The Vaquita Porpoise

Sylvia Shawcross

People are wearing things. They’re sporting blue bracelets and outrageous tattoos and bald heads or beards or flags or make-up or decals or pins or memes on teeshirts and kilts and colours all over every available surface and piercings up the yin yang and it is becoming harder and harder to brush your way through the debris to the person now.

It is almost as if there is no person in behind the decor. Sometimes I think that because usually when you eventually fight your way to where they are, they’re on the cellphone and might as well not be there as far as anyone is concerned. But that is neither here nor there nor over there.

The point would be it has always stood the test of time to have the personality before you have the image. That way you will actually have some kind of presence and you can be noticed and won’t starve to death because nobody realized you were there because they thought you might just be a store mannikin all dressed up and on display. They will remember to invite you for dinner and will offer you blue-cheese nibbly bits as appetizers.

It will save you money to have a personality rather than an image immediately because you will know which pin to wear and won’t have to wear all 16 pins for every social cause. And you won’t have to pay for a tattoo that you’ll regret when you are old and it sags and that tattoo of Britney starts to look like a melting Shrek on fentanyl.

The point would be that before you pierce your forehead to insert bone horns with metallic embellishments and pearl inlays, think of your grandchildren to be. How do you think they’ll feel when you pick them up after school with your bat wing arms flapping in the wind with red hearts and crocodiles all over them and fangs coming out of the top of your head and a purple chin which was once meant to represent the futility of meaning and autonomy in the 21st century and which now just looks like you drooled your grape juice again. Look. Have some dignity for heavens sakes! Think of the children! But never mind all that.

The important thing is in the flotsam and jetsam of your existence there is a place to be that is less than spectacular. Everyone has a less than spectacular place to be but unfortunately these places are becoming endangered much like the Vaquitas porpoise of the Gulf of Mexico. Gillnet fishing has decimated the poor porpoise who had a purpose but the Mexican government is not enforcing the law and so it behooves us all to save the porpoises. This does not mean you must go out and tattoo a porpoise on your arse. Nobody notices. Better to…But I digress.

Less than spectacular places are as vital to people as free speech. We all need a place where no one knows we are where we can sing bad opera, wrap our feet in tinfoil, watch bad movies and eat cranberry tuna sandwiches. No one needs to know you eat cranberry tuna sandwiches. That’s your secret with the universe.

That’s about all I have to say. Of course, if that were all I had to say I wouldn’t be going on and on like I do now would I? The thing about any stance in anything is that, when you are going to be questioned, it is imperative to find someone to blame. That is the true spirit of our times.

So I blame the loss of less than spectacular places on these bloody tech idiots.

They hate us. They have always hated us.

They have hated us since they sat in the back of the classrooms like the pasty-eyed nerds they were with their horn-rimmed glasses and their made at home lunch and their ill-fitted polyester pants and their ridiculous tricks like jumping over chairs. And so they started making us all miserable when they grew up. For one thing, they’ve gone and invented AI. How vindictive can you get?

We could have been nicer to them I suppose. But then, we hardly noticed them because they weren’t wearing the right pins. Unable to live the life, they decided to spy on our lives. This is why there is no privacy anymore and no less-than-spectacular spaces. Even our vacuum cleaners are watching us.

They know our bank accounts, our spending, our entertainment, whether we scratch our ears or bite our nails. They know what we eat, where we go and how many angels fit on the head of a pin. If they knew what angels were. Which they don’t. Clearly. Maybe we should step in and stop all this nonsense? That is hard to do when we can’t figure out what colour hair to wear in the morning. I mean, social change might mean giving up the little to get the big. We can’t have that! We wouldn’t exist then.

Here’s an earworm in apology:

And here’s a link on the Vaquita Porpoise

And yes, I know the world is a horrible place right now hence a ridiculous need for some sort of humour…if that is what this is.

Sylvia Shawcross is a writer from Canada. Visit her SubStack if you’re so inclined.


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Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 1, 2024 10:31 AM

We’re happy to report our shop is working again! 

Apologies to all those who got an API error when trying to check out. It’s fixed now and shouldn’t happen again.

Dec 3, 2024 3:06 PM

Any way for one off donations?

Subscriptions are challenging with my particular (long story) banking/payment setup.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 3, 2024 3:36 PM
Reply to  johansmith

Hi, thanks for your question. If you check out the donations widget at the bottom of each article there’s an option for a one-off donation 🙂 A2

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Dec 2, 2024 1:59 AM

Vaquita porpoises call for the freedom of whale advocate Paul Watson….

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Dec 1, 2024 11:13 PM

cranberry + tuna sounds absolutely delicious!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 3, 2024 6:07 PM

What evil have Tuna ever done to humanity to deserve this? Nothing!
Tuna do marry and get children like everybody else. Just saying I am against it and willing to fight for Tuna’s rights and freedom too!!

Dec 1, 2024 9:38 PM

The nerd at the back of the classroom was only different because you, the with-in, trendy, herd-leading group at the front defined him — or her — so. If you had been less focused on how wonderful and exclusive you were and more inclusive you’d have discovered that the nerd is just like you, a person who just happens to have different interests. Its really not a big deal; people like that have always existed, into science or math or crafts or fixing motorcycles, they’re actually the people that underpin the civilization that you take for granted. Its just a bit unfortunate that computers are not just a great fit for their personality but also now such an important part of your everyday life.

…..Although if you were a tad less focused on being exclusive, trendy or whatever on social media you’d probably find that you were giving less of your life away. Its not even the nerds that are using it but an huge business ecosystem that’s been enabled by technology and your inability to live without burying your nose in a screen 24/7. Read this and weep…..


Dec 2, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  MartinU

As someone who mostly hung with the nerds in high school – primarily because they were much more interesting to listen to, though no less self-involved (it’s almost impossible for teens not to be self-involved) – I would challenge the notion that they were outcasts who couldn’t make it into the right circles. They preferred not being part of the in-crowd. And no wonder: the in-crowders were boring, the girls into being pretty, the guys into being jocks. Not one rebel among the lot. Literally, nothing to see there.

Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
Dec 3, 2024 2:55 PM
Reply to  MartinU

In truth, despite this written piece, I was a full-fledged nerd myself once upon a time.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 1, 2024 5:29 PM

Nice music. On the private plan I love the natural skin God’s creation, but I understand what he mean.
His body is a Temple and his skin is a canvas, painting a man out of all the things important to him. I buy that explanation.

But the WWF video  👽  🤖  💩 …………………. 😡 .
The vaquita will be extinct if fishery bycatch is not eliminated immediately. Nearly one out of every five vaquita get entangled and drown in gillnets intended for other marine species like the totoaba, a critically endangered fish also found in the upper Gulf of California.

Again, small fisherboats, small families, small fishing communities, are killing small kids, all right small animal kids and must be eliminated so WWF and EMF can take over their domain and so office Liberals can get their habitat.

Same story again again again.

Dec 1, 2024 5:06 PM

I just wish it were possible to do something for the Vaquita Porpoise but it isn’t – because the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, even the aquifers, are becoming so toxic that nothing can survive for long in them.

I consider myself having a nice imagination. But try as I might, I cannot put myself inside the heads of those who care nothing for any living thing. He who says “Oh it’s just business” curses all existence (God too if there were one).

Lars Christiansen
Lars Christiansen
Dec 1, 2024 5:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

Calm down! You’re high on fifty years of earth-ending Green propaganda!

Have you not noticed yet that while we have been told since the 1960s that our earth is dying still it’s not even slightly dead? In fact it is still teeming with life.

Sure the air and water could be cleaner in places, sure we have some pollution issues, but the idea it’s a world-ending catastrophe was never true and now looks very old and tattered and its anti-human eugenicist roots are showing! Time to discard Green Catastrophism for a better and more realistic model.

No, I do not say the world is perfect or without problems. So don’t be tiresome and pretend I do. I say the earth is full of problems but not about to die as we have been told it is for so very long. If it had been true in 1970 it would be dead now. But yet here we are, still believing a prediction that shows no sign of coming true. The time for trusting that failed prediction is well past.

Dec 2, 2024 4:04 PM

The Earth is not teeming with life – and that includes literal greenery as well as animal and insect life. The part you got right was that the “Green” thing is nothing but a hoax. As has been pointed out, it takes about 5 barrels of oil to produce one “Green” barrel-equivalent of energy (if the manufacture of the “Green” device is also taken into account).

The Earth is not about to die – it will continue in one form or another until the sun destroys it. The living things on the Earth are what’s about to die because the kind of Earth needed to sustain life is rapidly being altered by human activity. There are over 15,000 man-made chemicals called “forever chemicals” because they take eons to break down. Fracking is rapidly polluting groundwater. As Eric Nielsen above points out, over fishing is making the Vaquita Porpoise endangered, along with many pelagic fish.

The Earth’s resources are finite (just as one example, Neon – the 5th most abundant element in the universe – is extremely rare on Earth).

Added to everything else, geoengineering is rapidly depleting the ozone layer, allowing UV-C rays to penetrate to the ground. These rays kill soil microbes and slowly destroy trees from the top down. Everything on the planet is becoming polluted with aluminum nano-particles – including living entities. Aluminum is toxic to every living thing.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Dec 4, 2024 9:37 AM
Reply to  Howard

What? I see neon pipes everywhere and you cant see them? Look after the girls Howard. Red Districts!comment image

Dec 1, 2024 2:55 PM

I recently discovered that thimerosal (aka mercury), now banned as an adjuvant in vaccines (or so they say) and potentially the cause of ADHD / autism, is present in tattoo ink. Mercury toxicity is seriously damaging to the brain (think of the mad hatter 😬) and is, as far as I’m aware, impossible to eliminate from the body. They’ve dumbed us down for decades and when mercury gets banned in one place (amalgam fillings for example) they try elsewhere. So tattoos may make us more stupid. Who knew?

Dec 1, 2024 4:45 PM
Reply to  Jos

Jos, we’re Humans! Nothing can make us more stupid. So relax. Besides, we’re all being surrounded by aluminum – yes, we ALL wear tinfoil hats nowadays, thanks to the geoengineers (a special breed of nerd who wears military camouflage instead of polyester pants to class).

Dec 2, 2024 4:11 AM
Reply to  Jos

Was “mad hatter” not lead poisoning from their use of flat pieces of lead to stiffen the brim of the hat? That’s how I learnt it, from some dork in back of class I guess.

Dec 2, 2024 5:28 AM
Reply to  Jos

Propaganda. MSM claimed mercury was dropped from jabs over a decade ago. But there is no fall in “sudden infant death syndrome” or in autism (“autism spectrum disease”).

No need to ask the monsters in government about this. Instead, they can just get busy testing the jabs, all of which are untested. I prefer that the test subjects be those financing the jabs.

Monkey Biz
Monkey Biz
Dec 1, 2024 2:21 PM

Big Brother is watching you masturbate

John Goss
John Goss
Dec 1, 2024 2:07 PM

Made me smile. Might have made me laugh if I’d been in an audience with others who were laughing, and depending on how you presented it. Made me smile until I got to that bit:

“They know our bank accounts, our spending, our entertainment, whether we scratch our ears or bite our nails.” 

Then it got serious. Nonetheless, I forced myself to watch the video, all four minutes of it, which seemed more like four hours. And that I think is your message. What have we done letting this tub-full of tyrants and devil worshippers take away our lives? Day-in, day-out people’s eyes are glued to the “image of the beast”, their brains perpetually twisted by its indoctrination, all their lazy couch-ridden hours wasted in paying homage to the beast who “was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that it could even speak and cause all who would not worship the image [that’s me folks] to be put to death.”

For two-thousand years that message has gone unheeded. And now look where we are!

Dec 1, 2024 4:56 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Where we are is right where we started: coming together in bands so as to take what somebody else has. The Devil had nothing to do with it. Hell, we could give Him lessons on badness!

It’s always been like this: Israeli settlers in Northern Israel are pissed with Netanyahu for taking so long defeating Hezbollah so they can return to their homes. You know: the homes these settlers stole from the Palestinians, who had lived in them for generations (and who may have stolen them from an earlier people, who stole them from…and so on).

Dec 1, 2024 1:08 PM

I have mentioned this before. But just so everyone can see where we are going. This is the agenda from a speech by Planned Parenthood director Dr Richard Day from 1969:
You could maybe tick off whats already in place and whats to come.

Anyone thinking that for example the MP’s voting on the suicide bill have any idea if they are being manipulated or not just needs to check the list. Its already a done deal.

  • New untreatable diseases will crop up.
  • Homosexuality will be accepted (although not necessarily bad).
  • Clothing will become increasingly seductive.
  • The family unit will be separated.
  • More woman will work outside the home.
  • Marriages will decrease, and divorces will become common.
  • Entertainment will become extremely perverted and more graphical.
  • Music will become demoralised (separator between generations).
  • Music will change so much that age groups will listen to different stations, ”older folks would refuse to listen” to newer ”junk”.
  • ID will become more and more required [e.g. Vaccine ID].
  • Food production will become more and more centralized.
  • Eventually, growing your own food would be outlawed under the excuse that it spreads disease.
  • Terrorism will increase, specifically in Europe.
  • Money will be completely cashless [see pandemic].
  • Earned money will be transferred electronically, and all payments will have an electronic trace.
  • Credit cards will eventually be replaced with a skin implant.
  • Euthanasia will be accepted and eventually expected, ”an arbitrary age limit could be established.”
  • Religion will be reduced and removed.
  • Restructuring the education system as a tool of indoctrination, children would spend more time in school, but pupils ”wouldn’t learn anything”.
  • School psychiatric services would be ”increased dramatically”.
  • Education will eventually be life-long.
  • Change will become a constantly expected thing.
  • Gun ownership will be a privilege and will become restricted.
  • Conservatism will be eliminated.
  • The purpose of sex would change from reproduction to activity.
  • Sex will be done without reproduction, and reproduction will be done without sex.
  • Contraception and sex education will become widely available and from a young age.
  • Abortion will be legalised and accepted.
  • Technology will become widely advanced, so much so that it becomes severely addictive and dangerous.
  • Technology will be integrated with cameras and microphones and could be used as a means of surveillance. 
  • People would become ”dependent” on their screens.
  • Alcohol and drug abuse would increase.
  • Private doctors will gradually disappear.
  • The image of a doctor would gradually shift to that of a technician.
  • Cancer research would be suppressed and would be geared towards comfort rather than cure.
  • People would be less dependant on their own kitchen; convenience foods will become more available.
  • Public eating places would rapidly increase.
  • Food will become more hazardous, but most people will ignore nutritional advice.
  • People would have to eat and exercise right, to live as long as before.
  • Access to information will gradually become more controlled.
  • Some books will disappear.
  • House prices will become so high that private housing will eventually become a thing of the past.
  • Young people will become renters, and gradually more and more people will be pushed into small apartments.
  • Microchips will be implanted under the skin and forehead and eventually be used to replace cash.
  • Globalism will increase.
  • People would become used to the idea of losing sovereignty.
  • We will become citizens of the world rather than our own nation.
  • The United Nations would gain more control. 
  • A mass surveillance state will be put in place.
May Hem
May Hem
Dec 1, 2024 8:28 PM
Reply to  rickypop

All of these prophesies are only offers which need our consent. Try not to consent.

Dec 2, 2024 10:37 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Not prophesies. When you knew the agenda its facts. In 1969 anyone thinking this list was possible would have been named a conspiracy nut.
Re consent. I agree but try and live without a bank account and your passport & driving licence which is your fake corporate id.

Dec 1, 2024 1:02 PM

Nah, these tech guys aren’t even good programmers.
They’re shit heads in school that were hooked up with money in their family and they find those that can do it for them.

Dec 1, 2024 12:25 PM

I’m watching SKY NEWS, and it feels like shaving my head and getting a face tattoo.
Gregg Wallace, I’m with you. The day you cant make sexual comments or jokes is a fkn bad day. Men are fast becoming nonentities. We have women taking control everywhere. Men are men women are women its time to get back to that. Men did manly things and women did feminine things. We were different and the differences were great. We are equal and in many things, we can compete, but the obvious drive to desexualise us all into a mono sex is not on. The LBGQZXCXZ lot can carry on with their lives, I have no problem with that but please dont show your colours on the captains armband in the Premier League while I have to listen to a woman commentating on a ‘mans game’.

Dec 1, 2024 10:25 AM

Isn’t scapegoating ‘these bloody tech idiots’ just a very lazy way to avoid critical thinking about globalism and the reality of evil?

Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
Dec 1, 2024 1:28 PM
Reply to  Nick


Dec 2, 2024 4:56 PM

OK. So how are the planet’s ‘bloody tech idiots’ responsible for such evils as banksters’ wars, the WEF infiltration of western demicracies, and ‘vaccines’ designed to depopulate?

Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
Dec 3, 2024 2:57 PM
Reply to  Nick

How do you think these entities are achieving their agendas?

Dec 1, 2024 10:14 AM

When the likes off failed rapper tom MacDonald creature shill is sold as new chrissydumb maga conservative reptilians and this Amy winewhorehouse psyop in the 2015 changed the way young girls saw tattoos.

Unless you get into the truth movement in why the tattoo psyop was created and how today body art is normalised as cool and trendy when from the 80′ or before you couldnt get a decent job within reason if your hands and fingers and face was Splattered  with shit ink.
Only bellends low IQ who joined the army navy or prison Borstal got tats.

comment image

Dec 1, 2024 9:42 AM

j c box has some interesting stories re environmental things, for instance : savage run, below zero, cold wind. there’s also crime and stuff.

Dec 1, 2024 9:42 AM

Tattoo schmattoo.
It’s a vanity thing.

“Here’s my story. Look at me, look at me!”

That bloke is one tough, macho dude Syl.
Thank Christ he lives in your neck of the woods. We’ve already got enough like him in Australia.