The Glaring Hypocrisy and Embedded Deceptions of the Global Food Giants
Colin Todhunter

Bryce Martinez (18) from Pennsylvania is mounting a legal challenge against major food companies, alleging that their ultra-processed foods (UPFs) led to his development of Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease at the age of 16.
The 11 firms listed in the lawsuit are Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Coca-Cola, Post Holdings, PepsiCo, General Mills, Nestle’s (US), WK Kellogg, Mars, Kellanova and Conagra.
UPFs have undergone multiple processing steps and often contain additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients. These UPFs have become staples in many households. Examples of UPFs are prepackaged soups, many breakfast cereals, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, hot dogs, sausages, sodas, ice cream and store-bought cookies, cakes, candies and doughnuts.
Martinez’s legal team contends that the big food corporations have deliberately engineered their products to trigger addictive responses. His lawyers at Morgan & Morgan, a major US law firm, says the case is unprecedented and includes claims for conspiracy, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation and unfair business practices.
Martinez had regularly consumed popular UPFs throughout his childhood. The lawsuit challenges the food industry’s argument that consumers have free choice in their dietary decisions. It argues that the notion of free choice is compromised by aggressive marketing tactics, especially aimed at children, and the addictive nature of these products.
UPFs are highly profitable for corporations. The same companies that dominate the UPF market are intertwined with investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard, which also hold stakes in the pharmaceutical industry. This dual investment creates a cycle where investment firms profit from both the sale of harmful foods and the treatment of diseases associated with these products.
Furthermore, the prevailing economic system creates a paradoxical situation where workers, whose pension funds are often managed by these same investment giants, find themselves financially tethered to a cycle that undermines their own health and well-being.
There is a famous quote often attributed to farmer, poet and campaigner Wendell Berry:
People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.”
For a long time, that has served both industry’s interests very well.
Corporate science and ILSI
The influence that giant corporations have on the food system is encapsulated by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). Presenting itself as an independent scientific organisation, across the world, from China to India, the ILSI plays a crucial role in promoting narratives that benefit its corporate funders.
According to the report Partnership for an Unhealthy Planet (Corporate Accountability, 2020), political interference by food and beverage transnationals like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Nestlé and PepsiCo is pervasive. The report shows how these corporations have leveraged the ILSI to cripple progress on nutrition policy across the globe.
After documenting that the ILSI has spun a complex web of revolving doors or partnering with leading research institutions in India (including “controlling” the Niti Aayog, the Government of India’s policy think tank) to denigrate traditional diets, the report states:
ILSI India is emblematic of how ILSI at large ensures that the food and beverage industry are able to deepen their capture of public policy and discourse thereabouts across the globe. One such example of this is an ILSI-sponsored study on sugar consumption by two of India’s most respected research entities, the Indian Council of Medical Research and the National Institute of Nutrition.”
It adds:
…the study’s intent seems to be the absolution of food products marketed by ILSI’s corporate backers and/or redirection of public dietary concerns toward the traditional foods ILSI’s funders would hope to supplant.”
The ILSI generates scientific data and provides it to state agencies, working to harmonise food regulations and facilitate international trade, not least by shaping Codex standards and guidelines. It has a notable influence on Codex through its collaborations with regulatory bodies involved in setting food safety standards.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an international organisation jointly run by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Its published goals are to develop and adopt uniform food standards for its member countries and to promote the free and unhindered international flow of food goods, thereby eliminating trade barriers to food and (supposedly) providing food safety.
Biotechnology, pesticides, food additives and contaminants are some of the issues discussed in Codex meetings. The FAO says: “Codex standards are based on the best available science assisted by independent international risk assessment bodies or ad-hoc consultations organized by FAO and WHO.”
Codex standards serve in many cases as a basis for national legislation. It decides on minimum food residue levels for pesticides, allowable amounts of aluminium, lead and arsenic in food and which substances or products are dangerous. These decisions affect the products and markets of huge corporations that have hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.
The ILSI has infiltrated key national and international food and health regulatory and decision-making bodies in an attempt to lobby away or discredit any potential decision that may affect their bottom line (see The opaque world of Codex Alimentarius and Monsanto ‘toxic’ relations).
According to Ivica Kelam of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia:
The ILSI enjoys close relationships with regulatory bodies including the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives and the European Food Safety Authority, which rely on the substantial resources controlled by the ILSI. The organisation not only influences Codex standards through direct cooperation with national and international regulators but also indirectly through the networks it develops.”
Funders of the ILSI have included at some point Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Mars, Mondelez, General Mills, Nestle, Kellogg, Hershey, Kraft, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Starbucks Coffee, Monsanto, CropLife International, Syngenta, Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Bayer CropScience, BASF, Cargill, Unilever and Campbell Soup (see the reports Pushing partnerships: corporate influence on research and policy via the International Life Sciences Institute and ILSI is a food industry lobby group).
Bryce Martinez is up against some very powerful forces that will do everything they possibly can to stave off any challenge that could potentially represent a critical threat to their power, profits and practices.
Glaring hypocrisy
In late 2020, the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) released a report that described how Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Nestlé and PepsiCo used the COVID event to aggressively market UPFs.
In Brazil, Nestlé, Bauducco and Danone donated more than 400 tons of food, including UFPs deemed unhealthy according to official Brazilian dietary guidelines. In South Africa, Coca-Cola donated soft drinks to families in townships and multiple healthcare centres.
The GHAI notes that big food corporations also touted their unhealthy UPFs as essential, safe products and immune boosters. In Brazil, The ILSI cynically promoted processed foods as allies in the fight against COVID.
In Japan, Coca-Cola encouraged people to exercise at home while ‘in quarantine’ through online exercise videos, pledging to donate up to one million drinks to app users who tracked 1,000 steps a day. In Brazil, McDonalds posted videos on X showing kids pressuring their parents to go to McDonalds during ‘quarantine’ to safely pick up food through the contactless drive thru.
The report highlighted how the lack of healthy food regulations worldwide enabled these corporations to polish their public images while undermining public health. The reality is that research indicates diets high in UPFs may undermine immunity through several mechanisms, primarily related to nutrient deficiencies, inflammation and alterations in the gut microbiome.
The GHAI says that the very companies who had already contributed to rising rates of obesity and diet-related diseases exploited the COVID event to position themselves and their products as “essential” while also, directly and indirectly, influencing public health policy.
A peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine showed that increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10 per cent of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019. UPFs have steadily replaced the consumption of traditional whole foods, such as rice and beans, in Brazil (see also the report Free trade and Mexico’s junk food epidemic).
In high-income countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, UPFs account for more than half of total calorific intake, a much higher figure than that for Brazil. And it is the poorer sections of society that rely more on UPF items because of their low cost. Yet corporate-backed narratives often downplay these risks or frame them as issues of personal responsibility rather than systemic problems.
Studies have associated UPFs with significant increased risks of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and abnormal blood lipid levels, anxiety and mental disorders, depression and cognitive decline and impairment. There is also increased risk of certain cancers, particularly ovarian and breast cancers. (See this, this, this and this.)
The GHAI report described how the very corporations that have driven the spiralling public health crisis to alarming levels were using an event framed as a public health emergency to their advantage. Their cynicism and hypocrisy are impossible to ignore.
What was once nature’s gift (wholesome food) has been transformed to become an industrial commodity. As UPS have come to increasingly dominate diets and wreak havoc on human health, profit margins are boosted and consumers are regarded as mere collateral damage to be rinsed for further profit by the ‘healthcare’ industry.
For further insights, see the author’s books Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth and Power Play: The Future of Food. Also, in flipbook format here.
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Studies have associated UPFs with significant increased risks of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and abnormal blood lipid levels- the NCDs..
UPF have in common oils that decompose as they rest embedded in foods that are like bananas decomposing at a constant rate. As these oils are all unstable and since 2007 people like Mike Bloomberg and many others have been touting for the elimination of non-MUFA oils.
Non-MUFA oils make trans fats & carcinogens that accelerate NCDs.
So who will loose the fight – they will
You have 1000 years of proof!
So it’s pretentious to tell people I only eat organic fruit and veg. But it’s normal to eat food covered in chemicals.
Riiiiight ok NPCs.
Enjoy your meds for your various upcoming conditions.
The peasant diet is the healthiest.
Agreed. The less I eat, the better I feel. I am also finding that eating cooked food only minimally is a key.
2009 The Idiot Cycle. This French/Canada film was ripped from release in 2009 and become a disappeared film that takes luck to find via search. Climate Change has been forced upon us to replace humanity’s real enemy, pollution, save industry’s lazy evil. Download and distribute.
While the focus on UPFs hopefully will alert consumers to the hidden dangers lurking within these concoctions, there is another harbinger of poor health operating throughout the food sector.
Nice, fresh fruits, vegetables and “free range” meats may themselves be less than the wholesome alternatives they once were. The soil, the air, the water, the sunlight essential to the growth of natural foods have all been deranged by the human tendency to put money ahead of everything else.
Rain is polluted with “forever chemicals” – of which there are 15,000 and counting. Soil is being depleted of the microbes essential to the growth of food as the rapidly disintegrating ozone layer allows UVC rays to reach the ground. The air itself is rapidly filling with aluminum and other toxins which are absorbed by plants and filter to the ground.
From every direction, it is becoming all but impossible to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients in any food anywhere.
One solution. Munch your UPFs while watching a nice relaxing BBC documentary. More-or-less guaranteed to reduce anger and blood pressure levels (especially in ‘alternatives’)
Louis Therous – Ultra Zionists
Are they Ultra Processed Zionists?
As a general rule, no. They are freshly plucked from the fresh fruit & veg. aisle. Any objections?
I have no objections at all.
Carry on…
HPFs are difficult to avoid entirely unless one eats exclusively from the fruit & veg. supermarket aisle.
The consumer is also contending with highly sophisticated marketing techniques that go way beyond asking people which foods taste better. Including brain scans to maximize pleasure from foods:
Note particularly the “commissioned by Unilever“
Over-processed food is simply that which you cannot recognize the origin of. Common dangers from the Free Market include
– pathogens and toxins in ground meat
– low quality: oxidation of finely ground food, or adulteration
– colour or bleach
– flavour or a compound to remove flavour; most synthetic sweeteners are dangerous
– odour or deodoriser
– solvent
– emulsifier, stabiliser, gelling agent, glaze, anti-caking agent, binder, foaming agent or anti-foaming agent
– pH adjusting agent
– preservative
– undeclared processing aid.
This is besides dangers in “unprocessed” food, e.g., GMO (including pollution from other farms), agro-chemicals, preservatives (even for grain), etc.
Criminal government collusion includes
– suppression (and even prohibition) of labeling; e.g., GMO
– illegible or coded labeling
– evasion of fraud, e.g., substitution and adulteration
– evasion of education in schools and at clinics
– fake nutrition and “dietetics”, e.g., cholesterol scare
– undermining healthy traditional foods, especially from small local farms
– disparaging and disrupting traditional medicine
– evading the underlying exploitation and poverty.
Everyone should have the freedom to keep up, gorge, wreck personal health and enrich the parasites, provided the government does not impose more taxes or divert public wealth.
Thank you, Colin. We are what we eat. The toxic concoctions produced by the alimentary industrialists should not be called food.
Have a look at the ‘Killcounter’ before you sit down for your next meal:
So what ? Nothing will turn me into a sickly Vegan eating their UPFs and requiring vitamins to maintain health. I’m human.
Sow seeds.
Sickly Vegans?
Just ask your local heart surgeon about the animal fat he/she sees inside their omnivore patients. Dead and alive.
Vitamins? Never use em.
Probably not enough vegans for local heart surgeons to bother with statistics
Not enough sick Vegans would be more correct.
Obesity is a Western omnivore issue.
The ‘Bible’ on diet:
You are correct, sir.
Same. Do not eat processed ‘FOOD?’ at all or as little as possible, let alone ULTRA-processed.
The term “over-processed food” is a description that is good enough. “Ultra-processed”, UPF, etc. are industry attempts to cloud the issue. In general, if you cannot recognize the ingredients or main constituent of the food or drink by sight or smell, it is likely to be unhealthy.
The Race is on between fully implementing The Global Digital Prison by
2030, if not sooner, and the rising Populism that could enter History as
actors and not elect politicians who dont have The Balls to take on the Global Elite…
Populism needs to watch and learn from how ‘populists’, such as Trump, seduce
the masses to voluntarily imprisoning themselves…
Expression of psychotic alienation. Could it ha-
ve been detected in a psychotic society in which
it flourished? It acted as a booster. He is “run-
ning away” … that much is clear, but from what?
It’s something we Germans call self / our origin.
Expression of psychotic alienation. Could it ha-
ve been detected in a psychotic society in which
it flourished? It acted as a booster. He is “run-
ning away”, that much is clear, but from what?
It’s something we Germans call self/our origin.
Finally I get it: India is the last big place on Earth where the global food brand factories don’t dominate. Yes, good food and good health are very connected, world wide.
Off-Topic: radio silence @ Off-Guard about the X storm in the UK regarding the mass racist pedophilic rape wave on a quarter million white girls by mostly Pakistani Muslim men. Kept quiet by ~ all UK media for over a decade and now a reason pops up: Keith Starmer involvement in sweeping this national scandal under a massive carpet.
Under pressure of X – Musk even the Old-Guard had to publish something:
Talking about glaring hypocrisies…..
Both the Indian Gov and MSM are saying there is a Diabetes epidemic.
Watched a documentary on RT a few years ago highlighting the issue.
Big brand Western processed foods were seen on all shelves while filming.
It’s a touchy subject across all media outlets just like the abuses in Brit care homes during the 70’s and 80’s. Don’t want to dig up the past now do we. There might be some pedo’s in high places involved.
In 2018 I spent two months in India, and yes, the big brands are everywhere. The difference with the West is that a ‘restaurant’ like Mc Donalds is too expensive for the poor! A meal will cost several hundred roepies, on the street you can fill your belly for 1/10th of that price! And that traditional street food should be quite healthy, if they really use ‘natural oil’ like many street sellers claim with signs (this implies some sellers do use something that can’t be healthy).
Other brands like Coca Cola or KitKat found a way to be affordable; all those brands sell small size packages, like that most people can buy some.
I hope it remains that way. No nation deserves to be poisoned for the sake of money.
In the global religion of today, what you are saying is heresy.
“Corporate consumerism requires that we suffer psychological, physical and environmental disease, and if necessary die, for profit”. -David Edwards, Burning All Illusions, 1996
Oh I think we’re about to go cataclysmically large on the “Evil Islam about to destroy our beautiful Western girls/ culture” angle. Simon Elmer’s little frothing anti-Muslim turn is suspiciously convenient here too.
Preview of what we can expect from forthcoming “news” pages (these from the Cologne “mass rapes” shindig):×900
Note how this oikophobe, with its belittling, downplaying use of “shindig” and “news” in quote marks for what was a mass crime perfectly matches the definition by Prof McDonald over at
That is, social status in the West, that is, dar al-harb, is gained by advertising adherence to a Moral Community and not to your kin.
So George Mc, assumng the Mc indicates Scottish and hence Yamnaya/Corded War/Bell Beaker ancestry out of the Pontic Steppe,is now high-status in his own dhimmi view, being a Non-discriminator against Islam.
Why so generous,albeit sarcastically. in calling Western girls “beautiful”, btw. I doubt that they were after the objects of your Non-Discrimination had finished with them.
Final question: how are are you going to eagerly pay your jizya with CBDCs, assuming you don’t convert? , .
Before addressing your “points”, I have to sift through this tortured verbiage which is so inept I wondered if it was AI generated. Anyway, in so far as I can decipher it …
“Oikophobia” – that handy expression for updating the patriotic thuggery that roots out “the enemy within”. Was that our fine upstanding scourge of trendy lefties, Roger Scruton that came up with that one?
And “sarcasm” re: “beautiful” white girls? Oh I see how you turned that round into another claim of insufficient appreciation! I said “beautiful” because that’s how the propaganda works. From the Klu Klux Klan to Nazi Germany etc., the favoured meme of xenophobic manipulation has been to highlight those black/brown skinned beasts against our white beauties. Sure, you could toss in a few obese bespectacled gals but it wouldn’t work so well.
It took me a while to think of a suitable term for that peculiar mass rape claim re: Cologne. Perhaps “circus” would have been a better term.
So here’s how it happened:
2015 and the BBC announced the assault by Arab immigrants on German women in Cologne. I thought the claim suspicious right away since I reckon that, of all people, immigrants would be the ones most likely to keep a low profile. I also noted how this claim fed into the aforementioned xenophobic propaganda.
But no matter since the solemn BBC announcer said that “some of the following scenes may be disturbing” and so I thought well maybe they’ve got something here. And then I watched …. scenes of someone setting off fireworks?
How bizarre, I thought. Why am I being led to believe one thing and shown another?
But the juggernaut of mass rape continued to stampede throughout the media – even “dissident” sites like Russia Today. I still didn’t see any visual evidence.
Lots of photos – and truly disturbing they were too. Women beaten up, clothes shredded, black eyes! It was truly appalling ….
… oh hang on a minute! One photo was a beauty queen being ejected from a London pub. Another was a woman who had been in a fight with another woman … in Manchester. And yet another was from a training video and featured actors!
Impressive! In retrospect, this may have been a dry run for the media extravaganza that was “COVID”.
Hmm … “jizya”? “a tax paid by non-Muslims to Muslim rulers in Islamic states.”
Oh I see where you’re going with that one. Bedding up with Simon Elmer who thinks we’ve just seen our last Christmas since obviously we’ll have a UK caliphate in a couple of months!
And the countless rapes and assaults committed by white and black soldiers in war zones?
Not for discussion.
Aye, the old beauty of the Harem after a good looting raid…. A real ego booster.
The tradition goes back to Mohammed & his ‘wife’ Aisha. Like master, like servants.
But then how old was Juliet in Romeo & Juliet?
On topic: What do you finally ‘get’? Do you get that health bodies have been infiltrated, subverted and co-opted in India by ILSI, Gates etc.? Do you get that the proposed changes to farming in India will result in a Western-UPF diet for most Indians. Do you get that the likes of Cargill, Adani, Ambani, Bayer, World Bank, BlackRock and the food companies listed in the article supported the repealed farm laws and now their reintroduction via NPFAM? Do you get that those entities want most farmers off the land and want that land? Do you really get it? Or will you still engage in baseless accusations? I sincerely hope that you do now finally get it.
I get that health bodies have been infiltrated, subverted and co-opted in the whole world by ILSI, Gates etc..
Leaders like Narendra Modi acted interested when they thought to get a lot of string-less foreign investment, but that ship has sailed. They are true nationalists, resisting foreign domination. Trump will exit the WHO quite soon and who knows how fast his friend from India will follow? What will clown Trudeau do, or joker Starmer?
But to you get the wider picture of what is planned for Indian agriculture and by implication food (and health impacts)? Something I have been highlighting for 15 years. Because when I do that, you accuse me of all kinds of ridiculous things.
Thanks for highlighting that plan for India. I got it and don’t like it. Now please warn other nations of the same, like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil etc.
I worry about Canada owned by the Trudeau family and now blackmailed by the Jagmeet Singh drug/ immigration gang. As long as they stay out of India’s business, I will stay out of theirs.
For 15 years, I’ve been highlighting it on various (high-profile) platforms. And all you have done on OG is accuse me of being on this or that payroll and of being some kind of Modi-bashing, well-paid NGO anti-India activist. Ludicrous, baseless accusations and wholly untrue. And you do this anonymously. It irks you that I do not focus on Pakistan or China, but I write on what I know. I know the UK and I know India. Many years in both countries. I’m quite sure there are others writing on the situations in the countries you mention. I really do hope that you now ‘get it’. That would give me hope!
It’s always enlightening how many people who discredit every single piece of news put out by the Establishment, dismissing it all as “mind-control” and “propaganda” will automatically set all their reservations aside to believe anything this same Establishment says about Muslims.
Gee, just because the West is at war with all of Islam doesn’t mean they would ever lie about anything! Just like here in the US (which is salivating to get its hands on Haiti’s massive offshore gas reserves), they would never lie about Haitians in Ohio eating their neighbors’ pet dogs and cats.
Question EVERYTHING – not just some things.
“The army marches on it’s stomach.” it was said…
The blowback from eating devitalised foods is that the US wont be
able to fight and win its next planned wars…
But then again, those other drones, the hitech drones, are now the
thing, and, there are reports that healthy soldiers arent needed to
feed The Ukraine Meat Grinder…
Many US soldiers returning from war as physical or mental cripples are victims of (a) synthetic sweeteners (b) jabs (c) chemicals used on military bases including fire-fighting foam (d) fumes from incineration in open pits
Well, folks/fools like Anglin are easy to describe, no challenge for an imaginative enemy! But what about Jews, who can overwhelm you with their unexpected demonry at any time? A proposal for the first tentative conceptualization:
“Until now, I had not had the opportunity to conceive a linguistic specificum capable of characterizing you in your utter incomprehensibility. Your scumminess transcends all powers of imagination. Await my early thingification!”
Awaiting your original insight and ‘thingification’.
You could even swat up a little bit first if you wish to impress the pros – even just a little bit – that little thing called ‘basic history knowledge’ certainly helps..
.. after all are you not the first person ever in human history to oppose the Chosen Ones? So surely make it a good one…
So come on Orobus from TAE…Slagging us British Off Something Rotten..I do often appreciate your sense of humour, but how come you have not been arrested – or are you posting from Jail?? How do you do all those funny photos…not quite as good as the German Dor bros, but still impressively bent
For me the excitement was taking the photo or the video…doing it live.
I had almost no interest whatsoever in editing the results.
Its about Being There
What you See is What You get.
Still you make me laugh.
It’s got really cold for us in England(London), but nothing like how cold every year it gets in New England, USA where my Niece lives, quite close to Manchester, New Hampshire (USA), like New Mills Derbyshire where she comes from
Mounting a legal challenge at eighteen years of age?
Where did he get the money, the street smarts and the gumption to take on these toxic turdmakers?
Pro bono.
Greedy lawyers versus greedy corporations. Maybe there is some justice in the world, albeit warped justice.
Pro bono?
Are you suggesting that Bono has prostituted himself to Big pHarmer?
It’s all a game. There is no justice in Corporate world only the passing around of tax payer money.
The guy ought to sue his mum for Negligence while he’s about it…
And White Bread, made from Ultra-processed White Flour, is de-vitalised
and Nutrition-free. Gut bacteria dont like it…
Should it be added to the UPF list ? Or does a ‘food’ product have to have
preservatives, etc, added to make it on to The List of Scary ‘Foods” ?
Mother is probably poorly educated like most of the world when it comes to health.
Not sure how much McDonald’s invested in Trump’s campaign, but they’re definitely getting their return on it now.
Donald MacDonaldMore importantly the USA new health tzar who has never been photoed with organic or healthy food.
McDonald’s masonic 13
Long may they puke.
(The caviar and lobster are out of the shot).
Don’t shoot em down!
It would be raining shit for days.
The danger is when people demand more government intervention. We need more information not more legislation. We all know how well goverment legislation serves the public but when did we last get a BBC program in the same vein as this article? (BTW, that was retorical, I haven’t watched the BBC for years.)
There was this documentary on UPFs recently, though it was perhaps an outlier:
Irresistible. Why We Can’t Stop Eating (2024)
Plenty of good info regarding diet on GulagTube. Although U.S based (bbi) Doc Suneel Dhand sums up the situation.
Thanks for that. They are out there.