Bank of England to Open “Digital Pound Lab”
Kit Knightly

The Bank of England announced yesterday that they will be launching a “digital pound lab” to “experiment” with different “use-cases” and set-ups of the UK’s planned Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
This signals the end of the “consultation and response phase” and the beginning of the “design phase”, according to the BoE’s website.
This is the first real news on the digital currency front for some time.
In fact, after an action-packed 2023 saw at least 135 of the world’s 197 nation states developing a digital currency, things have been eerily quiet on that front. Some nations – including Japan and Canada – have paused or even entirely scrapped CBDC development.
Even the Bank of England’s announcement of the lab contains much softer language than the previously energetic and enthusiastic endorsements of digital currency. Noting the CBDC would be “used alongside banknotes” instead of replacing them, and that “No decision has been made on whether to proceed with a digital pound.”
Whether this is due to perceived public resistance to the idea, unexpected technological limitations, or some change in strategy we can’t know – it could easily be a mix of all three.
Still, it’s a reminder that digital currency likely remains the long-term goal.
But well done to all awakened people who have contributed to halting the roll-out thus far.
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All you have to do to beat the New World Order is dump your smart phone.
En masse, people no longer use their devices, so can’t be controlled and told to ‘use the app’.
One does get the feeling, though, that many would prefer to go to war than give up their phones.
Mad, innit?
Could be why crypto is being pushed and people allowed to make profits anew – softly, softly, catch the humans.
Yvette Cooper announces urgent national review on grooming gangsOfficials say review is not national inquiry ministers have been pressed for after series of X posts by Elon Musk
Why did it take so long?
Well, first the conclusion has to be written by the “right” leftwing people, then find patsies with fat titles for a bunch of pounds to lead the re-view up the planned garden path. Just like in in the climategate emails saga of the EUA.
White washing has its process, to be politically incorrect. Pedophiles of both rings are safe: the Islamic ones and the Cabal club.
OMG an inquiry which will take 6-10 year like Iraq war.
who reads the 1500 pages of waffle. Chilcot Inquiry 60,000-word book.
If things get through they either.
Put there guy in to sell the lie they need.
The inquiry concluded that David Kelly had killed himself.
later on David Kelly body was exhumed and they do not no or who by.
OMG the labour is the new Q democrats and the Conservatives and Musk, Nigel are protecting the children.
Gosh, the London City is amongst the present 50 cities identified for these racist pedophile gangs: who could have thought? The perfect Mayor on top of the old Cabal club members.
Leeds: the den of Sir James Savile of BBC fame, sure.
“…thanks to the awakened people (the Resistance) who have halting the roll-out so far”.
Nobody has been halting anything.
The reason why they swear CBDC has not finally been decided is simply because it cant function……….. 😂 .
Its a bankers dream and illusion, nothing else. So they must try, you know “maybe something will show up that will make it possible on a later stage”.
Really? So being able to have a programmable crypto for everyone is impossible is it?
Please explain why:
The Nigerian government have been trying to push CBDC and restrict cash but things are not going so well . No I did not learn this from Main stream media but from
CBDC explained
But it is ok the (private) bank of England has promised that CBDC will not be programable
and we can totally trust them. Just read the hundred or so pages of terms and conditions
when you join and in the small print it will say we reserve the right to change the terms and conditions .
Not long ago my account had 3 stop notices.
One was for cdb oil.
The other was for Bitcoin from localbitcoin website
and another was for silver coins from bullion.
All done under the prevention of fraud.
They also closed down the account of cbd oil (paypal) but left Holland and Barrettes ok.
Were you barred from purchasing silver bullion by card transaction?
Silver bullion informed me card payments or bank transfer could be stopped.
Bank stopped it due to fraud which means I could not longer use that company.
The Localbitcoin website said not to mention cryptocurrency to the bank as they will automatically refuse it.
Localbitcoin have shut up shop or were forced to close. Might have been a scam outfit hence the reason you are experiencing problems buying things.
Localbitcoin have shut up shop or were forced to close. Might have been a scam outfit hence the reason you are experiencing problems buying things
Localbitcoin where agents and at the time have many different sellers of coins, the bank at the time had top teir direction to stop all payments.
Coinbase on the other hand with its 10000 different id verification was allowed to have payments go through.
I think it’s highly likely your spending habits were flagged by Notyourpal and the info passed to your bank. Although you’ve committed no crime you are now a criminal in their eyes. They collude and cancel anyone they think they can bully.
Welcome to The New Abnormal.
NO was flagged by bank.
this was before covid.
Go get or try to get 3k cash out of any bank and tell me programable does not happen.
Been there. Good luck.
While 19th century U.S. president, Andrew Jackson, abhorrently led campaigns of extermination against the indigenous peoples of America, he most accurately hit the nail on the head with his views on banking (quotations vary).
— | Quotes by Andrew Jackson [ ]
I love President Jackson, but is there any proof that he actually routed any thing out, or have the routers just dug in to the tune of some 36 trillion public dollars since his announcement.
Wise man.
In Marketing, if the focus group feeds back certain comments like CBDCs has a bad name.
The company may/will change the name of CBDCs but still keep the original product/idea going.
Privately owned bank of England has changed the britcoin for something Musk fashionable and watch Vance and Alex Jones & Nigel & co sell it as a win win whilst helping flog the same product under a different name.
Dual-running CBDCs with existing currency was always the Plan B here, equivalent to the Chinese lab-leak. There’s a Plan C (PBDCs) and a Plan D (for businesses only) as well – and probably others. The crucial thing is that they get the principle established in some shape or form. The frog can be progressively boiled in due course:
1) One major retailer announces it will no longer accept physical cash. The MSM cover this and sound concerned about the impact on the “vulnerable” who they paint as exclusively old, not “with-it”, anti-“progress” and holding the country back.
2) Others follow in totally “independent” decisions dictated by “business considerations”. There’s zero MSM coverage. This can always be hitched to some other engineered “crisis” like a new pandemic or war if extra cover is deemed necessary.
3) Perhaps one supermarket chain retains physical cash as their USP. They become drastically more expensive, push other parts of the agenda harder and the MSM chip away at their image as fuddy-duddy. Somewhere down the line, they fold.
Other way round: one major retailer announces it now accepts bitcoin and some other crypto as payment. ‘Hoorah’ shouts the crpyto community.
They will always make it attractive and pull-market rather than push, if they can.
‘Have a free doughnut.’ ‘Ok, now you lose your job if you don’t..’
It sickens me that so many big brained commentators in MSM and alt m refuse to admit that the digital x,y,z is the covid era ongoing it was known then and rolls on today
Most if not all of the independent sites I read have said all along that cbdc’s are part of the plan.
my bold prediction for a headline we WON’T be seeing this year
Isn’t the main difference between CBDCs and existing digitally accounted money that they track the usage of every unit transacting from person to person over its lifetime? No problem for paying rent or gas than.
Than the main risk of CBDCs is that they become the only means of payment. As long as cash and or other ways exist commonly there is financial freedom left.
Agreed, but this smacks of the continuing slow boil til it’s fait accompli.
The younger generations are all too happy to do everything with their handheld devices. In a few decades cash and even cards will be a thing of the past just like phone landlines are now among many other things. Progress ain’t it?
The younger generation knows nothing else, than they are being told. They dont know there exist another world outside their flat screen Nanny.
The first risk of CBDC is that every transaction is tracked by govt. This will be closely linked to your social credit score which will include such absurdities as carbon credits (= rationing) or maybe race reparations. Anything goes.
A nastier risk is non-fungibility. ie the CBDC dollar in your ‘pocket’ is just not the same as one that someone else owns. Yours may be time-limited. Or you can’t buy meat or petrol with it. A truly horrific instrument of tyranny.
CBDC is like being given a digital version of a store voucher in place of the refund you are entitled to.
Yes and we know this for a fact from Fabian paradise “PR” China.
Why 3 years later after their mother’s death are my wife’s brother and sister fighting and will not to come to an agreement with regards to the sale of their parent’s house…
They are now seeking legal advice. Lawyers on 3 sides
Taking it to Court??
I said after the first week in court, there will be nothing left, and you will owe, far more than the house was worth
When my mum died she appointed me executor, and it was extremely hard work, but she placed me in a position of trust. I performed my duties as honestly as I could, and the will was distributed, exactly according to her wishes, except I did not claim expenses.
I am not making a Will…By Default, If I drop dead first, she gets everything.
You can’t take it with you.
By all means put some money into your Grandchildrens Accounts if you feel so inclined, but the Government will do their best to steal that too, if they haven’t killed us all first.
But you can take it w/you when you go, especially if it belongs to someone else.
I demand all my belongings with me in my grave inside my coffer, gold bullion, jewels, cash, and antiques. I am not going to leave anything to anybody!
I made a clause that if they do not secure I get everything with me in my coffer, they wont get paid.
I have paid a Lawyers Firm to secure everything is done and proved legally.
I am still looking for a witch doctor or Pater who will secure anybody who try to open my coffer will be hit with 30 years unhappiness. Fixed!
Most of these particular coffers were never intended to be found by anyone one other than the depositor, who, with some bad luck, in that way, took it with them.
“Your mind is being controlled”
Golly gosh Noam, who would’ve thunk it?
The Key Words are: “No decision has been made on whether
to proceed with…..”
This signals to the official propaganda media (aka – communications
media) that the topic is no longer subject to a D Notice (aka –
Dis-information Notice), so go ahead and talk up the positive qualities
for implementing something the Authorities always intended to do…
Like Operation Warp Speed, all the research etc has been done.
All that’s needed is 100 Hundred Days of talking up the sheer genius
of The Science (TM), to persuade The Majority of the ‘advantages’ of
their submission (aka – accepting “It’s Gonna Happen!”)…
For the first time in UK, the public was urged to save public health services, and even express appreciation every evening, while the selfless heros and heroines made dancing videos.
It is true the Brits would clap on a Thursday at 8pm for the NHS.?
Many did. For months it went on. Also everywhere we went there were posters telling us to worship the NHS.
I was particularly sickened when I travelled past one hospital and the entire frontage was plastered with signs telling us how glorious they were and how we should feel lucky to have them – even though it was near-impossible to see our doctors at the time.
I must confess I nearly joined in the first night the doorstep applause was announced. But at the last second I thought “WTF, this is what happened under communism.”
The ultimate hypocrisy.
They expect/insist/demand we go digital, while they squirrel away billions in gold, silver, real estate, shares and private islands.
You’ll own nothing but ones and zeroes. And you’ll be happy in Boolean paradise.
0️⃣➕1️⃣ = 😊
Paper money is abstract enough, but digital money is totally the emperor’s clothes…
No surprise. There are so many believers in untraceable cryptocurrency.
I wonder how much digital/cryptocurrency can buy in a power outage.
Some people are Smart, and some people are not so Smarties…………….. 🤑 .
In Australia, there has been an uptick in cash payments, and I often get that knowing look or comments, such as “of course” when paying cash. I think a lot of people are cottoning on to what could happen if cash is scrapped for good.
Not sure if all the people are aware of the fascist/communist trap that will snap shut once cash disappears and the digital ID is enforced but we have all recently experienced the global electronic glitch that shut down retail payments systems, this being at least one good reason to keep cash alive.
Hope you’re right Veri Tas.
As a part time busker, I reckon cash is still King.
Cash is massively decentralised, CBDCs can be taken down by hackers attaking a small number of digital infrastructure hubs.
I talk to every supermarket cashier about this, and the undeniable fact that they won’t have a job if the tyrants get their own way.
I tell THEM to always use cash, or else.
Great idea!
Hurray! It’s nice to know I’ve accomplished something recently. 😆
From little things big things grow:
Also says Anne on my post’s but it’s Annie.
Not that it matters I’m not trying to be somebody or something. I’m trying to say say there’s no fool like an old fool.And these old men are running the countries.
Having you seen all the old >50 years witches in power on the front lines?
Women’s liberation was a campaign to make women take the guilt for men’s cowardice.
Oh fixed now
We knew this was going to happen no surprises but like someone said these people that think they rule us,Are incompetent buffoons.
Sorry, I only donate with cbdc.
You’re mean. 😅
Think I’ve finally found your passwords.
I could sniff it from far away. You are a de-stabilisation programme. Everytime someone criticise “our Digital society” you arrive with a sour comment. :-D.
And the nickname Nixon. It couldnt be worse.
Curses, discovered. The program is code named – sense of humour. It identifies control freaks, bigots, generally up their own arse self important types and exposes them. Cute or not?
If there was no Bank of England and the government was honest, we could have a modern-day Bradbury Pound. Real money created by a responsible, respectable government backed by the assets of the land, with no real debt and no interest.
But that would mean that the criminals behind the fiat fresh air created mush we call money would need to go and get a real job, sweeping the roads and such.
Just to make it clear. All money is debt owed to the banks. The bank account in your legal fictional name is a ruse, which you get the use of if you are a good boy.
Listen to economist Steve Keen on money creation, liabilities and assets. His descriptions of how money works is quite eye opening and should be taught in schools. Politicians should listen to him too as they haven’t a clue.
A responsible respectable government? hmm, well, err. OK, failing that, how about lots of small local banks? It may not be perfect but, taking into consideration the number of psychopaths around and the indisputable maxim that absolute power corrupts absolutely, it might be quite a good idea.
Local banks tasked with investing locally. It stops parasites in banking hubs hoovering everything up.
Right,double right. The parasites oxygen is money.
im more bothered by this
CAN is like the 2918 compact for migration.
Nobody reading the “Sun” is going to have clue what’s going on.
Until it’s too late.
Indeed. The 2018 Global Compact for Migration literally told us of the outrages to come.
Including our governments imposing on themselves a legal duty of care towards illegal (“irregular”) immigrants, and an obligation to stamp down on all expressions of anti-immigration sentiment or information.
It has literally (in the literal sense) made emigration to a country you fancy a human right.
Sorry, my sausage fingers and smartphone are not a marriage made in heaven.
So miy, infakt iym terifyd.yu iltrate.
When your government is tyrannical, it is truly a blessing if they are also incompetent and can’t make their evil plans work.
Today’s Western politicians are of a terribly low calibre, thankfully.
So, an incompetent, tyrannical government is a blessing ?
Boy, is my face red !
“So, an incompetent, tyrannical government is a blessing ?”
I said nothing like that.
We currently have one in UK and I can tell you that it is a disaster and nothing to make light of.
We are just over 10% of their term and the damage already done will take decades to fix.
90% of their term left.
We truly are in trouble.
This is no joke.
I agree. I’m not making light of it. But we are lucky that their ideological disconnect from reality means they can’t get CBDC up and running yet.
I hope you realise Labour are simply continuing the legislation and policies that the Conservatives set in motion. They are just speeding things up and caring less about optics.
If the British public votes the Tories (or Labour) back in next time, it’s game over. They are all traitors. The UK will not exist in any meaningful sense by 2030.
My concern is the dilution of votes between cons. and reform in 2029.
Labour, if they haven’t totally trashed the economy, will be looking to consolidate things and give loads of sweeteners in the final 18 months.
If they get a second term, it’s game over.
We have to use recall at every opportunity.
Unfortunately, they’ve pitched their best at the current cabinet.
God help us when they’re inevitably replaced.
And CBDCs aren’t the only threat: Keir Starmer announced on January 13th 2025 that his government is going to ‘push AI into the veins of Britain’.
You can blame the Tories and the Republicans for many things, but the Socialists/Democrats/Labour will always beat them in stupidity.
“Stupidity” is their get-out-of-jail-free card. They treat us atrociously then claim “Oops, we messed up. Sorry.”
Stop falling for it. They harm us deliberately. It’s a feature not a bug.
They may be lazy and incompetent on top of that, but they are not so stupid that they don’t know the consequences if their policies.
If you wanna make money……man. Its good!
Damn those conspiracy theorists they are nearly always proved right…
Trump is on record as saying that CBDC’s are dangerous and that he would never adopt one.
Could the fact that USA isn’t likely to play ball have any bearing on the softening position in other countries ?
I’m not saying that Trump is here to save the world.
Rather, he has his own vision of the world which is Americacentric rather than Davoscentric.
Trump is no saviour.
Tulsi has already done a 180 and incoming Trump administration have encouraged Zelenski to lower conscription age to 18.
Doesn’t sound like the NATO proxy war is ending anytime soon.
Perhaps he will imprison Hillary!!
I did emphasise that in my post.
If the Dems. where to remain the situation may have been very different.
Trump has his own agenda which seems to be at odds with Davos.
It appears that we may have to choose between Trumpism or Davos globalism.
Whilst it may be appealing to depart from WEF doctrines, what price will we pay if we align more with America ?
Were to remain.
I believe Trump is following orders to proceed with the new world order – in spite of what he says.
You may be right.
Or does he think he’s big enough to beat the bullies ?
I would imagine that no one thinks they are big enough to beat the bullies anymore.
That all ended in the ’60s.
Trump is His 0wn Man, he’ll carry out Their Agenda
in His 0wn Way…
It’s been said Trump has been heard singing “I Did It My Way” whilst
showering, and skips the bit “Regrets ? I’ve had a few……”.
No! We do not have to choose between two evils. This has to stop now. We should turn right away from voting and legitimising these bastards wherever they reside and with whatever political brush they paint themselves. They seem to want and need our consent to all that’s going on. Do not consent by voting.
So your solution is ?
Sometimes there is no immediate solution or plan, but you have to stop the behavior nonetheless.
One part of the solution is to live your life in accordance with your own inner moral compass, regardless of mandates and such. Have a Plan B in place is another. I’m open to other escape ideas….
“which seems to be at odds with Davos”.
Operative word being “seems”.
I wish Sir Humphrey (Appleby) was here to explain it all for us.
Where has Tulsi already done a 180?
Ukraine’s conscription age was lowered from 27 to 25 in April, but the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43.
Lowering the age as required by both Trump and Biden to fill up the front to pressure Putin, is politically unpopular and Ukraine has said it wants to protect its future generations.
So the self-declared “bitcoin president” says CBDC is dangerous?
What has Bitcoin got to do with programnable CBDC ?
“What has Bitcoin got to do with programnable CBDC ?”
They share the same core technologies and infrastructure. A better question would be how do they differ?
CBDC can be non-fungible, but doesn’t have to be from day one.
What’s to stop them taking over Bitcoin and using it as a global CBDC? The USA controls the Internet and could smash Bitcoin instantly if they wanted with a few changes to traffic protocols. That threat would be enough to take control.
Or maybe Bitcoin was a US government project from the start.
Iit has been said that the only reason Bitcoin hasn’t been outlawed is that it is the fallback scenario if the “approved” CBDC didn’t work out.
Is fiat fungible?
Whilst there is another prepared to give value to it, yes.
Buy tulip bulbs ?
Or maybe Bitcoin was a US government project from the start.
Yes. Release a bit of code from an unidentifiable source and the free software communities will work on it for nothing. Polish it and iron out the bugs. So the cbdc project gets developed for you at no expense.
The banksters will know this is a reliable bet as they have the example of the rampant success of the linux kernel project. It’s sobering to see how an arguably good thing (microsoft’s poisonous reach being somewhat curtailed) can be flipped to serve a very different ideal.
He admits its dangerous so won’t abolish cash but allow the CBDC to run along side cash to compliment it.
We all know how that ends 5 or 10 years down the line…
His ‘meme’ of course was a great Ponzi scheme……
CBDCs undermine the position of the commercial banks – JP Morgan Chase et al. They are the middlemen who would be cut out by the direct connection between individuals and the Central Banks implied by retail CBDCs.
Did you even read my post ?
I asked what the connection was between programmable CBDC’s and private digital currencies.
If you want to buy magic beans, then go ahead.
If you want your “government” to insist you convert your net worth to magic beans that they control, fill your boots.
Blockchain is the common thread. While crypto promises total anonymity how can something on a server live up to that? I’m not expert and maybe it can but doesn’t sound to me much different from CBDC.
Beause CBDC is like your bank, mortgage account, savings, investment account having all of your personal details and deciding what priviliges or punishments YOU are to receive.
Totally different to signing onto an anonymous account to buy private assets.
Totally dofferent.
Well, governments can recognize and accept e-coins as currency — El Salvador has done it, for example. They could even make it legal tender, if they wanted to.
Plus: we know nothing about the this ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ guy who supposedly began (and still runs?) Bitcoin; so how do we know for sure it isn’t a government psy-op?
The owners of the big commercial banks also own the central banks, heads they win, tails they win and we know who loses.
Not necessarily. Retail banks could still serve as agencies of money-lending, credit cards, etc.
If I don’t like the Central Bank/their algorithms don’t like me, can I take my ‘digital ID’ elsewhere?
Oh right. So a politician said something. I guess he must really mean it.
You are going to be disappointed if you quote Trump. Remember, he first approved of HCQ before clever people made him see the light.
And isn’t he still singing the praises of the miraculous vaccines that saved millions of lives?
Trump may be on record saying a lot of things – which I would imagine he was told to say.
His vision of the world is Controlledcentric – do what he’s told centric.
But that’s just my opinion.
At least Trump has a clue about the real world because this statement is a true statement.
CBDCs are dangerous!