DISCUSS: Syrian Government Falls, Assad Flees Damascus

Syrian “Rebels” have declared total victory after claiming to have taken Damascus. In a television broadcast on Syria’s state broadcaster opposition leaders said Syria has been “liberated”.
President Bashar al-Assad has reportedly fled the capital and country, with some social media accounts sharing unconfirmed reports that his plane crashed.
A remarkable turn of events, given the conflict was “frozen” for years prior to last week when Western-backed rebels suddenly took Aleppo and began advancing on Damascus facing little to no resistance.
In the days since Aleppo fell there was widespread speculation about what happens next and why/how the rebels had suddenly sprung to life.
Before any of that information could be processed, the rebels had moved on to Hama and then Damascus. Taking a country in 8 days they had failed to take for the last 12 years.
As happens so often in our modern news cycle, the story moved so fast that concurrent analysis and speculation have already given way to post-hoc explanation.
Two days ago the Spectator was telling us what “the experts” got wrong about Syria, this morning The Telegraph is explaining…
Why Syria’s army collapsed so suddenly
This defensive explanation is a hallmark of a story the media knows doesn’t make internal sense. Clearly, there’s a lot we aren’t being told, some deals have been done behind the scenes.
What’s really going on? And what happens next?
Discuss in the comments below.
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Being a teacher in Germany, I’ve discussed “Assads Exit” with my students, quite a lot of which are NATO war refugees (Afghans, Syrians, Kurds and Ukranians). Of the Syrians, all are happy that Assad (that “Hurensohn” S.O.B.) is gone. Though most affected by this war, they all have bought the western narrative.
The White Helmets seem to have done a splendid job.
Damascus has its biblical very hard core Christian (isreal) narrative that fits with its bible remake Torah story’s and now the Jesus 2.1 is back in office isnt this another one of them convenient story’s to feed the CC MIC alt media of 2nd coming hope.
I’ve since come across an analysis which seems to be legit and unbiases … ?
I don’t blame people for being pessimistic or sarcastic but what we are facing in Syria is total chaos of multitudes, hundreds of militant groups far detached even hostile to each other. HTS or SNA are simply not in position to control entire country and in fact continues its offensive this time against US backed SDF/YPG.
The lider of terrorist HTS who came to Damascus is not even running for PM in transitional government that is to last for next 18 months before elections and new constitution is written. In fact Druze minority already declared split from Syria, Christian communities may do the same, much more fighting and political struggle to come with no clear positive outcome for the west.
It’s clear now that HTS “offensive” on motorbikes did not defeat Syrian Arab Army and did not cause collapse of Assad government. HTS was too weak to takeover Syria alone.
It’s was last twelve months of extreme political pressure from GCC, Turkey and regrettably but not unexpectedly from Russians who for fifteen years were trying to convince Assad to hand over power to much broader political coalition than tiny Druze and Alawite sect minority ruling over sunni majority for many decades facing strong resentment among Syrians due to rampant cronyism and corruption.
The threat of repulsive regime of US backed ISIS de facto kept Assad in power as TINA as Syrians voted twice for Assad since 2015 to prevent terrorists from taking over. Hardly any of Syrian would suport Turkey creation HTS even those in Idlib were critical.
In 2015 Putin was asked why Russian military moved to Syria. He never said Russia supported Assad but only fighting ISIS which was in a big part constituted by Chechen terrorist commanders with war experience in Russia.
At that time Russia still worked with US on transition of power in Syria in a Geneva Format. As U.S. bankrolled ISIS and stalled talks with various Syrian opposition leaders in Geneva Putin moved to Astana format with Turkey and Gulf states including Iran to resolve the issue.
However Assad procrastinated, wanted get better deal for his Alawite followers adding new conditions of his departure and transition as he refused to meet Erdogan.
Why patience of primarily Iran’s run out at this time and why Astana group including Turkey collectively decided to implement their Syrian power transition agreement is unclear.
However we know now that last week Assad finally agreed during talks in Doha to leave presidency and ordered his cabinet to cooperate with new transitional government to be formed according to Astana format. HTS did not take power over Syria it has to share it with FNA backers and with Astana group supported opposition.
Proof of that are statements from HTS/FNA leadership vowing to maintain good relations with all neighbors (also Israel) and with Russia and Iran including retaining military both countries military bases. That didn’t go well with Israel as they immediately started bombing Iranian military bases in Syria even after Assad fled to Moscow.
So hasty conclusions that Iran will likely lose all the influence on new Syrian government may be premature.
Of course on a face of it it looks like serious defeat of Iranian policies to maintain weapon supply corridor in Syria and Hezbollah pressure over Israel but as chaos took over Syria contradictory information is coming that deny negative impact on Hezbollah weapons supplies and whole affair as a clear cut win for the west.
First US and Israel did not outright endorse the new Syrian government as they would immediately if they have created it. They just ambiguously say they are ready to engage in contrast to Erdogan’s all in supportive attitude.
While in the same time US issued warning to HTS to stop their offensive against US backed Kurds which is successfully ongoing in north eastern and south eastern Syria as Russians forces withdrew. But not to avail as HTS with Turkish air and artillery support still moves into Kurdish controlled areas few miles a day which may trigger internal NATO US vs Turkey war like Greece fought Turkey over Cyprus.
While Assad is gone some SAA units joined HTS to push Kurds off the Arab land and put US presence in eastern Syria in very precarious situation.
Tens of thousands of Shia Iraqi militiamen are massing at western border with Iraq ready to enter and perhaps to push Americans out as its goal of Turkey. HTS agreed to let thousands of Hezbollah and Palestinian militia to return with their weapons to Lebanon to strengthen southern front against Israel. HTS while entered Latakia province did not attack or blockaded Russian military bases there as publicly promised while Russia is not evacuating those bases but working on new deal with new Syrian government to retain them.
We may as well face a tectonic shift in MENA as a part of US hegemonic war but which way is still very unclear as neither Russia or Iran gave up on Syria but this time they have Erdogan on their side . All that may as well spectacularly backfire against US and Israel as new Syrian government cabinet members already vowed to liberate Golan heights to enforce UNSC resolutions.
What is clear that genocide of Gaza will continue as Syria is in turmoil.
Israel bombing usa usa using b52 bunker busters. animal Assad must go he gone
but like Libya the depleted uranium must must million year taint and dustify the ancient
Putin and his partners
oded yinon new khazharia never sleeps
collecting souls for moshiac,moloch,baal baphomet
the devil rides out
history the truth the old must be erased year zero for the mosaic
a look at the church built in Russia for the military not Godly
everything is chabad
victor Rothschild rotted everything out long ago
kneel before khazharian name stealers identity thieves no thank you
The all-powerful Oreshnik seems to have lost its balls. And after all that excess hype. Ooops. Who here really believes that the USA and Israel were shipping tons of weapons to Syria’s enemies without Russia knowing what is happening? Sounds like Russia has a western stooge at the top; maybe Putin really is a Young Global Leader after all, puppet of the chosen ones, seems that way at the moment.
At least the facts on the ground shows Kremlin’s clear support to Great Israel:
Clear Syrian land division after the lines in the Great Israel, and clear Kremlin protection of Israel’s yearly 200 bombing raids on Syrian soil even on the account of several Russian General’s death and hundreds of experienced Russian Senior Service men.
On this issue the Russian military goyim serve the same purpose and victim role as their American equal.
As usual the sissy Lavrov is talking about “we should talk it over”, and “We call for an immediate end to hostile activities … and for this purpose we call for the dialogue between the government and legitimate opposition”.
“Thus we hope Rothschild will lift the sanctions and give us e-money in our Russian computer screens”.
I think it has become abundantly obvious to most observers that the USA and possibly the UK are insolvent, as in their governments are ‘trading’ while knowingly being BANKRUPT. So, what do governmets do very well when there is a mess which can’t be easily explained, they create distractions, aided and abetted by compliant Media-Houses. Ukraine and ALL the other muderous distractions appear to be extremely desperate attempts to provide … distractions. Of course there is no mercy extended to those on the receiving end of the distractive-kabuki because these pricks are now desperate as their plans don’t appear to be progressing quite as well as they would have liked. Consequently, the skulduggery has become so deceptive that mere observers don’t have a clue what comes next. Although, even the numbats can sense that countries like Libya or Syria should NEVER have fallen so easily without there having been dirty-deals done behind closed doors.
to add my tuppence worth … I would not trust Putin or Xi further than I could throw them because they have abvously become traitorous and the treachery with Syria might provide the wedge which could well lead to their own downfall. After all, the NATO bandwagon is not going to stop in Damascus … not while their iron-is-hot.
As for BRICS … one would have to have rocks-in-their-heads to trust the treacherous leaders … If Putin and Xi are as weak as has been demonstrated by the collapse of a Syrian defence … who would want the like of three-faced Modi watching their back?
Syria was all onboard for the “global war on terror” two decades ago – suspects were “rendered” there for “interrogation”. Will countries never learn that collaborating with the West does them no good?
Elsewhere, the woman who replaced Magufuli in Tanzania reverts to type:
P.S. Don’t look for any mention of Magufuli and Covid in the Fraud, not even in the negative – it’s as if it never happened.
“Syria” was all onboard for the Co-n-vid.
“Syria” has been all onboard all along (as has every, er, “nation” on earth).
Never Eat Shredded Wheat is for simpletons. It doesn’t apply to the Socail Credit Score System designers.
ISIS and al Queda ‘collaborating with the West’ appears to be advancing the Zionist agenda, namely Greater Israel.
The most interesting part of this is that the “rebels” took over while facing next to no resistance.
I’m thinking this is just more token “war”. Assad was told “time to go mate” by the same paymasters who told him and the rest of the world to pretend “covid” was real. He took his orders like they all do and scarpered on cue.
Just like Putin getting to Kiev too quick and being told “no mate, too fast, this war has got to last as long as possible”, so he turns his army round heads home!
100% correct! It’s like they’re larping all the real events that happened pre-globalist takeover
I am very sad to acknowledge that I have become so horribly cynical, but I agree.
I cannot see Assad “fleeing for his life”. This whole thing reeks of the newest episode in our netflix lives.
“Time to go, mate.” I mean, really, that just about somes it up. Everywhere.
The problem this handy-dandy scenario fails to address is that, by any and all accounts, what is happening to the ordinary people caught up in these machinations is very real – they are not pretending to be slaughtered: they really are. There’s just too much visual evidence coming from ordinary people. Not everything in real life is staged like a Hollywood movie.
There is, as always, a caveat even to this however. Supposedly (at least regarding the Palestinians) Israel has the capacity to block all internet transmissions coming into or out of Gaza. Well, if that’s the case and not hyperbole, then how are all these first hand streaming videos getting onto social media? There does seem to be a disconnect somewhere, doesn’t there?
Are the genocide in Gaza and the greater Israel projsct also part of the pretence?
I don’t fucking know mate, and unless you’ve been there or have a close friend or family member there who has been a witness, neither do you.
Well, I have had a friend there and its on going slaughter.
Yes, simple things like ordinary men, women and children being slaughtered plus their homes destroyed by constanting shelling and bombing either in Gaza, Syria, Ukraine don’t count in the view of ” they are all in together ” followers
RPR is spot on, the globalists are all in it together carrying out the very real genocide. That becomes increasingly obvious the more one studies these events. It’s brutal and horrible. It’s not being a follower of anything, it’s having the ability to join the dots. Something you and Nick look like you struggle with. Nick and yourself are inventing assumptions which don’t follow from accepting that most of these “leaders” are simply minions carrying out their orders which all plays a part in the greater genocidal & depopulation project of their masters. There’s no evidence that you or Nick care anymore or anyless than RedPill about the ongoing destruction to ordinary people’s lives. Raise your weak standards and stop constructing strawmen arguments and falsely defaming RedPill and others for their insightful commentary and the credible view that the globalists do control most of the puppet leaders in the global political system. This view is obviously independent and not mutually exclusive of ones care for the ordinary person caught up in the crossfire of the next transformarive project underway.
Let’s do some analysis. The Globalists intentions are, and they have stated most of these, destruction of a Nation state, religious institutions, the traditional family unit, which is the fundamental cornerstone of a society, mother ( female) and father ( male) plus children. In addition, the destruction of the ability of a nation to govern its own finances, immigration policy plus its armed forces.
In regards to the West, it is self evident these policies of the Globalists, who control the financial institutions of the City of London/ Wall Street plus the governing families, are being enacted. Ie EU, wokeism, paedophilic ideology as a norm etc. Whereas in the Russian Federation plus much of the Global South they are turning away from the West.
Whenever those who believe they “ are all in together “ are challenged about the inconsistencies of this entrenched belief system, the responses are usually lacking any concrete evidence to support this notion. Moreover, any serious student of history of, for example Russia, finds this belief system on shaky ground to say the least.
Here is one example of the “ all in it together “ ideology lacking in consistency.
“An alarming truth revealed by retired U.S. four-star general Wesley Clark: After 9/11, the U.S. planned to take out seven countries in five years, “starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
As shopping lists go quite ambitious
Did not make timeline but if at first you did not succeed
Things delayed with surprising very narrow vote against war with Syria in 2013 by UK
Syria is this years Xmas present maybe Iran next year
..and after Iran the big fish…..”marching against Moscow or fighting the land war against China”.
It is just that it is getting increasingly hard to tell the difference between the kill planners in the US, and those in Israel and other NATO countries. Maybe they should just be called the International Killers (the IK). They are a bit icky. Mauling over anyone that gets in their way, including their “allies” and partners in crime. So yeah, the plan here was to stop potential help for Palestinians, while stealing more territory and resources, and hopefully getting a more explosive version of WWIII at the same time. Meanwhile people who love peace and prosperity for their people, like Imran Khan, get thrown in prison, or assasinated, like JFK.
So, who are the ‘composers’ of these orchestrated wars?
Surprise, surprise;
The universal soldier is the composer. He who is for sale and kill for money.
Bite yourself in the nose that neither Rockefeller nor Rothschild kill nor killed nobody with their hands.
“They paid me money. Ohhh yes, but you received the 30 shekel and did it yes?”. At least Judas realised and regretted what he did.
The wars are all about getting globalism to us asap, just like covid. They’re also performative to enforce the idea of opposition among the elites. All their psyops involve THEM killing US.
What do you think they’re fighting for? The governments are puppets and their puppeteers already own all the resources supposedly being fought over.
Read Orwell to find out what war means now if never before,
Whether a given war is orchestrated or real makes no difference to those ordinary people who get caught up in them. One of the absolutes of any war is that weapons are very real – and after all, the Military Industrial Complex is VERY REAL in its intent to get rich off of these weapons.
Yes, of course, they can pretend to be making weapons and sending them off to battle – but wouldn’t someone somewhere become aware that billion dollar assembly lines are stone cold empty?
A good article summarising the several signposts that point to Israeli support for the Syrian jihadists over the years :
When Israeli support for Jihadist groups was first reported, it sounded too crazy to be true, the kind of thing one might hear from an Infowars host sensationalising the complicated dynamics of the region. We now know it was not just real, but far greater extent than suspected
Will those who warned of the Yinon Plan (and were denounced for it) now get an apology ? Will 9/11 researchers go back and look at the idea that there was a fifth column behind the attacks ?
I can no longer see any greater or older evil than Zionism. But their anti-semitism ploy took a very long time to see through. Like but later than you, I now know about 9/11, the Yinon Plan, and why Assad was ‘a holocaust denier’. It’s little wonder he was a top target for the Zionist deep state and its Islamist tools.
united States + israel: give us Syria.
russia: give me east Ukraine.
a more possible deal from the west might look like this ..
united states + israel to Russia:
give us Syria, and, we give you east Ukraine.
bubble thought in american mind: “we’ll try to give the Russians a mine along every inch of way”
TWO Zzzzzz dreams coming true:
ONE: the ability to strike Iran without the need for mid-air refuelling.
TWO to cut the land supply corridor between Lebanon and Iran, which was nevertheless under constant bombardment.
The sudden appearance of rebels, well-armed, well-organised, able to topple Assad and his government… Hmmm smacks of Mossad.
Their toxic tentacles reach far and wide.
More toxic than the Ayatollahs?
They’re involved to the hilt of course. But it’s mostly Turkey doing the heavy lifting.
Still locked in the myth of horizontal war between “nations”. Hopelessly dated.
Nations, led by corrupt $uiturd$ doing what they’re told.
What’s new?
Smacks of a lie.
With all due respect to Vanessa Beesely, I just am not buying this whole thing.
Mossad with snake Erdogan’s support. He surely covets northern Syria for his nascent Caliphate.
Time will tell but these days when the media say one thing the opposite is actually the case. It may well be their wishful thinking re: Assad.
“We will go for full peace with Israel, we will live side by side as neighbors. Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, we have never made any critical comments against Israel, unlike Hezbollah, who stated they aim to liberate Jerusalem and the Golan Heights [which Israel took from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967 and annexed]. Our only focus is to get rid of Assad and the Iranian militias.
Hopefully, we will coexist in harmony and we will transform this region and take it from a state of war into a state of economic progress, perhaps with Israeli and American aid for reconstruction. We will take it on a different path than Iran and Hezbollah.”
Al-Qaeda-linked ‘rebels’ in Syria say they ‘love Israel’. USA gave them billions in weapons & support
The US spent billions over years arming and training militants in Syria, many linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The extremist “rebels” who took over Aleppo (and rule Idlib) told the Israeli media they “love Israel”.
Israel has for years given weapons and other forms of support to extremist “rebels” in Syria, including Al-Qaeda, which have sought to violently overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad, who has refused to recognize Israel and has provided military aid to resistance groups in the region.
As I never used to tire of pointing out ten years ago: ISIS = Israeli State of Iraq and as-Sham.
US will continue to rob petroleum from Iraq, Syria, Libya, S.Sudan and (indirectly) Yemen. The official excuses and posturing are irrelevant.
The “rebel” puppets who have shown their hand don’t decide anything. Like Iraq, Syria has a large Shia population.
Aren’t the US also controlled by racist Zionists? They want servitude or extinction for useless Goyim, nor just owning all our riches.
Al Queda, who supposedly did 9/11, are on the American payroll. This should give anyone pause who thinks the US government did not attack its own people on that day.
Have you seen parasitic wasps sting the brains of cockroaches, then mind control them into the nest burrow? There a second sting induces total paralysis and the eggs are laid. Amazingly, the larva know to devour the vital organs last, to keep their prey alive and fresh. Check it out on YouTube. Why this gruesome tale? Well, the wasps represent Zionists, with the once very Christian US as their still unwitting host.
Good analogy.
I also want to point out that I always only wanted to live peacefully with Israel and all Doos. Peacefully and friendly with friendships”.
In all social media you cannot find any critical comment about Israel and any Doos from my side. I have always been praising City of London, the Rothschild family, Rockefeller Foundation and all other rich Doo Families.
No one have been more supportive for the Dooish Globalist Clima LGBT cause than I.
Come crunchtime good one to have in your CV…
Who has not seen this video of US General Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Commander in Europe, blowing the whistle on US plans to change the Regimes of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and at the End, Iran?
Now he’s a US WAR HAWK against Russia.
Watching the video, who’s to say the overthrow of Assad Today, wasn’t the Israeli-US Regime Change plan right after 9/11 General Clark revealed as a “whistle blower” in 2001?
The Russians and Iran General Soleimanai stopped it in 2015, and the US took the plan up again?
Trump ASSASSINATED General Soleimani when he was in Iraq in transit on a Peace Mission to improve Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, you’re right. But don’t forget that the Oded Yinon plan forecasted all of these things happening, too, but nearly a decade earlier. This has been in the works a while.
In a recent article, Jeffrey Sachs let us know that Wesley Clark revealed nothing new. The wars that followed were according to a 1990s book by Netanyahu on how US should fight “international terrorism” for Israel.
We could make a nice move towards fighting International terrorism by finding a nice little bed for Netanyahu in the Hague- for starters
The less I say about ICJ and ICC, the better.
I think I understand your feelings. Not enough, and too little too late? Suspicions of bad actors infiltrating onto the scene and muddying all of the waters? But for sure MANY poor, trampled on, tortured, enslaved and war torn Africans with lost limbs, in Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone were very happy to see Warlord Charles Taylor “find his way” to the Hague. There was an excellent Human Rights lawyer that really knew his stuff, never gave up, and was oblivious to black propaganda and blackmail. There was also the United for Human Rights and the Youth for Human Rights campaigns soaking through the countries like fresh sustenance. All of the various illegitimate children of Taylor, in his household, and his many proxies and pawns were “tortured and terrorized” by an overwhelming groundswell of peaceful rationality, and newly “knighted” activists, with legal saavy regarding human rights. It is a little more complicated when one is up against bigger, more heavily financed gangsters. But alternatives that actually work??????
The handiwork of the CIA and Western spooks is everywhere. This AlJazeera “opinion” article by “Rami G Khouri is a Distinguished Fellow at the American University of Beirut and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Arab Center Washington” pretty much indicates how they are crafting propaganda to serve the MIGA partitioning agenda.
News in Czechia is reporting Assad is in Russia.
I hope you know who controls AlJazeera 😉
Quatar I believe. I have watched it a few times. Seems to be dreadful Zio/ globalist propaganda. It pretneds not to be but it is so superficial and the analysis so poor..I think that’s all it is
“This defensive explanation is a hallmark of a story the media knows doesn’t make internal sense.”
This type of understanding is why OG is so enjoyable and refreshing to read.
Yes, likely the regime have allowed some event to be folded up but I have zero clue if what is happening in that theatre
Turkey aided and abetted the “rebels” and since Turkey is a member of NATO for Iran or Russia to intervene and engage Turkey would trigger Article 5 and open the war into a direct conflict between NATO and Russia/Iran.
It has taken more than five years but the Neocon/Zionist goal of attacking seven nations in five years is still in full effect. https://genius.com/General-wesley-clark-seven-countries-in-five-years-annotated
All of this is part and parcel to the campaign to establish Greater Israel. https://mepei.com/greater-israel-an-ongoing-expansion-plan-for-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/
This does not bode well for regional peace and stability, think Libya Iraq.
”since Turkey is a member of NATO for Iran or Russia to intervene and engage Turkey would trigger Article 5 and open the war into a direct conflict between NATO and Russia/Iran.” Since when did anybody follow the rules? They just do what they like
True, but also they only follow the rules when the rules serve them. That’s why you have the “rules-based order” instead of the following of International law. Rules based order is just a way for gangster criminals to say “you will do what I say or else”. That’s why 22 nations put out a pretty swift APB for Putin when he removed some children from the dangerous front at the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, and why also 145 nations cannot seem to arrest a bloodthirsty man named Netanyahu who caused the murder of probably over 100,000 children and babies, not to mention untold numbers of his own Israeli citizens along with the deaths of many of his immoral completely out of control and ineffectual military.
Exactly. As I said. No rules at all.
I feel very sad and sorry for the ordinary Syrian citizens, their country is going the way of Libya, a total banana state thanks to the Brits and the Yanks.
Nope thanks to the globalist WEF/ arms manufacturers/ Silicon valley/ Necons. All ‘ the plebs’ in the ‘ free West’ are having a totally crap time
Nope. Thanks to the opportunistic weak Kremlin and Beijing who sold out, as they always have done.
History shows the Russians and the Chinese only wake up when trucks are unloading dead bodies on their doorsteps in the outskirts of their Capitol. Ask Solschenitsyn, he knows..
“..Ask Solschenitsyn, he knows..”
The spiritual condition of the West meant its system was not the ideal model for Russia, which Solzhenitsyn characterized as possessing spiritual strength the West had once possessed, but which it had rejected. The West was spiritually exhausted due to the repudiation of the Christian principles on which it was based.
Solzhenitsyn, Russia’s soul and the elusive reset button with the West — Puppet Masters — Sott.net
Suddenly, the, let’s call it euphemistically, The Master Plan, is working When it seemed it couldn’t ever, it was so grandiose. Just like that, it’s now for real and looming. Those of you who downplay the fall of Syria will learn your lesson sooner or later.
a view of that lesson in highly evidenced (if rather RC overtones) can be found here:
Since Covid I have had to reeexamine everything. I have been reading up on so many things. I went back and looked at 9/11. Then I looked at the history of NATO. I also looked at the development of the EEC into the EU. It is also interesting to read about German reuniification and the Euro. It is interesting to look at the assassintions of Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, MLK ,Malcolm x too. The assassinations of Herrhausen ( head of German bank) and Olaf Palme ( or whatever he was called, the Swedish PM) . It seems to me that the ‘ Master Plan’ has infact been going since we were all born. It took Covid to make me have a good look at things. In fact I am at a loss to understand my own stupidy. i mean the Iran Contra affair just shows that the ptb don’t give a damn about us and that was years ago. I mean why didn’t I realise then ? When I say Masterplan I mean globalisation/ corruption/ control of world by a corrupt mafia.
You are NOT stupid. The smartest people realize they don’t know all there is to know about things and never stop learning.
For a different viewpoint on some of the things you mentioned, I recommend watching: “Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, from JFK to 9/11” produced by Francis Connelly. Pretty censored though, and gets taken down frequently. I think it is a good idea to watch and read multiple viewpoints and stick to sources as closely as possible when learning about things.
I thought this was a terrific analysis:
Hooray Rurik! – note the link is broken/incomplete – copy and paste; very worthwhile; he is way out on his own with his takes but highly accurate as events develop.
Good detailed knowledge results in prescient insights.
“Why Syria’s army collapsed so suddenly”
Very simply, the “rebels” have been supplied logistically and with military personnel by Turkey. Russia is not risking conflict with Turkey even though it supports Assad.
Yes because Turkey is a member of NATO and a direct conflict with Turkey could/would bring in the other NATO thugs into a much desired (by the overlords) war with Russia.
Because of the fear spread in Arabic before arrival of these ISIS/ Al Qaida hooligans.
What comes next? More war. And in the U.S., anyone against war is between a rock and a hard place. The democratic party went full war party long ago so there will be no push back from them or the left. Hell, Syria started as Israel/Obama/Clinton’s war. The right maga cult and those that voted for Trump are still under the delusion that he won’t be what he really is, an American/zionist imperialist. We just had a national election that last two fucking years so people are exhausted and sick of politics. And it’s Christmas shopping season, where everyone maxes out their credit cards so they can stress about that on Jan. 2nd. The people will not be out in the streets protesting war. Not this time.
As it’s now shown that Trump filled his admin with a bunch of zionist warmongers and has stated he wants to make Israel great again (not sure when it ever was though), it’s hard not to see this as the time, finally, when they go after Iran on their way to the whole enchilada, Greater Israel. That is what MIGA is all about.
Combine that with governments collapsing because of debt, the US debt ceiling coming to a head January 1st, the supposed Bird flu and pandemics, and it appears that 2025 is the year we’ve all been waiting for. In a morbidly curious sort of way that is. Hang on to your hats.
And THAT’S #RealShit . 👍
The down votes that you’re getting to this her and ironic confirmation that people don’t want to hear truth and reality so much as they want their biases confirmed.
So many claims to ‘truth and reality’.
For many years, Brendon O’Connell has been advancing a radically different analysis of Iran’s role and its covert synchronization with Israel and NATO.
Here’s a sample from Henry Makow’s heavily banned WEB site:
If Israel is brokering tons of deals with the Soviet BRICS alliance, what does that make Iran, who is also a strategic partner of BRICS? Controlled opposition suddenly seems more plausible, doesn’t it? Here are just some of those ties. The Soviet answer to NATO is a treaty organization called CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). Iran has been invited to join. Why? Might it have something to do with the fact that Iran’s military uses Russian weapons or that Russia has helped Iran develop its nuclear program?
Might it have something to do with Russia becoming a key trading partner with Iran? The infamous Jewish-Russian mob-run Gazprom has become more and more involved in developing Iran’s oil and gas projects. Iran and Russia are also both involved in another NATO-like organization called SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). This is a Sino-Soviet organization. What’s more, Russia, Iran, and Qatar founded the Gas Exporting Countries Forum. In 2014, Russia and Iran signed an energy deal worth $20 billion.
Is that enough or are keyboard warriors going to sit back and continue to ridicule O’Connell over his increasingly accurate analysis of world politics? The narrative that Iran is a resistor of Judeo- masonic hegemony appears to have been cut from the same cloth as that of the Russia-is- resisting-the-NWO narrative. It’s part of the same West-vs-East dialectic carefully sold to the masses by the Money Power. It’s illusory.
https://henrymakow.com/2023/11/IRAN-IS- … ON%20.html
Yes, got to hand it to him, BoC didn’t beat about the bush in calling out the cozy relationship between the players. Frenemies not enemies, all acting out their carefully scripted roles and duping many of the alt-media so-called geopolitical experts still stuck in their pre-Covid 1984 mindsets.
Controlled opposition is a precise word for Kremlin, China and the triple passport Iranian Presidents. Playing the good cop and West the bad cop, same shit.
So the Cabal sold the Syrian people for business to ISIS, White Helmet and Turkish mercenaries after letting them torture the entire country for 20 years.
Lebanon and Iran will be next, wait and see.
Hmm, who supported Syria from imminent defeat by the head choppers in September 2015 why the Russian Federation. Who won back control of much of Syria with aid of Iran and Syrian forces why the Russian Federation.
Difference between then and 2024. The combined West plus the Ukrainian Nazis are in open conflict with Russia.
History has shown ,ie the Germans in Russia in WW2, splitting armies can lead to strategic defeat.
The Russians are pussy footing as always. They think they can win a game by being nice guys with West. They cant and will lose every time they do it.
You are hear on Lavrov’s soft babble how far out and desperate Kremlin is at the moment:
“We have urged Assad to enter into a dialogue with Islamic State, Turkey and NATO, and talk it over”…..”because we in Russia are against violence” ……LOL.
Churchill, yes I know he hated Russia and was a pawn of the City of London/ Wall Street Bankers, said “ Russia is a riddle, wrapped up in a mystery, inside an enigma. “
Let’s not forget, less than 20 years ago the Russian Federation was teetering on the verge of collapse because of 5th columnists and being economically raped by the West.
Perhaps, you should have listened to Lavrov’s speech in Malta recently. I suggest you do. The US and Blinken were as Queen Victoria apparently said not amused !
I tried listening to him the other day. His accent is too strong. I’ll have to find his speech in Russian with subtitles
As with many things in life patience and persistence.
The fall of Assad was planned very carefully over the last couple of years by the US/U.K./ Turkey and Zionists. They received very modern equipment ie Starlink, professionally trained leadership and experts in drone warfare courtesy of the Ukrainians. The Syrian army put up scant resistance to the head choppers because of incompetence in leadership, corruption and lack of courage. Russia and Iran had tried to persuade Assad to make compromises with the opposition. He refused. In the multi layered conflicts between Russia and the combined West new fronts were opened in order to prevent the imminent collapse of the Ukraine.
Moreover with the introduction of the hypersonic MIRA intermediate missile ( Oreshnik), the West have been checkmated in their attempts to provoke Russia into a wider conflict with their use of long range ATACMs so Syria has been brought into play in order to dilute the Russian forces in Ukraine.
The bigger question is what will happen when the Ukrainian Nazis/ US/ U.K/ NATO are defeated in Ukraine ?
You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, referencing Bernhard the lockdown harder, wear two masks and Covid was real fanboy. Look at the following comment of his which also included some of his past articles:
He also had a pop at OffG numerous times regarding so-called Covid-19. That hasn’t aged well, has it? 😂 😂
The title of the OG article is “ Discuss: Syrian Government Falls, Assad Flees Damascus”
The clue is in the title relating to 1. Syrian Government 2. Assad.
Now, MOA has written an article which is related to the question that OG has posed.
Whereas you have not.
If you want to contradict the statements made by myself or MOA relating to the subject of the title of OG’s article, please do so.
Meanwhile, here is another article relating to the subject matter.
Happy reading!
It is an issue of credibility.
Moon of Alabama failed the litmus test on the most important event in living memory, ie. the Plandemic. Therefore, their musings on geopolitics should also be treated with skepticism. Has MoA apologised to his readers for his mistake? I have no idea since I stopped reading his work a long time ago.
MoA was not alone among the so-called alt-media self-styled geopolitical experts. Andrei from since defunct ‘The Saker’ went so far as to ban any commenter who did not agree with his opinion that Covid was a real and present danger. So much for freedom of speech and thought. He also thought the Ukraine ‘war’ would be over in a few days after it started, as it should have been. Perhaps, he shut up shop after numerous incorrect predictions and he realised that his hero Vlad had let the side down.
“It is an issue of credibility..” Quite, since you can cite no concrete, factual evidence to dispute either what I or the MOA have stated concerning the situation in Syria. Rather, you seem to fall heavily on the usual tactic employed by the MSM of misdirection.
You may or may not have noticed, I included further information from Simplicus concerning the subject matter relevant to the topic of this article in OG.
Now, if you have evidence relative to the subject of OG please provide it rather than using MSM propaganda techniques!
Here we go again….
The same accusation “MSM propaganda techniques”. You seriously need new material.
I have asked you multiple times to explain the lockstep actions of all these puppet regimes, be they Western, BRICS+ or Global South during the Plandemic. Never once have you answered. It is highly relevant to the understanding of who these governments ALL answer to.
As you now know from my earlier comment, if you didn’t already, is that even Syria and Yemen both war torn countries received cull juice allocations. Laughable but true. Tell me why?
As for
SimpletonSimplicus, he is an armchair general bogged down in the minutiae of whichever ‘battle’ is supposedly taking place in the theatre of war on the world stage.Great….if you want to take out your toy tanks and your Action Man dolls to play along, then fill yer boots.
” Here we go again..” Indeed, not only do you employ tactic of diversion but now follow on by smearing eg ” I have you multiple times..”
Yet, either by ommision or otherwise, you conveniently forget that exact same tactic was employed by you in August concerning the Kursk Ukrainian incursion. You were found wanting.
In regards to your earlier comment, you stated ” So, whatever is going on in Syria, and I could speculate, it is more scripted ..”
A typical MSM propaganda technique make vacuous statements without a shred of concrete evidence to support your assertions.
It is as if you are following a script by the number of propaganda tactics you are utilising.
I will repeat do you have any relevant evidence to counter the statements I and MOA plus Simplicus have stated concerning the topic of OG’s article.
PS. I am pleased to see you are no longer part of a Tag team. Lesson learnt !
You know my reasons that I believe all or most govts are being scripted to play roles. We have been over it ad nauseum many times in the past months. The Plandemic being the most obvious example.
Smearing is not “I have asked you multiple times to explain…”
It is a waste of time conversing with you again, going round in circles.
I comment here regularly on articles covering various topics. You go weeks without commenting until there is article that involves Russia. Then you hit the thread hard. In one case with over 40 comments on a single article, always having the last word.
You are one man shilling operation. Yet, when questioned on anything you always divert. I on the other hand have answered your questions, even when not directed to me, many times in previous exchanges.
You claim to speak Russian and understand Russian culture. Yet, you still live in the West, most likely Britain.
As I have asked you before, if you are so confident that the grass is greener, why have you not put your money where your mouth is? I would if I believed what you do.
Again, you try to employ the tactic of diversion, a common MSM propaganda tool, instead of providing factual evidence which contradicts what I and MOA plus Simplicus stated. The reason is apparent you don’t have any.
You accused me in August of not answering questions. I provided proof that I did. From that moment until now not a peep out of you. But as time as passed your usual propagandistic MSM tactic of smearing.
“You go weeks without commenting
Er no, more hogwash.
” I on the other hand have always answered your questions ”
Oh, the irony.
You are having a laugh.
When challenged to provide evidence to the contrary, your fall back position is akin to a playbook from Bernays book propaganda.
But there is hope, you stopped being a tag team member .
So for the last time have you concrete factual evidence contrary what I, MOA. Simplicus have stated in regards to the title of OG’s article?
he was off a while ago heart problems true heavy duty operations
nothing to do with his covid booster shots as I here the vaccine acts like a vitamin in the heart
It was solely Assad’s incompetence and fault, not Russia’s, China’s and Iran’s fault.
They have not done anything wrong.
Assad refused to make compromises with ISIS, Israel 200 bombing of Syria/year and White Helmets, as Russia, Iran and China frequently were doing.
Therefore it was only Assad’s fault!!
It’s a game of strategic decisions and Russia had to choose between weakening its military capabilities in the Ukraine in order to prop up Syria or defeating the Ukrainian Nazis and the City of London US/U.K. NATO backers.
History has shown many examples of dividing an armies forces can lead to catastrophe.
Excellent conversation here. Patrick Henningsen: Syria the collapse and the BS of the entire War
The key to the apparent “Rebel” victory has a proper name – and that vile two-timing name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the dictator for life in Turkey who has ignored the cries of the Turks to help the Palestinians. Oh, to be sure, the slimeball has mouthed support for the Resistance; but in the end he donned his US/NATO skullcap and gave the green light to take Syria.
It would seem Muslims have yet to get over their long history of sectarian squabbling, which reduced a once imposing empire to a kindergarten food fight.
A good case can be made that it’s only because Christians did manage to put all that crap behind them that they’re in the driver’s seat worldwide. Religion is the scourge of humanity – always has been and always will be until it’s driven back to hell.
So you believe in hell. Some would call that inconsistent
It’s a figure of speech, not a real place.
This is the Jewish Master Plan unfolding that I speak of on my Blog. Next up: Iran. https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com
Lets upgrade Your studies (which are quite good but lack finesse and a certain “other worldy” understanding)
1st a large resource related to 3rd temple/red cow and the intended manifestion of the “son of perdition” aka “moschiach ben david”
then some very lengthy academia re the flip/inversion nature of kabbalic “satanism”, starting with the true relevance of red and blue pills
For how this relates to present day relevance from a religious (RC) perspective then this You will also appreciate
In respect of much of the unusual “coincidences” happening in the middel east this 39 pager has a few Gems to be taken on board
the last one is present on the title page, just scroll down, “log in” isnt necessary
Things are moving Very fast, cohesion on these topics is not easily attained, inversion being by its very nature “illogical”, “contra-dictory” and “occult” ie Hidden
The ‘rebels’ win. The word ‘rebel’ is always indicative of foreign sponsorship. Nevertheless…
Israel & Turkey 1, Russia & Iran 0
Israel has already bagsied the Golan Heights buffer zone. How the rest of the territory is to be carved up remains to be seen
They love to play the same word salad games with the terms Freedom Fighter and Terrorist. INVERTING those two to SUIT THEIR narratives at ANY given time. 😔👍
A fire fighter fights fires. A freedom fighter fights..
Yea. I like you. 🎯👊😎👍🎯
Don’t forget UAE and Qatar.
The only question that matters at this point is: What the hell were the Russians and Iranians thinking when they let Syria go? Without Syria, the ‘Axis of Resistance’ is finished. Once Trump is installed, he’ll roll out his stupid ‘Abraham Accord’ again, and the Palestinians will be finished. Greater Israel is now a reality … let that sink in.
Sounds good. Bring out the blue & white MIGA hats. Make Israel Greater Again
Incidentally the word ‘Palestinian’ derives from the verb ‘palesh’ meaning to roll, to (eternally) wander (as a nomad without homeland). What’s in a name?
It’s actually a different pronunciation of “Pelishtim” which is classical Hebrew for “Phillistines”. These were the highly cultured and urbanized “sea peoples” who had established cities on the coast of Gaza prior to the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites. So when Israelis refer to “Pelishtim” (Palestinians) they are also referring to the Biblical “Phillistines” mentioned so frequently as age old enemies of ancient Israel (Samson, Saul, David, etc.)
True, but then that begs the question where the term ‘Philistine’ comes from
Strong’s Concordance. h6429
Ah, its like that old chestnut “apocalypse”
“the removal of the veil of deception from the eyes of the gentiles”
and “pray” whom? might want to deceive Us?
surely, it couldnt be not “them”???
and seeing as its nearly panto season:
“oh yes it is!”
prior to the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites
Have you heard of rewriting history, or conjuring it up wholesale?
What’s your point there zio dude?
I suppose the broader point was that it’s wise to choose your umbrella term / organization name / flag wisely.
Bolsheviks (‘those in the majority’) vs Mensheviks (‘those in the minority’). Who was ever likely to win the majority?
Or, closer to home, eternal nomads vs those seeking a greater, more stable, homeland. Which has the upper hand etymologically?
eternal nomads vs those seeking a great, more stable homeland. What total bullshit. Are you hasbara?
And yet the Palestinians may be the closest living relatives of those ancient Hebrews. If true, then they didn’t wander very far.
Good point. Maybe close relatives are the most prone to fighting cf Cain & Abel.
A Happy Christmas & New Year?
The Pogues – Fairytale Of New York
I don’t think that the psychopathic globalists have ‘ brethren’
Israel has never been great mate. If it wasnt for gullible Brits you would still be roamin the earth looking for a roof.
Many Brits are hunting for a roof after Storm Darragh
Just an every year storm dressed up with a name for the climate agenda
<i>‘Axis of Resistance’ is finished</i>
You are joking, right?
A brief look shows that 50% of Iranians and 55% of Russians have been shot with a Co-n-vid jab.
In any case, appreciated the laugh.
Ukraine for Russian Federation: Iran fighting :Israel, Turkey, US/U.K.
Classic lessons from history never fight on multiple fronts.
Also now a reality is the nature and ambition of Zionism. That should be a hradache for their Western cheerleaders. Also, did Trump’s stupid Abraham Accords cause the current genocide or enable a period of relative peace and stability?
They are calling them rebels, arabs, jihadist, etc. Wonder why they never mention it’s the Jews doing it.
Becoming archaic due to self-destruction, implosion, and acts so utterly abhorrent, originating in Israel, where many in the group still live, that the sane members of humanity and the free world, no longer wish to use, be referred to by, or associated with the word?
I can see why so many Jews in the world are protesting the genocide : “NOT IN MY NAME!”
Like rainbows? You really like them, but you are not gay. There are a lot of gay people you like, although you definitely don’t like ones that would rape your kid, or get him all confused about what body he was born in, or talk him into a surgery that not only will cost many tens of thousands of dollars, but will seriously risk his health and reduce his life expectancy. So you just stop using rainbows, cause…….
Possibilities on why they don’t mention Jews doing it.
Either the above or, and most likely, some pretty wide ranging censorship, effective psychological operations, bribery, blackmail and bought up media?
They sure did mention Muslims a lot after 9/11. And it was so wrong. And so many died.
Some people just hate people in general. Believe it or not, they just want to kill as many people as they possibly can, no matter their identifying features, preferably by proxy. And we are really in trouble when they get into, or stay, in positions of power. So often though, they are not identified as to who they REALLY are, under the color, or the label, or the bank account or lack thereof, or the smooth talking words.
Our enemy: war, cruelty, human rights abuses, poverty and want, insanity, ignorance, ………
I’m so sick of war.
How did Iran supply weapons to the West Bank (+Gaza) and Hezbollah in Lebanon? A bit by air to Beirut, heavier stuff by land via Syria. Shipping is a bit risky in the Mediterranean.
What does Erdogan gain by cutting off that land line? A freehand against the Kurds in ex-Syria.
Can the Alawites + a few Russians keep their Tartus & Latakia provinces?
for Israel this is a mixed bag: Iran land line cut off but anarchic Sunni extremists in return for a secular Assad regime.
Qatar wants to lay a gas pipeline via SA, Syria and Turkiye to the EU and therefore financed these extremist militants who now walked over Syria as Assad refused that pipe.
Not sure how the Americans would like that, but any one mystery bomb a la Nordstream II could end Eaststream I.
Only the ‘anarchic Sunni extremists’ are very mindful of Israel’s interests, unlike the secular Assad regime.
Assad, therefore, had to go.
Those “anarchic Sunni extremists” wasted no time in professing their desire to live in peace with the Zionists. This whole anti-Syrian campaign was a Turkish/US/Israeli operation from the start. This is a massive, perhaps fatal, blow to the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Russia and Iran also now look like total amateurs. How much longer before the Yemeni switch sides?
The only difference between most “Israeli” and “Russian” gullible assholes is that the Israelis have an even higher co-n-vid Vax rate.
What goes around comes around. Most deserve exactly what they get.
If it weren’t for the impact on the few it’s hard to see where the Global Mafia have got this wrong – after all, most eat lamb.
Things are happening fast – about 13:50 GMT Saudi media reporting: “The Saudi Al Hadath outlet reports that Israeli forces have taken over the Syrian side of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights.” Big winner!
This is the culmination of 75 years work to destroy every single cohesive sovereign nation in the middle east that emerged post colonialism. Turning them from developing industrial nations with vast resources to backwards shit holes run by corrupt groups who bang on about god and cut peoples heads off if they don’t like the corruption or call for change.
Imperialism is back and these religious zealots don’t even know they’ve been played.
I would only replace “75” with “107” – it’s really a post-Ottoman project.
I doubt there are even any “religious zealots” involved; I bet its just straight up US backed mercenaries.
The same people who control Israel also seem to control the US.
Imperialism never left.
Western Empire’s 21st C imperialist assaults are to DISRUPT and deconstruct nations into powerless regions of limited capacity and to artificial provoke conflict among them. This leaves the Empire to manipulate and exploit geopolitical conditions and resources, and their indigenous peoples, as they wish. Meanwhile keeping Western populations uninformed, misinformed and blue-pilled with the current SPECTACLE they have us swimming in.
The emigration of Muslims to the West, out of financial or other motives does have its positive effects on more and more of them..
The 21st century beats the 7th in a good number of aspects; progress / evolution.
In Pakistan VPNs are now banned…
CPC Belt & Wip influence.
The DHS & GCHQ must be salivating for such in the Anglo home base, but that damn Trump is on the horizon.
Yeah, the old leftist atheist smearing of all God believers: “Seek yourself and your own ego.”
Russian and Iranian military and diplomatic personnel have proceeded with evacuation from Syria in what it seems an orderly manner.
I have not seen a single reference (in expert discussion) to the Russian Navel Base at Tartus (Sryia) – I have been looking, but nothing. Will that just be abandoned? Exist as some sort of Guantanamo Bay? Militarily over run by force? It stands to be a really epochal shift: Russia loses any pretense to being a global power. Can’t even maintain/operate a naval fleet in the black sea – big win for Ukr/NATO there a year ago. Hang on!
Well, the Russians will still have their submarines. But yeah, they’ve just lost any credibility they had in the ME and it’s taken a massive hit everywhere else, too. Putin is starting to look like another Gorbachev or Yeltsin. Pathetic.
yes, the information is scarce. to be quiet could be part of a deal. since when you pretend you are going on a weekend hike and you take over a country?
I guess off guardian is not going to write anything about the recent coup de estat that happened last Friday in Romania when the presidential elections were declared void and the current president expanded his mandate for an indefinite duration. This has the potential to trigger a huge escalation in the nato russian war as the reason for the cancelation was Russian interference in the “democratic” elections.
There’s also the Moldova issue right next door.
Fuckery in Georgia as well.
A few days old now but still a well worth listening to analysis by Vanessa Beeley from 3rd December: https://www.ukcolumn.org/syria-podcast-episode-1
This is the culmination of 75 years work to destroy every single cohesive sovereign nation in the middle east. Turning them from developing industrial nations with vast resources to backwards shit holes run by corrupt groups who bang on about god and cut peoples heads off if they don’t like the corruption.
I still think Syria will not fall to NATZO’s proxy army. Because the fall of Syria will open the road for NATZO to invade Iran, Russia and China. These countries will not allow that; no more than Russia allows NATZO to control Ukraine.
Yes, Syria is just one piece in the multi layered conflict between the City of London controlled entities and Iran/ Russia/ China plus many other countries. Georgia being another as witnessed by the ongoing demonstrations against the newly elected non western orientated government.
Kremlin is doing everything so clumsy, so I am absolutely sure the Cabal will conquer Lebanon, and Iran next, and then either Russia or China will give in.
“We always wanted to be like you in West. We are like you”.
The real ‘winners’ in any war are the psychos selling the guns and bombs.
The losers?
All of us.
There is no winners. Time make us all losers. Time make us all equals. Winning, won, winner, for what? I won, and then I died at 77. You won?
Nobody is winning.
By Percy Bysshe Shelley
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Not sure what deals were struck by Iran, Russia, Turquie, The US and Israel with the ‘rebels,’ but I see that most Syrians didn’t seem to mind the new authorities and Russia and the US don’t seem to be in a hurry to leave. As for Israel it’s already moving into Al-Quneitra in the Golan Heights DMZ!
Whatever the case, one thing is clear to me, it would be hard for Syrians to have a worse plight than what they had before, and we can hope that the new guys will help free the land from its occupiers and get back their natural resources.
Did Syrians fear beheadings under Assad?
No, but if you consider the reality on the ground–so far, thus transition of power has been without a bloodshed. The truth is, Assad has resigned and fled to Russia; the Syrian army has retreated and let the invading forces in. without a fight. There appears to have been some negotiations between the Turkish-backed insurrectionists, the Assad regime, Iran and Russia before the transition. This looks like Erdogan was allowed to lead this revolution and further contain the FDS in the East. You must know that the US and Israel are trying to defend and prop up the Kurds and start a civil war in Syria. They clearly are taking position in Mount Hermon and conducting a heavy bombing campaign against the South-West and Damascus. Are we witnessing the onset of a Turkeye vs Israel confrontation?
It looks more like the new guys are handing over pieces of Syria to its neighbours.
To make peace.
Well at least the Syrian government didn’t forget to get its allocation of Covid-1984 jabs to ‘protect’ its people during the Scamdemic.
To quote from the article above:
After all, during a civil war when one is living in poverty with no job and risk of getting a limb blown off or dying from malnutrition or unsanitary conditions, what could be worse than not being safe from a snifle and a runny nose?
So, whatever is going on in Syria, and I could speculate, it is more scripted theatrics and live action role playing.
Geopolitics has clearly revealed itself to be entertainment for those who run the whole show by pushing their puppet pieces around on a giant chessboard, giving the masses and talking heads plenty of chickenfeed to keep them pecking away.
Imagine if a war broke out and nobody showed up to fight. If it can happen there, why not here?
Already happened in Europe didn’t it? Twas called the ‘ Blitzkrieg’ or just ‘ the Frogs surrendered without a fight’
“..it is more scripted theatrics..”
Here is small sample from the last 10+ years of the war in Syria.
It is a timely reminder of what to expect from these invading thespians!
Terrorists rebranded as “rebels”…
The “rebels” were from outside, foreigners…
rebels rebel from inside…
Kiev bombs residential areas of the Donbas,
Israel bombs residential areas of Gaza, of Beirut…
This is not War, This is Terrorism…
Terrorism is the main Weapon of The Hegemon…
al Joleni – former ISIS, former al Qaida (aka – Big Al),
is now a “Liberator” !!
The Hegemon is desperate !!
Do you believe the Hegemon is desperate? It appears to be doing pretty well. None of its plans are being permanently thwarted.
Donbas !
Government propagandists have asserted for years
“Terrorism is the weapon of the weak.”
My guess is NATO has done a deal with Putin. NATO gets Syria’s oil and then moves their proxy forces (the moderate rebels) to fight Israel’s war in the Lebanon. Russia gets to end a draining and unpopular war and will govern eastern Ukraine. As soon as Trump comes to office he’ll announce a truce in Ukraine. The Americans will declare victory. So, will the Russians. Eastern Ukraine will become a Russian proxy state and Western Ukraine with all its lithium and debt will become smart tech Guinea pigs for silicon valley. That’s my guess. Meanwhile thousands more civilians die and are made homeless while the dust settles. So sad.
I doubt that very much why would putin side with NATO American paid terrorists.
I am afraid rational thinking doesn’t work with the “ they are in together “ true believers.
Trump Really have you seen the people surrounding him.
I read that lithihm and other mineral assets are in Eastern Ukraine, now Russian-controlled.
And meanwhile ‘Ukraine fatigue’ means shifting things over to Syria again and the ME generally might just ramp things up for Them.
Russia annexed Eastern Ukraine two years ago.
…and of course, Israeli zealots get to move towards their ‘fulfillment of prophecy’ in the creation of Greater Israel. [Do readers know that IDF troops in Lebanon and Gaza have been seen wearing patches that depict the borders of ersatz Israel?].
What I have been asking for years and seen little or no opinion on is the nature of the relationship between The Russian Federation and the state of Israel. It is not completely missing from the discourse but considering its implications in all matters geopolitical, you have to look hard to find reference to it. Endless ink spilled about the US-Israel pact but Russia-Israel…nada.
The conventional rhetoric of Russian intervention in Syria just seems to avoid the fact that Israel has been very involved in actions against the Russian interest there, yet relations between the two countries are cordial….
….and now the Russians just pull out and go home, a bit like Afghanistan for the US.
I don’t really know but it seems like Russia would like to avoid WWIII. But it WILL take actions to protect itself. If it took aggressive action at this time NATO would say it is an attack against Turkey. They are in, what they call a special military operation. Russia was protecting Russians in the Donbass. And the Donbass was under genocide and persecution long before Russia finally stepped in.
Although it has been chopped up from the outside it is a huge country and has enough problems of its own, to go picking fights without provocation, unlike many other countries that ignore their own problems while greedily causing problems for others. But it has shown it WILL respond, and there seems to be no end to the degree of provocations against it. Not many countries get stronger under sanctions, but it has. I wonder if it might be more of a Democracy than either Israel or the US at this point, who are both willing to sacrifice poor Ukrainians to continue to antagonize Russia. So much blood spilled. It is as if they (US and Israel) just want to empty the country of people, like they are doing in Palestine, Lebanon and now Syria. To the last Ukrainian, right? Yeah, they are freely confessing to the most alarming of crimes.