George and the ‘ISIS Bride’
Kevin Smith

Two things I gave up in the New Year after many years were smoking and reading the London Evening Standard. I used to pick up the newspaper at the tube station on the journey from work back to the sticks.
The newspaper over the last year has got worse in many ways, not least the reporting of Syria and foreign affairs. It’s that bad that there should be an Off-Evening Standard – set up by people who read it so Londoners don’t have to.
The Evening Standard is one of those newspapers which is so inept or/and dishonest on these matters it always forces me to pick up my pen and write just to get it out of my system. So in a way it’s a source of negative inspiration for my writing and last year I wrote this for Off- Guardian, about an article Jeremy Hunt published in it.
However my son who works in London brings it home and the other day, venturing out into my garden for a crafty vape (e-cigarette) I saw a copy in my paper waste bin flapping in the wind. At first I didn’t approach. But after a while I succumbed. I thought there would be no harm reading the readers letter page. So I found the page and began reading.
Big mistake – there were some reader letters about whether or not the so called ‘ISIS bride’ should be allowed back into the UK.
Just to explain: not long back the format for the Evening Standard reader letters page changed. They used to publish around a dozen letters each day. And they allowed a range of views. Even I’ve had some letters published on Syria and Yemen although I had to tone things down a bit (then the editor toned them down a bit more) However they’ve now changed it to no more than a few letters and one of the editors responds to the main letter. I guess it gives them the last word on the topic of the day.
Anyway on the ‘ISIS bride’ topic there were two letters with differing viewpoints, one from an outraged Alfie and the other from a compassionate Constantine. If you wish to stereotype you can probably take a guess by their names and views which opposing sides of the river each live. These letters were replied to by no less than George Osborne, former Chancellor and the current editor of the Evening Standard. He replied as follows:
Dear Alfie and Constantine
I understand the anger of those who say Shamima Begum should not be allowed to return to the UK. After all, she supported a terrorist cult that killed Britons and, in her interviews, she shows little remorse.
But I don’t agree, for a simple reason: she was born in Britain and has British citizenship. Which other country is supposed to look after her on our behalf? Syria? It can’t look after its own citizens. Neighbours such as Jordan and Turkey? Since when did they have to take the British citizens we don’t want?
Another European country? Can you imagine the fury here if we took a French or Italian citizen who joined Islamic State? I’m sorry, but Ms Begum is our homegrown problem. She was groomed by extremists when she was 15 in our country. Investigate her by all means, charge her if she had committed crimes, and imprison her if that’s what a court decides. But that has to happen here.
As for her newborn boy, it will be one of the most vulnerable British citizens in the world. Unless we’ve now given up on compassion and justice, and believe that the sins of the mother should be visited on an innocent baby.
George Osborne, Editor
Osborne is right in the sense we should have the ‘ISIS bride’ back but dishonest on so many other levels. There are a few points he makes which I’ll comment on.
Osborne says:
After all, she supported a terrorist cult that killed Britons and, in her interviews, she shows little remorse”
Well, at least she was honest about it. The British Government which included Osborne supported the death cults such as ISIS and Al Qaeda which have laid waste to Syria yet still deny their involvement. The British Government through this conflict have caused the death of thousands of Syrians and increased the risk of conflict with Russia.
Which other country is supposed to look after her on our behalf”? “Syria? – It can’t look after its own citizens”
It’s up to us to take her back but the main point is we need to take responsibility for the carnage we’ve caused. That probably means Osborne and his former cabinet colleagues who knew what they were doing, rather than the young, naive ‘ISIS bride’ should be tried for treason and war crimes.
Syria should not take her, but for the reason that she’s foreign – like the majority of fighters in ISIS and Al Qaeda. The states where these terrorists came from should take responsibility for dealing with them. Syria have their own programmes to integrate Syrians who joined these groups back into society.
And Syria can and does look after its own citizens. Why do you think after nearly 8 years of war and sanctions inflicted on Syria it still survives and the majority of civilians live under government control? This apart from Idlib, which the Syrian Army has been warned by the West not to liberate from Al Qaeda.
I’m sorry, but Ms Begum is our homegrown problem. She was groomed by extremists when she was 15 in our country. Investigate her by all means, charge her if she had committed crimes, and imprison her if that’s what a court decides. But that has to happen here.
As for her newborn boy, it will be one of the most vulnerable British citizens in the world. Unless we’ve now given up on compassion and justice, and believe that the sins of the mother should be visited on an innocent baby”.
Agreed again – it’s our problem but this whole reply implies the British Government had no involvement in Syria. Don’t talk about compassion and justice. It was the British Government which created the conditions for terrorism and war to take hold in Syria, Libya and Iraq. The underlying reasons why she joined ISIS can be debated but it doesn’t reflect well on the British Government whichever way you look at it.
There, I’ve got that off my chest. I’m still successful with my anti-smoking drive. But I still lapse from time to time where it concerns the Evening Standard. Hopefully I won’t need to inflict the consequences of the odd moment of weakness on to Off-G readers again.
Kevin Smith is a British citizen living and working in London. He researches and writes down his thoughts on the foreign wars promoted by Western governments and media. In the highly controlled and dumbed down UK media environment, he’s keen on exploring ways of discouraging ideology and tribalism in favour of free thinking.
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So Anthony Loyd has an article published by Chatham House. How ’bout that?
The people have lost their voice
Kidnappings and killings have left the Syrian people with no journalists to relay their experiences.
And he was a friend and colleague of Marie Colvin.
And here’s a good story he’s telling his pal, Christiane Amanpour, about an alleged Muslim mate turning on him and setting him up to be abducted and SHOOTING him! With a gory photo to prove it. What do you think? Moulage or for real?
And he found Shamima (aka Shahima aka Sharmeena) Begum in a Syrian Refugee Camp. How ’bout that?
What do you think? Agent or journalist?
1. How all this Jihadist bride stuff will be JUSTIFIED is as propaganda to any young women considering becoming Jihadist brides that it’s not a good idea.
2. What it’s REALLY ABOUT is fomenting disharmony between groups, creating fear and implying security needs to be upped – all the better to control us.
It’s always the same old story that I learnt in the must-see film that very first woke me up, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.
I remember this from the Standard in the 80s.
The Standard has always been vile.
Once again, just like …
Maria Butina, Marzieh Hashimi and Marie Colvin …
… the evidence (and lack of) clearly shows that this story and connected stories are all fabrications and George Osborne knows this full well.
So Sharmeena Begum was found in a Syrian refugee camp by journalist Anthony Loyd? Couldn’t manage a photo? – although apparently he was indeed a war photographer as shown below. Could Anthony have intelligence connections do you think? His wikipedia page says:
“went to school for journalism”?? “Deutsche Marks”?? (it’s true that’s the German name for the currency but I’ve never seen it referred to like that in English).
I wonder if he’s an “author” in the same way “Marie Colvin” was.
And of course just like Marie Colvin and Maria Butina we see no video interview of her, just audio. She’s said to say that she thought the Manchester attack was “justified”. Any self-respecting Muslim knows that Manchester was a staged event.
The Wikipedia article on Sharmeena Begum is not convincing. And we see the hallmark of different versions of her name that we see with Maria Butina (Mariia) – Shamima and Shahima which aren’t just misspellings but actual different names.
The giveaway Masonic multiples of key number, 11 – her mother died from cancer at age, 33, and her grandmother, was 66 when she moved in with her. Compare the Skripals ages – daughter 33 and father 66.
Notice another hallmark of poor grammar and the two sentences below not quite adding up. If she lived with her mother till she was 15 then to say her uncle raised her is not quite accurate and what about her grandmother?
And where is the evidence of this connected story?
Everywhere you look at the connected stories they look completely bogus too. How about this twitter photo of “Sally Jones”. Obviously photoshopped. The extent of these faked connected stories is truly breathtaking.
Flaxgirl, if you are looking for fake girls look no further than “Jannah” with its 72 eternal virgins ever ready for rape (or grape).
Hundreds of real girls have been found as victims of the UK’s many sex grooming gangs, but we have to be PC about their skin color & culture and those of their rapists specially amongst the blind multi cultists.
Ok, “European” girls were serial/ group raped by “Asian” men; being more specific is risky.
Correction. There are video interviews with her but they’re cleverly edited to include shots of Syria or a similar location but that do not include her. The location of the video that does include her does not especially resemble Syria or a Middle Eastern country, it could be a variety of places. In this video, the baby is not convincing at all.
The wall to wall coverage of this story make me a little skeptical of it’s veracity.
“A little skeptical.”?? Frank, is there anything at all that makes you suspect it might be true?
Oh Lord, Flaxgirl is back. What planet were you on during your last trip? Or are you a disinfo shill who is trying to make a mockery of legitimate conspiracy theories?
I don’t quite understand your hostility, FS. As far as I can tell our main area of disagreement is that you believe that people said to have been killed were actually killed where I don’t. Is that a reason to suspect someone of being a disinfo shill? The thing is, it’s not about information, I think we’re agreed on the information, it’s about our interpretation of it.
I’ve noticed that when I tell others that certain events have been staged and no one died, some people respond one way, while others another and yet others another way. Some people simply dismiss it with, “Preposterous”, some are mildly curious to hear my explanation but tend to be noncommittal while others are utterly outraged and respond with “How dare you! People died!”. I guess this last response is connected to why so many people speak of people “passing away” rather than “dying”. There is a strong death taboo in our culture and when we’re told of deaths, people can be very emotionally invested in that belief. I understand that. I’m just not like that. I’m ruled more by my head than my heart and I don’t have a taboo sense about death. Hearing that someone “passed away” jars with my sense of what happened especially if their death is very sudden.
I have a friend who believes that no planes crashed on 9/11 (meaning no deaths from plane crashes) and he also believes that many other events such as Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and Boston Bombing were completely staged and no one died and yet he’s completely invested in the deaths of those in the buildings. Makes no sense at all to me.
I think the offer should be made to the Syrian government if they would like to prosecute her. They should at least be given the chance as she may be guilty of crimes in Syria.
Given the military, financial and medical support given to the terrorists/extremists/ISIS/rebels by Israel, criticising Shamima Begum or her colleagues constitutes blatant antisemitism.
The terrorists/extremists/ISIS/rebels provided effective execution of the Israeli agenda for Syria. Friends of Israel (Labor and Tories) must unite reward these groups adequately.
Using terrorist groups for national interest advancement is a hardcoded into the West’s militaristic and political DNA.
Is work running out in Syria? If so, this person and her colleague can be of immense help to join the US ‘humanitarian support’ aimed for Venezuala.
The fact that this Begum is STILL dressed up like a ninja says enough about her.
Antzy, there are plenty like that in Mayfair and Knightsbridge – driving their supercars or spending their millions in Harrods and these shops that I never could go into.
What do you say about them?
Infact there are other religious folks in Stamford Hill and various such localities dressed according to their religious beliefs.
What do you want to do about them ant?
Yes, given her choice of clothing its amazing Gav Williamson has not tried to sell a weapons contract to her.
The problem with these brown/yellow people is that they just can’t be held accountable for their own actions; they are on par with little children on a playground. And even when they blow themselves up it is not their fault or even their brown/yellow handlers but of US in the West, because bla bla bla bla….
‘Strange as it may seem but if you are only 15 years old then you are in fact a child.
Yet even children can see that killing muslims and destroying their cities (for oil) is out of order.
Needless to say the vacuum that arose in the wake of WMD has been an ideal crucible to feed extremism – violent resistance became inevitable not least because the US does not tolerate objections to its geopolitical ambitions (see Venezuela and the Ukraine)
Who was destroying Bethnal Green?
You mean like the IDF kiddie killers who are brainwashed into gunning down kids with dum dum bullets in Gaza. That’s the problem with these Jew People. They are not responsible for their own actions. They are like children in a school playground. They have been brainwashed by hundreds of years of Talmudic Racist Goy Hatred. It’s not their fault. They scream in pain as they hit you, it’s all the fault of “anti Semitism”, blah, blah, blah.
The IDF’s minimum military age is 17; the UK’s armed forces take in at 16. Don’t know Hamas or ISIS minimum age 😉
Antzy you dumb fuck
Come on mods, the name and comment cannot be acceptable surely?
Once again, just like …
— Maria Butina (
— Marzieh Hashimi (
— Marie Colvin ( …
… I think the evidence (and lack of) clearly shows that this story and connected stories are all fabrications and George Osborne knows this full well.
So Shamima Begum was found in a Syrian refugee camp by journalist Anthony Loyd? Couldn’t manage a photo? – although apparently he was indeed a war photographer as shown below. Could Anthony have intelligence connections do you think? His wikipedia page says:
“went to school for journalism”?? “Deutsche Marks”?? (it’s true that’s the German name for the currency but I’ve never seen it referred to like that in English).
I wonder if he’s an “author” in the same way “Marie Colvin” was.
And of course just like Marie Colvin and Maria Butina we see no video interview of her, just audio. She’s said to say that she thought the Manchester attack was “justified”. Any self-respecting Muslim knows that Manchester was a staged event.
The Wikipedia article on Shamima is not convincing. And we see the different spelling hallmark that we see with Maria Butina (Butiina) with Shamima (Sharmeena) – yes Arabic is transliterated in different ways but I’d argue that ShamiMa would never become SharmeeNa. I don’t see why the equivalent of “m” in Arabic would ever transliterate as “n” – but perhaps others know better?
The giveaway Masonic multiples of key number, 11 – her mother died from cancer at age, 33, and her grandmother, was 66 when she moved in with her. Compare the Skripals ages – daughter 33 and father 66.
Notice another hallmark of poor grammar and the two sentences below not quite adding up. If she lived with her mother till she was 15 then to say her uncle raised her is not quite accurate and what about her grandmother?
And where is the evidence of this connected story?
Everywhere you look at the connected stories they look completely bogus too. How about this twitter photo of “Sally Jones”. Obviously photoshopped. The extent of these faked connected stories is truly breathtaking.
Can anyone provide clear evidence of any of these stories?
The giveaway in this story is that there is a strikingly similar one doing the rounds in the US at the moment — young ISIS bride, toddler son and so on. I’m not much of a believer in coincidences; I am at a loss to figure out ‘why’, though. The best I can come up with is a trial balloon to see how the public would react before repatriating everyone else (after all, it doesn’t bode well for the future if you leave your freedom fighters high and dry — even Assad remarked something to that effect recently).
The giveaway … yep and there’s more giveaways. The whole thing is a fabrication. I have a comment pending as it contains a lot of links. As I’ve said before, all you have to do with these stories is check Wikipedia which lays it all out in code.
Hallmark: Name spelt in different ways
Shamima aka Sharmeena aka Shahima Begum. These three versions do not strike me as different transliterations of an Arabic name but different names. Shamima is simply a different name to Shahima as it is to Sharmeena.
Hallmarks: Poor grammar, things don’t add up, Masonic numbers
Why does it say she was raised by her uncle when it seems she lived with her mother then both her mother and father and her grandmother. It also mentions uncle but saying he “raised” her does not quite fit. Her mother died when she was 33 and her grandmother was 66 (multiples of the Masonic key number 11). We are reminded of Skripal daughter and father, 33 and 66.
If we look at the image in the Daily Mail article linked to in footnote 10 we see the father of her friend with a teddy bear wearing blue. This image looks photoshopped to me but I wouldn’t swear by it.
In case you’re wondering why a teddy bear – the Masonic teddy bear. (
An old proverb alleges that ‘Good Advice is Expensive’.
Fortunately, expensive advice is not necessary in this case. The basic, common sense version will suffice. Although it will require to change the part of governance in which the sovereign has no say whatsoever.
It is a question of liability. In order to get the drift, one has to take a moment and ponder what One is generally and categorically liable for.
To only mention but a few occasions where one is liable:
Depending on the country in which the damage was done, one will have to pay for the repair, or replacement. In severe cases of willful damage, one will see the inside of a penitentiary for some time.
Sexual abuse, manslaughter, battery, assault and such cases were someone else is harmed or hurt, will lead to court proceedings and result in compensation to be paid and time behind bars.
You might inject ‘theoretically’, as it depends who the person was that committed the act.
Screaming “Fire! in a packed movie/theater. One will be liable for the consequences and be punished for having broken a law.
The key word is Liability here.
Politicians and government employees of any kind must be made liable for their actions during the time they followed orders, or gave orders that caused damages, destruction, harm, or hurt to anybody. This liability must then include the taking responsibility for one’s actions. The most simple explanation would then be:
The one that causes another person to end up in a wheelchair, will be responsible to remedy the lack of mobility that the victim now experiences. One will serve the victim of one’s actions. Naturally, I have no precedent for this, but common law should have arrived there before and maybe did, without much publicity.
Creating the arch to where this is relating to:
Those who signed, agreed to in secrecy, or publicly, to create a terrorist organization, or otherwise violent group in order to foment the illegal overthrow of a sovereign Nation, is liable not only for the direct consequences as inflicted damages, harm and hurt perpetrated by the entities that followed the orders, or instigation to do so, but will also be ‘wed-locked’ to the subjects in question. In the case of ISIS terrorists, those responsible like Cameron, Clinton, Obama et al, will have to live with these people for the rest of their lives. As soon as those responsible separate themselves from those they are obliged to have around them, an alert is emitted that will enable the authorities to apprehend the delinquent and reunite them with those they have to be around.
Maybe, if the prospect is to spend the rest of their lives with the terrorists they have created, politicians and so called government workers would think thrice before they’d participate in the overthrow of sovereign Nations, or any other conspiracy.
If nothing else, it could be a political satire to be played out on stage or in a movie.
“Here comes Cameron with his ISIS-Crew!” “Howzit going Obama? Enjoying Your company of drone operators and moderate Al Nusra rebels? Yeah, I thought so.” “Oh, there is Tony with a bus full of his Al-Qaeda buddies!”
There is obviously a greater purpose to the media drawing attention to this particular case. It would seem that plenty have returned with non of this media circus. It is certainly being used to whip up vitriolic fever, and is pushing all the [us and them] buttons. At the same time as this dizzying latest display of double standards. It is also enabling Mr Javid to think up new ways of defining UK citizenship, and setting a new precedent, to withdraw it at whim in future. Of course there is not a word said about whose purposes were being served by young British people traveling to swell I.S.I.S. Not one mention of the White helmets. And yes. Its amazing how remorse is expected from vulnerable individuals. But not from our leaders and their disgraceful murderous foreign policies. It would be something for even the slightest sign of it from them. George Osborne included.
I am still not convinced the story is substantially true. Listening to Quentin Sommerville waxing lyrical on From Our Own Correspondent today, it all felt too pat. At the very least, the release of the story at this time was calculated to get people riled about something other than Brexit and our thoroughly inept PM.
Or to put it another way Tom – I’m more and more convinced that this story is substantially false, and set up by the IS back-up crew to go with the “Siege of the Village of Baghouz”. How could it possibly be that this particular notorious UK school girl turns up in the very last last outpost, where the dregs of those IS fighters transported from Raqqa have turned up? Why was she and how was she just discovered in the refugee camp near Hasakah, by paid TImes correspondent Anthony Loyd? How would anyone know where a girl in black came from?
So now, instead of discussing the consequences and compensation for the tens of thousands of SYRIANS these Western terrorist mercenaries have killed and tortured and injured in the most horrible of ways, we are all discussing the fate of ONE GIRL!! Its obscene, like the fixation on one questionable Saudi Journo who is allegedly abducted or killed by a state who has also had tens of thousands of Syrians murdered on their behalf.
And the “ISIS bride” is everywhere! On radio and TV and in discussions and forums and weekend papers, here in OZ and the rest.
Meanwhile in Rukban, the REAL refugee crisis and siege continues, protected by the US, while Russia and Syria do their best. It is sick. I hope that you’ll find it in you to contribute more here; no doubt there will be the impetus in the Evening Standard to do so…
Yes, it’s all a complete fabrication. Just go to the Wikipedia pages for Sharmeena aka Shahima aka Shamima Begum and Anthony Loyd and connected stories such as that of Samra Kesinovic. You can tell it’s a massive fabrication.
A Sick Game…that has a copius supply of puppets to dance it’s scripted show….to lead the unsuspecting veiwer along a road of it’s making. Eaters of time – Corral the mind.
Send her to one of the ‘Mind Adjustment’ Camps in either China or North Korea – It’s the least we can do to help her get back on track.
If you were to ask the average Brit who was the biggest menace to society; a young woman, estranged from her family and who has suffered 2 tragic bereavements and god knows how much psychological damage, or the grinning assassin, most, I suspect, would say Shamima Begum?
On some level it just feels like she is a convenient scapegoat because liberal interventionists are almost never willing confront the consequences of the terrible harms they inflict.
You’re right Harry, I was sent a video by my brother-in-law that had Begum cut next to Only Fools and Horses’ Del Boy, the essential message being “burn the witch”. It was so ‘hilarious’ I suspect it went viral. Pretty sick, but when you consider the shite that people are fed constantly, if you can’t be bothered to check things out for yourself then that is probably the opinion you will adopt.
Talking about brain washing, there wouldn’t be a better Mind Adjustment camp than confining a person to watching Fox News and reading the Daily Mail.
…or reading the Guardian and watching the BBC News.
My understanding is that Shamima Begum is one of three girls who attended the same high school (Bethnal Green Academy) and who flew out together to Syria to join ISIS. The very least the British government can do is to find out who recruited these girls at the high school and whether anyone at the school or in the UK education department had an agenda to filter out young people through social media as potential de facto draft soldier cannon folder to fight a proxy war in Syria – and take the blame for hiring such “teachers” and “administrators”.
Since soldiers also need something to motivate them to fight, and to have some sort of emotional and physical support outside fighting, the British and the Saudis (through their funding of mosques, madrasas and other educational institutions, not all of them necessarily Muslim, in Britain) worked to provide these virtual conscripts with an ideology that among other things required them to have brides and families. For the British, this would save on the need to hire prostitutes for the soldiers, with all the expense of transporting and housing them, and treating sexually transmitted diseases that would entail. Bingo!
Shamima Begum was used and exploited just as so many other young people of her religious immigrant background were used and exploited. The British government is responsible for her radicalisation and should be made responsible for her deradicalisation. She and her son should not be put in a position of statelessness.
That she still spouts ISIS ideology is unfortunate but perhaps expected: she is still a teenager after all and for most people her age, self-reflection is an alien concept and quality. She may learn to regret her actions but she must be given the opportunity to do so and persecuting her is not the way to go about that.
In the Neurenberg trials one of the popular pleas was “Wir haben es nicht gewusst”- we didn’t know about the Final solution for the Jews. This Begum was years in ISIL and had plenty of opportunity to find out what was really going on. She didn’t leave early no, only wants to now at the very end.
Let her be tried and sentenced in Syria in ISIL style – her voluntary chosen environment, where most proof is also available contrary to the UK.
If and when you find yourself in a similar position as Shamima Begum finds herself now, don’t be surprised if you are treated by others in the same way that you would treat the girl.
Due to the silence of the grave even Off Guardian ATL & BTL is quiet about the fate of Yazidi women:
Who cares, they were non-Muslims, just like those British low class girls in the rape gangs non event.
More important, some “Zionist” just farted!!
Murder, mayhem, slaughter, cannibalism, rape, torture, slavery, organ trafficking, all grist to the mill in the Greater Zionist Project Oden Plan to balkanise and destroy all the countries of the Middle East. All standard pages out of the Zionist Playbook. With all the bought and paid for 30 shekel whores in the US obligingly supplying the dumb goy muscle.
“This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” Netanyahu.
The Government should also explain why it did nothing as the British media followed the 3 schoolgirls to Istanbul and watched them board the bus to Syria. 15 year olds who should have been safeguarded. Did we ask the Turks to take them off the bus? No, of course not. It was POLICY to allow fanatic Muslims willing to fight jihad to travel there because they wer3 against the evil socialist secularist Assad and would create mayhem, reducing Syria to a basket case. Job done (or so they thought!).
The mainstream press is totally dishonest. They are insidious in the way they propagandize and brain wash the public. Having read so many articles, where controversial matters are glossed over as foregone conclusions, while discussing something else, I know of what I speak. Just a small for instance: while discussing Ukraine economic problems, the MSM will stick in a statement such as, “after Russia invaded Crimea”? Excuse me! We all know that there was no invasion and that any Russian military located within Crimea, were attached to the Russian military base legally located there. We also know that the re-connection of Crimea to Russia occurred without a shot being fired, by the Russians.
The ES (Establishment Standard) is simply not worth the paper it’s printed on. Neither is it’s cousin the Guardian Of The Establishment.
Personally, I don’t want her back. If reports are true, her whole family should be joining her. However, I realise my opinion is just that and in law we have no choice but to accept her. I think Jeremy Corbyn was right in his assessment, but he played into the hands of right wingers by not giving sufficient detail Re; the legal aspect and the history of the Syrian intervention and Britain’s role in supporting terrorists.
For me, the whole thing started with the Libyan regime change instigated by America, France and the Tory government. The thinking at the time was, Obama’s support justified “humanitarian intervention” and made it the right thing to do in the eyes of metropolitan liberals.What stayed in my mind forever was Hilary Clinton cackling “We came, we saw, he died”. I think a lot of people, left and right, saw the rotten core of liberal interventionists resulting from Libya, even if they didn’t see the (immediately taken down) videos of fanatics torturing and executing sub Saharan Africans (and anyone unfortunate enough to have the finger pointed at them) by fanatical Islamists we financed. It was this reality that stopped further involvement by our forces in Syria, they had to do it surreptitiously, hence you had American/allied forces bombing ISIS in one part of Syria while American contractors ferried ISIS commanders to and from battlefields in another. MSM never reported this and rags like the Guardian still supported regime change even when it became common knowledge that the foreign terrorists fighting in Syria were armed initially with weapons transported from Libya. Back then, before The White Helmets and fake chemical weapons attacks we were “informed” by citizen “open source” journalism in the form of Eliot Higgins’ daily account btl of conflict from his bedroom under the pseudonym “Brown Moses”. It was about that time that I found myself at odds with mainstream (?) left wing thinking, it wasn’t remotely left wing and used political correctness to stifle debate. I’ve since realised that political correctness and identity politics are highly destructive tools used against the real left with devastating success, the working class view of this woman is very clear and left wingers who appear to defend her without explaining why are playing into the hands of the liberal/conservative/faux left narrative.
Yet we must suffer you!
How do other countries deal with the issue? Apparently (I rely on the media) the Dutch have them back, both sexes and subject them to ‘de-radicalisation’ against a background of surveillance and long terms of imprisonment. They are said to argue they don’t want an ever expanding body of armed Dutch jihadists turning up in Nigeria – or Amsterdam! Far too expensive and electorally painful say the Brits who seem incapable of seeing forward more than a week or so. It’s said the Russians have Soecial Forces touring the refugee camps looking out for Russian speakers, particularly children. They are said to ‘kidnap’ the children and return them to Russia for re-hab on the basis their Russian souls can be saved. Far too sentimental for the Brits. And perhaps it’s true the men are shot and some of the women too. The Chinese we are told hold a million in re-education camps but although a town in Idlib is currently held by 7000 Chinese Jihadis it’s not clear what China wants done with them. They are reputed to be the most extreme of all. There are many thousand foreign fighters captive in Syria and still fighting in Idlib. As so often it’s the foreign fighters who get to crack deals that allow them to relocate; first it was from places like Mosul to Syria and now the other way. They must have some powerful friends!
De-Nazification and finding homes for Displaced Persons was a priority in the late 1940’s. A few were hanged and others imprisoned but the scheme was declared a success. The Nazi ideology was as cruel as that of the Jihadis but not doing very much and welcoming the old Nazis into their old jobs, especially in Intelligence did the trick. But that was because the West basically sympathised with the racist Nazi’s so it was that much easier to accept them back into the fold. They were anti Communist enough to warm the hearts of rightwing Americans and Europeans – and they were white!
I don’t see myself why she shouldn’t be allowed back in.
After all, she is an MI6 asset like the 100 “White Helmets” just allowed back into the UK.
And after all, she was just responding to the Ziocon/ UK Government/ MSM campaign and putting herself forward as a bit of cannon fodder in the Big Syrian Regime Change Scam to overthrow the “Evil Dictator Assad.”
The UK taxpayer has bankrolled the headchoppers and throatslitters to the tune of over £3 billion, so why not a bit more?
When she’s settled here, she could have a bright future in the next proxy Islamist terror group set up by our spooks, maybe in Libya, Xinjiang, or somewhere else. The world is her oyster.
MI5 and MI6 do not protect their assets.
Yes, they do, H, until they’ve outlived their usefulness. Then they have some final value as sacrificial pawns, Skripal, Litvinenko, Berezovsky, Nemtsov, bumped off in some outlandish way by the evil cartoon villain Vlad purely for the fun of it.
Oh, she really exists? I assumed it was a straw man operation to get us all frothing at the mouth or empathising our little liberal hearts out. Also, an opportunity for Gideon to have a good snigger at us, as he so likes to do.
Anyway, he could always phone his old chum, Sajid over at the Home Office (how long has he been an MP – in a seat a dog in a blue rosette could win – to have such an important position?) and, in between reminiscing over all the trips to the US together to visit the bankers, he could congratulate him for the gaslighting exercise which has ‘memory holed’ the appalling treatment of the Windrush generation.
As an aside, with Canada joining France, UK and US, it is now CANFUKUS.
Yes, it is ISCANFUKUS.
The Standard is in no way under daily editorial control of the oik Gideon.
It is evidently Maty de D’onkey.
Who also seems to have a similar role at the Graun.
It was a reasonable paper delivered to newsagents and street vendors – who actually made money – 3 to as many as 5 times a day! Until the noughties, when it went for full on post-blairite restoration of the tories. They got rid of Ken and installed Boris.
@Kevin Smith, thanks for writing this article.
It is mind blowing on so many levels. Syria was taking care of its people very well, as was Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan (in the1970’s) very well until the US/UK backed takfiri, by whatever name, to overthrow the existing governments, bombed the infrastructure and blockaded them with sanctions regimes—all illegal under international law—and then blamed the victims, as we see now with Venezuela.
In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan would have welcomed Shamima Begum into the White House as a freedom fighter.
The guilty parties are the government authorities backed by mainstream media propaganda organs that sent US/UK soldiers to their deaths for war profiteers of various stripes.
Most readers here know who the liars and real war criminals are.
Look, why not admit it, it is Israel who have been driving all these Middle East wars to enable them to continue their genocide of the Palestinians and the creation of Eretz Israel.
The leader of ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) in Libya turned out to be a Mossad agent.
Some people were surprised by this.
I don’t know why.
She should be tried in Syria as all evidence of her activities is there. It is where she voluntary went, into a war zone.
Agreed. So should all the White Helmets and the FUKUS’ folks who have entered Syria illegally.
Many White Helmets are now settled in the UK. No visa problems for them and no doubt plenty of cash in return for their skilled video work. I guess they’ll be in the Salisbury area alongside all the other semi-retired spooks from around the world.
I’m happy their acting and video work was so shit. Syria was reduced to one street in Aleppo, in which every mound of rubble used to be a hospital and/or school while functioning hospitals magically appeared below ground. There were no women in the White Helmet’s Syria, barrel bombs were preferred over military ordinance and they only killed children. Meanwhile, “doctors” cured their child patients by rubbing dust into their faces. Mad eyed “activists” reported nightly to their friend Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Jon Snow wore his matching socks and ties and expressions while Cathy Newman purred.
I do worry about the indoctrination these fanatics will put their children through in their attempt to start Syria 2.0 from their safe houses paid for by us.
I think myself it was all well worth the £3 billion of Foreign Office money, if only for the entertainment value. One video gem showed a row of “dead bodies” lying on the ground under sheets, “victims of the evil dictator Assad.” One of the extras under the sheets got a bit bored and started yawning and scratching his nose.
I’m going to write to my MP to ask for details of what exactly the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights spent £195k of UK taxpayers’ money on, considering that – to my knowledge – Rami Abdurrhaman hasn’t set foot in Syria for 15 years or so and he was given the money to fund camera and recording equipment. Is anybody on here aware of any photos or videos featured in the media which have been attributed to the SOHR?
Crass! Pure crass.
My guess is that they’re taking crash-courses in Spanish so they can be redeployed in Venezuela as Los Blancos Sombreros.
@Antonym, in Syria Shamima Begum would be considered a POW under international law and afforded the conditions of the Geneva Conventions.
Also under the UN Charter on human rights a person cannot be denied return to their country of origin, which would be the UK if that is where she was born.
Perhaps Israel should look after her as she has been fighting for Israel’s objective to bring down Assad.
She could always go and tuck in to a few bagels and salt beef sandwiches in one of the many ISIS holiday camps on the Golan Heights.
The problem is that even if she were tried and imprisoned in Syria, after her period of imprisonment ends, Syria would deport her back to her country of birth, and that country is Britain.
Back to square one!
Nice try, troll.
Excellent article – I couldn’t agree more. David Cameron openly encouraged these naive and easily ‘radicalised’ young clowns to go to Syria. I think you’ll find the reason few are prosecuted on their return is that govt lawyers know these returnees would win in court by quoting Cameron’s incitement and encouragement. We owe Syria billions in recompense and the humility of an apology for our part in the unnecessary death and destruction there.
Indeed, the last thing the British state wants is scrutiny in the courts.
Such developments might fford an opportinuty for clever lawyers to ask awkward, or embarrassing questions about Britains role in transforming relatively functional societies into economic and structural basket cases riven by sectarianism.
The US of course essentially suspended the law when they set up Guitmo while Britain usually adheres to its post-colonial tradition by pretending nothing ever happened.
If the establishment really gave a shit about Iraq or Syria they wouldn’t be giving Mr WMD a platform in the media to pontificate about Brexit, antisemitism or Chuka and Luciana’s new BluKip party.
It was more than Cameron’s encouragement. It was Western Foreign Policy to encourage Jihadis to fight Assad. The British media followed these schoolgirls from London to Istanbul bus station where we saw them waiting to travel to the frontier. Tens of thousands of Islamists were catching buses over the border. Did the FCO ask Turkey to stop the 15 year old? Did they hell; it was 3 brides for their star suicide bombers.
Begum is not stateless. She elected to become a citizen of the Islamic State, ISIS. Antithetical as the values of that ideology are with our own, it’s correct to affirm that those who choose to travel to and support ISIS do so at the cost of their UK citizenship and that they be denied re-entry to the UK. These young adults must be given to understand that if a life of mediaeval barbarism doesn’t quite live up to its appeal, the option to demand repatriation and a welfare ticket to to live off the largesse of the country they chose to classify as an enemy is closed to them.
This entity you call a “state” (Islamic State) is not a state by any sense of the word.
That girl who travelled to Syria from England was an English / British citizen by birth, and remains such to this day..
Get used to it.
On the contrary, you need to get used to the fact her citizenship has already been revoked and that her father supports the decision. And if Wikipedia is to believed she has Bangladeshi citizenship as a birthright, both her parents being Bangladeshi citizens. The circumstance would be somewhat ambiguous if her parents had both been naturalized British at the time of her birth but I understand neither were. She does not need to apply for that citizenship. To claim her a birthright she need only demonstrate her Bangladeshi heritage which would be simple enough. Of course, she won’t. They have no welfare state.
An alternative would be to try her in Syria under Sharia law as an enemy collaborator and that she be subject to the appropriate Sharia penalty if found guilty. She can surely have no objection to that course of action. She fully embraced Sharia by joining ISIS.
I support her child being repatriated. It’s a victim, with every possibility of being reared to lead a productive life, unlike the owners of the heads in the buckets that Begum so nonchalantly shrugged off.
[blockquote]Bangladeshi citizenship is provided primarily jus sanguinis, or through bloodline, irrespective of the place or the legitimacy of the birth.[2] Therefore, any child born to a Bangladeshi woman illegitimately outside Bangladeshi soil would still be a Bangladeshi citizen, whereas a child born to two non-nationals in Bangladesh would not.[blockquote]
It’s odd but it was the ES that radicalised me! I had my first job in Wembley in 1969 and every day read the ES on the tube going home. It was the build up to the 1970 election and I naively thought rationality would win out and Labour would win. The ES treated Harold Wilson every bit as nastily as they do Corbyn; he was not just a ‘security risk’ but as ‘everyone knew’ a fully fledged Soviet Agent since the 1940’s. In my youth I expected the voters to laugh at such palpable rubbish. I was shocked that Summer evening when it turned out the voters had swallowed the nonsense and made Thatcher PM.
Even though the tories are deporting British citizens to the Windies or forming alliances with right-wing groups in Europe, the media, and the Guardian in particular, only seem interested in the seething antisemisitism that swirls around Corbyn even though they have not found any direct evidence of it despite dredging through every meeting Corbyn attended or every word he has written or said for the last 30 years.
Michael Leigh, that’s news to me. Could you elaborate? A clip or a Link, perhaps even a precis.
While addressing supporters Corbyn talked publicaly about the political influence his mother had on him – understandly such events are conveniently overlooked by those who try to depict critics of Israel (in the Labour party) as the new Waffen-SS.
From HarryA’s link: “Earlier Sarah Sackman, from the Jewish Labour Movement, told the crowd that racism and anti-Semitism should always be challenged, wherever we find it, including in our own ranks.”
Which ranks of dual-citizen Jewish Labour Movement include the massed ranks of the Palestinian-killing, Syrian-killing, Lebanese-killing, ISIS-nursing Israel Army — the most anti-Semitic army on earth today.
I hope Sarah Sackman from the Jewish Labour Movement practices what she preaches.
Oops! not “HarryA”, ‘Arry Stotle.
Eh, Heath, surely?
Yes, sorry! I was conflating two of the nastiest political moments of my life!
‘After all, she supported a terrorist cult that killed Britons and, in her interviews, she shows little remorse.’ – sounds a bit like Tony Blair, although unlike Mr WMD she did not get stinking rich on the misery that was inflicted.
Needless to say we are moving beyond satire once BlackRock employees on lucrative contracts start potificating about justice or morality in the Middle East.
Apparently Mr Fink values Gideon’s “unique and valuable perspective on the issues affecting the world”, citing his work helping the UK and the G20 to recover from the financial crisis, although I doubt if the BlackRock CEO fully appreciates just how much poverty skyrocketed in post-austerity Britain.
As to Shamima Begum at least the wannabe jihadi was patriotic enough to join up with a gang that was largely the creation of the Washington concensus; a rabid group that usually counts on Britain as one of its staunchest allies – but if Shamima was expecting justice she is now learning the hard way that justice is something that tends to be in short supply when it comes to Iraq or Syria.