Why is EVERYBODY talking about Adolescence?
Kit Knightly

For some reason I woke up this morning to a world – or a pretend media world, at least – obsessed with the Netflix show Adolescence.
I’m not going to link to it or describe the plot, because I’m not being pulled into this trap. I’m not talking about Adolescence, I’m talking about the people talking about it.
That might seem like a paper thin distinction, but it is an important one, in my mind at least.

With thanks to Charlotte
Why is everyone talking about this show? Why am I being flooded with tweets praising the performances and the writing? Or giving me trivia titbits about the production?
Even the people that hate it are talking about, complaining about the race-swapped casting or political messaging.
It’s everywhere.
The front page of the Guardian this morning:

Since when does “what’s trending on Netflix” have any impact on the political landscape? What’s happening?
There was even a question about it during Prime Minister’s Question Time yesterday:
🚨 NEW: A Labour MP brings up the Netflix series “Adolescence” and asks Keir Starmer if he will support the creators calls to show it in schools to counter “toxic misogyny early”
Starmer: “Yes, and at home we are watching Adolescence with our children… it’s very good” #PMQs pic.twitter.com/YNHaUrmqVT
— Politics UK (@PolitlcsUK) March 19, 2025
That’s an MP, apparently, asking the supposed leader of the nation if the latest hit Netflix production should be compulsory viewing in schools.
She mentions misogyny as well, but honestly that’s immaterial. The existence of the question is bizarre enough on the meta level that we can disregard the specifics of the politics.
She asked – and he answered. Not just to say “what an odd thing to say in national parliament, go away and never talk to me again”, but actually giving it credence.
“That’s a very good question madame, maybe we should force school children to consume Netflix’s fine content. I’m watching the show myself and must say it’s jolly good!”
I’m barely satirizing.
Notice how the he not only takes the question seriously, but makes sure to note he is watching and enjoying the show.
This is quite literally product placement.
It’s no different from when the camera lingers on a Mercedes logo in a movie. It couldn’t be less subtle if Starmer had cracked open a Pepsi, taken a sip in slow motion, licked his lips and said “I always drink Pepsi when I’m working hard to serve the country”, then winked at the camera.
It’s a really good demonstration of the way the system works. And I do mean THE system – there is only one. Politics, advertising, entertainment, the military and everything else…they’re all joined together. Departments of the same company. Fingers on a giant corporate hand.
And, like all good hands, it can multitask.
It can promote media slop for profit WHILE it sells politics that serve agenda.
What is that agenda? Protecting the children!
From what? Knife crime. Or misogyny. Or hate speech. Or immigrants.
Pick your preferred problem, react however you want, the solution remains the same – more control.
Censor the internet, ban smartphones in schools, forbid the sale of knives online, crack down on hate speech. Tag X people for Y reason. Create a registry, they LOVE creating registries.
You know how this goes.
Knife crime isn’t the problem guys. We don’t need special rules for selling knives to teenagers or brown people or anyone who looks a bit weird. We don’t need a special registry for everyone with a knifeblock or who googles whetstones.
The internet isn’t the problem. We don’t need rules about who can access what or where or banning anonymity or controlling “hate speech”.
Misogyny isn’t the problem. We don’t need special educational classes for young men to teach them how awful they are or to put testosterone blockers in school water fountains to prevent violence or another registry for everyone who follows Andrew Tate on Twitter.
We don’t need any new rules at all. We have plenty of rules (such as the Online Safety Act, which came into force two days ago just as the Adolescence hype launched).
The problem with our society is not a lack of rules. The problem is powerful people creating fake problems to scare real people.
The problem is politicians indistinguishable from advertisers and entertainment companies indistinguishable from military contractors and newspapers indistinguishable from intelligence agencies.
The problem is the monolithic nature of global corporate government that uses authoritarianism to boost profits and uses profits to increase its authority in a cycle of exponentially increasing tyranny.
The problem is that hand we were talking about earlier, and the way everything everywhere becomes an excuse for it to tighten its grip around our neck.
That’s the problem.
…and that’s the reason everyone is talking about Adolescence.
Do yourself a favour, ignore it.
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Brilliant article, Kit!
If only there was a sane, decent M.P. to address Starmer at P.M.’s Question Time to counteract that blatant propaganda playact between him and that M.P., by suggesting the compulsory reading & discussion of your article in schools…
“The problem is powerful people creating fake problems to scare real people”. Is Kit implying that powerful people don’t create real problems to divide and rule over us? To dismiss any such naivity, I suggest more focus on such real-world phenomena as replacement migration, mRNA technology, and Zionist control of western cabinets.
I don’t think that’s what he’s implying.
I think he is explicitly stating that that is exactly the problem.
Kit may be many things (or may not be – I don’t know him), but I don’t think naive is one of them.
Everybody is talking about something = psyop.
I am going to allow myself some pride in not having even heard of this Adolescence.
Strictly speaking, you must’ve heard of it, or you couldn’t have made your comment.
The poster for the series contains a one-eye (i.e. Masonic all-seeing) image:
What a shocker.
The number of images of music “stars” doing one-eye poses is ridiculous.
There’s a “comic” called Lee Kern who may be the most psychotic Zionist on the planet. But even he can come up with the occasional critical gem. As in his twitter comments on Adolescence:
“Ok – I’m one and half episodes in watching Adolescence – and putting aside all the debates it has generated – this is just a really classically average British drama with a gloomy colour grade to artificially generate the feeling of sombreness. It’s just Grange Hill without humour or personality. And there is nothing enhancing to the storytelling or the emotion by making it all single shot. There could have been cuts between each sequence and it wouldn’t have made the slightest bit of difference to the experience.
Ok I’ve legit switched off twenty minutes into episode three. What a fucking hype scam and generation of moral outrage across different political divides. This is genuinely a dull and unexceptional piece of TV. Brilliant marketing con”
A meta comment.. Kit – I *love* your writing. Not the points, per se (although I find myself in agreement). More the delivery. The lip-smacking, Pepsi-guzzling joy of one fine sentence, after another.
“I do mean THE system – there is only one. Politics, advertising, entertainment, the military and everything else…they’re all joined
together. Departments of the same company. Fingers on a giant corporate hand.”
Sadly, that’s why I’m no longer a fan of the film industry. The scamdemic as well as all the genocidal wars have clearly shown that the “Ministry of Propaganda” relentlessly generates a pile of chamber pot slop.
I just read where the Boston Celtics was sold for 6.1 billion. There is something so grotesquely wrong about that in a world rapidly falling into chaos. We Americans have WAY too much money if sports and entertainment generate that kind of transaction while half the world’s people are starving – some at our behest..
Grotesque is the perfect word to describe this dystopian depravity allowing billions to be spent on buying sports teams while hundreds of thousands in the US are indigent and homeless.
I did not know this Howard. And I am a Bostonian! Just goes to show what I miss because I don’t read msm.
I agree with you. I think that ultimately the United States’ priorities are Sports and Entertainment. No judgement there, just my own belief.
I suppose I should add “war” to that, come to think of it.
You seem to have missed the greatest priority of all- greed
I don’t seek out anything involving the MSM. It just kinda seeks me out: when I open my browser (Firefox) there is it; and when I log in to my AOL email, there it is again.
Oh, I know what you mean. I get the msm news on the alternative/independent sites now – pointing out all the lies on the msm.
“Democratic” governments want to promote “nationalism” through the glorification of war and armaments, and the representation of “furriners” as sub-humans. The “markets must grow”. No need to get queasy just because a few from the underclass ended up dead or some nameless foreign sub-humans were blown up.
Actually the Empire promotes political and religious “sectarianism” on every continent, as fragmenting populations ironically sustains its growth, hence status quo. In fact, advancing sectarianism is a key function of the “Ministry of Propaganda.”
It should be noted, that manipulating populations via cultural sectarianism has been done by all Empires. In fact, it was a forte of the British Empire.
Conceal seed
I’m approaching the point where I can’t even get angry about this sort of shit anymore.
Not that anger ever served a useful purpose. Not for me anyway. Possibly for them. Angry people don’t think straight, a bit like frightened people, or confused people, or brainwashed people. All your sizes, all your colours, in one handy package.
So they make no attempt to hide it; they flaunt it.
Maybe that’s the point. In a war of attrition, the winning strategy is to outlast your enemy. No doubt they are confident they can keep pumping out this nonsense long after we can maintain the will to oppose it. Let’s hope that confidence is misplaced.
The inability to be angry or even dissatisfied was the intention of the extended barrage, as depicted in Brave New World.
The psychopaths who are so eager to control us actually fears the anger of the masses , that´s why they´ve tried for long to brainwash us to avoid our own reactions and slowly become senseless zombies. Or rather robots.
But, instead of soma, they are attempting to de-sensitise us to abnormality, injustice, perversion and lies to the point where we just let them wash over us.
I suppose the one upside for me is that I actually recognise that I am approaching that point. I’m not there yet though and doubt I ever will. At least I hope not. Recognition of propaganda is the key to resisting propaganda.
For a lot of people captured by the system, the have no idea of the ways in which they are being manipulated and, therefore, have no defence against it.
That same recognition applies to everybody on this forum – however wildly they might disagree with each other on the nuances of specific topics. But that’s as it should be. Such disagreements amongst the aware prove that we’re not all taking our soma (aka agreed narrative) like good little robots and ‘enjoying’ the so-called life we are being force fed.
“Teach me to accept what (they assure me) I cannot change”. Does that sound familiar?
Indeed it does.
My preference would be to change the things I cannot accept, but there you go.
It strikes me that the old religions were all about heroes, with the support of the Gods, fighting against power-hungry and evil rulers for the betterment of everybody.
The new religions seem to be about submission to higher powers – turning the other cheek, the meek inheriting the Earth and all that. In other words, not rocking the boat or going against ‘the system’ (aka the church in the first instance, but establishing the mindset generally) – a lucrative position if you happen to own the system.
Or maybe I’m just cynical.
Good piece CJ. I ignored it before reading this. But hey, I didn’t ignore this piece!
Don’t you just love the way they’re scaring parents with this “You don’t know what your kids are up to!” stuff here …. and yet for years they’ve been urging kids to go behind their parents’ backs to declare “transgenderism”?
Note the title: “Adolescence”. Nothing as particular as e.g. the boy’s name. No, we’re talking about a general phase in everyone’s life! Oh my God, it’s everyone! It could be my boy!
Won’t someone think of the children!
Same thing happened with 13 Reasons. Schools everywhere were having special discussions on suicide. They panicked and assumed there would be an epidemic of suicide copycats. Must be some kind of suicide plot in the this new show. The driving force to drug kids with antidepressants and surgically remove their genitals. Famous line from doctors to parents, “Do you want a trans child or a dead child?” Kids are always troubled about something. It’s just the way it is. Only now they are being told the world is ending because of climate change. When I was a kid it was nuclear war (or do you say nucular?). Talk to your kids before schools get a hold of them. This newfound responsibility that teachers have taken on has made them crazier than the kids.
While Heathrow is crippled for minimum 24 hrs due to Net zero brain electric planning, for Starmer’s UK troop deployment in Ukraine stays top priority. Maybe they can row to the continent now, plenty of empty “refugee” boats for free available.
It’s here in Australia too. Saw it two days ago on the ABC. I was trying to comprehend the use of the word “adolescence” in a headline, before I realised it’s a TV show.
In October 2023 a young 21 year old sports coach was murdered in a bathroom at a private Sydney school. The alleged killer was a 24 year old Dutch national who had previously been a student at the school (St.Andrews) and was also a sports coach there at the time of the murder. Shortly after the murder he was found dead at the bottom of a “suicide hotspot” cliff in Sydney’s east. There is currently a high profile inquest into the killing, with very expensive Counsel appearing.
Establishment media (news.com) story includes this weird snippet about the alleged killer’s family:
“Their story bares a resemblance of the new Netflix series Adolescence, which centres on a 13-year-old schoolboy Jamie Miller, who is arrested for the murder of a female classmate.” (That’s Murdoch’s spelling and grammar)
And for some equally weird reason, our chief internet censorship czar (an American woman, 17 year veteran of Microsoft and former Twitter employee with WEF accolades, Julie Inman Grant) is appearing at the inquest as an expert (per “au.news.Yahoo”):
“eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant is among several expert witnesses to appear during the inquest.”
Even if none of us watch these shows or buy into their messaging, it’s important to know what’s being done because we’re surrounded, and governed, by people who are.
Thanks Off-G
Just as for deaths and injuries from covid jabs, they are doing their best to keep the lid on trans-gender suicides. The studies are of poor quality, purportedly because the researchers “lose contact” with the subjects after a few years.
Reply gone pending.
I’m guilty of being pulled into these traps. I always keep reading OffG because Kit (or others) always has a good article on the most recent and relevant issues and I say they’re good because they always show me a down to Earth way of thinking about these issues.
I still don’t get how all this (including, most importantly, mass migration) will go away if we don’t pay attention to it. This constant anti White, LGBTQP brainwashing of new generations, flooding Europe with criminals (no, I’m not saying all immigrants are criminals, but apparently many of them are) surely will have its effect. At least I can see it.
I understand that the problem is “the hand”, I just don’t understand why the “made up” issues are not problems. I also get how the solutions are not solutions, and are actual problems in disguise. (Like the “pride ban” that my home country, Hungary, just passed, allowing facial recognition to be used, etc.)
I want to think about this differently, I just get what good would come of it to not even pay attention or call out these… mad up issues, that still, I think, have a negative effect on our society.
That’s easy. Where attention goes, energy flows. What do you wanna give your energy to? Your energy is valuable. The spirits behind this stuff need it. So, the choice is yours. You are quite literally contributing to it by even taking it into your mind. It’s a bonus if it makes you angry, embittered, any negative emotion spirits can also harvest.
If you believe in God, or a conscious universe which creates, then perhaps you can quite easily see that your energy into positive creation is wanted, needed.
Actor actor
Please don’t read too much into it. Ratings, not anti-white anything, is what’s driving the kid’s portrayal as white.
Isn´t that a clear matter of interpretation , you think ?
Maybe you just read to little into it ?
Sure thing. Now imagine a show with the opposite identity switch.
The word is marketing and it replaced advertising about 100 years ago [about WW1]. When I was a gullible child, I imagined the advertising standards authority would remove that sort of thing. Still – we live and learn…
Mind control repeat.
Tony Blair blames knife crime on black gang culture.
or Murder of James Bulger or ASBO kids = Broken Britain.
each country use the same template after every psyop.
Recession – Blame the poor.
Orchestrated banking bailout. cutbacks, blame the disabled, poor, Social secuity which is a tax ad NI we all pay in to.They reduce that with storys about the workshy.
Migrants gets the milkshakes all worked up.
It is the same repeat.
rest assure another political populist party will appear discussing your concerns until they get it and the repeat continues.
Well, it’s the usual thing. The state, the police, and certainly schools, have to pretend they are invariably forces of good against the ‘evil world’, which is the staple of all TV drama. But a glance at the unhappy ranks of kids on buses and trains before school time shows a different story, that they are being moulded mostly not by internet and phones but by the awful conformity of schools, often inadequate parents, and society as a whole. (No mention either in the Adolescence hype of the state’s responsibility for so many dysfunctional childhoods with their wicked lockdowns just five short years ago.)
In yUK maybe, but over there they are definitely 100% mum on the raci*t pedophile rape Musl*m gangs with 1 million victims – those underclass white teenage girls to be clear.
1 million victims?
it was 250.000 last week. (you even posted that)
#you sound like another lot who like to fiddle the figures.
How long before we reach lampshade made of white gurls breast.?
Fraulein Sabine is massively clickbaiting again.
She says something correct (as always) in her
imitated “Oxford English” (or what that is sup-
posed to be), but still fundamentally wrong.
It is important to know that women’s brains ge-
nerally lack the biological equipment to intellec-
tually grasp the world in full overview and depth.
Is “English” a Germanic language? This
Brit, with his unmistakable “physiogno-
mic aesthetic”, is very sure about this.
But one could also argue that English is (due
to the geographical insularity of the British) a
kind of linguistic inbred product that makes it
largely impossible for users, unless they aren’t
Shakespeare, to formulate precise thoughts.
German is often touted as being the language of precision, e.g. in science and philosophy. But try asking a German for directions . . .
If “one” tries to argue that English isn’t a germanic language, then “one” is showing that “one” is ignorant. It’s a unique hybrid in many ways and a unique isolate in some others, but you can’t change the family tree that you come from. Angles? Germanic. Saxons? Germanic. Jutes? Germanic. Vikings? Germanic. Sensing a pattern here?
Oh, and another thing — or two things really: firstly, Sabine Hossenfelder is married, and secondly Germans stopped using the word “Fräulein” about 30 years ago.
I will not interrupt the discussion whether English is a German language or not. This part is for Professors and Researchers like you guys.
But…………… women’s brains generally lack the biological equipment to intellectually grasp the world in full ………………is due for a comment.
A woman is a woman build with a special biological ability to take care. Take care of especially children, but elderly and vulnerable, hereof men too.
A man is a man with a special biological ability to protect. Protect especially women, but children, elderly, and vulnerable too.
Together they are ONE UNIT who can only function together. None of the other can function without the other. Period.
So all speak about which of the sexes are the most stupid or the most intelligent is absurd.
Absolutely, this is the problem and the people that believe each one of these “problems”, pandemia, misogyny, adolescence violence, toxic masculinity, CO2, etc.
you forgot a few: halohoax, 7th Octuber
From the Sky report on Adolescence:
“Johnathan Brash …. found it “so powerful and distressing I immediately went upstairs and gave my son a hug”.”
What a heap of patronising shit.
Sounds like it’s a Sob Story series, not one about Misspent Youth ?
And did it make Daddy feel like he’d had a Deprived Youth, not having
been hugged by His Daddy ?
Netflix has disappointed in resurrecting the almost forgotten word adolescence. After teenagers, I would have expected some waffle like pre-adults, like pre-teens. In NewSpeak, anyone coming across teenage in old writings should be stumped, as if these were hieroglyphics.
a polyphyodont monster yanks a tooth from a polyphyodont monstrosity it enlarged and announces it beneficial for the prey.
Fortunately I know nothing about it.
I guess they must have planted some subliminal programming or other psych/test/g op that the military wants data on from it. It’s all social engineering
Seems there was a time when Public Health department’s concerns
were Sanitation, Nutrition, and Hygiene, and they did a good job. So
many diseases were on their way out. It seems all they concern
themselves with nowadays is promote vaxxes…
That was a big problem for the medical industry.
nowadays the Pubic health department in the USI is all about anti-shitisism, when will they bring a vaxx against that ?
You are being forced fed the political narrative of the day.
Sounds as bland as a lot of today’s music: young girls with screechy, high-
pitch wailings for some boy she’s only sentimental over. Doing her best
to lower The Birth Rate, no doubt ! Not like The Chinese !
Got to agree with Scoobis for a change , fuck netflix ..propaganda , incremental Brain wasting sludge , Feelies , Prol food !
The fucking utter dimwit Meagan Markle did not approve this message….
I also have an “archangel” who keeps haunting me in embodiment of the truth (especially in plaguing nightmares on April 20). He stubbornly keeps repeating the same message: “As long as you deny that Hitler was right, you will all fail with your ridiculous evasive maneuvers and continue to fall completely flat on your faces!”
Shitler was a Zionist stooge. His job was to silence the j.wish Germans, because they were a threat to the Zionist creeps, learn a little about german history, it did NOT start with 1933. btw. Shitler was a loony leftie.
Is it the same as a cardessian that all the young people seem to watch ?
Never heard of it.
Then again, I don’t watch the TV news, don’t listen to the radio news, don’t read the major newspapers, don’t use Social Media and try to avoid conversations about ‘nothing’.
Oh well. Job done:
At least mums will now learn what The Kids are getting up to…
And The Kids, being Mere Teens, means there wont be no Sex episodes –
no wonder The PM Loves The Show…
The two main people behind the series both have initials after their name – Stephen Graham is an OBE and Jack Thorne a FRSL.
Thorne in a speech in 2021 said: “Thorne points to the great suffering of disabled people during the COVID-19 pandemic in which the media rendered huge amounts of unnecessary deaths acceptable through usage of the term “underlying health condition””. So: in the next pandemic nobody can mention if anybody had other health conditions because it causes “great suffering”? No issues with that….
Being an American, I would have captioned Sir Starmer having a Pepsi by filling his mouth with the now priceless Yogi Berra exclamation: “Just two words: Gotta Have It!” (Not quite British humor; but still it would be nice – would give him the common touch so lacking in the House of Commons.)
BTW, I imagine the even half in jest wish to ban cell phones to teens in school proceeds from the realization that, since the phone is designed to turn the brain to mush, teens pretty soon won’t even be able to perform the simple manual tasks (like carrying military hardware) the nation will assign them.
Read today 19 US states have banned cell phones in schools and Our
Intrepid bobby junior has ‘recommended’ all States do it too… Progress !
And today I read a regional German parliament is suggesting ban on smart phones in schools. Can’t be coincidence, must be orchestrated.
Der Zeitgeist.
I saw that in a headline too, probably in the Mannheimer Morgen. Is it Baden-Württemberg?
No one ever said cannon fodder had to be intelligent…
There are several categories of soldiers:
•Those who believe government lies.
• Those who have a lucrative and safe career as an officer.
• Those who are desperate for a job.
• Grunts with guns.
The last category seems redundant. Almost nobody wants to face armed foreigners unless they are desperate. Another category: the psychos who enjoy killing, torturing and (in the case of team-mates) bullying.
My region in Spain banned cell phones in schools last year, and as a teacher I must say it has been a HUGE improvement on many levels — from helping class management to making loner kids social during break, etc etc. I was all for it a long time ago already.
I’d also bring back a dress code. For the students AND the teachers.
I know I’m not making any friends here.
Back in the day, I wore school uniform. What struck me at the time was how most students managed to adhere to the dress code (just) but still took their individualism to the limits.
Yup. I think so, also.
As someone forced to wear a uniform (Parochial School: white shirt, blue pants and tie) for 8 miserable years, I have to disagree with any notion of a dress code.
I’m afraid you will find that teachers prefer dress codes because it makes their lives easier. And their lives are very hard, I promise you. Dress codes work. They lower the enmity level considerably. And enmity in school can be an extremely detrimental disruptor. I can attest to this personally.
I, too, think that ironically uniforms bring out individuality much more than non uniform.
Yes, we hated wearing them in Catholic School, but to a certain degree we wore them with a sense of pride.
When I look at children in uniforms today I think they look a step up from the horror that passes as fashion that I see at public schools.
You focus more on a child’s face who is dressed in a uniform than you do a child who is not.
The sights I see at public high schools now are just astonishing.
Casual Friday has turned into Casual Everyday.
Sad. And pretty damn ugly.
(In the USA “public” school is non tuition school. Private school is tuition.)
I went to a boarding school for my primary and secondary education in The Netherlands during the the late 1940’s and the 1950’s. At one point the school suggested to introduce uniforms for the pupils. The parents voted that down by a big margin and I don’t recall seeing school kids wearing uniforms anywhere at that time. Of course the Dutch were surrounded for 5 years by Germans in uniforms who “just followed orders”. In 1960 I migrated to Australia and saw uniforms everywhere, except in Steiner and a few other types of alternative schools. All private schools have uniforms but there are a few state high schools that do not have them. The Savation Army constantly advertises for donations for kids from poor parents without wearing the “proper uniforms”. I think this is sterotyping these kids and this practice should be discouraged. Real poverty is a state of mind that has nothing to do with material poverty.
I still disagree about the forced wearing of uniforms. It’s too obvious that it’s merely a reinforcement of authority – that through life there will always be someone telling you what to do, how to dress, what to believe, and so forth – and that you have no right to oppose them..
“We” are more than you think ;-).
Yep. Off course it dont belong in a school yard, nor a kindergarten. Its is OBVIOUS.
And back to correct gramma too.
Third person plural; Fraulein, Sir, Madame, O Senhor, Mylady. Its much more comfortable and aesthetic to use, plus it educate the children to treat people in public polite too.
I have to agree. Civility, manners, decorum, good old socializing, looking people in the eye, writing ability, critical thinking, have definitely suffered due to cell phone use.
Notice I wrote “cell phone use”, not the cell phone itself.
Were I a teacher I would not stand for students scrolling and texting while I teach . Call me old fashioned.
Cell phones do not belong in a classroom.
We were not allowed to talk during class. We did our extra-curricular chatting and game playing at recess, lunch and after school. The same could be done now.
I wager there are many teens who’d actually (but would not admit it) welcome the ban during school.
Rest In Peace Michael.
They’re flying way way past the bullshit limit these days.
Desperate? Or a call for help?