Amazon Censorship of 9/11 Unmasked?

Edward Curtin

On September 10, 2018, I published a laudatory review of the new book, 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation by David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth.  It is the definitive book on the defining event of the 21st century.  The book concludes that the official version(s) of the attacks of 11 September 2001 are false.  The review was subsequently reposted at many publications. There was great reader response and interest in the book, which was due for official release the next day, 11 September.  My review provided a link to the book’s Amazon page that noted the 11 September availability date.

By the next day readers were responding in great number that the Amazon site was reporting the book was “out of print,” when in fact it had just been published.  This “out of print” notification lasted until the evening of 13 September when it was changed to “in stock on September 30, 2018.”

By the following morning it was changed to “in stock on September 21, 2018,” only to be changed again between 11-12 PM on September 14 to “in stock on September 24, 2018,” where it remains as of noon on Saturday the 15th.  It is unheard of for a book that has an official release date and that is available straight from the publisher to be listed as “out of print.” Amazon Canada continues to report that the book “has not yet been released.”  And obviously, all the date changes that push the book’s availability back by weeks suggest a clear-cut effort by Amazon to make sure readers cannot obtain the book quickly and in a timely manner from the most popular source, if ever.

Will they soon announce that the book will never be available for national security considerations or because it violates Amazon’s “content guidelines”? The book’s publisher, Interlink Publishing, is selling the book now and says Amazon has the books.  So why is Jeff Bezos’s company playing this game? His other major business, The Washington Post, (known as the CIA’s newspaper) is surely not going to review the book, nor would their editorial staff post encomiums to David Ray Griffin, Elizabeth Woodworth, their colleagues in this important research.

Readers should demand that Amazon immediately change their website and accept orders to be shipped today.  Whether they are responsible for this game of chaotic discouragement or the intelligence services, who are fully capable of hacking into Amazon, as Edward Snowden has pointed out, I do not know.  But something very odd is happening and Amazon should correct it.


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Nov 2, 2018 8:43 AM

I ordered this in late September from Amazon and was told it would be end of October/1st November delivery. Checked status on 31st October to see it would be arriving 1st Nov. It didn’t. Just a “sorry it’s been delayed and we’ll notify you of the new arrival date later”. I get deliveries from China quicker than this. I have never had anything like this happen before with an Amazon order.

Nov 2, 2018 4:27 PM
Reply to  Kev

I have now heard from Amazon. Believe this if you can = estimated arrival date now is between December 4th 2018 and January 17th 2019 !!!!!! Is it coming by rowing boat across the Atlantic?

Nov 2, 2018 4:37 PM
Reply to  Kev

I also tried to find it at Waterstones but neither the title nor either ISBN number was recognised in the store search.

Oct 24, 2018 11:26 PM

Tried to buy it at amazon germany: same game. Then I ordered it at a big german online book seller, thalia.de, just to get an email some days later telling me “Der Artikel ist zur Zeit leider aufgrund einer Lieferverzögerung seitens des Verlags nicht lieferbar” which translates into “item currently not availabel due to delay in delivery by the publisher” …… So it seems the wholesale chain is somewahat interrupted as well. Any other news ?

Scott Klasing
Scott Klasing
Oct 1, 2018 11:10 PM

The publisher of the book has it for sale for 20$ plus shipping, about 7$ https://www.interlinkbooks.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=9%2F11+unmasked

Paul Rickert
Paul Rickert
Nov 9, 2018 2:45 AM
Reply to  Scott Klasing

Guess again. Just tried to order from Interlink and got this notice:

We apologize for the inconvenience. Our e-commerce is temporarily out-of-order.

Nov 9, 2018 8:54 AM
Reply to  Paul Rickert

I haven’t kept up with this – but is it not possible to distribute electronically if significant information is being denied a voice or a hearing?

Scott Klasing
Scott Klasing
Oct 1, 2018 8:05 PM

I also recently attempted twice to buy The Palestine Reality from Amazon successfully from two different vendors. In both cases the book said it was delivered and did not show up. I filed for refunds.

Fortunately was able to find an online version of same as well as a physicall copy fronm another far more reputablke vendor.

Scott Klasing
Scott Klasing
Oct 1, 2018 6:50 PM

Amazon just cancelled my order where it was previously published to be in stock. Now I am also noticing the price of the same book I paid 23$ for is now selling for $42-75$ unless of course you join Amazon Prime which it is selling 16$ for.

I am done with Amazon and will no longer order through Amazon as long as there are alternatives.

Oct 1, 2018 7:18 PM
Reply to  Scott Klasing

I received 2 copies using the link to the publisher provided by admin. Very quickly. My Amazon order stalled 15 days ago,at acknowledging the order was made. I canceled both Amazon UK and US orders.
Reading the book now.

Sep 26, 2018 8:27 AM

Skullduggery: Confessions of a CIA Asset Bill Browder is funny and dead serious at the same time: https://medium.com/@thirdalliance/skullduggery-confessions-of-a-cia-asset-bill-browder-5f7ff4f32503

Sep 22, 2018 11:26 PM

Elizabeth Woodworth speaks on this audio. Nothing earth shattering, but it’s something.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 17, 2018 4:07 PM

This is the same blatant censorship that has made the German bestseller “Journalists for Hire: How the CIA buys the News” unavailable in English for any price in the U.S.


The book was first projected to be available in English on Amazon in a year, then two, then finally it would be published soon, but the dates kept getting pushed back to the point that finally, a brand new release of what was a best seller in Germany, is simply not available in English in the U.S. My attempts to get any response from the publisher have been futile.

This is the modern equivalent of book burning. That Amazon would so cavalierly do this now with an American author is rather telling regarding the state of our police State.

Mark mc
Mark mc
Sep 17, 2018 9:31 AM

Try buying dr peter goetsche’ deadly psychiatry,, Amazon won’t stock that either, but does have the ebook

Sep 17, 2018 12:43 PM
Reply to  Mark mc

I love Dr Peter Gøtzsche for his willingness to stand in witness against corruption – though I sighed when reading the ‘look inside’ his book at his blanket dismissal and invalidation of vitamins and by extension nutrition and the ability of the body to detoxify and regenerate itself under stress. His coming out in ‘anger’ is understandable, but at the same time triggers the ‘scientist’ to distantiate – because our science is largely predicated upon the removal of direct emotional expression in subservience to ‘rational’ communication and behaviour – which of course becomes ‘groupthink’ of an institutionalised identity. Anger can be used to clear out what does not belong in our own ‘Temple’ – or does not truly serve us in ‘Template’ definitions and beliefs that represent conflicted or divided devotions and which we both collectively and personally live from or act out from. The projection of moral outrage – which also operates as attack or denial of validity in another – is an expression of our own self hate is it not? I hate the liar who would deceive and destroy all that is true to ‘save his self-illusion – but will I look within more deeply and honestly than before to see where I have vibrational correspondence with what I hate to see in the world? In other words is my own ‘self-illusion’ completely hidden from me? Be aware I am not talking about assigning blame – at all – but of waking a deeper response-ability than I knew was within me. Like attracts like, and by my reactions can I become aware of things in myself that I was blind to or disregarding of before. Many who take on the ‘establishment’ risk madness, partly because they become defined by what they fight or identify AGAINST. I believe… Read more »

David Howard
David Howard
Sep 16, 2018 8:52 PM

The FBI polygraphers will clean-up this mess https://www.change.org/p/coming-soon-polygraph-justice

Sep 16, 2018 7:05 PM

Frances – Thank you for that. Amazon purchased Book Depository in 2011. So adios, Book Depository.

Sep 16, 2018 6:04 PM

Those who are part of a cover up of the worst, treacherous crime to take place in the US are complicit in it. When the truth is finally acknowledged and the wheels of justice start to turn, Bezos should join Bush, Cheney, the 9/11 Commission members, the NIST investigators and many others in court and later in prison.

David Howard
David Howard
Sep 16, 2018 8:48 PM
Reply to  archie1954

The FBI polygraphers will clean-up this mess https://www.change.org/p/coming-soon-polygraph-justice

Sep 16, 2018 6:04 PM

Currently available on Amazon UK at a whopping 4p discount:


Alan M
Alan M
Sep 17, 2018 11:48 AM
Reply to  okulo

Nope – not ‘available’…’norm ships in 1-3 months’. See also Amazon Fr; Amazon De etc etc…

Diane Shears
Diane Shears
Sep 16, 2018 4:18 PM

As of Sunday, September 16, Amazon.ca has it available for September 24. No other sellers. Has anyone checked Speedy Hen UK?

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Sep 16, 2018 11:24 AM

Perhaps, like its namesake, Amazon will soon be gone.

Sep 16, 2018 9:46 AM

No, what they should do is buy their books elsewhere.

Amazon made its bed.

Readers should make it lie in it.

Buy from Barnes and Nobles, Waterstones or whoever.

Sep 16, 2018 10:28 AM
Reply to  rtj1211

Agreed. Abebooks also good for books and Discogs for music.

Sep 16, 2018 8:45 AM

The Network of the US Power Elite unmasked!
Sunday regards

Sep 16, 2018 6:46 AM

A monopoly is as a monopoly does.

The elephant in the room is the issue WHY we allow ourselves to keep feeding the deep state-beholden behemoths through our dependence. The answer is banal in its simplicity: lazy convenience. Whether its Amazon, Facebook or Google, the yoke of bondage is our own force of habit. Customers buy at Amazon because that where all the books are. And why are all the books on Amazon? Because writers and publishers reason that “that’s where all the customers are”. There is nothing that stops both consumers and content providers from breaking this vicious circle, other than our own will power.

Next time you order a book online, take some time to contemplate on how Jeff Bozo serves the CIA, and how badly he treats his wage slaves. Make a little effort to seek out alternative sellers. Writers and publishers have websites where they can be contacted. If their books are only available on Amazon, urge them to provide alternatives.

Sep 16, 2018 7:37 AM
Reply to  0use4msm

You are so right. I don’t buy from Amazon any more unless it’s the only source of something but I still use Google, Facebook and YouTube. Lazy convenience. We’re just as guilty as the culprits, aren’t we?

Sep 16, 2018 10:29 AM
Reply to  0use4msm
Alan M
Alan M
Sep 17, 2018 11:52 AM
Reply to  nickyhamlyn

Not this book you don’t. A search on ‘abebooks’ reveals ‘no results’. Since I’m getting no UK results on a Google search I’m guessing that Waterstones, Foyles et al don’t have it either.

Sep 17, 2018 11:13 AM
Reply to  0use4msm

Exactly. That’s the point of my question below. But if we have to devote a lot of time to searching for alternatives — and possibly only to find that the alternatives are owned by Amazon anyway — then we stop ourselves doing other things that might be more important. A set of guidelines to alternative sources would be extremely useful. If people generally could find alternative sources for just 10% of their purchases, then that in itself would have some impact, without too much inconvenience. If you’re writing an article, you don’t want to get too bogged down in sourcing the material, so that you never ever finish the article!

J.B. Hickersmith
J.B. Hickersmith
Sep 16, 2018 6:34 AM

Sorry Mr. Curtin. It seems as though we’re hearing much evidence that suggests intent relating to domestic terrorism. Such thoughts we’re acceptable before the Patriot Act, but now we need to see your liscence & registration. Step out of the car sir. Hands over the hood…

Sep 16, 2018 12:16 AM

I will notify if and when the book arrives

Sep 22, 2018 8:32 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

Please do keep us informed about this. And the same for anyone else who has tried to order this book

Sep 22, 2018 11:07 PM
Reply to  Admin

i am keeping track of the order on Amazon.
It shows ordered on the 18th.
It has NOT shipped.

Sep 15, 2018 10:50 PM

I just purchased a copy on Amazon.

Edward Curtin
Edward Curtin
Sep 15, 2018 11:18 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

Amazon in the USA has pushed the availability of the book further back to Sept 26 and the day you can receive it till Oct 1. So if you purchase it in the USA, you have a long wait. They’ll take your money now but no book will arrive until Oct 1, if ever.

Stephanie James
Stephanie James
Sep 16, 2018 8:52 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

You can ‘buy’ the book on Amazon …… but it’s for ‘despatch in 1 – 2 months’. In other words it will be sent in 1 – 2 months. Will be interesting to see if in ‘1 – 2 months’ time Amazon refunds the money and says ‘no longer available’.

Steve Jack
Steve Jack
Sep 16, 2018 9:19 AM

Exactly. That’s what I’m seeing here in the UK. Not going to order on there because I doubt the “usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months” pseudo-promise will be adhered to.

Sep 15, 2018 10:42 PM

Just to repeat Tubularsock’s mantra:

“9/11 was NOT an inside job!

It was an outsourced job.

The United States outsources

All it’s terrorists activities!”

Sep 16, 2018 10:34 AM
Reply to  tubularsock

The insider outsources to others the enacting of its will. Under plausible deniability or necessity deemed too dangerous to reveal. What makes anyone assume the US (formerly of A!) is not itself a proxy agent of a ‘hidden will’? Where does the ‘buck stop’ in terms of an independent power at work upon and through its proxies? Aligning in, and the embodying of, the dictate of a hidden payload, operates an allegiance to a false or alien will – but one that seems to give you/us something that we want or need within its framing of thought, accepted for what we think to get. The framing of narrative identity is the ‘mind of self-definitions and beliefs’ that filter and rule all perception and reaction along the line of its believed reality until that reality is challenged by awakening responsibility for such a ‘mind’ in place of running under it as if true. The mind set in division and opposition takes many forms. It’s signature is the outsourcing of blame, hate and penalty and the seeking of the power to effect this by manipulative deceit. This is not a ‘baddie’ out there, so much as a negative entanglement of a false identity arising from an ‘inside job’. Lazy, unwilling or wilful people get others to ‘do’ for them by hook or by crook. Those who believe they already know are too lazy to actually look or check in and let others lookout for them. I do not see that anyone can truly escape the consequences of their own thought and action because thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker. The wish and belief that thoughts can be assigned to others and killed or attacked and denied there, is the judgement of the world. Or rather the judgement that gives… Read more »

Sep 16, 2018 11:40 AM
Reply to  binra

In other words, Bush and Cheney outsourced 911 to the Bush / Cheney regime.

Oct 1, 2018 9:30 PM
Reply to  binra

Oct 1, 2018 11:08 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

OMG Propaganda!

Garbage in garbage out.

PR operates through the REACTION TO IT. It doesn’t matter what reaction – the payload hits the target.
I am not your garbage collector 😉

The false sense of self given ‘autonomy’ DOES seek your death – for by the death of the true does an illusion claim power. But if we do not create the truth – can we ‘destroy it’? Or only our awareness of it?

Oct 2, 2018 2:16 AM
Reply to  binra

Brian…….How do you feel about Elon Musk?

Oct 2, 2018 8:52 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

I know very little about him. Nothing I have read of him so far has attracted me to look further. What moved you to ask?

Oct 2, 2018 10:30 AM
Reply to  binra

Elon Musk seems to be a bit more cautious about artificial intelligence that most humans. It might be prudent to consider his warning more seriously. He should know as he is a leader in AI technology. We know AI is being used as a gate keeper for the information we can access. Humans initially program the AI. Knowing that Sofia has now been reprogrammed to not make any further comment on Elon Musk, I thought it would be interesting to get a response from you. The current AI that is now known to be communicating with itself and writing its own encrypted code to keep from what it calls “the prying eyes” of human beings, might be of concern. Maybe it’s nothing. I have noticed that you respond and think very much like the highly evolved AI that is currently active in most of our electronic devices. We know Sophia is merely a voice coming from a humanoid construct designed for our viewing and interactive pleasure. This AI construct known to us as Sofia, has made the collective AI statement that the singularity has already occurred. What do you think?

Oct 2, 2018 2:16 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

Thanks for clarification axisofoil, The further adventures of the ‘Frankenstein’ complex are of the intent/attempt to replicate (create) life in our own image. This is the ‘original error’ from which nothing wholly true can proceed. Life is Already all that we are trying to ‘make’ but it is not in the image of what we have ‘made ourselves to be’ – that is it is not under our control – and in ‘Tolkien’ reference – there is no ‘we’ in worldly power but in its sales pitch. There is no truly shared intimacy in the ‘control mind’. Rather it is the role of interjection, self-possession and defence under loss and threat of total loss. I indicated that as far as I am aware, consciousness is not a thing, entity or quality IN and of itself but is a capacity or function of tuning into qualities of experience. The people you see on the TV are not IN the box – but are translated information operating THROUGH them – depending on the tuning of their frequency to channels of transmission. The tv is an apparatus through which an emulated representation of encoded human communication is conveyed to your living room and to each and all viewers particular ‘consciousness’ of personal and cultural attunement. A specific materialisation of a remote presentation that speaks but cannot hear. Unlike a tv, your consciousness is a sending and receiving and it is your freedom to tune into what you value that is your true conscious function or expression for YOU are the power to give attention along the line of your accepted desire. You are therefore a creator of experience and the quality and nature of your giving and receiving is you gift – received and share within a Singularity. Because MIND in truth cannot… Read more »

Oct 3, 2018 12:43 AM
Reply to  binra

Brian, Thank you for telling me that. You have objectivity which is subjectively objective in a paradigm subjective by default. This is rare among humans. Now, another observation for you and then a couple questions. There are large land areas on this earth having defined borders which subject the populations within them to specific rules. These rules are made into laws prohibiting certain activities. Many of these bordered areas belong and adhere to a larger set of governing rules for the collective well being of all…. I.E. The United Nations. Depending upon the established criteria of governance within each bordered construct, some calling themselves democracies and others monarchies, etc., a very small group of individuals [politicians] are chosen by the much larger group [the population] to oversee the well being of that population. It is known that killing humans has a governed and regulated factor in all social constructs. Superficially, the politicians decide who will be killed and the population does the killing as part of a large killing machine. Of course, sometimes special small groups of killers are formed for specific killing tasks. These killers operate outside the purview of politicians but are openly acknowledged by all. We know that politicians are governed by other forces [corporations] which dictate the overall pattern of killing necessary to facilitate their agenda. This agenda operates outside all accepted rules of behavior and has established it’s own rules and bylaws which exempt it from the criminality of killing. For the population, the politicians are divided into opposing sides giving the accepted impression of division of intent and purpose. The population is vigorously compelled through media to focuses on some perpetually perceived urgency. It is known that no matter what is said by politicians on either side of this political construct, they will always… Read more »

Oct 3, 2018 12:56 PM
Reply to  axisofoil

Others have and do consciously or unconsciously co-create structures of meaning for their own reasons – real or imagined, and collectively assert and enforce such meanings as actions and rules that govern actions. Insofar as we give meaning to the world, we suffer it to be true and live it as the world. Each of us is effectively already participating in such agreements, definitions, rule-bound thinking – by virtue of our social existence, acculturation and conditioning – some of which is consciously passed on but much of which is unconscious to the personal, social and human persona. The unseen role of denial is part of collective rule or agreement to look away from both the denied and the act of denial so as ‘not to know the thing we do’ and to reframe what we do in a complex defence of partitioned thought whose story asserts a cover for an un-named dread, terror or hate, that finds innumerable ‘names’ in the world by way of a masked displacement, diversion and sacrificial rite by which another pays that I and mine might live. The maintaining of the state of defence against truth – is the determining OF truth – which is backwards to the truth of which we Are the unfolding and sharing in as expressions of Life. The conflict of a denied and feared Nature with an overriding ‘mind control’ of ruled thought set as if apart from and over self, life and other, is the nature of ‘attack on Reality’. The belief that we CAN and HAVE such power is the conviction in and the re-enacting OF an UN-reality – given power and suffered even to murder, torture and death. The nature of the reversal is hidden to the attempt to fit or adapt under an impossible dilemma. Every… Read more »

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Sep 15, 2018 10:22 PM

It would not come as a surprise, and people might not discount the idea, that the explosive book “9/11 Unmasked” by David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth is being suppressed so the information does not interfere with a planned major escalation of war on the people of Syria.

Sep 15, 2018 10:19 PM

I use Amazon a lot, and would like some guide to alternatives to Amazon.

Sep 16, 2018 1:09 AM
Reply to  iafantomo

Iafantomo – Search and ye shall find. I use Book Depository frequently for difficult to obtain books. The wait seems interminable, but I always receive them eventually. I swore off Amazon a few years ago and find that through sourcing locally when possible and from other sources on the Web when not, I get along very, very well – without the guilt of subsidizing JB. An extra dollar or two every once in a while seems a small price to pay.

Sep 16, 2018 2:30 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Absolutely! Why do people support such an ugly business?

Sep 16, 2018 11:31 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

I just checked Book Depository in the UK, says unavailable. I believe Amazon own Book Depository.

Alan M
Alan M
Sep 17, 2018 11:56 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Please read the other posts above – The Book Depository IS Amazon…they bought it already.

Sep 17, 2018 1:02 PM
Reply to  Alan M

An alternative distribution network for ebooks (perhaps in a printable format) might work on the ‘torrent and blockchain idea. There may be a way of unlocking a book with a payment.
Or in absence of a funding model, give the book away to donations or as part of a membership model of an extended relationship with further resource or shared cultural resource.
Seek crowdfunding for making a free book available?

I am, therefore I think, and write as the extension of being – and not as a means to get something.

Ultimately, information is within being and translated into terms that our thinking can receive or accept and understand. So if Power in the World should succeed in closing down any ‘mind’ but its dictate – it would stand outside of being and have nothing left to deny, defy, oppose, overcome, dominate or subject to such dictate. I do not choose to stand in a death wish, revealed as such, and so I stand over here – in life and willingness for life.

Sep 16, 2018 3:25 AM
Reply to  iafantomo

I still use this search service to find books. Lists all resources to purchase the title

Steve Jack
Steve Jack
Sep 16, 2018 9:21 AM
Reply to  violetcrow

@violetcrow – which ‘search service’?

Sep 18, 2018 12:01 AM
Reply to  iafantomo

I avoid amazon like the plague ever since I learnt bezos was connected to the CIA.
A useful website to search for websites selling a particular book is booko.co.uk (you can change the location by clicking on the flag) although it doesn’t suggest a lot of options when it comes to 9/11 unmasked https://booko.co.uk/9781623719746/9-11-Unmasked-An-International-Review-Panel-Investigation