Dear Guardian editors: this is why no one believes you anymore
by BlackCatte
Dear Guardian editors, especially the Anonymous Perpetrator of Sunday’s Guardian view on Ukraine –
While this is just the latest on the conveyor-belt of state-promoted Stalinist ‘alternative realities’, which now constitutes the vast majority of your (ahem) political analysis, I feel the need to make a few observations, more out of pity than anger.
You must be wondering why, after over a year of a continued propaganda campaign that has seen you defending neo-nazis, racist massacres, and the wholesale terrorising of innocent civilians, you are still largely failing to get the message across, even to your core traditional readership. I can sense a rising panic, bafflement and bewilderment in you. And it makes me want to reach out. To bridge the gulf and explain why you are so totally failing to convince anybody of anything.
It’s not just because you cosy up with nazis (sorry, ‘nationalists’), while queasily obscuring their crimes and ideologies. It’s not just because you fail to see that your go-to Russia correspondents such as Shaun Walker and Luke Harding come over either as racist Russophobes or idiot-shills, on a par with, if rather more intelligent than your other poorly chosen protegé, the tragi-comic Eliot Higgins.
It’s because you’re just terribly bad at what you do.
Look at this from your most recent Anonymous offering:
President Putin’s recent language may nevertheless indicate that he is looking for a way out of what may have turned into something of a military and political quagmire.
Russia’s in a political and military quagmire?
How many people who have been even half paying attention for the past year and a half do you think are going to believe that?
Let’s recap. The US neocon plan of financially annexing Ukraine and drawing Russia into a proxy war with NATO seems to be dead. And let’s hope it stays that way, because while it lived it was so hardline even Kissinger repudiated it. So insane it almost sparked a nuclear war. So incompetent it dragged Europe to the point of financial ruin, the fallout of which we are still experiencing and will continue to experience for the foreseeable future.
Don’t forget, dear Graun, we have spent the last 18 months watching our political leaders in Europe and the US demonstrate they are equally divided between lunatics, morons and moronic lunatics. We’ve seen the likes of Cameron, Merkel and Hollande trundle their people to the edge of Armageddon, just because Nuland et al told them to, blinking in the headlights of the oncoming juggernaut, passive, helpless and completely idiotic.
We’ve discovered (if we didn’t already know) the US State Department is run by a hard core of dangerously insane halfwits who have zero understanding of realpolitik or anything else. We’ve been forced to realise these people don’t grasp their own (profound) limitations, can’t comprehend that Ukraine is not Tunisia, not Egypt, not even Georgia. We’ve had to face the incredible fact that these guys actually believed they could have another of their ridiculous ‘color revolutions’ in Russia’s strategic, political and emotional heartland, use the usual rent-a-mob to throw Russia’s Black Sea Fleet out of Crimea, and not ignite a thermonuclear war.
We have seen Ukraine torn apart and die economically, spiritually, politically and militarily, all in pursuit of serving this fatuous, self-defeating, sub-intelligent agenda.
And you think you can make us forget all of that and believe it’s Russia in the quagmire, just because the Guardian says so?
The same Guardian that has destroyed its own reputation in offering unquestioning support for this lunatic death-train from the beginning?
How much power do you think you have to sway opinion these days? Have you checked on that recently? Do you realise you are competing with literally hundreds of other outlets, big and small, not all of which are offering your version of reality? Do you realise it’s as easy for today’s Well Meaning Guardian Reader to click on RT as the Graun? On Global Research as the Indy? Do you think you have a magic filter that blocks their access to these places, just because you used to have a monopoly?
It’s as if you think you can tell us to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, and we’ll obey. How else to explain why you continue to write as if an interested or sceptical party can’t source check you in five minutes, and find you wanting?
As here:
After annexing Crimea last year, Mr Putin raised the stakes by launching a conflict in the Donbass
Here’s a little bit of Internet 101. Online publications have things called “archives.” Look it up. The Guardian has one, just as we do, and all web based journals do. Your readers can visit that archive in a few clicks. And there they can read what you were writing about ten years ago – or a year ago. And they can see quite easily if you are trying to subtly – or not so subtly – change the narrative. For example, here’s some extracts from the Guardian’s archive concerning the start of that “conflict in Donbass” you now want us to believe was kicked off by Putin riding in to Donetsk on the back of a tank…
Guardian, April 10 2014:
Military Assaults against pro-Russian occupiers rumoured in Eastern Ukraine
“…After pro-Russian protesters demanding referenda on greater autonomy from Kiev stormed government buildings in the eastern regional capitals of Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk over the weekend, rumours of a military response by the Ukrainian authorities have run rampant….”
Guardian, April 16 2014:
Ukrainian troops ‘demoralised’ as civilians face down anti-terror drive…
“…The situation has been repeated several times now across east Ukraine following Kiev’s announcement of its anti-terrorist operation at the weekend: Ukrainian troops and their hardware are blocked by angry residents, who stop them in their tracks and convince them to turn round or even withdraw….”
Guardian, April 16 2014:
Ukraine: government troops move against pro-Russia separatists – live…
“…The Ukrainian military resumed operations in the east Thursday, moving in troops and vehicles and battling with separatists for control of an arms depot and at least one checkpoint outside the city of Slavyansk. There were conflicting reports of fatalities on the militia side…..”
Ah yes, the ATO, as you described it not so very long ago. That glorious moment when John Brennan of the CIA visited Kiev and coincidentally, just a few days later Yats and Turch decided to name all the people of Donbass “terrorists” and launch a military operation to obliterate them. The images of armoured vehicles being stopped and disarmed by the women of Slavyansk. The videos of unarmed civilians being murdered in Odessa and Mariupol.
You see how sleazy and manipulative your agenda immediately appears when you pretend these things didn’t happen, while at the same time your archive proves you know full well they did? You see how morally and intellectually bankrupt you seem when you opt for simplistic summations that are basically lies? You see how scummily cavalier you seem to be about truth, reality and human lives?
This is why people don’t believe you any more.
Obviously, in the end your chums at the top will manage to close down, or entirely control the internet, but until they do, if you want to sell their sociopathic agenda, you really need to become a bit more au fait with how the world wide web works. Just lying about everything isn’t enough any more. You need to cover your own tracks. Rewrite your own recent past. Erase the inconvenient shards of truth therein.
If you’re going to lie, serially and self-contradictingly, then don’t forget to use the Memory Hole.
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I leave a response when I especially enjoy a article on a blog or if I
have something to valuable to contribute to the discussion.
It is a result of the sincerness communicated in the article I looked at.
And on this post Dear Guardian editors: this is why no one believes you anymore | OffGuardian.
I was actually moved enough to drop a thought 🙂 I actually do
have a couple of questions for you if you do not mind.
Is it just me or does it look like like some of the responses come across as if they are left
by brain dead individuals? 😛 And, if you are writing on other social
sites, I’d like to keep up with you. Could you list the complete urls of your social pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile?
No its coming out of tel Aviv.Is it that tough to figure out?Really.
I’m guessing you don’t think Native Americans are responsible for the imperialism. These tactics go back to the Roman Empire, Babylon and beyond. The globalists love anything that attacks sovereignty and democracy. The EU won’t stop European countries being America’s lapdog, or America being Israel’s pitbull. I suspect they’ll go as far as rigging the referendum to prevent us leaving their nEU world order/ ‘Eurasia.’
(a reply to Aliocha posted out of position)
I particularly laughed with incredulity and some fear, when all spoke as one without any knowledge of what really happened on flight MH 17 on that morning. All pulling together for freedom and democracy’s new corporate debt slave masters.
[…] BLACKCATTE Cari redattori del ‘Guardian’, ed in particolare l'anonimo autore dell’editoriale […]
Great stuff.
Greetings from Germany.
Unfortunately you could send the same letter to all of our so called “Quality Media”.
We need to keep going and remind them where ever we can, that the truth is out there and it cant be erased as yet.
As George Orwell said it: “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Lets use our positive energy.
Everywhere, all over the world, wherever we/you are.
They need to feel our power !!!
[…] Sehr geehrte Redakteure des Guardian: hier erfahrt Ihr, warum Euch keiner mehr glaubt […]
Is there still anybody at the Guardian who has any concern for the truth?
They (Guardian writers) are are of a certain class, education, philosophy etc. I don’t agree with much of what they think but to imagine that Putin and his KGB cronies are anything other than just another bunch of unimaginative and evil dictator scumbags is pathetically naive. Rampant homophobes and racists, they are just as self serving as Western politicians. The author of this piece should get out of her teenybopper dream world and just accept that it’s us in the West, with our liberal values and propensity towards savage promotion of our multinational companies and their interests against the former soviet empire wannabes who can’t accept the fact that they lost the ideological war of the 20th Century. The CIA didn’t force all those Russians onto the streets to tear down the statues and the Wall. People did it because life there was shit and they wanted to try a better way. Being a gangster state of course where the assets were stripped by criminals it all went horribly wrong and many of them now think things were better before. They are as bad as each other, and writers who bang on like they speak for anyone but themselves and their Kremlin overlords come across like gullible children.
The aiding and abetting of the child molester/murderers alone is enough to make one want to ‘get a rope’
Or it should be.
Good article. I loved it.
[…] article originally appeared […]
Thank you so much for this.’-‘ ‘-‘
[…] Michel Text von BlackCatte Übersetzung von […]
[…] von BlackCatte Übersetzung von […]
[…] OffGuardian […]
Thank you for a bit of truth.
I never was a Guardian reader, but I do wish someone would do something similar for the Financial Times
Marvelous. A blast of righteous anger at being lied to over and over and over. I only hope some of those morally-bankrupt creatures will read it; although it will make no difference in policy – because the train is on rails, after all, and it has to follow the path it’s on even if it’s stupid to go there – just for the satisfaction of letting them know we know.
Dear OffGuardian British authors: Please tell your readers that there is no such thing as an Anglo-saxon race, so they stop making the Atlantic into “a pond” and the Channel into the Atlantic ocean.
You Brits are European, just like us from the continent. Your future lies not with the USA, but with the European dream that is bound to become true some day: Europe, from Lisbon to Vladivostok. WITH the British Isles.
What do we need the ceaselessly warmongering, demented, barely born and already senile USA for? It’s not as if we hadn’t managed without these morons for millennia, is it?
As this article has so rightly stated. The Guardian along with all the MSM are morally and intellectually bankrupt they make the greek deficit look like a budget surplus. Lluv the Off gaurd thank goodness for Press TV RT Tele-Sur . Counterpunch and the Dissedent voice and thier are so many more out there. Stuf the MSM ABC CBC BBC RAI FRAN press DWD they are all in the pocket of the neo-liberal puscht. Goebels would be proud of them all . They all seem to be well versed on Benitto’s Mussolinis book The Corporate State cause thats what the west has become. Yesterdays news gets wrapped in todays fish. History has a way of repeating itself so west be prepared for this is just the big inning
Newspeak has finally arrived at The Guardian. I can hear the faint spinning sound of George Orwell not resting in peace.
Dear Jen:
Poor Georgie Orwell never realized that his book would be understood as a “how-to” primer by the totalitarians, rather than as a warning to the rest of us!
Excellent direction of the latest guardian hit piece.
It saddens me that the UK media mainstream media now has no rational voice; the guardian, independent, daiky mail, mirror, express and telegraph all write exactly the same things. The only difference is the style of presentation.
They are all neo liberal/ neo con; all pro -EU, all pro the market which means now the 1%. And all support US hegemony without question.
Being retired, I spend a lot of time on the net and read the articles at a number of different sites. Whenever I see the Guardian cited as a source for anything, right up to and including the weather, I make a point to note that they are not a reputable source for unbiased information anymore and that they have made a decided turn to the right.
I also add a link to Off-Guardian, since I’m sure that there are a lot of ex-Guardian Posters that would post here if only they knew about this site. Here’s a recent post to Truthdig as an example.
A number of articles on Truthdig link to the Guardian, which has recently changed management and is inexorably moving to the right, especially in regard to the Ukraine and Putin; domestic spying in Britain and the US; Israeli War Crimes; Venezuela; Syria, Libya or any other country currently targeted for “regime change” by the Empire.
The result has been that, over the past several months, many of the more prominent and knowledgeable people in the Guardian Threads has been systematically censored and then ultimately banned from the site. This has made the comment threads almost completely one-sided in favor of the official Western Positions in regard to war and intervention.
These days their threads are full of faux liberals and right wing asshats who harass those that have the temerity to point out the facts in regard to the Ukraine with “Putinbot” insults or worse. All of this is now quite acceptable to the Guardian Etiquette Police—until such time as one responds with a coherent counter argument, which is then censored.
I heartily recommend that anyone that reads articles on the Guardian should also go to Off-Guardian, which is a site made up of people who were longtime Guardian Posters who have now been banned. These are well-informed people who can, at a minimum, provide a more realistic view on some subjects, particularly the Ukraine, than the Guardian.
This morning I entered the following post in regard to an article about Jeremy Corbyn. However, it fits better here, so I’m reposting it if that is all right. That was a fantastic take-down Catte…well conceived, well articulated and right in their collective faces. Congratulations.
As an American, I know very little in regard to British Politics, since I am primarily concerned with our own problems here in the Empire’s “Homeland”. Moreover, now that I’ve been banned by the losers over at the Guardian, I spend much less time perusing their articles than I once did.
That being said, I did notice from my reading here that the Guardian has really gone after Jeremy Corbyn in what would seem to be a calculated effort to denigrate the man. Until now, I had wondered about the reason for their tenacity. However, it now appears that their concerns relate to reputational and career self-preservation.
In an era in which our friends at the Guardian have been particularly guilty of supporting NATO’s aggressive actions in the Ukraine to the point of publishing laudatory articles in praise of Neo-Nazis, their concerns in regard to an outspoken guy like Mr. Corbyn are not unfounded.
Below is a link to a nice little article about Tony Blair and his inability, so many years after the fact, to escape his culpability for the Iraq War. The article discusses the looming Chilcott Report and ends with a one-minute video clip in which Mr. Corbyn emphatically argues that all of those responsible for war crimes, up to and including Tony Blair, should be tried.
What a quaint proposition! The man must be crazy—or maybe not. As our friends at the Guardian well know, any examination of British Politicians for their involvement in War Crimes must ultimately lead to an examination of the role of the British Media. This means that Mr. Corbyn’s rise could very well threaten the careers of the stenographers, hagiographers and professional propagandists at the Guardian and elsewhere who march in lockstep support for every military intervention, from Iraq to the Ukraine.
To my knowledge, only one “journalist” has ever been censured for playing a role in promoting the Iraq War. That person was Judith Miller, of the New York Times. Ms. Miller took the hit for both the Bushies and The Times when she was bounced with grotesque fanfare as a cover for The Times other culpable writers and editors. Now, 13 years after the fact, Ms. Miller is hawking her new book to no takers in an effort to vindicate herself with the same old lies.
Now, while it might eventually be somewhat gratifying to see hacks like Sean Walker hawking their self-justification novellas in the tubes of London while hocking heirlooms to eat, it would have to mean that the intermittent years would not be a good thing for the Ukrainians. In fact, none of us might be around if the war he is promoting ultimately goes nuclear. Therefore, the time to expose and investigate all of these pimps for permanent war, from the Blairs to the Walkers, is right now.
Finally, if any examination of the role of politicians or so-called “journalists” is ever to be undertaken, it will have to start in Britain. Even then, it is doubtful that any such self-examination would ever take place here in the Amerikan “Homeland”, since we are an exceptional people and clearly above reproach. Still, one can always hope and Britain is the key.
Here’s that link, I promised above!
“Now, 13 years after the fact, Ms. Miller is hawking her new book to no takers in an effort to vindicate herself with the same old lies.”
However poorly her new book may sell, I wouldn’t feel too sorry for that war-harpy Judy Miller. She still has her seats on the Council on Foreign Relations and the Manhattan Institute. She’s a ‘team player’ who helped the neo-cons get us into Iraq. She’ll continue to be looked after and rewarded.
Well they always land on their feet. For a year or two, the sleazy slimeball was persona non grata, but as soon as her name dropped out of the news, there was never any question that she would be resurrected into a high paying job. That’s how it always works with these people and don’t be surprised if she ends up back in journalism. No doubt she would fit in well with either of the two Fascist Newspapers in Washington, DC.
Thanks, Brad (and of course the Off-Guardian). I had no idea the neolibs had purchased The Guardian and driven it over the right-wing cliff. How tragic. Is there anything left of the traditional left-wing mainstream press?
great stuff, the g doesn’t do journalism based on facts anymore – see their treatment of Jeremy Corbyn also
The Graun’s script sounds like it’s coming out of the Pentagon