Winter Fundraiser: Help Keep OffG Alive

Catte Black

Dear readers all,

Firstly, we massively appreciate you reading and sharing and discussing our content. Thousands of you visit us every day – and that’s wonderful. Knowing we are connecting and communicating with others is the only reason for doing this job.

At the same time though, we need to survive in this dark world. This year we have been struggling to do so. And this last month the struggle got critical to the point we can’t continue to be operational for much longer unless something changes.

We don’t want to take advertising or put content or comment privileges behind a paywall because that’s counter to our philosophy and would be a last resort.

So, if you want to help make sure OffG is still here in the coming year there’s a few ways to do so.

First you can “subscribe” for a monthly donation of your choosing on a variety of platforms.

Or  there’s our OffG shop where you can buy all manner of produce like mugs and hats, hoodies and stickers. We’ve just added some winter weather options there:

We’re also launching our affiliate bookstore which allows you to support not just OffG but our wonderful guest contributors:

If you do decide to shop or donate – THANK YOU! You’re helping to guarantee we will still be here when you come back tomorrow.

If you’d rather just read and move on – thanks also, we understand and appreciate your time.

Catte B


If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.

For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.

Categories: latest, OffG