Death, But Not As We Knew It
Sinéad Murphy

On Saturday 21st September, my neighbour collapsed and died while walking the hills of Northumberland. The coroner’s report confirmed only that she had had a heart-attack. She was fifty-one years old.
Little ensued among those living on our short street. No expressions of outrage at how young our neighbour was. No speculation about the reason for her sudden demise. No show of disbelief. No clamour of refusal. No real discussion at all.
As if it is the most natural thing in the world for a fit and healthy woman of fifty-one to collapse and die and for the extraordinary reach of medical science to be unable to explain why.
A couple of weeks later, England lost to Greece in the Nations League football competition. The Greek players marked their victory by holding up the shirt of a teammate who had died in a swimming pool a few days before. My son called my attention to the TV – ‘Look at this,’ he said. ‘You’re interested in young people dying.’
As if it’s a niche thing – like following the Finnish Curling Championship. As if it’s an idiosyncracy, to be interested in young people dying.
Latest research announces that one in two of us will get cancer. Since when? And why? Defibrillators are mounted on the walls of primary schools. For whom? And why? No one’s asking. Or only a very few are asking.
Death is among us now in a strange new way. Ambling through everyday life. Casually. Without any fuss.
Two events took place in July and August of this year, significant in this regard. Each dramatized the same unsettling prospect of death as unremarkable, death as just another side of life.
The first event was a short film, shown previous to the controversial opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games. In this film, three children follow Zinedine Zidane into the Paris subway system, proceeding without him through sodden catacombs, flanked by rats and human skulls. They arrive at a dank waterway as a row boat approaches. The figure inside, darkly hooded and with skeletal hands, helps each child to board and transports them onward into the murk – but not before distributing life-jackets, which the children buckle on with good care.
The second event was a widely reported brief ceasefire – a temporary suspension of the killing of children in Gaza in order to allow for the vaccination of children in Gaza.
In both of these events there was a startling overturn of the age-old tension between life and death. In both, death was presented as compatible with life, life’s friend, even life’s protector.
No more fundamental rearrangement is possible to conceive. What does it mean? And how deep does its meaning go?
What is going on with the curious manner in which death now saunters our streets, woven with life so closely and so companionably that it is hardly possible to tell them apart?
In 1983, the German philosopher, Gadamer, delivered a radio broadcast on the theme of death. Gadamer claimed that throughout history and in all cultures death has been abroad equivocally, at once acknowledged and denied, admitted and refused.
In their great variety, religious rituals of death have posited some version of endurance beyond death and have thereby been confrontations with death that have also worked to conceal death.
But secular practices too, the making of wills for example, have constituted an experience of death that has been at once an admission and a denial.
Indeed, so powerful and productive has been the carefully balanced ambiguity of historical experiences of death that it has been the template for ways of life generally, which have derived their defining sense of purpose from the requirement to maintain a holding pattern between admission and refusal of human mortality.
On the one hand, life has got its shape from implicit acknowledgment of death, from which have followed the rise and fall of youth and adulthood and old-age and everything that is proper to them.
On the other, in the seriousness with which life has been pursued and the import with which life has been imbued, there has been implicit denial of the fact that all these projects in which we invest and these people in whom we trust are fated to expire.
The great effort to balance acceptance of death with defiance of death has generated the ways of living that have orientated us and motivated us.
We might consider, then, that any alteration in our experience of death would likely have profound consequences for our ways of living and, for that reason, be worth attending to.
Certainly, this is what prompted Gadamer in the early 1980s to speak publicly on the theme of death. For, what he had noticed was just what we have noticed: a relatively sudden and profound change in the manner in which death was abroad.
Except that the change that Gadamer noticed was not the wholesale admission of death that we are now seeing all around. What Gadamer observed was the opposite: wholesale refusal of death, death’s disappearance from view.
In his broadcast, Gadamer described the erasure of the experience of death from public life, from private life, even from personal life. Elaborate funerals no longer passed through the streets, families rarely hosted their dying or dead relatives in the home, and the use of heavy pain-relief was removing people even from their own passing.
By the early ‘80s, there had been an obliteration of death – people died, of course, but their deaths were almost nowhere to be seen.
Gadamer sought to warn against this change, on the grounds that the experience of death is fundamental to the purposefulness that gives meaning to our lives. Without it, we are entered into an undifferentiated open-plain existence, without shape or rhythm, in which nothing is particularly salient and therefore nothing particularly possible…
…or rather in which salience and possibility are on the open market, up for grabs to the highest bid or the loudest message.
As the shaping effect of the careful acknowledgement of death receded through the latter half of the twentieth century, the form and tempo of our lives came gradually to be defined by an avalanche of products and services of corporate invention and state promotion, accompanied by a manufactured hysteria of trumped-up festivals.
There was still a sense of purpose – even a hyper-sense of purpose – but it arose from a new and uncertain source, the delicately balanced experience of death having been replaced by a wholly other experience with nothing delicate about it: the experience of opportunity.
This new experience was very useful as a means of social control. Because opportunity is the enemy of ways of life, cutting through the purposes that tie us to times and places, to people and things, with the chance to do and be something different.
The things that we would never do, the principles that we would ever uphold, were now fair game. Gotta grab those chances, gotta grasp those opportunities…
We dived without hesitation into the new world-without-limit, in which anything was possible, in which It Could Be You.
But the use-by date of opportunity is a short one, a society’s propensity for wearing out from overstimulated pursuit of synthetic prizes mirroring an individual’s tendency for it.
And so arrived, more quickly than one might have anticipated, the ugly endphase of the game of chance for which we had sacrificed everything meaningful.
Its last gasps play out even still, though it has mostly relinquished its grand rhetoric of You Too Could Be President, exhausting itself as a tawdry game of glocal Bingo.
Buy a MacDonalds Happy Meal and win a fantastic family adventure. Shop at ASDA and save up your rewards points.
Commutah. Strollah. It’s time for some Tombolah.
We clamber jadedly on their jalopy-go-round, and expend our failing energies on their hamster’s wheel of fortune. Because we’ve forgotten any other way. Because we’ve lost sight of the purposes we used to live for in dazzlement at the prizes they made us play for.
So we escape to extraordinary every night, binging with Amazon Prime and Just Eat, and play the odds they give us on the devices they sell us, placing paltry wagers on the outcome of carelessly concocted competitions while piling our ever-craving bellies with poisonous pap from the filthy backpacks of the underclass.
And now, as the last simulations of meaning depart the building, addicted to opportunity and looking only for our next hit, which hardly satisfies even as we scramble for it, vulnerable at every point to apathy and inertia; now, we are confronted everywhere with the very thing to finish us off, the very thing to finally dismantle our ragged and reliant half-sense of purpose, the very thing that had disappeared from view.
Death is back. Big time.
The reentrance was something special. ‘The Covid Pandemic.’ With all opportunities, even the paltry dregs of opportunity on which we had been feeding, on hold, banned, outlawed.
Death was in. Life was out. Nothing equivocal about it.
And we folded. Of course we did. With little of substance left to shape and spur our lives, we surrendered.
The drama subsided in due course. Sort of. Covid ended. Sort of. The world of opportunity opened up again. Sort of.
And we tried to get back in – to reset our sights on the old prizes and drum up the appetite to play for them.
But one foot has stayed in the grave – we work from home, we order in, we Facetime our friends, with the rusting infrastructure of abandoned ways of life toppling all around and the glitter of life-chances growing duller by the day.
And death owns the joint, wandering freely among us without molestation or protestation. Following its corrupting disappearance with its crushing reappearance. Not delicately balanced, not ambiguously mixed with energising defiance. Just brutal.
In public, we are pummelled with accusations of sucking the planet dry, the tenacious narrative of overpopulation simmering just below the surface of global agenda and their governments’ policies.
In private, we are herded into ‘death-training’ sessions, which instruct us on how to harvest our loved ones’ passwords and sell off the contents of their loft.
Most demoralizing of all, there is the creep to death as a personal option, the Assisted Dying Bill even now being debated in the parliament at Westminster as elsewhere across the globe.
And if the world of opportunity and its wholesale suppression of death overstimulated with its production line of false purposes, then the current wholesale promotion of death enervates, eroding our very sense of purpose.
More than eight million people in the UK are taking anti-depressants. No surprise. The opportunities for which we sacrificed fulsome purposes have grown so anaemic that they offer no protection against the rising crescendo of death.
Meanwhile, with so many faltering under an ailing sense of purpose, the population is bookended by more or less total immunity to purpose. Autism and Alzheimer’s are on the increase, conditions of profound remove from even the most rudimentary life projects.
The rise in prevalence of these conditions is appalling in itself. But worse still is its accompaniment by a new and wicked escalation of the over-admission of death.
A radio advertisement for an Alzheimer’s charity features the voice of a young man who tells us that ‘Mum died for the first time’ when she couldn’t remember how to make a roast dinner and that ‘Mum died for the second time’ when she couldn’t remember his name and that ‘Mum died for the last time’ on the date of her passing.
Did they really just say that? Did they really just describe a whole cohort of living people as already dead?
Zombies – the walking dead – has been a dominant trope of our times. Like all of the output of the cultural-industrial complex, it has been about much more than entertainment, embedding the register within which living people are experienced, and experience themselves, as dead men walking, for whom death is not a reversal but a most natural, a most unobjectionable, fulfillment.
And beware. Autism and Alzheimer’s are only the poster scenarios in this regard. Their susceptibility to being dismissed as alive-but-not-living is rolling out more subtly as a condition of us all.
More and more frequently, life is promoted to us as a process of making memories. And we have fallen for it, availing ourselves of their devices and their platforms so as to arrange and then record our lives in the image of unnuanced key concepts: #familytime, #datenight, #daddays, and the like.
As we busy ourselves with producing generic life-content, we do not notice that we are living life as if it is over, that we are living in the mode of what will have been, that we are folding death into life itself.
Take Your Opportunities replaced fulsome life-purposes with synthetic life-chances, dispersing the vitality of communities into short susceptible bursts of atomised hyper-energy. But Make Your Memories is more devastating still, upturning the forward-orientedness of purpose itself, sapping us of all lifeforce.
We live now in the mode of having lived. And everything turns to ashes and to dust.
We are being reframed. As the walking dead. Beings with far too unequivocal an affinity with death. For whom death is fruition. For whom death is life.
Covid was about many things, one of the most important of which was its rebranding of death, its rearrangement of the relation between death and life.
Its launch-pad was the decades of disappearance of death that Gadamer observed in the 1980s and that was, by 2020, utterly entrenched. Just reporting unremarkable daily mortality rates was enough to provoke widespread terror in a population with no experience of death.
Save Lives. Surely no campaign in history more effortlessly carried the day.
But in the beguiling simplicity of that slogan lay the seeds of a fatal irony: the reappearance of death as acceptable collatoral of the project of saving lives.
People who were doing every inhumane thing that was asked of them in order to make death disappear again grew strangely defensive of death as a cost of protecting life. If you mentioned the numbers dying from misuse of ventilation treatment, you were castigated as against life. If you whispered the side-effects of the Covid ‘vaccines,’ you were ostracised as against life.
Death had become admissable as a side-effect of saving life.
Then, as we exited Covid intensity, there dawned a next phase in the rebranding of death, not even as acceptable collatoral of saving life but as itself a saviour of life.
The ever-more brazen narrative of depopulation – at meetings of the World Economic Forum, heads of state listen with equanimity to suggestions that optimal global population might be as little as five-hundred million – this extinction narrative is presented as life-saving, for the benefit of the planet.
Puchasing corporate packages to save your family the trouble of your funeral is advertised as the healthy option, and death-training is just being sensible.
As for the prospect of assisted dying, that is advancing on the strength of its great respect for human lives, which are so precious that we must help them to extinguish themselves if they wish to, or – as former MP, Matthew Parris, is on record as saying – if they ought to.
Little wonder that death is depicted in the act of passing around life-jackets, or that genocide is paused for immunisation against disease. The relation between life and death has been scrambled so completely that death is set to become the lifestyle of choice.
No word passed along our street of funeral arrangements for our neighbour. As far as I know, no one living here attended a ceremony. I am not certain that there was any.
Funerals are often regarded as overkill here in the UK. Protesting too much.
Even the flimsy wicker coffin used in crematoria is resented as overdoing it – a group of friends recently expressed outrage that corpses are not emptied onto the pyre so that the coffin can be reused.
They proceeded to commend someone they knew who had stipulated the use of a cardboard coffin for their cremation. Was that too to be recycled?
Better still: ‘Britain’s most popular funeral package’ offers to relieve family of the stress of all arrangements for the dead body of their relative – even cardboard arrangements.
‘No Fuss’ is the tagline of Pure Cremation. Just ‘personal delivery’ of the ashes at your convenience.
Amazon Prime style.
Did Somebody Say, Just Death?
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The Sun Interview
Jenkinson: “The biggest single reason our culture views death as unimportant is that we don’t practice any childhood-ending rituals. When there’s no initiation into adulthood, death cannot assume its rightful place in a culture. The cultures that are still doing initiation are few and far between and generally keep their heads down whenever Westerners come around.”
As We Lay DyingStephen Jenkinson On How We Deny Our Mortality
By Erik Hoffner•August 2015
‘I don’t feel safe in my neighbourhood,’ says man suing Collingwood over coyotes
“That’s because the pharmacy is reportedly the only one with a sterile hood — something the Order of Pharmacists of Quebec had long mandated as necessary to prepare propofol, the drug used in MAID procedures.”
Medically assisted dying in Quebec City streamlined after Pope’s visit led to delays
What is propofol? Where can one learn more about propofol?
Quebec to approve advance requests for MAID as of Oct. 30
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NA Meets: Roy Jacobsen, novelist
Period and historical films
Valhalla RisingXan Brooks
Xan Brooks is a freelance writer and broadcaster specialising in cinema … at the Guardian
Well, the article is in the same spirit: A lot of words about absolutely nothing. A zero burger.
Death but not as we knew it my arse.
I was discussing some weirdness i’ve seen recently about death with a friend recently….
Her father had just died & she told me his funeral was the following morning…
The next morning she was out washing the car, so I asked about the funeral and when she was planning to set off?
She informed me there was no service, nobody was attending, the crematorium just supplied her a time her dad was to be cremated….that’s it…that’s a funeral now in 2024…
No hymns, no words of comfort from a vicar, no tearful goodbyes from friends & family…just “Oh it’s 11.15am, bye dad!” carries on washing the car…
Is this some legacy of the covid restrictions perhaps?
Then another friend lost her elderly father, Alzheimer’s, got to the stage he couldn’t eat or drink, so clearly he was on his way out…but what she found creepy (me too) was the family gathered at his bedside in the nursing home to say their goodbyes…then a lowly “nurse” (or carer) wanders in, stick what looks like a nicotine patch on his leg, proudly announces “Won’t be long now!” and breezes out all smiles, like the Auxiliary Nurse of Doom…
Sure enough 5 minutes later my friends father was dead….
The coldness of a medical person killing the elderly like that, with seemingly, no more thought than collecting a bed pan, both of us found quite disturbing.
And the Covid related deaths just beggar belief, it doesn’t matter how many jabs and boosters, every time a friend has a stroke, or heart attack, or pericarditis etc etc, it is always pinned on Covid….not once have i heard a single person i know say it was the jab(s)….a friends 14 year old, previously fit & healthy grandson drops dead of a heart attack 72 hours after his booster…Covid..”It went straight to ‘is ‘eart!”
Another has had two strokes, the last leaving him 95% blind…Covid….because flu like viruses always do that don’t they?
Another phoned me from hospital Christmas week, 2022, his resting heart rate was 190BPM, although numerous tests showed no sign of covid, and he’d had a booster 4 days prior, the doctors told him it must be covid…
Fast forward to Christmas 2023…he tells me he’s going for his next booster the following morning….
But the last one damn near killed you mate, you’re on heart meds for the rest of your life?
“Ah but my sister says she won’t let me in her house if i’m not fully jabbed!”
That was the last time i spoke to him, he had a fatal heart attack the following week!
So far my tally is “Covid” has maimed 7 and killed 4 of my friends…always shortly after a jab…
Pieces of information I got today struck me as worthy of reiterating.
Mike Yeadon formerly of Pfizer in a video clip said without any excuses said that, and I paraphrase, that the VAX is an intentional crime against humanity.
The DNA/RNA targets genes and is spread throughout the body and targets especially the ovaries although it can be anywhere. The results of this is cancer and blood clots.
The other info was quoted from a top official in the Dutch Government which said that these VAX and all ensuing actions were made on the directive of NATO.
It is nice to know we are being looked after by the Grim Reaper, a feast for the soul.
Maybe the correct spelling is “Operation Warpseed“?
Yes, we know already this was military organised by the Military, Pentagon and Nato, and that Big Pharma is bigger than MIC, but also controlled by TPTB. Next chapter.
I really enjoyed this article!
So true!
Moderna RNA Vaxx causes more deaths in young people than Pfizer RNA Vaxx because Moderna injects a higher dose. But Moderna is suing Pfizer because Pfizer is infringing Moderna’s patent.
In 2016 Moderna filed a patent for the spike protein with a Furan Binding Site that transforms a bat virus into one that attacks human vascular system. This spike protein is found in Covid-19 and it is the main component of RNA Vaxx.
Quite true, enjoyed the article
Covid also showed how delusional is the culture we live in.
People were willing to sacrifice the children psychologically and physically to save the 90 year old granny with multiple co-morbidities.
Reminds me of Ivan Ilich
“The concept of medicalization is attributed to Ivan Illich, who first wrote on the subject in 1976. He proposed that modern medicine had become detrimental to society, by amongst other things, “launching … an inhuman attempt to defeat death, pain and sickness”.[5] By doing so, he argued, medicine had deprived individuals and societies of their ability to cope with sickness and death.”
“ Cultural iatrogenesis is the destruction of traditional ways of dealing with and making sense of death, pain, and sickness”
Man up and dig your own grave. It could be the new hip thing!
It needs to be repeated for anyone new here that the many sudden deaths from heart complications among healthy people including athletes are of course due to the mRNA vaccines and if you don’t believe it, you are welcome to try another booster.
Get boosted.
Dig grave.
Vax+strenuous exercise causes heart attack.
I must tell Justin Trudeau. This is better than Canada’s present assisted suicide scheme.
What Ms. Murphy beautifully regales as a societal progression may be far more. It may be a species trajectory. If, as I presume, the human species has run its course as a species and is priming itself for extinction, however subconsciously, then everything Ms. Murphy points out is a perfectly, even inevitably, logical progression.
On the last day (metaphorically speaking) humans would naturally come to see death as not only an inevitable but a desirable condition of life. After all, it’s where all humans are headed individually – so why not collectively?
You are likely presuming wrong. The “human species” is not a uniform mass and there is evidence humanity survived the last polar shift (global cataclysm), just about. The priming for extinction may be a premonition of the arrival of the next polar shift, which will destroy most of the planet’s surface and anything on it. It was followed by an ice age last time… In any case, survival in underground bunkers seems unlikely without divine intervention…
It may also be the death wish that caged wild animals also have, and in this case it is not self-priming but top-down priming, originating in Judaic scripts including the Book of Revelation. The text is almost textbook schizophrenia created by hate, sexual deprivation and starvation, and the schizoid dualist belief in cosmic good vs cosmic evil, a Babylonian invention. The Book of Revelation is the original doomsday predictive programing, with affected human cultures behaving in ways that can make the “prophecy” a reality.
Were it not for the human species having taken leave of everything needed for its survival, I might agree that it is premature to see what’s happening as an innate extinction event.
Humans (through the “ruling elites”) are literally destroying everything in an absolutely insane and foolhardy attempt to preserve and maintain a sense of power over reality. They’re turning earth, sky, water, air rain into such a toxic stew that long term survival is becoming virtually impossible. No other species on the planet actively works to destroy everything needed for its survival.
The German government fesses up:
Unfortunately, much of that article comes from the first video on the page, from “The People’s Voice.”
I despise that channel. He ALWAYS goes beyond hyperbole and says untrue things. He often puts fabricated tweets in the thumbnails.
Case in point here. The German government did not admit there was no pandemic. Period. They didn’t. It’s just that simple. Sorry. He does this in every video. He got you excited to reel you in.
I was taken in by one of his videos. Just once. I learned from it. I sometimes watch his more outrageously absurdly titled videos for fun to see just how he will distort the facts.
But he is a menace. He discredits stories that are true. He’s probably serving a government psyop. Avoid TPV.
That website is a joke, I stopped lokking at it a long time ago. Like you said, it could be a psyop or perhaps it is just opportunistic clickbait.
Even stole the name from the defunct TV and radio station of the same name which David Icke set-up in 2013 and closed in 2014.
David Icke set-up in 2013 took 1million in donations and blamed his MTV manager Shaun adl (kid you not that was his name) and Richie allen and co took the equipment.
funny how thay part gets forgotten.
Fair enough.
I’m always a little wary of the Global Research hyperbole.
I thought Global Research is logic..?
We are back to “follow the money trail” again. Unfortunately this world have too many suckers. So in some and this way the Elite is right.
O, that this too too solid flesh would melt/Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!/Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d/His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God!
You see – that Shakes-Bacon-Marlowe-Oxford-whoever-speare favoured assisted dying!
Underlying it all is the gnostic world view – the spirit has been trapped in a meatsack by the evil demi-urge and its archon minions but longs to return to “source”. What a convenient argument for elitist depopulators who want this world and all its abundance to themselves….
When was the last time you saw/read/heard any vaguely mainstream media saying life is a gift and we should be thankful?
The “gnostics” were invented by the early Christian church, who killed a whole bunch of different people for heresies and “paganism”.
There is a school of thought that believes that the first early Christians, before the Constantine proto-orthodox version won, were Gnostics.
Lots of information presented in an unbiased way with references:
“You are not the body.
The body will last as long as it is needed.
It is not necessary that it should live long.”
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
From the cover of “I AM THAT”.
An absorbing read about the philosophy of Gnana Yoga.
By the way, thanks Off-G. I see you have removed that infuriating software that transformed longer posts into almost illegible single paragraphs. Congratulations but what took you so long.
“Everything that belongs to the body is a stream,
and what belongs to the soul is a dream”
“In everything that you do, pause and ask yourself if death is a dreadful thing because it deprives you of this.”
“It makes no difference whether a man shall see the same things during a hundred years or two hundred, or an infinite time;
the one who lives longest and the one who will die soonest lose just the same. For the present is the only thing of which a man can be deprived”
– Marcus Aurelius.
Not bad Marcus. Not bad.
But let me add: This to only live, makes me happy because I am nearer to God.
Self-explained. Too busy with too much bs that could have been explained in one or two sentences. “what took you so long”. 😅
We live in a fallen world.
Satan’s little minions are doing the bidding of their master.
Still time to repent, be born again and baptized.
We are living in the end days and the Lord’s second coming…
When you get your fantasy second coming…
It will be the new world order on steriods as ANYONE who does not convert or believe like you- will end up killed.
and that is why I do not watched the CC MIC alt media as they forget to tell there non believer moron that parts.
Bless you my child.
As an ex atheist it’s incumbent upon me to spread the good news.
You have free will to choose but choose carefully- eternity seperated from God is a long time…
You will get one very big shock when you arrive back in the very real Afterlife and have to face that the ‘Christian Church’ totally duped you immensely gullible people around the world who fell for its false doctrines and false dogmas.
A day will eventually arrive for all you foolish, gullible ‘christians’ when you will have to face that what we Spiritualists around the world stated were the actual truths of existence.
You can ridicule me all you wish, but I reiterate that a day will come when you truly WILL have to face that you ‘christians’ were the ones who were fooled, when on Earth.
Just you wait and see… I’ll look forward to your abject apology to me, when we’re both back in the very real Spirit dimension (of this multi-dimensional cosmos), for having wrongly ridiculed the 100% factual truths that I’ve disseminated.
Christian church!
Oh dear Christine perhaps you need to be filled with the Holy spirit and be washed in the blood of the lamb.
No church has fooled me- I have a personal relationship with Our Lord and saviour.
We won’t be meeting in the afterlife.
Sadly for you spreading satanist drivel means an eternity separated from God to contemplate your foolishness.
Still time to repent though and be baptized..
God is always willing to leave the 99 and go looking for the 1.
Perhaps that’s you?
Sadly for all of us, your god is Yahweh, the false god of the Judeans, a.k.a. the chief Archon.
They had you in mind when they wrote this:
Proverbs 17:28
I repeat, you will get one VERY big shock, when you eventually return to the very real, and ONLY Afterlife. The very real Spirit dimension/Spirit world.
Oh yes, we WILL be meeting in that very real Afterlife. For you (by then, we’ll be in our spirit body form; which is, in truth, what we’re all in right now – it being covered by our physical body ‘coat’) will HAVE to apologise to me, for having incorrectly ridiculed and abused me, due to your ignorance of how existence actually is. For everyone is made to apologise, in the Afterlife, for wrongs we’ve committed.
I assure you that what Spiritualism states is NOT ‘satanic’, it happens to simply be the word which refers to the actual nature of existence, after the event that is so very incorrectly termed ‘death’. AND the fact that communication between the two realms (Earth, and the Spirit world) takes place worldwide, and throughout all eras. That, too, happens to be 100% fact. As you (deluded ‘christian’ that you are) will one day discover. You will get one very immense shock, when you find out that it truly WAS you ‘christians’ who’d been fooled, duped, and NOT we Spiritualists around the world.
(I was ‘baptised’ when a little baby, when I had no say in the matter. ‘Baptism’ is BS!! It means literally nothing!!! But you ‘think’ otherwise, because you have been indoctrinated, brainwashed into the BS of ‘christianity’, and you don’t possess the critical thinking skills to see through that BS.)
You Fundamentalists don’t even talk normally, are you aware of that?
To give one example of many: a couple of days ago you claimed that I needed to be “washed in the blood of the lamb”.
Well, I rest my case!! If you think that those words (“washed in the blood of the lamb”) are normal, then you need to take a long hard look at what you so very credulously ‘believe’.
You ‘christians’ have been SO duped, SO fooled!!
You all need to read books such a (to name one of many such) “Creating Christ: how Roman Emperors created Christianity”, by James Valliant and Warren Fahy. There’s a reason why the so-called ‘gospels’ were written in the first century CE… because they were compiled by by the Flavian Emperors and their lackeys, at that time.
We may well reincarnate, but your spritualism has a shady past, mixed up with Theosophy, its founder Helena Blavatsky and frauds such as Alice Bailey, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Beasant.
There are more questions around spiritualism than answers. What exactly are spiritualists – even the best intentioned ones – channeling? There is no proof of what actually are the entities being channeled. They could be demonic entities pretending to be the spirits of the deceased relatives and friends of those who the messages are for, as well as pretending to be benevolent higher level spiritual beings and guides.
As I have told you previously, I have sat in dozens of open and closed circles and have received messages for people in good faith, which seemed accurate, since they meant something to the receiver and I have seen many mediums at work over many years.
Yet, the truth is, I do not know what I was channeling, nor do any mediums or psychics. Even though, protecting the circle is part of the process to prevent harmful entities coming through, I could have been deceived and in passing the message on, have deceived the receiver.
The fact that it is necessary to protect a circle, is an acknowledgement of the existence of evil or demonic spirits or at least malevolent lower levels ones wishing to be mischievous.
Your constant attack against Christians is becoming tiresome, and I speak as someone who has no interest in organised religion of any description.
However, it is clear to me that Christianity is the main target of the controllers and their Luciferian Kabbalistic underlings and therefore there must be something in the Christian doctrine that they fear.
What’s “chanelled” could be just parasites within the body. They infect the nerves and muscles and likely every tissue, and their influences on the nerves and muscles increases when the human host is in a trance state. They seemed to read and mimick the neural signals, so they’re able to read “minds,” and I believe they communicate with others in other people’s body, possibly through high frequency sound waves.
If you had that nonstop chatter in your head, it’s the parasites infecting your hearing nerves and tissues. The feelings are those in the brain. Whatever bodily sensation and movement is created by those infecting that part. Visions and sightings are done by those infecting the eyes and related nerves and maybe brain parts. Etc.
It’s not easy getting rid of these, as they also multiply possibly all the time.
Started by a “black magick attack” resulting in “demonic possession” none could help, I was certain it was parasites in my body, after over one year of observation, not any demon/spirit at all.
Now it’s over 7 years since it started, and 2.5 years of taking myrrh plus frankincense daily. I’ve seen many kinds of those “voices in the head,” fantasies, obssessions, confusions, visions, etc. gone. Including physical pains. Those wanting to eliminate the parasites should do it slowly. Start with low doses for 1 or 2 days and raise the dose only when there’s no heavy effects. The more parasites killed poison the body more. For myrrh and frankincense, try 1 or 2 grams of each (powdered) for 1 or 2 days and stop for 2 or 3 days to see if there’s any negative effect. When there’s brain fog, unability to think and be conscious, it could be parasites in the brain got killed. Don’t be alone or doing anything that may cause harm, as you may collapse like me. The brain fog lasted a few days for me and worsened until I collapsed, so it’s best to have someone around. And be always fully alert during the medication. Never lose concentration and focus. 4 times the parasites tried to make me fall, 2 from the roof and 2 from the ladder, all done by sending visions of my body twisting to fall and when I was surprised, my body did do the twisting. I managed to stop it and kept my body and mind still until I felt there was no more disturbance. And avoid monotonous conditions like when you’re driving or sitting, as it can make you feel sleepy to the point you fall asleep or lose consciousness. Sneezing strongly can remove its influences immediately.
These are things that weaken the parasites:
Bright lights, especially sunlight.
Low frequency sounds. The lower and stronger the better.
Herbs, especially those used in exorcism. Keep it close to the body, the more the better.
Heavy physical activities.
Electricity. That electric stimulator may work nicely but seems to be locally.
Essential oils.
What’s needed is patience and peaceful mind. Ignore all the words appearing in the head, all feelings/emotions and sensations appearing out of nowhere. It’s the parasites.
When I was channeling, I was never in a trance state, and was always conscious of my physical surroundings. It was never a bad experience, I simply saw visual images (clairvoyance) or had feelings (clairsentience) as the message delivery conduits. Never received clairaudience (hearing voices). I also only ever did it in controlled situations. There are some people who walk around picking up spiritual messages all the time.
I only ever pay attention to intuitive feelings on a day to day basis, since those I have found to never be wrong and have nothing to do with mediumship.
Interesting stuff regsrding parasites and your use of powdered myrrh and frankincense. Can the powdered versions be substituted for essential oils? Normally, essential oils should not be taken internally.
Since we are most likely all unknowingly carrying parasites at times in our lives, this could be a useful detox for us all.
Yes, they fear people turning to Yeshua, because NO ONE gets to Father except through Him.
When the world wakes up to this fact, the controllers are screwed.
Declaring they are “the 100% factual truths” is like declaring a vaccine is safe and effective before the testing is done.
There are 30+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which PROVE that we do all survive (in our spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. I’ve carried out an immense amount of scholarly research into this vital, all-important subject over the last 30 years. The vast majority of the literally countless millions of other spiritually-enlightened people around the world [including many wised-up scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc] have done the same.
There are many tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of high-quality, scholarly books on this greatest of all truths, and a large percentage of them have been written BY the spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc, around the world.
Also, the countless millions of other wised-up people worldwide, just as I do, possess personal proofs that our loved ones have survived the death of their physical body ‘coat’.
I presume you are talking about seances etc where people allegedly communicate with deceased people and claim to gain information that could only have come from the dead person themselves?
I’ve read a lot about this an am familiar with it, and it seems to me your 100% certitude is extremely premature.
Even if we dismiss the possibility of fraud entirely (which we probably should not), how do we eliminate all the other potential methods of transmitting information by “supernatural” means?
Eg –
1– How can we eliminate the possibility of communication forwards and backwards in time? – which would enable the spiritualist medium, or whatever, to communicate with the deceased person before he died.
2 — How do we eliminate the theory of universal consciousness which suggests all living beings have access to a “database” containing the knowledge and experience of every being that has ever lived, and who have yet to live?
Both of these – and probably other – theories would also explain all the evidence I have personally seen that is claimed to “prove” life after death.
So, my question to you, Christine is –
Do you know of any evidence that literally can’t be explained by the above theories or by anything but spiritual survival after death?
If you do can you tell us about it here?
I am asking in genuine interest and curiosity.I have had some strange experiences in my life and am in no way close-minded.
Please read this reply in its entirety, Tilly! For I refer to one aspect of the evidences near the end of my post.
I (as also have the vast majority of the countless millions of other spiritually-aware people around the world) have carried out 30 years of extensive, scholarly research into this vital subject: the greatest of all truths. There exist 30+ different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which incontrovertibly prove that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body.
Evidential communications through mediums and clairvoyants/clairaudients are just one of those 30+ categories of the evidences which exist.
In my posts on this subject, on this site, over the past approx. 2-3 years, I’ve summarised the survival of ‘death’ truth. And in some of my posts on this, I’ve related a couple of my literally hundreds of personal proofs that we do all survive ‘death’.
One of them is the following:
Our dad ‘died’ in 1982, aged just 49. I was not then spiritually enlightened, and assumed that death was the end of existence.
Our dad had assumed that, too.
Well, he (and many other relatives, including my longtime partner, Jim, who returned to the Spirit dimension in 2019) has communicated with me a number of times, giving information of various sorts, including things which he did not (and could not have) know, prior to his ‘death’.
In 2004, I had a ‘reading’ with a Spiritualist Church medium (mediums are not allowed to work in Spiritualist Churches unless/until they have absolutely proved that they genuinely relaying information from the Spirit realms).
Our dad gave info. which confirmed that it was indeed him. He then gave me some information, through the medium (who was able to hear what he said due to her possession of clairaudient hearing; ie, hearing that what is beyond the reach of physical ears to pick up; ie, hearing what those in the Spirit realms communicate) re. his son (ie, my brother [today happens to be his 59th birthday)’s then future wedding/marriage.
At that time, 2004, our brother was still living with his longtime girlfriend, just outside London, here in the UK.
My dad told me that his son would marry in his 40s, in the Caribbean… that his then future wife would have a young daughter by a previous relationship. My dad gave me the name of my brother’s then future wife, and also the name his then future stepdaughter. My dad also told me that my brother’s then future stepdaughter would, some time in the future, wear her hair in plaits.
Well, I wasn’t at the time aware of it, but my brother and his then girlfriend split up in late 2004/early 2005. In 2007 he took himself to the Caribbean island of Grenada. On the last day of that holiday, he met a young Trinidad lady (almost 20 years his junior). She had with her her 3-year-old daughter by a previous relationship. She and my brother fell in love, and married in Grenada in 2008. They live here in the UK, and celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary earlier this year. In about 2010, my brother’s stepdaughter did indeed start wearing her hair in plaits, in the way that many Caribbean females do do.
My sister-in-law and her daughter’s names are the names which my dad in the Spirit world gave me in 2004.
I did not tell my brother the above until 2016…
There are many other categories of the evidences which prove that we do survive ‘death’ (and that the eternal soul which we each are lives many, many lifetimes; ie, that reincarnation is also the truth). For eg, many people around the world, including some doctors and nurses, possess clairvoyant vision. And when they are with someone at the time of the latter’s ‘death’, they, those who possess clairvoyant sight, literally see (with their clairvoyant vision) the ‘dying’ person’s spirit body literally emerge from their physical body at the time of their ‘death’. The newly-‘dead’ person, then in their spirit body, returns to our original home, the Spirit realms. A number of clairvoyantly-sighted doctors and nurses around the world have gone on record re. their experiences; for they know that it’s vital that they give their testimonies to what they observe, when with a ‘dying’ person. They thus know (not merely ‘believe’) that we do all survive the very illusory ‘death’.
There are also many incontrovertible evidences that we survive ‘death’ to be found in the experiences of many people who’ve undergone Near-Death Experiences. There are many, many accounts of people who, during their NDE, are met by someone whom the NDE’r had never before known of; they introduce themselves as a specific person, giving name and details, etc.
When the person returns to their physical body from the NDE, and tell a relative about their encounter, they are told that that person is known to one of their parents, or to another relative.
I could give specific examples, but this post is now too long, so must close here!
Those who’ve thumbed-down my 100% factually truthful post above need to carry out some scholarly research into this vital subject: this greatest of all truths.
It truly is not clever to ridicule and reject what IS the true nature of existence.
You people who ignorantly/foolishly reject the truth need to wise-up…
for it will be you ignorant people (christians/fundamentalist christians, and closed-minded materialists) who will have egg on your faces on the eventual days on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’.
For when that day arrives, for each of you, you will discover that what I’d stated, here, on this subject, was indeed the truth.
Thanks for taking the time and trouble to give me some of your evidence Christine. I respect and appreciate that.
Here’s a little coincidence to get going –
My dad died in 1981 and he was also quite young – 56. So I feel a certain empathy with you and I know how devastating such events can be.
I have carefully read your evidence. I’m not going to get into demanding proof from you because obviously that isn’t possible and anyhow I think you are sincere. It seems clear this subject means a lot to you and I don’t think you would feel that way if you were just making this up.
So, I am proceeding on the assumption everything you say really happened just as you say it did.
What you describe is certainly overwhelming proof for some type of “paranormal” way of acquiring information. You were told about future events that eventually happened. That’s obvious.
But is it proof of spiritualism or of human survival after death?
Sure, that is one possible explanation for what happened, but it’s not the only one by a long way.
Yes, maybe your dad gave you this information as a discarnate spirit. That does fit the facts you describe and it’s entirely possible. I am certainly not ruling it out.
But other possibilities also fit the facts equally well.
1 – The medium you were consulting could have the gift of clairvoyance and have seen the future herself while “imagining” it was your dad telling her.
2 – She could have been contacting some form of higher “entity” that transcends space and time. An “angel”, a “demon”, call it what you will.
3 – She could have been accessing the “collective unconscious” that people theorise about, and simply downloading information that way.
4 – She could have been accessing your own future self who knew about your brother’s wedding.
5 – some other aspect of the universe and human consciousness we know literally nothing about.
So I think your certitude is premature. And I think trying to preserve it is taking a toll on you and making you defensive and angry.
You seem like a person holding on grimly to the side of a swimming pool screaming you know how to swim when obviously you’re terrified of drowning.
Let me – lovingly – suggest to you that you let go and let yourself float for a while and embrace the uncertainty and realize – it’s actually not that bad…
I mean look, you have been blessed with actual personal proof that something more than our five senses and material world does exist.
You KNOW that. And nothing can take it from you.
The fact you don’t know exactly how it works or how the information got to you doesn’t matter. In fact that not-knowing is part of the experience.
It is what it is.
I think if you could embrace this you would be so much happier.
If you could accept that your belief in spiritualism is just one possible answer among many I think you would feel less need to savage and disparage those who don’t share your faith or who have different faith.
None of us know the ultimate truth. All we have are parts of the story, pieces of proof.
And that’s ok, Christine.
Hope you take this as intended and we can continue our communication
A P.S. to my lengthy post of a few mins ago!
Re. NDE’s where people are met by someone they’ve never met before, who introduce themselves as a specific person, with names/detail.
One example which I recall, of many, was of a young American boy who was ‘dying’ of cancer. He’d had several NDEs. During one of them, he was approached by a young man (ie, in his spirit body, being what’s wrongly termed ‘dead’) who said that his name was —– (can’t recall the name), that he was a former boyfriend of the boy’s mother. He told the boy “Tell your mother that I’m fine now, and that I have my leg back”.
When the boy returned to his physical body and told his mother about the encounter, she was astounded. She told him that she had had a boyfriend named —-, and that he’d lost one of his legs in an accident. She made some phone calls, and learnt that her former boyfriend had ‘died’ a few weeks (or months; or months. Can’t recall) earlier.
If someone on Earth loses a limb, or their sight, or their hearing, etc, they regain those things when back in the very real Spirit world (ie, they regain such things in their spirit body form).
Which is why, in the example above, the young man told the young boy to tell his mother that he’d “got his leg back”.
There are many examples like the one above, in the survival of ‘death’ literature, around the world.
The people who’ve thumbed-down my post above will get one very big shock on the eventual days on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’.
I despair of the huge numbers of ignorant/uninformed/brainwashed people around the world who reject/refuse to accept what happens to be 100% factual, proven truth!!!
I haven’t thumbed down any of your posts, but I will repeat that you are making declarations of fact without supplying proof.
If I had personally experienced the things you’ve mentioned exactly as described then I might think like you. But I haven’t.
You should understand that demanding that people accept your ‘facts’, for no other reason than you’ve typed them, will not convince anyone.
Under the circumstances, you have no right to take such a condescending tone, nor to insult people. You’ve been quite rude.
I’m sure you can communicate in a more friendly way. Please try to.
At death or near-death people will see the tunnel of light (many testimonies) and the standard New Age/spiritualist belief is that we will meet dead relatives, friends, even Jesus (if Christian), or important figures for other religions, angels and other higher dimensional beings, and they will encourage us to enter the tunnel of light. Each encounter according to near death experience (NDE) testimonies, although having certain similarities, seems tailored to that person to make them believe and gain their consent to reincarnate to the Earth plane.
Christine has also stated that we undergo a ‘life review’ as we pass into the spirit world. Then we will be convinced to consent to reincarnate to learn life life lessons and improve spiritually. This is the standard view from the spirtualists and New Agers, of which it is discussed as if fact, in hundreds of books and by word of mouth.
There is another school of thought that believes that the tunnel of light is a soul trap reincarnation and these beings that we think – but are actually imposters – are family, friends or important religious figures will tell us that we need to reincarnate to learn life lessons and make good on the bad things that we did on the physical Earth plane. Each time we are guilt tripped into returning with out memories wiped.
Have you ever tried to learn something or get better at it, if you have forgotten the past or what you knew previously, or in this case had your memory wiped?
So the recycling process continues. The soul reincarnation trap (SRT) proponents believe that we need to break this cycle and leave the trap and return to our true spiritual ‘home’ and never return to the physical plane.
There is a lot more to this than I have described, but there is plenty of material online to investigate. Even within the SRT movement there are disagreements about how to leave and the mechanics of it.
The result of this is that for believers in an afterlife, there is no 100 percent evidence of what that afterlife really is, nor do we actually reincarnate – although it seems likely – and if we do, most importantly on what terms and how are those decided – voluntarily or through manipulation by other non-benign beings.
As I have mentioned, the New Agers state that we reincarnate to learn life lessons, but when one looks at the misery on the Earth and suffering people endure, does it really seem credible that a spiritual being would voluntarily, without coercion, choose to reincarnate to suffer a life of hardship, sadness and misery? It sounds like New Age psycho-babble to con dupes.
It has been said that the elitists understand the reincarnation process and that they strike good deals at death, to reincarnate on THEIR terms and conditions. It may also explain why they make plans for centuries, knowing that they will return to see their handiwork and continue its implementation.
Overall, there are just too many contradictory hypotheses, to be certain.
“with out memories wiped”.
Should read “with OUR memories wiped“
Just an afterthough….
The New Agers and some spirtualists believe that a person who is living, for example, with a debilitating disease or life in a wheelchair chose to reincarnate to experience that as a ‘life lesson’.
New Age garbage spouted by useful idiots or put out by the elitists through their controlled New Age gurus to convince those people suffering a hard life here and now, that you chose that life and it is therefore your fault.
Life is shit….well, you chose it!! according to them.
Planning/choosing, prior to coming to Earth, to live with illness/being murdered/raped/whatever whatever, is NOT ‘New Age garbage’, it’s the truth!
Your words in that vein are ‘muddying the waters’ of the greatest truth of all: that we do all survive (in our spirit body form) the death of our physical body. And the manifold associated spiritual truths.
Ok, so in your hundreds of books, which you always mention, where is the 100 percent PROOF that we choose VOLUNTARILY to reincarnate, for example, to be murdered/raped/live with illness/live in a wheelchair/live in poverty etc?
Show me that EVIDENCE and PROVE to me that the subjects (in spirit form) are not deceived and coerced to reincarnate?
Show me the PROOF that the subjects are told beforehead and agree to return to return to suffer in any of the above mentioned ways?
You keep talking in the INDICATIVE (facts). I put forwards ideas for people to consider in the SUBJUNCTIVE (possible), because I DO NOT know with 100 percent certainty and neither do you.
It is not muddying the waters to question everything and especially an esoteric topic such as this, which is all about BELIEFS.
I also note that you never criticise the other Abrahamic religions who do not believe in reincarnation – only Christians. Why is that? Are you scared to go there, since Christianity is an easy target?
Lastly, I have never met a genuine spiritualist medium who denigrates other belief systems or religions, nor any of the thousands of people I have met that have attended spritualist churches and/or go to open or closed circles. Not one!
If you actually know many mediums then you will know many of the older ones are Christians. Yes, surprise, surprise, they reconcile the two belief systems. They aim to prove life after death and not necessarily reincarnation.
You are unique in your bigotry and “it’s my way or the highway” attitude.
You come across as a zealot, almost religious. Yours is a belief system, accept it and move on.
Many, many people around the world despise ‘christians’! The latter are immensely credulous people, but they don’t realise that.
I don’t say the same sort of things re. Muslims, etc, because they don’t spout the BS false doctrines and false dogmas which 99% of all ‘christians’ DO do.
‘Christians’ make me ‘see red’. That is NOT zealotry, I simply despise ‘christians’!!
(And I have a number of very foolish ‘christians’ in my own family… they know just what I think of them.)
Actually, the survival of ‘death’ truth is NOT a mere ‘belief system’. When a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences exist to prove its veracity, then it ceases to be a mere ‘belief’.
And of course we’re not “deceived and coerced” into reincarnating!!
Souls discuss with other souls, including their respective spirit guides, etc, re. whether/when they will have another lifetime. When they decide that they need/want to incarnate again, they plan it in great detail beforehand, taking into account karmic issues, and things which they want to address/experience.
Quite a number of my relatives in Spirit have communicated with me since 2001, including my longtime partner, Jim, who passed in 2019.
My maternal grandmother passed in 2010 aged 97, and has communicated with me on a number of occasions, through several different Spiritualist Church mediums. In each, she proved that she was who she said she was, giving evidential information which could not have been obtained from any Earth source! She also told me that the reason why my younger brother (he celebrated his 59th birthday yesterday, as it happens) is not a biological father in this lifetime (my brother’s wife, from Trinidad, has a condition which makes it very difficult for her to carry a child to term… they’ve had 10 miscarriages… he is distraught, for he so wanted his own child); that it’s for karmic reasons (I haven’t told my brother this; it would even more devastate him, I feel).
Souls are NOT “deceived and coerced” into reincarnating!! It truly does not work in that way.
“I don’t say the same sort of things re. Muslims, etc, because they don’t spout the BS false doctrines and false dogmas which 99% of all ‘christians’ ”
Are you unaware that Islam is based on Christianity? They see it as version 2.0, Christianity with an extra layer – the Prophet Mohammed’s teachings. They revere the same early scriptures as Christians. You can’t spout hatred about Christianity’s doctrine without hating Islamic doctrine too, because the first is part of the latter.
It’s not about ‘hating’, it’s about the despising of the immense credulity of ‘christians’ around the world.
And I’m by far NOT the only person to despise them for their gullibility.
Well the true followers of Christ don’t despise anyone, because our teacher Jesus taught us to even love our enemies. We don’t ridicule and insult people when we think they are wrong.
You betray any semblance of real spirituality by constantly bashing others for (in your opinion) being wrong.
When someone is wrong, they still deserve respect.
From a servant of Christ.
Just think about that for a minute. Those people you despise, are following a man who taught total love and forgiveness. You might want to rethink your thinking.
So you go to see ‘mediums’. Right… It’s all becoming clear now which God you serve.
This is what the Lord says—
your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb:
I am the Lord,
the Maker of all things,
who stretches out the heavens,
who spreads out the earth by myself,
who foils the signs of false prophets
and makes fools of diviners,
who overthrows the learning of the wise
and turns it into nonsense,
who carries out the words of his servants
and fulfills the predictions of his messengers
You might enjoy this video RR
Matt from Quantum of Conscience (the only channel on YT worth watching ) has correspondence with someone in his community who remembers the in between time before incarnating here, again
He talks of how he was strongly encouraged to take a healing which he established was part of the mind wiping process.
He then felt that he was being aggressively albeit cleverly portrayed positively to reincarnate.
Being someone who could see through the bs here he refused and had what felt like a very long stand off over many months with these entities.
Eventually he got so bored in this kind of no man’s land that he made “contract” tbat he would come back on condition he keeps his memory.
He said he saw plenty of other people asking for superficial things like being rich etc
Some great insights and food for thought in his account.
I do think he was right that if one sees through the deception here “as above so below “ to use “ their “ terminology, we surely can intuit deception there.
I do wonder if we get what we expect when we cross over so worthwhile expecting we will see through any potential traps.
Thanks Anne.
Do you have a link to that particular video or know its title, so I can find it?
A simpler hypothesis is that as the brain is starved of oxygen, weird stuff happens to the senses and how memories get stored!
I don’t entirely discount spirituality. While our bodies may be biological machines containing a biolocal computer brain, that doesn’t explain my feelings.
From my perspective it does perfectly explain you and the other 8 billion people on the planet. But I’m intimately aware of my own feelings, and their presence is not explained by physics, chemistry and biology. Even so, I’m an atheist for now.
I do not like being ridiculed and abused when literally everything that I state truly IS the true nature of existence!!
All people have to do is to carry out extensive, scholarly research into this vital subject: the greatest truth of all time – that ‘death’ is most definitely NOT the end of existence. That we all (including animals, birds, etc) survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the very illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
For goodness’ sake, literally countless millions of people around the world have also carried out extensive, scholarly research into this subject, and thus they, too, are aware of the truth that we do all survive ‘death’. We live in a multi-dimensional cosmos; ie, there is far more to reality than merely this physical world. We (the eternal souls that we each are) all originate from the very real Spirit dimension of the multi-dimensional cosmos; we return there (in our immortal spirit body) after each lifetime, and come back for many, many future lifetimes (for yes, reincarnation is also the truth).
It’s not me who’s being rude, Jonathan, it’s the ignorant, closed-minded people who’ve wrongly thumbed-down my 100% factual posts who are the ones who are being rude!!!
I do not take kindly to having my 100% factual, truthful posts thumbed-down by ignorant, uninformed people.
Intelligent people are hugely grateful for having this factual information given to them!! They thank the person/people who’ve made them aware that ‘death’ is TRULY not what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance.
In posts on this subject in the past, here on Off-G, I’ve summarised the facts re. survival of physical body death.
I’ve also, several times, provided a representative booklist on this greatest of all truths. There have been tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands, if one factors in books on the subject in other languages) of high-quality, scholarly books published on this vital topic, and a large percentage of them have been written by the many spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc etc, around the world.
One has to research a subject in depth in order to know the actual facts, the actual truths. I’ve researched this subject for 30 years. People who ignorantly thumb-down my 100% truthful posts quite obviously make me ‘see red’.
I did not ridicule or abuse you. I simply explained how flawed and ineffective your way of presenting yourself is. It’s called helping.
I have been incredibly polite to you. Even kind. Yet still you rant.
I said to you earlier: “I’m sure you can communicate in a more friendly way.”
You have proven me wrong.
Yes, you were very civil.
She hasn’t exactly sold her beliefs well.
I imagine anyone who is fence sitting or wanting to explore more, would have been put off by the tone. The same tone she has used many times before.
Then she wonders why she gets downvoted, after insulting Christians and materialists. The Christians who read OffG have done well to hold their tongues, after she said that she despises them. I am sure if she had said the same about the other two Abrahamics, that she would not have got away with it.
I asked her three questions in a comment above and she has not responded to them. Surely, in some of her hundreds of books that she possesses there would be irrefutable proof of the reincarnation process that she claims to know and be true.
After all she claims to have 100 percent proof of the mechanics of the reincarnation agreement, yet does not show us this proof.
If you are new to this site, as I’m (rightly or wrongly) thinking, then you won’t have seen my posts here, over the past 3-4 years, in which I’ve provided (several times) summaries of how/why we do all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’ (we survive that illusory event in our very real spirit body form: something which has been seen by many people around the world [including some doctors and nurses, who have gone on record re. their experiences] who possess the spiritual gift of clairvoyant vision). I’ve also provided, several times, a representative booklist re. the survival of ‘death’ truth. I told you this in a post a day or two ago.
I’ve stated the fact that a large percentage of the tens of thousands (and maybe hundreds of thousands) of high-quality, scholarly books on the survival of ‘death’ truth have been written BY the many spiritually-aware scientists, doctors, nurses, ‘psychiatrists’, lawyers, etc, around the world.
In posts on this site over the past few years I’ve also provided some of my own personal proofs of the fact of survival, and a couple of the literally millions of other people’s personal proofs that are documented in books, etc, on this vital subject.
And yet I get ridiculed and abused (by ignorant, uninformed, closed-minded people) on this site for disseminating this greatest of all truths.
So I think I am justified in my disgust at such reactions by ignorant, uninformed, closed-minded people to something which truly IS an absolute fact/truth.
I then post short comments saying that “Whoever has thumbed-down my posts will get one very big shock on the eventual day on which they do what is so very wrongly termed ‘die’. When that day arrives, they’ll each discover that what I’d stated, on this site, re. survival of ‘death’, WAS the very real truth.
And then those posts are thumbed-down…
In the face of such ignorance, uninformedness, closed-mindedness, it is they who wrongly thumb-down my 100% factual posts who are the ones who are being rude!!!
All one has to do is to carry out an extensive amount of scholarly research into this most vital of all subjects. As many millions of intelligent, high-minded people worldwide have done. I’ve carried out 30 years of research into this, including the reading of 1000+ [one thousand +] high-quality, scholarly books on it, and also have literally hundreds of personal proofs of the fact of survival.
Thus my disgust at being ridiculed, abused, thumbed-down, for disseminating the 100% factual survival of ‘death’ truth is wholly understandable.
The 5 people who’ve thumbed-down my post above are demonstrating how very foolish they are. For literally every word of my post is 100% factual truth. As you will all, one day, discover.
It’s not clever to reject what happens to be the absolute truth.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. As you will see soon enough.
If you spent more time telling the good sides of Spiritism than smearing and criticising Christianity, you may have had a chance to get through.
But solely negative of the opposite side always give a bad balance and impression.
Good luck with that.
There are hundreds of other religions with tens of millions of earnest believers who would disagree.
No luck required my friend.
As an ex atheist I now know that I was wrong for 40 years and there is a God.
Try seeking Him in daily prayer and meditation and you may be in for a nice surprise.
Or spend an eternity separated from God contemplating your ignorance:)
Luck or fate, either way one’s belief system depends on where one is born.
‘God’ is Life, Love and Truth.
Simple as that.
Wrong the first part.
Amen to the second- Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
Tell that to the one billion Muslims, the half a billion Hindus and etc, etc, etc.
You’re right, they’re wrong hey?
Tad arrogant don’t you think?
Religions divide.
Life IS ONE. Here. Now.
The past is dead.
The future is a fantasy.
10 billion Muslims change not the truth.
It’s your choice to live eternity separated from God.
And twenty billion Christians? _ _ _ _
Well, that WOULD be hell.
You are so right!!
Religion is a tree. It starts with Moses, the 5 Books. Then develops into orthodox, pharisee, zionist, khazar, Israel doos,
From the ground tree, it splits into Christianity, later Islam, and a myriad of variations and manipulations. Parallel running of pagan gods, ra and atheism.
Life only one life here and now is an animals life. Useless eaters.
Humans have more inside us than that, since we are the most developed specie here on the planet, but for one strange reason die.
Trump will do for now
To thwart some efforts to hasten your exit as a useless eater, look up DMSO.
It didn’t do anything for me apart from a producing a stinging sensation on the skin, and it smells of garlic&sulfur…
Having read that, it sounds like DMSO could help people who got suckered into taking “covid” vaccines.
Just like my last girlfriend.
😂 😂
George Carlin on Trump:
It applies to Harris, Biden, Obama and the complete rogues gallery.
Carlin died in 2008.
This is not directly about Trump.
But if the shoe fits _ _ _ _
(Pushing) ‘The fear of immediate danger never subsides.’
(the Social Media Generation) ‘[…] 16-25 year old youths have higher COVID-19-
related fear, anxiety, depression, and stress.’
Mike Stone on the role Fear can play in disease:
The Fear “Virus” Is Real:
Yes the stress factor is known by power freaks but suppressed in the media and literature.
The police use it. Governments use it. Big Corp use it. Power freaks use it. The sheeple do not know a shit about it.
As to prove my point, straight into OG pending…
The Off-Guard is keen to write about their cynicism towards MSM created myths, a good thing, but systematically still swallows one: Gaza and “the” children.
Gaza is just small strip of land full of Muslim Arabs, for now nothing special.
BUT it is next to perfidious Israel, full of white Jews. Forget that it is the only serious democracy in the ME, with the biggest population diversity, women in power positions, gays too, vibrant even without oil, had its socialist kibbutz etc.
Gaza after 2005 on the other hand became a misogynist mono culture run by an armed militia with a death cult philosophy. The UN in 1950 made these few Palestinians the only permanent refugees in the world, which gives good financial prospects. UNWRA money, Western guilt money, Sunny oil / zakat money, Shia oil / zakat money, given per person. Therefore getting a lot of kids was financially rewarded and makes the Pale$tian$ the only even expanding “refugee” group on the globe. Gaza had the highest birthrate for decades and it showed in the many cars, apartment complexes, hospitals and now tunnels and rockets.
Dead Palestinian kids make great visual PR for “give more money”.
Other dead kids anywhere cannot compete with this eternal money trap. Specially western woke women keep falling for this one, #heretoo. Those who label themselves as women also of course, men not excluded.
Let the frothing & fuming start…
“Gaza is just small strip of land… , for now nothing special.”
Except for their offshore gas reserves and prime location for creating a shipping route rivalling the Suez Canal.
“Say, that’s a nice country you got there…” ensues.
‘A serious democracy’
Surely you jest.
There IS NOT a serious democracy on the planet.
By the people, for the people?
Show us one. Just one.
Greed, guns and bombs do not tolerate democracies. Ever.
The Israeli hierarchy is heading for hell.
Women and children in schools & hospitals used as human shields is a Gaza / Beirut thing now. In Islam women count for just half a man, girls for a quarter by Muslim logic?
Women are tallied against farm animals in Arab culture: when are western woke women going to migrate to those desert paradises? Only function: produce more sons. Share “husband” with other lucky women or temporary female partners – all Islam legally.
Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc etc ad nauseam.
Each one a scam by the leaders of those mind control sects to fleece the believers, brainwash the children and treat women as chattels.
Sorry, Hinduism is not a top down Abrahamic religion but a free field of bottom up spirituality with thousands of “gods”, rishis, yogis, seekers, followers etc. with a myriad of different views and experiences. Big difference also with secular religions like Communism, Socialism or Marxism: not One old Book but many and some still being written today. Main rule: live and let live.
First rule of real spirituality – live in today’s world, not the world of 2000 years ago (Christianity), 1400 years ago (Islam), however many thousands of years ago (Judaism) etc etc.
The world of today bears very little similarity to the world of Jesus Christ. The one thing that remains true is that the rich want to get richer and the poor need to band together to survive.
Jesus of the Christian Bible never existed he was a character in a seductive story that performed the 1st Century AD equivalent of going viral. There may have been one or more prototypes and if they said anything that the apocryphal Jesus advised they would have come to a gruesome end as the ideas are incompatible with good order in any authoritarian state such as the UK, the US or the Roman Empire.
All religions have similar advice about not being gratuitously vile to those perceived as other but in practice this is never followed by believers.
You’re so right. People are so gullible, falling for the ‘christian’ BS.
The Fundamentalists on this site should read such books as (to name but one of many on the subject) “Creating Christ – how Roman Emperors created Christianity”, by James Vaillant and his co-author [oops, can’t recall the latter’s name, is a few years since I read the book].
People who’ve fallen for the false dogmas and false doctrines of ‘christianity’ and the writings of the so-called ‘bible’ should carry out some scholarly research into the actual origins of the BS which they’ve fallen for. They’d then be ashamed of their credulity.
I believe species homo sapiens has a religious or spiritual instinct which in some situations helps social cohesion and in others creates extreme animosity leading to genocide and war. I also believe that a scientific outlook on reality is incompatible with the operation of this instinct.
I’m a properly-informed Spiritualist, have been so for 30 years (see my other posts on this forum, I’ve carried out an immense amount of scholarly research into this vital, greatest truth of existence, as have literally countless millions of other people around the world), but the credulousness of ‘christians’ truly makes me ‘see red’.
Members of species homo sapiens do not see reality they only see their particular brain’s perception of reality.
Different people have different brains and one can never know whether a perception that another has is because they have a brain function that one does not share or whether they a brain dysfunction which one does not share.
Some things are unprovable and undisprovable. Maybe someone who has a vision or psychic experience is indeed having such or perhaps just hallucinating. But such people may have uses in binding societies together as prophets, seers and shamans.
Members of species homo sapiens do not survive as individual but as members of societies and those who see visions and such visionaries may serve a necessary function. Some people have schizophrenia and others are vulnerable if they use certain drugs. It may be that someone who has some schizophrenic tending genes but not the full set can have apparent religious visions or with the use of drugs act as tribal shamans.
Many gods for everything in Hinduism, including Kali, the goddess of death, to whom some Hindus sacrifice animals by slitting their throats and beheading them often slowly.
Though attempts have been made to control it in India, it still occurs in some temples and especially in Nepal where the Gadhimai festival in particular in 2009 saw around 500,000 goats, buffaloes and chickens ritually sacrificed with extreme cruelty over a three day event which takes place every five years. It was erroneously reported in 2018 that the practice at this festival would be banned. The next festival is scheduled for December this year.
“Live and let live” …well, not quite.
You want to compare animal sacrifices between groups of people? Muslims all over the globe kill millions of farm animals “halal” every year at Eid al-Adha; 7.5 million just in Pakistan. India has the highest percentage of vegetarians on Earth, compare that to China where everything that moves is eaten.
I am not giving them a free pass either, nor the other Abrahamic religion and its k o s h e r practice. Different names but the same old shit.
Apartheid Isra-hell.
You sound like an isntreal news reporter that all get given the aipac script.
I can assure you antonym when it comes to cancell culture there is only one that does this the best world over,
Get outta here with your satanic whataboutery… Israelis are largely not semitic and should go back to Eastern Europe where they hail from, while they still can,.. and not become cannon fodder for the zionist delusion.
“How much Evil do you have to do – to do Good” John Cusack, Utopia.
Collapse is what they fear – these Men Who Run the World – the architects of The Ultimate Extinction Plan.
This is why they are able to commit the heinous crimes against humanity that have resulted from injecting billions with a ‘vaccine’ that was invented many years prior to Covid – and thoroughly tested. It is working as expected.
Snowflakes the likes of Trudeau and Ardern did not suddenly morph into demons. They, along with all key world leaders were informed that peak cheap oil had finally arrived, and that collapse was imminent. This information was likely conveyed at Davos or Bilderberg, or perhaps a meeting without a name that involved extreme secrecy.
They were informed that ‘the decision was already made’ and that the issue was not up for discussion. The decision, as with all important decisions, was made by the Men Who Run the World. Politicians, including The New Messiah, Donald Trump, are window dressing, existing only to convince the barnyard animals that they ultimately hold power (Look at how easily the imbeciles were convinced to shoot a vaccine that they were told was invented and tested for long term side-effects, in less than a year. Do you really think the serious, powerful men of the world would allow their votes to be cancelled out a million times over by an army Swifty’s? Come the f789 on man!)
The decision they made was to exterminate 8 billion humans before the global economy collapsed thereby minimizing the suffering, minimizing the murder, rape, disease and cannibalism that would result if 8B were left in the dark without food if they did nothing.
There would be no opposing the decision. No factions within the military, the medical establishment or the pharmaceuticals industry would dare to refuse to carry out the plan. They would be aware that resistance is futile, but more importantly, that to not act would result in a far more horrifying outcome. Therefore they locked arms and moved forward with this terrifying, yet necessary, plan.
The barnyard animals are being marched to extinction believing that they have been saved by Trump’s magic vaccine, the author of their demise. They are completely oblivious to the dire energy situation even though the symptoms are smashing them in the face. As affordable energy depletes, that drives inflation. Central banks respond with epic amounts of stimulus as they fight to delay collapse.
The US is running up a cool trillion dollars in new debt every 100 days. This is madness, yet the barnyard animals are not troubled nor are they asking any questions. CNN tells them the economy is great, and the stock market is up, therefore it must be great.
There are 120,000,000 unfinished homes and a massive crisis in China. Meanwhile the barnyard animals are watching reruns of Dancing with Stars and American Idol, and being marched towards the graveyard.
How can you blame the barnyard animals for their sanguinity when The Ministry of Truth blames everything including energy inflation on the ‘Ukraine War’ and endlessly pounds them with tales of a green utopia that is just around the corner. A world that does not require filthy fossil fuels.
Of course that is also another lie, yet as with most big lies, it too is necessary. Without the lies the barnyard animals would lose their minds, fall into deep despair, and collapse would arrive prematurely.
V. Financial System-Supply-chain Cross Contagion
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world W. B. Yeats The Second Coming
Something sets off an interrelated Eurozone crisis and banking crisis, a Spanish default say, which spreads panic and fear across other vulnerable Eurozone countries. This sets off a Minsky moment when overleveraged speculators in the banking and shadow banking system are forced to unwind positions into a one-sided (sellers only) market.
The financial system contagion passes a tipping point where governments and central banks start to lose control and panic drives a (positive feedback) deepening and widening of the impact globally. In our tropic model of the globalised economy, the banking and monetary system keystonehub comes out of its equilibrium range, crosses a tipping point, and is driven away by positive feedbacks to some new state.
thoroughly tested. It is working as expected
Earlier trials all failed.The current trials began maybe mid-2020, and ended maybe 2023. As seen from the ongoing mayhem and deaths, it is working better than expected, at a stealthier rate.
left in the dark without food
The replacement for neutron bombs (remember those) are EMP bombs. A few of them would destroy the electricity and comm grids of a large country, beyond repaid for years. You get the added benefit of meltdowns (radiation) from every nuke plant.
Read chapter one of R F K Jr’s book “The real Anthony Fauci”. mRna is the sixth generation of vaccine technology. The first was discovered by The Chinese in the 3rd century AD and consisted of inoculation with a powder of ground up scabs from healed smallpox sores.
Big Pharma wanted to introduce it without the inconvenience of full clinical trials. For this they needed an emergency authorization only available if no known treatment exists and a pandemic to justify it. The most known drug candidates are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin but doctors found many others that worked. Anthony Fauci conducted fake clinical trials to prove that the two drugs were dangerous and ineffective, by specifying doses on the edge of poisonousness, administering them too late in the disease process for effectiveness and without necessary complemenary drugs such as zinc. In Australia and the US off label use for COVID will get doctors struck off.
COVID was engineered for gain of function at the request of Anthony Fauci’s NIH and NIAH. In the US a class 4 biolab is legally required but the US has none so the NIH and NIAH contracted the Wuhan Institute of Virology to do the work. It is only a class 2 biolab. The disease did not escape it was deliberately released probably into animals in the wet market.
Even vitamin D3 works much better than the holy jab. Especially the injectable form if administered quickly after falling ill.
Evil times we’re in.
conducted fake clinical trials to prove that the two drugs were dangerous and ineffective
WHO organised such fake trials by a few countries. One was a major embarrassment, and 2 leading journals had to withdraw the paper they published.
will get doctors struck off
Terrorist tyranny – turning doctors into robots, fearful news and censorship of jab harm – were critical to selling the jabs.
gain of function
Though enormous sums of money are flowing into hundreds of biolabs, even ordinary infection remains a theory. So much for The Science.
I no am no longer scornful of “conspiracy theories” because COVID and COVID vaccines are the result of a real conspiracy by Anthony Fauci, The US NIH and NIAH, the WHO and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. No one has sued R F K Jr for libel yet because he has documented his every assertion with references to other evidence. I am agnostic on whether there is something behind COVID more sinister than just a desire by Big Pharma to bypass the inconvenience of onerous clinical trials but I do not rule it out. Possession of huge wealth may be psychopathogenic and the real rulers may want to dispense with 7.5 billion members of species homo sapiens their need for whom will disappear with the arrival of true artificial intelligence. Such people rule or support Israel in the final solution to the Palestinian Question which will be complete in 3 months time.
I do not believe R F K Jr is right on all his opposition to vaccines but it may be that some homo sapiens have immune systems that cannot handle too many triggers in quick succession. Only collection of complete statistics on the follow up of every set of vaccinations would prove or disprove but I suspect that authority prefers not to know.
Not just the US but most or all Western Nations are ruled in the interests of kleptoplutocratic oligarchs and elected politicians are their social climbing flunkys, Biden, Harris, Starmer, Trump, Zelensky …… When it comes down to it such action may in fact be necessary to stop planetary destruction by excessive resource extraction and climate change, the excess over 500 billion homo sapiens may be killing or threatening every other species and a climate in which civilization is possible.
Having read a few of your articles, it would seem that everything is happening because of peak oil and an impending energy crisis.
The peak oil story has been around since the 1970’s and the world as we know it was supposed to end around 2000. It is a narrative similar in nature to the Malthusian and eugenicist overpopulation story, evangelised by the like of Paul Erhlich and his population bomb theory that proved to be grossly inaccurate.
Let’s imagine that you are correct, so what is the timeline for this energy crisis?
When are the jabs going to kill off those who took them, since this was according to you done as an act of being cruel to be kind, to avoid a rampaging, starving population?
If it is anytime in the next 10 or so years, then those in the know, names such as Trudeau and Adern that you mentioned, but clearly there would be many other high profile names would not be behaving the way they do. Those who are seen to be constantly looking for ways to increase their wealth would not waste their time and energy on such things. The collapse of the economic system and the murder of billions through the jabs would leave plenty of tangible assets for them to pick up effortlessly after the die-off.
All the agendas at play would be unnecessary, the controllers and their minions could just carry on with business as normal, do nothing drastic, tell the public life is great as they used to and wait for the die-off. Waving their hands in the air, drawing attention to their various agendas through talking shops which advertise their wears such as WEF and the policy implementation of UN Agenda 2030 globally do not suggest an imminent energy driven economic crisis or a mass die-off of billions of people.
In my opinion they would go quiet, not draw attention to themselves and those who could easily disappear would do so – avoiding the limelight – to wherever it is they plan to lay low when the SHTF.
The current proactive agenda implementation actions of the elitists do no fit with this ‘end of the world’ energy crisis, at least not for many decades to come.
Not if but when … is indeed the question.
Having realized what the fundamental problem was just after the GFC …I began asking when would civilization come crashing down.
A shareholder in a company I own was formerly the head of bonds for Asia for a big US bank…. he was not aware that the reason for the GFC was $147 a barrel oil however despite the size of the financial problems he was confident that the Fed would do whatever it takes to prevent a total meltdown…
And they did … they backstopped the world…
But that did not solve the problem .. it kicked the can….
Two key developments occurred after that:
Not if but when … is indeed the question.
Having realized what the fundamental problem was just after the GFC …I began asking when would civilization come crashing down.
A shareholder in a company I own was formerly the head of bonds for Asia for a big US bank…. he was not aware that the reason for the GFC was $147 a barrel oil however despite the size of the financial problems he was confident that the Fed would do whatever it takes to prevent a total meltdown…
And they did … they backstopped the world…
But that did not solve the problem .. it kicked the can….
Two key developments occurred after that:
Just as I did not anticipate the impact of shale (i.e. drilling many thousands of holes in the ground – dropping bombs down the holes to bust up the rock and then suck out the dregs of oil). The only more desperate measure I suppose would be steaming oil out of tar sands.
Drill Baby Drilled along with Central Bank action to offset the growth killing costs of mixing this expensive to produce oil with what remains of conventional (cheap) reserves — stopped us from collapsing soon after the GFC.
The thing is … shale oil wells deplete rapidly so we are in a Red Queen situation where we have to keep on drilling huge numbers of wells just to maintain production.
While shale was growing (10M+ barrels per day)… conventional was depleting… and in 2018 we hit a peak on total production
‘World crude oil extraction reached an all-time high of 84.6 million barrels per day in late 2018, and production hasn’t been able to regain that level since then.’
Let’s see what an experienced shale oil man had to say recently about the prospects for shale going forward”:
The Precarious State of the Shale Oil Industry:
Try to get your head around the idea that by 2027, US tight oil production might be 12 MM BOPD, not the 9 MM it is now, which is what cheerleaders say it will be, and that means we’ll actually have to find and extract 12 MM BOPD… before we can ever grow the new 3 MM. Man, that is a slew of new wells! Thats gonna take like…four times the HZ wells we’ve already drilled in the US.
Where? Read More
Then there is:
Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times Read More
I am unaware of any other sources of oil production therefore the peak in shale oil is likely where the rubber hits the road. It is our last gasp or as Art Berman the oil geologist says ‘we’ve had a massive party and now we are sucking spilled beer out of the carpet to keep going’
So we are close… very close… to the edge.
What I wonder is will they be able to continue to do ‘whatever it takes’ to fend off a financial collapse…. and will it be a deficit of oil that brings civilization to its knees?
They have been able to deal with the financial crises by throwing $$$ at them… floating boats… but as was inevitable … that resulting in raging inflation … so throwing more money at the problems now risks hyperinflation.
There is also the issue of interest rates… the low rates stimulated the economy that was burdened by the high costs of energy production. But the brakes were slammed on low interest rates when inflation crashed the party. They are now playing a dangerous game of goldilocks with the rates…trying to walk them down without blowing up the house.
What was once effective medicine is now poisoning the patient.
For these reasons I see the financial issues on par with peak cheap energy as equal threats.
I am not sure which one makes Malthus right.
As for the extermination … I image there would be some people on the Board that runs the world … who said — f789 it… they are stupid cockroaches… when the time comes let’s just have one final weekend Bacchanalia … lots of gourmet food, fine wine… hot willing young women … then gather in the oak paneled library… toast with the best whisky on the planet .. and wash back a handful of Fentanyl….
However there would be others… humanitarians like Bill Gates… who said no – we will not do that… these are our barnyard animals and they have served us well…. we should do whatever we can to ensure their suffering is minimalized….
We cannot just leave them on their own … in the dark… starving… and tearing each other to shreds…
This is a very important scene from Utopia… very important. Because it gives us a window into how all of this was decided
Utopia, the original British show was a brilliant drama. I tended to view it as predictive programming since it was made in 2013 and pretty much a precursor to Covid-1984 with the jabs.
Even in the clip that you linked the key was the the last sentence “The only disease that needs curing is us“. That is the thinking of Malthusians and eugenicists.
Also, note that the name of the character who said it was ‘Milner’. A highly unlikely coincidence that the writers chose that name, since Alfred Milner was the man who created the Rhodes round tables bringing the idea of ‘circles within circles’ to life, using Cecil Rhodes inheritance of which he was its executor. All of that was revealed in Carroll Quigley’s book ‘Tragedy and Hope’ assuming T&H itself was not a misdirection.
The thing I do agree with you on, is that a major financial crisis is coming, one that could be equal or be worse than the Great Depression. However, that is based on technical analysis of markets. It s a probability, yet a highly likely one. It has nothing to do with energy depletion and is based on human cycles and market sentiment, a constantly repeating paradigm regardless of market fundamentals.
Energy depletion could just be a cover story being sown, in order to hide the natural market cycles which will reveal the systemic risk within the financial and banking system, hidden by years of quantitative easing (QE). The signs of it playing out will become noticeable in the US stock markets, although it looks like they have slightly further (5 to 10 percent) to rally first to new all time highs before the sell-off begins in earnest.
Oil (WTI) is currently around $70 a barrel, way below the $147 peak in 2008 and more so when adjusted for inflation. Although, in currencies not pegged to the US dollar, where the FX risk was unhedged, it is still much lower than the peak but around 30 percent higher than the current $70 a barrel, since the US dollar is stronger now than 2008.
I think we will have to agree to disagree on that one
We are steaming oil out of sand … and dropping bombs down holes… this would suggest that were are desperate for oil.
There is also the fact that we burn nearly 100 Million Barrels of oil per day … eventually you run out of the easy stuff…
Even in the clip that you linked the key was the the last sentence “The only disease that needs curing is us“. That is the thinking of Malthusians and eugenicists.
Are you suggesting Malthus was a bad guy for suggesting that endless rapid population growth on a finite planet was guaranteed to end in disaster? Kinda like how Vaxxers say Anti Vaxxers with distaste?
I am actually ok with curing the human disease… look at the mess we’ve made … the sooner we are gone the better… we are an aberration … that desires to pave over the planet
Also – when were are gone this STOPS. And I prefer animals over humans… humans are petty vile nasty creatures…
Industrial Farm Cruelty
Horrifying Animal Experimentation
The human birthrate is falling globally, with the exception of Africa and even that is expected to start falling by 2050.
Why should a bunch of billionaires, technocrats and selected individuals decide what is best for the future of humanity? They do not include themselves in any cull.
If crude oil based energy is to run out or become scarce then there is always natutral gas and coal. There is still plenty of it left for decades if not centuries.
So, in your ideal scenario, who gets to decide who lives and dies?
It seems that you are willing to outsource it to those who in a real SHTF scenario would be useless.
People who can make, repair, build, grow and have traditional
almost forgotten skills will be of far more use. Those who do not mind physical work and getting their hands dirty.
You have admitted your true feelings with the above quoted statement.
Therefore, since, you do not seem to mind if humanity becomes extinct, including, yourself I take it, then why not save yourself the effort of your writings. What is the point of it?
You don’t appear to want to help humanity to better itself or even to save some of the good people, but just to allow those running the shitshow to cull the rest of us, including yourself.
Offering sensible, practical solutions would be more useful.
Being black-pilled is one thing, but it seems that you maybe enjoying it. Trust me, you won’t if the SHTF.
it is not a cull.. a cull would only collapse the financial system and supply chains…
It is extermination – total extermination … you need to read this
Pending again, the pending monster has been busy the last couple of days.
The fear of death has become the norm. People have lost any sense of spiritual awareness or an afterlife.
It doesn’t matter if there is actually some form of afterlife or not, in the past just the belief or faith in it was sufficient to ensure that people had less fear of death.
The point is that many people especially in the athiest West have been conditioned to believe in nothing outside of the material world. Death to them is the end of the road, hence they cling to life no matter what. A survival instinct perhaps, but one that means that when the chips are down, their survival is paramount over all else.
Hence, it is easy to sell the idea of an overpopulated planet, one where humanity must be reduced in number, but those ordinary citizens advocating it never think to realise that they too and their families are considered part of the manufactured problem and are therefore in the crosshairs of the controllers.
It is as if, some people in doing their bit for the planet are happy to sacrifice others but not themselves and their families.
We saw this during the Plandemic, where the virtue signalling types in seemingly professing selflessness by taking the vaccine to protect others were really only concerned about themselves. Otherwise, they would not have been worried if others chose not to partake in the experiment, since by definition, if one is vaccinated against a disease then one is protected regardless of the vaccination status of others. The fact that the definition of a vaccine was changed during the Covid-1984 era should have been irrelevant.
The bottom line is that those most vocal about helping others and being seeming selfless are the most selfish, egotistical and narcissistic types. Those who are genuinely selfless or at least partly so, do not make a song and dance of it.
We live in world of cowards, who have outsourced their critical thinking skills to others, and as such can be manipulated very easily. They are easy prey for those who seek to play on their fears, of which the fear of death is the ultimate one.
War movies have been a part of the programming. Now, we get daily graphic video reports from Palestine, inuring us terror, torture, gore, deaths and the flattening of towns – a review for those who never knew the treatment of Germany and Japan. The overall commandment: lower your expectations.
They transformed abortion into a procedure with no more significance than cutting fingernails.
Now assisted suicide is being introduced “for extreme circumstances” just as abortion was.
Where will it end? Logan’s Run – Carousel at 30? Or something worse?
Abortion is outright murder. I find it very odd that it is allowed -and that the same people who support abortion (my body my business…) supported Covid shot mandates.
But then they are idiots whose world view is formed by being told what to think by bbccnn…
This serves to reinforce this
Abortion is always a tragedy, whether or not you accept it to sometimes be necessary. I don’t understand how anyone can not see it as tragic.
Except I do… Evil people took advantage of women’s circumstances, shame and guilt, saying “abortion is just healthcare.” This salved the conscious of these women. “I’m not a bad, stupid, reckless person – this expert is telling me so.”
Unfortunately, this creates cognitive dissonance, causing many of these women to spiral into madness trying to reconcile what they’ve done with what deep down they know to be true.
To the extent that some think that deliberately getting pregnant and aborting it is something to boast about.
Because they cannot control themselves or don’t want to involve a condom… or other means to prevent conception… they for the matter of convenience.. commit murder.
Dumbest species ever. No other species comes close
The age we live in has been quite kind to us — if you read older literature you realize just how common death was just a few generations ago. We’ve benefitted from the changes in both medicine and public health so now death, especially among the young, is treated as a terrible tragedy rather than sad fact of life. However, like all changes in society we tend to forget the reasons why things are the way they are — we take clean, potable, water for granted, along with a certainty of food safety, and so very quickly forget the sheer amount of work that goes into making and keeping it this way. So its to be expected that in societies that lose the plot about civilization that civilization starts to fray and crumble — little by little, bit by bit, because nothing ever happens overnight.
There has to be reason why a lot — most — of my group of friends I left in the UK some forty years ago are now dead. Its not vaccines or Covid because the die-off started well before this appeared. My guess is its overall lifestyle — not anyone’s ‘fault’ as such but just differences in environment and details like a lot more emphasis on preventative health care rather than after-the-fact remedial care.
(Incidentally, one reason why traditional funerals might not be so fashionable is cost. They’re expensive. Since a lot of people don’t have that type of cash to lay out — they’ve probably got more important things to do with it anyway — disposing of a dead body becomes more of a housekeeping chore than a rite of remembrance. Time for Soylent Green?)
I thought by the time I got to the end I’d know whether the woman hiking the hills of Northumberland had been jabbed. See we are interested in what caused her death. There is more death and more weapons to deliver it. We know most of them. We know the WEF is behind the genocide. What can we do about it? That’s the big question.
What next? Reporting to special appointees before hiking, jogging, dancing, etc.?
I remember a quote by some sociologist who pointed out that in the modern developed world death has taken the form of a problem to be eradicated, after the War on Poverty, War on Drug Abuse, the so-called pandemic spurred something like a War on Mortality
in war of course collateral damage is a given, we have to destroy that hamlet to save it, we have to have filthy toxic uranium and lithium mines to produce clean energy etc
the War on Death apparently will be won through technology, as those Transhumanists trumpet, and surely they aren’t all wrong, for oppressive megalomania, the driving force of their movement, though its individual incarnations and figureheads may perish, eternally rises from the ashes and never relinquishes its grip on life
I am currently visiting a very large industrial town where street after street of houses that once housed the workers are falling into increasingly dire and depressing decay
Square miles of this, which you have plenty of time to observe and wonder about the people who now inhabit the houses, because the traffic lights stop you every few hundred yards so you are forced to peek into their worlds.
In stark contrast, there is an enormous tower planted by the side of the road. This one’s white but the one near where I live is black.
It is incongruous in it’s drab surroundings not only because it is new and freshly painted and huge, but because it looks like something from bad science fiction.
Like something drawn in the 1940’s in a comic book vision of a command centre or control tower from a dystopian future.
In the past I’ve poo-pood the idea that 5G and it’s masts are sinister.
But on a miserable, grey, Autumn day in a shabby post-industrial town it looks terrifying.
It seems the 5G masts will be shorter and everywhere, like streetlights.
It seemed impossible to me to discover how much power 5G antennae use, beyond “they use much more than 4G.” This is especially concerning because 5G can focus its output in one direction (“beam forming.”)
Now, there was a multi-year study in the USA
intended to prove cellphones were safe (by the CDC?) Rats were constantly exposed to powerful 3G radiation. Male offspring of exposed mothers had extremely high rates of heart cancer. This puts paid to the theory that non-ionizing radiation can’t cause cancer. But their conclusion? Since the exposure was higher than humans would normally get, they disregarded the result and declared cellphones safe!
I don’t think they’ve done similar lengthy trials on 4G or the much more powerful 5G. The simple fact is: 5G is not known to be safe. They are just assuming it is, since it doesn’t kill instantly.
The onus should be on them to prove it’s safe, not on concerned citizens to prove it’s unsafe. Bottom line: our governments just don’t care about our health.
Or worse……….
Good point! So much was said about the roll-out of 5G in 2020 and I remember looking at the first country in Europe to install 5G as a kind of ‘experiment’ – San Marino. For a long time the statistics showed that San Marino also had the highest per capita number of deaths from ‘Covid’ in the world. Admittedly it’s a tiny country but it seemed odd. And one of the effects of exposure to 5G that I read about at the time was more rapid aging. This could also be the reason for the turbo cancers mentioned here as rapid aging would be due to an increased rate of cell division.
Just googled the stats for 5G installation and found San Marino is now number 11 for per capita Covid deaths- Peru is first followed by several Central European / Balkan countries. I also found this about San Marino:
San Marino became the first European country to be fully covered by 5G in December 2018. Italian operator Telecom Italia (TIM) partnered with local authorities and international companies, including Nokia, to install eight 5G sites across the country.
The good news is that Brussels recently caved and allowed 5G (albeit at limited power) meaning the EU overlords will get to enjoy all the “benefits.”
Two points:
From the type of comments posted on Off G I think we can safely assume that most of us are Baby Boomers.
We are of the age that we are bound to witness the demise of some of our friends, family and acquaintances.
Being Baby Boomers we are also the first batch of ‘chemical guinea pigs’.
Since the 1950’s we have been breathing, drinking, eating and absorbing more chemicals than any previous generation.
That said, another observation:
We live in a small to medium country town in Southern Australia (pop 20,000).
Over the past four years there seems to be a proliferation of medical clinics. Bigger, shinier and busier.
Are they treating the guinea pigs due to aforementioned chemical overdosing, or are they treating vaccine victims?
Something to ponder.
During covid I theorised that they were building an entire Western economy based on vaccines and nothing else. It obviously couldn’t work – an economy must be based on a circular meeting of real needs.
Yet deindustrialisation continues. Steel production has closed down. Farming is being crushed. We race frantically into a “service” economy with no physical production. It can’t work.
And the best our rulers can invent is a completely artificial pharaceutical and sustainable energy economy?
The death spiral continues.
The assault on local farming is among the deadliest.
Well, one solution to that is groups of people banding together to take a stake in a farm so farmers can pay their inheritance tax. Then give the next generation the chance to buy you out through repayment of debt/purchase of equity.
Humans don’t have to be as ruthless as high street banks you know. Remember that building societies were founding as cooperatives to allow intergenerational fund transfers so that the young could buy a home and raise a family. The funds were provided mostly by cashed up retirees, unmarried middle class and those saving up for a deposit to buy their own home.
For profit health care?
Or getting ready to take down Big Pharma and introduce med beds or is that just the hopium talking?
Does anyone else get the idea, that they are trying to kill us off…
Not just The Serbians in 1999 (it was the USA and UK -supported by Osama bin’s Lot (All paid for by The CIA)) This seriously pissed me off cos of my ex(still alive – occasoinally meet at gigs once every 10 years – though we are running out of them)
Who exactly is Not in This CABAL of EXtremely Rich People -Not trying to kill us all off..
Come on own Up?
Who have you not been very pro war…?
Who have you have not been pro Covid Jabs?
Its all of you – You are either Brainwashed, Stupid and Evil or you think it is a good idea for you to kill us all.
Are you saying: ‘speak now to identify yourselves – the train to the concentration camp leaves next week!’ by any chance??
Perhaps just now getting the 3am wake up call, that’s always a problem.
Society goes through two cycles. In one era death is taboo but sex is an open subject. Later sex is taboo but death is trivialised.
But we are entering a weird phase when we are being desensitised to both.
It isn’t healthy. It’s downright inhuman. Both sex and death are diminished by this. What of the human experience remains? Only the mundane and trivial. That seems to be the intent.
We have already got Net Zero in London and South East of England – one of the most densely populated parts of the World.
No Wind No Sunlight..
The only reason all the lights haven’t gone out yet, is because it is really warm, for November.
We must not piss off The French and their Nuclear Power,,and we Really need to be nice to the Russians
Cos we will get Fck All from the USA. They have already said, no LNG for you in Europe..and Good Luck with Ukraine
Check your electricity bill. Shown prominently right next to your account number is your “Rota disconnect alpha code.”
It’s for rationing electricity. The letter shows which area you are in when they introduce rolling blackouts.
Of course if you have a smart meter it they’ll disconnect on a house by house basis too. I hope you haven’t expressed any anti-establishment views recently.
absolutely brilliant piece of writing! and one i will return to more than once as it really encapsulates much of what has been brewing in the back of my mind ever since Covid hit us all! Thanks so much for your work!! RGB-Y4 out!!
The only things certain in life are death and taxes.😁
Death, taxes and endless sport coverage on the news.
… and politicians lies.
Not if you’re a Multi National Corparasite.
True, especially if they hide their assets offshore.
Other certainties: fear of contagion fear of death,
and, The Next Pandemic (Virus ‘X’).
Hypochondria was heightened by the scamdemic.😷😁
Taxes are for the little people – -Leona Helmsley
“In 1989, Leona Helmsley was convicted of three counts of tax evasion and other crimes. The charges stemmed from a scheme to evade millions of dollars in taxes by billing renovations to her Connecticut home to her hotel business and using business furniture in her home.”
A woman of $$$$$$$$$ubstance.
A great slogan for the brain washers as both of them suit their agenda and neither of them needed to happen.
I wouldn’t mind paying taxes if it wasn’t absconded by warprofiteers and it went to enhancing the lives of the working-class.
Ah yes, one of the 4 last things ‘ever to be remembered’ that the Cart-lick Church tried to inculcate into us recalcitrant children through its Catechism and Sunday School. We had to put up with it 5 and a 1/2 days a week at RC Grammar School as well.
A very popular Terry Pratchett Discworld character, ‘DEATH.’ Seriously ironic sense of humour.
Visit a few battlefields. Consider what took place there. If you are lucky you will have died at least a few times before having to squarely face the inevitable. As I have walked away from all of them so far and face the incremental decline, it is with balance and equanimity, dare I say poise, and acceptance that this model of humanity carries with in it its own built in obsolescence, it was always part of the mix, regardless of many people’s difficulty with the subject.
Consider your dream life, there is stuff going on there unconnected to awareness of this so-called physical body. My career as a a consciousness researcher has enabled me to experience travel to…..other extra-terrestrial locations, usually with the assistance of 4-6 other people and in my case, enough Herkimer Diamonds to go around. Drugs do not come into it. Only us.
So, first rule ‘DON’T PANIC.’ It might turn out to be FUN.
I think this is the most confused article I have ever read on Off G. It’s a collection of random thoughts on the subject of death.
Well, we can observe that the greatest certainty of life is that it comes to an end at some point.
The growth of medical science reduced the randomness of death, and tried to put physical life on a more stable and predictable path, and has, for the most part, succeeded.
The article would have been far more purposeful if it had focused on, with briefer or longer asides elsewhere to suit the author, the fact of the epidemic of young and healthy people dropping dead from heart conditions after receiving whatever shit the Covid mob put in their syringes.
The first line of your comment struck me as well. Confused and rambling.
Thank you for this – so many of the thoughts I’ve been having recently expressed so movingly. I remember the horror of cancer forty years ago and how rare it was – I remember when it was ‘1 in 10’ and that seemed terrifying. But now 50% of people will get it and many will die as a consequence. This does not bode well for our future especially given the very low birth rate – potentially another consequence of Covid and also part of the ‘humanity as parasites’ message we keep getting. I’m not overstating this when I say we are in a satanic death cult end of the world fantasy and we better wake up to that fact quickly or the perpetrators will have won.
Some very interesting points. Thank you.
As a daily obit reader I am still waiting for someone to write “Covid Vaccine Injury” as cause of death.
I think that the covid lie sucked the life spirit out of everyone.
Things just don’t feel the same.
The rich and powerful have always organised culls of the less powerful, over many many centuries.
It’s just that until recently, no society seemed to have been so viscerally aware of it.
In the past, the powerful callously organised the deaths of millions to serve a purpose.
Today they’re doing it for the sake of it, IMO. They despise us because they see themselves as superior, and simply want us dead and gone. If it weren’t for the obsession with exponentially growing GDP which requires both consumers and workers, they would have already killed billions of us.
I do not plan to test the limits of this rule, but I’m starting to feel that blunt but accurate criticism of religions, cultures, nations, or races is classed as ‘grotesquely racist’ / hate speech.
If so, this contradicts the home page banner “BECAUSE FACTS REALLY SHOULD BE SACRED.” (Their capitals, not mine.)
Still, their site, their rules, their judgement. Ho hum.
Disappointing if true though. Western civilisation is dying because we were excessively tolerant, polite and submissive.
The terms “racist”, “hate speech” and “antisemitism” were all created by totalitarian communists to stop people objecting to their oppression. To think we are still falling for it after all this time.
I should acknowledge that my earlier blunt comment is no longer in pending mode. Thanks.
If it’s just a getting-around-to-it thing, I have no complaint.
We all know in our hearts who is behind all of this. Death, war, terror, hoplessness. Those slinking in the shadows are showing there hand at last. They have used religion and now its money. They use and control the government, the injustice system, debt, our insecurity forces. They are imbeded in the education system, media, science & NHS. They use sick paedophiles like Epstein and Savile to blackmail people in power without morals. You will never get into power unless you are pro Israel and even better if you are a pervert.
When you cannot question or criticise a group, then you can bet your boots that group is in control and need to keep the truth under wraps or they lose their grip.
When we allow Israel to kill tens of thousands of children and still support them. Yet when a few Israelis are targetted (by sick morons) its a major crime and anti Semitism. No it is not it is anti Israel. I will stand behind every Jew and there is plenty of them that are sickened by what is happening to the Palestinians and Lebanese. These are people who know they are being used by a corrupt elite of Zionists many of them so called Christians, who dont give a shit about religion, for them its money and power. They have killed millions to get to where they are and millions more will die unless we call them out.
I wish people would understand that what Israel are doing to Gazans, they would just as joyfully do to all goyim. It’s all spelled out in the Talmud and Torah, which are every bit as hateful as the Koran and hadiths.
People who still think Israel are entitled to carry out genocide because, umm, because “Palestinians are bad – even the babies” just don’t get it. In the eyes of jews, we are all bad. NO nations deserve to exist – only the nation/people of Israel. God put all other people on Earth just to be slaves for Jews.
Allowing Israel to get away with genocide then expand through the Middle East to become Greater Israel is something we will all regret hugely.
The lack of acknowledgement of death pre-covid was an indication of the consumer society which was still grinding on – even if with diminishing returns. To sell piles of crap is to engender fads and fashions which is done through giving a glamorous spin on products. It works best if allied to creation of ever new demographics defined by “lifestyle choices”. Ironically, even morbid images are useful if they are handled in an exhibitionistic way. The emphasis is on activity, bustle, engagement. Even the Goth with the lovingly applied pallid complexion and the black hood can pose with a sense of solitary magnificence – which, in its very imagined magnificence, generates an imagined awe-struck audience.
The neoliberal scam of “This could be you!” was all part of this. All a continuation of that endless carnival so beautifully described in the old Dylan song “Desolation Row”. And of course the Dylan stance was – or became – part of the fun too: to play the role of a disgruntled outside with a most impressive hawk like profile.
But the whole infernal machine was running out of steam. As wealth became more concentrated, the ever rising profits were slowing down. The 2008 crash was an ominous omen. The routine exploitation was no longer enough and a direct assault on public funds was needed. But this could only happen once. The public may be ever compliant but that didn’t mean they didn’t notice, especially when the robbery was enacted with such brazen openness.
So a whole new scam – a scam of a totally different order – was required. Thus covid which not only resulted in another massive wealth transfer upwards and which not only DIDN’T cause a scandal but which was greeted by enthusiastic hurrahs and even demands that the transfer go quicker and with more money! After all, we were in a “life and death” situation.
But money isn’t the only concern – or rather, the money issue extended even further than immediate appropriation. There are too many people! We need depopulation. Hence the furtively managed genocide of disposal of the elderly, the actual arrival of Dylan’s prophesised “heart attack machine”, the indoctrination of the rising generation into “compassionate” mutilation of their genitalia, the increasing latitude given to opportunistic male predators, the deliberate stunting of children’s minds to prepare them for a life of psychotic dysfunction, the direction away from actual nutritious food towards insectile excrement, and, perhaps most effective of all, the steady drip of fear mongering to lower psychic energy.
One of many ironies is that the “Right Wing conspiracy” theories began to look increasingly credible. For we do indeed now occupy a culture of death. And this time around there is nothing glamorous about it. We are now looking at a cull.
Too many people means we cannot be spending the wealth we extract from people and enterprises on “useless eaters” and public benefit. Capitalism requires the middle class as a golden goose. But it cannot help itself. This is like the proverbial scorpion that is riding on the frog stinging it mid-stream.
Who would go and watch a movie in which only good was portrayed, there was no bad guy, and everything went to plan?
Then our world must be the same or we would all die of boredom.
There is no point in whinging. People are slowly awakening and when they do. We will win.
Maybe get out and live a bit. Must be a Carnival or something fun around Northumberland this time of year (despite being north of Watford). That perfect antidote to death and to morbid death-fixations?
There’s only ever been one response to death. Defiance, not retreat. Rejection, not fixation. Fight, not flight. Death is always the enemy
Enemy – but only of flesh & blood bodies.
The Trans-hoominists are gonna change all that, you’ll see !
Died suddenly is the new death of choice 💉
It’s the new side-effect.
Yesterday it was ‘Trump’, today it is ‘Death’. Will it be ‘Ice Cream’ tomorrow ?
Good point. But way too long.
a cairn at a fork in the trail.
It’s all coming together – hang on! “Experts” ahead of the curve, of course.
Is this some kind of ‘it’s been getting warmer, non-smoker lung cancers have increased therefore!!’?
A gazillion of other possible reasons for cancer deaths to increase.
Here’s a few:
Has anyone done any controlled studies of lung cancer in mice, keeping one batch of mice at 20C and another at 22C?
Unless they have, I wouldn’t put too much down to climate.
Anything but the jab. Amen.
(Since we’re at the end of the page.)