Syria: New Government takes shape as Israel move in
Kit Knightly

In the two days since Damascus fell to the “liberating” rebels, the Syria situation has moved on apace.
Bashar al-Assad and his family – rumoured to have been in a plane crash on Sunday – are now confirmed alive having been granted asylum in Moscow, according to Russian sources.
The rebel leaders – no longer considered “terrorists” by the UK, and with a change of wardrobe to prove it – have already sat down with the Syrian Prime Minister to discuss the transfer of power:
They have also reportedly issued a general amnesty for any soldiers who fought for the Assad government.
Meanwhile Israel is carving out “buffer zones” from Syria’s southwest and blasting Syria’s air defenses with bombs, completely unopposed.
With all this coming so thick and fast, people are asking questions.
- How did a “frozen conflict” thaw and resolve in just 10 days?
- Was there some betrayal involved?
- Or has a deal been done?
Certainly the passivity of the Syrian government and armed forces in the face of the apparent assault was noteworthy, as The Duran pointed out twitter:
Assad's passivity in the face of these events was astonishing
— The Duran (@TheDuranReal) December 10, 2024
It’s reminiscent of the “chaotic” US withdrawal, which saw tons of weapons and equipment “accidentally” left behind for Taliban forces and thousands of prisoners “accidentally” freed. Easily interpretable as part of an agreement after the fact.
Is that the case here?
Or is it all in service of “Greater Israel”, as others claim?
I hope that those pro-Palestine campaigners who are celebrating the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad are waking up to the fact that they're on the side of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Greater Israel project.
— Chris Williamson (@DerbyChrisW) December 10, 2024
Time will tell.
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Why is the Ukraine, currently in the middle of losing to Russia, sending drones and drone operators to Syria, in the process leaving more of their own Ukrainian soldiers undefended against the Russians?
Makes you realise that both wars are being run by the same people and that the owners do not give a fuck about the fighters; the fighters are just self-sacrificing retards loking for glory.
America has been destroying Syrian industrial facilities. Seems the US plan is for Syria to have little to no domestic industry and be totally reliant on imports from the West. That’s the same plan the US imposes on every single oppressed nation it seeks to make into a neo-colony. Nations with no domestic production capacity are far easier to control.
Building an empire the USA way … destroy the country you are stealing. Makes sense to them, makes no sense to anyone else. Like their decision to make the stolen Hawaii a state while keeping the stolen Israel as an independent country. Will Syria become a state or an extension of the Rothschilds’ Israel Jew farm.
I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard someone say HTS (the mercenary killers in Syr1a, IS1S with new name) are UK Proscr1bed Terror1sts (makes sense, ISIS…). If that is the case, and Keir “The Hague” Starmer is said to have “welcomed their victory”, then shouldn’t the Met Poolice be called (he’s gone against the dystopian UK Terror Law), where they’ll no doubt ransack No 10 house, treat him badly, then throw him in the slammer and steal all his electronic devices, like many other people. Met Poolice consistency? Ditto for any other politicians who’ve praised the proscribed “terror1sts” – and no ordinary terror1sts, these are ‘the worst of the worst’ terror1sts.
There’s actually a victim’s Terr0r Law court case right around now, at the same time Starmer and others are hailing a rebranded IS1S win
Syrians had severe sanctions and 90% lived in poverty. How do you fund a military with that sort of poverty? Syrian army didn’t do anything? Armies move on their stomachs, hello.
Lots of unanswered questions. We can surmise Russia and Iran stood down because among other reasons, Turkey was involved and if they engaged Turkish forces they would trigger NATO’s Article 5 and bring NATO into it to “defend” Turkey. A deal was probably made to spare Assad allow him to leave and also guarantee Russia could keep its naval and air bases on Syrian territory.
Israel was deep in on this as was Turkey and the US. This does not bode well for the region, this is an additional “seven countries in five years” country to fall. The ZIonists are one step closer to their Greater Israel Project.
Watch as Syria is balkanized, raped and stripped of its assets as Israel uses this to foment war against Lebanon and Iran. Trump is beholden to the Zionists and they have him deep in their hip pocket.
Excellent broadcast from Vanessa Beeley who has been reporting from Syria for some time. She is still in the middle east.
Another fascinating aspect of the Syria crisis is the PR; Muslims versus Jews. It has been plainly obvious for many decades that the middle east is nothing to do with Muslims versus Jews, it has always been about the greedy versus the greedier, yet this old deception continues to work like a charm.
I guess the religious war bullshit continues to work because the west keeps on funding terrorist organisations, encouraging the people who would fight the rich to instead join the terrorist organisations. All the current terrorist players in Syria, plus Hamas plus Hezbollah, are funded by the rich beneficiaries of the religious war deception.
It is fascinating because the Christian Syrians are being thrown under the bus by the rich USA Jews, the ones who own the US Christians; but US Christians are retards, so there will be no feedback from them. What sort of twisted logic do these people have? They think that their Jesus will support the massacre of Syrian Christians? Do these people actually believe anything? Maybe they realise this is nothing to do with religion?
The rich oil beneficiaries have obviously agreed to keep out of each others’ way and to keep their peoples fighting each other in a relgious war; everyone needs an enemy. So just as MBS was about to sign an agreement with Israel, they turn up the religious war another notch and, lo and behold, Israel and Saudi are no longer friends …. as if the wealthy of either country gives a shit about religion. Erdogan pretends to be sanctioning Israel while ships dock at Turkey ports and ship supplies to Netanyahu. It seems obvious that religion is not getting in their way when it comes to making money and staying friends.
Erdogan’s son was a primary beneficiary of the Syria oil theft, MBS is primary beneficiary of Saudi oil, rich British Jews are the primary beneficiaries of the Israel distraction and will control the Gaza oil once the Palestinians are no more, the USA benefits through the usual oil business and its control over world energy.
But now the PR is breaking, now their are accusations of the Israelis helping the MBS muslims to eradicate the Iran muslims. Of course, this is just more bullshit, another tune in the religious wars deception. In reality the peoples of none of these nations want war, it is the rich greedy fuckers who want the wars, so that they can have moar.
Why wasn’t Putin able to join the greedy fuckers and do a deal with them? Is Putin too wealthy for the middle east, maybe they have nothing to offer him that he doesn’t already have in spades? Maybe this is the deal; Russia withdraws, Assad goes with them, they release Syria to the rich fuckers and in return they get something yet to be disclosed?
With the USA and Turkey stealing Assad’s oil income over the last fifteen years, and with Israel bombing wherever and whenever they felt like in Syria, it is no real surprise that the country collapsed with the people suffering for lack of food etc.
Assad wasn’t stealing the Syrian oil, the USA/Turkey/UK/Israel mafia were doing it; don’t let the real villains off the hook.
It looks like Russia had a choice to fight the west’s terrorists or to let them all kill each other. The real issue is that by surrendering, the Russians have now put Iran even further into the front lines with Israel/USA/UK/Turkey who will try to steal the Iranian oil in addition to continuing to steal the Syrian oil.
The nightmare outcome of all this is Israel controlling all the oil and all the water in the middle east … greater Israel, greater oil, China will be their bitch. I wonder what Erdogan is getting out of it, probaby just money, he is simply a greedy thug; supplying Israel while also saying that he was standing with the Palestinians.
This is only going to get worse.
For the Syrian government to fall so quickly it had to have been corrupted and undermined from within. As I understand it, the “rebels” were able to be so successful because the Syrian army was told to stand down.
Here is the best you get from both MSM, Alternative Media, of all professional Journalists and “experts” on “geo-political issues” and politics:
“Assad’s passivity is the face of these events was astonishing”, (Duran).
Let this sentence stay forever in neon about our Media’s description of the historic atrocities in Syria of today.
With NATO’s 70 countries Coalition Inherent Resolve Freedom, Washington and Pentagon, MI6 and British Empire, China trading, Iran’s Private Army, Hezbollah, Israel bombing Syria >200 times a year, ISIS, Al Qaida, El Nusra, The Turkish Army and Turkish Islamic mercenaries, the most rich and wealthy 1/3 part of Syria occupied by US Special Forces, and a passive tail wagging making deals in Astana Russia with everybody else inside his country, everybody wondered why didnt Assad do something?
YES, WHY DIDNT YOU DO ANYTHING MR. ASSAD??? We experts cant understand it.
“Assad’s passivity is the face….”, should be not is but in the face.
Third last line: “…..else inside his country, everybody……”, should be with a komma “..else, inside his country, …”.
Just to reveal how much the 15 minutes correction time is missed ;-).
They’ve all decided to throw Assad under the bus, haven’t they? Very convenient, too, since we won’t hear from him, he’s a ‘guest’ with his ‘protector’ Putin.
So the Kremlin propagandists can now speak of the Assad ‘regime’ and how cowardly the Syrian army are.
The ‘global South’ would do well to give Putin a wide berth, and I’m quite sure they wiil. We shall see them all fall in line again soon.
Assad and Putin (etc etc) probably live on the same, or neighbouring, island(s) as Epstein with a girl on each knee.
Not the very nicest islands but still very nice.
They are not that kind of men. Bot are known to be 100% heterosexual traditional loyal family men with great love for their wife and their children.
I agree, they are very likely bots, automatons or simple triple doubles.
I’ve yet to hear of any corporate media ‘journalists’ being arrested for lauding this latest proscribed group. Even back in 2013, the BBC was embedded with the al-Nusra headchoppers for their Panorama propaganda special (Saving Syria’s Children) despite that group also being on the proscribed list. I suppose it helps when MI6 are pulling the strings.
UK Column are not pulling their punches. Jews, Zionists and Israel are getting flack. But the truth is the truth and hiding behind the anti-Semitism nonsense will not work when the obvious is staring us all in the face.
Anyone who is Zionist or Friends of Israel is an enemy of empathy and truth.
‘Hi Mr Putin its The Donald. Why dont we give up Ukraine and you give up Syria. Good idea eh. Makes Old Joe look as if he is still alive, and makes it easy for me eh’.
oded yinon never sleeps moshiac moloch baphomet need feeding
globohomo zio turkey donmeh zvi Jacob frank Qatar Jordan all donmeh
Greater Israel tip of the spear init pending pending
UK newspapers have been full of “Assad’s torture cells”.
I’ve no regard for Assad – and have always distrusted the “independent” media who’ve lauded him – but the West rendered terrorist suspects to Syria…. and that’s not even remembering Abu Ghraib.
It’s exactly the same playbook they used after the “liberation” of Kuwait and then Iraq. How many “torture cells” in nations friendly to NATO are going unreported in the meantime?
Ways to obey the Empire, avoid an invasion and make some money:
-. give away important natural resources to designated cronies
-. host a military base, terrorist training camp, secret prison for torture, or facility to produce chemical or bio weapons.
Russia was no longer able to help prop up the country, so they fell. Simple as that. Syria should have seen the writing on the wall if they didn’t want to be parceled up by their neighbors. They didn’t, and they are where they are. Israel will carve out its ‘historical homeland’ borders which includes a fair chunk of Syria. But it’s OK because the people in that region just want to kill each other anyway. Maybe with a more pacifist religion….l
Russia has a lot of mineral resources.
Maybe it just wasn’t worth the hassle ?
I’m leaning more to the 1984 version/explanation of event.
Just as ISIS was armed and allowed to capture cities in Iraq and the American equipment for them. As Gadaffi army and supporting nations disappeared.
So Syria’s army and support from Russia and Iran disappeared.
Talk of deals being struck. What deal could make Russia give up it’s base and support.
Just as Germany was able to capture so many countries.
They are all puppets to a higher controlling power who tell them what to do.
It’s a bit tricky to follow the flow of control when it concerns ordinary people. With the leader (in this case Assad) out of the picture, who exactly would the “higher controlling power” use to dissuade Syrian soldiers to desert en masse? Could it be, instead, that at $7 a month these soldiers saw no reason to fight and die for the Assad regime ($40 a month for generals)?
As to Russia and Iran deserting Assad (which is what it looked like), it was the other way around. Apparently dictator Assad was moronic enough to be persuaded by the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia to cozy up the the West – you know: the West that after 911 decided to regime change Syria. Yeah, that West.
(The smart caveman was he who did not attempt to cozy up to T. Rex.)
They should drive this fucking Arab scum infesting the middle east back to where it once came from, THE DEEP DESERT of the Arab peninsula!!!!
what are you on about, is this a joke
Such generosity of spirit you express there. Are you a Zionist by any chance?
a khazhar a follower of zvi and Jacob frank Doug Howell just your regular anglo zio homo satanist
and leave it to the tender care of the khazharian Ashkenazim the turk donmeh sabbatai zvi Jacob frank satanists running the Shoah
Aren’t the Arabs supposed to be Esau’s descendants? That would make their home somewhere, oh I don’t know – somewhere in Israel!
You’re in league with the likes of Merav Ben-Ari who said “The children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves”, I see.
Empathy, much?
Just like that, our government decided to call a terrorist group, liberators…
In which case, from now on, i’ll call The Guardian
right wing,far right, extremeright wing; and call The Daily Mail
left wing,far left. extreme left wing…I might ever declare “War is Peace”, “Slavery is Freedom”, and, “Billionaires
are Victims (of the economic system)”…
Our government does not represent us, it represents extreme wealth and Zionist murderers.
the happiest politician today is the The speaker of the United States House of Representative: James Michael (Mike) Johnson.
what does that tell us?
with much of the press is celebrating the end of the “dictatorship”, relentless bombing from Saturday to Sunday wiped out 80% of the Syrian army hardware!!!!
such gaslighting from US Turkey Israel Uk HTS is already conducting reprisal BEHEADINGs all over Syria they ignore Israel land grab up to border of Damascus while Israel & US bomb the crap out of Syria to destroy infrastructure and HTS raids state bank and robs the museum like US did in Bagdad k
“Mr Rothschild, sir. That bumbling idiot is gonna be in charge soon. We’ve gotta keep our agenda. moving and set him up for a fall”
“Why the fuck are you wasting my time you cretin! That is obvious.
Now get off the phone and go lick someone else’s boots!”
murdoch’s and corporate press:
history only started with ASSAD ASSAD ASSAD
The war between the RSF and the regular army has so far killed tens of thousands, uprooted 12 million and created what the United Nations has called the worst humanitarian crisis in recent memory.
No Juice involved, no news in the MSM, West and MEast.
Who or “what” is Gregory Johnson? Quackory Schlongson, as I call him, is an anal pervert with a Nazi haircut. He lives from his permanent brazen appeals for donations on his pseudo-intellectual website and has been living out his anal perversion anonymously in Hungary for years.
He asks his idiotic readers and contributors to donate 300,000 [!] dollars a year, even though he knows full well that the 100,000 dollars generated will be enough to pay his Hungarian hustlers.
Who is Renaud Camus? Renaud Camus is a French anal pervert who allegedly invented the term “the great exchange”. In other words, roughly what the anal pervert Douglas Murray is in the UK. The disgustingly hypocritical operators of “AmRen” celebrate him as a “hero”.
Meanwhile, in aUStralia, a million miles from the mayhem, a synagogue and a car were torched and graffiti was sprayed on a home in a wealthy Sydney suburb.
Are the chickens coming home to roost?
No, some Muslims are having a practice run. You might be next.
Is that you, Tulsi?
Oh I dunno. It looks like the Muslims have decided to join the Germans and are now fellating the Zionists:
I am agog at Israeli sin, but that’s as close as I get.
The bombed synagogue belonged to an anti zionist Jewish sect. The timing was excellent.
For the architects of this decapitation of Syria it was never actually about “the Assad regime must go!” – that was a propaganda campaign and a means to an end. No, it was about the total destruction of the country of Syria – pluralistic sovereign Arab state with a rich heritage & culture- right next to Israel, which stood up for its independence, opposing expansion of the Greater Israel Project & stood up for the native Palestinian population under the illegal Israeli occupation.
That state is now gone. Israel, U.S., UK, France, Netherlands, Turkey, Qatar and the rest – have achieved their collective colonial aim.
It is now more likely that Syria will not be better than before December 8th, a day that will live in infamy.
By deploying their imperial creation of Takfiri Islamist militants, Colonialists may have just reopened the gates of hell in the region too. They believe they can ‘manage’ the violence and chaos which is surely coming.
The worst may be yet to come – as a result of the monsters they’ve birthed and have now unleashed.
It won’t be long until people will be lamenting what a disaster this move truly was.
There was a massive survey of opinion in the region at the end of WW1 and the vast majority wanted the creation of a Greater Syria.
The victorious powers (mainly Britain) ignored it and created a number of smaller Arab states so they could be played off against each other.
They wanted to be able to invade each country by way of the sea, so the maps were redrawn with this mandate in mind rather than the logical keeping the indigenous peoples intact.
Yes, it was just like yesterday,
In 1922 in Mesopotamia, rebellion against British domination erupted among the Kurds. The British saw themselves as unable to afford ground troops against the rebellion, and they saw themselves as low in the amount of money it could spend on the war. They turned to air power. Aircraft bombed and machine-gunned the Iraqis. Winston Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia urged the use of gas, and mustard gas is said to have been used on occasion, while this has been denied. Delayed action bombs are also said to have been used. Britain’s Air Commodore Lionel Charlton resigned his commission in 1924, disgusted with the air campaign. A squadron leader in Mesopotamia, Arthur Harris, supported the bombing strategy, saying that “The only thing the Arab understands is the heavy hand.”
Rebellion in Iraq and Syria: 1922-28
Wow. So Bomber Harris had already led horrendous bombing campaigns before Germany in WW2. I didn’t know that.Thanks
I first learned about this and the British use of mustard gas in what is now Syria about 20 years ago, not long after the imperialist/neocon/zionist war OF terror started. It amazed me then and now it’s 20 years later. Times flies.
Whatever the reasons, it just keeps going and going. You can say it’s for this or that, or for them or they, but it’s always something and always somebody. That doesn’t seem to matter. Apparently, the only way to stop all this is for 8 billion people, minus the few hundred thousand or million or so psychopaths that rule the earth, to say that’s it, end of this game. We’re starting a new one.
Fat chance on that one. It seems more like we’re on a ride to destiny and we have no choice where it takes us. The question remains if destiny is on our side.
Later, Churchill ordered the same treatment – chemical warfare – for Germany. The Air Force balked, though it had no qualms about carpet bombing. Later, photos of the resulting corpses on carts got recycled as the gassed remains of the Most Special Beings.
The Luftwaffe bombing of Bari Harbour in 1943 revealed the Allies were shipping poison gas into Europe in WW2. The British ran the harbour and covered it up so many servicemen suffered horrendously through incorrect treatment because medical staff didn’t know the true cause of their injuries.
It came out of the Russian archives in the 1990s that Lenin used poison gas in the civil war against the so-called Greens.
There’s stiil widespread misinformation about gas as a weapon left over from Allied propaganda in WW1. It was in reality an ineffective weapon (hence the opportunity for virtue signalling in banning it) and caused very few of the war’s casualties. The images one sees of lines of soldiers with bandaged eyes are misleading because these soldiers were seldom permanently blinded and the bandages were applied to soothe irritation.
As the British Empire receded, it tended to leave unworkable borders, partly as revenge. The Kurds got divided into at least 4 countries.
The Israeli hierarchy and Jews all around the world are squirming under world pressure because of the IDF brutality in Gaza.
A short, sharp, surgical purge in Syria could be exactly what the Butchers ordered.
As long as the leaders, instigators and weapon manufacturers can add millions to their secret, corpulent bank accounts, the fully planned tragedy of wars will continue.
The climate crisis takes back seat to war war and war
The key to everything that happened seems to have been Erdogan, President of Turkey, who seems to be as intent on resurrecting the Ottoman Empire as Netanyahu is on resurrecting the Israel of beaucoup BC. This may mean that Erdogan’s treacherous pledge to support the Palestinians may inadvertently come to pass in Syria if Turkey and Israel end up fighting over the same spoils. (Couldn’t happen to two nicer guys.)
It will turn out differently from what everybody thinks. That I know.
Please go on.
God help the people of Syria, they have a bunch of ruthless head-choppers in control of the country
You mean Netanyahoo
Well oi’ll be…
‘Oi’ll’ and drugs.
Better currency than cash.
You oi’l-rite, mate? 😃
Is there a reward for The Best Conspiracy Theory ?
So, ok., give me a minute and i might come up with one…
I wish you would. It would make your input more substantial.
George Mc, you mean, you think i might be a conspiracy theory ?
Well now that you mention it….
The only thing missing here is the money, money to pay the army, money to live in a different country, does the central bank hold back money to create a problem, or is the central bank looking for customers to refill its coffers, inquiring minds want to know.
Gues who’s gonna pay for peace there…..
No telling just how many people are going to pay to keep the peace there, or here at the moment for that matter.
“Greater Israel” is the most co-n-vid vaxxed on earth.
Did you mean, rather, in service of the “Global Mafia”?
The “Greater Israel” meme is easy to debunk as there are only 16 millions J*ws in total on Earth, or which 7.4 already live in Israel. Most of the rest don’t want to live there and prefer the US.
A safer Israel make total sense seeing how many wars were foisted upon them by any of the many Islamic states around, so yes Mt Hermon and a few other rocket launch sites are being occupied.
Why do Western wokes never want to recognize massive Islamic imperialism over centuries but get fits over a few square miles in Judea by Judaism? My impression is this is born out of a mix of jealousy and the job of patsy they have dealt to J*ws for “own” Western misdeeds in global finance and imperialism. There “has to be a bad” group around to blame and it is not going to be the angelic West.
Only sixteen million, but they do punch above their weight.
Or should that be ‘punish’ ’pulverise’ and ‘purge’ above their weight?
Don’t worry, as history shows, every simple minded group is expendable.
The nationalism/religious tropes of the gullible are funny too rather than root cause simple psychopathy and a penny for your indulgences.
“Whoa, al-Baghdadi (Bam-ba-Lam) al-Baghdadi had a child (Bam-ba-Lam)“
Your “pending” comment complaint was funnier though.
Us usual, pending…..
You did this get through OmG? I am still pending here since 3 hours.
Plus ca change…..
Timing is everything.
Look at that: Suddenly, what suppo-
sedly doesn’t work” otherwise does!
Proof once again that the only thing missing is a lack
of political will and that the whole invasion “business” is
planned, wanted and organized from the very beginning!
Assad and family fled Syria at the end of November. Everything imploded from that point on.
Has Bashar al-Assad fled Syria? Where is he now? Is Syria falling apart?
Dec 3, 2024
Videos look so real, ;))
especially, like the cliche photo off assad being torn from the palace wall.
and the people in the street dancing.
even the photo above looks is so staged and it is mind boggling why post it.
How is this not the same psyop template as the fall of Libya, Iraq.??
Are all the videos faked? Even personal accounts posted on social media?
All is faked. This site is fake. Even I am a fake. Dont tell me you also thought I was real……………. 😅 .
It is the same photo from Iraq when Saddam was ousted.
Kevork Almassian has put up this moving video:
Not for hopium and copium addicts. He’s being brutally honest.
Experts à la Ritter and Mearsheimer who were telling us the neo-cons were delusional or that “Israel (was) in deep, deep trouble” are left with plenty of egg on their faces.
So..nobody knows still nothing. We have to rely on the facts on the ground.
‘Facts on the ground’ come via reporters, none of whom are fully impartial; the facts they choose will reflect their political priorities. But we know the partiality and agenda of MSM reporters, so their facts are by definition more suspect than those of citizen reporters and civilians. The MSM blast out dubious facts about al Assad’s prisons, not the Israeli invasion, al Queda’s imposition of Sharia law, or the brutal public hanging of Assad’s cousin.
Not. I rely only on Syrians living there or with family there.
Thus all the Syrians I have personally spoke to, did admire Assad and praised him for being a brave man and Leader. I feel sad for these good people and the injustice done.
When gathered this info from locals, I can see this being supported and proved indirectly in comments from the many political manipulators in media, as they quickly reveal themselves.
“ How did a ‘frozen conflict ‘…..”
It is not. Israel bombed all left behind military hardware in the north of Syria while the Russians drove a lot East into Irak. Russian planes and ships have left the Syrian West coast. Israel bombed a Iranian convoy heading into Lebanon.
No big toys left over for the Sunni Arab “brothers” from south of Turkeye or the Sunni Arabs living in Gaza or the West bank.
Yes, it’s game set and match for Israel.
Trump need no longer worry about why that country is so small. It’ll grow nicely now.
Ttump stopped the CIA arming Syrian ‘rebels’ in his first presidency. It caused a big power struggle, apparently. Some reports say this is why they rigged the election of 2020.
” Yes, it*s game set and match for Israel.”
Signs have already begun to appear—here are two videos of HTS rebels drunk on yesterday’s conquest; listen to their words carefully as they threaten to take back Al-Quds, also known as Jerusalem:
Is it any wonder why Hamas now fully supports HTS’ conquest of Syria?
Does Israel even realize what it has just helped to facilitate? Instead of a peaceful secular state on its borders, it may soon have a rabid caliphate, led by someone without Assad’s temperance and pumped up by Turkey into a reconquista of Jerusalem and Gaza. Israel thinks it has eliminated Iran from the chessboard but instead it has potentially brought on someone even far more historically aggressive, and someone who—unlike Iran—has an actual, real historical bone to pick with the colonial pretender that is Israel.
Syria’s Fall: In-Depth Analysis
it seems unlikely that any stable situation will result from the departure of Assad, instead there will be splintering and further fighting between proxies of outside powers à la post Khedaffi Libya, and Iranian supply lines to Lebanon will probably remain open too, I imagine
Beware of carving up more than one can chew.
Wake me up when these US proxies take any action that is hostile to the interests of Israel.
Actions, mind, not words, which are only of value to the gullible who believe them.
If you still thik the ‘caliphate’ will do anything other than make peoples’ (mainly other Musilms) lives miserable, you’ve not been paying attention.
Really, suggest you read some history dear boy.
The Caliph of Turkey has crossed, double-crossed and attacked so many parties.
Erdogan wants to create a new Ottoman empire, Palestine ( including Israel) was part of it.
Oh I don’t think anyone was ever in any doubt that Israel would grow. As for “nicely”, well that depends on how psychopathically sadistic you are.
So Israel is about to assume the radiant mantel of beatific serenity?
Putin seems to be a master 5D chess player in his own right, with strokes of genius (irony alert) like the Minsk and Astana arrangements.
Or has he once again been fooled by some esteemed friends?
If I were protected by Russia, I’d be very nervous right now.
Well, the people in the Donbas seem very happy to rejoin Russia plus of course all the volunteers in that region have become members of the Russian Armed Forces.
It would appear the ones appearing very nervous are in Kiev and elsewhere in the West !
True. Some of the Alawites in Syria are already dead. No more nervousness there.
Also NATO personnel who have had a mysterious increase in fatal skiing, boating or other miscellaneous accidents !
We are all trembling and peeing in our pants when Lavrov tells us Russia is against violence but has done everything he could of paperwork, meetings, and in trying to talk it over.
Dont worry, Washington has promised Putin that US will keep their promises and Treaties this time.
Britain has as usual sent Kremlin a package of carpets and vaccines for the cold winter.
(the small pox joke has not been proved in Court, pls).
” We are all trembling ..”
I suggest you sit down, take the weight off your feet and have a cup of cocoa.
” Don^ t worry..” As Bob Marley said ” be happy”
” Britain as usual sent Kremlin..” In the past, it was Philby, Burgess and Maclean, in more recent times it was the City of London*s agents to rip the Rooskies off but Vlad the impaler sent them packing with a promise of a bunch of Hazelnuts if they persist in being naughty !
Dream on. Russia will fall too, it will just take a little time.
Think about how smart the US did it. They occupied 1/3 of the richest Syria with only 1000 US troops.
The rest were local maniacs, mercenaries, Turks, that US armed and permitted to fight internally inside Syria between all other groups incl the Russians.
With 2/3 dry land it was only a question of time before Assad ran out of serious money, and dissatisfaction among SAA and the population were spreading.
US just had to sit and wait while the Russians were fooling around year after year after year with Turkey, Iran, China, and other bs’ers in “Astana talks” and “mindfulness trips” in endless “negotiations” about hot air.
Assad paid for S-300’s in the 1990’es which never arrived up til today, because Russia was afraid to hurt the feelings of the Bolshevik Doo’s in Israel.
People always run off the job when the money coffers are emptied.
Yup, those S-300s offer another clue about Russian ‘support’.
Russia does seem to want to fall. And so it probably will, unless the ditherers are pushed aside.
How’s is this theory working out in the Donbas. Hazelnuts anyone !
The US , as the Chinese put it, is a paper tiger. Against third world countries they lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan and now they are being relentlessly crushed in the Ukraine
They always win as they always bet on both sides. Its a game you dont understand.
” They always win as they bet on both sides. …”
Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state…
.. Khodorkovsky built some impressive ties in the West . With his new billions in effect stolen from the Russian people, he made some powerful friends. He set up a foundation modeled on US billionaire George Soros ’ Open Society, calling it the Open Russia Foundation. He invited two powerful Westerners to its board—Henry Kissinger and Jacob Lord Rothschild…
During the ensuing Russian state prosecution of Yukos, it came to light that Khodorkovsky had also secretly made a contract with London’s Lord Rothschild not merely to support Russian culture via the Open Russia Foundation of Khodorkovsky. In the event of his possible arrest (Khodorkovsky evidently knew he was playing a high-risk game trying to create a coup against Putin) the 40% share of his Yukos stocks would pass into the hands of Lord Rothschild.
The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky, by F. William Engdahl
I suggest you read more Russian history !
I know that story very well. Yes Putin and his group turned the page in many ways and made Russia on a new foot again.
When we despite all are sad and a little pessed on this good team today, is because we see it all be thrown away by too much sissy and pussy footing.
How can Putin and Lavrov, say they believed US this time would keep a signed Treaty, Agreement, Deal, for peace??
Havent they learned anything from the history books?
The mistake made by those in the West is thinking they understand Russian mentality.
Frequently, they don’t.
The Russians have an old expression.
Their only dependable allies is their army and navy which now includes all branches of the armed services.
Not forgetting, the strategic nuclear ones !
The problem is only the West dont care a shit about “understanding Russia’s mentality”, nor “understanding the Russian army and navy”, nor “remembering the Russian nuclear ones”.
Since 2014 Russia has only bombed cinemas in Ugledar and transformers in Tblisky……in Ukraine
The rest is talk and cinema.
“ The problem is only the West..” Quite, hence why they are absolutely frit of direct confrontation with Russia as it has neither the industrial capacity, sufficient professional military personnel nor the political will.
“ Since 2014 Russia..” Yes, so how do you explain the rolling power cuts in places 16 hours long or the burnt out remnants of Western tanks, armoured personnel carriers, artillery, Himars, aircraft and helicopters.
It seems that his “partners” in the West , those (((Anglo-Saxon pirates))), have “betrayed” him again. 😂
That is also what I believe.
How long will people go on believing his spiel?
” .. “partners ” in the West…..have ” betrayed” him again”
And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. ..
..In any case, I understood that the use of force can only be legitimate when the decision is taken by NATO, the EU, or the UN. If he really does think so, then we have different points of view. Or I didn’t hear correctly.
The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN. And we do not need to substitute NATO or the EU for the UN. When the UN will truly unite the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries, when we will leave behind this disdain for international law, then the situation will be able to change….
..It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we continue to strictly fulfil the treaty obligations and do not react to these actions at all.
I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernisation of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. ..
And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today?
No one even remembers them. But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees? The stones and concrete blocks of the Berlin Wall have long been distributed as souvenirs.
Video: The 2007 Munich Speech of Vladimir Putin
Its time to walk the walk, and not to continue to talk the talk.
” Its time to walk the walk,..” Hmm, it seems the the City of London’s US/UK/NATO/Ukrainian Nazi minions are running away by all accounts along the Donbas front !
The Donbass front was established in 2014 my friend. Putin waited 8 years allowing West to kill a lot of good people in Donbass and to build up a major modern force inside Ukraine.
Putin and his team denied all progress and support to the well trained and well equipped Donbass military.
Made their too national Leaders get assassinated because they were too good.
First in 2022 when he was forced to protect Donbass from a major army, he started sending forced to Donbass but only to defend the Donbass borders.
We are writing 2025 now, and and the Ukrainian/Foreign troops are first now begin to pull back from the front lines.
2014 to 2025 = 11 years “to run away by all accounts from Donbass”.
See you and Russia when you have cleaned all the Donbass front lines the next Millennium, say year 3025 yes?
Unfortunately, you seem to forget the Russian Federation was still recovering from the years of being economically raped by the West plus 5th columnists.
We now see the combined West being decimated in the Donbas.
What can the West offer to defend them. Lip stick and makeup with their LGBTQ ideology!
Money. Nato’s Stoltenberg said it:
“We will outspend Russia”. Many Russian Mayors and Bank directors and Russian Billionaires have already been bought.
When your choice is a soup kitchen or dollares, you give up.
Straight from the horses mouth.
The Russian Federation could welcome more territories into the country in the future, former President Dmitry Medvedev suggested on Saturday during the ongoing United Russia party congress.
Commenting on the ruling party’s efforts in helping to incorporate and develop the new regions that have joined the country, Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy chairman of the nation‘s security council and the head of the United Russia party, suggested that this experience could one day come in handy again.
“This experience may be in demand in the future if new regions very close to us appear in our country, because this is possible,” he noted.
In 2022, four former Ukrainian territories, including the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, held public referendums where they decided to break with Kiev and become part of Russia.
More regions could be added to Russia – Medvedev — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
US Can’t Keep Up With Russian Shell Output After Gutting Plants to Focus on Picking on Small Nations
“Since the Cold War ended in the 1990s, the Pentagon has divested or neglected facilities once used to make everything from shells to explosive powder, and focused instead on transforming warfare with high-tech weaponry. What’s left is crumbling infrastructure, outdated machinery and a tiny workforce that can’t keep up with growing international demand,” Bloomberg wrote, referring to the rates at which Ukraine and Israel have been draining US stockpiles of basic 155 mm artillery shells.
The scale of the decline in physical production despite ballooning Pentagon budgets is staggering, with the outlet pointing out that before 2022, the US produced roughly 14,400 155 mm shells per month – over thirty times less the 438,000 per month defense planners estimated the US defense sector could produce in an emergency in 1980.
Another problem besides production capacity is the components that go into the shells – including black powder and TNT, neither of which the US produces domestically anymore in large quantities.
Pointing to the “strategic error” of the move away from the production of basic munitions, Bloomberg pointed out that the “higher-tech shells that were intended to replace the traditional 155 mm munitions failed an early test in Ukraine, when their targeting systems were thwarted by Russia.”
But the US lack of defense production capability demonstrates a broader, systemic problem, according to Bloomberg, that being that “the US no longer focuses on making everyday things, even things that can be critical in a crisis,” whether it’s artillery shells, auto parts, generic drugs or baby formula.
US Can’t Keep Up With Russian Shell Output After Gutting Plants to Focus on Picking on Small Nations
The West can print all the FIAT paper it wants but it cannot train skilled engineers or build factories as fast as it printing presses !
Russia is that kid in school that took karate, but his mommy won’t let him use it, even if it could stop another kid getting beat down.
Russia sold Syria out for years by pretending they were fighting against the terrorists and now it’s over.
If you can’t/won’t use your karate skills, it’s the same as your not having them. When the bully has finished beating the other kids, he will turn his attention to you, but by then you’ll probably have no friends left.
the other.
Either way, there’s no point in pretending.
Syria by now for Russia was less an ally than a basket case, and the same might be said for Israel vis à vis the US, to the point where some have predicted a similar cutting of bait soon on that failed state
LOL. IMHO, the difference between Russia and the US is that the US is aware of the value of Israel as an outpost in a ressource-rich area, and will stop at nothing to keep it going.
The US is being bled dry by entities such as Israel!