This Week in the New Normal #96

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Drinking Milk is Unsettling
Writing in the Guardian – because where else would have her – Arwa Mahdawi asks…
Why is it so unsettling to watch an adult drink cold cow’s milk?
To which I can only respond, “is it?”
This isn’t a new meme. The idea that drinking milk is “weird” or “childish” or “unnatural” or “creepy” has been around for years.
Of course, drinking non-dairy milk isn’t weird at all. That’s normal, commendable even. Cockroach milk? Even better.
The agenda is pretty clear.
In a less subtle propaganda piece, The Daily Mail warns that “lives are being put at risk” because more and more people are choosing to eat butter rather than “healthier low fat” margarine.
Dairy = bad, in case you weren’t getting it.
2. The Moon is Under Threat
The Moon is now listed as a “threatened cultural site” by the World Monument’s Fund, because they’re worried about space tourists damaging the lunar landing sites.
This is such a good example of our societal insanity.
Now, I’m not going into the Apollo narrative here, but if you accept the official version of events then not only has nobody been to the moon since 1972, we don’t even have the technology to do it anymore.
Nobody has set foot on the moon in over fifty years. Nobody has even been within 200,000 MILES of the moon in that time, and suddenly we’re writing laws about what to do when going to the moon isn’t just possible, but so common our “collective heritage” is in danger.
It’s hilarious.
3. The UFO thing hasn’t gone away
…speaking of space, did you know there was footage showing the recovery of a UFO on the internet?
It hit the headlines a few days ago on a site called NewsNation, and then went viral, and a “whistle blower” has come forward to claim he was within 150ft of the “egg-shaped craft”.
Now, the mainstream hasn’t endorsed this story but it has mentioned it, covering the social media response rather than the event itself. The Daily Mail reports:
Internet divided as ‘egg’ UFO retrieval video airs on TV
We covered the possibility of UFO-based psy-op back in 2023, when “whistle blower” David Grosch testified in front of congress that the US government had recovered working alien technology from crash sites.
It looks like they’re keeping that option open.
BONUS: Neglected topic of the week
Davos started yesterday, did you know? They had their big concert and everything. Today will see the start of the serious work where people get down to talking about things that matter.
Things like “how false narratives and misleading information evolved and impacted the political landscape”, which translates from Globospeak to English as “why we should censor people more”.
Elsewhere there is talk of the “Threat of Insurance Deserts”, which is the problem that insurance companies are starting to refuse to cover property which might be destroyed by extreme weather events.
More honestly, it’s a system by which insurance companies can further the climate change narrative by simply refusing to cover property which is “threatened by climate change”. This will drive people out of certain areas (and into cities). These people will be officially listed as “climate migrants”, and used as evidence climate change is having terrible impacts and something must be done.
As usual we’ll be keeping an eye out for anything horrifying and reporting back. Look out for more later in the week.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Dr Fauci getting pre-emptively pardoned by Joe Biden, Carole Cadwalldr’s latest batshit crazy “Russian plot” nonsense, or the race for new bird flu vaccines.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I really like the piece about the ‘milk scarient’ … I had no idea these peeps had become this crazy … or desperate to push their madness.
“More honestly, it’s a system by which insurance companies can further the climate change narrative by simply refusing to cover property which is “threatened by climate change”. This will drive people out of certain areas (and into cities). These people will be officially listed as “climate migrants”, and used as evidence climate change is having terrible impacts and something must be done.”
“Two hundred years ago, less than 10 percent of human beings — fewer than 100 million — lived in cities. Today, the three most populous urban areas — the Pearl River Delta megacity, Tokyo, and Delhi — have a combined population of more than 110 million, and somewhere between 55 and 84 percent of all human beings (4.4 to 6.7 billion people) live in cities.” Max Wilbert
Can a City be Sustainable?
Autumn 2022
The Basketmaker
“Through the practice and poetry of basketmaking, lives, cultures, and generations intertwine.”
Mortal Engines review – Peter Jackson’s steampunk Star Wars stalls
Book Review: ‘Mortal Engines’ by Philip Reeve
The next book I buy could be Mortal Engines; then I might watch the Peter Jackson movie.
Jorma Kaukonen – Genesis – Live
But what this scumish Schneider does there with his “shock edits” (horrendously multiplied by Judentube) stands in contrast to, for example, the South African native Kevin Richardson. He can easily be recommended as truly unpretentious and natural!
Birthday Quiz: Whose Rebel Spirit Turns 81?
Eighty-one candles for a rebel’s light,
Whose courage blazed through darkness bright.
Our movement’s heart, unbroken, clear,
A voice that challenged year by year.
From whispers soft to thunderous roar,
He opened every hidden door.
No compromise, no silent plea,
Just truth that set perspectives free.
The spirit of resistance burns,
Where wisdom fights and passion learns.
No name required, the message rings:
One soul can lift a thousand wings.
Today we toast this rare terrain,
Where thought breaks every binding chain.
Unvanquished still, at eighty-one,
The spark that never can be done.
Btw., the Jews also congratulate, but not
Prof. MacDonald to his birthday, but them-
selves to another lucrative business at the
expense of easily seduced American fools.
The UFO story must be true but where are they really landing.
We all know that China never invents anything, just copies US technology. So when they were first with 5G internet you have to ask, who did they copy?
UFO’s must have landed and those dastardly Chinese are not telling us.
Wow! for you to repeat this rot, i.e. … “We all know that China never invents anything, just copies US technology.” … you appear to be more brainwashed than you might perhaps realise. I assume you have heard of ‘gunpowder’ amongst other things … ? STOP believing the American bullshit, it really doesn’t do anyone any good, inclusive of Americans. Perhaps you still believe in the ‘Moon-landing’ junket’ as well, eh!? Grow-up …
Utterly bizarre/desperate….
So the self-professed elite’s quest for immortality now becomes a stick to beat men over the head with!?….
Freed Hostages Say Hamas Held Them in United Nations Facilities
Would explain a few things….
Americans are in need. The boil heated up by Jews bursts open. Racial community, they insist, is completely impossible because it goes against “human dignity”.
Not entirely unfounded to attribute both the superficial American “friendship” and the incessant wars around the world to the same goal that Israel Zangwill had in mind.
That needs to be discussed in detail: Americans have developed a mode to counteract racial discord by first making open offers to everyone. There is nothing substantial behind this.
The second method of welding “Americans” together is to wage permanent war in the name of “freedom and democracy”. An extremely perverse distortion of all basic human research.
Any unity is incidental, and propaganda to paper over racism. The primary purpose of any war is always to profit from armaments and plunder. Every injustice is paid for the hard way. The problems of the Insane Terrorist Empire have not even started.
No, for mammals, including humans, drinking milk once weaned, and from another species to boot, is not natural !
Milk guzzlers have been duped by BigBiz every bit as much as those who buy into the vaccines are safe, necessary and effective propaganda.
Through tricky advertising, milk drinking has now been made sexy for men by adding coffee flavour – what’s next, beer flavour? – and showing athletic, muscled types doing the advertising for the industry.
We are propagandised into thinking that the high calcium levels in milk is necessary for our bones. However, there’s solid scientific evidence that high dairy consumption retards the bone-building cells, whilst accelerating the activity of the bone-resorption (dismantling) cells in the body, hence the countries with the lowest consumption of dairy also have the lowest incidences of osteoporosis and hip fractures in the elderly.
The galactose in milk is an established animal model of ageing in so-called lab animals. Those unfortunate animals have a shortened lifespan caused by oxidative stress damage, chronic inflammation (yes, dairy is highly pro-inflammatory!), neurodegeneration, decreased immune response, etc.
Dairy consumption also causes a rise in insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), both of which is strongly associated with a range of cancers (breast, prostate, etc). Moreover, you can cure severe acne in teenagers simply by taking them off milk.
And for all those who like to trash (non GMO) soy products for their oestrogenic content, here’s the thing: plants do not contain oestrogen. Animals do! And milk is THE oestrogenic dietary product.
Consuming milk products is also associated with some autoimmune diseases: Patients with type 1 diabetes, coeliac disease and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults have been found to have significantly increased levels of antibodies to beta-casein, a components of milk.
High, dairy intakes cause digestive problems for the 75% of the world’s population who are deficient in the enzyme lactase and those digestive problems drive chronic inflammation that is central to today’s chronic disease epidemic, including cancer.
Moreover, adding milk to chocolate, coffee or tea cancels any of the antioxidant activity of those foods/drinks.
There’s more, but you get the picture. Our consumption habits today are driven by Big Industry’s propaganda.
Drinking cow’s milk is a brilliant innovation because it turns a single animal into a multi-use resource. You get the animal fat and the protein without killing the animal.
That’s why you won’t have a problem drinking it if you are descended from innovative people.
If you are of an ethnicity or race that is descended from ancestors who DIDN’T innovate, then you will have problems drinking it.
I suspect the moon heritage protection is not so much to shoo away space tourists as to foster a sense of relationship within people towards the shared narratives or moon landing heritage.
Aka more thought control through NLP
Re-calibrating “climate concern” for the new Trump era:
Off and On Guardian: two peas mostly in the same pod: ‘The gesture speaks for itself’: Germans respond to Musk’s apparent Nazi salute
Musk “does a Nazi salute”, the assembled chorus of properly horrified descendants of you-know-what are properly horrified, and the old WW2 Show gets wheeled out yet again. Everyone’s happy.
If the gesture “speaks for itself” then why does the Graud have to speak for it?
Because people have difficulty in processing objective reality; i.e. in seeing that the emperor has no clothes!
You have “bits of cancer” floating around inside you all the time. You are UNCLEAN. You need the spirit of the Holy AI to deliver the sacred vaccine vessel! Hallelujah!
The Science will bring you jabs through mosquitoes:
Graud: “Schools are scared to teach the Arab-Israeli conflict in history lessons”
One wrong word and you yourself become history!
Contrary to what you may have heard, little billy gates hasnt passed the
collection plate around amongst all his billionaire frenz to get donations
to keep his favourite charity, The WHO, going, now that POTUS #47 has
decided The USA aint gonna help fund it anymore…
Human Moderators , please could You look into a Pending post of Mine , fairly innocuous i think … It would be most appreciated!
I Posted this earlier , it will be interesting to see whether it gets past AI moderation this time lABC news Aust, linking Latest Anti Semitic outrage to Elon Musk making “Hitler Salute” at Trump inauguration…to a recent spate of “anti semitic” outrages including the recent Torching pf a Creche in a predominantly Jewish Quater in Sydney… A Spokeswoman for a an Australian Jewish association interviewed drops an unintended truth ” its frightening to know that there might be Paid Actors ..committing these outrages!”.. Could it be state actors , providing a pretext for New draconian Laws banning criticism of Israelor even Ushering in even stronger “Hate Crime ” legislation…
No AI moderation here and this is the only time you posted this comment.
I think part of My problem is using a browser that doesnt store cookies.. One posts then when one switches off the phone things simply disappear .. that could well be why people are having problems…
Canards – all part of Perception Management… And there’s police
‘dirt files’ from which (invented to fill-in the narrative) details are drip-
drip-dripped to the hungry corporate propaganda media…
Overseas Pay Masters !! Why, in The Old days, the local ‘communists’
were receiving gold from Moscow, the mass media said so…
Contrary to what you may have heard POTUS #47 did not sign an Order
for low-waged US workers to be given a substantial pay rise immediately.
Nor did #47 sign an Order directing Billionaires to STOP privatising
collectively produced US wealth… #47 wouldnt do that to his frenz…
Will Fauci ever live down the Ignominy of being fingered by Joe The Snitch ?
Don’t get your hopes up regarding the UFO psy-op. No pyrotechnics, no holograms, no CGI…
The 1950s was a good year for UFO psyops; there were so
many Saturday arvio matinees showing movies about Invasions
by Martians…
Many guessed they were really Russians in disguises…
They’re probably Chinese this time round…
For the U.K residents.
Climate and Nature Bill. It looks as though the psychopaths are going to try and get the scam through regardless of their not being any global boiling.
You’ll starve to death and won’t be able to escape the digital 15 minute prison.
But you’ll be happy about it.
I’m not happy.
if you’re looking for some hidden Prime Movers who really pull all the levers behind the curtain of the world stage, the executives running the insurance companies would be a logical place to start
think about how much control comes from being able to decide, with absolutely zero democratic input, not even the semblance of a participatory process, decide where people are allowed to live, how down to the minutiae they may live, work and play, etc, because if you don’t follow the rules they make, you’re a BAD RISK
They create forever changing rules to extract as much money as possible from the
customersconsumers to line their shadowy shareholders coffers. It’s a racket.Wait until they really start weaponising life insurance – no jabs…. eat meat… play a contact sport… drive instead of cycling… forget about it!
Years ago (at least in the US) virtually all employers started requiring urine samples of employees – which the Supreme Court said was legal except for public employees. Clearly the fig leaf reason – drugs – was merely to cover up the real reason: to determine who might be a poor risk for Health Insurance.
So while we fret and worry about the government getting our precious DNA, private enterprise already has it. Oh but they would never share it with the government, now would they?
apparently the globalist cabal have selected the location for their annual conclave so as to bring to life in reality the imaginary scenario from Thomas Mann’s MAGIC MOUNTAIN, in which super-rich decadent rentiers of all nations gather at this selfsame exclusive Swiss resort, Davos, to lounge around, squabble over theories of world domination, hook up with each other, dabble in esoteric speculations about the nature and future of humanity, and come into contact with shadowy all-powerful beings, “Die Da Oben”, who look down from on high in majestic aloofness at the affairs of petty ordinary mortals, whereby all the while of course, it must be remembered, the lot of these rarefied, exalted characters, in the novel, is desperately trying to deny the inescapable fact that every one of them is rotting from the inside out, fatally compromised by the systemic illness that will, in very little time, consume them like dried husks in a wildfire
I’m a 69 year old lifelong proud drinker of cold cow’s milk, especially if one expands “drink” to include consuming it with breakfast cereal.
Quite true. Several years ago, I reluctantly followed my doctor’s orders and visited the hospital nutritionist to review my diet and recommend improvements. She was pleasant and personable, but when I confessed to liking milk she sharply exclaimed, “No one over the age of two should be drinking milk!” I didn’t argue with her, because I already pretty much knew that I wouldn’t give the “diet plan” we worked out a second thought once I left– the paperwork is still gathering dust somewhere.
FWIW, I see the “unsettling” business as still another instance of a trend to affect a refined sensibility and express high dudgeon and righteous outrage when encountering some commonplace act like drinking milk. One must clutch one’s pearls, and alternate between wringing one’s hands and shaking a finger in offenders’ faces.
I twigged on this a while back, when I noticed a lot of commenters on videos claiming to be tormented by a speaker’s “vocal fry”. Yes, I occasionally find certain vocal styles irritating, and there are no end of YouTube videos lecturing about the existence of “vocal fry”, “Valley Girl” rising nflections, etc.
Sometimes the speech in question is indeed mildly grating. But it became clear to me that this was much more a meta-phenomenon of people seeking validation and social prestige among peers by affecting to find “vocal fry” intolerable, and often castigating the accused for intentionally speaking in an artificially fried “unnatural” voice.
At worst, this is annoying. But now it’s been escalated into a “thing”: witnessing milk-drinkers, or hearing “vocal fry”, must be scathingly decried as utterly obnoxious and intolerable. For me, it’s the unnatural fuss that’s obnoxious and intolerable. 🤨
You can ask any solicitous friend advising against milk: What is the age range you recommend for alcohol, and how much?
If you ever get bloating etc. for milk, a homeopath can resolve this soon. Yogurt (not pasteurised) will not raise such a problem.
The same people will tell you, in a different context, that tolerance is the supreme civilised value and anyone who doesn’t tolerate whatever is today’s agenda item must be a Nazi….
Tolerance is not a virtue.
I read a review describing the plot of Babygirl, the latest Nicole Kidman film, in which she apparently discovers she likes the idea of being a little girl and being sorted out by an older man. Gross on so many levels but how did she discover this new found fetish? He sends her a free glass of milk in a bar. This plot twist was way over my head till now. So you’re only supposed to drink milk when you’re a child but chai latte is fine for adults? I really don’t get it and nor will I be wasting two hours watching a film based on such a ridiculous premise.
Actually, Nicole plays a frustrated “cougar” who gets “sorted out” by a younger man. Based on the trailer, it looks rather like a riff on Fifty Shades of Grey.
Your opening sentence speaks of “cold cow’s milk.” Don’t forget: it’s getting almost impossible for anyone – including private cooperatives – to get whole, unpasteurized milk. States are banning it and invading cooperatives to arrest those selling it (all in the name of public health, of course).
For me personally, except for in coffee, I never touch milk or almost anything else that must be refrigerated. This because my poor 80 year old teeth cannot bear anything cold. And as to putting ice in anything, I am horrified by the mere sight of an ice cube.
What do you call those meetings at Davos, “Traitor Talks”? Ways to streamline the process of dissolving ones sovereignty in the middle of the night? How to maintain immunity from treason while committing it? Am I confusing the J6 committee meetings with the Davos meetings? Will Biden pardon Al Gore and John Kerry for attending Davos meetings (Or did he?)? Seems like everyone is up for some kind of pardon. Even though they were pardoned, Jails are refusing to honor Trumps pardons of the J6ers. So much is going on. Such great people. Democrats, that is. Evil never ends.
Al Gore and John Kerry went to the same D.C. boarding school (along with the likes of Jesse Jackson, Neil Bush and Gore Vidal). It’s called St. Albans School….
You said that last time…..
It’s hard to discern if the ‘Science Alert’ site is The Science dressed-up as
‘news’, or trivia dressed-up as science… It certainly is a propaganda as
science site… One of its latest claims is that little pussy cats in Los Angeles –
where smoke from wildfires hung heavy in the air just before POTUS #47’s
Crowning – may have gotten their ‘bird flu’ from raw cow’s milk…
Bird Flu Confirmed in Cat Death Linked to Raw Pet Food, Milk.
The mootating quality of The Bird Flu ‘virus’ enables it to mark time harmlessly
in the background, or mootate into a Deadly Fearsome Enemy of hoomanity…
It should be renamed The Thermostat ‘virus’ as it appears it can mootate
according to requirements. That is, it can hum away in the background when
not needed, then can be turned right up high when The Authorities require A
Pandemic to scare us into doing Their bidding.
It’s a For-Every-Occasion ‘virus’…
‘Linked to’ is again doing the heavy work. It could do with a rest…
Reminder. The PCR ‘test’ for covid looked for RNA sequences 30-50 nucleotides long.
The entire covid genome is claimed to be about 30,000 nucleotides long.
A “positive covid test” is like finding the same word in two essays and concluding they are the same essay.
It’s beyond absurdity. The PCR ‘test’ needs to be made illegal before it is used to end civilisation.
Oh, and the PCR ‘test’ is the gold standard method. Ponder that. All other tests are dependent on it and even less accurate.
I wonder how big the bird flu genome is, what size chunks they look for, and what cycle threshold they’re using.
UK used CT=45 for covid, which grows the sample target by a factor of 35 trillion in a desperate attempt to find a match.
I wouldn’t have mattered if the cycle threshold was 1. MN908947 is a computer code. No virus was ever isolated from a sick person to use as “the thing to look for”. So the test was always 100% fraudulent. But you all know that here. The bird flu “virus” is equally mythical.
My point is, PCR is worthless as a test even if you concede the official narrative!
I understood that part too. And you’re right.
Yup. PCR is a process, not a test and never was a test.
Research at the home of an “infected” family produced no live virus on any surface. -Prof Hendrik Streeck, (director, Inst. of Virology, U. Hospital, Bonnhas), 2020
But already, US government is demanding tests on farm animals for “bird flu”.
It’s important to test cows for bird flu to make sure they don’t fly off to other farms and spread the disease. Maybe they should clip cows’ wings too. Can’t be too careful.
Stage Directions
Elon, when you do the “awkward gesture”, try to make it look ambiguous. And remember, just do once. Okay?
He was clearly dabbing. Which is apparently something to do with cannabis use. “Reefer Madness” warned us this would happen!
Why would anyone downvote Mr Y’s post?
Anyhow. On reflection, I find Musk’s gesture suspicious. It’s too much like a carefully crafted Roman Salute tweaked just enough for plausible deniability while guaranteeing outrage. Perfection.
Is this more Establishment theatre to instill the mindset that conservatives=far right?
There are multiple reasons, but for me the key one is that the posted image, being slightly off peak, misrepresents the climactic triumph of Musk’s “awkward gesture”; namely:
With regard to the intent of the psyop, it’s possible that Musk did exactly as instructed. Under my assumption, however, I agree that Musk was supposed to maintain plausible deniability; which he would accomplish by leaving a degree ambiguity. Instead, he seems to have got a little over excited in channelling his inner nazi.
I’m starting to think they may have a point!
Cool White Guys Are Back In Control – Are Our Problems Are Over?
Nick Buckley MBE
Jan 20, 2025
Following the Nixon dictum that “When the President does it it’s not illegal,” Herr Elon is merely exercising the latest iteration of that august dictum: “When a billionaire does it, it’s not fascist.”
Side-by-side, there’s NO ambiguity!
Note; most of this is psyop and counter psyop, but my interpretation is that Musk got carried away with excitement (and possibly drugs) and the overtness of the nazi salute wasn’t intended.
Nazis and White Christian Nationalists Excited About ELON MUSK’S ‘LOVING HITLER ENERGY!!!’
Jesse Dollemore
Jan 22, 2025 #DollemoreDaily #ElonMusk #NickFuentes
Jesse talks about Nick Fuentes and other right-wing allies of the Republican Party who are thrilled at the salute delivered from behind the presidential podium following Donald Trump’s inauguration. Who would know best about whether the salute was a Nazi salute than a Nazi?
Joe Rogan Inverts Reality
He promotes the idea that the statement “my heart goes out to you” was made before the “gesture”. Whereas, the reality is that the statement was made after Musk did the salute the second time.
Moreover, he thinks Musk was doing the old-fashioned pledge of allegiance. Given that Musk wasn’t born until around four decades after the rise of Nazism, and the old-form pledge had long since been abandoned, the claim the Musk somehow got confused must be the most retarded excuse to date!
Joe on People Thinking Elon Musk Gave a Nazi Salute
JRE Clips
Jan 23, 2025
Maybe the original mistake was in allowing on stage a manic-depressive user of mood-altering drugs. The compounding mistake was in trying to gaslight people by doubling down on the absurd claim that Musk didn’t do a Nazi salute. The question of why he used that particular version of the salute remains to be answered.
Elon Musk Says Ketamine Helps Him Get Out Of “Negative State of Mind”
Mar 19, 2024
Tesla CEO Elon Musk admitted to using ketamine in an interview. He says Tesla is benefiting from him using ketamine. This medication is generally used to treat pain and depression. Musk says he sometimes slips into a “negative chemical state” and the drug helps him to get out of that zone. Watch our video to know more.
The Wall Street Journal
The Elon-Musk-Is-a-Secret-Nazi Meme
A kooky accusation goes from social media, to the press, to the Senate.
By The Editorial Board
Jan. 22, 2025 5:53 pm ET
ADL turns on Elon Musk after sparking backlash for defending his controversial inauguration salute
Published: 05:16, 24 January 2025 | Updated: 07:42, 24 January 2025
Wall Street [Pumping &] DUMPING Elon Musk
Chris Norlund
Jan 24, 2025
And then we have the furore over the Southport murderer. You remember the one : the image of the sweet little black boy at school, born in Wales to immigrant parents, once on TV.
The “sweet little boy” whose latest mugshot is of a wild-haired 18 yr old who looks like an extra from the institution in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and who has a penchant for downloading jihadi manuals, knocking up a bit of ricin and murdering innocent young girls. The “sweet little boy” who was a candidate for the Prevent programme (whatever the fuck THAT is) and luckily stopped by his father only weeks earlier climbing into a cab and heading to his former school. Being armed with knives presumably means it wasn’t to say “hi” to his old teachers.
And because this was all kept under wraps, the information vacuum meant that swathes of ordinary folks demonstrated accordingly.
The nett result was used by the State Machine to clear some space in our overcrowded prisons (handy eh ?) and then to drag through the courts and subsequently bang-up a large number of previously law-abiding folk for forwarding a tweet, or voicing an opinion or some other innocuous action. How very very handy – a warning shot to quell future “dissidence”.
One might even surmise that it was an “inside job” in some way.
Who knows ?
I deeply miss the days when we laughed at the inferior Eastern Bloc for doing such things. It could never happen here, I thought.
The latest mugshot looks to me as if someone had plugged the terms “black”, “psychopath” and “voodoo” into an AI image generator. Either that or someone rehearsing for the African version of The Walking Dead.
Looks like professional make-up.
This Week in the New absurd.
The United Kingdom govt has announced today that:
What, this Humphrey?
Watch out.
Watch out.
Watch out.
Watch out.
There’s a Humphrey about.
And he’s after your non-Bovaer milk.
An egg shaped UFO? I don’t want to get my hopes us, but maybe they’re coming out with a new Coneheads movie. Or, just my luck, it could be Chicken Little come to warn us of the Bird Flu.
H.G. Wells had a very simple method of space travel in “The First Men in the Moon (1901)“.
You simply cover a sphere with anti-gravity shields and then open a hatch in the direction you wish to travel. Any pull of gravity in that direction naturally propels the vehicle that way. To get to the moon, or indeed to any planet, you just open the hatch that looks at it. Opening a hatch by greater or lesser amounts varies the speed eg just a little bit for descent onto a surface.
He also envisaged radio signals from the moon to the earth. This was 1901. Perhaps the process has been over-complicated since then.
All that really remains is to actually invent an anti-gravity shield (slight hiccup)
If you’re not following Ashton Forbes, you should be.
depends what part of the world your from.
Cow are considered sacred and the brahamic would not drink milk in any form.
and doing a CC farmer shilling binary in making out a medical concoction poisons that is supermarket shite sold as milk is normal then I would not except any more from a blog who only worked out fluoride was in U.K tap water from 2023 onwards.
Not related to this specific post, but I wanted to let the admins know, your contact email (contact at off-guardian dot org) appears to be broken, it gives an error “550 Mailbox is full / Blocks limit exceeded / Inode limit exceeded”.
All I know is, as soon as I gave up dairy products my lifelong, debilitating, hay fever disappeared.
No milk = No mucus.
The moon?
Well, it’s the subject of so many Love songs that I feel like I’ve already been there.
BTW, I didn’t see any space junk or USian flags.
The moon is made of green cheese.
I totally agree, I’ve still got the mucus. It’s boring. Spit, spit.
Doubt anyone has been to moon looking at the laugable moon landings.
Good riddance to the Biden crime syndicate..
And welcome back to the Trump crime syndicate,
I watched the egg/ufo recovery “whistleblower” nonsense, we need better psy-ops.
I’ve timestamped it at the egg bit to save an hour of drivel:
Note the shadows, clearly filmed during the day or under a spotlight, and not through a Night Vision camera, the green was added in post processing. It’s probably some art sculpture installation, there’s dozens of large egg sculptures around the world in a pic search. It’s so lightweight it rolls under it’s own weight when it touches down.
Thing is, they show the “whistleblower” credentials at the beggining of the video, but the voice over pads his CV bigtime
His paperwork showed he was an SrA (Senior Aircraftsman, one rank below staff seargant, equiv of Corporal in the Army) with paracute rescue course. He got his AFAM medal for attending a vehicle accident while on guard duty at Fort Polk Louisiana, not in Bosnia, non of his paperwork shows helicopter anything let alone pilot.
They show a pic of him in civillian clothes in front of a presidential helicopter, with air crew in flight suits in the background, looks more like an oppertunistic selfie than him being on presidential duty. He was stationed in 41AS (AMC), an airlift squadron that ony uses fixed wing aircraft, they were probably transporting the presidential helos when he took the pic.
They show some flight authorisation paperwork for a flight in CONUS, it states the crew are security cleared as “NATO CONFIDENTIAL”, i.e. the lowest security classification for which all armed forces would be cleared, nowhere near “TOP SECRET”.
He was only in the Airforce 5yrs 10 months, finished training in 95, same yr Bosnia ended, I doubt he went anywhere near Bosnia or he’d have a medal for it (USF get a medal for eating breakfast abroad) his merit award was for work in Oman in 98.
Video voice over says while showing his authorisation for Paracute/Combat Control course (Pipeline course)
But he was just an ordinary mechanic, he wasn’t “recruited” for anything, CRO was what he joined up for on a 6yr voluntary contract. Paracute Rescue could be spun as “elite” I guess, Pipeline not an easy course to pass, they have >80% failure rate, but it’s nothing out of an action thriller lol.
Mork calling Orson..Nanu Nanu.
I hate that faux green night vision effect. Are we supposed to believe they’re still using cathode ray tube displays with green phosphorus??? It’s so condescending.
OmG now on the same distraction level as the MSM media on a unique day like January 21th 2025.
Distracting from what?
Milk… it used to be our greatest product. Made the Dutch into giants
Was drank by people in bars, who, by the way, were all lean, healthy and looked terribly hapilly
Or so it was according to this Dutch commercial from the 80s
What happened?
A competing vested interest happened. I love dairy milk, me. Lactose intolerance can be natural for some, sure, a genetic feature or the result of lactose malabsorption and gut sensitivity. But for many is a gift from ultra-processed food manufacturers – and the only ‘winners’ are the UPF manufacturers themselves with their dubious lab-specified non-dairy concoctions. Anyway, when it develops suddenly in a person it is likely evidence of damage to the small intestine or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
Point is, for many/most people, lactose intolerance isn’t just something that happens, it is inflicted by UPF corporates who weaponise our food and thereby gift metabolic illness and chronic deterioration to their customers.
You forgot medicines killing off the essential human gut microbiome. Over-processed foods (“UPF”) are similar in their additives.
The Fauci preemptive pardon is an outrageous middle finger to citizens of the US and of the world. One must ask the question: Why did he need a pardon if he committed no crime?
IF he accepts it, he admits guilt.
perhaps to make you believe he is responsible, & not the government itself…?
News is fake. It’s phony. It’s mind control jibber jabber.
There’s no prosecution, ever, for govt officials for doing their job. They have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY.
No matter what the result or how much genocide, theft and crime. And the govt -IS- the courts. The legal system essentially controls and meets out the tyranny, it’s not some separate branch of anything. That’s an outright lie by the propagandists hired by ‘the state’.
And the courts are all privately owned and incorporated just like the local, state and federal govts. There’s no courts for justice. They’re only set up to enforce slavery and retain the power of the state: To maintain the power, wealth and control of the real owners of the for-profit courts, govt, military.
They’re probably trying to prevent an investigation. A preemptive pardon could make it seem like a useless endeavor.
I disagree. Do the full investigation. Go through a trial. Declare the result, even if there can’t be any sentence.
The public has a right to know.
And the guilty would experience consequences even if the justice system had failed us.
You have the freedom to disagree. But not too loudly. As the victims of the many natural disasters about justice or “government service”.
It means POTUS #47’s frenz can all go on a four-year Crime Spree knowing
all will be pardoned. US opinion polls claim folks already cant recall what
POTUS #46 achieved. Will they recall next week all the Symbolic Gestures
POTUS #47 made at His Crowning on 20 January ?
They didn’t pardon Fauci for crimes.They pardoned Fauci for being a vertically challenged 5.7″ excuse for a man.
What’s the deal with short people becoming tyrants?

The God Emperor (President) decides who to forgive or protect.
Going to the Moon isn’t impossible. It is merely unnecessary and unnecessarily expensive.
It is not official information that there is no technology to go to the Moon. That ”information” comes from Moon landing deniers, aka conspiracy theorists.
It is based on misrepresenting and misunderstanding one statement of one astronaut.
Everyone knows that “official information” would have us all believe we can go to the moon. After all, it was “official information” that told us we actually went there.
Calling someone a “denier” or “conspiracy theorist” does not automatically invalidate his points.
Furthermore, the attempt to link moon landing sceptics with “flat earthers” is a non-sequitur. Those who are sceptical about the moon landing do not have to believe the Earth is flat. (Indeed if the Earth were flat, it would make reaching the moon more credible!)
That’s Some Mighty Good Fact-Checkin’, George Mc !
“DoublePlusPlusGood !!
One statement of one astronaut in one interview is not an official statement. Official information on this issue can be found here:
You believe it’s impossible for humans to go to the moon. Why do you believe that?
Is the reason for your belief listed here, or is it something else?
I haven’t seen any evidence presented by the Moon hoax believers. Theory is not a fact, and fact is not a belief.
But if beliefs are what is sacred and valued, facts don’t matter.
Saying “we don’t have the technology anymore” was a poor, very broad way of wording it if he meant “we don’t have the original hardware/infrastructure.” It invited controversy.
It doesn’t even make sense with the ‘correct’ interpretation. It’s like me saying I no longer have the first pocket calculator I had at school, therefore I can’t possibly balance my bank account. Better methods and technology are available and make it easier than ever.
Objectively, the words he used really do strongly imply they lost the blueprints/ procedures/ calculations etc. and are incapable of reproducing them. Incidentally, that wouldn’t be beyond belief given the state of education.
At the time I thought nothing more of his comment than “what an embarrassing thing to say.”
I think he was admitting in a roundabout way, that they never had the technology to begin with.
”I’d go to the Moon in a nanosecond.” Don Pettit was talking about wanting to go to the Moon. ”The problem is we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it’s a painful process to build it back again.” He is talking about building manned spaceships designed to land people on the surface of the Moon. But technology for that was destroyed because the Apollo program was stopped; it wasn’t funded anymore, and when there’s no industry to do something, there’s no technology in that sense.
Building a spaceship isn’t mass production. Every spacecraft is unique. They are not built to last, but they are built to be destroyed. That’s what happened to most of the Apollo program equipment. Some of them are left on the Moon.
Since robots, machines, orbiters, and landers operate without human presence there, and they are much cheaper to build and maintain, there hasn’t been a good reason to put another crew of people on the Moon.
Footprints on the Moon are cultural heritage, as is all evidence of man’s presence there. Of course they are.
A major part of the pen… because it won’t need a fence, just the idea that dangerous animals are out there combined with any sort of weapon for self-defense being banned:
Boiling the frog – beavers and storks don’t seem threatening but bison and wolves are coming down the road.
Rewriting ancient history… to suit modern agandas:
Archaeologists-in-need-of-funding also find “our ancient ancestors” preferred heat pumps, electric cars and vaccinations while contacting aliens and hating Russians. They used CBDCs too.
As a boy I used to roam in the Bavarian forests. As long as one stayed clear of the Warsaw Pact border with Czechoslovakia one could do so very freely. A few weeks ago I spotted a fence were there had never been one. And live-wired, too. Covering quite a large area. I went around it and found a gate with a sign posted, informing the public that the Bavarian State was experimenting here on rewilding a certain form of cattle. And water buffalo! Now everybody knows that there are no water buffalo outside of the Bavarian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry. And those cannot be rewilded. The cattle, however, were real. I saw them from afar. Quite regular bovines if you ask me.
And it is for this reason I bought me a strong wire cutter a while ago.
It’s all coming together nicely. The Guardian’s assault on dairy story kinda confirms that OG is on-target. It’s a <a href=””> Health Tyranny</a> yarn, a part of the <a href=””> war on food,</a> bovine hydrogen fart stories elsewhere also show dairy to be more dangerous to the planet than <a href=””> unfettered nuclear proliferation</a>).
Health and politics are indivisible. Off-Guardian manifests this. Thanks. May you live long and prosper. Many won’t.
We NEED an edit function for when html code doesn’t work,,,,,😋
Or at least a delete option!
There will be no edit or delete function in the New Normal.
All our outrage will be recorded and our names added to Ze List.
Didn’t Carole Cadwalladr allegedly have connections to the Institute For Statecraft’s Integrity Initiative? The Integrity Initiative was supposed to be the 2010s version of Operation Mockingbird according to investigative journalist Mohamed Elmaazi.