The Transhumanist Movement and State-Run Euthanasia
Thank You for your Sacrifice
VN Alexander

In his 1962 short story “2BR02B” (pronounced, to be or not to be), Kurt Vonnegut imagines that, in response to overpopulation, the US government might create a “Bureau of Termination,” where citizens can go to have themselves put down.
Before any new baby can be allowed into society, someone has to volunteer to die to keep the population number fixed. Otherwise, infanticide is the remedy.
At the end of the story, a 200-year-old artist, who has been painting a mural in a maternity ward waiting room, witnesses the murder of two officials and the suicide of a father who was compelled to make room in the world for his new-born triplets.
The artist then calls the bureau to make an appointment for himself. The woman answering the phone thanks him profusely,
Your city thanks you; your country thanks you; your planet thanks you. But the deepest thanks of all is from all of the future generations.
Later, Vonnegut continues to ponder the perils of government-run population control in “Welcome to the Monkey House,” which predicts the commercialization of euthanasia services, Ethical Suicide Parlors, with drop-in appointments available.
Science fiction, such as Vonnegut wrote, often imagines the future of a techno-enhanced longevity side-effects in a negative light.
In most countries today, euthanasia is still illegal. But that is changing.
Transhumanist elites, like Schwab and Gates, are investing desperately in new bio-tech, hoping they will be able to keep their fast-aging bodies — or at least their codes — alive in perpetuity. Meanwhile, the movement aims to help the rest of us end our lives prematurely.

Sarco suicide chamber. Ask your doctor if it’s right for you.
Euthanasia Commercialized
Today, in a dozen or so countries and a couple of U.S. states, euthanasia is legal under strict conditions: almost always the person must be terminally ill. Some countries, such as the Netherlands and Switzerland, have very few restrictions.
Consequently, these countries have become travel destinations for those interested in mortality tourism. Yes, paid guides are available.
As if unwittingly parodying futuristic sci-fi dystopias, commercial termination services promote themselves as technologically advanced, offering the latest in quick and painless death.

Death scene in Soylent Green
Forgoing the old reliable pharmaceutical route, such as the state imposed on Socrates, a new Swiss company called Sarco provides a space capsule-like unit (to take one to one’s “last home”) that serves as an air-tight chamber where toxic gas quickly does the customer in.
“Sarco” is short for “sarcophagus.” Marketing realized that retiring into one’s royal sarcophagus has got to seem better than getting into a coffin. Nevertheless, the Sarco does look a bit like a futuristic coffin, if not like—because of its angular positioning—a purple crotch rocket.
With an unnecessarily aerodynamic shape and design aesthetics also reminiscent of a canister vacuum cleaner, the Sarco is available in several color options for people who want to “get help to die [sic] without being terminally ill.”

To avoid legal responsibility, Sarco employees do not push the button to release the gas. The button is located inside the coffin and the customer has to be the one to initiate to lethal protocol, so that he himself might his quietus make.
Government-run Euthanasia Today
World Economic Forum protégées Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland have endorsed new medical assistance in dying (MAID) laws in Canada for the terminally ill or disabled. Initially, also offering the “assistance” to those who merely had a mental illness, after public backlash, that privilege has been delayed: the state can’t help off depressed persons until after March 17, 2027. But interested parties can subscribe to updates, to be first on the waiting list.
Currently, to be euthanized in Canada, a person must “have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability,” or “be in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability” (i.e., getting old?), or “have enduring and intolerable physical or psychological suffering that cannot be alleviated under conditions the person considers acceptable.”
Under discussion is whether or not the “assistance” can be extended to “mature” minors.
When retired Canadian corporal Christine Gauthier, whose legs are paralyzed but who is otherwise healthy and physically active, requested a stairlift, a veterans affairs case worker offered her medical assistance in dying instead.
We can see where this is going. First, they came for the disabled….
This lends credence to the crazy idea that transhumanism is the new eugenics. Kit Knightly in the Off-Guardian has recently opined in the same direction about new legislation being pushed in the UK.
The Ethics of Euthanasia Are Complicated: I Speak from Experience
Over twenty years ago, my own father—who had exhausted every treatment for throat cancer—alone with no family to comfort him, took a toxic cocktail he mixed up on his own. He lived in the Bible Belt, where euthanasia is not only illegal, but inconceivable. Although the drugs severely disabled him, he took over a week to finally succumb, during which time he and the family suffered great pain.
At the time, I wished that there had been someone or some agency to help.
In such a situation, where euthanasia is illegal, the family is vulnerable to predators. I wrote a novel Naked Singularity in which I explore this eventuality: a male night nurse sees an opportunity to take advantage of a daughter who is desperate to end her father’s suffering. As when abortion is illegal, DIY strategies don’t often work out so well.

Cover art by Anthony Freda
My novel was published by Permanent Press in 2003 and won a “best of 2003” award from the Dallas Observer. (The story takes place in Texas.) Reviews say it is “beautifully written” and “gut-wrenching.” The audiobook, read by the author, has just been released on all platforms.
Incidentally, the audiobook cover art is by Anthony Freda, the same artist who did CJ Hopkins’ book cover, which has gotten him into so much trouble with the German authorities.
I don’t expect any significant problems, though sometimes, the “S” word is censored online and I wonder if this will chill discussion about the novel and the new audiobook. Let’s all pretend difficult issues should not be discussed in public. If you need to work through a difficult question, you ought to call one of the government’s official help lines. That’ll fix you.
I should note that Naked Singularity is fiction and any resemblance of any of the characters to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. But even more importantly, for artistic reasons, it was necessary to alter and invent to convey what I intended.
God, Law, or Art
Somewhat famously (or infamously) Vonnegut was agnostic about a God. He was a leader in the Humanist movement that sought to keep religion out of government. And he wasn’t a big fan of secular government intrusion into personal morals either.
As with all ethical questions, options can only be weighed within the specific context of each individual. According to a general consensus, only an elderly, terminally-ill person who is suffering might be aided in ending his or her life. Heated debate follows any proposed exceptions to this rule, and this is to be expected, and accepted. Hard choices are difficult and unformalizable by nature.
When considered as a moral question, rather than an ethical one, euthanasia is seen out of context and in black and while. Euthanasia is wrong; God decides when people die. If that’s true, I’m not sure I agree with God’s reasoning, knocking off the young and healthy or making the elderly suffer, as He is sometimes wont to do.
Having grown up in the Bible Belt, I have made a great deal of effort to find a way to believe in the meaningfulness of every life, while at the same time rejecting the idea of a divinely-bestowed purpose, which would rob us of our free will. I am now a card-carrying secular teleologist.
When I wrote that novel, I was a member of several secular humanist associations—and I did a nationwide book tour speaking to these groups. As I look back now twenty-years later, secular humanism seems a bit transhumanism adjacent. This may be because both modern movements, rejecting religion, seem dead to art as well. Humanist have lost the thread of the great Humanist literary tradition.
Vonnegut is an exception. He was a humanist who was also a good artist.
All bureaucracies want to find an algorithm to solve complex problems. I wish there were always a way to arrive at the best decision through some logical process—follow commandments, consult a flow chart maybe, or ask Chat-GPT—but this will never be possible.
This is why we have culture, art, literature—to provide the metaphors through which we can gain an understanding of difficult situations. Although we can become wise this way, we will never find the perfect answers.
When the state muscles in on culture’s territory, it makes a mess of things. A government cannot take up the function of culture or community. Why? The state puts itself above the individual, promoting sacrifice for the good of one’s country.
Suicided by the State
Just as those sci-fi writers predicted, think Logan’s Run or Soylent Green, Canada is trying to normalize self-slaughter as a courageous, selfless option. What is particularly egregious about what is happening in Canada is that—the moment euthanasia was legalized—the government began marketing the service to citizens, as a way, I imagine, of cutting end-of-life medical outlays. When such assistance is “offered” by government, which cannot be called disinterested, it automatically takes the form of coercion.
Pushing an individual to make a sacrifice for “the greater good” is always unethical; remember that as the New Eugenicists invert that rule, trying to gaslight you into believing that it is the highest ethical stance to sacrifice yourself when you are told to do so by the Technocrats and Bureaucrats.
That’s Got to Be Scary
Climbing into a plastic 3D-printed purple capsule, and reposing oneself before pushing a kill button is not my idea of a peaceful death. Putting the responsibility of the act on the individual, as Sarco does, circumvents the legal prohibition against actually killing another person. It does nothing to alleviate the anxiety of the one committing suicide.
Facing one’s own death must be terrifying. As I put it in my novel,
To be conscious at that threshold beyond which everything you ever thought, did, and loved has no consequence. All value lost. And then to step toward it. It’s unnatural.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, who faced a death sentence at one low point in his life, felt
the chief and worst pain may not be in the bodily suffering but in one’s knowing for certain that in an hour, and then in ten minutes, and then in half a minute, and then now, at the very moment, the soul will leave the body and that one will cease to be a man.
Although the transhumanist crowd would be quite happy if five or six billion plebs succumbed to the shot, the next bioweapon, starvation, or nuclear radiation in the next couple of years, they seem to absolutely dread their own deaths—perhaps because many of them are atheists and do not have a heaven to look forward to.
Instead, not unlike some of their religious fellows who value pristine souls above sullied flesh, they try to deny the reality that life is entangled in its physical form. And they dream of encoding themselves in “the cloud.”
Although a person cannot be captured by a digital code (as I have argued at length on The Posthumous Style Substack), a common literary trope is the idea that a person can at least be memorialized in a poem, thereby attaining a kind of immortality.
I rather like that idea of seeking immortality through good deeds, legacies, or art: it’s all I’ve got. When I think about the universe eventually growing cold, I cannot bear it.
If not I, then my children, or someone else’s children, or if not humans, then extra-terrestrials, and so on. There was something in that, yes. Or better yet, my contribution might continue in the form of thought, a philosophy more solid than any rock, longer lasting than any Rembrandt, more robust than any old god’s dogma.
Why does continuity feel so important? The scaffolding up of good will, so that somehow, someway, progress may come of every human life and the whole business of living be somehow worthwhile.
That, of course, also comes from Naked Singularity, a tragic love story, a family memoir, a confession, a stab at immortality.
AI as the new Arbiter
Yuval Noah Harari may want us to stop thinking for ourselves and, instead, follow the directives of our AI avatars (“who know us better than we know ourselves”). It’s all laid out for us in the humorless corporate speak of his and Schwab’s best-selling WEF manifestoes.
Every state or church that has tried to force its ideology on people has caused great suffering. The AI technocracy that is being rolled out today to take over the function of ethical/moral arbiter will be absolutely merciless, by nature—worse than Golem.
As difficult and painful as it is, we have to work out our own moral quandaries in conversation with our families and our communities. And we may let Art, which has neither the force of God or Law, be our gentle guide.
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What does the author mean by ” codes” in the following paragraph? :’Transhumanist elites, like Schwab and Gates, are investing desperately in new bio-tech, hoping they will be able to keep their fast-aging bodies — or at least their codes — alive in perpetuity.” Does he mean values/ creeds? I liked the article except for the obvious book plugging bits
They already do it. I watched them euthanize a dear one. They’re pretty nasty about it, too. They make them die of thirst.
But the same people who are into physician assisted “suicide” (it’s not suicide if someone helps, idiots) are the same people who want to make alternative medicine illegal because it gives people “false hopes.” In other words, if you try to cure cancer with baking soda, you might – gasp! – DIE!
So I can commit suicide by going to the doctor, but it should be illegal to commit suicide by NOT going to the doctor.
You could be mental ill, and in need of third party help. Thats why we have health sector, medics and nurses employed. We call it civilisation. We help each other with each our expertise.
All right, this is not perfect? But nevertheless we wouldnt do without it yes.
The industry size is ~$1.2 trillion. Loose lips on traditional or alternative cures, especially cheap substances, may trigger a personal visit by a foreign “mechanic”. Trump blurted something on HCQ initially, but later remembered to forget. For the medical industry as a whole, the frightening aspect is that these cures are systemic (wholistic) and address many illnesses: opposite to the direction the industry has been taking.
The Atlantic is also fretting; this one is about “The Not-So-Woke Generation Z”.
There’s no need to go into details over this turd since it mostly concerns sleight of hand manoeuvring over those old trusty labels “Left” and “Right”. But there is one massive thigh-slapper bang in the middle:
“… well before November 5, LGBTQ youth were already at starkly high risk for suicide; now they’ve seen their nation elect someone who poured millions of dollars into anti-trans ads, and is expected to roll back policies that prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The crisis hotline for the Trevor Project, a suicide-prevention nonprofit for young LGBTQ people, reported a nearly 700 percent increase in reach-outs on November 6.”
Pure Orwell! No-one needs to pour millions of dollars into “anti-trans ads”. All they need to oppose the trans shite is reality i.e. that very same reality that needed to be negated by millions of dollars of fantastical trans propaganda.
And as for that bit about rolling back policies that prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, note first of all the easy melding of sexual orientation (a real thing) with “gender identity” (bullshit) and then note how this “rolling back” gives us a feeling that we are “going against” something but we are just allowing some utter fabricated bollocks to disappear up its own arse.
Yeah. Of course all those anti depressants have nothing to do with suicide ideation in the young, it’s merely all a result of trumps selection.
Long before “advanced democratic” governments gave trans-sexualism in minors the green light, surgeons were removing one hand or leg, after a psychiatrist certified that that the patient found the offending hand or leg alien and intolerable. They might draw the line at both hands or both legs.
The New Statesman frets over what is undoubtedly the most sinister development facing us, “The disturbing rise of tech-bro pronatalism”:
“A growing group of Silicon Valley figures are agitating for people to have more children – as a solution to economic and social problems.”
More children! Good God!
We hear that previously Silicon Valley was an incredibly GROOVY place, “a place of radical change, where the cutting edge was prioritised” and it was all about “breaking from tradition”. But now
“(r)ather than a utopian future, the tech industry increasingly offers a pessimistic vision of what the world should be. Though this message is painted with a thinly futuristic gloss, it has become more and more conservative.”
“Conservative”! In the new post-covid paradigm this is the most sinister term imaginable! And we soon hear about “the rise of the pronatalism movement, increasingly popular in Silicon Valley, which argues that people should prioritise having children for economic and social reasons (populating the world with new generations of workers).”
We find that the designated satanic figure of Elon has been irresponsibly casting his seed – with emphasis (as the quote above shows) on the Dickensian workplace meme.
And of course it also helps to have a little of that old Nazi eugenics thrown in too:
“Other pronatalists, however, go beyond simply encouraging people to procreate. Some have suggested that intelligent, healthy people should have lots of children, even using gene selection to breed genetically superior babies. …Such opinions have rightly drawn criticism for their parallels to eugenics.”
Anything missing? Of course! That old time religion!:
“Many pronatalists insist this isn’t a religious movement – some of its most famous advocates are proudly atheist – and yet, to many, the movement contains echoes of Christian fundamentalism.”
But what about that “Right Wing meme”? Ah say no more!:
“The rise of pronatalism is part of a wider shift in Silicon Valley towards a more right-wing flavour of progressivism….”
And there follows some more liberal horror memes as this “aligns with a wider conservative shift in mainstream culture where, online, “tradwives” and “alpha-influencers” gain millions of followers by promoting a life that restricts women to a domestic roles …”
See? It’s a lad’s movement! And it aims at “a reworking of centuries-old conservative Christian family values”.
Every trick in the book of liberal demonology is ground out here to make us gasp in horror at the thought of a rising birth rate.
But why? Well – perhaps the coming global elite’s biggest problem is that affluent Western public with their clearly unacceptable expectations as to a decent level of income and sustenance. The aim is to get rid of these “rich kids” and replace them with a huddled mass of drones already accustomed to starvation wages and allowances. Hence basically the replacement of the first world with the third world.
The true purpose of human life and sexual union is not to endlessly breed more slaves. Anyone who thinks otherwise should visit India and China.
I liked Mike Tyson’s reply to the question of what he hoped his legacy would be
“I don’t believe in the word legacy. I just think it’s another word for ego,” he said. “Legacy doesn’t mean nothing. That’s just some word everyone grabbed onto. … It means absolutely nothing to me. I’m just passing through. I’m gonna die and it’s going to be over. Who cares about legacy after that?
“What a big ego. I want people to think I’m this, I’m great. No, I’m nothing. We’re just dead. We’re dust, we’re absolutely nothing. Our legacy is nothing.”
— Mike Tyson
Everyone lives on in the effects they’ve had on other lives.
Sure, on the short term and on our terms.
But in the long run Tyson is right.
Tyson is not only right, he is divine right. We can quality control his truth in the Bible and here see Time shows no forgiveness.
Everybody whoever you are King, Emperor, Philosopher, Writer, Beauty, vagabond, is forgotten indifferent dust in only a 100 years and more longer from our time.
Like 1 Tulip has and had its individual time down here seeing enjoying the sun, the rain, the wind, chatting with it’s pals and neighbours, we have and had ours.
This is the bloody and brutal truth of our life.
So why are we humans here? Also stated in the Bible: To fear God and keep his Commandments, then enjoy God’s gifts as you like. Because this is all what is required of man.
It is not enough to say that Tyson is the reborn son of King Solomon by the Ethiopian queen, his wisdom is bottomless.
(He must have spent everything on gambling and prostitutes, and now he wonders how to say more morally that he will not leave an legacy.)
Maybe you as I do, wonder how a boxer like Tyson can have brain like this, but this is not the only intelligent reference Tyson has done.
“Everybody has a plan…until they get a punch in the face”, also one of Tyson’s.
So, I guess its because you dont become world champion by muscles only.
Thing I don’t quite get is this: you can be conscripted to fight in a war where lethality is a high probability and if you are conscripted you are undoubtedly fertile and of the age suitable to become a parent, now or in the not too distant future; and all of that, which has offed hundreds of millions of healthy young men, has no moral outrage associated.
But if you suggest that the terminally ill, the terminally depressed, those who have lost their entire family, their entire savings, their spirit being totally broken, should seek a humane end to suffering that will never end: and the world is suddenly going to end.
How about showing a bit more outrage for 18-35 year old MEN, sent to the killing fields of Flanders, El Alamein, Monte Cassino, Greece, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc, eh?
Don’t those men, sent to fight wars for old rich corrupt disgusting men, deserve their lives to be safeguarded a bit more???
Euthanasia is more complicated. People will kill themselves, not because they want to, but over insurance, or to keep their families from going into debt, etc. In other words, money is at the center of it, as with everything.
“Transhumanist elites, like Schwab and Gates, are investing desperately in new bio-tech, hoping they will be able to keep their fast-aging bodies — or at least their codes — alive in perpetuity.
Meanwhile, the movement aims to help the rest of us end our lives prematurely.”
Another component to this depraved phonomena is the revival of eugenics. After all, didn’t the mRNA clot shot demonstrate that.
Genetically, some remained untouched by the toxic injection, while millions were doomed or permanently disabled. Interesting, how the “scam jab” targeted those who never knew they had a heart malformation, or an undetected neurological condition.
In any event, the pyscho elites haven’t given up on their quest to terrorize humanity as “terror” is a prime technique for maintaining prole law and order.😁
In general I think you are right. Its just a coin has two sides. We need law and order to some extent, because unfortunately we are not able to govern ourselves.
So excuse me for appreciating our Police, our fire brigade, our rescue teams, our first aid, our civil defence, doing a job of maintaining our civil society.
You’d have law and order without terror, “if” exploitative psychopaths didn’t social engineer society to bring out the worst in human nature.
Is there any author on the site not incestuous with each other.?
I think I did hear about brother Freda’s looking for work here on Off-Guardian from brother Hopkins. But we’re not involved in that way.
What was God’s plan for me – either i serve out my time, or commit a form
of hara kiri – death by lethal injection by a legal medical practitioner ?
Either way – it was God’s plan – so i’m not responsible, whatever The Ethics.
No, you do are responsible for your actions. Otherwise God’s play would be too predictable, boring, mechanical, challenge-less.
Suicide sets you back in the next life, so consider that.
God kicked you out from Paradise. God regretted he had made you. God made the rainbow as a promise to not erase you entirely from the surface of this planet.
God give you a last chance through Christ to reinstate the original Vision. 1. Ask for forgiveness. 2. Fear God and keep his Commandments. It is that fokking easy man!
Do you want to be tortured to death caught in a war zone, or do you want to die peacefully in an Democratic Liberal euthanasia car of your own choice? Just asking. Your choice!
“Ethical Suicide Parlors, with drop-in appointments available.” ….. so you can ‘drop-out’ …… ethically, of course.
What I don’t understand is why, for executioins as well as euthanasia, they don’t just use an overdose of heroin, or fentanyl, since that’s a legal drug. A peaceful, blissful death using a drug that, in sufficient quantitites, cannot fail, and will not torture, the way the modern methods do.
There is always a chance they could get one more day of work from some of those old sick folks, that alone is enough to try to keep them alive in the systems eyes.
It’s so obvious, isn’t it.
My view is that nobody should needlessly endure agony at the end of their life. Give them enough drugs to end the pain. If it kills them it kills them, that’s okay.
In that scenario I support assisted suicide. But given their current behaviour, I sure as hell don’t trust my government to be involved.
How many elderly in the UK were murdered with midazolam and morphine? How many in the USA were murdered with remdesivir and intubation?
Yes I agree, why the gas? How awful to suffocate and in such claustrophobic circumstances- not surprisingly very inhuman.
Sarco is the “Tesla of Euthanasia.” So, there’s that.
Faith: If no one can show us where Awareness goes after death, how can we be certain Life has no higher purpose? That our choices have no higher consequences? That hurt, loss & struggle have no higher meaning?
If Life has a higher purpose, then being uncertain, not knowing precisely what that purpose is or what exists outside the context of our lives, is an essential part of that higher purpose. Faith is trusting the vital darkness of the sky, whose daylight otherwise conceals the higher lights of the heavens.
The Soul: waking each day we have been arriving into the mind of our Future Self, who is more aware, more loving, more mature and whose memory remembers all prior selves. In this way we can begin to understand Death as arriving into the Mystery of the larger Self.
The Marriage of Science and Mysticism will happen when Science humbles itself and accepts that there are existential limits to evidence, words and truth and when Mysticism reasserts itself and focuses on providing frameworks for exploring those limits. The boundary between the two I call, “The Mystery” which is the two-word mirror of “I don’t know.” Which I demonstrate with these words: No higher mystery than the awareness which perceives these words.
Someone has a greater call, its just not us.
Good stuff. The “marriage of mysticism with science” is a masonic project ptomoted by Aleister Crowley and friends. It means kabbalistic transhumanism and is intended to become world religion as part of the Greatet Israel project, requiring the complete corruption and replacement of all genuine, native human culture.
Both science and mysticism in the West as well as other regions have been corrupted by kabbalism and the financial backers of Greater Israel…
Excellent, this is the kind of comments i come to off-g for!
Soylent Green is people.
Should death be a choice?
I am 68 years old and recently had a serious heart attack. While in hospital I spoke to another patient who was determined to survive in order to be with her grandchildren. I told her I was less concerned about a future and therefore was not as good a medical patient as she was. I was serious. However, I have recovered well.
I have no fear of death because I know it is not an ending. I cannot explain that to anyone else because how I learned it cannot be put into words which have meaning or credibility. As well I do not really understand it myself.
To personalize the question, for someone like me who sees death as a transition, not an end, should I be able to decide for myself. I do not know the answer. But we do not have to be invalids to consider dying.
Birth is one door; we enter, and we know not from where we came. Death is another door; we enter, and we know not where we go.
Since you asked, yes, I believe you (and all of us) should be able to decide for yourself.
That is not the same as a nefarious government scheme to get rid of the old gheezers. Me being one of them.
So well put, thank you.
Not sure how much McDonald’s invested in Trump’s campaign, but they’re definitely getting their return on it now.
More importantly the USA new health tzar
above source from
Ian Miles Cheong
Wow! Check out the product placement.
I’m confident that after the photo op they immediately
had the food taken away and destroyed or given to staff
and were given much better vittles instead.
I am sure Bobby did not eat that or drink that.
Just like Kamala pretending to drink a can of beer. They have such contempt for us.
Kamala at least placed the can against her lips. I can’t believe I’m suggesting that’s less offensive than Don’s photo op, but she tried, bless her retarded soul.
MAHADonalds. I’m loving it.
RFK jr, you are shameless.
I’m not saying McD’s is the worst food out there, but what a piss-poor start to promoting health.
Seems rather odd, doesn’t it. Photoshopped??
No it is not, the source is above.
the believers just cant handle it.
Does anything in the X replies confirm the photo is real?
I don’t have an account so can only see the main post.
It would be a pretty lame thing to fake.
You endorsed him as an maverick health guru anti V .
I am sure this is audio shopped also LOL
Nah, not photoshopped. Just staged. 😔👍
I am sure it is real. Trump was known for his love of fast food, especially McDonald’s. The Donald probably thinks the place was named after him.
The influencer on Twatter that posted the photo is a Trump groupie. He probably fails to see the irony of RFK Jnr posing with – but notice, not actually eating it himself – that junk food while being the new health tsar.
This is comedy gold.
Come on, guys. He was just reading the ingredients.
Utterly bewildering except as a joke, stunt or propaganda. What’s in all those little bottles in front of Donald and why would these guys risk all traveling on the same conveyance together?
Not bad, not bad. Only Soleimani and the other guy too should have been there too.
Entirely appropriate.
A Mac attack before they attack the Useless Eaters with excuses, backpedaling, spin and somersaults on all of their filthy LIES and election promises.
Same SHIT, different day.
This picture was better on so many levels
than this particular article today. It should
have been its own article on here.
#ChangeMyMind 🤟🤣
It is unfortunate that “medbeds” and suicide booths look so alike. It could lead to embarrassing mistakes.
I remember hearing grifters like Charlie Ward and a few other names of ‘trust the plan’ and ‘the white hars are coming’ fame talking about the ‘secret’ technology of medbeds. It now makes me wonder if they were setting up their easily duped followers to step inside a suicide pod thinking it’s a medbed !
Podcasting or Podcarking?
That was an unexpected smile right there. Thank you. 😂👍
You had me with knowing that Charlie Ward and similar are grifters
But Knowing The whole Medbed thing and it’s “Q” origins gets you
mad respect ! As for old Orange Boy, I was pretty well expecting
them to put him back in the office just to appease all the Q-Kids
Because of All the absolute fantasy BS they’ve been promising them
Since Somewhere during his first term. 🎯👍
Thank you Jackal.
CW is a bit of a blast from the past along with Dave at X22 Report. Notice that I did not say Dr. Charlie Ward, since he used that title. He claimed that the DVLA (UK driver licensing) mistakenly titled his driving licence ‘Doctor’, so he just decided to continue using it. Too funny.
Then there was Dave at X22 Report who just kept changing the dates, more or less everyday, as to when the white hats would free us all. It amazed me that anyone bought this pantomime. Remember NESARA/GESARA?
Yep. That’s still a thing. The irony is it’s kind of legit. But nothing like they’re telling them. It’s the KY so to speak that they will use to introduce “UBI” ( Universal Basic Income) under the clever roof of we will wipe all those debts clean that you can’t pay off because the economy is so screwed and Ai and Robotics have taken all your jobs away. You just have to rent everything and own nothing and live by a social credit score just like China. And many many people both lazy and genuinely hard-working but desperate people who’ve been coerced and screwed left and right will take them up on it because they’ve been given literally no realistic Choice except to die. 😔👍
Death is inevitable and unavoidable. Humans have grappled with the ideas about the meaning of both life and death for millennia. Now we are faced with psychopaths and misanthropes who are anti-life at their core, soulless demons who are devising ways to wipe out billions of us through: wars, ecocide, menticide and social re-engineering. The WEF crowd is sick and morally depraved. They are the public face pushing euthanasia, infanticide (abortion) pedophilia, human-machine convergence and biogenic modification (cyborgs, hybrids and chimeras).
Whenever the West raises issues of ethics and morality beware because history has shown the overlords and shot callers will side with immorality, perversion and depravity.
No one has ever put the great quandary of death so succinctly as Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi, who asked “If I was born why wasn’t it forever?”
The soul and the idea of reincarnation were concocted to try and hold such a question at bay. But nothing can ignore the absolute ending upon death of the only way humans can possibly experience life: the physical body. In this regard, the foolish notion that death is merely a part of life is put to rest for good. Death is the end of life – not a part of it.
Putting one’s DNA or one’s thoughts in a computer cannot in any respect mitigate that absolute truth. And what happens to the fools who find comfort in this when the computer stops running? Will someone in the future be there to put them into a new device?
Transhumanism, simply put, is hubris gone mad.
Transhumanism requires infinite energy and infinitely functional machines. They (Archons means rulers) believe they will be able to live on after they have finished destroying their greatest enemy, the biosphere.
Miri on ChatGPT:
The troubling development she suggests is that if kids get used to a “friend” that always agrees and never loses its temper then they are never challenged.
But I see another problem too: If I am conversing with nobody at all, what does that say about me? I reckon that talking to nobody makes ME nobody. “COVID-19’s Surprising Effect on Cancer”
The hits keep coming!
From the article:
And the spyofungates gesticulate with the intrafuckups to interjuice the waffallabbagabba … Boop boop dittem dattem wattem chu
Boop boop dittem dattem wattem chu
Boop boop dittem dattem wattem chu
And they swam and they swam all over the dam…….
I remember some years ago watching with my partner at the time “Choosing to die”, a documentary presented by Terry Pratchett. One of the final scenes featured a snuff like scene of a senior man succumbing to a lethal injection, which looked certainly not painless, nor dignified. This scene had both myself and my partner in tears.
A few years after this production, both Terry and my partner took their own lives.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Wow; so sorry.
If they can afford to pay for wars and pay BigPharma for injectable poisons, they can afford to pay pensions.
I don’think so.
Estimated unfunded liabilities for the state pension alone are over 6 Trillion Pounds.
There was a twist to the “2BR0TB” tale. Two of the people required to make way for the newborns became two key employees of the termination centre; shot by the father. There may be a moral in there.
Soylent Green was predicated on climate change. That the world had become so bad that basic commodities like tomatoes and beef had become expensive rarities. In Sol’s death scene, he’s presented with images of the world as it once was – flowing rivers, beautiful nature – iow the beauty of Creation as it once was. So in a sense his death was a harping back to the Garden of Eden or forwards to a heavenly paradise. Paradise regained.
Of course, such disregard for the elderly & disabled is still reprehensible. Creation is the antidote to such Darwinian thinking. Since God created the world, He loves and cares for all life. And then there’s no such thing as “useless eater” as the Nazis once propagandized. All life becomes valuable and purposeful, with hope for an afterlife.
Soylent Green starred Edward G. Robinson and Charlton Heston. Robinson was dying for real. Heston’s words are moving:
That does make the scene doubly poignant. Both incredible actors
Wow. I never knew that.
I miss there being actors of great character such as Robinson and Heston. With real personalities which (let’s be honest) defines the greatest actors – they don’t pretend to be someone else, they place their own personality in the character’s position. (Eg when Alec Guinness played Obi-Wan Kenobi he never stopped being Alec Guinness.)
Anyhow, most of today’s big actors despise their audiences, just exploiting them for riches.
This gangster with the real name Emmanuel Goldenberg died ref Wiki 83 years old. Not very old, but not too young either.
I dont see any romantic death here, just another “Hollywood gossip story” getting around.
Beef is not a basic commodity…
Nice point. When I was young, it was too expensive. We had it only on special occasions. One of the many reasons the good old days were good.
Ain’t it funny how we in the affluent West are getting so fussy and particular about the details of our splendidly tasteful demise whilst they’re dishing it out for free in Gaza!
You just won the truthful irony competition for this week.
But it definitely isn’t funny how the self-appointed elites want to do away with us plebs by the millions, even billions to “save the planet” but they won’t go first themselves, even at their current, often rather visibly decrepit state of health and advanced age.
Euthanasia always leads to a dead body.
The question is, and it’s impossible to prove or disprove of course:
Is a dead body the same as the utterly subjective experience of death? Whatever that may or may not be.
Just as Life, with a capital L, can only be experienced by the ‘experiencer’, or our l-ness as it were.
Is the term ‘after-life’ a misnomer because the experiencer of Life, is the same I-ness that experiences death.
In other words Life, the energy or essence of being, has no beginning and no end. It merely means takes on different Life forms.
Just askin.
Assuming a human life consists of body, mind, spirit and possibly distinct from spirit, a soul:
If one physical body is discarded, and the same soul/spirit lives on in a different body, then that would be the same ‘I’. However, for self-awareness that you were indeed the same person, the ‘mind’ (as distinct from the physical brain) would presumably also have to have some kind of continuity.
It’s a great pity that we can’t communicate with caterpillars/butterflies with their chrysalis experience. They could help to resolve the issue for us humans
I seem to remember Futurama had “suicide booths”.
Perhaps GPs will now have a sign “the doctor will kill you now”. This is one of the problems with so-called euthanasia: it fundamentally changes the doctor/patient relationship. Although convid has probably already done that…
Do some of the elite fear death because of their atheism – or is it that they fear there are other realms in which they will be answerable for what they’ve done?
The Fraud have been giving the UK assisted dying bill the hard sell. Most robust safeguards in the entire world, they claim. They’ll be worth about as much as the “safeguards” on privacy I suspect – plus they can always be eroded later on on the back of some ginned-up “crisis”. It’s getting the principle established that’s the goal currently.
I’d go with the latter:
I wonder if assisted suicide will be an opt-out system in the UK, like organ donation.
When we own nothing, the option may become a privilege. You first sign the form saying your body may be used for any purpose the governments deems fit.
Fear of Death is Fear of Life… They’re so frightened They
want us all penned in a global digital surveillance prison,
and even then They’ll still be frightened… They are slaves
to Their Fear; we are slaves to Their Fear…
Are you implying that believers don’t fear death?
My local council’s newsletter says ” Hey, it’s great that you seperate your food waste into the bin we’ve provided”
I know what the next newsletter will say.
Everything starts off voluntarily.
Wheelie bins are perfectly sized for human bodies. What colour to make them though? Most colours are already used, including black.
They will probably make them pink as a final humiliation. I hope we don’t need separate organ recycling bins!
And will bodybins be emptied at weekends so we can organise a good send off?
Probably use a nice bright green, all to be sent to the Soylent Green factory.
< government might create a “Bureau of Termination,” where citizens can go to have themselves put down. >
Things that don’t change. The same idea was proposed much earlier (and much better written) by the inimitable Max in his parody of HG Wells and GB Shaw..
“National Cessation Day had come round again. The Day of Days! When Smith’s progeny, clad in simple antiseptic garments, would gaily escort their forebear to the Municipal Cessation Chamber” — Max Beerbohm, “A Christmas Garland”, 1912.