Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged An Apartheid State From River to Sea By Thomas Suárez
Edward Curtin

Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc. This has often been viewed within the historical context of the self-declared Zionist Israeli state’s founding in 1948 up to the present day. But far less has been said about the Zionist’s racial-nationalist-settler-colonialist movement’s history of terrorism to seize Palestine and kill and drive the Palestinians into exile that goes back for more than a century
For those who think Donald Trump’s recent announcement that the United States will take over Gaza and force the besieged Palestinians to leave their country is shocking, the history presented by Thomas Suárez will disabuse them of that notion. The Zionist Trump is stating baldly the ultimate goal of the ethnic cleansing of all non-Jews from Palestine, which has been the Zionists’ goal from the beginning and lies behind Biden, who considers himself a Zionist, and Trump’s recent support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
When questioned why he supported the Zionist leaders’ efforts to drive the Palestinians from their land, Winston Churchill, in 1937, replied, “I do not admit the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time.”
As Suárez, a London-based historical researcher, former West Bank resident, violinist, and composer, writes, “He denied that ‘a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the Black people of Australia’ by their replacement with ‘a higher grade race’.” This higher grade race rhetoric is racism, pure and simple, and it has been applied to the Palestinians by the Zionists from the start. Dogs, vermin, etc. Hitler would be proud.
It is nothing new. Ethnic supremacy and a pure Jewish state have always been the goal, even as the Zionists used Nazi rhetoric and tactics that they allegedly abhorred while working with the Nazis to get German Jews into Palestine but nowhere else. What became known as The Haavara Transfer Agreement is proof of that.
In January 1933 when Hitler came to power as German Chancellor, there were international calls for a boycott of German goods and services, supported by prominent Jews and Christians. The boycott caused a severe blow to the Reich’s economy. But an agreement with Hitler was arranged by Zionists to circumvent the boycott and provide Germany with needed capital, with Hitler allowing German Jews with sufficient wealth to emigrate to Palestine in return for their purchase of German goods and equipment, a quid pro quo arrangement that provided Germany with a propaganda win by claiming the boycott-breaking deal was made by Jews. Four years later, Adolph Eichmann, on a trip to Palestine, was involved in a follow-up effort with the Zionist terrorist militia, the Haganah, and its representative Feival Pokes, for the Nazis to pressure German Jewish groups to urge Jews to go only to Palestine and no other countries.
The irony of Churchill’s racist statement is that the Zionists, despite the UK’s Balfour Declaration of 1917 declaring its support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” turned on their British accomplices, who were in Palestine as “administrators” under a League of Nations mandate following WW I, with a savage terrorist campaign to drive the British out. This gave the Zionists a narrative propaganda myth that they have exploited to the present day that they were the victims of occupation in their own land, while it was the Zionists who, through terrorism, were driving the Palestinians from the land that was theirs for a very long time.
Treachery of this nature defines the history of all those arrayed against the Palestinians from the start – as today, with Trump being no exception.
Suárez makes it clear that the “Palestinians also committed terror attacks, and this book’s focus on Zionist and Israeli terror must never be misinterpreted as excusing Palestinian violence against innocents,” but the “Palestinian terror occurred principally during the uprisings of the late 1920s and late 1930 after years of being institutionally discriminated against and killed for the benefit of the Zionists, and after non-violent resistance – diplomacy, entreaties, strikes, boycotts – proved futile.” His focus in this book, therefore, is to document and offer a comprehensive and structural analysis of the decades-long terror campaign the Zionist racial-nationalist settler movement used to obliterate the “inferior” Arabs who were “dogs in the manger.”
The Zionists’ twin terror campaigns against the Palestinians and the British forced the British to withdraw in 1948. They then turned their full attention to exterminating the Palestinians, which resulted in the what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba – the purging of nearly a million Palestinians from their land and the destruction of more than five hundred of their villages – (what Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, called “a miraculous simplification of our task” ). It was then that the siege of Gaza began, not as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his accomplices claim began after Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack.
As Suárez writes, “The siege of Gaza began in 1948, fifty-eight years before the 2006 election of Hamas, which Israeli now uses to justify it. It served then the same purpose it serves today: to block people of the wrong ethnicity from returning home.”
From its start, the Zionist settler project was rooted in a fanatical messianism marketed as the myth of these modern Jewish settlers simply sailing back to the Hebrew land of the Bible after a 2,000 year absence, a land that belonged to them even though they had never lived there. They were just returning to their sovereign home, decreed by God, and those Palestinians living there, no matter for how long, were usurpers who had to be driven from their homes, killed, or forced into exile. The branding of the Jewish state “Israel,” a name entrenched in the messianic Jewish and Christian culture of the West, was crucial since it called up all the nostalgia for the Holy Land of yore and all the images of one’s “true” homecoming. This was crucial to get Christian support in the West.
Palestine Hijacked (2022) is a book of deeply documented historical research (686 detailed endnotes) that tears the mask off the narrative that paints Zionism as a benign force. Through assiduous archival research in poorly accessed and newly declassified archives of the Central Intelligence Agency, the British National Archives, the Library of Congress, the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, etc., Suárez uses original source documents to hoist the well-known Zionist leaders with their own petards, often in their own words, words never meant to see the light of day. Chaim Weizmann. Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Moshe Sharett are exposed as liars, and the latter three as ruthless terrorists, with the former three in complete accord with their terror tactics. The same is shown to be true for those Western leaders who supported the terrorist seizure of Palestine by a Zionist racial-nationalist settler movement that had zero legal or moral right to the land, as they still do not.
Suárez sets the scene early on page 14:
Through the decades to come [from the early days of Zionism], from mainstream leaders like David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann to the fanatical terror gang Lehi, the ideological pronouncements of the settler project were couched in the language of messianism. Zionism was building the final Kingdom, the Biblical Third Temple, a resurrection rising from the ashes of the fabled Second Temple and Solomon’s Temple. Zionism’s battles, its enemies, its conquests, its tragedies, were Biblical, and its establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 was sold as the resumption, the reconstitution, of the Biblical realm. As Ben-Gurion put it, “the Bible is our mandate” to take Palestine.
[my emphasis above]
Again, as with Trump’s pronouncement, the old is new and the new, old; thus today we have American conservative Christian evangelicals’ (Christian Zionists) passionate support for Netanyahu’s war crimes, justified and blessed by the Biblical canard that lives on in the propagandistic narrative promoted by Israel and the corporate media.
It’s all here in Suárez’s chronicle. Not just details about the rather well-known Zionist terror attacks such as the bombing of The King David Hotel that could be turned into Zionist propaganda, but all the years of the slaughters of Palestinians, old and young, men and women and children in small villages and markets, in homes and on the roads and in the fields, done without mercy and carried out with a Biblical gleefulness by fanatics doing their “God’s will.” It chills the soul to read the details of such genocide’s long history.
Suárez writes:
The King David bombing endures as the iconic terror attack of the Mandate years, and history books falsely cite it as the most deadly. The 1940 bombing of the Patria [an immigrant ship] bombing was three times deadlier, killing about 267 people, and the two atrocities are identical in the claim that only infrastructure, not people, were the targets.
Of the attacks in which the killing was the acknowledged purpose, at least one of the Irgun’s bombing [the Irgun, the Lehi, and the Haganah were the Zionist’s three main terror groups] of Palestinian markets killed more (July 6, 1980, about 120), and the Zionist armies coming slaughter of villages such as Deir Yassin – still during the Mandate – would also kill more people than the King David attack.
If you wish to understand the terrorist nature of today’s Israeli government, you need to read this book.
If you think the recent Israeli use of exploding pagers has no history, learn about the Zionist use of exploding leaflets long ago.
If you think critics’ use of the term Nazi to describe the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians is over-the-top, learn about the history of Zionist collaborations with Hitler and the Italian fascist Mussolini.
If you think the Israel designs and attacks on Lebanon and Syria are something new, think again.
If you are shocked by the question: Does Israel have a right to exist?, discover the illegal and immoral nature of its claims to that right. Then ask yourself to answer.
If you are afraid to learn these things for fear of being called antisemitic, learn how the Zionist founders of Israel weaponized that term long ago, against fellow Jews and anyone else who dared question their legitimacy, and how their progenitors and the U.S. government that supports them now stand rightly condemned as supporters of genocide.
If you think Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, you have swallowed a package of lies wrapped as a treacherous gift; for Jews with a conscience know that the Zionist project is a terrible stain on their name.
Thomas Suárez has written a brave and great book. He should have the last word:
The reason Israel holds millions of human beings under various levels of apartheid, the reason it keeps millions more languishing in refuge camps, is not that they are Palestinians, not that they are Arab.
It is rather, strictly, because they are not Jewish. If they were Jewish, whether Palestinian or Arab or anything else, they would be welcomed and given a generous subsidy to move in from whatever part of the world they live and take over a house whose owner was expelled because s/he is not Jewish.
Nothing in the history of Zionism, of the Israeli state, or the so-called conflict can be understood divorced from this.
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Anyone seen this ‘ole thing’ played out before?
One main reason for the suffering of the peoples slave-named “Palestinians” is that name itself. The name is a slur, given by the pagan Romans 2000 years ago to express their hatred of God. Surely, these peoples do have some pagan ancestry, as do we all, but the “Palestinians” ancestors converted to Christ from JUDAISM and Samaritanism in the first and second Christian centuries, and most to the Abrahamic religion of Islam after that came along. Thus they are ISRAELITES and must assume that name if they ever want to be free. To distinguish them from the Jewish state, I propose “Kol Yisrael,” all Israel,” or Kol Am Yisrael,” the whole family of Israel. For more information, see my substack
A recent travel guide to Gaza (could need to be updated):
All true of course, except for Islamic antisemitism and its consequences…
What did Herman Melville and Mark Twain think of Palestine when they came to visit and observe? A desert in bloom? A paradise on earth? A garden in the wilderness? J
When did the malaria ridden swamps get drained? When did the land get cultivated? When did the desert flourish?
Palestine has had it’s entire ‘history’ to change the scenery. Jews come to the land and the land becomes productive. Prior to Jews showing up, the land meant nothing to arabs, philistines or ottomans.
I have no problem ignoring your downticks.
Ok, meanwhile, in 1944 land cultivated by Palestinians in the Naqeb desert alone was three times of that cultivated by the entire Zionist settler presence in Palestine, and since the Nakba, the amount of cultivated land in the same area has significantly dropped.
your stupid anti-shitisism word is just newspeak babble, actually a semite is just someone whe speaks a semitic language as his mother tongue, this has nothing to do with religion and nothing with ethnicity, the european settler-colonialists usurped a dead semitic language (hebrew was not anywhere spoken back when the zionist creeps began rolling out their new “religion”), btw. arabic is the most spoken semitic language these days
Palestine was a desert barren, uncultivated land prior to the Israeli arrival. With just the odd wandering Bedouin and a few goats as population. Which demonstrates how much all those “indigenous Palestinians” and that fading Ottoman Empire actually cared for the place. So much for the ‘hijack’.
By contrast, in more ancient times, the place had been full of life, cities, trade. A ‘land of milk and honey’. That is, When it had been properly cared for as part of the Promised Land. That life has fortunately started to return under Israeli/Zionist control.
You know, we in south africa used exactly the same excuses during our filthy apartheid years. Gods promise…. existential threat (swart gevaar) yadayadayada.
It was all nonsense. You are chained to the walls of your own head man. or that dreadful talmud of yours. Life is not without problems here, but please take it from me, even with all the problems we still have, i would never want to go back to a place of ‘superiority’ resulting in the oppression of other people. |Its stains our souls to this day, 35 years later.
Its such a kak way to look at the world and we robbed ourselves of cross pollination with other cultures. Everyone is far richer spiritually now. For decades and decades we stunted our spiritual growth.
As mentioned in another post below, your kinfolk here in a free south africa have their own english accent. Very distinctive and can be picked up immediately. I get it, you like your own kind more than us goyim. Fair enough I gravitate to my own kind also and especially more so than to jews .
You will still do that in a free and open Greater Palestine as you do in south africa, New York and every single place where you guys live on planet earth. You will have your jewish quarter in jerusalem. No one wants you dead, they are not terrorists and are merely fighting for their freedom. Freedom fighters in fact and if you are honest with yourself you know this is the Truth.
Every culture wants freedom to live life as they wish. It is the most basic of human yearnings. Freedom. You will never live in peace until you acknowledge this.
But you need these excuses to justify your expansionist jewish (un)holy land. That dreadful Talmud has poisoned you. If i am not mistaken, it tells you that we (goyim) don’t even have a soul / are the same as animals!? Man your ancestors were soooo lost to write that shit down.
WAKE UP! and smell the sweet cross pollinated flowers my friend. For your own good, not the Palestinians or anyone else.
Good points. Maybe every righteous soul is a freedom fighter
damn i thought i have a very reasonable retort to your comment but alas the Off-G team has decided i have been flooding this thread or something.
(aside to off-g – could you not rather say ‘comment deleted’ (due to flooding or whatever reason you didn’t allow it – it would be interesting for us to see how much you censor…. anyways thanks for your articles and especially the comments section)
ok there it is – Apologies Off-G, after it disappeared as ‘pending’ i thought you guys didn’t allow it. (and i have no problem with censorship, its your website and you will have to live with the consequences of my stern retorts to others comments) – keep up the good work and thanks again!)
The ‘J’ word gets automatic pending.One can use euphemisms but they do get tiring. Anyway I guess they have to filter out the more extreme thoughts. They probably do a good job overall
Thanks, we do try to allow a fair hearing for all views! Unfortunately there’s so much hateful trolling relating to Jews. Some of it is SO unsubtly hateful and SO directly empowers and enables the very agenda they believe they’re uncovering, it trips our irony filter. And that filter unfortunately is a permanent filter. Irreversible. A2
How does your wild claim fit in with the fact that the agricultural core of the Israeli state consists of cultivated areas that were stolen from Palestinians ?I
Hasbara lies.
No such state of Palestine has ever existed.
Just an area named by the Romans I believe.
I am surprised so many commentators on here backing the perpetrators of the unbelievably barbaric acts on October 7.
Israel is fighting for its very survival against Islamists who are committed to killing every Jew alive in that area. Is that what you people support ?
The problem is the most barbaric of these radical Islamists were and are paid, trained and managed by Western and Israeli money and political interests.
Yes I guess it is not very comfortable for an Israeli to live in a so political manipulated hot spot environment too. So this is the real tragic.
This sick 75 old story doesnt really benefit anybody but perverts.
Dear Adams
That we call projection. Just because you and your ilk want to kill every Palestinian and steal their land, as evidenced by the aerial shots of Gaza, it does not mean other people are as depraved as the sick zionist soul.
Please atone for your sinful nature and join the hands with the international community of decent human goodness.
Peace and love.
kind regards,
You do realize, don’t you, that even the Israeli media itself has acknowledged that many of these “unbelievably barbaric acts on October 7” were committed by the IDF against Israeli citizens?
It is hard not to agree with your conclusion that “Israel is fighting for its very survival….” The key term here is “fighting.” Israel is “fighting” everyone it even remotely considers an enemy. So, yes, a nation cannot be “fighting” all its neighbors without putting its survival in jeopardy.
Added to that, the Greater Israel project seeks to incorporate territory from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and (all of) Jordan into itself. Not much of a Good Neighbor Policy, is it?
Israel doesn’t generally fight anyone.
Subservient neighbors and those who’d be better off observing their own territory. Hardly a fight for that Promised Land that suffices.
And who needs dry unirrigated land, devoid of any moral rectitude or substance or flowers. The ‘Mahdi’ may prove to be Jesus after all. What then?
So fighting who precisely? Against inevitable destiny … if so you can keep it
Palestinian nationalism only started as a reaction to Israeli nationalism. There were never any cries for a Palestinian State prior to that. They’d had centuries to do so under the Ottoman Empire and yet failed completely.
“Palestinian nationalism only started as a reaction to Israeli nationalism”
And political Zionism, a form of Jewish nationalism, started as a reaction to European antisemitism, and was influenced by European nationalism.
“There were never any cries for a Palestinian State prior to that”
And, so it’s ok to slaughter them ? What’s your point ?
“They’d had centuries to do so under the Ottoman Empire and yet failed completely”
And Jewish people had longer, but also failed, until 1948..
In fact zionism cultivated so called “anti-semitism”, they were in cahoots with the little mustache-boy, he was actually their bouncer and when he was useless to their cause they dumped him and warmed up to their new best friend the guy from georgia
“No such state of Palestine has ever existed”
Nor was there a nation state of Israel until 1948.
“Just an area named by the Romans I believe”
Sort of, although there some references to it in pre-Roman times by the likes of Herodotus.
“Israel is fighting for its very survival”
Again, sort of. Bibi is fighting for his survival.
“Islamists who are committed to killing every Jew alive in that area”
Almost, but you forgot to mention the involvement of secular groups, like PFLP, and omitted the crucial part about how Jewish Israelis are colonizers and Israel being built on Palestinian dispossession.
Hasbara lies.
There is nothing new under the sun. What happened before had already happened, and what happen today will happen again in the future.
But when all is said it was the Roman’s who made the final decisive battle against the historical biblical line of the tribe who was called Jews:
The siege by Nebuchadnezzar led to the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem (587 BC).
Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) Part of the First and decisive Jewish–Roman War and
Destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (73 CE), a major rebellion against Roman rule in the province of Judaea.
So, the Palestinians is not the only group who has suffered, being killed and driven out of Jerusalem and areas around.

Just saying that…… because it should be equal. Equal shit on both sides of the fences.
Don’t forget the Jebusites, who inhabited Jerusalem before being killed or driven out. Don’t forget either that what happened millennia ago was standard practice throughout the known world as one tribe drove another from their territory and took it over.
And though similar atrocities still occur, the current ethnic cleansing of an entire territory – Palestine – by Israelis is without precedent in the modern era (save perhaps for the Turkish genocide of Armenia in 1915-16).
Agree, its absurd. I never fully understood the reason, but most of London’s straight lines on the world map are absurd too. So, one more puzzle to the others.
I challenge you to look up Black September of 1970 in Jordan. Behold what happened to those oh so peace loving palestinians who sought to usurp and take over Jordan. Tell me how many of them were massacred before they fled. Tell me why Egypt doesn’t want palestinians in its land. Tell me why Egypt has a wall on its border as high as the ones in Israel. Tell me what nationality was Yasser Arafat, the ‘head and father’ of the palestinian people back in the day?
Why did King Hussein of Jordan say “Jordan is Palestine”?
I challenge you to look up the role of the PLO in Jordan in 1970, and see how their arab brothers and kinsmen treated them before calling Israel out for genocide.
How myopic we are.
Black September – Wikipedia
“I challenge you to look up Black September of 1970 in Jordan. Behold what happened to those oh so peace loving palestinians who sought to usurp and take over Jordan. Tell me how many of them were massacred before they fled. Tell me why Egypt doesn’t want palestinians in its land. Tell me why Egypt has a wall on its border as high as the ones in Israel”
Well, for a start, both Jordan and Egypt are comprador regimes.
“Tell me what nationality was Yasser Arafat, the ‘head and father’ of the palestinian people back in the day?”
He was Egyptian, and what ? Netanyahu and Ben-Gurion are of Polish heritage, and Golda Meir was Ukrainian.
“Why did King Hussein of Jordan say “Jordan is Palestine”?”
Why would the ruler of a comprador regime be pro-Palestinian ?
“I challenge you to look up the role of the PLO in Jordan in 1970, and see how their arab brothers and kinsmen treated them before calling Israel out for genocide”
Palestinians are well aware of what went down in 19070s Jordan.
“I challenge you to look up Black September of 1970 in Jordan. Behold what happened to those oh so peace loving palestinians who sought to usurp and take over Jordan. Tell me how many of them were massacred before they fled. Tell me why Egypt doesn’t want palestinians in its land. Tell me why Egypt has a wall on its border as high as the ones in Israel”
Because both Egypt and Jordan are comprador regimes. Also, why should Palestinians live outside of their homeland, Palestine ?
“Tell me what nationality was Yasser Arafat, the ‘head and father’ of the palestinian people back in the day?”
He was Egyptian, and what ? Netanyahu and Ben-Gurion are of Polish heritage, and Golda Meir was Ukrainian.
“Why did King Hussein of Jordan say “Jordan is Palestine”?”
Why would the leader of a comprador regime say anything remotely pro-Palestinian ?
“I challenge you to look up the role of the PLO in Jordan in 1970, and see how their arab brothers and kinsmen treated them before calling Israel out for genocide”
What went down in 1970s Jordan isnt news to Palestinians. You really think your doing something there but just come across as foaming at the mouth.
And you know this how?
From a variation of sources, cross checked, the Bible, Wiki, old scriptures, history books, museums.
I already told you old boys, you cant touch this:
Israel is anything but an “Apartheid State” for starters.
Arab citizens of Israel are not forced to live separately from Jewish citizens. Arab citizens of Israel have the same rights as Jewish citizens. Arab citizens of Israel can be anything they want in Israel — doctors, lawyers, soldiers, police officers, members of the Supreme Court, and politicians. Many Arab citizens of Israel join the IDF. Nearly 20 percent of students at Israeli universities are non-Jewish, Arab citizens, and Israel has devoted considerable efforts to increase that number.
Arabs are allowed to vote in the Knesset. Knesset, unicameral parliament of Israel and supreme authority of that state. The 120-member Knesset is elected every four years under a system that provides for proportional representation for even quite small political parties. Voters (age 18 or older) choose among national lists of candidates (21 or older) offered by political parties and groups.
In fact, some 20% of Israel’s 10 million citizens are Israeli Arabs, full equal citizens.
Now the other unpalatable fact is that Arabs abandoned the land during 1947 to May 1948, it was by those who had heeded broadcasts to leave Mandatory Palestine/Israel while the war was going on, assured that they would soon return with the victorious Arab armies. They had hoped to benefit, but it didn’t turn out that way because they lost the war.
Keep coming with the “unpalatable” facts. They’re marvellously entertaining.
The trouble with “unpalatable” facts is that they often exist nowhere but on paper. They sometimes fall under the rubric of Propaganda.
These “full equal (Arab) citizens” have of late been denied entry into the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount – but Israelis enjoy free access.
Arab citizenship is not the same as Arab identity. Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank are not citizens of Israel.
In 1948 750,000 Palestinians were forcefully expelled from their homes in what is called the Nakba. This was not voluntary on the part of the Palestinians.
By refusing to accept Gaza and the West Bank as a sovereign nation, Israel in effect is calling those territories part of Israel – yet no resident of either Gaza or the West Bank is a citizen of Israel. This looks a bit like an Apartheid State.
It is apartheid, de-facto and de-jure, too.
I hope you got hasbara money
Native Africans were allowed in parliament in Rhodesia, but the white minority still ruled, and oppressed the natives. What’s your point ?
Here’s an interesting notion about Zionist and illegal settler Jews, namely that, without absolving those involved in the genocide and their helpers, even they are mere useful idiots for the ruling oligarchs, who have divided and ruled over humanity for millennia. The ultimate goal is the much discussed one totalitarian rule over all of us, the great reset.
Dont worry. The little hobbit and gollum will save us all….in the end.
I don’t know about the veracity of the claim the Ashkenazim would accept Palestinians and Arabs into “Israel” if they practiced Judaism because there are numerous groups who have legitimate claims as practitioners of Judaism who even when they were allowed to enter, were dogged out and viciously discriminated against by the Khazars. The Ethiopians who call themselves Beta Israel also known as Ethiopian Jews is one example. They are not the only ones, the African Hebrew Israelites a sect from America who relocated to Israel decades ago have been threatened with deportation numerous times.
Familiarize yourselves with the Talmud and you will discover these are merely two examples of the rabid racism and fanaticism of the Ashkenazim in their own words. They despise all other ethnic and religious groups even when they practice a form of Judaism that is older then theirs’.
Who paid for Chartwell?
Freedom of Speech, Secularism, and Islam: A Conversation with Sadia Hameed
A discussion between two ex-Muslim atheists.
What about Ken Livingstone’s freedom of speech?
Or Tony Greensteins and Ali Abunimahs ?
Sadly this knowledge will never be published by the big media as it would end the rule of so many (nazi) governments. How is this madness possible, allowed and ongoing? At leadt Trump confirmed very fast to be a true nazi and despote and a tie wearing slave puppet of the one percent. This will be the end of America and Israel within max 20 years.
Nice picture, trumped liberty statue remix?
Thanks Mr Curtin , a very fine Essay as always , One is left almost incredulous at the degree of censorship which appears synchronized at a Global Level around the Issue of what has been done to Gaza recently ( and as we know since the embargo on Gaza in 2006 , drastic genocidal tactics have been employed against them) it really is perplexing that 1) every Western Country has been on board and actively participating through armaments , Logistics etc.. 2 ) a seeming sychronization just like We saw in the Scamdemic, those very Same Countries are putting in place draconian Hate Laws designed to stifle criticism , and destroy by targeting them as Anti Semitic , any one who makes the mildest criticism beggars belief …Some One i know who teaches at one of the most prestigious Universities in Sydney Australia , is just about to be Investigated and is in fear for their Job for making the most innocuous almost banal comment ( supporting the rights of pro Palestinian Demonstrators to merely Demonstrate , peaceably ! .. wow thats it .. Making a mere mundane comment or simple statement of Fact is enough to lead to a witch hunt or Star Chamber … And i have a few derranged Australian Maga Cultist friends who Believe Donald Trump really is going to “End Censorship” despite his avowed intention to tighten Laws relating to ill defined “Anti Semitic Hate Crimes” … Our World has truly gone awry … I just want to wake up back in the late 70’s …ok ok Mum i’ll wear the white Flare Pants… .Anything… just Get Me out of Here!… .
Donald Trump is going to end censorship globally they say !! … By what ? mass surveillence of every living individual in their very own digital bubble 24,7….( Pace Larry Ellison)… …..Husker Du -Data Control 1980….
“Data Control”
Husker Du
“Data Control”
A nine digit number
For every living soul
That is all they talk about
At Data Control
They know everything about you
Keeping secrets is too hard
Your life is all recorded for you
In holes punched in computer cards
Data Control (digital readout)
Data Control (perforated feedout)
Data Control (microfilm files)
Data Control (1984 style)
A multinational corporation
A stockholder’s dream
A nightmare of diversity
A defense system so supreme
Too technical to talk about
Too complex for layman’s brains
It’s enough to make you paranoid
Or drive you crazy losers sane”
THNX man!
A gem from the early eighties!
Husker du data control – YouTube
What makes this tragedy even worse is that the Zionists are pursuing a delusion and that the Israelis are gathered there as sacrificial victims.
Thank you Mr Curtin, I have managed to purchase the book online.
On the same subject, I’d recommend the interview on UKColumn with Stephen Sizer:
Christian Zionism: Its origins, goals, and influence—with Stephen Sizer | UKColumn
This Stephen Sizer?
You are with the wrong crowd pal. That canard doesn’t work here.
Off topic,
Here are your words for today, both items from your ever informative Graud:
“Recently, a group of world-leading scientists called for a halt on research to create ‘mirror life’ microbes amid concerns that the synthetic organisms would present an ‘unprecedented risk’ to life on Earth. Ian Sample tells Madeleine Finlay about why this work initially seemed exciting for scientists and what the risks of it continuing could be. And Kate Adamala, assistant professor of genetics, cell biology and development at the University of Minnesota, describes what made her change her mind about pursuing her own research on mirror cells”
“In a case of life imitating art, a 100-metre-wide asteroid has triggered global planetary defence procedures for the first time, after telescope observations revealed it had a chance of colliding with Earth in 2032. To find out what happens now and how worried we should be, Ian Sample hears from Richard Binzel, a professor of planetary sciences at MIT and inventor of the Torino scale, which is used to categorise the threat posed by objects such as asteroids and comets”
Scary stuff. “Life imitating art”? Well who would have thought that would happen?
Note also MIT. One of the most notable spook centres for the mighty Western Hammer Horror juggernaut.
Sorry, should have pointed out that the “life imitating art” reference referred to that biting “docu-drama” Don’t Look Up.
SF and religions have covered such dangers and more. E.g., fake medicines, boosted pathogens (largely duds so far), synthetic DNA, nano-machines, AI. The richest investors continue the financing, and the scientists proudly report their findings. I almost wish an asteroid would resolve all this.
Liri Albag returns after 477 days of kidnap:
“Unfortunately, there are two million terrorists in Gaza. Two million terrorists. Liri was kept in civilian homes, and even the little children—they’re part of it. It’s not just the ones in uniforms with green headbands. The so-called uninvolved civilians are deeply involved.”
Two million and even the little children? Ah so they’re not really ever indulging in day to day living! The kids are only pretending to be kids. When playing games they are really secretly making bombs. When going yo the toilet,they are sneaking out a hidden door into those infamous tunnel cities to strap on machine guns. Even their “school clothes” are saturated in antisemitic poison!
More from Liri:
“Freed hostages’ mothers say daughters kept diaries during 477 days in captivity; one says she would’ve looked like emaciated captives released last week had she been set free earlier”
“Would’ve looked like” … those fiendish Arabs deliberately fed them up to make them look healthy!
Yep, she’s definitely not been briefed on what to say by any Israeli intelligence personnel. The Israeli state is allowing all former hostages to freely speak.
I’d say that the prime mover and instigator here is not so much Zionism as it Petroleism.
Is this book by Thomas Suarez available in Audible format? Book is not listed on Amazon at all; none of Mr. Suarez’ books are. Also, is Off Guardian available in Audible format? Hope so… Thanks much.
That’s because they are subject to neither editorial or legal review. No publisher and no decent website will touch this kind of noxious lunacy.
just out of curiosity, any takers here for the dreaded One-State Solution?
One Jewish state for 22 Arab Muslim states: fair ratio?
Woke no: 23 Arab Muslim states!!!!
When you throw around words like ‘woke’ for everything you disagree with, it ends up losing meaning, a bit like these terminally online sjw types who want to stretch the meaning of a woman, or people who argue that antisemitism is everywhere at all times. The original terms then become to amorphous and mean nothing.
Yes, but it is pending . . . . . raw woke nerve
A one state solution is the only way forward. Without question. All this nonsense of 2 states has gone on for long enough now. It was always a lie from the beginning. A stalling tactic while the ‘Herenvolk’ got their 1 ton bombs lined up.
1 vote for every man & woman . What is this horseshit about a special class of people that deseve special treatment?
Pathetic to even consider 2 states. How can the horror that that is ‘israel’ possibly be allowed to exist?
( not that i have any delusions anymore that democracy actually exists on a nation states level.
Its always been bent by the parasites towards the godlike image they see in the mirror.
I am still an idealist even though i recognised the brutal (relative) truth ( not Absolute Truth ![buddhism]) that a yank once concluded to me over many games of chess,
The “strong’ do what they will, the weak do what they must)
Did anton levay come up with that? 😉
Damn herenvolk type thinking if you ask me…that will end in tears for the brutes.
Upon reflection, a one state solution is insufficient. A good start no doubt but in order to rectify certain vulgarities of the britsh empire, i now will advocate for Greater Palestine. Stage 2 should be to absorb the British cardboard cutout that is currently ‘Jordan’ (should the majority of the people resident there wish)
In the current paradigm one state is the only reasonable solution, therefore it is not talked about much in the upside-down world.
But it wouldn’t solve the problem of apartheid. It wouldn’t denazify millions of jews in israhell. Outside pressure is needed for this, something that is very unlikely today when america first (after israhell) reigns.
Even formal end of apartheid wouldn’t mean much. Look at South Africa, apartheid is past (Appearance), but social discontent is still enormous (Substance). Until Appearance is more important than Substance there will be no peace.
No it would not solved the problem of apartheid but i think you misconstrue structural / political apartheid (totalitarian ie forced, at the point of a gun / legislated) with economic apartheid and social apartheid.
Political apartheid i object to in the strongest possible way. But that is due to its totalitarian nature.
A small group of people telling the majority you MUST do this or that. Who the f*&K are the insipid weak minded bullies? (As Carlos Castaneda called them petty tyrants)
That too was my main objection against the scamdemic and the subsequent fracturing of society into our respective digital gulag bubbles. In horror most of my friends became these petty tyrants and to this day we are no longer ‘on a level’. Even in early 2024 an old ‘friend’ was waving his little finger at me, “people like YOU killed ….so and so. I have taken 4 MRNA shots and i am fine. They gave the Nobel prize to the inventors of the MRNA shot just to fuck with you conspiracy theorist etcetc ” So now too i have given up on them. As you wish mofo…. but i go off topic.
The social discontent in South Africa (i live here) is 99% economic. As you may know we have a political party called the Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) The leader Julius Malema is pretty racist though. He often bangs on about
WhiteMonopoly Capital which is mostly correct. Its not because of ‘white’ people but the way capitalism has been design. To create oligarchs. Ramaphosa is a billionaire.It is also due to corrupt incompetent ‘leadership’, cadre deployment to key positions (not merit based) , BEE (which has some merit if it was done in a truly fair way, ie not giving the business to their oligarch pals) etc….but again i go off topic….
To return to your point. Is there a colour blind society in SA, no and probably never will be. Will there be a culturally / religiously blind society in the inevitable, ….eventually….., single state of Palestine. No. It is a natural feature of humans and the wider natural world in general. Thus we have the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’.
The jews will naturally group together, as they have always done. As we all do. Those of similar mind will congregate. Even today in SA i can immediately pick up the accent of a jew. (IMO they do insulate themselves too much i must say, but hey as they wish)
(i lived for a few years in australia and i hardly saw an aboriginal besides the odd dude playing a didge for the tourists or an odd drunk in a town square. From my understanding they have imposed apartheid on themselves in NE Aus because they see contemporary society as an illusion, the great deception and to be avoided at all cost for their own spiritual well being)
But to create a legislated festering ghetto (with 1 tonne bombs at the ready) for themselves in west Asia is beyond the pale. and that supremacist zionist ideology of theirs…., their self labeling as ‘gods chosen people’ with special rights is FUBAR. Their occupation now of Syria and in Lebanon. Their imminent attack on iran, their false flag of 9/11 to destroy iraq / Afghanistan, their terrorist proxies ISIS, al nusra etc needs to be brought to heel. ‘Israel’ is a filthy expansionist petty empire for the zionist jews. Fuck that and fuck them who think like that.
THEY MUST LIVE AS A MINORITY IN GREATER PALESTINE. On this point will become a (benign) dictator.
Those who don’t like it can create a ghetto for themselves in New York or silicone valley or somewhere else.
In south africa, thank the heavens that this is the case. We may not have become a rainbow bland gray mass of integration yet, but i am not sure this is realistic or even desired.
Ol’ Winnie should not be bandying about such denigrating metaphors, particularly inasmuch as he himself might very justly be compared to a filthy rabid cur, perhaps a pit bull would be the breed that first comes to mind on viewing pictures of the man in his later years
that notwithstanding, the point he makes is perfectly valid really, and strikes at the heart of a lot of inane reductive nativist rhetoric which fills the blathosphere these days
is the plan really to discredit hubristic Zionist we-were-here-first claims with other, competing we-were-here-first claims?
just from a strictly ethical standpoint, someone was always living somewhere before whoever happens to be living there now, screaming about their deep ancestral ties to this or that patch of soil
this kind of argument leads nowhere
that Israelis constructed a fictitious national identity out of whole cloth, down even to the creative linguistic concoction, modern Hebrew, that is their official native tongue, obviously casts a shadow on their assertions of ancient authenticity, but it seems to me that the other side in the conflict is guilty of similar disingenuous PR moves, trumpeting a unified “Palestinian” cultural heritage that’s equally bogus
Sometimes being fair and objective amounts to being unfair and subjective. Like when it’s overlooked that the comparison between the Israeli and Palestinian claim to the Levant completely ignores the fact that the Palestinians were already living there when European Jews were sent there by European Zionists.
Culture is not synonymous with advanced civilization. Any society, however “primitive,” creates its own culture. And the longer a people have lived in a given location, the more pronounced that culture becomes. So it’s not a “disingenuous PR move(s)” to refer to the Palestinian culture as a cultural heritage.
The “other side” does not have to prove anything to fiendish vermin.
around the time of the Suez crisis also it seems Israeli stormtroopers carried out extensive raids in Gaza to root out security threats and generally spill a lot of blood, in the spirit of the more recent “lawn-mowing” operations our generations have witnessed
that apologists can still justify that sort of violence as a viable strategy for establishing lasting security in the region, after seven decades of ever worsening insecurity, is dismaying
I’m not sure Jews from, for instance, Ethiopia would agree with the characterization of their “welcome” in Israel as particularly “generous”, as the reality I’ve heard about is that such ethnic outsiders, regardless of their religious affiliation, suffer discrimination there
Some of them went back or were sent back.
Because yesterday they turned 10, one of the best things about our website, because I more or less somehow feel like I’m little part of it, of the comment box, is that it pays attention to a lot of things that aren’t addressed elsewhere, and that not only are a lot of facts shown, but they’re shown in their entirety, with the connection that exists between them. For example, when talking about Russia, a picture is presented that not excludes the most recent developments there, which exclude them elsewhere. To make a more accurate account of ourselves. So on Israel-Palestine and Zionism, here we have an article that covers one aspect well, and a week ago there was another one that covered another aspect of the problem. And readers can approve, add or dispute something.
This is the basis of the unique for Off-G consideration of the mentioned situation with Russia, which is happening here on the basis of more facts, on the basis of which readers are given the opportunity to form a more complete opinion. If we don’t do that, if we don’t apply this more comprehensive review to everything, including Israel-Palestine, instead of focusing on one part, repeating someone’s propaganda line, then what facts are we talking about?
There was no “repetition of Russian propaganda, which is more noble than the repetition of Western propaganda” (adding that, in my opinion, for some time there has been no Russian and Western propaganda at all on the decisive issues for the future) and there was no pretense, as it happens elsewhere, that it does not matter what they did there during the plandemic and what plans they have for the future. Therefore, those who are interested had the opportunity to form an opinion based on more info and see that there is much more behind the “enmity” to think about. It must be the same with everything else, if it is not, then something is wrong.
I don’t mean some nonsense, such as “let’s look at the other point of view and weigh; Let’s also take into account the zionist point of view.” Just to clarify, because it sounds like I’m saying something like that. At all I don’t care about the zionists.
I mean to look at the “what else” section of the resistance: what else do they support; what else do they consider to be a fact; Leaving aside anti-zionism (or “opposition to zionist actions, plans…”, if you like), what is the coincidence or difference between theirs and ours “what else” (although, of course, we are not a homogeneous group, but for them, for the pro-Palestinian media, it can be said that there are one or two very homogeneous groups united in certain views).
But it’s just a dream; nonsense, of course, “looking for a calf under the ox”, while the case is very clear – building their state on apartheid, the zionists are committing a brutal genocide against the inhabitants of Gaza, while confidently walking the path to the realization of Greater Israel (and many more – the end game on a global scale) with a key assistant Donny Jab Trump. And the anti-zionist and anti-genocide resistance against them is completely legitimate and without remark, there is nothing more to see here, the case is closed.
There is nothing third, there are no absurd assumptions about the “continuation of the “multipolar part of the great reset”, which began with the project “proxy war/resistance for traditional values and sovereignty against American hegemony” (a resistance that the brave Mr. Putin, born on October 7, led), which was a continuation of the “global coronavirus pandemic” (a kind of opening salvo of the final phases of the long plan of the nwo)..
What nonsense. This already really sounds like conspiracy theorizing against the background of an absolutely clear case.
(The Ukrainian proxy war was the same perfectly clear case with a plethora of facts about the background of the conflict proving its legitimacy (in opposition to the silly conspiracy theories about “a false war, part of a great reset”, probably spread by CIA agents to divert attention from America’s obvious guilt, as the now doubts about the legitimacy of the Israel-Gaza case, “is it part of a great reset?”, they are spread by the mossad hasbara army of trolls in order to divert attention from Israel’s guilt and their genocide over Gaza). Mr. Curtin himself has a number of good articles on the background and current development of the ukrainian conflict. And there, regarding Ukraine (USA)-Russia, there is also nothing more to see.)
Don’t listen to me, I’m just babbling stuff
And the fury unleashed against Ken Livingstone becomes more understandable. He dared to uncover some of this so our Zionist monitors had to send “the boys” in right away.
Wealth and authority in the hands of autocrats who believe themselves superior and privileged to always have more, continues to drive crisis in human societies. European Westerns “leaders” have been terrorizing the world to bully more for itself since Alexander. As long as human culture accepts the Exceptional Parent leadership model to decide for Humanity, crisis like this will continue to exist all over the world, as they do now. Only a shift in consciousness and practical reality, to collective problem solving and consent based decision making, will bring us to an adult occupation of Earth that best serves the social needs of Humanity. Rejection of the “leader” model is the key. Evolution of the rich empowered by advancing virtualizing technological totalitarianism, is the end of the human experiment. It is the trap where the elite have misdirected us.
Without continuing US/Western economic hegemony over world human culture, Trump’s “winning”, we would not see continuance of, to scale, violent conflict. Whether the Doctrine of Discovery, the enclosure movement or Roman style arrogance, there is no excuse for 80 million to drive 8 billion human to the brink. We can do better than that.
Thank you, Mr. Curtin, you and Mr. Suarez for this excellent view, which unequivocally proves that Israel has built an apartheid state, and prepares for much more.
Israel’s inhuman, cold-blooded actions, when described accurately and clearly, as here, should serve as a litmus test of conscience, because the heart that does not tremble with horror when reading this is obviously overwhelmed by everything else, but also by human empathy and the pursuit of justice.
Zionist arrogance has no limits, they use literally everything to show not only their superiority to the Palestinians, but also that they are “second-class people” and even subhumans (there are a number of such public statements on the Zionist side).
They even brazenly play with people’s health at a convenient opportunity; I am referring to one particular particularly horrific case, Mr. Curtin, which experts and conscientious media define as Apartheid, and not only pro-Palestinian (understand – normal media, based on showing facts), but even the Western mainstream could not call anything other than what it is – apartheid.
This glaring case, in his time, which was recent, gained notoriety, but over time it faded and seemed to almost disappear from the horizons of people who defend the truth, people from alternative media – both authors and ordinary commentators like us here. Therefore, for some time I have been trying to awaken and keep people’s memory of this brazen apartheid alive, but, alas, I do not have your talent and eloquence to be able to arouse the necessary attention. Here’s what I’m talking about (these are excerpts from only two articles, but there are many, practically almost everywhere, that unfortunately no one reads anymore):
Time, January 15, 2021
“Israel Is Leading the World in COVID-19 Vaccination. But Palestinians Aren’t on the List
Israel, which has already vaccinated more than 2 million of its citizens, is ramping up COVID-19 shots to 250,000 per day, meaning most Israelis over the age of 16 are on track to have two doses by the end of February.
But even as the country wins plaudits for the world-leading pace of its vaccine rollout, its government is facing rising criticism for excluding millions of Palestinians from the program.
Not included, however, are more than 4.5 million Palestinians living under Israel’s direct or indirect military control in the West Bank and Gaza.
Israel has a “duty” to vaccinate Palestinians, the Palestinian Authority said in a statement it released on Jan 10. Not doing so constitutes “racial discrimination against the Palestinian people and a denial of their right to healthcare.”
In a Jan. 14 statement, The UN’s body for human rights also called on Israel to ensure swift and equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine for the Palestinian people, in accordance with its responsibilities as an occupying power under the Geneva Convention.”
Jerusalem post, January 10, 2021
“PA: Israel responsible for providing vaccine to Palestinians
Meanwhile, the PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Israel, as an “occupying power,” was obliged to provide vaccines to the Palestinians.
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates affirms the duties of Israel, the occupying power, to provide vaccines against the coronavirus to the Palestinian people, at a time when it provides these vaccines to its own citizens,” the statement read.
It warned that if Israel ignores its “duties,” this would be regarded as “racial discrimination against the Palestinian people and a denial of their right to healthcare.”
Foundation for Middle East Peace, April 7, 2021
“Medical Apartheid”: COVID Vaccinations Under Occupation
Experts are aptly describing the situation as “medical apartheid.”
And so on – just type “vaccine apartheid in Gaza”, or by more relevant keywords, and the search engine will show you hundreds of articles; if your search engine is censored, just visit anyone, or all, of the real media outlets that reveal the reality of Zionist crimes and genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, type in “vaccine apartheid,” and you’ll find dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of articles about this ugly crime.
We should not forget and remain silent about this crime during the deadly coronavirus pandemic caused by the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, because tomorrow, where we live, it could happen to us and someone else to leave us without life-saving covid vaccines!
My request is, Mr. Curtin, would you also commit to reminding readers of this apartheid in order to keep the memory alive? Write a series of articles, or at least one, or mention it from time to time, along with describing the other horrific Zionist crimes? Or at least once you to mention it – as terrible as it is. Would you undertake to do it?
Oh look, a Normie Sheeple with its “deadly coronavirus pandemic” and “vaccine apartheid”, not of one of Todd Hayen’s Shrews at all, a real vaxx-tard , in fact.
Go and read “Turtles all the way down” and similar, such as Denis Rancourt, and check what Stanley Plotkin just said, before you come back here with your fear-mongering, Germ Theory allopathic delusions.
I’m just listening to the words of only proven authorities and healers in the field of treating deadly viruses, like your great leader and leader of your movement Make Abraham Great Again, Mr. Donald Jab Trump
Lol, Normie Sheeple, lol. A military setting – such as a fierce battle against the democratic deep state for the future of the nation – often leads to side effects such as a loss of understanding of satire, Comrade Jenner. Were you absent from the comments under Michael Lesher’s recent article? (I said what it was about there, I repeat here because I am looking for answers.) And have you forgotten my “subtle satire” of the nano-bio stuff, which you appreciated? Or were you angry that I wasn’t so kind to answer you? I did it, though, it’s just that the answer was in the process of meticulous moderation due diligence, now it’s available, check it out (nothing particularly simple answer with a bit of intelligence spice for comrade Ehret).
And, in the end, apart from all this, I am convinced that you well understand the problems raised in my comment from which you were indignant:
-why does the Palestinian Authority itself, which, as it and pro-Palestinian media, observers and commentators claim, protects its people from Israel’s genocidal incursions, repeating a needle-to-thread plandemic narrative from the entire mainstream, accuses Israel of failing to take care to provide the same people in Palestine with “covid vaccines” that, according to the widely shared opinion in almost the entire alternative media space, are genocidal?
Later, the Palestinian Authority ordered these “life-saving” “vaccines” (Pfizer, Moderna) on its own, including under the noble Covax initiative, led by the GAVI and CEPI. And what did Israel do, which is most eager to purge these Palestinians from Gaza?
-Israel, which wants to genocidize Gaza and is widely alleged to be constantly doing so, slowly, little by little, until October 2023, when, as is widely alleged, a genocidal assault was launched, instead of launching deliveries of genocidal covid vaccines, and therefore to be applauded both by the entire Western mainstream and authorities, and at least congratulated by the Palestinian authorities and pro-Palestinian media and observers (who, let us recall, they repeat the whole plandemic narrative of “a deadly pandemic and the need for life-saving covid vaccines”), and as a consequence, quite legally the inhabitants of Gaza to be mowed down by disability, death and infertility, which can simply be attributed to “a deadly covid wave that, despite vaccination, brutally swept Gaza”…instead, Israel for a whole year – during which it “vaccinated” its own population “the best in the world”, they were number one, “Pfizerland”, you remember – did not allow the supply of these genocidal vaccines.
I fall down with laughter and roll. And even more so, when, as soon as I raise the issue here and there, either everything quickly passes after a miniature interest, or I get astonishing answers (such as that “Israel is so used to deception that it is mentally degenerate and believed in the story “safe and effective”, something like that, and therefore thought that it was doing bad to the Palestinians (by not saving them from the evil covid with vaccines)…
…If so, then Israel gave its own population the real deal, and they vaccinated the fastest and most in the world, they were the first. Where are the victims? How many are there? I’m falling down with laughter, I told you.
…If they knew (which is most likely, about 100%), then why didn’t they give the genocidal vaccines to Gaza? And then they would be virtuous heroes because of that. I’m falling…
Why is that, comrade Jenner? What’s the catch? So: ask the authorities in Palestine, ask the pro-Palestinian media, and ask Israel – they, not me, are hiding the answers to these mysterious questions, which I believe I have clarified at least a little to you.
(So, backed including by own quotes of the Palestinian Authority, I ask my extremely simple question in 101 ways to this and that person who talks about Gaza and the genocide, in the hope that someone will answer. Silence, however.)
Who says “vaccine apartheid”? Me or the Palestinian Authority itself, which, as they say, protect their population from genocide, as well as the pro-Palestinian media themselves (and others, and the UN, etc.), which widely cover this alleged genocide? And Israel? Why did he make this “vaccine apartheid” by not allowing deliveries of genocidal vaccines for an entire year, instead of allowing deliveries and being applauded as a savior coming out with clean, noble hands (and accelerated genocide over Gaza)?
(The longer answer is pen ding… to say, in case this one passes quickly. There is also some answer under the bio-nano.)
The place has no ‘official; borders, so it can keep on expending.
But it has an ‘official’ policy:
“It’s mine, i tell yeh, it’s mine !”
“It’s mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine !”** (00.18)
** Also: “What’s yours is mine, too !”
Correction: That should be ‘expanding’, not ‘expending’…
Those are the actions of evil people and not people that are walking in the spirit.
Yes that may well be but those evil people were the representatives for a religion and the holy Roman Empire and were ‘mandated’ to perform evil.
the main reasons Jesus came to earth.
1- To Fulfill the Law-
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17.
2-To Fulfill God’s Plan of Salvation for All People-
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
“But you know that He appeared so that he might take away our sins.” 1John 3:5.
And in Jesus’ own words: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.” Luke 19:10.
Jesus came to do the will of His Father. “I can of myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous; because I don’t seek my own will, but the will of my Father who sent me.” John 5:30b NKJV.
His sacrifice ensures our eternal life- “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.
3-To Bear Witness to the Truth-
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19.
“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:46.
“You are right in saying I am a king. In fact; for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.” John 18:37. Jesus answers clearly; His kingdom was not of this world.
4-To Destroy Satan’s Works- Jesus’ resurrection conquered the power of death and scored a victory over Satan; ending his authority.
“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”1 John 3:8.
“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death- that is, the devil-and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Hebrews 2:14-15.
5-To Give Us an Abundant Life– He came to teach us how to live-
John 10:10b “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
An abundant life brings freedom- “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36.
By His resurrection He becomes a life-giving spirit –
“And so it is written, ‘The first man Adam became a living being.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” – I Corinthians 15:45.
Living abundantly is not about what we have. It’s about what God has blessed us with-
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lod Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3.
Pls note that especially John’s Book had been pointed out among the Pharisees as the only book of the 4 Epistles in the Bible they refuse.
But we who have faith do already know.
Apart from now outdated Whataboutery, your point is?
God speaks to those that seek Him.
God speaks to those who listen, ‘Be still and know that I am God’.
And…God also speaks to him who see.
Open yr eyes and see the Creation I am God and made the day and the night, the sun and the moon, the stars, the seas and the land and everything in it and around it..
We each have individual souls.
Thank you Mr. Curtin for this review. I have already ordered the book you reviewed.
The only other publication I’m aware of which deals with this particular phase of the Zionist takeover of Palestine – “In The Shadow Of the Holocaust” by Yosef Grodzinsky – is not available for purchase. (Perhaps some public library might have it?)
Possibly. If not, easily downloadable here:
In the Shadow of the Holocaust – Yosef Grodzinsky (2004)
What’s its great contribution?
Thank you for the link.
What it supposedly contributes to the entire matter is a historical record showing that European Zionists compelled many European Jews who wished to remain in Europe to emigrate to Israel. This, in turn, gives the lie to the idea that sending Jews to the Levant was a humanitarian gesture. It suggests a geopolitical reason for establishing Israel.
I thought that I’d made a reply of sorts, but it’s possible that it didn’t pass that rigorous censor of thoughts, aka ‘Pending’…?
In The Shadow Of the Holocaust by Yosef Grodzinsky is available on the river, but it will cost you $155. ‘Free to lend’ in PDF format if you know where to look.
A mere 38 uses of ‘Zionism’/’Zionist’ (presumably best read while frothing at the mouth and spitting on the ground). A relatively self-controlled review by anti-Israel hatefest standards.
Given that Israel (the goal of Zionism) is already 76 years old, there would seem to be little need to obsess over such concept. Israel is already there. Check the map. It aint going nowhere.
The Book’s title. ‘Hijacked’. Seriously? Every hijack in modern history has been performed by Arabs. Israel’s only ever involvement in hijacks has been to free those held hostage cf Operation Entebbe/Thunderbolt etc. Clearly a case of Palestinian pot calling an Israeli kettle black (plus white, green, and a red triangle)
An “Apartheid State”. The same State that has 21% Arabs in its population?
The Balfour Agreement? Presumably the same one that the British backtracked on, hoping to make Palestine part of Empire instead. The real reason for Israeli “terrorist” actions.
The Haavara Agreement enabled 60,000 to emigrate to Palestine who otherwise would otherwise have perished in Germany. So was it really so bad? Another 60,000 or so escaped to the US.
One quip from Churchill and a few select quotes from others to be equated with the views of a whole Zionist movement?
No mention of the 1967 war nor any of its consequences. Land-for-peace deals? A significant portion of history seems to have been skipped before October 2023.
No doubt there are many more historical distortions to be discovered in the book itself
When you say Israel “ain’t going nowhere,” don’t you really mean the US proxy “ain’t going nowhere?” Imagine if all of a sudden the Us (and its “allies” to a lesser extent) stopped supporting Israel. That bastion of Biblical impregnability would disappear overnight.
Wow ! You managed to write all that , and not mention the
current genocide being perpetuated in Gaza !! Wow !!
Have you got a version of The History of the USSR that
doesnt mention The Gulag, and the KGB’s Lubyanka torture
prison ?
I lived in the USSR when you didn’t. Didn’t Covid brainwashing teach you anything?
Fleetwood Mac – Secondhand News
Ah ! That explains everything !
But hang-in there, There’ll soon probably be a Safe & Effective Vaxx…
What a non sequitur of a comment.
Upon reflection I’m inclined to agree. A number of my follow-up comments weren’t of the best quality for this thread/article. Should have given them more than half a second’s thought
“Israel ….aint going nowhere.”?
Looks to me like Israel is going everywhere!
Indeed. why not? Let’s broaden the perspective beyond the banal…
Let’s broaden the perspective beyond “the banal” to the viciously bloodthirsty.
Which map should we check??? The one Bibi held up at a conference weeks before October ’23?
History 101:
The Arabs should never have invaded Palestine in the first place (637 AD). It was never their land. The “People of the Book” (hereafter PotB) had reigned quite happily in the “Land of the Bible” (prior to the Romans) for a total of around 1000 years. So if anyone has an indigenous claim to the land, it’s the PotB.
The ‘Zealots’ (those PotB opposed to Roman rule) also had strongholds until around 130AD. And after Constantine (4th century), the Christian Byzantine Empire ruled there until the aforementioned unwarranted Muslim invasion.
Nor should the Arabs have slaughtered so many Christians/PotB in Palestine during the multiple Crusades of the 11th to 13th centuries. The soldiers of Richard the Lion-Heart vs Saladin etc
Not to mention the battles between Arabs and Christians in the land during the Ottoman Empire (Suleiman etc), the battles with the British before the Ottoman Empire fell (1918) and all the subsequent battles of Israel with Arabs for the new nation’s survival (1948+).
So now we have Trump/Netanyahu vs Iran/Hamas/Arabs re Gaza. Nothing really new under the sun.
For a rational view, check out history and you will discover that there is no such thing as “their land” based purely on something once having been occupied by a particular group.
For instance, it would be absurd for the descendants of the Jebusites to come calling and reclaim Jerusalem as “their land” since it was taken from them by the Israelites long ago.
And let’s please not kid ourselves that the Israeli claim to Palestine is actually based on Biblical scripture – that’s merely a fig leaf to make pure unadulterated might look respectable. So, as you rightly say, there is nothing new under the sun.
It was never the Khazers land and eventually they will have to leave and go back to where they came from, which is NOT any part of Palestine
Not entirely sure where you’re coming from. But an up-vote (at least from me) for effort
Many – and I would say way too many – people say that the Khazers (from the Northern Caucasus region) somehow comprise ALL the European Jewish people – therefore ALL the original Israelis. This seems an oversimplification.
The Ashkenazi Jews and their descendants are not from the Middle East. Semites look just like the Palestinians…
Didn’t the “People of the Book” write the book? That’s handy!
They did (in some sense). The point being to be inspired by the right Source.
Got a better non-derivative work. Or is that beyond your scope?
The point being to be inspired by themselves to inflate their own importance to a “transcendent” level thus spuriously legitimising their claim.
Humans have been taking over other people’s lands forever. It was just the way of the world, and natural. But only recently… very recently for our species… we were told we were civilised and should not behave that way.
Once a people (eg Palestinians) have occupied a land for a thousand years, it’s theirs. That’s the only reasonable way to view it.
Anyone (yet again) trying to take that land is an invader, pure and simple. What passed before is irrelevant.
If your argument is that the Js have ownership for ancient reasons, that argument fails because there were different people there even earlier, and those people have even greater claim. It’s a foolish line of reasoning.
The only rational, peaceful approach is to say that once a people have occupied a place for all living memory (100 years or more), it’s theirs, and any attempt to change that is an act of barbarism.
But that’s your real argument, isn’t it? That the Js are SPECIAL, and when they act barbarically it’s okay.
That way of thinking is dying off rapidly. People are wising up.
In para 2 you want a thousand years, in the third-last one you want 100, which is it to be?
Invader, barbarism, barbarically, rational, peaceful, wising up: you really did imbibe well and smugly at your Wokeist primary school 1990-2010, perhaps?
Your “indigenous” activist allies in the USA, Canada, NZ and Australia, never mind RSA as well, will crucify you for the “100 years”.
Looking forward to you, as a presumed barbaric and invading white Anglo paying pro rata reparations to the Neolithic farmers and Western Hunter Gatherers who your Bell Beaker majority ancestors killed off by about 2,000 BC in the UK.
So keep some cash in both hip pockets,because the Neolithic part of your genome also owes reparations to the WHG.
People are wising up, are they? No people are being propagandised into White guilt by globalist corporate media owned by those who want a One World technocracy, cf. David A Hughes, Omniwar.
“The only rational, peaceful approach is to say that once a people have occupied a place for all living memory (100 years or more), it’s theirs, and any attempt to change that is an act of barbarism.”
At first glance you sound reasonable.
What about South Africa?
Although apartheid is formally gone, situation didn’t changed substantially for the majority of black people. Arable land is owned by white farmers who “acquired” it not so long ago. Or long ago enough to not be subjected to anything that might be deemed as barbarism?
No, I’m not pimping white guilt, just pointing out a situation that is not sustainable. If they want peace in SA they will have to change something.
If you break the neck of it, you own it. That has been the rule of all Empires since dawn.
Nebuchadnezzar conquered it and destroyed the first Temple in 587 BC. Hereafter it was his city and his area.
It is that simple! Jerusalem is NOT Sparta.
“The Arabs should never have invaded Palestine in the first place”
Which is the fault of todays Palestinians how ?
“The “People of the Book” (hereafter PotB) had reigned quite happily in the “Land of the Bible” (prior to the Romans) for a total of around 1000 years”
Yet, you completely omit the fact that it was populated prior to, and after, the ‘PotB’ and fail to include how their own origin story places them, or at least their ancestors, as coming from Mesopotamia, not the Levant.
“So if anyone has an indigenous claim to the land, it’s the PotB”
Sure, they have some claim, but considering it was peopled way before their arrival, and after, by different groups, they just can’t have an exclusive claim.
“and all the subsequent battles of Israel with Arabs for the new nation’s survival (1948+)”
Well done for noting it as a “new nation” but shame you try to force it into some sort of long transhistorical narrative of suffering, devoid of any concrete changes.
And what does it say about the millions of dollars in “aid” that the United States gives to the government of Israel every year?
May I make one editorial change to your comment? “Billions of dollars” in place of “millions of dollars.” Thank you.
Thank you, yes. By all means.
Trillions of dollares. Think big Kissinger.
God certainly didn’t write the Bible.
So who did, and for whose benefit did they write it?
I would lay heavy odds that it was written by Jews for the benefit of Jews.
Why should the vast majority of humanity submit to jewish diktat, eh, just because something callled ‘religion’ calls on everyone to dispense with their critical faculties?
James Delingpole wrote the whole think whilst on holiday from his music journalism. He claims all knowledge unto himself and is definitely going to heaven – whilst everybody else can go hang …..
Well if we don’t hang together, we certainly will hang individually.
FYI Christianity is quite on the back foot compared to Islam.
The Kor’an was not written by illiterate Mo, are you suggesting it was created by J*ws?
Their is an argument that it is among the many things the gods did create to help aid, or speed up, evolution.
Other things on the list are naming critters, trees, plants, colors, human body parts, country’s, states, the list is rather extensive for a group of individuals who are supposedly no longer w/us.
The Bible is just words and words are not the truth. There’s as much truth in James Hadley Chase as there is in the Bible…
Okey Okey. One more time we the sheeple are saddling with great expertize and contempt ….. without a horse.
So the world’s most printed and read book, giving birth and fruit to three global religions, first orthodox Judaism, then Christianity and final Islam with billions of followers erecting churches, synagogues and cathedrals all over,………are pure bs.
Okey Okey. You probably never joined a worship on Sunday, and you never read a single sentence in the Bible, am I right? 😂 .
Essential and timely exposé, thanks. Objections 1): the uncritical assumption that Trump is merely a Zionist lapdog. He may in fact be a counterfoil seeking to contain their genocidal quest for lebensraum. 2) the unfair claim that US Christian Zionists offer ‘passionate support for Netanyahu’s war crimes’, when most of them only support ‘Israel’ and are surely brainwashed dupes of Zionist mass media control.
Well, I did read somewhere, and it made sense to me, that back in the day the Zionist Christians were only helping with and encouraging the creation of the state of Israel because they didn’t want Jews coming to America. And they wanted to get rid of the Jews that were here.
Zionist anti-semitism.
I, too. often have read something somewhere, but cant remember
where. It’s a bother. And though i kept many Press cuttings. that
“Where did i read That ?” was never amongst them –
and the internet is no better !!
Well hopefully its not really their gold in Fort Knox.
A recent poll taken in Israel reported over 90% of those polled
supported the removal of Palestinians from Gaza…
There can be no Israel without Israelis, and they are Israel’s
war crimes…
Whattabout the Khazaria story?
It make some sense to me as we can somehow follow their footprints from Rome, Venezia, Holland and finally City of London with filial in NYC.
Pseudo jews, Atheists, Pagans with old anti-human sun rituals as child sacrificing, usury loans, slave and organ trade, money exchange, debt slavery, pedophilia and adultery.
That bundle of post-mortem scribbles regarding the nightmares of a possessed 6th century tribal leader was packed with a lot of negative occult power, later ‘blessed’ with lots of oil & gas.
This to teach us all how irrational sheepish Homo sapiens can be. Look at the EU population believing similar in Covid19, collective guilt, CO2 or Russian invasion stories even in the 21st century.
For as long as you (most ridiculously) still start talking about the “evil Nazis”, you are (far from) standing on your own two feet intellectually. Rather, your “thinking” is (as intended) Jewish, colored by the specifically Jewish point of view that dominates our world, i.e. somewhat to completely distorted, polarized into the negative, redirected.
I think of Nazis and Zionists as being two sides of the same coin. They’re both ‘volk’ movements originating from Europe in the middle to late 19th century and they both preach racial superiority and use it as a justification for suppressing ‘the other’. Both use similar tactics to marginalize these other groups, principally denying the citizenship of unwanted populations and treating them as unwanted, illegal, alien groups fit only for serfdom, menials that service the needs of the master race.
(BTW — The Nazis ‘Final Solution’, i.e. mass murder, was only instituted when it became clear that forced resettlement wasn’t going to work. I’ve yet to see a similar final solution being instituted in the ME but all the other elements of the pogrom such as ghettos track the 1930s closely. I’m pretty sure that a lot of Israelis are aware of this and find it very uncomfortable but like Germans from the 1930s they’re not able to mount an effective opposition, ironically for the same reasons.)
But what you “think” can also be a lie. Have you ever thought about it?
‘Vernichten/Endlosung’, the two indispensable terms. You have to ask yourself, ‘does what is going on in Gaza, the West Bank, Southern Lebanon fall anywhere near these two categories?
Yes, I think it does.
I managed to download (with difficulty) the book, it is very unlikely to find it in any bookstore where I live. I promise to purchase it as hard copy when I find it (not from Amazon) to be sure that the author gets the royalties (or whatever they are called).
It’s surprising that this small group of people (the Z) could manipulate the world for so long, I hope to find some answers in the book. Thank you, Mr. Curtin !
“Vee haf vays of making you believe”
(After all, it worked with religion).
Many are made to believe in the essential evil of religion.
A must-read, though a strong stomach will no doubt be required. I would also recommend Tony Greenstein’s Zionism During the Holocaust, which lays bare the Zionists’ treachery towards their own people while they cooked up Zionism-serving deals with the Nazis.
It was claimed that in Australia, during the early days of World War 2
national politicians had planned to abandon northern Australia –
(The Brisbane Line) – should The Japs invade… Politicians always
make sacrifices… Rumoured was that there was also a ‘Sydney Line’ –
the politicians would continue to sacrifice Aussies, and to retreat,
making their Last Stand in Melbourne…
Thankfully, Wiki has corrected that History, labeling such claims as
disinformation… Our pollies were badly maligned, they would NEVER
sacrifice Australians – except to The Economy…
Very interesting. I’ve ordered two used paperback copies, one as a gift for a friend and one for myself.