Mr. Lucas, Don’t Take Your Readers for Fools!
by Vladimir Golstein
So Edward Lucas, the columnist at The Times, the long time contributor to the notoriously Russophobic Economist and the author of 2008 The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West, where he fully exhibits his own paranoia about the dangers of Putin’s Russia, has came up with a new theological and cultural diagnosis. Paranoia is the religion of Putin’s Russia. Not communism, not capitalism, not Orthodoxy, not atheism. Just plain old paranoia.
Why, and how? Argument number #1 is that RT has put him on the list of ten top Russophobes. Lucas’ complaint: the list is haphazard and flimsy. Fine, any list is haphazard and flimsy – it just points to some people or organizations that like to come up with ridiculous charges and accusations, not dissimilar from his own “academic” investigations. So what? Having never produced anything academic himself, Mr. Lucas can’t expect any academic study from RT, can he?
Argument #2. Mr. Lucas had found an academic study to his liking — Ilya Yablokov’s Fortress Russia — that discovered that Russian conspiracy theorists, who were on the margins in the 1990s have come to the forefront in the current situation. Yablokov has studied Russian TV and found its style paranoid. Yablokov’s conclusion: the US is a paranoid Empire to be sure, but mainstream TV does not usually cater to it, as opposed to the mainstream Russian TV. Maybe, even though CNN and Fox would surely provide serious competition.
Without any desire to defend the rather combative style of Russian TV talk shows where guests clash, fight, and play the roles assigned to them by the hosts, I am certain that these shows do address real foreign policy concerns. Any detached observer looking at the map and seeing NATO bases all around Russia is bound to ask questions. Any detached observer listening to Western news and hearing the endless bacchanalia of Russia this, Russia that, is bound to get nervous. Any detached observer, having witnessed endless the West’s bombing campaigns, wars, invasions, regime changes, mass migrations and destruction, is bound to get a bit edgy about western intentions. And it would not be paranoia. It would be plain common sense.
And what about Russian history? Hasn’t the country been invaded again and again throughout its history? The latest invasion, that of Nazi Germany, is still remembered by all Russians, since one can hardly find a family that did not lose someone in that awful war. Last time Germans and Ukrainians got together, my relatives were brutally murdered in Kiev, mowed downed – along with thousands others in Babi Yar. So even living in the United States, I do get nervous when Ukrainians, helped by their European admirers, burn people in Odessa. Genetic memory is a stubborn thing, you know. So can you really blame Russians for getting a bit anxious about the events in Ukraine, Mr. Lucas, or as the happy denizen of the murderous British Empire, that one that killed, burned, shot, and starved others, you can’t imagine what fears of prosecution are actually all about?
Wait a minute, says Mr. Lucas. “German Unification, EU and NATO enlargement, Ukrainian independence”: These recent events on the borders of Russia — are haphazard. There never was a master plan. Well, if it looks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it has to be a duck. In fact, there are rarely master plans for anything, unless we are talking about Hillary’s campaign to justify her spectacular loss of 2016 presidential campaign. What we’re witnessing, however, is the plain old confluence of interests and appetites that results in wars, sanctions and invasions. Just read some basic history, Mr. Lucas, before you present yourself as the heroic conspiracy theories slayer.
Argument # 3. Russians do a lot of mischief to themselves: corruption, bribes, oligarchs. That’s for sure. But so what? Russian corruption is bad, and one hopes that Russians will get rid of it. But it does not mean there are no countries that want to invade and loot the place, and squeeze away local oligarchs. Even paranoid people have enemies, as the maxim goes. There’s plenty to steal in Russia. Do you think, Mr. Lucas, that western oligarchs want to leave it all to Russians? Don’t underestimate your own sponsors. They don’t like it.
Furthermore, oligarchs and corruption are rampart in Great Britain and US, and still these countries are running on paranoia and arming themselves to the teeth. And what about Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine – the countries that do indeed thrive on paranoia? But their paranoia fits western narratives, so it’s “our kind of paranoia.” As opposed to Russian paranoia, which is obviously a wrong kind of paranoia. What about the paranoia of the trigger-happy Israel, which manifests itself in endless violence and military excursions against its neighbours? So Israel has Judaism for religion, Poles have Catholicism, but Russians have Paranoia. A strange doctrine, and new.
And then, Lucas totally reverses himself, and says – that the west should not stoke Russia’s siege mentality by a military build up on its borders and endless provocations. Finally! Lucas dares to rise to the occasion and criticize the West … but we rapidly learn why. This righteous indignation is provoked by Trump’s and Bolton’s proposal to withdraw from the INF treaty. But even this criticism is turned on its head. This new arms race is bad, because it will help Russia to “crack down, lash out and make it look more important than it is.”
In other words, NATO countries should not place their war-heads in Roumania or Poland, they should not claim that they could actually win a nuclear war (something that only American theoreticians, including former Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, do) – they should not do any of those things because these actions will make Russians think that they are more important than they are. That would be a really dangerous case of paranoia. Much more dangerous than the destruction of life on earth as we know it.
But Lucas does not stop there; playing the role of Candide must be way too enjoyable. He claims that compiling the list of “Russophobes” is a “childish bad habit” – never mind the Magnitsky list, nor plenty of other lists compiled by the State Department, the Mueller investigation, social media police and numerous other western outlets, whose endless lists still can’t satisfy the lust for more and more sanctions against more and more individuals. Those lists are the sign of profound maturity, no doubt.
And in a true demagogic fashion, Lucas concludes: we’ve been paying too much attention to “nasty but grand Russians.” We should celebrate Russia’s “colossal contribution to world culture.” Oh, so Russia is important after all. How refreshing. Let’s wipe Russia off the map with nukes, and then enjoy Russian ballet at Covent Garden or Russian novels in their BBC adaptations.
As far as I can judge, Lucas has simply plagarised the 1964 Harper’s essay ‘The Paranoid Style in American Politics’ by the historian Richard J Hofstadter and obviously in a moment of epistemological revelation, substituted one country for another.
I guess this is what passes as mainstream journalism today – take a familiar trope – a conspiratorial view of history is an intrinsically paranoid view and simply apply it to whoever fits the ‘enemy image’ of the moment, namely Russia.
An analog of this is the attempt by the synthetic left to paint those of us from the ‘left’ as Russian dupes – the ones who are highly suspect of the Russiagate narrative, who don’t buy the Skirpal fairytale and find the notion that the Syrian state have used chemical weapons on their own people an absurdity of the highest order (and unlike the humanitarian bombers of the synthetic left see the NATO adventures in Libya as a tragedy not a success).
On Lucas, Anatoly Karlin published this as far back as 2008:
A Gem (or rather, a Ring) from Lucas
Russia is paranoid? Hold on, it is America whose military expenditure is so huge that it is as much as the next 12 countries’ combined, and just the increase in it this year exceed the total Russian military expenditure. Even though America has oceans to its east and west to protect it, and weak friends to the north and south. Whereas Russia has easily-crossed land borders, hostile countries at its borders, and America and NATO approaching steadily and inexorably from the west. Tell me again who is paranoid?
While the Bill Browder-Magnitsky Act scandal remains arguably the most important story on Earth, the fraud Browder and Magnitsky legislation founded on Browder’s false story also remain intact. There is perhaps a better way to describe such a profoundly massive lie perpetuating and continuing, – a fraud literally shaping history in year 2018 – yet one might start with the descriptive terms – “unbelievable”, “staggering” and/or “mind-blowing”.
Today Russia is capitalist, Christian and Democratic. What’s not to like about that? It also showed the World for those that did not believe, that Communism as a political system of governance and Communism as an economic system by themselves, do not work! Russia has always been an integral part of Europe and must be returned to the fold. No more Cold War!!!
It will be interesting to see who will be blamed for the pipe bombs being sent to Trumps political enemies. Will this be blamed on Russia?
If somebody had been hurt, there would have been little doubt as to the nature and political sympathies of the perpetrator. However, in the event all devices were strikingly suspicious-looking and failed to explode, and increasingly this appears to have been by design.
Regardless, as there was no cost to life or limb, anyone could have been behind this act which may have been pure theatre. False flags are all the rage these days, and midterm elections are looming. Cui bono, anybody?
With so much resources available (fundings, writers, web space) everyone is blaming everyone else, driving media ratings up.
Most likely, it is theatre, But with a strong element of Schadenfreude!
Naturally! And Putin was personally involved in making these pipe bombs.
I predict the bombs will be found to contain an explosive of a type developed by China more than 1,000 years ago.
We can’t forget that the Times also gave us this……..
Thank you very much. Russophobia it out of control. I only hope these politicians know where and when to stop their games without putting the entire planet and civilization to real danger.
Paranoids nee to project their fears, after all someone has to be blamed.
Well I knew paranoia was America’s religion. Has it spread to Russia too?
Not to mention ‘Trident Juncture’ the biggest NATO exercise since WW2 is about to start in Norway close to the Russian border. BTW, the Americans are also doing their own war game exercise in Norway aimed at Russia at the same time.
If all the NATO vehicles in this exercise were laid end to end, they would stretch 92km. Plus the Norwegian railway network is being disrupted.
Now why should the Russians be paranoid, again?
Yoseph Haddad, a 33-year-old Arab Israeli Christian from Nazareth who served proudly in the IDF during the Second Intifada and the Second Lebanon War. In response to Harvard University’s decision to host a lecture by members of the radical anti-IDF organization “Breaking the Silence,” Haddad penned the following in an op-ed published by “I must break my silence. I served in the IDF during the Second Intifada. It was a difficult time. I also stood at checkpoints, stood guard, arrested people and fought in the Second Lebanon War. As an Israeli Arab and IDF solider in the Golani Brigade, I served together with other Israelis: Jews of all backgrounds, Druze and Bedouin. We were all equal, we were all brothers fighting side by side and I can testify that I served in the most humane and moral army in the world, with the highest code of ethics and human values. “The IDF is an army that will bend over backwards to save lives and to ensure that innocent individuals are not harmed, even if it means complicating the military operation.”
the most humane and moral army in the world, with the highest code of ethics and human values
IDF hasbara: tastes great, less filling!
Just a small point but how are you able to judge the humanity and morality of other world armies? Have you served in any of them? Have you had to confront people whose land has been bulldozed and stolen from them in those countries? Or those whose children have been murdered by mad dog troops?
Please don’t infest this website with manufactured garbage. Isn’t CNN, Fox News and CBSNBCABC enough for you? They like your kind of thing.
Ah, yes, the IDF. That fine intreprepid body of men. I remember during the Vietnam war one of the anti-war chants went something like this.
”Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today”?
Here’s another one I thought up myself:
Hey, hey IDF, how many Palestinian kids did you shoot to death.
Not bad eh?
It’s IOF: ‘Israel’ Offence Force. They don’t defend anything; sure as hell not their doomed ‘Israel’ zio-project. They will be one of the sure-fire causes of the eventual implosion and disappearance of their fake apartheid-entity. Roll on Greater Palestine, modelled on the pattern of the multi-cultural, multi-confessional, and more or less genuinely democratic neighbours to the north.
So how do you explain the Israeli snipers currently murdering unarmed Palestinian civilian protestors and medics helping the wounded.
Those gentle snipers were misled into believing they were firing blanks at the children, as a sort of preHalloween prank, but evil Russians exchanged the blanks for real bullets. Pretty obvious really.
That quotation reads like propaganda: Haddad is a rather common surname among Arabic-speaking people in Lebanon and Israel, and Yosef (sometimes Yusuf) is a common first name among Christians and Muslims alike in that part of the Middle East; and the “op-ed” looks just like the kind of scripted writing done for “Yoseph Haddad” by a spin-doctoring flack.
The arguments offered in the quoted statement are laughable: it is indeed possible for armies in apartheid states to make no distinctions among different ethnic or religious groups in conscripting people (armies can make their own rules) and sticking members of less-favoured minority groups in combat roles makes sense (because they’re most exposed to enemy fire – duuuh!); and the IDF’s own record over the past 70+ years makes very clear that it has never been a humane or moral army – because it only ever wallops those it knows are far weaker than its own forces.
Good piece Vladimir Golstein. Thanks.
Oops. Not meant as reply to Jen.
14 May 2018
“At least 58 Palestinians were killed and more than 2,000 people wounded in protests at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel ..”
The number of injured is stated to be more than 2700.
These are unarmed civilians who were rightfully protesting peacefully in their rightful land.
The iOF is an army that will end lives and ensure that unarmed individuals are shot or harmed:
Jewish imagination is the link between this real scene and the fake scene in Spielberg’s film where the evil German shoots unarmed Jews in the concentration camp.