Ode to the Young Doctor in Gaza
And other poems
Christine E. Black

Ode to the Young Doctor in Gaza
To the Muslim doctor in Gaza,
his soft, dark eyes, gloved hands
gently placed on a dusty, bloodied
Palestinian child, with matted hair,
who is screaming.
To his colleague behind him in a white coat,
waiting to assist. The young doctor
may be from Jordan or Lebanon,
his mother’s pride for his medical school
honors from Bahrain or Egypt or Dubai.
The child’s screams burrow
into his chest, remain there hours,
shouts, wailing, weeping
around him. His gaze steadies.
Is the arm broken, the small arm?
His work, assessing, washing,
Splinting, wrapping bandages,
goes on. What luxury do we have
when such screaming overwhelms us,
and we turn away?
This man may be only two hours
into his shift. Does he pray
with his whole body five times a day,
his sides brushing against the warmth
of his brothers, praying with millions,
all facing in unison? Are there Friday
prayers in Gaza? Is the mosque broken
to rubble? Or does he pray in a small room
behind a scattering of bloody rags?
And when will there be a break to eat?
My plan is to go to the place
at the edge of the world.
I show the man speaking Arabic
behind the counter at the airport
my ticket with the red numbers.
All other places
have been crossed out.
Yes, I say, I want to go there
to see, to see the children
who say they want to die
if their mother does.
I remember them
from dreams of
earth’s saddest songs.
The oldest, a boy,
who is maybe five
says they want to go also
if a bomb takes her,
a bomb from the sky
above their prison
of a past war
that never ended.
To the children
and to their mother,
I must now take
pears and almonds, water;
picture books to read aloud.
I will gather them on my lap,
while their mother rests,
smell their hair
of smoke and fear.
Peace Meetings
At peace meetings, I found men, mostly old –
from WWII, Vietnam, the Korean War. Ken brings his projectorand runs the equipment. He recalls the year he married his first wife,
the same year he was radicalized, he says, when Nixon orderedthe invasion of Cambodia. James lost his job teaching English and history
when he opposed the Vietnam War. He read the Bibleby flashlight as a teenager and now tells me outlandish stories from it:
how in Deuteronomy, chapter 12, a couple of pages after the Ten Commandmentshe found divine instructions for a man to devour all nations the Lord your God
is giving over to you and if among the captured, you find a comely womanto your liking, you may marry her – take her into your house, have her shave her head,
pare her nails, discard the clothes she wore when captured;let her mourn her parents for one month, then you may have sex with her.
Also, my friend read histories of WWII, of how Roosevelt turned away Jewsfrom Nazi Germany, how we might’ve stopped Pearl Harbor.
Companies melted steel into planes and bombs,birthing them like their favorite sons. I met Bernard, a WWII veteran,
at a Hiroshima Nagasaki Remembrance event. In the downtown heat,we studied placards with pictures of charred bodies, frozen in forever flame,
children with tumors swelling grotesque from their small bodies.At the boots display for dead Iraq War soldiers, I met Vietnam vets,
who long ago risked sneers of contempt as they broke codes of macho silenceto tell what was much more dangerous than any muscular myth.
They teach me, answer my questions. What was the real story, I ask,not the one Mr. Harper droned about in high school that I wasn’t
listening to anyway, not the ones governments paid for, but the real ones, of the losers,the conquered, the one about who wrote the check and who got paid?
These men let me ask, send me articles and book titles. A willing daughter,A sister, I imagine them as fathers, brothers. In the Vietnam Vets Against the War
newsletter I read of how Vietnam vets guarded Iraq War vets as they spokeat the Winter Soldier Hearings about what they saw and did.
Elder men protected younger when they told the truth,they stood to absorb shouts or insults or do whatever may be needed,
to stop them from crushing mythswith their simple words that afternoon. I, too, with simple words, crush myths
because they scare me with their gleam and roar, their curtain-whipping deception,their blink and flash of abstract words with spells cast as we follow them
out to the road’s edge, keep following them, even as the boy in the VA hospitalwith cuts all over his bald head from IEDs forgets his name but begs
to go back to fight, to help his friends, even as the bulldozers raze the homeof the howling children as they and their mother watch. Then we wonder
how it all happened. Men at this peace meeting, wearied of mythslong out-used, have seen what it’s like. They speak and still try
to figure out what to do before it’s too late.Jim knows how close we are to destruction after fighting in Korea,
after his 38 years at the Pentagon, after his wife’s death from cancer.His hands tremble with Parkinson’s. He lives with his daughter now
and gets mailings from the FCNL, the Quakers.We watch a movie about Gaza and the West Bank,
talk and listen on a Sunday night.
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Dresden, My Lai. Fallujah, Donbass, Gaza, Syria.
They were and are all funded, trained, supported and backed by Brussel, Tel Aviv, London, Moscow and Washington. As I told my neighbour. “WE are the bad guys”.
A month is a long time to wait with hormones buzzing. Certainly a lesson in self-restraint
FWIW (and admittedly that may be little), I happened to be listening to John Denver’s song “Calypso.” I think it’s one of his two greatest songs (the other being “I’m Sorry”) – even though some of the lyrics are just a bit sappy. But what it speaks of is now gone for good. For that one shining moment, humanity kind of treasured what a person – Jacques Cousteau – was doing (and “kind of” is about as close as humanity can ever come). I’m sure there are many who would offer a list of the many ways Cousteau was a fraud – the way they find Sir David Attenborough a fraud because they think climate change is a huge hoax. But for that one moment in time people believed in something other than conquest and enrichment.
It’s been said that World War I was one of the most disastrous events in history because it forever changed the way people looked at the world. Now a second disastrous event has taken whatever was left of humanity’s spark of life and ripped it to shreds. That event of course is the genocide in Gaza which the whole world is watching but can do nothing to prevent because the world’s powerhouse supports it. People now know that good is impossible in this world.
So here, if you don’t mind, is John Denver’s “Calypso.” (BTW, I like the song better than the video.)
Love this. Thank you.
I think they began the tear in 2016 with the huge, demonstrable in a way I’d never seen before, divide in the USA due to Trump presidency.
Then came the big rip with the big lie of 2020 (plandemic) and the cherry on top of 2021 (shots) and completely pulled asunder with Ukraine, and Gaza.
I think with age (over 60) comes a certain amount of longing for the good old days and a bit of “our days were better than yours”, but the soul sucking of the past 5 years geos way beyond that. It is tactile.
Absolutely nothing feels the same. To me, in any event.
The Zionists dont give a damn if kids are screaming in pain, lost and alone.
They bleet about past horrors which they are passing on to others.
This is not a war its the definition of terror perpetrated by a terrorist state backed by the might of the West and a nuclear capability.
They hide behind anti semitism and fund our puppet leaders with their wealth stolen by their banking system
The horror show of 7th October 2023 is played out daily in Gaza. 1 day of atrocity is equal to a lifetime of death and destruction in a genocide to clear Palestinians out of Israel once and for all, in the eyes of the Zionists.
Zionists don’t “hide behind antisemitism”. They define themselves THROUGH antisemitism. Without antisemitism they are nothing.
Good George. Like it
I think you’ll find that Zionists primarily define themselves through Talmudic scripture and their vision of a ‘Greater Israel’. Read a few of the Talmud’s greatest hits if you want to know what fuels their mission. The accusation of ‘antisemitism’ is the sword and shield of their fascist colonialism.
Makes you wonder just what these guys mean when they drone on about
“Greater”. yu Greater Israel, Make America Great Again.
What do they mean by Great? Greater guns, greater missiles, greater drones, greater drugs and weapons and money?
Greater big fat lies and destruction?
Whoops. No “yu” before Greater Israel. Typo.
A couple months back I read an article in globalresearch.ca written by someone who had set out to immerse himself in Rabbinical teaching. The deeper he got, the more he realized it wasn’t for him.
It was a long article (so I won’t link it unless asked to), but the one thing that stood out was that those truly dedicated to the inner workings of the Torah believed that one person in all of history was for all eternity confined to a pot of boiling fecal matter. That person was Jesus Christ.
But, shhh, don’t tell the Christian Evangelicals about it. The Zionists need their support.
It was clearly an investment. 1000 to 1> 10,000 to 1 repayment?
If these poems were submitted to you, as an editor or a teacher, it doesn’t matter, how could you not but give them an A+++, or publish them? What if you were to criticize them for, say, poor poetic technique, or aesthetic failings? Seems to me you would be drummed out without mercy. The subject matter kind of forces you to laud it.
Err, no. Art has to carry itself – the subject alone won’t do that.
Another good interview from Chris Hedges:
America’s Constitutional Crisis
In the following interview Hedges in June 2021, a full 15 months after the Scamdemic was officially declared, Hedges was still shilling the existence of a pandemic and promoting toxic sludge in his slot on RT.
For a so-called dissident, 15 months into the scam, to still be acting this way negates the possibility of him being just a useful idiot, he is clearly a bought and paid for agent.
His interview with was Nina Burleigh who was there to flog her new book…. ker-ching, ker-ching.
Hedges stated among other gems:
“Well–and you–and you still have these scam artists, James Bakker–Jim Bakker and others, you know, selling quack cures which people are imbibing rather than being vaccinated.”
Burleigh stated, amongst a complete pack of other lies, the following and Hedges didn’t bat an eyelid:
“We can see people dying in India and we could see people dying in New York City, or we could see the bodies being moved by forklift out of the hospitals because so many people died in April, and that is not something that you normally would see in this country. ”
Full interview below with a written transcript too. Make sure you have a puke bucket to hand, there is so much wrong with it.
Three possibilities:
• Hedges and Burleigh, like millions of others, simply defer to medicine and science. Without question.
• They both work for Big pHarmer.
• Pure expedience ie They’ve picked a ‘team’ cause they’ve got bills to pay.
Thanks for the heads up. This was still a good interview. Sometimes you have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
When will you praise a GP in GB for helping the many more young ras*st gang rap* victims there?
Oh wait, only white people can be rac*st or imperialist and off-white people only victims in woke Soros logic. Explains Starmer’s stance about ignoring that elephant in the British porcelain cabinet.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2025-03-22. Media trying turn measles into ebola. “Girl In Texas DID NOT Die Of Measles”. Leaky Vaccines danger (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
“War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning” is a 2002 book by Chris Hedges.
Like Christine’s poetry, it speaks of the unspeakable.
Thanks Christine.
The House of Love – Christine
Syrian Woodpeckers
Just like Euro woodies, not really
when he opposed the Vietnam War. He read the Bible
by flashlight as a teenager and now tells me outlandish stories
from it:
how in Deuteronomy, chapter 12, a couple of pages after the
Ten Commandments
he found divine instructions for a man to devour all nations the Lord your God
is giving over to you and if among the captured, you find a
comely woman
to your liking, you may marry her – take her into your house,
have her shave her head,
pare her nails, discard the clothes she wore when captured;
let her mourn her parents for one month, then you may have
sex with her.
Which divine instructions were later transferred and retold in the Qur’an (which now became the new valid command of this God, after both Jews and Christians failed) and (along with the rest of the instructions) were passionately imposed by the ruling Islamic circles on their Islamic subjects, who gladly carried them out, something especially evident, for example, in the Ottoman Empire, under whose – ordered by Allah, Of course – loving slavery we (my people) have been for several centuries. Taking girls and boys (of the enslaved population) as wives and concubines in the sultan’s court and janissaries, who, when they grew up, were sent to suppress uprisings of the enslaved population, or just from time to time with a scimitar in hand to remind who ruled (as well as used as soldiers).
In addition, if you are not familiar with the issue, if you ever happen to have a conversation with a Muslim, ask him at what earliest age it is appropriate to take brides, what are the recommendations and permissions according to his religion (and according to those who interpret it, as well as according to the responsible religious persons). It will be interesting for you. (Joker: ask him if the age at which a woman is already fit to marry is determined by biological markers, and, if so, what are those markers.) Ask him also what was the age of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, when he took her as his wife.
What jumps out at someone reading your comment is that everything your mention refers almost entirely to history and only parenthetical to the here and now. And while we can all read about Muslim atrocities which happened in the past (as in Spain during the Middle Ages), we can see in real time Israeli atrocities happening right before our eyes. And, as the saying goes, seeing is believing.
I’m something of a Wikipedia junkie; and almost every evening its history thumbnails present the in-fighting among royal Arab families all jockeying for power – rivaled only by ancient Egyptians and Chinese. But it’s rather light on current Israeli atrocities.
Posing as poetry, this article too papers over the unspeakable endless terrorism and mass murder on the most helpless people by the most twisted psychos, with only an occasional polite admonition from the “global community”. Maybe the author will make a name for herself after publishing a book of such poems and announcing the donation of a share of profit.
And this is today:
About Those Tunnels Underneath the Chabad “Synagogue” Headquarters in New York…
The Hasidic Chabad Lubavitch cult is a wicked, jewish supremacist, racist, gentile-hating bunch.
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.” Source.
According to Henry Makow, who himself is jewish:
“Chabad Lubavitch is a nasty Jewish supremacist cult that serves the Illuminati. Chabad Lubavitchers study the Kabbalah, the satanic creed that erases moral absolutes and believes God is ‘subjective’. These Cabalist Jews are organized in a sect called Chabad which controls Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Chabad believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash. This is behind the NWO agenda.
Hasidic jews, of which the Chabad cult is a part, are a well known child raping bunch.
The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism .. has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant. The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, uncles—figures of male authority. The victims… are mostly boys. Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.
Only the losers have any understanding of the many headed thing we blithely call “War.” The winners never let go of the myths they build of themselves around their winning. When the myths are bright and light, the winners call themselves champions of freedom and peace. When late at night the myths go dark, the winners call themselves rough and tough. But at no time, day or night, do the winners call themselves monsters. Only losers are given that right.
So can you endorse those revisionist historians who expose the Holohoax? They are mostly losers in the Zionist/deep state war on our free speech. For the curious, try reading Germar Rudolf.
Like everything else, doubtless the Holocaust has been embellished to eliminate, for instance, the Romani peoples; and make it thereby an exclusive genocide of only certain people. It’s unfortunate, this human tendency to use great tragedies for personal purposes; but it doesn’t make the entire thing a hoax.
Heart-breaking, all of it.
Watched Castaway again last night, must be my fave film, seen it 2419 times..
Shits himself by himself.
That’s even more than the times I’ve seen Jaws.
A few shit themselves there.
Its all films, right ?
Never forget the shit these frakking psychos did to us.
Every single event reminds us of the predators preying on us.
Never again may one day happen, if we remember together.
And the lies. Oh, the many lies they tell.