Todd Hayen

Many people seem to think these days they can do anything they want with no negative consequences—that doing whatever they want is their right, and if they get negative consequences someone other than them will pay.
I have the “right” to walk out in front of a bus, but there will be negative consequences if I do, so I don’t exercise that right. People used to understand this concept fairly well back in the day. I think many of us have sort of lost this ability—to be aware of negative consequences and adjust our behaviour accordingly.
Strangely enough, this goes the other way as well.
Some of us seem to apply negative consequences irrationally based on some sort of criteria that is difficult to ascertain. An example of this inverse “consequence awareness” is being insanely fearful of a “virus” before there is really any real evidence for its existence. Or wearing a mask for little reason other than being terrified of the negative consequences authority has told us will ensue if we don’t wear one.
It is as if whatever system within us that regulates “awareness of consequences” has gone haywire and flips from one extreme to the other at will.
We certainly could reduce the reason for either one of these phenomena to a lack of common sense and critical thinking. These two lacks seem to be responsible for quite a bit we find whacky going on in the world.
Let’s go back to this idea of having “the right” to do stupid stuff, but being unaware of the resulting consequences. We see this everywhere, and part of it stems from teaching young people, starting probably about a generation ago, that they will always be winners no matter what they do, and that the world “owes” them no matter what they do. So, if they tell their boss to f-off and get fired, that is their right to express whatever they want to express, and as such, they should be allowed to do it with no consequences.
The expectation of receiving no negative consequences is the part they have been taught. These kids/young adults were probably never disciplined at home or school. In any contest they participated, they were given a trophy regardless of how poorly they performed. “Everyone is a winner,” as they say. As a result, they have no awareness that if you do “x, y, z” you get whatever you deserve—good or bad.
This is part of it, but I don’t think is all of it. I think we may see this more often with young people and young adults and not so much with older adults. After you have been in the world a while, you tend to get your own teaching through your experiences. You lose jobs, lose relationships, lose friends, and probably a lot of other things by exercising your “rights” with no concern for manners or social graces and get burned again and again for it. Eventually, these people figure it out. And if they don’t, they go to therapy, or drink, or worse.
As a psychotherapist, I deal with these sorts of seriously embedded “systems of functioning” all of the time. We call them “complexes” and they are generally installed very early in life as a sort of “operating system” (or systems) originally intended to keep a person out of trouble—but in fact, generally keeps them in trouble. The primary purpose behind this type of complex is safety, which is achieved by controlling the immediate environment.
Since these are typically “child systems,” how control is achieved is not always appropriate or successful. In fact, it is seldom appropriate or successful—certainly not when the child grows up. But that doesn’t stop the person from using the system, and generally, it is brought into action unconsciously, having been triggered by some external event.
Complexes can be responsible for a lot of behaviour without a clear awareness of consequences, but most of what we are seeing today is more likely due to a lack of common sense and critical thinking. And, we can reasonably say, that the lack of common sense and critical thinking is due to the same reasons we have applied in other situations.
Most of what I have been talking about thus far are little minor things people are apt to do without being aware of the consequences of their behaviour. What about the bigger things? For example, if you are a 15-year-old boy and wake up one day feeling compelled to identify as a woman. More than likely you felt pressure from your peers to believe in this new and exciting group of young people who make this radical shift. Maybe things are not going well for you at home, or in school, and it just seems that being a girl would make it all better. Maybe there is indeed some internal confusion about your identity. So, you decide you are going to do what you need to do to become a girl. Has this young man thought about the consequences? More than likely not, for a variety of reasons.
One big reason is that he probably has never developed the ability and skill to think for himself. His critical analysis of various situations is probably lacking. Also, he is only 15 years old. There are lots of parts of his personality and psyche that have not yet matured. He is not psychologically ready to make such decisions. And the most nefarious reason of all—his school and other adult figures in his life are very likely encouraging him to make these moves that could very well end in a consequence that is tragic beyond words.
Young people have always been known for trying to make rash decisions about major things without much “thinking it out.” Obviously, this has always been an issue. But in these specific examples, it seems the adults are often the ones who push the situation.
Where is their critical thinking and common sense? There does not seem to be much of that left in the world today.
Being acutely aware of the way the world works is essential to a fulfilling and satisfying life. Understanding “cause and effect” and making decisions with some awareness of what will transpire as a result of that decision is obviously quite important.
My observation here is that humans, largely (not all, of course!), have lost the ability to see likely consequences in their behaviour. This seems to be apparent for big and little things—of course, the bigger the decision, the more negative the resulting consequences could be.
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I am 68 years old and throughout my life have been plagued with the ability to see consequences of decisions and actions while those about me went through life blessed with an ability to ignore consequences. Overall I think many of those ignoring consequences did far better in life than I did.
It is nothing new. It’s not about changes in raising/teaching of children. The path between decision, action and outcome is usually very obvious but recognizing the outcome prior to an action can constrain your freedom to act.
There is in front of us a very good example of this. The west is currently playing a game of political brinkmanship, pushing Russia and China as far as they can and ignoring the consequence of world war and possibly nuclear war. On the other hand Russia and China are treading this path carefully, clearly concerned about the consequences of extreme actions.
Who is winning? Not the current battle but the grander strategic game.
Missing from the discussion above is what I would consider the major factor: what society wants. More to the point, what kind of person a particular society values and strives to impress upon its youth. To my knowledge (and I would love to be wrong) there is no “civilized” society anywhere that does not value soldiers and producers above all else.
Tied to these essentially negative social archetypes is the inevitable paradigm of what it means to be a “man” or a “woman.” Soldiers must be prepared to kill – therefore they must be strong and aggressive before their “manhood” can be verified. Women are producers – of babies; and therefore must be pliant, cooperative and willing vehicles for preserving society before their “womanhood” can be verified. And woe to males who cannot fight; or to females who cannot reproduce.
But what if a male does not wish to be aggressive and fight? Or a female does not wish to reproduce? Suddenly being a non-male or a non-female begins to look appealing.
Societies create people then proceed to destroy them. Humans are nothing if not paragons of recycling.
You can’t allocate blame to the people who trust authority. They trust their priests, their doctors, their teachers, the media, their politicians (yes really some people do) because they are essentially decent people and ascribe this same decency to other human beings. I’ve always been a cynic so rarely trusted anyone but 2020 ramped that up 100-fold while I watched aghast at people lining up and taking selfies of their own huge error. The same is true for the selfies of self-mutilation of people feeling confused about who they are. You’re a sovereign being and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But anyone approaching you with a scalpel or syringe should always be viewed with deep suspicion and a questioning mind.
I respect your opinion Mr. Hayen. My experience is different. The transexual people I know did not suddenly wake up one day and decide life would be better as a different gender. The transsexual people that I know spent years suppressing feelings of really truly not living the deep down truth of the gender to which they were born.
The transsexual people that I know struggled a great deal to come to whatever peace they chose for themselves. If it was transitioning through surgery then they talked through that decision with family, friends, and therapists (which was required before they could begin transitioning).
The transsexual people that I know did not push an agenda. At all. They simply chose to go throug the very difficult procedure to be able to live at peace within themselves – which is what we all aim for, isn’t it? Some transsexual people that I know have partners and children whom they love and care for.
The transsexual people that I know did not transition thinking that everything would be happy happy when they did. They transitioned to feel whole and settled in themselves and to experience the same UNhappiness that we all do at times.
Of course there are people who transitioned and regret the choice. Of course that is unfortunate. But to paint all transsexuals with the broad brush that the Powers That Be have been doing quite successfully for the past 4 years is just, to my mind, plain wrong.
I really do appreciate your comment here. I do not doubt your experience and admit, without question, that painting a lot that is going on in our world with broad brush strokes can be inaccurate and sometimes confusing.
Writing about any opinion can be difficult in this regard because writers are required to stay within a reasonable limit of words in an article, and at least this writer tends to stick with a certain point and lays it on without a lot of subtlety. My point is NEVER that ALL of anything is a certain way. There are ALWAYS outliers, and sometimes the middle of the bell curve is nowhere near as wide as my writing implies it is. Unfortunately, I don’t see any way to avoid this—I see it in every other article by other authors I read as well. Sometimes a long-format book does better with this, but sometimes not.
That said…I stand firm in my humble opinion that the trans phenomenon has a psychological foundation and not a physiological one. From my experience, most people today who are trans believe their situation sits on a clear foundation with a physiological etiology. I DO believe there is a small percentage of people who are trans for physiological reasons (I am not sure of the exact percentage, but it is way below 1%).
As such, I do not believe a physiological solution (drugs or surgery) is appropriate, nor even a solution. (The word “solution” meaning what is the best way to help these people live with the situation they are facing—I do not mean to psychologically “affirm” biological sex and ignore their psychological “identity” although in certain situations this approach may be appropriate and useful.)
Although we can say if over the age of 20 or so, these people are adults and can “do whatever they choose” it is still, in my opinion, not a physiological problem, and it is best not to treat it that way regardless of your age or maturity.
Without question, I believe minors should not be told they have a choice to medicate or mutilate their bodies. For any reason.
As far as the agenda is concerned, I do believe the trans issue is just another opportunity for the agenda to promote its “agenda.” My heart goes out to this community that has been pushed into some of these unsavoury activities (such as targeting children). This is too deep of a topic to address in this brief response.
Again, thank you for your comment.
“I Want My PEN*S Preserving Vag*na Surgery”
A couple Supreme Court justices might benefit from this article. Maybe a letter to the court would be in order. They are expected to rule on a Tennessee Law that bans transgender surgeries on minors in June of 2025. Oral arguments were made this week. Such absurdity. Maybe an email to Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire. He is getting a lot of attention and may be able to help get it to the justices. This decision will have a sweeping affect across the country. A number of states have already followed suit with their own bans which could be, potentially, overturned. Trillions are at stake for surgeons and big pharma who don’t give a rat’s ass about the consequences to confused young people. Governor Newsom’s take: “It’s only 1% of the population. What’s the big deal?”
Great article and gives perspective to much we see nowadays.
Spiritual warfare.
“Take captive every thought under the word of God”
I’ve often wondered whether the pressure to assume a different gender (or racial) identify comes from the perception that it is more advantageous personally to be part of that group. This notion could be a bit controversial but let’s take the example of the archetypal “white male”. This group is supposed to be at the top with advantages both large and small heaped on him from birth etc. but those of us who live the life know that it really doesn’t give you squat. In reality we’re the group that tends to end up down the coal mine or in the trenches or generally doing all the crap stuff and if we fail at it then we’re quite likely to be left homeless and broke. Under the circumstances being an ‘owned’ female looks pretty attractive, especially to someone who’s neither old nor wise enough to know that poverty is distinctly equal opportunity. That is, you might not experience grinding poverty in quite the same way but experience it you will, AFDC, WIC or whatever notwithstanding.
A big part of our parenting was bringing up our children to understand that the secure, middle class, life that they were used to wasn’t a given. It wasn’t God given, its more happenstance, luck and a bit of careful planning and it could easily evaporate overnight. Your wealth is in your skills — how useful you are to others, for example. Its so easy for people to grow up not realizing the precariousness of most of our lives and then to end up almost paralyzed in terror when reality starts impinging on them.A truly worthy society would find a place for everyone but unfortunately our system is hooked entirely on ‘the best and brightest’ (or, rather too often, ‘the ones most adept at gaming the system’). There really is no escape, no short cuts — the only way is forward. And — alas — life’s just not fair. It sucks but it is what it is.
There’s also the possibility of casual sex being more ‘available’ as a (fe)male.
After all, males usually have a much higher libido than most females.
Just sayin.
I think this is a logical possibility, but from what I understand, trans has little, or nothing, to do with sexual orientation or sexual desire.
That surprises me Todd, but I defer to your professional experience.
Bastards even got to the fish
They purport
We know animal health is essential to public health and people’s well-being. We are driven by a singular purpose: to nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals.
They are evil.
With no regard for all life.
Are you compromised by 401k or other superficial investments?
TPTB is you mate
As we witness our captains of industry, political representatives, celebrity and sporting ‘heroes’ and even family members ignore the consequences of their actions, the die is cast.
Humbly disagree on this one.

Covid showed me people that 85% + far to scared as the consequences of not believing or participating out-ways the rationale of thinking.
“It’s dark down there. I can’t see a thing!”
“Just grope around and come up with any old shit. We can fake it again”
But back in the news is terror, which took a 2 year break during the covid scam.
All the terrorists went into lock down and feared for their lives. However, after a jab and a few boosters terror was then well enough to get back to work as normal.
Could the consequence of the government fear campaign on C19, perhaps the greatest and most effective ever, have been the mass inability to think rationally? If so, blaming their victims seems off-target.
Did they found the Corona virus in the river?
Because this would precisely be the anti-vaxxer’s way of doing things. To deny reality and throw the virus away in public waterways where we all get our drinking water from.
We are what we practice & shall reap what we sow.
‘Gramsci defined the “‘intellectual’ as the functionary in charge of consent,”
a formulation which also fits the role of (psycho)-therapist… John Zerzan, in
“On Misery” (1992)
Whenever anyone uses the terms “these days” or “nowadays “ when referring to the behaviour of young of people it takes me back to all those sanctimonious teachers from when I was a school over 50 years ago. Finger wagging old tossers.
Spare the rod spoil the child..
You must be a lot younger than me or much better behaved than I was because not sparing the rod didn’t work for me, just made me hate and mistrust all authority
Did you behave and respect your teachers?
Hooray for you. Boo for him.
Apparently not
Spare the child spoil the rod…
=disrespectful ill disciplined children ie modern kids.
“Do what Thou want shall be the Whole of the Law.”
These days are today. Nowadays are today. It is true that, in the past, the old despaired of the young. But today, it is different. The young are preternaturally ignorant, inhuman, brainwashed, incapable. Beyond anything seen before.
You must be young. And what adult says “tossers”?
Maybe that is what I meant to imply…
Why can’t they be like we were,
Perfect in every way?
What’s the matter with kids today?”
(“Bye Bye Birdie”)
“I am free. Free to have the most wonderful time. Everybody’s happy nowadays.” — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.
I think this psychiatrist is quite unaware of how the more violent the emotional transgressions of ‘power players’ the less they are punished for it.
I think this psychiatrist needs to understand the nature of the Security Services, the sorts of people they recruit and the sorts of protections those people are given for absolutely despicable and disgusting behaviour patterns.
Security Services routinely recruit people with major alcohol problems. I have come across half a dozen of those, two of whom were in my own family. Two others were women.
This psychiatrist also needs to learn that the very last thing you should do in a place of work is outperform. Every single time I produced my finest work in a place of work, the response was emotional thuggery of a scale entirely akin to spiritual rape. The psychiatriast author here needs to ask himself why he is fit to practice if he seriously thinks that the reward for your best work (and I am quoting the clients, not my personal opinion) is bullying thuggery.
I know full well how hierarchies work and they are not on the basis of competence, they are on the basis of unquestioning obedience to an often outrageously evil set of values. If this psychiatrist seriously thinks that that is what a place of work should be like, he needs to terminate his practice immediately.
Societies work through the condoning of murder, often mass murder, by those whose total lack of any moral coompass has allowed them to rise up through entirely corrupt and evil cultures.
There is not a single thing in Western society that is based on freedom from thieving, freedom from parasitic mafiosi and freedom from criminal media organisations.
What’s required at school is teaching children about the absolute evil of adult life and giving them the chance of choosing not to enter it.
It is not about saying ‘the reward for good performance is becoming an evil perverted little spy’.
I am well aware of the consequences of actions and the consequences of the actions of others and that means that all claims of sanity must be removed from Western psychiatrists who claim in any way whatsoever that Western values are based on competence and performance.
They are based somewhat on that, a competition for money and resources, with insanity.
What reliable authority (other than your own) grounds your claims here, which prevents them being as insane as the claims of Western psychiatrists?
In government, we ward off inconvenient questions through tiers of authority and boundaries that limit concerns. Outside it (for business, self-employment, etc.), we have licenses; even a monopoly is a special license. Academia is no better; it is totally subverted by plutocrat funding.
What psychiatrist are you referring to?
On a societal level this phenomenon has been catastrophic. Shutting down the economy, sitting on the couch and getting paid in full and creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of this air was obviously and inevitably going to cause rampant inflation and an interest rate spike, but nobody seemed to care. Trying to warn people that the cure was going to be worse than the disease made a person an “anti-masker conspiracy theorist”. So here we are in an economy created by overgrown toddlers with no sense of actions leading to consequences.
There was no ‘disease’ – the ‘cure’ was all they cared about and was the only aim of the scamdemic. The fact that it was so blatantly obvious is the only thing we need to consider at this point. Why after decades (centuries? who knows how long?) of concealing the reason for their persecution of the people have they suddenly said ‘Fuck it – let’s just let them all see what’s really going on behind the curtain’? But of course that never happened. Another group of very powerful and possibly equally nefarious people are outing them. The whys and wherefores may be discovered or may remain hidden but it’s all I really want to know about now. The rest is history.
Remember the miraculous disappearance of flu, and its resurrection about 1.5 years later.
All right. But we miss root cause and solution, as part of the description of the prevalent situation yes?
Always pointing out all the failures without giving any why and how to get out of the trap, because Know How will empty the shelves for books, articles, professorships, likes clicking, and crowd funding.
Yuri Bezmenov called it “Ideological Subversion” techniques.
Psy-op’s to destabilise a society or country, to make the population unable to see white is white and black is black and without any moral compass. Used both by KGB through MSM and controlled Alternative Media, and their Counterparts in West!
As soon as you or people in general are getting aware that they are disabled with regard to manipulated language, ideology, media psy-ops, and have been willingly exposed to deliberate indoctrination, the psy-op stops working.
But the difficult part of it is, as Mr. Hayen is saying, to admit our own responsibility in swallowing eagerly all the bs.
Thats why we have professional shrinks employed to help us through the night.
“To change perception of reality”:
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-12-04. Pfizer’s pregnancy trial data: alarming surge in major birth defects. CV response: rampant fraud & abuse (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
“So, if they tell their boss to f-off and get fired, that is their right to express whatever they want to express, and as such, they should be allowed to do it with no consequences.”
“Where I live, there’s nothing unruly to fear. It’s a small community but highly functional. It took years for me and my wife to break through the conditioning that living under a hierarchy piles on to the psyche. In our community, we have no authority figures. We’re all about concern for one another but live our lives in a notably personal way. We’re not a commune but an intentional community, living without a hierarchical structure of any kind.” Michael J. Sliwa
Do Not Fear Your Local Anarchist