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A Constitutional Crisis: Can the Rule of Law Survive This Presidency?
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be...
The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government?
John & Nisha Whitehead
“If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the...
The Constitution Has Gone AWOL: From Presidential Power Grabs to Martial Law
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and civil liberties just...
Animal Farm Politics: The Deep State Wins Again
John & Nisha Whitehead
“No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to...
The Deep State’s Triumph: 2024 and the Erosion of Liberty
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Everyday the future looks a little bit darker.” Alan Moore, Watchmen We have become a nation adrift in a sea...
A Gift America Can’t Return: The Police State Is America’s New Crime Boss
John & Nisha Whitehead
“There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous,...
When Rights Become Privileges: Is the Constitution Becoming Optional?
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country...
You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It
John & Nisha Whitehead
“He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows when you’ve been bad or good...
This Is How It Begins: The Deep State Wants to Terminate the Constitution
John & Nisha Whitehead
“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.” Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale This is...
Quick Take…Ukraine Fires Missiles into Russia, “WWIII” looms
The press is reporting that President Biden gave his permission for Ukrainian forces to fire US-made missiles into Russia....
The Very Definition of Tyranny: A Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy
John & Nisha Whitehead
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or...
The Politics of Fear: Laying the Groundwork for Fascism, American-Style
John & Nisha Whitehead
“No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.” Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist America...
Soul Suicide in the Ballot Box as Palestinians Are Butchered
Edward Curtin
It’s been a long time but worth remembering, if you can, that when the Twin Towers and Building 7...
Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches
John & Nisha Whitehead
“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to...
America Is Falling Apart: Our National Priorities Are in Dire Need of Restructuring
John & Nisha Whitehead
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Bob Dylan A water main breaks every two...
Hidden Agendas: Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency
John & Nisha Whitehead
“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.” Thomas Paine The government wants your...
Don’t Trust the Government. Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms
John & Nisha Whitehead
“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from...
Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in...
Technofascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Internet platforms have a powerful incentive to please important federal officials, and the record in this case shows that high-ranking...
Edward Curtin
I am sitting on the beach at the National Seashore, a forty-mile long stretch of the Atlantic Ocean seashore...