Translated by Eric Zuesse, from German Economic News The precarious situation in Greece means that thousands of refugees are making their way to northern Europe. There, the reaction is...
As progressives in Europe and the rest of the world watch in dismay the odious spectacle of a German-led EU spitefully destroying the "fiscal sovereignty" of the...
by Paul Craig Roberts Greece’s debt can now only be made sustainable through debt relief measures that go far beyond what Europe has been willing to consider so far.”...
After having launched a Referendum to refute and refuse the debt bailout agreement put together by the Troika, Prime Minister Tsipras comes up four days later with an austerity...
by Paul Craig Roberts The Greek referendum, in which the Greek government’s position easily prevailed, tells the troika (EU Commission, European Central Bank, IMF, with of course Washington as...
by Systematic Victoria Nuland meets Alexis Tsipras in Athens on March 17. John Helmer, “the longest continuously serving foreign correspondent in Russia“, writes: A putsch in Athens to save...
from Truth & Satire Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis in Greece: the government spent too much money and went broke; the generous...
by Kit Greece, Tsipras and the lunatic economist It’s been highly interesting to note the slow intensification of policy when it comes to portraying Greece’s Syriza government, most specifically...
by Dick Eastman The Greek people voted against austerity and the debt structure the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Greece’s International Creditors and the European Union governments...
“…Greeks choose poverty, let them have their way,” said the Financial Times two days ago, with admirably Scrooge-like indifference to human suffering and a willingness to reverse truth in...
French and German banks were weakened due to their heavy investment in Greek debt. According to the documentary titled “On the Trail of the Troika“, the euro states prevented Greece...
by Vaska You won’t find it so much as mentioned in any of the mainstream press, but only a week after Alexis Tsiparis, the leader of Syriza and Prime...
by Vaska It looks like three EU member countries, Hungary, Greece, and Cyprus, are all quietly dropping the economic sanctions the Obama administration had sweet-talked/arm-wrestled the EU into imposing...
Fat & Sugar Tax – an old Troika dream to come true? By How much fat has one Souvlaki in pita bread? What’s the percentage of saturated fats...
“Industrious” Germany and “lazy” Greece: when ants gamble, grasshoppers pay While lots of empathy has been expended on the plight of people in Greece and Spain, most of us...
There goes The Guardian, censoring us away…again! Earlier today, I experienced yet another of The Guardian‘s acts of political censorship: this time on the topic of Greece. Since the...