Winter Fundraiser: Help Keep OffG Alive
Catte Black

Dear readers all,
Firstly, we massively appreciate you reading and sharing and discussing our content. Thousands of you visit us every day – and that’s wonderful. Knowing we are connecting and communicating with others is the only reason for doing this job.
At the same time though, we need to survive in this dark world. This year we have been struggling to do so. And this last month the struggle got critical to the point we can’t continue to be operational for much longer unless something changes.
We don’t want to take advertising or put content or comment privileges behind a paywall because that’s counter to our philosophy and would be a last resort.
So, if you want to help make sure OffG is still here in the coming year there’s a few ways to do so.
First you can “subscribe” for a monthly donation of your choosing on a variety of platforms.
Or there’s our OffG shop where you can buy all manner of produce like mugs and hats, hoodies and stickers. We’ve just added some winter weather options there:
We’re also launching our affiliate bookstore which allows you to support not just OffG but our wonderful guest contributors:
If you do decide to shop or donate – THANK YOU! You’re helping to guarantee we will still be here when you come back tomorrow.
If you’d rather just read and move on – thanks also, we understand and appreciate your time.
Catte B
If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.
For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.
By the way, whilst writing my comment below, about 10 minutes duration, uBlock Origin blocked some 230+ trackers and other potential nasties on this site. That’s a very high number.
Considering that there’s no advertising on this site, I would only expect very basic tracking of the number of visitors, which pages they read, and the country they come from. basic level would be enough, uBlock Origin would show a couple of trackers at most, not 230+. In fact, just this short note of 2-3 minutes has already cause uO to block 184 nasties. What requires so much tracking and monitoring of visitors?!
I’ve contributed a couple of times, the last time was quite a while ago. I also offered to beta test the last site refresh.
Normally, I would contribute according to my viewing time / frequenty here. Regretably, it’s fallen away massively in the past year or two. The reason being that when this site first started it was an excellent and intelligent alternative to the MSM, fully justifying it’s title of “Off Guardian”. It could have equally been called “Off-MSM”.
Sadly, it somehow got attention of the fans of a handful of years ago. Whilst I do enjoy reading DI from time to time, some of his apostles are positively certified bonkers. Unfortunately, a few too many of them ended up here.
I’m also cognisant of the 911 genuine conspiracy which hides the truth of explosives and missiles. However, loons claiming that nobody died, that it was all holograms, well….that nonsense belongs on 4Chan not here.
At one point I had concluded that this place was a honeypot to draw the nutters out into the open. With the benefit of hindsight, I think I was wrong at that time. I still have a lot of hope for this site…
You guys are doing what mainstream media should be doing. If it wasn’t for OffG, I don’t know what I would’ve done during the “pandemic” as most people I knew were falling for the narrative. Probably I would’ve done too.
The perspectives and information you provide in your articles gives an important starting point for a person to make informed decisions in a world where the powers that be do everything in their power to have the public misinformed.
What you give us is invaluable, so the least we can do is to try to help!
I hope with all my heart that OffG survives, so from now on, I will contribute every month to try and make sure it does.
And you know… when some shady people contact you at some point, offering all the money and whatever else you ever need in your lives, in return for a little mud in the water, be strong and refuse! 😉
(Just also be careful… No one in their right mind expects you to put yourselves in danger!)
Thanks for all the great work you all have done and the ivaluable help you provide!
Added a bit to help OG going. The BTL comments confirms that it needs Scrutiny as there is not enough time in moi liff to deal with what amounts to meaningless dross. Just saying. Stick with the articles, the arguements manifest themselves in the follow up arts.
Thank you ever so much for this, Butties! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year! A2
What Cryptocurrencies do you except.?
Thank you for your kind inquiry. You can view our Support Offg page here for details on what we can currently accept. Season’s greetings 🙂 A2
Season’s greetings back and cheers for the link.
Do you ship OffG Mug to the USA.?
Hi – yes we do indeed!
Yes Thank You all for the Hard Work , maintaining this site for all these Years …only a handful of sites can be relied upon to be non ideological and unjaundiced .. that is Sad given the growing enormity of Alt Media in all its forms …i am one of the Silent Majority who read You voraciously but seldom comment .. i’m with Johnny We Need You .. all the best from Orstralia ..Marb
Just found you so will donate.
I have sent a few coins, you guys are fantastic
I have donated and will again. I value Off-Guardian deeply for its commitment to finding the truth without ideology. I find their perspectives fascinating even when I do not agree and I often rely on them to help me see a subject more clearly. They were certainly trailblazers during covid and I think they are correct about the falsity of the “multipolar/BRICS” option. I think they will be vindicated there quite soon.
yes I agree. I still think that the BRICS dictatorship seems preferable to the ‘ free West”s disctatoriship.At least they don’t go on about trans people and sexuality all the time in BRICS.
Just set up a very small monthly donation. If everyone could do this, you will have a constant stream of income. I really appreciate your articles and the work you put in. This crazy world and all the censorship and gaslighting needs more establishments like you.
We’re happy to report our shop is working again!
Apologies to all those who got an API error when trying to check out. It’s fixed now and shouldn’t happen again.
Have you considered charging per word in the comments or charging per comment?
I believe this would make the comments more interesting and stop people from just commenting.
Consultation is another good way to make money.
They all do it and there is nothing wrong with it.
i,e 30 minute consultation with one of the adx or guest authors in how they
create the blog or search twitter to find material to put into articles.
If all of your daily readers contributed one dollar once a month would that guarantee your survival? I would happily do that.
I would gladly pay a subscription if it was an option
There is a monthly subscription option in the widget, above. It doesn’t unlock any exclusive content at this time, currently it’s just a monthly pledge of support, but this is something we’re keen to explore in future. Thanks for your supportive comment :)) A2
I just set up a monthly subscription. Hope more people do also.
We’re ever so grateful to you, thank you a lot. 🙂 A2
I don’t know the exact sums and figures, but I do know this would significantly boost Offg’s income and open up many more exciting possibilities. Thanks so much for your supportive words and your kind offer. A2
Thank you for refusing ads. You’re a unique voice and we would all miss you. I hope enough people support you.
Maybe think bigger. Beyond beanies and hoodies. An Off-Guardian crypto. OffGCrypto?
Pump & Dump never fails. Ask Elon Musk or Logan Paul (all promises, no delivery)
Think big! Why not an Off-G central bank digital currency? 😆
Some ‘ijuts’ have zero capacity for humour and if you offered a fully backed ✌
💯 % T.B.D.C. Truthfully Backed Digital Currency… & OffGrid components,
They would lose money on it… 😂
Happy New Year,
Greetings Seamus,
You were a lifeline during covid and I always come here to get an honest no BS take on something. You’re one of a handful of places where I feel you’re mainly interested in getting to the facts rather than following a party line or having your theories proved right.
I don’t know what I would do without you. So I am donating!
I subscribe monthly, and have done for a number of years. I keep an eye on your tracker and wonder how you are doing.
It might be an idea to give your readers a rough outline of the numbers needed per month to operate vs income so we get an idea of the shortfall. And to push us quarterly on this so we don’t just wonder (as I have been doing!) but take active steps, if we can.
I hope you take this comment as helpful feedback, I will increase my donation.
Interested to see people downvoting my comment. You guys know that if Off G don’t raise enough funds on a regular basis they will close? And that will be one less place on the internet for you to get info. If you fundraise to exist you need to push it.
I think that’s a great idea, to do a quarterly push. It would remind people where they are with their chance of survival financially.
BTW Folks it ain’t Winter here.
Summer officially starts tomorrow, with temperatures in our area predicted to be in the high 20s.
It’s hard, but someone’s gotta do it.
Don’t ask me how our Summer is your Winter on a ‘Flat Earth’.
Must be something to do with the tilt.
I’m sure Bill Gates or Elon Musk are working on a way to eliminate this alarming disparity between Northern and Southern hemispheres
some kind of public private partnership
Could this be a possibility?
(200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball!.pdf – Eric Dubay)
Eric’s just another ‘priest’ cashing in and flogging his own form of religion.
Correction: HelicopterCentric-Doctors’Finance urgently called for… Seasonal work: largely elliptical like Santa’s testicles, hands on, hang on, get a grip …
Have I misunderstood? I thought the shortest day/daze’ was the 21st December:
And I had to ‘Go Metric’ whilst @school: so, what’s your Yardstick on June 21st & when & where do we Finalise Counting from & on to Hectometrics ? l, For the record (scratch) for the RECORD, as a European, how high that Bridge or Tunnel Entrance is, should be by now ONLY written on Signposts in Centimetres…
126) wtf ffs ? Tonnes of Gravitas ?
It is with Swelling Pride that science declared this Earth of Gyroscopic Magnetic Force, in terms of propulsion from 200 Lightning STRIKES, per second…NOT ROUND . Let that sink in & enquire for yourself, where the Focus of such ⚡ Energy, gets directed & regionally distributed to Terra Firma as Grounding Energy to Propeller FinanceFedBusterC.I.A Oligarchs’interests, plus the Product, gone South of the EQUATOR ! PURE CARBON , I mean DIAMOND INNIT’ , not joking.
Shirley Bassey , Veri’Sassy, in yer’ face, ‘Diamonds are Forever’ …
Like Columbite Tantalite. Tango Congo Coltan. R.I.P. Patrice Lumumbha
On the upside, could be Nikola from the Magnetosphere.
Butthead , the sunglasses. Verify the Capital City of Lightning strikes
& start a Physical Gravitas .
Africa is Rising, air too, O2.
First & Last with
natural Energy.
Greetings 😂
what most cocky fools miss is that there is nothing else out there. read page one of the Bible and that is our cosmology.
star trek and star wars are why you think there’s a ‘universe’ out there. there isn’t. the stars (and sun and moon and wandering stars) are quite small and very close, exactly as a wise being would make light sources.
Hi Off-Guardian team,
the link in your shop to CJ Hopkin’s book “The Rise of the New Normal Reich” isn’t working. It directs you back to the same page, the start page of the store.
Thanks, it’s fixed
Do you ship from your shop to the states? I ran into a problem with it.
Yes, the store does ship to the States. I’m sorry you ran into a problem. What went wrong?
It says “Error, invalid API” in the shipping cost box so it’s not giving me a cost. I’ll try again today when I have time.
We have fixed that error. It should work for you now
Incredibly courageous and heroic on the part of the owner of the “X” platform. And at about kindergarten level.
If Musk were a man, he would write (in complete safety for him): “Mrs. Merkel has brought an infinite amount of suffering and misfortune to her country and the whole of Europe since 2015 with her willful opening of borders, which violates all the laws of her country and even of the EU itself.”
But he doesn’t, and you have to seriously ask yourself why. Perhaps simply because he himself is part of the establishment that rules this world. It just has to “look” like opposition without ever really being opposition.
These two videos are not based on any available source and should therefore be regarded as mere clickbait, if not deliberate misinformation.
Rheinmetall’s shareholder structure presents a complex and somewhat opaque picture. According to recent data, approximately 85% of shareholders are classified as “Unknown,” which indicates a significant lack of transparency in the company’s ownership. The known major institutional investors hold relatively small portions of the company, with Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors) owning 4.988%, Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC at 2.991%, and Wellington Management Co. LLP holding 2.955%.
However, it’s important to note that earlier reports have mentioned other significant shareholders that are not reflected in the most recent data. These include BlackRock (5.52%), Société Générale SA (5.33%), Capital Group Companies (4.99%), and Fidelity International (4.99%). The discrepancy between these figures and the more recent data could be due to changes in shareholding over time or differences in reporting methodologies.
Geographically, the known shareholders are primarily concentrated in the United States (10.96%), followed by smaller holdings in the United Kingdom (1.08%), Germany (0.53%), France (0.39%), and Ireland (0.27%). This international spread of investors underscores Rheinmetall’s global financial significance.
The lack of transparency in Rheinmetall’s ownership structure has historical precedents. In the 1950s, the company repurchased shares from an unnamed major shareholder, later revealed to be the Swiss-Spanish arms company Hispano-Suiza. There have also been unconfirmed reports of potential indirect shareholders from Saudi Arabia, including speculation about a businessman acting as a proxy for an influential prince.
Despite these uncertainties, Rheinmetall remains a significant player in the defense industry. The company’s shareholder composition continues to be a topic of discussion and inquiry, raising questions about transparency in corporate ownership, especially for a company of such strategic importance in the defense sector.
That video is perverse.
The hype is sickening.
•Musk, our Techno Saviour.
•Russia the ‘aggressor’ with no mention of the NATO build up and provocation.
•The ‘guts and glory’ of slaughter technology.
It is patriotic puke.
I have seen several lectures on youtube given by a German economist/ lecturer called Werner Rugemer.In his talks he talks about who the main shareholders of Rheinmetall are. Thye are shadow banks. I’m pretty sure that the ones he lists are Blackrock, Vangaurad, Statestreet and Fidelity.
First, I want to express my deep appreciation and respect for the work of OffGuardian , as I truly believe its existence is invaluable. It would be a significant loss if the site were to shut down, and I sincerely hope OffG accepts this comment as constructive.
While I’m not privy to the specifics of your donor stats, I would assume that those who comment frequently make up a substantial proportion of OffG’s donations. This brings me to my point: I’ve noticed that some commentators, including myself, have experienced difficulties when trying to comment—with comments not being visible, being placed in pending, or after being edited going to pending. Though I’ve encountered these issues, I’ve only reached out privately via email. However, I’ve never received a response.
The responses I have observed from OffG on the site tend to be dismissive, or at times, even critical of those who raise such concerns. That said, I believe OffG could benefit from a softer touch in addressing feedback and concerns from users. When someone reports a problem with commenting, they are likely expressing a strong desire to engage with your content. These users are, in advertising terms, your “heavy users”—the very individuals who form the backbone of the community and comprise those most open to appeals for the financial support needed to keep OffG going.
I understand that managing a site like OffG comes with extreme challenges, especially considering that the resources required for this type of essential, societal commentary are often not available from those with the financial means to support it, particularly since they or their ideational pathologies are often the subject of that commentary. However, a more thoughtful response that acknowledges these issues and assures users that it’s being addressed could help strengthen the relationship with your dedicated readers. These are the individuals who, despite encountering difficulties, remain invested in your work and want to see the site thrive.
Thank you for considering this feedback.
Don’t agree. I think if anything the site is too lax at letting trolls and troublemakers have their say. They even allow people to keep attacking the site. Do you know of any other place that lets so much criticism through? I don’t and it annoys me sometimes.
In my experience also when I expressed a genuine problem with getting access the mods were very quick to respond. So, no, I don’t agree.
My comment is not a call for more tolerance of trolls and troublemakers on the site.
Having a different opinion is not attacking anyone.
your sounding ADL.
I don’t think Ruth Madoc said that “having a different opinion” equated with attacking someone. She said OffGuardian is too lax with letting trolls and troublemakers post. I have thought the same. It’s one thing to engage with different opinions, but when it comes to seeing comments that simply attack the site or other posters without making rational arguments, it simply gets in the way. I believe it is a recognized 77th trolling tactic. Certainly I think the moderators here could be stricter.
We try to help anyone with genuine problems concerning comments. However we do get a lot of trolls who do complain about everything as part of their remit of taking up our time and attention. There is also a favorite tactic of starting a new account and using it to immediately post a claim that said account is being “censored” when it has never even been used before. Our responses to all such time-wasting do indeed tend to be brusque.
Unfortunately sometimes “innocent” accounts get picked on by Akismet or wrongly identified by us as trolls and I understand this can be genuinely frustrating.
If you emailed us and got no response I apologize. We do get a lot of email so unfortunately things go astray sometimes. It looks like you are managing to comment successfully atm tho, so that’s good to know.
Thank you Sophie for your kind response.
Fucking tony Mockingbird posts on your site after being outed to you as a stalker.
Why the fuck would anybody trust you ?
Opmoc is weird but he wasn’t outed as a stalker. He just guessed Researcher was a female and she imagined the rest about him accessing her email etc. It all came out on here last week when someone linked to the original posts.
Imo opmoc and this Captain Birdheart are good examples of how OG is too tolerant. Free speech is great but trolling is not great.
That’s funny. oFFg is constantly warning of the dangers of the ‘ hate speech’ legilsation. I find the parallels striking
Maybe it’s an English language thing, but you see, we mustn’t mistake free speech for an open invitation to either troll anything and everything, misrepresent our community to new readers, conduct evidence-free propaganda campaigns against offg or just generally undermine trust in this community. We are under no obligation to tolerate such things. Such things in excess can shut down free speech just as effectively as overt censorship. If you’re in any doubt about this then I suggest you have not tried to run a community like this.
We tolerate all opinions, if they’re expressed decently. We encourage people in this community to self moderate as much as possible, since no one wants to be babysat by admin, and admin doesn’t want to babysit.
Constant trolling and/or evidence-free campaigning against offg only encourages admin involvement (as in this case).
You’ve stated elsewhere tonight that offg saved you during Covid, therefore help offg be strong, help this community be strong and help admin take a healthy step back.
By all means criticise constructively, we’re very fair here. We’re decent, honest people. Thanks, A2
Researcher admitted she was female a while ago. So I doubt ‘Tony’ guessed that.
Well exactly, and even if he had guessed he’d have a fifty/fifty chance of being right, but Researcher got hysterical and decided the only way he could know she was female was he must have been stalking her all over social media! It was a funny exchange between her and admin last week where she just refused to accept her version was wrong even when she was shown the original comments from the time!
Strange why and how they leave the many nasty comments about Tony up when he has brought books of the authors and supported the site.
I don’t think it strange, he deserves most of them, just not being called a stalker.
So interesting that in this very thread we see examples of what is discussed right above. That is OffGuardian being perhaps too lenient on some quite clear trolling or at very least meaningless comments.
The thread commences with “Captain Birdheart” complaining that OG can’t be trusted because it allows TonyOpmoc to post and then later another commenter criticizes the site for the very opposite reason that it allows TonyOpmoc to be unduly criticized.
It is I think indicative that OG strives to be fair that both these criticisms are leveled at them, but also indicative of great leniency that they allow such rather empty and contradictory criticisms to take up space here! The criticisms seem very likely to be trolling and certainly don’t add to any discussion.
I made a mistake. I tried to login to netflix using firefox instead of google. all i wanted to do was watch the next episode of Poldark, but they insisted, I changed my password, which I did, and they sent me several emails, and codes via phone, but still wouldn’t believe that i was me, though the AI? computer obviously knew it was me, but wouldn’t watch let me watch Poldark, until I pressed the Cancel Membership button. ..then I could watch Poldark for the next 3 days.
I have no idea what my password is now
£10.99 a month no longer going from the UK to the USA.
Always threaten to cancel, if they won’t let you in, and walk away
Dirty, dirty piece of shit
The edit remains gay
Sounding a tad phobic there Captain.
Not a chance… OffG only writes black pilled articles with no solution. Why would I give OffG any money… pay to be depressed?
Nothing is more depressing than reading articles that fail to point out that what is happening and has been hapeening since Covid is absolutely dire. I thank OffG for preserving my sanity. It’s funny I was very,very slow to be sceptical about Covid. I had only realised that the right to freedom of speech was being taking away and that our parliamentarians were not engaging in any kinf of rational discourse anymore. I love Offg; iT HAS mad me join up so many dots and pay attention to things I really should have paid attention to in the past- Kosovo, Libya, the llaeged chemical attacks in Douma etc and ofcourse 9/11
Have mercy on me the flat is evil and full of cavalry and cavalry
always a tw@t – bass player awesome
my mate a bit of a musician, got all these Cd’s from the charity shop, and thought coming from Manchester I might like the Best of The Fall – so after dark, I had my Sennheisers on and I was running as fast as I can along the beach at 3:00 am like a lunatic. I think it was Naxos, but could have been Goa too.
Acquired Taste Mark E Smith RIP
Una Baines – little so sweet “Baines grew up in the Collyhurst district of Manchester. Her mother was Irish, her father was British (Mancunian). She met Smith at college, but both left after finding studying financially difficult.”
A gushing hagiography that neglects to mention Chomsky’s brutal view on vaccine refuseniks is just another Puff Piece:
I lost interest in Chomsky, when he could’t tell the truth about 9/11, whilst he obviously knew working for Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA ‧ USA
Thanks Folks.
Gotta confess; I’m an Off G addict.
After checking the daily forecast and the Drainstream headlines each morning, my next port of call is Off G.
It’s where I get my dose of sanity, common sense and equanimity.
I already make a regular donation through the Australian address, but I’m not sure how to up the amount.
Please don’t leave us.
You are a light at the end of a long dark tunnel.
I am also an OG addict! We share good taste!
Well, you did do a space article, (was it 2 ?), and a chemtrail one, might have to contribute,
Next challenge is false history.
Here’s one, the bible is punning lost tech.
funny, but wrong vid., hey it got embed though.
right link
Bought a bunch of Ko-Fis. Thanks for making that option available, and for your existence.
Grateful for that this Thanksgiving week-end here in the States.
Germany ahead – with Danish landscape
The CDU wants to put Germany back in the lead. To this end, it has now released an election video spot. However, it features a landscape from Denmark, with the extras coming from America.
The CDU’s first election campaign ad is one minute and seven seconds long. Under the slogan “Germany back to the front”, it shows Friedrich Merz, Carsten Linnemann and German landscapes from a bird’s eye view. We travel over Saxony and West German cities with a drone camera. The Reichstag can be seen.
At second 53, the shot flies over a wooden floor terrace towards an idyllic lake, you can see blue sky, surrounded by green nature. Unfortunately, this is not Germany. Here the CDU is foisting a lake in Denmark on us.
The video has been on a Danish website for some time on the division of ownership of vacation homes. It originally came from an international agency that sells photos and moving images. This agency also hired the blonde boy who is happily playing in the freshly mown grass at second 24: Danish grass. The agency transparently states where the film was made. The CDU has made use of it.
Fake policewoman, fake Reichstag
If you search the relevant databases, you will also find the smart-looking boy with big glasses sitting at a laptop at second 25. He appears again and again in advertisements, for example for an optician in Spain. He probably comes from America.
In any case, the lady with the moon tattoo used by the CDU is listed by the photo agency as coming from America. The woman has nothing to do with the CDU. Parties do not always use such international images. In the Merkel era, CDU commercials sometimes featured employees of the Konrad Adenauer House and their family members.
Once, in 2021, this even caused trouble. At the time, the police union criticized the CDU for an election campaign poster featuring an employee dressed as a policewoman. “Just as police officers are not allowed to go to party rallies in uniform, parties should not advertise themselves with fake police officers in our outfits,” said deputy federal chairman Jörg Radek.
In 2023, under Chairman Merz, a CDU advertising film showed the Georgian presidential palace in Tbilisi, which looks similar with its portico and dome, instead of the Reichstag.
This mix-up caused astonishment and amusement throughout Germany. Now, in 2024, the real Reichstag is on display, but the enchanting landscape belongs to Denmark. The CDU wants to bring Germany forward. “A country we can be proud of.” The party should start with the image selection. When asked by the F.A.Z., the Konrad Adenauer House did not comment on the video.
“back to the EASTERN front” would be a more accurate translation
Catte Black, to be honest, I do not know how you all keep going at Off-G but God Bless you for not having any adverts.
You must all be doing it for Free.
Thank You
Meanwhile…Massive Respect for Craig Murray
“Beirut Residents Return to the Devastated Suburbs”
Any chance you can add a low crow/low profile baseball cap?
Zoey, Crows amaze me – how do they do it? Flying in perfect formation – thousands of them and not crashing. The red arrows can’r do it so well.
Birds are Amazing -they are the First to Know what’s going on if there is a most unusual loud explosion (not fireworks) in Central London.
my wife was OK, but they turned all the mobile phones off, so I couldn’t contact her. a bloke from Sheffield did a comprehensive video it using original mostly BBC Sources, and was in Wandsworth Jail at the Same time as Julian Assange, but Anthony John Hill did eventually go to trial (though no one had heard of him) and The Jury Found Him
NOT Guilty
The judge said you are free to go
Anthony John Hill, under the pseudonym ‘Muad’Dib’ created 7/7 Ripple Effect, a 57-minute film on the 7/7 bombings critical of the official narrative.[1]
“7/7 Ripple Effect – Original version by Muad’Dib”