Predicting 2025: Trump declassifies JFK “truth”…and maybe 9/11 too.
Kit Knightly
In the first of this series I wrote that a major theme of Donald Trump’s second term as President would be re-asserting the fake “anti-establishment” credentials he threw out during his first term.
This mirrors the greater part of the Agenda 2030/Great Reset/New Normal plan since 2022, which has been about trying to wipe out the Covid-era revelation that national governments are franchises of a global power structure rather than separate and sovereign powers of their own.
Our fourth prediction would help both these narrative goals.
I think some time this year they will reveal what wil be framed as the “real story” of JFK’s assassination, and maybe 9/11 too.
Not the real real story, of course, but some form of limited hangout fallback narrative story will be revealed or admitted, perhaps through the “accidental” release or leak of some documents or by that ever-useful narrative tool, the fake whistleblower. This fallback might even have some admissible semi-truths in it like the best lies always do.
The aim will be as ever – to let some of the deception fall away, whilst protecting the core of the official narrative, to provide fodder for frenzied but carefully curated debate, and, as with the ludicrous Musk rebranding of Twitter, to foster an empty illusion of “real change” for the better, while the only real change continues to be for the worse..
So, what will these “revelations” consist of?
There are numerous possibilities here.
They might say Oswald was “trained by Mossad” or “had a Soviet handler”, but he will, of course, still have been the main shooter.
They might “reveal” that CIA knew the 9/11 hijackers “were originally US assets”, or even that the authorities let the attacks happen, but they will not cop to pre-planted explosives.
They might blame Saudi Arabia, they might blame Israel, they might even go as far as “rogue elements inside the US security state”. What direction they take it depends entirely on the needs of the moment.
It will be revealed or admitted, perhaps through the “accidental” release of some documents or by that ever-useful narrative tool, the fake whistleblower. This fallback might even have some admissible semi-truths in it like the best lies always do.
However we get the revelations they won’t contain anything conclusive. There will be “secret files” in which retired generals or ex-intelligence chiefs are quoted saying something vague but laden with implication. “Preliminary investigations suggest contacts with known Mossad operatives”, “We cannot, at this time, rule-out possible Saudi involvement” or “Oswald may have received training in the Middle East”…stuff like that
It can’t be concrete declarations, because deniability – and therefore more debate – must be built in, but will be enough to lend legitimacy to some of the milder or more fringe “conspiracy theories” in a way that fuels what will become a very public controversy.
Then fact checks will appear.
“Conspiacy theorists say the declassified files prove there was a cover-up, here’s why they’re wrong.”.
They will of course do such a blatantly bad job of debunking the claims they will only fuel the fire and make the “conspiracy theorists” feel they are winning.
Soon enough the “official story” of 9/11 and/or JFK will be replaced with a new unofficial official story. One that still protects the perpetrators on the inside, distracts the normies in the middle and drip-feeds a little legitimacy to those more conflicted sceptics on the outside who still crave some approval from from the mainstream.
I’m not just pulling this out of the air. The signs have been there for a little while now.
Donald Trump basically campaigned on unsealing “secret files”, and as we already said, he needs to get some anti-establishment wins. He renewed his promise to release all the JFK, 9/11 and even Epstein files back in June. In November the Telegraph reported that:
Trump set for clash with CIA over release of JFK secret files
They’ve been laying the groundwork in the media too. Two weeks ago, on December 28th, the Daily Mail of all things ran a long article on what might be contained in the “secret files”. It openly entertains the possibility the CIA was behind the assassination.
Ever since Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News and joined the “independent media”, he’s been talking up JFK and 9/11 “conspiracy theories”.
In his recent interview with Jeffrey Sachs, they discuss the possibility of a major CIA declassification and pre-emptively big-up its impact.
In late 2024 a “new video” emerged allegedly showing a “Saudi Arabian agent” filming the crash sites prior to the 9/11 attacks. The New York Times claimed it “raises new questions about Saudi ties to 9/11”
In the last few months, social media has been awash with people suddenly linking JFK to Israel because he wanted AIPAC to register as a foreign agent or was going to stop them getting nukes. Oswald and Ruby have both been tied to Israel too.
Just yesterday, a tweet implying Israel killed JFK supposedly “Israel-pilled” Elon Musk, garnering over 200,000 likes in the process.
The stage is clearly being set.
I understand this is a big risk to take from the establishment point of view, because once they start allowing that “official stories” can be a patchwork of lies, you invite other questions. It would also mean playing an ace they’ve had up their sleeve for sometime, but I don’t think you can ignore the signs.
The “big revelation” bomb is armed. It’s a question of when and where they want to drop it.
WILDCARD PREDICTION: The “declassified files” directly implicate both the CIA and Mossad in 9/11. This will complete Israel’s heel turn in the mainstream media and play into the fall of the US Empire. They will be held up as examples of the evils of nationalism and profit-driven Imperialism and arguments will be made for the prevention of future Empires through the imposition of some type of global control mechanism . This is a longshot, but it is possible.
You see, they need to get this globalist balloon off the ground asap, and they are prepared to throw as much over the side as is needed to achieve it. They need shock and awe, they need unprecedented “catalyzing events”, they need above all to convince you that the old power base really is collapsing and the New Normal will be a happy, better and fairer and kinder Normal – so you welcome it with open arms and don’t even think about resisting.
If this means letting go a few ancient and very incomplete secrets perpetrated by people mostly dead – well, they probably think this is a good bargain.
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In early October I predicted that the US (whatever president they selected) would seize the Chagos Islands. About a week ago I predicted that Trump would remove the UK’s Prime CCP Puppet (i.e. Starmer). The race is now on to see which happens first!
Fake! Fake! Fake!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump meet at Mar-a-Lago.
ILTV Israel News
Jul 26, 2024
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump meet at Mar-a-Lago.
‘Why do pessimists have a hard time? Because they expect to.’ Good luck – foresee misery and you’ll likely experience it. Instead of predicting this, that and t’other, the mature thing is to be patient, be prepared for any possibility and keep upbeat. Otherwise life isn’t worth living.
How about the Battleship Maine? The Gulf of Tonkin? (I still don’t think they would do Pearl Harbor!)
That lying scumbag reveals nothing but new stupid lies!!!
Thank you Kit for resurrecting two of the most important unsolved/semi-solved/blatantly-obvious crimes of the not too distant past. My tuppence-worth suggests … that they were both committed by the same group of ‘unmentionables, as has been illustrated time and time again …
So, who really gives a flying-phuck whether the Orange-man or his predescessors had/have the intestinal fortitude to reveal what most people KNOW already. The cat has been well and truly out-of-ze-bag for decades now … So, as their ‘Bum-boy’ Obama said, let’s move on, …
This musing is so clever that it doesn’t make sense. Obama is posting here?
SUPER-WILDCARD PREDICTION: Trump doesn’t reveal a single thing that causes the security state even the slightest embarrassment
Anyone capable of embarrassment or having a conscience never amounted to much in their circles. The purpose of all the huffing and puffing is only to withhold the info. until the head thugs and head pirates are very old or dead. Just like the attempted effort to bury the info. on (a) the known and rising harm from the infernal “covid” jab (b) the vodoo of the “test for covid”, subsequently withdrawn (in US only).
What is evident is that many, many people are noticing what they never noticed before. It’s like the knowledge spreas is becoming uncontrollable.
How it all plays out in the near future, I don’t know.
I wish I knew some of those people. No one I know thinks any differently about anything than they did 5 years ago.
And now it will be “climate change” and “mismanagement” caused the fires. Or what is ostensibly considered “fire”.
Their theater of confusion really no longer works. When you throw out so many tangled up ideas amidst common sense observation of our fearless “leader” class’s 100+ years of war empire abroad + continuous war on us commoners at home, people are seeing past the lies and fraud to a time of self-governing liberation for us and a wealth cage for them. It’s all about income-wealth & authority being for the few, or for the social needs of Humanity. I think we finally really are gonna not “take this anymore” and take the steps to make it so, permanently. Imho.
The above EU example of centralized totalitarian control of outcomes, ludicrously spotlights ruling class desperation. They just cannot except deviation from their ideas and authority because it allows anarchic sovereignty to separate them from their stranglehold on Humanity. All of the centralization of authority being forced upon us is obviously counter to Universe’s functionality on localized Earth. Infinite localized autonomous systems of ecological self sufficiency, serving nearby compatible systems of diversity. Centralization is non-existent within Universe and an abomination care of human fantasies of control. It creates inflexible systems of incompetence that we see deployed by these idiots everywhere surrounding us. From the military spending, war, subsidies and unregulated autonomy of stupid, selfish policy making forcing technological and austerity-ruled tragedy upon us, the defunded Public Commons infrastructure sampled in the LA fires is but the tip of the iceberg that these Haoles are driving us into.
I think you are wrong. Messages from the real government always confirm the accepted and the already known. Therefore it will be a confirmation that Russia did it. Or maybe all the steel in the twin towers was bought from China.
Has anyone considered that the global power structure originates not in the U.K. but in the City of London (an entirely different entity), that the U.S. and Israel are merely satellites thereof?
That’s what I’ve assumed for years now.
On a related note, there are increasing calls for the USA to liberate Britain from its almost comically evil permanent government.
Since things here really are beyond outrageous, I can’t disagree and strongly suspect many Brits would welcome becoming the 51st state.
HOWEVER… doesn’t this seem suspiciously engineered? A nation flipping from demanding its sovereignty back via Brexit to “please rescue us from our own government”? How easy it was!
It stinks of yet another CIA regime change operation. Except the British govt are in on the plan this time.
Be careful what you wish for! This issue is not about countries. It’s all about the class of capitalist rich (the world’s rich are all enabled by capitalism) people taking authority from everyone to decide Humanity’s future. It is OUR world, not their fiefdom. We must collectively rule it. And we can.
Trust no billionaires!
There’ll be something in the documents that confirms one of their fake conspiracies – like aliens or Bigfoot.
Bigfoot isn’t a conspiracy, man. He’s real, I’ve heard him. Mt. St. Helen’s, 1967 out near Spirit Lake.
Ex-Labour MP Ivor Caplin’s £350,000 home is ‘searched by police’ after he is arrested on suspicion ‘of engaging in sexual communication with a child’
Published: 23:56, 11 January 2025 | Updated: 00:52, 12 January 2025
Ex-Labour MP ARRESTED After Being LIVESTREAMED by Paedophile Hunters
Jan 11, 2025 #news #politics #elonmusk
Ex-Labour MP Ivor Caplin was arrested today following a livestream by Paedophile Hunters. He was arrested after allegedly trying to meet with an underage boy. This comes after he was removed from the Labour Party in the summer following unknown “serious allegations”…
This is great and all, but meanwhile, known war criminals and mass murderers, like Tony Blair, are still allowed to roam free and ply their trade (death and suffering), unhindered by media scrutiny.
Will their time also come?
The war is between Pax Americana and the Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC). Pax Americana includes an alliance of Christian Zionists (Pompeo etc), MAGA, Atlantic Council, Israeli nationalism, etc. The MRC includes the City of London (Rothschilds, Kissinger), Davos, Globalists, etc. The MRC’s plan was that Pax Americana and Israel would cease to exist (e.g. Kissinger’s alleged statement circa 2012).
In 2022, Kissinger effectively conceded defeat. However, the MRC is like the proverbial headless dinosaur and keeps on going. Moreover, the MRC is far too entrenched to ever actually die and will simply keep regrowing new heads. This is the true “deep state”.
The current “bandwagon” promotion of the rape-gang revelations is part of this war. My prediction is that it will remove Starmer within six months and mostly likely destroy the Labour Party.
There’ll be a few exceptions but they’ll mostly get away with deals – “like we said”.
Oval Office Meeting (Nov 13, 2024)
Biden: Congratulations and looking forward to having like we said a smooth transition.
Trump: . . . a transition that’s so smooth it’ll be as smooth as it can get.
See History: Biden hosts Trump in Oval Office
Nov 13, 2024
President-elect Donald Trump and President Joe Biden meet at the White House ahead of the Trump transition. It’s a tradition for the outgoing president to invite the president-elect. Trump did not keep this tradition when he lost the 2020 election. It’s Trump’s first time in the building since he left office in 2021.
War is liberation and right-to-protect, therefore humanitarian. We are in a bizarre world where, instead, using the wrong pronoun is a crime.
Owen Jones asks: “How do you define a rogue state?”
I doubt it’s possible to come up with a pithy, all-encompassing definition, but I would class a state which fosters the wholesale rape of children as being “rogue”. Likewise, for any state which implements the Globo-Maoist, anti-human policies of Net Zero and the Great Reset; or one that consistently ignores the overwhelming will of its people by engaging in genocidal levels of mass migration. I would also apply the term to any state which employs hoaxes, false flags or similar psyops against its own population.
Consequently, it seems to come down to a choice between alternative manifestations of “rogueness”. Given that there appear to be two clearly distinct manifestations, and these seem to be in conflict with each, the more relevant questions concern which of these sides has the upper hand.
US In MELTDOWN Over Netanyahu Arrest Warrants
Owen Jones
Nov 26, 2024
This is what a rogue state looks like.
u and your eternal f-ing…
predictions” are all idiot’s favourit “hobby” and to wipe
your ASS with, better read you daily “horrorscopes”!!!
BREAKING: Trump’s DNI pick, Tulsi Gabbard, reverses her stance on a controversial foreign spy power, now defending the use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s “Section 702” authority, which she previously opposed.
This will be the same old same old repeat from 2016 and you lot will have the excuses of forgetting the first time around as this time around the same story lines are appearing and still you forgotten. JFK files is what he said on the first term.
You’ve forgotten
Who sat himself down next to who: Obama.
Still, good on him AND Trump to say something to him.
Assigned seating.
If the explanation doesn’t answer “why then has this been kept secret” then it won’t cut it.
It needs to be a >very< good reason after all these years..
I am sure of one thing:
‘It hasn’t got anything to do with the B3 Bomber’
And then we talk, through the media, endlessly about a thing that did not happen, just as we always did with things that concern media events like JFK, 911 and, don’t forget, the Wuhan lab leak which RFK seems to know so much about.
For further info about the ongoing show that 911, JFK etc is, please see wag the dog, clip:
If ever they declassify the JFK documents there’s no guarantee that what they “release” is the truth.
Yes, Kit, it’s quite amazing how much mileage billionaire Trump has gotten out of being an “outsider.” But it’s reassuring that people are so suspicious of the establishment that the only way to elect someone is to pretend he’s an outsider.
This is my prediction:
I’d like to see it be done on prime time national television with Trump standing next to a drummer dressed like Thomas Jefferson, and then have another person dressed like George Washington come out and hand him an envelope. Then Trump would say, “drum roll please”, and the Jefferson drummer would start the drum roll while Trump opened up the envelope. After a pause, the drum roll would end, and Trump would say, “And the killer of JFK was”, and then he would dramatically tell us who done it. It would be fantastic, probably the highest television ratings since the first fake moon landing.
thanks! best laugh I’ve had all weekend
JFK did 911…!
JFK flew one plane, Oswald the other.
The hoaxes and false flags will continue!
Video of Christchurch crisis actors and choreographers hanging around in mosque – presumably between scenes.
Uploaded: Apr 10, 2024
Same source vid – Uploaded: Nov 21, 2022
Limited-Hangout MSM
Andrew Bolt/The Bolt Report: We Can’t let Christchurch stop us from talking about immigration
Uploaded: Mar 16, 2023
Jan 10, 2025
Grooming gang rhetoric risks inciting mass violence, says Wes Streeting
Exclusive: Health secretary points to New Zealand mosque massacre and says entire communities must not be tarred with the same brush
The use of inflammatory language over grooming gangs risks vilifying entire communities and could lead to atrocities such as the mosque massacre in New Zealand that killed more than 50 people, the health secretary has warned.
Wes Streeting said he had “no difficulty or qualms” calling out the “sickening” crimes of sexual abuse gangs, criticising “well meaning, but ultimately fundamentally misguided and warped views of political correctness” for letting down thousands of children.
But in an interview with the Guardian, the Ilford North MP warned: “At the same time, there are people in my community who have either Pakistani heritage or look different, who are now more fearful today than they were before.”
“Victims’ voices have been completely marginalised, and I think that’s a disgrace,” he said. “If Kemi Badenoch is in any doubt whatsoever about where irresponsible and coarse public discourse can lead on this issue, look on the other side of the world, in Christchurch, New Zealand, where someone walked into a mosque and killed innocent Muslims stone cold dead with a gun whose magazine had inscribed on it ‘for Rotherham’.
“We have to be extremely clear about the failings, the nature of it, and not allow political correctness, fear of stating the truth as it is to fail victims, as has happened before. We must also make sure that entire communities are not tarred with the same brush.”
More than 50 people were killed, and 89 others injured, after New Zealand’s worst ever mass shooting in March 2019 when an Australian far-right extremist, Brenton Tarrant, opened fire in two Christchurch mosques.
Farage accuses Streeting of covering up ‘truth’ of grooming gangs
Reform leader rebuts Cabinet minister’s warning that inflammatory speech could lead to New Zealand-style mosque massacre
11 January 2025
I only watched the Christchurch livestream once (it makes me travel sick) but if I recall correctly, when the attacker entered the main prayer room everyone was ALREADY lying in piles in two corners. Then he shot at them.
Is piling up in the corner when hearing gunfire a common defense strategy in the mohammedan world??? A bold strategy to be sure.
I also saw that livestream – plenty of crisis actors dressed like muslims already lying on the floor as the shooter enters the room, before a shot is fired. Poor quality – we deserve better psy-ops.
The Linwood Islamic Centre
The Linwood Islamic Centre was a Sunni Islamic mosque in Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand.[1][2] The mosque opened in early 2018 on the grounds of the former Christchurch Baháʼí Centre and the building had most recently been the Linwood Community Centre.[3] The building was formerly a Sunday School Hall in Highstead Road and was moved to Linwood in the late 1980s. It was the second mosque to open in Christchurch. It is owned by the Linwood Islamic Charitable Trust, which was founded in 2017.[2]
On 15 March 2019, the Linwood Islamic Centre and the Al Noor Mosque were targeted in the Christchurch mosque shootings. Of the 51 people killed and the 40 people injured in the attack, seven people were killed and five others injured here.[4][5][6] It reopened on 23 March, the same day as Al Noor.[7]
In November 2023, the Linwood Islamic Centre was demolished. With sponsorship from an Emirati fund, a $20 million new mosque and multipurpose hall will be built, which will accommodate 600 worshippers.[8][9]
The positions of photographers for the following photos roughly correspond to that for Bitchute video.
Of course if the people are not dead, do they then have the ability to stop the truth and let the fake set the pace?
Titanic/ Satanic /Asuric power lurk inside any shady place available that has power. So not only the CIA/ FBI, Mi5/6 or Mossad but also the MSS/ CPC, or the Salafists. Or the FED and BIS. Thanks to Trump the WHO is soon out of its misery, the ICC and ICC could be next
, maybe NATO. The EU is definitely a case too but well entrenched.
These clubs hate daylight and love power so they need lots of money- preferably others money. Taxpayers or investors cash are easiest, drug money next. The latest scam on the block is confiscating foreign funds in domestic banks like the robbery of Russia.
Keep em guessin for all time.
Keep playin with their minds.
That’ll keep em all in line.
We are the Gods of humankind!
Keep em distracted from ……. the real crimes.
The more they try to clean up things by reveals, the more people will ask questions.
COVID already did this, even among those who still believe in the plandemic.
Subconsciously, humans are reconnecting to skepticism of leadership…. Even when fooled, they aren’t as stupid as they were in the past.
The predator class rushed to implement COVID at the time when depression was at it’s highest. Hmm…
JFK was before my time = never happened, same as Elvis.
9/11 kicked off your internet, didn’t see loose change till 2006.
Trump 2nd term, For the percipicarious, no, for the percipication, no, for those with percipicarity, what was it ?
Harry Pussy – What Was Music? (1996) – YouTube
I recently listened to an interview with Michael Franzese, former NYC mafia boss, who said that the mafia ultimately took out JFK…
What a boring old world it would be if the government admitted all the
Conspiracy Theories were true !! **
And the “I old You So !!” exclamations would be deafening…
Myself: I think i’m becoming a Crisis Junkie; i mean. i keep hearing my self
thinking “Bring on The Next Crisis (aka – BoTNC)”… I cant wait for the next
installment… I get a thrill watching the Henny-Penny politicians running
about screeching “The sky Is Falling !! The sky is falling !!”, and the shell-
shock looks on the pasty faces of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ experts…
It’s better than The Movies…
Memo: Must get in lots more popcorn before They put up the prices, again…
** The Revelations will undoubtedly give rise to Conspiracy Theories
about “Why was the government being so revealing ?”
“why was the government being so revealing?” Exactly.
I don’t care what they reveal, I still won’t believe them.
Twitter: The firm that said it wasn’t censoring now says it will stop censoring.
Facebook: Same.
Government: Hold my beer.