by Steven Chovanec, Undergroundreports In the weeks leading up to the agreed upon cessation-of-hostilities (CoH) agreement between the US and Russia, it was John Kerry’s diplomacy that was instrumental...
by Eric Zuesse Yemen’s independent Al Masdar News headlines on Monday December 7th, “U.S. Backed Syrian Opposition Official Calls for the Extermination of Alawites,” and Leith Fadel reports that:...
From Cubainformación, translated by Joshua Tartakovsky Arnaldo Pérez Guerra, Magazine Final Point (revista punto final): Syria lives in an inferno, as the crisis will continue as long as there...
Fahad al-Masri on RT Arabic. The Russian daily Kommersant reports: The head of the International Committee of the Council of the Russia Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, said that Moscow managed...