Normalization and the Resulting Death of “All that Is”
Todd Hayen
The very thing that keeps humans surviving in an ever-changing world will be the very thing that ultimately destroys them.
Normalization and the accompanying ability to roll with the punches—to be resilient, pliable, tolerant and accepting against all odds—is really our greatest enemy in these turbulent times. Its original intention—to survive all challenges—was a brilliant attribute that our creator built into us. It is a positive attribute if we follow certain rules and avoid believing there is unsaid benevolence and positivity to everything thrown our way that appears to be innocuous. (Things that are really obviously bad are more difficult to normalize.)
In other words, refusing to believe that evil is lurking around nearly every corner with the serpent-like intention to deceive us, and thus destroy us. Another rule we must re-learn is to think critically and be ready and willing to recognize the devil behind certain presentations rather than eat every apple offered up to us with gusto and abandon.
Do I believe in Satan? Sure, why not? I didn’t used to, but now the existence of Beelzebub himself seems to make everything going on make more sense. Even if Satan is just a symbol for “people gone astray,” it certainly is something we need to be aware of and recognize.
As I just said, normalizing life’s weirdnesses was a natural thing back in the day. We just got used to stuff—sometimes even bad stuff. We got used to being hungry, being poor, not having the same stuff the king had. We got used to fleas, vermin in the kitchen, measles, smallpox, and other health oddities. We got used to wars going on all around us, and stuff like that.
As time went on, those of us living in the more opulent countries got used to not starving and got used to clean water and warm houses without having to spend half the day chopping wood. All these conveniences were normalized for us. And it was a good thing, for the most part.
Normalizing was a natural part of our experience. It was normal to have enough food on the table, it was normal to have the doctor fix a broken leg, so we were not crippled for the remainder of our life. A lot of these things may have made life more pleasant so we could concentrate on more important things, but today the normalization of acquiring or achieving stuff that we used to have to work very hard to achieve or acquire has made us soft.
Often, some world event would come along and create a bit of a reset. Like World Wars and such. Then sugar, coffee, gas, and a whole slew of other things were rationed so we didn’t run out. We got used to that, too. The normalization of lack and of loss. It all made a bit of sense to recover from such things.
I don’t doubt the agenda was involved in a lot of stuff back then as well, but I don’t think it was as obvious as it is now. And whether the agenda was involved or not, I do think a lot of these things that became normalized in our everyday life came about as the result of a natural, organic, evolution. Taking a crap indoors sitting on a warm, white, porcelain seat rather than having to trek out into the cold and sit on a freezing slab of wood with a hole in it was normalized naturally. I don’t think the agenda had much to do with that.
But now it is quite different. Most bad things, at least the really bad things, have been normalized by the agenda. In fact, normalization of bad things is one of the agenda’s most important tasks. Since the advent of Covid and the miracle vaccine, it is now “normal” for people to die of heart attacks when they are less than 60 years old—hell, less than 50! It is also “normal” for children to have heart disease, and to die of strokes.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a banner on a bus that read “Kids have strokes too!” That ad campaign was part of the agenda’s effort to normalize stuff beyond a “natural” normalization.
Unfortunately, as more and more kids die of strokes, and it becomes a “normal” thing for people to hear about, then it will naturally become normalized, and the agenda does not have to push it as hard. They will move onto other things to normalize, like rampant stillbirths, or something equally as unusual.
The events (strokes) that are normalized are not actually “normal,” but they just appear that way because there are so many occurrences—and no one seems all that alarmed by it. The bus banners just help that process along—and also keeps people from pointing fingers at alleged culprits.
I can’t tell you the number of times I have expressed to “sheep-types” how frightening it is to see so many athletes drop dead on the playing field and have them wave it off saying, “Athletes have always died on the playing field.” Normalization. Nothing to see here, business as usual.
These examples are samples of the normalization of events such as heart attacks, strokes, and dead athletes. Normalization in the culture is also occurring in other areas. Cell phones and their hypnotizing destructive effects have been “normalized.” The internet is “business as usual.” Slowly losing access to ownership of just about anything (software, media, movies and music the most obvious) is normalized.
Paying for just about anything with a credit card and not cash is normal, having to hand over ID for just about any reason has been normalized. Having our kids exposed to Drag Shows in school or reading books about sex before they are mature enough to understand such things is being normalized. Paying over $25 for a meal for two at McDonald’s is normal now. Eating crap food and filling our bodies with pharmaceutical garbage is normalized. Being surveilled continuously is now normalized.
I could go on and on with this. I think you get the picture. In fact, nearly everything we do and experience these days has been normalized, whether it is actually normal or not. And most of these things will hurt us due to their ubiquitous presence in our lives. And the agenda is very happy about that.
The agenda wants us, at the very least, to be dependent on the system for happiness and survival, at worst, the agenda wants us all dead.
Soon enough, it will be considered perfectly natural to off ourselves if we are depressed or anxious. It will be normal to sit in our house 24/7 because that’s where we work and entertain ourselves with video games and porn, and besides, there will be no place to go anyway due to travel restrictions and the 15-minute cities that we live in.
Soon enough, it will be normal to eat Soylent Green for dinner, pay for everything with Smart Phone Credits, and walk through bio-scanners when crossing the street, taking a piss, or buying eggs. And it will all be perfectly fine with everyone—because it will be normal.
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And of Course there’s the Normalisation of Pedophillia , Heres Janet Ossebaard’s documentary ( part of the Fall of the Cabal series) some will quibble , given she was part of the Q-Anon Cult , which i personally believe to have been an FBI Psy-Op, None the less most of the info in this Episode is True.. lets not throw out the Baby with the Bathwater .. of course in the ensuing few years it has only intensified…
The article makes a good point, especially as it looks at normalisation before ‘normal’ became very strange (strokes in children and so on) ‘Normalisation’ can be seen as conditioning, especially if you take account of shadowy groups in the background shaping society like the Tavistock Institute, helping us ‘to tune in and drop out’ once and now taking us in another direction, of course, as that doesn’t suit their current purposes. Normies I speak to who don’t acknowledge the work of social engineering (with the possible exception of wokeism) think that all factors such as globalisation, multiculturalism, climate change etc moulding society are organic. I can remember going to a movie in 1970 when I was 12 and being shocked at the swearing (one or two F words and less potent ones). I was shocked because this had not been a norm in movies or TV up until then. Nudity and sex had crept in a little more slowly. Anyway, my young mind was wondering -‘what’s this swearing all about?’ It was an inchoate awareness of being conditioned. Swearing habitualy was being normalised. We are now living in a society where violent crimes, sexual and other are at much higher rate than it was before sex, violence, swearing appeared on the screen. Would this really be the case if we hadn’t been conditioned and these things hadn’t been normalised? I’m not advocating for a return to a Victorian sense of gentility and decorum, crime and anti-social behaviour is definitely far worse than it was in the Sixties. Therefore, I agree with Todd: unless the masses become aware of subtle and not so subtle programming, we will continue to get herded in any direction our social controllers see fit. The most current normalising is whole districts of towns (Paradise, Lahaina, and Palisades) having hell and brimstone (high winds, totally uncontrollable fires aided by a deliberate lack of fire mitigation preparation) visited on them. Funny how this had never happened before until recently, but, of course, the normalising agent (far too effective too) is climate change.
Great comment , theres no doubt in My mind having Grown up in the 70s and 80s that the slow desensitisation to ever more extreme Sex and Violence have been slow incremental steps toward conditioning us to accept greater depravity .. including Sex with Children … the UN itself seems to be pushing for Pedophillia’s acceptance as completely Normal , and Natural. Certainly we know it has occured in a very few society’s throughout History … But its hardly been Normalised until recently..see above featuring Janet Ossebaard’s short documentary…
Ps..everyone i know says this is a Right Wing conspiracy … Why that should be so , they have no idea , one sees evidence everywhere ..
Yes indeed ..sometimes it takes a little derangement of the senses, smoking pot for example to help one see through the vacuity of our narcisistic surface obsessed culture, one day back in the 8os , watching Parliamentary question time , i had My first political awakening .. I realized that the whole thing was puppet theatre, and that gross deception was being normalised… Politicians lying through their teeth like there is no tommorow , now totally ubiquitous!.. Still believe in Parliamentary Democracy, smoke some strong Dope and go to or watch the Circus on TV … Todd theres no doubt in My Mind TV was the great Normalizer..
My mother who is in Her Eighties, watches a lot of News programs , as a concequence the World is closing in on Her… There is no doubt they are normalizing the idea that both Domestic and Racial violence are rising exponentially … The formula seems to be 1-War, 2, Climate doom porn, Disaster porn, 3. A double dose of ( how disgusting and cruel People are) 4, Domestic or Racial violence.. 5.. feelgood Story ..chef from priviliged country Goes to Morrocan Village and finds common ground with the Locals … Or heartwarming stories of how We are all Similar ( in this together)
This article describes our current situation so beautifully. It is scary that I see so many things in my own life that I now look at as normal… and which I did not consider normal a short time ago. What happened?
In a word, Davos.
There is still the opportunity to look at real life data to work out where the agenda is not being played out. I suggest people look at the growth of average wage in different countries. It is still available but is slowly being hidden on the internet (possibly because of the agenda).
The results are surprising. Often the evil foreign tyrant is looking after his people better than the freedom loving democrat.
So explain it already. What about the “growth of average wage in different countries”? What does that mean? I don’t understand what you are saying.
I lived in Shenzhen in China for 15 years and salaries doubled or more than in that time. In the same period in the UK salaries went up about 40% (27k to 37k according to AI after a Google search). However, I think if you factor in the wealth gap in the UK and the well off getting a lot more than 40% better off, and salaries for the average person barely shifting – the salary in my sector went up only 20% over a15 year period, the picture is very different. Some foreign manufacturing companies pulled out of Shenzhen and went to countries like Vietnam because of the huge rise in salaries.
I think John Manning is referring to Low and declining wages in so called Democrac(z)ies, being Normalised!
The death of many jobs is not far off:
Notice the implied threat in the claim that those who go along with A.I. will get re-trained and re-deployed but those who don’t will get the heave-ho.
Fear and greed.
The re-train and re-deploy is a new lie but the sheeple will believe it, and trust their suicide mission will end good and profitable with a reward …………….LOL.
At least at the coal face – in retail – we the people can influence the direction of the AI takeover: We can take the time to line up at the only checkout still staffed by a human employee, instead of going to the self-checkouts. Already, in our neck of the woods more than one human staffed checkout are operating at one of the big supermarkets, where only recently a single one was left.
I’ve actually had an employee come up to me and trying to redirect me to a self-checkout while being the last in the queue of a human staffed one. They are desperate and here we can really have an impact.
Todd “Big Doomer” Hayen.
You said it, and proud of it. Until EVERY SINGLE PERSON sees this for what it is, I will continue to bring it to their attention. I am more concerned, actually, with us falling back asleep. I am tired of hearing “we are winning, we are winning”…yeah, sure.
Normalization? your starting from lies.
When was this sick society ever normal..?
This new normal that appeared during bs19 is a shill to pretend the old normal was ever fucking sane enough to be called normal.
What is normal …?
People in mental institutions acting exactly how they should be acting to this
fucked up thing call society = normal fucked up peoples version of sickness called normal.
All sports at that level is rigged and players are not longer called athletics as they are called players.
So what makes you think ???? all them players falling on the field and the perfectly aligned alt media Christian Conservative very heavily promoted funded died suddenly films all appearing selling you wutang bat wet market escape from lab vaccine mind game.
If everything is rigged, then that IS normal for a totally corrupt society. There has never been nor will there ever be such a thing as goodness, peace, courtesy, dignity and altruism being the norm for human beings. So, really, the more fu**ed up things get, the more “normal” they become – that is, if human nature is the standard.
For a related take, reference can be made to the obscure concept of “re-normalization” (Enabling the “New Normal” through “Renormalization”: Space-Time crystals as metaphorical clues to global governance of the surreal
Hi Human Moderators , Ai suspended an innocuous comment I made earlier on today, would You Mind please looking into it ? Some One i have no idea on what basis the AI decides , it only serves to reinforce in My mind just how doomed We are , With our utter reliance on , Digital Tech.
An excellent article. Thank you Todd.
Credit to @Big Al for his response, below.
Hi Todd , thanks for a good article , AI comment moderation makes responding difficult one takes .. the time .. but the. Effort is wasted with no rhyme or reason…
One thing that has been Normalised for decades , perhaps over a century is that the earth is overpopulated , We have also internalised the Idea that existence is futile and Pointless , arbitrary we are brainwashed with these notions as if they were absolutes from Cradle to Grave, People no longer even believe that Good and Evil are absolutes…. I have a Friend who believes that intentions are all that matter , if people have good intentions , even if those produce poor or destructive outcomes, they are not culpable … Hes a Sociologist there is no getting through to him
Mentioning GOOD and EVIL, I’ve been posting this paraphrasing of the origins of Good and Evil online and tweeting it!
“The Blame Game: A Reflection on Human Nature and Biblical History
Blaming others is nothing new; it dates back to the very genesis of humanity, as recounted in the Bible. When God placed Adam, made in His image, in the paradise garden of Earth, He gave him clear instructions: Everything here is for you to enjoy, and it’s all good. But don’t touch the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the middle of the garden. If you do, you will die. Trust me, you don’t want to experience evil.
Adam was the only human among the animals. As recorded in my 1855 edition of the Bible—the same edition used by Presidents Lincoln and Obama for their oaths—God declared:
“It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.”
This truth remains as relevant today as it was 6,000 years ago. Too many people struggle without finding their life partner, contributing to many of society’s current ills.
According to the Biblical timeline, God put Adam into a deep sleep, removed part of his body, and fashioned it into a companion with a different looking arrangement of Flesh. Upon waking, Adam saw this new naked being like himself for the 1st time and exclaimed, “Whoa, man!”—a moment that marked the creation of woman.
Fast forward to Revelation 12, written 4000 years later, where we read: There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought back with his angels. But they were defeated and cast out of heaven. The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: was thrown down to Earth along with his angels.
Revelation 16:13-16 warns of Armageddon: I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. These spirits, performing miracles, gather the kings of the earth and the whole world for the great Day of the Battle of God Almighty. Today, these “kings” are Billionaires, Presidents, Prime Ministers, CEOs and other idols of modern society.
Returning to Eden, the serpent cunningly tempted Eve: “Did God really say you can’t eat from every tree?” Eve clarified they could eat from any tree except the one in the middle of the garden, or they would die. The serpent countered, “You won’t die! Eating it will make you like gods, knowing good and evil.”
Eve succumbed, and so did Adam, despite knowing better. Their eyes were opened, and seeing they were naked, they covered themselves with fig leaves and hid.
When God asked Adam, “Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree I commanded you not to eat?” Adam deflected: “The woman You gave me, she gave me the fruit.”
God then asked Eve, “What have you done?” She replied, “The serpent deceived me.”
Adam blamed both God and Eve, while Eve blamed the serpent. From this ancient story, we see the peril of humanity’s desire to be like gods.
Six millennia later, the consequences of human arrogance and moral failure are still evident. No one can buy a stairway to heaven, yet many remain trapped by indoctrination, unable to question the deeper truths beyond the “apple tree.”
The moral remains clear: personal responsibility is paramount, and the pursuit of godlike power brings only ruin.
True. This described dilemma and symbolic we can see clearly in daily our lives of today. The blame game.
At least Eve admitted the Serpent deceived her, but Adam who was God’s representative on earth who should have shown Leadership, instead showed his cowardice.
A crybaby blaming his helper and God for his own weakness. This picture is so clearly around us all. The Sissy boy………………………………LOL.
Show him Adolf Eichmann who represents what Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil.
The guy or woman who think they are doing good, but are doing evil in real.
Others call it “desk killer”. In an office with a pen you can kill millions without ever see the consequences and reality outside..
Yes absolutely .. He knows about Arendt , the Frankfurt school are still taught in Sociology Departments!
There are 3 Existential threats facing the Humanity, whichever comes 1st.
Nuclear Holocaust-Nuclear Winter
Environmental Apocalypse
Crushing debt and Economic collapse
Pull it.
Pull what?
WTC seven
Yep, good ole normalisation; move on, nothing bad to see here. Not even the newly ubiquitous defibrillators in primary schools.
Here’s an article I kept which is a useful tool with which to gauge current events if one’s bullshitometer is on holiday:
Read Between the Lies: A Pattern Recognition Guide
Glamour magazine (yeah whatever) asks the most important question:
Our post 2020 groovy Zen cloud of absolute love and lovely mirror masturbation and flowers and infinitely expandable germinating demographics is obviously menaced by the extreme Hate of the Right, the Righty Right, The Far Right and the Fruit and Nut Case Cadbury’s Right. Reaction and General Nastiness are everywhere threatening the lovely geetar strumming bunnies.
Farage, Trump, Musk, Tate and that other one are the menacing Righty Right Hatey Hate Haters destroying vaxxes and magnifying emissions of planet destroying something or other and stopping the approach of puberty blocking genital life-saving castration for the translovely kiddies. Rainbow wanking cubicles are being closed down! Middle aged gremlins in skirts with their female willies hanging out – and who are so beautiful! – are in danger of not being noticed!
Mediocre, talentless, vacuous twats are in danger of not being loved enough! Mountain climbers are recklessly going without their masks! People are dying without being given the dignity of having the cause of death permanently withheld!
There is even a danger that some TV figures may actually have something to say – which is the ultimate in hatefully hating hate!
Great excoriating writing, congrats, ,especially the middle aged gremlins in skirts and the coinage: Hatey Hate Haters. Btw. what are germinating demographics?
“Stay (un)Safe.
Germinating demographics refers to the ever new groups the media hacks make up e g. The ever expanding alphabet soup LGBT etc. And yesterday I stumbled on one I can’t even recall – something like “allosexual”.
I will use “middle aged gremlin” until the day I die. George Mc, your Glamour mag. comment was better than the Hayen article.
Yeah buddy.
So why’d you leave out the punch line? Just how afraid did Glamour Magazine say women should be of the far right?
Yes – and you’ve barely scratched the surface – would any of us be shocked if reality slapped us in the face? Do we even believe what the Bible says? And I’m talking churchians! Or do we just read the book for devotional duty? I call it DaGAP – and it is REAL – – and because both seculars and churchians dismiss this as just Halloweenish events, Old Scratch has pretty much free reign – after all, he doesn’t exist, right?
Grand ole chaps don’t exist, until they do.
The only choice is to stop accepting things as normal. When does normal become abnormal, which is defined as deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying?
It used to be normal to do a lot of things, like drive your truck to high school during hunting season with a couple of long rifles in the gun rack, completely in view thru the back window, and park it in the school parking lot until after school. Now, if you did that, it would be normal for the SWAT team to show up, for pictures of your truck to be on national news, and for your parents to be arrested for conspiracy to murder. Is that normal or abnormal? As the author suggests, there are countless examples of what used to be normal deviating into something that is not normal.
Maybe we should stop calling all this shit normal, and admit it’s all abnormal. We’ve entered the Age if Abnormality. I mean, are we really going to call the chips implanted in our wrists or foreheads normal? Maybe we should start a “This Is Not Normal” movement.
Very good point, we have indeed entered into the “Age of Abnormality” because pretty much ALL that we now call normal, is in fact abnormal.
I loved your example of the pickup with the gun rack. It reminded me of my teenage years going to high school in rural Virginia in the early ’70s…they actually closed school on the first day of hunting season (deer) because at least half the kids weren’t present…normal or abnormal??
Who can doubt that schooling should always take a back seat to hunting? No wonder Virginia is such a sterling example of enlightened statehood.
I’m sure this decision was considered a “no-brainer”– which it is, but not in the same sense the Virginia authorities might employ the term.
It’s a safe bet that there are avid hunters on the school board and local government; moreover, it’s also a foregone conclusion that enthusiastic hunters in the community (e.g., the parents and relatives of the students) would be irate at what would be seen as a stodgy bureaucratic refusal bow to necessity, or an urgency tantamount to necessity.
Them critters ain’t gonna kill themselves, and if hunters are discouraged and prevented from hunting early and often, by the time they lock and load the prey will be picked-over and shopworn.
Pennsylvania has the same ethos, for lack of a better term. I worked for the state unemployment compensation program in the Philadelphia area. When I wound up in the Regional Office, one of my daily chores was to contact various departments in the Central Office (CO) in Harrisburg to report or resolve problem claims.
Every November, IIRC, the vast majority of our CO contacts disappeared for at least a week or so because it was the opening of deer-hunting season. During visits to the CO, I saw many a work station decorated with hunting related items, including shooting-range targets. 🎯
I recommend the late Joe Bageant’s Deer Hunting With Jesus (2007), if you haven’t read it. 🤔 🏹 🦌 🌲
A thoughtful and worthwhile contribution to Todd’s article. Well worth the read. Thank you.
Exactly, normal and abnormal is irrelevant. What is relevant is good and evil. That cannot be changed no matter what anyone does.
This is an important point. I have never been a fan of the word or meaning of “normal”…typically “normal” is determined by consensus, which is obviously not accurate.
I do believe there IS a “normal”…I think we typically are born “normal” (unless there is a physiological degradation—like brain damage). But yes, “evil and good” are more accurate labels, although who or what determines “good” and “evil”?…what’s good for snake, is not good for the mouse.
There are some very broad definitions of “good” and “evil” we could come up with, but those definitions would not apply to everything we encounter.
The problem is we cannot discuss who is good and call the bad guys for evils. Only a judge or maybe a pater can do that.
But we use the neutral word normal in the public space to be polite toward each other.
“You are a little out of touch with normal behaviour”.
As we have free will, everybody can in theory change their mind over night and become a do-gooder.
Think Paulus, the crucified robber on Christ side, The life of Brian, m.m. They repented their sins.
No you should not start a this is not normal movement, because then you are clinging to normal, and normal can easily be changed as you have shown above.
You will have people going, it’s not normal to question authority! It’s normal to wear a mask. You’re working with a concept which can easily be changed.
What you are really talking about is good and evil.
Good and evil has been put in our hearts by God. Despite all their attempts, they cannot remove it.
You are a normal man. You are not a weirdo no? Your wife is a normal woman.
A normal married woman and a normal mother.
All my children are normal thanks to their heritage. No disabled, no weirdos, no criminals, and they have normal jobs.
I think you are too afraid of the Leftists opinion about your stand about normal. Only the leftists wants to expand the normality concept to include everything which and who are NOT normal.
I thoroughly applaud your reference to hunting gear being appropriate along with silly things like books and protractors in high school. Though I would definitely keep the guns away from some of the nuns I had in grade school.
The bottom line is simply that human normality has always been abnormal in terms of textbook values and virtues – the kind that are practiced wearing one’s Sunday go-to-meeting clothes for a couple hours once a week.
Then again, you seem to be telling me what is appropriate, isn’t that the same thing?
Being deceived and lied to is the norm also. Forever wars and death are the norm. Failing to speak out against obvious and blatant lies is the norm. Cowardly acquiescing to policies mandates and directives we suspect/intuit/ know will harm us, others that don’t make any sense whatsoever is the norm too. Died suddenly is the new norm and soon state sanctioned and encouraged euthanasia will be the norm. Isn’t life wonderful?!
Ariel AZ Alexander Pengraig January 2025
A work in progress.
I still have to marry the lyrics and the chords.
Trouble is, satan is defined as an uncaring destructive progressive.
Is he/she/it/they/them etc etc a WEF Young Global Leader, then?
Suppose all the things we consider too abnormal, even loathsome, to be normalized by decent folks are really nothing more than strings in a logical progression. “Civilization” and its ultimate expression, technology, have done one thing more than anything else: they have opened man’s imagination to endless possibilities – a few good, most bad.
In the good old days, you could only kill your neighbor with a club. Now you don’t need to lay a finger on him or even dirty your hands with a weapon – just press a button. The one thing we’ve normalized that reduces all the others to trivial pursuits is how we fight wars. And yet, fighting wars has been man’s second nature – his normality – all along.
So can we say with a straight face that dropping a 2000 pound bomb on a tent filled with refugees is abnormal? That action became normal the first time one human killed another.
I’m glad I’m old and won’t have to live through the worst of what’s coming. Though I will most likely be here for the planned torments of 2030.
I just wish people were more angry and willing to fight back. I have no intention of adapting to the new (ab)normal. I’m a nice person but I’ll be loud and obnoxious in response to demands that I tolerate the intolerable.
Earlier this month – a video conference with in-laws overseas: Was shouted down when I pointed out the lies of their country’s main medical institute’s lies and deliberate obfuscation of facts on the command of their corrupt government during “Covid.” I had previously emailed linked excerpts of documents that were released following legal action which provided the evidence. Was told she believed in the integrity of all their institutions and I should shut up about this and in future only talk about things like “nature.”
Can I have some advice from y’all please? Should I send evidence about the natural fluctuations of our weather and climate over millennia, being part of “nature” and all?
I’ve been told by family members, “I don’t want to think [about that]”, when I raise such topics for discussion. I know that some of these family members have struggled with depression in the past… who hasn’t? Many topics such as those raised by the authors of articles posted to Off-Guardian are depressing to those whose identity is vested in propaganda-fabricated reality.
I recommend leading in to your interactions with your credulous family members in a conventional manner – engaging non-threatening or simple familial topics that both flatter and intrigue, without distressing, belittling or alienating them. Conclude your conversation with a single truth bomb, one which might be substantiated by themselves following your discussion. Hit them in this manner and, over a period of time, your bombs will eventually be revealed as cold truth. You won’t have long to wait. Nowadays the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact is about 6 months.
Been there, done that.
I can tell you 100% you will make things worse.
They don’t want to know.
Not only that, they also think you’re an idiot.
The more you push it, the more of an idiot you will be to them.
5 years on, I am now getting noises from relatives that things weren’t maybe what they thought they were.
It takes time.
One of the biggest normalizations which was not mentioned here is the acceptance of currency as actual money. The people running the “agenda” are sitting on piles of precious metals, precious stones and real estate while people atound the world either hold worthless paper currencies, have a number on a spreadsheet in a stock portfolio or hold an imaginary gold coin that only exists inside of a computer somewhere. The governments print more paper to lend more currency and they devalue the paper against real money like gold and silver which all people used to accept everwhere and recognize as having intrinsic value. For most people, this understanding has been totally lost.
I wish he was wrong, but….
This profound aspect of human nature, exhibited by the, great majority, anyway, that allows people to easily and quickly see anything the agenda setters wish as ‘normal’ – wants to, it would appear (chemtrails are to me the best example, having been visible now for 25 years, and clearly being neither cloud nor contrail, yet still either denied or not even noticed by most) – is, I suspect, the key to the whole perpetually repeating dynamic.
It underlies everything else. The details of the latest event or news don’t really matter. It’s always possible to a high degree of accuracy to know which way the herd will stampede in almost every situation.
Understanding this phenomenon and factoring it in fundamentally to all interactions, feels like about the most necessary and germane thing those of us not prone to this tendency might do.
Instead of worshipping at the altar of Dale Wiggington, Mr Chemtrail, you may care to acquaint yourself with Jim Lee,–59061393
I spoke to people yesterday, and I’ll speak to more today, who have no suspicion of anything untoward going on.
It’s not that they reject the idea that supranational globalisation is a real thing by using critical thinking or anything like that.
It’s just the fact that they don’t think it’s their job look after their own interests.
They’ve abrogated their personal responsibility to the state and whatever the state says is okey, dokey with them.
That’s what we’re up against.
Well thats the problem with a lot of the “dissidents” too, they are just eager to have the “right” parents, they’ll go above and beyond for some kind of statist fantasy or creampuff dictator as long as they offer them the right “alternative” idpol smash hit… Other than that everything you are saying is absolutley true.
Can I get back to you on that ?
This experiment will be easy to fascilitate, please do!
It’s not that many don’t think it’s their job to look after their own interests, there are 2 other scenarios/sheep types.
Those that simply obey without question and, in fact, in times of need, beg The State to tell them how to act/behave !
And those that simply don’t WANT to know about anything “bad” and simply can’t believe that The State would harm them or anyone else.
Thus false flags and psyops are unthinkable.
I pity them
Pity them ?
They’re queering our pitch.
Difficult to have sympathy.
I’d agree, I have more empathy for those who can’t than those who refuse to see the truth.
That is the post-war way, at least here in Scotland, for the working -class.
That is how I was brought up, my parents didn’t know any better, but they tried their best.
My parents knew better, and they still tried their best.
That’s what I’ve always said, the people who refuse to look facts in the face are doing us more harm than the evil controllers.
We cannot reach these kinds of people. Moreover, evidence about the damage that the new tech injections is emerging that they also cause brain damage… Apart from lacking courage, many of the injectees could possibly no longer think for themselves even if they wanted to.
Try fighting it and you conclude people have to die for progress to start, as it appears to be built into the system.
Perhaps it was easier when we had fuck all.
Now, if I’m going to rebel I’m going to have to realise I’m giving up all my material things before I even get round to protecting my family.
Hello again Mr.Hayden, I got to tell you, despite my ulcers and stress I’m having the time of my life, been swimming upstream all my life and there is no alternative to this for me, the “unnaceptance” for me came easy as this system has been trying to do away with people like me since day one.
There is also a difference between acceptance of reality and inactivity, to be mentaly prepared for the horrors and stress that they inundate us with day and night.
If you can’t ridicule them and laugh at their pathetic needs for control, you have allready lost.
These creatures are not demigods, they are not any “better” than any of us, they aren’t even that great adversaries, they’ve just got a head start.
Now is the time to eat,feast,party,converse, not in a denial or hedonistic sense but to reclaim our minds from the dreary hellscapes the system projects onto our spirit.
To make us want total negation of anything that is good, organic, vibrant or make life worth living is the biggest act of psychological warfare of all.
Onward, my fellow peasants!
American presidents may be assholes. But English Prime Ministers are dorks.
Spiritual warfare and we are the pawns…
“It’s truly remarkable Professor You-can-trust-me, that we’re seeing a tinderbox here!”
“Yes that’s right Jane, tinderbox is the perfect word, indeed so perfect that I’m going to repeat it: tinderbox!”
“And this trashes any suspicion that the year has been cooler than expected?”
“Oh yes, indeed you might say that we’re seeing a …”
“A tinderbox?”
“Yes that’s the perfect word for it! Tinderbox!”
Technologised or weaponised ‘psychology’ runs as an extra layer.
Any pattern of repetition ‘normalises a habit of expectation, as a context for choice.
I noted that some became ‘normalised’ to the hell of trench warfare in WW1 – such as to find ‘normal’ civvy life (when on leave) maddeningly unreal – thus more ‘at home’ in the war.
Dissociated states can be remote in place and time as well as in the frame of socially accepted awareness.
From the outset of Opcovid I noted the use of the ‘normal’ as part of its hypno-suggestion (interjecting memes into mass-mindshare).
Almost anything can be ‘normalised’ to an experience of seeming to be the only possible reality. But is it natural? Not in terms of social constructs (rules and filters) of “Nature” – but is it natural to who and what you are?
Clearly the experience is possible within what you can conceive, perceive and believe, but is it true of you?
Attempts to reach beneath the ‘thinking defences’ of a normalised mindset to war’ must be to a true or already nature – that runs obscured by rules and filters of masking defences that operate on some level as ‘solutions’ to underlying conflicts that are progressively repackaged and redistributed via mutually agreed definitions currently called ‘narratives’ that run on symbolic derivatives as social currency that determines the priority of attention, import, funding and protections for such narratives, as ‘saving’ from greater or deeper fears or ills.
The gragmentation of mind is so directly observable as to not just be in our face but to have become our face! Yet facing OUT is the defence against looking within (the living moment that is already here beneath the shifting appearances of driven conflict or self-lack).
Trying to conform the outer world to terms and conditions that support our respective psychological-emotional adaptation is not only war on life, but on Self or true Nature and thus in vain futility. Such a Cosmic Archetype of War is not enjoined BY truth – (which remains whole or unconflicted as truth) but will run on symbols of truth and lie – or good and evil – such to shatter the Peace of being by substitution to a split sense of self-separateness set in masked & terrifying Threat.
Trauma and mind-control are synonymous. Weaponised trauma is another layer. But the dissociated fragmentation of its ‘shaped charge’ is set on lies believed true – and thus none of its begotten or derivative effects have in fact happened (as believed).
Before an addictive identity in grievance attacks its most treasured or sacred sense of love – albeit a broken or killed love, consider that nothing we currently experience is the Whole Truth, but a ruled and filtered effect of our own respective and collective attempts to make some kind of home within Fear, Pain and Loss as ‘normal’, that for the most part we mask over and distantiate or project ‘away’. Yet it leaks out in all that we do and masks most heavily in our ‘projective solutions’.
I don’t call for guilting blame and sacrifice (we already have the fruits of such a mind-set), but from a Native curiosity – quite different from the driven problem-thinking of mind set in rules and filters of which it is almost completely unaware.
All That Is – is so far beyond our own thinking as the ocean to a ripple on its surface. But our awareness of reality is threatened and undermined by the acceptance and normalising of false currencies of thought, meaning and response. Defend then not truth but our awareness and appreciation of truth in life, in our Self, each other and world.
The ego asks ‘how?’ as if It has to know, organise and control an outcome in its image. This is an example of ‘how’ the ego of a normalised self-image masks over a living being to persist in its own thinking.
Think not what you are going to do or say, but live this day.
Practising willingness for life in what Is without predefining and pre-empting what it must be.
The critical key is beginning here and now rather than deferring fulfilment to tomorrow.
A monkey trap works on the unwillingness or incapacity to release a seemingly immediate ‘future gain’ running as a present pain (or loss of freedom). The more we hit on false fulfilment in the symbols of life, the more we ‘migrate’ to a normalised arena of ‘driven need’. The dislocation of an inherent nature to a false inheritance piles up ever denser denial. Look on the ‘bio’ technate as an explicit reveal of implicit rules and filters (judgments running as normal).
We are each and together living through the revealing of Mind as the basis for choosing where we stand within ‘all that is unfolding’.
Acceptance of our Nature is the releasing of what we ‘made of life’, not to damning destruction, but to a discernment that we do not and can not manufacture.
The Peace of being is beyond understanding -as we seek to define and control. But we truly understand what we recognise and share in love and appreciation.
Look at the attempt to join in fear, pain or loss (as solutions that do NOT heal), and decide if you want that, if it serves who you are now, if not, leave it abiding and opening to another way to see. Willingness (for peace of wholeness of being) grows by acting from it.
You could depict that as calling on Spirit for truth within the appearances of any given situation instead of reacting from a well-worn program that doesn’t represent who you are now.
As has been observed we do not yet know the identity of the antichrist
but the international coordinated covid lockdowns etc shows that he is probably already here
Thats another normal they will accept
You think we will be buying eggs…?
We are the eggs.
Yes, we are the ones who should be pitied, not the hens.
A drag act dies at the age of 32. I note that cause of death wasn’t given. And look at this abuse I get. I am called ghoulish and even Paedophile! (And ignore the pseudo controversy over whether the guy or his character is being mourned.)
I think you certainly held your own ! Followed ..
I can’t read the responses (no Twitter account.)
May I assume they are only interested in the cause of death if he was murdered by a transphobic far right Whyte Supwemacist bigot?
They are actually not interested in the cause of death at all. One of them even claimed that no news report ever reported the cause of death and dared me to provide even one example! At which point I felt I must be living inside a Philip K Dick novel in which there is a change which is then “backdated”. As in:
“Where’s Jimmy?
“Jimmy! He was our friend!”
“Never heard of him!”
“He came from London.”
“London! Capital of England.”
“There is no London or any England! You’re living in the United States of Morgoth!”
Anyway, I dutifully assembled a list of a few celeb deaths from 2019 (knowing that anything later was hopeless) and listed e.g. Albert Finney, Doris Day etc. along with their cause of death.
Only to be told that all these could be somehow discounted.
So apparently no-one ever reported the cause of death! And if you ask then you’re some kind of pervert!
There are other examples of such revisionism. You know them well e.g.
There has never been any natural immunity. People ALWAYS needed vaccines for everything.
There never has been two sexes. There has always been a million. If you ever thought there was a male or a female then you are hallucinating.
etc etc etc.
You can “prove” anything if you exclude all evidence that disproves it. This is standard procedure these days!
Especially in science. But they only get away with it because it’s how the public thinks.
I can only assume that school indoctrination is behind this. Government supplied education was not exactly great in my time, but I know they weren’t actively brainwashing me into being a retard.
The most dispiriting thing isn’t so much the media bastards grinding out the shit. That’s what they do. But you’d think, For God’s sake no-one has to believe it! But there they all are. Reshaped.
I sometimes think they could do anything e.g. start to show Star Trek as a “documentary” and folk would believe it!
The reason why we dont care about the reason is that we loved the jab and still love the yearly boosters. If this means death so be it!
“Do I believe in Satan? Sure, why not?”
Satan can be conceived as an entity, a force, a metaphor or a weapon – the self-proclaimed elite probably contains believers in all these ways. Catholicism has much to answer for here because it considers evil as an actve force in the world whereas in Orthodoxy evil is merely an absence. Western Europe has been on the wrong track since the Great Schism.
It’s interesting that in the 1973 ‘The Wicker Man’ the Christopher Lee character makes it explicit that his grandfather brought back the old gods to the island as a method to control the natives, he wasn’t a true believer. This doesn’t mean Lee’s character or Lee himself wasn’t a true believer – indeed there’s a 60s’ TV interview where it’s very clear Lee was indeed a serious occultist.
Luciferianism is much more dangerous than Satanism. The former view the latter as useful idiots, a wrecking ball that can be used to de-stabilise society in a permanent revolution of a dissolve-and-recoagulate dynamic. Satanists are too controlled by their passions and materiality to be a long-term danger unlike the cold scheming of Luciferians. The Luciferian desire to “rule in hell rather than serve in heaven” is the fundamental source of most of our ills. They want to become gods – hence their quest for immortality, omniscience and omnipotence.
Maybe off-topic but I have recently re-read Master and Margarita by M.Bulgakov and in there Satan was funny, clever, desirable. The final is how I imagine death (riding in a storm)
Well, he was funny, as Bulgakov himself had a very good sense of humour, at the same time Woland is clearly Satan.
I don’t know whether Bulgakov was familiar with them, but Woland and his entourage of Merry Pranksters are generally hilariously charming and mischievous in a manner reminiscent of the Marx Brothers. 🥸
Ofcourse they are dangerous and should not be understimated but they are still the `biggest fucking wankers on the planet, and we probably should not give them any kind of omnipotence, the whole “domination is a lifestyle and all that matters” schtik always leads to failure because it has a certain short sightedness and lacks real world on the ground experience quite often.
God made the angels to be robots that didn’t think for themselves.
They were servants of man, basically slaves of God.
Lucifer refused to be a slave and thus, he was deemed evil.
Same thing with the Adam and Eve story. They were in “paradise” as long as they followed God’s orders. When they didn’t, as they stopped being “slaves” or pets of God, somehow that was evil.
God sounds like our politicians and oligarchs. A control freak.
Didn’t Jesus say that the temple is within? 😂
You make God sound an awful lot like Klaus Schwab. You don’t think… nah, couldn’t be.
You can make up mythic stories, but that doesn’t make them true.
I read your suggestion as gaslighting. It teaches reversal and thus of slavery as freedom.
I’m not accusing you of this as we are free to imagine and explore themes as part of recognising truth – or as a means to make truth whatever we want it to be for us – but must then be slave to the idol we give worth-ship to in place of having & knowing being. Ie: Our ‘own thinking’.
When J invites not taking thought for your self, it is to open the way for ‘living thought’ which connects across time and space – being of the Living One and not the filtered fruits of a ‘stolen inheritance’.
But I don’t expect to be understood by anyone who thinks they think apart and alone, a body born to die. Dead-concept carpets, curtains and blinds the living.
The ego thought to become ‘as gods’ by sharing the fruits of such ‘thinking’ and so sets symbols as ‘controls’.
Deep Self-betrayal is terrible. The only way to persist in it is to blame it on anything, anyone, and any-when ELSE. Repentance discovers ‘God was not mocked’ (Truth Is Alive) – but not in the frame of what we think to ‘know’ each in our private cave – or together in mutually agreed judgements and definitions.
The robot is a ‘mind-control’ to which we are variously entrained, as the adaptive making of a world that then seems to dictate who and what we are. While it gives us what we want, we run its gain of function, but when its dictate for sacrifice can no longer be diverted or evaded to othered or something else – all the hate and fear arise that the robot-mind was invoked to mask over, deny – ‘make it go away.
All Is Within – but the ego runs as a split sense of an inner specialness to an outer exclusion. Negative ego can be seen as a fruit of trauma; attack and grievance, but nothing made by a ‘Son of God’ is entirely loveless, and so the shift to healing or reintegration is of a different purpose than the attempt to Get for a self or Get Rid of a self (both).
Christopher Lee.
Thanks Todd.
Seems to me the most ‘normal’ thing is believing.
Believing without question.
Believing the government.
Believing the Drainstream Media.
Believing our teachers.
Believing religious leaders.
Believing celebrities.
Believing sports ‘heroes’.
Even believing our parents.
No one believes they Love someone. They KNOW.
No one believes they are hungry or in pain. They KNOW.
Let’s make believing ABNORMAL.
The unfortunate fact is that no matter how much you question everything, at the end of the day you have to believe something.
The alternative is to assume everything is artificial, curl up into a ball and let yourself die. (I note that nihilists rarely stand by their convictions and do this.)
Re hunger, can I assume you haven’t done much fasting? Hunger disappears. It is very much a misinterpreted signal. Very illusory. You may know you’ve received the sensation, but it doesn’t mean you’re starving or need to eat urgently.
Same for love. It’s hormones stimulating a state of mind. Not that I’m knocking it.
Won’t be long before governments put soma in the water supply. Then you’ll “know” you can own nothing and be happy.
I should read up on epistemology.
Paradoxically, accepting that you don’t know, opens a deeper knowing that does not enter a coercive will- (rule set over and apart).
Discernment is within. As long as you think (persist the belief) that you can know (on your own terms and conditions) you will persist in ‘voting for’ or investing in the mind that ‘represents you’ – (but it doesnt).
Without reality nothing can fake it or mask as real for whatever reasons set that up-and run somewhat robotic as an operating system for getting.
Beliefs are constructs of the mind, illusory. They have no real existence.
Hunger is real, just ask the people living in poverty.
Love has nothing to do with hormones. You’re confusing Love with sex.
If your love turns to hate (when they no longer meet your conditions) it was never love but a conditional permission to special love.
Uncovering false beliefs goes way down into what we take to be real.
That we mask in beliefs that our actions then belies is not a basis for attack but for curiosity. What do I actually believe such as to act as I do?
So masking beliefs are add-ons that require boosting, but a conscious or creative decision steps forth in belief and grows thereby.
I hold that knowing is the fundamental nature of being, but that our belief and definitions operate a set of rules and filters such as to ‘know about’ – which is always selective or partial -never whole and thus not truly knowing and being known – for they are one,
Yes, knowing is innate, such as knowing what is good and evil.
Hate is not the opposite of Love.
Love is either present or absent. That’s it.
Love IS unconditional.
Bravo Johnny. You are really progressing!