It’s Just Not Possible
Todd Hayen

Since when have human beings developed this belief that no one in power could possibly be corrupt, or have ulterior motives to benevolent governance? It seems impossible for them to believe a politician could be a “bad guy”—only Donald Trump seems worthy of this sentiment. And why is that? What did he do so bad that he is looked upon as being practically inhuman in his ugliness? Grab pussies?
This is one of the greatest mysteries of our time, and I cannot even begin to get a handle on it. I grew up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and back then there was probably not a single thing the government could do that people trusted. Sure, it was mostly the young people who couldn’t trust the government as far as they could throw them, but by the time the Watergate scandal reached its peak and Tricky Dick Nixon left the office of president in disgrace, nearly everyone, at least in the US, was questioning the legitimacy of our leaders.
Can you imagine many young people today even caring for a second what the government is up to? Yes, some do, but quite a few don’t. We were so idealistic in the ‘60s, ‘70s, and even the ‘80s. Antiestablishmentarianism was the big word of the day. What in the hell happened? I see a lot of young people in my practice, and I have to say nearly every one of them does not give a gnat’s ass about any of this sort of thing. That is pretty scary if you ask me.
(Now, I know this is my anecdotal experience and does not apply to all under ‘30s everywhere . . . considering the protests happening on college campuses these days at least there are some who are concerned about something.)
How about my adult clients?
I have many who have had very abusive upbringings. The stories they tell about their parents can be quite frightening. Some of them recognize their parents have serious issues—this is usually the case if the abuse was extreme. But many of them say they deserved whatever harsh punishment they received, or that their parents were “doing the best they could” at raising three defiant brats.
This sort of across-the-board forgiveness and tolerance of parental abuse is similar to how people view their government these days. It is as if they have handed over responsibilities to their government to take care of them and they have to “give them a break” if they mess up here and there.
“What other choices did they have?” people say, or “They are doing the best they can considering the circumstances.”
There seems to be no distinction between normal incompetence and evil, conscious, corruption. If a shortcoming is not conscious, it doesn’t matter what the consequences are, it is forgiven. I mean, Dad wasn’t an evil person, he just couldn’t handle all the pressures that were on him. If he felt compelled to beat his kids senseless once in a while, well, what can you say about that? Give him a break. It isn’t easy being a dad, it isn’t easy being a president, or a prime minister.
I actually had someone tell me once that he could forgive Biden for his shortcomings because he had a dog, whereas Trump did not, so he is an evil ass—Biden could not be evil because of his love for his dog. I have to admit there is some psychological validity in this assessment, but come on, Hitler was known to love his dog, Blondi, and that obviously did not mellow out, or excuse, his behaviour.
I do believe this parental acceptance concept is at work here. When we reach a certain level of maturity we develop an empathy for our parents’ evil acts—primarily because unless your parents were psychopaths, most of their shortcomings were not intentionally evil. Does that mean they should be forgiven for their actions? Maybe to a certain degree they can be, depending on the abuse. Should a politician be forgiven in the same manner? Absolutely not.
Primarily because they are not our parents. The soul connection between an elected official and those electing them should not be an influencing factor at all, in fact, there should be no heart/soul connection with an elected official. They are not our friends, family, lovers—or parents. They are objective custodians who we have put in place in order to do our bidding. If they fail, they should be treated as failures and as betrayers of the trust we bestowed upon them.
The other reason they should not be forgiven as parents might be forgiven is because most of the wrongdoing they do is conscious, intentional, and often downright evil. They can be psychopaths, and psychopaths should never be forgiven if they hurt you—they should be held responsible for their actions.
We have a bit of the Stockholm Syndrome happening here as well. Which can be largely explained in the same way I have just explained the parent/child, politician/child phenomenon. We are all captives of totalitarian factions. Those of us who are not psychologically manipulated by our captors fight against them. They are the enemy. We can see them as evil, or at the very least, not in support of our greater good as free human beings. Those who are psychologically manipulated may fall into the Stockholm Syndrome, which will suggest that they see their captors as friends, benevolent, and empathic. They develop compassionate feelings toward them and form a positive psychological bond.
The captors, however, at least in the context of this article, do not care at all about their captives. One reason is because there are typically millions of people they are holding as prisoners! They cannot form any sort of personal bond with them. The people who are enthralled with celebrities often think the celebrity sees them (their fans) the same way the fan sees the celebrity.
Obviously, they do not. Politicians see their constituents as the movie star and rock star see their fans, much like the rest of us would see ants. They see us as millions of useless bugs they have no connection with at all, certainly not as fellow human beings. Are all celebrities and politicians like this? Probably not. At one time I would say very few were, but I am not so sure anymore. Considering all that has happened in the world recently, I think it is safer to believe they pretty much are all like this, as frightening as that prospect is.
A regular person stepping on ants at a picnic is considered justified in doing so, the ants are invading their pleasure sitting in the grass having a picnic. Is that considered evil? By some, maybe, but not by most. They are ants, after all, why should we care about ants?
The politicians and those in power I am speaking of think of everyone they have power over as no more than ants. They have a goal they want to achieve, and in so doing they may kill a handful of ants, so what? The goal is what is important to them. We don’t go around with a flamethrower searching for ants minding their own business to incinerate. But if they get in our way, if they block us from achieving our goals (having a bugless picnic, or a clean kitchen) then we wipe them out without a thought in the world.
Same situation with these people and how they see us…
And why does the average person not believe this sort of thing is possible? Yes, it is pretty extreme to believe that the very people who have such control over our lives may see us as useless ants, but considering recent actions, it is about the only thing that makes any sense. This is not only true with politicians, but true with corporations that control our lives in some way—Big Pharma, hospitals, food, water, medicine, even doctors themselves. It is a nightmare.
And yes, it can happen—it is happening. And so few of us can even say it is possible. Evil and corruption among those who have power is not only possible but is clearly probable. It always has been, and always will be. We just used to be more savvy, more aware, and maybe a tad smarter in how we dealt with it.
Not anymore.
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The majority of people can’t see what is going on, because they are diverted by ‘bread and circuses’. TV shows, sport, sometimes just tuning out. They don’t think they can change anything, so rather than get really angry and become mentally unstable, they just adopt an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ attitude. That’s all very well until Uncle Adolf decides that the Lower Forty Eight is the site for a little bit of Lebensraum…..
Of those that can see what is going on, many simply don’t believe they can change anything anyway. It takes a much, much bigger group of them than it takes for capitalists to make hay. It’s much easier for the capitalists to engage in a bit of ‘divide and rule’, becuase the size of the cake to be divided is so much bigger.
After all, practically the only time you can trust politicians is in a post-war reconstruction phase, if an entire city was pretty much bombed out. There’s no arguments about what needs to be done, it’s darn obvious. Rebuild homes and essential services for the people who survived the bombing.
Once that has been done, the potential for corruption increasingly remorselessly, until a ruling polity collapses due to abuses so extreme that no-one can tolerate it any longer.
Really, the only question the masses have to ask themselves is: ‘what is the point at which the abuses are ‘so extreme’ that they can’t tolerate it any longer?’
Excellent article. Sadly all true. The question is how we can deal with it.
It’s called “normalcy bias”. Reinforced by an impulse that market theorists call “rational expectation”. The latter is counter-balanced by something they call “perverse incentive” or “moral hazard”. Bottom line: We live in a society of dumbed-down zombies and prostituted collaborators. It’s not really an intellectual problem. It’s an ethical one.
For 16 years people in germany called Our past chancellor Angela Merkel “Mama Merkel” .. and i am Sure this nickname Was more than true emotionally for a lot of germans until the refugee crisis started. Nowadays the people here discuss politicians mostly in a “black-white-style” similar to the Trump-Biden-discussion in America .. most people don’t want to see behind the curtain although they feel that something is totally wrong .. and the young people are for sure rebellious here, but for me it seems like in a Total hedonistic-consumerism-alarmistic way that does not question the current societal/political structures at All ..
I have found the best analyses of the current problems we are all facing in the ‘ free West” on German news platforms- Apolut and Nachdenkseiten. I am particularly impressed by Ernst Wolff and Tom Oliver Regenauer; ( Paul Brandenburg is good on Corona but I find him very strange when he talks about Turks in German, and multliculturalism. He seems so inconsistent. Uwe Froschauer is also very good about Cornon and the German govt but again I don’t have a lot of time for what he has to say about Islam and refugees). Another bloke who is very good is someone called Rugemeyer. I also like Flavio von WitzlebenDo you know these platforms? They keep me sane!
What I meant to say in my first message to you was that I actually think that some of the best articles about the current situation are to be found in the German speaking world i.e. there are a lot of people there and at least two good websites where the journalists DO look behind the curtain. I think you are lucky. I have found nothing I like reading in English except for OffG which doesn’t have half the stuff that Apolut and Nachdenkseiten have and it’s not half as pretty
Todd Hayen’s vision is unremittingly bleak, offering no answers to the problem of elite evil. It’s as if he wanted us all to embrace nihilism. But wait; he himself doesn’t treat others like mere ants (I presume), so escape from the herd of evildoers is possible. Why not preach faith in religious commandments to do no evil, or to resist it? Or if he feels obliged to reject faith as mere superstition (as those of atheist faith must do), why not at least preach the golden rule and its logic? There is a very long and inspiring history of people renouncing evil and wrongdoing, even leaders.
I would rather he be unremittingly bleak if that is his honest assessment.
I write from basically one perspective, and unfortunately, that perspective is often “bleak.” I do not write about solutions because I have none. That does not mean there are no solutions, it just means that I don’t have any.
I do not treat others like ants. And I am about as far from a materialist atheist as you can get. But again, it is not my calling to write about people renouncing evil or to write about faith in religious commandments—although I do often write about divine reality and our need to get back to the basics of spiritual truth.
I find it quite depressing and alienating to read stuff which is upbeat without any justification
Informar sobre lo que está ocurriendo ya es importantísimo, por más sombrío que pueda parecer. Es honesto que se presente como sombrío, porque eso es lo que es, entre otros adjetivos parecidos. En cuanto a predicar la fe en los mandamientos religiosos le diré que ya tenemos bastantes curas
I Google translated your reply. Please write in English wherever possible, thank you. A2
“Reporting on what is happening is already very important, no matter how bleak it may seem. It’s honest that it’s portrayed as bleak, because that’s what it is, among other such adjectives. As for preaching faith in religious commandments, I will tell you that we already have enough priests.”
Okay. I will do so. And thank you.
I think many consciously or subconsciously are terrified of the alternative, so they use magical thinking to convince themselves a monster like eg Biden is really working for them, and get angry if anyone suggests otherwise. And of course allegiances come into play. Many “Democrats” seem blissfully ignorant of how reckless and dangerous the “Biden administration”‘s proxy war is, while they obsess over the guy who has beaten the party twice, a party that refuses to blame itself or change… but I’ve strayed off-topic.
I don’t think we were necessarily smarter but we certainly had awareness of morality and right and wrong – sometimes the word evil is too far down the spectrum and the first step, a lack of morals and integrity are more easily identified and understood, is skipped over.
I pity the parents of yesteryear, having to put up with the stupid astroturfed “rebellion” from their spoiled children. Oh, how they suffered. Oh, how they were disappointed. I don’t blame them for anything they did in retaliation.
Hmm. Who would want children and parents to fight incessantly, so that they cannot cooperate on anything, ever? I wonder. Who would want different identity groups of people to fight incessantly, so that they cannot cooperate on anything, ever? Hmm. Who would benefit from a divide and conquer strategy. Yeah, the 60s were just peachy. And not disingenuous at all.
Rebellion in the 60s was all part of the plan. Just imagine if all working-class families had worked in harmony, parent and child, to attain a better life for themselves and their descendants. Each family striving and helping one another to move upwards in the social scale, and thereby gain all the appurtenances that make life bearable.
Instead, they learned, “Take drugs. It’s cool. Pot makes you a genius.”
Admittedly every trace of “rebellion” in the 60s ended up serving the ruling class. But there really was at least a sliver of genuine rebellion in the thinking process – which scared the shit out of the rulers because, if it grew would skewer the comfortable Capitalist paradigm. Young people did momentarily give a passing thought to how and where their parents’ got the “appurtenances that make life bearable.” And they rightly concluded that these goodies came from exploitation of the rest of the world.
Then, of course, they got the competition burr up their asses and set their concerns with others aside to pursue that elusive golden ring. And the rest, as they say, is history.
You’re just puppeting the usual 60s rhetoric. I knew somebody would bring up my championing of upward mobility. You think I don’t know that upward mobility and striving for middle class comforts has been mocked and castigated and the hatred of it generally dinned into our heads for centuries?
I say it was not the job of the working class to “give passing thoughts” to anything but getting ahead. Let our owners worry about their souls. If the working class had done nothing but strive, instead of farting around smoking pot, the power system would have been overturned long ago. In other words, making being poor cool pretty much let all the air out of the tires. But you probably couldn’t understand this kind of unconventional thinking. It is not approved of by the powers that be.
Thomas Pynchon, at the end of Gravity’s Rainbow (which nobody but me got as far as), depicts a meeting that they held at Harvard to address the upcoming baby boom. They decided to make being poor cool, because everybody couldn’t be given a grey flannel suit (look it up, now could they?
Taxation is where the rubber hits the road. US people prospered together with the productive economy under progressive taxation (mainly on the wealthy), until the tax coup from the late 1970s. Today, a billionaire could not ask for more.
I also think that most people, young and old, don’t really know what is going on in the world. They actually are indifferent to the passive intake of mainstream narratives and have very little interest to explore beyond this especially when the paths of exploration are unknown and possibly dangerous. And a waste of time when there is the beach, parties, shopping, drugs and alcohol and so much more never ending fun stuff to engoy.
Having mountains of information to select from for a new seeker with no friends, a search in Google is unlikely to lead away from the mainstream narratives, and will most definitely issue dire warnings about the dangers of looking at the words of registered and confirmed nutjobs, antisemites, conspiracy theorists, right and left terrorist and dictatorial sympathisers, those that have been cancelled, offenders of grandmothers and victims and trans people. Attempting to guage the credentials and credibility of any sourse of analytical perspective, information or opinion, turning to authoritative fact checkers and AI queries ensure a strong doubt, uncertainty and scepticism develops before the seeker reads or hear a single word.
Venturing away from the BBC TV news, the New York Times, etc, will have the seeker being listed as a Politically Exposed Person, PEP, especially if the seeker starts to peddle views dangerous to the official narratives, risking employment termination, debanking, cancellation, ostracism, alienation other forms of societal sanction and censure. So why go there?
Also, being politically aware these days is so incredibly boring. You will never be able to score a root banging on about wars and genocide.
Growing up with abuse usually leads to the eventual adult walking along one of two paths: Accepting abusive relationships for life or rebelling and outing abuse wherever it is encountered. The former type becomes passive and psychologically blind (and sometimes continues the abusive pattern), the latter type becomes an independent brat who refuses to take shit from anyone.
True, but not without wounds.
The abuser will try to hurt the escaped victim as much as possible, their whole life, and the victim will have difficulty in trusting anybody, hurting good people and innocents.
I had a curious discussion with a colleague a while ago, who was of the opinion that there were probably a lot of corrupt businessmen around and certainly a few corrupt politicians too. Yup, I think we may be on a similar page here. But then he says, those billionaires, they are obviously uncorruptible. Must be so clever to make that much money. And obviously don’t need to be corrupt because they already have so much money.
Some people’s heads must be just fried, that they cannot see a anything illogical about that. Bizarre.
Quite funny really!! Just mindblowing..I mean how’d he come up with that??!!
Foreign nationals are flocking to Israel to join the IDF –
even Australians want to be in on The Killings…
Maybe, because the “Stop Trump” crusade has temporarily
stalled, there’s a dearth of Righteous Causes the eager
can find to fight for ?
The “volunteers” are from the tribe.
No different from the Ukraine front. Both locations attract people from around the globe on both sides of the battle lines. You can join Hezbollah, attractive?
Hizbulla is History… Israeli settlers will now move into and colonize
southern Lebanon, south of the Litani – part of ‘Greater Israel’…
Amazing what those 2000 lb US bunker bombs will do when dropped
on civilians…
Don’t hold your breath. Remember: Israel tried and failed at least once before (in 1983 I think) to do just what you suggest. Fighting Hezbollah is not the same as fighting Hamas (which the IDF has yet to defeat) because the mountainous terrain of Lebanon hampers Israeli heavy artillery and air strikes. Yes, Israel can bomb villages and cities – but mountains afford much better protection.
I honestly wonder about this. I hear people talking up the capabilities of Hamas and Hezbollah. I’m afraid I think the truth is Gaza and Lebanon are toast/ are becoming part of ‘ Greater Israel’. But I don’t think that there are really countries any more in the ‘ free West’ and possibly the world since Corona. I reckon we are all getting penned in in our 15 minute cities/ lockdowns /whatever means the ratbags choose to bump us off/ make us have a bad life/ keep us away from all the things they want to enjoy
? You mean Do hold your breath I think?
The Lebanese government and army have been tasked by Israel to impose the conditions of the ‘truce’ on Hizbulla – if the government doesnt want Israel to wreak even more destruction of Lebanon… The Lebanese government and army have been tasked with dismantling, disarming, disbanding Hizbulla – of functioning the same as the Palestinian Authority (PA) does – who serve as Israel’s policemen keeping Palestinians in line…
None of the usual analysts have provided any explanations for why Hizbulla “agreed” to the ‘truce’. Did it take a mauling ? There’s been a report that 4000 of it’s militants were killed, but no other details…
With the Lebanese army moving in to take control of Hizbulla’s area of
control, well, what likelihood of ‘civil war’ erupting ?
I am afraid i think you are right
if the political system is constructed in such a way that you have to be a ruthless, unprincipled, egotistical bastard to claw your way to the top, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the big shots at the top are all ruthless, unprincipled, egotistical bastards!
legally I cannot disagree with the H story.
They’ve put laws in place to make sure you believe that story or else.
However if we was to discuss this evil Htla mythos and what he supposedly did.
Then Trump is worse if we was to play the numbers game as
Operation warpspeed was aimed at 330 million Americans and to this day now
I cant go back and live in America unless I have both the covid jabs. I can got on holiday but not to live.
funny how people forget this and now Todd is trying to lessen the lesser form of evil and people on this forum also voted for Boris.
Why does the voter never get discussed as complicit agents in the crime.?
easier to blame migrants.
I still maintain that a part of the unconcern of younger generations is physical. If you compare high school yearbook photos of today with those of my father and grandfather , or even my own generation (I’m 80), you see obvious differences. Just look at the young men; all those undeveloped beanpoles walking around didn’t exist in my generation– nor all those fat girls. A few of the causes:
–thyroid is the engine of development. TPTB have replaced the iodine in dough conditioner w bromine, which displaces iodine in the body. The form of iodine now in salt is enough to prevent goiter but not support normal development.
–the antibiotics fed livestock fatten them cuz they kill off gut bacteria which compete with the carbs-to-fat ones. Antibiotic residue is confirmed in our meat & chicken.
–and all the vegetable oils that many still believe are healthy, when you NEED animal fat & fairly high cholesterol to support your hormones.
In my high school days we didn’t exercise more (there was no sports program for girls), yet there was only 1 fat girl & one fat boy in the whole school.
We certainly didn’t eat less sugar or dessert; fewer women worked and they really cooked, with lard and tallow NOT corn/soy oil– including baking & LOTS of desserts.
You cannot have the constant insults in your bread and meat & chicken and almost all of your fats without some effect on human development. A sound mind and idealistic spirit is less likely in those who seem to be unformed.
Don’t forget the many vaccines everyone receives nowadays. And what about fluoride in the water – when did that start? Fluoride dumbs down the population (via competition with iodine in the body).
In fact, all hallogens compete with one another, and those listed at the top of the periodic table, fluoride, bromide, displace iodine. Further, bromide is used in the meat deboning industry. And never before have humans eaten meat daily.
And don’t forget the various medications people are on these days, especially the psych meds that so many young people are on, many of which contain fluoride compounds.
And on and on it goes with the poisoning scheme of the human (and pet) populations.
When I was a child (now almost 80) our fruit, veges and meat were far less contaminated. We played, walked and moved much more, with no TV’s or ‘remotes’, mobile phones, etc. We had adventures in our local park with our ‘gang’ of neighbourhood kids. We knew when the local fruit and nut trees would be ready to eat and, in spite of being in a city, we played with local goats, horses, cats and dogs. We had lots of fun and lived much closer to Nature.
The present would-be regime is definitely against pleasure and wants to keep us as far from our feelings, intuition, the Sun and all of Nature as possible.
Why are they so scared of these natural things?
Abrahamic religion is why
Because it’s joyful, and people who enjoy life aren’t so easily enslaved.
Daily: meat For people in the Arctic – natives and others – meat is a staple, unless they have fish. They do just fine with an active life. Running out of meat can mean starvation.
Most of us are not living in the Arctic
They’re not doing ‘just fine.’ They live hard and short lives.
The Inuit people:
Not until the mid-1800s were reliable records made of their daily lives, their diets, and their health. Early reports describe these people as looking beautiful and athletic when they were young, but then they aged quickly, and “men and women who appeared to be 60 or over were rare.”
Mummified remains of Eskimos dating back 2,000 years have shown extensive hardening of the arteries throughout their brains, hearts and limbs; as a direct consequence of following a carnivorous diet of birds, caribou, seals, walrus, polar bears, whales, and fish. The June 1987 issue of National Geographic magazine carried an article about two Eskimo women, one in her twenties and the other in her forties, frozen for five centuries in a tomb of ice. When discovered and medically examined they both showed signs of severe osteoporosis and also suffered extensive atherosclerosis, “probably the result of a heavy diet of whale and seal blubber.”
Study: “Atherosclerosis was common in four preindustrial populations including preagricultural hunter-gatherers.”
Eskimos Suffer from Severe Bone Loss:
Their low-calcium diet and lack of sunshine (vitamin D) are only minor factors contributing to the extensive osteoporosis found in recent and ancient Eskimos. Alaskan Eskimos older than age 40 have been found to have a 10% to 15% greater deficit in bone mineral density compared to Caucasians in the US. This research published in 1974 on 107 elderly people concluded, “Aging bone loss, which occurs in many populations, has an earlier onset and greater intensity in the Eskimos. Nutritional factors of high protein, high nitrogen, high phosphorus, and low calcium intakes maybe implicated.”
Masai and Inuit High-Protein Diets: A Closer LookJuly 17, 2015
By Thomas Campbell, MD
Fluoride lowers children’s IQ. I must disagree w you about daily eating of meat. Certainly in the US and other countries, the rule has been daily meat or fish or chicken.
I contend that self-centeredness is the root. Ego. When you are the centre of all, you don’t take others seriously. You can’t imagine the evil possible by others, because you would not think of committing such evil. Everything that happens is related back to self. Solipsism.
You go with the flow. You don’t do any mental work, so you’re credulous when listening to newsreaders who must be better informed than normal people. But you’re incredulous when a normal person comes up with a ‘conspiracy theory’, which again, is lazy thinking.
Yes! And here’s Mark Passio’s take on solipsism:
The 2nd tenet of Modern Satanism is that there is no such thing as objective right or wrong (the masters get to make it up as they go along!). Ergo, we as a society are practising Satanism (war; murder, forced vaxxing, etc)
That which is based in truth, is in harmony with Natural Law and which does not result in harm.
You can never really know is the philosophy of “solipsism”. The ideology that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside one’s own minds is unsure, hence there is no objective reality and nothing about the external world and its workings can truly be known. In short, there’s no such things as truth – it’s all perception. And everybody’s perception is equally valid, somehow…
Perception is NOT reality but our work is to align the two. Human beings have frequencies and wavelengths of perception. A long wavelength of perception means we align our perception with the truth less often (representing a low frequency consciousness) than someone whose perception has a short wavelength, whose perception intersects with the truth more frequently (a high frequency consciousness – a person who is in tune with the truth more frequently).
Our alignment with the truth helps us to make an accurate diagnosis of what the problem is. A diagnosis means getting to know about the causal factors of our problem.
Thus, the inability or refusal to acknowledge that there is a universal truth prevents us from ever solving our problems (as is intended by all political movements and religious ideologies, incl. the New Age movement).
In summary, “Solipsism is a defining hallmark of Spiritual Infancy. Departing from this diseased ideology is a sure-fire sign of the beginnings of human maturity and spiritual development.”
– Mark Passio.
I always found it funny when smart people say there is no objective truth. Could you win this year’s tour de france on a mountain bike? Can you swim faster than a shark? I ask. Only to be met with a vacant look. There are dozens of examples that spring to mind that prove that truth exists and can be known. I honestly think people who claim truth can’t be known are insane.
The pseudo scientists like to say morality is simply a belief system but I’ll go further and contend that reality = truth = morality. There is no difference between these terms, they are one and the same. What is real is certainly true and vice versa. Most don’t make the morality connection but surely the only thing that can be considered the right way is the one that is real and true.
–Babes in utero get their first 4 doses when pregnant Moms take theirs:
“Flu, Tdap, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccination while pregnant can help keep you and your little one safe. CDC and a panel of experts who make vaccine recommendations have concluded that flu, Tdap, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccines are not harmful for pregnant people and their babies.”– CDC
–From birth to age 2 they get 32 more doses
–By age 18 it’s 70
Want to know the sickening details?
And “pregnant PEOPLE”? How did we ever come to this?
I absolutely hate the term “pregnant people.”
What about ‘pregnant paws’ ?
I think it’s ok. Saves saying women and girls or I suppose are you saying that they should say expectant mothers , if so then I suppose you’ re right
How about “people assigned female gender at birth”?
wELLno because that wouldn’t actually make sense
It is total 72 doses in US, and none tested, says Robert Kennedy Jr.
Maybe they’re including “just a little bit pregnant” people?
RE: Not anymore.
This has got to be the most naive thing Mr.Hayen has written published here on Off-G.
How so?
Read the paragraph before the last two words I copied. Does it even make any sense? Keep in mind that TH is a believer in the Mainstream Counter Narrative TM: the idea of a “mismanaged pandemic.” Ironically, the official line of Off-G is that there was no pandemic, the whole thing was made up (which I agree with). “Not anymore” is like he saying he’s not gonna be deluded by people in power – he’s already deluded by people in power.
No, you misunderstood what I was saying. Either I am not clear enough for you, or you just wanted to make the comments you have made for other reasons.
And BTW, I believe the whole pandemic “thing” was made up.
“this is usually the case if the abuse was extreme”
Slaughter of half a million Iraqi civilians, complete destruction of their public infrastructure, total unguarded pillage of ancient artifacts and daily military terror, and much more, all for no reason whatsoever, is abuse extreme enough to awaken anyone. One would think. Today, WW3 is a bubbling caldron of evil on a stove stoked by what they say is “my” government. Just as daily news documenting bloody Vietnam drove public opinion to stop the war, truth about the history of human mass culture civilization has been accumulating steadily. The sad case of “leader” based empires and inevitable crisis, catastrophe and self-destruction should have been enough. But today in the daily news we see the most irrational and psychotic behavior and decision making that should shake each of us out of the peer pressure stupor locking Humanity down. Somewhere there has to appear a way out. I don’t think most people see a way out and thus tolerate the elite’s fascism as the only way to get through. The elite’s false binary choice ruling method is barely but still working.
Indigenous cultural doorways out are appearing. Homeschooling, micro schools, free skools. Moving out of the big city traps to live near and support small organic pastured farms and small localized village life. Food Not Bombs. Art Not Bombs. Collectives of all kinds (I am part of an art gallery collective that unfortunately has been taken over by the old bourgeois guard seeking state underwriting and wealthy largess). Non msm media. PMA’s, private membership association stores and health care associations. Trading services and sharing resource exchange.
[For me, i see the cost of space-to-organize, the property/landlord class and it’s real estate casino, as the current nail in our mobility coffin. It is also the driver of the bottom 90%’s cost-exceeding-income crisis that is slowly moving up the food chain into top 5% dysfunctional collapse. At what point does cost and low-no income throttle the 1% growth casino? Hopefully.]
Anybody else have more to add to the list of possible ways out to a new self-governed future away from our abusive parent-gods?
Moving your property to Allodial Title. “Allodial lands are the absolute property of their owner and not subject to any service or acknowledgment to a superior. An allodial title is the opposite of a feudaltenure.”
Agreed. The State is the totalitarian hand of the wealthy squashing commoners. Spreading the word and instructions on how to implement these solutions is key.
The ‘Haves’ devised a way to amass for themselves all collectively produced wealth. It’s called The Economy. ‘Economics being a study of the way they
privatize everything.
The government practice in Australia is school can be by radio for children in remote areas. I.e., you don’t even need fancy Internet. By all means allow private radio or Internet schools. They can definitely get the children ready for any government exams.
“Can you imagine even caring for a second what the government is up to?”
YES the evil bastards have been sussed, by “many young people today”
THEY imposed Jabs and Lockdowns and Mass Genocide – not just in The Ukraine and Palestine but at home too USA / UK
many young people were the first to be affected.
The kids have been through hell….They are Not Stupid, and the Brainwashing quickly wears off when you are Young.
“Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd – They’ve created a monster!!!”
The economy stupid. Lie low in the lock down period and the global economy got a break.
Nothing to do with Oliver’s and other Liberal’s personal comfort zone and health!
“Kissinger, think BIG”.
I started wastching it.Thought that Dowd was pretty rubbish. Neil Oliver himself is much better. Why on earth should anybody have any hope in a Trump presidenccy? Oliver said at the beginning there was a uniparty and then Dow prevaricated..I gave up watching!
The North Koreans are quite inventive. They attach little bundles
of rotting garbage and poo and set them aloft to drift south, then
have them explode and dump their loads onto the South Koreans…
If i had the means, i’d do the same. I’d launch them from the other
side of the Thames to drift over to, and dump on parliament while
it was in session to deliver a wake-up call to all the free-loaders
called politicians…
“What a Hoot !”, as the Yanks would say…
(PS: dont construe this as ‘Hate Speech’ – my intentions are honest.)
They attach little bundles… to balloons, that is.
At present, your intentions are unimportant in offences against the high and mighty. The world inside courts is surreal.
You are wrong. You can now be judged, found guilty,
sentenced, because of your intention… They know
what your intentions are because They can read your
mind… Look up “Thought Crimes”…
1990-2001 I was running a simultaneous group consciousness workshop with the general medicine areas I was focalising across Western Europe. In the workshop dome I would kick off with OK, tell us a bit about your parents. I had workshop circles of 20+ participants, often mostly Northern European, German, Danish/Romanian etc. I had circles where EVERY participant began with ‘Both my parents (or one of my parents) were/are ALCOHOLICS.’
At first I labelled the syndrome ‘A German childhood, as they were often the greatest numerically, but soon realise we had to add ‘a Czech childhood, a Swedish/Finnish/Norwegian/etc childhood.’ You get the picture. In these circles it was NORMAL
It also appeared to drive the desire to go and grow beyond their childhood experiences.
Well, as it turned out, most of those ant establishmentarians ended up being as fake as a three dollar bill when they “grew up”. I’m a child of the 60’s/early 70’s, THE period of the “Age of Aquarius, the Age of Destruction, Mother, Should I trust the Government”, when songs reflected what we’re talking about here. Some of us took it to heart, ingrained it and never let it go, most did not. As it turned out, most of the Vietnam war protesters became Iraq war/War OF terror supporters and now support whatever war is thrown in front of them. Most took the jab and believe there is a Covid-19 virus. Most “hippies” turned out to be “yippies” that were only out for a good time before settling into their establishment supporting lives. I don’t think kids and humans are any different today. Now, as throughout time, there seems to be only a certain amount of those that are truly radical in their views of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and willing to back it up.
However, only 150 million people voted for Trump and Harris, out of about 244 million eligible voters. So, there are 90 million out there who didn’t vote for the farce. How many did so for the “right” reasons, i.e., instead of just apathy, forgetfulness, inability to read, etc., is anyone’s guess, but it certainly is in the many millions. But even if it amounts to 20 million, that’s still less than 10% of total eligible voters. Maybe that’s how it is and always will be. We are the Ten Percenters. Will that ever be enough?
Not sure if it’s true but here’s what some researchers came up with:
It takes a small minority to sway the masses and bring about change
Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.
The findings were published in the July 22, 2011, early online edition of the journal Physical Review E in an article titled “Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities.”
It’s like that Margaret Meade quote,”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” I think it’s time we get committed. How is the question.
MFRA – Make Freedom Ring Again.
The key is a firm commitment over decades or more, regardless of how insane the cause is.
A review of 323 non-violent and violent campaigns to bring about regime change over 1906-2006 showed that within a year of sustained campaigns, once popular participation in a peak event exceeded 3.5% of the population, there were no cases of failure. -Erica Chenowith & Maria Stephan, research
Most people despite ample evidence of recorded human history, are reluctant to consider or admit human beings can be so evil. Many folks don’t want to contemplate or accept the fact the overlords actually want to harm and kill us off. Much of this is due to the influence of the mind control apparatus (education media religion) the rulers have constructed. People think this is merely a side effect of the prevailing economic system, the oligarchs aren’t evil psychopaths they are just greedy. As long as we remain brainwashed, ignorant and in denial we will be easy pickings for the misanthropes demonic agendas.
“The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power [emphasis mine] wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept”. – Bob Moran
Perhaps Bob Moran is refusing to believe a still harder thing: that those in power wishing to harm us all are mere tools of a greater evil.
You’d exchange names and addresses for some mystical force?
The blase attitude of people in general and young people in particular can be laid at the foot and doorstep of none other than the cell phone. There is something very wrong going on when almost everyone you see, wherever you see them, is engaged with their cell phone – and can’t seem to keep away from it for very long.
That piece of devilry is a vehicle for a special kind of propaganda, regardless what its owner is watching or listening to. The only possible conclusion is that DARPA et al have perfected the mind control techniques they’ve been working so tirelessly on.
It isn’t necessary for them to program any particular ideas into the phone; it’s only necessary to keep people constantly distracted. Programming people to not care what’s happening is infinitely more efficient than attempting to program people to believe or not believe something particular. That way there’s no danger people will ever discover they’ve been lied to – because they haven’t been lied to, they’ve just been distracted.
Spiritual warfare and satanic influence..
Evil exists because it has a function; kick people out of complacent sheeple status.
“Is that considered evil? By some, maybe, but not by most. They are ants, after all, why should we care about ants?”
Well, perhaps because they transport the eggs of Ticks back to their nest, nourishing themselves independently: after much back breaking work in the blazing Sun (on the Ant Motorway Network across the Mountain Pastures), therein, reducing the risk of a Tick on the Dick, laying down: wise to look carefully and let me add from personal experience, a tick on the dick can be Alarming to any body, including the mighty Ant.
Needless to say I was truly well prepared and subsequently well sterilised inside & over & out: how to resist ?
‘Ant’ on Todd’ grrr ?
Balky 😂
Oh, come on. In my medicine areas in the wild, Tick on Dick was a common occurence. That’s what tweezers are for,. A quick rotation to the left although that’s probably a ‘phallusy’ and it’s out and not particularly painful, either.
Government leaders have been groomed from university with the promise of power. They do not make decisions; they just do as they are told. Westminster is just another theatre where they act out a performance for our entertainment that gives the illusion of democracy.
MP’s don’t really know what’s going on but it’s a good number and good money. The cabinet makes the decisions and they are sworn to secrecy. Where is the ‘nothing to hide nothing to fear’ response here? In fact, all oaths, and secrecy acts are a means for the criminal elite to continue their raid on our lives.
As far as the youth of the day are concerned: In the 60s-80s kids had a mind of their own to a degree although there was programmed manipulation it was about 1% of what it is today. With tech, psychologists can manipulate the young to believe anything. They know our addictions and how to create a willingness to accept the agenda even if it states a human can identify as a cat.
Dear Mr Haye,
You say: “I have to say nearly every one of them [today’s youth] does not give a gnat’s ass about any of this sort of thing [what the goverment does].”
It be great if you could contextualise and illustrate your statement here. Does it mean young folks don’t believe what the government does matters, or does it mean they feel powerless to influence what’s going on? There may be multiple reasons to give up analysing everything the authorities do and talk about doing. True, some may be apathetic, selfish or lazy, but others may simply be aware that nothing they do, regardless of who’s on power, can make a difference. Perhaps due to the changing media landscape, and the exponentially greater abundance of news source and information–as compared to 60 years ago, today’s youth may not have the simplistic world views older generations tended to share.
The reasons for the youth’s political disaffection may actually be a sign of more profound understanding. They didn’t create the society they were born into, they may hate many of its aspects and wish things were different, but as things stand, there’s not too many reasons to be engaged and optimistic. If kids understand that the current breed of politicians are mostly self-serving grifters and clowns and letting them self-destruct may actually be the smartest thing they could do. Fock the government and to hell with stupid politician liars!
I do not believe their lack of interest is because they have given up on having any profound influence. Where this may be true is that their indoctrination and brainwashing have caused them to have accepted their “serf” status and they simply believe the power in the agenda to control them is not even something they would consider trying to manipulate. That may be the same thing, but I don’t think so.
I remember in the ’60s…most of the teens that I knew that were against the Vietnam War did not really believe they could change the views of the US Government war machine…they didn’t fight, or protest, with a lot of “hope” that their influence would end the war. Some did, I’m sure, but the others could not sit back and do nothing. I think if you don’t follow your natural instincts to attempt to effectuate change because you believe you are entirely ineffective, brings about deep depression and despair…something we might be more likely to see in North Korea, or during the height of Soviet oppression.
This is not what I am seeing in the young people I was commenting on. They have accepted the status quo, and are typically “happy” in it, as long as they have their cell phones, their video games, and their social events with drugs, alcohol, and sex (sex is not as important as it used to be) and can still go out and buy “things” they are fine.
That’s a pretty poor picture I am painting…and I do not believe this describes ALL young people, and maybe not even a majority…it seems most of the young people I see in practice, or hear about by patients who are parents, fit this description.
I also think that most people, young and old, don’t really know what is going on in the world. They actually are indifferent to the passive intake of mainstream narratives and have very little interest to explore beyond this especially when the paths of exploration are unknown and possibly dangerous. And a waste of time when there is the beach, parties, shopping, drugs and alcohol and so much more never ending fun stuff to engoy.
Having mountains of information to select from for a new seeker with no friends, a search in Google is unlikely to lead away from the mainstream narratives, and will most definitely issue dire warnings about the dangers of looking at the words of registered and confirmed nutjobs, antisemites, conspiracy theorists, right and left terrorist and dictatorial sympathisers, those that have been cancelled, offenders of grandmothers and victims and trans people. Attempting to guage the credentials and credibility of any sourse of analytical perspective, information or opinion, turning to authoritative fact checkers and AI queries ensure a strong doubt, uncertainty and scepticism develops before the seeker reads or hear a single word.
Venturing away from the BBC TV news, the New York Times, etc, will have the seeker being listed as a Politically Exposed Person, PEP, especially if the seeker starts to peddle views dangerous to the official narratives, risking employment termination, debanking, cancellation, ostracism, alienation other forms of societal sanction and censure. So why go there?
Also, being politically aware these days is so incredibly boring. You will never be able to score a root banging on about wars and genocide.
Aldous Huxley made an analysis on the subject. I think he fits in. They made a lot of science on the subject during his days:
Behavioral Science they called it.
consumption and entertainment? I ‘d settle for that! We’re getting vaxxed to death and soon I feel sure starved or frozen to death. My shopping bill for basic food seems to have trebled in the last two years. My electricity bill is skyhigh
Considering that the ‘Age of Enlightenment’ began more than two hundred years ago, we haven’t come very far have we?
We seem to lurch from one man made catastrophe to another.
Now we’re living through an age of continual chaos; whether it be wars, economic meltdowns, worldwide physical and psychological health problems, toxic chemicals, including vaccines of course, psychopathic oligarchs and a vast spiritual desert.
A great spiritual teacher once said ‘Truth is found through diminishing ignorance’
No one can save the world, but we can save ourselves by shedding ignorance, which has the added benefit of shedding our accumulated unhappiness.
the age of left brain take over/capitalism/industrialisation supporters.
Plse explain the reference to left brain
linear thinking. atlantis vs lemuria.
Lear, unlearn and relearn. Very hard to do.
But maybe not as hard as living with ignorance and unhappiness.
Government’s primary concern is
‘What can we get away with’
Unfortunately, as we’ve seen, the answer is a hell of a lot.