The biggest threat to U.S. national security is the U.S. Government

A dictatorship does not represent the public but only the aristocracy that, behind the scenes, controls the government.

Jonathan H. Adler, Professor at Case Western University School of Law, noted, regarding George W. Bush’s secret policy for the NSA to access everyone’s phone-records, that “The metadata collection program is constitutional (at least according to Judge Kavanaugh),” and he presented Judge Kavanaugh’s entire published opinion on that. Kavanaugh’s opinion stated that the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could be shoved aside because he thinks that the ‘national security’ of the United States is more important than the Constitution. Kavanaugh wrote:

The Government’s program for bulk collection of 2 telephony metadata serves a critically important special need – preventing terrorist attacks on the United States…In my view, that critical national security need outweighs the impact on privacy occasioned by this program….

The Fourth Amendment allows governmental searches and seizures without individualized suspicion when the Government demonstrates a sufficient “special need” – that is, a need beyond the normal need for law enforcement – that outweighs the intrusion on individual liberty…

In sum, the Fourth Amendment does not bar the Government’s bulk collection of telephony metadata under this program.

Kavanaugh said that since the 4th Amendment excludes only “unreasonable” searches and seizures (such as seizures of all of this private information from everyone), it doesn’t exclude the “bulk collection of 2 telephony metadata” (collection of both phone numbers in each phone conversation from and/or to anyone in the United States), because a “critical national security need [“preventing terrorist attacks on the United States”] outweighs the impact on privacy occasioned by this program.”

As a consequence, for each American, the U.S. federal Government knows everyone whom you call, and who calls you — it knows all of your phone-contacts — and it does so because everything in the U.S. Constitution can be overridden by any “critical national security need” such as “preventing terrorist attacks” such as occurred on 9/11, which attacks hadn’t at all been enabled by the then-existing lack of such police-state measures here. Kavanaugh’s opinion simply ignored that fact — didn’t even discuss it.

Instead of that’s having produced the ‘intelligence failure’, the U.S. Government — especially the U.S. President — prior to 9/11, had refused to allow its agents to inform the U.S. President of the actionable information that they had found and that they were struggling to get to him prior to the attacks. Bush didn’t want to know, until the attacks had already occurred. He demanded deniability.

As regards the reason why this police-state procedure which Kavanaugh backs is needed now, after 9/11 — though it had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks (except for the latter’s having served in far-right-wingers’ propaganda such as Kavanaugh’s opinion, as being the alleged excuse for the ‘intelligence failure’), and though martial law hasn’t yet even been declared in the U.S. — no one has publicly said anything.

But is it really “reasonable” that the Government permanently stores all of this telephone-data from everyone, even if a given citizen does not, and in many instances doesn’t get to see it even on the phone-bill? Who actually benefits from this? It’s a severe situation that isn’t seriously being publicly discussed; such discussion is effectively banned in at least all of the major ’news’ media (which pretend to be concerned about protecting citizens’ most-basic rights — and not only about their own).

Judge Kavanaugh was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by a President who has threatened to go to war against Russia if Russia follows through with its announced plan to exterminate the Al-Qaeda-led forces in the only province of Syria that is at least 90% in favor of Al Qaeda and/or of ISIS — the province that is well over 90% jihadists and their pre-war supporters; it’s by far the most-jihadist province in all of Syria.

Consequently, this alleged opposition to “Radical Islamic Terrorism” on the part of candidate and now U.S. President Donald Trump, the President who appointed Judge Kavanaugh to the highest court in the land, is entirely and blatantly fake. Trump and his allies support Al Qaeda in Syria, just as Obama did.

Three nations have been prominently alleged to have been the secret cause of the 9/11 attacks. One of them is Shiite Iran, which is the only Government that is accused by the U.S. Government, and which the U.S. Government has fined billions of dollars as having been the cause of the 9/11 attacks, even though there’s no credible evidence that Iran had planned those attacks, nor that Iran had financed either the planning or the execution of those attacks.

Iran is instead a Government which the U.S. Government had controlled during 1953-1979 and whose U.S.-installed regime of torture became overthrown in 1979 during the Iranian Revolution against the U.S.-installed Iranian regime, at which time both the fundamentalist-Sunni Sauds — the royal family who own Saudi Arabia — and the fundamentalist-Jewish aristocracy who control Israel, declared Iran to be an “existential threat” against themselves; and the U.S. Government has both of those Governments as allies to overthrow this post-U.S.-stooge Government of Iran.

In 1996, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud and his friend FBI Director Louis Freeh managed to blame the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia not on the fundamentalist-Sunni U.S.-and-Saudi-created Al Qaeda, which were widely thought to have done it, but instead on Iran, which both the U.S. and Saudi Governments hated; and the retiring Freeh then recommended Robert Mueller to replace himself, and the retiring Robert Mueller recommended James Comey to replace himself, and thus all three FBI Directors endorsed the Saudi accusation against Iran, that Iran was behind the Khobar Towers bombing, even though no reliable evidence has yet been supplied that Iran had had anything at all to do with it.

Mueller himself had a long history as the aristocracy’s master of cover-ups designed to misdirect blame either sideways or else downward but always away from the actual culprits and especially away from the culprits at the very top of the given criminal or traitorous operation. He’s the master of ‘investigative’ deception, serving the aristocracy, not the public. Wherever there are aristocratic conflicts to be resolved by lawyers, it’s almost never good guys versus bad guys but almost always monsters versus monsters. The U.S. and its allies are simply bullies who lie, psychopathically.

All recent U.S. Presidents say that “Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism”, even though (other than against Israel) all or nearly all Islamic terrorism has been perpetrated by fundamentalist Sunnis (such as Saudis), and virtually none by any Shiites at all.

Many Americans who oppose the U.S. Government, but who aren’t intelligent, say that instead Israel caused the 9/11 attacks, even though no reliable evidence has been cited for that allegation, either, and much of the ‘evidence’ that is cited for it is fraudulent or otherwise disprovable. Israel (like the Sauds) is an enemy of the American people, but (unlike the Sauds) it didn’t cause 9/11. Osama bin Laden’s financial bagman, when asked where the money came from to pay the “salaries” of all Al Qaeda members, said “Without the money of the — of the Saudi, you will have nothing” of Al Qaeda.

The evidence is overwhelming that the Sauds financed the 9/11 attacks and that George W. Bush and some of his friends were also involved in it but were careful to make sure they had deniability — ignorance of the advance details — so as not to be able to be nailed for their advance involvement in the arrangements that had been made for the attacks.

Bush, of course, relied on a close staff that included not only FBI director Mueller but Brett Kavanaugh, the current Supreme Court nominee by Donald Trump — and Trump had been elected after a Presidential campaign in which he had pretended to loathe the Bushes and their — and Obama’s — policies. Trump overturns the least-bad of Obama’s policies, but is otherwise simply an even bolder fascist than those two Presidents had been.

This is entirely a bipartisan matter — the same U.S. aristocracy controls all American political Parties that have any chance of ruling the nation. For example, the opinion by Judge Kavanaugh was the only opinion that was published from any of the 11 judges though the ruling by the Court was unanimous. Among the ten other judges was the Chief Judge, Merrick Garland, whom President Obama subsequently appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Republicans blocked from being considered by the full Senate. President Obama was a defendant in this particular case, and all 11 judges on it ruled in his favor.

If the Chief Judge had been the lone one to rule against him, then perhaps the Chief Judge (Garland) would not have been appointed (exactly four months later, on 16 March 2016) by the President to the Supreme Court. Garland was rejected by the Republicans because the President who appointed him labeled himself with the competing brand. The minor differences between U.S. Supreme Court judges nowadays are the differences that separate the two political brands, not actually differences in basic beliefs or values, though the propaganda by the competing brands pretends to basic differences between them. Anyone who opposes the existing secret rule by the aristocracy won’t even be appointed, much less confirmed. This is today’s American ‘democracy’.

So, clearly, just as the U.S. regime and its ‘news’ media had lied to say that Saddam Hussein needed to be eliminated because he possessed and was building up “WMD” and even nuclear weapons; and just as Muammar Qaddafi was similarly slaughtered on the basis of U.S.-and-allied lies; and just as those and other U.S. invasions — such as in Syria and in Yemen — have made America and the world vastly worse-off except for the U.S. weapons-makers such as Lockheed Martin and the other U.S. ‘Defense’ Department’s contractors and the U.S. extraction firms such as ExxonMobil and Halliburton which gained new sources of lands to strip of their natural resources by means of such military invasions, the biggest threat to U.S. national security is the U.S. Government itself — and especially its military, which spends around half of the entire world’s military budget each year.

As part of this growing U.S. police-state, every phone call that anyone in the U.S. participates in is information that this regime has (since 9/11) been collecting on that individual. We are all ‘national security’ suspects, now. The U.S. Government isn’t only the chief enemy of Iraqis, and of Libyans, and of Syrians, and of Iranians, and of Yemenis, and of Afghans, and of Russians, and of Chinese, etc.; it is also the chief enemy of the American people (though it doesn’t cause us hell like it causes the residents in those target-countries). And it is the chief enemy of Europeans, too. More recently, the U.S. Government has, in effect, even declared economic war against Europe.

What are the signs of a dictatorship? High percentage of its public being in prison? Low level of approval by the public of the nation’s leader? Low level of trust by the public in the nation’s ‘news’ media? Near-zero impact of public opinion on the laws that get passed and that don’t? High percentage of the public who think that the “Deep State” rules the country — that, essentially, the country is a dictatorship? High level of terror among whistleblowers and potential whistleblowers that they’ll be imprisioned for their herosim as being a ‘national-security threat’ instead of venerated as their being the essential sunlight that’s needed in order to be able to reduce corruption? All of that describes today’s United States of America.

How can such a nation — one that’s a dictatorship on each one of those measures — NOT be a dictatorship? But is it even worse if such a nation pontificates to the entire rest of the world, that it is a democracy, and that it, and it alone, is the world’s indispensable nation?

President Barack Obama said, and repeated many times, that the United States is “the one indispensable nation” — meaning that all others are “dispensable.” Adolf Hitler had said essentially the same thing about Germany; and, like recent U.S. Presidents, he acted accordingly.

Today’s U.S. Government is the enemy of FDR’s U.S. Government, and is not only the enemy of America’s Founders, in these and so many other basic matters. Today’s America is the fascist United States Government. All “dispensable” countries deal with that top fascist one, in whatever way the given nation’s aristocracy chooses to deal with it. Most aristocracies choose to share, however they can, in the Empire’s (the U.S. aristocracy’s) loot from this military, propaganda, and extraction, system.

But some other “dispensable” nations resist the U.S. aristocracy. And some others are quiet, on the sidelines, for as long as they can be there, to avoid their becoming targets themselves. Dealing with such a bully is difficult for everyone.

Originally published at Strategic Culture


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Nov 9, 2018 3:17 PM

I have a lot of respect for Eric Zuesse. Most of his articles are very well researched, analysed and written. There are many others in a similar position to Eric. They need to earn money, and eat too. To challenge the myth of the Official Story of 9/11, can be extremely personally harmful. Even I had to eventually leave my job, because I told everyone I knew in early 2003, that the Official Story of 9/11 was impossible, because it did not comply with the most basic laws of physics and maths. Almost everyone thought I had gone mad, although many have subsequently apologised, and said I merely understood it before anyone else they knew. I do not regret telling the truth for a moment. Sure, it changed my life, but ultimately much for the better. Most others like Eric, that I am aware of, no longer write or talk about this subject, because to do so is embarrassing, in front of the now overwhelming evidence, that is freely available to anyone interested. Too write about such courageous people with the words “but who aren’t intelligent”, merely discredits the author.


Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Nov 8, 2018 4:10 PM

Slight technical problem. I can’t seem to post

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Nov 8, 2018 4:51 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

NATO’s military build-up in Eastern Europe is beginning to look particularly ominous. It has been long in the making with the core of this geopolitical/military policy has been the increase in size (roughly doubling in recent years) and movement right up to Russia’s western frontiers. This push has involved the political mobilization of the demented revanchist lackeys in the former Warsaw Pact countries and in addition the ex-Soviet states in the Baltics, Ukraine and Georgia. The EU, it should be understood, is part of the mobilization since non-EU states – Sweden, Finland et al. – have a common defence and security policy as part of the Lisbon Treaty which aligns non-NATO EU states with NATO. Thus, there is a revanchist bloc of Russophobic states stretching from the Baltic to the Caspian Sea, egged on by the Americans, who seem to be itching for a full-scale war with Russia. The Ukrainian coup – an archetypal, playbook ‘colour revolution’ – was the vital last piece in this regime-change jigsaw puzzle. Prior to the events in Independence Square, Kiev, President Yanukovic and his Prime Minister, Azarov, had been for a number of years engaged in interminable discussions regarding Ukraine’s membership of the EU. The talks foundered on the Association Agreement which Yanukovic temporarily suspended in order to give more consideration to the terms and conditions of and unexpected costs that this would involve. That was the signal for the putschists to start the coup – a coup which eventuated when Yanukovic was forced to flee the country in fear of his life. Immediately after this illegal seizure of power a provisional ‘government’ was set up which was immediately recognised as the legitimate government of the Ukraine by the western powers. These events didn’t go down to well with the Russian speaking majority in… Read more »

Nov 8, 2018 5:29 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Francis Lee – excellent post. Thanks.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 9, 2018 8:59 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

What I do admire about the Western fakestream media presstitute scum is how apparently easy they find lying, and how TOTAL is the Groupthink. I’ll leave aside their narcissistic hypocrisy for another time.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Nov 8, 2018 12:11 PM

NATO’s military build-up in Eastern Europe is beginning to look particularly ominous. It has been long in the making with the taproot of this geopolitical/military policy being the increase in size (roughly doubling in recent years) and its movement right up to Russia’s western frontiers. This has involved the political mobilization of the demented revanchist lackeys in the former Warsaw Pact countries in addition ex-Soviet states in the Baltics, Ukraine and Georgia. The EU it should be understood is part of the mobilization since non-EU states – Sweden, Finland et al. – have a common defence and security policy covered in the Lisbon Treaty which aligns non-NATO EU states with NATO. Thus, there is a revanchist bloc of Russophobic states stretching from the Baltic to the Caspian Sea, egged on by the Americans, who seem to be itching for a full-scale war with Russia. The Ukrainian coup – the archetypal, playbook ‘colour revolution’ – was the vital piece in this regime change jigsaw puzzle. Prior to the events in Independence Square, Kiev, President Yanukovic and his Prime Minister, Azarov had been for a number of years engaged in interminable discussions regarding Ukraine’s membership of the EU. The talks foundered on the Association Agreement which Yanukovic temporarily suspended in order to give more consideration to the terms and conditions of the AA. That was the signal for the putschists to start the coup. Yanukovic was forced to flee the country in fear of his life, and a provisional ‘government’ was set up which was immediately recognised as the legitimate government of the Ukraine by the western powers. These events didn’t go down to well with the Russian speaking majority in the Crimea, who refused to recognise the regime. It didn’t go down to well with Putin and the Russian military either… Read more »

harry stotle
harry stotle
Nov 8, 2018 9:16 AM

He’s literally like a kid caught with his fingers in the cookie jar and a circle of chocolate ’round his mouth.

If we want to know what happened on 9/11 then it would help if there was a thorough, impartial investigation with unfettered access to all of the material and all of the releveant actors.

So far that simply hasn’t happened – those from FEMA, NIST and the 9/11 Commission who put their name to the drivel they served up will have it on their conscience for the rest of their days.

Nov 8, 2018 5:32 AM

Trumpetty Trump’s mouthpiece Pompous Pompeo: “The Iranians are responsible for the starvation of Yemeni civilians”

These lying sacks of excrement are an embarrassment not only to their country but to all of humanity…. an exemplar of the banality of evil.

With such “rank corruption mining all within” at its very centre, the U$A can only decline and fall. Like the Roman Empire — but in less time and leaving less trace.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Nov 8, 2018 6:49 AM
Reply to  vexarb

Vexarb: agree 100℅ with your comments on this, especially the words ‘lying sacks of excrement’ and ‘banality of evil’. They are not even bloody human.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Nov 8, 2018 10:24 AM
Reply to  vexarb

One of the lines I recall from Edward Gibbon’s “Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire” goes roughly: the wonder of the Empire is not that it fell, but that it lasted so long despite being corrupt to its very core. a thousand years from the fall of Rome to the fall of Constantinople.

Nov 9, 2018 2:33 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

That’s a good point. By rights, the Roman Empire should have collapsed in the 200s AD, but somehow it managed to limp on into the 400s.
Roman politics was almost as dysfunctional as the present day USA. In the 50 years from 235-285 AD, there were 49 emperors. Only one of them is known to have died a natural death. Most were murdered by their relatives/ courtiers/ bodyguards. Quite a few committed suicide. One was struck by lightning.
The one who died a natural death was captured by the Parthian Ruler after a disastrous military campaign in what is now Iraq/ Iran, who used him as a human footstool until his death, when he had him stuffed and mounted on the wall of his palace.
All except a tiny minority of Romans lived at the level of bare subsistence. History has been far too kind to them. They destroyed far more than they ever created. Julius Caesar bragged about killing or enslaving 5 million Gauls. They destroyed a precociously brilliant Greek civilisation. Trajan exterminated the Dacians. Cities like Corinth, Jerusalem and Carthage were levelled. In Carthage, the Romans slaughtered the population for six days and nights. They set fire to buildings to provide light so they could carry on the killing throughout the night. Supposedly 500,000 were slaughtered and 200,000 enslaved, if the reports of the time are to be believed.
By contrast, the Sack of Rome was a remarkably civilised affair, with some looting and damage to buildings.

Nov 8, 2018 3:23 AM

9/11: Saudis vs Israels behind this: 90% vs 10%. Israels bombing the biggest concentration of Jews – no; Saudis – yes. Israelis might have chosen Dallas, not New York / Manhattan from where they supposingly control the World according to some Zioni$m obsessed characters. Who needs US money most; the Israelis or the Gulf oil kings? Did any Israelis got to fly out of the US straight after?

Surely CIA, FBI, NSA were either sleeping at the wheel or complicit. Their leadership should have been purged, instead they got more powers and budgets, thanks to Bush, big Bin Laden family business partner. Bush’s first reaction (at that KG) was also bizarre.

Nov 8, 2018 4:52 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Antonym – what exactly makes you believe a single word of the official narrative, i.e. Saudi hijackers? Reading the just released work: “9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation,” would do a good deal to bring you up to speed on the research that’s been done regarding the entire 9/11narrative since “the event.”

Nov 8, 2018 5:05 AM

A bit more than the other narrative: “the Israelis done it”.

Nov 8, 2018 8:33 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Perhaps there are more than two possible narratives? Your earlier statement that the
“CIA, FBI, NSA …..should have been purged, instead they got more powers and budgets” pretty much indicates that these organizations were not “sleeping at the wheel” but were indeed “complicit”.

Nov 8, 2018 6:43 AM
Reply to  Antonym

EZ makes a valid point in saying that the mantra of “national security” can be abused as a catch all justification for mass surveillance, shredding civil liberties, torture, drone strikes, assassinations, military aggression, or just about anything else. Under the circumstances, constitutional safeguards aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. But his casual exoneration of Israel is most certainly not valid. Saudi Arabia is being used as a scapegoat to divert attention from Israel’s culpability in 9/11. Saudi Arabians were involved in the attack – just as Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the Kennedy assassination. There is a wealth of evidence of key Israeli involvement. The 5 Dancing Israelis. The 200 strong Mossad spy ring operating in the area just before the attacks. The crucial role of Israeli dual nationals in the Bush administration in facilitating the attacks, preventing any meaningful investigation and the subsequent cover ups. And much, much else besides. It is legitimate to ask who had the motive, the means, the opportunity, and the proven track record of similar operations, from the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, the Mossad attacks on synagogues in Iraq and elsewhere in the Arab world, up to the present day. Certainly not Saudi Arabia, however vile that regime may be. Incidentally, a US court has declared Iran, not Saudi Arabia or anyone else, to be responsible for 9/11.This is part of the Lawfare being waged against Iran by Zionist groups. This was used to justify the seizure and confiscation of the private property of Iranian nationals. EZ may be fearful of being labelled a “conspiracy theorist.” But anyone who has paid the most cursory attention to the events of 9/11 will draw the obvious conclusions. The well worn hasbara technique of diverting attention from the obvious comes into play. The many… Read more »

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 8, 2018 7:47 AM
Reply to  Antonym

No-the Five Celebrating Israelis, reported widely to have been seen filming the attack as it happened, and celebrating wildly, were allowed to leave the USA some time later, after failing polygraph tests. Then they appeared on Israeli TV, and one admitted that he, at least, was MOSSAD. When you control a country, as Sharon boasted Israel does the USA, you can scram to safety at your leisure.

Nov 8, 2018 9:18 AM

So 5 Israelis exited after 9/11 is proof of complicity but 5,000(,000) Muslims celebrating the 9/11 devastation is …..?

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 8, 2018 9:48 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Yes. And your demi-God Nutty-yahoo had difficulty hiding his delight, too. The War of Terror against the Islamic Middle East has provided millions of mitzvot for his, and your, psychotic God, so far. What’s not to celebrate?

Nov 9, 2018 2:55 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The “Muslims celebrating 9/11” shown on the Fake MSM were Palestinians who were celebrating the release of some political prisoners from Israeli gaols.

Like so much of the fake footage shown by the Fake News BBC and the Fake News ITV and the Fake News Channel 4.

Like the “people in Moscow protesting against the tyrannical rule of Putin” were really Greeks in Athens who were protesting against EU austerity policies.
Like the “Tibetans rioting against Chinese oppression” were really Indians rioting over some religious issue with a temple or mosque.
Like the “Syrian civilians slaughtered by the evil dictator Assad” were really Iraqi civilians killed in the invasion of 2003 ten years earlier.
Like the “Libyans in Tripoli celebrating the downfall of Gaddafi” were really Indians taking part in a festival in India.
Like the “damage caused by rockets fired from Gaza into Israel” was footage of the devastation caused by Israeli carpet bombing of Gaza.

I could go on……and on……and on……and on…………

Nov 8, 2018 10:37 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Antonym – you have had enough rope, time to hang.

“Israels bombing the biggest concentration of Jews” (?) you offer as proof that it couldn’t have been Israel ??

Lets have a look at the nationality of citizens who were victims that day. With such a high concentration that you state in NY/Manhatten what would be your guess? Most non-US (1st- 2,605)? More then Brits (2nd- 67)? More then other Europeans? Surely more then Dominican Republicans? No (3rd – 47! That even surprises me). Indian, South Korean, Japanese…? Surely more than Trinidadians?(12th -14)…

NO. JUST 5, in 21st place!!!

Just behind the Irish and same number as Peruvians.

Maybe these 5 didn’t get the memo, or were not supposed to be there, or were and didn’t getaway, or were dispensable?

Whatever, keep choking on your bs.

Nov 8, 2018 12:17 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Having to resort to ad hominem is usually a sign of lack of arguments:
There are approximately 1.5 million Jews in the New York metropolitan area, making it the second largest metropolitan Jewish community in the world, after the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area in Israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_in_New_York_City#Population

Nov 9, 2018 2:29 PM
Reply to  Antonym

It is not ad hominem to refute your assertion with the FACT of which nations citizens actually were victims – you ignore that.

You don’t even get the logic failure of your argument that NY has a massive concentration of peoples within the Jewish religion – YET the evil Islamist terrorists failed to target such a large concentration because they hate Judaism!

Finally – as you gently swing on your own words – your attempt to equate US citizens who claim religious affiliation with Judaism as representatives of Israel is risible.

Nov 8, 2018 12:21 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Maybe those 5 Irish didn’t get the message, or those 6 Pakistanis, or 15 Mexicans. Some logic.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 8, 2018 9:50 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Just like sayan ‘Lucky’ Larry Silverstein, Nutty-yahoo’s great friend, who did not, for once, have breakfast at the WTC restaurant, high in one of the towers, on that particular day. What ‘luck’!

Nov 9, 2018 3:08 AM

Yes! That one guy not showing up for breakfast at the WTC nails it. 100% con-census that it was a Jewish made Armageddon with a probability of 99.99%.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 9, 2018 7:21 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Lucky Larry’s non-show is just one of the pieces of information that points to the MOSSAD. There is much more, and virtually nothing pointing to the Sauds, let alone the Iranians.

Nov 9, 2018 3:02 PM

But it was lucky that he doubled the insurance policy just beforehand and got a $5 billion pay off, wasn’t it? Lucky, that. Saved him having to strip out all the asbestos from the WTC at a cost of several hundred million too.

Nov 8, 2018 1:08 AM

A bit confusing or I am missing something obvious. For instance, the article seems to state that all executives prior to Trump and certainly after the ‘attack’ were aware that all phonecalls of US citizens and their callers internationally were logged. The Agencies were therefore aware of pissible threats to US national security. That means that they would have had Trumps and his contacts calls over at least 15 years … which would have been easy proof of his Russian treason and Obama and the Senate committees, Hillary, the GOP, ALL of them must have known about it BEFORE he stole the nomination! And they did NOTHING to stop him!! If Zeusse is trying to have a go at Trump, he fails. If he is clearing Trump of the charge of being a Russian controlled stooge, he succeeds. If Zeusse is saying the FBI have been fully complicit in the conspiracy of Terrorism but they have proof that Israel was NOT involved, then he logically fails to convince. Anyway, when I came across that BBC report (did they ever try to explain it?) with a very scripted conversation between the presenter and reporter with the backdrop of the collapsed twin towers, claiming that a third building, WTC 7 Solomon brothers bank, had also fallen down – while it was STILL STANDING behind that reporter – that was when the staginess of that whole day was revealed for what it was, a international false flag conspiracy to declare a war of conquest on public funds and physical conquest of the Middle East and Afghanistan, and ultimately Russia. If Trump has not been able to stop that runaway rollercoaster within two years – he must be part of it? Zeusse needs to try harder. I’m sure the high priest, Chomsky, himself will… Read more »

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Nov 8, 2018 3:01 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Excellent analysis. It is fascinating to watch which dissident voices were truly legit. Applying those instant litmus tests of 9/11 or JFK works wonders. Your positive response is a tonic to the intended “Learned Helplessness” apathy of both MSM propaganda and alt-alt media.

Nov 8, 2018 12:02 AM

It seems that the biggest problem in this comments thread is the nature of the context surrounding the events on 11 September 2001 with the very real likelihood that the trail/s of evidence leading to the real culprits (who may or may not have stood to benefit as well) has/have been deliberately obscured, even obliterated, in some way so that nearly 20 years later, we are still no closer to knowing who was most likely to have pulled off the series of attacks and why, and how they or their allies stood to benefit. In this situation, circumstantial evidence such as the five Israeli citizens discovered celebrating with high-five actions, apparent “Saudi” passports being found in burning rubble and a supposedly abandoned vehicle, and the film made of “dancing Palestinians” a week before 9/11 may be either relevant and significant or irrelevant and not significant at all. We cannot know if the Saudis – with or without Osama bin Laden’s knowing participation (and he is known to have denied having anything to do with the attacks) in the attacks – benefited, apart from the fact that in the 2-day period after the attacks, when a blanket curfew was imposed on all air travel in and out of the US, members of the Saudi royal family were allowed to leave the country. We cannot know if Mossad had anything to do with them either if they were in the habit of erasing direct links between themselves and any incidents they pulled off. The people most likely to benefit from the attacks were those people who engaged in suspicious stock market activity on stock markets in New York, Osaka and at least a-one European bourse (in Germany?) in the three weeks – betting on shares of companies domiciled in the WTC buildings… Read more »

Nov 7, 2018 10:58 PM

“The evidence is overwhelming that the Sauds financed the 9/11 attacks ”
So where is the evidence ? They might have financed it but arranged to have it happen like it did ? How do the Saudis benefit ? OBL denied any complicity .You would have thought that he would have gladly admitted it if he had anything to do with it . Who benefits is not that hard to figure out .
You lost me Eric.

Nov 7, 2018 9:27 PM

Michael Major\\
Michael Major\\
Nov 7, 2018 9:02 PM

I have a great regard for Eric Zuesse and his efforts to record and critically evaluate recent history based on verifiable evidence. But I am taken aback by his contention that Israel is therefore exculpated from criminal responsibility for 911 by the apparent absence of verifiable evidence within the courts, the narrowly limited investigations and the mainstream media records of the catastrophic demolition of the WTC buildings. Perhaps I am identifying myself as an unintelligent american, but the absence of evidence, especially considering the absence of an appropriately constituted criminal investigation does not prove that no crime was committed nor that any person, organization or state with means, motive and opportunity, should be exculpated without undergoing a thorough, competent and transparent investigation. There however is some suggestion that the lack of a thorough, competent and transparent investigation of 911 crimes was framed-up in order to allow the “reliable” mainstream media to facilitate a smoke of war cover-up and substitution of suspicion for facts and allegations for evidence, thereby ensuring that no due process of law during the lives of witnesses would result in resolution of the 911 crimes. I don’t know whether Israel or its agent susidiaries is in whole or part guilty or not of causing the 911 catastrophe. However, based on its history of such terrorist crimes, and its means, motive and opportunity, it should not be exculpated or excluded from suspicion without having been thoroughly and transparently investigated. excerpt, Zuesse: “Many Americans who oppose the U.S. Government, but who aren’t intelligent, say that instead Israel caused the 9/11 attacks, even though no reliable evidence has been cited for that allegation, either, and much of the ‘evidence’ that is cited for it is fraudulent or otherwise disprovable. Israel (like the Sauds) is an enemy of the American people,… Read more »

Nov 7, 2018 10:50 PM

The absence of evidence is, of course, often the result of evidence being covered up, and 911 has that in spades.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 8, 2018 7:54 AM

Zuesse plainly works on the principle that you can criticise all Imperial lies but those that concern Israel. NO word of criticism of Zionazi crimes can ever see the light of day. Christopher Bollyn outline the copious evidence of Zionazi long-term planning, and their central role, and that of Sabbat Goy stooges, in the cover-up.

Michael Major\\
Michael Major\\
Nov 7, 2018 9:02 PM

I have a great regard for Eric Zuesse and his efforts to record and critically evaluate recent history based on verifiable evidence. But I am taken aback by his contention that Israel is therefore exculpated from criminal responsibility for 911 by the apparent absence of verifiable evidence within the courts, the narrowly limited investigations and the mainstream media records of the catastrophic demolition of the WTC buildings. Perhaps I am identifying myself as an unintelligent american, but the absence of evidence, especially considering the absence of an appropriately constituted criminal investigation does not prove that no crime was committed nor that any person, organization or state with means, motive and opportunity, should be exculpated without undergoing a thorough, competent and transparent investigation. There however is some suggestion that the lack of a thorough, competent and transparent investigation of 911 crimes was framed-up in order to allow the “reliable” mainstream media to facilitate a smoke of war cover-up and substitution of suspicion for facts and allegations for evidence, thereby ensuring that no due process of law during the lives of witnesses would result in resolution of the 911 crimes. I don’t know whether Israel or its agent susidiaries is in whole or part guilty or not of causing the 911 catastrophe. However, based on its history of such terrorist crimes, and its means, motive and opportunity, it should not be exculpated or excluded from suspicion without having been thoroughly and transparently investigated. excerpt, Zuesse: “Many Americans who oppose the U.S. Government, but who aren’t intelligent, say that instead Israel caused the 9/11 attacks, even though no reliable evidence has been cited for that allegation, either, and much of the ‘evidence’ that is cited for it is fraudulent or otherwise disprovable. Israel (like the Sauds) is an enemy of the American people,… Read more »

Feb 2, 2019 9:23 PM

IMHO Israhell set the Saudis up!

”911 was perpetrated by 19 Saudis, 15 of whom are still alive” This utterly farcical narrative serves the Zionist vested interests who actually dominate the US political system. The Zionists and their American vasal state have ample motive to deceive the public about the true sponsors, executioners and beneficiaries of the 9/11 attacks by laying a false trail of guilt towards Riyadh, just as they had done in 2001 by baselessly linking the atrocity to both the Taliban and Saddam Hussein to justify their overthrow. Ask the question – who gained?
They’ve even attempted at various junctures to connect 9/11 to Iran…., Hezbollah and the Palestinians.
As Mike Rivero put it, 9/11 has been wielded by the US and Israel as a “one size fits all excuse to invade Arab and Muslim countries that the Zio-American imperialists want to control.
FYI: Saudi Arabia’s government don’t allow people into the country who have Israeli passports. And I believe they teach about the evils of zionism in their government run schools.
Saudi Arabia official policy against Israel is very clear .they are totally against the state of Israel and they some times fund fighters against the state of Israel.
But ‘unofficially’ they are very close in fact they share intelligence information with each other?
The royal family in fact are in debt to Israel and western Bankers, specially America for their existences.
Also, ask who gained from Kashoggi’s death?
Remember the King David Hotel bombing? Israelis dressed as Arabs? Read about it….
Their fingerprints are all over it.

Just saying?

Nov 7, 2018 7:17 PM

The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth continue to do amazing work in researching and publishing material that shows the complete physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. The link below shows how even rather well respected “progressive” U.S. media outlets like “The Nation” climb on board to demonize any who would challenge such official narratives, even those publishing peer reviewed journal articles in their areas of expertise. The article and embedded video is interesting in that it shows that even artists are not immune from such critique should they stray from the societally approved pop art / abstract expressionist or navel gazing efforts en vogue and actually do political art aimed at the public mind and conscience. Worth the read and video.


Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 7, 2018 8:22 PM

Zuesse is, plainly, engaging in disinformation. The evidence that the MOSSAD, with the aid of US Sabbat Goyim and US resident sayanim, pulled off the 9/11 false flag is copious. The ‘Five Celebrating Israelis’ for a start is pretty significant, but not the only ‘unfortunate facts’ by any means.

Nov 7, 2018 9:51 PM

Mulga – for Zuesse or anyone else at this point to not know the basic facts and context of the 9/11 false flag is I would say a comment upon either their own ethical “integrity,” or regarding their own psychological “fragility” – as in being unable to face some rather “terrible truths” about the U.S. and Western power in general. Having watched video of Noam Chomsky morph into an apparent irrational condescending idiot in response to a simple 9/11 question from an audience, it is clear that Mr. Zuesse is certainly not alone among Western “leftists” in terms of “denial.” Given the intellectual capabilities of both Mr. Zuesse and Mr. Chomsky I am hardly inclined to think “fragility” is the cause of their blind spot on 9/11. While I certainly understand that public intellectuals risk much more in terms of possible retaliation for speaking out on 9/11, I would say that if such retaliation is the concern, simple silence on the subject would be the ethical response. However, it appears at this juncture that neither Mr. Zuesse or Mr. Chomsky have taken a vow of silence on 9/11.

Nov 7, 2018 11:23 PM

I remember that Chomsky meltdown well, and I found it utterly incomprehensible – until I reflected upon the likely consequences for him and his family of giving his marvellous intelligence and common sense free rein in this instance…

Nov 7, 2018 11:03 PM

The dancing Israelis were there to document the event .They must have consulted with their fortune tellers.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Nov 7, 2018 7:10 PM

The US is indeed a menace but that’s hardly surprising given how those who have colonised the highest echelons share very similar characteristics with religious fanatics since both are sustained by the same absolute belief in their respective ideologies.

Neocons may worship secular and not just religious gods but like just like fundamentalist will do whatever it takes to extend their sphere of influence – essentially we are living in an inverse caliphate and those that dare challenge the status quo can expect heavy handed treatment from the MSM and if that fails then by the security forces.

Nov 7, 2018 7:24 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Harry – “essentially we are living in an inverse caliphate” – I quite agree! There are some very dangerous “extremists” out there who most surely threaten all of our survival, however, the official narrative that these “extremists” are jihadists living in caves misses the mark completely. These truly dangerous “extremists” actually live in the most plush homes and apartments around the globe, in the major centers of Western power, and they are in control of the Western economic and military machines waging war on the rest of planet earth. However, in our “inverse caliphate” it is both sin and heresy to speak such truths.

Nov 7, 2018 6:09 PM

How about the US Governments own security services have been hacked, subverted, taken over, usurped – etc
By self-inflation, by overreaching, and by fear of loss, followed by all the manipulative elements that seek out and operate through it. Call it ‘Broad Spectrum Subjection’.

Nov 7, 2018 5:51 PM

Interesting view. You claim that there is overwhelming evidence that the Saudi’s funded 9/11 – however, 17 years later, we still don’t know how the three skyscrapers collapsed, where the airplanes disappeared to in the Pentagon and Shanksville or who the operatives were. Once we do, then and only then will the funding source be revealed.

Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga Mumblebrain
Nov 7, 2018 8:26 PM
Reply to  MR

There is NO evidence of Sordid Barbarian involvement in 9/11 save in providing the patsies, then shutting up afterwards to protect the real culprits-their Israeli allies and ‘cousins’.