Anti-Capitalism is NOT Anti-Semitism
The media are trying to turn the 1% into a protected minority
Kit Knightly

A political cartoon from 1883, depicting four notable Robber Barons being supported by their workers. Is this image a hate crime? Will it be described as such soon?
Rhetoric about the 1 per cent and economic inequality has the same underlying theme – anti-capitalism masks and normalises anti-Semitism.
The above quote appeared in the Financial Times over the weekend. It is a piece of twisted logic, designed to demonise an entire political movement. And it is a lie, BUT it does tell an important truth, it just does it by accident.
Namely – that “antisemitism” in Labour is a political invention, used to curb a popular movement against corruption, austerity and growing inequality.
Labour doesn’t have an antisemitism crisis. It doesn’t need to “listen more” or “try harder”. It isn’t toxic. Or racist. Or full of bullies. None of that is true.
Nobody is denying antisemites exist. There’s a small minority of people who hate Jews just for being Jews. This is unfortunate, but also true of every race, sexual orientation and religion. Everybody, somewhere, has someone who hates them for what they are. The problem is relatively small, and in the Labour party, it’s even smaller than in the general public. This graph was brought to our attention on twitter:

Study it. Memorise the statistic. 0.08%. Less than one in 10,000 – and even that is a generous estimation. It could easily be far, far lower. That’s not a problem. It’s not even a taint. It is a problem so small that making it a priority is absurd. The statistics prove it.
The counter to these statistics? Nothing. Those who claim Labour is “institutionally antisemitic” present no evidence but anecdote. Apparently, Luciana Berger had people abuse her on twitter – not one of them is proven to have any link to the Labour party. Journalists say “a Jewish friend told me X”, a lot. A poll comes out that “British Jews might leave” if Corbyn were PM. None of that is evidence of anything.
Even the specific cases never stand up to scrutiny – let’s look at the big four:
#1 Marc Wadsworth
Wadsworth was kicked out of Labour for “bringing the party into disrepute” by spreading “antisemitic conspiracy theories”. This is his allegedly antisemitic statement:
I saw that the Telegraph handed a copy of a press release to Ruth Smeeth MP so you can see who is working hand in hand.”
Accusing some Blairite MP of working with right-wing media to undermine Corbyn is not antisemitic just because the MP happens to be Jewish.
#2 The mural

The mural is not antisemitic – Mear One, the artist, said so himself, here are his exact words on the matter:
It was also [the media’s] interpretation, and never mine, to point out “hook noses” “crooked noses” and other vile Nazi, Third Reich anti-Semitic propaganda, even concocting cuckoo ideas like how the naked figures under the monopoly board depicted “starving holocaust victims” when they actually represent the multi-races of humanity! As a thinking feeling human being to hear such stuff makes me sick to my stomach.
The people sitting around that table, far from being “Jewish caricatures” the media pretended they were, are specifically named in Mear One’s open letter to the media:
I chose to depict the likenesses of such early turn of the century Robber Barons, specifically Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Warburg, as well Aleister Crowley who was a kind of philosophical guru to the ruling elite of that time and a well-known Satanist.
Carnegie, Morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg and Aleister Crowley(?). Five billionaires and a Satanist. Out of the six of them, only two were Jewish. (In fact, the only person included in the mural because of their religion is Crowley. So really it’s an anti-Satanic mural).
If you look at that and say “they must be Jewish because of the noses”, like this TV reporter did, well then YOU are being anti-semitic.
#3 “Hitler was a Zionist”
Ken Livingstone claiming that it was policy, in the early years of Nazi Germany, to support Zionism was not antisemitic. He was referencing a very specific historical fact – some Zionists did strike a deal with Hitler to relocate German Jews to Palestine. It was called the Haavara Agreement and it happened. It is a fact.
#4 Chris Williamson
It has been done to death. Chris Williamson was saying Labour should defend itself more stridently against accusations of antisemitism. There is nothing antisemitic about that.
All of this hysteria is built on just these incidents – each and every one a nothing burger. A less than nothing burger. A reduced fat nothing burger. There’s no meat here, no substance.
There is clearly no need to “stamp out” antisemitism in the Labour party – because there IS no antisemitism in the Labour Party.
The best and clearest evidence for this is the fact many Jews support Corbyn, and defend him, and his party, against these accusations.
The second best evidence is the readiness with which the media (many of them non-Jews), ignore, vilify, victimise, bully and smear these brave people:
Jackie Walker is Jewish, she was hounded out of her party accused of “antisemitism”. When an organisation – Jewish Voice for Labour – tried to show a film defending Walker in Parliament, they too were branded “antisemitic”. In case you need it spelt out for you “Jewish Voice for Labour” is a Jewish group.
Michael Segalov is a Jewish journalist, and Labour member, who has repeatedly stood up for Corbyn and Labour both. He was branded a “self-hating Jew” by Dangerous Hero author Tom Bower.
Two-hundred Jewish intellectuals and public figures signed an open letter defending the Labour party against charges of institutional racism. They were ignored, they have no part in the official narrative.
Jeremy Corbyn attended a Seder event with a group of Jews in his constituency last year – he was criticised for “Jew baiting”. The Jews he was with were, apparently the “wrong kind of Jew”, according to John Woodcock. Angela “Funny Tinge” Smith called it “a blatant dismissal of the need to tackle antisemitism.” Neither Woodcock nor Smith are Jewish.
The group with which Corbyn celebrated Passover is called Jewdas, they are a left-wing Jewish group who protest the crimes of Israel and fight for (among other things) Palestinian rights. Woodcock and Smith are both members of the Labour Friends of Israel.
Corbyn has vowed that his Labour government would recognise an independent Palestinian state, and immediately halt all arms sales to the Israeli government.
But is this really just about Israel? I would say no. It’s about something bigger. Something more all-encompassing than that. In fact, by blaming Israel I think we play straight into the hands of those seeking to turn this into a discussion about race or religion. It is not about either. It is old fashioned left vs right.
The Times’ David Aaronovitch recently tweeted this:
Look, when Jenny Manson of JVL backs Williamson she is speaking for the kind of Jews that Corbyn believes are the best socialists. This is not some unfortunate situation to be regretted folks, it’s built-in.
— David Aaronovitch (@DAaronovitch) February 27, 2019
He makes it plain – this is not a Jewish issue. Jenny Manson is Jewish. Her organization is Jewish…her politics are left-wing. And therein lies the problem.
This isn’t about Jews. It was never about Jews. That has been my position from the beginning. What’s different now, is that the other side has finally admitted it: This is about socialism. That’s been made obvious just in the last few days.
And so we circle back to John McTernan’s piece in the Financial Times, headlined “Labour’s mistake is to believe there are no enemies to the left”. His argument is that [our emphasis]:
All of these [anti-semitic tropes] feature in the criticism of Israel and the so-called Israel lobby. They can easily be moulded into a critique of capitalism too. Rhetoric about the 1 per cent and economic inequality has the same underlying theme…So anti-capitalism masks and normalises anti-Semitism.“
That was published on March 1st. This was published yesterday, in The Guardian.
John Harris’ article is similarly headlined: “The unanswered question: why do antisemites think Labour is the party for them?”, and is in all other ways nearly identical. Right down to the almost copy-and-paste anecdotes of conversations with anonymous “Jewish Labour members”. One of his final arguments:
[The Labour Party] now tends to present the very real failings of modern capitalism not as a matter of anything systemic, but the work of a small group of people who are ruining things for the rest: what Corbyn calls a “self-serving elite”, who “monopolise the wealth that should be shared by each and every one of us”.
You see, it’s not being “antisemitic” that’s the issue – it’s being anti-capitalist. We can’t attack the elite, because they are a minority. This opinion has been expressed in many other places.
The (privately-owned) “grass-roots” movement Momentum released this video a few days ago. It is factually incorrect in many areas (for one thing, not all Central Banks are “state enterprises”), but more importantly it sells a huge lie in an effort to stifle debate: It says criticism of the Rothschilds, globalism, “corrupt bankers”, George Soros and Zionists means buying into “antisemitic conspiracy theories”. That is, of course, nonsense.
“Labour” MP Siobhan McDonagh argued that being antisemitic is an inherent part of anti-capitalist ideology, in a BBC Radio 4 interview on Monday morning.
It is even hinted at in the UK’s newest “political party” – The Independent Group. Chuka Umunna, the de facto leader via the small miracle of somehow being the most charismatic in a group of 11 people, told the New Statesman:
We’ve got a good chance of moving towards less of a left-right dichotomy and less of a politics based on class and ownership
They are saying it out loud. They are shouting it in our faces – STOP TALKING ABOUT INEQUALITY. STOP TALKING ABOUT POVERTY. STOP TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM.
Arch-capitlalist and ad-man extraordinaire Don Draper’s most famous quote is “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”
That is what is going on here. Wealth redistribution is being rebranded as antisemitism. Criticising billionaires is now “prejudice against people of means”. Blaming the rich 1% will be called “hate speech”.
The media haven’t turned against Corbyn’s Labour party because of antisemitism – they have invented antisemitism as a reason to turn against the only mainstream party dedicated to ending austerity and implementing socialist politics.
This, in a nutshell, is the whole purpose of identity politics – to distract, divide and disenfranchise. A sudden, violent narrowing of the Overton window to protect the super-rich from the fully justified anger of the working class. The end product of all this talk about race and gender and privilege is, to quote Jonathan Pie, “Thatcherism with diversity quotas”.
A world of perpetual neo-liberal austerity, and a mass of cowed citizens bullied out of complaining, for fear of being convicted of a hate crime.
The establishment wants us to stop talking about class. They want us to leave the billionaires alone. They want us to shut up about socialism. They want us to accept that being anti-capitalist is inherently morally wrong.
And the more we talk about this fictional antisemitism, the more they win.
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— apparently, budget cuts at the Mossad have resulted in the use of parrots trained to continually squawk “Hitler! Nazi!”, as hasbara trolls.
Current field reports suggest that the program is less effective than was initially expected.
The Mossad director thought he’d get more sense out of the parrots. Less abusive and more pleasant personalities as well. Quite intelligent, the Norwegian Blue.
This baboon is still at it, guys. And he responds with Monty Python videos. That’s literally what a baboon he is.
This is an absolute “must watch”. Orthodox Jews speaking out in defence of Ilhan Omar. Orthodox Jews speaking out against Zionism. Orthodox Jews being beaten up on the streets of Israel by the IDF.
This isn’t so unusual. I saw a group of orthodox Jews and some rabbis at a Gaza demonstration. Quite a lot of Jews have spoken out against the crimes and evil ideology of Zionism, Blumenthal, Finkelstein, Unz, Atzmon, Peled, Avnery – often at great cost to themselves, just as previously many Germans opposed Nazi ideology. You have to salute their courage. They are targeted with particular venom by Zionist thugs and hoodlums.
To see Orthodox Jews being beaten and dragged around like pieces of meat on the streets iof Israel is unusual though…….certainly for me, and I can only assume others will feel the same. I am genuinely shocked, although given their treatment of Palestinians, I am eqully not shocked.
These people should be commended for their stance against Zionism, and it only STRENGTHENS my case. This, however, does not excuse the Nazification of the discussion by you and your baboon alter-ego “milosevic”.
There seems to be a lot of devotion to European feudal-religious tradition in this comment section, accompanied by lots of passive aggressive thumbing down of comments that call out said feudal-religious tradition. Weird. And then, apparently I’m the bad guy for thinking that the death of Himmler was well deserved. Guys: at least TRY to rise above the level of the Nazis, yeah? I can help, but I can’t do all the legwork for you.
Yours sincerely,
progressive humanity.
The market for hasbara is collapsing. Nobody is buying it, anymore.
Return to your Mossad handlers. Tell them that you have failed.
Drools the pathetic moon-landing denying capuchin monkey whose entire life is built upon “exposing” the “Jooz”.
Many of us don’t like where humanity is “progressing“ to; war, destruction, immorality, perversions, fraud, violence, environmental destruction.
Me neither. That’s why I oppose anti-Jewish sentiment and other gutter ideologies.
Could you please advise me on what you mean by “immorality” and “perversion”, by the way? I’m curious, because much hinges on this particular point.
Not watching that either.
It is all very well to talk about anti-capitalism but without capital you can’t do very much.
There are two kinds of capitalism and they should not be confused. Private capitalism and state/public capitalism. Private capitalism is the one which is incorporated in Delaware and runs their accounts through the Caymans. We have no influence on what they do, prices, projects, pollution, profits. They generally carve out more profits, at the expense of the middle or lower classes and then use the profits for their own pleasure.
State or public capitalism. which is a segment in China, is the one where people can have an influence on. Profits can go into housing, schools, hospitals or something productive. It is not capitalism per se which we have learned to reject after bitter experiences, but the increasing private capitalism.
Have to break out the hasbara repellent. We’re getting knee deep in trolls kvetching and oy veying like it’s going out of style.
Her Ladyship Baroness Warsi is doing a bit of kvetching herself about Tory racism and Islamophobia. Why not? If you can’t beat them, join them. The Board of Deputies can give her a few handy tips. Don’t think the Zionist Media will be all that interested though. The Chosen People aren’t involved.
“Debunking the myth that anti-Zionism is antisemitic”
None of you will guess which news website this article is posted on, it’s incredible, can’t believe it.
Someone will get the sack for this, even jailed for “hate speeech” !
Perhaps the Grauniad is getting worried about the lack of donations from readers. Obviously no comments allowed.
No comments allowed = we know there will be lots of truth coming our way which is embarrassing and contrary to our goals, and having to delete so many comments is exhausting.
No mention of all the Russians in Israel, in the article, which is interesting, considering they make up a considerable % of the Israeli population and also considering that every single Prime Minister of Israel since its inception, bar none, was either born in the USSR or is descended from parents who were, including Bibi. Brendan O Connell has looked into this, and has done some very interesting research into what is going on there
Brendan O Connell videos –
And then “Mucho” conveniently forgot about how the Soviets armed, trained and supported the Arab states during their confrontations with Israel while it was France, Britain and the US who supported Israel. But this won’t stop “Mucho” from deriving some kooky “Jewish Bolshevism” “theory” involving magical Jewish wizards who control absolutely everything. Maybe his stupid ass also forgot that many Jews who emigrated from the USSR didn’t LIKE being in the USSR and moved for that reason?
“every single Prime Minister of Israel since its inception, bar none, was either born in the USSR ”
A pathetic, despicable lie. But that’s to be expected from thugs.
They didn’t support Jordan. Or Saudi Arabia. Or Kuwait. Or Oman. Or any of the west’s pet Gulf dictatorships. And how Egypt fought a war with the Zionist Regime after it had expelled the Russians from the country. But don’t let facts get in the way of a bit of trolling. Everyone knows facts are “anti semitic.”
‘They didn’t support Jordan. Or Saudi Arabia. Or Kuwait. Or Oman. Or any of the west’s pet Gulf dictatorships. ”
Thanks. That actually strengthens my case.
And the Soviets weren’t supporting Israel, you desperately sloppy imbecile.
“Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv, Israel, to Tzila Segal (28 August 1912 – 31 January 2000) who had been born in Petah Tikva in the Ottoman Empire’s Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and a Warsaw-born father, Prof. Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012).”
That took me literally 5 seconds to find. Hmmm, yeah: the “USSR”. Pathetic animal.
“Related to the Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (the Vilna Gaon) on his paternal side, Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv, to Benzion Netanyahu (original name Mileikowsky) and Cela (Tsilah; née Segal). His mother was born in 1912 in Petah Tikva, part of the future British Mandate of Palestine that eventually became Israel. Though all his grandparents were born in the Russian Empire (now Belarus, Lithuania and Poland), his mother’s parents emigrated to Minneapolis in the United States. “
So, save for the fact that Netanyahu’s father changed his birth name, Netanyahu’s surname should be “Mileikowsky”. Sounds kinda Soviet, don’t you think?
“Netanyahu’s surname should be “Mileikowsky”. Sounds kinda Soviet, don’t you think?”
Nope, it doesn’t. Why are you red-baiting like a neoliberal Democrat?
“The Russian Empire” isn’t “the USSR”.
The US ABCnews banned me (after I posted this on disqus/Russia Insider).
“The western financiers sought out Jews or those with Jewish background for strawmen when, under Yeltsin, they bought all the vouchers that should have netted them the ownership of all of Russia’s assets.
Khodorkovsky, Browder, Marc Rich, Berezovsky, where you look, the Jewish influence was there. The reason was that when Jews do business with Jews and a disagreement arises, the rabbis will settle it – no need to go to expensive courts of the country. It’s done in the entertainment industry, too – they prefer to work with Jews and as they make profits and move up, other people cannot compete. And in publishing, Bershidsky and Bloomberg.”
Truth and Facts?
Browder listening to a rabbi? He only listens to big money, WW III be damned.
Kushner in the US said that business disputes can all be settled by the rabbis. No need to go to court.
The reason they banned you is because you’re a barely concealed Hitler Youth enthusiast who’s itching for a pogrom.
Oh dear….it seems that all too many people here who claim to want “socialism” actually want National Socialism, imagining these to be the same thing and that the latter isn’t a misnomer and demagogic rhetorical ploy by a certain Austrian corporal to pull support away from the Left. Seriously, what’s with all the Nazis letting their hair down on this website? And what’s with the weirdly specific name of “Off-Guardian”? Did the founder get banned from a comment section, sulk into his pillow and decide to “get back at” the Guardian?
Did the founder get banned from a comment section, sulk into his pillow and decide to “get back at” the Guardian?
I think you’ve just outed yourself as a neoliberal disinfo shill.
Return to your CIA/Mossad masters. Tell them that you have failed.
“I think you’ve just outed yourself as a neoliberal disinfo shill.”
Oh, look: the little Nazi with an “opinion”, who whines about the Soviets defeating Hitler by pointing to the Katyn massacre wants us to believe that the Soviets were controlled and established by the people behind the CIA and Mossad. Can this creep get any more luridly stupid and pathetic? Apparently the Soviets were “neoliberals”.
“Return to your CIA/Mossad masters. Tell them that you have failed.”
I would, if I was actually trying to promote the CIA and Mossad. Your cover has been blown open, David Duke. You fool nobody with your bumbling stupidity and idiocy.
bumbling stupidity and idiocy
— says the person who believes most Jews live in Israel.
“— says the person who believes most Jews live in Israel.”
More like “says the person who thought that most Jews live in Israel but admits his mistake, unlike the animal “milsoevic”, who clings desperately to every Nazi trope he can lay his hands on.” Being unable to ever admit that you’re wrong is a sign of a sick mind.
The animal “milosevic” thinks that because this website – which isn’t administered by me – has a weirdly specific and salty name, that this makes ME – the person who doesn’t administer it – a “neoliberal”. Who can argue with someone who thinks in this unique way? In Nazi Germany, of course, such people found many avenues of employment in organizations such as the SA, SS, SD and Gestapo. The animal “milosevic” won’t challenge me on the point that his preferred National Socialism isn’t an actual instance of socialism, so he pulls out the cheap “neoliberal shill” card, ignores the contradictions entailed thereby, and invariably bungles it. What a bumbling fascist buffoon!
The animal “milosevic”
oy, gevalt! the filthy goyim are rising up! it’s like the Chmielnitski rebellion, all over again!
Israel Shahak — Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
won’t challenge me on the point that his preferred National Socialism isn’t an actual instance of socialism
you’re just like all Mossad shills — a f***ing liar. I never said anything about what “National Socialism” is or is not, or that I “preferred” it.
If you’re suggesting that I’m not a fan of the mass-murdering Stalin regime, I plead extremely guilty.
Voline — The Unknown Revolution, 1917-1921
What a bumbling fascist buffoon!
It seems that you are highly practiced in the art and science of fascist buffoonery, so I humbly defer to your superior expertise.
“you’re just like all Mossad shills — a f***ing liar. I never said anything about what “National Socialism” is or is not, or that I “preferred” it.”
And yet, you DO prefer it, given your Nazi credentials. You can’t stop with your deranged, inhuman devotion to gutter religious-chauvinist filth and promotion of Nazi memes.
“If you’re suggesting that I’m not a fan of the mass-murdering Stalin regime, I plead extremely guilty.”
So was Hitler. What’s your point?
“It seems that you are highly practiced in the art and science of fascist buffoonery, so I humbly defer to your superior expertise.”
There’s no science of “fascist buffoonery”. Fascism tries to turn social control in a science (especially through the use of crowds, mass hysteria and emotive memes), but that’s different to the buffoonery of individual fascists who are so incompetent that they reveal themselves as hardcore fascists even though this hurts their case in debates. I was observing that you’re a buffoon and a bungler. Don’t worry: I would never ascribe to you any competence in science.
You’re becoming increasingly terse and visibly upset. I think this shows that your true nature is being exposed, and you don’t like that at all.
You’re becoming increasingly terse
yes, I grow tired of refuting the recycled lies of low-grade disinfo shills like yourself. sue me.
Says the Nazi propagandist and demagogue.
Your mentality is typical of racists of all varieties. If one isn’t a supporter of one flavour of ethnic supremacism, then they must be a partisan of some competing form of racism. If you aren’t a zionist (which we keep hearing that all non-self-hating Jews are), then you must be a nazi (as all non-self-hating Germans were said to be).
Perceiving the world through their racist ideology, it is impossible for them to conceive that other people might be able to oppose all varieties of racism and ethnic supremacism. One sees this particularly with zionist propagandists — Jewish ethnic supremacism is so fundamental to their consciousness, they can’t even perceive it. They don’t know they’re doing it, it’s just like the air they breathe.
Ah, look guys: the Nazi is trying to paint himself as the racial egalitarian and anti-chauvinist 🙂 In his pathetic craven desperation after being exposed as an adherent of National “Socialism” and torch-bearer for Hitler’s ideology, he wants you to overlook the fact that his opponent openly called for Israel to be dissolved and that he, not me, is the Holocaust denier, believer in a Tsarist anti-Jewish fabrication, and gutter red-baiting anti-socialist. He fools only imbeciles and low-lives with his bungled attempt at cleverly using weasel words.
The fascist buffon and rabid animal is probably even unaware that he’s lying. For him, truth and fantasy have become so blurred into a slimy mucus that lying for a greater “Truth” is for him like breathing air. It defines and characterizes him, as it did his favorite Austrian corporal.
slimy mucus
sorry, I don’t really enjoy the kind of food served in the Mossad cafeteria.
“sorry, I don’t really enjoy the kind of food served in the Mossad cafeteria.”
Is that supposed to be some sort of jab at Jewish food? Pathetic. What are you, 8?
It looks like they’ve put on another shift at the troll factory.
Indeed: producing loads of likes for mark and milosevic
Probably easy in Internet cafes with many different PCs.
I do wonder about where all these likes for “milosevic” and “mark” and all these thumbs down for my comments are coming from. I don’t think that even on this edge-lord website (I say that advisedly, because I do agree with much of what is written on this site, but it has an oddly sulky “anti-SJW” and “that’s white genocide!” vibe to it that invariably attracts alt-right mouth-breathers), there are THAT many Nazis here. Some of these Nazi trolls are definitely one and the same person. I would bet that “mark” and “milosevic” are the same person, with one being a white nativist American, the other being an Ustasha-worshiping Baltic traditionalist.
Wrong on all counts, old chap.
If you don’t like all the thumbs down, you could just try not peddling hasbara garbage – or at least try to be a bit more original when you do.
“Wrong on all counts”, says the creep who hasn’t gotten a single thing right so far.
an Ustasha-worshiping Baltic traditionalist
— these cut-price hasbara morons are so stupid, that they don’t know the difference between “Baltic” and “Balkan”.
* note to Israel Lobby Propaganda Department: please add an explanation of this important distinction to the next edition of the Hasbara Handbook — we’re not getting the same quality of disinfo trolls that we used to.
I award you one more point for getting something right. This brings your grand total up to 2.
The troll called “mark” has an alter-ego known as “milosevic”, and he’s working double time in the service of keeping the Nazi dream alive! “Well done”, I guess? I really don’t know what to say to that.
Why not? You’ve never been lost for words (and insults) before.
I believe that your parents insulted humanity by “contributing” you to it.
Nonsense needs to be fought and you certainly provide the fodder. Animal? Weird..? Nazi? Cheap? Shill? Bungles? Bumbling? Fascist? Buffoon?
There are courses in good places in critical thinking, and in debating. You may wish to check them out. Personal attack characterizes those without education or self-control. Why announce these to the readers? Are you so lacking in insight that you think this helps your “argument”.
Everything I said was perfectly accurate. Not my fault if you need to hide behind evasive, slimy rhetorical flourishes and lawyer-speak to defend your pathetic beliefs.
there must be better ways for you to exorcise, or should that be exercise, your demons.
There must be some way for you to exorcise your weird obsessions with Jews and bit-coin.
These hasbara operatives seem to have an odd fixation with bitcoin, which nobody else here has even mentioned.
Maybe they’re assigned multiple forums to troll concurrently, and they have trouble remembering which is which. Or maybe they’re afraid that any attempt to escape from the central-bank fiat currency regime is “anti-semitic”. Why would that be?
“These hasbara operatives seem to have an odd fixation with bitcoin, which nobody else here has even mentioned.”
Bitcoin is the obsession of many Alex Jones types such as yourself. I did nothing to promote it.
“Maybe they’re assigned multiple forums to troll concurrently, and they have trouble remembering which is which. Or maybe they’re afraid that any attempt to escape from the central-bank fiat currency regime is “anti-semitic”. Why would that be?”
Ah, more of the “central bank” obsession. Sounds like something you need to discuss with your sex therapist. Hmmm?
“Thug”, “stupid ass”, “weasel”, “animal”, “rabid animal”, “Nazi”, “little Nazi”, “Hitler Youth”, “David Duke”, “Fascist buffoon”, “holocaust denier”, “Nazi propagandist.”
All in a day’s insults in a long shift down the hasbara factory.
It’s about time they gave these trolls some new material to work with.
Was that supposed to be an argument?
The putrid discourse that these shills employ is merely an indication of their putrid consciousness.
A decent person, finding that they had no rational argument to offer, might conclude that they should reconsider their opinions, and adopt some which could be rationally defended. These fascist scum, on the other hand, who tell lies as effortlessly as breathing, once they are contradicted, see no option but to attempt to drag everybody else down into the “piss, slime, and effluent” in which they themselves reside.
“might conclude that they should reconsider their opinions, and adopt some which could be rationally defended. ”
Says the dishonest coward who slunk away from even the bare minimum of acknowledging that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about in regards to the Apollo moon missions, preferring instead to adhere to the party line that it was “fake” because his pathetic little tinfoil hat cult needs it to be. You need to drain the slime, piss and effluent from out of your head, though I’m afraid that whatever brain matter you have left won’t be able to do without the sustenance thus lost. Fascist scum like you are a disease.
So nonsenseneedstobefought, please can you watch this critique of the Apollo 11 moon lander, supposedly on the moon?
If you are short on attention span, as the video does clock in at a whopping 17 minutes, please forward to 7 minutes and 14 seconds in. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks a lot like a paper type material. After you have watched the film, or at least that section of it, please can you confirm that you are happy to endorse the validity of Apollo 11? Please will go on record to confirm you have:
1) Watched the film, or at least the section I have highlighted
2) That you are 100% sure that despite the major flaws the author of the video highlights, you disagree with him and you 100% believe that this craft was genuinely on the moon?
All the evidence points to it being on the moon. No actual scientist, aerospace engineer or former Soviet official disputes that.
The bozo in the video seems to literally get his expectations of space technology from Hollywood films and children’s coloring books. Just because something “looks like paper type material” to his untrained and ignorant eye doesn’t mean shit. Maybe if he actually looked at the specifications available online of the lunar spacecraft, he’d have to stop appealing to the ignorance and incredulity of his audience. Instead, he offers nothing but his big-jawed opinions that “this doesn’t look right.”
Note that he’s also saying that NASA spent billions on the hoax, but that it cheaped out on the actual lunar lander and left “obvious” “mistakes” in – but that the Soviets didn’t pick up on this because their engineers were too incompetent. Or something. I honestly don’t think he thought that far ahead.
Videos like this only strengthen and corroborate my conviction that moon landing deniers are corrupt and debased, and are willing to lie and mislead without a morsel of shame.
Thanks for this excellent article Kit. You finish by quite rightly fingering identity politics as an important factor in the advent of this bullshit. Examining a lot of the people who pile in on Corbyn, we find similar trends: they were often parachuted into constituencies by Blair, often on the back of all-women shortlists; the older hands were universally supporters of bombing wherever; they universally support the NATO alliance (I’m old enough to remember when Joan Maynard, Ernie Ross and others were MPs), by and large they support the EU uncritically and a significant number were post-graduate students at US universities. Funnily enough, these are “qualities” they share with many leading liberal journalists. Sometimes they are non-white or gay – it doesn’t take much imagination to see future all black, all gay, all transgender etc. shortlists. I don’t give a shit about my representative’s race, gender, sexual orientation etc. etc. The important thing that Blair did was to exclude socialists from any shortlist. That’s the issue now: to make sure that if Labour IS a socialist party, then its elected representatives should come from all-socialist shortlists, regardless what they look like, what’s between their legs or what they do in private.
Way back in the 1930s one of the arguments used against communism by the Nazis was that it was that communism was a Jewish ideology bent on world domination. Nobody seemed to notice that a very similar theory had been floated used about Jewish plots for world domination due to their presence in international finance some years previously otherwise people might have been asking why international finance and communism seemed to be working together.
The power of propaganda, its a wonderful thing. It seems you can get large numbers of people to believe anything but it does require you to control the media that people use.
Nicholas Lysson — Holocaust and Holodomor
Ron Unz — The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath
Oh look, everyone: the animal “milosevic” is helping himself to a delicious serving of yet another Nazi trope: the famine in the Ukraine as deliberate Soviet policy engineered with the purpose of starving millions to death 9to the detriment of the stability of the Soviet state, but no matter), to show that the Soviets “were just as bad as, if not worse, than the Nazis”, thus taking the heat off his favorite Austrian corporal and thus affording him some more space (lebensraum?) to engage in more gutter anti-Jewish sentiment. Unfortunately, he ignores that this famine was not equivalent to the Holocaust, in intent or scale, and that the actual engineered famine that did take place in the Ukraine was one which was engineered under the auspices of the Nazis as part of their deliberate policy of racial extermination and colonialism. The animal “milosevic” doesn’t want to accept these anti-Nazi hate truths.
this famine was not equivalent to the Holocaust
It actually turns out that not even the Holocaust was equivalent to the Holocaust.
Sssshhhhh, it’s okay. Here, have some nuts and berries since the zoo keeper completely forgot about you.
Your favorite Austrian corporal will be along to rescue you soon enough. He knows what a good and steadfast Nazi apologist you are and he appreciates your effort at exonerating his murderous regime.
(now, as we wait for that, reveal to me how you also think the moon landings were faked. I’m sure you’ll have lots of “amazing” things to say about it. I also look forward to your “amazing” thoughts on )
reveal to me how you also think the moon landings were faked.
you got me.
In 1969, American technology could (allegedly) send two men to the surface of the moon, 400,000km away.
Since 1972, no human has left low Earth orbit, 400km above the surface of the Earth. American spaceflight technology has apparently declined by a factor of a thousand over the course of half a century.
Rational people are starting to draw the appropriate conclusions.
I’m starting to think that you may be one of those crazy 9/11 Deniers, who still desperately cling to the Official Story, which contradicts the known laws of physics.
“In 1969, American technology could (allegedly) send two men to the surface of the moon, 400,000km away.”
That’s right, tracked by the Soviet Union (and corroborated by many other countries and their scientists and engineers), their Cold War adversary who had everything to gain by exposing the whole thing as a hoax if it indeed was one. Apparently, morons like you think you’re more resourceful than the KGB, Soviet astronomers, Soviet geologists and Soviet engineers, none of whom ever contradicted the authenticity of Apollo, and this during the height of the Space Race. You’re a delusional nitwit.
“Since 1972, no human has left low Earth orbit, 400km above the surface of the Earth. ”
That’s right, due to this thing that was well known at the time (but which you’ve stupidly skipped over): budget restraints. You seem to forget (or ignore) that Apollo was only set up to beat the Soviets, and that it was done at enormous expense. You’re apparently unfamiliar with the concept of cost and the need for continued public support for a program. But tell us, “amazing” thinker: if it was fake, why wouldn’t they just KEEP ON FAKING IT? According to your pathetic logic, where cost doesn’t count for anything, they should have just kept on “faking” more missions. Are you saying that they “lost the technology” to keep faking it, even though cinematography and video has become more and more advanced and widespread?
“American spaceflight technology has apparently declined by a factor of a thousand over the course of half a century.”
That’s an incredibly stupid way of putting it, but it’s true that no humans have been beyond low Earth orbit since 1972. Again, the reason is cost and need. The US had already beaten the Soviets and there was no perceived need to keep on sending many more missions, so they rolled it back and ended it with Apollo 17. But NASA probes have been to the moon since then. Oh, you didn’t know that?
By your imbecilic logic, the US never flew the Space Shuttle, because they retired it and currently have to rely on Russia to get their astronauts to the ISS. By your imbecilic logic, the US never flew the SR-71 plane, because they retired it in the early 1990s. This sort of “amazing” logic is understandable, given that you get your notions of space travel and technology from children’s coloring books and Hollywood films. You don’t live in the adult world where money comes into play, so of course you’re going to be confused by such things.
“Rational people are starting to draw the appropriate conclusions.”
No: imbecilic big-jawed animals like you just refuse to deploy actual logic at a level above that of a toddler.
You’re really quite disgusting.
Apollo was only set up to beat the Soviets
all the more reason to fake it, then.
every decade or so, they make some grand announcement that they’re “going back to the moon”. just as soon as they can develop some way to protect the astronauts from the hard radiation in deep space, and on the surface of the moon. (!!!)
any day now, I’m sure.
it was done at enormous expense. You’re apparently unfamiliar with the concept of cost and the need for continued public support for a program.
currently, they’re spending a trillion dollars a year on the military, and nobody seems to think that’s a problem. surely, a small fraction of that would suffice for new moon missions.
it’s almost like there’s some serious technical problem, that was easily overcome in the 1960s, but with fifty years of technological advances, is now insurmountable.
But NASA probes have been to the moon since then.
no shit. it’s getting humans there alive, that seems to be beyond their capabilities.
no comment on 9/11 Denial, I guess. perhaps that’s a wise choice; you wouldn’t want to expose your scientific ignorance.
“all the more reason to fake it, then”
Right, but not all the more reason for the Soviets to expose it? You’re pathetic. FFS, LOL! Here, I’ll spell it out for you AGAIN since that lump of shit you call a brain is having a difficult time registering it: Apollo was during the height of the Cold War, when the SOVIETS would have had every motivation to expose the landings as fake, as well as having a vast intelligence gathering apparatus that would have easily detected such fakery – and ye the Soviets NEVER claimed that the landings were anything OTHER than authentic, even to their own people. A f***ing TODDLER could understand this point. You really do fit perfectly the stereotype of the dull-witted Nazi buffoon. Your right arm must be getting very tired by now.
“currently, they’re spending a trillion dollars a year on the military, and nobody seems to think that’s a problem. surely, a small fraction of that would suffice for new moon missions.”
I was talking about NASA, you imbecile. NASA’s budget is currently a fraciton that of the military. Apollo was comleted at the cost of around 150 billion dollars in today’s money. What part of they “the government the plug on Apollo because they didn’t want to keep spending money on it” don’t you get, you ignorant pest?
“, but with fifty years of technological advances, is now insurmountable.”
No, not “insurmouantable” .Do you need me to draw this out for you with crayons? If someone isn’t actively pursuing a program and devoting money to it, then they’re not going to do it. What children’s coloring book did you learning engineering, financial and logistical principles from? What part of “they beat the Soviets, and saw no need to keep on sending missions definitely into the future” are you having problems grasping?
“no shit. it’s getting humans there alive, that seems to be beyond their capabilities.”
Certainly beyond the capaibilities iof miserable imbeciles like you, who seem to think that NASA “lost the technology” to FAKE the moon landings. Are you saying that NASA is technically incapable of faking what they faked in the 60s? See how you logic belongs in the sewer from which you pulled it out from? Your stupidity is getting desperate.
“no comment on 9/11 Denial, I guess. perhaps that’s a wise choice; you wouldn’t want to expose your scientific ignorance.”
Says the imbecile who thinks he’s more resourceful than the KGB – the most extensive intelligence gathering organization in human history, and which somehow didn’t expose the Apollo program as fake during the height of the Cold War. For a worthless pest like you to talk about “scientific ignorance” is akin to a child molester talking about the need to protect children.
I’m not switching to talking about 9/11 until you get the bare basics of Apollo right. Now, once again: explain why the KGB or anyone at any level in the Soviet scientific, security, intelligence or engineering establishments ever came forward about the American fakery that you insist happened?
“all the more reason to fake it, then”
Right, but not all the more reason for the Soviets to expose it? You’re pathetic. FFS, LOL! Here, I’ll spell it out for you AGAIN since that lump of shit you call a brain is having a difficult time registering it: Apollo was during the height of the Cold War, when the SOVIETS would have had every motivation to expose the landings as fake, as well as having a vast intelligence gathering apparatus that would have easily detected such fakery – and ye the Soviets NEVER claimed that the landings were anything OTHER than authentic, even to their own people. A f***ing TODDLER could understand this point. You really do fit perfectly the stereotype of the dull-witted Nazi buffoon. Your right arm must be getting very tired by now.
“currently, they’re spending a trillion dollars a year on the military, and nobody seems to think that’s a problem. surely, a small fraction of that would suffice for new moon missions.”
I was talking about NASA, you imbecile. NASA’s budget is currently a fraction that of the military. Apollo was completed at the cost of around 150 billion dollars in today’s money. What part of they “the government the plug on Apollo because they didn’t want to keep spending money on it” don’t you get, you ignorant pest?
“, but with fifty years of technological advances, is now insurmountable.”
No, not “insurmountable”. Do you need me to draw this out for you with crayons? If someone isn’t actively pursuing a program and devoting money to it, then they’re not going to do it. What children’s coloring book did you learning engineering, financial and logistical principles from? What part of “they beat the Soviets, and saw no need to keep on sending missions definitely into the future” are you having problems grasping?
“no shit. it’s getting humans there alive, that seems to be beyond their capabilities.”
Certainly beyond the capabilities of miserable imbeciles like you, who seem to think that NASA “lost the technology” to FAKE the moon landings. Are you saying that NASA is technically incapable of faking what they faked in the 60s? See how you logic belongs in the sewer from which you pulled it out from? Your stupidity is getting desperate.
“no comment on 9/11 Denial, I guess. perhaps that’s a wise choice; you wouldn’t want to expose your scientific ignorance.”
Says the imbecile who thinks he’s more resourceful than the KGB – the most extensive intelligence gathering organization in human history, and which somehow didn’t expose the Apollo program as fake during the height of the Cold War. For a worthless pest like you to talk about “scientific ignorance” is akin to a child molester talking about the need to protect children.
I’m not switching to talking about 9/11 until you get the bare basics of Apollo right. Now, once again: explain why no KGB or anyone at any level in the Soviet scientific, security, intelligence or engineering establishments ever came forward about the American “fakery” that you insist happened?
Oy vey, look the other way! Talk about outer space!! Talk about anything!! Just don’t mention the Jews!!!
“Oh vey” sniveled and skulked the creep whose entire existence is built upon the pathetic religious legacy of anti-Jewish sentiment. He probably feels “oppressed” because he’s not allowed to carry out gruesome pogroms against women and girls.
don’t be stupid, be a smarty!
come and join the nazi party!
Hmmm, “clever.” What does one even say to such miserable stupidity?
LOL, “wikispooks”. You really are a miserable crackpot and Nazi shill.
Why not watch CNN or BBC for a while? It will make you feel better, and gradually lull you to sleep.
I don’t watch those channels. Why do you ask?
If you have to ask, you’re too stupid to understand.
“too stupid to understand”, says the guy who literally gets his expectations of space technology from children’s coloring books and thinks that the KGB failed where he’s “succeeded”. Did your mother’s assurances that you’re a “clever boy” get to your head when you were bestowed by her with Internet access? But I could be wrong. I look forward to hearing about the awesome scientific contributions that you and your taxi driver have made to space exploration.
I don’t think you understand how quotation marks are supposed to work. Maybe you should look that up, to avoid making yourself seem illiterate.
I don’t think you understand why pretending you don’t understand what I was getting at makes you look buffoonish.
Winter must be hard for people like you. Fewer insects to pull the wings off, fewer stray dogs to kick in the ribs, and fewer stray kitties to set fire to. Spring is almost here.
No George, I’m a civilized person, not a Nazi apologist like you and your moon-landing denying buffoon and crackpot alter-ego “milosevic”.
“Winter must be hard for people like you. Fewer insects to pull the wings off, fewer stray dogs to kick in the ribs, and fewer stray kitties to set fire to.”
^ George lovingly describing his alt-right gun club buddies who in Nazi Germany would have signed on eagerly for open positions in the SA, SD, SS and Gestapo.
“Have some nuts & berries” (blah blah): How old are you? Ten? Ffs grow up, shut up, or pss off.
No, I accused him of being an animal, not a ten year old (though he certainly has difficult grasping certain things that a 10 year old could grasp).
“(blah blah)” How old are you? Ten? FFs, grow up, shut up, or pss off. Angry racial and religious chauvinists like you and the many Jews-are-dark-wizards-with-magical-powers-summoned-through-Satan crowd who frequent the comment sections of this weirdly named website are getting tiresome. Please tell your friends to get their stupidities, diversions and personal hang-ups out from beneath my comments. Many of them deny the Holocaust and the moon-landings. What next? That evolution is a “just a theory”?
Everybody knows that Jews are the Chosen People. Evolution has nothing to do with it.
“Everybody” being Zionists and Nazis.
international finance and communism seemed to be working together.
Both are different sides of the same coin. like republican=Democrat. labour =Conservative
It is always about control of the majority of the people by a strong well motivated minority. Always has been and always will.
The only amswer is to make as best use of the system to serve your own interest.
Laughable comment. This site seems to be attracting the extreme right wing fringe of late.
Consider the possibility that common conceptions of “left-wing” and “right-wing” have been manipulated for a hundred years, in order to disguise the activities of an ethnic supremacist cult, which has been a major controller and beneficiary of both “international finance” and “communism”.
Of course, leftist GoodThinkers like yourself will denounce me as a “facist” or a “nazi” for even mentioning this possibility. That’s how effective this disinfo campaign has been — to suggest its existence, or who might have benefited from it, is serious CrimeThink; anyone sufficiently politically incorrect as to do so, will be immediately unpersoned and cast into the outer darkness, pour encourager les autres.
Love’s Labours Lost
“international finance and communism seemed to be working together”
Where did you get that opinion from? A dumpster?
Ron Unz — The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath
Why do you keep posting these red-baiting commentaries? Are you a Democrat or something?
some time back….there was a guy on an aeroplane who threw some racist abuse at I think, a Caribbean lady…..Now, that one individual – was an utter fruitcake,…..So how was it reported in he MSM – “that we should ALL be ashamed”….according to them – we were All to be branded as somehow just as repulsive and and Guilty as he ? – how cheap and sickly sad is that, as unfortunately for them, they continually fail to recognise their own Idiocy – that there coercive attempts to pshycologically manipulate the masses through a targated flow of stigma , comes across as no more than the distant drone of some rotten useless but stinking effluent spreading apparatus……Yes – enough is enough, if they can’t play fair – then we block the channels and send that nasty gutteral spew back at them…..remind them that their inflated feelings of personal ability and infallibility – are no more than a pathetic Lie !.
An excellent article, which unmasks these ‘false priests’.
But now its time to fight back!
Remember the term “Fake News” spread by MSM? And did you notice that this term is no longer used by MSM? This is so because after MSM was “framed” to use this term, the public more and more used the term “Fake News” against MSM itself.
This happened because MSM was the greatest producer itself of “Fake News”. For that, English language has this saying “The pot calling the kettle black”.
So those who had made the “framing” of MSM (there must be a central office!) pulled the term “Fake News” out of traffic.
And now MSM has been “framed” to use the term “Anti-Semitic”. And also here this saying “The pot calling the kettle black” fits. This because this MSM (and their controlling/framing office) are the greatest Anti-Semites you could think of.
But we have to hit it into their face! We must blame them now on and on for being “Anti-Semites”!
Why are they “Anti-Semites”?
For this you must know that the (pseudo-scientific) ideology of Anti-Semitism was developed by the French Count Arthur de Gobineau in the early 19th century. Gobineau’s ideology of ‘low value of Semites’ was directed exclusively against the Arabs – not against the descendants of the old Hebrews. We know this from Gobineau’s sentence: “.. these dark-skinned, nomadic nations, that are destined to serve“. “Jews” – as these totally racist persons call themselves (I only use the word “Jew” only(!) for a follower of the Hebrew religion) – are not “dark-skinned” and “nomadic“!
It is easy to understand that Count Gobineau developed his ideology of ‘inferiority of Arabs’ because since the early 19th century France had the desire to occupy and colonize North Africa (nowadays Algeria, Tunisia …).
So the true Anti-Semites are those who destroyed the Semitic Libya and murdered the Semitic Muhammad al Gaddafi – and those who made propaganda for this genocide (MSM).
So the true Anti-Semites are those who destroyed and still destroy the Semitic state and people of Syria and always run propagandistic attacks (MSM, Wikipedia) against that very brave Semite Baschar al-Assad.
Also the Semitic countries and people of Somalia and Sudan have been destroyed by these Anti-Semites (Nato, EU, Australia, New Zealand …) and by the propaganda of our totally Anti-Semitic MSM.
The Palestinians are the only true descendants of the old Hebrews. Thus they are “Semites”. Thus those who kill, wound and dislodge them are Anti-Semites. Our MSM which appreciate this or at least doesn’t mention this ‘creeping Holocaust’ against the Palestinians are also Anti-Semites.
If You believe that these murderous Israelis were “Semites” (they are not – see below) you have to call these Israelis at least “Mass murderous Self-Hating Semites”.
But the Israelis are not “Semites” – but “Turks”! For this see my comment from some days ago:
And also notice user “milosevic”s answer there, he deserves thank for: “Report finds Ashkenazi Jews descended from Turks” –
Ah, the old “anti-Semitism doesn’t even refer to Jews” trope. Nothing like quibbling about the etymology of a term to ignore the content being referenced by the common usage of the term. Maybe try dealing with the actual purport of the article (anti-Jewish sentiment and its relation, or lack thereof, to anti-capitalism), rather than pretending as though anti-Jewish sentiment is an optical illusion?
as though anti-Jewish sentiment is an optical illusion
We keep hearing, over and over again, that “anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism”.
It is more than obvious that this is the opinion of a large majority of self-identified “Jews”.
After becoming aware of these anti-semitic hate facts, what attitude would a reasonable person adopt?
Should we tell them that they don’t understand the content of their own identity? Wouldn’t that be “anti-semitic”?
What attitude would a reasonable person adopt?
“We keep hearing, over and over again, that “anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism”.”
Yes, from Zionists.
“It is more than obvious that this is the opinion of a large majority of self-identified “Jews”.”
“It is obvious” – since the majority of the world’s Jews live in Israel.
Nice try, though, but I was talking about gutter anti-Jewish sentiment of the sort that you spout: equating Federal Reserve chairmen who are Jewish with “the Jewish people” as a category; equating Judaism with Bolshevism and vice versa; minimizing the atrocities of the Nazis by pointing to the “Holodomor”; a weird obsession with Rothschilds; and drawing upon ancient religious prejudices to bolster your position.
the majority of the world’s Jews live in Israel.
they don’t. this is really low-grade hasbara that you’re selling.
I was talking about gutter anti-Jewish sentiment of the sort that you spout
yes, as I said, anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere.
still waiting for your explanation of the Rothschild All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid adorning the Israeli Supreme Court. but I guess you can’t see it; anti-semitic hate facts are invisible to sabbat-goy GoodThinkers like yourself.
“they don’t. this is really low-grade hasbara that you’re selling.”
Okay, but many Jews outside of Israel are turning against Israel. Your absolutist mindset won’t acknowledge this, however. Whether Jews disown Israel is immaterial to you, because they still form “International Jewry” in your eyes.
“yes, as I said, anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere.”
You haven’t cited any facts, only gutter insinuations that you then convert to “facts” by pronouncement instead of analysis and appeal to base religious prejudice.
“still waiting for your explanation of the Rothschild All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid adorning the Israeli Supreme Court. but I guess you can’t see it; anti-semitic hate facts are invisible to sabbat-goy GoodThinkers like yourself.”
And I’m still waiting for you to 1) prove that it even is a “Rothschild All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid” rather than a pyramid with some circular portholes cut into it (I don’t see any “eyes”; if you do, that’s your business, but don’t try to smuggle that in as a “fact”), and 2) to provide an eloquent explanation for why conspirators would go around advertising their conspiracies to the world, thereby undermining their own interests. Your level of thinking is like that of a moon landing denier: very stupid, simple-minded and contradictory. Let’s see if we can get you up to speed on reality. Hmmm?
many Jews outside of Israel are turning against Israel.
— like in the 1950s, when Israel was believed to be Bad For The Jews. until the 1970s, when Israel became Good For The Jews.
A perceptive person might be able to discern what remains constant throughout these changes of opinion.
You destroyed any pretense of being a “perceptive person” when you signed onto the moon-landing denying cult, which exposes you not only as a right-wing fanatic cultural terrorist and vandal but also a scientific zero and baboon. Now go and attend to your nuts and berries; you zoo keeper is getting tired.
What do you have against baboons? Are you some kind of racist, or something?
Or is that the proper translation of “goyim”?
Nope, I meant baboons. You’re the one obsessed with categorizing actual people into “Aryans” and “untermenschen”.
a pyramid with some circular portholes cut into it
sure, the circular portholes are for the All-Seeing-Eye to See All through. what’s the point of an All-Seeing-Eye, if it’s going to be stuck inside of a pyramid?
“sure, the circular portholes are for the All-Seeing-Eye to See All through.”
In other words, you can’t show any “all-seeing eye”; you have to IMPUTE it, and then hope that I’ll just adopt that as an assumption.
I hope you don’t argue like that offline.
“what’s the point of an All-Seeing-Eye, if it’s going to be stuck inside of a pyramid?”
Says the “thinker” who hasn’t heard of a window or solar lighting in architecture.
Ummm, anyone who seriously believes that they landed this piece of utter garbage on the moon, is seriously deluded
But hey, Israel is on their way to the moon as we speak, in a new updated model of the piece of shit from the previous hoax. They’ve even taken a selfie with a full picture of Earth in the background
And it looks so similar to Apollo 11, proving the validity of both! Genius (not)
“But hey, Israel is on their way to the moon as we speak, in a new updated model of the piece of shit from the previous hoax. ”
^ sulked the loser who’s not any sort of scientist, engineer, or thinker, and who gets his expectations of space technology from children’s coloring books, Hollywood films and petty criminals on radio shows.
But i could be wrong! I eagerly await reading about the many contributions you and your taxi driver have made to space science and manned space travel. I’m sure that the Chinese, Russians and Europeans will be very keen to pick your brain about how to properly design a manned lunar module.
(it might have dawned on you that I haze zero respect for you)
Sorry, not watching your pathetic video by some cowardly dipshit on YouTube who scrapes to the lowest common denominator, relies on his audience being ignorant, and thinks he can crack what the Soviet KGB couldn’t. Angsty teenagers can be forgiven for thinking the moon landings were faked; anyone older than that deserves only the designation of “imbecile”. I’m sorry that you think Apollo was fake because you personally suck at math, engineering, logic and science and get your expectations of space technology from Hollywood films and children’s coloring books, but that really isn’t NASA’s fault. Maybe crack open a book sometime and learn a bit of the basics known to scientists and engineers all over the world (or write them a letter “informing that about how “deluded” they are. I’m sure you’ll have lots of “interesting” and “informative” things to say 🙂 ).
Guys: “Mucho” gets his expectations of space technology from children’s coloring books 🙂 That’s why he’s ANGRY that the Apollo craft look to his eyes to be “utter garbage” – because they don’t look sufficiently like the USS Enterprise. This is why NASA is consulting him for the design of the next lunar manned missions.
I make no apologuies for trying to highlight that the Apollo 11 landing module was quite clearly made in a studio, not by the world’s “leading” space agency.
If you actually watch the video, you will realise just how ridiculous it is to believe NASA did land that piece of shit on the moon. But you won’t……scared of the cognitive dissonance maybe?
NASA is 100% fraudlulent
Whatever you say big-jawed imb,ecilic child who thinks he’s more resourceful than the KGB. You’re an IMBECILE with nothing valid to say. You mistake your pathetic bleatings for “valid opinions.” You literally get your expectations of space technology from children’s coloring books. You probably think that the lunar landing module wasn’t shiny enough.
But I could be wrong! I’m sure the world’s aerospace companies will be very “interested” in your “opinion.”
“Ah, the old “anti-Semitism doesn’t even refer to Jews” trope”
What are You fantasising about, nonsenseneedstobefought??!!
I am already an elder man and throughout my hole life to this day I never heard/read only even once ““anti-Semitism doesn’t even refer to Jews”“!
But I always only experienced the opposite! That is: “anti-Semitism doesn’t even refer to Semites, except for ‘Jews’ ” (which are not even “Semites”!)
And in my comment above I forgot that is/was not only Libya+Gaddafi, Syria+Assad, but also Iraq+Saddam Hussein and the now murdered people of Yemen. All “Semites”!
It is Your totally disgusting RACISM that You, nonsenseneedstobefought, share with exactly the NAZIS!
A Jew is someone who follows the Hebrew religion (possibly a person from Ethiopia, with black skin). But people like you and also the Nazis (even today’s Nazis) try to romance about that “Jews” are a RACE or at least a collective group by “blood” (Nazis: “Blut und Boden”).
Even if(!) “Jews” were “Semites” there where not a special race! You and your Zionist troops do the same as the Nazis with “Germanic”. Yes, the Germanics where Indo-Europeans. But they were in no way a special RACE. And with the Nazis demanding that “Germanics” were a special race they at the same moment declared “Slavs” (descendants of the old Slavs are today’s, Russian. Poles, Baltic people, Czechs, Slovaks, most people of the Balkans and so on) to be humans of “low value (“minderwertig”).
And like You, nonsenseneedstobefought, and Your Zionists do the same. You declare “Jews” (wrongly believing that “Jews” are Semites) to be a special race, and that other Semites (e. g. Arabs) are of “low value” and can be killed, bombed, wounded, dislodged with impunity.
Jewish racist like You, nonsenseneedstobefought, are even disgusting Holocaust-Deniers!
Let’s recall: With the Nazis “Holocaust” we don’t define all humans having been murdered by the Nazis – but only those who have been murdered because of racialist delusion. And it makes absolutely sense to have a special category for these victims of this disgusting racialist delusion.
But You, nonsenseneedstobefought, and Your alike quote the Holocaust with “6 Million murdered Jews“!
This although also a ½ Million Gypsies (we nowadays often call “Sinti and Roma”) were murdered in the Holocaust, too. So every honest person would quote the Holocaust non other than “6 ½ Million racialist murdered humans/people”.
But for You and Your friends, nonsenseneedstobefought, Gipsies are obviously somehow of ‘low value’! For You they don’t count – their victims mustn’t even be mentioned – and history must tilt its memory insofar.
But the formula “6 Million murdered Jews”, spread by Your friends and the Anti-Semitic MSM, is not only racialist, because it simply drops the murdered Gypsies out of memory. It is also racialist because the Term “Jews” in the formula “6 Million murdered Jews” is exactly the term a non-Holocaust-denying Nazi would use – and You and Your friends and the anti-Semitic MSM use to this day.
For everyone who doesn’t think racialist a Jew is person following the Hebrew religion. But the Nazis didn’t have a religious war (like the “30-years war in the 17th century). They didn’t care about religion. Karl Marx was a Materialist/ Atheist – not a Jew. And Heinrich Heine was a Catholic – not a Jew. But if the Nazis would have murdered Marx and Heine all the same (which they would have), because of their racialist terminology of “JEW” – a terminology that You, nonsenseneedstobefought, and the anti-Semitic MSM share!
By the way: The Nazis didn’t only murder “Full-Jews” (Nazi-term when both parents were considered “Jews”), but also “Half-Jews” (Nazi-term when only one parent was considered “Jew”) and sometimes even “Quarter-Jews” (Nazi-term when one of the four grandparents was considered “Jew”).
But you, your Zionist friends and the Anti-Semitic MSM still speak of “6 Million Jews” – and thus transport the Nazis’ and the Zion-Nazi’s disgusting racialist ideology further on!
I stopped reading your pathetic rant when I realized that the whole point of my post whooshed right over your head. Maybe try to stay on point next time, hmmm?
Thanks Kit – superb distillation of the most important themes arising from the media’s antisemitism trope.
In various arenas psyops or brute force is being used to ensure power and wealth is concentrated in the same few hands while the public squabble amongst themselves because of the dissembling – no matter how risible some of the claims may be.
Its a tried and trusted formula that seems to work everytime but I still dream of the day the public will wake up from their slumbers and realise the greed of the few comes a high cost for the rest of us.
ALL central banks are state agencies.
You’re spreading elite disinformation.
Untrue. The US Federal Reserve is NOT a government agency. It is a private banking cartel. It has been since 1913. Check this out for yourself. Control and issuance of the currency is in entirely private hands, to serve the interests of its owners. Most of the central banks of the world are private Rothschild banks. Amongst the few exceptions are the countries in the Neocon cross hairs. Russia, China, Iran, Syria. By some strange coincidence.
No that’s just nonsense. Central banks are government agencies. The US government is the monopoly issuer of $US.
You’re just regurgitating elite serving myths that make no logical sense.
I’m afraid that’s simply untrue. If you’re genuinely interested in the subject rather than just spreading disinformation, you can check this easily for yourself. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel. It is not a government agency. The issuance of the currency is in private hands. Always has been.
“I’m afraid that’s simply untrue. If you’re genuinely interested in the subject rather than just spreading disinformation, you can check this easily for yourself”
Sure, there are many white supremacist websites that talk about the Fed being a “private cartel” (and the more “informative” ones, by your lights, also “inform” people that Jewish power is at the helm), but unfortunately for you, the real world doesn’t work that way. The Fed has no obligation to be a private cartel just because YOU need it to be, “marklosevic”.
nonsenseneedstobefought you’re just a mirror of the antisemtic racists i.e. you’re a racist too.
Now stop jumping in on my conversations, please.
“you’re a racist too.” Prove it, moron. Show me an instance of me supporting racist ideologies or talking points. Now stop making slanderous accusations, please.
Then you can show me on a spread sheet how that works.
Or why this ‘cartel’ would bother.
Until then, I suggest you stop pretending to know about the monetary system.
Nonsense. Central banks are government agencies.
The Federal government is the monopoly issuer of US$ and Congress has the spending and taxation power.
You are regurgitating an elite serving myth that makes no logical sense in the real world of state currencies.
“Untrue. The US Federal Reserve is NOT a government agency. It is a private banking cartel.”
Sure, according to the likes of Alex Jones and other white nativist fascists.
“It has been since 1913.”
It hasn’t, though.
“Check this out for yourself. Control and issuance of the currency is in entirely private hands, to serve the interests of its owners.”
That’s not how the Fed works. The supreme irony is that you think it is somehow part of a “Jewish Bolshevik” conspiracy, when in fact the Fed is a federal agency and its actions are undertaken to preserve the capitalist system, which you think you’re defending against communist usurpers. “If only we can get a good white Christian in there, then everything will be fine!” is the sentiment you’re reaching for. You scapegoat Jews because 1) it’s convenient to do so, as it draws upon a ready-made well of ancient religious prejudice which you know will gain traction among many, and 2) you don’t understand the mechanics of your beloved, precious capitalist system, and so need to blame its structural and systemic deficiencies on “Jews”.
“Most of the central banks of the world are private Rothschild banks.”
According to neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and white nativistic fanatics, sure. It has to be asked: why are you parroting Nazi talking points and regurgitating Hitler’s bleatings about “International Jewry”?
“Amongst the few exceptions are the countries in the Neocon cross hairs. Russia, China, Iran, Syria. By some strange coincidence.”
But, but..I thought the Jews BANKROLLED the Bolsheviks (who were in the cross-hairs of every imperialist country at the time)!
You can go off at a tangent as much as you like, ranting about how hard done by us poor Jews are and all the goyim have got it in for us. I’m not following you down whatever rabbit holes you want to go down.
The issue here is the status of the Federal Reserve. It is not a government agency. It is a private banking cartel. No smokescreens you try to throw up can obscure that simple fact.
The Fed is a government agency. US$ are government liabilities and private sector assets.
You don’t understand state currency to claim otherwise.
“It is not a government agency. It is a private banking cartel. ”
Except…it isn’t.
“No smokescreens you try to throw up can obscure that simple fact.”
Then try facts for a change. You white nativist market fundamentalists are really tiresome but at some point you’ll have to put down your toys and stop believing in magical Jewish wizards who are out to eat you.
magical Jewish wizards
You literally believe in magical Jewish wizards who cast spells on everyone to manipulate them. Not watching your pathetic video.
Could we please get some moderation going on on this site, please? The animal “milsoevic” is refusing to address the points put to him and indulging in diversion and tangents. I’m not saying to ban him; I’m saying to suspend his access until he can demonstrate good-faith adherence to the principle of staying on-point.
It would be closer to the truth to define most government in the West today as agencies of ‘their own’ central banks!
“It would be closer to the truth to define most government in the West today as agencies of ‘their own’ central banks”
Controlled by “the Jews”, right? That’s what you want to say.
Oh goodness, you don’t actually think I’m going to watch that, do you?
Central banks have little real power.
They run the payments system and maintain the government’s target interest rates.
They could be just an office in Treasury.
I do agree with the main trust here: one minority is more responsible than others for a lot of mess: the greedy uber rich. Amongst them the Jews are a minority so not no mention worthy.
You must be an “anti semite”, calling the uber rich greedy like that. I hope for your sake Berger and the Board of Deputies don’t find out. Such “anti Semitism” is appalling.
A minority? Haha you keep telling the Goyum that mate eventually they’ll believe you
“Haha you keep telling the Goyum that mate eventually they’ll believe you”
I love how you adopt the Nazi trope that Jews are all working together in concert and are all receiving the same marching orders from Judaic religious texts (never mind if the Jew in question isn’t even religious; you don’t bother to check such things, because for you, it’s enough that he’s Jewish, and so, by definition, he’s already acting in a way prescribed by said religious texts). Note that yours is a trope, not an analysis. You simply ASSUME that there’s some coordinated Jewish program for controlling non-Jews and that state policy through the Fed is conducted for that reason. But until you can show that this is the case – that is, until you can show that Jews in positions of power at the Fed and on Wall Street are doing what they do FOR THE SAKE OF a common Jewish program, and that these people are not simply incidentally Jewish – then you’re holding nothing but an empty bag drawing hot air from centuries of feudal-religious prejudice.
It’s the same argument western racists infesting such cesspits as Russia Insider and now parrot: “anti-racism means anti-white.” If the argument is that attacking capitalism is attacking Jews, then obviously it’s an admission that Jews control, in fact are synonymous with, capitalism. If that isn’t true, and it’s not, then that means that anti capitalism cannot possibly mean “anti semitism”. Just like “anti racist means anti white” equals “racist = white”, which is so ridiculous that only the mind of a racist could have come up with it.
You must be “anti semitic.” That is implicit criticism of capitalism. Ergo, you are “anti semitic.” You’ll have to go and find a “cesspit” to “infest.” I’m going to report you to Berger and Shai Masot and the Board of Deputies.
Reading Off-Guardian one gets the impression that a good part of those 2.3% hardcore antisemitists gather here.
Zillions of topics around Zionism too, the rest of the world barely exists here. Yemen, Kashmir, Somalia, Ukraine, North Korea, Nigeria, Libya, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden etc. etc.are all not discussion worthy.
wake me up when the Prime Ministers of Yemen, Kashmir, Somalia, Ukraine, North Korea, Nigeria, Libya, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Denmark, or Sweden, can replicate this Stalinist extravaganza:
Nowt wrong with Stalin mostbof what you’ve been told about Stalin is made up and laughable
Kim Jong Un was very envious of the number of standing ovations.
One of the standing ovations clocked in at a staggering four minutes long haha. Can’t quite remember what he said. Something like “we have dropped so many bombs on innocent men, women and children……and made a fucking fortune in the process. That’s democracy”. I think that was it
I thought it was just because he broke wind and scratched his arse. Enough for a 10 minute standing ovation from all the 30 shekel goy trained seals. Some of the goy whores who weren’t thought to be sufficiently obsequious and enthusiastic were hauled over the coals and severely reprimanded afterwards by the Zionist media. You can never overdo the grovelling to our Zionist Masters.
Oy vey look the other way is all you have to say
“Oh vey” is the preserve of imbeciles with the mental maturity of 12 year olds. You seem to be such an imbecile.
It’s irrelevant what it means. The morally relevant point is that it’s consistently used by gutter Nazis such as yourself to virtue signal to other gutter Nazis that you hate Jews.
I hate zionists, but I keep hearing that’s what all non-self-hating Jews are.
I don’t hate the self-hating Jews; they already have enough problems, with the self-hating, etc.
Does that make me a bad person?
“I hate zionists, but I keep hearing that’s what all non-self-hating Jews are.”
Yes, from Zionists who incorrectly presume to speak for all Jewish people. What’s your point? Oh, that’s right: Zionist claims provide for a convenient excuse to ignore nuance and actual facts when it comes to Jews, so that you can continue spouting your “hate facts” like a pathetic child.
“I don’t hate the self-hating Jews; they already have enough problems, with the self-hating, etc.”
You do hate them, as you keep confirming with your constantly dipping into age-old anti-Jewish sentiment, tropes and Nazis memes to act as filler for your “arguments”. That’s why you lump all Jews together under a common banner, and take the words of some of them to be indicative of the thoughts of ALL of them. Hitler would have literally saluted you – and that you don’t see that as a problem is apparently something you think I should overlook. Sorry, Nazi: not going to happen.
“Does that make me a bad person?”
Asks the disgusting troll with the mental maturity of a 12 year old.
It is what happens when groups like the Zionists systematically interfere with the democratic process in a sovereign nation, as in the ritual scurrilous attacks on Corbyn. I see absolutely no indication of AS, just the scheming machinations of his political foes and the consequences of a belief system that puts Israel first, regardless of domicile or birthplace, infiltrating, indeed poisoning the opposition political party. People don’t like it.
It’s what Steve Sailer would call a hate fact.
By the way, I noticed the pyramid with the all-seeing eye in that Mear One mural, and let me say on behalf of all Free Masons: that is offensive! 😀
Facts are anti semitic!!! Everything is anti semitic!!! Everyone is anti semitic!!!i
“Facts are anti semitic!!! Everything is anti semitic!!! Everyone is anti semitic!!!i”
You are, definitely.
all the best people are “anti-semitic”, nowadays.
“anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism”, remember?
do they pay you for your hasbara services by the word, or by the hour?
either way, I doubt if they’re getting their money’s worth.
“all the best people are “anti-semitic”, nowadays”
True, so long as the quotation marks are kept around anti-Semitic. I would have to be counted among them given my support for Palestinian freedom and the dissolution of the Israeli state. As for ACTUAL anti-Jewish trash – friends of Palestine have no respect for you. They see what you’re trying to do when you clamor to turn the Palestinian freedom struggle into a circus in the service of Nazi and gutter feudal-religious ideology. The cause of Palestinian freedom is simply too important to be left in the hands of gutter religious and racial chauvinists who reduce everything to “Jews rooool the werrrrlldd!!” You’re a parasite on the Palestinian struggle, not a helper of it.
“do they pay you for your hasbara services by the word, or by the hour?”
Oh, dear. is this what you’ve been reduced to? 🙂 You just gave up incredibly easily, didn’t you? No arguments left; just taunts of “hasbara” and “oh vey” to sustain you now. Is it tough?
The cause of Palestinian freedom is simply too important to be left in the hands of gutter religious and racial chauvinists who reduce everything to “Jews rooool the werrrrlldd!!” You’re a parasite on the Palestinian struggle, not a helper of it.
I don’t read things that you copy and paste. Bogging myself down in that would give tacit approval for your tactic of diversion.
I don’t read things
yes, that’s why you’re such an ignoramus.
I don’t read your copy-pastes from meat-head politicians. That’s why I’m not stupid like you.
“anti-semitism” consists mainly of “hate facts” — things which are essentially true, but which all GoodThinkers instinctively know that they’re supposed to disbelieve, at least publically.
anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere you look. only through constant practice of Reality Control, can you avoid inadvertently slipping into anti-semitism.
I noticed the pyramid with the all-seeing eye in that Mear One mural, and let me say on behalf of all Free Masons: that is offensive!
anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere you look. That’s not a Masonic All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid — it’s a Rothschild/Zionist All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid!
““anti-semitism” consists mainly of “hate facts””
Thanks for admitting that you think that anti-Jewish sentiment is something you wholeheartedly partake in and agree with (you think it represents “truth”) and that you share continuity with the Nazis on this. Most people (decent people, at least) know that anti-Jewish sentiment is mostly superstitiously-inspired feudal-religious filth in the service of demagogues. I guess that magic and spells form a strong part of your conceptual universe as well.
“anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere you look. That’s not a Masonic All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid — it’s a Rothschild/Zionist All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid!”
Good Nazi tropes, updated for the current age. You sound proud to have your intellectual pedigree planted so firmly in the writings of Adolf Hitler (“But, but…I’m not an ACTUAL Nazi! I just AGREE with everything he said! Stop being such a goy!”).
Most people know that anti-Jewish sentiment is mostly superstitiously-inspired feudal-religious filth in the service of demagogues. I guess that magic and spells form a strong part of your conceptual universe as well.
haha, “magic and spells”. good one.
Ron Unz — Oddities of the Jewish Religion
— now you can start shrieking about “blood libels”, instead of “nazis”.
I eagerly await your explanation of the Rothschild All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid on the roof of the Supreme Court of Israel. But that’s just another anti-semitic hate fact, which well-trained sabbat goyim like yourself are psychologically incapable of seeing.
“haha, “magic and spells”. good one.”
It’s how you think: you literally believe that the world runs at the behest of kooky conspiracies presided over by Jewish wizards who have the power to magically manipulate vast multitudes. Only imbeciles, Tsar enthusiasts, Nazis, and bit-coin fundamentalists think this way.
“Ron Unz — Oddities of the Jewish Religion”
All religions are replete with “oddities”. Your deflection is as pathetic as it is ignorant.
“— now you can start shrieking about “blood libels”, instead of “nazis”.”
No, that’s what you’re going to do. You’re also going to tell me about how Jews and Masons drink Christian blood, and you’re going to link me to a web-page with a url containing “stormfront” in it to “prove” it.
“I eagerly await your explanation of the Rothschild All-Seeing-Eye Pyramid on the roof of the Supreme Court of Israel”
What all-seeing eye pyramid? It’s a pyramid with some holes. The “eye” is something that your gutter Nazi mind imputed into it. In other words, you’re using the logical fallacy of circle reasoning: you’re assuming your own conclusions. But I do eagerly await your explanation of why conspirators would go around advertising their conspiracies to the world and thereby allow people to “connect the dots”, against the interests of said conspirators. You have some very kooky notions of how conspiracies actually work. You’re a very “special” person, with a truly “amazing” way of thinking.
“But that’s just another anti-semitic hate fact” It would be, if it was actually a fact.
“which well-trained sabbat goyim like yourself are psychologically incapable of seeing.” Sssshhhhh, your pathetic Nazism and kooky way of thinking are showing. It’s okay, stupid child. Sssshhhhhh. Here, have a cookie.
You’re also going to tell me about how Jews and Masons drink Christian blood, and you’re going to link me to a web-page with a url containing “stormfront” in it to “prove” it.
oh, but that’s where you’re wrong:
see? no Stormfront there. note that it’s an ex-jew reviewing a heavily suppressed book by a Jewish-Israeli academic.
anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere. only a trained mind can avoid seeing them.
What all-seeing eye pyramid? It’s a pyramid with some holes.
anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere. only a trained mind can avoid seeing them.
like yours, for example.
No trained mind needed to see that the Jews are a tiny (and much persecuted) minority with their 15 million ppl.
Blindness plus deafness needed to oversee 2 billion Muslims with dozens of Nations expanding territory under their Holy Book’s ideology. “Christians” didn’t do that since at least a century. The New Testament didn’t help too.
“anti-semitic hate facts are everywhere. only a trained mind can avoid seeing them.”
Says the lazy animal who pointedly avoided proving what he’s claiming. I await your proof that the pyramid without eyes on it adorning the Israeli Supreme Court is a Rothschild’s pyramid (is there such a thing, by the way?) with eyes on it. You also refused to explain why conspirators would go around actively advertising their conspiracies, thus undermining their own interests. Apparently, this is how you think conspiracies work. I feel bad that you learned logic from a toddler.
a Rothschild’s pyramid (is there such a thing, by the way?) with eyes on it
sure there is, there’s one on the roof of the Israeli Supreme Court.
references are just above.
“sure there is, there’s one on the roof of the Israeli Supreme Court.”
I love how you think that your circular reason counts as “proof” 🙂 That’s ADORABLE.
Seamus, so why didn’t FreeMason spokespersons complain about Zio Capitalists sticking Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye on Rothschild’s fiat U$ $bills?
the Eye of Rothschild sees everything:

annuit coeptis = “providence favors our undertakings”
novus ordo seclorum = “new order of the ages”
(what the actual f***. why is the same f***ing occult symbol on the US dollar bill AND the Israeli Supreme Court building, designed by the Rothschilds? I challenge anyone to provide a non-anti-semitic explanation of this bizarre hate fact.)
“(what the actual f***. why is the same f***ing occult symbol on the US dollar bill AND the Israeli Supreme Court building, designed by the Rothschilds? I challenge anyone to provide a non-anti-semitic explanation of this bizarre hate fact.)”
Right, so conspirators go around ADVERTISING their conspiracies to the world. Yeah, because that’s how the real world works…
You Nazis are so “special” 🙂 Your thinking is truly amazing.
In other words, you are unable to provide a non-anti-semitic explanation of this bizarre hate fact.
Thanks for playing, please try again.
“In other words, you are unable to provide a non-anti-semitic explanation of this bizarre hate fact.”
Ah, I see. So I have to adopt your circular reasoning and see “eyes” when in fact there are only portholes, then. Gotcha.
You delinquent Nazi animals truly have an “amazing” way of thinking 🙂 Now: tell me more about how conspirators go around and deliberately provide evidence of their conspiracies, thereby acting against their own interests. I’m sure you’ll have lots of “amazing” things to say about that 🙂
(be honest. Are you just annoyed that your zoo keeper didn’t bring you your favorite nuts and berries?)
Planet of the Apes: A Movie About Jews?
The animal “milosevic”: the type of guy who points to “bizarre facts” but needs to rely on circular reasoning to “prove” that they’re facts.
It was just my attempt at humor, vexarb. I’m not actually a Mason, and I don’t find it offensive at all. I was just poking fun at those critics who claimed to be scandalized by the big noses in the mural.
Padraig, blushing apologies, must buy fresh batteries for my irony detector.
“Free Masons”. Hmmm, another Nazi favorite. There seems to be a pattern emerging with you. Tell us what other points of agreement you have with the Nazis, Seamus. There seems to be something you want to say. Let’s see if you’re brave enough.
I guess you’re just the type of guy who thinks that the world actually operates in the way that Hitler announced he wanted to put an end to? Hmmm?
The nazis believed that the earth orbits around the sun, rather than the other way around.
Many people still believe that the world actually operates this way, just like Hitler did. They need to be hunted down and sent to re-education camps, before they can convince even more people to agree with the nazis.
LOL, what? Are you feeling alright, “milosevic”?
A quote by Orwell denouncing totalitarian control by a political party isn’t ANY sort of argument if you’re a Nazi, unless you’re trying to be trollish and ironic. Fascist goons like you, when given the chance, enjoy sadistic torture and humiliation of your victims and sign up to such organizations as the SA and SS for that very opportunity. How disgustingly, therefore, that you choose to demonstrate this online during the presidency of a white supremacist buffoon.
It will all end with a group hug between Corbyn the ‘peacemaker’, Tony Blair, Guy Verhofstadt and Jared Kushner.
Maybe at Eurovision, who knows ?
They’ll come at me with the implant device, offering universal basic income, protection from the microdrone swarms and some good ol’ American Genetically engineered gruel.
But I will be half gone already by then.
They’ll never get this crank.
Oh, Crank…. We are destined to go out with a whimper not a bang. The enemy is amorphous and insidious. They play the long game through many generations – they will just wait until we die off. They are interested in the younger generation who are being groomed as we speak…
Having nothing tangible to fight, we will just be left to wither on the vine until we drop off.
good ol’ American Genetically engineered gruel
It perverts all who are infected by it.
The irony is: What are they gonna buy and who are they gonna wield authority over on a desecrated, windswept, barren planet?
Fairdinkum point that, everyone lives off the rich except the rich who live off the poor. Even if all that remains on a “windswept barren planet” is a colony of chimps, poor chump chimps will allow a top chimp to take their best banana.
Indeed that is a truly astonishing irony. The über-greedy imagine that their wealth buys them a culturally elevated position in society, yet they use their wealth to speak in superficially-imitated accents at luxury gatherings in palaces, while they get as drunk as any football lout, and talk about the weather, sports and the price of petrol.
Who would even want such a mind?
Perhaps the fact that people with a truly cultivated mind would be unable to tolerate such an environment is the reason they don’t have any money.
If so, then I don’t have a problem with it at all.
Superb article.
Friends, it’s time for revolution. All talk is wasting energy. Get into the streets. The 1% is frightened to the point of despair and it shows, in their insane and inane counter’attacks’.
They are ripe to be picked. Now’s the time to strike.
Écrasez l’infâme!
For starters, here’s Chris Hedges on same:
What we have is a confluence of agreement between two groups of society that do not want a Labour government led by Corbyn.
It is so simple as to be transparent with those with eyes to see.
The 80k plus media merchants who are in favour of the ‘Old Ways ‘ continuing have latched on to a small group of
Jewish people who in some instances have a right to defend themselves as would black or muslim people.
Nothing wrong with that at all in my book.
But the reaction of these people is ending up in the degeneration of the wronged ethnic/religious group into some kind of political game.
The knocking over of headstones and daubing Jewish Cemeteries in North Manchester for instances where I know are not the outcome of any argument about the status of the state of Israel they are a product of the right – not the left.
They are based on tropes that the Jews run the world.
It isn’t true of course but the myth prevails.
i would accuse the right wing ( and I accuse the centre right of the Labour Party of this) of diluting the real anti semitism of the nation as they do vis a vis anti muslim – anti black in order to score points against the Labour leadership.
It is not about defending Jews – Muslims or Black people against all forms of racism – it is about attacking Corbyn by any means necessary.
I genuinely sniff a General Election as the rate of attack on Corbyn is palpable.
The Tory party could explode next week and that to the established order is the end of all that they hold dear.
Watch this space.
ENGLAND and later the UK has been OWNED by the JEWS since 1695
just like the USA has been and is owned by the JEWS since 2013
Extempting a Part of the INDIGENOUS ELITES who are corrupted and rotten to the Core
like the CHURCHILLS for ex —the British have mainly been exploitable CANNON FODDER.
today diluted by Hoardes of Immigrants so that the Corrupted 2,5 % Jewish Overlords
can continue to DIVIDE and RULE …END of STORY.
The only remaining Part of the World where common man is NOT trod under the JEWISH HEEL
is parts of East Europe , Russia and Asia …
FOR ALL, white young people .. therefore : EMIGRATE
I think you mean 1913, the year the Fed was founded.
“WAAAAAAAAAAH, the Federal Reserve!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!”
Pathetic and monstrously stupid.
When is an anti-semitic hate fact not an anti-semitic hate fact?
hate facts are only hate facts when they are noticed by the dirty goyim. when the Chosen People are celebrating their Chosenness, anti-semitic hate facts become pro-semitic self-love facts.
anti-semitic hate fact #53827 — part of a continuing series:
Milosevic, funny you should have found that in a Zio mag: ” an unprecedented run of Jewish power and influence. The chairman’s seat hasn’t been occupied by a non-Jew since 1987, when Alan Greenspan was appointed by President Ronald Reagan”.
It was about that time, 1987, the era of Raygun and Snatcher, that I dined in a kibbutz in Israel (before it became a private company), looked around and exclaimed: “But this is the golden age of the Jew! Old fashioned preWar Antisemitism is dead — killed by the excesses of Nazism. Numerus Clausus is dead; 1% of Jews occupy 10% of academic positions. Jewish economic power has never been greater; Jews represent 20% of the richest people on Earth, with Rothschild on top of the pile. And Israel is the most highly capitalized littly country on Earth, with very special privileges for trade, aid and MI support.
My feelings were genuinely sympathetic, because Hitler’s war had dominated my childhood. But that was 1987. Then Anglo Zio Capitalism began to show its fangs: against YugoSlavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and Syria. And always Zionazi maltreatment of Palestinians, murders and theft of Palestinian territory, relentless bombings of Gaza, “bombing the shit out of” Lebanon and theft of Lebanese territory, holding onto occupied Syrian Golan and trying to have it declared part of Israel by the U$ govt. The anti-Semitism smear is not only a Capitalist ploy: it is specifically a Zio Capitalist ploy; even more specifically, an Anglo Zio Capitalist ploy. In my view Corbyn’s abject capitulation to this ploy — especially not fighting the ban on Lebanese armed resistance Hezb’Allah — has quashed the hope of a resurgent Socialist Labour.
“hate facts are only hate facts when they are noticed by the dirty goyim. when the Chosen People are celebrating their Chosenness, anti-semitic hate facts become pro-semitic self-love facts.”
Sorry, but you actually do sound like a genuine Nazi. Your rhetoric is taken straight from the pages of Goebbels. Next you’ll be telling me that the Nazis are “misunderstood” and that Hitler was just a guy who “loved his people”.
“The chairman’s seat hasn’t been occupied by a non-Jew since 1987, when Alan Greenspan was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to follow Paul Volcker. With the succession of Ben Bernanke in 2006, under President George W. Bush, and now the appointment of Yellen by President Barack Obama, it’s worth remembering that there is a concept in Jewish thought called chazakah:”
Right, so you’re telling us that if the Reserve wasn’t headed by a Jew, it would be serving the interests of the masses? How STUPID and naive do you havr ot be about capitalism to believe such trash?
“When something happens three times, it can be considered permanent. Applied to the Federal Reserve, it would suggest an impossibly firm grasp on a degree of power the likes of which the Jewish people have never known.””
Ah, so the “Jewish people” control the Federal Reserve. Yeah, you ARE a dedicated Nazi.
— and you sound like a dedicated sabbat goy. If you weren’t so busy barking at imaginary threats, you might have noticed the source of the article:
— but you’ve inadvertently proved my point: you casually assumed that “Applied to the Federal Reserve, it would suggest an impossibly firm grasp on a degree of power the likes of which the Jewish people have never known” was anti-semitic hate, but because of the source, it actually turns out to be pro-semitic self-love.
Almost all “anti-semitism” consists of hate facts like this. Things which an objective investigation would show to be true, but which are immediately dismissed as “anti-semitic” lies by ideologically well-trained GoodThinkers, such as yourself. A common result is own goals, like the one above.
you’re telling us that if the Reserve wasn’t headed by a Jew, it would be serving the interests of the masses? How STUPID and naive do you have to be about capitalism to believe such trash?
It seems that like many sabbat goyim, you get your arguments straight out of the Hasbara Handbook. I never said any such thing, and obviously neither did that article, but highly-indoctrinated anti-anti-semites such as yourself, cannot resist the compulsion to start shrieking “nazi! nazi! nazi!”, whenever triggered by the appearance of anti-semitic hate facts.
It must be tiring, to be a sabbat goy, always trying to anticipate your masters’ most trivial concerns. Hopefully the job pays well, at least.
Oh, how boringly and disgustingly predictable: the Nazi worm pulls out the “goy” trope, and then, like the sniveling little man-brat that he is, also pulls out the “triggered” meme. Pathetic, lousy animal. Go cry into a pillow that your Austrian corporal didn’t vanquish the Soviet Union.
“I never said any such thing, and obviously neither did that article,”
Then why are you bleating about it, imbecile? The entire purport of posting what you posted was to make insinuations, feed into and fan the ready-supplied well of anti-Jewish religious prejudice. You’re nothing but an intellectual terrorist, vandal and demagogue, just like your Austrian corporal who in your view, only told “anti-Semitic truths.”
This lousy animal thinks that Federal Reserve chairmen who are Jewish are to be equated with “the Jewish people” as a category. Hitler couldn’t have said it better himself. He would have been proud of “milosevic”, and would have marveled at how easy it is to turn people like him into bloodthirsty beasts scratching themselves and crawling in the piss, slime and effluent of ancient religious prejudices.
Unfortunately for the animal “milosevic”, he hasn’t been able to demonstrate that a high preponderance of Jewish Federal Reserve chairmen translates into a Jewish PROGRAM taking its marching orders from Jewish religious edicts. He relies on, and knows he can count on, base religious prejudices to fill in the blanks. Analysis is unnecessary. He can only bleat “goyim” and make the disgusting insinuation that Jewish people all receive their marching orders from a common set of values and doctrines bound up in religious texts. But until he can do some actual comparative analysis, he’s holding nothing but an empty bag and jumping on the Nazi bandwagon of lumping all Jews into the same basket, and relying on the prejudiced inertia of ages to propel his bigoted and murderous suppositions to the status of self-evident truths.
Ron Unz — Racial Discrimination at Harvard
Milosevic, that Link to Ron Unz on a 10-to-1 Jewish over-representation at Ivy League Schools, relative to “white” (Low Melanin?) Christians of equal ability, is an eye-opener. A startling anti-Semitic fact:
“Based on these figures, Jewish students were roughly 1,000% more likely to be enrolled at Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League than white Gentiles _of similar ability_
It would be unreasonable to ignore the salient _fact that this massive bias in favor of far less-qualified Jewish applicants coincides with an equally massive ethnic skew at the topmost administrative ranks of the universities in question, … by 1993 Harvard, Yale, and Princeton all had presidents of Jewish ancestry, and the same is true for the current presidents of Yale, Penn, Cornell, .. as well as Princeton’s president throughout during the 1990s and Yale’s new incoming president, while all three of Harvard’s most recent presidents have either had Jewish origins or a Jewish spouse. … Although Princeton’s current president is not Jewish, all seven of the most recent Princeton provosts stretching back to 1977 have had such ancestry, with several of the other Ivies not being far behind. A similar degree of massive [Jewish] over-representation is found throughout the other top administrative ranks of the rest of the Ivy League, and across American leading educational institutions in general, _and these are the institutions which select our future national elites_.”
[Vexarb adds: “elites” cf. French elu, the chosen people]
on the subject of elites as “chosen people”, see also here:
Joachim Martillo — Judonia Rising — The Israel Lobby and American Society
Why should racial discrimination upset you? You approve of it.
So the present Federal Reserve president Jerome Powell is a Jewish? Can’t tell his mother (Patricia Hayden) anymore as she passed away. Did he convert? You were there?
Pathetic Nazi commentary. I bet you’re still mad at the Soviets for destroying Army Group Center.
anti-semitic hate fact #53828 — part of a continuing series:
Karyn was more than likely done by the Nazis. All evidence Gorbachev release day was released on paper not made until the 80’s and used a stamp of the ussr not used until the 1947, several years after katyn
As I thought: you’re FURIOUS at the Soviets for destroying Army Group Center. Pathetic Nazi.
This is continuing series on things that “milosevic” the Nazi apologist ascribes to Jews and Judaism. Apparently, he believes that “Rothschilds” sit atop the capitalist pyramid but that they also controlled and brought into existence history’s premier anti-capitalist state. Hmmmm….
“Rothschilds” sit atop the capitalist pyramid but they also controlled and brought into existence history’s premier anti-capitalist state.
This is one of the many historical instances where the Official Story just doesn’t make sense, but then …
(spoiler: What was the world’s first Jewish State?)
Even if it’s true that some Jewish bankers threw some cash at the Bolshevik, it doesn’t mean that they controlled the Bolsheviks or that such support was enough to make a difference, but it DOES mean that they made you VERY angry. And to that I say: good for them!
Don’t like Jewish bankers throwing money at communists? Then stop participating in sectarian hatred and rhetoric like some Islamist terrorist trying to overthrow the Syrian state on account of it being an “Alawite regime”. When you use sectarian language of the sort beloved of ISIS, Hitler and Himmler, you become a religious fanatic in the service of religiously-guided atrocity. There wouldn’t have been any feeling of wanting to exact revenge on Czarists if people like you weren’t such devote feudal-religious filth peddlers demonically obsessed with “combating International Jewry” (i.e engaging in pogroms, sending people to slave labor camps, and then lying through your teeth about it when you’re put in front of a court).
a religious fanatic in the service of religiously-guided atrocity
engaging in pogroms
sending people to slave labor camps
lying through your teeth about it
Nicholas Lysson — Holocaust and Holodomor
^ Gotta love how this bloodthirsty disgusting animal trivializes one of the most well-documented genocides in history, and then tries to attach that label to one of the last of the historical periodic famines in the Ukraine, while also ignoring what his heroes did in the Ukraine.
Why not? Play both ends against the middle.
Adelson bankrolls the Republicans and has the Republicans in his pocket.
Saban bankrolls the Democrats and has the Democrats in his pocket.
Just covering all the options.
Like covering black and red on the roulette table at the same time.
Sorry, folks, shouldn’t be feeding the trolls. They get a bit tedious after a while.
“Adelson bankrolls the Republicans and has the Republicans in his pocket.
Saban bankrolls the Democrats and has the Democrats in his pocket.”
This makes zero sense as an analogy for bankrolling the Soviets. According to Nazi imbeciles like “milosevic”, Jewish bankers were CRUCIAL to the Soviets even obtaining power. Without these bankers, according to imbeciles like “milosevic”, the Soviets would not have become the state power in Russia. Why “hedge your bets” in favor of a state that has as its goal the destruction of the capitalist system, and if their only way of getting power is through your support? The Soviets weren’t an “option”. Capitalist politicians in a capitalist state like the US, on the other hand, are. Your analogy is stupid.
Sorry folks, I need to school these tiresome children. They don’t seem able to learn basic logic without copious amounts of repetition.
I need to school these tiresome children. They don’t seem able to learn basic logic without copious amounts of repetition.
Do you actually think I’m going to watch the videos that you post? Why would I give you that sort of control over my time?
Do you actually think I’m going to watch the videos that you post?
Of course not. I couldn’t care less what you think. The point is to demonstrate to other people, what a lying, dumb-ass, fascist shill you are.
“fascist shill”, says the Holocaust-denying, red-baiting, David Irving-linking, Jew-obsessed, “International Jewry”-meme spreading intellectual vandal, terrorist and fraud. It would hilarious if it wasn’t so utterly disgusting and debased.
The animal “milosevic”, who would have been equally at ease on the killing fields of the Baltics and the Balkans during WW2 eliminating vast numbers of Jewish women and girls as an auxiliary of the Nazis, still hasn’t defended his imbecilic bleating about the moon landings. All he can muster is “Why haven’t they gone back?” How does one deal with such committed simpletons who refuse to inform themselves about even the bare basics of science, engineering and history? Such commitment can only be regarded as a particularly obtuse variant of cultural and intellectual vandalism and terrorism.
I’m a Marxist Leninist and you don’t have have to be a nazi to spot the Jew
“you don’t have to be a Nazi to spot the Jew”.
Disgusting, mindless, feudal-religious trash.
What sort of a Marxist-Leninist ignores that Lenin made repeated denunciations against anti-Jewish sentiment and exposed it as the feudal-religious chauvinist filth that it is? And here you are, opportunistically playing the Jew card like a gangster politician.
The Anonymous author of the Protocols describes a master-plan for vast restructuring of society, creation of a new oligarchy and subjugation of millions
THE conspiracy theory that discredited all others following for decades.
Today Eco -Green is trying to restructure society for real, without any Jews in sight! Our CO2 is the enemy.
Arguing whether “The Protocols” is a “hoax” or not misses the point.
“The Protocols” is true.
Like “1984” is true.
Both are works of fiction, works of literature.
They are not meant to be real documents or reportage.
They are a warning to humanity.
They set forth possible dystopian visions of the future, which may come to pass.
We are close to the dystopian visions of both works of literature.
Worlds based on oppression, brutality, blanket surveillance, rigid censorship, lies, and complete Zionist domination.
We are not quite there yet.
But we are very close.
The Zionist stranglehold over politics, media, finance and all aspects of life is not quite complete …….yet.
Hmmmm, that’s a funny way of saying “Hitler was right!”
Well done: you’ve now utterly cemented your status as a bottom-feeder of the most vile sort. I thought that even you wouldn’t reach for the low-hanging fruit of the Protocols, deeming it too crude and problematic,, but you’ve goose-stepped your way right through that line as well. Is there any filth that you wont embrace in your inhuman devotion to religious prejudice and feudal European tradition?
you’ve now utterly cemented your status as a bottom-feeder of the most vile sort.
I thought I’d already done that, with the “blood libel” thing. here, let me try again:
Sorry, bottom-feeder, but you fool no one. You’re also a devoted anti-science fanatic with your pathetic devotion to the moon-landing denial cult. If your grandfather died on the Eastern Front at the hands of the Red Army, that’s no fault of mine, but it might explain your bloodthirsty commitment to continuing Hitler’s legacy. And please stop posting ridiculous articles by American right-win politicians with an ax to grind against “International Jewry”. Your disgusting anti-Jewish sentiments will NOT be validated by me or any decent human being. If that makes you angry, then take it up with your sex therapist.
bloodthirsty commitment to continuing Hitler’s legacy
Sorry, not watching that, Hitler Youth enthusiast.
Wait: did you just post a video about Palestinians being shot by the IDF to argue against someone who is an anti-Zionist? Yeah, that makes a LOT of sense.
You’re not an anti-zionist, you’re a Mossad hasbara troll.
Gilad Atzmon — Judaism, Zionism and Conflation
“You’re not an anti-zionist, you’re a Mossad hasbara troll.”
FASCINATING. The baboon is making clicks and movements with his mouth, but seems unable to mimic anything true. Scientists will have to learn more about this.
Olesen, I can give you better advice: “There is something rotten in the state of Denmark”. Stay and clean out the rottenness that is infecting ScandiWegia. Flee to “GREENER PASTURES” and it will follow you.
I was wondering when the “anti-capitalism = anti-Semitism” bullshit would start. And yet, all along I kept telling myself, “Oh they wouldn’t go THAT low, would they?” But they would. Indeed it all makes sense. The biggest historical bogeymen in the public consciousness are the Nazis. So if any serious and worrying oppositional movement appears then they must be demonised. Hence ….etc.
In a way it’s just an extension of Gore Vidal’s observation about the “Hitler of the Month Club”. Gaddafi was Hitler, Hussein was Hitler, Milosevich was Hitler etc. Now Corbyn is Hitler. The servitors of captital are throwing any excrement they can find. And by Christ is it getting ugly!:
The Guardian ( has this headline: “Chris Williamson, the MP for Derby North, tells a Sheffield Momentum meeting that Labour has been ‘too apologetic’ about antisemitism within the party.”
The Financial Times ( goes further and says: “Chris Williamson was suspended for claiming that Labour was being “too apologetic” about anti-Jewish hatred.”
Note that Williamson is not claimed to be apologetic about ACCUSATIONS of anti-Semitism. Oh no, the anti-Semitism is assumed to be actual.
Sorry – last bit seems confused. I meant to say that these servile organs are not claiming that Williamson is standing up against ACCUSATIONS of anti-Semitism. He is made out to be unapologetic about ACTUAL anti-Semitism.
Indeed Makropuulos. That’s a quite intentional, and thoroughly dishonest, confusion – I first saw it in a Jonathan Freedland piece last week – I’ve yet to see challenged in mainstream media.
As soon as Tom “proud to be Zionist” Watson is leader of the Labour Party of Israel, Westminster Branch – and his buddy Mark Regev is his deputy – the sooner the better. Then we can end the pretence that champagne socialism is an actual form of socialism, and not a mirror capitalism. Then the disinherited, disenfranchised, depoliticised people of this country can build a real grassroots anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, pro-peace movement from the ground up …consigning the Labour astroturf version to a well deserved, ignominious, sell-out history.
FWIW: I covered all the issueshere, back in August. It seems apposite to remind everyone that it was Jeremy Corbyn himself who first popularised the link between AS and anti-capitalism, with this statement:
So did Jeremy Corbyn invent the trope to smear himself?
well he certainly didn’t invent the trope.
I don’t know why BigB suggests, in his argumentative question, that Corbyn did; that is utter repulsive nonsense.
So why did he phrase it like that?
Did you read the article? The sub-header states: “The media are trying to turn the 1% into a protected minority” – as was JC some ten months previously.
Part of the premise is: “[the media] have invented antisemitism as a reason to turn against the only mainstream party dedicated to ending austerity and implementing socialist politics.”
So did Corbyn “invent” the conflation ten months ago? No, but the media can hardly be accused of “invention” of a conflation already employed …as I commented in August.
And yes, the conflation is “utter repulsive nonsense” …only it is not my nonsense. You have to question: why have the party not adopted an eleven point “fuzzy logic” definition of anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-Middle Eastern racism. As was ubiquitously pointed out – hatred of A, solely for being A – is a watertight definition that needs no “working examples”. Why the IHRA? Where are the universal “working examples”. How do we end racism by the preferential elevation and exceptionalism of a single racial group? Especially a ill-defined, non-legally-rigorous set of “definitions” whose meaning can “creep” to protect capitalism?
There’s your “utter repulsive nonsense”.
Such posts discredit you.
Corbyn was correct to make the point that you quote. He was far from being original however- what he was talking about was another hoary version of the theory that Bebel called the Socialism of fools.
It is one thing to be a radical critic of Corbyn and his tactics, quite another to lapse into sectarianism and side with the enemy against an ally who you find insufficiently militant.
The time will likely come, in the not too distant future, when the Labour Party has reverted to a small body of careerists, pensioners and corrupt local politicians directed, by the likes of Watson and Mandelson, from a centre financed by spivs and spooks. In the Head Office will be a portrait of Tony Blair.
Will you really prefer that?
Your comment is written, in the face of indisputable evidence to the contrary, that the Labour Party is ALREADY as you say. And no, it saddens me deeply to see a party I joined in the 1980s effectively neutralise socialism as an effective political force in this country.
As I have said many times before, take Jeremy Corbyn out of the equation: what is left? Pretty much as you describe. A party that did form a government of national unity – an idiotocracy – over the Skripal affair. I can point you to Hansard if you think that Corbyn was not part of that.
I call it the ‘Corbyn singularity effect’: he is one man, not a political party. We have to assess what the ENTIRE party stands for, and not pin all our political hopes on one man and his now historic stance on issues.
I say historic: because on every single issue, all of which I was in total agreement with, Jeremy Corbyn has more recently totally reversed his position. If you do not come under the spell of ‘Corbynism: the Illlusion’ – it is quite clear that the party has moved RIGHT, not left, under Corbyn. They are just another vicious centrist party that is pro-business (euphemistically pro-capitalist), pro-imperialist, pro-NATO, pro-Zionist, pro-charity regime change, pro-White Helmets, pro-nuclear, etc …and worst of all – pro-EU.
I have read your comments. You are about as pro-EU as I am. It is a sub-imperial satrap of NATO and institutionally and constitutionally neolib/neocon. Any party that wants us permanently shackled to the EU Empire is profoundly anti-socialist. The EU is lurching ever rightward toward fascism, and we will be dragged along – with or without a demurring say. This is treason of the working classes Bevin. Whatever anti-austerity measures are mooted, it will not be totally in our power to implement under NATO/EU suzerainty.
I forgot to mention the betrayal of democracy that the second referendum represents.
People need to stop dreaming of a truly sovereign, autonomous, socialist Labour Party – because time after time they have proved that the current iteration is not it. And if JC can’t reform the party, who can?
BigB: … Mark Regev!!?… AAAAAGGGGHHH😈😈
Great unpacking of what’s going on. All those perpetrating this smear – that is, the entire political and media class – know it is blx..But it is clear they are not going to dial it back, even in the continued absence of any evidence. It is equally clear that no prominent figure will ever come forward to challenge it. The great unanswerable is whether they have now destroyed Corbyn’s chances.
But is this really just about Israel? I would say no.
Could it be partly about Israel?
Before moving off of the pro-Israel hypothesis, you should, I think, to be thorough, and include mention of the Al Jazera documentary and the research at Electronic Intifada. I think for most people, it is just too much of a co-incidence that the characters and organisations exposed in those works are at the centre of the smear campaign ongoing now. It was a remarkably prophetic prediction by Asa Winstanley which I think demonstrates that there clearly is an Israel angle.
Anyone presenting a coherent explanation of this bizarre situation needs to explain why key characters like Jon Lansman and John McDonnell are going along with this all – accepting the premise of the rightwing attack and giving interviews whose content and timing serve to strongly boost the rightwing narrative at crucial points ?
I would say also that you have to put it into the context of Ilhan Omar’s objection to the oath of allegiance to Israel and her comments about AIPAC. You have to fit it into the timing of Macron’s edict on criticising zionism. You have to mention the crack down on criticism of Israel online by major platforms.
…it sells a huge lie in an effort to stifle debate: It says criticism of the Rothschilds, globalism, “corrupt bankers”, George Soros and Zionists means buying into “antisemitic conspiracy theories”. That is, of course, nonsense.
What about 9/11 ? What Kit, is your view of the allegation that 9/11 was perpetrated, fundamentally, by Mossad with assistance from deep state actors and prominent businessmen and statesmen with loyalty to the Israel project? I think that is the quintessential hypothesis of our times that gets widely labelled “antisemitic conspiracy theory”. A lot of people are coming to this conclusion., yet George Galloway today made clear that he thought anyone believing such is ‘an idiot’ and agreed with his co-host (Topple) that it was a matter for ‘education’. Michael Walker of Novara presents a similar line although citing the shun-able offence of believing that there was a shooter on the grassy knoll.
Is there anyone on the Left who might agree (or conversely defend) against this 9/11 allegation against Israel and its supporters ?
The media haven’t turned against Corbyn’s Labour party because of antisemitism – they have invented antisemitism as a reason to turn against the only mainstream party dedicated to ending austerity and implementing socialist politics.
You say ‘the media’ have invented antisemitism for reasons explained. You ignore the evidence that the narrative creators don’t just work at the Guardian or the BBC, they work at the JLM, at the LFI and at several other propaganda outfits with links across the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
I say it is unavoidable that this is a significant part of the story and therefore throws the question back at us, ‘If it’s about both Israel and capitalism, doesn’t that support the idea that there is a link between Israel and a capitalist determination to crush socialism in the creation of this false narrative ?’
Israel is currently one of the venture capital centres of the world. That surely has some bearing, as does its involvement in the attempt to crush socialism in Venezuela.
The establishment wants us to stop talking about class. They want us to leave the billionaires alone. They want us to shut up about socialism. They want us to accept that being anti-capitalist is inherently morally wrong.
And they want us to stop talking badly about Israeli atrocities, or about Israeli interference in democracy, or about Israeli support for the far right, or about who’s behind Donald Trump, or about re-building the Temple….
Gilad Atzmon tells us that they want us ‘to stop criticising Jewish Power’. Some would say that there should be a legitimate conception of Jewish Power : one that recognises it does not necessitate racist or conspiracist thinking. There are, after all, individuals and organisations who are politically ambitious for power, well organised, well funded, well connected as well as well respected amongst the establishment, and who are very proficient at networking, who identify strongly amongst themselves as an ‘in-group’. Most importantly, they are widely regarded as above criticism. Such a position is too much for most, even in the independent media.
To accept such an assertion though (which I think is indisputably borne out by the facts before us) doesn’t mean that ‘capitalism is Jewish’ or its corollary that ‘anti-capitalism is anti-semitism’. But maybe there is a link?
Brendan O Connell is a cutting edge commenter on Israel, especially in relation to their icreasing dominance in the tech sector (Talpiot) and the deep Israeli links with Russia/USSR
attacks. It is absolutely a must watch for anyone approaching this subject
As for George Galloway, yes his views on 9/11 invalidate any of his speaking out against Zionism. Same with Craig Murray. Same with Noam Chomsky. They’re all quite similar characters who all play a similar role in the public domain, what with their supposed anti-establishment/anti-Zionist views, but none of them, all highly intelligent men, will take an intelligent approach to analysing 9/11. This is a big red flag for me, and you put your faith in these men at your peril.
Craig Murray recently posted on his blog that Saudi alone is responsible for 9/11, which is utter tosh, although certainly Saudi hijackers were involved. Watch War By Deception for a full picture. This film also has clips from Ryan’s 5 hour doc, Empire Unmasked and is very good, but you need to watch War By Deception first to get the jist of what happened.
9/11 and War By Deception
9/11 Inconvenient Truth
Brendan O Connell on Israeli dominance of the tech sector and the dark implications of this. This guy is cutting edge in his research, ahead of the curve right now, as he has been for some time
Most of it is stolen from the dumb goy donkeys in the US.
I think Galloway and Co. are probably well aware of the 9/11 situation but steer clear of it because the Zionist media, Board of Deputies, Friends of Israel and the like, would focus exclusively on that and use it as a distraction device from everything else they deal with. The old Oy Vey, Look The Other Way ploy.
Mark said “I think Galloway and Co. are probably well aware of the 9/11 situation but steer clear of it because the Zionist media, Board of Deputies, Friends of Israel and the like, would focus exclusively on that and use it as a distraction device from everything else they deal with. The old Oy Vey, Look The Other Way ploy.”
Sorry but if you’re not big enough to tackle the greatest crime against humanity ever committed, if you won’t look seriously at the event which got us into all the manufactured wars in the MIddle East, while touting yourself as a human rights activist, you can fuck off. If you’re prepared to look the other way and use your influence to make your audience look the other way too, when the guilty parties have been caught red handed, if you won’t look at the most important information ever discovered in the history of the human race, information which has the power to make a real change in this horrible world we are being led into, you are nothing but a traitor. They are all traitors. Deceitful, lying traitors. Giod only knows what their true role is or why they all adopot this approach.
Craig Murray’s blog is a total stitch up. Clark, a former moderator of his, has free reign to publish all the misinformation he likes about 9/11, always sticking to physics, no plane theories……dead end, done to death bullshit basically. Here he is in full swing, just recently, proves my point perfectly
If it was a fair playing field, where you can counter Clark’s bs with factual information as I have tried to many times, fine. But you can’t. You argue with Clark with facts about 9/11 and post links which put his primary school 9/11 knowledge to shame, you get deleted, your posts do not get published.
Clark even claims to have done the physics and solved the riddle of how the towers collapsed totally naturally……funny how NIST couldn’t manage that but Clark can. Funny how Kevin Ryan, who worked for the company who did all the fire proofing for the twin towers, United Laboratories, the company who after 9/11 conducted tests to see the actual effect of heat on the trusses and steel frames used in 9/11, who came out as a whistleblower to tell us that UL was fabricating the post 9/11 testing results they were tasked to do to suit the government version of events, funny how they couldn’t solve the riddle, and had to fabricate the data, but Clark has it all solved and licked!! I don’t know if he is deluded or an agent, it’s one or the other (he is very intelligent, so not sure about deluded), but he is allowed total freedom to spread this nonsense, has lots of power on a very important blog. Total stitch up.
That Craig Murray has someone like Clark as his moderator, speaks volumes about the authenticity of Craig Murray as a human rights activist. Liars and traitors should not be applauded and excused, which you are trying to do
Regarding comments which counter Clark’s arguments and links… they always disappear……read this comment, from the man himself
Clark to Rowan – “I was going to offer to come to your site and discuss it, but the link seems to have vanished from your comments.”
Proof, pudding
Craig Murray married a Muslim wife; he basically has his hands tied as her family is still “back there” – Uzbekistan.
This explains a lot about his very selective indignation about whats going on on this planet.
“Craig Murray married a Muslim wife; he basically has his hands tied as her family is still “back there” – Uzbekistan.
This explains a lot about his very selective indignation about whats going on on this planet.”
This explains, nothing……nada
Does the same thing apply if somebody has a Jewish wife/ husband?
No, that’s not what I’m saying, M.
I was just speculating about the motives of those people.
They are far too intelligent to believe that buildings just collapse of their own accord for no reason.
But GG wants to talk about Syria or Iran or Venezuela or whatever.
The Zionist Troll Machine would like to divert people away from that by talking about something else.
Hasbara diversion and distraction.
Just frantically throwing mud like the trolls here.
They may be content to leave it to others to get the truth out rather than have all their time taken up with the issue.
That’s all I was speculating.
@ Mark. No, you’re not getting it. Craig does not necessarily have to endorse every commenter and every comment on his blog. I’m sure he does not. He does not only have to only focus on 9/11. His blog is not in any way geared towards one topic or another. You are speculating, I am providing hard evidence.
I have highlighted very clearly how there is a deliberate ploy to remove any views on 9/11 which veer from the official line on his blog. He employed someone to moderate his blog, Clark, who, as just a regular yet widely respected and powerful commenter now, is forever spreading misinformation about 9/11 on Craig’s blog (Craig did once have a thread about 9/11……take a look at it……15,000 comments about freefall building collapse. Guess who the moderator was at the time? Let me tell you….it was Clark), with total freedom to do this, while those posting genuine, intelligent 9/11 research have their posts deleted, ensuring that Craig’s audience remains under the spell of turning away from serious 9/11 research, and leading them to believe that all 9/11 research revolves around no plane theories and freefall building collapse. The English are so fucking ignorant about 9/11, it’s laughable, but testament to how good a job Craig and George have done of hoodwinking those who may have taken the time to look at it properly ie the left.
The censorship is deliberate, it is very real and he should hang his head in shame for doing it. Then he has the audacity to get his own headline story on off-Guardian, where he starts crying about how the nasty Guardian deleted his comment about the Lobby. Boo fucking hoo. This is how they have got away with the crime of 9/11……..with the help of people like Craig Murray, George Galloway and Noam Chomsky.
Craig is part of the team ensuring that the real culprits of 9/11, the greatest crime against humanity ever, which has led to millions of innocent people being killed, the total decimation of cities, towns and villages in the Middle East, the rise of a totally nefarious security state across the entire Western world, massive loss of freedom, and countless other issues which have totally ruined everything that is good about the world, get away scot free.
Stop defending the indefensible
Understood. I was just guessing that people like GG are often virtual Lone Rangers under constant attack who have to prioritise and pick their fights.
“As for George Galloway, yes his views on 9/11 invalidate any of his speaking out against Zionism. ”
Translation: “If you’re not with me and Hitler on this one, then you’re against me and I get to delegate who is “really” against Zionism.”
Way to burn your bridges, moron. You’re pushing yourself into the arms of any upcoming fascist SA-clone movements because they’re the only ones who will take you. The only ones who will “speak the truth” as you see it are fascists…which kind of makes you one. Or am I missing something here?
“all highly intelligent men, will take an intelligent approach to analysing 9/11.”
Well, since you get your expectations of space technology from children’s coloring books and Hollywood films, can we REALLY trust you to be scientific rigorous when it comes to 9/11?
If these “very good” documentaries that you cite make one claim about the non sequitur “but the beams couldn’t have melted!”, then you lose all credibility.
Here you go, these are the two documentaries on 9/11 I recommend. Everyone should see these before they make up their mind about what happened on 9/11. Make sure you watch them, nonsenseneedstobefought, you might learn something.
You need to watch War By Deception first, Inconvenient Truth is supplemental to it. That’s over 5 hours of screentime, not a single mention of steel beams. That is all distraction.
9/11 and War By Deception
9/11 Inconvenient Truth
children’s coloring books and Hollywood films
Sorry, not watching that, moon-landing denying baboon. I only respond to actual arguments articulated by people with something to actually say.
apparently I was right, you ARE one of those crazed 9/11 Deniers.
I made no commentary on 9/11, because you still can’t get your moon landing denying buffoonery in order.
If you are interested: I covered the 9/11 issue back in August – in conversation with Mog (link above). We also covered the sell-out of universalism, that you eloquently addressed at the weekend. There is indeed a toxic dialectic of AS: but the view that it is purely against JC is naively naive. JC has done his very best to facilitate his own downfall by ridding the party of real anti-racists – whilst making it a safe haven for racists. Racists, being racists, were not satisfied with the level of capitulation – so JC capitulated more. The final capitulation, after the sell-out of Hadjo Meyer, was the adoption of the IHRA definition plus all working examples. This made the current correlation of AS with anti-capitalism and 9/11 truth inevitable. My only surprise about the recent betrayal of Chris Williamson, was that it took so long.
Labour is a Zionist, capitalist imperialist (AZC) party pretending – mainly in the imaginations of those who do not want to think and act for themselves – pretending to be otherwise. Two articles about the Skripal Novijoke crime against the intelligence fail to mention which party shilled for arch-imperialist Bill Browder, and his anti-Putin Magnitsky sanctions pseudo-narrative …to the point of support for Browder and MI6 ‘mini-me’ Navalny. Oh no, BigB ain’t letting that go so easily down the memory hole. JC stood at the dispatch box for twenty minutes – and would not yield – dredging up every anti-Russian trope imaginable – including Navalny and support for the NATO occupation of Eastern Europe – and all the rape, neo-Nazism, and oppression that entails. Not to mention the denigration of a nuclear armed nation state who had previously done zilch, zippo, nada to warrant the demonisation, provocation and have had to suffer NATO/EU’s Operation Barbarossa 2.0, Military Schengen and Drag nach Oesten occupation. No, that was quickly parsed in favour of the faux anti-imperialist in-name-only pseudo-narrative. That sort of fake anti-imperialism brings us into the increased risk of conflict with a nation who should be our friends, not our enemy. The pseudo-words that create emnity, I call imperialism – not its magical inversion.
Some people locally think I have it in for JC, I do not. I have it in for partial, blinkered analysis which stands in the way of a real anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, pro-peace narrative. And who has forgotten the recent sell-out tour of the backrooms of Brussels: in betrayal of democracy and any hope of progressive socialism? Not me. No sooner was the Quisling pact with neocon/neolib European Empire defeated by 83 votes than the fabled PV second coming of the anti-referendum was finally adopted …ending months of speculation. The Labour party is absolutely determined to end socialism in this country by keeping us in permanent vassal status to the Military Frankenstein of inter-operable NATO/EU imperialism. The AS trope is a smokescreen for the end of socialism: ended and betrayed by socialism. If what is left can be called socialism, it can only be defined so by champagne socialites those who never truly understood socialism in the first place.
Labour is being maligned by fake AS. That Labour is anti-capitalist or even socialist is an even more fake narrative though.
I’ve said before that it was the plan all along. Jeremy Corbyn was MADE the leader – not a popular view, but we seem to have such short term memories and history goes down the hole almost immediately.
1) Corbyn had the lowest number of nominations for leader;
2) One of these was Jo Cox – about as right wing blairite as you can get;
3) Half of the MP who nominated him went on to vote for other candidates;
4) Associate members had been introduced – vote for £3
5) Rule change which allowed new members to be able to vote in leadership;
6) Mass publicity re: free higher education if JC becomes PM (young votes).
The destruction of socialism and the labour party in this country has long been planned to enable the seamless joining with a wider Europe – which has already taken place while the country has been playing okey cokey (in, out, in, out, shake it all about).
There is, of course, a strong possibility that Corbyn was played for a patsy – not finding out until too late his part in the game plan and then somehow ‘encouraged’ to play along.
“Anti-antisemitism”, sadly (and painfully for many) is just the stick used for the purpose – and the shouting, the accusing, the resigning, the forcing out of members, the heroes and villains, the endless articles in both msm and alt media are all just kindle for the fire.
We must remember: We think short term but the elite are playing the long game.
That reply makes me angry BigB.
Angry that all those honest people who have backed the Corbyn project have been either let down by quite astounding levels of incompetence, or led up the garden path by a team of charlatans.
I am of a mind to ask, ‘Who gives a fuck if Corbyn is painted as an antisemite?’ – if it weren’t so toxic to the body politic and such a demented gaslighting.
Or perhaps,
‘Come on Jezza, give us another right on tweet and make us feel good about ourselves whilst you boil down the carcass of the Left for stock.’
Best film on 9/11 here, proves Zionist involvement beyond all reasonable doubt. My other comment including this title is still in moderation, but it needs to be seen by as many people as possible so I’m posting it while my full reply is in the waiting room
9/11 and War By Deception
Not sure why they keep editing out the link to Brendan O Connell but he is way ahead of the curve and needs to be heard.
Why are you not allowing any links to Brendan O Connell? Those interested can find his research on VIMEO ONLY……he deleted his YT links. He is focused on the Israeli dominance of the tech sector and the incredibly dark implications of this, which need to be understood. It’s already too late, but ignorance is a key to their success and life is much more difficult for them when the light of truth is shone upon their evil
his Vimeo username is “belltowerboy” – Brendan O Connell. Guy’s a genius, not everyone’s cup of tea but still a genius
The “Anti Semitism” hoax serves several purposes. It is a case of killing several birds with one stone.
1. To criminalise any and all criticism of Israel, no matter how mild or moderately expressed.
This is its prime purpose. The monopoly of the Zionist Media has come to an end with the emergence and far greater credibility of the alternate media. Zionist crimes and atrocities can no longer simply be airbrushed away. They are too egregious, and the evidence is there for all to see. The millions spent on hasbara, the bribery, blackmail and threats of AIPAC and the “Friends of Israel”, the dirty tricks of Mossad Spooks, just don’t cut it like they did before. The Zionist Establishment is becoming desperate. Previously, they preferred to pull the strings and dispense their bribes behind the scenes. Now they have had to come out from behind the curtain to take direct control, forcing through legislation in the US to criminalise BDS with 20 years’ imprisonment and a $250,000 fine, and ordinary people like teachers having to take loyalty oaths to Israel on pain of dismissal. In France, youngsters wearing BDS T shirts have been prosecuted. Macron is pushing through similar legislation through to outlaw “anti Zionism.” So any criticism of Israel will simply be illegal. The situation is very similar in Canada. In France, and Canada, the thugs of the “Jewish Defence League”, classed as a terrorist organisation even in the US, are given free rein to beat up anyone they dislike. In Britain, there is now a separate police force controlled by the Board of Deputies, with vehicles, uniforms and equipment. Instead of legislation, in Britain any criticism of Israel is to be outlawed more by administrative fiat, with the Board of Deputies claiming veto powers over all appointments, with powers of instant dismissal over anyone who “offends” them. This censorship will become ever more rigid and ubiquitous as time goes by, and Zionist domination over all aspects of national life becomes ever more firmly entrenched. Very soon people will understand that Israel and Zionist influence are topics that simply cannot be discussed, the third rail of politics, exactly as in the US. People will realise they simply have to keep their mouths shut, or their lives will be ruined.
The second objective of the “Anti Semitism” hoax is:-
2. To prevent the election of a Labour Government under Corbyn.
May is an unpopular, uncharismatic and marginally competent leader at best, leading a deeply divided and openly mutinous minority government lurching from one crisis to the next, sustained in power by a faction of reactionary Ulster bigots bribed with £1 billion of public money. We face an imminent Brexit fiasco and quite likely a general election. Prime Minister Corbyn is at least a credible outcome. Until the 2017 election, when a Labour wipe out was smugly and confidently expected, this would have been dismissed as absurd – just like Brexit and Trump. The City of London, MSM, Deep State, Spooks, Tories and the rest of the Establishment, are terrified by the prospect – though Corbyn’s programme of building a few more council houses and (maybe) renationalising the railways and utilities doesn’t seem particularly revolutionary. Obviously, Corbyn’s commitment to recognise Palestine and ban arms sales to Israel outrages the Board of Deputies and Zionist Establishment, and this ties in with the first objective of the hoax.
The third objective of the “Anti Semitism” hoax is :-
3. To protect and preserve the wealth and power of the Ruling Elite.
There are just over 2,400 billionaires in the world. Many of them are Jewish, though most are not. Some of them, like Adelson and Saban in the US, and Soros, control US and EU foreign and domestic policies. They own presidents and prime ministers. Soros boasts of having 200 MEPs in his pocket. There is a slightly larger group of a few tens of thousands of individuals who basically own the planet. 6,000 in the US and a slightly smaller group of 5,000 in the UK, though they have no loyalty to any particular country or anyone other than themselves. Power and wealth has been, and is being, concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, in line with classic Marxist dogma. The system works exclusively for the benefit of this tiny gilded crew, the remaining 99.99999% of humanity are the serfs who barely scratch a living. Their lot is declining living standards, chronic insecurity, no benefits, austerity, food banks, and zero influence over their lives and the political process. And some of the peasants are revolting – Brexit, Trump, Gilets Jaunes, AFD, Swedish Democrats. So they have to be demonised as “racists”, “anti semites”, “ignorant”, “old”, “uneducated” and “deplorable.” Then they can simply be ignored (or so they hope.)
There are other objectives, reasserting control, providing some kind of narrative, however improbable, to explain events, and simply a form of revenge against people who have threatened their power and privilege. And all these things are closely linked.
Mark: both your above comments hit the nail on the head so hard, its gone right thru the wood! Excellent, and appreciated. I’m sure lots of us commenting here have had run ins with hardcore zionist trolls, as I have on a couple of Australian websites. Have read elsewhere about the increasing criminalisation of the BDS movement, and of having to swear loyalty oaths to Israel. Even hurricane victims in the U.S for god’s sakes. As Australia is a fully subservient, sycophantic vassal state of the Anglo Zionist Empire, I’m surprised the Oz Govt hasn’t tried the same thing here regards clamping down on BDS, to my knowledge, tho I avoid the mainstream ‘media’ as much as I can as it’s too stomach churning.
Thanks for that. I think the people pushing all these ludicrous narratives – Corbyn’s AS, Russiagate, Syrian Gas Hoaxes, White Helmets, Skripal, the list is endless – will pay a heavy price for it. I only finally woke up after Iraq WMD. Now even in the US around 9% believe the MSM. The lies are now so blatant and threadbare that the MSM, political establishment, spooks and Deep State, have lost all credibility. Hence the blanket surveillance and the hysterical efforts to impose rigid censorship and close down the alternate media. This is a sign of weakness and desperation, not strength and confidence.
Absolutely spot on! Thank you Kit.
(“They are saying it out loud. They are shouting it in our faces – STOP TALKING ABOUT INEQUALITY. STOP TALKING ABOUT POVERTY. STOP TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM.”)
The same madness is of course fully operational in the U.S. (see Caitlin Johnstone article linked below). If Bernie Sanders wasn’t Jewish, he would no doubt be labeled “anti-Semitic” for his progressive domestic policies, just as the author accurately points out is being done to Corbyn and the Labor Party.
It is a rather fine madness the MSM and political class are now blubbering about – as if their Orwellian use of language meant anything at all whatsoever – other than to clarify for the rest of us where their true loyalties indeed reside.
Thanks for a very important and perceptive article.
Very good Kit, very good indeed.
There is a corruption at the heart of this anti-Semitic argument and it’s the corruption of greed – the driving force of capitalism. Look no further than Ukraine for the Jewish Semites operating there with the fascists and in Israel with their persecution of the Palestinians. The definition of anti-Semitism includes against Jews and Arabs as well as the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians and Phoneticians- who all Speak/spoke Semitic languages. It’s not as narrow as the wealthy class of Jews purport.
Of course the Jewish people are as separated on the class issues as other societies, but this is never addressed by wealthy Semitics nor the owned MSM. The problem for the Labour Party and unfortunately for Corbyn is he’s/they’re trapped by the adherence to capitalism as the only way of organising society. This is his/their real Achilles heal.
Only revolution can break the system. And it will definitely not be televised – categorised as Fake News instead….Or a complete security lock down as was practised in Salisbury.
This might be of interest: Lying About Judeo-Bolshevism-Link to The Unz Review
Repetitive patterns are indicative of a structural core.
Of interest? Why?
Articles which wonder “.. why a White academic might want to produce something like this …” are part of the real anti-semitism problem, the one that the political caste, playing with fire, ignore while they are attempting to divide radicals and deter socialists.
To put it plainly this article in Unz Review is written by a fascist with fascist aims in mind. It is for the most part a long attack on the author (Christopher Browning) of a critique of the nonsense that Communism is and was an ideology concocted by Jews and aimed against what the author of this review elegantly calls “whites.”
It ought to be plain by now that whenever an author blames communism on “Jews” you are reading fascist propaganda. Talk of “whites” as a distinct and non-Jewish population is another such hint.
When I first read this excellent article by Kit Knightly- a copy of which ought to be given to every member of the Labour Party and discussed at every Constituency and ward meeting- I was inclined to comment
“And now cue the real anti-semitism which will come, in the form of ostensibly friendly comments, to start a debate, below the line, on the utter nonsense that “Jews” rule the world, the Rothschild clan invented capitalism and, without any irony intended, that these same “Jews” also invented and administered communism in Russia, were responsible for the Revolution and when they are not greedily devouring the profits of imperialist exploitation are busily organising resistance to it. ”
I restrained myself on the grounds that these people are, whether they realise it or not, trolls best left un-nourished. Perhaps I ought to have stuck to my original intent. Unfortunately the rehearsal of these fascist themes revives a vague sense that arguing against their obvious lunacy might be beneficial…
Yeah the problem I see with your comment is that in the end you plainly seek to divert from the meat of the article which you barely mention except to set up the inference that other commenters are closet antisemites.
Not exactly, Antipropo:
1/ I object to a piece of anti-communist propaganda repeated at Unz Review, The insistence that Jews were responsible for Bolshevism was designed not to scapegoat Jews but to enrol anti-semites in the war against Bolshevism.
2/ I agree wholeheartedly with the article by Kit, urging that it be shared widely. I had nothing to add to it.
3/I expressed my fears-confirmed by the quote from Unz- that the post would attract anti communist and anti Jewish comments.
Where does your problem lie?
Bevin, re your 3/, my problem lies with the fact that Unz cites facts. You might not like his “white-Russian” or even “Falangist” politics but so far I have not seen any refutation of his 2 facts which the present thread have drawn to our attention: 1. that Jews are as over-represented in Communism as they are in Capitalism; 2. Jewish students are vastly over-represented in Ivy League Academia (relative not only to Asian students but even more relative to ‘white’ Gentile students of equal or greater academic performance); and there is likewise an over-representation of Jews among Governors of the Ivy League).
Note that the review referenced above, Lying About Judeo-Bolshevism, is written by Andrew Joyce, although it appears on Ron Unz’s website. Some of Ron Unz’s own articles, which I’ve referenced, present a more detailed argument, from a more politically neutral point of view.
(unless you consider that discussion of anti-semitic hate facts such as Jewish predominance in the USSR, is inherently right-wing. which would then suggest that conceptions of “left” and “right” have themselves been politicized, in the interests of those in a position to do so. but that would be yet another anti-semitic hate fact. apparently, hate facts have the useful property of rendering themselves invisible, through a process of infinite recursion.)
see also:
Ron Unz — The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath
Kevin MacDonald — Stalin’s willing Executioners — Jews As a Hostile Elite in the USSR
Before dismissing these references as “anti-semitic” (an increasingly meaningless slur), note the references to The Jewish Century, a book by Jewish academic Yuri Slezkine, with whom these authors differ not on facts, but interpretation.
Of course Jews had nothing to do with communism. That is obvious. They just bankrolled it and provided 85% of the leadership. Pure coincidence.
“Of course Jews had nothing to do with communism. That is obvious. They just bankrolled it and provided 85% of the leadership. Pure coincidence.”
Aha. So Jews sit atop the capitalist pyramid, but were also responsible for the world’s premier anti-capitalist state. And you know this because Hitler told you so in his speeches.
Why don’t you take the time to read the two references I listed just above? Even if you found them unconvincing, you would at least understand what information other people base their opinions on, instead of your constant slurs about “Hitler” and “Nazis”.
Assuming, of course, that your concerns are what you say they are, and you aren’t, in fact, a hasbara shill, whether paid or unpaid.
I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your position; as recently as fifteen years ago, if I had encountered somebody advocating the ideas which I am now, I might have reacted at least somewhat similarly. I am therefore providing references to the arguments and evidence which changed my mind about these issues, in the expectation that some people will find them as informative as I did.
Again, if you want to argue seriously, you should at least be familiar with the opposing arguments. Constant shouts of “nazi! nazi! nazi!”, without reference to any historical facts or evidence, are extremely unconvincing for anybody still capable of thinking for themselves, and make you look foolish and desperate.
You’ve already shown yourself to share too much ideological continuity with the Nazis. You can’t be taken seriously as an objective observer on matters Jewish or socialist.
ideological continuity with the Nazis
yes, I share with the nazis the idea that the earth orbits around the sun, rather than the other way around. that’s how diabolical I am.
since you decline to read any of the numerous references you have been provided with, there’s really no point in any further engagement with you. I suppose your employment contract with the Mossad doesn’t cover education; it doesn’t require any, to constantly shout “nazi! nazi! nazi!”
“yes, I share with the nazis the idea that the earth orbits around the sun, rather than the other way around. that’s how diabolical I am.”
Oh, look at how the Nazi animal tries to be “funny” after being exposed as a Nazi animal goose-stepping to the tune of Hitler.
Your excuses are becoming more and more cringey and pathetic. I hope you don’t try to impress women with this trash? Or do you just cry “Feminazi! Feminzai!” after she declines to have sex with you?
I really don’t give a crap what you hope for or against, Mossad troll.
Note the implicit assumption that I’m not a woman, myself. Maybe you’re the misogynist asshole.
“Mossad troll”, says the guy who’s out of options.
You’re not a woman. You’re someone who would have gleefully taken part in the operations of the Ustashe in the name of anti-communism, and much of this work would have involved eliminating women and children.
Why not? Hedge your bets. Play both ends against the middle. Why put all your eggs in one basket? Control the government and control the opposition. It’s all a game of musical chairs.
When you’re losing the argument, just shout “Nazi!!!” Makes a change from “Anti Semite!!!”
The stupid goyim (some of them anyway) always fall for it.
“markloveic”, the type of guy who writes “When you’re losing the argument, just shout “Nazi!!!”” and then immediately validates this designation by accusing his opponents of being Jewish conspirators trying to fool the “goyim”. You fool no one, Nazi man-brat..
Yeah, sure, if your “theory” has no predictions and so you need to include every single eventuality to fit within it – and need to believe in magical wizards with superhuman abilities to manipulate multitudes. “Great” theory, mate (note the sarcasm). Now beat it, kid. You’re embarrassing yourself.
magical wizards with superhuman abilities
Sorry, not watching your stupid video.
From Milosevic’s Link to MacDonald’s review of Slezkine’s book on how Jews became the ‘elite’ (the ‘chosen people’) in Communist Russia:
“An example not presented by Slezkine is recounted in a report of 1950… In a number of extremely important departments … there are workers due to be substituted for political reasons. They gather around themselves people of the same nationality, impose the habit of praising one another (while making others erroneously believe that they are indispensable), and force their protégés through to high posts.
Indeed, there is no other way to explain the extraordinary percentages of Jews throughout elite institutions, which became apparent when the purges began in the late 1940s. High IQ and achievement motivation can only go so far, and cannot explain why, for example, in the late 1940s Jews made up 80% of the Soviet Academy of Science Institute of Literature, 42% of the directors of Moscow theaters, over half of Soviet circus directors, or eight of the top ten directors of the Bolshoi Theater.
… A similar stance may be observed among present-day Jewish neoconservatives, who argue that the United States has a deep interest in democratizing the Middle East. … Jewish interests would almost certainly control their attitudes and behavior. Indeed, since Zionism of the Likud variety is well known for promoting a confrontation between the U.S. and the entire Muslim world, their policy recommendations best fit a pattern of loyalty to their ethnic group, not to the USA.”
of course, any similarity between MacDonald’s description of Jewish elites in the USSR “forcing their protégés through to high posts”, and Ron Unz’s description of “massive Jewish over-representation” among students and administrators at elite American universities, is entirely coincidental.
either that, or a result of insufficient exercise of Reality Control, in the suppression of anti-semitic hate facts.
“Its all a joowish cunshpirasheee of JOOOOOOZ!!!!! MOMMY!!! Make them SHHTTOP!!!”
you’re just embarrassing yourself, and your hasbaratchik employers. do they really pay you for this? nice work, if you can get it.
Good “argument”, pathetic lousy animal. The SA would have loved to have you in their ranks (the army wouldn’t have taken you). Unfortunately, the SA seem to have been disbanded and Nazi Germany vanquished by some people supposedly under the direction of the “Jooz”. This DOES make you ANGRY, and claims to the contrary will only make you appear more like a baboon than you already are.
Being cultural or ancestrally Jewish doesn’t mean “I follow the Talmud”. I wish that you baboons would understand this fact (easily grasped by any 8 year old even if you’re having trouble with it).
no, I’m quite sure that you follow the money.
although I understand that the Talmud advises that policy, so …
I’ve never read the Talmud. I guess you have?
Thanks for this thought-provoking link.
So basically there are gentiles, Likudnik fellow travellers but still gentiles, attempting to silence Jews by denouncing them as “self-hating” and having them expelled them from the Labour party, all under the banner of “fighting against anti-Semitism”. So topsy-turvy, you couldn’t make it up. This silencing even goes so far that a bomb threat was issued to prevent a screening of a film about a Jewish politician and activist (Jackie Walker), which went largely unreported in the corporate media because she is pro-Corbyn and anti-Zionist.
This is all a blatant ploy to get rid of Corbyn, or at least ensure that Labour under Corbyn keeps toeing the Likud line like it did under Blair.
I posted the following video a few days ago on a different Off-G thread. It’s a very powerful and impassioned response by Norman Finkelstein to Margaret Hodge and her complete nonsense. Norman is a man whose parents survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps. His career has suffered a lot because of his honest critique of the Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinians.
He is usually more articulate than this, but I would be choked up too if I tried to point out the stupefying and revolting hypocrisy of people like Hodge in front of a video camera.
I love Finkelstein. A human being who makes me proud of my species.
I think Norman Finkelstein was most disgusted by the financial exploitation of the holocaust, having lost family members. He wrote “The Holocaust Industry” about the extortion of $5 billion from Switzerland by Zionist groups in the US. The money promptly disappeared, nobody really knows where.
Careful, now, or the animal “milosevic” will have to “inform” you that the Holocaust was an optical illusion forced on the innocent and blameless Nazis by hateful Bolsheviks and international bankers. If you stray too far from the “Holocaust was a hoax” party line, you’ll be targeted for designation as a “hasbara troll”. If you DARE to contradict the “moon landing was a hoax” party line, you’re as good as done for and will have to don the label “Mossad shill” forever.
Not reading that. It’s a joke that you would post something that sports the approval of David Irving.
Wardropper – I share your sentiments towards Norman Finkelstein. He’s a man of real courage and integrity.
I agree with this article. Indeed it should not even have to be said. Anti-semitism should not be a topic of every other article here, appear in nearly all blogs, nor be the measuring stick for national, political, or social ills. Isn’t it time to have the focus on world peace, climate change, child abuse, and hunger and malnutrition to name a few of the hundreds of more important issues? Systematic corruption of the MSM leads the first world problem list, but even that is not as “existential” for the species. Do we need 4 television channels, (AHC, Smithsonian, History, and Nat Geo) publicly funded I might add, to spend much of their effort at producing programs with their main focus being the suffering of the Jews. Suffering is not unique to the Jews. As one poster here explained, the truth is anti-Semitic, so is it not time to let lighten the focus ?
No, you’re wrong. We can’t talk about housing, or unemployment, or the NHS, or crime, or poverty. They don’t matter. Everything is anti semitic. Everybody is anti semitic, when they aren’t being racist and deplorable as well. That’s all that matters. Don’t believe me. Ask the Board of Deputies. They’ll explain it all to you.;
Well written and explained. But don’t expect anything like this in the MSM.
There’s something very disturbing going on in our country at the moment. You’re right – we can’t ‘expect’ to see this anywhere where we might usually get our news/information. Jewish Voice for Labour can’t get its voice heard with equal force despite the BBC’s claim that its coverage is balanced.
Another of those rare (small v) voices can be found here -
Luciana Berger is a profressional baiter for ant-semitism since 2005 when she was dating Euan Blair and making all the same anti-semitic accusations about the student union, the labour party etc. It all dates back to Blair and before so hardly Corbyn’s fault.
If you keep parading religion and espousing meaningful religious differences between races then you expect to upset someone along the way to rise to the bait and make an inappropriate comment. Why do people have to constantly parade their religions or sexuality in the first place and then claim some kind of victim-hood when anyone dares to censure them or simply gets bored of their parades?
Brilliant article. I suggested to people reading John Redwood’s blog that they should read tthis. Redwood talks a lot of sense about Brexit, but is very right wing and not averse to adding a little false fuel to the ”’Labour is anti-semitic’ trope.