Democrats ‘Outraged’ by Charlottesville Convince Trump to Arm Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
by Max Parry
The United States is now arming Ukraine in its fight against ‘pro-Russian’ separatists in the eastern Donbass region. The flow of arms will inevitably escalate an already bloody civil war and worsen the strained relations between the United States and Russia. Despite the Obama administration’s decision not to arm Ukraine, Democrats have aligned themselves with establishment Republicans and neo-conservatives to urge Trump to do so amidst the ‘Russiagate’ hysteria following the 2016 election. On the one hand, these liberal politicians have claimed to take fright of the far right in the U.S. that was instrumental to the election of Donald Trump.
They also claim the same in regards to the Ukip and Brexit, Marine Le Pen and the National Front in France, and the overall trend of growth in far right politics worldwide. Yet, the same Democrats have downplayed the role of far right nationalism in the Ukraine that played a large role in the Maidan protests and subsequent coup of the democratically-elected government of Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.
The right-wing extremism in Ukraine is acceptable to downplay because they share a common enemy in Russia. Any attempt to reveal the nature of the current regime in Ukraine is mechanically dismissed as “Russian propaganda”, concealing the very real fascist elements that have been weaponized by the west to achieve its foreign policy interests in the new Cold War against Russia.
The crisis between western and eastern Ukraine and that between Russia and the United States and Europe is not new. It has endured for the past century and its current manifestation originated following the restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe. Known as the ‘breadbasket of Europe’, the Ukraine with its 46 million people produced industrial goods and a quarter of the entire food in the Soviet Union prior to its independence.
Heavy in industry and rich in resources, as an independent country it maintained market integration with Russia but its economy has been in shambles with its politics notoriously rotten. Ukraine’s stratified wealth gap is right beside Russia as the worst in the world due to the neoliberal looting of its former state industry which gave birth to its current ruling elite.
In western media, the term “oligarchs” is being ubiquitously used to describe the political class dominant in Eastern Europe, which is the absolute height of hypocrisy since this class accumulated its wealth from the rapid privatization of state assets facilitated by the west. Widespread bankruptcy, closure of factories and rise in unemployment occurred in the Ukraine after the neoliberal robbery of its state property just like in Russia, as Naomi Klein illustrated in her unequaled work The Shock Doctrine.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the priority for the west has been to pull Ukraine into the EU sphere of influence and away from Russia while expanding NATO to its borders. All of the former Warsaw Pact nations have been enrolled into NATO, in addition to the Baltic states and the former Yugoslavia, a total of 13 countries since 1991. This expansion happened despite Russia’s disapproval, as it was promised to Gorbachev that NATO would not expand ‘one inch’ past East Germany. The last two decades of this broken promise have led the west and EU to directly interfere in the affairs of the Ukraine, culminating in the 2014 coup.
The first foray of western ‘meddling’ was after the run-off of Ukraine’s 2004 presidential election was initially won by the Moscow-backed candidate, Viktor Yanukovych. Known as the Orange Revolution, it was one of many so-called ‘color revolutions’ in Eastern Europe featuring stage managed mass demonstrations leading to western approved regime changes that were coordinated by PR firms and NGOs promoting western foreign policy interests. They organized the protests in response to claims of election rigging on the part of Yanukovych but it was only after a mysterious and still unsolved dioxin poisoning of his opponent, Viktor Yushchenko, that the voting scales tipped. Public sympathy for Yuschenko’s poison scarred face was manipulated enough to give him the victory during the second round.
The characteristics and outcome of the Orange Revolution was similar to the Rose Revolution that had occurred in Georgia just a year earlier where the Moscow-backed President was ousted by the western puppet Mikhail Saakashvili, who would later play a direct role in Ukraine when he was appointed as Governor of Odessa after fleeing his own country for war crimes. Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions is supported by the ethnically Russian population in the east while his opponent Yushchenko, head of Ukraine’s central bank, was supported by the western Ukrainian population and ran on a platform of enrolling the country into NATO membership. Western Ukraine has traditionally favored integration with Europe over Russia for historical reasons that are essential to understanding the entire conflict.
Historically, there has truly never been one Ukraine and this is no different today. The territory of Ukraine has for its entire existence served as a bridge between the east and west, having been conquered and divided by various occupying powers and empires going back several centuries. It finally became united only following extraordinary circumstances when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, resulting in a territory split between the Nazis and the Soviets.
The mostly ethnic-Ukrainian eastern side of Poland suddenly became western Ukraine overnight after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact. Much of the population of western Ukraine were quislings that actually welcomed the invading Nazi army as liberators against the Soviets. When the Germans broke the pact and Operation Barbarossa began in 1941, more than 60,000 ethnic Ukrainians from the Galicia region volunteered to serve in the the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) to fight against the Red Army.
The most significant figure from this period of Ukraine’s history to understand its enduring implications today is the Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera. Bandera was a leader of the 1930s Ukrainian independence movement who was jailed for his political activism as the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Founded in 1929, the OUN’s stated creed was not just to establish an independent country but an ethnically pure Ukraine. It’s red and black flag symbolized land and blood (“blood and soil”) and its character was indisputably fascist.
Bandera managed to escape from imprisonment when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939 and he took refuge in German-occupied territory in western Ukraine after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed. When the Nazis broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Bandera aligned with the Germans and openly collaborated with them. OUN members joined German units and carried out massive anti-Jewish pogroms. During this time, 33,000 Jews in just two days were executed by the Germans and their local Ukrainian collaborators in Kiev. Those massacred were buried in mass graves at Babi Yar, today the site of a famous holocaust memorial.
Bandera ran into trouble with the Germans when he was jailed by the Gestapo after the OUN attempted to declare an independent Ukrainian state in Lviv in late 1941 without German consent. However, two years later the collaboration resumed when the Germans released Bandera on the condition he would incite the local Ukrainian population in the war effort against the Soviets who were making advances. In 1943–1944, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the OUN’s military unit, carried out large scale ethnic cleansing of Poles and an estimated 60–100,000 civilians were slaughtered in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia.
The 2016 Polish film Wolyn (Volhynia)(“Hatred”) is an incredible dramatization of this historical period where Banderites committed widespread terror against their own Polish and Jewish neighbors and assisted the occupying Germans in the holocaust. The plot centers around a young Polish girl who is forced into an arranged marriage by her family despite being in love with a Ukrainian boy, highlighting the inter-ethnic tensions which exploded during the war. The rest of the plot plays out as the war begins and later under the German occupation the horrific pogroms against Jews and Poles are assisted by the OUN. As a result of the film’s brutal depiction of the realities of Bandera’s followers, it was subsequently banned in the Ukraine where holocaust denial is currently nurtured and the OUN’s history has undergone historical revisionism.
Trailer for the 2016 Polish film Wolyn (Volhnyia) (“Hatred”)
The complicated relationship history between the OUN and the Germans has been the basis for historical revisionists in an attempt to rehabilitate their legacy, despite the overwhelming evidence of the OUN’s participation in the war crimes of the holocaust. Although it is true that towards the end of the war Banderites were fighting against both the Germans and the Soviets, this period is used by Ukrainian nationalists to whitewash the OUN’s legacy.
Today Ukrainian nationalists are rewriting history portraying the movement as only tactically aligning with the Nazis and later resisting both foreign occupations. This not only excuses their extensive periods of collaboration with the Nazis and the genocide they participated in, but it has also been made using the same false equivalency comparing the crimes of Nazi Germany with the Soviet Union under Stalin being used by the far right worldwide today, including in the US. Many of the alleged crimes committed under Stalin that are still heavily in dispute, especially regarding Ukraine such as the Holodomor, may have originated from and been committed by the Nazis themselves if they indeed happened at all.
This historical revisionism is also what is used by the United States and Ukraine as the ‘justification’ for being the only two nations who consistently each year vote against a United Nations anti-Nazi resolution proposed by Russia that “combats glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” The United States defends its vote not just on the excuse of it violating “free speech” but also that is it is an issue ‘politicized’ by Russia against Ukraine, knowing full well the country would be penalized.
Following the Red Army’s victory, Nazi collaborators such as the Crimean Tatars were expelled from the Soviet Union in mass deportations as punishment. Tatars, Kalmyks, Chechens and other collaborators sent to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Central Asia were also not exactly welcome to remain after the end of the war. The deportations in many respects may have saved them from punishment from the war crimes many of them had participated in. A significant percentage of Tatars for instance had welcomed the invading German occupiers in Crimea and others defected from the Red Army to join pro-Nazi volunteer units which slaughtered tens of thousands of ethnic Russians.
Meanwhile, collaborators who escaped deportation in the OUN and the UPA went underground and carried on with a guerilla campaign against the Soviets throughout the 1950s. During the Cold War, the CIA in clandestine operations aided the OUN to undermine the Soviet Union and helped Bandera hide out until the KGB was finally able to assassinate him in Munich with a cyanide gas gun in 1959 on orders from Nikita Khruschev. However, it was also Khruschev who reversed many of Stalin’s policies and after 13 years of exile permitted many of the expelled collaborators to return. Without the consent of the Crimean people, the Ukrainian-born Khrushchev also gifted Crimea as a territory to Ukraine in 1954 despite the peninsula having been a Russian territory for 200 years.
It was only following the collapse of the USSR that the legacy of the OUN first began to resurface, as participation of far right nationalist parties openly in politics were strictly forbidden during the Soviet Union. In 1991, the same year as the Ukrainian declaration of independence from the USSR, the far-right nationalist Social-National Party of Ukraine was founded by Oleh Tyahnybok, with a stated inheritance of the OUN’s political tradition. The SNPU resurrected and appropriated fascist symbols such as the Wolfsangel emblem of the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich.”
It was the restoration of capitalism which planted the seeds for the resurrection of Ukrainian neo-Nazism in the decades that followed. Following the 2004 Orange revolution, Viktor Yuschenko’s term as President proved to be an extremely unpopular disaster, especially for the eastern Ukrainian population that ethnically and linguistically identifies as Russian. The political corruption and economic stratification of the country also deepened but Yuschenko did manage one accomplishment and that was to nurture the nationalism and legacy of the OUN. Statues of Stepan Bandera were erected in Lviv and Yuschenko opposed measures adopted by Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions to make Russian the second official language of Ukraine in an act of discrimination against the eastern part of the country.
Viktor Yanukovych won the 2010 Ukrainian Presidential election which was this time by all accounts a fair and legitimate vote. The same week, in one final move as President Viktor Yuschenko cemented the oligarchic alliance with Ukraine’s far right nationalists by issuing a decree of the highest state honor of the “Hero of Ukraine” upon Stepan Bandera to the horror of the eastern Ukrainian and Jewish population. Once in office, Yanukovych was quick to revoke the Hero decree of Bandera, but his election in 2010 did not sway the west in its continued efforts to pull Ukraine into the EU’s orbit. Since 1991, Ukraine had maintained strong economic integration with Russia, but by the next decade Ukraine was being lured into incorporation with the EU’s free trade zone.
In late 2013, Yanukovych was set to sign the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement before backing out at the last minute after assessing its attached economic package of austerity measures at the demand of the IMF. For Ukraine to join the EU, it required billions in losses in trade with Russia, including the raising of utility rates such as electricity and natural gas, and the gutting of its industry especially in the eastern part of the country.
Russia is the primary exporter of natural gas to Europe and the requirements of the agreement it could only interpret as an act of aggression on the part of EU. When Yanukovych put the negotiations to join the EU on hold, protests suddenly broke out in Kiev’s Maidan (“Independence Square”).
The protests were principally organized jointly by Ukraine’s oligarchic parties (Fatherland, UDAR) in cooperation with the far right nationalist party Svoboda, formerly the SNPU formed in 1991 mentioned earlier.
Its leader, Oleh Tyahnybok is also widely recognized as one of the most anti-Semitic politicians in Europe and, like the OUN, Svoboda’s brand of Ukrainian nationalism is fiercely anti-Russian. Tyahnybok frequently got into trouble for making public statements against the “Jewish-Muscovite mafia” he believes undermine Ukraine. From the very inception, far right nationalists like Svoboda played an organizational role in the “pro-democracy” protests, it was not just a few bad apples as the west has claimed. Like the Orange Revolution, the Euromaidan protests were also promoted with the assistance of international NGOs such as George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
Non-governmental organizations is an oxymoron that disguises their real objective which is to often advance foreign policy interests and the global elite that sponsor them. Over a period of a few months, the protests became gradually infiltrated by even more radical elements such as the Right Sector paramilitary confederation. Right Sector’s flag is a combination of the OUN’s runic trident emblem and red and black (land and blood) colors.The French documentary Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution is an excellent investigation of the neo-Nazi elements that played such a significant role in Maidan.
Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution (documentary)
Foreign meddling was also present from its outset. U.S. Senator John McCain and the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, traveled to Ukraine and appeared at the protests. Nuland even handed out biscuits to the crowd in a symbolic gesture and McCain spoke on stage with Tyahnybok pledging solidarity with the demonstrators.
The response to Yanukovych’s refusal to sign the EU-Association Agreement was not just agitation in the streets led by local fascists and imported mercenaries, but its organizational direction was coming from foreign dignitaries like Nuland. Imagine if Putin had sent representatives to Black Lives Matter, Standing Rock or Occupy Wall Street protests? Nuland, McCain and Vice President Joe Biden all directly met with Tyahnybok.
It was an infamous leaked phone call of Nuland in conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine openly stating their preference and plans to install right-wing banker Arseniy Yatsenyuk of Fatherland as Ukraine’s President that exposed their plans to stage a coup ousting Yanukovych. The media overshadowed this by focusing on Nuland’s vulgarity during the phone call, rather than the substance of the conversation which was two prominent U.S. officials casually discussing their plans to remove a democratically elected leader of a foreign country.
As the protests became increasingly violent the deliberate provocations of riot police eventually led to deadly clashes. It culminated in the gunning down of protesters by mysterious snipers, later revealed in confessions to be hired Georgian assassins in a ‘false flag’ operation that was pinned on the police and Yanukovych. This successfully gave the impression to the outside world that Ukraine’s government was a ‘dictatorship’ cracking down on the protesters, many of whom were paid provocateurs, football hooligans and trained mercenaries.
Yanukovych buckled under pressure and signed an agreement to establish a unity government consisting of Fatherland, Svoboda and UDAR ‘s fascist-oligarchic coalition. The agreement only emboldened the opposition which broke the agreement within a matter of days. The new Ukrainian government suddenly consisted of several ministers with far-right fascist allegiances, from Andriy Parubiy as commander of national defense and security council to Svoboda members being appointed as prosecutor generals and ministers of defense.
The Ukrainian parliament shortly thereafter voted to remove Yanukovych, and after the putsch Yatsenyuk was hand picked to become the new President. Yanukovych had to flee from paramilitary groups firing on his limo and was only saved from assassination when Russia sent special forces in to rescue him where he remains in exile still wanted for high treason. Russia responded by not recognizing the new illegal government in Kiev, in turn demanding that all rights of Ukrainians be protected in defiance of the new constitution which was not properly federalist.
The new government discriminated against rights to regions and minorities, especially that of the Russian minority in the east.
Crimeans in particular were incensed about these developments and demanded their right to self determination, taking over buildings and surrounding military bases in anti-Maidan counter demonstrations. Crimea proceeded to hold a referendum to return home, with 82% percent of the population participating and 96% voting to join Russia. The west characterized the referendum as rigged, despite the reality that 75% of Crimeans speak and identify as Russian.
It further depicted it as an “annexation” by Russia and an invasion and violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, in complete disregard of the fact that Russia already had a military base located in Sevastopol. The Black Sea in Crimea is also vital to Russia’s very economic survival with its shipping and oil and gas pipelines. In southern Ukraine, anti-Maidan demonstrators were attacked by a mob of Ukrainian nationalist football hooligan ‘Ultras’ and Right Sector members who together firebombed a House of Trade Unions.
The estimated death toll was 48 people, but many witnesses claim this is a deceptive underestimate by pro-Maidan corrupt authorities and that during the entire night bodies were being removed and the actual number is much higher. This tragedy, known as the Odessa massacre, received little coverage from mainstream media especially in comparison to the victims of the sniper attacks in Kiev during Maidan.
In eastern Ukraine, the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk were proclaimed by militant separatists seeking to join Russia which were immediately denounced as terrorist organizations by the new Ukrainian government, leading to a full scale civil war breaking out in the Donbass region. International tensions continued when Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over Donetsk, killing all 298 passengers. The Obama administration and the Ukrainian government immediately blamed the separatists claiming they shot a surface to air missile, despite their lack of anti-aircraft capability to shoot down a Boeing 777 more than 30,000 ft in the air. However, the late award-winning journalist Robert Parry alleged a whistleblowing intelligence source told him the U.S. was concealing photographic evidence it was actually Ukrainian troops who shot down MH17.
The Ukrainian army also began incorporating the neo-Nazi paramilitary groups that were used as shock troops in the Maidan protests into its National Guard regiments to fight the separatists, in particular the Special Operations Detachment “Azov”, widely known as the Azov Battalion, whose iconography is lifted from various runic symbols used by the OUN and the SS division “Das Reich.“
Much was made of Yanukovych’s wealth and corruption as an oligarch, yet the west has backed Petro Poroshenko, the current Ukrainian President who is nicknamed the “Chocolate King” for being obscenely enriched by his ownership of the chocolate company Roshen. Meanwhile the country’s economic crisis continues to worsen as the Euromaidan coup only brought further looting of its resources and industry by western big business. Burisma Holdings, one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas and fracking companies even appointed Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, to its board of directors following the 2014 coup. Poroshenko’s regime has also collapsed into infighting like that of Yuschenko, as he recently expelled his previous ally the ex-Georgian President Saakashvili that was appointed the Governor of Odessa.
Along with the Trump administration, Justin Trudeau and Canada have also greenlighted weapons sales. Coincidentally enough, one of the higher ups in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is none other than a direct descendant of Ukrainian Nazis. Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was the editor-in-chief of a Ukrainian-language pro-Nazi newspaper called Krakivs’ki Visti in Nazi-occupied Krakow during World War II, which she continues to lie about and the media dismisses as Kremlin propaganda despite its confirmation by holocaust historians.
After the revelations about Freeland’s family history became the subject of controversy in 2016, it also became a hot topic that there were monuments all over Canada in places such as Ontario commemorating figures who served with the 14th SS Galizien Division and in Edmonton honoring Roman Shukhevych, the leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.
Russia has found itself clearly in the crosshairs of imperialism, and many events such as the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the color revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia have become increasingly clearer in hindsight. For the west, the cold war never really ended and the dismemberment and recolonization of Russia is its ultimate goal. By far the most excellent overview of the entire history of this conflict in the Oliver Stone produced documentary, Ukraine on Fire, directed by Igor Lopatonok which also makes a nice companion piece to Stone’s The Putin Interviews.
Shortly after the Trump administration opted to arm Ukraine, it has been revealed the Azov battalion is already one of the regiments now receiving western arms, confirming the worst fears of many of those aware of the reality in Ukraine. Monuments to Nazi collaborators and Ukrainian nationalists who led anti-Jewish pogroms continue to be erected while torch marches of thousands of Ukrainian far rightists are held regularly in Kiev which are strikingly similar to the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last August that liberal politicians claimed to be horrified by.
A wave of such marches are occurring all over Eastern Europe, from Latvia to Bulgaria, honoring their own historical equivalents of the Banderites who welcomed the Axis invasions. The Azov battalion’s political party, National Corps, has also formed a unit called the National Militia consisting of 600 far-right vigilante volunteers to patrol the streets of Kiev.
The reality in Ukraine is kept hidden because it doesn’t fit the narrative that the west has constructed about Putin, particularly complicating the allegations Russia is somehow behind the rise of the far right in the US. It was candidate Donald Trump who campaigned as a dove on the Ukraine issue but it is Democrats, united with dangerous neo-cons like John McCain, that have pushed him to arm the Poroshenko regime amidst the Mueller probe. It seems all it takes to be a ‘good’ neo-Nazi is to be the kind that is anti-Russia.
Independent journalist in Brooklyn, NY. My work has appeared in The Greanville Post, The Global Politics and InSerbia Today. Read him on Medium
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One thing about Satan, he/she/ it doesn’t discriminate, the wings open wide enough for all.
@vierotchka. Thanks, brain disfunction does occur spontaneously and without my permission. I think I’d prefer if Saker were able in some way to defuse the situation rather than spreading far and wide to the four corners(I don’t want it across here in the UK, but if the situation does escalate I can kiss my ass goodbye) especially if the fall out is diffuse. Fallout has a habit of dispersing according to which way the wind blows. I wonder how many Brits have bomb shelters or food and water, not to mention air, enough to last them for a hundred years? I also wonder if they have awareness enough to realize the importance of said requisites(or should that be prerequisites)when staring at the goggle box. Ah well, c’est la vie(or not).:)
Have you any idea of the volume that one hundred years’ worth of food and water would be for just one person? Shelters are a very temporary solution, and when one comes out, everything outside is contaminated for a very long time, depending on which type of nuclear weapon has been used, so people would quickly become contaminated through the food and water they can grow and gather outside.
I think the Saker does an excellent and very informative job – the more people become aware through his blog the greater the chance will be for the people to affect their leaders.
Well done to Max Parry for putting this article together.
regarding the MH17 disaster, theres a very interesting interview with Dymtro Yarosh, the leader of The Right Sector, an ultra right wing nationalist , in Neewseek, titled, “Yarosh:Russians, Rise Up Against Putin”
whats interesting is the fact Yarosh claims to have S300 missile systems in his possession, this is an advanced SAM system with long range and high altitude performance, more than enough to shoot down the doomed airliner
the date of the article was from 3/19/2014, well before the shoot down, i know its claimed this was a BUK system which was used, but the question was never asked, if neo nazi sympathisers can get hold of the S300, maybe they also got hold of the BUK system?
I had in my possession a video of a Right Wing Nazi Ukraine “Army Unit” taking delivery of a BUK system 2 days before the MH17 was shot down. It showed a US Senior Officer doling out medals to various Kiev “heroes” who swaggered up to recieve their honours like drunken demented champanzees, standing right in front of this BUK monster which was on display from stern to bow and a full broadside view. The video was dated and timed and the faces clear as day, the voices clearly audible. I have not found it since, so if it was only available through You tube it has likely been taken down. I am not in any doubt about the authenticity of the video or that the US did indeed deliver the BUK and more importantly, prior to the passenger plane downing. It was most definitely not a plastic mock up sitting on a flat bed.
Did you have it on your hard-drive? If so, you should be able to find it again, even if your hard drive has a huge amount of files on it. 🙂
I think that maybe you ask the wrong question in your last sentence. And the clue to this is where you say “it’s claimed this was a BUK”. To my mind the jury is still out on that one, unofficially if not officially. We know what lies can be spun without too much difficulty. I have yet to see an explanation for the absence of a [smoke?] trail if a BUK missile was used. I recall a number of ‘experts’ categorically stating at the time – before the use of a BUK was ‘confirmed’ – that at its speed and trajectory from rebel held territory a lengthy trail would have been clearly visible on what was a bright, near cloudless day for about 12-15 minutes. But there have been no reports of anyone seeing such a trail, let alone photographing it. I seem to recollect that the official explanation of what brought the plane down was rather ‘woolly’ and not particularly convincing but it delivered the verdict that met the established narrative so no further questions needed to be asked, or indeed answered.
BUK missiles have ranges up to 50 kilometers, so it could have been fired well behind the
“front line” so I’m not sure anyone would know if it was fired from such a distance in which direction or to what target it was flying towards, besides the point i was making is it shouldn’t be a bunch of people on a blog ” solving ” this crime, when there’s a bunch of self avowed Russian hating neo nazis who claim they have weapons which could have easily been used to shoot the plane down and then blame Russia
@always write. Just to clarify my point, it was Russian military weapons experts who made the observation about the apparent absence of a trail from a missile and this featured on RT and, needless to say, not western msm. I can’t recall how exactly they arrived at their presentational calculations (it is quite likely to have been based on Ukrainian allegations as to where it would have been fired from) but the principal point was that there would have been a giveaway trail wherever it was despatched from, the absence of which would suggest it wasn’t a BUK that was deployed, thereby throwing open to question the credibility of the Ukrainians’ accusations levelled against the separatists. In case there is any doubt, my reference in my final sentence to “no further questions …etc” is my ironic take on the enquiry. As you say, there is plenty of evidence to support the plausible possibility of alternative guilty parties but as we all know that might not have produced the desired answers so, criminally and purposely, no consideration was given to this.
“Corbyn made a serious error in caving to the Board of Jewish Deputies denunciation. He should have simply pointed out that the Mear One mural is anti-capitalist. ..”
I am almost certain that this mural is a copy of an early C20th Magazine Cover, from the US Progressive era.
The men featured, three of whom are Presbyterians so far as I recall, were the bete noirs of socialists and progressives of that era. IO find it most unlikely that the artist was not deliberately reproducing a classic design.
The notion that it was anti-semitic is complete rubbish. Corbyn should have called Ken Livingstone who seems more knowledgeable about history.
As to the magazine I’m unsure which it was but I am almost certain that I have seen this design, featuring at least five of the six ( I do not recall Crowley) before.
Art historians, Progressive era experts please comment.
Carnegie was the Deist son of a lapsed Presbyterian-Church of Scotland.
Morgan was a member of the Episcopal Church.
John D Rockefeller was a Baptist.
I thought that I had seen this picture before. Interesting that the people criticizing Corbyn seem to be the ones interpreting it as antisemitic.
Edited by Admin for typo
Interpenetrating or interpreting? I reckon both terms would be correct. 🙂
gerund or present participle: interpenetrating
mix or merge together.
“the two concepts interpenetrate in interesting ways”
gerund or present participle: interpreting
explain the meaning of (information or actions).
“the evidence is difficult to interpret”
Which is why I said that I reckon both terms would be correct.
I see your point and yes I do feel either could apply but I had to stick with my original word though.
That was realized in 1954 by the Ukrainian national and First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev.
Khrushchev could just order the annexation because the Soviet Union was not a democracy but a dictatorial-communist confederation of states: “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”. And in such a dictatorial confederation of states, the Ukrainian Khrushchev was able to enlarge his own home state Ukraine by “decision”.
Khrushchev’s decision to switch motherland, nation state and nationallity oa the people of Crimea and of the Crimean territory was not only illegal but was void for two reasons: According to the official Russian viewpoint (including that of the former Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov), Nikita S. Khrushchev broke the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Actually a) The “Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union” in Moskow, which was the highest legislative body in the Soviet Union, b) the “Supreme Council of Russia”, which was the highest legislative body of and c) “The Suprtem Council od Ukraine”, which was the highest legislative body in Ukrine would have had to agree to this annexion of Crimea and the change of the nationality of it’s people.
But there was only one vote of those “Presidium of the Central Committee” (in Moskow and in Kiev). And even more: At the time of the decicion those “Presidium of the Central Committee” were understaffed, too – and so the ‘decicion’ was an illegimate one to Soviet law. When the Fist Secretary of the CPSU in Crimea, Pavel Titov, protested – he was replaced by some Dmytro Polianski.
1) As far as the issue of territorial assignment is concerned, the following applies: Khrushchev’s injunction was not lawful and thus ineffective or “void” in the sense of state law. He was also “unconstitutional”!
2) As far as it concerns the aspect that the Russian citizens on Crimea (SSR Russia) now becoming “Ukrainian citizenship” (SSR Ukraine), this decisions of those two “Presidium of the Central Committee” (in Moskow and in Kiev) was simply “void” in the sense of state law. Even more they were also “unconstitunional”!
On top of that, however, is that this switschinge of the citizenship of the poaple of Crimea should have violated the “right of self-determination of peoples” ( )
And while it is controversial, if there is ‘a right to secession of peoples’ (Catalans, Kosovo) this is not the point here: Because what Khrushchev and others did, was just the opposite: It was a compulsive ‘secession’ of the people of Crimea by force – and against the will (at least they were not asked) of the people of Crimea.
And that this ‘enforced secession’ and switching of nationality of people only by power ot some government is only void by the law of nations or international law can not be doubted!
Also, the fact that the Crimean inhabitants were only a part of the “Russian people” (and not the whole “people”), by no means excludes the application of the international law “right of peoples to self-determination”.
In addition, the states of the Soviet Union were not simply “federal”, such as the USA or the Federal Republic of Germany. This becuae the nations of the Sovjet Union had a much greater sovereignty: The Ukrainian SSR (as well as the Belorussian SSR) was incorporated to the United as an independent founding menber, and had its own repredentantation and its own voice in the Assembly, next to the Soviet Union.
3) Also, the nuclear agreement by the Russian Federation and Ukraine in the early 1990s, in which – alongside to the treaty – the current borders of that time were “confirmed”, could not retroactively had eliminated the invalidity / nullity of the Ukrainian annexation od Crimea and its citizens.
The citizens of the Crimea – now asked for the first time – have also recently confirmed by their vote the invality of the Ukrainian annexation of 1954. Their application for admission to the Russian Federation alone (which, in my view, was legally unnecessary) led to the administrative reintegration into Russian state administration.
Thus, neither can be spoken of an “annexation” nor even a “military annexation”! Such baseless claims are only war-driven propaganda! No Russian soldiers invaded the Crimea. The fact that there had been a lot of Russian military in Crimea for decades was exclusively due to a contractual agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation in the early 1990s.
4) On the other side Hawaii and Puerto Rice had been brutally annexed. Why don’t we hear from these self righteous war mongers about THOSE real anexations?
Sorry, bad tipeing:
“The Ukrainian SSR (as well as the Belorussian SSR) was incorporated to the UNITED NATIONS as an independent founding menber”
Assange’s historical account is about right. The only missing piece of the Jigsaw was the eventual demise of the 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division, a sort of Nazi International Brigade founded in part by Himmler. The division was routed by the Red Army at the Battle of Brody towards the end of the war but escaped westwards; the remnants surrendered to Anglo-American forces in Rimini-Italy. From there they were given asylum in the UK, US and particularly Canada. This explains Canada’s enthusiasm for the neo-nazis.
Hi, I’m the author of the article (not Julian Assange, but I’m flattered to be mistaken for him), thank you for this comment it is helpful. The historical connection with Canada was the one area I had difficulty tracking down reliable information about, even other articles about Freeland and Chomiak don’t explain it in depth.
John helmer at dances with bears might help
Gen. Mattis the US Secretary of Defense, if I remember correctly… it’s getting hard to keep up with all the comings and goings, said yesterday that the UK had been attacked by the Russians using banned chemical ‘weapons of mass destruction.’ And that the Russians were guilty of undermining international law and norms of civilized behaviour. His words are… close to a declaration of war on Russia, or, show dangerous attitudes are in Washington, how close we are to open conflict. The demonization of Russia and Putin is almost complete and we all know where this ends. This Iraq, Libya and Syria.
It probably only needs one more ‘trigger event’ and the cries for war against Russia will rise towards the unstoppable. It could happen in Syria or Ukraine, or perhaps somewhere else, like one of the Baltic States. It’s so unfortunate that the public seem so unaware of how dangerous things are, diverted, as they are by other things.
Corbyn, who might have become a voice of reason and caution, even leading an anti-war movement in the UK, is now severely damaged and on the defensive, and the accusations of ‘anti-semitism’ have undermined his moral position, which is probably the whole point.
I suggest the citizens of all NATO nations are given a referendum on going to war, phrased thus:
‘Mindful of the risks of brutal retaliation by a strong nuclear power, we the citizens of (NATO country) wish to start World War III due to the alleged poisoning of two Russians-by-birth in Salisbury, UK, allegedly on the orders of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, evidence for whose complicity is notable only by its inaccessibility to we, the people of (NATO country).
We trust utterly the honesty, integrity and reliability of politicians in the NATO alliance, particularly those of the US administration, the US senate and our own national Parliament.
Our trust is based on the irrefutable evidence in hindsight justifying our murderous prior campaigns in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, all of which were justifiable, despite deaths of innocent civilians running into the millions.
Compared to our actions since 1999, the actions of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin are those of an insane psychopathic genocidal murderer, whose venal footprint includes: a heinous pair of local campaigns against terrorists in Georgia and Chechnya on the borders of the Russian Federation; his genocidal activities in wiping out ISIS in Syria after a request for support from the elected President Bashar al-Assad, against the wishes of ISIS’ Us/Western backers; his disgraceful acquiescence to the democratic will of the people of Crimea to once again become part of the Russian Federation; his refusal to assassinate Viktor Yanukovych, ousted President of the state of Ukraine, now controlled by neo-nazis; his refusal to admit guilt to the downing of MH17, despite credible evidence of innocence with regard to this crime; and his disgusting request to obey the rules of OPCW with regard to investigating the poisoning of the Skripal family members in Salisbury, UK.
As a result, 150 million innocent Russians and 750 million European/US citizens should have their lives put at risk to ensure the Russians hand over Russian mineral- and fuel assets, lock, stock and barrel, to US billionaire oligarchs, their satrapies and mercenaries.’
That should give the true arbiters of Western nations a chance to express the ‘will of the people’, should it not?!
@rtj1211. Unfortunately you are crediting the average man (sorry, ‘person’) on the street with a level of intelligence that would immediately reject a ‘referendum’ so worded. Unfortunately, from my observations I can guarantee you’d be wrong, certainly in the UK (where a ‘Bring it on!” mentality seems to pervade any evidence-free allegation), so I wouldn’t begin to suggest (albeit tongue in cheek) even considering going down such a route!
well the remain side lost in the brexit referendum, and we know what happened to Clinton, so i wouldn’t underestimate people i think many are now getting wise to the BS
I certainly hope you are right! I think I have become cynical – and depressed – from dipping into reader comments on one particular newspaper’s website.
you should try the Daily Mail, the readers are often in total opposition to the article, which is ironic as its supposed to be this bastion of right wing reactionary knuckle draggers, well actually its not, i remember one article written by Max Hastings, it was about
“Russian aggression”, it really didn’t go down well at all, and i doubt very much the anti Max Hastings feeling was down to russian bots, i doubt very much Hastings read the comments, infact i doubt many columnist read there articles, never mind reply, the only one i can think of is Peter Hitchens
so don’t get too down and cynical, i think the BS propaganda model has been played to death and “ordinary” folks are getting wise to it
Corbyn made a serious error in caving to the Board of Jewish Deputies denunciation. He should have simply pointed out that the Mear One mural is anti-capitalist. Indeed, the Board of Jewish Deputies’ statement actually makes clear that they are accusing him of being “far left” and supporting the working class.
It’s JC’s second serious cave-in; the first was prefacing his sensible “Let’s wait for the evidence” with an abject “Putin is evil, but”.
3rd mistake – shouldn’t have thrown Livingstone to the wolves…
I am sure you are aware STEVENHAYES13 that the Jewish Board of Deputies are in ultimate realm of the the ‘ Zionist ‘ Chief Rabbi Yitzak Yosef, who can be found in Palestine’s capital Jerusalem, where he has publicly announced that all Non-White persons in Israel were ” Black Monkeys “.
And, obviously the British Board of Deputies have agreed with this racial slur ?
@MICHAEL LEIGH No, I was not aware that Chief Rabbi Yosef had call all non-white people in Israel are black monkeys. Strange to relate the bastions of anti-racism, such as the Guardian and the BBC, choose not to report such news.
The only countries that are guilty of undermining international law and norms of civilized behaviour are the USA, the UK and the Ukraine, followed by the sheeple leaders of those EU countries which are also expelling a few Russian diplomats.
Have to love New Zealand – said they couldn’t find any Russian spies!
❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜
The West has collectively descended into complete and utter madness. Rational thought based upon weighing evidence and examining events that actually occur in the physical world is now abnormal, an aberration, a sign of “difference.” To be brain-washed and brain-dead is the “new normal.” This tragectory of course cannot end well.
What people either ignore or conveniently forget, especially in the Ukraine, is that Russia was basically born in Kiev, over one thousand years ago.
Good historical review of the Ukraine political quagmire nurtured by the West . How some can still sleep soundly at night is beyond me. I guess propaganda still rules the day.Deep down I do feel that this will pass ,the lies will be exposed , the villains will be exposed and the righteous exalted.
Yes, it is that serious, and your first sentence is no exaggeration.
The mad now recognize each other as comrades, and the sane can only count themselves blessed that their power of reason has not yet been forcibly removed – not that being sane in a world run by clowns is in any way comfortable…
Krishnamurti summed it up beautifully: “It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”…
Beautiful words for a catastrophic situation.
Every day I get three or four messages from the U.S. stating that this, that, or the other situation is shocking and unacceptable, and would I “chip in” to help prevent the insanity from taking another ten steps towards the abyss?
But the problem is not that one is reluctant to throw good money after bad. The problem is that we can’t think of any ACTION drastic enough to make a difference, when we really ought to be considering something along the lines of physically removing the insane from our western governments.
Just taking them home, and telling them to stay there.
Intergenerationaltrauma was the intended recipient of my reply, by the way…
I wish I shared your optimism, but, I have to ask, exactly who is going to expose the lies and the villains, and who is going to exalt the righteous in today’s morally poisoned world?
I can’t see it happening by itself, and the poisoners know that.
I remember the wisdom of Krishnamurti ,where to find such today.Call me naive or a dreamer because I happen to believe that consciousness is rising in the world regardless of what it seems. It is under the radar so to speak but happening none the less .It is the only thing that wakes people up , looking at the bigger picture .But don’t ask me to explain it , words are not enough. It is the only thing that keeps me sane .
Cheers .
I know what you mean, and I hope you’re right.
It’s probably the only thing that could keep ANY of us sane.
In related news:
“In response to the nerve-agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter in the United Kingdom earlier this month, Canada is expelling four Russian diplomats and denying three applications from the Russian government for additional diplomatic staff.
“Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the punishment …”
To my shame that we have such ignorant people in our Canadian so-called leadership.
check out the Saker bog. Predicting imminent WW3 in one thread (because the diplomats are being expellled???)
and asking for money to fund his tip to Russia in another
Could it be much more cynical? If you really think WW3 is coming you aren’t worrying about your money or you coming holiday in Moscow! Is he trying to scare people or just get clicks? Seems bad karma and policy to cry wolf about nuclear war IMO. But he does this periodically. I think his analysis is quite attuned to his mood tbh.
Mind you no one wants to be right about that I suppose. Let’s hope he is as wrong this time as he usually is.
What he says seems unexceptionable:
” I remember Helmut Schmidt, Maggie Thatcher, Reagan, Mitterrand, even Chirac! And I remember what the Canard Enchaîné used to be, or even the BBC. During the Cold War the West was hardly a knight in white shining armor, but still – rule of law did matter, as did at least some degree of critical thinking.
“I am now deeply embarrassed for the West. And very, very afraid.
“All I see today is a submissive herd lead by true, bona fide, psychopaths (in a clinical sense of the word)
“And that is not the worst thing.
“The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
“Let me carefully measure my words here and tell you the blunt truth.
Since the Neocon coup against Trump the West is now on exactly the same course as Nazi Germany was in, roughly, the mid 1930s.
Oh sure, the ideology is different, the designated scapegoat also. But the mindset is exactly the same…”
You are right. It is unexceptional. IT IS EXTRAORDINARY!
“but still – rule of law did matter”.
Er, those were the days of Gladio.
You are right. what he means, I suspect, is that public opinion was usually treated to the impression that the rule of law was of paramount interest, that governments did not assassinate their own citizens, that vice paid a regular tribute to virtue.
Now all such pretence is pretty well gone: public opinion is meant to enjoy the release of joining in the licensed hysteria of the lynch mob. We are meant to leap at the opportunity to add our own lies and suspicions to those confected by the propagandists in No 10.
We are meant to realise that in infowar as in love all is permissible.
We are meant to revere the likes of Boris Johnson for their ability to invent lies and improvise fictions at will.
This is a society built on the spivvery of Thatcherism in which the glib and the slick are respected for their success, which all are meant envy.
No good can come of this.
The Saker very seldom is wrong, and there is nothing cynical about him asking for donations – not only for his trip (and NOT a holiday) to Russia but for the expenses of running his website and to contribute to feeding his family as his wife’s income is insufficient for that.
I know the Saker personally as we stem from the same city in Switzerland and from the same Russian Orthodox congregation. You obviously haven’t the first scintilla of an understanding of who and what he is.
Sorry, my post also appears at the top of the page — I should’ve used the ‘reply’ button. Perhaps a moderator could delete the duplicate post in the other location? …
I also noticed the paradox at Saker’s blog, but on reflection I think he’s exactly right. On the one hand, I agree that there’s an unacceptably high chance of a nuclear war in the next six months. And this is because of the severe decay in Western culture and governance.
So maybe we are all going to die.
Even if the risk is only 1%, it’s far too high. You wouldn’t get into an automobile every day with a 1% chance of crashing. At that rate, you wouldn’t survive a year.
But on the other hand, there’s at least a chance that the world will survive until Saker’s trip this summer. And if so, perhaps his trip will do some good.
We all need to plan for the future, and hope for the best. Even while having the courage to say that the situation is far more dangerous than ever before.
@Chad. If ww3 is about to kick off in the not too distant future in Europe against Russia, do you really think it matters where you are? The US has provided nuclear warheads throughout Europe(their intention being to make sure NATO forces Russia to defend itself, whilst maintaining a discreet distance from their own backyard)and where do you think Russia will send it’s nuclear defence missiles? While we are on the subject, do you really think China will stand idly by while it’s only ally is destroyed leaving it then, at the mercy of the US murderous foreign machinations? If WW3 kicks off, even with conventional weapons, the US will send nukes to get the ball rolling and then nowhere will be safe. You could try Outer Mongolia but it too is rather close to both Russia and China.
If I were Russian or Chinese I would insist on the total wipeout of the US to be rid of the real problem once and for all, eventually turning to Europe and dealing with them by offering to send nukes, so that puts a trip to NY in jeopardy as well.
You had better hope that some people at least, are willing to try to diffuse the situation by whatever means is available to them, or book passage to the moon on the next available shuttle?
(Pssst… To defuse (something) is to make a threatening or dangerous situation safer. For example, you might defuse a violent argument by calming the people involved, or you might literally defuse a bomb by deactivating its fuse. Diffuse works as both a verb and an adjective. To diffuse something is to disperse it or spread it out. When something is dispersed or spread out, it is diffuse.) 🙂