the Paris attacks: challenging the narrative of the “new 9/11”


The narrative of the Paris Attacks flooding the corporate media right now is rigidly controlled and firmly delineated. The atrocities were committed by ISIS, which is an evil jihadi terror group with no affiliation to western governments, and there was nothing the western security services could have done to prevent them.

No deviation from this is permitted either above or below the line. If you talk about the links between ISIS and NATO or the Saudis you will be censored. Mention the name “Gladio” in the Guardian comments and you will be Memory-Holed on the spot. The idea that such events as these or such entities as ISIS even might be state-sponsored either covertly or directly is currently not permissible in our “free society”. There is currently total lockdown on any kind of dissent.

This lockdown, this suppression of alternative narratives is ultimately more important than the question of who did or did not perpetrate the atrocity. We already know the lines between “terrorist” and “western-backed rebel” are blurred. We already know there is widespread evidence of western support for radical jihadists, so that the finer details of where on the spectrum of responsibility this particular attack lies are both hard to establish and not of foremost relevance.

What really matters is that it’s already clear this event is – at best – being exploited opportunistically to create a “second 9/11.” That very term was being rolled out in the media within minutes or hours of the attacks. We are being told “the world has changed.” That more freedom has to be sacrificed, that the French constitution needs to be “amended”. Anyone opposing a shoot-to-kill policy in the UK (where no terrorist attacks have even occurred so far) are being howled down by vocal mobs. Racism against Moslems is now – like racism against Russians – almost de rigeur, in a kind of dehumanisation campaign so often used by fascist regimes to prepare a population for conquest and destruction. The only debate currently permitted in the pages of corporate news is whether we should “appease” the bad guys or declare war upon “them” (though the location of this “them” is always troubling vague). Given these artificially narrow choices it’s too obvious what the terrorised and corralled populations are likely to pick.

To that extent this already is a “new 9/11.” And it’s up to the alternative media – right now – to do a better job of challenging this Minitrue narrative than was done in 2001 and 2003. People need to be reminded that the reality they are being offered is not the only one available. That other versions are possible and plausible.

With that in mind, over the next few days and weeks we’re going to be offering contrasting takes on the meaning behind the Paris attacks by different authors, all of which challenge not only the official version, but – just as importantly – each other. We’re calling the informal series “challenging the narrative of the ‘new 9/11′”.

If you don’t agree with what a given author says – offer up your own take in the comments, or send us your views for possible publication.

We don’t want to replace one locked down “official narrative” with another. We want to open questions that don’t necessarily have easy or available answers. Because the right and ability to question is ultimately what matters, and what we need to defend. Fluid thinking, and minds open to contrasting possibilities is our best defence against the single-narrative lockstep of authoritarianism.


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The West’s contribution to the war coming to the West and how the media surpresses it | The Fifth Estate
Jan 31, 2016 11:22 PM

[…] and information might simply be surpressed as was the case when ‘The Guardian’ simply suppressed comments that the West might have something to do with the bombings in Paris and this is the real point and […]

Nov 23, 2015 2:11 PM

I post this for all the closed minded people … serebra sana ( youtube channel ) showed that there were drills on the same day , now here is the smoking gun … a twitter post 48 hours BEFORE the attacks in paris listing the amounts of the dead and injured and thankfuly http://www.superstation95.com got a screen shot , twitter took the post down as two many people were asking questions , so to all you closed minded people i’d say wake up but that seems to be over used instead i offer this … be positive , listen to all , follow none , tc all .

OffG Editor
OffG Editor
Nov 23, 2015 2:35 PM
Reply to  darlene

If that’s the same twitter post we saw it was pretty clearly Photoshopped to change the date. There’s plenty of real evidence out there of the motives behind these attacks, and the way in which they are being exploited to further government agendas.The only thing such nonsense as this does is distract and discredit.

Nov 24, 2015 1:09 AM
Reply to  OffG Editor

Proof please ( photoshopped ) . ty

Nov 23, 2015 8:51 AM

Dear offGuardian, this is an excellent and commendable initiative. As you say, the “failure” of our media to question the “official narrative” is perhaps as threatening to democracy as the attacks themselves. Even if there were no anomalies in the sequence of the current attacks (in fact there are plenty [1]), truly independent media would have to be skeptical, given that most of the major attacks in Europe between 1945 and 1990 were indeed state sponsored. Curiously, this time even many “alternative media” have failed to question the narrative. This might be due to the fact that many of these media outlets adopt (more or less) a Russian point of view. While this was a yielding strategy during the Ukraine crisis and other conflicts, it probably failed this time, since RT didn’t choose to “questioned more”. Only a handful of truly independent minds have remained skeptical, among them apparently the offGuardian. So, I’m looking forward to your Paris series. [1] Notably, let’s not forget that the sole “claim of responsibility” by ISIS consists of a deleted tweet by a suspended unknown private account, presented by none other than the highly dubious Israeli SITE intelligence company, famous for having published the fake Bin Ladin videos after 2001 and the Hollywood-quality beheading videos of ISIS more recently. In other words, the political interpretation of the whole event rests on a dubious tweet. Since the alleged attackers are all dead, nobody will confirm or deny having acted on behalf of ISIS… http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a76_1262889240. Add to this the famous emergency exercises on the very same day, the notorious “undamaged Syrian passport” next to an alleged suicide bomber (of whom no video has been published, despite being right next to the stadium), the video sequence of the Pizzeria where nobody gets hurt and when the attacker… Read more »

joe Staten
joe Staten
Nov 21, 2015 11:10 PM

So, this has just blown my little mind wide open. According to his own testimony, one of the first responders on the scene of the Bataclan attack was – believe it or not – Patrick Pelloux, emergency physician and survivor of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Not only that, he says he was taking part in a drill at the time – about multiple terrorist shootings in the city!


[01 :40]

PP : It just happens that Friday morning, Paris Emergency services were conducting a live drill on this very same type of terrorist attack.

Newscaster: Really? What a coincidence!

PP: (hesitates a few seconds) It’s …. a horrible coincidence, ah yes it’s a horrible coincidence that this very evening it was… yes… a horrible coincidence….

Another emergency drill coinciding with an identical real event? How many is that now? Is someone taking the piss or what?

Jimmy Gauvin
Jimmy Gauvin
Nov 21, 2015 5:58 AM

1) Knowing the sponsorship of the Paris events might be interesting
2) Knowing why western media, and maybe others, prefers the Paris events over the Beirut events is also interesting

But, in the end, it is how these events are being used to promote more bombs that talks plainly and clearly.
The logic is very simplistic: more bombs will rid us of the big mean terrorists. That is the main selling point of the mainstream narrative. And I find it answers 1 and 2 above quite well.

To those who really believe in more bombs, might I suggest a visit to the necrometrics web site ” http://necrometrics.com/ ” to blast that logic to bits.

Nov 21, 2015 1:16 AM

The answer to all of this is easy. You’ll never stop the terror attacks ‘until’ we all stop these out of control people in government making all this terror possible. You will get exactly what you will put up with.

Nov 19, 2015 3:40 PM

It would be entertaining to see how far this site is willing to dive down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories (‘sure, literally thousands of Parisians witnessed/were harmed by the attacks, but sitting here in my parents basement and adding up random numbers has allowed me to determine the REAL culprits were NATO and the Jews!’) if it wasn’t using an atrocity that has shattered hundreds of families to indulge in masturbatory fantasies about one’s membership of an elite group that knows ‘what’s REALLY going on.’

Bonus – always nice to see a publication that is willing to simultaneously claim Jihadism is all just a CIA scare story while simultaneously splooshing itself over that beefy Vladimir Putin and his glorious crusade against ISIS…

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:04 PM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell


Your post is hugely insulting.

“… but sitting here in my parents basement and adding up random numbers has allowed me to determine the REAL culprits were NATO and the Jews!’) if it wasn’t using an atrocity that has shattered hundreds of families to indulge in masturbatory fantasies about one’s membership of an elite group that knows ‘what’s REALLY going on.’”

If that’s the best you can do I feel pity for you.

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

The so-called “Jihad” of 23 August 1998 – ( 48 months, 48 weeks, 48 days before 9/11 ) should you one day, decide to research it is a completely false construct.

Also, the alleged “2nd OBL Fatwah to – “Kill Americans and Jews of 23 February 1998” is a Zionist mastubatory fantasy, brought to you by the Sykes-Picot obsessives in Tel Avi and their sponsors in Washington and London.

So to relieve you of your crass ignorance, perhaps you ought to avail your evidently closed mind, of this …


Sykes-Picot: Al Qaeda / World Islamic Front / Osama bin Laden’s alleged 2nd Fatwa to “kill Americans and Jews” on 23 February 1998

From the Sykes-Picot Agreement on 16 May 1916 to the alleged OBL 2nd Fatwa on 23 February 1998 is:

= 777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days


Likewise, for the ISIS construct and their “Declaration of the Caliphate – entitled “The End of Sykes-Pioct” on 29 June 2014″


So, daraghmcdowell, you fail …


I’m in my 50’s and do not live with my parents and gave up masturbating ( myself ) 3119 days ago for your information.

Now quit the insults and do some edjakashun eh ?


Nov 19, 2015 4:10 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

So you can cite with perfect accuracy the number of days since you stopped jerking off, and are citing the website of a man who literally believes a secret group of lizard people run the world.

You’re right. How could I be so rude as to fail to take you seriously.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:24 PM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell

“.. citing the website of a man who literally believes a secret group of lizard people run the world.”

I don’t cite David Icke’s woirk anywhere.

Never have.

I cite my own work which I post on a forum which carries his name.

Even you can work that out surely …


Nov 24, 2015 11:32 AM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell

Aaha …..Could it have been you or one of your friends that placed that Syrian passport there after the suicide bomber blew himself up in Paris ???…or just like those Algerian born brothers where one of their ID cards was found in the get away car after the charlie hedbo massacre……or Mohammed Atta , the supposedly pilot and terrorist, whose passport turned up after his plane demolished one of the twin towers on 911 and turned the world trade center into molten metal. Paper passports are extremely durable….and ID’s turn up at the most appropriate times.

Yep you have been playing with yourself in the basement for too long. Start thinking.


Nov 19, 2015 4:12 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

PS 23 August 1998 to September 11 2001 is just over 36 months, not 48. An innumerate numerologist… quite a feat.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:21 PM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell


So you can cite with perfect accuracy the number of days since you stopped jerking off, and are citing the website of a man who literally believes a secret group of lizard people run the world.

You’re right. How could I be so rude as to fail to take you seriously.



PS 23 August 1998 to September 11 2001 is just over 36 months, not 48. An innumerate numerologist… quite a feat.


My mishtake – 1998 should have read 1996 of course.


The alleged Declaration of Jihad on 23 August 1996 to 9/11 on 11 Septmber 2001 :

= 44+4 months, 44+4 weeks, 44+4 days



I have no relationship with David Icke.

I choose to post there because it has a huge audience.

Did you sit at the back of the class complaining about the “black / white board” or did you take the notes down and do your homework ?

If you’ve nothinng constuctive to add, apart from “typo anomaly hunting” then you’ve nothign constructive to conntribute.

Have you ?


Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:22 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

So far daraghmcdowell

You have contributed precisely …

Ad hominem fallacy

Implied guilt by association fallacy

Anything more ?


Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:31 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell


“So you can cite with perfect accuracy the number of days since you stopped jerking off, ”

Herein lies the problem.

You are so keen to “make a debunking name for yourself”, not only does your haste backfire on you and render your “opinions” moot, but you do not even have the nouse to see when a joke is being played on you …

Perhaps instead of 3119 days, I should have said P444 days .

Geddit now ?

No thought not, Perhaps you never will eh .

You are, however, a very useful foil …


Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:46 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

While we’re in the 777 groove …

Perhaps you might like / or not / to know this …

The London 777 events on 7 July 2005 are rooted, not in any so-called “Jihad”, but unsurprisingly in all things Zion.

As a not-so-gentle reminder of our “historic obligations” to “ze Mandate…”

From the British Mandate for Palestine CIF on 29 September 1923 to :

the London 777 bombings on 7.7.2005 is:

777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days


And, as you will see, it is commong practice in these scripts to pick the “lead patsy” for his role using the same method …


Nov 19, 2015 4:34 PM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell


Conflating this site, and all of its contributors, with the comments of one superstitious (and over-energetic) commenter is intellectually dishonest, to say the least. But I’m sure you know that.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:49 PM
Reply to  SFS


To conflate mathematics and date arithmetic with “superstition” is very, very silly …

Almost like the Enlightenment never even happened …


OffG Editor
OffG Editor
Nov 19, 2015 11:19 PM
Reply to  daraghmcdowell

In your haste to use the “conspiracy” argument you seem to have overlooked the fact this comment was BTL. OffG hasn’t endorsed any numerology arguments. Nor have we blamed “the Jews.” You obviously want to slip us into some niche for argument’s sake, but sadly we don’t belong there.

The fact numerous people witnessed the attacks is not evidence of who did them, and there’s little point in trying to dismiss the fact NATO is funding jihadists as a conspiracy theory. It’s an acknowledged fact. Too late for deflection

And none of us live in a basement, if that helps.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 20, 2015 12:55 AM
Reply to  OffG Editor

From Netanyahu warned that :

“Recognition of a Palestinian state by France would be a grave mistake” on 23 November 2014

to the “Paris attacks” on 13 November 2015 is:

= 9 months, 11 weeks, 5 days

= P3 days, 11 weeks, 9 months >3119


The Paris Attacks as a coup d’etat …



Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 1:26 PM

Dov Lior, Chief Rabbi says Paris attcks are payback for Holocaust


If I had pointed out all of this with the date relationships, the bewildered, the dissonant and of course the Zio Hasbara crew would all resort to the usual tactics …

Yet when the rabid “Rabbi”, a member of the tribe admits to mass murder – it’s newsworthy.

When you have the scientific proof of that before your eyes, you ridicule, ignore and run for the hllls ..

The reason for this ?


Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 1:43 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

Forgot to mention, the Jew, Zuckerberg / Facebook has banned David Icke from Facebook because of his proselytising on the Dov Lior confession …

Just dandy …


Nov 18, 2015 4:28 PM

Well I was put on the naughty step for simply pointing out how remarkable it was that the only place in the Middle East to be untouched by the plague of ISIS was the Zionist Entity.
I’m now in the twilight zone of pre-moderation…

Nov 18, 2015 7:26 PM

You too, huh?

OffG Editor
OffG Editor
Nov 19, 2015 2:29 AM

Wear it with pride.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 18, 2015 3:10 PM

Dear OFFG People Whilst I applaud you efforts with this site, (I too have had nauseating experiences on The Grauns CIF etc ) and since thye were balied out with the Zio shekel, their editrial has, unsurprisingly suffered. So well done for that. However, I think you intelligent folk, really do need to up your game vis ISIS et al. Allow me to explain. The reason why the events in Paris are being called the “French 9/11” is not the obvious one you might think. No it’s not the alleged number of casualties either : 129 ( > 3119 3119 3119 ) If and when readers here and folk elsewhere, really do decide to find out what lies beneath all of this so-called “modern terrorism paradigm”, then and only then, will you be able to fully understand what is going on, who is doing it and why. Until then, endless hours spent pouring over media bullshit will get you precisely nowhere. To justify this provocative statement, consider these: What has changed in your understanding of these “terrorism events” since say, Charlie Hebdo ? Can you not recognise yourselves treading the wheel of endless repetition since Charlie Hebdo ? Did you not go through all of this “forensic media scrutiny” back in January 2015 ? For how long and how many times are you prepared to repeat same over and over again ? At what point are you going to desist in preference for doing something else ? Do you really want the answers to the questions of who / what / why and equally importantly, when ? How has your “forensic scrutiny” of say, the Charlie Hebdo eventsd helped you “analyse” tihs one ? Then may I suggest, as politely as possible, that you get your heads out of your… Read more »

Nov 18, 2015 3:44 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

Well, that’s certainly a POV. To me, speaking entirely personally, numerology (or whatever this is you are quoting) is just another form of pareidolia. Though having said that, Christine LaGarde of the IMF certainly seems to endorse it. 🙂

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 18, 2015 4:13 PM
Reply to  Catte

Record quick time response = you haven’t even read over 8 years of research.

Read the evidence.

Ask serious questions / offer a critique – whatever you desire but, first read it.

Knee jerk comments are a waste of your time and mine.

If you want to use the perjorative “numerology” tag that’s your affair.

The answer you claim to seek are right under your nose.

Are you generally interested in finding our what is going on or are you going to continue wasting your time ?


Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 18, 2015 4:15 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

Appeal to authority bullshit.

Who gives a flying f**l what Lagarde says.

At best she’s taking the piss because folk are too dumb to notice what is right under thier noses.

Years of experience tells them so.

It’s me right here thats delivering the message.

Not Lagarde OK ?

So, read it and find out what you’ve all been missing.


Nov 18, 2015 7:31 PM
Reply to  Catte

I don’t know if you remember, I’m sure you do but filling BTL with endless reams of twaddle was one of the very effective ways the paid trolls killed it. It was literally impossible to get a sane discussion going.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 18, 2015 10:35 PM
Reply to  shatnersrug


Says the poster who thinks that inane comments on t’interwebs hood any value for anyone.

Get your head out of your backside and do some reading.

You also have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Which probably explains why you resort to such tactics.

You will never find the answers you claim to seek by scouring “copy” forim the media.

Deep down you know that though.

So why you kid yourselevs otherwise, only you can answer.

Hey ho.

Good luck eveyrone.

You are all wasting your time.


OffG Editor
OffG Editor
Nov 19, 2015 11:07 AM
Reply to  shatnersrug

Don’t worry, we’re well aware of that tactic.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 11:37 AM
Reply to  OffG Editor

@ Off G Editor & shatnersrug

Are you referring to my posts ?

If so why not just come ight our and say so ?

Of course, in a fair and decent world, you would then be called upon to justify such claims.

So, which is it to be ?

A critique / refutation base on critical analysis or sly underhand remarks ?

If you have something to say about my work / posts then since I presume you are adults it behoves you to say it.

So say it.

Otherwise, folk might get the impression that you don’t know what you are taling about and haven’t the courage of your implied convictions.


OffG Editor
OffG Editor
Nov 19, 2015 1:10 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

This is an open forum Mark and you are welcome to post anything you wish as long as you remain within guidelines of respect and politeness. My comment was simply an acknowledgement of the fact that trolling can take many forms. If we believed that to apply to you we would probably be asking you to stop posting.

Can I suggest, though, that links to a website containing your arguments might be better than really really long comments, which can tend to clog things up? You can make your salient points much easier to grasp that way.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 1:14 PM
Reply to  OffG Editor

Fair enough, willco.

Thanks for your relpy.


Nov 19, 2015 11:58 AM
Reply to  OffG Editor

Good to hear. The corner of YouTube normally given to rational (and semi-rational) dissent has been flooded with Flat Earth and “Paul is Dead” videos. It’s an effective technique. The problem with being the Off Guardian is that moderating comments and/or banning commenters might look hypocritical (any reader capable of a nuanced view would not see it that way, of course)… but would it be feasible to sequester extravagantly nonsensical (and space-hogging) comments in a sidebar, for example?

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 1:37 PM
Reply to  SFS

Hello SFS

Have you researched “The Beatles” at all ?


MK-ULTRA / Huxley / Wasson et al

Occult metaphors / allegories etc

Since you are clearly dismissive of the things you deride above, one would assume therefore that you have done some research to give you the confidence to publicly denounce the work of others.

So let’s hear what you have to say on all things “occult Beatles” please.

Hopefully, at the very least, you are aware of a famous work of theirs and it’s inclusion in official assasination narratives ?

I’m sure the world would love to hear what you have to contribute to that debate …


O Lucky Man!
O Lucky Man!
Nov 19, 2015 11:36 AM
Reply to  shatnersrug

Ah the broad spread of public opinion, so broad it disappears over the horizon and disengages from its moorings at times. If you will permit, in the style of Mark Gobell — Mark, you strike me as a straight up kind of guy who has had his problems and suffered So well done for that However have you ever anal-ysed your own name? Simple numerological substitution for M A R K gives us 13 1 18 11 Let’s get rid of those two gatekeepers 1’s on either end, and look inside the real mystery 3 1 18 1 It’s still a little bit hidden in there in plain sight but not beyond our powers of anal(ysis) 3 1 1 8+1 gives us 3119 Worrying for you You are too dumb to see what is right under your nose Who gives a flying f**l(sic) why But you are Your years of experience must tell you so Good: Are you even worth redeeming I wonder… Well you have a choice. Continue in your bewilderment, staring at the shadows on the wall kicking ’em around a bit with your navel gazing pet chinchilla, over a lager-top or two. Or may I suggest, as politely as possible, that you get your head out of your own backside all the better to wipe your feet clean with. When was the last time you admitted that you lie to yourself every day as this 3119 has been going on all your life? But the beauty of being ignorant is – you don’t know it. Hey ho … — Apologies to any sentient life that may have been inadvertently harmed in this message. Please moderators DELETE it if you think it is just feeding the troll but I thought it might bring a bit of amusement to… Read more »

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 11:41 AM
Reply to  O Lucky Man!

O Lucky Man!

A very poor attempt, you have to agree, at snidey, ill-informed denigration.

Quite why you resort to Gematria is a mystery.

I talk about apples and you choose to respond with a childish post about oranges.

Read the posts, offer a critique if you wish and then grow up.

“Troll” the slander of choice on t’interwebs for those who have no other argument, is a very weak response to volumes of evidence.

Perhaps you lack the resources to understand what it is that confronts you.

Try again O Lucky Man!


Nov 19, 2015 3:00 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

There’s no mystery why O Lucky Man ‘resorted’ to gematria: to show, as has been done many times, that gematria is a poor way to make sense of the world. An example of what I mean can be seen in the work of John Michell, who is quite sympathetic to the utility of gematria, and makes a compelling case for its (sporadic) use in the New Testament scriptures in the original Greek. But in one memorable example, he demonstrates that, if making sense of things may be likened to a game of cards, gematria is the Joker: the famous sentence “And his name is 666” yields exactly the same number by Greek gematria as the name “Jesus Christ.”

This parlour game is very diverting, and I’m using that word deliberately. What is critical now is to piece together a coherent picture of the Paris events.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 3:47 PM
Reply to  misericordia

“I talk about apples and you choose to respond with a childish post about oranges.”

And now you follow it up with a further post about oranges.

Why is that ?


Nov 19, 2015 3:53 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

Because apples are not the only fruit?

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 4:12 PM
Reply to  misericordia

Ha ha staggeringly funny …

It’s apples, we’re talking about, not plums or bananas …



Nov 19, 2015 4:16 PM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

No man is so unhappy as he who has a gift no one wants, be it apples or oranges.

Seeking the key to it all will “get you only so far as the vacant lot next to the lumbar yard, where they have roll call.”

Paris Attacks: Challenging the narrative of the “new 9/11” | Scoop Feed
Nov 18, 2015 2:37 PM

[…] Offguardian […]

Anthony Hall
Anthony Hall
Nov 18, 2015 2:12 PM

before Corbyn the UK had become a One-Party State, with Tory and New Labour interchangeable. Post Dr.David Kelly murder the BBC has become the official government Propaganda Muck Spreader. Farage was squashed like a bug by the Daily Mail, Sun etc and Corbyn blasted from day one. To get an independent News story you have to watch Al Jazeera or RT-Russia Today. To believe a Cameron lie should be a NHS IQ Test .

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 18, 2015 4:32 PM
Reply to  Anthony Hall

You wanna know under who’s authority Dr David Kelly was murdered ? Or are you too going to stay “forensically anal – ysing the media b/s hoping to find a clue ? Dr David Kelly – the one man who knew the truth about the elusive WMD, the one man who had to be silenced … Murdered 17 July 2003 = 59 months, 59 weeks, 59 days since the vainglorious marionette, Prince Bliar’s “New Labour” dog and pony show on 1 May 1997 http://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?d1=1&m1=5&y1=1997&type=add&ay=&am=59&aw=59&ad=59&rec= So, what’s is 59 ? Why don’t you know what 59 represents ? What is it with the pre-occupation with the “who”, the “why”, the “where” the “how” but not the when ? Why is that ? It’s like “the when” doesn’t even matter to you people. That’s a fundamental part of the Trivium Method you are all missing out on so you will never, ever get the full picture with only some of the keys …. You know that really don’t you. Deep down inside you do know that. And yet you all seem to think that you’re weally weally sewious about anal – ysing world events. It’s laughable really. Are you even worth redeeming I wonder … Well you have a choice. Continue in your bewilderment, staring at the shadows on the wall, kicking ’em around a bit with your navel gazing mates, over a latte or two … Or, wake up and smell the proverbial … It’s your choice … * So tell me : Why don’t you know what 59 represents ? Is it because you’re all far too up the intellectual snobbery pooh-pipe ? Spending your time blogging your thoughts, like they matter to anyone ? Like they make any difference whatsoever to anyone ? Like they are able to induce… Read more »

Nov 19, 2015 12:40 AM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

so when is the next event scheduled then? – or you need to wait for it to happen first before you can do the math to some apparently important event – that only becomes important when the numbers add up?

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 19, 2015 2:04 AM
Reply to  sum1

Hello sum1 Humans, for some unexplained reason are obsessed with the future. I have asked for explanations for this phenomenon and the only answer that seems to fit is: “Because we are.” So what say you ? Why do you ask ? I get asked this question, usually derisively, more often than any other. Usually by smart arses trying to mock. Which speaks volumes about them, I’m sure you will agreee … Experience shows that it is usually asked by folk who have not even bothered to read, understand or try to comprehend the information presented. I spend a great deal of time on this. I rarely have time to look into future dates because of the work load decoding the past. Secondly, think about what you are asking. Do you think it would be productive and helpful in trying to get the message across, by making bold assertions about the future ? What would happen if I did and they proved to be incorrect ? Would that assist or hinder ? Would you do it ? So that’s the sort of very basic consideration you might have exercised before asking such a question. Where possible I do keep half an eye on future dates when the conjunction of relationships from the “usual suspects” root events result in the patterns often seen. However, I do not publish them for the very obvious reason of undermining the method which I am trying to persuade folk to learn about. I have no idea what the evil bastards are going to get up to next. Even if I did, foolishly make such claims, I have no idea whether it’s going to be another Dunblane, or Soham, or a bombing or a whatever. If you spend some time going through my work, you will… Read more »

Nov 21, 2015 6:29 AM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

well – depending on the dateline.. theres mali. which fits your 19-20-21 are you affiliated in any way with al-cia-duh by any chance? when you say you could spend the time to do the numbers, to work out events in the future, but say, it wouldnt look good if you were incorrect, makes me feel that if there is doubt, about future, there must be equal doubt about the past.. but of course, it is much easier to work backwards .. others here have alluded to a tactic of so much information on sites that want to expose things like the impossibility of the official account of 9/11.. that anyone with an open mind is turned of my the reams of mis information, disinformation and obfuscation. you may be right about what you say, but i cant get my head arounds it. you say “the real reason its called a new 9/11” – is not why we might think, but you don’t tell us why.. and like someone else said, david icke.. yes – he has an audience, and as much as id like him to be part of a genuine search for truth.. its the lizard thing.. i understand 9/11 official account to be impossible, and that those in charge of the government of that day, and those that continue the lie, should be held to account.. and we can do that, without lizards or numbers. not being very good at maths.. i cant even remember a phone number.. so when i see your posts.. my eyes glaze over. cant you just put down what you are saying in a single, concise, paragraph.. and tell me what the numbers mean. apparently, hidden in there, is the answer.. just give me the answer, who is doing all this.. and if… Read more »

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 21, 2015 3:59 PM
Reply to  sum1

sum1 Thank you for at least taking a look at the links and I note your comment about “near future possibles” vis Mali and the Bamako Hoyel event. However, I’m not a fortune teller and David Icke has nothing to do with this. End of discussion. A single consise paragraph: “The patterns found in the relationships between the dates of major world events, wars, assassinations, terrorism, politics, etc., indicate that there is something more at work than the random chaos of disorder or the quantum-mumbo-jumbo whimsical nature of time. The analysis reveals repeating use of numeric patterns between events. These patterns probably indicate esoteric meaning. Because of the novel date arithmentic method, the patterns and relationships between events have hitherto been completely undetected. It is my contention that these patterns reveal a design methodology and which holds significance for and which bears withness to, the authors of these events. Further, I aver that the narratives provided for these events are designed using the methodology and that ergo, they are, in the main, false. I conclude that this entire matrix bears witness to the fingerprints of 33° World Masonry and Zion.” Just as Walter Ulbricht’s Berlin Wall, created the physical divide in Germany between “Communism” and “the West / capitalism”, on the very day when Leon Trotsky would have been 777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days old … Just as Boaz and Jachin / Joachin and Boaz & Solomons Temple = Twin Towers & WTC7 had to be demolished on the day when GHW Bush would have been DCI at the CIA for precisely 3119 + 3119 + 3119 days. 9/11 – that awful day with all that illusion burned into the world’s brain and precisely 3119 days after “terrorists” allagedly tried to blow up the World Trade Centre last time… Read more »

Nov 23, 2015 1:13 AM
Reply to  Mark Gobell

thanks for taking the time to repond.
“so you don’t have to worry about the numbers and not understanding them. It’s all war propaganda and lies.”

i perfectly understand it is all propaganda and lies.. without the need for all your maths.,
im not sure though, how all your work helps us get any closer to a world where we are not at the mercy of the psycopaths that are responsible.

you say.. “Just as Boaz and Jachin / Joachin and Boaz & Solomons Temple = Twin Towers & WTC7 had to be demolished on the day when GHW Bush would have been DCI at the CIA for precisely 3119 + 3119 + 3119 days.” – if Bush got hit walking across the road by a bus, a month before.. that would throw out all the numbers, how can they plan for things without knowing for sure he would still be alive for the 3119 + 3119 + 3119 days scenario?

they may be zionist, be theyre not gods..

i can quite happily accept that those behind 9/11 could get quite a kick out of such a thing as getting all the numbers to add up.. i just cant see it helping to bring anyone to justice, when so many people are still happy enough to scoff at the mere though of 9/11 et al; being anything other than exactly how it is explained as per the official version, despite in your face evidence such as the physics defying building 7, and watching the twin towers being explosivley dustified, while being told they are collapsing.

thanks for your time.. its been interesting,, might try some of those combinations in the next lotto draw. . good luck.

Mark Gobell
Mark Gobell
Nov 24, 2015 1:53 PM
Reply to  sum1

I’m told, although I have no proof of the claim, that the FBI for example, use “numerology” in their investigations, especially for “serial” type crimes …


If you were personally connected on the side of the victim in some crime and that crime was just one in a series of similar crimes and you discovered that each of those crimes occurred 3119 days apart …

What would you do ?

Also, if you really cannot see any benefit in any of the information I present, may I ask you what benefit do you see in any information being presented vis 9/11 et al ?

In my, not so humble opinion, the relationships between events provide the answers you are looking for.

They point to the real perpetrators of the crimes.

They add clarity and remove confusion.

In short, they provide the answers you claim to seek.


Nov 18, 2015 1:28 PM

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