New documents prove Hillary Clinton censored YouTube video

from Minds.com

In response to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s usage of her private e-mail account to conduct State Department business, 15 pages of correspondence between Clinton and others were released online via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) late last month. One such document, with the inconspicuous subject line “Google and YouTube,” reveals one of Clinton’s staffers forwarding the personal contact information of Google and YouTube’s CEOs to the Office of the Secretary, whom just one hour later responds, “the block [on the unknown video] will stay through Monday.” thumbProxy However, none of this should be surprising. Just last month, veteran journalist Luke Rudkowski was censored by Google for posting a video about — you guessed it! — Hillary Rodham Clinton. This incestuous relationship between tech companies and the federal government is no longer conspiratorial heresy, given that Clinton also recently hired a longtime Google executive to manage her upcoming presidential campaign. Despite this addition to Clinton’s growing laundry list of scandals, she’ll likely be voted right into office by an uninformed American public…


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bj mitchell
bj mitchell
Apr 12, 2016 5:41 PM

I agree

Apr 12, 2016 4:49 PM

Go to her facebook page. You will see citizens calling out her corruption, but those comments are not seen by the general public. (I am told) who visits her page. Is that possible? Why isn’t she exposed for her campaign mgr John Podesta who has been named in the Panama Papers as the bag man for Russia. See Salon and Wash. Examiner, Daily Kos. 2. Bloomberg posted last week that 1100 foreign nations have donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation. NOT reported.
3. Harpers Blog, last Friday, called the Clinton Foundation a money launderer…we know her server was illegally connected to the Clinton Foundation.
4. March 2015, the DNC called for 33 Dem insiders to a meeting where they created the HILARY VICTORY FUND. Designed to get big corporations $$$….and those running for election for re-election would receive funds to RUN their campaigns, IF they became a super delegate of Clinton.

Trump and Sanders are 150% correct….the whole demn thing is rigged by the two headed corporate snake parties..the DNC and the RNC.

Dana Logsdon
Dana Logsdon
Apr 12, 2016 5:24 AM
