UK Circling the Drain – Crisis what Crisis? 

CST Research

It is now almost five years since the start of the COVID event. The public was told there was a deadly disease that would affect the entire population, and everyone was at risk.

However, in order to truly understand COVID, that event must be situated within a framework that examines the underlying economic determinants. In fact, many on the “left” are notable for having failed to undertake such an analysis and merely capitulated to the mainstream narrative.

The COVID event had little if anything to do with public health. It was a policy mechanism deployed to manage an impending financial crisis.

COVID policies served as a pretext for halting economic activity in a controlled manner to address systemic contradictions within neoliberal capitalism. Unprecedented fiscal and monetary interventions were strategic tools to stabilise the economy and prevent a deeper collapse of financial markets. 

The lockdowns, framed as public health necessities, effectively suspended economic activity in ways that allowed capital to regroup and restructure. This included consolidating corporate power (e.g. through increased reliance on digital platforms), and creating conditions for new rounds of capital investment post-crisis, facilitated by a convenient debt crisis and World Bank loans with pro-neoliberal strings-attached conditionalities. 

The framing of COVID-19 as a health crisis obscured its role in facilitating economic restructuring under the guise of emergency management. It also helped promote the notion of a benign, well-intentioned state that really cares about the well-being of the population.

They really care about you

Neoliberalism has dominated economic thought since the late 20th century, characterised by deregulation, privatisation and a focus on market-driven solutions. This framework led to systemic failures, particularly evident in the lead-up to the COVID event.

Financial markets were on the brink of collapse immediately prior to COVID. Quantitative easing (QE) had been put in overdrive following the financial crisis of 2008. QE was used as a tool to prop up a failing system.

What we saw following the 2008 crash was ordinary people being pushed further to the edge. We witnessed more than a decade of ‘austerity’ in the UK, a neoliberal assault on the living conditions of ordinary people carried out under the guise of reining in public debt following the bank bail outs.

During that period, a leading UN poverty expert compared the Conservative government’s welfare policies to the creation of 19th-century workhouses and warned that, unless austerity is ended, the UK’s poorest people face lives that are “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”. Philip Alston, the UN rapporteur on extreme poverty, accused ministers of being in a state of denial about the impact of policies. He accused them of the “systematic immiseration of a significant part of the British population”.

In a 2019 report, the Institute for Public Policy Research think tank laid the blame for more than 130,000 deaths in the UK since 2012 at the door of government policies. It claimed that these deaths could have been prevented if improvements in public health policy had not stalled as a direct result of austerity cuts.

And in a report on poverty in the UK by Professor David Gordon of the University of Bristol, it was found that almost 18 million could not afford adequate housing conditions, 12 million were too poor to engage in common social activities, one in three could not afford to heat their homes adequately in winter and four million children and adults were not properly fed (Britain’s population is estimated at around 66 million).

Meanwhile, The Equality Trust in 2018 reported that the ‘austerity years’ were just fine for the richest 1,000 people in the UK. They had increased their wealth by £66 billion in one year alone (2017-2018), by £274 billion in five years (2013-2018) and had increased their total wealth to £724 billion – significantly more than the poorest 40% of households combined (£567 billion).

And in early 2020, all this hardship was to be compounded by lockdowns to avert another financial meltdown. After treating millions of ordinary people as described above, we were informed that the elite now wanted to save everyone by locking them up and injecting them!

Managing the crisis

Looking at Europe, investigative journalist Michael Byrant says that €1.5 trillion was needed to deal with the financial crisis in Europe alone in 2020. The financial collapse staring European central bankers in the face came to a head in 2019.

Byrant stated that all talk about big finance bankrupting the nation (again) by looting public funds, politicians destroying public services at the behest of large investors and the depredations of the casino economy was conveniently washed away with COVID.

He adds that predators who saw their financial empires coming apart resolved to shut down society. To solve the problems they created, they needed a cover story, which appeared in the form of a ‘novel virus’.

The European Central Bank agreed to a €1.31 trillion bailout of banks followed by the EU agreeing to a €750 billion recovery fund for European states and corporations. This package of long-term, ultra-cheap credit to hundreds of banks was sold to the public as a necessary programme to cushion the impact of ‘the pandemic’ on businesses and workers.

What happened in Europe was part of a strategy to avert the wider systemic collapse of the financial system.

And what we have seen since COVID is a massive increase in global debt, inflation and more ‘austerity’ imposed on ordinary people.

Since 2020, in the UK, poverty has increased in two-thirds of communities, food banks are now a necessary part of life for millions of people and living standards are plummeting. The poorest families have been enduring a ‘frightening’ collapse in living standards, resulting in life-changing and life-limiting poverty.

Lockdowns were not imposed for public health reasons; they were implemented to prevent hyperinflation and manage a crisis of capitalism. Professor Fabio Vighi of Cardiff University argues that by suspending economic activity via lockdowns, governments aimed to mitigate inflationary pressures resulting from excessive liquidity injected into the economy through QE.

The lockdowns also facilitated a restructuring of the economy, allowing larger corporations to absorb smaller businesses struggling to survive during this period.

Prior to 2020, government reliance on financial markets and monetary policy tools like QE did not address underlying social and economic issues but instead perpetuated the system and existing inequalities.

Policies rolled out as part of the COVID event reflected a continuation of neoliberal principles, with governments opting for temporary fixes rather than comprehensive reforms that prioritise public welfare. The extraordinary monetary policies (lockdowns) served to maintain financial stability at the expense of broader societal needs.

In the run up to COVID, QE created an illusion of stability within financial markets, allowing governments to avoid confronting deeper structural issues. This policy led to asset bubbles and increased volatility, creating a precarious situation where any attempt to tighten monetary policy could trigger significant market disruptions.

So, has anyone challenged this analysis of locating COVID policies within a framework that emphasises underlying economic determinants? In mainstream discourse, it has been ignored. That’s not too surprising because it would put the final nail in the coffin of the dominant COVID narrative.

While the Ukraine war and supply chain disruptions are often cited as primary inflation drivers once COVID-related restrictions were lifted, some economists predicted that once lockdowns had ended, inflation could surge dramatically.

As Deutsche Bank noted, after 30 years of low inflation, this “benign era could end abruptly once lockdowns are lifted”. Deutsche Bank also stated that the biggest financial bailout in history took place during the COVID era.

Challenging is heresy

Meanwhile, most economists would probably dismiss out of hand the arguments stated above rather than engage with them critically. Challenging the prevailing economic orthodoxy never goes down well. Highlighting systemic failures associated with neoliberal frameworks and questioning the efficacy of measures like QE in addressing underlying issues requires open dialogue rather than heavy handed pushback.

During COVID, the UK government implemented several financial measures to support workers and businesses, with a significant focus on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), commonly known as the furlough scheme.

The CJRS cost the UK government approximately £70 billion. This scheme enabled employers to claim grants covering up to 80% of employees’ wages, with a cap of £2,500 per month per employee.

To finance this unprecedented level of support, the UK government increased its borrowing significantly. This borrowing was necessary to cover not only the furlough scheme but also other COVID policy measures.

The increase in borrowing led to a substantial rise in public debt, which was exacerbated by the economic downturn caused by lockdowns and restrictions. Much of this debt was financed through mechanisms such as QE by the Bank of England, which involved purchasing government bonds.

In the fiscal year 2019/20, prior to the COVID event, the UK government borrowed approximately £62.3 billion. This figure represented about 2.8% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at that time.

In stark contrast, during the fiscal year 2020/21, government borrowing surged to around £303 billion.

This significant increase in borrowing reflects the unprecedented financial measures taken by the UK government.

Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, recently highlighted a £22 billion “gap” in public finances attributed to the previous administration. Keir Starmer is warning of unprecedented economic challenges — promises of ongoing economic woe (for ordinary people) that echo what economist Huw Pill said a couple of years ago — that people should ‘accept’ being poorer.

Of course, COVID lockdowns and restrictions were all about ‘saving granny’. And if you challenged the narrative or did not comply, you were beyond the moral pale.

Those who recognise the manipulation of public sentiment by those who control the global economy might be forgiven for viewing the ‘saving granny’ narrative as the height of cynicism, coming from individuals who have demonstrated a lack of moral standards for decades with their wars, destructive economic policies and complete disregard for ordinary working people.

And although people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates were often singled out for criticism by those who challenged the mainstream narrative on COVID, when referring to the ‘controllers of the global economy’, this means those who largely remain in the shadows, the powerful and unscrupulous banking families and their handmaidens discussed by Dean Henderson in a detailed five-part series of articles back in 2011.

Meanwhile, in the UK, there continues to be money available (to date almost £13 billion) to send to Ukraine to ensure the killing and dying continues in order to guarantee that those bastions of morality — BlackRock, J P Morgan and all — get their slice of the post-war honey pot.

CST Research


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Feb 11, 2025 2:43 PM

COVID was just one step in a process that’s been going on for decades. It was a random event that obviously was exploited differently in the UK to here in the US but the continuing attempts to make it the event are, IMHO, part of the propaganda war to confuse people and so dissipate any organized opposition.

The key to everything is money — or rather, monetarism. You would have had the notion peddled to you as ‘the economy is based on services, not manufacturing’, something like that. What it means it reality is that society gets distorted, becoming like a typical dysfunctional third-world country built around an incredibly rich supra-national elite, a service class dedicated to maintaining and defending that elite and a bunch of peasants who are left alone to fend for themselves (unless they cause trouble, of course) that are ignored or exploited as necessary. Depending on how you look at it this is either a form of feudalism or a dystopia — same overall effect.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 26, 2025 5:18 AM

The COVID event had little if anything to do with public health.

On contrary, the covid event had EVERYTHING to do with Public Health; that is, Public Health as both an ideology and as a tool of social control. That ideology is collectivist, totalitarian, and technocratic; i.e. Wellsian socialism. See, for instance, the interviews of Susan Michie at UnHerd.

In the world dominated by Public Health, the technocrats get to define the meanings of “health” and “harms to health”. Those definitions never need to be specified as objectively testable standards and they can be changed at will. We saw this during the covid event when anti-lockdown protests were deemed to be “harms to health”, while BLM protests were deemed to be beneficial to Public Health.

As with the protests, these definitions are used to determine rights and freedoms; and, of course, to subject innocent people to incarceration, torture, medical experimentation, and murder (e.g. see R.D. Laing, 1964 preface to The Divided Self). During covid, we saw a developing implementation at the Howard Springs concentration camp.

We have, of course, been warned about medical tyranny and the ideology of Public Health. Specifically, by G.K. Chesterton in Eugenics and Other Evils (1922) and Thomas Szasz in his 2010 preface to the Myth of Mental Illness (50th anniversary edition). However, it seems that very few people give a shit.

As demonstrated by the Rockefeller document and numerous movies and drama series, the covid event had been planned for some time. However, it was released in 2020 as an attempted and failed coup against Trump. (see OffG articles during the late spring of 2020). The market wobbles in 2019 (e.g. repo markets) were a consequence of insider knowledge that the event was going to be activated.

Jan 31, 2025 10:34 AM

nice post, the Thomas Szasz book looks interesting

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2025 8:16 AM


Have you found a backdoor to Archive?

A lot of Szasz’s writings are available at his website – and it includes a version of the preface which has a couple of edit-like differences to that in the book. I think the most important statement is that below.


Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.

Jan 31, 2025 10:39 AM

Though I always assumed repo market instability caused COVID rather than vice versa

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 1, 2025 7:46 AM

That was the “turd in the punch bowl” bit of propaganda pushed by that German bod. Conversely, the intention of the covid scam was to remove Trump. It was switched to live mode (rather than potential) immediately following Davos 2020. I was watching TruNews at the time and they ramped up the fear porn as soon as they got back.

The scam had all been planned well in advance and everybody had their orders. Billions (trillions) were made on derivatives by insiders. The difficult bit was in how to limit the pre-launch disruption in the markets.

TruNews at Davos 2020
Before the launch of the Scamdemic
Jan 22 2020 TruNews Davos 2020 – Putin’s Rabbi Reveals Trump Peace Plan

Starts with: Trump discusses the Ukraine impeachment hoax

The Plan etc – Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar aka “Putin’s Rabbi”
6:45 – Discussion – Preamble
13:50 – Interview
19:25 – Discussion – annexing the West Bank etc
29:45 – Interview (Resumed)
31:55 – Discussion – the Jewish Messiah
40:00 – Interview (Resumed)

44:00 – Ivanka Trump – Employment Database

51:40 – Discussion re climate change etc – capitalism is dead

No mention of covid!

Jan 31, 2025 5:27 PM

Which is the more tyrannical tool of control: economic policy, or public health policy? Tough question.

I will explain the horror of it simply. Let’s take the example of a single bond with no fixed maturity date, i.e., a perpetuity. This bond pays a fixed annual dividend of $5. If the market rate of interest is 5%, this bond has a value of $100. If the Fed lowers interest rates such that the market rate of interest for this bond is now 1%, what happens to the value of the perpetuity? The fixed dividend of $5 remains unchanged. As 5 is 1% of 500, the value of the perpetuity goes up five-fold to $500. Now if the Fed increases market rates back to 5%, the value of the perpetuity paying a fixed dividend of $5 returns to $100, and hence, there is an 80% decline in value. It’s basic math.

The Great Taking by David Webb

Jan 25, 2025 3:33 AM

Its not that hard. Just stop lobbing missiles at each other. It doesn’t help improve the quality of life. Try, just Stop Doing it



Jan 25, 2025 1:02 AM

They have been slagging us British off for Years – Even The Saker – what happnned to him – to hot for him in America – gone back to Russia following Dmitry Orlov in his model Sailing Boat Quindon??? Not that I always agreed with him, but both pretty good for being Russian – Putin compared to what we have got???

Jesus we haven’t even got a Pretty Girl…

I can’t remember her name – but The Russian Girl is Class

When Putin Kicks The Bucket

The Russians must be so proud of her

We’ve got Nowt

The Russians have got

Maria Zakharova

She is so sweet and so polite to all these horrible people who turn up in Moscow (ex Russian Ballet?) like Princes Diana? She has certainly got Class

Who have we got to compete? No one. The Americans are even worse.

“Foreign ministry spokeswoman dances to folk song”

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 1:53 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Do you want me to arrange a meeting with her, Tony? I have some contacts. (Buy some strawberries for a treat so we don’t expose ourselves in front of the foreigners.)

Jan 25, 2025 12:16 AM

I was almost the last to leave, with my full pension and redundancy money
I annoyed the new management so much – they were completely utterley tototally useless (compared to the previous management – who basically gave me full responsibility and trust and said just do it Tony..just fill out the case – everything you need to make it work reliably- we need a few highly technical staff for a few days – yeh OK)

Now close to 100% Reliable

Tony – Fired

I was offered a new job The Next Day…I said give me 6 months to think about it..

I need a BREAK

Jan 24, 2025 11:19 PM

There are some basic rules in life, who the policeman taught me, when he had to court with me when I was 16 – completely legally riding my BSA250 at 42 mph in a 30mph speed limit.

He said check your wing mirrors, and say sorry

You will have to go to Oldham Magistrates Courts, and plead

and so we were waiting to go into court – chatting like you do..and he was asking me have you still got the same bike?

Nice Guy – He Knew Exactly what I wanted, but I hadn’t found her yet

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 24, 2025 10:10 PM

The links to my first comment:

Session of Davos Agenda 2021

Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.”

Topical Issues of New Biological Infectious Threats Discussed on the Sidelines of SPIEF-24

We also talked about the emergence of new types of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, which can spread rapidly, causing significant losses in people’s lives and health. The coronavirus pandemic not only arose in the era of digitalization, but also stimulated its rapid development. Future pandemics may develop in the context of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology penetrating all spheres, which will affect their development.”

“Technology is inevitable, whether we like it or not”
Why people should prepare for change again: Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE Centre for Science and Technology Foresight
November 8, 2021

I think the attitude to technology itself will change dramatically in the next 10 years. Generations will be updated, for the new ones — the Internet is not a miracle, and smart watches are not a gadget. It’s all already part of their life as a shirt. It is not so important whether it will be embedded in the body or in clothes. Let’s look at the history of mankind, it has always experimented. It is difficult to say how inevitable the cyborgization of man is, but his merging with technology is indeed inevitable.”

Jan 24, 2025 10:04 PM

Yes, in hindsight this is the explanation which best fits the facts.

However the lockdowns were not put in place to “prevent hyperinflation”. That doesn’t make sense. It was exactly the opposite. The lockdowns were put in place to ensure there was adequate inflation. Pumping money into the economy while simultaneously stopping productive activity would accelerate inflation, not reduce it.

The banking system needed inflation. They’d been trying to reinflate the system since the dot-com bust and failing. In early 2019 they’d run out of options.

The real “tell” that this was the main driver of the covid era is the fact it was never mentioned. The controlled opposition made sure the focus was on the vaccines, loss of freedom of speech, alternative treatments, various theories on the virus origins etc, etc. But the restructuring of the financial system – what we now see as the most apparent outcome – was never mentioned. A “dog that didn’t bark” special.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 24, 2025 10:02 PM

For money? To save/postpone the collapse of the financial system, the prerequisites for which they themselves created? About the good old money, greed, etc. Aha. This, with regard to the question of the purposes of the Special Covid Operation (SCO), is something like the theory of laboratory leakage in terms of the question of the existence of the pandemic itself. A rescue counter-option, keeping the mind within an understandable explanation along a well-trodden old mental path, depriving the thinker of the malaise of worrying about some more crazy and incomprehensible planned profound – so-called “destructive” – changes as the goal of the Special Plandemic Operation (SPO).

.. Or, in fact, not – the more correct analogue is that the theory of saving the collapse of the financial system as the goal of the covid operation is just like the theory of “Russia’s trade shift from the European map”, “theft of Ukraine’s resources”, or even “a long-term plan to replace Putin, conquer Russia and steal its endless resources” and, accordingly, Putin’s brave response, regarding the issue of the goals of the so-called Special Military Operation, proxy war, dictatorial invasion and holy war for traditional values and a path to multipolar nirvana (optional according to tastes).

However – no. Instead, a complete farce, both events.

Moreover, both events are planned in advance as part of a long-term plan (instead of “the plandemic failed and that’s why they started the fake war”), which will now continue (it is already happening) with a simulated global technological race during which the question of the new technologies themselves and their large-scale application must be positively resolved and replaced by the question of who owns and applies these technologies and for what purpose. “The new technologies themselves are not good or evil, they are good and a human good, but the question is how they are applied and to be accessible to everyone, not just the rich, and surveillance and rules to be introduced, so do not to abuse them” and so on. We can already see it. So that a great reset can be successfully applied.

But everyone sees it the way they like it, nothing bad. Personally, for the construction of my assumptions, I rely only on proven authorities in the field of explaining the present and predicting the future, for example (I leave the links in a separate answer below, so as not to burden the moderation):

(en)Kremlin dot ru:
“Session of Davos Agenda 2021 online forum

Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

January 27, 2021

The main focus of the forum is the discussion of the new global situation arising from the novel coronavirus pandemic.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
Mr Schwab, dear Klaus,

I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organised by Mr Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus [Schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr Schwab.
It is essential to join and coordinate the efforts of the world in countering the spread of the virus and making the much needed vaccines more accessible. We need to help the countries that need support, including the African nations. I am referring to expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations.

We see that mass vaccination is accessible today, primarily to people in the developed countries. Meanwhile, millions of people in the world are deprived even of the hope for this protection. In practice, such inequality could create a common threat because this is well known and has been said many times that it will drag out the epidemic and uncontrolled hotbeds will continue. The epidemic has no borders.

Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.” (1)

Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing – Rospotrebnadzor
news, 06.06.2024:

“Topical Issues of New Biological Infectious Threats Discussed on the Sidelines of SPIEF-24 [27th St Petersburg Economic Forum]

On 6 June, a panel discussion titled ‘Will Generation Y Cope with Disease X’ was held on the sidelines of SPIEF-24. The event was moderated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.
We also talked about the emergence of new types of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, which can spread rapidly, causing significant losses in people’s lives and health. The coronavirus pandemic not only arose in the era of digitalization, but also stimulated its rapid development. Future pandemics may develop in the context of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology penetrating all spheres, which will affect their development.” (2)

“I think the attitude to technology itself will change dramatically in the next 10 years. Generations will be updated, for the new ones — the Internet is not a miracle, and smart watches are not a gadget. It’s all already part of their life as a shirt. It is not so important whether it will be embedded in the body or in clothes. Let’s look at the history of mankind, it has always experimented. It is difficult to say how inevitable the cyborgization of man is, but his merging with technology is indeed inevitable.”

– 2021, Alexander Chulok, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the HSE [Higher School of Economics, Moscow] Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting (3)

Jan 24, 2025 9:21 PM

Most of us here, are struggling to keep our homes warm…just cos we have got a big old (+100) years old home built of double English Brick..does not mean that we do not have fire extinguishers, and fire blankets, and a means of escape if a fire takes hold – when we are asleep..and a working fire alarm and a working carbon monoxide alarm and a clever cat, who always know if there is anything wrong

We got old. It’s not our fault. Most of us also have Grand Children

We hate waste.

When the kids get older (or sometimes younger) we do not bin The Best Kids Toys

After the Bin Men have gone – cos they would burn the lot…

We put the Kids Toys (and some Grandad Toys (
they wish)

out on the street..outside our home

FREE – anyone want this…

and they do.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe – Ride-On – 30th Anniversary Car, Yellow/Red

We have still got ours. Our neighbours have got the identical one next door.

Best car the Americans ever produced.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 26, 2025 3:17 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Those old houses aquire a lot of dust, Tony, just keep dusting day and night to stay warm through those cold and lonely UK nights.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 8:46 PM

‘The Pandemic’ wasnt about the health of the people,
it was about the health of The Economy.
The Economy had to be saved; bugger the people…

Jan 24, 2025 8:10 PM

comment image

Jan 25, 2025 4:17 AM
Reply to  flirt

HPV vaccine for young people claims to prevent cancer of the cervix. Initially for girls, Now offered to boys though they don’t have a cervix. China just launched its own version. I am impressed with the global insanity: con and mayhem.

Jan 24, 2025 7:41 PM

Thank you for getting to the root cause that many of us observed from mid 2019. Tho Michael Hudson has pretty much more diplomatically, politely, danced on similar facts. But the FAKE saviorism vaxxed LOCKDOWN has seemed impenetrable to financial scrutiny. Until observations like this article and others. Thank Universe. 911 was the reality metaphor that they would destroy their own creation and everything in it to stay in control, w/ a Panopticon cherry on top. 2008 was the backdoor-ing of our assets to the Goblin Treasury. The LOCKDOWN was flatline-ing of any possible self-sufficiency capacity of the bottom 90%.

The politeness flip switch of US media with MrT’s assumption to power was breathtaking. He will perform the capitalist’s DISRUPT function to see if that will keep the dysfunctional mess sputtering along. The non-step, incrementally escalating 360 degree austerity measures have not stopped since Reagan/Thatcher. Since 1980 in Oregon hospitals have gone from 4.5 beds per capita to 1.6 during the LOCKDOWN. After declaring an emergency in LOCKDOWN hospital capacity, driving evermore egregious LOCKDOWN during the “crisis”, they have closed a hospital and are continuing to downsize medical facilities. This is obviously evil behavior by decision makers in the richest country in the world and an indicator of their clear intent to destroy society by defunding it.

It’s up to us the 90% to take back our world for the sake of humanity.


Jan 24, 2025 11:18 PM
Reply to  sandy

Everyone should read Michael Hudson’s Ice shower of a book ” Killing the host,how Finacial Parasites and Debt are Killing the Global Economy. Unfortunately Hudson has been almost blind to the Orchestration of the Plandemic… like so many others in the final analyses he cant quite see the wood for the Trees… Killing the host published well before covid is nonetheless Superb… Of

Jan 25, 2025 4:24 AM
Reply to  sandy

Maybe you mean beds per 1000, not beds per capita (person). The number of beds do not matter if (a) the public are barred during and after the curfew (“lockdown”) (b) no treatment for other urgent condition is available (c) the rich can continue getting any treatment from special hospitals.

Jan 25, 2025 10:38 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Indeed I do. 1.6 beds/1000. I was just indicating that downsizing hospitals had caused the FAKE crisis, and after they continue the downsizing while pitching us multi-pandemic sources everywhere.

Jan 24, 2025 7:26 PM

Lot’s good facts. Unfortunately, there is nothing “Capitalist” about our economies. We are living in a corporatist system where government and large corporation control us. Give us a free market and these problems would go away quite quickly.

Jan 25, 2025 11:00 PM
Reply to  Greenbean950

The “free market” is a fantasy meme broadcast to dupe honest but naive libertarian capitalists with ethics into believing regulation of market behavior is anti-capitalism. The regulations and the capture of governments is lobbied by the 1% to insure exclusivity and control of all Commerce to the top 5% who are kings, royalty and management class over the US economy. The idea that it hampers them is ridiculous. These people, unlike you, have no morals or ethics. They legalistically take, rob and deprive ordies like us from a fair playing field. I wish you libertarians would wise up. Capitalist is CAPITALism. Excess assets used to produce more excess assets. It never stops until they exhaust everything on Earth. Trade, doing business to make a sustainable income while providing valuable services to society based up the merits of the service. Their products and services have no merits, no value and are merely forced down consumer throats with monopoly like lack of alternatives, competition, which they assiduously destroy in war-behavior. Trade is NOT capitalism.

Jan 26, 2025 3:51 AM
Reply to  sandy

The free market is a bunch of murderous crooks. They get worse if you don’t keep an eye on them.

Jan 24, 2025 7:14 PM

Whilst, I think Grange-in-Borrowdale is the most Beautiful place in England…it does rain a lot, a bit like rural Scotland, and I guess New Zealand…

comment image

I just love where we have lived for most of our life.

All political opinions, but basically we get on. Lots of old great pubs, and an old theatre (recently tarted up) where basically any opinion can be expressed if its a well written play.

Young teenage bands can still get a gig, most still living with their Mums and Dads with Kids.

I didn’t complain, it is just part of the ecolocal consensus – litter in our streets or parks – we clear it up before the council.

I really did like the regular annual events in our park..starting with The May Queen in June…yes it was like a country village affair, but our park can easily host 22,000 people – with loads of space to spare.

I just laughed, when the organisers drove an enormous lorry from Cornwall….but still with back-up generators in case it Rained All Day

POWERED BY THE SUN – Headline on Stage – as well as a couple of other music poetry and artistic stages.
..Mostly Free or extremely cheap to get in. I also like what they are doing to our Shit heap. They convinced the locals…The smell, will massively decrease, and you in winter will get very cheap water…The rest of the energy will feed The National Grid What was a Landfill is rapidly becoming a Bird Life Sanctuary

Clean up your own sh1t before you complain


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 24, 2025 7:07 PM

The global financial crisis of 2007-08 was never really resolved. The “bailouts” merely prevented wider contagion and the wholesale unravelling and collapse of the trillion dollar derivatives casino scheme/scam! In 2018-19 COVID became the globalists’ agreed upon cover/scam they used to serve numerous purposes, some of which are highlighted in this article. COVID was used to cover a multitude of crimes and malfeasances.
In the US the banks were experiencing problems with the overnight Rep loans and trillions had to be pumped into circulation to cover the Too Big To Fail bankers problems https://www.nber.org/digest/dec09/repo-market-and-start-financial-crisis ;not to mention several huge speculative bubbles by entities like GameStop that almost took the system down. This tsunami of and corruption and currency caused inflation to skyrocket.
In addition to the economic crisis, human depopulation is also a priority of the overlords who used fear to hype COVID and the need for vaccines. COVID policies were never about public health or saving lives! They were about usurping more control (never allow a good “crisis” to go to waste) by globalist organizations and their flunkies (WHO WEF, Gates, national governments etc.)
mRNA was not a new development they have been around for decades they were developed as a cancer “treatment” but had to be shelved because the lab animals kept dying! So they were repurposed and rebranded for COVID-19 a non-lethal (except for people with compromised immune systems and comorbidities) condition similar to the common cold or flu!
We have been duped, the problems were not solved their so called solutions exacerbated the problems the overlords caused. The scam/game is ongoing. The miscreants are trying to do the same thing with Monkey Pox (mPox) and now the Bird Flu. Inflation is not going to cease it will get worse. They are still pushing vaccines which are proving to be deadly. Do not fall for the flimflam and the okey-doke.

Jan 24, 2025 6:33 PM

“Covid-19” was not an epidemiological/medical event it was a long planned geopolitical event- akin to the phony “War on Terror.” Speaking about it in such terms is absurd.

“Covid” was the circuit breaker to usher in a new self-perpetuating economic order with rolling pandemics at the center of it all along with additional “global shocks” in order to turbocharge the move towards SDG’s/Agenda 2030. It’s cover for ongoing theft of the global commons.

They tell everyone this quite directly and are putting these plans in motion right in front of everyone’s eyes and yet people are still floundering around talking about “origin of the virus”, “lab leak” and assorted rubbish?

For but one example, in December 2020, Secretary General of the UN Antonio Gutteres speaking to an audience at Columbia University said the following: “To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken. Human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos. The recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity. It is time to flick the ‘green switch’. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it.”

Anyone stuck thinking that the events of these past four plus years was an epidemiological event caused by some alleged submicroscopic particle floating through the air will never comprehend what happened and what is happening.

The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.

The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.

There was no pandemic. There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy. The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.

Crisis in the International Monetary and Financial System

The acute crisis of capitalism in 2019 was also reflected in warning signs regarding the international monetary and financial system (IMFS). In May 2019, the yield curve on U.S. treasuries inverted, historically a harbinger of recession (Jones, 2019). 

The S&P price/earnings ratio in 2019 was the second highest of all time, even higher than in 1929 and 2007, again indicative of a coming recession (Bourbon Financial Management, 2019). CEOs obviously knew that trouble lay ahead, with record numbers resigning (Atkinson, 2019). 

This was not to be just any recession, however. This was, potentially, to be a system-destroying recession (Wolff, 2021). The storm clouds had been gathering for some time, viz. the Long-Term Capital Management crisis (1998), the “global” financial crisis of 2007/8 (more accurately described as a crisis of the “Atlantic banking community” [Nesvetailova & Palan, 2008]), and the Eurozone debt crisis. First, the banks had to bail out a hedge fund; then, the public had to bail out the banks; then, sovereign nation-states went bankrupt. Since 2008, the system had been on artificial life support in the form of “quantitative easing” plus near-0% interest rates. The next major crisis always had the potential to prove fatal (Wolff, 2021). 

The erstwhile Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, warned at a meeting of the world’s most senior figures in international finance in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in August 2019 that “the deficiencies of the IMFS have become increasingly potent. Even a passing acquaintance with monetary history suggests that this centre won’t hold” (Carney, 2019). 

The previous week, BlackRock had published a seminal report arguing that conventional monetary and fiscal policies will not be enough to deal with the next economic downturn (BlackRock, 2019). The report proposes completely remaking the financial system based on the idea of “going direct,” i.e. abolishing the split-circuit system that keeps central bank reserves and retail money separate (as is necessary for a democratic system of “no taxation without representation”) and instead establishing a direct connection between central banks and individuals’ private accounts. 

This is what the drive towards central bank digital currencies (CBDC, cf. Strohecker, 2023) is all about, with the public having been primed for the rollout of digital currency via the cryptocurrency mania of the 2010s (the crucial difference being that CBDC will be centralised rather than decentralised). If implemented, central banks will be able to freeze individuals’ bank accounts, or take money out of them, or impose conditions on the way that “money” (just a voucher system by this point) is spent, and no financial transaction anymore will be private (Davis, 2023). Put bluntly, it is a system of financial enslavement, more “direct” than “debt slavery.” Dissidents will be financially outcast, as already indicated by the abortive move to freeze Canadian truckers’ bank accounts and those of their supporters in January 2022. 

On September 17, 2019, a crisis in the U.S. repo market saw the secured overnight lending rate briefly hit 10% (vs. its prior 2019 rate of 2–3%), prompting the Federal Reserve to step in and provide additional liquidity. As Titus (2021) demonstrates based on Federal Reserve activity, this was the moment when the decision was made to put the “Going Direct” plan into action, and with it the entire manufactured “Covid-19” crisis: “It’s easy if not trivial to look at a timeline of monetary events and see that the official monetary response to the ‘coronavirus pandemic’ went into effect before there even was a pandemic.” 

– David A. Hughes, “COVID-19″, Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy” (Pages 11-12)

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 8:42 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Consciousness trails a long way behind Reality… Over four years
later and there’s still Many who cant accept ‘The Pandemic’ was
cover story for locking the masses down while steps were taken
to prevent The Economy’s collapse – for a little bit longer…
The Economy continues to stumble along. The Next Pandemic is
already planned, ready to be unleashed the moment The Economy
is rushed into the Intensive Care Unit…
Consciousness trails a long way behind Reality…

Jan 24, 2025 10:54 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Lucid and logical as always Maxwell.
If only the ‘blind’ could see.

Thank you.

Jan 25, 2025 4:39 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Capitalist treatment is founded on a great lie. The biosphere including everything living in it is drenched in microbes, their spores, and spores of larger organisms. Their variety and numbers are quite beyond comprehension. If all the microbes in and on a person are eliminated, he would soon be dead.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 24, 2025 5:12 PM


with governments opting for temporary fixes rather than comprehensive reforms that prioritise public welfare”

Wasting time until we reverse the crooked deal of 1649 that made the private bank of England the only legal entity that can produce paper money and control the amount of money in circulation
You also need to close all stock exchanges

Jan 24, 2025 3:48 PM

Excellent article.

Us British are F’cked – but who did it to us…?

Us British

Its easy to blame, the Americans, the Russians, anyone who has historically or currently lived in the Middle East…

You want to blame Africans, or the Spanish, or the Chinese, fine – But they are not Responsible for the Current Mess and Poverty in the UK and threat of Nuclear war.

Whilst it is daft as the Mouse Terrifying My Cat

UK Gov + most Intelligence Services in the World (language skills are great they infiltrated them )

It’s the UK Government, who are Trying to kill us All – in England too

As I am English, I do apologise to the rest of the World.

We are actually a nice people…Its just that the People in Control of us, still think they control the Entire World

They Don’t – but they are Total Psychopaths.

Don’t trust them and don’t vote for them…The Current lot are the Worst yet.



Jan 24, 2025 6:19 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Agreed. Engineered by the PTB, but passively allowed by the People of each country. In the end it is our foolishness to trust them as benefactors rather than the overlords that they are. We can stop it tho. It’s up to us. Cheers!

Jan 24, 2025 12:39 PM

Currency or currencies of value become frameworks of meaning for invested identity. Mutually agreed self-illusion can and does rule and filter the minds of its stakeholders.
Defenses set for the protection of self-illusion operate as pre-emptive or predictive countermeasures to the fear of pain of loss of vested identity within systems of mutual agreements running as internalized programming.

Structure-based identity generates systems to which life is subordinated, trapped in and sacrificed to. As such it cuts off and denies its own life by the attempt to keep it – as an expression of possessive control. The result being a dispossession of self to ideological capture – where the symbols or concepts of idealized states are set at war with feared and hated evils operating as locked-down judgements and cast out as if autonomous fragments of a hated or feared mind.

True order aligns from a recognition of life as qualitatively informed and guided, the structure-dominated mind operates on weighted and quantified hierarchies of perceived and believed value or threat, with little or no awareness that such judgements filter, mask and rule the perception and response of a self and world as othered or alienated from natural psychic participation.

Loss of connection runs as ‘separation trauma’ or split-minded dissociation of self-conflicts pushed ‘out of mind’ by masking denial framed in grievance and accusation – thus aligning to external power as the means to impose order over and against feared chaos or loss.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Concentration of allegiance to external power as an organizational system makes the god of terror serve as the means to save from or forfend terror.
Scapegoating sacrifice underlies the distribution of guilting blame and penalty as the arbitration of ‘social order’ set over against ‘evils’ that represent unhealed, un-owned conflicts whose roots are set in the Past as the ‘former’ or genesis of a present as a persistent continuity of a ‘Past’ that ‘fathers’ or begets a structure of shifting defenses that mask over conflicts by repackaging ‘magical solutions’ by which to limit and shape awareness to complex instruments of evasive controls.

That a lie must beget ever more lies by which to protect a false foundation sets the limit for growth or development of consciousness or civilization.
Such ‘foundations’ are then structurally set too big to fail, thus all else is subordinated and sacrificed to ‘save the system’ or indeed the idol of a false guide and protection.

The death process is then a self-selective defense against a greater awareness associated with fear, pain and loss – such as to be denied, masked out demonised and attacked as ‘existential survival’ in terms of structurally invested identity.

As a collective alignment of a driven self-interest, the ego-mindset explicates inner structures of un-owned judgements. Unless the stamping of a Past on the present is released to an alignment of Presence.
Presentations can pass off as real, while thinking to gain of function through mutually reinforced fictions. But true functional well-being is of a true Father, Source, Nature and Context. A real relationship is an extension of a wholeness of being. Not a coercive contract to sacrifice.

Jan 24, 2025 4:36 PM
Reply to  Binra

Brian, I always thought you were a bit mad, over the years, but now realise you were making more sense than me…

What’s your secret? Are you a Priest?

Jan 24, 2025 11:11 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There is no secret but that a mind would hide from Itself.
Is love an Open Secret?
I’m not a member of any organization.

But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 5:31 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

i’d upvote you but everyone would think i fully agree
when i agree to half. so i’ll refrain ’til 0ffg installs some
sort of proportional voting system… the world aint just
black n white…

red lester
red lester
Jan 25, 2025 11:13 AM
Reply to  les online

It’s a great big onion right?

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 26, 2025 3:23 PM
Reply to  les online

No, but the hands of time are.

Armando Romani
Armando Romani
Jan 24, 2025 4:48 PM
Reply to  Binra

Who on earth upvoted this AI-generated word salad?

Jan 24, 2025 5:02 PM
Reply to  Armando Romani


Jan 24, 2025 8:05 PM
Reply to  Armando Romani

Good eye. Yes, the inhuman structure of the sentences, the abstract nouns at the beginning of virtually every one, it’s eerie. And the utter meaninglessness. A human being could never indite a meaninglessness so strangely, utterly thoughtless as this.

Jan 24, 2025 11:27 PM
Reply to  edwige

No – a curse is an evil eye.
But blanket put downs that avoid actual engagement in any issue raised are your freedom to engage in.
Unless it supports your current mindset – you attack, deny ridicule etc.
It’s not that you don’t understand – you dont want to – but prefer something you can scapegoat to ‘boost’ your self?
How ‘humanly meaningful’ is that “O expert on human sentence structure’?

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 2:28 AM
Reply to  Binra

I like the attacking Binra. I love watching the moments when philosophically profound and spiritually developed people get irritated and “take off the mask and show their horns”. (which doesn’t make me a very good person, I guess)

Jan 25, 2025 4:43 AM
Reply to  edwige

Yet, no different from Tony.

Jan 24, 2025 11:17 PM
Reply to  Armando Romani

Why are you so worked up about it?

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 8:54 PM
Reply to  Binra

All well and good. Is there a therapy ?

(I consider Social Revolution is Social Therapy through
which to dissolve collectively our emotional armouring –
seeing off the counter-revolution, forever)…

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 24, 2025 12:34 PM

If we kill everybody above 15 years old we could start all over again. A new start with peace in our world and our time. Happiness and smiles would be here all over the place.

No one dare to say it straight out but thats really the essence of all our problems of today.

Jan 24, 2025 3:56 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Have you seen the state of today’s Western youths? They wouldn’t be the victors.

Even if they were, they would go extinct for not knowing what a man or woman is, or which projection goes in which hole.

Fix them first, then we’ll talk.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 24, 2025 9:56 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

You got a point. I’ll be back.

Jan 24, 2025 4:56 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Erik Nielsen, Mainly because I had a crush on Jenny Agutter, “Walkabout” and then Logan’s Run, during Covid, even before nearly everyone was getting jabbed, I posted several times on Facebook (I have since resigned) cos no one took any notice (and it got embarrassing – mid party – keeling over and dropping dead, just after The Booster)…

it was not 15, but 30

“You Can Live” “It’s a PSYOP – It’s The FLU”

Logan’s run (1976): “You can live! LIVE!!””


I never got any thanks.. In fact some of the survivors are still getting jabbed

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 26, 2025 3:26 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Beware of people offering cheese inside mouse traps.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 8:59 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Wouldnt just banning steak knives do the trick ?

Jan 24, 2025 11:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

This is your thought experiment?
or the direction of your desire?
Psychopathic killers are the good guys then?

Mr T
Mr T
Jan 24, 2025 11:24 AM

Think of all the self-proclaimed ‘reader funded’ alternative media outlets that claim to be fiercely independent, holding power to account, but just went along with the official c19 narrative. Failing to provide the readers who fund them with insight into the alternative narrative, keeping them in the dark. They talked a lot about hegemony, propaganda and the role of the state as a lever of capitalist power. Yet, suddenly, in 2020, they ditched all of that and rolled over. Someone at CounterPunch acted like a petulant when questioned on the matter. Indian website Countercurrents still refuses to publish anything that questions the narrative.

Mr T
Mr T
Jan 24, 2025 2:35 PM
Reply to  Mr T

I meant to say, ‘petulant child’. To be clear, I’m referring to Joshua Frank.

Jan 24, 2025 10:57 PM
Reply to  Mr T

Interesting how Counterpunch managed to get of that Washington Post published “Prop or not” shitlist so quickly in 2016

Jan 24, 2025 11:46 PM
Reply to  Marb


Mr T
Mr T
Jan 25, 2025 1:28 AM
Reply to  Marb

100% convinced they are on the payroll – I’m sure you know what I mean

Jan 24, 2025 5:10 PM
Reply to  Mr T

Off-G never went along with “the official c19 narrative”

That was Bernhard at Moon of Alabama…(who I also have enormous respect for)

They had a massive falling out about it.

It was an enormous Psychological Operation, designed to Terrify and Change minds.

Mr T
Mr T
Jan 24, 2025 9:38 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I never mentioned OffG in my comment. OffG and Global Research were beacons of light in 2020.

Jan 24, 2025 11:26 PM
Reply to  Mr T

A Few of the best People from Counterpunch defected and have not been published there since .. Jennifer Matsui was one such .. She Started a Substack which deserves a wider readership ..has not Published for months though … Jennifer if You are reading this , I hope You are Ok… You have a silent Minority of fans..https://substack.com/@gutenkatzen66

Jan 24, 2025 11:33 PM
Reply to  Marb

One of Jennifer’s best….https://substack.com/home/post/p-48562023

Jan 25, 2025 8:58 AM
Reply to  Marb

She got shitcanned for not believing the official Pandemic Gobledygook..a superb writter with a penchant for Satire and a Rapier Wit.. just a clarification ….

Mr T
Mr T
Jan 25, 2025 11:03 PM
Reply to  Marb

I wrote for CP for seven years. Same happened.

Jan 26, 2025 12:17 PM
Reply to  Mr T

Bummer Mr T .. yes i think You hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread …on the Payroll some of them Certainly Alexander Cockburn i thought was Brilliant .. some mavericks occasionally ..Thomas Mountain .. Cj Hopkins..jenniferMatsui You… Something happened after the Prop or Not thing … Security state Quid Pro Quo …maybe…that weasel who had a blog Called the unrepentant Marxist.. a CIA snitch for sure… As apparently was faux Anarcho shithead Alexander Reid Ross ( exposed as such by Max Blumenthal , i vaguely remember) .. Cockburn ..would have seen through the Covid Scam as he did the Climate Scam.. i think ..cheers to You Mr T for breaking out of that box!

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 24, 2025 11:28 PM
Reply to  Mr T

I, on the other hand, noticed something else. After the start of anything in Gaza, I started visiting as many sites as I could that condemn it and call it genocide. There are those that specifically cover Palestine, and also specialized anti-war sites (aimed at righteous outrage and exposing the crimes in particular to the Americans), and also “center-left” sites, I think that’s what they call them. But not to read about the so-called genocide itself, but only to search into the search engine “pandemic”, “covid”, “vaccines”, “covid vaccines”, “global warming”, “climate change”, and also “plandemic”, “great reset”, “CBDC”, “fourth industrial revolution”, “WEF” and the like, as well as “far-right”, “conspiracy theorists” and the like.

How is it possible that all these sites strictly adhere to the official mainstream narrative? I understand that Israel are big bastards and should be condemned and so on, but how is it possible that all the media that oppose them and point out their crimes sound exactly like our despicable mainstream? (And, of course, they are deep in following the line of the false alt. counter-narrative of the “war in Ukraine.”)

For example, according to all of them, the bad, terrible and inhumane crime during the pandemic, which they said is real and is exactly what the mainstream and the elite tell us it is, is that greedly Americans did not provide mass vaccination for the world, that the nasty American pharma mafiosi slandered Russian and Chinese vaccines and prevented their wider distribution in the third world, and also that bad Israel almost committed genocide against the Palestinians by obstructing the supply of life-saving covid vaccines for mass vaccination of Gaza.

How is it possible? What is this, a UN/WEF/CIA operation?

Jan 30, 2025 10:59 AM

Yes it is and More!!

Jan 24, 2025 10:35 AM
Jan 24, 2025 10:46 AM
Reply to  Marb

Flux of Pink Indians ” They Lie We Die”……https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4VTr1_Qejn0

Jan 24, 2025 5:23 PM
Reply to  Marb

I found myself alone in a bog in Manchester, surrounded by Pink Indians, who had cut off all their hair and their Mums, had put Safety Pins in their Ears, Lips and Noses…whilst I had rather long hair. It had taken me years to grow it. They looked intimidating, but were as sweet as anything…Are you up for Black Sabbath next week?

Jan 24, 2025 10:51 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Black Sabbath were… Protopunk…bring it on!

Jan 24, 2025 5:31 PM
Reply to  Marb

Not been to Australia, but have always loved Aussies in England. Same sense of wind up humour – very like Scousers.

Jan 24, 2025 10:20 AM

Paul Cudenec naming names and connecting the dots _ _ err I mean PLOT$$$$$$$$$$$$:


Jan 24, 2025 10:02 AM

Wow, that didn’t take long. Trump shot his wad on day one with all the executive orders, and they figured it was time to return to the Dr. Evil/Mordor stuff on day 2. Soften us up with 24 hours of heavy petting then bring in Larry Ellison to shock us back into hell. That is one scary looking dude, and listening to him talk just makes it worse. I am trying to erase it from my memory. 

You just know this Stargate thing is tied to Bill Gates, since it concerns vaccines. But Trump and his team begged Gates to keep his ugly mug out of it, knowing how hated he is. Hard to believe Biden didn’t pardon him for being alive. Gates apparently agreed to stay off-camera for this one, and they brought in Ellison to take his place. Another big miscalculation, since Ellison gives off the very same Dr. Evil vibe. You feel bugs crawling on your skin as soon as he walks in the room. 

Part of that is Ellison and part is the new Stargate project, which just reeks of evil from every pore. To his credit, Alex Jones is already calling it out, having Malone on to undercut it, but so far the commentary has been way too weak. This is a catastrophe, worse than anything I imagined, and thrust upon us much quicker than I thought they would dare. Effing day 2 they hit us with this, meaning their respect for us is still zero. 

[Also not good is that after hitting this weakly yesterday, Alex Jones has already dropped it today, reverting immediately to Trump-olatry. Five of Infowars eight lead stories today are selling Trump as a savior. Zerohedge seems to be all bullish so far on Stargate.] Offd is running any article it can find that has Rachel Reeves, Starmer in it to deflect from the prediction they said pre Trump coming in that he would be more better than Biden.!

If you don’t know, the Stargate project is supposedly a billionaire-funded plan to join AI and mRNA vaccines to cure cancer. AI will spot specific cancer markers in the blood, after which the doctors will create a targeted vaccine in 48 hours, built just for you. What does that have to do with a Stargate? No one has said yet, though I am about to tell you. 

Plus, didn’t Trump campaign on a promise to protect us from the Big Tech monsters? And yet here we are, day 2, and he is announcing major promotion of them and alliance with them. He was supposed to take on the Big Tech juggernaut and the Big Pharma juggernaut, right?

Instead, we see them joining forces and Trump climbing into bed with them. The only way things could have gotten worse after Biden is if Big Tech and Big Pharma merged, and that has just happened, with Trump’s immediate backing.

This is total bullshit in every way, and it isn’t even a good story. It is a transparent conjob that any child could spot in about 30 seconds. They have been able to scan blood for all content for a long time, including cancer cells, so I don’t know what this has to do with AI. Basically they are just renaming “the medical machines we have long had” as AI and expecting you to buy it.

continues in the link. https://mileswmathis.com/ellison.pdf

Jan 24, 2025 10:20 AM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Explain something to me. If a cancer is already inside you, then why do you need to inject a “vaccine” that emulates part of that specific cancer in order to alert the immune system?

Make it make sense, someone!

Jan 24, 2025 12:38 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

That would defeat the purpose.

Jan 24, 2025 4:03 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Almost all my brothers and sisters and dad, died of cancer. Since childhood, I have always been very anti – Doctors and Drugs, except when extremely ill…close to my deathbed. For this, I have to first thank My Mum, who made 86, and my Wife for cooking almost all food from fresh ingredients and providing a lot of love.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jan 24, 2025 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

If you don’t then big pharma will suffer financial losses, boo hoo.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 24, 2025 11:28 AM
Reply to  sunnymoon

What government would want to cure cancer ?

Why would they wamt people to live longer ?

It must be that they want to return people’s tax money in the form of pensions.

Jan 24, 2025 5:39 PM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Sunnymoon, I accidentally downvoted you, but agree with almost everything you wrote.

Sorry. Did you use to post as Researcher? Its easy to make mistakes.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 9:19 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Goldman Sachs advised not to invest in start-ups intending
to find A Cure for Cancer – as there’s no profit in cures…
The search is for treatments, profitable treatments, life-long
dependency on treatments…

Governments will hand over millions for the first Safe & Effective (TM)
shot. Thereafter you’ll need to pau for The Annual Booster to assure
yourself\ you wont get Cancer. And so on…
There’s BILLIONS to be made from Treatments
(The Cancer Research Industry is already a multi-billion dollar world-
wide ‘research’ industry)…

Jan 25, 2025 4:55 AM
Reply to  les online

Without the jab, you may be able to continue working – without medical benefits. First sign an agreement that you will not utter any misinformation or discuss the matter.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jan 24, 2025 5:48 PM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Ellison is certainly creepy and a whole lot more. I have anagrammed his full name, Lawrence Joseph Ellison. We can have:

  • lo NJ Orwellian speeches
  • encl AI Jews snooper Hell
  • er Napoleons Jewish cell
  • Jew loon creepiness hall
  • an eel Jew hell’s scorpion
  • Jewish oracle neon spell
  • lo nee all Jew censorship

All of which are eminently suitable.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 9:21 PM

i like the scorpion one

Jan 24, 2025 6:18 PM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Larry Ellison is the scariest moral midget they have on their team.
So you know they’re just shock and awe’ing us.
They are afraid people won’t comply.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 24, 2025 9:47 AM

It’s the lack of cheap oil, stupid. “The virus” was all about putting on the breaks. Then the West started the war in Ukraina in order to destabilize Russia and get our hand on their resources. It failed and now the we’re in an even sorrier state.

Jan 24, 2025 10:16 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

The Ukraine war started in 2014 (or arguably 2004.) It was indeed an attempt to break/take Russia, but it’s been going on a long time. But yes, post-covid was a useful time to ramp it up and deflect from how retarded covid propaganda was.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 24, 2025 10:31 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

> The Ukraine war started in 2014 (or arguably 2004.)

You are right of course, the US et al moved to escalate in 2022.

Jan 25, 2025 5:01 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Scholz of Germany was in the know about the planned destruction of Nord Stream. His country is now a basket case and he has lost confidence in a parliamentary vote. Yet, he is now campaining. The country seems to have lost it marbles.

Jan 24, 2025 9:44 AM

All the UK’s economic woes are caused by Brexit. This must be true because I keep seeing it in the Guardian.

Like almost every analysis from the “left”, this one misses out the middle class. The neo-feudal goal is to drastically contract the middle class leaving only a small clerisy of dependent vassals (i.e. what’s left of the public sector). Digital serfdom means having no resources to fall back on when a button is pushed and fundamental needs cut off (bank account frozen, no QR code to get inside the secure food cabinets or get outside your 15-minute city pen, heat pump switched off etc) because somebody didn’t like a social media post made ten years ago. It doesn’t mean everyone being completely impoverished and reduced to food banks because who’ll buy their stuff then? It does mean nobody has long-term economic independence. Neuralink will show if it’s not just an outward show of compliance but if people really love Big Brother – no repeat of what brought the USSR down!

Drugs and video games for the masses until the eugenics whittles them down. The aim of your children being better off than you were is being quietly retired although this is still kept fairly quiet. The continuing belief in “economic growth” is a mask to cover the spread of A.I. and digital-everything on the familiar model of getting the serfs to pay for their own enslavement.

Jan 26, 2025 3:45 AM
Reply to  Edwige

As I understand it, the masses of Great Britain voted for separation from union with the rest of Europe in order to stop immigration. But it hasn’t stopped one bit. Fancy dat.

Jan 24, 2025 8:11 AM

There is a sense the state ‘jumped shark’ with covid. The media barely mention it any more, except with simpering passing references such as ‘during the pandemic’. Virtually no one wears a face mask despite it being winter virus season. I was a skepic before that, especially after the undemocratic charade of the 2019 general election and the installation of Johnson, but these days it’s hard to believe anything in the mainstream media after they shilled for covid.

Jan 24, 2025 8:10 AM

to stabilise the economy and prevent a deeper collapse of financial markets

If that was the noble aim, the wealthy should not have made such enormous gains:

-In 2019, 1,480 CEOs of major US businesses resigned and sold their stocks. Another 219 resigned in Jan. 2020. -Michael Snyder, globalresearch.ca 2020-07-17
-In 2020, billionaires gained $3.9 trillion while working people lost $3.7 trillion. -Oxfam 2021-01 
-From 2020-03-18 to 2020-12-31, the world’s billionaires increased their wealth by $3.9 trillion, partly due to the lockdowns. -Colin Todhunter, off-guardian.org 2021-08-30
-During the first 16 months of mass suffering from the pandemic, the 2,690 billionaires increased their fortunes by $5.5 trillion, hoarding more wealth than in the previous 15 years. -Jonathan Cook, unz.com 2021-08-13

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 9:40 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The Economy is a nation-wide superstructure imposed, via ‘laws’
imposed by force (the state). to privatise all collectively produced
wealth… Essential parts of the superstructure (banks) were about
to collapse and would take the entire system dowunless ‘rescued’.
Trillion dollar bandaids were hurriedly applied (The problem was
kicked down the road, as they say)…
That the Rich Got Richer quicker than usual doesnt negate that the
goose that lays the Golden Eggs had to be kept alive so it could
keep giving…

Jan 24, 2025 4:02 AM

Here’s a partial list of Trumps executive orders in the “climate change” area:
Withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, the pact among almost all nations to fight climate change.
Declare a national energy emergency, a first in U.S. history, which could unlock new powers to suspend certain environmental rules or expedite permitting of certain mining projects.
Attempt to reverse Mr. Biden’s ban on offshore drilling for 625 million acres of federal waters.
Open the Alaska wilderness to more oil and gas drilling.
Halt the leasing of federal waters for offshore wind farms.

I’m sure the Exec orders will benefit certain billionaire scoundrels, but they also seem to be destructive to implementation of the global warming hoax.

Jan 24, 2025 4:58 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The only good thing here is the last one. Wind farms are if anything even more destructive of the environment than “Drill Baby Drill!” Besides which, they are monstrous contraptions which must be turned off (they run on fossil fuel) if the wind gets really strong.

“Certain mining projects” – like lithium mining in the Hurricane Helene destroyed towns of Western North Carolina?

Global warming can recover from taking a hit. The environment may not be so flexible.

Jan 24, 2025 9:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, Drill, baby, drill is good. Ridiculous to think we don’t need energy.
And of course it’s good to step outside the Paris environmental excuse for global tyranny.

Jan 25, 2025 2:59 PM
Reply to  Penelope

If it were just about conjuring energy out of the ground, then yes, extracting the oil and gas would be entirely painless. But unfortunately the environment is involved in the process and does get harmed.

Just in the Ecuadorian rain forest alone, the environmental mess Chevron created has never been addressed because Chevron has spent millions on legal fees to avoid clean up – which would run into the billions.

Energy companies are like the people who don’t clean up after walking their dogs.

Jan 26, 2025 6:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

That last line is perfect Howard. The energy itself isn’t the problem, it is that it generates a terrific amount of toxic waste that becomes an externality – not to be bothered with and certainly not to spend any profits on cleaning up. Those who still insist energy sources themselves are infinite, without addressing the necessary clean up when processing them, simply refuse to see there is a cost inherent in drilling for energy sources. As that ugly old economic maxim states, truly, there is no free lunch…. And let’s talk about all that mining, how many here would like a lithium mine in their neighborhood, say right behind their own home, with all the “externalities” of that operation? None of them I’d bet. But it’s OK to leave all that mess in other countries, or other supposedly remote areas, as sight unseen means it’s not a problem, right? Just like all those dirty wars all over the world. As long as it ain’t happening here in front of our faces, it’s all good.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 3:33 AM

Did i miss it ? Did one of the US billionaires justify the $500 billion
data storage centres boondoggle with a claim it was needed to
“Protect the Children” (TM) ?
Hundreds of square miles are gonna be covered by the things, and
as they’ll be competing with those huge solar farms there’ll be no
where left for us hoomins but to live but in 15 Minute Cities…
How damned devious of the Bastards !!!

Jan 24, 2025 1:56 AM

I’m skeptical of the “averting an impending financial crisis” theory. The financial system seems just as fake and controlled as virology. They print money from nothing and delete it at will. Creating or averting “financial crises”, increasing or reducing “inflation” are simple matters for the people in control of the central banking system. There is no need for extreme measures to do any of that.

I think the urge to reach for this as an explanation is motivated by an unwillingness to accept a simpler and more logical but more frightening one: our world is run by misanthropic eugenicist elites with virtually unlimited power, who view the majority of the population as an obsolete slave class. With advances in automation, we are no longer useful to them. Therefore, the machinery to exterminate us has been put in place and set in motion.

les online
les online
Jan 24, 2025 9:52 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

You are so right. The financial system is fake. Let’s put aside
rationality and factuality….. My Gut Feeling Is (MGFI)………

Jan 24, 2025 10:24 AM
Reply to  les online

Let’s put aside rationality and factuality….. My Gut Feeling Is (MGFI)………

I explained the rationale supporting my viewpoint. You did not.

My reasoning is based on research, particularly the documentaries 97% Owned (free on Youtube) and James Corbett’s Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve.

Jan 24, 2025 10:36 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

No need to research the topic one just needs to take a look around us whether it’s the ESG programs all the corps have signed up to, Hollywood pumping out bad movies, clearly on purpose and the many “chosen” retail stores, always empty, selling tut that nobody wants and never go out of business to recognise the financial system isn’t real.
It’s another bogey man given to us to manipulate, control and make people panic that this time there will be a Gov Shutdown.
I agree with Les intuition is more then enough to get the answers we need.

Jan 24, 2025 5:32 PM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

I strongly agree. Nothing about the ‘impending financial collapse’ theory can account for the fake-vaccine roll-out.

Jan 24, 2025 10:14 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The vaccine narrative was firstly an emotive distraction, and secondly a reason to extend the lockdowns. The lockdowns were required to create inflation. Free money + economy closed down = inflation. Everyone fighting over the vaccines/passports/mandates/alternative treatments was a great distraction from the financial restructure.

Jan 25, 2025 12:45 AM
Reply to  Voltara

That’s a ridiculous explanation

Jan 24, 2025 6:32 PM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

True, but the financial collapse thing, total greed driven incompetence, is real and is the “precious” of the Gollum Club. Root causes are most important and easiest to understand and enable all to see the external symptoms for what they are. Money and authority drives all within the PTB.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 12:04 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

I agree and share the skepticism towards the theory of “preventing an imminent financial crisis” and the comment in general, but I have doubts about the last paragraph.

If you’ve noticed, there is a noticeable consensus among much of the alt-media in the spread of the same theory of “preventing an imminent financial crisis,” along with an unceasing amount of articles about misanthropic eugenic elites and the constant spread of “the depopulation of the already redundant slave class in the face of the onset of high-tech automation.” (Also, in the same large group of sites, one can notice a consensus on the reality of the so-called proxy war of the same (only Western, according to them) eugenics elites against Russia in Ukraine, and also widespread promotion of “Trump savior.”)

Here where I am, and this is shared by other people in different parts of the world, somehow it happened that the diligently predicted mass depopulation did not happen. Many corpses are missing, many, many more vaccinated people should have died, but they are alive and well. While the same group of alt-media assured us that “the first winter”, then the second, the third, all vaccinated will die. Something is not going according to plan, as I see it, and other people around the world see the same thing.

My point is that the same misanthropic elites who see the majority of the population as an outdated slave class are also unhuman pragmatic businessmen who don’t destroy what they can use. Instead of being removed from the landscape, did they not foresee something else, something different for the future of the slave class, could they not use us for something? The world is developing, technology, even industrial revolutions are happening, so they say, and so on.. Who knows.

Jan 25, 2025 5:15 AM

Corruption sometimes helps. During an embargo of essentials – say, by the Greatest Democracy – a black market rises up. In this case, many may have bribed nurses or doctors for fake certificates. Before the jab in 2020, too few of the elderly, feeble-minded, destitute, etc. died despite all the brutal effort. The pension funds are still empty due to CBT despite all the distractions.

Jan 25, 2025 12:46 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

At present world population is at 8,201,877,287. If the eugenicists wanted to demolish the world population the second best way to do this would be world war. The best way would be prolonged and severe economic downturns. 

Yes the misanthropic oligarchs view the unwashed as you say but the Covid Operation is in no way an effective means to wipe out significant portions of the populace- and that includes the poison jabs.

I think you underestimate how it is the financial system is THE primary mechanism used by those ruthless elites to gain and consolidate power and implement social control.

In the short amount time it took me to type this the world’s population has gone up to 8,201,878,647

Jan 25, 2025 1:38 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

We have no idea what the shots truly do. We can only speculate. But i think injecting something into everyone on the planet actually would in fact be the most effective way to wipe people out, in numerous possible ways. Better if its time-delayed for plausible deniability.

Jan 25, 2025 8:28 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Long time no see. Happy New Year! 🥳 🥂🍾 🎈

Jan 27, 2025 12:32 AM
Reply to  Ort

Thanks Ort.

We’ve known each other via these forums for some time. Always look forward to reading your erudition and laser like humorous observations.

Happy New Year to you as well.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 1:22 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

In addition to my previous comment, which is in the process of being approved or not (hopefully successfully), see for example the new initiative of Trump and company for these great personalized vaccines against your cancer (cancer that came to you after vaccination with your rescue warp speed Donald vaccine) that will be developed for you with Stargate AI in just 48 hours. Isn’t this a wonderful alternative to depopulation? Why not cure these proles that we gave cancer to by filling them with some nanobots (or whatever)? Of course, this is just the beginning. Then the actual part of the use begins (instead of removal).
For example.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 24, 2025 1:45 AM

North Sea Oil production has collapsed – see the graph here https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

For decades, Norway has been Britain’s leading source of imported energy.

However, that relationship may be set to come under strain after the Scandinavian nation warned that its vast oil and gas fields are in decline. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/norway-warns-its-oil-and-gas-production

Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.

The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted – natural gas production is contracting. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/natural-gas-production-is-contracting

Sir Jim Ratcliffe, Chairman of INEOS says, “De-industrialising Britain achieves nothing for the environment. It merely shifts production and emissions elsewhere. The UK, and particularly the North, needs high quality manufacturing and the associated manufacturing jobs. We are witnessing the extinction of one of our major industries as chemical manufacture has the life squeezed out of it.” 


Politicians can do NOTHING about this … it’s a physics problem… we have burned up most of the cheap energy … and most of what remains is too expensive + energy availability is declining.

Because the UK and Western Europe have to import most of their energy … they are getting crushed…

A cold snap has caused gas prices to explode higher https://x.com/JavierBlas/status/1882357854155448406  

Suppliers are desperately diverting LNG… this is very expensive energy … but it is better than NO energy… but make no mistake – these are EMERGENCY measures ….


New Zealand is in an even worse state… they have not LNG terminals… and being so remote they are unable to pipe in gas… NZ is dying … the UK is not far behind https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/necrosis-in-new-zealand

No country is an island… when a key pillar busts… civilization collapses


Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 24, 2025 11:19 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

UK government has taxed NS oil companies to death.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 24, 2025 1:13 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The thing is …

Governments will NEVER admit there is no oil left…. NEVER.

In New Zealand they say the reason for the energy crisis is a ban on exploration for oil and gas.

But if one digs one finds out that this is a LIE.

This is the truth:

What has changed is that all the extra drilling hasn’t turned up much extra gas in the past few years. This is despite record amounts spent on new wells – nearly $1.3 billion between 2020 and 2024. Energy companies now think there’s less gas than previously thought.

The oil and gas lobby has asked the government to underwrite the risk of fossil fuel exploration, with the taxpayer potentially taking “some or all” of the risk if new gas supplies fail to eventuate.


The UK has their own version of this — their lie is that they taxed the industry out of existence.

You really believe this? Why – cuz bbc said so?

So the country is gonna commit economic suicide by taxing oil and gas out of existence. Duh … I don’t think so.

But hey – it sounds better than admitting the north sea oil is almost gone.

Meanwhile at the other end of the sea Norway — which puts most of the $$$ from oil into a fund … has also warned that their reserves are headed south — and the UK/Europe should not rely on them going forward.

The North Sea Oil is in decline. It has ZERO to do with taxation

But hey if it makes you feel better to believe that then believe it… that’s the reason bbc and the Ministry of Truth tell you that … they don’t want you falling into deep despair

Jan 24, 2025 5:57 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Oil is not a fossil fuel. It is formed deep within the Earth. We are blessed with it. It is not infinite, and neither is the Sun. We should use all our energy resources to the best of our abilities, for a clean and pleasant world, for our Children, Grandchildren and all Life on Earth

Fighting over it, is not good. Wars and AI achieve nothing except an improvement in photography – not real life.

Pollution is horrible, but we do not need to deliberately commit genocide against innocent women and children

In a safe and happy world, human populations naturally decline, to well below replacement rates…and we are not short of fish, whales nor honey

Just too many Psychopaths in control believing Malthusian nonsense

Jan 24, 2025 10:16 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

There’s 10 x more shale oil available. More expensive to extract, but it’s there. And coal can be converted. Again, more expensive, but it’s there. There’s no shortage of oil.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 25, 2025 12:46 AM
Reply to  Voltara

In case you have not noticed… cost is an issue when it comes to energy … notice how entire industries are collapsing

High energy prices have forced the closure of this strategic UK asset.


Are you ok with paying 4x what you currently pay for electricity?

What do you think UK industries would make of such a development?

FYI – high energy costs destroy economies.

Shale is very expensive energy.

Why fracking is not the answer to soaring UK gas prices

Jan 25, 2025 5:22 AM
Reply to  Voltara

Mining for shale oil, tar sands, etc. poisons arable land, other land, waterways, etc. You can look up the hellish horror show in BC, Canada. Other countries are also indulging in the insanity. Land owners cannot object.

red lester
red lester
Jan 24, 2025 5:54 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

We have almost the biggest per capita energy source around. The N Sea coal seams run to Belgium. Inject air with a controlled burn to another ‘town gas’ extraction well. Too cheap to meter energy. Free coal tar soap for everyone.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jan 25, 2025 12:41 AM
Reply to  red lester

The problem with the energy that remains to be burned … is one of cost… it is simply to expensive to extract….

Therefore most of what remains … will remain in the ground … forever.

This is why the UK is a major nett importer of energy … the country has run out of economically viable energy resources

And as I pointed out … Norway is following the UK into the gutter…

Jan 24, 2025 1:39 AM

How many 11s and 13s in a single article? Those Freemasons at it again, eh?
Britain’s population is estimated at around 66 million – multiple of 11
They had increased their wealth by £66 billion – multiple of 11
Public Policy Research think tank laid the blame for more than 130,000 – a multiple of 13

by £274 billion in five years (2013-2018) and had increased their total wealth to £724 billion – both figures just happen to add up to 13

the UK government borrowed approximately £62.3 billion. – sum of 11

government borrowing surged to around £303 billion. – zeros don’t count in numerology this is an obvious 33 (the Freemasons fave) or 11 if you prefer

Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, recently highlighted a £22 billion “gap” – multiple of 11

yes, the demon worshipping scum love their numerology and it can be found all over many MSM stories, surprised OG is using these figures and there are no coincidences with so many of them in one article.

Jan 24, 2025 1:10 AM

President Trump spoke to Davos by video.Meryl Nass took brief, clear notes. It is for the most part simply too good to be true.
I don’t know where the rat is. I have a few far-out theories with not a speck of evidence.
But YOU look at what he so clearly says he’s going to do & tell us what it means:


You HAVE to look at this–truly.

Jan 24, 2025 9:17 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The universities are worryingly absent from Trump’s agenda.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 12:15 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Strangely. In Russia, universities are entrusted with a special and major role in the development of what we understand as the “fourth industrial revolution” (although they are already talking about the fifth and sixth, I am not sure what the numbers are). For example, the Priority 2030 Program, which is the largest program to support universities in the history of Russia and “aims to create 100 advanced and modern universities in Russia, a center of scientific and technological progress according to the best world standards.” You may feel dizzy from their development programs (but if you don’t have access to Russian sites, you can read the section on “forecasting the future” of the WEF, it’s the same).

Apparently, the model in the USA is different.

Jan 24, 2025 12:42 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Please don’t make me.

Jan 24, 2025 4:13 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I’m torn. On one hand he has gone against the climate agenda which I see as THE biggest threat to mankind.

But on the other hand he wants to fill us with lipid nanoparticles, which are demonstrably harmful (even without the Frankensteinian MRNA gene therapy payload.)

He’s either retarded, ignorant or playing us.

None of those possibilities make me happy.

Jan 24, 2025 6:41 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

It’s all three, J. That’s who these people are. Until we remove all authority to decide humanity’s future with insane autocratic acts, both industrial and State. As long as they get to decide, we’re all screwed. Every time another promoted leader pops up out of the can we must smash it back down.

Jan 24, 2025 1:08 AM

Don’t mention the “invasion”. Self inflicted by most Western societies, hypnotized by globalists busy to destroy nation states. Mass media enhanced.

Financially an enormous drain, culturally too.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 1:02 AM

Todays banks look like shadow banks, banks that operate (w/your money) and w/o insurance.

Jan 23, 2025 11:07 PM

This was well known to those who pay attention — for about 4 years.

Jan 24, 2025 6:42 PM
Reply to  Fred

Right in our faces. Just paying attention you can see the agenda grow.

Jan 23, 2025 10:04 PM

🎶Let It Be🎶 (Amended).

“When we find ourselves in times of trouble Mother FEAR comes to us”

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 23, 2025 11:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Before he became the woke guru of the corporate world savers, old Pete Gabriel was right on target with this:

Fear, she’s the mother of violence

Don’t make any sense to watch the way she breed

Fear, she’s the mother of violence

Making me tense to watch the way she feed

The only way you know she’s there

Is the subtle flavor in the air

Getting hard to breathe

Hard to believe in anything at all

But fear

Jan 23, 2025 11:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks George.
Didn’t know that one.

Jan 24, 2025 6:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In 1978um I wrote this one.

Ch.’Fear, it gets you right here.
It makes it all too concise and too clear,
we’re all riddled with fear

1.Watching windows for the nameless men.
Scared to use the telephone again.
Wait in terror for the knock on the door.
And then the shock that throws you to the floor.

It’s just fear….repeat.

2. Have you got the message from the government?
Everyone with ideas is a dissident.
Anyone with different political views
is going to wind up with his neck in a noose.

Ch. ‘it’s just fear…repeat

3.Fear of Russians and a nuclear war.
Fear of police and the judges’ law.
Fear of enemies and fear of friends.
Fear of fear itself that never ends.

Ch. ‘It’s just fear….repeat

Have you made your last will and testament?
Before you have your fatal accident.
Anyone who wear the wrong colour shoes
is going to wind up with his neck in a noose.


4.Fear of living, and fear of death.
Fear of falling over the edge.
Fear of waking, and fear of sleep.
Fear of the shallows
Fear of the deep.’

Ch. …repeat.’ Ariel AZ Alexander.

Of course the bands refused to do it.
Maybe things haven’t changed all that much.
We get the background fear ingrained appropriate to our relevant generation
I don’t know if I ever recorded this one. It’s number 2 in my black book.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 12:24 AM
Reply to  ariel

Thank you for sharing your personal creative work with us, ariel. There is a lot of fear written there, but it is good.

Jan 25, 2025 10:14 PM

I have 179 videos on YT, it would have been on Brighteon too, but they betrayed me by cutting back my most popular songs after saying they would axe the least viewed.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 7:43 PM
Reply to  ariel

Is the Lighthouse of freedom a Brigtheon? And supposedly they differed from the powerful platforms and did not do such things…
We are left with only the Ramblé of the conservative technocrat-transhumanist Thiel.

Jan 28, 2025 6:43 PM

Oui, Merci pour ecouter. They may have got their act together since trashing the good communication I had with viewers/listeners. The censorship on Youtube means I get orders of magnitude less views, but it’s the lack of communication that hurts more. Which is somewhat ameliorated by OffG.comments.

colin the iltrate
colin the iltrate
Jan 23, 2025 10:00 PM

everything was turned on its head you had the guardian types wanting to close the borders the ukippers and breixters wanting to keep them open the right to choose become a slogan of pro life Christians you had the anti-racists repeating racial slurs about chinamen eating bats both sides reversed the positions on more or less everything without ever admitting it

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 23, 2025 9:50 PM

I wonder when the Turning Point will be? And where will it start? Or will there be a Turning Point, but instead a Moment of Truth? One minute we’ll all be slaves to AI created robots, or maybe even become AI created robots, then the next, the Moment of Truth. Bam! Or we’ll all be waiting in line to get our weekly ration of eggs, fake meat, and insect protein and someone will step out of line and the shit will hit the fan. Or someone will lean out their window and scream, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!”, and it will spread like purposely set fires in the Santa Ana winds. Or maybe we really are like the proverbial boiling frogs, but that doesn’t seem right to me, because we do know the truth, at least some of us, and some of it. The poor frogs didn’t know shit until it was too late and they were all shriveled up pieces of frog meat with no more capacity to “feel” their plight. And now they’re telling us, right out in the open, not just by their actions, but with their media. I don’t think we’ll have a Moment of Truth, looks more like there has to be some kind of Turning Point.

I’ve noticed many articles in the oligarchy media lamenting the in-your-face congregation of the rich in and for the Trump administration and more than a few talking about how wealth inequality has gotten completely out of control. Even Gates has said he has too much fucking money. But no solutions from them, none at all. They’re worried about a revolution, maybe a surge in pitchfork stocks. Will the Turning Point mean Revolution? Are they trying to head off a revolution by telling us we need a revolution?

I’d say another ten years or so. It’s like the old saying, “something’s gotta give”. Then again, 20 years goes by pretty quick (i.e., remember 9/11 and it’s already been five years since CONVID-19), so I’ll go with 10-20. Until then, I reckon we’ll just keep on electing politicians. Line up everybody and cast your vote for your next oligarchy representative.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 1:04 AM
Reply to  Big Al

You forgot “and like it”.

Jan 24, 2025 6:54 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The marker turning point was 911. The immediate enlightement for quiet observers was watching the three buildings identifiably demo’d. That metaphoric reality event was that the PTB are willing to destroy the world they created, everything and everyone inside it, to remain in control of the world. They are insane and must be removed from control capacity.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 4:09 AM
Reply to  Big Al

“Are they trying to head off a revolution by telling us we need a revolution?”
Donny has been making a revolution (=he’s put for a face) since 2020, he started with an opening warp speed volley, and now they’ve brought him back to continue it with Stargate. The fourth industrial revolution.
“The bad demonocrats screw up the economy, impose unnecessary regulations for the technologies and stop progress”, and Donnie comes and signs deregulations, started Stargate, etc. The fairy tale goes on honey and butter.
When this (with data centers and AI, personalized vaccines, etc.) develops, only NeuraMusk follows.

colinthe iltrate
colinthe iltrate
Jan 23, 2025 9:44 PM

the biggest shock to me was the attitude of most of the left the richer were getting richer the poor were being crushed and they just didn’t give a shit and the check to to call me far right because i did all i did was stick to Marxist analysis but apparently, that made me a fascist i expected that sort of shite from liberals but not from people who proclaim to be Marxists themselves

Jan 23, 2025 10:40 PM

Middle Class Lefties, most of them.

Jan 23, 2025 11:16 PM
Reply to  Johnny

..blinded by ‘the science’.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 23, 2025 11:03 PM

The biggest shock to me wasn’t so much the unprecedentedly aggressive attack on the general population – both psychologically and physically – but what it revealed about “The Left” i.e. what the Left had become. I have no doubt now that every large official Leftist organisation is a spook outfit. (The Right also being such.) But then there has been a very intense hollowing out of The Left ever since WW2. See here:
This is the crucial part:
“… the Frankfurt theorists helped set the stage for a more general shift away from historical materialist analysis grounded in political economy toward culturalism and identity politics, which would become consolidated in the neoliberal era.
It is highly revealing in this regard that the Institute undertook a massive study of “Anti-Semitism in American Labor” in 1944-45, under Pollock’s stewardship. Fascism had risen to power with extensive financial backing by the capitalist ruling class, and it was still on the war path around the world. Yet, the Frankfurt scholars were hired to focus on the purported anti-Semitism of U.S. workers rather than on the capitalist funders of fascism or the actual Nazis who were fighting a war against the Soviets.”
And that is why what passes for “Marxism” now truly is “Cultural Marxism” i.e. a total evisceration of Marx – which naturally is excoriated by The Right as the ultimate subversion. Well you need to con the pathetically duped bright young things into the starry eyed dream that all this psychobabble bumf is truly rad man! Rope in old Freud to serve as the updated priest who keeps everyone focussed on their navels whilst they wallow in lascivious logorrhea.

Jan 23, 2025 9:37 PM

comment image

The “virus” is a MacGuffin. Finance capitalism hit the iceberg in 2008 and has been taking on water ever since. Emergeny measures during Convid bought them some time, but the compartments are flooding again.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 23, 2025 9:46 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

after talking to Bill Gates for 3 hours about public health, I personally would be feeling mighty ill!

Jan 23, 2025 10:44 PM

Both of them may as well be ‘shape shifting aliens’ or ‘Lizard’ people.
They have zero empathy and are clueless about the plight of those who struggle every day.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 23, 2025 11:31 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I disagree. They know exactly what they are doing and how those at the bottom of the pile struggle. Their charade is in a tailspin. They know the games up and they want the plebs dead. At least most of them anyway.

Jan 23, 2025 11:38 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

But who will clean their toilets, cut their lawns and wash their fleets of cars, yachts and jets?

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 24, 2025 12:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny

If they can get away with starving us and reducing the herd to a manageable flock, the next phase would be Transhumanism.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 24, 2025 12:18 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Flock / Herd / Gaggle..a feast of brewers perhaps.

How about a goring of butchers, an observance of hermits, a school of clerks a, doctrine of doctors, a tabernacle of bakers,a prudence of vicars, a state of princes, a congregation of people slaves, a diligence of messengers, a discretion of priests, an execution of officers, an eloquence of lawyers, a drunkenship of cobblers, a proud showing of tailors, a skulk of thieves.

With Elon’s chip in our brain the possibilities of having the human billionaires desire are endless.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 3:10 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

I think they don’t want fewer people, or even want more. But not those nasty types born in the pre-digital era, who remember the old world and are an obstacle to progress. We are unpleasant people who muddy (or at least hypothetically could) the heads of new generations with uncertainty about the bright future.

So depopulation for pre-digital people – yes, maybe. But in general, I am not very sure that they want a massive or at least a serious reduction of the population followed by transhumanism. I observe in numerous alt-media loud and constant trumpets for depopulation combined with the promotion of Trump’s rescue plan, which is anti-depopulation (so they say). And, as you can see, Trump is a Trojan horse for the realization of what for which the biggest influencer is the cheerful Elon, which is pure transhumanism. (Not just Elon, the conservative gay Thiel and those snouts from Stargate, etc.)

So I think there’s a chance that the narrative is “conservative transhumanism instead of demonocratic depopulation.” Now that I think about it, this could mean depopulation for the “liberal part of the population”, who are also vaccinated for the majority. It certainly seems that they have brought Trump back on a white horse with fanfare and what is only called the “conservative vision of the future” has dawned. As if the choice of chosen human capital for the future world leans towards the conservative-minded human resource, which has been tempered by “four years in the liberal wilderness”, his hope and faith in the savior Donald has grown and hardened, and now it remains to be seen what comes next.

It is as if the choice of chosen human capital for the future world leans towards the conservative-minded human resource, which, suppressed by “four years in the liberal wilderness”, his hope and faith in the savior Donald have grown and hardened, and now it remains to be seen what comes next.

If they wanted to impose the liberal vision, why didn’t they push Kamala to continue it? Yes, the other version is that Donald will finally betray conservatism and break the conservative spirit so that the next liberal mandate can finish the job. It may be so, we’ll see. I think they want mostly the illiberals, dissidents, conservatives, etc., for future human capital in their transhumanist idyll.
We’ll see what is.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 26, 2025 10:14 PM

the other version is that Donald will finally betray conservatism and break the conservative spirit so that the next liberal mandate can finish the job.

Trump is Conservative by posture only. He’s already carrying out the orders given to him by his banker masters. More bombing. More tech, more poisoning of everything and more money in the pockets of the wrong cults.

I feel sorry for those who think any politician is there to save them.

Jan 24, 2025 3:05 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Robots that look just like humans without all of the associated inconvenience.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 1:06 AM
Reply to  Johnny

He struggles everyday getting out of bed in the morning like most everyone else.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 24, 2025 1:27 AM

Bed? A coffin is more his style.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 11:24 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

If style and comfort are competitors, one should get to choose to go into a coffin, or out of bed, its your choice.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jan 24, 2025 6:09 PM

William Henry Gates, hi full name anagrams to ‘a nightmare yew ills’.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 23, 2025 9:49 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Two unqualified loonies talking about how to cure the world’s ills.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 23, 2025 10:20 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Bet they didn’t eat soylent green and coackroach milk

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 23, 2025 11:33 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Non GMO fed or hormone injected meat I suspect.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 23, 2025 11:28 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Kill em, Donald. Kill em all. It’s either us or them.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 25, 2025 3:26 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

“We need to leave some brains for implants, Bill. Elon has great AI projects, you know.”

Jan 23, 2025 8:26 PM

Problem: economy collapsing.
Solution: collapse the economy even more.

Imagine how much better things would be if government simply did nothing.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 1:08 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

I’d settle for stop targeting your own citizens for profit.

Jan 23, 2025 8:25 PM

However, in order to truly understand COVID, that event must be situated within a framework that examines the underlying economic determinants.

Absolutely correct without a doubt. The whole point in fact.

It was always all about the money, more bailouts of capitalism at every level.

At the expense of humanity.

Jan 24, 2025 6:59 PM
Reply to  human

Monster Clinton said it long ago. “It’s the economy [money and authority], stupid.” And they endlessly keep pounding us like a crash test dummy.

Jan 23, 2025 8:21 PM

I am having to visit Msm to get the news.
day 3 of Trump
new Cancer vaccine!
500 billion on a new AI grid with technocrats of the new world order.!
and this blog has done 3 articles since Trump got in on Labour and Starmer.
that is framing known as shilling.

what next a Tony Blair article .?

red lester
red lester
Jan 23, 2025 7:39 PM

12% of UK debt down to ~600000 civil service. And that was 15 yrs ago:


John Manning
John Manning
Jan 23, 2025 7:03 PM

While this is an interesting idea, I do not believe the architects of our neoliberal world are clever enough to have designed and implemented this as a planned strategy. They are however supreme opportunists.
When Covid appeared they obviously resorted to standard neoliberal policies in their reaction. That has accelerated the economic decline which is inevitable when applying neoliberal policies.

Jan 23, 2025 8:28 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Clever or not, they have the resources to employ very clever people, very very clever people, moral imbeciles as they may be.

Jan 23, 2025 8:34 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Well the next one is well planned. They’ve already told us it will happen.

When are we going to take seriously what is being said out loud?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 23, 2025 10:46 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Supremely prophetic opportunists considering Event 201 and lockstep projections like the movie Contagion from almost a decade before. And how strange that every “reaction” to the “deadly pandemic” was totally unnecessary and indeed “counterproductive” … unless (wicked thought!) the entire media coverage was utterly misleading as to the point of it all. But of course our lords and masters are just too stupid to have prearranged and co-ordinated such a thing. They truly are the luckiest “fools” considering how they gained so much out of so many “accidents”!

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 24, 2025 1:24 AM
Reply to  John Manning

John, Covid did not appear. Don’t you get it? The whole thing was an engineered scam to achieve a particular end, or several ends. Your brain has been smashed with propaganda and your critical thinking parts of the brain damaged. You seemed to have believed the garbage dished up by the media and you most probably rushed in screaming to get as many boosters as you can. Are you still going in on a regular basis to get even more? After all covid is still circulating in the minds of the gullible!
The architects of this neoliberal world certainly are smart enough to know just how stupid the population is in order to easily manipulate them into have everyone to dutifully stay locked up at home and then repeatedly inject them selves with an unknown concoction. Did you hide under your bed only to come out to be injected, John?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 23, 2025 6:30 PM

They gave us too much and now they want it back.

To promote “growth”, we were allowed to have luxuries that we couldn’t justify.

Don’t worry about that, they said, have some more credit. We’ve got a tab.

Then, we got used to that and we even had our own “tab”

In fact, we’ve all got a couple in our pockets.

Now, with UK debt approaching a “tab” of £3,000,000,000,000, it’s not so funny.

In fact, were in a bit of a pickle.

Eleventy Seventy
Eleventy Seventy
Jan 23, 2025 8:27 PM

Assuming a thickness of 0.11 millimetres for each note, if £3 trillion were stacked in £20 notes, the stack would be over 10,000 miles high.

It boggles the mind!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 23, 2025 9:04 PM

Suitably boggled.

Jan 23, 2025 10:47 PM

Now there’s an idea:
Pile all the notes up and we can get to the moon, again(?).

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 24, 2025 1:12 AM

You missed the point, a tab is never paid back, its written off after the subject dies.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 23, 2025 9:52 PM

Hmmm, those numbers are just money magick. Pulled out of thin air, they can be made to disappear just as easily.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 24, 2025 1:29 AM

It’s good to know that there are people out there with this much money to loan out.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 24, 2025 9:46 AM
Reply to  David Ho
