Major Dairy Supplier to Trial Potentially Toxic “Low Emission” Cow Feed
Kit Knightly

Major dairy suppliers and supermarkets are partnering with chemical company DSM-Firmenich to trial new “low-emission” dairy products nationwide.
Soil Association organic standards stipulate that all ingredients/components of a feed additive must be actively approved for use and be deemed safe and nutritionally useful for the animal. The main components that make up Bovear are not included in the list of approved…
— Soil Association (@SoilAssociation) November 27, 2024
Arla, a cooperative of over 2500 British dairy farms, is working with supermarkets Tesco, Aldi and Morrisons to market new “low emission” milk, butter and cheese.
A joint statement from supermarkets published on Arla’s website says:
Through collaboration as part of Arla’s FarmAhead™ Customer Partnership, we have the ability to address some of the climate challenges facing our food system. It is this collective approach that is really going to make a difference. Being involved in using a feed additive is a great way of testing out where we can drive change at scale to bring down emissions.”
The plan is to add a new drug called “bovaer” to the cow’s food to change the chemistry of their digestive process, lower the methane content of their burps, and thus save the planet.
But if that sounds like a dystopian and potentially dangerous idea to you, don’t worry it’s all been tested and found to be safe.
Sure, the chemicals in bovaer shouldn’t be breathed in, or rubbed on your skin and dear god don’t get them near your eyes (in fact government regulations say you should wear personal protective equipment when working with it), but so what?
You don’t rub milk into your eyes or breathe cheddar cheese do you?
And yes, the carcinogenetic studies did find it may have caused tumors in 8% of female rats, but that means you’ve got a 92% chance of being fine. Besides, a team of experts “re-analysed” those results and found they “weren’t statistically significant”.

Anyway, all the tumors were benign, so what is the fuss about?
And who even cares if it can make men infertile? Hello! We have a population crisis, if anything more infertility is a good thing.
Let’s just go and look at the pictures of happy animals on DSM Firmenich’s website. They even have a (totally real) counter for all the emissions they’ve lowered.
Isn’t that nice?
It doesn’t even really matter at this point if climate change is real (it’s not) or the drug works (who cares?) or if bovaer is even safe for human consumption (I guess we’ll find out) – just think about it for a moment:
They are adding potentially harmful chemicals to cows’ food to stop their burps from affecting the weather.
…it’s just mad.
But madness is very much the new normal.
Who’d have thought Prince Charles’ methane-catching cow gas mask would ever be topped in the “weirdest cow-related idea” stakes?
Oh, there is some good news. According to the Soil Association, Bovaer is not approved organic and therefore cannot be legally added to “organic” dairy products:
Soil Association organic standards stipulate that all ingredients/components of a feed additive must be actively approved for use and be deemed safe and nutritionally useful for the animal. The main components that make up Bovear are not included in the list of approved…
— Soil Association (@SoilAssociation) November 27, 2024
Another reason, supposing you needed one, to shop local and/or organic if you can.
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Bit eyebrow-raising that the Soil Association spelt “Bovaer” as “Bovear”.
Its a guise to poison us further. Like Covid Shots. They are already injecting pigs.
Thank you for the heads up on this, Kit. Truly extraordinary.
When a monstrous cabal is trying to kill you, certainly there must be something we can do.
< >
Do they have to molest cows one or the other way?
What spring into my eye is the earmarks. Pistol shot earmarks. A simple loose band around the neck could do the marking. Simple and easy, but no.
I imagine David Frost, with a perfectly serious visage, opening his broadcast with this very important Low Emission story on “That Was the Week that Was”.
You can’t get any more dystopic.
Another symptom of the trajectory of industrial society. Farm animals, particularly pigs and chickens, are already being abused on a massive scale. Treating cows as units of production in industrialised “systems” is appalling. Industrial dairy cows are already forced to eat industrial waste “cheap protein” and many herds are kept in appalling zero-grazing “systems”.
Meanwhile, the country “sports” crowd are rearing and releasing millions of pheasants in the Uk. These birds are then shot for fun. That’s right, killing for fun. While there are many valid arguments being directed at industrial farming, one thing farmers do not do is kill their livestock for fun. A truly barbaric and medieval practice that should be receiving some of the hate that townie vegan types are currently directing at livestock farmers.
Well, the city types who come to off large numbers of these juvenile birds for sport, pay £1000-2000/day for the experience. The local farmers in N Wales have jumped on the band wagon as it sure pays a lote more than farming sheep or cattle. Many of the shooters who see this massacre as ‘fun’ enhance their pleasure with copious amountsd of brandy and wine and make Kamala Harris on a bad day look sober by comparison. At least she was not waving a loaded shotgun around. Having reared these birds they feed them by spreading seed on the roads each morning which the birds come out of the undergrowth. judging by the number of squashed corpses, at least 5% of the flock don’t survive to be downed in a hail of shot
Anyone who has seen a cow, frolicking like a puppy playing with a ball will realise that every single cow on earth is worth more than Bill Gates.
Thank you. Looks like he’s playing “fetch” like a dog.
Thanks. I didn’t realise that until you pointed it out.
The feed for cows includes expired and unsuitable processed food in their wrappers.
The priesthood of ethics that evades the cruelty is the same one that may lock you up for cruelty to non-farm animals. In general, hegemonic insanity (“woke”) goes like this: we have adopted this new value/practice; you must too, or prepare to be blockaded or invaded.
These types claim they came from an ape, developed into a Neanderthal man, who developed today into a Digital man, who will develop into an ordinary mankind in a few years.
See Habib/Google min.53.00 and forward.
He says they are not even at house cat level yet. Ok. What do house cats do for fun? Hunt birds. You cant really blame them because they are not humans……………………yet.
But it seems they are working on it…on the machine level, ok?
The consumption of bovines and bovine products is a cruel, inhumane, suicidal, unhealthy and environmentally destructive habit in the first place. Simply give it up.
On healthy, regenerative organic, mixed-use farms, ruminants are essential to maintaining healthy soils. That they also provide meat and milk is a bonus. Hopefully, Joel Salatin can make inroads teaching American farmers how to rebuild their soils, under the new Administration.
Give me a fkkn break. They don’t “provide” meat and milk. Humans torture and slaughter them to take it from them…stop lying to yourself.
I’m not lying to myself. I actually know a cattle rancher who’s doing things according to his best guess of Right Action. His company motto is: Respect the Protein. And the dung builds his soil. It’s Nature. We’re all flesh and blood beings that live and die.
When we die, we feed others. We all serve to further the lives of those living, in our deaths. That’s the great service economy of the planet. Instead, people end up shrieking at those who just follow their biological trajectory.
Let the cows be cows! Let’s focus on treating them right in life.
I see that you believe your own delusions. “Nature” doesn’t give you the right to forcibly breed animals, torture and slaughter them just to satisfy your cravings. Humans are the only species that does this and also kill and enslave each other out of greed. No wonder human “civilization” is on the verge of collapse.
“As long as there are slaughterhouses there will always be battlefields.” Leo Tolstoy
Half the animals and insects on earth are carnivores or insectivores. Don’t get carried away in your moralizing.
You aren’t a carnivore. Or do you have huge fangs and claws? 🤔
The bible says God allowed us to eat meat.
That was after you were kicked out from Paradise to a deadly life like other carnivores for sinning too much.
But you just invented a new theory that you came from an ape millions of billions of years ago, and today AI and Science is gonna resolve everything.
You never did anything wrong, God dont exist, vaxx card and you Digital ID will make you rich! 🙄
For sure, the dairy abuse and cruelty deniers need to take a trip to a dairy facility. Stay for the term the cow gives birth to her baby, watch them shoot the calf. Watch the cow get impregnated again, suffer with mastitis, from gross udders and have her legs shackled so she doesn’t move about
Most people are oblivious or just plain don’t care. Humans aren’t the most intelligent species but definitely the cruelest…
Then you should see a swine or a chicken farm. The Muslims claim we eat faeces, unclean animals, as it is labelled in religious terms.
Visiting a swine farm you realise the swine lives under so narrow and dirty space that they eat their own vomit and faeces, so the Muslims were right.
I will not tell what is going on on an industrial chicken farm. You can taste it when you eat the meat, if you ever get the wild natural real stuff.
You are conflating ALL farming with the worst abuses of big industrial farming. Smallscale organic farmers and those that understand the earth treat their livestock with love and respect. All of us in the food chain benefit from this humane example.
Support your local organic small farms!
There’s nothing humane, loving or respectful about slaughter no matter how you try to kid yourself. Show me a “humane” slaughter video…..`
Agree. This knowledge is still used. It has not been destroyed outside the imperial echo chamber. A village needs nothing from external parasites to generate healthy food.
Right, and why are we then doing it? Because we live in a illusion.
Wrong target. All life consumes life in order to continue living. We are part of that cycle.
What makes it evil is not the consumption itself but the industrialization and de-personing of that consumption by BiAg.
A farm that is at one with nature requires livestock and agriculture. Small scale organic farming that treats all life with respect is the answer and would provide us with healthy happy animals, healthy food and better lives for ourselves, cleaner environment also.
So don’t aim at farming, aim at BigAg because it is the cause of animal and earth and human abuse
What do you suggest as replacement? Grass, Spinach, Baked Beans?
You are an advocate of animal genocide? How many cows do you think would survive if we didn’t have a symbiotic relationship? A better practice would be “only one bad day”. That’s a fair exchange and ensures the cows live a good life.
They didn’t seem too concerned when NS1/2 blew up- a lot of gas there…
An amazing 2013 UK TV series had MI5 creating and promoting the dangers of what they called ‘Russian flu’. It turned out the corresponding vaccines caused infertility. Actors interviewed they believed the script was real life.
All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself. ()
Nothing evil comes from the West. OK, except for Spanish Flu, for which we can’t very well mention the true source.
Dairy products already come with a couple of built in health risks FOR HUMANS:
(Human breast ‘milk’ is entirely different).
Humans are the only species that consume milk (from another species yet`) beyond infancy…..
Q: And do the Folks living in low dairy consumption countries have calcium deficiencies?
A: No.
Dairy is not a good source of calcium. Leafy greens are the best source.
The goal is to stay alive. We, as humans, eat what is available to us.
LOL. Most humans, supposedly the most intelligent species, eat crap that causes heart disease, cancer and diabetes. What a fantastic life!
We’re opportunistic. We eat what’s available. We also eat things that taste good to us, and yes, food manufacturers take advantage of that fact by putting all sorts of nasty things into our food. Nevertheless, the food tastes good.
You contradict your previous comment. Eating crap food doesn’t help you to stay ALIVE. It actually causes the diseases that are the major causes of early DEATH.
No contradiction, though I guess you could call it ironic. We eat what’s available, and when possible, we eat what we like. If we’re lucky, we get to do both.
Hilarious. You eat crap because it’s “available” and as a bonus–you like it!
Eight billion people on this world… When it comes to food, most of them want to do just that, namely, eat things that taste good. If you’re rich, you can eat what you want and what you like. If you’re poor, you have to eat what you can find, and afford.
Most people, especially poorer people, take their pleasures in life where they find them. Most people want to eat things that taste good to them, whether they’re good for them or not. Maybe you are are among the rarefied class that doesn’t? Lucky you.
Most animals are smarter than you! They eat for nutrition, not because “it tastes good.”
I guess we should all just eat food that tastes like shit, then, or that tastes like nothing at all. We could just take some sort of nutritive but tasteless vitamin and nutrient filled pill; then we really wouldn’t have to burden ourselves with the process of eating.
Imagine actually taking pleasure from your food. What a degenerate thought.
Do you really think healthy food tastes like shit or are you just playing dumb?
I think some unhealthful food tastes really, really good, and many, if not most people, really really like to eat it. Not only that, I think many non-human animals are the same way. I can absolutely, 100% guarantee you that a bear enjoys a jelly doughnut, and will select it, given the opportunity.
Additionally, I believe some healthful food isn’t very interesting or enjoyable to eat.
I’m happy to eat a nice, crisp, tart, juicy apple, and I’m also happy to eat some scrumptious apple dumplings, fresh from the oven. I just eat the latter in moderation.
You eat what you like, and what feels right to you, and the bears and I will do the same.
Bears eat junk food when their natural sources of food are limited by droughts, fires and human encroachment. It’s not what they “select.” I guess you watched too many Yogi Bear cartoons!
No self-respecting bear is going to turn down a jelly doughnut, regardless of what other food is available.
They eat because they’re hungry. And if it tastes good, all the better.
Obesity is more likely caused by the residue of antibiotics that we feed livestock to fatten them. EU bans 2000 chemicals from entering the country, let alone the food supply. US bans 12!
Blame the cabal, not the victim. People whose energy and future is shot to hell are likely to seek pleasure in unhealthy snacks.
THAT’S why they’re obese…..
Fock deseases, fock early death. Live strong, die young. Life is here and now man!
Your baby did a bad bad thing, my baby did a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing.
As a matter of fact, in honor of blessthebeasts, I treated myself earlier to a delicious, fatty, greasy, over-processed cheeseburger, and I don’t regret it at all.
“You did a bad bad thing. Honey, you did the bad bad thing!”
Good song. I’d forgotten about that one.
This is not the biggest problem.
The biggest problem is to convince the sheeple that Clima Change was invented by Finance as a paper risk on the unpredictable weather.
Global Research has an interesting article of the kind of Dairy Additives already in these products without this new anti-burp drug, and the health consequences for humans who consume dairy.
Those clever The Science (TM) scientists !!
Especially the Nudge psychology scientists…
They rightly guessed that by publicising farmers were adding suspect
chemical compounds to dairy cows feed – to Save The Planet ! –
there’d be a consumer backlash… People would shun the affected
dairy cow products…
Nudge, nudge – works every time !!
A reverse of the supermarket corporations claim to promote sales
of their healthy read meat, “No Hormones Added” ?
never mind how much wars affect the climate…with mini nuke clouds from each drop all over the war zones…no climate impact there…but our food supply is the problem
Sounds like a US ‘Froot Loops’ ‘breakfast cereal’ chemical additive… Bobby
junior claims they’re making US people unhealthy… Think i’ll write to bobby
junior about it. He likes to call out food additives…
All that healthy country fresh air wont be the same if there’s no Cow Farts
in the mix…
The Us Army dismisses civilian deaths as ‘Collateral Damage.’
The Science (TM) scientists dismiss injuries or deaths from their ‘food
additives’ as ‘Statistically Insignificant’… In other words, “Carry On,
Regardless !!”
laughter even in the face of the most terrible things can be liberating, can tear down intimidating towers of pompous cant, and I appreciate enormously being able to come here and find a perspective like this that doesn’t hesitate to pop the balloon of absurdity and reminds me how silly authority makes itself
Well, they should research the effects of human emissions with and without consumption of dairy products with these chemicals.
If consumption of these products reduces human methane emissions, you can actually double the amount of emissions saved. Which means it’s twice as effective at saving the planet!
Can you ‘save’ emissions ?
Don’t be afraid:
Its just a coincidence that 3×3=9 and 3+3=6
Did we do trump?
45th president (4+5=9)
47th president (4+7=11)
Another manufactured for tv 911?
I should coco.
Those numbers, again:
It’s not a coincidence because it’s not in the article. Maybe tweak your algorithm??
Well they certainly have no threshold of ludicrous that prevents them from even more ludicrous. The photo of Charles is solid proof. Then the pic of the “TRANSitioning” animals that stand in for THEIR TRANSitioning humans. We get it! They have no shame whatsoever. I guess that’s what’s required for the PTB. But what is required for supposed “scientists”, granted well paid but, to just wipe sanity from their minds like erasing a blackboard and sell us these obvious, stupid & toxic “solutions” we will never ask for? As if it were real?
At some point you have to abandon the “other” that continues to be unabatedly insane and dangerous. There is no hopium powerful enough to accept allowing these people to make decisions about our future or present. They just must be omitted from authority over human society.
[Wanna stop gastric distress in cattle? Stop feeding them crap like corn they CANNOT digest, like let them graze GRASS!. FREE! Same goes for humans. The mass agriculture carb filler-foods do nothing but FAKE satisfaction of hunger while artificially plumping up the eater. That it’s taken 6,000 years to realize this reality, no thanks to the clueless “nutrionist” anti-profession, is a bit pathetic. But better late than never.]
]To extrapolate further, it’s hard not thinking the PTB are shape shifting space aliens here to incrementally depopulate us via artificial toxic deployments to make room for their migration from the last planet they wiped from Universe. :-[
Nice point. Uncovered in the article, or in any discussion of cow farts.
Corn. They feed them corn. Corn turns their digestive systems into mush. You are eating sick cows. Corn makes them sick. The only thing that saves them from a painful premature death is the slaughterhouse.
So don’t tell me how wonderful meat is. I know better.
Here in Oregon we eat pastured cows. Grass fed and finished.If you get a quarter cow, all cuts come out about $7/lb. We can live with that. Super healthy and the animals live a natural life.
‘A natural life’?
Until a big steel bolt is blasted into their brains, their throats cut, dragged kicking, struggling and moaning to a bloody meat hook, sliced up and prettily packaged for human consumption.
A natural life alright.
It’s entirely possible to raise cattle humanely and make the slaughter process more humane too. It’s not a given that industrial ag can’t be changed.
Yes, herbivores are hunted and killed. That’s part of their natural life.
And you too will feed someone in the end. That’s a GOOD thing!
Unless, of course, you will use up all sorts of energy to get yourself burned. Waste more on urns and marble, so that even your ashes are denied to the environment… crazy.
Not when they eat corn and are injected with what are essentially poisons. Read the comments.
How many hormones and other chemicals are they injected with? All of the milk cows, for instance, are routinely injected with bst, among other things. That’s what makes the milk half pus.
Organic and pasteured standards, and farmers, who are all around us make their living providing educated eaters what we are willling to pay for… decent organic and pasteured food. This is Oregon! It’s why we live here. Organic is generally double cost of conventional in supermarkets and. And it’s worth it. Some farms are organic but have not been certified, but still abide by organic rules. No chemical pesticides, injections, poisons or rBST or rBGH because WE CUSTOMERS WON’T EAT them. They are labeled here on all products and people avidly avoid them at all cost. Very few dairies in the West use them anymore because customers WON’T BUY THEM. Do you all not have a choice? US society used to pay twice as much for food going back before WW2, as standard practice. The corporate food industry cut costs in half but it is a deadly cheapening all our friends avoid like the plague.
It is not only grains replacing grass/straw for profit, but GMO maize, also being pushed onto “developing” peoples like Mexicans. Plus the poisons like glyphosate in the feed (that cannot be removed) destroying the gut microbiome of cattle. Most of the rising methane of generated by fracking and gas/petroleum pipelines, western US being a hot spot.
Perspective: All the official green-house gases – whether generated by humanity or natural – are insignificant compared to water vapour. But that can’t be said out loud or a lot of The Science would look silly.
What does it matter what we think ?
Every day they do this to us and we nod and tut. Then we whinge a bit.
The next day, they do it all again. Then we whinge a bit more.
We’re pathetic.
I include myself.
It’s probably only a matter of time before the definition of “organic” is changed to…”grown or raised in or outdoors with or without listed or unlisted chemical ingredients”.
But hey, at least it means that, in the future, even your crickets will be organic 🙂
Big Ag in the US tried to get organic products redefined years ago. They could see they were losing some market share.
‘Market share’?
That’s gotta be an oxymoron, surely.
As far as I know some cheeses, e.g. Gruyere and Swiss Emmental [warning: other Emmental is unprotected] may only be made from raw milk from animals which eat grass or hay. Not even silage is allowed.
In some ways these cheeses go beyond organic standards. But I assume anything good will be tampered with if it makes someone a large enough pile of ££££.
Seems like another fake binary article.
when was shop milk sold in supermarkets ever healthy within the last 60 years.?
Bare in mind the poisons called bleached chemical lace medication pretending to be called milk was delivered to virtually EVERY single house hold in the U.K everyday 365 days of the year.
the military is not needed when people that mindcontrol that they paid to have there poison delivered by mr friendly whitecoat medical poisons fake milk sales men.
Uni gate had the big contract within the U,K with links to the intelligence service
As if ppl were dropping dead from milk poisoning..
News flash- we all die one day.
Yea, but they’ve managed to cut our natural lifespan by about one third:
Similiarly, dogs are now lucky to reach the age of around 10 years, when only 50 years ago their natural lifespan was around 20 years (cut by half!).
Thanks to all the doctoring and synthetic, toxic food.
Nice bit of whatabouterry there.
I thought, ’til recently. that dogs were strictly carnivore (though they’d
chew grass to make themselves throw-up disagreeable food).
Thus i figured the health problems mum’s dog suffered were due to
gulping down the gravy covered peas & beans in amongst the
dinners food scraps.. (“Eat yer greens, doggie !!”)
A couple of articles i recently read , about what to feed your pet
dog, claimed including vegetables in dog’s food is ok…
Maybe those articles were written by vets, knowing such advice, if
followed, would be good for business ??
Which means more to us on the excel sheet: Bigger car, more 1’st class hotels, better ski equipment for my family.
The less we are, the more to us………………..LOL.
So that’s a vote for these ‘Statistically Significant’ ‘Climate Friendly’
‘food additives’, then ?
Not milk you daft inspector watson.
It is bleached and refined and if you ever tasted real raw milk you understand the difference.
Show links to these facts.
Commercial milk is half pus.
True, dat. Heaving contaminated by blood and pus from sick animals. Why are we fighting about this crap, and allowing the animals to suffer while alive?
“address some of the climate challenges facing our food system. It is this collective approach ….. we can drive change at scale to bring down emissions.”
The bottom line here is that the REASON given for the proposed changes, like the REASON given for the covid vaccines, is UTTER BULLSHIT. On the one hand, the voodoo of the climate change chant, on the other, the voodoo of the viral vamp.
All of which means that the proposed changes HAVE AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT AIM FROM WHAT IS STATED.
And that aim? Well apart from the usual profit grubbing over a scam, there is, in the case of the vax, the opportunity for some surreptitious slaughter and/or some devious depopulation via furtive fertility flattening. In the case, of this magical livestock juice …. well probably the very same. Indeed, perhaps a two-in-one op for chemicals in the meat to be passed on to the eaters.
If a mother can “infect” (pass on the infernal jab content) through breast milk, does that give some people ideas about dairy?
Organic meat is very expensive in the uk and out of reach for most households. But yes if you can it certainly makes sense. The reality will be that the masses will be further poisoned by the food industry. I try and stick to lamb which tends to be naturally grass fed and organic chickens/eggs which are reasonably priced where I live, and seafood. But no matter how you try pollution is everywhere.
All NZ lamb is halal.
Why downvote a fact ?
All animal slaughter is Hellhell.
For them.
And animals die beautiful, peaceful deaths in the wild??
Exactly. Maybe the hi tech people are already trying to modify lions to turn them into vegetarians.
That old chestnut is just another justification of the omnivores.
Choose food with, and for your heart.
All life lives from others’ deaths. Choose to serve, as others have served you. That is good for the heart.
Proud omnivore here, healthy, with a big, healthy heart.
At least it is natural when big cats is playing around with you on one left leg while they are eating the other.
Its natural and friendly to the environment, and dont call me a Liberal freak!
From what I understand, most NZ meat is halal. The factories that process it serve a lucrative S.E Asian export market.
And M.E.
If you want organic meat at a low price, I suggest cricket meat. You can even raise them in your back garden.
Howzat ?
Bon Apetit!
Too leathery
They are working on eliminating small-scale animal farming. This has been enforced on many farmers in Netherlands or Belgium despite protests. UK and US farmers are being paid not to farm, i.e., to “rewild”.
They’re working on eliminating anyone trying to maintain an existence independent of them.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-11-27. King County, WA 98% one jab, 1,236% surge excess heart attack deaths. NIH nixed Own Expert CV Origins (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).