2024 Year in Review – #SolutionsWatch
The New Year is upon us, so it’s time to look back at every single edition of #SolutionsWatch for the year 2024 and go through feedback, updates and commentary on these ideas.
What worked? What didn’t? What changed? How have you applied these ideas in your life? Find out in this thorough, year-end edition of everyone’s favourite solutions podcast.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Happy New Year everyone from Admin! We got through another one!! Pleasure to see in 2025 with you all, here’s hoping for a good one ✨ X
A hundred downvotes (so far)? I’m guessing that no-one is “hoping for a good one”!
The candidate receives 100 points. As we all know, 100 is the magic number for total transformation towards hyperspeed renewal.
The whole life is a quiz, and we are just the candidates, and we guess, guess, guess. After all, this is a designated “skeptics” forum!
So put a bit of effort into your sniffing dog noses, otherwise Miss Sophie Marple (aka “Admin 1”) will never get the full picture!

Love you guys
We’re all such contrarians on here,
“What’s that supposed to mean – Happy New bloody Year? What’s so fricking happy about it? Psyop!”
Happy New Year!
Thinking about it more.
Technocracy began with a priestly class using astronomy and calculation to make predictions, establishing themselves as an overclass with specialist knowledge.
The Invention of the clock allowed later rulers to measure, control and to apportion time, making us subject to clock and calendar.
When you have serfs, you don’t need a clock. You just take a cut of the harvest. And the serfs know their astronomy well enough. Crops, you know, and the cycle of the years.
“The clock, not the steam-engine, is the key-machine of the modern industrial age. For every phase of its development the
clock is both the outstanding fact and the typical symbol of the machine: even today no other machine is so ubiquitous.
Here, at the very beginning of modern technics, appeared prophetically the accurate automatic machine which, only after
centuries of further effort, was also to prove the final consummation of this technics in every department of industrial
activity. There had been power-machines, such as the water-mill, before the clock; and there had also been various kinds
of automata, to awaken the wonder of the populace in the temple, or to please the idle fancy of some Moslem caliph:
machines one finds illustrated in Hero and Al-Jazari. But here was a new kind of power-machine, in which the source of
power and the transmission were of such a nature as to ensure the even flow of energy throughout the works and to make
possible regular production and a standardized product. In its relationship to determinable quantities of energy, to
standardization, to automatic action, and finally to its own special product, accurate timing, the clock has been the
foremost machine in modern technics: and at each period it has remained in the lead: it marks a perfection toward which
other machines aspire. The clock, moreover, served as a model for many other kinds of mechanical works, and the
analysis of motion that accompanied the perfection of the clock, with the various types of gearing and transmission that
were elaborated, contributed to the success of quite different kinds of machine. ”
Lewis Mumford was a very perceptive man. Most of his writing/observations are still relevant today.
(But of course you already know that).
The thing about time being; it has no real existence. Time, like so many other man made inventions, distracts us from the Truth of Now.
If humans were logical they would see that Truth is perceivable and knowable in the present. A ‘gift’ from God, if you like.
The veil of time imprisons us.
The time is connected to our sinning.
Going from living eternally to a limited life period of a God’s decided <100 years, made it necessary to invent time.
We are only here a limited time.
It was not time, but the sin that imprisoned us.
It was too much gravity that prevented the escape from prison, lessening the odds and management of those who do find a way to escape the chains of gravity.
Look for the sin if you want, but behavior has a larger say about that, while imprisonment is directly related to gravity.
I cant quite follow you.
A good side of studying the Bible is that you get so much organised in relation to the physical circumstances of our planet that you are difficult to beat in a discussion.
Notwithstanding people are believers or not, or what we call it God or something else.
You mean probably mental perhaps metaphysical imprisonment and escape.
But in my and the Bible’s opinion this is exactly the prison.
If we lived eternally what we actually are physically build to, there would be no prison yes?
But we would still have the physical boundaries of the earth, from +40C to -40C, Equator and the Poles.
And if people wanted to mentally fly instead, live on LSD, nobody would obstruct them from leaving this planet and fly around in Space. See?
Roam if you want to.
Being a materialist, I disagree that Time has no real existence. It is – like everything else in existence – made up of particles.
Also, as to the present being all important, remember that when we leave this world we take with us one thing and one thing only: our past.
You can’t see, hear, touch, taste, feel or sense time.
It is a human construct.
No other creature attempts to measure ‘time’ because the present is immeasurable.
The past only exists in our memories and in history books.
The future is anyone’s guess.
When we die the world dies with us. Everything else is conjecture.
SERFs Astronomy is not allowed, got a good telescope, you can see shapes, lights,
Liars. Believed by liars.
even scholars working for the Catholic hierarchy will admit, I believe, that the exact year in which the events related by the apostles, the birth in the manger, the wise men with gifts, took place, is not certain
that’s if you accept that these stories have any real historical basis at all, and aren’t pure parables
Philip Dick meanwhile in his full-on Gnostic period asserted that dark powers have tricked humanity into imagining that two thousand years have passed since Nero’s time, when in fact we are only separated from those days by a generation or two
so in a number of different possible senses, the idea that we’ve begun 2025 could definitely turn out to be a psy-op!
A numerical A bberat I on.
Forget the 100 thumbs down. Always look on the 38 thumbs up. https://youtu.be/W-gngBsA_DI
I see the 0 as a positive sign. A majority of the readers here on Off G think my comment was to 0 thumb. Only 1 reader down voted my comment. 😊 .
Hope you and all the staff at OG have a fruitful and fulfilling New Year. Keep up the pressure and one day the lid will come off.
Thank you, sir!
Simon now names us the “cool kids”. Indeed it’s so embarrassing that we submit to those darkies. Time to don the white robes and hang the bastards! We rule the waves and never never never shall be slaves!
Corrective action: Not “now” George.
Elmer wrote this in 2022 and we have now a “you” in 2025. Fixed.
War with China by 2027?
‘Large parts of northern Australia are being used for ever more extensive US military bases, on top of the Pine Gap spy base which Australian citizens are already forbidden to enter. Australian politicians themselves are not even permitted to know which US military warships are docking in Australian ports, what military equipment is being unloaded, and how much aviation fuel is being stored in RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) for filling US warplanes for sorties over the Asia Pacific. All of this and more is aimed squarely at the PRC.’
More here:
What is happening in Lapdog Korea is a reminder: Obey without question, or there are dire consequences.
Precisely as I predicted 10 years ago. Pure Sun Tsu:
NATO will march against Moscow, and hereafter enter into a Land War with China.
Well, it’s Day 3 of 2025 here in Sydney (Australia) and i aint
received any Love-U Letters from Off-g since the Last Day of 2024.
Cant decide if that’s a Good Sign, or a Subtle Hint from Off-g to
me to “Go Get Euthanized, you Old Fool !”
I didnt make any Resolutions for 2025, but i did give a thought to
writing to Off-g asking 0ff-g to Bring Back Meme Monday (BBMM, for
short), because “The Community That Reads Memes Together…..”
You get my Drift…
In today’s mail (or ‘post’ if you’re a Yank who has some Oedipus-type
complex about Mommy’s spellings), was one that caused me to
wonder “Which Side am i on ? The local guy’s, or the Import’s ?”
You see, its about “Who do i want to build the hitech Prison Complex
my Betters have planned for me – local workers, of imported Cheap
Labour ?” (Admittedly the memes give only one side of The Story)…
Well, all American are per definition immigrants. It was never your country in the first place yes? So whats the problem now?
You dont like competition. You want monopoly. You are racially superior to the new comers. They are dirty as you were when you first got here.
If the new comers are professionals on 50% of your salary, could it be you salary is way too high?
Pay a second generation American the double and get half of what a new immigrant could have done it for.
After yourself voted both Obama and Biden into office, not only once but many times Mister Obama doubled down on both US wars and US public debt, and made thus both the US majority and you happy yes?
Ehhh ahhhh oohhh mahhh muhhh no no no. It was certainly NOT that way. Ahhhh…..but I was cool. You have to have nerves when you steal. https://www.letras.com/albert-collins/413131/#google_vignette
A brilliant concise overview of how peer pressure thought control is manifested by the system…
Thanks for a very interesting link. It also shows how much a headline can lie, and that we have to go deep to get at least some truth out of any “investigation”.
It shows the interesting fact that American private owned mom and dad houses have a share of 65% of the 1-family housing market and this since 1965 in a pump and dump market, and even this went up last year to 68%.
A large proportion of these mom and dad houses are paid out, without debt, no mortgage.
So it is not only the big bad guys who controls and profit everything. America can in some areas be prepared of it yes.
WHAT tf, is America not ALL bad bad bad. No!
To ADMIN: pls correct third line from the bottom: not “America can in some areas be
prepared…” but “American can in some areas be proud of itself.……….”. Thanks.“Hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy, hurdy gurdy gurdy he sang.”
I met him once. He was a sweet guy.
He certainly comes across that way.
But you’d hate to owe him money naturally.
I’d hate to owe anyone money.
That’s the best way to avoid the great biblical flood of debt.
A new year and the UK government decides to spend taxpayer money propagandising their own people:
This is a government desperately short of money we’re told btw.
Stories like this are in reality very encouraging because they mean the propaganda up to this point is failing. The Fraud has already run a long series of articles dispelling supposed myths about heat pumps.
UK government are a bunch of muppets. And ‘heat pumps’ anagrams to ‘ah muppets’. Happy New Year!
Moneycircus has pointed to the following list of headlines on the current Graud page:
And by jiminy he’s right. Thus indicating that, ironically enough, Simon Elmer is right albeit only when stripped of his oddly convenient Islamophobia which is bound to repel the Left. And indeed most of the rest too.
The policy underway is to permit as much immigration as possible and then stir the pot through precisely the Islamophobia that Elmer is happy to encourage.
What happened to Moneycircus?
Ah yes, ISIS, the enemy that was definitely not another US/Israel shit sandwich for gullible idiots to regurgitate..
Would the “possible explosives” be fertilizer? When will they find the manifesto? Every mass murderer writes one. It is in the FBI syllabus.
A friend of mine knows someone who was hit by the truck in New Orleans and had his legs broken. And so, it seems to me, that proves that the New Orleans truck massacre, at least, is real, and not a psyop or false flag or hoax or whatever, but a real killing spree.
From the same people who brought you…..
My friend Roger, his sister Peter and best friend “Allahu Akbar” and ”Jesus is now a j king”
his great great Granddad Mother Step Sister brother little cousin best friend caught covid.
Sorry. I know there is no way to verify internet statements. And I don’t believe that Covid even exists, so I’m with you there. But I can verify this, at least for myself. I am within one degree of separation from the victim.
So Edwige is a woman or you were in a gay marriage, or the one your friend knows is someone you are married to, or engaged with or at least have a close relationship to enough for taking step to a separation.
And because your close relationship which you are separating from got both his 3 legs cut off in an accident, the New Orleans truck massacre is real, yes?
Edwige! We are not professional writers, but sometimes reader comments are rather complicated si.
Are you an idiot or what. Learn to write English.
Your replying to your self.
Unless the alleged victim didn’t want to inform your friend that they’d gotten a job as a crisis actor.* 🤫 🤔
* I’m being facetious. Just revisiting the dilemma that even open-minded truthers and rabbit-hole aficionados face: any seeming fact that challenges alternative narratives can be explained away by what have become Sphere of Deviance clichés. 🤨
thank you for your joke. It puts things in perspective.
Just because the act was real does not mean it wasn’t manufactured, allowed to happen or made to happen in some way. There’s a book called “The Terror Factory” which outlines how the FBI manufactures terror events and situations. The CIA and others are involved in those things as well. Almost all, if not all terrorist related incidents are the work of intelligence agencies (don’t forget Mossad) behind the curtain.
There you go. Your explanation sounds much more plausible. I didn’t say it wasn’t CIA. I just said somebody got hit by a truck.
Everybody can read between the lines and behind the lines and see what you really meant.
You didnt said that it wasnt them, but you clearly meant it at that time, but you didnt said it straight out because you refused to be a loner, a lonely wolf.
Now when you are in one, two, many in the group think mode you have courage to say the same thing as the other guys are saying it………….LOL.
It gets funnier and funnier.. 😅 .
Again. Learn to write English.
Yes, but we do it only to be prepared for the day where some real terrorists come.
By our way of doing it, any future terrorists and future attacks on our country will be met by a Police Force experienced in all kind of simulated situations already done in situ with civilians.
The terrorists wont have a chance……………………………LOL.
Just ran into this scenario white paper line by line script for the 2020 plandemic written in 2017…
… by the Bloomberg funded, “John Hopkins Center For Health Security”. Right in our faces, while claiming…
“This prospective scenario is not intended to predict events to come; rather, it is meant to serve as a plausible narrative that illustrates a broad range of serious and frequently encountered challenges in the realm of risk and crisis communication.”
You can’t make this stuff up. They do.
Thanks for another fine link.
I found 1 date in the whole pdf report “October 2017”. It just confirms many other data showing that Covid was a pre-planned global emergency exercise.
I have refs from 2006 from UN approving a global simulation.
Really like these annual CR wrap-ups, thanks! The boingy scrolling is hard to view, though.
The Covid days were not “nonsense”. Have you ever considered the immense pressure the COVID attacks and wars since have had on humanity, especially on people like dreamtime. He is a very sensitive soul living in Germany where the brainwash and its enforcement is strong and it doesn’t take much for someone to lose their already fragile health. Particularly when they’ve experienced the loss of someone close to them not just once, but twice during the time I’ve known him. Heck even my own mental health was significantly impacted due to my own struggle during those days where I refused to mask up and bow down to the system. I was the only soul at work and outside without the mask and I can say that with all honesty while everyone else caved in due to fear or pressure. When people told me to mask up I proudly refused as I believe it is either Freedom or death for me. When one is that committed to their sovereign rights there will be fallout regardless of how tough you think you are because it affects not only you but the family and friends that we lost along the way – sometimes literally
From yer fave sister channel, stolen history.
bold type-phase mothers, not my fault
No, I got nothing.
Only joking.
I’m like ‘Hello’.
What’s best that might make people like me ?
Pander pander pander
pander mark e smith at DuckDuckGo
Best album of 2024
▶︎ Harmonica | bondo
That’s right downtrodden, space is fake and gay,
I know, right ?
Gotta thank that rag ‘The Wire’ magazine here.
99.5 % bullshit, a few crackers…sounds familiar…
They are more woke than the actual Graud, (never read for about 20 years..)
Anyway, again, here is another ‘tip’ from their end of year, got the sister of that Fugazi guy in it.
S/t | Bed Maker
I love music by The Conspiracy Music Guru. This one’s called “Space is Fake”
From Happy New Year y’all to my first article read of Day 1 ’25 and welcome to the first opening double salvo from elites? The phone video of each of these two scenes are implausible and loony from the point of view of any genuine witness at the scene staying so completely calm while shooting video as if scanning a string of homeless encampments. And the usual crisis actor appearing humans, including a bloodless completed naked young white woman. If you were a terrorist and wanted maximum terror would you do this at 3:15am or at midnight? Welcome to 2025: the Year of Shock Doctrine Terror.
And now the Sugar Bowl Georgia v ND has been “postponed” just to emphasize the terror.
Bomb searching the Superdome, lockdown. Are they prepping us for another 911?
Christians love to trust the plan and welcome Armageddon scenarios.
We have been waiting for 2000 years by now, so what is wrong with a little Yes Finally Finally happiness?
To keep the financial Ponzi scheme afloat immigration must continue.
The population of the UK has increased by around 20% in the last 50 years or so. If there had been no immigrants, the population figure would be around 40 million, over 20% lower than 1970.
In many areas, a white face is a rarity.
Then there is the national debt, securitised by us, the people, and what we believe we own. Houses are the main security, and if there were 25 million fewer people, house prices would collapse, as would default on tax intake and the value of the security, creating a financial collapse.
Now Britain is already bankrupt and with no immigration the illusion we live in a sovereign nation would become pretty obvious.
Democracy is dead, what we have is bankers dictating policy. Immigration is all part of the plan. Do not think otherwise.
Yes, I basically agree.
The mistake the deciders have made was to think people are fungible.
In Japan 9 Million homes are now empty.
The following selection of countries, surprisingly for some, now have fertility below replacement rate:
Turkey, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Brazil, Colombia – and many more.
India and Brazil do not need population growth for a while. if you doubt this you probably haven’t been there. Huge , eeve growing masses of uneducated underclass do not make a humane and dignified society
I am not saying they do need them. I am saying the oil tanker has turned.
However, the problem is not the ‘undereducated’ underclass, but the over-educated overclass.
Loved the crowds in India.
The (over) educated masses with poor jobs can create trouble too. That was what Zbigniew Brzezinski and his ilk were trying to exploit, though it did not turn out well.
Only a handful of very poor and/or “religious” countries have populations that are stable or better. They are in the arid centre of northern Africa, Congo area, and Afghanistan.
These homes are empty to not give them away for free.
I worked hard to purchase my house very expensive, and I am not going to lower the price of these 9 mio homes before everybody have worked as hard as I did to get them. Period!
When can I buy one of these houses for nothing?”. The answer is NO, not yet muy amigo, not yet.
good point! but remember that in places like London, New York City, Tokyo residential real estate is a commodity unto itself, completely divorced from the housing needs of those places’ actual inhabitants, and serving instead as a capital investment for the international super-rich, who need the actual buildings about as much as those speculators needed the tulips they bought back in the days of the much-discussed craze
Don’t mean to bother you Admin but… umm pending.
Far Out Magazine:
“2021: the year of the worst protest songs ever written”
Well I wonder what this is going to be about?
“The sentiment of nostalgia for 2020 has become surprisingly common, as if the global pandemic that upended life for years was merely a quirky, prosecco-fuelled interlude of Zoom quizzes and extra time off work.”
Aaaaand …. we’re back in the 2020 Walking Dead franchise!
“Personally, I’d sooner dive headfirst into a Glastonbury toilet after a festival catered entirely with Vindaloo than revisit the nightmare that was 2020.”
Cutesy stuff!
“Yet, occasionally, a thought creeps in: “Was 2021 even stranger?””
Can you guess the rest yet? Of course you can!
“After all, it’s one thing to live through it, but it’s quite another actually to reckon with it…and reckon we did. We got the first records released reckoning with the pandemic, albums like Hayley Williams’ Flowers for Vases / Descansos, Turnstile’s Glow On and Tyler, The Creator’s Call Me If You Get Lost all taking on a whole new meaning after 18 months indoors, intentional or not.”
These are the albums that are “permissible” and may perhaps even be recruited for “covid service” via that “taking on a whole new meaning”.
BUT (Ominous chord!):
“On the other end of the spectrum of taste, quality, and relevancy, we got the music unmistakably reckoning with 2020. We had a bunch of multi-millionaires who probably wouldn’t have even noticed the pandemic if they weren’t rotting in front of the TV all day in palatial estates.”
Fuckin’ rich callous bastards!
“That’s right, ever with their fingers on the pulse of culture, we got pandemic protest music. The likes of Eric Clapton, Van Morrison and the most darkly poetic case of falling to the dark side since JK Rowling and Morrissey all put their two cents in.”
“Pandemic protest music”? Not at all! This was “Total fucking viral fraud protest music”!
“These rich, entitled failures,”
Van and Eric are “failures”?
“…bored with their lives of ludicrous comfort and fulfilment,”
Ah “fulfilled failures” then?
“….decided that this was just the hill to die on. Not literally, unfortunately. In desperate need to feel wronged by something for the first time since they got their pocket money in shillings, they flexed their long, atrophied musical muscles. In doing so, they excreted some of the most embarrassing nonsense ever inflicted on the listening public in the name of “activism”.”
See? Still playing the phony “wronged prole” card!
And so on and on:
“….. anti-vaccine stance … an era of witless, tuneless, pointless right-wing “protest music””
The “right-wing” shite is drearily familiar but note the scare quotes. This isn’t protest music! It isn’t protest until the groovy Left wankers of the rock magazine fraternity say so!
And what do our sleek scribes of scrotum demand? A “record that actually reckoned with the pandemic in a very real way.”
Such as …..
“Charli XCX’s masterful How I’m Feeling Now was actively written in the first weeks of lockdown, sometimes over Zoom with contributions from her fanbase. It’s an artful, empathetic study of how it feels to live in “interesting times.” Give it a spin now instead of anything else mentioned here.”
As an old fossil more comfortable with that stinking rich covid-denier Van, I have no idea who this Charli XCX is but on perusing this artful empathetic yadda yadda, I see a photo of what looks like a soft porn babe lying on her bed and gazing intently at a camcorder in her hand. (Or maybe it’s some other new-fangled gizmo?) In any case, the “message” seems clear: stay in the house, stay in bed, and spend all your time looking at yourself.
But be warned! No protest music will be permitted unless it is ratified by our groovy left fully paid up covid/climate/trans whores.
can anyone recommend an actually useful, unbiased summary or overview of artists like the ones mentioned here who created works with a meaningfully critical perspective on the reprehensible policies and disgraceful displays of herd mentality that we were subjected to?
I stopped taking music critics seriously when I started to realise that the reviews weren’t actually about the music but the political zeitgeist, their powerful backers and their capacity to make money. There are reasons the media were relentlessly promoting Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen in 2024 – because they have nothing to say about current times and are shameless in making money for themselves and others.
25/1/25 the major planets align!
What exactly is happening ?
The Graud frets once again over a “new age of medical misinformation”.
“TikTok has opened the door to a new age of medical misinformation – and I’m seeing the results in A&E”
By one Ammat Butt (ooh the temptation to riff on that name!)
Starting with the old herbal remedy bashing, it’s not long before we get to the C word:
“The Diary of a CEO podcast, for instance, there have been guests who suggest ketogenic diets cure cancer, and others stating that Covid vaccinations, which have saved millions of lives, did more harm than good.”
And we dive headfirst into the lies.
The above quote links to the customary oceanic gish gallop, the steaming bollocks of which can be sampled from this quote:
“To take into account previous infection, we calculated weekly vaccine effectiveness as:
Weighted mean of (α × seroprevalence × VE) + (1 – seroprevalence) × VE”
And if we divide the whangometer coefficient with the parajalambic gullibility level etc.
Back at the Graud, more of this new “scientific” word salad:
“Naomi Klein brilliantly explained in her 2023 book Doppelganger the concept of diagonalism, the belief that power is tied to conspiracy and how this has filtered through to day-to-day life in western society since the pandemic.”
Ah Klein, one of the BIG NAMES in the new desperate hackery.
Now pay attention to this word “diagonalism” because it is likely to become a big cornerstone if the increasingly desperate waffle theology:
“Diagonalism… explains a shift in the categories of left v right politics, instead showing how people once considered to be from leftwing or apolitical spheres end up moving towards the far right with the shared belief that power is innately linked to conspiracy.”
Isn’t it amazing how you can dignify a line of propagandist bullshit by drumming up a wacky new highfaluting term?
And note how we are decidedly back to that old Left Right juggling that so much of the covid crap depended on.
There is of course more but let’s end with Roxy Music’s directive: Dim the lights, you can guess the rest.
“big cornerstone if the increasingly desperate waffle theology”
should be
“big cornerstone OF the increasingly desperate waffle theology:
ERRR yes..
Infowars Alex Jones, Health Ranger, Michael Tarsion, Redice Radio, Truth frequency Radio, PJW, U.K column. David whitehead, Stefan molynex, Charles Veitch
Chris Geo, Thomas Sheridan, Dan Dicks, Luke Rudkowski , Vice magazine, Freeman fly. Jay dyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Stew Peters, Joe Rogan, Jordon Peterson,Tucker Carlson. Peter McCullough.
“Far right” has become the demonization term of choice ever since the “covid revolution”. This tactic was used to scare the Left away from calling out the obvious bullshit of the last 5 years.
I guess they had to drop that ridiculous ‘horseshoe theory,’ since it made them out to be a bunch of centrists. LOL!
I was working so hard 15 hour days..and went white over night..I was 45 years old looking 75. Our son was 10, and I was holding our 7 year old daughter’s hand looking like her Grandad…It was my wife’s idea and we were in Lanzarote , and I do not like black sand – where did you get this holiday from…. I am not going to sit on a black sandy beach…So we went on a Yellow Submarine – Feel Better YES..especially when I got home and they offered me the job I wanted…Highly stressful, so I dyed my hair brownie blonde, and went back to work – 15% interest rates on our Mortgage – smile, work or jobless and homeless.
Happy New Year Everyone
2025 will also be eventful and only happy when we are flexible and confident enough to be washed, rinsed and spun. Fear not, the Divine is in everything but has very different time scales than the impatient human mind / temper. Since 2020 the fast program is on, so a bit more suitable for the latter. On another hand a lot or dirt has to be washed out, no problem for the ten-tacles of an octo-pus. Even AI is its baby, everything is.
If only other people would take a shower with soap at least once a day in 2025, and I mean it.
An Aussie Christmas ‘wish list’;
Fat chance.
… Wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR with your families and loved-ones.
So, will it be a Happy New Year or a Crappy New Fear?
A classic!
Now try this for Mo’s early death @61: Monty Python didn’t give it a go even in tolerant 1979. Eleven official marriages would have given plenty of material for starters…
But this ex-Moslim guy did go seriously into it: Mo’s Mubahalah boomerang.
Interesting stuff !
Containing a cryptic message? I strongly guess, this motto is part of newspeak: “Always look on the bright side of sh*t!” Because: “You will own nothing, and be happy!”
“Be nice to each other!” has always been said by those in power (such as the church for 2000 years). In the end, you think the p**p on your shoe is your best friend.
surely its 2024 – no?????????
One of the many pitfalls of copy/paste intros
The year??
But then who’s really watching for solutions… (and for what motive)?
What year is it really, OMG, I’m like what, etc.
When is the real end happy new year post, is this it ?
May be part of the control take down of a pagan holiday (near enough), shit, that edinburgh got cancelled…!
Anyway, first heard about this guy three days ago when I picked up his album ‘Arthur Buck’ at a record fair. Apparently, the record label dropped him after he wrote an antivax song. (and didn’t release 2nd album with the mighty Pete Buck…). This isn’t it.
Is he any good ?, dunno.
Joseph Arthur – Pale Fire Live Looping September 2019 – YouTube
An interesting bloke on his creative and spiritual journey.
Tad too much looping I reckon.
I just love this guy – listen to the lyrics.
Thanks May.
It is.
And don’t call me Shirley.