The Trilateralist Keir Starmer

Iain Davis

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is seemingly a serving member of the Trilateral Commission. If you check out the most recent Trilateral Commission membership record it lists Starmer as a “Former Member in Public Service.”

In a recent Independent Media Alliance panel I was fortunate to have the opportunity to ask the world’s leading expert on the Trilateral Commission Patrick Wood why “former” members would be listed on the current membership list.

Patrick Wood said:

Unless somebody resigns from the Commission they keep the name of a public servant in a special section below the active members. [. . .] When they get out of office they’re simply moved up the list to the regular list again. [. . .] It supposedly shields them from criticism that, well, they’re not really speaking for the Trilateral Commission. [. . .] What a sham!

Sure enough if, for example, we look at Jake Sullivan, on the 2022 membership list he was serving as the US National Security Advisor and was listed as a “former” member. Yet, on the current list he has full membership as a “recent” former member, i.e., he’s not a “former” member anymore.

I’m not sure how long Triliateralists remain “recent former” members but, if we look at the 2020 list, Ken Juster for instance was a “former” member serving as the US Ambassador to India. On the current list he has transitioned through the “recent former” designation phase to become a regular member again. So it seems the flimflam is maintained for no more than 4 years after a Trilateralist’s so-called public service ceases.

Evidently, Patrick Wood is correct. His current listing as a former member indicates that Keir Starmer has not resigned from the Trilateral Commission. If we assume he is a serving Trilateralist this raises a number of very serious questions.

The Trilateral Commission—founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller—effectively promotes multipolarity. It divides the northern hemisphere into three distinct regions or poles: North American, European, and Asian Pacific. This is practically identical to the regionalised “balance of power” system envisaged by the Rhodes/Milner influenced Anglo-American Establishment prior to WWII.

This theme of regionalisation was pursued by the Rockefellers in the postwar period. In the late 1950’s they determined that the “regional approach has world-wide validity” and that they should “contribute to this [regionalisation] process by constructive action.” The Trilateral Commission was established with that objective, among others, in mind.

It is no coincidence that 1973 was also the year that the Rockefellers’ and European Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD’s) global think-tank, the Club of Rome, published its report proposing a multipolar (regionalised) world titled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System (RAM).

While the RAM report presents a computer model, that divided the world into ten “Kingdoms”—poles—The Club of Rome added a vision statement:

Our efforts in the immediate future will be concentrated on further use of the already developed [Kingdoms] model. [. . .] Implementation of the regional models in different parts of the world and their connection via a satellite communication network [will be] for the purpose of joint assessment of the long-term global future by teams from the various regions [Kingdoms or “poles”]. Implementation of the vision for the future outlined by leaders from an underdeveloped region in order to assess with the model existing obstacles and the means whereby the [multi-Kingdom or multipolar] vision might become a reality.

More recently the World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by Klaus Schwab, has argued the “most likely outcome along the globalization–no globalization continuum lies in an in-between solution: regionalization.”

The global push toward regionalisation—multipolarity—has been ongoing for more than a century. It is the penultimate step prior to full-blown global governance: the ultimate objective.

Membership of the Trilateral Commission would suggest Starmer is a participant in a privately funded think-tank which exercises the Chatham House rule and deliberates on globalist policy initiatives in secret. Because it meets behind closed doors—virtual or physical—we are reliant on its published reports and released documents to piece together what those discussions entailed. It isn’t particularly difficult to do so.

The Trilateral Commission’s Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition seeks to “chart a path” for “governments, businesses, and nonprofit institutions and [define] specific steps they can take to achieve critical common goals.”

What “specific steps” and whose “common goals”?

To this end, the Trilateral Commission promotes fifth stage capitalism:

We are now in the midst of a transition to a new fifth stage of capitalism. [. . .] Entering the fifth stage capitalism, the Trilateral countries should remake education on the scale of the reforms of the 19th and 20th centuries. [. . .] The public and private sectors will need to collaborate to leverage AI to mine insights from vast data sets available through social media, employment firms, and public sources. [. . .] Every person should live and work in a net-zero world by 2050.

Trilateralists contend this vast social engineering project can achieve the desired outcomes through the widespread adoption of fifth stage capitalism-synonymous with stakeholder capitalism—and the associated global public-private partnerships. The Trilateral Commission adds:

Public-private collaboration: Although governments will lead in developing policy, these strategies must be true “whole of society” efforts. Governments should thus also lead in convening a broad array of stakeholders. In many cases, though, other groups—industry associations, nonprofits, academia, and other research institutions—could also play an important role in establishing forums to engage stakeholders.

Stakeholder capitalism was pioneered by Klaus Schwab in the 1970s. In December 2019, Schwab wrote “What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want” where he outlined the stakeholder capitalism concept:

Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.

The legal definition of “trustee” is:

The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.”

The referenced “another” is us, the people. We all apparently agree that private corporations should be invested with the power to administer the nation state. This is the heart of stakeholder capitalism or, as the Trilateralists put it, fifth stage capitalism.

The role and authority of the UK government, under Keir Starmer, is diminished by stakeholder capitalism. While the government supposedly leads policy development, the public-private partnership “whole of society” approach means other private stakeholders can “also” lead. Fifth stage capitalism formally shifts policy development from the public to the private sector.

In 2023, in an infamous interview with former BBC news anchor Emily Maitlis, Starmer was asked who he would prefer to engage with. Was it Davos (the globalists) or Westminster (the UK public’s allegedly democratic parliament)?

Without a moments hesitation, Starmer replied:

Davos. [. . .] Because Westminster is too constrained, it’s closed, and we’re not having meaning [. . .] Once you get out of Westminster, whether it’s Davos or anywhere else, you actually engage with people who you can see working with in the future [fellow stakeholder capitalists]. [. . .] Westminster is just a tribal shouting place

It seems Starmer is not overly interested in parliamentary democracy. This is entirely in keeping with the view held by the Trilateral Commission. In its 1975 Crisis of Democracy report, The Trilateralists observed:

[. . .] democracy is only one way of constituting authority, and it is not necessarily a universally applicable one. In many situations the claims of expertise, seniority, experience, and special talents may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting authority. [. . .] The arenas where democratic procedures are appropriate are, in short, limited. [. . .] Democracy is more of a threat to itself in the United States than it is in either Europe or Japan where there still exist residual inheritances of traditional and aristocratic values. The absence of such values in the United States produces a lack of balance in society which, in turn, leads to the swing back and forth between creedal passion and creedal passivity. [. . .] The vulnerability of democratic government in the United States thus comes not primarily from external threats, though such threats are real, nor from internal subversion from the left or the right, although both possibilities could exist, but rather from the internal dynamics of democracy itself in a highly educated, mobilized, and participant society. [. . .] We have come to recognize that there are potentially desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.

The democratic division of the “the left or the right” and the “external threats,” purportedly posed by foreign nations, are not the most pressing risks as far as the Triliateralists are concerned. The real threat comes from “a highly educated, mobilized, and participant society.” Aristocracy, in the form of authority exercised by experts—Technocracy—is preferable.

The “creedal passion and creedal passivity” of deliberative democracy—or “tribal shouting” as Starmer coins it—leads to a “lack of balance” in the system. Therefore The Limits to Growth, both economic and political, should be set in order to ensure “traditional and aristocratic values” maintain primacy because “democracy is only one way of constituting authority.”

There is no evidence suggesting the Trilateral Commission has changed its opinion. Fifth stage capitalism is a mechanism for “constituting authority” in the hands of a modern corporate aristocracy.

Regardless of whether Starmer is a serving Trilateralist or not, everything he says and everything he does is entirely in keeping with the objectives of the Trilateral Commission.

Blackrock CEO Larry Fink is definitely a serving Trilateralist and he, along with other corporate executives, were the stakeholders invited to advise the UK government’s economic growth policies at a Downing Street board meeting held in November 2024. Of course this is just the visible extent of the “partnership” between the UK government and Blackrock which controls an estimated $11.5T (trillion) in assets. Blackrock’s asset portfolio has nearly three times the monetary value of Britain’s entire annual GDP—according to the World Bank and the OECD.

The Financial Times reported that this meeting supposedly prompted Starmer’s Labour government to “overhaul British [financial] regulators” and commit to establishing “a new unit in the UK Treasury” to “co-ordinate this work across government.” It is obvious who will benefit from financial deregulation. “Growth” doesn’t mean what we think it means in the minds of Trilateralists like Fink.

The evidence clearly indicates that Starmer, alongside Fink, is also a serving member of the Trilateral Commission and did not resign from it when he became the UK’s prime minister. With regard to this apparent oversight, the Ministerial Code is very clear:

[. . .] on appointment to each new office, ministers must provide a full declaration of private interests which might be thought to give rise to a conflict with the minister’s public duties. [. . .] The list [of interests] includes affiliations with charities and non-public organisations [. . .] relevant to their ministerial portfolio or the broader work of their department. [. . .] The list includes other interests which could have relevance to a minister’s specific ministerial responsibilities and broader work in government.

Starmer’s declared interests are that he is the Honorary Vice President of the Civil Service Sports Council and an Honorary Fellow of St Edmund Hall at the University of Oxford. There is no mention of his evident affiliation with the Trilateral Commission. Indeed, any mention of his Trilateralist links, active or not, are almost completely absent from the legacy media—hardly surprising.

If he is a serving Trilateralist, Starmer’s lack of candour would not be anything new. Due to its deep links to the intelligence agencies, Starmer had a duty, both as a parliamentarian and, then, a Labour opposition cabinet member, to disclose that he had joined the Trilateral Commission—somewhere around 2017-2018. Reportedly, he did not.

Former Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn’s spokesperson James Schneider, told Declassified UK:

Starmer didn’t inform us [and therefore parliament] that he was joining the Trilateral Commission while serving in the shadow cabinet. If he had, we would have put a stop to it. [. . .] Membership of the Trilateral Commission, a body dedicated to promoting corporate power, was plainly incompatible with Labour’s then-stated policies of redistributing wealth and power from the few to the many.

In all likelihood Starmer is, not was, a Trilateralist. His designation as a “former” members is perception management and he maintains close working relationships with Triliateralists like Fink. His public statements echo the Trilateralist worldview as do his government’s policy initiatives. We have no evidence to the contrary and the evidence available in public domain strongly suggests that he is currently working on behalf of the Trilateral Commission not the British people.

If so, then Starmer’s breach of the Ministerial Code is the least of our concerns. We currently have a prime minister who is committed to supporting multipolarity and, in so doing, subverting the UK to facilitate global governance; a so-called leader who embraces fifth stage capitalism; a man who wants to install a Technocracy, who believes democracy should be limited and economic and political growth engineered to enable a corporate aristocracy to rule.

None of which anyone voted for or even knew about, and all of which he either obfuscates or denies.

We have every reason and every right to ask him who he represents.


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Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Feb 23, 2025 11:05 AM

Never mind that he is gungho for continuing the war against Russia, which will only cost many more deaths and destruction, never mind that this country can’t afford it. And of course he puts his beloved Israel ahead of our interests and commands a highly authoritarian regime that pulls out the stops to punish supporters of Palestine. He’s working to another agenda and a traitor in our midst, protected by the Graun, Auntie and the rest of our wretched MSM.

Feb 22, 2025 10:09 PM

In Starmer’s favour is the fact there has been a deep state/media campaign destabilise his government since he was elected. Maybe it’s a bluff, maybe not…

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 22, 2025 8:25 AM


“BBC pulls Gaza documentary featuring child whose father was Hamas minister
The day after transmission, the activist and journalist David Collier revealed that the 14-year-old English-speaking narrator, Abdullah, was the son of a Hamas deputy minister for agriculture, Ayman al-Yazouri.”

Ah, I thought, David Collier “activist”. Now that rings a bell and sure enough, Collier turns out to be someone I was already familiar with on twitter. He’s one of the most relentless Zionists hacks on the face of the planet.

Isn’t it nice to know that the BBC are still quaking before the very same Zionist Mafia that sent the boys round to deal with Ken Livingstone?

Feb 22, 2025 8:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And Corbyn?

Feb 22, 2025 10:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Minister of Agriculture, though! Guilty of the heinous crime of keeping Palestinians alive by feeding them. Anybody who has ever had contact with him must be tainted by association and excluded from civil discourse! Oh, I nearly forgot… Hamas! Hamas! Hamas!!!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 22, 2025 5:46 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Also don’t forget to mention Hamas!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 4:11 AM

Out the park, Captain, honestly

A lone ..sleepy time..wolf..there…

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 3:06 AM

Around the world, since you were born.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 3:19 AM

That I have belittled or inconvienienced some people that wasnt my intet, but skape goats, trilateral, space goats. good that I have

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 3:35 AM

I don’t agree, I think the earth is some kind of infinite thing, since everything is infinite, but what can you see and can you believe what you see and what is belief ?
To know something you have to be in the same place for a while, how long ?
What is a life-time ?
What was a life-time ?
Resets, huh, every 12000 or every few generations…

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 4:08 AM

Friday nite your your own bot

Feb 22, 2025 2:27 AM

Beware of Grifters and Geeks bearing gifts:


Ed Curtin, perceptive as always.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 2:32 AM
Reply to  Johnny

always as perceptive, curtain,ed


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 1:32 AM

C’mon, your all feelin it
That trlalarist system,
good grief, my motors near burstin
thats a trilaleral system
moons a griftin
near death don’t aflict them
your trlateral system

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 2:00 AM
Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 2:46 AM

It will be better in the morning.


but why?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 1:05 AM

2025 update

No one has been to ‘space’.

Nothing has been sent to ‘space’.

Idiots like Iain

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Feb 22, 2025 12:56 AM

you know which “stake holders” WON’T be invited to the next WEF or TLC conclave? the ones with the actual sharpened wooden sticks that, if plunged into the hearts of these vampires, might finally rid the world of their curse

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 12:13 AM

Is starmer as fake as space
We can see starmer
we can see space
I believe, yes
starmer is as fake as space

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 22, 2025 12:47 AM

Dubay slightly wrong here, human history began about 400 years ago, duh !, check the record !!!

Passports Should Be Abolished – YouTube

Feb 21, 2025 11:54 PM

Thanks Iain Davis, Starmer just an other fabricated well connected Puppet … As a supplement people who want to inform themselves about the Tri Lateral Commission could do worse than Anthony Suttons Book “Trilaterals over America” https://ia803002.us.archive.org/24/items/274441AntonySuttonTrilateralsOverAmerica/274441-Antony-Sutton-Trilaterals-Over-America.pdf

Feb 21, 2025 11:09 PM
Feb 21, 2025 11:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

A database of military bases around the world:


Feb 22, 2025 4:35 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Endless money forms the sinews of war. -Cicero

les online
les online
Feb 21, 2025 8:34 PM

“The Deep State is a mindset.” … (anon) …

Feb 21, 2025 8:16 PM

Wuhan: “New Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential Discovered”
Zheng-Li Shi & WIV team announce: “Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor”

My goodness– just like that clairvoyant Mr. Hotez said.

Feb 22, 2025 4:37 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Saw this headline today: Humans can infect cats with bird flu.

Feb 21, 2025 7:05 PM

“We don’t need another hero”, Tina Turner sang. Indeed, no one needs war and violence. The essence of the classic hero is primarily to end up on the battlefield. Nowadays (at least so far) it is more about intellectual but also physically engaging heroism, which should not involve destruction but rather construction.

In the so-called right-wing scene, the lack of heroism of our men is regularly lamented. Apart from the fact that no one is prepared to give their life and health for a corrupt “liberal” system (except perhaps paid US soldiers for Israel in the entire Middle East), it is worth reflecting on this phenomenon in more detail.

It is directly related to the obvious feminization and effeminization (keyword LGBTQ+, massively decreased sperm quality and number) of our societies. In addition, classic masculine characteristics such as boldness, willingness to take risks and sacrifice are in the greatest possible contrast to a narcissistic-individualistic “wellness culture”.

You only have to look at the websites of some so-called right-wing media makers, where all kinds of ointments, waters, lotions and tinctures “for the daily needs of the conscious man” are offered for sale, which in itself is not without a certain irony. Certainly, it is to be welcomed that men can also live longer and not damage their bodies with toxins.

But all this comes with a horrendous, downright existential price for the survival of our cultural and ethnic community, which is also reflected in the increased insecurity of our living environment (especially for women), because no one is prepared to protect something with which they do not identify in their innermost being.


The slogan “The devil is in the details” is also worth a closer look (in both senses of the word). It is said to have originated from a member of the Jewish Warburg banking family, but as the exact opposite: “God is in the details”. The French, however, claim the phrase for their writer Flaubert.


This raises the question: for whom is God in the details, and for whom is the devil? I suspect that those who claim to be “God’s chosen ones” prepare the details in such a way that they turn out to be devilish for everyone else (read: the Goyim). Interestingly, “kaputt” (the opposite of “heil”) is said to come from Yiddish.


“The origin of the German phrase is also mysterious, possibly a pun or borrowing from the Yiddish theatre. Yiddish contains a phonetically similar phrase that more literally wishes the listener good luck (Yiddish: הצלחה און ברכה, romanized: hatsloche un broche, lit. ’success and blessing’, itself from Hebrew: hatzlacha u-bracha).”


But even the supposed “chosen ones” clash from time to time when it comes to the only thing that divides them: money. “Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder is primarily about resilience and determination in the face of adversity. The lyrics describe a protagonist who refuses to be held back by obstacles.

While the song superficially seems like a story about a failed relationship, Wilder himself has explained that the true inspiration behind the song was his frustrating experience with record mogul Clive Davis. Davis, then head of Arista Records, had repeatedly rejected Wilder’s recordings.

The core message of the song can be summed up in the famous line: ‘Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride, nobody’s gonna slow me down,’ which essentially means that nothing and no one will stop or slow down the protagonist. This statement reflects Wilder’s determination to continue despite rejection from the record industry.

The song encourages embracing change, overcoming obstacles, and confidently following one’s own path. It has become an anthem for perseverance and self-empowerment, continuing to inspire people to pursue their goals despite setbacks.”


Feb 22, 2025 1:23 AM
Reply to  Zack

Hey Matthew, how do you stand on religion? Un-
fortunately, this was not planned to be revealed.
Nevertheless, it was a nice interview, especially
because he doesn’t only have curls at his temples.
He even has something in common with Prof. Mac-
donald: he is exactly 9 years younger to the day.

Karel was born in India, has a Czech mother
and a Scottish father. He may even be able
to converse with Jan Hammer in Czech. No-
thing is known about his birth date, except
that it is said to have been “before 1950”.

“C’mon Jan, blast out some nice cheesy jazz
tunes from your Moog! Yeah, give it to ’em!”

Karel had apparently adopted a Bengali child
called “Matthew” and had him appear in the
video for his super hit. A Polish woman (also
of unknown age and haircut) offers a parody.

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URXgUMnQgEI
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LKuOB9xjVk
3 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCePG0PSccxs9UEEzIK4xFdQ

In 1980, he sang in the style of Robin Scott (aka
“M”) and Flash & The Pan. Those were the days
when you could get filthy rich as a one-hit won-
der. You could live off a single worldwide hit for
decades. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say.

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSMaPFuQD54
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTr_hsWEuKo
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0ySCsIL5Ak


Gerry in L.A. speaks to Karel in Scotland, neither
related nor in-laws. Whether Jerry is Jewish can
probably not only be deduced from the shape of
his nose. Certain only is that he looks older than
Karel, although he is the younger of the two.

What’s Andrew up to these days? No, not Anglin again,
we know he lies drunk under his table feeling sorry for
himself. I mean Mr. Matthews, of course. He’s sticking
strictly to his wellness-ignorance and giving the all-clear.

Feb 21, 2025 7:00 PM

On that map of the ‘ten kingdoms,’ notice how kingdom #1 includes not only the US, but also Canada and Greenland. Does that ring any bells? David Icke did a video about this recently.

Feb 22, 2025 12:22 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Speaking of which, did we actually, in fact, change the name from Gulf of Mexico to
Gulf of America?? I thought that was a joke!

I was looking at the coast of Florida, Louisiana on a google map two days ago and there was a body of water called Gulf of America. That looked suspiciously like the Gulf of Mexico.

Please please tell me, someone, that that’s just googs takin’ the piss.

Feb 21, 2025 5:26 PM
Feb 21, 2025 3:32 PM

Having private corporations as “Trustees” for society is already being practiced in the US under Commandeerer-In-Chief Donnie Trump – who appointed his biggest campaign donor Elon Musk to DODGE his merry way through the US Government, removing any part of it not quite up to his exalted standards.

Feb 21, 2025 5:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

We should defend huge, corrupt state agencies against Trump and Musk. Let’s save the poor FDA, USAID, CDC, CIA for future generations.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Feb 21, 2025 3:22 PM

Why I don’t vote in colonial politics
Andrea Landry


“To adjust to a cannibal society is to become insane.” Jack D. Forbes


Jack D. Forbes

Masked Murray Sinclair given Order of … canada for doing as he’s told; like a dog

Canadian actor Adam Beach walks a fine line as an ambassador for Canada 150

“Trudeau responded by saying: “Thank you very much for your donation tonight. I really appreciate it,” prompting cheers and laughter from the donors in attendance.”

‘Trudeau apologizes for ‘smug, mean’ jibe at indigenous activist

Facebook Instant Articles
’Thank you for your donation’
Pam Palmater


Never Idle: Gord Hill on Indigenous Resistance in Canada

This Reconciliation is for the Colonizer
 Andrea Landry


An excerpt from Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism by Jack D. Forbes:

Revolution and American Indians: “Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism”
Russell Means 


The poor create the rich hoax” Rodriguez


Feb 21, 2025 12:42 PM

comment image

Feb 21, 2025 5:02 PM
Reply to  entitlement

I stick to certain simple rules. I won’t trust government or big pharma to inject me with gene therapy. Period.

Maybe back in 2019 I might have been open to persuasion. Not now though.

Feb 21, 2025 8:32 AM

OMG in 2025 an MP or PM has links or been fully funded by xyz.

shock! horror!.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 21, 2025 8:08 AM

Perhaps it is time to implement extrajudicial death sentences on all Trilateralists who have not been living Net Zero existences for a decade, eh?

The majority of the world is heartily sick and tired of genocidal murderers like Jake Sullivan trying to order the world into doing things they have not already set an example for.

Feb 22, 2025 4:48 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

First, they should be fed insects (not larvae) for a year.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 21, 2025 6:19 AM

“The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.”
Rest assured it will be for their benefit and not ours.
“Own everything and be happy”
World is best rid of these psycho elites, politicians and bureaucrats…

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 21, 2025 1:18 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Which could in essence be your brother or cousin, so be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 21, 2025 9:55 PM

Sounds like a threat!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2025 6:12 AM

Recent experience has shown me that despite the relentless bleatings of our ever present Zionist Trolls, it’s very easy to get away with shitting over Muslims. They even say, “There’s no such thing as Islamophobia”. Try mocking – or even critiquing – a certain other contingent and see how far you get!

Feb 21, 2025 8:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Try mocking – or even critiquing – a certain other contingent and see how far you get!

Correct, my work friend is a satanist( true story) She can visit them type of forums and the minute a certain demographics is mention the admins go into overdrive and even blame wordpress or certain laws in why that cannot be mentioned.
However art of the worse darkest type and demons rituals spells gets the green light but mention that revisionist history and it is forbidden on a fucking satanist forum.
But saying hitler was a satanist devil is allowed.

Much be a coincidence.

Feb 21, 2025 11:50 AM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Jaysus, you think Satan is a psycho?

What about its, alleged, arch nemesis:

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”

It’s like a choice between, um, Don & Kamala or Tony & John or Keir and Rishi.

Having said that Allah seems a comparable tosser to YHWH.

Mocking Christians, Muslims and Jews seems very sensible.

Feb 21, 2025 6:13 PM
Reply to  Lu1

We can’t be certain that Jehovah and Satan are even distinct beings … or that they’re not related somehow, like Enki and Enlil.

Feb 21, 2025 8:12 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

“We can’t be certain that Jehovah and Satan are even distinct beings ”

Based on the thousands of named deities mentioned in mythology, we can be pretty sure that neither exist.

If they (or it) do/does it seems, from it’s alleged self-description, like our creator is a monster.

Feb 21, 2025 10:06 PM
Reply to  Lu1

In (Job 1:12) and (Job 2:6), God allows Satan to harm Job but not kill him. As a result, Job loses his family, wealth, and physical health. Thank God, You are all loving as always 👍. And Job didn’t seem to care about this because he remained faithful to his abusive sky daddy. Aaraknid

Feb 21, 2025 6:12 PM
Reply to  sunnymoon

That forum must be run by Anton LaVey. 😂

Feb 21, 2025 5:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m surprised they haven’t revised the Ten Commandments, with “Thou shalt not disrespect my Chosen Ones” in first position.

Though in many Christians’ eyes that seems to be a given.

Feb 21, 2025 3:06 AM

The well off White woke women in yUK: save the thousands of innocent Hamas youth in the Gaza warzone!!!

Logical observers: what about the 1 million raped white girls in the peaceful yUK?

The wokes: racist, imperialist, mysogymist, Islamophobe etc!!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2025 5:51 AM
Reply to  antonym

The word “Hamas” is a magic charm. Say it in front of any other word and you negate all crime. Hey what about the 6 million Hamas Jews the Nazis killed?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2025 5:52 AM
Reply to  antonym

The word “Hamas” is a magic charm. Say it in front of any other word and you negate all crime. Hey what about the 6 million Hamas J*ws the Nazis killed?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 21, 2025 5:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Just testing a theory. I was right.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Feb 21, 2025 9:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc
Feb 21, 2025 6:17 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Think fast: what sort of star has six points, six interior angles and six exterior angles (6-6-6)? 😉

Feb 21, 2025 10:11 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

comment image

Feb 22, 2025 3:31 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

A snowflake

Feb 21, 2025 2:11 AM

Pigs at the trough.
Twas ever thus.

Feb 21, 2025 11:49 AM
Reply to  Johnny

comment image

Feb 21, 2025 5:37 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Did any party elite exploit (and also terminate) the masses as well as the Bolsheviks and other communists did?

Feb 21, 2025 10:12 PM

Did any party elite exploit (and also terminate) the masses as well

the church.

Feb 22, 2025 1:44 AM

Same suits, same evil, same agenda.

BTW: the Left ain’t Right and the Right are bereft, of hearts.

Feb 23, 2025 2:42 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Non-Player-Characters don’t have hearts, either.

Feb 21, 2025 12:06 AM

… “We have every reason and every right to ask him who he represents.” … absolutely, and of course the question is rhetorical.
The saddest and most soul-destroying part of all these magnificent, time-consuming, investigative articles and essays, is that the majority keep exposing what most people should already be aware of, but in too many cases, aren’t, because the ‘legacy-media’ spend millions, if not billions (of tax-payer’s money) on deliberately obscuring/fooling/lying to Joe-Public.
Someone once said,
that if WE keep doing what we do, we will keep getting what we got … and when I look at the current crop of 5-Eyes ‘ Leaders’ the very thought that these scum-bags are/were considered to be ‘leadership material’ makes me want to vomit.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 21, 2025 1:55 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

That’s what tyranny is, the withholding of education for personal or private gain. Its apparently not even illegal and no one has an answer to the problem of it.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 21, 2025 6:21 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

They just you they will vote a different way next time!

Feb 21, 2025 5:53 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

It only goes to show that the (UK) general public are not paying attention. First off the immense media demonisation of JC (Jeremy Corbin) promoted by Mr Wonderful Starmer, and the fact that he is a Trilateral and WEF has been all over the alt media for years.
He just starmered the farmers, and looked the other way on many occasions during his career as DPP.
You don’t vote for these ummm ‘people’, you spit on the floor when their names are mentioned.

German Poetry
German Poetry
Feb 21, 2025 12:05 AM

The Man-Scarer

I’m Suzy, built with grace and charm,
Many men have turned to gawk in alarm.
Twice I’ve been in love before,
But fans, I’ve had many more.

Yes, admirers stood in line,
Sometimes it made me fear and pine,
They’d barely spoken a word to me,
When their hearts broke, plain to see.

For often I couldn’t reciprocate,
To flirt or fawn was not my fate,
In love, I’m rather shy and meek,
In conversation, I’m quite weak.

I like most of them, it’s true,
But my heart won’t belong to you,
Loyal as a lamb, I stay,
For my mind often goes astray.

Those I love aren’t worth the fuss,
Their hearts don’t beat for me, thus
I work myself into a craze,
For no one’s done me good always.

Rose-tinted glasses on my nose,
Love-blind – that’s how it goes.
I send away all the good ones,
To change me now? That can’t be done.

I’ve shattered illusions aplenty,
That someone owns my heart, so empty.
I speak with clarity, you see,
Tell the truth, no flattery.

I mustn’t forget to mention,
Some have cried from the tension.
And if they haven’t fled on their own,
Ingratitude was all I’ve shown.

So my path is lined with the dead,
I reach dream ratings, it’s said,
Because I push away the masses,
Scare off many poor lasses.

It hurts me too, I must confess,
When I see myself, I’m in distress.
I don’t want this, but it occurs;
What’s missing? What’s the cure?

Cyclists, dancers, or equestrians,
They were my path’s pedestrians.
The journey was but a short while,
Then I wanted to turn back in style.

They gave me flowers, bent over backward,
Took me out, cooked with regard,
Tended to me like a candle’s flame,
But it was never enough, what a shame.

Will I ever learn, I wonder why?
Can’t I just give it a try?
Why can’t I come to my senses?
Let a nice guy break down my fences?

Instead, I chase after others,
Never waking from these druthers.
I’ve wasted feelings on the wrong,
Though sometimes I regret this song.

So I hurt day after day,
All those I like, I push away.
I use them for a little while,
‘Cause sharing life’s not my style.

Yet I love them all, you see,
Feel like a thief of hearts, that’s me.
I feel so bad and so depraved,
Yet so good and so craved.

So men, give me a wide berth,
(I won’t praise myself, for what it’s worth):
I’ll bite your throat quick as can be,
Destroy each male soul ruthlessly.

Don’t trust this beautiful facade,
It could be your end, by God.
My heart can never be won,
It’ll bring you frustration by the ton.

After 42 years, I’ve come to know,
This truth about myself to show.
So I’ll stay single from now on,
And stop this dating marathon.

There’s one for whom I’m truly sorry,
He was so nice and smart, no worry.
An all-around good man, you see,
One I still like considerably.

He’ll always stay in my memory,
For him, I felt such reverie.
It wasn’t meant to last forever,
Yet he softened my heart like no other.

Deep inside, in a hidden corner,
I keep the memory, a mourner,
So I never lose this part of me,
For it belongs to me solely.

Though I make such a mess,
You’re the one I love best.
You know exactly who I mean,
This work is yours, as can be seen.

Don’t be mad, I love you so,
Even though I made you go.
My heart is heavy, full of strife,
I’m confused, can’t handle life…

Ragout Fin de Siècle

Here, even experts can’t discern
The hearts and souls, it’s hard to learn.
Here women are men, as you’ll soon see,

And men are women, strange as can be.
Young lads dance with confidence high
In evening gowns, fake breasts apply,
And speak in tones so high and shrill.

Women in tuxedos, deep voices fill
The air like Santa’s, cigars they light,
A gender-bending, curious sight.

Men stand before mirrors, prim and proper,
Applying makeup, a sight to ponder.
No groom for the bride, it’s rather odd,
Here the bride has a bride, oh my God!

Amidst perversion, some normalize,
If Dante came, he’d be surprised,
He’d eat Veronal in sheer fright,
At this bewildering, mixed-up sight.

No one can find their way around,
The real is fake, the fake profound.
All mixes in this melting pot,
Pain brings joy, lust anger wrought,
Up is down and back is front,
One grabs one’s head, it’s quite a stunt.

Sleep with yourselves, I couldn’t care!
With thrush and finch and starling too,
And all of Brehm’s birds, old and new!

It’s all the same to me, I swear.

Just stop your constant, boastful cries,
Of how you’re special, oh so wise!
Just ’cause you’re different in the rear,
Doesn’t make you a genius, dear.

Well, that’s that, as you can see.

Particularly Fine Ladies

They carry their busts and noses
In perfect step and stride,
Through streets, so delicate they poses,
As if of biscuit, they’re made inside.
With them, there’s no joking allowed.
It’s as if they carried vases, proud,
But knew not with what they’re supplied.

They seem to bathe hourly, no less,
Neither thin nor stout in frame.
Concrete calves, they do possess,
Their gaze, half-frozen, tame.
Like fairies traveling, they appear,
Though proof of this isn’t clear.
Their husband owns a factory of fame.

On secret rails, they seem to glide.
Best to step out of their way.
The stiffest expressions, they provide,
Like flagpoles on display.
It’s simply beyond comprehension,
That they allow any tension,
In or out of home, they say.

One might think they go to bed
In hats and coats, so prim.
Standing while asleep, instead
Of lying down, so slim.
Ashamed upon the toilet seat,
One might think they’d be discreet,
And pinch men’s skeletons with vim.

They float among the common folk
Like queens cut to measure.
But this means nothing, it’s no joke,
They’re not made of glass, for sure!
Like other women, they can be
Seduced, understood, hit freely.
For they’re fine just for pleasure.

So-Called Classy Ladies

Aren’t they devilishly fine to view?
Suddenly these classy ladies do
Paint their nails red, as fashion dictates!
If fashion said to chew them through,
Or hammer them black and blue,
They’d do it too, half-dead with glee, no debates.

If fashion said to dye one’s chest,
Or if lacking, then the belly…
If dying young became the best,
Or yellowing hands to manifest
Glove-like skin, they’d do it, readily.

If smearing black became the craze…
If mad geese in Paris decide
To pleat their skin like crepe in ways…
If crawling on all fours for days
Through town was chic, they’d comply with pride.

If learning Volapük was key,
And sewing shut their nostrils tight,
Removing skull caps gleefully,
Lifting legs at lamps to pee,
We’d see them do it overnight.

For they fly as if on angel’s wings
To the first and finest pile of dung.
They’d iron their shins if that’s what brings
The latest look, and no restraining
Works when fashion’s praises are sung.

If only it were trendy to be dumb!
For in this, they truly excel.
If sealing shut each orifice became the sum
Of fashion for these toadies humdrum!
Then at last, we’d bid them farewell.

Feb 21, 2025 5:01 PM
Reply to  German Poetry

It must be tough being female. My commiserations. All alone in the world without 50% of the population in sympathy

German Poetry
German Poetry
Feb 22, 2025 12:58 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Since women now more or less rule the entire West thanks to “quotas” and want to be the “better men”, their fate is less pitiable than that of the actual men. Men make human politics, women make women’s politics. It has always been like that, in XX the Y is missing. Of course, all this was deliberately “launched” by certain forces in order to disempower the white man and thus weaken his species and culture to the point of self-destruction. Or do you have another explanation for the frequency given the relatively low number?


1) “Feminism 2) “Equality” 3) Natural Order
comment image

PS: It can be strongly assumed that the subject who regularly distributes a downvote here is also a representative of this “specific group”, who even made sure that they were no longer allowed to call them directly by name.

German Poetry
German Poetry
Feb 22, 2025 12:36 PM
Reply to  German Poetry

The Caretaker

The Caretaker, though male by birth,
His masculinity is quite confined.
He tends to women with great mirth,
While other men reap what he’s designed.

A subject he is, of curious sort,
Who’ll versify ladies when duty calls,
But as for the outcome, he falls short,
Renouncing results, big and small.

He serves the ladies, asks no pay,
Loves womankind en masse, you see.
He loves love more than who, they say,
He loves, in short, vegetarian-ly!

He doesn’t neigh, nor goes berserk,
Shops well, a connoisseur, no less.
His gaze turns women into artwork,
While other men’s looks do possess.

Caretakers aren’t a novel breed,
Even Goethe this fact affirms.
His Clärchen to Egmont decreed,
While he with heroics was firm.

So Brackenburg came to her abode,
Passed time, helped fold the laundry too.
By evening, she showed him the road,
Goethe’s readers know this to be true.

Caretakers are in high demand,
Modest, desiring not a thing.
They seek no pay for their helping hand,
Content to be there, worshipping.

They place you high upon a plinth,
A monument, formally enshrined.
Then peer through monocles, nonplussed,
At your aloofness, so refined.

They kneel and pray with great devotion,
You yawn, fight sleep with all your might.
Thank goodness, now and then, a man
Comes by to end your lofty plight!

High-Born Daughters in Conversation

One sits. The other lies.
They chatter on as time flies.
This seems not to disturb them.
One lies. The other sits.
They prattle on. The sofa sweats
And hears much nonsense from them.

They’re built for great effect
With skin of select aspect.
What might the meter cost?
They’re round in every place.
They’re painted so their face
And figure won’t get lost.

Their scent recalls sweet cake.
To smell good’s all they make
Their purpose, head to toe.
Till each finds moneyed groom
To place her in his room.
That’s marriage, don’t you know.

They nibble sweets and time;
From husbands, hats sublime
And clothes, but bear no child.
They live, in essence, just
As size 44 busts,
Part seated and part styled.

Their heads are pretty, hollow.
Yet content they wallow.
What can we deduce?
While pleasant to the eye,
They’d please us more if they
Would let their chatter loose.

The Irony of Love

In the dance of hearts, a paradox unfolds,
Where women seek men strong and bold.
Yet to prove his worth, she tries to tame,
If he yields, her respect goes up in flame.

The man, in turn, yearns to possess,
But conquest dulls his interest, no less.
Should she submit to his domain,
His wandering eye will roam again.

Love’s fulfillment, for which we pine,
Lies beyond this battle line.
A rare and precious armistice,
A fleeting moment of bliss.

This dance of power, push and pull,
Makes true connection oh so dull.
For love to bloom, both must concede,
And let their hearts, not egos, lead.

So let us seek that middle ground,
Where mutual respect is found.
For only then can love prevail,
When neither seeks to tip the scale.

Feb 20, 2025 10:30 PM

It seems to me that big corporations are taking over from governments because they can. They have the clout to do so – the Big Man gets his way. A government IS a corporation and can’t be partnered with certain other corporations anyway., it must be completely separate or it’s not The Government. These fat controllers are such blatant con men it’s unbelievable.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 21, 2025 1:57 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

But are we having fun yet?

Feb 21, 2025 3:12 AM

We are. Still to determine the exact nature of your algorithm

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 21, 2025 1:24 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Troubling is it?

Well just remember that we are only here by the good fortune of someone else, once and if their good fortune is gone, so is ours.

Algo away.

Feb 21, 2025 3:47 PM

Very true. And such thoughts can of course be shifted upwards as far as one can imagine. If one can imagine (presumptively).

So I’m guessing there are no further clues as to the ChatGPT settings required for a suitable ‘hybrid’ comment? We all need our secrets I would suppose

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 20, 2025 10:25 PM

comment image

Feb 21, 2025 8:26 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

really what exactly do inquirys achieve.??

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 21, 2025 9:39 AM
Reply to  sunnymoon

Has any British inquiry ever found anything other than everyone was really a splendid chap who acted with the best of intentions and that, while a few mistakes may have been made (due to… insert excuse[s]), lessons will be learnt and nobody should be scapegoated (except maybe a few underlings in which case scapegoating is suddenly fine and dandy)?….

It’s been the same template again and again and again. The Inquiry into the ‘Lusitania’ is a particularly fine example.

Feb 21, 2025 11:57 AM

Much like Congressional Hearings.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 21, 2025 4:39 PM

Just so. Nevertheless, one can’t help wanting them (the inquiries) to have a little more bite.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 21, 2025 11:29 PM

Not just in Britain.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 20, 2025 10:08 PM

Yep, the oligarchs are consolidating absolute power over us all. The most likely incoming new chancellor in Germany at the upcoming “election”, Friedrich Merz, was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BlackRock Germany and its highest-paid lobbyist from the beginning of 2016 until December 2020.

Friedrich Merz is … a member of Atlantik-Brücke (The Atlantic Bridge, founded by Margaret Thatcher). Before returning to politics, he was even chairman of this US lobby organization of high-degree freemasonry from 2009 to 2019. He is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. Alongside the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), this is one of the most powerful think tanks of the global financial mafia and was founded by the high-grade Freemasons Zbigniew Brzeziński and David Rockefeller. It is extremely revealing that Friedrich Merz also took part in the Bilderberg Conference in 2024. Shortly afterwards, he became the CDU’s Candidate for Chancellor.

Source: kla.tv

Feb 20, 2025 9:39 PM

Starmer is guilty. That goes without saying

He’s guilty by proof of association. He’s guilty by virtue of speculation. And certainly guilty by being misguided in his political alliances.

To sum up: He’s guilty. What need for further evidence? The man is guilty !!!

Guilty by the accusation of a biassed witness (with a book to sell, aka ‘Wood’)
And guilty by virtue of not yielding to over-simplification !

And Guilty. Guilty, Guilty by any sane people who sanely choose to ignore that anathema of counterargument.

And unforgivably guilty by those who sanely oppose irrational calls for balance

What more needs to be said. The man is guilty! Off with his head.

The Phantom Tollbooth (1970) – Officer Short Shrift

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 20, 2025 10:16 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Well I make no pronouncement of guilt – who am I to do so – but the evidence clearly indicates he is a serving Trilateralist and also reveals he has mislead his party and parliament about this before.

Trilateralists have a clear set of sociopolitical and economic objectives. They believe in establishing an, or maintaining, the power and authority of a modern aristocracy.

For whatever reason, frankly it is beyond me, people still elect governments. That government is supposed to serve the interests of the people of the nation. So, clearly, if the UK prime minister is a Trilateralist the evidence suggests he does not serve the interests of the people.

Personally, I think that evidence should be highlighted and people should know about it.

Feb 21, 2025 12:27 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

OK, so why is a “modern aristocracy” such a bad untenable concept? What’s wrong with those with real abilities ruling those plebs that don’t have them or could never attain to them. Seems beyond me too …

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 21, 2025 9:48 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Because that assumes the aristocracy possess said “real abilities” and are somehow different or distinct from the people they claim to have the right to rule. There’s nothing wrong with leadership where those leaders have the capability to lead, perhaps by demonstrating great knowledge, wisdom or ability, but that suggests they lead on a particular issue or in a specific area of expertise in which they are justifiably leaders.

Simply bestowing leadership on an aristocracy that has presented no particular ability, knowledge or skill; that is evidently self-serving and has no track record of benefiting the people it professes to serve is a silly idea. Permanently ceding all your own authority to this group and allowing their legal system to compel you to obey their edicts controlling every aspect of your life is extremely foolish and dangerous.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 21, 2025 1:26 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

They have a great love for Jesus, but no wisdom.

Feb 21, 2025 12:31 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Reply in pending fwiw (don’t hold your breath)…

Feb 21, 2025 12:58 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Governments have no legitimacy if they serve corporations rather than the people – or at least the nation as a whole.

We vote because governments claim to be legitimate, serving our interests.

People won’t obey rules declared directly by corporations. So if governments have become nothing more than henchmen for corporations then people will see no ethical reason to obey laws.

I say we’re well and truly there. And that’s why governments are brutally suppressing free speech.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 21, 2025 1:22 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Talk to people about this, and the fact they’ve bee dragged unwittingly into a corporate world of legalese slavery aimed to fleece them and keep them down, and see the glazed over (Fluoride stare) look you get.

5 years in and the sheeple are only just coming around to the fact the poison spear was an experiment. Then they simply go back to their TV and forget it ever happened.

Feb 21, 2025 2:13 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Possibly but maybe free speech isn’t all it’s hyped up to be.

Why can’t Governments serve the Corporation. Even more the Nation. What’s the big barrier to such a service?

Feb 21, 2025 5:31 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Any sarcasm aside, I could tolerate living under corporatism/fascism if it also aimed to improve people’s lives.

But what we are seeing already today is a BRUTAL assault on our rights, freedoms, prosperity and quality of life in general.

They’re not hiding it. They openly state their plans to impose suffering, always backed by absurd pretexts that cannot bear scrutiny.

Feb 21, 2025 2:17 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Also in the proverbial ‘pending’ mix I believe for such thoughts and responses…

Feb 21, 2025 3:20 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

No, I don’t think so. Seems kinda polemic, as if you’re trying to dictate what people should think.

In reality, we’re nowhere there

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 21, 2025 6:27 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Marked police cars have disappeared and are now nearly all unmarked cars.
Police have zero interest in solving crimes or crime preventation.
The decision has been made they no longer serve the public but are there as enforcers to protect the establishment and its insidious agenda.
Say the wrong thing, post the wrong thing and in some cases (abortion) think the wrong thing and Darth Starmer’s storm troopers will arrest you.

Feb 20, 2025 9:27 PM

Iain Davis, are any members of the Trilateral Commission (past or present) not also committed Zionists or their duped servants? I think Starmer fits the second category.

Feb 21, 2025 1:05 AM

Starmer says he’s an atheist… who will “avoid working after 6 p.m. on Fridays in order to observe Shabbat dinners.”

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 22, 2025 1:38 PM

Many are Zionists other are not. I don’t know if Starmer has been duped. I suspect not.

Feb 20, 2025 9:11 PM

Well, it’s about time somebody took Starmer apart
Even those in the labour party, who desperately want to be liked, don’t trust this treasonous piece of excrement!!
There’s never been anything in Starmer’s wardrobe that could dress him up as anything other than a traitor and a robot and a non-empathetic humanoid

Feb 21, 2025 1:10 AM
Reply to  bob

Hear, hear. WEF clones like him, Rutte, Trudeau and Macron.

They make a future Musk chipped bot almost attractive; computers do logic so hypocrisy should not compute.

Feb 20, 2025 9:02 PM

Instead of voting for who is elected, we should get a vote on who gets hung for treason.

There should be a minimum of one MP hung every year until all the traitors are gone.

Globalist monarchs should also be eligible.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 21, 2025 6:30 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

650 MPs going to take a long time.

Feb 21, 2025 5:19 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

“going to take a long time”

Commence Operation Rope Speed!

Feb 21, 2025 6:35 PM
Reply to  Jonathan

Now that’s what I call ostracism!

Feb 20, 2025 9:00 PM

Philosophically I believe there’s a need for a basic reboot.

Something beyond base antisemitism and/or a reversal to a basic antipathy to a “New World order” /”Trilateral Commission” (whatever that was supposed to be anyway). Otherwise, what hope alt-media?

Yes, one can always read a few books. Never harms in my experience, even if it’s a complete reaction to what is in the text.

Yet, humanity yearns… so bring on the real Philosopher…

Feb 20, 2025 9:00 PM

7 years ago this may of been cutting edge in the woke right section of pound shop alt media.
It so warn out and boring and old it wouldnt even be allowed to be used to clean up cat shit litta tray.

Trilateralist Keir z
Trilateral Pm
Trilateral Congreswomen


So secretive, its google 1st search with 10 links.
Heads up, if it has a page on google 1st search and you can access the Trilateral membership going back 20/30 years then they are not that important.

Iain this is dreadful for 2025, So out of date. is this something U.K shillum have paid you to do.?

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 22, 2025 2:00 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Er….right! I am not suggesting this is all new information (generally speaking history isn’t but that’s no reason not to mention it) especially for OG’s better informed readers. But I think I have added evidence that shows Starmer is almost certainly an active Trilateralist, which is new as far as I am aware.

Moreover, contrary to your Googling, most people in the UK have never heard of the Triliateral Commission let alone realised their supposed political leader is evidently a member of it. So, as an independent media journalist who has absolutely no chance of having anything I ever write published by “The Guardian,” what do you suggest I, and I suppose OG, do?

Should I not bother pointing this stuff out? Just forget it, give up trying to reach a wider audience, don’t comment, don’t even try to provide any new evidence to the public? If I have new evidence, how do you suggest I package it? In a tweet perhaps?

If that’s your contention, then obviously there’s no point in me, OG or “UK shillum” ever writing, broadcasting or saying anything at all. That appears to be the tenor of your argument. It is one that is frequently and made.

les online
les online
Feb 20, 2025 8:54 PM

The Trump Personality Cult
‘The ‘Trump’s Birthday And Flag Day Holiday Establishment Act’ has
been introduced by Congresswoman Claudia Tawny.’


les online
les online
Feb 20, 2025 8:23 PM

Elon has revealed that in the US there’s one person who’s 240,
and one who’s 360. whose Social Security Numbers (SSN) are still active !
How did they manage to survive the ‘covid ‘jabs ?

‘Musk Is Lying………..’

Everyone fell for the immediate post-7 October atrocity propaganda about those
prison breakers roasting 40 wee babes, why should they respond any differently
to claims of massive fraud of US Social Security ?

Feb 20, 2025 8:44 PM
Reply to  les online

Complete lie a Social Security is a new thing and been about since world war 2 or later.

but the dummies will think, digital payments will stop this happening.

Feb 21, 2025 6:39 PM
Reply to  entitlement

Of course, when SS first opened for business in the 1930s, it was certainly possible for someone born before that date to register and apply for their benefits. But probably not for someone born 270 years beforehand! That would have made them older than the United States of America itself. 😮

Feb 20, 2025 6:46 PM

Chomsky pointed out this stuff 50 years ago and the horrors continues unabated. What more do we need to know? All the time passing without action by the people to take over decision making from our self appointed “trustees”, our Parent class, leads us deeper into their spider webs of control. In the late 80’s, I remember County office place motivational consultants brought in to introduce staff to a long list of new word-memes which i found contrary to the principles of a democratic society. Entrepreneurship within the workplace, public-private partnerships, stakeholders, structural deficits/adjustments, and the public, citizens, designated as, “customers”. This was the beginning of post-Reagan/Thatcher incremental introduction of privatization via workplace authoritarian structures. Privatization is corporate fascism. What this article talks about is corporate fascism that has been planted and been openly, incrementally groomed in our faces, since post WW2. Their LOCKDOWN schema employed “government mandates” (mandates are not law, they are actually requests misinterpreted as commands) which were enforced not by police but by workplace management, businesses and corporations. This was a beta test for workplaces to “lawfully” (they assert) govern public behavior at threat of disemployment. And like fascism, if people go along with it, it “works”.

I always wondered about the educational rhetoric that we have democratic societies, when in fact 99.999% of all workplaces are authoritarian, hierarchical. And after one learns their little puny “democracy”, executed once every couple of years with filled in multiple choice boxes, is actually a rigged, limited input fraud, well, the real “learning” begins. 🙂

We are at a point in history of having the greatest public access to the most truthful understanding of the nature of our ruling classes. How much longer do we merely cite, evidence, the evil intent and nature of these sociopathic monsters, and not brainstorm transitioning ourselves to understanding, and beginning an acceptable consent-based system of self-rule participation? Surely, the discussions here on OG and many other places, virtual and physical, are the initially required understanding to start the transition. But working ideas need to be next, with limits placed on any and every ruling or leader class scope of authority. Upfront, all secrecy must be banned and transparency in all public decisions must be the norm with all actions and activities widely published and accessible to everyone. Like has been published here. BTW, thank you, too.

Feb 21, 2025 5:14 AM
Reply to  sandy

Business represents capital, and can only be totalitarian, beneath a veneer of marketing. Government colluding with capital is oligarchy. It can only be totalitarian. It keeps telling us what to think and do. It promotes profit (for business) and “development” as the oligarchy determines. This is now a part of the SDG goals, originally mooted by Saint Jeffrey Sachs.

Armistice - another time
Armistice - another time
Feb 21, 2025 7:05 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, the cute Jeffrey, I had forgotten about him, thank you for reminding me of him. Something in common popped into my head about him and Noam(-from the beginning of the above comment): Noam advocated separating the “unvaccinated against ‘covid'” from society, and Jeffrey did not back down either, posting articles like One for All: An Action Plan for Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth (April 6, 2021, Rockefeller Foundation) and The G20 Must Act Now to Vaccinate the World (Jeffrey D. Sachs and Juliana Bartels, July 7, 2021) on his personal site.

But, on the other hand, Jeffrey is vehemently opposed to the American proxy war in Ukraine, even from the high rostrum of Valdai, while Noam, as far as I last read, is in favor of punishing the invasive Putin (but he may have reconsidered it later). The important thing is to legitimize the reality of the only the two possible options for the conflict, outside of the conspiracy theories so hated by Noam, (this, Jeffrey’s, is now quite legal, since Donald also certified it).

In addition, Noam is a prominent critic of Israel, and Jeffrey has also recently suffered a bout of conscience, consistently defending Palestine by pushing for a two-state solution.

In general – it is colorful with them, it is not boring; Was this called “mixed feelings”, or mixed signals, or whatever it is convenient to be. Nice people, in the end, the resistance on our side.

Feb 21, 2025 6:51 PM

They’re both gatekeepers, though gatekeepers occasionally have their uses.

my ways are not theirs
my ways are not theirs
Feb 22, 2025 12:49 AM

hard to attribute any opinions these days to Chomsky, since he’s apparently confined to a Brazilian hospital bed with stroke-induced brain damage that limits his interactions with the world to angry gesticulations of his left arm when he sees something on the telly, like scenes from Gaza, that riles him, his right side having been paralyzed and his language function impaired

Feb 22, 2025 4:29 AM

The “Free Press” of the “Free World” can easily censor the likes of Valdai, RT, CGTN. While I admit that the respected scholar of Columbia U speaks cogently and incisively, he can be sure the info will not embarrass the vermin.

Feb 20, 2025 6:44 PM

US Charting a Path to More Villainy
Zelensky is reported to have refused a contract offered by Trump negotiators that would give the US a 50% concession over wide areas of Ukraine’s economy.

— Zerohedge.com Amusing article if you can get beyond the nausea.
“DOGE, Ukraine Leaks & Trumps Cartel War”

Feb 21, 2025 5:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Whether Z agrees “reluctantly” or not, he has no such authority as he is no longer the President. So, one option is to keep the war going (like Yahoo evading prosecution). He was selling so much armaments that his generals were livid with envy. The bright side of this nightmare is that more people understand what the Rabid Terrorist Empire is about at its core.

Jimmy Yost
Jimmy Yost
Feb 20, 2025 6:37 PM

Starmer appears to be a classic example of what a Manchurian Candidate looks and acts like. He lives in a fantasy world in which he has no control over his own life.

Feb 20, 2025 5:45 PM

After The U.K selections, The alt went into overdrive.This blog did 9 articles in succession and Iain Davis wrote a virtually identical article called The British Government Jul 6, 2024.
Why as the alt like OFfggg hardly mentioned Trump since he got in and only done the
divert on Elon.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Feb 20, 2025 6:12 PM
Reply to  flirt

Virtually identical? It was on a completely different subject.

les online
les online
Feb 20, 2025 8:00 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

‘Similar’ and ‘same’ are not the same,
or is it
‘similar’ and ‘same’ are different?

Feb 21, 2025 6:53 PM
Reply to  les online

Same, same but different! 😅

les online
les online
Feb 20, 2025 8:59 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

‘Virtually identical’, and, ‘completely different’ !!
Now there’s a binary if i ever saw one !!!

Feb 21, 2025 6:55 PM
Reply to  flirt

Off-Guardian is headquartered in Britain and staffed largely (entirely?) by Britons. Consequently, there’s a natural tendency for them to focus more on UK affairs. Incidentally, there’s no shortage of websites in the US (and beyond) where you can get news & views on Donald Trump or Papa Elon.

Feb 21, 2025 7:52 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

But for how much longer? The Online Safety Act comes into force soon and requires website owners to take steps to protect children from various forms of nastiness — or else.

This, and the latest debacle over Apple’s withdrawal of iOS features due the government demanding access to user data (but also prohibiting Apple from telling anyone exactly what they’re being asked to do).

Feb 22, 2025 4:59 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

That is a difficult concept for USans to grasp, as you see daily from comments.

red lester
red lester
Feb 20, 2025 4:12 PM

Now we see why the hatchet job on Jez Corbyn as ex-leader

Feb 20, 2025 9:30 PM
Reply to  red lester

Or was it his understanding of the Zionist issue that got him neutered? At the time, I deplored his ‘anti-semitism’. Now, not so much

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 22, 2025 7:17 AM

Many feel the same now.

Feb 20, 2025 9:52 PM
Reply to  red lester

I hated Corbyn’s politics, but I suspect he wanted the UK to continue existing as a sovereign nation, automatically putting him in the best 10% of our politicians IMO.

Even I saw through the character assassination of Corbyn, and I was clueless back in 2019.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 21, 2025 12:43 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Corbyn offered free WIFI but Brits voted for de Pfeffel’s plague instead.
Talk about self harm…

The Real Edwige
The Real Edwige
Feb 21, 2025 9:54 AM
Reply to  red lester

Look at some of Corbyn’s pronouncements on “climate change” if you ever feel the temptation to nostalgia about him….

Same goal, merely different route.

patricia WINNING
patricia WINNING
Feb 21, 2025 12:29 PM
Reply to  red lester

It was all about Israel. That was the reason for the hatchet job.

Feb 20, 2025 2:31 PM

It’s treason.

Feb 21, 2025 6:07 PM
Reply to  Elena

‘you’re my treason for living ???’