Starmer wants to “Overhaul Terror Law”- Here’s WHY
Kit Knightly

With every major news story there is an “aha!” moment, the second where the pieces click into place and you realise “Oh, that’s what it’s really about!” Sometimes it’s instant, sometimes it takes a little while.
With the Southport stabbing story it was today, when the media announced that the government will be “overhauling terror laws” in response to the incident.
Writing in The Sun (or, more accurately, having his name attached to something in The Sun), Keir Starmer claims “we are facing a grave new threat”, requiring an “expanded definition” of terrorism.
Further, he wants to make it harder to buy knives:
…it remains shockingly easy for our children to get their hands on deadly knives. The lessons of this case could not be clearer.[…] The technology is there to set up age-verification checks, even for kitchen knives ordered online.
And do more censorship (from The Guardian):
“with just a few clicks, people can watch video after horrific video, videos that in some cases are never taken down. You can’t tell me that the material this individual viewed before committing these murders should be accessible or mainstream social media platforms,”
That will be at least partially covered by the Online Safety Act, which comes into force in March.
But the golden prize here is the “terrorism” law reform, which will seek to “broaden the definition of terrorism” to include the “grave new threat”. Again, from the Sun column:
And I’m afraid the blunt truth here is that this case is a terrible warning sign. Because Britain now faces a grave new threat. Terrorism has changed. In the past, the main threat was highly organised groups, with a clear political intent. Groups like Al-Qaeda and the IRA […]But now, alongside it, we also have to guard against extreme violence perpetrated by loners and misfits — a growing cohort of young men who can access all manner of sick material online.
The aim is to make “terrorism” even more abstract by removing it from religious or political ideology. This would mirror EU legislation from last year, which saw an informal and incredibly vague definition of “potential terrorist” adopted by the new Knowledge Hub.
In a statement to Parliament yesterday, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said [emphasis added]:
given the growing numbers of cases where perpetrators are seeking to terrorise, even without a clear ideology, we need to ensure that the law, powers and sentencing are strong enough to cope
Why are they talking about terrorism lacking ideology?
It is all linked back to the Covid19 anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests. When they say “no clear ideology”, they mean people expressing anti-government sentiment who can’t be boxed into a religious or “extremist” group.
Anyone, in other words, who has any problem with anything the government might be doing or legislating.
And if you don’t believe me, here is Vikram Dodd writing about how the “surge in online violence makes declaring a terrorist incident more difficult than ever” in The Guardian:
The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated two trends: it increased the number of young people entering the terrorism system, and the number of people with no or unclear ideology.
It’s all right there if you’re reading between the lines.
What does this mean in practical terms? What are they actually going to do? There are some hints.
When Starmer (or whoever wrote the Sun piece) mentions “too many people are falling between the cracks in our society”, for example, that means more surveillance and tighter controlling on home schooling.
When he says “That will mean difficult questions about how to protect our children from the tidal wave of violent videos online.”, he’s talking about ending online anonymity, as they are trying to do in Australia.
But, as is often the case, the practical is secondary to the rhetorical and emotional. The loosening of definitions is an aim of itself, as it enables Orwellian use of language.
The final aim is to make “Terrorism” a label so fluid as to be meaningless, applied on ad hoc basis to anything and everything as needed.
If you have a problem with forever wars
If you don’t want a ban on raw milk
If you just think your Council Tax is too high
Bam – you could be a “terrorist”.
So there’s that…
The situation was very cleverly played, coming at their goal from both sides.
The “riots” that followed the stabbing have prepped the left to fear “white supremacist violence”, while the absurd story about the “al Qaeda training” manual found in the alleged attackers home is fuel for the anti-immigrant right.
Either way, both sides are now outraged and/or terrified by the idea of “terrorism”, and both sides will be much more likely to accept whatever the people in charge do about it.
This is how and why your fears are played with – and why you need to be 100% sceptical of any narrative that ends up making you want the government to “do something” (anything) to make your fears go away.
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If the government went away (and the press) fear would dissipate like a natural cloud.
the labour government of the uk is illegitimate – only 20% of the voting population succeeded in getting them ‘elected’ – THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY – so why the analysis???? they are not credible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starmer’s example:
Pakistan’s digital rights remain hostage to the same political charades that allowed Peca to flourish in the first place. Peca II
In the home country of Starmer’s vote bank an exodus is happening: Is the Hindu Community Leaving Sindh?
Reporting now before his new 1984 law has been pushed through.
Thanks for the link. We have not been to Pakistan, but, we have been to India 4 times, once with our teenage daughter. We are English. I don’t know what it is like now, but my wife had been nagging me for years. “I want to go to India”. I said we are all going to get ill – and you won’t even eat curry. Eventually I relented, and said OK. The hardest thing was to get a VISA. Then they did not do it by post. We literally had to queue up at the Indian Embassy in Person in London and Be Interviewed of course with our Passports, Birth Certificates, and other means of identification.
Our Indian friend – originally from Goa – Says Don’t Go….Its not safe. There has recently been a Terrorist Attack in Goa. We said don’t be silly. There are Terrorist Attacks nearly Every Month in London.
The Indian Airports were horrible, but once we had cleared Passport Control – The Indian People were absolutely so Polite, Friendly and Gracious…
Whilst we always had an address – cos it was part of the deal (we never knew exactly where it was) except the Indian State… Far Cheaper that a Scheduled Flight.
Accomodation Allocated on Arrival.
We totally loved Kerala…as to the Religions – we asked the Tuk-Tuk driver to take us to the local temple…So he took us first to meet his wife and Family to check us out ( and we all smiled a lot ) – little English
It was totally amazing…Far more interesting than Rural Thailand – but that was Brilliant too.
All those fears for nothing. I’ve spent a couple of months in India, eating curry/thali daily, and only got sick once — the last meal before the flight home. But yeah, the bureacracy is bad, people generally gracious and friendly. Lots to see and experience — it is a big country with a rather large population, after all. The only caveat is, don’t look upon it as a sun ‘n fun destination. And, btw, the airport in Delhi is among the better ones now for intl flyers.
I spent hours cooking that, from basic fresh raw natural…Even my wife and son agreed – Best meal since we were in Greece. The Grandchildren were not that impressed.
What’s this Grandad?
If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!
“Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 (The Wall) – 1080p Remastered”
Children – Still the Same
I accept I was naive, but for a long time, I thought our British Government, was not only benign, but actually supportive of the interests of the interests of the British people. Harold Wilson for example, seemed a pleasant old man (possibly the only politician, I have ever seen live giving a speech about to become Prime Minister). I couldn’t vote for him, cos I was only 10. I never thought he was a Terrorist. To his credit, he said No to the Americans. Vietnam has nothing to do with us British. We will not be sending British Soldiers to Vietnam. I personally appreciated this, cos both my older brothers, were members of the Territorial Army – which at the time was an upgraded version of the Boy Scouts. The instructions, they were given when training in the fields of Derbyshire (near where I later started to learn to fly Gliders was)
“If a bloke with a strong Irish Accent comes up to you, and says “Give Me Your Gun”. “Do not Give Him Your Gun”
Since then, it has all gone to sh1t – trying to work out who the Good Guys are vs “The Terrorists”
I am so glad, I never joined any army or cult, and excommunicated myself from the Catholic Church…and Refused to be covid Jabbed.
I don’t trust any of these bastards.
I think much of this flows from the late 80s/early 90s, when the Wall came down, and we seemed to be heading in the right direction. But that’s when the neocons and Bill Clinton began trampling over the roots and shoots of a better world in the name of US power, foreign interventions beginning that continue to this day, and Davis-approved “liberal” horrors like Blair sprouted all over the “free world”. Like you, I believed politicians were in general doing their best in difficult circumstances, and I think that applies to Harold. But I’ve lost all faith (ie magical thinking) in today’s wretched crew, who seem to despise humanity but love themselves, and talk up the “threat” of misinformation but are the worst and most dangerous liars on the planet.
Brilliant post. Thank You
Wasn’t there a problem with knife crime in the 1950’s with mods and rockers
I remember the last time they were having a crack down on knives Tesco were having a special sale on knives.
Is this just another topic for politicians to jump on and for the press to make out to be the most important problem.
When pitch invasions after football matches was picked up and made a big thing. Then they had cages at football matches that did not turn out to well.
Then they got all bothered about groups of kids gathering so they brought in ASBO’s anti social behaviour orders . Drunks still came out of pubs being sick everywhere. Football/Rugby matches have many thousands of opposing supporters crammed into a town but that wont cause any problems.
Does playing violent video games make you more violent.
Pac-Man did not make me wont to be a cannibal.
Knife fights are ok. Dont worry they will still be around for many years to come.
I dont see how they will ever get rid of this ancient cultural way of ending a disagreement.
Women like them too. Chinese woman kidnap a handsome man and force him to love her by constantly threatening him with a knife! 😍 .
With all Europe, and definitely Trump’s MAGAmerica obsessed with Illegal Immigrants, how is it an entire nation of illegal immigrants goes unnoticed? That, of course, would be Israel. After WWII, the “allies” (bless their hearts) decided to ship the remaining European Jews to Palestine. Europe, clearly, had no further use for them; and Britain still owned Palestine – to by golly there was a match made in heaven.
Millions of illegal immigrants shipped to Palestine and nobody seems ever to have noticed. But let a handful end up on the pristine shores of Westworld, and all hell breaks loose!
“All around the mulberry bush
The monkey chased the weasel;
The monkey thought it was all in fun…
Pop! goes the weasel.”
The game goes on, and on, spinning out of control, with the end goal becoming clearer and clearer.
Hey hey, the answer to this is simple. You are 100% safe and secure, no one can do anything to you, when you’re dead! Don’t worry our boys and girls in the gummint are working on it.
so queer Starmer let jimmy go David steel Cyril smith and many other tory labour kid fiddlers lord janner lord mcalpine
now then now then Boyz and girls in terror.
uncle jimmy jingly jangly Savile had cops driving him around on visits to Fred west and Peter Sutcliffe.
queer Starmer it seems thought jimmy was innocent party and the folks that talked about it the criminals
pure khazharian mafia satanism init
Could you please have someone translate this for me so I could decide whether to give it another upvote?
To coin a phrase, the police know upon which side their bread is buttered, to put it succinctly.
The UK and US governments have a history of funding, arming and training terrorists. Can they please put themselves on the list of terror groups?
Don’t panic. 11 out of 12 Londoners aren’t illegal immigrants.
(How’s that for spin?)
look deep into the eyes of queer Starmer not around the eyes but go deep look closer.
a good egg yes no?
so what if his city of London corp mossadick mi5 cia file is liar Blair like in its richness of preversions that man only wants the best for the goyim
the eyes have it when Israel is mighty
“look deep into the eyes of queer Starmer not around the eyes but go deep look closer.”
To me, he looks like a man in a constant state of terror.
Well, here’s a dead give-away right off the bat –
The al queda training manual found in the alleged lone nutter’s home.
Unless that misfit is over the age of 60 he’s not reading how to terrorize from a manual.
This defeats their whole purpose of restricting anonymity online, doesn’t it?
Shouldn’t they abolish publishing houses and libraries now?
They have to start reporting al queda training videos found on conveniently placed laptops.
Judith, I assume you’re speaking of a British terrorist wanna-be? I mention this because one of the lone killers here in the US – lo and behold! – also had an al queda training manual in his home. What a small world!
real investigation basic’s dear Off g get out the center your in and actually go out in the real world.!!!
as a 60 year old
as a 60 year old I may need to show ID for the 1 & 2
if you visit WH smiths and then Asda they automatted self check out machines will not allow you to re buy the same items with ID as a supervisor from a shop clerk will need to check and approve the sale..
My ex ex is a builder and the local yard asks anyone who doesnt have a account for ID
if they was purchasing knives, the tools seen in films which they say kill people by TV series manics.
OFF G is a little bit naughty in exaggerating this as Blair and co 2007 Tony Blair claimed the spate of knife and gun murders in London was not being caused by poverty, but a distinctive black culture.
which brought in the Knife amnesty and stop and searches.
Even in today world, You will be asked questions or viewed within a hardware store if you buy sharp knifes and this has been happening for nearly 20 years..
FFS The pound shop is even iffy when selling knifes.
The Guardian › dec › ukcrime.prisonsa…
Dec 13, 2004 — … knife crime, including raising the minimum age for buying a knife from 16 to 18. But a mandatory minimum prison sentence for possession is
As a near-60 year old I was supposed to show photo ID when receiving a hair trimmer from Amazon, because it contained one DE razor blade. (Does the double-edge make it doubly dangerous, I wonder.)
Amazon already has age restriction and checks.
Admittedly, the delivery guy exercised discretion, and didn’t ask. But that can be “cured” procedurally (take photo) without going down the digital ID route.
(take photo) what..? of your hand body and inside your apartment,
The article says pretty much it all on this topic. Obviously any act of “lone nut” terrorism is already illegal on multiple counts so that’s not the real point here – it’s about intimidation and censorship (both of the self- and online varieties with the latter and its “internet passport” the goal of goals).
In other news from this wretched government of the 18%….
More pricing people out of travel:
“a new pandemic is not a question of if but when”:
(It might be noticed that Trump’s argument against the WHO has been based on cost – which leaves open the “money before lives” counterattack plus is open to a re-negotiated settlement – and Chinese influence which sets up Cold War 3.0. It’s not based on what it should be: oligarchic control, globalist tyranny and a medical model that needs fundamental re-examination. What a shock if “the next pandemic” hits the US particularly hard – by hook or by crook – and Trump/populism get the blame…. ).
But Trump’s withdrawal from a criminal gobalist institution is very welcome news, right?
To give the money to bill gates AGAiN
I bet the dinner consisted of meat. And I bet the conversation was about how to keep on killing the sheep. It’s either them or us, Donald…
By the way, if you missed it, here is a message for everyone her from on-Guardian. Note the obsession on Trump – while the progressive Guardian doesn’t seen to care about Netanyahu’s racist genocide in Gaza:
“Donald Trump takes office with full command of the US government and the backing of immensely powerful tech barons.
Both Trump and others around him have threatened retribution against the media – and his cabinet picks include climate and vaccine sceptics.
In short, this is a critical global moment for fact-checked journalism.
Our rigorous, fact-based independent journalism will hold those in power to account and interrogate the human impact of the decisions made in the White House.”
Sorry fellas, but you aren’t “journalists”; you’re professional paid liars, working for the State Ministry of Information.
‘Terrorism has changed.’
No it hasn’t. It has always been a series of smokes and mirrors mainly, with the (very) occasional nutcase, even according to the definition of Al Qaida’s terrorism (from Atta to Kouachi, they were always loners according to the official story).
The real story is of course that: ‘The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most [or nearly all] of them imaginary.’
watch the parallax view great movie
as for queer he is dripping with mk ultra perversions
not sure but I think one of the first uses of this term “terrorism” dates back to the French Revolution and referred to that infamous period under Robespierre when it was the GOVERNMENT who instilled extraordinary fear in the citizenry by launching a paranoid campaign of spying and restricting civil liberty allegedly to ferret out clandestine enemies of “public safety”
The in-bred, gone-to-seed ruling-class on Pirate Rock has nowhere left to plunder as in the good old days of yore. Teeming and swamped by the fast breeding detritus from plundered, backward, clapped-out colonies, the enemy is inside the city walls and out gunning the natives. Unlike ancient Rome’s uniformly attired dwellers, slave and master alike and indistinguishable from one another, the imported slave-class in perfidious Albion is color-coded, dark and ubiquitous even as they sport the same sartorial adidas and reebok rags as the natives. The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan is in full swing, as in Urupp under the total control of the evil E.U.S.S.R. and its Politburo mobsters in Natostan capital Brussels, where the Hairdresser In Chief, Uschi van der Lyin exhibits the same demented “reasoning” as her Jewish capo, Starmer on Pirate Rock. Welcome to your tribal future where even a steak knife could and probably will land you in a gulag as the entire rotten and bankrupt edifice crumbles in the fast approaching all new “new world order”. Karma is a terrible thing to behold when you are trapped inside the co££ap$ing AngloZioNazi Empire of Filth.
You’ll find 99.9% of the worlds population are mixed race regardless of color.
All chemical compounds are mixed elements, but they behave very differently.
I hear that 18% of substances cause 50% of fatal poisonings. Best stay away from them.
The new definition of a terrorist:
Everyone on here for a start.
If you belief anything the government says you really need your head examined.
“A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly lieth it also; and this lie creepeth from its mouth: “I, the state, am the people.”
It is a lie! Creators were they who created peoples, and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
Destroyers, are they who lay snares for many, and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred cravings over them.
Where there is still a people, there the state is not understood, but hated as the evil eye, and as sin against laws and customs.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Something to consider:
Oh I heard it was the Irish.
Well someone’s definitely gone a bit insane.
These wacky dudes with their dangerous, antisemitic covid denial.
No psyop here, no sir.
nothing quite like boxes, indeed slightly blue boxes to show off ones gleaming intelligence?
its actually quite encouraging that you did copy and paste some of it, im genuinely touched (yes, you may feel free to use the alt version of that expression)
over the last 4 years has your experience, knowledge, insight and thus developmental understanding of the likely terminal direction that “life” on “planet earth” has taken grown by
restricting your thought patterns to those implanted during your early life “education”?
thinking in terms of new concepts that involve testing the implanted ideologies that have been implanted? think grass growing through tarmac
it would be really useful it all references to this bullshit idea of “anti-semitism” (used comically or seriously) are thrown down the memory hole once and for all…
given the content here which seeks to expose the petty nuances that trap and prevent true exposure of “truth” that old potato is surely blighted
all the best
I think this piece comically jumps the shark. I notice you don’t attempt to defend anything it says. Interesting. A2
The CIA @ 2025 doesn’t want you to read this kind of old stuff: How the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA
“[To] be 100% sceptical of any narrative that ends up making you want the government to “do something””
That’s an understatement. We should be 100% nonbelieving of anything governments say along that line.
There’s a lot of on-line Rants & Praises of POTUS #47’s Decisive
Actions (aka – signing His Name to things) since Sunday…
Effusive is a word that readily comes to mind. But if you step back
for a moment, and your Historical Memory hasnt surrendered to
Historical Amnesia, you might notice similarities between #47’s
intentions to hunt down and dismiss any government DEI employee,
and the 1950s HUAC/McCarthy hunt for and dismissal of any
‘communists’, and their fellow-travelers in US government and
military employ…
Feverishly rooting out all aspects and traces of DEI is establishing
a template that can be used to root out queers (“In The Navy”),
Palestinian sympathisers, ‘anti-semites (updated version)’, (Warp
Speed critics ?) in the government bureaucracy,…
The author is a lawyer, and can be witty, but the ebullient enthusiasm
he evinces is so much like the love some Intellectual have for an idea,
such enthusiastic love that it prevents them seeing the misery the
zealous implementation of an idea inflicts… And his praise for how #47
and His co-conspirators kept their plans well hidden before 20 January
2025 escapes his notice that it was a High Level Conspiracy…
Someone said that when fascism comes to America it will be wearing
a suit…
Fascism has always worn a suit, a uniform or religious garb.
with a man inside it.
unforgettable example of a woman in a suit .. before becoming a high profile politician in australia, she popularised the concept of letting court cases drag so long that victims die or nearly die before the cases reach conclusion.
after leaving politics, she was instrumental in implementing the system that enable, those who don’t know how to manage their money, to borrow and spend before earning their actual wages.
Type ‘board flippers wednesday january‘ should do it…
McCarthy was closer to understanding the real nature of the elite than any other C20th US politician who got anywhere. This is why people have been taught to hate him.
There was a conspiracy…. there were elitists in powerful positions whose loyalty was not to the USA…. China was “lost” deliberately…. to get specific, Alger Hiss was guilty…. however McCarthy was deflected by Roy Cohn into blaming “communists” rather than the transnational banksters and their servants. They believe in “communism” because it’s an effective cloak for the monopoly capitalism wolf in “workers of the world unite” sheep’s clothing.
Jews and communist are the same thing. The Talmud is communism for the gentiles and privilege for the Jew. Easy once you understand the big picture, and it’s only hidden because they have convinced you to hide it from yourself.
Things like this always get asserted with such ultra-macho certainty. Should we seek to question why a viewpoint would put greater emphasis on dogmatic, chest-thumping platitudes than discussion, debate and communication?
And before I get all downvoted, if you’re a real person, please ask yourself why you’re downvoting and pop that in a reply. Communication is important.
(We’ve always been on the same side, dear readers, and I continue to be mystified by the adversarial dynamic BTL. Sometimes it feels like classic divide and rule).
McCarthy probably delayed the fall of the West by 20-30 years.
So, like all men who do that, he was turned into the villain.
As almost no politician shuns a suit, fascism must always be coming to the USA and most other places too.
I’m more worried about the AI-driven new generation individualised mRNA/nano-tech vaccination campaign, complete with prior AI “diagnosis” from our blood samples, all to ensure we get – sorry, we do not get – cancer …. over which Trump was waxing lyrical while standing next to his Pharma handlers.
Reminds me of the pharmaceutical Mafia’s stated aim to use government’s non-existent authority to “pharmaceuticalize” society! Brave New World, everyone.
I’ve an impression POTUS #47 is laughing at the way he
duped bobby junior into joining His campaign… As LBJ
allegedly said “It’s better to have him inside the tent pissing
out than outside pissing in.” Better to control bobby junior
that way !
POTUS #47 makes deals like Natanyahu makes ‘ceasefires’
— to buy time…
But ‘Bobby Jnr’ has always said that all he wants is better, safer vaccines. I’ll bet these new series of shots in the arm will definitely be safe & effective.
We could play logical fallacy bingo with the framing on this psy-op
Totalitarianism driven by over-bureauzracy is no.1: see CPC, Washington Deep State, London, Paris etc. People not following orders are seen as dangerous by them. Befehl ist Befehl for sheeple.
No.2, terrorism with known ideology is the old one that neither On or Off guard, or Starmer dare to mention: Is lam. Mo’s example after Medina was: rob, kidnap, enslave, kill “others”; all 7th century techniques but kept alive by this religion through its clergy till the 2024.
Who needs the word “murderer” when we now have the all encompassing “terrorist”. How the King’s english changes, dictated by the dictatorial prison guards in government.
”devil”, ”possessed”, ”evil”. = black coats The church
nothing new that is todays terrorist”.
virus=infected=contiguous = white coats The state
trying to steal from us, invaders, commi under the bed, migrants = The Poliotrickons
The perceived fear is bigger than the fear it self
This bothering pedophiles.
For the rest of the yUK Establishment they want to get as far away from the US situation with its second amendment as possible: next pitchforks will be banned plus ropes.
Haha. Trumpism’s attitude toward DEI and civil liberties is the least of it. They’ve already given clear signs of their momentous geopolitical intentions. They’re full-on back to manifest destiny and the rights of Kings. Folks think the Don is jocking about the American continental take over. Newsflash: that’s the plan! Why? Because that’s the only way for ‘the Yanks’ to stay afloat in this new BRICS+ ‘multi-modal’ universe. Why do you think ‘Narco Rubio,’ s first official visits start with Panama and other unlucky South-American protectorates?
Remember the UK to ban pointy kitchen knives? How we laughed.
I’m not laughing now. They might resurrect the idea and follow through.
Luckily I own several sharpening stones. Or concrete paving slabs will do the job.
Government are the terrorists..
Interesting that the language of draconian government legislation actually describes the oppressive use government authority – it’s an own-goal…
To such people, hypocrisy is not a weakness, it’s a superpower.
And the deadliest weapon on the planet?
Political rhetoric.
London’s Burning??? – Check out California…LA…Its a Good Idea to Keep The Fire Brigade…and Water in Your Tanks, Reservoirs , Toilets and Taps. Any Bands left – You Americans used to be Good.
The Clash – London’s Burning (live)
If they ban kitchen knives, steak knives won’t be far behind. Steak will only be available in restaurants and tight protocols in place to make sure no knife leaves the diner. Have they considered how dangerous forks can be? Forks can be sharpened. I see a day when only spoons are allowed.
Rubber spoons.
Screwdrivers, hammers, chainsaws, crow bars, hatchets, axes, pitchforks. Wait, pitchforks, hmm, now there’s an idea.
Don’t forget cars, SUVs and trucks.
Weapons at high speed.
Missiles in fact.
You know, even pillows can kill. This might get totally out of control. Not that it isn’t already.
If you’re under five or over sixty five, almost everything is dangerous.
They could, of course, ban children. Oh wait …. eugenics are taking care of that.
They will also need to ban grinders and files as making your own knife – such as a machete – is easy as pie if you have a grinder and will take 10 minutes, a little longer with a file.
Looking at the materials, maybe they need to ban steel, that stuff can easily be turned into a knife. And what about charcoal, and hammers, and anvils, those can be used by a blacksmith to make a knife or a pick axe.
Wow, the world is such a dangerous place, thanks to the government for keeping us informed of all the dangers out there. Of course, if the government would stop importing insane foreigners then maybe the problem would go away all by itself?
Well the UK can no longer produce virgin steel, and Germany’s heading the same way.
Who guessed that climate alarmism would one day cure knife crime?
1. Kitchen Items
Meat cleavers
Glassware (sharp shards if broken)
Pressure cookers
2. Tools
3. Household Chemicals
Drain cleaners
4. Electronics
Power cords (risk of strangulation or electrocution)
Batteries (risk of fire or explosion)
Hairdryers (can cause fire or electrocution)
5. Office Supplies
Paper cutters
Box cutters
6. Sports Equipment
Baseball bats
Golf clubs
Hockey sticks
7. Vehicles
8. Personal Items
Shoelaces (strangulation risk)
Perfumes and deodorants (flammable)
9. Recreational Items
BB guns or slingshots
10. Miscellaneous
Candles (fire risk)
Plastic bags (suffocation risk)
Dictatorships exercise Their power raw and naked –
They really dont have to have ideological justifications…
Democracies exercise Their power via Rules & Laws
the ideological dressings for raw & naked…
The Terrorism in everyday life kept us all in our places
The iron fist stayed within its velvet glove. But now The
State feels threatened, is taking off the gloves / throwing
off the restraints of Rules & Laws (exemplified by the
looseness-vague ‘definitions’ of words, such as ‘terrorism’).
The power of dictatorships…
I ignore any and every nonsense edict from their mouths. I do what sits right with my conscience. And here I am, living pretty freely. Not arrested, not harrassed.
Exactly what is this ‘power’ people speak of.
Perhaps it’s only in our minds?
Watch the Matrix again.
First They came for our guns
then They came for our butter knives
then They came for our forks…
They came for our chopsticks
They said :use yer fingers”
They are coming for our middle fingers !!
Huge success of the Trump pump then dump meme coin cycle Crypto Bros predicted has begun.
Actors will follow suit. Famous people have followed suit until it burns out.
I wonder if Crypto goes pop what would happen..?
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You mean, like this? 🤔:
Ever The Victim (6:15)
by DuckStreetStudios
The PTB have completed entered the Twilight Zone for all to watch with dropped jaws. Do they have no self consciousness of being complete public buffoons? No. And one barely has to read between lines. In the US, because guns are a well policed right, the idea of taking away someone’s knives, is TZ material, kookoo. The US pumped out the “lone wolf” theory of fear decades ago. Ideology + terrorism, well linked but now not enough, they are on to, i am assuming here, that one-event killers are just out to terrorize humanity, like the horror flik, Halloween? What’s always intrigued me, is the system never calls out these people or the incidents as insanity. Because the PTB do this every day. Ideological terrorism or mass killing events are to be feared and paranoically preemptively circumcised by putting humanity in behavioral cages, rather than understood as a symptom of a possible root dysfunction.
There’s no need for online video violence, when violence is on display 24/7 on American TV. And they there all public heroes of one type or another. Police/detective works of infinite varieties, Fire and Emergency intervention, Hospital + medical, lifeguards, shrinks, you name it. We used to see blood and gore military violence documented, as in Vietnam, on the news until the PTB decided to never again show REAL recorded violence and have “embeded” journalists to make sure it stays that way. Even the mass killing events don’t show any REAL blood or trauma or the true chaos of a REAL event like that, leaving most of us to wonder whether it’s all FAKE.
The words of Starmer and other ideologues of paranoid totalitarianism above have become so convoluted and reflexive, that their insane rhetoric reflects only their own behavioral psychosis. Like Vampires, they can’t see the mirror that exposes them. Their policies that have created mass misery, chaos and dysfunction in efforts to feed an elite income class with evermore money and authority. And WAR, the conflict aggression to acquire, that radiates from every pore of their souless, capitalist aggression acts, against “competitors”, foreign and domestic. Killing millions of innocent people every year. Not terror, not horror? Their attempt at hiding their own Satanic enterprise-empire sins by sermonizing commoner guilt based upon human weakness and “disobedience”, is not sticking and never will.
Problem is Sandy, I’m pretty sure some of them actually believe what they’re doing is the right thing.
I’ve decided to put more into this fight, I’m now 110% skeptical. Going full bore, man.
First off, is there anything that comes out of Starmer’s mouth that isn’t a brain rotting cliché? I am now totally convinced that he has no empirical existence. He is a shadow, like one of Tolkien’s wringwraiths. Or (more obscure reference) a gebbeth i.e. a person sucked of all substance and flailing around like a collapsed balloon (from Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea sequence – a wizard fantasy immeasurably superior to Rowling’s ravings).
And this:
“The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated two trends: it increased the number of young people entering the terrorism system, ….”
The “terrorism system”? what the fuck is that? Another nebulous label, a nasty noise to generate a frisson of fear.
Meanwhile we have further confirmation that the Southport stabbings were a patently manufactured event. Was Rudakubana one of those mind controlled puppets? Did he even commit the stabbings? One thing is certain – he looks nothing like that ludicrous photo. Nobody looks like that photo. Indeed, it could be one of those wringwraiths through a black filter.
I presume they’re called “wringwraiths” because they constantly wring their invisible hands while they hunt for the One Ring. 🤔
But I jest! Such are the perils of commenting on a platform with a once and future editing feature. 🤨
I never even noticed that till you pointed it out! But then again (I better whisper it!) I’m no longer such a big Tolkien fan.
Starmer, in a perfect world, would be seized by the populace, taken into the town square, horsewhipped, have all his resources, wealth and position removed, dipped in tar and feathers, and be run out of town on a rail, never to return to any position of authority or respect or influence. Among countless others, he stands near preeminent among those unsuitable for the position of Public Trust they hold.
But they found a manual!
‘Oh come, oh come E-manuelle.’
or ‘E-man-ual.’
“Indeed, it could be one of those wringwraiths through a black filter.”
Now we know why the Black Riders wear hoodies.
The whole thing was clearly staged so they could jail innocent white people for thought crimes. You don’t have to be a genius to work this out. Meanwhile the massacre of innocents in Gaza goes on regardless.
On Day 2
The president announced a major AI investment project, which Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison said could be used to cure cancer.
What a surprise – give a multibillionaire much more money pulling on a nation’s deluded heartstrings.
That old chestnut?
AI creating MRNA solutions for all our ills, what could possibly go wrong.
The reason they want to overhaul the terror law is to allow them to charge anyone critical of the government.
The Government is a corporation as are the police, courts, local authorities et al. They are criminals and are involved 24/7 in fraud. They are also involved in terror acts that are blamed on foreign extremists or stooges which allows them to create more legislation removing more of our rights and freedoms. (Anyone questioning the official version of a terror attack will be ridiculed and destroyed or taken to court and charged without having the ability to provide evidence by a corrupt judge).
If we are serious about accusing terrorists of offences then we must look at supporters of regimes that are involved in mass murder and genocide. Who have killed tens of thousands of kids, and starved a population who have to endure a hell in an open-air prison camp.
Thank You – said it all – “Iggy Pop – Passenger (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)”
“They are also involved in terror acts that are blamed on foreign extremists or stooges “
They are also, all gov’t., making us complicit in war and the slaughter of innocents using taxation, our money, to do so. I believe there is power to effect change here?
The dems / Labour are fascists and the Trump guy who wants to use a massive digital surveillance network to deport 20 million people can also be comfortably called a fascist
however you will never see a deep article on this site pointing it out.
framing is what the above ai guy does.
well I think OffG is getting better (and ai is just an upgraded version of photoshop) and Musk is totally off his head (though often funny (check out his robots) vs the Daleks, before he was born..
“The Daleks Showing the Doctor’s True Nature”
Massive Respect Kit, but its far worse than that.
Many geopolitical and historical analysts over the last few days, (who I do have some respect for) (not since the release of the Julian Assange wikileaks files – he failed the 9/11 test – and he ain’t thick – obviously an Intelligence Asset (and i wish him well)
Have come to the conclusion, that the most EVIL Bastards in The World – are not The Amercicans, Russians, Chinese, Nor the Unmentionables in The Middle East..
But The Current British Government and The British Financial Establishment – Deeply Connected if not in complete control of…
Under the Biden Administration (The Money Supply of the USA) The WEF Globalists, The Depopulation COVID attempt by jabbing Half the Population of The Earth when there was no Pandemic…almost every Famine that has ever happened, all this Climate Change (it always does) and Global Warming (Freezing and Starving British Old People to Death – who survived the Jabs)
..And are now impoverishing, not just the UK, Germany and the Rest of Europe, by Engineering a Ridiculous War in Russia and Palestine…
I think some of this is true
Us British – Most Evil in The World.
It is Not Good. I thought we were singing against all this evil
The Americans are going to impoverish us, even if the Russians don’t nuke us.
No one likes us. (I have seen Vera Lynn sing live at a Hawkwind concert with Lemmy at Crystal Palace Park) She was really good.
“Dr Strangelove ~ Nuclear ~ We’ll Meet Again ~ Vera Lynn”
Yes I recently heard some financial guys talking about financial collapse in UK as US not going to allow City of London to remain as clearinghouse for dollar and perhaps loss of a huge amount of African resources that may have to be relinquished.
“A lesson in moral leadership and courage.”
A plea for “transgender children”.
Oh Jeremy. Did the parasite Mafia get to you? Or were you always working for them?
It was inevitable that we would reach this absurd point on the timeline, with even greater degrees of absurdity to follow..
Correctly questioning the terrorists who are holding the world to ransom, murdering and displacing millions of people worldwide and stealing what remains of the social wealth makes you a terrorist in their perverted interpretation of reality..
Keep the faith good hearted people and dive deeper into the heart field… That’s where our invincible power is to be known.. Perhaps all of this is some kind of evolutionary impulse in order to shake us out of our complacency and bring us back to the remembrance of who we truly are and that we’ve been enslaved to a lie for millenia.
If it wasn’t so absurd within the matrix we would continue to exist in the game of living a half life… Time to truly wake up.
Thank you, Kit – I think you put the thing well. For me the real problem is less what the government is proposing as a “solution”, but all the “solutions” to daily problems I hear from folks around me: In most cases by far these are about more control, more power. Maybe here in Germany we are a bit more prone to this, but I guess it is a general human problem …
“If I’d have a say I would …” execute more control over all those [deemed] “misfits”. These seen as “misfits” are different depending one people’s personal worldview – a “left” or a “right” one, for example. But this doesn’t matter in the end, because usually it is about exerting more control, more power over “the ones who are the spoilers/traitors” to one’s own “good and just cause” …
This almost omnipresent attitude frightens me a lot more than all the proposals of politicians. I have no idea how much of this may have developed “organically” and how much of it is “social engineering” – it’s surely both. It’s becoming harder to keep from “choosing sides” …