Transhumanism, the Death of God, and Eternal War

Todd Hayen

It seems that the idea of transhumanism as a major force in this current global debacle is often put on the back burner and is considered a bit too extreme to really be taken seriously.

But if I was cornered and asked what I thought the three most significant, and horrifying, elements of this present human challenge were, I would say transhumanism (the destruction of humanity as a group of naturally-made humans), the attempt to kill God, and the waging of eternal war in the world. The primary method used to accomplish all of this is global collectivism.

The assault that all three of these things illustrate essentially boils down to the same basic fundamental endeavour—good vs evil. Good is defined as God’s creation (and if you don’t believe in God, just say “nature’s creation”) and evil is defined as the annihilation of God’s creation (or nature’s creation).

All three of these things stated in the title of this article are activities, profoundly human activities, and are all disguised as some necessary element in sustaining the “good” life. Which is about as ironic as you can get.

Transhumanism is disguised as technological progress in the spirit of maintaining a suffer-less life and extending that life as long as possible—improving on a fundamentally faulty creation. The death of God (of course no one or thing can “kill” God, but you know what I mean) is necessary for self-preservation (physical life).

God restricts us, or so they say, and it is inhuman to be beholding to any sort of powerful entity (assuming that God actually fits that limited definition). So clearly God (or the concept of God) must be destroyed if man is to take His place creating medical advancement to avoid the single thing a material human fears the most—death.

Destroying God creates at the same time the notion that physical life is the end-all of existence and that without God we are free to be God and create technology that knows how to sustain life better than God ever did, or ever will.

Never-ending war is more of a current technicality than a philosophical necessity. War is presently necessary to keep the fear of death alive, which is necessary to keep the techno-medical wheels turning, which is necessary to keep the desperation for never-ending life and physical “safety” alive.

War can be a variety of things, it can be the old-fashioned sort of war where men and women run around in open fields and get shot at or blown up in a variety of ways, or it can be the war of disease through pandemics, cancers, poisons a person eats, drinks, is jabbed with, or breathes. War of these sorts creates fears, which creates efforts to stay alive and safe, which creates compliance to the World Order which is calling the shots—no pun intended.

See how smoothly all of this works?

Let me present a bit of detail on each of these three concepts.

Transhumanism: The Quest to Transcend Human Limitations

Transhumanism, a term popularized in the 20th century, traces its origins to the Renaissance humanist thinkers who believed in the perfectibility of human beings.

However, the modern transhumanist movement gained momentum during the mid-20th century with the advent of rapid technological advancement, particularly in fields like artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, nanotechnology and genetic manipulation. Pioneers like Julian Huxley envisioned a future where humans could transcend their biological limitations through technology.

In an article I wrote a while back I reviewed C.S. Lewis’ iconic work, That Hideous Strength where the evil faction in his story envisions a world with no nature, no insects, no plants, no animals, not even physical humans. Their leader is a human head that has been kept alive through technological wizardry.

Modern transhumanism advocates for the use of technology to enhance the human condition, potentially leading to a post-human future where individuals can radically extend their lifespans, enhance their cognitive abilities, and even merge with machines. According to modernist writer Noah Harari, the human being has been “hacked,” and the soul is long dead (if it ever even existed). Harari’s future world is about as dismal as you can imagine, but he shares this vision with a lot of people who think a transhuman world would be the cat’s meow.

Medical advancement is focused entirely on the prolonging of life and the mitigation of physical suffering. Life being the only thing of any value, as certainly there is no “heavenly” existence after the death of the body (nor is the meaning of life of much importance).

Isn’t this appealing? Most people think it is. I mean, what fool would not think medical technology wasn’t the greatest accomplishment of humanity? Saving all those lives. What could be better? If we were to abandon all of that and live the life God (or nature) intended—a limited amount of time on this earth, experiencing suffering as well as joy—which medical advancement would we give up first? One thing most people do not think about is that most afflictions medicine treats are things brought about by man’s advancements in other areas that create environmental toxins, wars, diseases, cancers, and machines that cause serious accidents.

Modern doctors never treat wounds inflicted by a tussle with a sabre-tooth tiger.

And then we have figures like Ray Kurzweil, who predicts the coming of a “Singularity” where AI surpasses human intelligence, and have brought these ideas to the forefront. Kurzweil’s vision of merging with AI to achieve immortality is an example of the kind of radical future transhumanists imagine. Harari’s “hacked human” future, maybe a future even Elon Musk envisions with his Neuralink technology.

We have to question whether we should allow ourselves to alter fundamental aspects of our humanity. Many of us fear that transhumanism could exacerbate social inequalities by granting the wealthy greater access to life-extending technologies—duh—another point for the elite. Additionally, philosophers like Francis Fukuyama argue that meddling with human nature in such a fundamental way could have unforeseen consequences that undermine the very fabric of what it means to be human—ya think??

The Death of God: The Crisis of Faith in the Modern World

The concept of “the death of God” was introduced by 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, most notably in his work The Gay Science. Nietzsche proclaimed, “God is dead,” which was less a celebration of atheism than an observation about the decline of religious belief in the face of scientific and philosophical progress. In Nietzsche’s view, the death of God heralded the collapse of absolute moral values and the rise of nihilism, a dangerous vacuum where traditional meaning-making systems no longer hold sway.

In the 21st century, Nietzsche’s observation remains relevant as secularism continues to rise, particularly in the West. Modern philosophers like Charles Taylor and Slavoj Žižek have examined the consequences of a post-God society, asking how individuals and cultures construct meaning in a world where religious structures no longer provide the dominant narrative.

Some thinkers argue that secular humanism, which places human welfare and ethical behavior at the center of meaning, offers an alternative to traditional religious belief. Others, like Jordan Peterson, suggest that the symbolic framework of religion continues to provide deep psychological and societal benefits, even if the literal belief in God has waned.

I’m with Peterson on this one. As a psychologist, and Jungian psychologist at that, the belief in God is tantamount to psychological, spiritual, and physical health. And it is not just a “belief” in God, as if God itself was not real and needed to be believed to make Him real. God is unquestionably real. It’s too deep of a concept to give it justice in a few sentences.

Yes, most of us (well, maybe not most, but many) have some issues with the traditional organized religions that describe God in a very specific way. But God, and the unifying principle of soul, is the very thing that keeps humanity together—the vitality of life. Without it, there is not much of anything left.

Never-Ending War: The Permanence of Conflict in the Modern Era

The idea of “never-ending war” is often tied to the works of political theorists such as George Orwell, whose novel 1984 depicted a dystopian society where perpetual war was used as a tool of social control. In the post-World War II period, particularly during the Cold War, the fear of never-ending global conflict became a reality. While the Cold War never escalated into a full-scale global war, it maintained a continuous state of tension between world powers.

Philosopher Giorgio Agamben argues that we now live in a “state of exception,” where governments use the threat of terrorism and instability to justify indefinite states of emergency and military action. In his view, this erodes civil liberties and normalizes war as part of the political landscape. Need I say more?

Eternal war is of course a monetary necessity since many countries are dependent on the war machine to keep their economies going.

The concepts of transhumanism, the death of God, and never-ending war are interconnected in subtle ways. The transhumanist desire to transcend human limitations may, in some sense, represent a modern attempt to fill the void left by the death of God, offering technology as the new source of meaning and transcendence.

Meanwhile, the persistence of war in the modern era highlights humanity’s struggle with violence and power, despite advances in technology and philosophical thought—as well as keeping the power of fear in the hands of those who run the whole shebang.

The irony of all of this is evident in the fact that whatever forces are behind these three major concepts is not benevolent. Transhumanism will not end in sublime health and eternal life, but actually the opposite—the end of the human race and likely the end of all life on earth. This will not be an unforeseen by-product of the effort but is actually at the heart of its intention.

Needless to say, the death of God is required to usher in transhumanism, as is never-ending war. War is merely a vehicle for fear, and fear is a vehicle for ultimate control. Ultimate control is a vehicle for the death of God and the death of the soul which will come to be as we advance further and further into transhumanism.

We can’t let this happen. God have mercy upon us.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Yeah right
Yeah right
Nov 21, 2024 10:34 PM

God…smod.. pha!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 10:27 PM

As always, and precisely because you are with God, you made another well substantiated relevant article.
Please allow me to defend our common specie just a little bit: God kicked us out from paradise!

Not only did God kick us out, but he also banned man forever for dancing 3m behind Eve with a supermarket trolley explaining he wanted to do it better than God, was in favour of women’s liberation thus leaving it to the stupid woman and the Devil to put only banned fruit down in the trolley, why it was the Devil’s and Eve’s fault not his fault.
Eve explained Adam was always working never at home, why the Devil with his big one has seduced her, and therefore it was Adam’s fault and the Devil’s fault and not her fault.

Thus hereafter women should give birth only with PAIN, to let all women remember their mother root had intercourse with the devil.

With this background we as specie find ourselves here condemned and in our own opinion exposed to great injustice because we didnt get a chance.
Thus we have this harmful rejection of God, now we try ourselves (in vain) to find eternal life through technology, medics, LSD, DNA manipulations, m.m..

Christ was added to rectify all this, but the anomaly is prevalent and complicated for even us who think we have found the road out.

Therefore I will to some extent defend those who chose some philosophers, or are lead away by other religions or are lead shortly away by the Devil.
We are not guilty for being born into a slum part of the city, being born into nobility or being born into our environment whatsoever.
But our true heart can and will lead us the right way and out, by time.

Truly I tell you today, You shall be with me in Paradise”, said Christ to the robber.

Nov 21, 2024 10:03 PM

“We can’t let this happen. God have mercy upon us.”

God helps those who help themselves, Todd.

Rudolf Steiner wrote and lectured extensively about the inexorable rise of what is now called transhumanism and/or secular humanism in the early 1900’s. Steiner warned of what he called the “Ahrimanic influence” (See: Yuval Harari & AI) that would steadily gain influence throughout the 1900’s into the 2000’s.

He said that the counter to this influence is the Archangel Michael coupled with the “return of Christ in the etheric”, and that we should seek to become “companions of Michael”.

It’s a very deep dive.

“Michael’s Battle and Its Reflection On Earth”

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 2:37 AM
Reply to  Larry

Thanks Larry. You are close to the heart of it.

Ahriman is the 2-dimensional AI beast in East. Sucking the human soul forever into a dark 2-dimensional state from where there is no escape. https://vk.com/video-213201358_456247537?t=8m8s&ref_domain=yastatic.net

From a physical point of view it is possible to imagine that your brain and illusion could forever be fixed into what you see in yr Smartphone, MacBook, PowerPoint, and TV/10 hrs a day x years.
The IT guys talk about a floating mind between reality and fantasy. If you can dream you live forever, well there you have it. We did it.

Nov 21, 2024 4:50 PM

A well thought through article Todd and very prescient with the current state of affairs.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 10:54 AM

We are always teaching… and learning from what we teach.
“Do as I say, not as I do” represents a split mind.
We can call it a masking adaptation to a loveless or conflicted world,
or an acceptance of the split-mind as psychic adaptation to the human conditioning, or Separation trauma by which a focus in and as a body masks and distances from underlying conflicts that are thus projected onto others and world – onto life as something ‘other’.
Not least because an unconditional but undifferentiated love opens to or takes on conflict-solution as the terms or conditions of (its) being.
The child takes on the large unspoken conflicts, denials and exclusions of its family and cultural context as the expression of;
“Love is sacrifice, and demands sacrifice”.
Here is the ‘gaslighting’ or guilting pact of victim and victimiser that masks its deeper conflict in the acting out of one-upmanship – where each seeks to get from the other – or get back from the other, what they believe they are unfairly denied, deprived of – or will be if they don’t get the upper hand.
Socially masked coded behaviour is manipulative as the setting of conditions to the permission to ‘love’ or the ‘justification’ to hate – withdrawing & withholding a true with-ness for a masking substitute – such as a smile of condescending sympathy.

But love is not sacrifice nor does love demand sacrifice of anything but self-illusion – or False Evidence Appearing Real.

Invested self-illusions are accepted and defended as self. Their mutually reinforcing ‘contagion’ is rooted in their lack of truth. They cannot pass off as real without reinforcement, and thus the demand for sacrifice drives attack as the basis for existential survival or ‘salvation’.
Special (or specially focused) hate is thus masked by special ‘love’.

Self-specialness runs the same assumption and projection of ‘separateness’ in positive as in negative expression.
Its conflicts maintain a veil over the sacrifice OF love to a life set in fear’s demand and locked down by guilting accusation – that teaches the same whether directed to self or other.

Can love enter fear and be real?
Is this not the psyop beneath the ‘Great Projection’ in which

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. ~Michael Ellner

‘The lie and the father of it’ is not a call to war but to truth.
For by ‘choices’ framed false is truth denied that self-illusion be ‘satisfied’. But there can never Be satisfaction there, but only a hollowing out to externally driven dependencies.

Pain is not our true father, but pain is valid feedback for a willingness to learn of truth rather than persist in what doesn’t work (or truly serve us now).

After writing all but the last 4 paragraphs I read with my companion in life the following:

Illusion and Reality of Love

Be not afraid to look upon the special hate relationship, for freedom lies here. It would be impossible NOT to know the meaning of love, EXCEPT FOR THIS. For the special love relationship, IN WHICH THE MEANING OF LOVE IS LOST, is undertaken SOLELY to OFFSET this, but NOT to LET IT GO. Your salvation will rise clearly before your open eyes, as you look on this. YOU CANNOT LIMIT HATE. The special love relationship will NOT offset it, but will merely DRIVE IT UNDERGROUND, and out of sight. It is essential to bring it INTO sight, and to make NO attempt to hide it. For it is the attempt to BALANCE hate with love that makes love meaningless to you.

The extent of the split that lies in this you do NOT realize. And until you do, the split will remain unrecognized, AND THEREFORE UNHEALED. The symbols of hate against the symbols of love play out a conflict that does not exist. For symbols stand for something else, and the SYMBOL of love IS without meaning, if love is everything. You will go through this last undoing quite unharmed, and will emerge AS YOURSELF.

~ A Course in Miracles

Nov 21, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Brian Steere

i thought this sounded familiar 🙂

Nov 21, 2024 8:56 AM

Snow falling in the south of England and it’s not even December….

Remember how we were never going to see snow again?

Nov 21, 2024 3:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

We will see snow whenever and wherever the geoengineers want us to see it – even in Saudi Arabia. Seeing real snow, however, is something of a lost art.

Nov 24, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Anything can and will happen. Global warming innit.

Nov 20, 2024 5:36 PM

Nice job. I am impressed.

Nov 20, 2024 3:25 PM

Perpetual war is anything but a modern phenomenon. History makes it clear that war has always been man’s natural state. And it’s not just for the sake of territory and resources – it’s equally for the sake of the human need to destroy. You see this from day one, when so many kids – not all but many – seem to go out of their way to destroy their toys. And it’s not just so they can get new toys – it’s equally for the sake of destruction itself. Aggression has always been the prime mover of humanity. In that regard, I firmly believe that this abomination called circumcision was established primarily to increase aggressive tendencies in males – to prime them to be better soldiers when they grow up. You cannot deliberately maim someone without instilling both fear and anger.

As to God: it died stillborn. It’s always been a means to an end; and to think otherwise is simply to deny human nature. Even if a particular God starts out nice and loving and advising restraint of human aggression (as the Christian God did) – it always ends up championing wars of conquest. Man’s imagination goes into overdrive coming up with ways to have God justify anything he does. God can never die because it was never alive. “My God can beat your God” has always been the essence of every religion ever conceived.

Transhumanism has but one synonym: unhumanism. Whatever the lunatics who espouse it imagine it to be, it is simply the antithesis of human. Period.

All of which leads to the one true and only possible meaning of life: to live.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 11:12 AM
Reply to  Howard

By your own will you have your own reward.
But is it truly your will, or the acquired inheritance of the human conditioning? Running as if thinking to know.
Be-living the meanings we carve out and fashion into currencies issued by the teller, is a freedom to take the ride of a story for what we ‘get out of it’.
But when the game is no longer worth the candle, the light being given it can be given elsewhere.
However the insistence that the game must deliver our identity will die in it – in rage or sacrifice or despair.
The light we give is all the meaning we shall ever know.
Gaslight and shadow gives & receives false witness.
Blessed are the poor in Spirit – though they deprive themselves a true Inherence while running off in the bait & provocation of a false or mis taken inheritance.

To truly live is to be truly moved.
Who would ‘save his self’ shall lose it.
Over and again.

Nov 21, 2024 11:51 AM
Reply to  Brian Steere

i love this. I bless the world because I bless myself. it’s the wrong way around to our thinking.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 12:42 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Ok – but the innumerable instances in a day in which we deny a blessing to our self or others are the opportunity to recognise and release our script of self-denial and let the light in (of awareness to our willing appreciation).
Our attempts or intent to DO love as a counter to hate is the error I invite noticing.
Virtue shines of itself and to the recognition of a like quality in others. But false virtue must crown itself as attempt to claim the right to dictate reality by opposing evils, sins or lacks, (errors) perceived in others.

There is already living that moves or prompts or aligns us, but we are trained to attend only that which supports the self-image of our focus in our world. Opening to receive runs counter to the recoil of defences or the projection of attack.
Thus a wholeness of being – or the miracle – comes of itself into our willingness to receive.
Giving and receiving are one in truth, if not seeming so in time.
Giving to Get, actually ‘gives’ or teaches lack – as in an addiction affliction; the more you get the more you need to get rid of the pervasive underlying pain or dissonance of being that drives external seeking.
It is in the midst of such a habit that the miracle is needed.
‘We do not create our self’ is more than an intellectual argument, but what we make does ‘make us in its own image’ while we be-live it necessary, irrevocable or unquestionable.

Nov 21, 2024 4:44 PM
Reply to  Brian Steere

not giving to get but realising that when we give we do get, rather than lose.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 8:00 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

What does ‘recieve’ hold that getting doesnt?


I’m not into thought control as ‘correctness’, but as thought guidance within a conscious discernment.
Most of our ignorance is actively compounded by what comes form our own mouth.
The weaponising of language is the basis of the psyop of mind control as the Fear + Guilt Operating System. So for my own giving and receiving, I would release old habit beliefs that don’t serve me or honour the truth of others.

If we give because that who we are – then its not framed in any kind of insurance of investment. But there is a sense of ‘treasures in Heaven’ from the growing of the conscious OF appreciation regardless the presentations of conflictive manipulations. But the fruit of such a consciousness is not in a ‘hereafter’ so much as an underlying reality that is less filtered or blocked as a result of undoing ‘gaslighting’ in myself or from others.

Nov 22, 2024 12:00 PM
Reply to  Brian Steere

yes, receive is the better word.

Nov 20, 2024 1:27 PM

It seems to me that every headline and corresponding text posted on Off-Guardian can be attributed somewhere in the Protocals of Zion. The Times stated that this document was a fraud and far from me disagreeing with that analysis, the Protocols themselves are deeply worrying, especially as they seem to be some kind of draft of the world of today.
Maybe its time to shake of the manacles of book burning hate speech nonsense and debate like grown ups historic writings in the context of what is going on.
To control the world you require only 2 things, as much money as you can print and media control.

Nov 20, 2024 6:30 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Yeah well, the ‘Protocols could well be FALSE,
(if they weren’t TRUE!)

Nov 20, 2024 12:11 PM

Are Homo sapiens ‘better’ than chimpanzees? Both species are still around.

Could Posthumans be better than Homo sapiens? Could they be worse?

What we don’t want is Ubermenschen from the enhanced Schwab / Gates kind. Failed mental copycats.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 20, 2024 12:40 PM
Reply to  antonym

It’s an interesting point.

How many of us think of ourselves as a transitory species ?

Because, without a doubt, that’s what we are.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 11:30 AM

In this case I embrace a healthy scepticism.
I agree that we ‘think of ourselves as’.
This is a creative act that can give itself to a habit, or mechanism of persistent error.
With a doubt, we can posit anything to conflict with what we (simply) are, and engage with its conflict as if reality depended on the outcome.
Our capacity to recognise or receive and extend truth is framed by vested judgements taken in or accepted true.
Illusions are temporary associations of imaged reality.
But they can reflect or resonate truth or obfuscate in conflicted denial of truth.

The transhuman idea is evident in the prevalence of ‘humans’ as a species, indeed a lab specimen. The self-hatred that runs beneath smug and arrogant cynicism is given expression in a self-generated mass extinction event. Gloating self-vindications reframe language to ‘justify’ the verdict.

The death of God is merely Self-attack masking as special knowledge. But God is not mocked any more than truth can be attacked by lies.
However our awareness and appreciation of truth can be attacked while doubt can be weaponised to guilting fears framed true.

Nov 20, 2024 5:45 PM
Reply to  antonym

I know what Jane Goodall would say. Something like, Earth can only sustain 450 million people such that all of Earth’s Nature can thrive. Chimps, especially. People are not considered to be part of nature. Astonishing. On one hand they don’t believe in god but on the other hand they believe that people are of some kind of divine origin. Go figure. Aliens from out space, maybe? Did L. Ron Hubbard come to this conclusion before inventing Scientology?

Nov 21, 2024 11:52 AM
Reply to  antonym

we’re spirit, in reality.

Nov 20, 2024 8:52 AM

 Jordan Peterson, suggest that the symbolic framework of religion continues to provide deep psychological and societal benefits, even if the literal belief in God has waned.

modern day alt media eaters of shit having jorden paterson in the same paragraphs as real psychologists is like having Michelin star and diarrhea.

You Todd with your suppose knowledge as a Doctor are having some UN shill who is happy people dying (mosloms) as long as new world order 2nd coming jesus and isreal gets it 3rd temple.

Once again we see blogs shilling the religion aspect to appise it CC donors (just like politicians) whilst framing it as something else.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 10:36 PM
Reply to  vestama

If you divide religion into false religion and real religion you would understand yourself better.

Just as an example:
When Lenin and Stalin should build up a complete new society without religion (Atheism), they tried to invent a new legal paradigm to their Justice System than the everywhere prevailing Moses 10 laws. But they found out they couldnt.

They had to return to “Thou shall not kill, not steal, not covet your neighbours this and that. This is real religion, also what Todd is referring to, to the benefits of REAL religion.

What people instinctively dont like in religion, is the false part, false religion!

Nov 20, 2024 8:09 AM

You’ve got to start naming people who are responsible for this satanic trajectory they’ve put in motion.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 11:56 AM
Reply to  Nunya

Without scapegoats – all is lost!

Yes crime needs be checked else it runs uncorrected to corrupt the whole.
But the nature of corruption is at the level of our thought.

Naming Satan so as to take an identity in opposition isn’t addressing what ‘Satanic’ represents in thought, perception and behaviour. In our own – and in our cultural framing or currency of believed & assumed ‘knowledge’.

Self-illusions are temporary, for their conflict with truth drives their development or self-inflation as it does their disintegration of ‘Fall’.

Responsibility for thought is abnegated to the belief we already know – which runs self protective and seemingly autonomous in both reinforcing or boosting its claim of function, and attacking, subverting or excluding ‘threats’ to its gain of fiction.

While we could say humanity is ‘possessed’, it would be more honest to notice we are dispossessed of true felt worth and value by a grasp on substitutions that run hollow and ghastly parody of life.

‘Waking up’ into variants of the same underlying reactive contagion, is just such a parody.
What is our true or innate responsibility to life, our self and others?
And what runs as the burden and yoke of guilting accusation and manipulation set in blame as the arbiter of sacrifice – by which ‘the show must go on’?

Shall we look on – fixated in horror? Or look AT the horror in willingness to heal or release it’s fascination to a wholeness NOT of our manufacture or control?

Nov 22, 2024 12:03 PM
Reply to  Nunya

we all did, the collective sub/conscious, just as with everything.

les online
les online
Nov 20, 2024 7:01 AM

The Death we fear is the death of our ego… If you have only a small ego,
then it will be only a small death…
Zuckerberg is spending around 270 billion on a bolt-hole in which to live
to protect himself… Like all The Rich, the more They have the more fear
They have, and the more the need of protection… Zuckerberg expects
that the layers of security he has paid for should keep Satan, God, and
even The Grim Reaper from visiting… Zucky has a big ego…

Nov 20, 2024 7:13 AM
Reply to  les online

it must suck to be uber wealthy and realise that you have the same lifespan as the plebs

Nov 20, 2024 1:20 PM
Reply to  Sofia

I’m surprised the rich and powerful don’t do things to shorten our lives just so that they live longer than us.


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 20, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Good point…

Nov 21, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

imagine how scared the must be, how lacking in self worth to overcompensate to this degree.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 20, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Sofia

But they don’t think that they think they will live forever, they are in a race with technology, hoping technomedicine will reach a point where it will ensure eternal physical life before their body gives out

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 21, 2024 10:46 PM
Reply to  Sofia

One Google CEO, Director, died when 56 years old with 450 mio USD on her bank account.
The Piper denied her to get all these fiat dollares with her down in the grave yard.
“You arrived to this earth naked, and you will leave this earth naked”.

If this is not injustice I dont know what it is.  😅 

Nov 22, 2024 12:04 PM
Reply to  les online

the bigger the ego the lower the self worth the greater the overcompensation.

Nov 24, 2024 10:29 PM
Reply to  les online

270 billion?

les online
les online
Nov 24, 2024 11:05 PM
Reply to  Marc

Misprint !! No one noticed it, not even myself…

Nov 20, 2024 7:00 AM

Things appear to be becoming more and more unreal, meaning is all in our heads and phones and these literally create our reality. Covid came from our collective heads, pushed into our minds through our phones and it became very real even though you couldn’t feel or see it, it moved mountains with such a force it was unstoppable.

But they can’t do that with nuclear war, real nuclear war is not invisible, the virus was such a perfect weapon but alas for the tptsnb that propaganda ploy is exhausted. Will they fake a nuclear bomb going off in a city? or perhaps some obscure place no one has ever heard of and the invisible toxic nuclear radioactive contaminants necessitates everyone locking themselves in their homes for 20 years until it passes? Will Trump come to the rescue? will Musk save the day? Will rfk stop palm sugar being added to coke? I’m on the edge of my seat here!

We can create God just like we created the invisible enemy if we believe hard enough.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 20, 2024 7:05 AM
Reply to  Sofia

God created us!

Nov 20, 2024 7:18 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

i’m not sure what God is. I think I used to know when I was a kid and obsessively read the bible because it was the only book we had in the house. The stories were interesting and some of them were darn right scary but then i became a lapsed catholic and discovered sex.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 20, 2024 1:59 PM
Reply to  Sofia

I don’t think any of us know what God is. I don’t know if we are supposed to.

Nov 21, 2024 12:06 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

spirit/light thus are we created in it’s ”image”.
sadly we tend to see god in our image.
even ACIM with it’s misogynistic , patriarchal, female denying language contributes to this.
we’re not bodies but everything is he, gather, son, brother, even the holy mother/shekina is made a he, and those who published it hid jc as author and yet we’re supposed to accept that the shakespearean/king james bible langue and maleness is his, not because of the limits of the scribes.

critique gets one an almost fundamentalist ” i pray you’ll get it ” response 🙁

i was very put of by this back in the late 80s/early 90s, one of the reasons i gave up on it.

2 year ago i found a teacher with an ability to bring the language into the here and now, without dumbing it down, explain it in ways that make sense, and not just change pronouns to it/we/child/brother/sister, but emphasise the holy spirit as the shekina/mother aspect of god.
we are not able to not anthropomorphise, so lets do it in less sexist ways.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Nov 21, 2024 12:15 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Change ‘what’ (object framing) to ‘That’. (Resonance as recognition)
Knowing that God Is, would be redundant as a statement but for thinking to know otherwise.
The idea of ‘meant to know’ runs within a ‘need to know basis’ framed in a ‘hierarchy’ of knowledge – as in a pyramid of levels descending from the all seeing I. Which like a tower of Babel begat a confusion of split and shifting ‘symbols’ of fragmentation under ‘all the king’s horses and all the king’s men’.

Only by loving can love know itself.
“Why tarry all night in the ruins?”

What we do think is active, but largely masked against thinking we suppress, hide & deny. Note the use of ‘thought control’ is increasing out in the open, yet only for selected examples.

Can we know what God isn’t? – or rather what God does not create, sustain and love?
In the true sense of knowing – no!
For to know is to love.
Modelling (our notional thinking) can phish the mind of the thinker, but can as well be released to serve the reintegration to wholeness, instead of taking life apart to then put together in its own image.

Nov 24, 2024 10:07 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 20, 2024 6:02 PM
Reply to  Sofia

You will get to meet Him one day 😀

Nov 21, 2024 12:24 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

as spirit. the body/3d/material world we created.

Nov 20, 2024 11:23 AM
Reply to  Sofia

we always create reality. personally i change pronouns rather than go with the misogynistic, patriarchal ” bibly” language, but the content makes sense to me.

This lesson is probably the best single summary of the Course’s theory of perception:
PERCEPTION comes from the process of:
– Deciding what I want
– Making images of what I want
– Projecting those images outward
– Seeing those images
This is why the Course focuses entirely on healing the mind and not on changing the world.
To change the world is not necessary; it will change with our thoughts.
As Ken Wapnick points out, trying to fix things in the world is like trying to fix things in a movie by doing things to the screen.
The only way you can change the movie is to change what is in the projector (or to fix the projector).
The mind is the projector of the world.
When we accept forgiving thoughts in our minds, the world becomes “a kindly home where [we] can rest a while before [we journey] on” (1:7).
It becomes a place where we can “help [our] brothers walk ahead with [us] and find the way to Heaven and to God” (1:7).
That is what we do in this world when we have had our minds healed: help others do the same.
Today I do not want dreams; I want reality reflected in my world. It all starts from my idea of what I want.
Therefore, Father, I ask help in wanting only the truth, only peace, and only what is loving.
I want union, not separation.
I want healing, not conflict.
I want peace, not war.
Help me to recognize it whenever I think I want anything else, or anything besides the truth; to recognize it, bring it into Your light for healing, and let it go.
Read on the ACIM CE App: https://acimce.app/:W-325

Lesson 325All things I think I see reflect ideas.(ACIM, W-325)

Nov 24, 2024 10:06 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Read the bible. Things don’t get better, only more evil. But if one chooses to align himself with God, one is safe.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Nov 20, 2024 3:34 AM

I would say it’s the war on reality itself.
But I couldn’t explain it

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Nov 20, 2024 4:59 AM

maybe god is at war with itself…

Nov 21, 2024 12:11 PM

god has nothing to do with this.
it’s our ego trying to prevent us from realising that we are christ.
because that would be the end of the ego.
the ego darkness is out at full force and needs to be seen, and dispersed.

Nov 20, 2024 8:02 AM

Rudolf Steiner called it “ The war of all , against all “

Nov 20, 2024 11:28 AM
Reply to  Anne
underground poet
underground poet
Nov 20, 2024 1:54 AM

Transhumanism is the six million dollar man, before the operation.

Nov 20, 2024 1:33 PM

Are you suggesting there’s a Goldman behind the scenes?
comment image

Hmm. Goldman. Six million. How coincidental!

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Nov 20, 2024 1:45 AM

I prefer my small pathetic insignificant life than becoming a communist.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:02 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

In our Commie Society you have no right to preferences. We will teach you to prefer Communism from any other ideology.

Nov 20, 2024 12:38 AM

I find it odd that OffG doesn’t feature a substantial/consistent block of content concerned with WWIII – something peculiar about this belligerent stumbling towards the abyss that not only sedates the normy laptop class into a muted middle distance stare – but also the alternative counter narrative space seems to only to address it for click bait during periodic ‘flare ups’

obviously – today, with US missiles fired into russia with some suggesting this is a defacto defcon 3 designation we see a response from alt-media – with heavy partisan gravy applied – tomorrow it might shift back to Trump’s next cabinet pick

maybe I’m in the wrong simulation or something – and I’ve been accused of being a “single issues voter” lol (I don’t vote of course, I’m not a cognitive potato) but this WWIII things seems like THE THING, no?

feels like this should be the primary focus of our counter narrative energy – as all other issues will become instantly trivial, absurd once this kicks off

I remember a june poll that listed the top 24 concerns of voters – nuclear war didn’t make the list

are we too dumb to survive this?

regardless, I love you
I always have

Nov 20, 2024 3:42 PM
Reply to  Rueben

Nuclear war wouldn’t make a list of 24,000 voter concerns – nor would genocide. Voters – I mean true absolutely committed to a fake system voters – only see what’s in their immediate vision or inside their ideology. If a nuke dropped on their neighbor’s house, then nuclear war just might make their list.

Also, don’t forget: the staff and most readers and commenters in this forum do not consider the back and forth threats between nations as being real; but rather as being play-acting in a script prepared by a pack of globalists.

Nov 20, 2024 6:56 PM
Reply to  Rueben

‘The rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born.’ WB Yeats gonged me with it in English lessons. I got the second highest mark in A level English in our year. Our English Master, Irish he was, PhD Trinity College Dublin actually apologised to me in front of the whole class, as he had previously said I wouldn’t pass. I was proud of him.
‘Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold/mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.’ When I was roaming around in Ireland in 2014 I made a point of parking my truck at Yeats’s Tower for a night.
Another prophet (1919) Or I would have begged to ply guitar in his band.
He seems to have captured the ethos, the zeitgeist of today pretty well.
‘turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?’

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:06 AM
Reply to  Rueben

Everybody can nuke who the fok they wanna nuke, as long as they stay the fok out of Oklahoma City.

Nov 20, 2024 12:32 AM

“transhumanism… is considered a bit too extreme to really be taken seriously.”

When people raised the subject in 2020 I thought it was absurd or at least 50 years away.

Then the crazy bastards just came out and said they were going for it, neuralink and all. How long before implants are “not compulsory, but a necessity”?

Even the basic digital ID implant morphed into a comprehensive database being stored on your chip. (Infinitely worse, and obviously not required for any reasonable purpose.)

Nov 20, 2024 12:46 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

You know what they say…
“Give an INCH, take a WORLD.”

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Nov 20, 2024 7:01 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

The jabbed may already be undergoing the process to transhumanism, if the self-assembling nanobots hypothesis within the ingedients is correct.

Added to which the unjabbed may also be undergoing the same fate if that technology is in anaesthetics, food or possibly water.

I remember seeing Swedes having chip implants, the size of a grain of rice, placed in their hands a few years ago. It was hailed as new technology. In reality, a chip of that size is old technology.

Compare it with when in 2006 Hitachi announced an RFID contactless wireless chip that was self-powering using radio waves from an external antenna. It was a fraction of the size of a grain of salt, effectively smart dust. Imagine where that technology is today, 18 years later.


Nov 20, 2024 6:58 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

‘A chip off the old block,’ you mean?

Nov 21, 2024 5:28 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Some claim that the body replaces every part of every organ in a year or 2, if not sooner. I doubt such a tiny Hitachi chip would stay in place.

The sickos behind the mRNA jab seem to have attempted (a) self-assembling chips of hydrogel (b) alteration of genome to prevent the destruction of the chips. Though they killed and crippled many, they are a long way from such a goal.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:18 AM
Reply to  mgeo

They put “stents” (a metal grid tube”) into heart patients main veins.
It takes a year with especial anti medicine to customise the immune system not to reject it or not neutralise it.
Pacemaker same.

Moderna wrote they had “hacked the software of life”, meaning neutralising our immune system.
They have tried many times before, it always ended in bs. The heart transplants they make today are still doubtful lives. My conclusion so far is the same as your’s.

Nov 20, 2024 3:45 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

You can rest assured all the hard and software circumscribing transhumanism is a special gift from the US DARPA and it was all conceived for a military purpose – then gussied up to look “scientific” and “futuristic” and even “noble.”

Nov 19, 2024 11:54 PM

God is not an appealing concept when, in the west, the predominant God is a Jew who lived in Israel … Jews in Israel are not the sort of people I would associate with a healthy mind. Of course, the Jews in Israel have hijacked the semitic Jesus, pretending that their Ashkenazi selves are actually semites; that fraud is clear. The western churches support this fraud by not declaring it a fraud.

The Jew god of 2000 years ago is even less attractive when you look at the completely corrupt churches that surround that belief; the Pope is a woke joke who won’t defend the bible, the Church Of England declares that you do not even have to believe in God to join, and has become more of a real estate business than a church.

Maybe God is in decline in the west because western humans do not have a decent God to turn to, only eastern gods.

Nov 20, 2024 12:39 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

THAT one is GONNA piss
a LOT of people off I’m sure.
The THING is,
The TRUTH usually DOES.
“Everyone COMPLAINS about the WEATHER,

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 20, 2024 7:07 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
Religion is man made.
Plenty of good churches out there if you look properly…

Nov 20, 2024 11:30 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

jc’s teachings were completely derailed by men.paul/rome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3hQC3Dm3K0

really starts at 15.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 20, 2024 12:47 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I think all Gods must, by definition, be “decent”, if only to their devotees.

The problem, as usual, is with the middle men.

Nov 24, 2024 10:11 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

God is unchanging. Forget the God presented to you by most churches. Seek Him personally and He will enter your life.
He is changing people daily. It cannot be stopped.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 19, 2024 10:06 PM

On the money article.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Nov 19, 2024 10:02 PM

Finally getting a remaster, repress


What did happen about 1880 ?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Nov 19, 2024 10:51 PM

‘It is undeniable at this point that atmospheric energy was indeed used in the past and was likely common knowledge’ says some guy.


You got a Market Square, bandstand, cargo cult..

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Nov 19, 2024 9:22 PM

just to set the record straight a bit on Nietzsche’s “Gaia Scienza”

the statement “Gott ist tot” is not made by the author, but is put in the mouth of an individual described as a lunatic, the central figure of a parable the author presents that can be interpretated in fact as a quite fervent expression of religious faith

in the story, the lunatic is mocked for imagining a God in such narrowly literal terms, as an entity with a life span, susceptible to mortality

that many westerners have a quaint picture in their mind of God as a kindly old patriarch with a white beard, a picture actively disseminated of course by institutions like the Catholic Church which derive worldly power from their status as self proclaimed emissaries of the divine, could certainly be considered a symptom of a sort of madness, a convenient falsification of a genuinely transcendent spiritual vision, and a sign of decay and need for renewal of those complacent ossified religious institutions

the character in Nietzsche’s story seems to be animated by a similar quest for genuine spiritual connection, and bemoans what he calls the death of God, which he furthermore attributes to the human race, as the ones who did the killing, and moreover did it unwittingly, as he additionally asserts

this is though just a reframing of the Passion story, in which, according to perfectly orthodox catechism, we sinners all caused the death of God, incarnated as Christ, through our ignorance and inability to recognize the redemption he offered

I personally take this parable not to be a rallying cry for atheism, but rather an incitement to go beyond the sorts of watered-down, instrumentalized mundane representations of the divine, which injure and destroy its sublime essence, reduce belief to a materialistic shell hardly distinguishable from worship of worldly things, and to instead seek a deeper truth

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Nov 19, 2024 9:38 PM

Thank you for this clarification…it is very important, I appreciate it.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:32 AM

Beautiful. Not one single thumb down :-).

Nov 22, 2024 3:34 PM

“I personally take this parable not to be a rallying cry for atheism, but rather an incitement to go beyond the sorts of watered-down, instrumentalized mundane representations of the divine,….”

Nietzsche has been very vague and that allows interpretations to be tailored to one’s preferences. He was atheist, no doubt, but I prefer to say that his faith was that there is no God.
He was very aware death of God could end with the Last man and nihilism.
If you take into account his idea of Ubermensch, then your conclusion looses ground. Ubermensch institutes his own values, morality, ethics that are based on Master morality not Slave morality as Nietzsche says. In doing so, Ubermensch is virtually unlimited by anything outside him. Well, this is a problem, a big one. Transhumanists can spin this to fit them well, too.
It’s not that I’m taking Nietzsche in bad faith. He was wrong, foundations of ethics are outside us, some say God, some say second metaphysics, I would say order of nature.

I’m not Nietzsche scholar by any means, but I have a feeling that with him faith had drowned into unconsciousness. People say, I believe in science, but that mostly mean they have faith in science and that should be properly named scientism. Faith should be about non-worldly things, something we will never be able to grasp rationally. Yeah, first one have to acknowledge such things exist.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Nov 19, 2024 7:45 PM

The gay science, huh, did not know that.

It’s not the weekend yet is it, I get confused, Todd weekend, right ?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 19, 2024 9:31 PM

The Gay Science, to be succeeded by The Trans Science.

j d
j d
Nov 19, 2024 7:35 PM

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said:

“We have forgotten God. That is why all this has happened.”

les online
les online
Nov 19, 2024 7:58 PM
Reply to  j d

You’re so right !! In every war ever fought God was on the side of
the Winners, just as God is on the side of the Middle East Genocidists…
The Universe may not play dice, but God loves a Winner…

Nov 20, 2024 7:02 PM
Reply to  les online

Must be a Rothschild, then?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:43 AM
Reply to  ariel

Yes Ariel, God loves Rothschild, Rockefeller, King Midas, Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Silverstein, Mr. Copperstein, Mr. Schwarzman (Blackstone Group).
God’s favourite movie is “Diamonds are forever” with James Bond. Favourite single “I want muscles” with Diana Ross…….because God loves a winner!  💪 
No one is in doubt about that!! https://youtu.be/XHopGy76Hzg

Nov 20, 2024 6:22 AM
Reply to  j d

Yes and i think that the apparent ‘dimming’ or hiding of the divine spark, that connection to God, in each of us has been deliberately done. So many are adrift and to say God in conversation makes many very uncomfortable but we are miraculous beings, we must remember that and remind others too.

j d
j d
Nov 19, 2024 7:32 PM

“For some reason, people always choose the technocratic path. But it inevitably leads them to disaster. That’s happened more than once. After all, all planetary disasters are created by people’s thoughts. Thoughts that are followed by actions.”

Extract from “Anasta” book 10 of The Ringing Cedars

Nov 19, 2024 6:59 PM

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
― Epicurus

Nov 20, 2024 1:03 AM
Reply to  Rob

I’ll tell you pretty much the same thing I told @aspnaz …

“THAT one is GONNA piss
a LOT of people off I’m sure.
The THING is,
The TRUTH usually DOES.”

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 12:48 AM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

Confirmed, why? Because THAT one is so simple. “Free will” little Rob, no Nanny!

Nov 20, 2024 1:14 AM
Reply to  Rob

He is able but leaves his creatures leeway to make their own choices, like a good father/ mother. Humans learn through trial AND error.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 20, 2024 3:43 AM
Reply to  Rob

For about a 1000 years, during the feudal and Medieval eras, as the interpreters of God’s will, the clergy decided what was reality and not. Since WWII, we have had a technocratic elite tell us what reality is and is not. In both cases, we have a tiny elite that presides over the vast majority dictating a reality that serves their interests, not ours.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 20, 2024 12:50 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen


They told us to fear the witch and believe the witch-hunter.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 20, 2024 2:40 PM

Indeed. And Mr. Hayen seems to want to go back to that. He’s a classic reactionary.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 23, 2024 2:45 AM

Poor guys. Nanny told you, your reserve parents told you, Authority told you, the Doctor told you and said you should do it.

Poor poor victims from the Leftist socialist Liberal working class. “They told me I should be doing it”  😭  😭  😭 .

Nov 20, 2024 10:14 PM
Reply to  Rob

To solve the contradictions as Epicurus states them is to realise that we have forgotten our origin. Before we enter this world we make a plan of our life, but we undertake to forget our origin. This, by the wisdom of the Devine this gives us a good measure of freedom of speech and freedom of action. Freedom to choose good or evil action, to speak in the direction of love or otherwise.

Marcia Eliade .points out that some native peoples have a festival where they celebrate the rememberance of their origins.

The way to remember our origins is to temporarily stop our internal dialogue, e.g. to stop the voice in our head like you reading these words.

Once you manage to stop your internal dialogue the world appears as it truly is, namely pure energy and light. All bounderies between you and the world disappear and you become as one with it while remembering your origin in that light of the Divine.

In contrast to the religeous preachings of hell and damnations using fear porn like the global elite to control our behaviour, the Divine does not pass judgement on your actions while you are ignorant of your origins in this playground of physical reality. A playground limited by our five physical senses which only reproduce a miniscule part of the universal field of energy in which we find ourselves.

Nov 21, 2024 12:59 AM
Reply to  Rob

To solve the contradictions implied by Epicurus statement above, consider the following. The French scientist Marcea Eliade wrote about a native tribe in Papua New Guinea who have a yearly festival remembering their origin. Before we enter the world of physical reality we undertake to forget our origin. This gives us by Divine design a large measure of freedom of speech and action.

We can choose between loving words and actions and their opposite being hateful speech and evil actions. Contrary to the preachers of fear of hell and damnation and God’s judgement, which is the religious method of control our behaviour, just like like designers of the non-existent Covid crises used 24/7 fear porn to control the hypnotised masses, God has designed our entry into physical reality, our playground, and loves us unconditionally as It’s creation.

This is the message from the hundreds of millions of Near Death Experiencers, which ironically has come about since medical science around 1966 discovered how to keep the body alive by improved methods of resusitation during medical emergencies. Luckily we don’t have to have a NDE to realise the nature of our origin. All you have to do is to stop the internal dialogue, e.g. stop the voice in your head you are using to read this page. Stopping the voice in your head means stopping the description of the world.

You then will experience that physical matter is energy and energy is light. Our five physical senses which cover only a miniscule part of the total universal field of energy produce the illusion of scientic materialism that the universe is a machine and matter is unconscious, making consciousness “the hard problem” in the philosophy of scientific materialism. Once you stop the internal dialogue, “physical reality” appears as pure energy and light and sound vibrations encompassing the entire universe and multiple other dimensions of reality.

This holographic quality of reality is beautifully expressed by the poet William Blake, from the Auguries of Innocence:
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.”

The Polish philosopher Alfred Korzybski put it succinctly: “The map is not the territory.” The map being the description of the world and the territory being physical reality.

An Eastern wise man put it this way: “Whatever you call a thing, it isn’t.”

If you prefer what scientists have said about this subject, consider Erwin Schroedinger, one of the founders of quantum theory made an interesting statement about reality.

“Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist. ”

“Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature… it describes nature as exposed to our method of questioning. This was a possibility of which Descartes could not have thought, but it makes a sharp separation between the world and I impossible.” — Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) another founder of quantum theory.

“While a number of philosophical ideas may be logically consistent with quantum mechanics,… materialism is not” – Physicist Eugene Paul Wigner

“… the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate universal reality.”
–Physicist and Nobel prize laureate Eugene Paul Wigner

Nov 21, 2024 5:39 AM
Reply to  Theo

NDEs, reincarnation, remote sensing, miraculous physics, etc. are not recent discoveries by any means. It is just that they clash with the ideas of the PTB, and The Science they are willing to finance.

Nov 21, 2024 11:36 AM
Reply to  Theo

Beautifully stated Theo.
‘Being’ first.
‘Human’ second.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Nov 22, 2024 1:35 AM
Reply to  Theo

“God loves us unconditionally as It’s creation. Jesus loves you”. Are you guys sure about that?

If I remember right, God kicked you out from Paradise, under the Noah’s Arch flooding he regretted he had made man, under Sodom and Gomorrah God killed everybody except 1 person, under Babylon he spread different languages among people to obstruct an attempt to make a central global government.

Are you absolute sure God loves every single one of us…..unconditionally?  😍