Technocracy Ascending-Part 2: Trust Me, I’m a Technocrat

Jesse Smith

Part 1 of this series detailed a brief history of the movement started by Technocracy Inc. in the 1930s to completely transform North America into a scientific dictatorship. Their vision of a technocratic regime required all industry, resources, and governance be managed by scientists, engineers, and technicians.

Today, many aspects of their original plans are being executed through intentional collaboration between Big Tech, government, and NGOs, with power continually shifting toward present-day tech titans. The questions this installment seeks to answer are: (1) who authorized today’s technocrats to act in humanity’s interest, (2) what is their overarching world view, and (3) what are they hoping to accomplish?

By San Francisco Examiner – https://john-adcock.blogspot.com/2015/12/merkls-dinomania-mccay-dinosaur.html, Public Domain, Link

Though they would argue, technocratic governments trend toward elitist rule. How could they not since technocracy’s core tenet posits that only the best and brightest (and often wealthiest) in STEM-related fields are fit to run society? Technocrats are averse to all political systems, believing they alone possess the knowledge and skill required to achieve the “common good” in all societies. Nevertheless, they often work behind the scenes within all forms of government to achieve their means. While promising equality, their rule can be more accurately described as a technical oligarchy, hence the need for extreme caution.

Such an organization has no precedence in any of the political forms. It is neither a democracy, an aristocracy, a plutocracy, a dictatorship, nor any of the other familiar political forms, all of which are completely inadequate and incompetent to handle the job. It is, instead, a Technocracy, being built along the technological lines of the job in hand.”
Technocracy Study Course, 1934. p.234

Early technocrats recognized that the world was trending toward greater levels of technological advancement. As a result, most would become dependent on these innovations for essential needs.

In the present, as contrasted with the past, the great majority of the population is in a position of absolute dependence upon the uninterrupted operation of a technological mechanism.”
Technocracy Study Course, 1934. p. 211

Technocrats thought the best way to provide goods and services was to commandeer the equipment needed to produce basic necessities. They created a system where equal distribution of goods and services would be fostered by substituting money for energy costs. To fully institute this radical transformation, technocrats needed ownership and oversight of the railways, power plants, telecommunications systems, factories, farms, etc. This system was described fully in the Technocracy Study Course published in 1934. The end products to be attained were [emphasis added]:

“(a) a high physical standard of living, (b) a high standard of public health, (c) a minimum of unnecessary labor, (d) a minimum of wastage of nonreplaceable resources, (e) an educational system to train the entire younger generation indiscriminately as regards all considerations other than inherent ability—a Continental system of human conditioning.”

As touched on previously, technocrats believed the “price-based” economic system would crash and burn, leaving a trail of disaster in its wake. They viewed the Great Depression as proof of capitalism’s imminent demise. With full confidence in their plans to reengineer the (North American) continent, they boasted that:

“Technocracy will not perish. After the inevitable collapse of our stupendous financial and political structure, after the many palliatives have been tried and have failed, it will still remain. Technocracy is the one workable answer to the frightening dilemma in which we find ourselves.”
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 6

Some of the initial plans of Technocracy Inc. in the 1930s have been adopted well beyond North American borders and gone through several iterations before arriving at what we are today. Many of their boasts have been proven accurate and threaten to plunge the world into a neo-feudal state worse than anything that has preceded.

Why is Trust Shifting Towards Technocrats?

Technocracy becomes a form of salvation after societies realize that democracy doesn’t guarantee national success. Democracy eventually gets sick of itself and votes for technocracy.”
Parag Khanna, Technocracy in America: The Rise of the Info State, 2017, p. 21

Technocracy (the system) and technology (the tools) are the hand and glove of the new order being established across the planet. Throughout the world, politicians and leaders are summoning the help of technocrats to help fix broken economies and governments.

Technocracy has previously taken root in or is currently being advocated for in countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, ChinaItaly, India, Singapore, Lebanon, France, PakistanIndonesiaMexicoSudanTunisiaGhana, and Nigeria among several others.

Hamas and Fatah have agreed to install a technocratic government to manage the Gaza Strip after warfare has ceased. Technocrats in the Caribbean nation of Saint Lucia are collaborating with German officials to secure funding for damages resulting from the so-called climate change crisis. Technocrats in Iran have advocated for the end of hostilities with the United States, believing they can collaborate with the incoming Trump administration, who has also surrounded himself with technocrats for his second term.

Illustration appearing in a 1933 edition of The Technocrat magazine titled “Technocracy A Bloodless Revolution”

Pew Research conducted two recent surveys indicating that satisfaction with democratic governments is declining among wealthy nations with more people critical of their effectiveness. In addition, Pew has also confirmed public attitudes are becoming increasingly favorable to technocratic regimes citing that, “Majorities in two-thirds of the (twenty four) countries surveyed say this would be a good way to govern.” Pew added that, “Since 2017, the number of technocracy supporters has gone up in most of the countries surveyed.”

Technocracy starts out with the facts at hand which indicate what the next most probable state of society will be, and whether that state will be desirable from the standpoint of people’s opinions or not, has nothing to do with the question. However, and fortunately, it all seems to be highly desirable, even to the most skeptical.”
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 9

If surveys are reliable indicators, public trust has seemingly shifted from democratic governments to trust in CEOs, tech wizards, and scientific scholars. But is the nature of this shift an organic occurrence or something that’s been carefully manufactured?

Manufacturing Trust in Technocratic Saviors

One of the main purposes for this series is to show that technocracy is not a new concept and didn’t just arrive on the scene with familiar names such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Despite the seemingly noble intentions of early technocrats, humans lusting for money and power have a way of pouncing on fresh ideas that can expedite their plans.

Theorizing that the world was in a transition to a new fourth era, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski anticipated in 1970 that [emphasis added]:

Another threat…confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society.Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control”.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew. Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, 1970, pp. 252-253.

In a prior article written for Encounter, a British literary magazine secretly funded by the CIA to promote American foreign policy agendas, Brzezinski wrote [emphasis added]:

“In the technetronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason” (p. 19).

“At the same time, the capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase” (p.21).

“Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control the information and can correlate it most rapidly. Our existing post-crisis management institutions will probably be increasingly supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programmes to cope with them. This could encourage tendencies during the next several decades towards a technocratic dictatorship, leaving less and less room for political procedures as we now know them” (p.21).

Brzezinski wasn’t just some prescient academic, but an active member of a secret cabal working to bring his prophecies to fruition. If you simply substitute the term “technetronic” for technocracy, it all becomes clear. Consider the similarities between Brzezinski’s statements and those of Technocracy Inc.

“Technocracy is the science of social engineering…”
The Technocrat, 1937, p. 3

“Technocracy does not concern itself with human emotions or antagonisms, or political dogmas or beliefs… Technocracy stands for reconstruction and a new form of control…”
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 14

“If the people of North America—the rich as well as the poor, as none are immune— are to escape the stark horror of famine and barbarism which may follow this crash, Technocracy will have to save them. Only Technocracy can do it—Technocracy, the scientific control of all social functions.”
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 6

“All scientific indicators point to the probability that the next social state shall be a Technocracy.”
Wilton Ivie, The Technocrat, December 1964, p. 5

The world Brzezinski described has almost fully arrived, but increasingly positive attitudes toward technocracy do not reflect a grass-roots phenomenon. Mindsets are being deliberately engineered to produce a new form of social control, as both Brzezinski and early Technocrats explained. Emotions are being manipulated and reason is being controlled to crush traditional values and beliefs under the boot of an elite agenda stealthily taking hold of governments and industries. The (purposely arranged) chaos plaguing the world has opened the door for technocrats offering solutions to achieve fiscal stability, social cohesion, and comfort and ease in a high-tech utopia. Many are taking the bait.

If asked who authorized them to enact such broad and revolutionary changes, most technocrats would answer that you and I did. Though you may vehemently oppose their agenda, your consent is implicit through the gaggle of government and NGO representatives acting on your behalf. The world view of technocrats puts them at the top of society, functioning as owners and operators while paying lip service to ideas like democracy, equality, and justice. The game has been rigged and many have been seduced into cheering for the “fixers,” ignorant of the real plans to create a more controlled and surveilled society, just as Brzezinski foresaw in Between Two Ages [emphasis added]:

…it will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behaviour of the citizen, in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities”.

How Technocrats Pulled Off a Silent Coup

Technocracy’s end game was already revealed in Part 1. Future installments will detail current plans designed to bring us to this stage. But before discussing the present situation, a continued analysis of the past is in order.

Brzezinski was a professor at Columbia University, a school with deep connections to the Rockefeller dynasty and a launching pad for their foray into pharmaceuticals and allopathic medicine. In a curious connection, Technocracy Inc. was also established at Columbia University’s School of Engineering in 1931 by founders Howard Scott and Walter Rautenstrauch. Technocracy may have begun on a college campus in New York City, but it began to spread rapidly even after its heyday in the 1930s-40s when it boasted half a million members.

As a Rockefeller protégé, Brzezinski helped David Rockefeller, CEO and chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase and branch of the Rothschild banking cartel), establish the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The Trilaterals sought to create a “New International Economic Order” with greater collaboration between the US, Europe, and Asia.

This collaboration served to benefit the Rockefellers and their wealthy clique through the adoption of favorable policies and agreements. It broadened global trade and created conditions allowing the techno-oligarchs to exploit the abundant natural resources of territories once inaccessible.

President Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzeziński aboard Air Force One

The Trilateral Commission achieved a silent coup with the Carter administration of the late 1970s. President Carter, Vice President Walter Mondale, and Brzezinski serving as National Security Advisor were all members, but the penetration went much deeper.

As of 25 December 1976, therefore, there were nineteen commissioners, including Carter and Mondale, holding tremendous political power. These presidential appointees represented almost one-third of the Trilateral Commission members from the United States.”
Sutton, Anthony and Wood, Patrick, Trilaterals Over Washington, 1978, The August Corporation, p. 2

The Rockefellers were fierce advocates for world government and instrumental in founding the United Nations to achieve that purpose after their initial plan for a League of Nations failed. In addition to their Standard Oil dynasty, the Rockefellers influenced public health through a long time partnership with the World Health Organization.

Through the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family Fund, and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors they have financed scores of NGOs, universities, and businesses extending their influence around the world. They were also instrumental in the creation, funding, and/or leadership of elitist organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)Bilderberg Group, and The Club of Rome pushing ideologies such as eugenics and population control, global religion, and global governance while meeting in secret.

Regarding his role in advocating for world government, David once stated:

But [today] the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.”
1991 speech at Bilderberg meeting in Berlin

Confirming his complicity in attempting to form a world government, he wrote in his Memoirs:

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are…conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Affirming the alignment with technocratic goals, Brzezinski wrote [emphasis added]:

“Technological developments make it certain that modern society will require more and more planningDeliberate management of the American future will become widespread, with the planner eventually displacing the lawyer as the key social legislator and manipulator…How to combine social planning with personal freedom is already emerging as the key dilemma of technetronic America…”
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, p. 260

The Rockefellers and their minions were not alone in these pursuits as the wealthy titans of the late 19th and early 20th centuries joined them in creating other philanthropic institutions like the Ford and Carnegie Foundations. However, their altruism was just a guise to obtain greater power and influence.

The major philanthropic foundations created by America’s ‘robber baron’ industrialists and bankers were established not to benefit mankind, as was their stated purpose, but to benefit the bankers and industrialist elites in order to engage in social engineering. Through banks, these powerful families controlled the global economy; through think tanks, they manage the political and foreign policy establishments; and through foundations, they engineer society itself according to their own designs and interests.”
Andrew Gavin Marshall

Even AI is hip to the globalist’s game. At the 2023 Annual Trilateral Commission meeting in which an unnamed speaker declared 2023 to be “year one of this new global order,” attendees asked ChatGPT to create a poem about the organization. The following is one of the entries:

“In secret meetings, you plan and conspire,
To create a new order, of which you aspire.
Your goals are unclear, but some see the end,
As a world government, with you as its friend.”

Technocracy Ascending, a Fait Accompli?

Cover of a 1933 edition of The Technocrat Magazine

Is technocratic governance a fait accompli too powerful to resist? As previously established, technocracy is all about control. Control of resources, government, economies, goods and services, data, and people. Proponents do not hesitate to conduct mass surveillance, engage in mind control, and employ propaganda to steer human behavior.

They justify strict control and pervasive surveillance as methods to quell civil unrest as societal conditions continue to deteriorate. Until a critical mass of people are both aware of and actively resistant to the technocratic agenda it may continue largely unabated, but it is far from an undefeatable foe.

Many technocrats view themselves as saviors and authorized themselves to fix the myriad problems humanity faces. Believing they are possessors of the “one workable answer,” they’re attempting to fashion a world unaffected by the capriciousness of the human condition. They despise spontaneity and unexpected outcomes, instead preferring a scientific, fact-based worldview that reduces inconsistencies and variables that occur with current governance models. Their solutions depend on the expanded and efficient use of snake oil digital technology and data and the overt or implicit consent of the people.

Technocratic intervention in society has often been a short-lived experiment, much to the chagrin of the utopian hopium brokers. To remedy this, a more comprehensive long-term plan was devised, merging technocracy and environmentalism to accelerate the shift of global wealth and societal control upward. This global movement threatens to upend all of society by the year 2030.

Part 3 will expose this dangerous conspiracy.

Jesse Smith is an American journalist and editor of Truth Unmuted, a news and opinion website dedicated to challenging globalist plans and ideologies like technocracy, transhumanism, the Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. Jesse currently lives in Mexico and writes about current events through the lens of a Biblical worldview. His articles have been published on Global Research, Activist Post, and TruthTalk.UK.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal"
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Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Jan 8, 2025 6:29 AM

The discussion recorded on 21 Dec 2024 critiques Elon Musk as a “parasitic billionaire” manipulating democracy, explores the influence of elites like the PayPal Mafia on societal narratives, and delves into systemic issues like financialization, political corruption, and monopolistic control.
The Price of Liberty, Elon Musk buying democracy one Goverment at a time. Ranjan and Roger Discuss

“ The Truth will set you free , but first it will piss you off”
which is really not that accurate a bumper sticker that will lead to the Catharsis we all seek.

Truth should read truths, Truth exists in a context and has a dynamic relation within time bounded and also context bounded variables, the first You should read “ One” Singular, or Perhaps “Us” plural and the second You has a sort of othering quality which sets up a tension between the Knower of Truth and the unknowing. As such the bumper sticker is divisive and plays the ancient Babylonian game of divide and rule.

“ We will be liberated by the speaking of truths , Confronting these truths will lead us to a catharsis enabling a refreshed understanding of our place in the world”
The Enshittification of Truth: From Going Direct to Digital Babel
In an age where digital platforms increasingly mediate our reality, Cory Doctorow’s concept of “Enshittification” provides a crucial framework for understanding how truth itself becomes corrupted in the digital age. Doctorow defines enshittification as a three-stage process where platforms first lure users with quality content, then gradually degrade the user experience to extract maximum profit, and finally collapse under their own degradation [1].

This process mirrors Orwell’s warnings about language impoverishment in 1984, but with a digital twist. Today’s platforms don’t just restrict language; they systematically degrade the quality of discourse through what Doctorow calls “a predictable cycle of decline” [2]. The platforms begin by being good to users, then leverage their market position to degrade the experience while maximizing profit extraction, ultimately becoming hostile to all participants [3].

The Going Direct paradigm intersects with this concept in fascinating ways. Just as central banks have moved to “direct” intervention in markets, bypassing traditional intermediaries, digital platforms have become direct arbiters of truth and discourse. The result is what we might call a “digital enshittification of truth” where:

Initial Promise: Platforms offer unprecedented access to information and connection

Degradation: Algorithmic manipulation and profit-seeking behavior begin to distort reality

Collapse: The ecosystem becomes so degraded that meaningful discourse becomes nearly impossible

This cycle has become so recognized that “enshittification” was named Macquarie Dictionary’s word of the year, reflecting its profound impact on our digital lives and our ability to discern truth [4].
Elon Musk is buying your liberty to abolish it!All Hail Chairman Musk and the trivialisation of Discourse.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Jan 6, 2025 10:12 AM


Toward a Post-human WorldDon’t like the future they are planning for you? Join the resistance.Take 4 minutes to watch this video. Then share it!This video is FREE to download to your computer/tablet/smartphone. Then, upload it to all of your social media accounts. Tell your friends to do the same.Hint: You can re-upload every few days with a different text message.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2025 3:02 PM

Well that didn’t take long, again!

Elon Musk
The Reform Party needs a new leader. Farage doesn’t have what it takes.
1:58 PM · Jan 5, 2025

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Jan 5, 2025 6:54 AM

Disintermediated Value ExchangeThe Vicar of Wakefield , Schopenhaer. And a Schumpeterian Insight on the iron law of oligarchyGrub Street In Exile
Jan 04, 2025

Read in the Substack app
Open app
Disintermediated Value ExchangeThe Vicar of Wakefield , Schopenhaer. And a Schumpeterian Insight on the iron law of oligarchy.Times were in “CRYPTO LAND” that people would talk of the “Byzantine Generals Dilemma” Lord Acton boiled it all down to the problem which would have to be resolved ultimately would be “ The People Versus The Banks”
What has this got to do with The Vicar of Wakefield and Schumpeter?


.“Bring then above all ignorance, to which add confidence, audacity, and effrontery; as for diffidence, equity, moderation, and shame, you will please leave them at home; they are not merely needless, they are encumbrances.´´

Lucian. Rhetoriticians Vade Vecum.

Stratagem XXXVI Schopenhaers art of being right.You may also puzzle and bewilder your opponent by mere bombast; and the trick is possible, because a man generally supposes that there must be some meaning in words:
Gewohnlich glaubt der Mensch, wenn er nur Worte hort,
Es musse sich dabei doch auch was denken lassen.
If he is secretly conscious of his own weakness, and accustomed to hear much that he does not understand, and to make as though he did, you can easily impose upon him by some serious fooling that sounds very deep or learned, and deprives him of hearing, sight, and thought; and by giving out that it is the most indisputable proof of what you assert. It is a well-known fact that in recent times some philosophers have practised this trick on the whole of the public with the most brilliant success. But since present examples are odious, we may refer to The Vicar of Wakefield for an old one.

I would have all men kings. I would be a king myself. We have all naturally an equal right to the throne: we are all originally equal.

The generality of mankind … have unanimously created one king, whose election at once diminishes the number of tyrants, and puts tyranny at the greatest distance from the greatest number of people. Now the great who were tyrants

themselves; and all they have to do in the state is to undermine the single tyrant, by which they resume their primeval authority.

He goes on to say that this undermining, this ambition, is facilitated by the accumulation of wealth, and that the state is set up in such a way as to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few at the expense of the many, and power solely in the hands of the wealthy at the expense of the qualified.


Jan 5, 2025 1:01 AM

It has really lost all meaning to talk about conspiracy theories when what we “conspiracy theorists” do is cite books, articles, white papers and essays by scientists, engineers and technological corporations of the Establishment. It is clear that the goal for 2030 is the deployment of 6G and that 2 of the key technologies for this are NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical Systems) and MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) distributed by Fire, Air, Water and Earth, linked through the Ethereum of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this dystopian near future, human bodies will be just nodes in this vast Planetary Spatial Web.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Jan 4, 2025 11:19 PM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 4, 2025 10:06 AM

With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.

Politics: Musk blows the doors off
By Richard North – January 4, 2025

Douglas Murray on grooming gangs, Tommy Robinson and what’s wrong with Britain
The Spectator
Jan 3, 2025
Douglas Murray, Spectator columnist, joins Americano host and Spectator deputy editor Freddy Gray. This week, Home Office Minister Jess Phillips rejected Oldham Council’s request for a government-led inquiry into the horrific scandal of grooming gangs in dozens of UK cities. Her decision has led to real backlash – with X owner Elon Musk calling for safeguarding minister Jess Phillips to be jailed, and for the King to dissolve parliament. Have politicians underestimated the strength of public feeling in the UK and the US? They also discuss the Southport riots, and ask why some politicians are unwilling to confront societal problems in the name of political correctness.

Jan 4, 2025 4:31 PM

I can’t stand that Israel supporting fag.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 3, 2025 11:16 PM

“Technocracy’s core tenet posits that only the best and brightest (and often wealthiest) in STEM-related fields are fit to run society”
You mean like Elon Musk?!?!/!

“Technocracy starts out with the facts at hand…”

No, it does not! The recent Plandemic era gives ample evidence for that. Neither the situation at hand at the time nor the solutions were based on fact; they were deliberate, manipulative lies.

What a nightmare awaits us if the masses don’t wake up and if those currently in influential positions don’t grow a backbone and say, no more! “Technocracy, the scientific control of all social functions.” – Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 6. 

Not, that “scientific” is even an applicable term; there’s nothing scientific about mainstream medical solutions, nor “Public” Health, nor about Big Food which is what they are pushing us towards. Nor is the other big lie about human and cow-induced climate change based on science. Nor the other lie about overpopulation, etc, etc.

Note, that they do not advocate against wars and Big Industry pollution, including the devastating environmental damage done by warfare, wind, solar and nuclear energy generation; by factory farming of animals; the mainstream snake oil medicines that are leaving animals, humans and the environment poisoned, damaged, tortured or dead. Or how about the mega crop farming industry with GMOs and pesticides as their ’scientific’ solution to feeding the world, all the while destroying the environment, displacing native communities, decimating wild species and producing toxic and high energy but nutrient depleted food.

We need neither their unscientific remedies, nor even truly scientific approaches to what human communities could very well manage themselves if left to co-operate and prosper freely without all the restrictions, licensing fees and taxation that, magically, never apply to destructive Big Industry who are left to “self-regulate” and pay the lowest taxes if any at all.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Jan 4, 2025 11:22 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas
Jan 3, 2025 9:45 PM

George Mc’s comment below is spot on. The current news cycle is interesting. It seems to me they are trying on the old Covid tactics to see if they take hold with the flu also, whether that’s masking up, social distancing etc. I now realise they put the feelers out in MS articles to see what public reactions are and mass compliance will be. Judging from the comments out there at the moment, despite the obvious bots it’s not looking great for them. Don’t forget flu magically disappeared during covid times and they want us to forget that. I feel like 2025 is going to be an interesting year as they are clearly getting desperate now. Let’s hope more people have balls and guts to say now after the con is events.

Jan 4, 2025 4:59 AM
Reply to  Lily

The control freaks in power think AI will help. Every public response to every vague, unjust or reversed “emergency” demand everywhere is being fed to the false idol in a desperate quest for more totalitarianism and exploitation.

All these freaks should be subjected to every one of their clever restrictions. Above all, they should get jabbed repeatedly.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 3, 2025 9:21 PM

I am really interested in the idea of neo-feudalism and also the substantial apparent continuity between the control structures of good ol’ Medieval European feudalism, and our modern systems of government

while there are obviously a lot of differences, which we are taught about as proof that the awful oppression those long-ago serfs were subjected to has been swept away by the marvelous political arrangements today that progress has brought us, it seems that the underlying principles of subordination to an authority, however legitimized, that can decide about our access to resources, can send us to war or to prison or take our lives outright, can regulate our behavior, movement, social ties and even who we can marry, demand our tribute in labor, money or other forms of value, all these elements of domination have remained intact over the course of the evolution from lords of the fief to kings and queens of the realm and on to our contemporary Deciders In Chief, ostensibly the servants of the people

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 3, 2025 9:07 PM

to the list of countries with technocratic leanings one might add many more names, in particular that of Estonia, which has frequently been touted in legacy media as a prototype for this brave new world

Jan 3, 2025 8:45 PM

2 days after an terrorist attack, an news reporter is given full access to the terrorists home.

EXCLUSIVE TOUR of the NOLA terrorists home—-

where we found a bomb-making station and a Quran open to a chilling passage about martyrdom


Comments are golden on this one.

Jan 5, 2025 12:42 PM
Reply to  Hail

Wow. That’s like the terrorist passport they found in perfect condition at Ground Zero of World Trade Center.

And like the Koran on the seat of the terrorist suv in the parking lot of Logan Airport on the morning of 9/11.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 3, 2025 7:30 PM

The news is recycling the very same tale of viral woe from four years ago only minus the “C” word. Which admittedly takes away some of that exotic shiver. So we’re now just going with the flu. Without the covid fable, this wouldn’t have worked. But as it is, with the public softened up through the 2020 Evil Dead blitzkrieg, a sizeable chunk of the population has been “softened up” enough to guarantee a delicious frisson of paranoia.

So what is actually happening? My guess is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. If there is a higher degree of illness or fatality then it’s probably due to service shrinkage through downsizing via “covid restructuring”, a decrease in physical health following psychological depression via the relentless scare tactics, and, of course, the degradation of life functions thanks to various ingredients sneaked into the “vaccines”.     

Jan 4, 2025 5:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

On one hand, you say “absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.. service shrinkage.. relentless scare tactics”. Then you say “degradation of life functions thanks to various ingredients sneaked into the vaccines”.

This seems like back-pedaling on your past comments. Maybe look up the many articles by Dr. William Makis at http://www.globalresearch.ca

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 4, 2025 7:30 AM
Reply to  mgeo

By “nothing out of the ordinary”, I meant the media’s tactic of turning regular happenings into horror movie fodder cf, original statistics re: “covid” deaths.

But I was also allowing for the possibility of genuine upsurge in mortality via NOT “covid” but the tactics allegedly to “stop covid”.

Two tactics which the media use.

Jan 5, 2025 6:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc


Jan 4, 2025 4:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Feels like they did something just before Christmas. It was foggy across the country. Most people got ill. I’ve had a sore throat that’s only just going now.

Jan 3, 2025 5:55 PM

Excellent work. The breadcrumbs since the Robber Barons clearly links to the new Great Reset agenda. If benefit for humanity is technocracy’s supposed promise, the method of delivery of technology is to use Humanity as experimental guinea pigs, causing massive death and disabilities with each experiment on us in every facet of life on Earth. The LOCKDOWN, stifle, inject, regimen did such massive unforgettable damage, it stripped bare their evil intent for all to experience. Any and every technology must be preceded by recorded public transparent information, debate, problem solving, consent, or disapproval, and complete authority and oversight.

Jan 3, 2025 4:07 PM

Technocrats are as clueless as the most feeble minded King or President if they see themselves as being “fit” to run a society. No one – as in: NO ONE – is “fit” to run a society. Period. End of discussion.

Not Plato’s Philosopher King; not Catholicism’s Pope; not Fascism’s Fuhrer; and definitely not Silicon Valley’s Technocrat. Running a society is matched by only one other enterprise: wrestling a T-Rex to the ground.

Jan 3, 2025 3:38 PM

. Jesse currently lives in Mexico and writes about current events through the lens of a Biblical worldview. 

Researchers who sell the Jesus temple off third doom side hassle is another form of false binary.
Now as a heretic, do remind us folks, what happens when you usher in your ends time new world order Messiah prophecy and we dont follow suit.??

Ow yes. We’ll end up the same as the Technocrat prisoner.

The worse and first and still the evilest of all Technocrat was the Abrahamic lot.

comment image

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 5, 2025 12:22 AM
Reply to  proxi

So, all these people who decided to make our history, legal systems, and live after the Bible’s “Christian” civilisation values based on an globally agreed BC and CE system, supported by a majority of the world’s populations are fools, – all of them.
All monasteries Churches, Synagogues, Cathedrals, Priests, Bishops, are also pure bs and only made to keep YOU down, and your way whatever it is, should be promoted instead all over yes?  😂 .

Jan 3, 2025 3:19 PM

HB1 visa uproar con_reservation reptilians waking up to the fact MAGA means legal immigrant is a good thing say the technocrats.

Censor and take the blue tik of the MAGA lot who call bullshit.
Then taking heat from MAGA on immigration. Quick, let’s pull out the affirmative action card.


Twitter Technocrats tweets non stop about Tommy Robinson and boost accounts claiming that the recent false flag market terror attacks were caused by muslim immigrants (see, Technocrats think some immigrants are bad, guys!) even though no muslim immigrants were involved and al qaeda and ISIS are run by the same parts of the US U.K iseral national security state X Technocrats work for.

That’ll distract them and get them back in good graces.

Jan 3, 2025 2:37 PM

Wallowing in my shallow pool of ignorance, I guess this would explain why mRNA technology based clot shots have not been banned and why they are making more batches for new “diseases” in addition to Covid Boosters. Apparently, they have so much power that they are untouchable. If that is so, they are sure to succeed and our asses are grass. I truly hope that is not the case.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 1:26 PM

A ‘way of thinking’ underlies all the (inevitable) effects of such ‘thinking’.
Unless and until the use to which the mind is being put can be re-evaluated in truth, the lie of a technologised thinking runs as ‘reality’.
While problem driven solutions are given priority. all else will be subjected of sacrificed to their dictates.
Addressing the problem where it is, is what the ‘solutions’ operate to deny, divert, dissociate, and displace.
The original problem thus reiterates as ‘evolving or shifting solutions’ by which to persist the problem AS IF in search of answer.
In this sense the creative is denied by substitution of ingenuity.
The ‘ego operating system’ is a foolproof defence.
But is not God-proof.
Tolerance for pain of meaningless, or insane dissociation is limited.
Nor is death the solution it seems to offer.
Living Thought is not controlled, coerced or conflicted.
Thinking to run off with or steal a living inheritance can only run an imaged copy of ever depleting returns.
Cannibalism becomes more apparent as the ‘Get’ mode.
Yet even as you do unto another (not just the ‘least among you’) you do unto Me and your Self.
Truth cannot run or communication on or to the ego OS, but that weaponised language substitutes for a living relationship.
We CAN change our mind about our mind as a result of looking on or at it from a true perspective – but while truth & illusion are co-fused in an invested identity, it will dictate thought as your guide and protector.
No one lacks faith, but we may give faith to faithlessness as if to gain functions usurped from a wholeness of being we don’t create, cannot control and need not but share in.

Jan 3, 2025 12:42 PM

If Dominic Cummings told the truth on video (easy to prove with an affidavit), civil servants prepare every statement, question, and answer spoken by senior MPs and the Cabinet, (which they must stick rigidly to). That would mean there is no democracy, and the government would be one big fraud. Being a fraudulent entity, they cannot pass laws, sorry, I mean legislation. It is all a pantomime ACT. In fact, that is exactly what it is, an ACT of Parliament. A show for gullible voters. (Everyone who votes is a moron)
The problem we have is that we still think they have authority. But in reality, they are non-entities with no clout. We are all free-living men and women and as soon as we realise that the sooner we can get rid of the gutless politicians and their banker masters.

Jan 3, 2025 4:19 PM
Reply to  rickypop

“… the sooner we can get rid of the gutless politicians and their banker masters.”

Unfortunately that’s precisely what Technocracy aims at. Removal of the current political and financial systems. To do so would be playing into their hands.

Out of the ‘lying pan’ and into the ‘wire’ [sic]

Jan 3, 2025 9:19 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

He didn’t mention getting rid of the political SYSTEM. That’s indeed what the technorats (oh dear must improve my spelling, the thinkcheck didn’t like that) want. That sort of baby and bathwater result is what we’ll get if people don’t wake up in a hurry. Our common law constitution, before being unconstitutionally shredded by legislation is as good as it gets. The trouble is- laws and constitutions are only useful when enforced and enforcers tend to be on the other side, which makes me a bit cynical of their usefulness.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 3, 2025 12:05 PM

UK here.

I have a horrible feeling we’ve been set up to be sold to America.

Closer trade to a Trump America is attractive but we would struggle to accept the US food standards and health for profit culture.

How about installing a government that is so bad that we will gladly accept “help” from anyone to overthrow it, including South African multi-billionnaires ?

On any terms.

Jan 3, 2025 6:20 PM

South African multi-billionnaires ?
same as — Arron Banks, who gave £12m of services to the Brwxit campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history,

Cambridge Analytica has been swopped for X.

The Langley Mi5 story lines need to change as the script writers must be bored.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 3, 2025 8:08 PM

Be patient Clutch. The lovely Nigel Farage of the Reform Party is being groomed to be your next P.M. Plans now being carried out to have another election to get rid of Starmer.

The new world order wants to install right-wing governments (like Trump & co) as they are more likely to pass legislation to enable/enforce cashless, I.D.s, climate change rules, etc. et. A few more psy-ops by fake Muslims should do it. Next performance may feature a Muslim from Iran, is my guess.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 3, 2025 8:39 PM
Reply to  May Hem

The scales have been cast from my eyes.

Nobody does anything for nothing.

Never have, never will.

Jan 4, 2025 9:30 AM
Reply to  May Hem

And Starmer would never introduce CBDCs, digital IDs, climate rules? The NWO has no wings that fly, just flapping signal arms that lie.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 4, 2025 7:08 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Yes Nixon, of course Starmer would love to bring in these horrors, but would the voters accept it? After a few more scary psy-ops, many people may want a right wing government and be willing to accept these horrors disguised as ‘protections’ from the chaos which is likely to increase.

Starmer is growing so unpopular there is a growing number of signatures on a petition to get rid of him and have another election. This may all be a part of their plan too.

That’s my guess but I may be wrong.

Jan 4, 2025 8:14 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Heads they win, tails we lose. Chose now- a right or left wing dictatorship and slavery either way. “But the Corncrake says I’ll take my time, do as I please. The Corncrake, the biscuit he do take” as a friend of mine sings.

Jan 3, 2025 9:23 PM

Don’t forget we were GIVEN away to the banksters as collateral for the national debt long ago on no terms whatsoever.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 3, 2025 10:47 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

All sold to us as anti- globalaism.

And we fell for it.

Jan 4, 2025 4:44 PM

All sold to us as anti- globalaism.

You’ve fallen for it.
Many seen the bullshit from the getgo.

John Goss
John Goss
Jan 3, 2025 11:15 AM

As with the first article this is well-reasoned history, about where we could have been as opposed to where we are. Looking forward to part three.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 3, 2025 10:52 AM

Fear not what will not happen; after oil there won’t be much “high tech”.

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Jan 3, 2025 11:41 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

There will be for the elite and their minions not for the rest…

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 1:28 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Access will be restricted. High tech for the gods only!
Tech management for the minions.

Jan 3, 2025 11:10 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

If Ben Davidson (@sunweatherman) is correct, after the magnetic pole shift & solar micronova in a decade or 2, even the technocrats will be thrust back to the stone age.

Jan 3, 2025 10:12 AM

Actually, I have a lot of time for both Carter and Reagan. They both seemed essentially good men who did their best to combat the evils of the system. From the point of view of the powerbrokers, Carter had to be President to prove that the system wasn’t utterly corrupt after the assassinations and Watergate, while Reagan was the PR man to bring confidence and decorum back to the American project (while also, ironically, having to be convincing enough to defeat Carter). That Carter was ambushed by foreign policy in his last days in office, and Reagan was shot tells it’s own story about their personal qualities. The records of Carer and Reagan on foreign policy are also very revealing compared with the disasters that later presidents unleashed.
Anyway, I was sorry to hear of Jimmy Carter’s death but what a century he had.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 3, 2025 2:30 PM
Reply to  Thom
my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 3, 2025 9:00 PM
Reply to  Big Al

plus the Carter Doctrine in the Middle East, plus his administration’s support for dictatorship in South Korea, etc

he will have rather a lot to answer for before they let ol’ Jimmy through those Pearly Gates

Jan 3, 2025 9:26 PM
Reply to  Thom

The master of satire strikes again.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 5, 2025 12:58 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

They cant have been bad all of them yes?
I guess a majority of people on this planet would like to go and live in US instead of their own country.

They wouldnt want that, if all US Presidents were bs yes. Some of those US Presidents MUST have been goody goody goodies doing good.

Jan 3, 2025 9:28 AM

Tech gave the old ego trio of money, sex and power a new boost, just like gun powder or printing press did end middle ages. Flexing of the new mental muscles collectively but still at the service of external senses addiction, not of rationality, justice or Love. Weaponized apes, with millionaires and billionaires in charge. Always there are very few exceptions to the sheeple rich or poor, but they are the most interesting.

Jan 3, 2025 9:01 AM

And if you’re not kicking goals for the ‘team’ you’re out on your arse:


Jan 3, 2025 8:38 AM

“what is their overarching world view”
Neoplatonism and Gnostic-Luciferianism. Plus ancient mystery religions – especially Egyptian and Persian.

“public trust has seemingly shifted from democratic governments to trust in CEOs, tech wizards, and scientific scholars.”
And their dualism requires the create the reverse at the same time – is anyone else noticing how they’ve been trying to create Musk Derangement Syndrome?

“The Trilateral Commission achieved a silent coup with the Carter administration of the late 1970s.”
How many MSM obits for Carter recently mentioned the Trilaterals, Brzezinski or Rockefeller? Instead it was all “humanitarian”, “great humanitarian” and “peacemaker” (remember Afghanistan?). Whoever controls the present controls the past…

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 1:31 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Deferring thinking to management, is not exactly ‘trust’ in, so much as trained fear and distrust of taking thought as a willingness for action.

Faithlessness is masked in false virtue.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 1:36 PM
Reply to  Brian Steere

False value substitutes( for truth) as rightful basis of claim.
Errors can be corrected. Errors call only for correction, but sins are irrevocable and have thus ‘changed truth’. Worship of guilt runs as power to kill, conflict and replace God. As a mind made (in image) by judgement.

Jan 3, 2025 3:46 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Carter, by their own admission, was an insider sold as an outsider. Selected by David Rockefeller and Zbig as part of their Trilateral project. But according to the MSM, he was just some peanut farmer who managed to make it to the White House.

Jan 3, 2025 9:37 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Pick and Mix Derangement Syndrome is the New Normal…. it’s gone bacterial.

Jan 3, 2025 8:30 AM

Robert Crumb says “It’s strange being drawn to a world you wouldn’t necessarily want to live in,” in reference to his love of the past.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 1:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Focusing on and in what we don’t want as if a means to get rid of it, escape it, fix or remake it is the basis of the ego’s maxim “seek and don’t find” an example is “war on (whatever) as stealth means to KEEP it while running a mask of ‘scaping it.

By Crumb’s attraction may well be to ways of seeing and being or participating in life that are denied by the modern era. IE: a sense of felt connection with a living world rather than a lab experiment.

Jan 3, 2025 9:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

On the flip side: for some reason, I still remember a History of Western Civilization professor, c. 1975, chatting briefly with students after class. Presumably we were discussing the best or optimal historical period to live in, because he said that if he had a choice, he’d prefer to live in the 12th Century.

He did give reasons, which I don’t recall at all. However, I do vividly recall that his choice was met with incredulity and even derision, especially after he affirmed that he wasn’t joking. 

I didn’t have a problem with his wish, but most of the group was flabbergasted, and even appalled, by the idea that anyone alive today would choose to live in a past that was clearly inferior to the best of all possible worlds we were fortunate or blessed enough to inhabit.  🤔

Jan 4, 2025 4:31 AM
Reply to  Ort

It’s the diseases and the lack of medical care, I think, that makes the past unpalatable, not it’s lack of “modernity.”

Jan 4, 2025 5:23 AM
Reply to  Edwige

There are so many more diseases now, and so many purported treatments. This is great progress.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 5, 2025 1:15 AM
Reply to  Ort

Again we could find an answer in the bible. The Bible advise everybody to “bear your burden”.
As a wise man said:”Treat everyone you meet on your road in a friendly way, because everybody is fighting a hard battle. So every time has its bad sides and nice sides.
I mean God’s gifts to us, the fruits, the vegetables, the animal’s meat we are allowed to eat, the opposite sex, our children, our beautiful nature, the sun, the beaches, the seas, are always there yes?

So there are really not much to cry about if you appreciate life and God’s gifts whether you live in the year 1200 or year 2200.

Good and Bad and the Ugly were and are the same. “There is nothing new under the sun” (The Bible).

Jan 3, 2025 9:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Do you mean the cartoonist? I used to have “Jelly Roll Morton’s Voodoo Curse”- a masterpiece.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 3, 2025 8:21 AM

From Part I

Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Marc Andreeson are some of today’s most prominent techno-populists. Many believe they are modern day Justice League type heroes leading the world to newfound freedom (or at least in the United States). All were major contributors to Donald Trump’s reelection campaign in 2024. Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance has deep connections to Peter Thiel, indicating how close technocrats truly are to running the country.

So how’s that working out?

The economics is a major incentive, but I was wondering why Musk would make H1B the hill to die on – or to capitulate as appears to have happened. Is the issue really THAT important? A possible answer is suggested in the Conservative Treehouse article – that H1Bs will be far more compliant in implementing the control grid.

The H-1B is a visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H), that allows United States employers to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. It is the largest visa category in the United States in terms of guest worker numbers.

In building the system there are going to be key inflection points where an American engineer on the process might take exception with the contracted tool being built. How do the Tech Bros avoid that problem, H1Bs.

Steve Bannon On H-1B Visa Fight: “Either Citizenship Means Something Or It Doesn’t.”
Bannons War Room
Dec 31, 2024

Elon Musk Lashes Out with ’Tropic Thunder’ Line: ‘F**k Yourself in the Face’ if You Want to End H-1B Visas

“The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B,” Musk raged in response to the X user. “Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”

Jan 3, 2025 3:25 PM

comment image

Jan 4, 2025 4:38 AM

We were warned many years ago that immigration will become the biggest, perhaps the only issue in the world. Some nice people still seem to be somehow filtering out the smack-in-de-face truth of its latter-day consummation.

Jan 3, 2025 7:45 AM

Why bother with ‘Bread and Circuses’ when everyone is plugged in, zoned out, dumbed down and stitched up.

Jan 3, 2025 6:20 AM

Can’t really see a Technate happening, at least not in its absolute form. There would need to be a very major social catastrophe that preceded it, on a scale of nuclear Armageddon

The Technate (at least per the original vision) is predicated on a collapse of the current financial system. Abandonment of the price system, of wages and even of money itself (to be replaced by energy credits). Which raises the question of whether such energy credits would even work as a money-substitute.


Of course the technological components of society will inexorably continue to increase, plus concomitant levels of scientific management. Technology once invented is rarely forgotten (unless superseded by something better) and using AI/Robots to control society seems too tempting a power tool for TPTB to resist

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 3, 2025 10:01 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

‘on a scale of nuclear Armageddon’?

The ETA of the next global cataclysm is 2048, which divides the old world order from the new.

However, whatever new way is arrived at for organising humanity, it will need to be highly motivational. The Soviet brutalist approach is far from optimal.

Jan 3, 2025 6:23 PM

cant wait that long as got things to do.
is there anychance this can be moved closer.?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 5, 2025 9:46 AM
Reply to  entitlement

It’s a natural event (twice a great year).
TPTB often update this estimate (Doomsday clock seconds x 100/360 gets years).

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Jan 3, 2025 6:46 PM

2048. Sure it is. :)) you figured that out by analysing the sediments in the at least 6000 years old layers layed down during the periodic cataclysms… Such precision. I am amazed. And once the next cataclysm is over, the benevolent elites, the guardian of humanity, will come out of there holes and restart civilization. As they love humans…

Jan 4, 2025 8:55 AM

2048 would be 2 to the power 11.
2 from 11 equaling 9

9-11 revisited?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 5, 2025 10:02 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

A cute coincidence.
2048 is only the most recent estimate. In 2019 it was 2052.

Jan 3, 2025 9:59 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

The central bank system co-ordinated by the BIS could destroy the world economy in seconds and replace it with CBDCs now or very soon.

Jan 4, 2025 10:09 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Energy certificates differ from CBDCs and other block-chain / distributed ledger technologies in that nothing would actually be transferred (ie from person A to person B).

Once an energy certificate were ‘spent’ it would simply disappear entirely. That represents an entirely new financial system.

By contrast CBDCs (whether desirable or not) would work within the current world economy and wouldn’t represent anything as radically new

Jan 4, 2025 7:42 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Very similar to money which the bank creates out of nothing, lends and then disappears when it is paid back.Our universal credit wallet will be emptied each moth or whatever. If it walks like a duck….

Jan 3, 2025 5:31 AM

“Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. -Shakespeare

Dmitry Orlov described the technosphere as something expanding as if with a will of its own, subsuming all of humanity. I see coercive technology as nothing but another tool of the very wealthiest, who have literally gone insane.

Jan 3, 2025 1:24 PM
Reply to  mgeo

At a recent doctors appointment the surgeon’s cheery chirpy PA sat down at her desk beside me to go over my medical issue.

As she prepared to computerize my information for all eternity she pushed the button on some type of mechanism (could have been her phone?) and said “I’m just going to record this (interview) for AI.”

I said “WHAT?”

She repeated, with emphasis on the AI.

I said “No, you’re not.”

She remained cheery and chirpy – “Oh, OK.” – but was clearly surprised.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Jan 3, 2025 2:13 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Mad people have no capacity to recognise sufficiency or true fulfilment.
Hence ‘wealth’ is defined differently by mad people.

A sense of driven self-lack is not recognised as such by the attempt to redress, regain or vindicate a ‘past’ made or set in anger.

The attempt to ‘be as a god’ is to judge reality ie: “I WANT IT THUS!”
That you can believe you can and have such gained such a function of power and possession, sets the basis for the belief that you can and have been denied, deprived, betrayed and excluded from your life, love and peace.

In truth we are created and our creations extend truth. But thinking in the image of our own image generates a conflicting and conflicting perception-response.
Managing conflict as risk projections, or after the fact as ‘history’ in narratives of self-justifiction is a mindset of a thing made in its own image – a surviving thing as a separateness or independent authorship of Self-contradiction by definition.
Giving life to a thing-king is a fantasy. Believing it true runs self-illusion. Attacking truth as threat to vested illusions reinforces their claim to ‘reality’.

Jan 3, 2025 5:19 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Well, they would do, seeing as they can’t buy eternal or even reasonably pain-free extended LIFE. Their gigantic egos fail to cope.