Voluntary Democracy – Part 2

In Part 1, I proposed a new sociopolitical model called Voluntary Democracy. I suggested that the three branches of government—the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary—could be replaced by three voluntary bodies: the Volexec, the Volegis, and the Volcourts.
This would create a real democracy. There would be no government and no political state but simply the jurisdiction of the people—voluntaryists. The three new administrative branches—Volexec (short for Voluntary Executive branch), Volegis (short for Voluntary Legislative branch), and Volcourts (short for Voluntary Courts)—would form the voluntary democratic jurisdiction of the voluntaryists.
All adult voluntaryists who chose to actively participate in the jurisdiction would need to agree to voluntarily serve, at any moment, in all three branches of the voluntary democracy. The Volexec, Volegis, and Volcourt juries would be formed using a random sortition of the people. Much as is done in so-called “representative democracies” today, the jurors would serve on a temporary basis and would return to their regular lives once their jury service was concluded.
The Volexec and the Volegis would be drawn from the entire population of the jurisdiction. In each jurisdiction that adopts this system, the jurors in Volcourts across the land might be selected from more localised populations, depending on the size of the whole jurisdiction.
The most essential component of voluntary democracy is that every Volcourt would have the united and annexed power to annul any and all legislation issued by the Volexec and the Volegis. All Volcourts would have equal standing. There would be no higher courts. Each of the Volcourts would be sovereign, as would each and every citizen of the jurisdiction. Each Volcourt would represent and exercise the supreme rule of law, as would every voluntaryist citizen of the jurisdiction.
In a voluntary democracy, the supreme rule of law would serve one function only. The sole purpose of the law of the jurisdiction—that is, the law of the land—would be the restoration of justice. Where any citizen or group caused injustice, harm, or loss to any other individual or group, the Volcourts’ role would be to restore justice.
Those who want to live in the jurisdiction but who do not wish to serve in any of the three branches of the jurisdiction would be free to opt out. Opting out would make little practical difference to their lives. As long as a person doesn’t cause any harm or loss to others, the Volexec, Volegis and Volcourts would have no notable impact on them. That said, there would be unavoidable, though extremely limited, exceptions.
Whether they volunteer as voluntaryist citizens or not, everyone who chooses to live in the jurisdiction would need to agree not to cause harm or loss to anyone else. This seems to me like a reasonable basis for any society. Observing justice—living honourably—would be the only requirement made of any adult in the jurisdiction. We’ll cover the few “unavoidable exceptions” in a moment.
Just as we have national and local government today, so voluntary jurisdictions would operate at the macro and micro jurisdictional level. The checks and balances on authoritarian political power, supposedly provided by the mythical “separation of powers” in modern political states, would be provided by Volcourts, in whose hands the power to annul legislation would reside. There would be no political authority, but the rule of law could impinge on some on rare occasions.
Obviously, urban and rural communities face different kinds of issues. Local or micro Volexecs and Voleges could be tasked with addressing specific local problems and might issue micro-legislation to address them. Such localised micro-legislation would not apply to the whole jurisdiction.
Setting macro-legislation for the whole jurisdiction would be done at the central or macro jurisdictional level. Perhaps the entire jurisdiction might create a capital where the macro Volexec and Volegis would convene. However, in nearly all circumstances, no hierarchical structure could possibly be enforced.
Regardless of whether legislation was issued at the macro or micro jurisdictional level, every Volcourt, no matter where it was located in the jurisdiction, would be able to annul any and all legislation where it was found to cause injustice. As micro-legislation would be applied only at the micro-jurisdictional level, it would be the responsibility of the relevant micro-Volcourts to ensure that the micro-legislation was just.
Since the Volcourts would exercise the supreme rule of law everywhere, you might wonder what purpose the Volexecs or Voleges would serve in a voluntary democracy. In other words, if every piece of legislation issued at the macro and micro level could be annulled by the Volcourts, what would be the point of issuing any legislation?
The point is this: The very possibility that legislation could be annulled would be the primary advantage of living in a voluntary democratic jurisdiction. Legislation would be allowed to persist only if it were just. Unjust legislation would be eradicated. Because legislation would be decided by the people, it would effectively be little more than necessary regulation to maintain justice in the jurisdiction.
For example, the macro-Volexec might propose legislation to ensure that food products aren’t laced with poison. The macro-Volegis might consider this proposed legislation worth adopting and could issue the legislation. No Volcourt is likely to annul this legislation; doing so would cause harm through negligence. If a Volcourt lost its mind and did overturn such legislation, it would set a case precedent that would soon be overturned by every other Volcourt. Thus, the food safety regulation would probably remain.
Equally, if the Volexec and Volegis lost their minds and, for example, set legislation making it a crime for anyone but pharmaceutical corporations to research, trial, and sell potential cancer cures, Volcourts throughout the jurisdiction would annul such legislation as soon as someone was prosecuted for this ludicrous “crime.”
Consequently, at both the macro and the micro level, Volexecs and Voleges would, practically speaking, be able to legislate only for the purpose of trying to resolve extant macro-jurisdictional or micro-jurisdictional problems. If the consequence of their legislation was injustice, perhaps unforeseen injustice, a Volcourt would highlight the problem.
Volcourt annulment wouldn’t necessarily require the complete removal of a piece of legislation. The issuing Volexec and the Volegis would need to convene to deliberate on potentially amending the legislation as required to ensure justice is maintained.
Legislation in a voluntary democracy would be very limited in scope. It would be a tiny droplet compared to the current ocean of legislation under which we are collectively drowning. Providing that individuals and groups (corporations, for example) caused no harm or loss to others, they would be free to exercise their inalienable—or unalienable—rights in full.
Striking a just balance between rights and necessary responsibilities would be crucial to sustaining voluntary democratic justice. Ultimately, the necessary mechanism for serving justice would be delivered by the Volcourts.
Voluntary democracies would operate along genuine free market principles. A cattalaxy—a self-organised market system—would replace the regulated economy common to representative democracies (that is, the state).
Competition in a free market would mean that some businesses would be winners and others losers. The commercial activity of one company might lead to losses suffered by a competitor. But this is not the same as unjustly causing loss. If the losing company were to make a claim of injustice against the winning one, the Volcourts would examine the evidence. Then, if the winner were determined to have acted honourably, the Volcourt would be unlikely to require them to make reparations.
If, on the other hand, the evidence showed unscrupulous business practices were used to gain unfair advantage, the competitor’s loss would be considered unjust. In that case, the Volcourt would likely rule in favour of the claimants.
Voluntary democracy would end neither poverty nor the accumulation of wealth. And, because there would be no government, there would be no welfare state—or, indeed, any state.
Statists often point to the idea of dismantling the welfare state as an argument for keeping government. In Part 3, we’ll consider that statist objection and many others. But for now I’ll merely point out that this criticism is based on the assumption that the population is comprised of people with statist mindsets. Anyone voluntarily living in a voluntary democracy would have a very different worldview. Again, we’ll discuss the implications in Part 3.
Harm and loss are suffered by individuals, true. Yet individuals form communities. It is in meeting the needs of the community that a voluntary democracy would have to establish a hierarchy to prioritize projects—not to gain personal power over other people. Vital infrastructure projects, for example, may require some individuals or groups to face unwanted loss. In a voluntary democracy, though, that loss could never be unjust.
Let’s say a city requires a new hospital to meet the health needs of thousands of people. Construction may require the purchase of a few individuals’ properties against their wishes. The city Volexec and Volegis would need to deliberate on the matter in good faith and with no prejudice. If they considered the hospital essential for the good of the community, they would “legislate” to compulsory purchase property where necessary. Since causing no harm or loss would be the foundational principle upon which the whole voluntary democracy is based, minimising the infringement of an individual’s property rights would be a core objective of infrastructure planning. Nonetheless, some transgressions may be unavoidable.
If thousands of people continue to suffer for lack of a hospital and there is no option but to buy some properties in order to build that hospital, then the property owners’ refusal to sell would cause direct harm to others. On the other hand, in a voluntary democracy it would be absolutely unacceptable, under any circumstances, to inflict harm or loss on any individual. Therefore, anyone required to forego their property rights must be fully compensated in order to ensure that justice is maintained.
Mention of “compensation” brings us to a discussion of how the voluntary democracy will be funded. Obviously, running a voluntary democratic system of Volexecs and Voleges and potentially tens of thousands of Volcourts will cost money. The forced extraction of people’s wealth without their voluntary consent—namely, taxation or theft (one and the same!)—is wholly unjust and would be completely unacceptable in a voluntary democratic jurisdiction. Therefore, voluntaryist citizens would need to pay for everything voluntarily. Our envisaged hospital would not be built if the community it serves were unwilling to pay for it, including justly compensating those required to sell their property.
Furthermore, in a voluntary democracy, participation in the Volcourts could not be compulsory. Providing everyone with equal access to justice, however, would be compulsory—by sheer necessity. We’ll discuss the necessity in Part 3.
It is not just to deny someone access to justice—or to healthcare—simply because they honestly aren’t able to pay for it, try as they might. This point raises the possibility that some people will end up paying for everything, both for themselves and for the people who don’t—who can’t—pay for themselves.
Statists will argue, therefore, that there exists no such generosity and that therefore no one will end up footing the bill. Society, they say, will collapse as a result, and “chaos”—which they wrongly call “anarchy”—will reign.
Indeed, statists will foresee any number of practical shortcomings of my proposed voluntary democracy. They will argue that without taxation—aka theft—no one will voluntarily choose to pay for roads, sanitation, defence, and everything else currently covered by our taxes. Again, these objections are based on the incorrect assumption that the people who would form a voluntary democratic jurisdiction would hold statist beliefs.
To be clear: there would be no state in a voluntary democracy. No state “protection” from violence. No state law enforcement. No welfare state “safety net.” No state military. The bottom line is that each and every citizen of the jurisdiction, whether they be active or passive voluntaryist participants, would need to take complete responsibility for everything. Citizenship in the voluntary democratic jurisdiction would imply acceptance of that responsibility, whether you chose to participate Volexec, Volegis, or Volcourts or not.
Citizens would have no state to rely upon or to do anything for them. The people would rule themselves, and all social problems would be theirs to resolve. The people would have to no choice but to take responsibility for everything.
Through the macro and micro Volexecs, Voleges, and the Volcourts, every citizen would have the opportunity to exercise the full rule of law. Voluntaryists would accept the responsibility to serve, protect and deliver justice, even on behalf of those who decline to participate. Anyone who opted out of voluntary contribution would still have to take full responsibility to live honourably, to never cause harm or loss to anyone else, and to accept the duty to maintain justice by their actions as long as they lived in the voluntary democratic jurisdiction.
Setting up a voluntary democracy would require adoption of a radically different political philosophy. In fact, embracing this philosophy would be a prerequisite for any group of people who want to establish a voluntary democracy. Presently, those who have already adopted this political philosophy, though they may call themselves voluntaryists, are generally labelled by statists as “anarchists.” But anarchism is a wide umbrella term for a whole range of political philosophies, often seemingly opposing each other.
At the heart of all anarchist political philosophy there is, however, a common unifying belief: all human interactions should be voluntary, the use of force or coercion to control human interaction is morally unacceptable, and minimum force can be used only to restore justice where the actions of an individual or group causes harm or loss to another.
The wide adoption of this nonaggression principle, as well as the citizens’ commitment to voluntary interactions, rejection of force or coercion, and acceptance of full responsibility to maintain justice, would be the foundation of any voluntary democracy.
Considering that every state and every government is based on the use of force and coercion to make citizens comply with its claimed political authority, the voluntary democratic jurisdiction would only be formed and maintained by people who reject the state in its entirety. A voluntaryist, by definition, does not believe in the supposed political authority of the state or, indeed, of any entity attempting to exert power and control over others. The concept of political authority is anathema to the voluntaryist.
In Part 3, we will contrast the state with voluntary democracy. We will consider the impact of rejecting the statists’ political philosophy—they have only one—and will look at how we can move from the present violence of the state to a better alternative: a voluntary democracy.
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Thank you for one of the first attempts to delineate a legal and empirical framework for an alternative social contract on OG! The simple fact that you invest in this relevant discission deserves high praise.
Amongst the many factors that can impact the feasibility of such a project are the notions of grassroots involvement and defense. It will be necessary to define what constitutes a ‘jurisdiction’ based on this society’s volontary and decentralized nature. Furthermore, considering how it has to survive within a highly pluralistc and potentially ‘antagonistic’ environment, it will need to possess a highly efficient protective defence structure.
We can immediately see that such societal arrangements may only thrive in a radically diferent paradigmatic context, one in which the notion of wealth, power, energy and sovereignty are re-defined. Not an easy task, but one which could hardly be avoided.
that’s very very ambitious…many tried, none succeeded.
It’s highly unlikely you will. You are using old concepts, some rotten (rights), and attempting to build something new. No go, the system is rotten thoroughly, with its mode of thought in particular.
“To realise the promise of a voluntary democracy we would all need to work through a major philosophical shift. Our fundamental belief and value systems would need to change.” (from part1)
Wholeheartedly agree! Yeah, but what would that mean, entail….??? You briefly touched a major topic without a dutiful attention, although you see it’s foundational. I think you don’t have good answers, because of the following sentence from part1:
“For example, obedience would no longer be a virtue but rather a failing. Initially, individuals would have to start by learning to think differently.”
Among all the values and virtues that’s the only thing coming on your mind?? How you imagine raising a child in a complete absence of obedience?? Would you be able in a real life situation to always distinguish among obedience and conformism? I guess conformism is bad for you, too. Never mind it’s wired in our brains, it’s just a question about the extent it governs our life. Be aware, there would be no society without conformism, literally.
People “have to start by learning to think differently”…..I’m taking you in good faith. I hope you know that quite some horrors in history had been guided by similar idea. Also, ‘have to start’ doesn’t sound very voluntary to me.
“Voluntary democracy would end neither poverty nor the accumulation of wealth.”
Yeah, libertarian mindset….incapable to realize accumulation of Wealth means accumulation of Power. Rich people have vital interest and means to obstruct your best ideas. If you don’t remove systemic levers that enable enrichment you’ve done nothing.
More philosophy is needed, ethics in particular, ones this is done organizational schema is peanuts.
I hope part 3 will interest you.
The entitled descendant classes of the age old original masters are never going to let go.
Cryptocracy works at the population level with the Problem➡️Reaction➡️Solution formula because it has proven its effectiveness in obtaining the expected result. In the field of AI, this formula is represented by “problematic” actors such as X, OpenAI or Huawei, who play the role of evil oligopolistic forces that will lead us to a dystopian and totalitarian Singularity; SingularityNet (B. Goertzel) is presented as a reaction postulating a “distributed, decentralized and democratized” version of Artificial General Intelligence R&D to achieve a utopian and participatory Singularity; the result of the equation will be the Synthesis desired and foreseen by the Cryptocracy: Full Spectrum Dominance over the Planetary Bio-digital Golem through a Heterarchical Space Network enabled by Technological Super-convergence and interoperability of multiple holons with multiple organizational models, running on public and private, centralized, decentralized and hybrid Distributed Ledger Technologies on a global scale, from the nanometric scale to the macrocosmic scale.
Seems a good idea. Pollyanna might concur.
What’s voluntary about it? Only the idea that people who want to make laws for everyone or judge people based on those laws can volunteer to do so.
What makes you think these power-hungry individuals volunteering to do their duty as lawmakers and judges would be any better than the present system? What makes you think these randomly chosen people would be good at anything other than sociopathy?
So let’s pick up a random person from somewhere who knows nothing about you or your case. Why on earth do you think such a person would be a good judge?
Similarly random persons making laws. And the laws can be whatever these random persons make the law.
Your stateless system is worse than a system with a state. At least a state must have a constitution with basic human rights to legitimize its system.
I hope you find part 3 interesting
It’s a small detail, but I’d really recommend getting rid of those “short names” like Volexec or Volegis. They sound like something straight out of Orwell’s Newspeak, like the Minitrue (Ministry of Truth, i.e. propaganda) and the Minipax (Ministry of Peace, i.e. war) controlling the populace…
Call them whatever you like.
You’re trying to save the world of money, government, and capitalism with your new language, your new proposals of randomly selected individuals selected out of a bunch of power-hungry individuals.
You need man-made laws and punishments to protect man-made money and man-made capitalism.
That’s why you need ”a new system” in place of the old one, but your new system is exactly the same as the old one, only worse. In fact, your idea is exactly what neocons have in mind.
So you get rid of the welfare state and let private businesses and corporations take care of everything in society.
With their money and private property, they can control people just like the state can. But unlike states, corporations don’t have to even pretend to guarantee freedom, justice, and human rights for everyone. Money takes care that those things don’t exist if people don’t have money. Capitalism is all about money; buying and selling for profit (money), as if such a thing would be the purpose of any human life. Money is the god in capitalism, but it’s a false god, as it was made by men in their greed.
You’re trying to sell your love of money and capitalism as ”voluntary”, ”true democracy”, and even ”anarchism”. But there is nothing true in your version of anarcho-capitalism or neocon libertarianism. It’s bogus anarchy.
sounds like Social Impact Investing which is exactly what is being implemented
I hope you find part 3 interesting.
Ants solved the problems of governance successfully and voluntarily … at least, it seems this way.
Ants are chemically controlled by the queen’s pheromones
sounds harmony at its best!
fantastic ideas. but sad really, as many already mentioned, the invaders, scammers, corruptors, murderers, thieves and bankers make this sort of ideas increasingly impossible to follow through.
I hope you find part 3 interesting.
Change the names and it’s the system we currently have.
The problem is, those who would subvert democracy have found chinks and loopholes allowing them to sidestep the “rules” when it suits them.
The apathetic and stupid “people”, and I include myself, just let it happen and grumble a bit.
“The laws an ass” we say.
And then switch over to “Countdown”.
I hope you will find part 3 interesting.
Nations have been divided into opposing groups, full of corrupted and spiritually bankrupt individuals.
We are in the end days of Western civilisation…
Ditto religions.
European democracy was originally imbued with a sense of Christian responsibility and self-discipline, but these spiritual principles have been gradually losing their force. Spiritual independence is being pressured on all sides by the dictatorship of self-satisfied vulgarity, of the latest fads, and of group interests.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Wasn’t there an earlier article here by the same author on voluntary democracy, solition, etc.?
No, I mean about a year or 2 ago.
Read a mainstream media article today about how so many of the billionaire class are donating money for Trump’s inauguration, including Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc. At this point, I’m almost at a loss for words at the general and pathetic apathy from the public about this supposed “democracy”, the money class completing taking over with no fucking qualms about it. While they stand at attention and sing “Land of the Free” at all the sporting events and the military march on the fields with their flags. It’s a rare person that this kind of stuff bothers, it seems. As a wise sage in a movie called Network once said, “we should be mad as hell!” Maybe the amounts being thrown our way compared to our own relatively meager existences have completely numbed most of the population. Probably worse than that. Unreal.
So ya, rock on Iain, anything we can do to stop this madness, I’m for it. Those dismissing it should really think about the situation we find ourselves in. I’m ready for the part where we really figure out how to do it.
“It’s a private club and we ain’t in it”
(King George)
He said you. George Carlin said YOU are not in it. I and George Carlin are in the club, but YOU ain’t in it. Difference!
Proof: https://youtu.be/i5dBZDSSky0?t=124 where he says YOU guys are not in the club.
I’m a ‘you’ you’re a you, everyone’s a who you.
How is singing ‘land of the free’ problematic, or related to the corruption and control of democracy by the money class?
It’s problematic because it shows how brainwashed most of the American people are, and it’s related to the corruption and control of the money class because they use that kind of propaganda to keep the people brainwashed.
In a community as corrupt as today’s, who would manage the draw? If elections are always rigged, draws would also be rigged and ordinary people would accept huge sums of money to obey the elites who rule in these times…
I hope you will find part 3 interesting.
Before even beginning to talk about a democratic government, you must define democracy!
There are many societies that claim to be democratic, but are not – The USA, UK, Australia, North Korea for example. The USA is owned and run by corrupt self serving corporations, the UK by an out of date ‘Political class’, Australia by virtue of a failed coalition governments is mismanaged by minority groups like the greenies and various, lets say gender confused types, and North Korea needs no further comment.
Elections and ‘one man, one vote’ do not make a democracy (IMO)
Nor does setting up random courts as outlined in the article – although the concept of a ‘peoples’ court has merit, it is open to corruption and abuse.
The idea of ‘Sortist’ is mentioned. This was an ancient Greek system that I like, as it takes citizens in good standing at random and makes them the government for a limited period of time.
And here, we have the concept of ‘a citizen in good standing’. And here we divide the populace into ‘citizens’ and non citizens, ‘plebs’ (if you like).
A citizen has the right to vote and be a part of government.To become a citizen, you must do some sort of national service – not necessarily military.
Becoming a citizen is optional, but only citizens can be part of government or vote.
Interestingly this has been proposed in some SF books over the years, so it is not entirely my idea.
And it would need a lot of details worked out, but it is better than what we have now.
Almost anything is better than what we have now.
Life in places like NK, Syria and Ukraine strikes me as far worse than anything we Westerners suffer now.
Yes, I agree with you, but I don’t see the relevance
I defined democracy in part 1.
Powerful ordinary men are not immune to inner conversion: is Elon Musk one? Donald Trump? They can make a big difference in positive of negative way. Putin looks good.
Change in the masses takes more time and their power stays limited as a group due to coordination, standing rules, subgroup egos etc.
Wishful thinking. Your fellowmen wants a strong man who can give them security, fine titles and money. They are too lazy for voluntary democracy or w.t.f. you call it.
But for minority groups as the Amish people, the GOG (Gays off Grid) organisation, The Last Mohicans. and Caliphate hang-arounds its probably a good idea.
What research tecniques and sampling size ground your broad claims about the character and beliefs of our ‘fellowmen’?
Comprehensive travel and work in many countries. Religious and historical education, analytical skills.
Too much confidence in the mass of ordinary people: look how they reacted to “Covid19” or its “vaxx”….
Present man is not ripe for anarchy.
That’s the truth of it…
Suppose this entity is on an island living alongside neighbors, and the other community is war-like, taxes its folks to build a war machine, and plans to invade the voluntarists. How will they defend themselves?
Thanks Iain.
It will be a long and difficult road to justice for everyone.
A small group of committed anarchists in Melbourne, Australia, have been fighting this battle for about forty years.
Under the guidance and passion of Joe Toscano they have attempted to enter the political fray by forming a ‘party’ called PIBCI (Public Interests Before Corporate Interests).
Finding enough members to qualify as a political party and have a seat in the parliament has proven very, very difficult.
The Sheeple don’t give a shit,
Hmmm. A group of anarchists has formed a political party with the goal of capturing a seat in parliament. Isn’t that sort of oxymoronic? After all, the anarchist goal should be the dissolution of the government and the state. In my opinion, all governments are corrupt and attempting to effect any change from within the hierarchical government structure will be doomed to failure. Am I missing something here?
The idea, l think, was/is to get a seat in parliament and raise hell.
To attempt to derail the gravy train and make more Folks aware that there are alternatives.
That sounds like a tall order for one seat in Parliament – especially given that the majority of people are pretty clueless.
‘Foot in the door’ method.
Works for salespeople and scammers.
Yes, the problem of absolutism. Not all governments and the individuals composing them are absolutely and equally corrupt, nor fail equally. Fighting for better ones is pissible and necessary. Also missing: examples of how anarchists have solved the eternal problem of government.
You’ve apparently swallowed the propaganda to justify your continuing support of government.
The solution to the problem of government is not so complicated: refuse to support government. Examples of anarchism in real life are not missing:
And to that I’ll add:
The individual cannot bargain with the State. The State recognizes no coinage but power: and it issues the coins itself.
—Ursula K Le Guin, 1974
I hope you will find part 3 interesting.
So how many sheeple draw the same miserable conclusion?
No. Statists are the problem. I hope you will find part 3 interesting.
Thanks Iain.
Looking forward to it.
Most entertaining. However the average citizen doesn’t want a system of small government built on justice and equity. The proposed system would require an independently minded, educated, philosophically robust, and dare I say, homogeneous, populace.The solution doesn’t lie in changing the philosophy of government, it lies in changing the consciousness/psychology of humanity.
The fear of analysis, especially of consequences of one’s own lifestyle, may be too much.
Could you please identify/define the problem.
Then we can discuss about solution.
Have a look around you. Talk to the average citizen. Check the comments on any article. There is no agreement on anything. The ‘problem’ can’t be defined because the majority will ever agree what it is.