were afflicted by illness, the first priority of society and government ought to be to mobilize as many resources as possible to help citizens, improve access to treatment, offer psychological reassurance and eliminate additional sources of stress, instead of enbarking on a nonstop campaign of bullying, threatening, excluding, imposing existential restrictions and mass punishment
my friend eviscerated me for my naivete and dangerous lack of moral backbone
even before then we had not always seen eye to eye on various issues, but I would never have dreamed that such a chasm gaped between us, that what seemed to me like basic human decency was apparently in absolute opposition to her value system
I don’t think it’ds a good idea to acoid the topic.We have to try. A lot of people nthis site have been very wise to the globalist agenda long before I was. I only realised when Trudeau called the Canadian convoy antisemitic. That is how SLOW I was. Ofcourse I realised that lots of things weren’t making sense any more and that the newspapers ( broadshets) had started to go weird in the nineties..but I need Off G and the peoiple on it to speel it out for me . Ofcourse I explined things again for myself but I did need the push, I suppose the courage to believe what I was seeing and join the dots.
In case you missed the link above:
Try this:
I read it. Ofcourse it nice to read things like that because it’s nice to see people say things that you are ‘ not allowed ‘ to say. Other than that I didn’t really like it.The fact of the matter is nobody know the truth with certainty about any historical event …so it’s still to impose one verson on people
typo. Meant to say it’s silly to impose one version on ^people
I hope she’s not your friend anymore. I’ve cut relations with an uncle for similar views.
With friends like that who needs enemas ? (sic).
The banality of evil. Is a book about the same.
Esther Rantzen was the president of the children’s counseling charity called Childline andChildline merged with the NSPCC in 2006.
Dame Esther Rantzen and presenter of Thats life.
Dame Esther Rantzen the set up The Silver Line
A helpline that provides information, friendship, and advice to older people who are experiencing loneliness and isolation. Rantzen was inspired to establish the charity after opening up about her own struggles with loneliness.
You’ve underlined to suggest that they could be advised ot bump themselves off??? That’s there’s a blast from the past..but why are you mentioning it. God whe nad her team were so tedious on that. Do you remember her annying voice when she said ‘ We said…” ” and they said”… and it was on a Sunday night just to make the end of the weekend worse
then set up? (instead of the set up?)
Reperations will be translated into passports to “regularise” “irregular” immigration.
Irregular immigration is newspeak from the 2018 compact for migration making migration to a country of your choice a human right.
Very cleverly shoehorned into the commonwealth shenanigans.
Out of the 3 points above.
2 of them supporting how bad normal media towards Trump.
He was on Joke rogan on Friday and since then Alternaive media
has been showing its support with pretending not to endorse Trump by showing
how bad normal media is!! got it
Same template as Tommy robinson or Nigel Fraud, we do
ntsupport them however, how there getting treated by normal media is really really bad.Its political shilling whilst pretending not to shill.
‘Donald Trumps magic over his followers taps into the victim-perpetrator
and salvationist narrative. He emphasises how his followers have been
victimized/humiliated and how he has stepped forward to save them. He
will be their retribution against the victimizers.’
Saint Donald?
Are they that gullible and naive, or just desperate and grasping ?
Well 4 years ago I was looking at Q posts, so people change.
Then heard Space isn’t real, nobody has been there.
So far, that fits.
Then heard official History is not true.
Nothing can be believed before 1800.
That is what we have.
Anybody who says otherwise
is gay
But are you better off than you were 4 years ago, this is what inquiring minds want to know.
Better off?
Don’t like space films or history films as much.
Cos they are all totally gay
Space is the Final Frontier.
Except that frontier is made in a Hollywood basement.
That frontier exists at the outermost and innermost limits of the mind.
Esther Rantzen: Has no-one explained to this woman that making the decision to ask some other to help one along the way is not really indicative of truly being a mature adult.
If truly wanting to be a responsible adult and make ‘life’ decisions then certainly it stands to reason that one should be accountable for oneself and not abdicate a task of carrying out no doubt a daunting enactment of one’s own private decision.
It’s really not fair to have some other make an atonement concerning one’s own determination to bear the cross which every breathing (spirit) has to shoulder to a greater or lesser extent in this sojourn if heaven and hell.
Then again there has been an inordinate measure of time for which the deep programming of kapparot ideology has been promulgated including the notion that our ‘Taxes’ bring redemption.
Hmm I wonder if people enmass will ever be able to climb out of the valley to get a true view!
Link to that Guardian editorial doesn’t seem to work.
Thank God for small mercies. LOL