A Bizarre Kind of Executive Action: The Suppression of Epochal Documentaries

Edward Curtin

“The old lie: Dulce et decorum est /Pro patria mori
(It is a sweet and fitting thing to die for one’s country”)
Wilfred Owen

Yes, it seems fitting that I am writing these words on November 11, Veterans Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day in Commonwealth countries, a day that began as Armistice Day to celebrate the ending of World War I, the “war to end all wars.”

That phrase has become a sardonic joke in the century that has followed as wars have piled up upon wars to create a permanent condition, and the censorship and propaganda that became acute with WW I have been exacerbated a hundredfold today.

The number of dead soldiers and civilians in the century since numbs a mind intent on counting numbers, as courage, love, and innocence wails from skeletons sleeping deep in dirt everywhere. The minds of the living are ravished at the thought of so much death.

Almost a year ago I reviewed a film – Four Died Trying – about four American men who were assassinated by the U.S. government because they opposed the wars upon which their country had come to rely: President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. I wrote of this documentary film, directed by John Kirby and produced by Libby Handros, that it was powerful, riveting, and masterful, the opening 58 minute prologue to a film series meant to be released at intervals over a few years. This prologue was released at the end of 2023 to great applause.

I wrote of it:

Today we are living the consequences of the CIA/national security state’s 1960s takeover of the country. Their message then and now: We, the national security state, rule, we have the guns, the media, and the power to dominate you. We control the stories you are meant to hear. If you get uppity, well-known, and dare challenge us, we will buy you off, denigrate you, or, if neither works, we will kill you. You are helpless, they reiterate endlessly.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

But they lie, and this series of films, beginning with its first installment, will tell you why. It will show why understanding the past is essential for transforming the present. It will profoundly inspire you to see and hear these four bold and courageous men refuse to back down to the evil forces that shot them down. It will open your eyes to the parallel spiritual paths they walked and the similarity of the messages they talked about – peace, justice, racism, colonialism, human rights, and the need for economic equality – not just in the U.S.A. but across the world, for the fate of all people was then, and is now, linked to the need to transform the U.S. warfare state into a country of peace and human reconciliation, just as these four men radically underwent deep transformations in the last year of their brief lives.

This 58 minute prologue touches on many of themes that will follow in the months ahead. Season One will be divided into chapters that cover the four assassinations together with background material covering “the world as it was” in the 1950s with its Cold War propaganda, McCarthyism, the rise of the military-industrial complex, the CIA, red-baiting, and the ever present fear of nuclear war. Season Two will be devoted to the government and media coverups, citizen investigations, and the intelligence agencies’ and their media mouthpieces’ mind control operations aimed at the American people that continue today.

Then in March of this year I wrote about the second film in the series, The World As It Was, that explores the very disturbing history of the 1950s in the USA, a decade that lay the foundation of fear upon which the horrors of the 1960s were built, and from which we now are reaping the flowers of evil that have sprung up everywhere we look because the evils of those decades have never been adequately addressed.

But I was hopeful that if enough people got see to see these illuminating and brilliantly done films, built on more than one hundred and twenty interviews over six years with key historical figures, including many family members of the four men, change was possible because more people would demand accountability. That the movies were also entertaining, despite their profoundly serious content, boded well for their reaching a wide audience.

Just recently, I was again asked by the filmmakers, as were others, to preview the third film, Jack Joins the Revolution, about John F. Kennedy, from his youth to the hope he inspired when he entered politics in 1947 until his death on November 22, 1963 and the shock and despair that overtook the nation and the world. This third film matched the brilliance of the first two, but I did wonder why there had been a lapse of more than six months between this one and the previous.

It seemed to me that this was the perfect time for these films to be released in quick succession to have a profound effect.

But having watched this third film, I discovered to my great surprise that it has not been released, nor, even more shockingly, has the second one that I previewed eight months ago. Why?  I do not know, but it is very odd, to put it mildly. I do know that by not releasing them now a significant opportunity is being lost. These films would be of great help to the country, because they depict what a truly populist presidency looks like and the malign forces that oppose him.  But alas, for reasons that are hard to fathom, the films are being suppressed by someone.  We can only hope that the filmmakers will be successful in their efforts to free the films in time for them to be of value at this crucial moment in our history.

It is well known that JFK was a naval war hero in WW II, but less well known that his war experience turned him fiercely against war, that to end all wars was a fundamental theme of his for the rest of his life.

Jack Joins the Revolution explores this and reminds the viewer that Kennedy was well acquainted with death, having almost died eight times before he was assassinated, something he knew was coming. He was courageous in the extreme. Thus my earlier reference to Veterans Day, for JFK was a veteran of exceptional courage who not only saved his comrades when their PT boat was sunk by the Japanese in the South Pacific, but tried to the end to save his country and the world from the madness of the endless wars that have followed his death at the hands of the CIA and the U.S. warfare state.

This film clearly shows why he became such an obstacle to the imperial war machine and the CIA that to this very day have a huge stake in suppressing the truth about the man. If the film (and the others) is not released, these forces will have been successful. It will be another posthumous assassination.

For what is most striking about this episode is the light it sheds on John Kennedy’s forceful, long-standing anti-colonial and anti-imperial convictions for which he was attacked by politicians of both parties. It is suggested, and I think rightly, that this grew out of his Irish roots, for Ireland’s long fight for independence from British colonial occupation was dear to his heart and also a fundamental inspiration in the following decades for anti-colonial freedom fighters everywhere. It still is.

To listen to the film’s clips of his speeches on these topics is a revelation for those unfamiliar, not only with his radical views for a politician, but to his passionate eloquence that is sorely missing today. Attacking the policies of support for dictators and the coups against foreign leaders under the Eisenhower administration and the CIA led by Allen Dulles, JFK called for freedom and independence for people’s everywhere and the end of colonialism supported by the U.S. and other nations. Algeria, Iran, Cuba, Latin America, Africa – it’s a long list.

Even before he became president, in 1957, then Senator Kennedy gave a speech in the U.S. Senate that sent shock waves throughout Washington, D.C. and around the world. He came out in support of Algerian independence from France and African liberation generally, and against colonial imperialism.

As chair of the Senate’s African Subcommittee in 1959, he urged sympathy for African and Asian independence movements as part of American foreign policy. He believed that continued support of colonial policies would only end in more bloodshed because the voices of independence would not be denied, nor should they be.

That speech caused an international uproar, and in the U.S.A. Kennedy was harshly criticized by Eisenhower, Nixon, John Foster Dulles, and even members of the Democratic party, such as Adlai Stevenson and Dean Acheson. But it was applauded in Africa and the Third World.

Yet JFK continued throughout his 1960 presidential campaign to raise his voice against colonialism throughout the world and for free and independent African nations. Such views were anathema to the foreign policy establishment, including the CIA and the burgeoning military industrial complex that President Eisenhower belatedly warned against in his Farewell Address, delivered nine months after approving the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in March 1960; this juxtaposition revealed the hold the Pentagon and CIA had and has on sitting presidents, as the pressure for war became structurally systematized and Kennedy was removed through a public execution for all the world to see.

Many voices speak to this and other issues in the film: Oliver Stone, James W. Douglass, RFK, Jr., Robert Dallek, Monica Wiesak, his niece Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Peter Dale Scott, James Galbraith, his nephew Stephen Smith, David Talbot, Peter Janney, and others.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks about the 1953 U.S. coup against the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossaddegh of Iran and of the approximately 72 CIA-led known coups the United States engineered between 1947 and 1989; author Stephen Schlesinger of the Dulles brothers’ work for the United Fruit Company and their subsequent involvement in the 1954 coup d’état against the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz who was instituting land reform that threatened United Fruit’s hold on so much of the country. In both cases, and many others, the U.S. supported vicious dictators and decades of terrible bloodshed and civil wars. We see a clip of JFK himself condemn the U.S. support of the Cuban dictator Batista, who was finally overthrow by Fidel Castro and his rebel compatriots, the Cuban Revolution that Kennedy understood and sympathized with.

All this just leading up to Kennedy’s presidency, which will be covered in the next film.

Watching this riveting documentary, one cannot but be deeply impressed with a side of John Kennedy few know – his hatred of oppression, colonialism, imperialism, war, and his love of freedom for all people. One comes away from the film knowing full well why the CIA had branded him an arch-enemy even before he took office, and then when in office he rattled their cage so much more in the cause of peace.

And one is left asking: why then has this film (and its predecessor about the right-wing witch hunt and crackdown on dissent in the 1950s) not been released to the public at a time when nothing could be more timely?

It is a very strange kind of executive action, considering the brilliance and importance of these films for today – this very moment in history.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Nov 26, 2024 10:44 PM

”It is a very strange kind of executive action”. Really? It seems very consistent with the other acts of govt in the ‘ free West’. There is a typo in the penultimate line of the fifth para from the bottom. The ‘n’ is missing from ‘ overthrown’. Thank you very much .Great article

Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
Nov 18, 2024 7:44 PM

These superb films about the Deep State’s assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X should be required viewing for every student of American history. They are more relevant than ever in the context of recent assassination attempts, and yet for some mysterious and inexplicable reason they are being suppressed. Is their suppression merely another example of the warped Deep State at work? I urge everyone not only to see them but to clamor for the ongoing series, which promises to create – finally – a truthful account of how the United States, from glorious beginnings, has been coopted by a cabal of murderous warmongers.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Nov 18, 2024 1:56 PM

The suppression of these films/episode is totally consistent with the censorship and propaganda of the ruling plutocrats and their minions we are experiencing as we speak! The last thing the oligarchs want is the promotion of real heroes, men and women of character (none were perfect beings) integrity and courage who lived by principles that honored life, human actualization and freedom. We should not be surprised at the depths the overlords will sink to keep humanity ignorant, benighted and in bondage to their anti-life systems.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 18, 2024 1:14 PM

How can you release these films when the US is engaging in blatant genocide in Gaza and the sacrifice of an entire generation of Ukrainian young men?

The people of the USA need to see them more than anything.

But the Hollywood mafia, the CIA, the other alphabet agencies, the Capitol Hill hucksters, the MIC, Wall Street?

They need it like a hole in the head.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 18, 2024 7:04 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Its easier to judge and condemn the past and the dead, than the present and those alive.

Nov 28, 2024 5:08 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Yep. I don’t know what satisfaction the victims of Bloody Sunday got from the enquiries. It was just money for lawyers

Nov 18, 2024 12:47 PM

Maybe the film is being supressed by the same forces that had RFK Jr uttering statements and aligning himself with ideology that I would bet me life has his father and uncle rolling in their graves.
The graves they lie in due to those forces.

Nov 18, 2024 12:48 PM
Reply to  judith

That should read “bet MY life”. But the “me” does have that Irishness about it.

Nov 26, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  judith

Indeed it does. Are you Irish then? or are you saying cos the Kennedys were Irish?

Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy
Nov 18, 2024 10:15 AM

Noam Chomsky played a big role (similar to 9/11; Covid; Libya attack etc) in downplaying Kennedy et al. I am increasingly of the view that Chomsky is not the hero he is portrayed to be by the Left.

Nov 18, 2024 10:08 PM
Reply to  Anthony Murphy

Read/watch Michael Parenti’s books and lectures for a much more radical analysis and refreshing counter-point to Epstein’s old colleague and OG gatekeeper…

Nov 26, 2024 10:48 PM
Reply to  Anthony Murphy

Whatever you say about Chomsky the interview he does with Andrew Marr ( client journalist) is BRILLIANT!! You know the one where he rubbishes MSm and says to Andrew Marr that if he hadn’t been brainwashed , he wouldn’t have got his job. It is JUST brilliant..because he actually isn’t been partonising and nasty…but it’s just GREAT to se Marr gobsmacked by the statement!!!

Nov 18, 2024 9:14 AM

In all the progressive reaction to the election, have you noticed one thing that used to be a regular missing? What happened to all the “it’s unfair, they’ve more money and could outspend us” complaints? This is what happened:
Yes, those plucky outsiders, that rainbow coalition, those champions of the tired and huddled masses spent more by a factor of nearly 3:1. And still lost hugely. What did most of the money go on: celebrity endorsements! Those celebrities who were so in love with Kamala were getting paid….

It’s now clear why the ritual calls for campaign finance reform have gone AWOL from the corporate media.

Just in case this is thought to be somehow pro-Trump, let me also point out about his Defence Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth. The man appears to have a Templar cross tattoo – and he certainly has a tattoo proclaiming ‘God wills it’ in Latin which was the slogan of the Crusaders. Hegseth is a creation of Sheldon Adelson. So U.S. military hardware is nominally under the charge of a man who envisages himself as a crusading Templar… how encouraging for peace in the Middle East! Still, Elon Musk is Trump’s secret (but somehow all over the media) diplomat with Iran so that’s reassuring given Musk’s serial failures at everything not backstopped by the deep state.

Nov 18, 2024 10:28 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Dems win… its a steal and 4 years of boring content about how they cheated..
Trump wins, it all cool everything is amazing and elections are so real.

Nov 18, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Well, Trump’s Presidency is also a creation of Sheldon Adelson, isn’t it?
As well, I suspect, is Kennedy’s HHS appointment?

Nov 18, 2024 7:22 AM

Pending again….

Nov 18, 2024 7:10 AM

It’s the oil, Stupid!

The war against Palestine is not about religion, it’s about oil (and gas). Gaza has offshore gas worth half a $Trillion; and an Anglo-American company Genie Energy wants it (shareholders Natan Yahoo, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothschild)


Quote: ‘The true reason why the US backs Israel”

Nov 18, 2024 7:52 AM
Reply to  NickM

That drop of Gaza oil, while Venezuela, Canada or Brazil etc. are oceans of black gold?
Come up with better stuff for single-ling out one little culture, F!

Muslims at least shout their imprinted ‘truth’ openly even in the West and don’t come with lame excuses: Mo’s His-story.

Nov 19, 2024 5:34 AM
Reply to  NickM

The wars (destruction and mass murder) against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and Libya were all over petroleum. A pipeline in the case of Afghanistan. Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya are still being robbed of petroleum. So much for international law.

Nov 18, 2024 6:54 AM

< World War I, the “war to end all wars.” >

On the contrary, WW1 was the first Oil War, and the first British expedition of WW1 was sent out not to help “plucky little Belgium” but to take over the Middle Eastern oil port of Basra. The same Anglo-American Zionazi Capitalist Oligarchs who started WW1 are still in power and responsible for all subsequent resource wars: in the Middle East, in Africa, in Indonesia, in South America and now in Europe for the rich farmlands and gasfields of Ukraine..

For a historical description of important developments in Anglo-American Oil Politics in the twentieth century. read:.

“A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order” — by William Engdahl.

“The New World Order” was a phrase much loved by Hitler, and much quoted by the U$A’s Bush dynasty of Nazi-loving Oligarchs. NWO even seems to have become a slogan of the United Nations Organization now that it has been taken over by Western Oligarchs.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Nov 18, 2024 10:24 AM
Reply to  NickM

Bravo. Excellent comment. Interestingly, I read an article many years ago (Pipeline Wars) giving more details; it was written by RFK Jr. Despite his knowledge, he has toed Trump’s party line in favour of Israeli genocide…

Nov 18, 2024 10:16 PM
Reply to  NickM

It was also, from the perspective of the US ruling class, a banker’s war, for which millions of young men were sent to the slaughter to ensure victory for the allies so that they would be able to pay their massive debts to Morgan and co, claiming it was about “making the world safe for democracy” while imprisoning anyone (Eugene Debs for example) who in any way undermined the war effort by speaking out against it, i.e. exercising their first amendment right and telling the truth.

Nov 18, 2024 5:24 AM

On the Infowars website, which is still acces-
sible, this video is the latest to be embedded:


What is the dispossessed penis pills & snake oil salesman Jones,
who for decades dismissed any association of world events with
Jews as a “nazi conspiracy theory” and instead deceptively and
misleadingly blathered about “globalists”, tryin’ to tell us here?

Nov 18, 2024 5:11 PM
Reply to  Timmy

I first became aware of Dan Bilzerian when he popped up right smack in the middle of the Las Vegas mass event in 2017 – as it was unfolding! It was an unbelievable coincidence.

”What a macho, gun-packing Instagram star did when he was caught in the Las Vegas shooting”

Fast forward to self-proclaimed Israel supporter Piers Morgan publishing Bilzerian’s lengthy criticism of Israel on his own channel. And what an unexpected, unfathomable firestorm of freedom of speech it was! He was able to get to every last talking point. Hannity would have carved him up like a thanksgiving turkey but Piers is more of a curator.

Will Blizerian be sending a few of his rumoured billion dollars to any victims of human shielding? Is he calling for expelled university students and/or presidents to be reinstated? Will be be putting his girls in green, white, black and red bikinis? I haven’t heard. Maybe he’ll send some products from his cannabis business with the goat’s head logo to ease the suffering of those who are suffering. Time will tell.

It kind of reminds me of Elon Musk egging on the Canadian trucker convoy in its quest for freedom of medical choice then going radio silent after citizens were arrested, demonized and debanked – without ever contributing a dime.

Nov 18, 2024 10:23 AM
Reply to  wkr

ALEX JONES takes early retirement but he will be back First published November 14, 2023 [Update next day: Wow, that was fast, he’s back already. Gone only one day. A judge has already ruled the sale was illegal and we are told the new AG Gaetz is going to look into it. That’s convenient. Just another joke on top of all the others. If the AG does look into it, don’t expect them to admit or imply Sandy Hook was fake. But who knows, they may drop some breadcrumbs for fun.] I woke up this afternoon to find Infowars gone. A quick search told me The Onion bought it at auction, despite not being the high bidder. So this is just the continuation of a joke. One CIA front fakepurchases a second one. How do I know this is a fake? 


Nov 18, 2024 4:49 AM

FIGARO: France & the UK have now joined US action in permitting Ukrainian long-range missile strikes against Russia.
Biden allows Ukraine to strike Russia with ATACMS missiles – NYT

THIS NEWS IS 9 hours old. Spanish-speaking press is full of direct threats of reprisal by Putin. (I haven’t confirmed them yet.)

Nov 18, 2024 11:03 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Isn’t it just wonderful how Biden, the dementia candidate, can be slipped in each time the devils in the background need to conjure-up a name for their psychopathy. The fact that ‘they’ keep doing it without any legal ramifications or repercussions is stupifyingly-gross to me on the other side of the globe. HTF was America allowed to sink to this depth of depravity? … just how … ?

Nov 18, 2024 11:55 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

hotrod31, It was done by control of the news media. US citizens used to believe it when we were told American military actions were in the service of democracy-creation abroad. That’s how they did it.

For how they continue to do it, see this:
Katherine Watt in January of 2023 explains it best. I won’t attempt to paraphrase

Nov 18, 2024 4:30 AM

if you work in teams on shifts it is different to working 9-5

the advantages – all the stupid bastards have fcked off by 6pm

allowing us to do the work – and you get to really like and respect each other – and say about our personal lives – come on bring him round – and they meet my girlfriend too and we already know each other inside out – what else do you talk about at 3:00 am and everything is working fine and our Italian is doing his Sphagetto riding his kid’s bike (well we all did) round the exceedingly expensive computers, which we were employed to protect

I said £50 for that. Perfect for my Lad…looks brand new…

We all really liked each other a lot on shift.

Nov 18, 2024 4:17 AM


You think that could be the reason TPTB don’t want to glorify anti-war heroes?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 18, 2024 10:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The EU too.

I don’t know why this isn’t ringing alarm bells.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 18, 2024 10:09 AM

According to French press.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 18, 2024 11:22 AM

Attention to the links provided.

The link to Le Figaro do not confirm that France or any other EU country has authorised use of similar weapons.

Nov 19, 2024 12:06 AM

French secy of “Defense” announced Nov 10 that France was shipping 10 long-range missiles to Ukraine.

“France says allowing Ukraine to use missiles to strike Russian targets still an option” –Reuters on nov 16th.  Looks like they’re walking it back a little.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 20, 2024 11:55 PM

Easy. Because Kremlin and Washington have an agreement:

“You bomb Russia to scare the hell out of Russian citizens, and we in Kreml bomb here and there to scare the world and thel American citizens.”

“I dont believe that muahh muahh. They could-would NEVER do such a thing”.
“How goody goody of Putin he strengthened “the tone” and showed West a new redline in their new nuclear bla-bla-bla babble doctrine. THAT will show those guys in Nato!!!”. Easy.

If this is not enough we have another global vaxx for you.

Nov 18, 2024 3:58 AM

Sure, I volunteered. , I went somewhat beyond my job description,and it was me who was shy. If I saw a job that needed doing – I did not ask permission, I just did it.

They noticed I was only 19 – only did a year at University Pure Physics and Maths

Whilst I wanted to do Computing

I had almost no social skills whatsover, but could turn from an introvert, and get chatty (though never charming) – it is not in my social skill set

They Gave Me the Job

I was the New Shift Leader.

It was a lot better on shifts, once the management doing there 9-5 had gone home

Sure all the jobs were there to do, and we had to take control of anything serious f’cked up..We were in our early 20’s – and we kind of trusted and loved each – team players – like brothers and sisters…if anyone fcked up. which very occasionally we all did…We still worked as a team.

I was the Team Leader – and Took Full Responsibilty for the Mistake….when it was sorted and almost forgotten…

I found a quiet room Office – but he knew what I was going to say

“Why didn’t you phone me up several expletives deleted – I always answer my phone pager – what we are doing is important”

Nov 18, 2024 3:05 AM

four American men who were assassinated by the U.S. government because they opposed the wars upon which their country had come to rely

Safe guys as they can’t speak up anymore to affirm or deny anything. Trump was almost assassinated too and has JFKjr as a sidekick BUT can still reply. Bad guy, because he is not anti-Israel, that single mini Jewish state.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Nov 18, 2024 1:03 AM

forgive me if I have a little trouble seeing the halo around the head of the golden Camelot boy, wasn’t he after all scion of a corrupt aristocratic dynasty, gungo ho Cold Warrior pushing astronomical MIC spending to close “the missile gap”, commander in chief of the Bay of Pigs invasion, creator of a Peace Corps aimed at conquering Third World hearts and minds through soft power to keep them from falling into the orbit of the Soviets, prop of the South Vietnamese dictatorship, and supporter of decolonization only when it brought the ex-colonies into the neocolonial fold of the United States’ client regimes

Nov 18, 2024 4:18 AM

No, you’re wrong on all counts.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 18, 2024 6:31 PM

The golden Camelot boy is not Jesus Christ, he is human like you and me.

While we ordinary average Joe..ses are feeling better by seeing a Camelot boy than seeing Pol Pot, Socialist Hitler, Slimy Liberal, in any key position influencing the country, you are obviously heading for Mr. Perfect.
The guys who dont make mistakes, the who shines all over and everything he does is without the tiniest comma error.

Nov 19, 2024 12:14 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

John Fitzgerald was a heroic man who intended the end of the Vietnam war, revamping of the CIA into normal intelligence bounds, and reclaiming the American currency. He had already begun having US Treasury notes printed without any authorization or imprimatur of the Federal “Reserve”.

If you think otherwise you’re either ignorant or propagandizing for the other side.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 12:03 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I was only a very little boy when JFK was murdered, but I remember my mom and family in Europe were sad when it happened.
Many people of that generation remembered the WW horrors and had JFK as the best card on the International scene.

Nov 18, 2024 6:50 PM

Gore Vidal knew him personally. He said that he liked him. But that his attitudes and beliefs were the same as all of the rest of the ruling class and government.

Nov 18, 2024 12:22 AM

I knew absolutely nothing about Afterlife, just amazed I am still here slowly recovering from Sepsis – much better now thanks to my wife, my son and Grandchildren and cat (sorry we don’t like dogs)

I watched a bit of the Office, before he got famous, but found it completely boring – it was like being at work..

So I asked my wife how come he is so rich and famous….

She said he’s got a nice Girlfriend – she writes books and stuff…

But Ricky Gervais is So Rude – offensive – I could understand it if he came from

How does he get away with it?

He turns up in the USA – Hollywood – Centre Stage – Live Feed Across The World

And Says what He thinks Live

He can’t even sing and play – act??

He portrays real life

What You See is What You Get

My wife and I are more into Robert Plant

Nov 18, 2024 8:19 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Don’t like dogs? If you’re human you really are an arse.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Nov 18, 2024 12:04 AM

Once upon a time I lived in DelusiSTAN…I banged a tambourine and sang KOOMbaya…when I got tired of that I sand Imagine… then Give Peace a Chance…
But then I woke up … might have been after reading The Prince…. and I came to my senses… there is a reason why war is endless… it is NECESSARY.

The only way this state of affairs will end … is without the extinction of the dumbest species ever https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-dumbest-species-ever

Why War is Awesome
If you are on the winning side
Take a good look at this dying child, https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/why-war-is-awesome a product of the starvation caused by the war in Yemen. You are complicit. You benefit from this. You live large – because of this.

8 billion humans are competing to live large. Each and every one of us aspires to own a car, a nice house, go on vacation, never skip a meal and have enough for a cushy retirement. The ultra-competitive have dreams of private jets, mega mansions and Champagne and caviar for breakfast.

Rejoice! For you are a winner.

Unfortunately, the resources of the world are finite, so there will be winners – but most will be losers. And most of the losers will eke out a miserable existence in vile rat and cockroach infested slums, struggling to make enough to afford food. The truly desperate will resort to pimping out their daughters or deforming their children because that’s a great business model for a career as a beggar.

It’s not as if we – the winners in the battle for MORE – don’t care. Of course we care.
Remember the massive fund raiser in 1985 to help the poor starving folks in Africa and the top selling single ‘We are the World.’

That did nothing to alleviate the plight of the billions who live in utter desperate, permanent destitution.

We then resumed bombing wedding parties and committing mass murder whenever the folks in the target countries dared to oppose our pillaging of their resources. We carried on with organizing colour revolutions and installing compliant dictators who were rewarded for selling out and assisting us with grand theft resources.

bbccnn told us that they deserved that deluge of Raytheon missiles because some of them got uppity about the resource pillaging and threw stones at our tanks. How dare they! Ironically, bbccnn labels these people as terrorists.

Meanwhile, we continue to show we care by dropping a few coins into the Oxfam box or adding a buck to our $400 bill at the supermarket checkout. We wheel our super-sized trolleys to the SUV, load up and head back to our air-conditioned homes in the suburbs listening to Taylor Swift and feeling good about the act of giving.

Most people are totally oblivious to the fact that we enjoy the privilege of stuffing our faces to the point of morbid obesity because of our expertise at blowing up people to ensure the never-ending resource pillage that fuels our absolutely fabulous lifestyles.

Make no mistake – we benefit from war.

Here’s the part where I relieve you of the guilt that might be seeping in. If we did not fight for the limited resources, our competitors would gleefully attack the weak and they would steal the oil and copper.

And if we decided to stop fighting wars and instead gather around campfires, banging tambourines and singing KOOMbaya and Give Peace a chance… we would quickly join the ranks of the weak nations… and China and Russia would drop bombs on our campfire gatherings, and steal our resources.

More https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/why-war-is-awesome

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 18, 2024 7:20 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

I always give to Red Cross, I bought the single “We are the World”, I gave to “Salvation Army”, I always give tips and I always give to beggars on the street when I go on Holiday in the Third World.

I have done my part. My conscience is CLEAN Mr. Hypocrisy.

People like you have probably NEVER been giving 1 cent away of your own, but only cried a river about what others should do!

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Nov 19, 2024 12:42 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

I reread your comment twice thinking it may have been intended as sarcasm…

Especially the part about buying the We are the World album…

And FYI – I didn’t buy that pointless album… I do not give to charity (so that they can spend the $$$ on raising more money and on salaries for their managers)…

But what I did do is haul two kids (11 and 9) out of the slums of the Philippines put them into international school in New Zealand at 25k x 2 per year tuition… fed and housed them… one is finished post secondary and a permanent resident of NZ… the other is in second year engineering studies…

Of course I can afford to do this … because I am on the winning side… my side has bigger and better bombs… and more guns… and more planes… and I get some of the crumbs from the pillaging…

If you really feel badly about the situation … you can always move to a slum in the 3rd world… and emulate mother teresa….

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 3:53 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Been there done that. Yes it was a sarcastic piece.
I found out the best way is to pay them for any service; wash your car, buy chewing gum, or a plastic airplanes, m.m.
Tried in Africa to give 1 coin to 5 begging street children out of the half open car window. They were about to kill the boy who got hold of it. Bad idea.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Nov 21, 2024 4:35 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

My hobby is buying a case of cheap booze…then handing bottles to the hobos… and filming the carnage…. I load it up to my Onlyfans Channel … where I charge $50 per month to watch.

I just bought a Porsche 911 with the November revenue

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 18, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

You are basing your assault on the premise that there is not enough to go around – the scarcity myth. But that is not so. We can all have enough food, a roof over our heads, means of transportation, education… the lot. Scarcity is a tool of our controllers who use it to keep us down, keep us ignorant, keep us scared, keep us compliant, lest we revolt against them.

Nov 19, 2024 6:46 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Limited total supply of minerals is reality. Scarcity may be real or rigged. Capitalism cannot function without scarcity, preferably through the rigging of competition.

Nov 17, 2024 11:38 PM

Edward Curtin, I loved your book to bits, so let me write a little bit about my Friend Father Bernard (Lancashire – Ribble River England Fishing and Hiking)

Roman Catholic Priest, when my My Mum Died.

I just knew, he would want to know

Neither my wife or I speak French well.

All our family friend wanted in his life was to be the Parish Priest — where he grew up – and took me Fishing – when I was a Teenager and Seriously wanted a Girlfriend – he wouldn’t visit us, util we got married, so we visited him.

cos of our love for live music, we met this lovely man, born and raised up in the South of France — at one of our local music pubs near where we live

we got kind of chatting (he was an architect and a musician – French in England – now London)

So we told him everything – He is an English Catholic Priest – somewhere on tour in France…and I would like to contact him, to tell him, my mum has died…but I can’t get through – its all in French.

Cool as anything, he turned up the next morning – well about midday

And just using our landline phone – no internet…

He got the phone ringing in some remote village on the South of France, and gave me the phone.

Father Bernard answered, and I told him the news.

I said she has died. I held her hand and witnessed her go straight to heaven (if anyone ever did)

He came back after Christmas for the final funeral…My Mum and Dad together laid to rest.

What a lovely man.

Nov 17, 2024 10:07 PM

“…understanding the past is essential for transforming the present.” Absolutely. The PTB keep the truth of the past as hidden as possible. Until folks are broken of their unquestioning confidence and trust of the PTB and the existing system, and research and question everything, Humanity is trapped in it’s own ignorance, maintained by the PTB.

Nov 17, 2024 6:57 PM

“But having watched this third film, I discovered to my great surprise that it has not been released, nor, even more shockingly, has the second one that I previewed eight months ago. Why?”

Could be legal/financial wranglings over the use of copyrighted footage; owned by the big networks/corporations? There’s a hint in that direction on page 5 of their pdf press release.


“The major networks were licensed to use the public airwaves, yet they now charge exorbitant rates for using footage depicting the public record of events”

Nov 17, 2024 7:03 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

There are links here but a “subscribers-only” password is required. Any guesses?


Episode 1

Nov 17, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Sorry, couldn’t edit. Would have been better as clickable links



Episode 1

Nov 17, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Yeah you gotta pay to see the series.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 3:55 AM
Reply to  Rob

The money goes to small children in war zones…….. 😅 .