Arianna Huffington as Agent for the Democratic Party

by Eric Zuesse

At Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington is the top person, and her site is so blatantly hostile to the Republican Party as to have placed Donald Trump — that Party’s only skilled Presidential candidate in a field of over a dozen Republican Presidential candidates — into its Entertainment Section, rather than its Politics Section, when he announced for the U.S. Presidency. However, after the absurdity of that decision on her part became apparent from the political polling, Trump was quietly transferred to “Politics.”
After Trump won the nomination, HuffPo’s news-reporting — which had previously been honest about Hillary Clinton and exposed her in its news-reports as being anything but a progressive — suddenly committed itself to making her President; and, so, on Sunday 8 May 2016, HuffPo placed atop their home page a huge banner headline, “THE CLOSET PROGRESSIVE”, with a photo of Hillary Clinton immediately below it. (As Bloomberg had headlined 12 days earlier, on 26 April 2016, “Clinton’s Next Campaign Is Bringing Sanders’ Voters Into Her Coalition”, and, now, Huffington is doing what Democratic Party strategists want done. That explains her lying banner-headline on May 8th.)
Prior to Trump’s Republican victory, HuffPo had run honest reporting about Hillary, such as:
“Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Campaign Bundlers Are Fossil Fuel Lobbyists”
“Digging Into TransCanada’s Lobbying History”
“Elizabeth Warren Comes Down Hard Against Global Warming, Separates Herself From Hillary Clinton On Climate Change”
“Hillary Clinton’s Shadowy History With Shadow Banking”
“Hillary Clinton Likes Obamacare, And Opposes Single-Payer Health Insurance”
“The Real Conservatism Of The ‘Liberal Establishment’”
There was even an article that I had done, “Hillary Clinton Backs Fast-Track on Obama’s Trade Deals”, which exposed the duplicitousness of Clinton about those deals, by documenting that Hillary was publicly advising Democrats in Congress to follow Nancy Pelosi’s lead on that matter, when Pelosi’s lead was the exact opposite in private with her fellow-Representatives in the U.S. House, than it was in Pelosi’s public statements (which were against Obama’s trade-deals): Pelosi was saying in public that the trade-deals are bad and that Democrats should therefore vote against Fast Track, but at the same time Pelosi was doing everything possible in private with House Democrats, so as to get enough Democrats to vote for Fast Track, so that Obama would be able to get those trade-deals passed into law (as he likely will now, on his TPP, between the November 8th Election and the January 20th inauguration — and it’s NAFTA on steroids). Hillary succeeded; Pelosi succeeded; they made it possible for Obama to get his trade-deals passed into law. This was duplicity on both their parts, and Hillary Clinton’s part in this was that of anything but “THE CLOSET PROGRESSIVE” such as Arianna Huffington’s operation is now claiming that Clinton is.  The May 8th lead story (reciting Clinton’s lies, as if they were instead her actual record) was published at HuffPo just for deceiving voters (especially Bernie Sanders’s voters), so as to defeat the Republican nominee. ‘News’ for deception, is not news for information.  But in a dictatorship, it’s common. It’s how the aristocracy controls the public.  (Remember all that ‘news’ in 2002 about “Saddam’s WMD”? The ‘news’ media haven’t changed the way they operate. Once a President is ensconced in office, it’s “rally around the flag,” which is really rally around the aristocracy. And that’s how wars, even totally unjustified invasions, get done.)
Back on 16 August 2013, my article-submission exposing Hillary was accepted by HuffPo’s editors, titled “Hillary Clinton’s Two Foreign-Policy Catastrophes”, but, when I subsequently submitted a HuffPo exclusive report, in February 2016, updating that article now much closer to the actual election, “Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes”, it was rejected, and so I sent it out then for general distribution to all news-media.  But, even as a general-distribution article, HuffPo now wouldn’t publish such a devastating exposé of former Secretary of State Clinton’s combined demonstrated-there evil and incompetence — both of which make undeniably clear that she’s actually the exact opposite of a “progressive,” far less “THE CLOSET PROGRESSIVE”.
Consequently, it’s one thing to expose a Democratic Party politician as a conservative or a corrupt operator when it’s being done in an off-year; but, as soon as the two parties have virtually settled upon who their respective nominees are going to be, the rally-round-the-flag operation at Huffington Post isn’t really a rally around the American flag; it’s instead a rally around the Democratic Party flag-bearer, no matter how disgusting.
Does this differ, in principle, from Fox News, on the Republican side?
The end-result is that the U.S. Establishment, or it might be called the “aristocracy,” or this nation’s “oligarchy”, controls both of the two political Parties, and thus wins, no matter what the nominal “Party” happens to be.  And, an “aristocracy” or “oligarchy” is the exact opposite of a democracy; it’s a dictatorship.
Something’s profoundly wrong with the American press — of all sorts. All of it is owned by, and funded by advertisements in and donations from, the U.S. billionaires and centi-millionaires, the people who make the real decisions that control this country.
Arianna Huffington is cited here as merely one, and a very typical, example of this pervasive rot in the U.S. ‘news’ media. It applies to both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. Nothing personal is intended here: this rot is pervasive — it is systemic, not merely personal.
And, so, I am now sending this article about it, out for general distribution, to all of them. I don’t expect to find it published in many places. (Just google the phrase — in quotes, of course — “Arianna Huffington as Agent for the Democratic Party”, to find out where it was published.)

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Jun 2, 2016 4:08 PM

HuffPo was a nice thing over 5 years ago. You felt you were with like-minded people.
Then it suddenly veered off the road and crashed.
The Groan did the same thing 4 years later.
I look forward to following here, and trust that Off-G’s safeguards against infiltration are reasonably watertight.

Eric Zuesse
Eric Zuesse
May 10, 2016 12:07 PM

How can I submit my articles to Eurasia News Online?

May 11, 2016 12:14 AM
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
May 10, 2016 6:01 AM

Interesting how the dark horse Trump is emerging as the only ray of hope.
At the moment all the bien-pensents reject him on taste issues (policy is a no go) – AS IF the vile neocons and their paid-up puppets Obama and Clinton embody some kind of ‘good taste’ – !

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 10, 2016 12:07 PM
Reply to  elenits

Trump is so very gauche. Bourgeois morality and all that!

May 9, 2016 11:30 PM

Like Hillary, Ariana was a Republican before she saw profit in being a Dem.

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
May 9, 2016 10:25 PM

If I were resident in Britain, I would lay a bet on Trump’s victory now, since the official media bullshit and the non-stop slagging of Trump by the establishment press has been continuous. When you look at their actual policies, Clinton is far more odious. She is actually in favour of the so-called “trade” treaties which threaten our food, water supplies, environmental protection and national health systems with extra-legal (or better yet, post-legal) corporate arbitration tribunals. Her policy on Russia and the US imperial project may end up being laughed at by surviving historians as threatening nuclear war on behalf of el qaeda. The reason they are afraid of Trump is that he’ll make a serious issue of these facts in his own inimitable style with statements such as “I oppose nuclear war on behalf of ragheads”. He’ll also make mincemeat of Clinton on Libya, especially since the el qaeda factions Clinton helped install in Libya, as one of their policies, engaged in a mass-murder of sub-Saharan Africans the Khaddafi regime had settled there as part of its belief in African unity. Once this issue is thoroughly aired, Hillary’s black firewall will become distinctly porous, since it is difficult to support a candidate who has facilitated a genocide against a race you identify with.
Meanwhile, the stench of corruption from the corporate speeches made by the Clintons over the past decade or so amount to eight-figure bribery of them by corporate elements over this time. The other major factor is that, with the nomination secured, Trump will be able to campaign from any direction against Clinton, as the defender of pensions, peace and the remnants of first-world living standards against the rapacious corporate interests which he can prove are part and parcel of the Clinton axis.

paper doll
paper doll
May 10, 2016 6:01 AM

Trump’s toughest opponent is his own party. They would much, much rather have Hillary in the White House.

paper doll
paper doll
May 9, 2016 9:08 PM

Hilarious since back in the day Arianna made her mark bashing the Clintons (as did most of today’s senior newspeople ) Who can forget Huffington’s deathless tome about the Clinton’s renting out the Lincoln bedroom, or Arianna and Al Franken’s debates? She was not defending Hillary. Basically the rich pick their horse and want no any saying about them.

paper doll
paper doll
May 9, 2016 9:11 PM
Reply to  paper doll

I hate when this device changes my words…I ment they want no nay saying about it.

May 9, 2016 7:12 PM

Arianna went for the Plan B. The neoliberal sewer has been shaken & stirred.
Just wait until Trump goes after Clinton Foundation.

Eurasia News Online
Eurasia News Online
May 9, 2016 3:25 PM

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