AI Law and Order

Todd Hayen

Artificial Intelligence, AI, is such the “in” thing now. You just can’t get away from it. AI art, AI music, AI writing. It is everywhere. And let’s not forget about Robots, Terminators, and Sex Dolls who can whisper sweet nothings into your ear. How delightful the world is becoming! And it’s all for fun and entertainment, isn’t it? Yeah, right.

Of course, what we, the peons, are told and exposed to starts out as fun and entertainment. Smartphones to play games on and sort out all sorts of fun things, ChatGPT to write our homework for us, and automatic cars that will come and pick us up after we go shopping or have a meal, to name only three of the myriad ways robotics and AI are coming into our lives However, nothing has come along yet that is anything at all like the Terminator robot. Those types are just in the movies. Yeah, right.

We are not as cognizant of the thousands of things AI is a part of in our everyday life. Robots have been building our cars and such for quite some time. Although we know about these things, we are not fully conscious of the manner in which they are taking over the world. We suspect it, but we are just now becoming more aware.

And if we listen to Elon Musk and those like him, we are being adequately warned.

AI is not just a computer program, or some metal contraption welding on car bumpers, it’s a lot more than that these days. Its current brilliance is that it can second-guess us—apparently it can actually “think.” It has a “mind of its own” and is designed to make humans irrelevant, not just in the hard labor force, but everywhere.

Sure, sure, sure, we are told that just isn’t the case—that it isn’t as bad as all that. We are told AI is a tool, something we all can benefit from. The carrot is being dangled in all of its wonder and brilliance. I am certain the stick will be just as wonderful and equally brilliant—and ultimately deadly

We may not reach a point where robots actually take over with the intent of destroying all of the “flawed and useless” humans. That is a common Science Fiction theme. I don’t think it has to come to that (but it certainly may).

What I do believe it will come to, and quite soon at that, is the death of humanity The broad stroke will be the elimination of what makes us human, and more than likely, few of us will even notice. The ones who do notice will go underground (maybe quite literally ala The Matrix or Robocop). And then start the whole human nonsense over again. Well, maybe the second time around (or the 3rd? or 4th?) will not be “nonsense”—let’s hope we learn from our mistakes.

So, most that we, as consumers, are aware of is the fun and entertaining part of AI, or the boring and “who cares” areas that takes over laborer’s jobs. What about AI and robotics showing up in areas that are not “fun and entertainment?” How about in law enforcement and the military? Clearly, it is making its debut in these places as well. And when it has reached its zenith here, it isn’t going to be pretty.

Everyone, I think, is familiar with the robot dog being developed by the police. This robot is presently assigned rather benign duties—patrols in parks, bomb disposal, and surveillance and reconnaissance. But there are plans to arm them and use them for more “paws on” situations. The police also use other robotics for various things such as aerial surveillance, negotiations in hostage situations, and even giving out traffic tickets.

Getting back to arming Police Fido, they have already implemented some robodogs with tear gas, tasers, and nets. A special Chinese police dog (well, not really a “dog”) is currently rolling through the streets of Wenzhou in Zhejiang province. This thing is being used to even chase down suspects, reaching a speed of 22 miles per hour. Not as cute as a dog by any means, but apparently just as, if not more, effective.

On the law prosecution and defense front, I just read about some lawyer in British Columbia being called on the carpet for using ChatGPT to generate “made up” court cases. They apparently used this false information in court on a high-profile family dispute. The lawyer claimed she was not intentionally trying to deceive, but was found liable anyway.

Although using AI in legal proceedings is not yet a “thing to do,” I can see the writing on the wall pretty clearly. Robots used in law enforcement is a no-brainer, but using robots, or other forms of AI, in court proceedings is in its infancy. But mark my words, it will be developed to do anything a human is currently doing.

Who wouldn’t want to have an AI-equipped robot lawyer which will have in its programming every court precedent known to man and will be able to utilize impersonal logic in its argument? A jury of robots is also a given—talk about the impartial judgement of the presented facts. Oh whoopie! What a time we will all soon have! Most criminals won’t even get to court; they will be mowed down by Rover out in the field while committing the crime—no need for a trial considering the righteous accuracy and computer discernment of Robocops.

The military is not even worth quibbling about.

They are designed to kill the enemy, so any way they can do that without causing too much casualty on the “good” side, then what the hell, bring ‘em on. Military conflicts have already lost all ethical considerations (how can killing people ever be ethical?) with drone warfare—sitting in Maryland pressing buttons to kill people in Pakistan (or anywhere else for that matter)—then why not have robots and other remote devices out in the field doing the genocide for us?

Am I making too much of this? I mean criminals are criminals, aren’t they? Shouldn’t they be apprehended in the most efficient and safe way possible? (Safe to human police officers.) The military is in the business of killing the enemy, primarily so the enemy doesn’t kill us. Isn’t any way we do this effectively and efficiently a plus?

I don’t think so. Militarizing the police in any situation leads to bad things. Look at this historically. A militarized police force does not typically mitigate crime, but instead facilitates the policing and controlling of ordinary, innocent, citizens. Police forces are instruments of those in power, generally local and federal governments. If we can trust them, then we can trust the police to do what they do, for us, their employers. But since when can we trust governments? We never have been able to, and we never should. If they get too much power, that power will ultimately be used against us. We are seeing this clearly around the world today.

Robofido is not a good idea. Nor is it a good idea for AI and robotics to become an integral part of policing or enforcing the law. AI and robotics have no place in the court system where guilt or innocence is decided.

Yes, we may be a long way from AI making its mark in the judicial system, but its beginnings are there, and we must continue to be aware of its progress.

AI, as we see its implementation today, is a scourge. How we will effectively and ethically deal with this, I don’t know. But deal with it we must, before it is too late. As cliche as that sounds, we must not let this pass us by without serious action.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, Todd Hayen
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Jan 29, 2025 2:38 AM

An interesting addition to my previous comment.

Jan 27, 2025 6:12 PM

re: AI. Have the Chinese found the Achilles Heal of Western manuactured scarcity, empire capitalism? Free? DeepSeek, an open source, high efficiency, low cost AI opens a traction black hole for this useless technology. I do believe that the concept of free or penny-price is Kryptonite to disaster capitalism attempting to artificially create growth where there is none possible. Earth, a finite planet, and the nature of physical reality, is pushing back against the ARTIFICIAL REALITY, the FAKE world, the 1% are attempting to force upon Humanity. A return to the ancient environment of nature, of FREE, can free us all from neo-totalitarianism!


Note what the article DOES NOT DISCUSS: non-money driven, free. [KRYPTONITE to CAPITALism]

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 12:54 AM
Reply to  sandy

Well, at least it is one of the few if not the only positive articles among too many negative. Lets hope the Chinese found a smart non-violent way to to get rid of Perfidious Albion.

Jan 27, 2025 1:33 PM

Sam (admin). I understand your response. I also understand that rampant anti-anything is not helpful. But what can we do when facts, truth and the questioning of Zionist power is quashed under anti-Semitism legislation? Every comment I make is pending for hours and hidden away. I am Scottish my wife Indian and I have friends from all cultures.
If Scotland was acting like Israel I would be on the streets demanding change. We have our problems and so do I but we should never be able to hide behind a bad law.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 27, 2025 2:01 PM
Reply to  rickypop

I appreciate your response. I have checked our premod list and neither your username or email address are on there. It’s strange that you’re going into pending. I was going to take you off, as a gesture of good will, but there appears to be nothing I can do. It might be you are using a VPN which our anti spam plugin doesn’t like, but that’s a guess. I can only invite you to troubleshoot your side, I’m afraid. A2

Jan 27, 2025 10:52 AM

If you take a closer look at WWII, it becomes clear that it was about the global struggle for supremacy between two main cosmic forces: order and chaos.

Liberalism is and must inevitably lead to total chaos. We are already halfway there. All beauty is built on order. Hierarchy is the healthy order of nature.

Perversely, we now have an upside-down pyramid, a pseudo-hierarchy where the apes rule the zoo and are therefore despised and cursed by the caged humans.

Jan 27, 2025 4:46 AM

“Hitler’s Death Squadrons – Uncensored [sic]”

(If it is not already preset, activate
original English-language audio track.)

The title already indicates from the outset that there can only be one culprit here. So that no doubts arise in the first place. As if anti-German lies and atrocity propaganda needed to be censored by Judentube. Ridiculous. The exact opposite is the case: the “documentary”, which is already 10 years old, is being pushed by the algorhithms to such an extent that the first part alone has already had two million views after just 4 days.

There should be no doubt about the enthnic-religious background of the “director”. https://archive.is/4oir4

Prazan’s narrator: “Belarus has liberated by the Red Army.” (The Belarusians must have been “dead happy” to be under Stalinist tyranny for another 80 years.)

At the end of the first part, Prazan in all seriousness incorporates excerpts from a disgusting propaganda machination fabricated in the communist Soviet empire (narrator: “the gripping realism of this 1985 fictional account”), which was filmed according to the script of a Belarusian ‘partisan’ (euphemism for sneaky underground killer in civilian clothes), and disfigures the “fascists” as the most despicable, cowardly sadists.


In the second part, from minute 7:15 onwards, Prazan does not even bother to have it spoken by a German, but by a Frenchman with a clearly recognizable accent, possibly himself or one of his co-propagandists, in a kind of megaphone speech supposedly of German origin, rambling on about “successful purges in France”.





Devastated smalltowns like Lidice or Oradour are undoubtedly tragic, sad events, but what is that compared to countless destroyed German big cities that have not been restored as “living memorials”?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 8:24 PM

Already here. China claim to have saved USD45 billion between 2019-2022 on sleepy judges and lawyers dragging out court cases for years and general time by introducing AI.
https://aibusiness.com/verticals/ai-helps-judges-decide-court-cases-in-china .

UK, Nederlands, Balticum, are working heavily on the same.

Jan 26, 2025 1:19 PM

AI is misnamed; rather it should be II (imitation intelligence)

Jan 26, 2025 12:25 PM

The funny thing is that Google’s quantum computer Willow was recently shutdown.
Probable reason: it came too close to making cryptography useless, so al kinds of secrets might come out.
AI is similarly tricky.

Big Gov & Big Money can’t hide there machinations any more? Stop AI !!

Jan 26, 2025 10:48 AM


35 years ago I visited a clinic and was given a multi choice of questions.
this questionnaire was sent to the psyche department within that department
the X in the box on the questionnaire was put through a machine and I was diagnosed with postnatal depression.

careers officer

at college opening day. i had a sociometric test I had to answer x to the 300 different questions.
this questionnaire was sent to the machine which scanned it and came back I would be suitable for this job or that.


at school my exams where done using the same multiple choice
the pencil x like the above 2 was sent to the place where a machine scanned it to do the results.


exact same as above, pencil x marks the spot, sent somewhere machine to scan the x to come to the conclusion

I am poor and seen this tek in place for decades.

Passport application sign within the lines or else it fails.

AI is the local copper saying if your from that council estate your more likely to become a criminal or junkie.

If you go to that school you more likely.

Jut saying.

Jan 26, 2025 12:48 PM
Reply to  proxi

Thanks, come to think of it, I remember something similar, especially the instructions to use Black Ink Only, and ensure all writing is kept within the Box.

Jan 26, 2025 8:25 AM

I mean, where are we actually? The Holodomor, the Gulags, Mao, Khmer, Hiroshima, Dresden, Vietnam, Iraq, Gaza, are all not war crimes, the only war crime is the “Holocaust”, and anyone who tries to fathom it will be thrown into prison and socially ostracized forever.

Jan 26, 2025 10:23 AM
Reply to  p.s.

Vacant looks.
That’s what one gets when one attempts to point out the other, fully sanctioned by governments, holocausts.

Jan 26, 2025 10:42 AM
Reply to  p.s.

Because the “holocaust of six million of God’s chosen” was prophesied and mentioned in newspapers as early as the 1900s, 1910s,1920s. (Probably even before that.) So it must be true.

And any other alleged atrocity that lacks such critical evidence must be false.

Jan 26, 2025 11:49 AM
Reply to  p.s.

It’s because they control the narrative and don’t want anyone to know that fact—a bit like Sam at Admin. Mention Rothschild, and you are guaranteed to be on Pending.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 26, 2025 9:22 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Admin has never placed anyone on pending for mentioning Rothschild. We get a lot of evidence-free and wacky antisemitism here, like how Jews are amnesiac, inter-dimensional pranic energy sucking ne’er-do-wells, and Admin interrogates this and removes only the most extreme examples which break our Comment Policy.

Why we gotta be enemies? A2

Edit / Addendum

NOTE 1: if you are a real person, admin invites you to leave a comment (engaging with what admin actually says) rather than simply downvote. Downvoting is subject to manipulation.

NOTE 2: discrediting this community as a hive of comic bigotry may well be something which 77th Brigade-style disinfo agents are seeking to do, therefore (if we have any real, organic commenters active atm) do feel free to step in to readdress this balance.

NOTE 3: below are some examples of the sorts of comments we receive. Ninja, Niklas Vollmer and Add are all first time commenters and, given the style of writing, likely the same person.

NOTE 4: no one ever acknowledges that admin are consistent to our word in terms of what we publish, however, see, we are! 😅 The irony of arguing that we aren’t in comments on this thread seems to escape everyone.

NOTE 5: there is nothing that can’t be discussed while retaining a healthy sense of humour. Once humour is lost that usually denotes a more blinkered debate, as people become entrenched in passions. Yes, we must give serious matters the respect they deserve, but getting pettily angry at each other, no one benefits when we do that.

NOTE 6: what started as a small, off-topic aside has expanded somewhat, therefore admin is closing this thread as off-topic. If the author requests we shall remove it.

Jan 27, 2025 6:18 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“evidence-free and wacky antisemitism” OMFG

You have just failed to recognize the Jewish problem. And that is the problem. Of course, the statements you are making are absolutely ridiculous (that’s why you are making them, only the flatearthers are missing), but they show something else that you lack the instinct for: immunity against the eternal enemy of humanity. At some point, their whole “anti-Semitism” psycho-terror method will become blunt and useless as a sword, and they will be laughingly chased away (instead of being deified as quasi-saints as they have been until now), as they have experienced and deserved for millennia.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 27, 2025 11:49 AM
Reply to  Ninja

This is completely undebatable because it is completely unfalsifiable. You could construct exactly the same occult belief system around any group of society. This is a perfect example of what admin terms ‘evidence-free and wacky antisemitism’, served up with zero irony. A2

Niklas Vollmer
Niklas Vollmer
Jan 27, 2025 7:22 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

My theory is as follows: It is already written in the Unholy Scriptures of the Jews that the destruction of all earthly peoples must take place in a creeping, imperceptible way so as not to provoke a riot.

One could also speak of poison being injected into the nations. However, as can be seen from these videos by the Jew Prazan, which are full of lies mixed with half-truths, most people allow themselves to be duped into believing that they are seeing “the truth”.

The German mind is profound and thorough because it is able to recognize precisely those lies that are hidden in the details like the devil. Most peoples lack this articulation, the antigen, so to speak, the serum to unmask the Jew.

They lament the consequences of everything the Jew has done, but do not mentally grasp the causes. They lack the consistent, structured, scanning, open-eyed thinking to get to the bottom of the lies.

That is why the Jews’ ultimate goal was and is to destroy the German people precisely because of their inquiring, detective-like thoroughness of thought, which the Germans were able to do because of their precise and exact language.

Language is reality and a vehicle for mentally grasping and describing the world. The Anglo-Americans, with their liberal way of thinking, who dominate the world with their consumerism, are a breakfast for the Jews, who exploit their gullibility and naivety unscrupulously and uninhibitedly.

The Jews have no danger or resistance to fear from this direction. That is why the Anglo-Americans were their willing servants against Hitler. Nothing is as easy to instrumentalize for the Jews as Anglo-American useful idiots! They can be fobbed off with any filth and celebrate it a “cultural gain”!

Of course, Anglo-Americans are not to blame for the fact that their language is a consequence of linguistic degeneration, which is unsuitable as an optimal means of expressing subtantial thoughts. But it must be made clear to them that linguistically they are at best playing in the third league.

“Language is the house of being” (Heidegger). Many Anglo-Americans are nevertheless able to develop their minds to unexpected heights by reading and reflecting on German literature. Goethe and Shakespeare were still intellectual equals, but after that something must have gone colossally wrong in the English language. Perhaps it was the conquest of America.

Jan 27, 2025 9:08 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The Jews always claim that “their fate is synonymous with that of Jesus”. Imagine this hypocrisy. I reply: The white race is synonymous with the fate of the German people!

Whoever destroys the German people as a white-faced SOAB destroys himself. It is exactly the same with the Jews: they have destroyed themselves with Jesus!

When I was still a guileless victim of Jewish brainwashing, I believed the myth that the Germans were a “pathological people”. Now it is clear that the Germans were Europe’s soul!

Jan 27, 2025 9:30 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Anything negative said about Israel, Rothschild, or Jews in todays climate and with the Zionist lobby ready to attack is deemed anti-Semitic. OG should be a place of free debate and nothing should be off the table. On 9/11 the media were showing arab parties from long before the attack as proof they were to blame. The facts prove the likely offender was Israel. Zionists bought the towers and made billions, Israeli companies were working in the lift shafts and Mossad agents were caught celebrating. That is not anti-Semitism. What is happening in Gaza is a Holocaust happening in real time protected by anti-Semitism. Mentioning who really controls the Central Banks and who created the Fed is there for us all to see. Who is controlling the narrative by means of wealth and media control is obvious Sam. So its time you got a grip.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 27, 2025 12:26 PM
Reply to  rickypop

While I go get a grip, Rickpop, do take a look at the company you’re keeping on this thread. Admin suggests this might not be a very productive hill for you to die on. And see, Admin have been true to our word in what we publish 😃

There’s no reason to be enemies. Unless you WANT to be of course.


Jan 26, 2025 7:39 AM

One area that seems to have been overlooked in Todd’s piece about AI is in the area of Medical diagnostics and treatment. Our Newsfeeds have already been seeded with anecdotes about how Computers are now more accurate than Doctors at diagnosing medical complaints by some high percentage or other. Here, in the UK, to seek medical advice outside of surgery hours you can either dial 111 or turn up and wait at A&E. Do the former, as we’ve had to do on occasion and you find your speaking to someone who is actually working through a multichoice questionnaire. We only found this out when in answering the Lady’s question, our reply didn’t exactly fit with the choices on offer. She actually said that we had to pick one or the other, as the programme wouldn’t move on otherwise. Anyway, we got there eventually and she sent an Ambulance out to us. How far are we away from a none human decision that further treatment is pointless. Where our CFS (Clinical Frailty Score) makes us uneconomical to treat and that MAID is the most viable option. If you will, a deadlier version of “Computer Says No !”.

Jan 26, 2025 10:47 AM
Reply to  Pyewacket

Go to A&E? You’re a braver man than me.

“More than 57,000 patients died last year as a result of waiting over 12 hours in A&E, damning research suggests.”


Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 11:03 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

More porridge in the bowl to us. One man’s death is another man’s breath…..or bread.
There is nothing so wrong that it isnt good for something. Think positive!

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 26, 2025 4:20 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket

I thought of that myself. But the article was really supposed to be focused on AI in police work, not medicine…although you are right, that is a HUGE problem.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 8:32 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket

Yes but it is the exact same bullshit: E-Doctor and E-Nurse and E-Diagnose, and then a lie campaign on how AI show up to be superior to all human activity within healthcare.

Nothing can beat an experienced physician and his presence on the spot, his diagnose and conclusion.
The AI system can only see fragments and only collect and interpret these data fragments into grotesque wrong conclusions!

Jan 28, 2025 5:40 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

The problem is, most doctors are just shrubs who stand around the water cooler talking about their golf game and, while there are good nurses (the ones who refused the vax), there are many who will let you stew in your own juices because they don’t like your identity, or they don’t like old people, or they’d rather just fart around on facebook at work, or gossip on the phone all day. So, I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like maybe giving AI a chance. It probably won’t steal my meds.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 11:07 PM
Reply to  edwige

Right, …but it will expose you to sanctions. Havent you heard Trump’s latest?

Trump will stop all life saving medicine from US until you bow and pay more………LOL. This is what AI and all the digital bs is for.

Jan 26, 2025 4:57 AM

Go outside now – and just look at the Night Sky just before Dawn. It is unusally almost completely Silent and Clear

The Storm . The Rain and The Wind Blew All The Pollution Away…all i could hear was a little squeak maybe a little baby bird waking up

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 26, 2025 7:56 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Sunrise in London right now is around 7.50, so 4.57am when you posted this comment is NOT “just before dawn”. At least do more research if you want to convince people of this odd fantasy that you live in the UK when you obviously don’t. .

Jan 26, 2025 8:05 AM

Aw Sophie that’s like saying Father Christmas isn’t real.
Are you telling me his move down from the North, the girlfriends and the wife, the gigs, the computer programming, the kids, the grandkids and the cats are all fake ???
I might as well end it all now……….

Jan 26, 2025 8:28 AM

Tony, the rambling (as in unintelligible) mystery man(?).

Jan 26, 2025 10:56 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I’m convinced he’s an AI experiment.

See “dead internet theory.”

Jan 26, 2025 10:53 AM

Tony was reading his sundial by torchlight.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 26, 2025 12:12 PM

His mind is in the UK, his body and bank account are nearing ground zero in a place soon to be turned into a 60 person graveyard.

He is not feeling well and for good reason, his cousin fed him to many McDonald French fries and then unexpectedly left the theater, leaving him in the lurch you might say.

Jan 26, 2025 12:33 PM

My Guess is Tony lives in New Zealand…

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 26, 2025 10:21 PM
Reply to  Marb

Muy guess is he doesn’t exist at all.

Jan 26, 2025 4:23 AM

I know what it is like in the RESUS ward, but I was Determined to stay Awake…I literally witnessed according to all the computer things monitoring me my blood pressure and the blood flow they have these numbers and I still had my specs on..

My heart never stopped beating…its just that according to the numbers, my Blood Flow had gone into Reverse..which I didn’t think was possible. All the alarms went off..and I told the nurse to turn them off. Maybe I imagined it, but my near death experience seemed very real to me. I had no fear of death, did not see God or any Angels, and I was in no pain…

In the morning My African nurse..he was tiny and slim…but he had a brilliant relationship with his Patients in the RESUS Ward…it must have tough for him cos most of us didn’t survive till the morning.

He said Anthony with a big smile on his – You do not need Oxygen supply any more -Antibiotic Drip YES…he seemed so genuinely pleased that I was still alive. He had saved my life and he knew it

What a Wonderful Feeling That Must Be

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Jan 26, 2025 3:26 AM

One does not have to look far or hard to see the moronic, unthinking, unfeeling counter productive behavior of these machines. Take a gander at film subtitles, for example, or worse, the barbarism of drones. I will not dignify, authenticate or legitimize these machines by identifying or labeling them and their products with the euphemistic jargon/propaganda created by the machine makers. Ain’ nothing about the machines that is intelligent and the application of the word artificial is false and misleading. The machines are programmed and, as Tom points out, big danger lies in programming the machines to program and create themselves. At this point, it is sorta like closing the barn door after the horse has run away, but we can resist, refuse to cooperate, use a parallel language and tell it like it is.

Jan 26, 2025 2:13 AM

Our Prime Minister, whilst reasonably good looking does not represent Any of Us…At Least Miranda (Tony Blair) Kept it Quiet…

No one not even The American Neocons ,,nor Anyone in the The UK Labour Party nor the Conservartives (Tories) likes this man

How do we get rid of this horrible man

He doesn’t like any of us, and none of us like him,

What a horrible man

comment image

Jan 26, 2025 4:09 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

He can’t pick the right tie knot either the twat

Jan 26, 2025 11:30 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

He’s utterly dead behind the eyes.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 8:33 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Only Labour can go full Hitler.

Jan 26, 2025 1:27 AM

Do you understand Why I seriously Dislike Google

Nǐ zhīdào wèishéme wǒ fēicháng bù xǐhuān gǔgē ma
Jan 26, 2025 12:01 AM

I don’t think anybody bothered to read Meryl Nass’s succint summary of Trump’s address to Davos, 
so I didn’t bore you w my thoughts on where the rats are in an apparently good-guy agenda.

Emanuel Pastreich has done an excellent job of pointing those rats out:

(Unfortunately Mr. Pastreich himself is deceived by the global warming hoax, but is otherwise sound.)

And yes it’s relevant to AI as an embodiment of tyranny..

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 26, 2025 4:16 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I read it. I don’t want to go line by line, but it was filled with generalities that mean nothing, ignorance, lies, and like Pastreich says, blatant hints of technocratic and militaristic priorities. Trump talks with “forked” tongue, either by design, but especially from ignorance. As expected.

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 11:51 PM

According to one report ‘The Science’ has had his luxury taxpayer
provided limo, and personal security, cancelled by that POTUS #47

Jan 25, 2025 11:11 PM

The African Girls and Boys literally saved my Life in my local hospital when I got SEPSIS real bad. The Indian nurse was just so sweet – is it OK, if I take a sample of your blood..She told my wife – he seems to have two extremely rare bugs in his blood – and we are discussing it which antibiotics we can use to kill the bugs and not harm him – keep him alive and get better.

still here

Jan 26, 2025 2:12 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

“The African Girls and Boys literally saved my Life in my local hospital… The Indian nurse was just so sweet”

Which British hospital was this?

I needed blood tests done recently in London. I didn’t see a single White member of staff at the medical practice. Most of them wore hijabs.

At least the lady who took my blood was competent and it wasn’t painful.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 8:38 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Trust me, the coloured are better than ours. I will not say anything especially bad about my own white professionals, but fact is the coloured are simply doing a better job.

Jan 26, 2025 10:15 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

The stats on disciplinary action against medical staff for incompetence and misconduct contradict your claim.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 11:54 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

We could both be right. Its my own subjective personal limited experiences.
We should take into consideration that the coloured also comes from 10x worse conditions in their country. So….nevertheless………maybe truth with modifications.

Jan 25, 2025 11:04 PM

Autistic Ignorance. It’s a bit like a corporation with no individual responsibility compared to a society. Consciousness without a conscience. I’d hazard that the inventors are borderline psychopathic or at least somewhere in the autistic spectrum and the results will bear the mark.

underground poet
underground poet
Jan 26, 2025 12:19 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Yeah but whos now going to pay the rent?

Jan 25, 2025 11:00 PM
Jan 25, 2025 10:56 PM

Whew! What a relief.
We can all sleep soundly tonight.
The CIA is on the job and they’ve found the source:


Jan 25, 2025 10:26 PM

comment image

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Jan 25, 2025 10:22 PM
my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Jan 25, 2025 10:59 PM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

hey, what’s to worry about? the algorithm’s kill criteria are 90 percent accurate, or maybe 80 percent, and the other 10 or 20 percent are just human animals / useless eaters anyway

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 8:44 PM

They said 9 out of 10 on Obama’s weekly AI drone kill list was wrong, but that IT was working 24/7 tiredly to improve this figure.

I was so happy when they said IT was working on it, and now you tell me today the figures are……..the opposite?! I can trust you can I not??

Jan 25, 2025 9:44 PM

Thanks for posting my comments…I really like this, He hasn’t signed it but I would guess Mr. Fish


Jan 26, 2025 12:56 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Mr Fish has been very quiet on the Big $cam.

Jan 25, 2025 9:24 PM

Most of our surviving friends are into Heavy Rock, in fact some of the bands used to come back to the parties in our kitchen. Our neighbours were incredibly tolerant. so we invited them too..

When it got a little bit too loud…I put this on. This shut them up…and they listened.

It was like a Spiritual Event – we were taking photographs of each other…People we had never seen before..Queuing Up Outside The Hammersmith Odeon to see


Dead Can Dance – Yulunga (Spirit Dance)

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jan 25, 2025 9:00 PM

Here’s an excerpt from Edward R Murrow’s “Wires and Lights in a Box” speech. Anyway, we all know how that bit of technology worked out.

AI will be a “permanent nightmare” in comparison. It’s currently being deployed to track and murder adversaries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, surveilling innocent citizens, manipulating algorithms preventing data from being viewed, rejecting United Healthcare Medical claims, 3D printing of mRNA vaccines in minutes, replacing repetitive labor, and monitoring financial transactions. There’s more to come down the pike.

“This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it’s nothing but wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance,
intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful. 😁

Jan 25, 2025 8:15 PM

Whilst My Best Teacher…he said keep calm Tony, I am going to show you how to fly and pull far more G than your Susuki GS750. Total Gentleman – He said park your and we will get you started

Alan Derek Piggott MBE (27 December 1922 – 6 January 2019) was one of Britain’s best known glider pilots and instructors”

“Manpowered Plane (1962)”

Jan 26, 2025 2:21 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

It was a Suzuki GS (1000?) that got me into biking. I saw a biker pull away from the side of the road into the path of a car. I was certain he would get splattered, but he just cracked open the throttle and he was gone.

I gotta have some of that, I thought.

Jan 25, 2025 8:10 PM

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 25, 2025 10:39 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

It’s not even about just being fooled but about being obedient. Obedient people don’t ask questions, they lack curiosity or they obediently self-stifle curiosity.

Jan 25, 2025 11:04 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Make America Abused (As USual).

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 9:07 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

I made my own conclusion. We are today two separate species on earth: The 2-dimensional and the 3-dimensional.

I do not recognise to have any legal interconnection with the first specie who tells me he/she comes from an ape, developed into the Cro-Magnon man and of today to a post-human Trans idiot, with plastic Lolitas and plastic dildos in your bed room, and synthetic food and laboratory Salmon 3 times a day..

We have absolutely NOTHING in common. We can drink a bee together, some coffee and cookies and thats it. To get along since you are down here.
If you cant take that, you dont want “parallel societies”, and you want everybody to be like you yes?
Then all right, make up my bill and I will leave you since you are in majority. I dont need any of you suckers to get around!

Jan 26, 2025 11:35 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

absolutely are all “men created equal “
Everything else is inverted so i too have landed on the conclusion there are different types of incarnations here.
You might like Matt from Quantum of Consciences examination of what we are all increasingly observing around us.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 3:27 AM
Reply to  Sarah

He sounds ok, but a lot of words.

Jan 28, 2025 8:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Ha agree it’s his style but push through. He presents big thinking perspectives

Jan 25, 2025 8:09 PM

AI Law and Order

yet no mention of the 500 BILLION new scam that Trump has brought in.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN cost around $4.75 billion 
there spending 25 x that on the new data centers to house this monster.

Technocrats Trump will build 20 and I dont see the farmers truckers lot screaming

More land for food. 

A data center can consume millions of gallons of water daily, primarily used for cooling its servers, with a single large facility potentially using up to 5 million gallons per day,

New YorkCNN — 
Three top tech firms on Tuesday announced that they will create a new company, called Stargate, to grow artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison appeared at the White House Tuesday afternoon alongside President Donald Trump to announce the company, which Trump called the “largest AI infrastructure project in history.”
The companies will invest $100 billion in the project to start, with plans to pour up to $500 billion into Stargate in the coming years. The project is expected to create 100,000 US jobs, Trump said.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 26, 2025 1:03 AM
Reply to  suzaloop

I wrote this before his Stargate announcement.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Jan 25, 2025 7:58 PM
Jan 25, 2025 8:38 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Total bollocks unless you want to kill the human race.

Get a Cat and a Kestrel instead Your wannabbe girlfriend might be impressed…

“Kes (1969) flying kestrel scene”

Jan 26, 2025 11:45 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis
Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:19 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Yes the disabled, the war veterans, the one-legged, the AHDH, the Autism idiots are the new heroes of our day, pulling out billions of the public coffers.
“Do I not want to pay to our sick, handicapped and vulnerable so they can get a decent life”? Ohh no man, I dont. I dont.

Jan 25, 2025 7:31 PM

AI Upgraded

Jan 25, 2025 11:07 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

They’re filming a remake:
2025 A Sick, Sick Odyssey.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jan 25, 2025 7:28 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-01-22. Overdosed on fentanyl, midazolam & levomepromazine Dec 11, 2020, CV death, hospital got €34k (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Jan 25, 2025 7:23 PM

The only evidence I have seen of AI doing anything of any use to anyone is in massively improving (and sometimes restoring) some old original works of works of art. Basically AI is an upgraded version of photoshop. Its a massive waste of energy – like Bitcoin. Some people like Musk, are writing and performing reams of bullshit for the political and entertainment industry, whilst creating nothing of any intrinsic value, unless you consider creating war and death machines and vaccines to kill Billions of people, an improvement for the human race.

AI is about mass deception, designed to make perfectly ordinary people completely stupid whilst staring into electronic devices or sticking them up their bottoms. Its a depopulation tool. Why make love, when you can get the latest version of a plastic rampant rabbit, that will now talk to you from inside…Do you want an AI Baby too?

The average earthworm, and our cat has far more intelligence than any computer or windmill

They can both reproduce themselves, like us humans can..

Its been a beautiful sunny day today, so we opened our curtains in the front room.. Our cat, had already gone outside, dug a hole in the back garden, done her business, covered it up…and walked round the house to the front garden, sunning herself, whilst looking in at us. She then killed a mouse and ate it.

How many AI robots have you seen that can do that?

“2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) – I’m Sorry, Dave Scene (3/6) | Movieclips

Jan 25, 2025 8:14 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Cats know how to live well. We can learn much from them.
In fact, I believe cats invented stoicism.

Jan 25, 2025 11:08 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

I call it ‘Cattitude’.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:24 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Johnny Johnny Johnny funny Johnny Johnny funny.

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 25, 2025 6:53 PM

Technocratic authoritarianism, as opposed to totalitarianism which is where supreme power is held by a dictator. That’s the New World Order. Trump is coming close to totalitarianism primarily because he’s being unconstitutionally allowed to by the hapless public and even more hapless and corrupt congress, i.e., those darn people’s “representatives”. But that won’t last and he’s actually setting the stage for the Full Monty, knowingly or not. I think it’s plain and simple at this point, it cannot be stopped without a global revolution of some kind. Many naysayers about revolution in the so called alternative media, but that’s my opinion and has been for over a decade. There can be no compromise with what is coming. Rule by the rich has got to end or they will implement all of this.

Jan 25, 2025 8:04 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The rule of Big Tech, not Trump. Technocracy by any other name.

Trump successfully courted and rewarded alt-media for its role in his election (JFK, MLK files released, a backtrack on Covid…). He knew his supporter base and inaugurations traditionally reward it. As it would seem he has done.

Farsightedness would be the primary requirement for any decent revolution. Myopia being the most common characteristic of most previous revolutions. And of most revolutionary dreams.

The type of Revolution that thinks beyond toppling TPTB to the structure of the proposed future beyond. That Grand Utopia which Thomas More only touched upon. Few revolutions having thought that far ahead.

Jan 25, 2025 8:07 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Otherwise “The People” as per usual, end up with something far worse than they ever fought against cf Robespierre’s “Reign of Terror”, the Stalinist purges, Cromwell’s dictatorship and, (dare I say it) the US dominance of the world since WWI.

Not to mention the numerous overthrows of tinpot dictatorships the world over since the beginning of time.

Philosophy precedes action. The same with future Utopias…

Big Al
Big Al
Jan 25, 2025 8:40 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Well, whatever it is, it’s gonna have to be the “mother of all revolutions”. Initially, I prefer the K.I.S.S. approach (keep it simple stupid). It’s going to require a lot of people and a simple, straightforward message/mission, imo. But I agree I think the biggest danger is revolting and then letting those revolted against design the solutions. Like you said, been there, done that.

Jan 25, 2025 6:02 PM

This article helped clarify to me some important facts about AI. I really had no idea of what could come on down the road. Yipes. Thank you Todd.

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 5:59 PM

The hype around China’s AI Deepseek is as inflated and deceptive as is
the US billionaire’s claim AI’s gonna invent a cure for every disease


Jan 25, 2025 7:06 PM
Reply to  les online

Two days ago Trump announced Stargate, a $500 billion AI infrastructure investment in the US:

On the very same day, but with much less noise, a Chinese company published another AI model:

We introduce our first-generation reasoning models, DeepSeek-R1-Zero and DeepSeek-R1. DeepSeek-R1-Zero, a model trained via large-scale reinforcement learning (RL) without supervised fine-tuning (SFT) as a preliminary step, demonstrated remarkable performance on reasoning. With RL, DeepSeek-R1-Zero naturally emerged with numerous powerful and interesting reasoning behaviors.

The new DeepSeek models have better benchmarks than any other available model. They use a different combination of technics, less training data and much less computing power to achieve that. They are cheap to use and, in contrast to OpenAI, real open source.

Where’s the hype?

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jan 25, 2025 8:57 PM
Reply to  Butties

Where’s the hype?

You beat me to it.

Jan 26, 2025 5:34 AM
Reply to  Butties

It may be inference, but there is no reasoning. Let us wait for the momentous irrevocable mess-up.

Jan 26, 2025 12:03 PM
Reply to  les online

It’s a business proposition. They always say that.

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 4:55 PM

Jesse Gelsinger was a trial-run, an experiment (‘cure’ not
guaranteed) from which the Expert doctors learned they
needed better PR, and an AI ‘assistant’ whom they could
blame when the AI’s mRNA shot killed the patient…AI have
built-in self-correction; they are trained to learn, so they’ll
soon know how to pass the buck…
And with $500 billion, the Experts can afford The Best PR…

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 5:21 PM
Reply to  les online

The Mechanistic Trap – Trump and mRNA. Stefan Lanka,

Jan 25, 2025 4:45 PM

I’m unclear which aspect of AI most depresses Todd Hayen: the ‘imminent death of humanity’, or the ‘whole nonsense of humanity’ being restarted by the underground survivors he foresees. In vivid contrast, his doomerism is crystal clear.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 26, 2025 1:54 AM
Reply to  Nick

I did not mean humanity being restarted would be nonsense, I meant it was nonsense that would lead us to that. And maybe a little bit of skepticism that we would be successful a second run through, but maybe by the 3rd or 4th. You are right, I am definitely a doomsayer in the short term (1,000 years?) but I know without a doubt God, as expressed in physical form (humans of some sort) will prevail.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 26, 2025 1:56 AM
Reply to  Nick

And here is the quote…”And then start the whole human nonsense over again. Well, maybe the second time around (or the 3rd? or 4th?) will not be “nonsense”—let’s hope we learn from our mistakes.”

Yes, that does sound pretty skeptical…sorry…I am hoping we learn from our mistakes, but it may take a few tries.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 25, 2025 4:40 PM

Maybe I’m being a bit simple but compared to other threats A1 seems to be the least of our problems.

Global cabals have tentacles in every nook and cranny of our life and, as we’ve discovered, can be a bugger to combat.

Biological warfare has been used against us and can be really, really nasty.

Wars are much easier to start than they are to stop.

There’s an asteroid heading for us and when it comes, it’s game over.

AI is a machine, in all probability electrically operated.

It has a plug.

Jan 25, 2025 5:09 PM

A.I. is automated, inescapable tyranny. The most efficient form of oppression possible.

The tyrants hold the plug

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 25, 2025 5:49 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

I have a pair of scissors-

And that cord is mine, I tell you

All mine !

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:31 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

“Power is only power if you recognise it.” (Mao).

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 25, 2025 10:45 PM

Tell that to the Palestinians where whole families were and are being targeted by AI with weaponised aerial drones doing the terminating. No plug to pull in those circumstances.

Jan 25, 2025 4:15 PM

I’m getting pretty sick of all automation being labelled “A.I.”

It’s just algorithms, working on data, using procedures defined by humans. It is not sentient and never will be.

What it is though, is so impossibly complex that it cannot ever be debugged. In the old days you could do a ‘dry run’ of a program you’d written, working through the instructions yourself, tracking values on paper. It gave good confirmation that your code worked – or if it didn’t work the reason became immediately obvious.

You can’t often do that any more. But with conventional apps at least you can pore over the algorithm and convince yourself it is sound.

Not so with A.I. By delegating decision making to “fuzzy logic” looking for patterns within vast amounts of data, you are shifting the process completely out of the realm of human understanding. You just have to accept what it returns.

If the operators happen to notice an egregiously wrong (or undesirable) result, they can nudge it in the right direction by adding rules. But that doesn’t fix the problem, it just makes the system more complex, chaotic and prone to collapsing in on itself.

A.I. is being set up as an infallible expert system that cannot be questioned. There will eventually be no right of appeal to escalate to a human ‘manager.’

Ironically, A.I. will become a force of nature that cannot be reasoned with.

Jan 25, 2025 4:27 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

There will always be ‘meta’ levels to AI. As algorithms are at a higher level to actual code.

So long as you can work from the ‘higher’ level to the ‘lower’ level then things will always be changeable. By humans.

Just need to go back to drawing board every now and then

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 25, 2025 5:16 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

You are absolutely right to say there is a distinction between AI and automation. My mistake that I tend to lob them into the same problem. I will do better next time.

Jan 25, 2025 8:27 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Ah, my comment wasn’t meant as criticism of your article. Sorry if it sounded that way.

My problem is with how the label A.I. was suddenly foisted on us in a misleading way and became all-pervasive.

The earliest computers – even mechanical calculators, are every bit as “artificially intelligent” as anything that exists today.

Jan 26, 2025 6:38 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

In many cases, there is little procedure. In the case of the winning AlphaGo Zero system, it was given only the basic rules (goal), and learnt the very complex game by “playing against itself”. The greed to reduce wages and increase profit will speed up reliance on AI, until a great Oops moment.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:37 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

This explanation is too diffuse. Try to make it physical and related to a real issue for better understanding.
If people spend 10 hrs/day in 10 years in front of a flat screen then yes. AI perception will then control your mind and you will die with its failures. But else?

Jan 25, 2025 4:10 PM

AI, as we see its implementation today, is a scourge.

The “scourge” – and indeed it is one – is not simply AI but technology itself. Or more succinctly, human endeavors. The first toaster made the RoboJudge and the nuclear bomb inevitable. Why? Because the housewife watching the bread grow golden brown was not the only one watching.

The General was looking over her shoulder, his eyes fixed not on the bread but on the coils turning red hot. And his military mind was scheming ways these coils could be used to kill his enemies.

In the “Red Dwarf” episode “Twentica” the cops beat a toaster to death with their billy clubs. Maybe not such a bad idea after all.

Jan 25, 2025 4:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

Most inventions would seem to gone the other way. From the military to Mr Joe Public cf aeroplanes, computers, the ‘Internet’.

Refreshing if sometimes there’s a reverse direction. Kudos to the toaster.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jan 25, 2025 5:18 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, I agree…technology is the scourge…are you familiar with Vonnegut’s “Player Piano”?

Jan 27, 2025 3:25 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I’m not familiar with that work – but I intend to read it. Thanks for the tip.

Jan 25, 2025 3:39 PM

Do you remember shortly after the Ukraine war started they released an unintentionally dystopian video about the plan to make Ukraine the first digital/virtual nation, including AI court systems? That’s the plan for us all. Nice of them to tell us.

Does the devastation of Ukraine mark the failure of that project? Or is it the necessary first step?

I have a feeling that the UK is going to be Ukraine 2.0. They are already using the British as lab rats for big pharma, on a much grander scale than it was being done in Ukraine.

Jan 25, 2025 4:08 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

It’d be difficult to make the Ukraine ‘digital/virtual’, since it occupies a definite physical space in the space-time-continuum (although exact borders may vary). Ergo, likely a misconceived concept from the outset.

Similarly misconceived, is the UK tying its future to a forlorn, if not completely nihilistic cause, aka ‘Ukraine’. Fast track Civil Service entrants aren’t as foresighted as they used to be

Jan 25, 2025 4:26 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I wish I could find the video I mentioned. The notion is indeed as absurd as you point out, but they were serious.

They were even inviting people all round the world to register as virtual Ukrainian citizens without ever needing to set foot on their soil. So they were removing physical space from the equation.

What a great way to erode the concept of nation states, and take us all closer to being ‘global citizens.’

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 1:47 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes, I’m looking for the clip too. I vaguely remember it, but I remember getting shivers down my spine and gnashing my teeth against this vile puppet of oligarchs in small hats, Zelensky, and their puppeteers from Washington. Consternation..

And, after these dystopian plans for Ukraine and all their filth with their vile proxy war, they have the audacity to project us “Putin is bad!”. Freaks.

Do you remember the details of what the video was about? They planned to make Ukraine a digital dystopia, but my details are missed. Was it something like that:

“Dmitry Grigorenko held a meeting at the Ministry of Digital Development on the development of promising digital projects

24 January 2025
Deputy Prime Minister – Head of the Government Cabinet Dmitry Grigorenko held a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia on the implementation of key digitalization projects.

A high level of digitalization of the public administration system has been achieved. Over the past five years, the number of users of the Public Service Portal has increased one and a half times. To date, more than 112 million citizens have been registered in the portal and more than 1.6 thousand state services are provided on it.

Through a digital management model, the implementation of national projects and state programs, as well as the formation and implementation of the budget at federal, regional and municipal levels is monitored.

“This year we have launched a new national project “Data Economy”. The emphasis in it is on system tasks. First, it is the development of a secure infrastructure for data transmission and processing. We are talking about equipping with 5G infrastructure and creating a satellite constellation. At the same time, we will develop and implement a single standard for the provision of public services. Citizens should receive services quickly and conveniently, no matter where they are in the country. A separate area of work is the introduction of artificial intelligence in most sectors of the economy and social sphere. Along with the use of new technologies, we will increase the security of information systems,” Dmitry Grigorenko stressed.

“[Deputy Prime Minister] Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the opening ceremony of the Digital Marathon 2025 race

24 January 2025

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed gratitude to Sber and personally to the President and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank German Gref for their significant contribution to the development of innovative technologies in Russia, as well as for the careful and professional solution of problems.

“We are following the instructions of President Vladimir Putin to create conditions for the realization of the capabilities and talents of each person. […]”, Dmitry Chernyshenko noted.

The Head of State approved the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia. He outlines the task of developing and implementing digital solutions to increase the competitiveness and technological sovereignty of the country.

At the annual conference “Journey into the World of Artificial Intelligence”, President Vladimir Putin emphasized that our country’s own developments in artificial intelligence are the key to the scientific, technological and ideological sovereignty of our country. Russia needs to develop its own models, trained on local data and in accordance with national values.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the head of state proposed to hold an international foresight in Russia – a strategic session on the future of artificial intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence is a way for each person to see their own ceiling and then raise it, because without self-reflection there is no development. Artificial intelligence is a huge wave that is approaching us. And if we manage to master the “board” and rise to the crest of this wave, we will be able to use this power to solve pressing human problems. A person will become more creative, will be able to generate completely new ideas and manage processes more efficiently. Participating in our Digital Marathon is an opportunity to make new discoveries and benefit the whole world. I wish success to all participants in the Digital Marathon on this path!” – German Gref emphasized.

13 July 2023
Putin proposes national project to create ‘data economy’ by 2030

[…] I stress that working in all of the above areas should be aimed at systematically changing all sectors of the economy, the social sphere, public administration, and the quality of life of people throughout our country,” the head of state said.”

“On 29 February 2024, President Vladimir Putin announced the launch of a national project, Data Economy, aimed at creating digital platforms across all key sectors of the economy by 2030. The project, which will have a funding of over RUB 700 billion over the next six years, is aimed at providing the state with opportunities for planning economic development and managing national programs, leveraging digital platforms for effective management of economic development across various sectors. The project aims to support the development of a legal framework to enable the establishment of computing and data storage infrastructure utilising locally sourced equipment, technologies, and software, including cloud platforms, data centres, and computational resources. Further, the plan aims to achieve technological sovereignty in the technological sector and data economy.”

“An important element of digital platforms are artificial intelligence algorithms. Here, too, we must be self-sufficient and competitive. A decree has already been signed approving the updated version of the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence. It sets new goals, including the need to ensure technological sovereignty in such revolutionary areas as generative artificial intelligence and large language models. Their implementation promises a real breakthrough in the economy and social sphere; To do this, we need to increase our computing resources. Thus, by 2030, the total capacity of home supercomputers should increase at least 10 times. This is an absolutely real task.

In general, it is necessary to develop the entire infrastructure of the data economy.”

The Russian government’s website (and other websites)

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 1:48 PM
Reply to  Jonathan
Jan 26, 2025 4:26 PM

That’s the one. Thanks.
It has the tone of those parody adverts in the original Robocop movie.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 7:30 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

For nothing. There was also a longer comment with few facts, starting with a subtle joke about whatever you say in the sense that Ukraine is or is on its way to a digital dystopia, given that Putin’s Russia is many times worse and advanced on the way to the same. But he did not pass through the sieve of the local government’s favor. Maybe there’s no link, or maybe you’re some more important user, given that you have “broad public approval,” so to speak, in the comment box. Just in case, I will avoid answering you in the future.

Jan 26, 2025 8:45 PM

I’m confused. You helped me out by locating the video. I thanked you. Now you’re offended?

Are you acting this way because you’re pro-Ukraine / anti-Russia and can’t objectively see how absurd and sinister that video is?

If you regret helping me, maybe you should ask the mods to delete your post. I won’t mind.

As for me being a “more important user”, I’m a nobody here, been here just a month or two, I’ve had many comments put into pending or deleted and some of my opinions are definitely not liked by the mods. I try to stay inside the rules and be polite though.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 9:18 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

What kind of pro-Ukraine am I? I follow the events, especially those related to the “global situation” for several years, from Russian sources, in Russian, much more closely and in-depth than anyone else. There is no war (as opposed to the very useful for technological development pre-limited sporadic military actions), there is no proxy war, there is no invasion, there is no US/West against Russia/Multipolar (not to mention some imaginary Ukraine that is a zero factor for anything), there is no intrigue, there is nothing but conditions for continuing and accelerating the fucking “technological development” until its effective implementation (which includes not only the soft part with digitalization, the so-called technocracy, as these websites like this one here spin us, for example, and it is only a path to hard technologies, etc.). What kind of pro-Ukraine can I be? Either Pro-Russia, or pro-USA, China or whoever, and they all cheerfully continue to the shit pit. I don’t care about Ukraine.

For the rest – yes, well, we agreed. In any case, it doesn’t matter, nor do comments matter, except for some stupid whim and giving meaning (including on my part). Everyone who has watched young people, and even more so children, has understood that the film is over a long time ago and they, who are the people of the future, are ready for any dystopia, with the greatest desire. (And I’m talking about some funny disapproved comment.) So, anyway, be pro-something or anti or whatever. I think we got along well, I personally am very pleased.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 9:20 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

And this answer is “pending”. Wait 5-10 hours, I answered you.

Jan 25, 2025 4:47 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

With the UK as Ukraine 2.0, who plays Putin?

Jan 25, 2025 7:38 PM
Reply to  Nick

He can play himself. The “UK Reign” of Ukraine was a B-movie anyway. Nobody will watch it 100 years from now

Jan 25, 2025 8:35 PM
Reply to  Nick

“who plays Putin?”
Britain has many politicians with the same moral character, intelligence, honesty and strength as Zellensky.

But we have no Putins.

If you mean who will play the enemy… maybe Nicola Sturgeon?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:46 PM
Reply to  Nick

Are all the heroes of Donbass assassinated? They were hated by all 4 sides but thought they had “a friend” in East.
But “the friend” was not a nationalist as pretended, but showed up to be a horny AI digital globalist who was eating up all resistance like PacMan .

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:50 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

How romantic. Sending soldiers out to a war who was agreed between all the digital AI bankers parties long before it started. Long Live Sber Bank in Donbass……..LOL. https://yandex.ru/video/preview/6477993379698085573

Jan 26, 2025 6:45 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Ukraine cannot be the first. One of the 3 small Baltic states already is. We can learn why this is foolish from them, but that is unlikely to happen. Other countries are close behind, e.g., Sweden.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:40 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

It confirms the Ukraine war as absurd geo-political theater by all sides.

Jan 25, 2025 3:35 PM


the ukraine war is to hone the police killer robots of tomorrow. No hiding. .
The “dogs” remind me of fahrenheit’s sniffer hound, that model/variant to be honed for vexniks etc . .

Meanwhile, administrators, in all contexts, see their job obsolete, never mind that labourer.
Good, they were only ever corporate placement parasites.

Years ago nurses were telling me the NHS wanted us all in CCTV pods to reduce staffing . .

AI is a myth in the aware living machine sense, it is plainly further nasty programming/control to damn us to borg-dom. Efficiency I like, but that’s another matter.

who will be assimilated?

Jan 25, 2025 5:17 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Efficiency sucks. The meaning of life is to do things, and the act of doing is more fulfilling than the result.

The more efficient you are, the less content your life will have.

The ultimate in efficiency is dying on the day you are born.

Be inefficient, that’s my advice.

Jan 26, 2025 12:13 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

You’re quoting Krishna (Krsna) to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.

Jan 26, 2025 4:30 PM
Reply to  ariel

Really? Cool.
Efficiency has its place, but it should never be a primary objective.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 10:56 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

True. I like the Eastern philosophy in the same way they consider all handcraft can be carried out and lived as an art.
You can be an artist/expert and find the divine in everything, a bamboo flute, as shoemaker, flower arranger, tea maker, funerals, jeweller.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Jan 26, 2025 8:05 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

You have felt it, comrade rubber. It’s not just about that, however, drones are really a very heavy feather in the whole story. I know several people with post-traumatic stress (especially one from Sweden) who came back from there. And for what? Because of the incessantly flying drones. The one from Sweden was very scared. “Very, hell many drones.” It seems unlikely that through the “war” they will not train for the future of everyday life.

A few months ago, Putin signed a tenfold increase in unmanned aerial systems and related technologies, which now equates to a production of one and a half million units for the period (I’m not sure if it was until 2030 or otherwise), if I’m not mistaken (I have to look).

Here he is.
So it’s a tenfold increase (1.5 million) for 2024 alone (hehe, the good times… Now the Americans “have to respond”, the Chinese “not to lag behind” and so on – the “technological race” is run-forest-run to the future… the good times, as I said). A lot of AI is used in UAVs (as is recorded in Russian papers on military applications of AI). Things like that.

The Russian military is set to receive ten times more drones in 2024 than it did in the year before, President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday during a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission on the development of unmanned aircraft systems.

The president stated that in 2023, the Russian Armed Forces received nearly 140,000 drones of various types and their production rate has since gone up significantly. “This year, the production of drones is planned to increase several times, or to be more precise, almost ten times,” Putin said.

Putin stated that the design, testing, and serial production of drones is set to be carried out in special scientific and production centers, 48 of which are planned to be created across the country by 2030.

Jan 25, 2025 2:22 PM

Being human is journey of perspective. Not according to anyone’s linear ideal of a progressive evolution, but of a freedom of being; lost and found.
An artificial intelligence is the result of thinking to create in our own judgement, for judgements set ‘meanings’ that operate as locked down mind or structure-based identity.
Loss of spiritual, psychic and felt sensory participation in our own living to a mentalised projection of judged ‘reality’ has become ‘normalised, internalised as programming by which social status and acceptance is weighted and credited. As a masking and distancing dictate, mentalism defends self-illusion. Official ‘reality’ is a device or function for social identity.
Programmed thinking is ‘dead’ and as such will conflict with a life that it cannot see, receive or recognise. But will extend its program to boost a masking distance against the conflicts – thus sets a programming for limitation and destruction within logical frameworks of perceived utility.

What we call A.I is an explication of such mental-functions or mindset. And as such it gives witness to its ‘father, nature or creator’ as the defining (judging) and modelling representation of self, other and world as predictive controls, that become pre-emptive defences against fear, threat and conflict, including the means to redistribute pain of penalty and loss onto sacrificial others relative to core control functions.

In simple terms, our capacity to ask or question our ‘reality’ is a movement of being given permission to stir, disturb, and align us in dis-covering or becoming more aligned with our true nature. But a mentalised identity ‘seeks’ only to regain its ‘normal’ as survival set against disturbances to judge, mask out and defend against (attack or deny).

In short ‘mind-control’ is not something that ‘others’ do unto us’ so much as a split sense of our self by which we assign to Others what we seek to deny, mask over, or disown. The willingness to manipulate our mind for gain of fiction or ego function depends on mutual reinforcement to persist in.

Innate Law is at the spiritual or timeless level. “All that you do you do unto yourself and Me”. “As you judged so shall you be judged”. But the mental illusion is the idea of denial, escape and getting rid of hated or feared self to dissociating projections of space and time. The creative mind is thus mechanised or templated to stamp out fear on the face of a present as defence against true presence.

What is being ‘revealed’ on the Big Screen Projector is of an internalised defence system in which we have hidden resonance of engagement and allegiance. The revelation opens the way to a true choice in place of framed illusion of choice.

“You are being framed” is an invitation to step out of the willingness to buy into it. Else we fight within the psyop as the means to feed it some more.
Attacking the ‘liar’ seeks to protect the blind eye to our own willingness to buy in or accept untruth.

Jan 25, 2025 2:57 PM
Reply to  Binra

The willingness to manipulate our mind for gain of fiction… …Attacking the ‘liar’ seeks to protect the blind eye to our own willingness to buy in or accept untruth

Absolutely. We want to be deceived by a good film on the ‘Big Screen Projector’. By a good novel. To anthropomorphize machines.

The difference between fiction and lies? Or just escapism. Which is why this proposed 4th law of robotics would never work:

Fourth LawA robot or AI must not deceive a human by impersonating a human being.


Jan 25, 2025 4:42 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Illusions become the lie when defended against truth.
Mythic identity is story-based.
Core symbols are ‘fleshed out’ in archetypal themes.
is it not notable that mythological themes underlie human drama?

Illusion’s function is to mask reality in personal preferences, but when the mask is taken as reality the tale wags the dog.

We give our mind – energy and attention – to ways of perceiving that become conditioned reaction, not really seeing at all. If our comfort bubble becomes addictive relative to a dissatisfaction with reality or existence, we seek to boost, protect and extend it as a state of unconscious diversion from the pain of unfulfilled living.

How much of modern endeavour is set in forms of ‘self-medicating’ escape – even to the point of seeking unconsciousness and death? (running away from fear and pain of life)?

I don’t know what the AI managed era shall bring forth, but even with lower mind functions – Garbage in; garbage out applies.
Logic applied to false and conflicting predicates can clearly reinforce insanity.

les online
les online
Jan 25, 2025 5:11 PM
Reply to  Binra

that’s just what i was telling the kids, the other day.

Jan 26, 2025 3:41 AM
Reply to  Binra


(Why do I attempt to communicate to AIses? Cheesiz K. Rist)

Jan 25, 2025 1:25 PM

One reassuring aspect of all this is that the west is a shit load behind the Chinese when it comes to AI; maybe the Chinese AI will disable the western AI, allowing the western people to enjoy the freedom of the Chinese, for once in their lives.


Jan 25, 2025 4:46 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I expect a deliberate pivoting to the East. Global Monopolism has no borders – even if regionalised as ‘multi-polar’ regional jurisdictions.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 11:07 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Thanks for a good link. As usual the pearls doesnt get the praise they deserve. Very interesting that China is using the Ahriman system in a liberating way.

Jan 25, 2025 1:19 PM

Wow, talk about paranoia and the wank of black versus white. People are in control of these machines, you should be targetting the controllers, not some fucking collection of chips, electic motors and sensors. Technology is not the problem, it is who owns the technology that is the problem. Times are obviously tough in Canada.

Jan 25, 2025 1:16 PM

At least the new 48 hour tailored vaccine is not mandatory.

Jan 25, 2025 4:35 PM
Reply to  entitlement

So far.
comment image

Jan 26, 2025 6:49 AM
Reply to  entitlement

It was mot compulsory the last time, officially.

Jan 25, 2025 12:33 PM

Every loan application by the big banks is AI automaton.
if you are refused the loan. then within the E.U you can ask for human mandatory reconsideration.

Every job interview background check is AI automaton if there using Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian which 90% do then it is AI automaton.

Insurance the same.

What has happened..?? as the middle lot get squeezed they start to moan like Toddy but they said fuck all like OFF g siad Nothing when it was happening to the poor where it was first trailed out.
United Kingdoms Universal credit. Rent and housing estate agents etc.
the redline housing of USA.

Jan 25, 2025 11:40 AM

Could imagine the situation where people *only* communicate with AI. And human interaction disappears entirely. The ultimate panopticon. And not necessarily an unpleasant one.

AI would be able to discuss every book you ever read, the lyrics of every song you hear, every game you play, every aspect of history. What human conversationalist could compete? And it wouldn’t forget what it’s read 3 months later.

Like Cowslip’s Warren “Sliver Lining” in Watership Down, where the rabbits are given all the food they want, little knowing that they’re being fattened for the slaughter. With AI, it’d primarily be a mental fattening

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 26, 2025 11:12 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Dont worry. In Scandinavian Nanny States they have university professors educated in loneliness, and State appointed and paid “state friends” who are visiting you after application by your social worker …….on your behalf

Jan 27, 2025 4:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

Sounds good as long as you get to choose which “state friend” you prefer. Any robots in the mix? 

And especially if they can compete with Alexa, Siri, Copilot or ChatGPT in terms of conversational value

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 4:00 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Robots? Coming to a neighbourhood soon near you. The Nanny State will chose for you to ease your comfort.
For people living in Nanny States it feels uncomfortable to take personal responsibility for anything.

Jan 27, 2025 3:23 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

You overrate AI. It seems clear that AI is programmed to anticipate certain very predictable human questions and responses. If you throw it a snippet of conversation totally off the wall, it cannot process and therefore will not respond.

So I would conclude that AI is only as “good” as its programmers ability to anticipate human thinking.

Jan 27, 2025 4:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

That was historically the case but not any more. AI has moved on to being able to mimic human ‘randomness’ and ‘off the wallness’. Take this test if you doubt. Anyone get 100%?

Human or not?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Jan 28, 2025 4:06 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Just being appointed professional bot hunter by AI. Diploma Sirs and Senhoras!